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leviachan-mylove · 21 hours ago
🍵phasmophobia is basically a ghost hunting / paranormal horror game! Characters: Leviathan , Lucifer , Mammon , Asmo , Satan , Beelzebub , Belphegor , Simeon , Luke , Solomon , Diavolo , Barbatos
Leviathan is obviously a pro at this game despite his palms sweating so much his fingers are slipping and accidentally unequiping the EMF reader and blames it on Mammon (or anyone in general). Levi would also do anything to capture a picture of the ghost just to post it on social media and brag about it. He's also the leader !
Lucifer is just...unfazed? "What is this?" He deeply sighs. But once he sees Diavolo having a blast , he starts to crack and would hit anyone who keeps running back to the van.
Mammon is of course the van princess. "Aren't you embarrassed of yourself , Mammon? MC is here!!" Asmo would yell to snap him back to reality. He would brag about being the first to go but he barely even reached the door and he's already trembling.
Asmo would use the excuse "This will bring me nightmares! I need my beauty sleep!" To escape but of course his brothers wont let him slip away so easily. He would be scared at first but after some time he gets so pissed off and sleepy he just goes on with it. Asmo would have dark circles around his eyes the next day. Probably would joke about the ghost being....smexy...
Satan would laugh , his attention would always be on Lucifer to see if he flinched so he can mock him (Belphie would also copy Satan's mockings). Satan would throw out curse words here and there. His wrath would win him over and would scream. "@$@%#$ ITS A MARE , IDIOTS , A MARE!". He's also useful in the game.
Beel is honestly just there for food , barely playing the game just to eat. Follows others around and just there for emotional support.
Belphegor would probably annoy the ghost the most and trigger ghost hunts OR he would be another van princess so he can sleep.
Simeon holds the crucifix but would give it to Luke as he's the most frightened in the group. Oh and did I mention that Simeon is CLUELESS so his job would be the bait.
MC and Solomon would abuse the cursed objects and laugh about it despite the others being annoyed about it.
Diavolo is having a blast and would take any items available just to play. Whenever the others denies being the first to go inside the house , he would volunteer and Barbatos cheers him on.
🍵I have only played demonology and blair on roblox so I have little knowledge of the game , I apologize if I get some of it wrong 🥲.
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nyxserasclock · 2 months ago
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Obey Me Mammon
There are rare moments where my art actually peaks... ._. This was one of them LMAO
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localducks · 11 months ago
A monster fuckers guide to the brothers
♡I like creature design, and this is a perfect overlap in interest for me....so I wanted to see how "odd" I could make the brothers outside of what I consider a very basic cannon.
♡ This is supposed to be gender neutral, but the reader is assumed to be AFAB
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lu..Lucifer's cum is black, deep black only broken up by the slight blue shimmer you can only really see if you look at it sideways. And it's clingy, branching off in webs when caught on fingers and sticking to the inside of your thigh like saliva. You will also be immediately made aware of how much of it there is, a trait all demons share but one the avatar of Pride specifically has a deep appreciation for. He could fill a 16oz cup in one go, and while he doesn't technically have a breeding kink(liar), the sight of his partner full and satisfied always leaves him with a deep desire for more.
One of the least monstrous of his brothers, what he lacks in form he makes up for in show. The tip is black, nearly as dark as his cum, and as it slowly gradients out of the color the blue undertones of his skin become much more apparent. He's the second largest, and so similarly to Beel, his dick excretes a thin slip to make the squeeze easier, which has a red shimmery tint to it. But it's actually neither of these things that take you the most off guard. You notice an odd change the first time he cums, either while deep inside you or as he slipping back in, a small voice in the back of your mind hurridly asking whether you can even be sure if what you think is happening is the truth. But by the thrid or fourth time Lucifer has cum, the matter becomes undeniable. His cock starts off at a moderate length and girth, clearly that of something not so human, but managable enough. The kicker is that for every time he cums, he grows, swelling larger as your body becomes more relaxed and pliable, able to take more and more of him every time he dips back within the glistening confines of your body. He doesn't even bring it up the first time you are intimate together, finding the look of pure shock deliciously adorable. What a predicament you've found yourself in, but it can't hurt to go for just a few more hours, could it?
True and proper vampire teeth, honestly not much else to say. Lucifer finds them to be one of the least interesting aspects of himself in comparison to his brothers(not that he compares himself to his siblings, why would you ever assume such a thing, he's so very above that), but you would probably beg to differ when he jams them into your neck as he cums. Lucifer is tall, much much taller than most humans, and just like all of his brothers he's proportionate to that height, so for you, a human, his teeth are about an inch, or the length from the tip of your finger to the first knuckle. Both sets of canines on the top and bottom jaw, by the way.
In comparison to the rest of the attributes talked about so far, his tongue might be the strangest in appearance. Long, very warm, and paler than a human's, it has a texture you could only describe as rigid, the series of buds along its surface being much wider than yours or mine, with little feeler nodes along ths sides of it towards the back. You won't notice it until it's tasting at the skin of your neck or hips, but they can also move when he feels like it, silently taking pleasure in the little jolts of surprise you offer unsolicited as reaction. While the color of the muscle itself isn't really noticeable, the saliva it leaves behind on your skin is transparent and dark, bordering on black.
Mammon's cum....is iridescent gold, and has the same texture as a humans. He doesn't cum as much as many of his brothers, so instead he can go 5 to 6 times without getting tired, back to back. His sin affects him greatly during sex, seeking his and your release with seemingly infinite desperation, not caring about his own overstimulation and fatigue if it means he will get to please you entirely again, sometimes getting to a point you have to use your pact to pull him out of the self inflicted trance. He adores you so much, so much more than words or thoughts could ever allow him to say, so please, just lay back and let him have one more of your pretty orgasms, you don't understand how much he needs it.
His dick also mostly appears human, save for its length and the slight abnormality of the head having three raised ridges along the back of it. The only other thing that would really alert you to the fact he isn't human are his marking patterns, which run along the shaft like veins. They are in the same style as the ones decorating his torso when in his demon form(and they glow too).
You can't tell me Mammon doesn't have gold teeth, I simply won't take criticism, I'm dying on this hill. Just his top canines though, which are moderately sized and sharp, jutting out of a smirk or sneer. The rest are just incisors and molars, though all of them take on a sharp edge while in his demon form. Mammon takes great pleasure in biting you, no matter the occasion or who's around, especially if it's one of his brothers. It feeds the desire to tell others you're his without being too intrusive on your time and boundaries, and he also just really likes the feeling of sinking his teeth into you. He is gentle about it, only ever biting as hard as you're comfortable with, but just know he can't quite help himself around you all of the time, and if a reason to make it abundantly clear you are his arisise, be warned he will be covering you as much as possible with the indents of his teeth.
Mammon's tongue is long, like longest only second to Levi, reaching about 9" inches inside you with more strength behind it than any human could. Yet despite this not much else is out of the ordinary for a demon. The texture of it is only a little rougher than yours, and it has the exact same pink hue to it. The tip of it though is thin and tapered, perfect for precision, with a venom piercing running through it. A matching one sits much further up, vertical this time, which he clicks against his teeth when bored, or, a new favorite of his, right into your ear, taking great delight in watching you squirm at the sound.
Levi's cum is milky and paper white, almost appearing sheer under some lights but only if he's cum within the last few hours. And it's thick, like gelly almost thick. Like pulling thick, and one load is enough to fill a tea cup. Given the situation with his dick, that might seem a little less than expected, and then you realize it thickens after being ejected into you, developing into a soft warm goop that sticks to your walls and often requires a finger(or tongue) to leave the confines of your body. Otherwise it will be left inside, and considering how much Levi cums, it might end up places only his tail can reach, if you would let him(please please let him).
Levi was nervous to have sex with you for a list of reasons, a long, long list of reasons, and somewhere close to the top, was how different he knew his anatomy was in comparison to a human’s. And even though he knew you would probably like it, it didn’t quell the seething embarrassment he felt the first time you got both his pants and boxers off. But instead of the immediate rejection he feared, expected really, to squish onto your face and through your voice, you just sat there, looking at him with your mouth slightly agape and your eyes drooping, hearts nearly visible in them if he imagined hard enough. Cute, all other thoughts left his brain other than that. You were so, so cute. How in the three realms had he ended up with the most perfect human he could possibly ask for. And one so eager to please, at that.
And to be far, you had good reason to stare. Levi has two dicks(such widely known fan canon the developers might as well just come out and say it) that fall somewhere between human cock and tentacle territory given the firmness of the first and the flexibility of the second. Both start thick and then slowly taper out until they’re about the same thickness as his tongue, with ribbing all the way down to where they peak out of his body. There isn’t a head to the shape, ending instead of a blunt point. There are no scales to be seen, but the coloration is similar, starting off black at the base and then gradually turning blue. They can each move on their own, often meaning he doesn’t have to thrust as much, but he can’t control them, so don’t blame him when the stimulation gets to be too much for both of you, clamping around them will just cause them to wiggle harder. He’s sensitive too, all of him including the vent his dicks peak from, which you can stick your fingers into if you want him cumming within seconds. When he’s not “hard”, his cocks stay sheathed within the vent, able to close almost entirely.
SHARK TEETH SHARK TEETH SHARK TEEEETH. Levi has the second biggest chompers out of his brothers, each chunky and pointed, ready and poised to bite. Not that he would, and if he happened to get too caught up in the moment and sink those teeth into your shoulder or more likely your thigh, please expect more than an hour or so of apololigetic after care centered around that bite.
Long, thin in comparison to his brothers, and significantly forked, Levi's tongue keeps with his overall theme pretty well. It's very flexible, and both of the forks can move on their own in a similar way his dicks can, but he has much more control over it. The actual texture of his tongue might be the oddest thing about it, as it's practically smooth to the touch, only a couple bumps and ridges making themselves clear if you run your tongue or fingers over it. His saliva doesn't really help you find anything more about it either, as it's thicker than a humans and clingier, the strands that connect you two when making out far less likely to break from just moving back. The coloration is like a humans, but the further back into his mouth the darker blue his skin gets.
Satan's cum, similar to Lucifers, is sticky, black, and potent, a single load enough to fill a jar. It clings to the slick and sweat your body makes, only really able to be cleaned off with a good soak. He cums longer than normal too, every demon does, but he specifically takes 1-2 minutes to empty himself completely.
Pretty. Ooooohhhhhh he's pretty. He actually has the most normal looking cock out of all of his brothers, long and thick and pale all the way down until you get to his tip which blushes red under attention. And that's it, at a first look. No ridges or odd shapes. You might even consider him average by demon standards. So when he sits you down a couple days after the first time you are intimate together and he starts talking about how he has a knot, it throws a wrench in the preconceived notions you had had. But he is a demon, this shouldn't be such a surprise, you think. You sit there a little stunned as he explains every precaution he's thought of and how to best make you most comfortable with the strangeness of difference(you shut that train of thought down immediately), but it's not until he starts explain the internal functions his dick has that really brings you back to reality. There are two feeler like structures that can extend from his urethra, designed to add another layer of pleasure for both him and his partner, but they can also gently pry open the cervix in order to add more real-estate for his cum.
Satan doesn't like his teeth. In his opinion they get in the way too much, too sharp and inconvenient towards the words he uses on a daily basis and hard to be delicate with. But under this opinion, deep in a far corner of his mind, he does think they would look nice sunk into the skin of your thigh. Or your wrist, or your neck. His teeth consist of front insicors, just like a humans, and then immediately become razor-sharp canines that vary in size but are all the same shape, curved in towards the inside of his mouth.
His tongue on the other hand, he likes. If only because it's fun to mess with when he's bored. Shorter by demon standards, meaning it's about 6 or 7 inches, with a tip that can fold in on itself and bristles running all the way down each side, which he can twitch or vibrate at will. The texture isn't sharp or rough, but grippy, more similar to the feeling of a tentacle rather than a cats tongue. The pigmentation of the muscle is a light pink, and he has a tongue peircing towards the very back of his mouth, not really noticeable until he's burying it as far into you as it will go.
The first thing you might notice about Asmo's cum is that it smells nice. Everything is nice about it, actually. It's warm but not hot, glides and smears smoothly, it has a dusty pink hue and is pearlescent when seen under light, and it smells...like roses. Surprise!, the avatar of Lust's cum was basically designed to be as pleasing as possible. And then, you start to feel hot. Your skin gets so sensitive that a single soft breath against it makes you squirm, reeling back as a new stream forms between your legs. At this point, you might as well name it, cause it's not drying up anytime soon.
As you might have guessed, Asmo's cum(and saliva) contains a very strong aphrodisiac, known to be the strongest in the realm. He also cums about the same amount as a human in his "normal" form, but that quantity triples when in his demon form.
Most people would describe Asmo’s skin as either silky, buttery, or at its worst glossy, and while he spends a lot of time making sure his complexion is perfect, less people know how much of that texture is actually natural. Being the avatar of lust means he has a much larger range of things he can make his flesh contort into than most demons, resulting in the smooth feeling of his skin and the almost infinite give it has, all things that extend down to his dick. He has a preferred length and girth, the latter being moderate by demon standards but the former being long, easily poking and prodding far deeper than even some of his brothers, but it’s the additions he’s made that makes blood rise to his face the first time you see him. Amidst the soft shade of his skin sits ring after ring of muscle, taking on the form of ridges most of the time, that start at the head and descend all the way down to the base, thin and waved but when swollen become much more than you might be able to deal with the first time you’re intimate. And to top it all off, they’re pink, and not just blush pink, they’re as pink as his nails. As stated above, his cum does act like an aphrodisiac, but so does his pre, turning your body into a warm, soft toy for him to use for hours on end. All you have to do is lay there and let him see your face while he feeds, don’t worry about anything else. Not that you’ll be able to anyway.
Asmo has fangs, which are short, sharp, and venomous, layered two rows deep on both the top and bottom jaw. From the first set of canines flows a more concentrated version of the aphrodisiac found in his saliva and cum, and the second set administers a paralysis venom that gives the body that numb comfortable feeling, making you less susceptible to any stimulation other than pleasure. The rest of his teeth look like a human's, though they are much sharper than they appear.
Strange. Similar to the rest of his body Asmo can manipulate his tongue to be just about anything he wants it to be, but when neutral about how it appears, one might consider it strange. Contrived of two main appendages that can split seamlessly into more, the texture is somewhere between flower petal and suade fabric, with a shocking clearness that reminds you of jello. The color of it is pink, but the longer he's gone without a meal the darker the pink gets, until it's almost black at the tip. They are thinner in thickness than most of his brothers, but just as flexible, easily allowing him to funnel his spit into your mouth or either hole, skin prickling with excitement as he watches it's effects spread through your body. The feeling is warm, not hot, and arousal flows in steady waves, making you have to rely on him more than you might think. But don't for a second think he minds, all he wants is for the two of you to know pleasure so deeply it makes even you bones feel the drag of his tongue, the touch of his fingers, and the desire of being filled.
Beel's cum has a constancy somewhere between human cum and slick, thick, and has about the same color as both of them combined too. The main thing with him is that he cums, a lot. Like enough to fill a bucket, or two. His dick also excretes a thin slip that allows him a smoother entrance.
Beel is giant physically in general, so it wouldn't be that much of a surprise(in theory) to know his dick is also big. But the other ways in which you can immediately tell he's not human might come as more of a shock. The underside is covered in rows of ridges, all pointing in the direction of the tip, which is also much more angular than a human's, nearly coming to a flat tip. The top side is almost softly segmented, sort of like an accordion, so the length of him becomes longer as he pulls out and then contracts back when pushing in. And in addition, to all of this, the ridge that sits right under the head of his cock, can vibrate. It only really happens when he's super worked up or about to cum when he's in his "human" form, but it starts almost the second he's inside you when in his full demon form. He tries to be careful about overstimulating you, but he can't do much when your fourth orgasm in a row has stripped him of the ability to use words.
Big chompers. His canines are the largest out of all of them two sets in the front of mouth and two sets in the back, with the bottom ones being larger than the top ones. But the rest fall somewhere in sharpness between molars and canines, all of them about as wide as the width of your finger in order to allow for maximum crunch potential. Beel likes to bite, but he's hyper aware of how strong he is and thereby has taken immense time in figuring out how hard he can bite without breaking skin and what it takes to taste the warm syrup flowing beneath it. He also really like seeing his bites after the fact, often causing a pretty blush to adorn his face in response while he thinks about how many more are hiding beneath your clothes.
Beel's tongue is only a little bit longer than average length for demons, but the thickness and wideth of it is almost uncalled for. At this point it's unlikely this will surprise you very much, you've seen him eat an entire carton of ice cream without a spoon because he was so impatient or something of the like at some point, but that still doesn't really prepare you for the amount it fills your mouth the first time you make out. You very easily could be made to choke on it, and you can feel all of the texture of it despite the copious flow of spit in between your mouths. Beel's tongue is kinda similar to Satan's in its feel, designed to peel meat off of bones and burrow under skin, yet surprisinglyit feels more like silk getting dragged across your flesh more than anything. All of it is a pale dusty rose color, with only the tip dipping into red territory.
Belphie's cum, is both lavender tinted and lavender scented. And while he doesn't cum as much as his twin, he cums for about as long as Satan. His dick is really sensitive, so it doesn't take much to set him off, you just have to be careful when you're giving him head. Beel is the same way, but if he came down your throat you might choke to death.
He's not the thickest out of all of his brothers, but he sure is one of the longest. His dick stays the same color as his skin the entire time, only when under a lot of denial does it turn just the slightest bit red, but the skin is soft, and he's very very sensitive, only needing a few soft words and a warm hand to get him begging for you sometimes. The single most notable thing about him though are the soft spikes protruding from the sides of his cock, starting off largest by the tip and decending in size a half inch apart all the way down to his base, where they almost become invisible. Most of the time, they seem like little more then nodes, brushing along your silky walls as you clamp around him and feeling where they push against you, causing both of you to moan with delight. But other times, on those not so rare occasions where someone earlier that day forgot you were his and his brothers first and foremost, you are treated to the full extent of Belphies strength. The spikes can harden, not to the point of pain, but if he doesn't want you going anywhere, you'd be hard pressed to leave. All of them possess this ability, and the smaller ones are even able to lengthen, almost giving him the girth some of his older brothers have. He gets so smug when he does it without warning you too, teasing about the obscene faces you're making while barely being able to hold onto himself, the warmth of you and how pretty you look adding to the clouded hazy already draped over his mind. He especially likes doing it after he's just cum, forcing you to stay connected to him in one of the most intimate ways possible.
Belphie's teeth are actually pretty similar to Beel's, just with two even sized canines instead of the four his twin has. His teeth almost get smoother the further back into his mouth they go, but his bite strength is about the same as Beel's too, so mind your fingers if you choose to feed him. He's one of the biters, greatly enjoying greeting you with a nip to your neck or nibbling on your fingers while you two watch a movie together.
Belphies tongue is thick, velvet soft, and tri pronged, each tip breaking off from the main chunk of muscle about a ¾ of an inch up. It's weird, cause you wouldn't assume it has that shape when he talks, or even quite when it's in your mouth, but once he's dragging it over your nipples or along the lips of your cunt it's a little less deniable. Belphie loves licking you, whether it's because he wants your attention or he just wants something to do with his mouth, he frequently will find any excuse necessary to have the feel and taste of your skin under his tongue, often with the added bonus of you pulling him away so he can put it to better use.
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devildomresidentt · 1 year ago
Random Obey me Headcanons
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Mammon and Beel both says “this is for you” while pointing at you before they throw something into the trash or when playing basketball, the only difference is that Mammon completely misses every-time and Beel actually lands it.
Lucifer and Satan know Morse code perfectly, sometimes they have heated arguments at the dinner table simply by tapping their utensils in Morse code.
Beel and Asmo are obsessed with wrestling shows like WWE and AEW, they’ve destroyed multiple walls, pieces of furniture, and sound barriers hurling themselves at each other trying to replicate the moves they see.
Lucifer, Beel, Mammon, and Diavolo all know how to do the Cupid shuffle perfectly, It started with Dia, then Dia forced Lucifer to learn it, While no one really knows how Beel and Mammon learned how to do it.
There has been multiple occasions where Satan, Asmo, and Belphie have hotboxed random rooms in the House of Lamentation and it always ends up with all of them absolutely greening out and forgetting how they even got in this situation
Beel was once invited to one of these sessions, but he was never invited again after he got the munchies and rampaged the entirety of The Devildom </3
Solomon and Diavolo proudly wears the Ebenzer Scrooge pajamas every night, hat included with the candle dimly lit on their nightstand
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aliciabell · 8 months ago
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June Bride - 🪽 Simeon 🪽
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mox-vapor · 2 years ago
Prince Mammon 👑✨️
I cried happy tears when I got the card. He's so gorgeous and precious 🥹
Demon Card : The Fallen Prince
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kairikazu05 · 7 months ago
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evelinamox · 1 year ago
Asmo would worship MCs booty, but Mammon would use it as a pillow if they gave him the chance.
Side note: Levi would use thighs as a pillow, but mainly while gaming or watching anime. Lucifer would never admit it, but he would lowkey like to use MCs arms as a pillow - like, as if wrapped in their embrace from behind.
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leviachan-mylove · 1 day ago
Leviathan yap
i think that levi would randomly qoute something from an anime he watches (when its related to what’s happening) and everyone else ever is just like “what.”
BONUS: even better if someone actually asks what hes talking about and he goes on this long monologue of a title like “i stole my sister’s boyfriend so she stole my girlfriend and now we’re both getting married on the same day because she’s a self centred bitch, what do i do!?”
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fangzluv · 2 years ago
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yaemixi3 · 1 year ago
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(I found the picture on pinterest)
Obey Me! winter scenarios-part 1: Lucifer and Mammon
Context: You were bored, so you decided to go look for them
Its 10pm. You're sitting in your room, staring at the beautiful snow outside... finally, there hasn't been snow for a long time. Minutes pass by and the layers of snow grow thicker as the beautiful icy flakes flutter from the clouds to the floor, enchanting you, making you not able to look away from the simple beauty of winter. However, slowly you break away from this trance, and grow bored of watching the snow. You decide to go find one of the brothers.
(Read more?)
You walk out of your room and into the corridor. You pass by the twin's room, because Belphie is a little ill and asleep, and Beel is outside at the gym. You skip Asmo's room, he's in the middle of his skincare routine, and you tiptoe past Satan, who's in the library because he's too engrossed in the book he's reading, and you pass Levi's room because you can hear him screeching at Mammon for something. You decide to go to find Lucifer, who you were thinking of going to from the beginning anyway.
"Hey..." You knock on the door gently and wait for Lucifer to reply.
"...Hmm? MC, ...is there something you need...?" You hear Lucifer speak, with a slight hint tiredness in his voice
"Oh... um, you seem tired... I'll come back later..." You turn around, about to leave, before you hear the sound of light footsteps and then the sound of a lock clicking. Then a door opening slowly
"No... Now, tell me what you came here for" You turn around, the sound of Lucifer's voice slightly surprising you. He's standing in the doorway, leaning ever-so-slightly on the frame. He has a blank look on his face, and a curious look in his eye. You turn around and face him, and open your mouth to speak, but find that your voice is stuck in your throat.
"Has the cat got your tongue? What were you going to say?" Lucifer still has a blank look on his face, but the curiosity in his voice is subtle, but you can hear its there. You open your mouth once more to speak, successfully doing so "I was wondering if... we could go outside in the snow together"
You can see a slight look of surprise on Lucifer's face, but he quickly resumes his usual expression "You could not have chosen one of my brothers to go out with you? I'm sure they would be more than happy to go with you than I am" Even if Lucifer doesn't deny or accept your request, you can sense his reluctance. You hear a light sigh, before Lucifer speaks up again "I suppose I can entertain you for a while..." You see a small smile on Lucifers face.
"I guess I should get my coat then" You say, excitement laced in your voice "Yes, you should, I'll meet you outside the front door"Lucifer replies to you, you turn away and returnto your room, putting on a coat and then walking to the front door, where Lucifer is waiting for you. You look a bit surprised as you see Lucifer, who isnt wearing a coat, he's just in his usual outfit.
"Lucifer," You say in a worried tone "where is your coat?"Lucifer looks at you, unfazed by your worries "...I do not need one"You sigh.
"Lucifer, as absurd as it may seem, that's so irresponsible of you!" Lucifer looks at you with slight embarrassment, before turning and starting to walk away while saying something.
"Let's go, you wanted to go outside together in the snow, so let me take you somewhere" Lucifer continues to walk away, and you follow after him. You continue to walk together for some time in silence until you both stop in front of a small lake surrounded by beautiful trees with blue leaves
"Where are we...? I haven't been here before" You ask Lucifer, he turns around to face you, "You don't need to know that, my dear... all you need to know is that this is where we are now" You feel yourself flutter inside at his words, and the two of you walk to a bench and sit there, the hours pass by, and it is now midnight. You were chatting with Lucifer, when you noticed that he was shivering slightly and the end of his nose was slightly red. You take off your coat and place it over his shoulders
"...What are you doing?" Lucifer looks at you with slight embarrassment. His face was already red from the bitterness of the cold, but now it was laced with a light blush.
"You're cold... we should go home now." You press your lips onto his gently, before pulling back and standing up. Lucifer as clearly embarrassed, and looked away, then he stood up and looked back at you, with full composure. "That was the perfect segue for you, wasn't it?"
"Hehe" You giggle, "C'mon, let's go. Well, what are you waiting for?" You grab his hand and run off, dragging him with you.
You grab your D.D.D and scroll through your contacts... who are you gonna text...? Mammon. You text him, asking if he wants to go out in the snow with you. He doesn't reply, but you do feel yourself getting dragged outside, a coat on your head, covering your face.
"I just knew ya were gonna text me!" You hear Mammon say. "The great Mammon will always be here when ya want him!" He keeps on dragging you for a long time, until the two of you are outside a nice little cafe. You put on your coat properly and look at Mammon.
"What are we doing here?" You ask mammon, a look of curiosity on your face, you asked if you could go out in the snow together, not go to a cafe and sit watching the snow. Mammon thinks about his wording, and then replies to your question.
"I thought we could get us a hot drink while we're out so we don' freeze up and join the frozen flies or whatever. Well, you'll be buyin' us the drinks cuz don' have my wallet and you do coz ya always are prepared for times like this- wait no you don' have ya wallet because I dragged ya out here with just ya coat!" You nod at him with a deadpanned expression, and walk into the cafe and order a drink. Mammon walks in after you and makes the drink an extra large and pays. You were curious why he made it extra large. So you ask him why, "Mammon, why did you make the drink extra large?" Mammon takes the drink that you ordered and takes your hand and walk out the cafe "B'cuz it's cheaper if we share than if we buy two drinks, plus it's romantic." You see him look away and blush, and you giggle a little. "Of course..." The two of you continue walking until you're outside the city and in the countryside, admiring the snow and jumping on slabs of ice
Mammon turns to look at you, the snoe landing on his hwad, making him look frosty. "Uhh. We may have walked a biiiiiit too far, but it's okay cuz I know where we are... I think. Either way, if we're lost Lucifer will come to our rescue because he loves ya- and me."
The snow falls around the two of you, and Mammon throws a snowball at you. "Let's play a game, if I win, ya kiss me, if you win, you get to decide what ya want, first one down loses" Mammon throws a snowball at you and runs tlo hide behind a tree stump, "Hehe, mammon. Don't expect to win against the expert of snowballs!" You throw two snowballs at him and run before he hits you back. The two of you continue your snowball fight and run around, giggling and laughing. Drinks discarded on the floor, hands gone pink from the snow, faces bitten red by the bitter cold.
You throw another snowball at him and he stumbles back, but he doesn't fall "Hehe, I'm not losing this one, MC!" He gets back up and throws as snowball directly at your head. You fall backwards, and by instinct, he runs to you an catches you just at the right time. One of his hands is on your back, and the other is on your waist. He pulls you back upright and looks at you. "Are ya okay? I'm sorry- HEY!" You giggle and throw a snowball at him, running away as he chases you. "Dammit MC!!!" He runs right behind you, about to throw a snowball, but then he stumbles over his laces and trips, landing face-flat into the soft snow. You walk to him and crouch down to his level "oof, the snow's cold as fu-" You tilt his head up by the chin and kiss him before pulling away. Mammon looks at you, surprised "h-HUH!? Why'd ya- But I lost?" You look at him and giggle "And I won, and my prize is to kiss you!" Mammons face is covered in blush and his mouth is hanging slightly open. "O-oh" He replies.
You stand up and hold out your hand. "That was fun, but it's time to go home, I doubt that being in wet and cold clothes from the snow is comfortable" Mammon takes your hand stands up. He then looks at you, still red like a white-haired tomato. "Ya right, it is uncomfortable. Let's go home!" He takes your hand and strides away, dragging you behind him. ...your trip home had a few detours... time to get more grimm.
Okay, but I started writing at 7pm, it's currently 9:30 pm. That took me long af. Btw I'm sorry if Mammons had less details than Lucifer, I was focusing more on the fun and his personality than the romance and looks. Btw, if you're either confused or curious about why I used italics its because I'm used to reading italics as the paragraphs and normal text as the chat bc I've been on Character AI recently.
Btw thanks to my friends for the inspiration and motivation to keep writing
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nyxserasclock · 2 years ago
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Just Belphie being in a sunlit library.
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devildomresidentt · 1 year ago
I love the idea that all of the brothers can turn into their Representative Animals at will, and I’m 100% sure Belphie abuses this power the most 😭😭
Like just imagine you walk into the HOL Living room and the first thing you see is a big ass Cow slumped over in the middle of the floor while everyone else sits in silence minding their own as if this is entirely normal to them?!
And if you ask anyone of them what the hell is going on they’ll simply say, “Don’t mind Belphie, he’s just trying to get out of dish duty”
Because of course he’d rather turn himself into a damn near 4,500 pound Cow than wash 2 forks and a couple of bowls…
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mamsx · 2 years ago
Am I the only Obey me! player who has been playing for years but still hasn't finished the storyline (I'm at lesson 38)💀💀💀?
And ever since Obey me! Nightbringer came out I've been STRESSING because like HOLD UP I acc want to finish the storyline before playing djsjshshs
(I already started ofc but it just kinda bothers me HAAHHS)
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mox-vapor · 2 years ago
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I absolutely am in love with how Lucifer and Beelzebub look 💙🧡 especially their outfits. The cyber fits look amazing 😍 🥰
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kairikazu05 · 11 months ago
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HDD nightbringer 2024
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