#enjoy some doodles while i procrastinate studying
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What if… Paper Star had run off with Carmen when she escaped😳
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khylamarieren · 2 years
This year I have really been focusing on exchanging habits so I can create time to do the things I love and want to pursue. I think it is easy to get trapped in a cycle of being comfortable. Watching netflix, not eating right, not being disciplined. I do believe there is a time and place to rest and enjoy yourself with your favorite show and a nice treat, but it should not be an everyday ritual. So here are some of the habit swaps that I have been making in my life :
Netflix : Painting, doodling, creating art instead of consuming it mindlessly.
Junk Food : Lots of fruit and nourishing my body so I glow and feel good.
Laziness : Writing down my goals and getting one small task done.
Not exercising : Going for a walk in nature. Taking pictures of beautiful things. Moving softly... it doesn’t have to be intense.
Scrolling on social media : Prayer, meditation, focusing on my personal vision from God instead of what I see other people doing. 
Sleeping in : Wake up and start stretching & doing yoga. 
Using my phone during meals : Study the Bible. Eat mindfully. 
Random Youtube videos : Opt for something educational or follow a DIY project. 
Procrastination : Pushing myself to get even just a small piece of a project done because that is better than nothing. 
I’ve noticed while doing this, I have had so much more time, creativity, and energy to spend cultivating and living my life doing the things I love most. My wellbeing has also improved due to the fact I feel like I am progressing and making the most of my time here on earth. Xoxo
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fluffy-ami · 10 months
Profile Tag Game🌱
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Hello - “Ah, hi there! You can call me Ami, but I actually use a lot of different names when talking to people on the internet. Thanks to @lovelynim for tagging me, this tag game is actually really fun~✨”
Chat: Tickling - “Um, uh... Well, it's a very... strange interest of mine? It has been with me since I was a little kid, and I still have no idea how exactly all of this had started. This little thing is really fun and cute, but the fact that I like it so much is embarrassing as hell for me”.
When It Rains - “I like staying at home when it rains, makes me want to get all cozy in my bed and just do nothing. I also usually get very sleepy, and it may prevent me from studying properly”.
When the Sun Is Out - “Huh. A rare sight at this time of year. I missed it”.
When It Snows - “Snow? I mean, it's cool, yeah. For the first few weeks, at least. After a while your eyes will probably start hurting a little though, because, well, too much white everywhere”.
Good Morning - “Five more minutes...”
Good Night - “Oh hell nah, I'm not going to bed. What do you mean it's 3am? I don't care, I'm still not done with my silly doodles, now go back to sleep, buddy”.
Chat: Sensitivity - “Hm? Am I ti-? Ahem. Well, not really. In reality, I'm not sure. But what I do know for sure is that I'm not that sensitive in some of those 'most popular' spots, perhaps certain techniques are required to get me to crack. No-one had ever gotten to try though, my irl buddies value their lives over trying to get a reaction out of me~”
My Hobbies - “Writing, reading, crocheting and sewing toys, cross stitching, making pins and silly jewelry, gaming, journaling, making ocs and, most importantly, drawing - these are the things I enjoy doing in my free time (when I'm not procrastinating, of course)”.
About Me: Cooking - “Heh, no. Just... no.”
My Troubles - “Ehhh... Touch starvation? Or just overall loneliness? Maybe I should call it that. I feel constantly burnt out from talking to people, but at the same time I want to connect, and don't know how to do it. And sometimes it feels like people remember about my existence only when they need something from me. It's complicated, really. I feel emotionally isolated, but I also know that it's basically my fault, so I just kinda got used to this feeling. I'm sure I can do better though”.
Favourite Food - “Hmm, let me think... I like seafood. And salty things. Not too salty, though”.
Least Favourite Food - “I'm not a picky eater. Me liking or not really liking food depends on me liking or not liking its texture mostly. But I think I don't like things that are overly sweet”.
About @anzynai - “Ahhh, thinking about her brings me back. Jai was the person who gave me motivation (and courage) to post my very first drabble, and to just start writing in general ever since. And I'm still very grateful for that ★”
About @nataliewritez - “My little sis! I adore her writing and her art. She's a very friendly and funny person, also really pretty! Even annoying her can be kind of fun <3. Nat is just nice to be around, you know?”
About @stopiteatpopcorn - “Rando? He's a good kid! He's very adorable and energetic, it's a big part of his charm. And I'm proud to have such a talented lil' bro like him (he's also very easy to tease, you should try it sometime)”.
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Tagging: Anyone who hasn't been tagged and wants to join in!~🌱✨
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jujutsubabe · 4 years
Synopsis: (This is set when Gojo and Getou were in highschool) You are all in the library trying to practice presentations but Gojo can’t stop being distracting.
(I mean,,, no ship tbh? Kinda platonic reader insert but u can take it as Gojo flirting)
Word count: 1.7k
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A library is supposed to be silent, filled with studying and well focused people. It’s a place meant for peace and quiet, so everyone there can get a good grasp on their subjects without any distractions.
The library is known for being the best place to work in, you are surrounded by peers and books and computers of all kind. The amount of resources is unlimited, mixing alone and social time all into one setting, a beautiful design.
However, if you mix a quiet respectable place with three idiots, you tend to get the opposite of what a library is supposed to be.
The library was filled with your quiet snorts and giggles as you sat in the back of the room, you putting your hand over your mouth did nothing to silence you as you shook.
Gojo bit down on his lip as he tried to contain his laugh as well, waiting for the right timing to say another dumb joke.
You felt the stares of a few of your peers, but couldn’t help from giggling in your corner. It was one of those rare moments where you felt air escape your lungs in a good way, the crunching of your sides was a ticklish feeling. It was so carefree and fun, a simple memory you would keep every time you entered a library.
You turned to Gojo at the same time as him, trying to put on a serious face but when you saw his struggling one you couldn’t help but crack a huge smile and fall back into your lap cackling. He turned away snickering to his side as well.
You had been here for what felt like hours, you trying to go over your presentation but barely getting through the first slide with how Gojo suddenly wanted to be a comedian. Not letting you catch a break each slide.
It didn’t help that you were already behind in your presentation, he just fed into your procrastination. Making this workload ease into other hours of your day, it seemed like the only thing you could do for the day was work on this presentation.
Getou rested his chin on his hand, “You egg him on when you do that.”
“I know!” You wheezed, “But its so—so hard, I can’t focus.”
Gojo leaned in to whisper something else but Getou tilted his head, “Satoru, you’re a distraction.”
He pulled back, fixing his sunglasses with a wide grin. The class clown couldn’t help but make light of such a boring atmosphere, what was he even supposed to do in here? (Study Gojo… study…)
Picking on you two was way more fun than doing his fifty-billion already missing assignments.
“What?” He looked over his glasses, “It’s not my fault I’m this funny.”
“No, he’s right!” You took deep breaths, pulling into your center, “He’s right, let me try again and don’t distract me!” You pointed with a warning intent.
He grinned at you, playing on his innocent expression, which didn’t come across as very genuine.
It was like he called for attention to himself just by entering a room. No one could ignore him. So imagine how much harder it would be to ignore him if this giant ray of sunshine was sitting right next to you, pestering you every second.
“So,” you skimmed over your notes, “for this presentation, I wanted to research how the possible extinction of polar bears is such a condenen— conquential—conquista-- conse-”
“Are you trying to say consequential?” Geto asked.
There was a slight moment of silence, maybe half a second before, like a burst of a bubble, Gojo snorted and turned his head to the side giggling away. It didn’t help that his laugh was so contagious. It was like a yawn, when one person did it everyone else did.
Geto looked away, covering the slight curl of his mouth. He tried his best to be the mature one in the group but sometimes Gojo broke down that expectation with something as simple as giggling like a child.
Him trying to not smile mixed with Gojo’s actual laugh made it so much harder to not give in yourself. These two really couldn’t stop goofing around, no matter the situation.
You forced a frown, “Guys, It’s not funny!”
Gojo made a look at Getou, and Getou let out the lightest huff of air before shaking his head. “You’re right. Continue.”
“Thank you,” you cleared your throat, getting your notes in order, “I think it’s important to note that a big factor that could lead to their extinction are greenhouse gas em… emm...emnio—”
You squinted at the page, pulling it closer, you ignored Gojo’s pestering smile beside you. If you even looked at him you knew this would be all bad, he had a way of pulling you from work and not letting you get back to it.
Getou tapped the paper, “What’s wrong?”
You slid the paper to him, “I don’t know how to say that.”
He pulled the paper to his face with a slight frown. He blinked a few times, trying to not let confusion seep onto his face. With a little bit of inspecting, he eventually slipped the paper across for Gojo to help.
Gojo blinked back at the paper, a smile curling onto his face, “Is this your handwriting…?”
Getou hid his face while Gojo’s smile widened into a grin, then a chuckle, then a full on laugh, the both of them snickering onto themselves. You rolled your eyes, as Gojo banged his hand on the table like he saw the funniest thing on the damn planet.
These two were rolling over themselves over your sleep filled handwriting! It wasn’t even that funny!
You scoffed as the two went into hysterics over your handwriting, trying to fight off the smile crawling it’s way onto your face. It took so much to not give in.
It was all fun and games until a few students started to share a few looks from across the room. A few glared your direction, some actually leaving the place for a quieter place to study. No one seemed to enjoy your table's joy the same way you all were.
The three of you were being a nuisance to the quiet work environment, contradicting the point of a library with your presence. But why was laughing in the library more fun than laughing in your room with each other?
Was it the concept of breaking the rules that tickled you? Or maybe it was the hysteria of working on something for too long without breaks, forcing you all into taking a different kind of break.
None of you noticed when a select few students got up to talk to the teachers about you three. Whispering to the side and pointing a teacher your direction.
Your head popped up when you heard the light tapping of heels and keychains coming your direction. A more than pissed off adult looking straight towards your table.
You shook Gojo and grabbed his arm, “Dude shut up! Shut up the teachers coming!”
Before you could grab yourselves together, the teacher already arrived by your table, tapping on the desk until she got your attention. “I’m going to need you all to quiet down or leave. You’re being a distraction.”
Gojo quirked a brow, opening his mouth, but you spoke up before he said something disrespectful.
“Sorry.” You nudged the guy next to you, “We’ll be more quiet.”
She pursed her lips as she did a once over of you all, definitely memorizing your faces. You lot were making this poor lady do more than needed on her shift. She probably couldn’t wait until you guys messed up again so she could kick you out for good.
“Thank you.” She did a last sharp look before she eventually turned, walking away to the front desk again. Full hawk eyes on your table.
You turned around to the group, trying to regain composure. It was so awkward having her stare and know that you had to be on your best behavior. Everyone sat silently, no one even moving.
Until Gojo leaned back in his seat, twisting his head to look at you. You tried your best to not look at him…you could literally feel his stare through your head. He was insufferable.
…However, you couldn’t help the curiosity and slowly turned your head to meet his eyes. Just one look and his face flooded into a winced grin, already trying to hold back laughter with a squeaking sound from him.
With that, your composure broke and you released a set of giggles while Getou covered his mouth. Just like that Gojo won, he ate this attention up, releasing his own dumb fit of laughter.
You guys really couldn’t go a minute in silence could you?
Getou smiled and stood from the table, “Were not getting anything done. Let’s get food.”
You nodded, you were surprised it took this long for someone to realize that. This was a highly anticipated break you put off for too long, not realizing just how much time was wasted goofing off until now.
“I want ice cream!” Gojo slung your bag over his shoulder.
You blinked between the two as they gathered their belongings, starting to disperse from the table. You were still getting yourself together, scrambling with your things as the tall pair strided to the exit. “Guys wait up!”
They very much did not wait up, if anything it seemed as though their pace got quicker. (Gojo even looked back before grinning that sinister smile of his and walking faster.)
When you darted out of the seat, you just so happened to glance back at the table.
It had a few balled up sheets of paper under it, (that Gojo made and threw at the both of you) the chair’s weren’t pushed in, and if you looked closely you could see a few doodles sprawled along it.
For some reason, the table setting that would definitely piss off that teacher, made you smile. It showed proof that you and your friends had been there, that a few teens were messing around and having fun before they left.
Which you did, you made a good memory today. Those small moments of laughing at dust with friends, warmth from being so happy, comfort from having a tight bond.
It was all you needed, and all you wanted to remember anyways.
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helaintoloki · 4 years
Hi!! If you are still taking request from the prompt list I was thinking #48. The one that says “Making a coffee just the way they like it” for Five. I thought it matched. I hope it’s not too much trouble! >\\\<
a/n: as an avid coffee drinker this one spoke to me on a personal level
* 48: getting them a coffee just the way they like it // taken from this prompt list
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Another late night cramming session has you swearing to yourself that when the next test comes you’ll be better prepared, but you know good and well that you’ll probably just end up procrastinating again. After all, it is what you do best.
“Stay focused,” Five reprimands you as he snatches away the paper you’ve been doodling on instead of taking notes for the past ten minutes. His brows raise when he finds a poorly drawn picture of himself in the corner, his infamous scowl on his lips and the word asshole written across his forehead in bold letters. He’s more annoyed than offended at the drawing, choosing to crumple the notebook paper into a ball before throwing it at your head— carefully, of course, and not with as much strength as he would use if he were throwing it at Klaus or Diego. “You’re only wasting my time and yours.”
“I’m sorry, but we’ve been going at it for hours,” you complain as you dig the heels of your palms into your eyes in an attempt to rub the drowsiness away. “My head hurts and I’m tired.”
“You’re not trying hard enough,” he argues only for you to send a fierce glare his way. You were starting to regret your choices of inviting him over to tutor you, and though he was smart enough to help you complete the work, he was extremely boastful about just how smart he was and it tended to aggravate you. He was conditioned to be competitive due to the constant training and pressure he and his siblings had been put under, and sometimes he forgot that he was there to help, not to compete. It wasn’t his fault and he was working on cutting back his bad habits around you but sometimes he just couldn’t help himself.
“Look, I’m going to make us some coffee while you take notes. When I come back we can do some practice tests,” Five says with finality, lightly patting you on the shoulder— he’s still learning how to display acts of praise and acknowledgement so bare with him— before making his way to your kitchen to make your caffeinated drinks.
After countless visits and secret outings to your house, Five knows your kitchen like the back of his hand. Your parents had always told him to “help himself” to whatever he wanted, and he took up their offer rather quickly. A lot of things that weren’t allowed in his own home were allowed in yours, and he took advantage of the small slice of normalcy these visits brought him.
You have one of those high tech coffee machines which makes the work easier, though Five prefers the traditional pot of coffee instead of coffee pods, and when the cups are finished he sets them out on the counter before turning to the fridge in search of the coffee creamer.
Five considers himself to be a simple man who enjoys a simple cup of black coffee, it’s easy and you can drink it as soon as it’s done brewing. But you can’t stand the awfully bitter taste of it, and so you don’t drink coffee unless its dull taste has been masked with the sweetness of creamer; you never use sugar because it takes too long to stir and by the time you’re done there’s about twenty opened packets lining the table which makes you feel very bad about the resulting mess you’ve created. Your go to creamer brand is Coffee Mate, though sometimes during the fall you turn to Starbucks for their holiday themed creamers, and you enjoy flavors such as French vanilla, Italian sweet cream, and chocolate caramel. Your coffee habits are high maintenance and honestly a bit ridiculous in Five’s eyes, but who is he to dictate how someone enjoys the caffeinated beverage.
When Five stirs the creamer into your coffee he makes sure to put in the proper amount so that it is neither too bland nor too sweet for your taste pallet, and he makes sure to add a nice swirl of whipped cream on top— something you like to add on occasionally from time to time. After all his unnecessary efforts to make you the perfect cup of coffee, Five takes the two mugs and rejoins you at the table where you have your nose buried in your textbook.
“This should keep you awake,” he says as he sets the cup down before you. You don’t miss the fact that he chose your favorite mug for your drink nor the fact that it took him longer than usual to make the coffee. His efforts are duly noted and appreciated, and this is displayed through the content sigh that leaves you once the warm liquid meets your lips.
“Thanks Five,” you smile gently, exhaustion clear on your features and a stray stand of hair falling in front of your face that he has to refrain from tucking away.
“Don’t mention it,” he says with a small shrug. He doesn’t pester you with anymore work nor does he press you to study harder. Instead, you sit together in the comfortable silence and sip your drinks as Five notes that he wouldn’t mind making you coffee more often.
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
Osamu with a S/O that loves to bake + cook
Anon asked: hiii! may i request a haikyuu matchup if you’re not busy with other requests? um i’m around 5’2, gemini INFP with long black hair and a kind of muscular build? like i have a broad build around my shoulders but slim around my torso with toned legs. i’m really reserved at first to strangers but laugh a lot and smile around people i’m close to. omg i’m also really smart school wise like in the top 5% but i’m also the really slow/biggest idiot at the same time LOLOL i’m also very compassionate and supportive towards others and cry quite easily. oh and i love to bake and cook especially for other people hehe. i enjoy working out occasionally through HIIT and playing tennis. and finally painting and drawing are some of my guilty pleasures. omg this was so long i’m so sorry!! thank you in advance if you decide to do this!! :-) 
A/N: hi anon! Honestly having matchups to write is always great - I really enjoy writing them and love seeing them in my inbox :). Don’t worry about me being busy with other requests, having matchups is super helpful because they help me get into writing mode: which helps since I’m working on a longer multi-chapter piece (stay tuned for a surprise soon!) + a bunch of other scenarios/hcs I procrastinated. P.S. I’m also an INFP :))) Enjoy~~
You matchup is:
Miya Osamu
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Probably met him as one of his first regulars at Onigiri Miya 
You just know that Onigiri Miya has some of the best food in the city and you would always drop by after classes/working out to pick up some onigiri
Eventually began chatting Osamu up while you were sitting at the counter because hey he was cute and you know he’s a great chef
Probably stayed in this banter phase for a bit - Osamu eventually realized he was interested in you and probably tried to subtly flirt by giving you extra onigiri on the house + complimenting you
It kinda goes over your head at first/you’re a bit oblivious - but eventually you catch on and the two of you flirt back and forth for a while
Atsumu probably has a hand in you two getting together - he probably walks into onigiri miya and is like ‘oh so you’re the y/n my twin can’t shut up about’
Cue embarrassed + face-palming osamu + you’re slightly confused bc you didn’t think Osamu’s twin would look that similar to him
But yeah after that little mishap (of course he kicks Atsumu’s ass first) Osamu works up the courage to ask you out
Now you have your ‘spot’ in onigiri miya - a seat in the corner near the kitchen. Osamu always saves it for you when you want to come in and study - you work really hard to keep up with your grades 
You two love baking and cooking for each other - often date nights involve surprising each other with different dishes - and you two take turns doing the main course/dessert 
Probably ends up naming an onigiri/menu item after you because he is secretly such a sap
Plus sometimes you show up to Onigiri Miya around closing time to surprise him with the products from your stress baking
Biggest supporter for his business - whenever he gets stressed about expanding or suppliers or something about the restaurant you’re always there to listen to him
Even though he no longer plays volleyball - Osamu is still a pretty active guy. The two of you like to go to HIIT classes/do workouts together - either at home or in the gym
Will occasionally agree to play tennis with you - not a huge fan of all the running but he enjoys getting to do something with you
If the two of you move in together you bet you’ll have a top of the line kitchen - Osamu likes to have you taste test his new onigiri ideas + in general just likes cooking for you
I feel like the two of you would have such a domestic vibe - you probably have a cooking/chore schedule pinned on the wall/fridge
Cooking meals together in your PJs + movie nights with homemade snacks is the vibe 
Osamu probably saves a lot of your doodles/drawings/paintings 
Even if you doodle on a napkin he’ll save it - i feel like he has a whole folder/envelope of your art!
Probably pins your paintings and drawings around your shared apartment 
Might not be the most outwardly affectionate person but he definitely speaks through his actions - whether it’s preparing you lunch whenever you have classes/work or helping you with chores when you’re tired
I feel like his favorite thing is waking up to you in the morning - he has to wake up pretty early to open up his store but if you aren’t up he’ll always press a kiss to your forehead before leaving 
I could definitely see you eventually helping him run onigiri miya - your interest in cooking/baking could definitely work with his own love of food! 
Definitely will take a week off to surprise you with a foodie tour of another city/country! The two of you love to travel to other cities to try their iconic street food/cuisine! 
I feel like he would be the kind of guy to propose using one of those melting chocolate spheres.
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catcze · 3 years
Oh, Catte, my beloved... The bracelet is so beautiful. Goodness, did I cry when I took it out of the envelope. It's almost as beautiful as you are, I love it so much! I'm never ever taking this off. Oh starlight I'm so happy, you may as well have just proposed! I love you so so much, thank you💜💜💜
I'm glad Cyno is doing well for himself these days! It's not really that complex of a spell, simple transmutation really, but I'm sure he didn't want to overwhelm you. He may not talk a lot but trust me; he cares. I should write him sometime, if only so the next time an emergency arises he won't think I only remember he exists when I need his help, hehe... I'm joking of course, he's not the kind of person to care. I do still owe him a favor though. Two, now that he's gone out of his way to teach my girlfriend magic, and specifically for helping you make me this wonderful present. Send along my thanks please, but please don't mention that I said I'd write him, just in case I somehow forget to. You know me, heh..
Also I'm a little surprised to hear that name again! Collei was quite the visitor when she was here a few years ago, it's a long story, and one I doubt very much she'd want me to tell. Suffice to say she and Amber are good friends, but I'm sure she already asked you about her as soon as you mentioned Mondstadt. I'm so relieved to hear she's safe, and studying medicine no less! Tell her I'm proud of her. She'll do great things in her life.
I must admit I'm slightly bothered to hear that so many scholars accosted my poor babygirl to ask if I'd return, I'm so sorry darling. If they give you any more trouble, oh I'll come visit alright. To dispense punishment(although I'd definitely grab some food on the way as we left). Speaking of food, that's so sweet of you to offer to learn the local cuisine just for me~ you're so thoughtful, it's one of the many many things I love about you. My reputation around the school is honestly the only accomplishment you'll find though sweetheart. I wasn't really all that social there, aside from talking to the professors and scholars. I couldn't afford to procrastinate if I wanted to learn everything I could. Funny, that sounds completely unlike me, now doesn't it~ Those lectures can be tiresome at first, did they provide you with the appropriate reading materials, or are you only listening? I still have my copy of the first semester alchemy textbook--it's only about 800 pages, but they're packed to the brim with knowledge. I still reference it sometimes.
Like I mentioned though, most of my time in Sumeru was spent at the Academy or at the local restaurants. If you wanted food recommendations, those I can provide, but unfortunately I won't be of much use otherwise. Sorry cutie~
[the next page of the letter is a list of local restaurants, many with recommended dishes written next to them. There's also a fair number of heart shapes and "I love you"s doodled around the edges of the paper]
I hope you'll try at least some of those and tell me what you think. The more you talk about it honestly, the more it's beginning to grow on me. I do want to go back and visit with you, my love. I miss it, even if I don't want to admit that. It would be so much fun to sight see with you, being able to just meander aimlessly through the city, not a care in the world, and with you by my side... That sounds amazing. I'd want nothing more. Perhaps for our honeymoon~? [the last sentence of the paragraph is crossed out with a single streak of ink cutting through it]
Your photos are all amazing, darling. I just wish I had as many to send you in return, but unfortunately I don't own a camera, nor can I afford to leave the library long enough to travel to Liyue and buy one. That being said, Albedo does have one, and he already took that first photo. Darling, I'm curious, and please, *please* say no if it would bother you even slightly. If I... Perhaps wanted to take some... Pictures, just for your enjoyment~ ...would you mind if I had Albedo continue to serve as the photographer? I want my baby to be thinking of me, especially since I'm not there to pleasure you myself~💜 again, PLEASE say no if you'd have any problem with that. Or I could ask Jean if that would be better. I just want to treat my princess to some candy~
That line is going to have me up all night, I swear. I do wish I was there for you in every sense, but goodness does my heart ache for you. I miss the way you taste so much, my precious little munchkin~ you're not going to sleep at all the first night you're back in my arms, I hope you know that. I'm going to edge you so hard you'll cry for me, hehe~ I'm a little peeved you didn't take notice of my comment about punishing you! There will be ropes involved when you return to me. Just the way you always like it, cutie~ tell me, how bad do you miss me? Miss my tongue you love so much~? Don't worry baby--you'll get everything you could ever want for when you come home. I can't wait to taste you~ goodness, excuse me a moment baby... I need to scratch an itch before I finish writing this letter, hehe...~
Okay, I'm back. That was quite the itch, it just kept coming back~ that picture you sent with this letter may have helped with that... Celestia, you're so so beautiful, my rose..~ I love you so much.
Where was I... Ah yes. I'm very glad you've been eating and sleeping properly. Such a good girl you always are~💜 and don't worry; I'm taking care of myself as well. I've been becoming more adjusted to the late nights lately, since your letters often arrive around this hour(it's 11:30 right now, although up until a page ago it had been 10:15, hehe...). I don't mind it at all, since you know I love to sleep in anyway. I love reading your letters sweetheart. They truly do carry your love across the distance. I'm so happy that you're my partner. I love you so so much. I reread your letters every day, they put such a smile on my face.
Also, what's this about ideas you're having ever since I mentioned the uniform? Tell me!! Pretty please~? 💜
I'm going to call my letter to a close here, before I end up needing a bigger envelope, hehe~ I love you so much, starlight. Please take care, and I hope you're well rested when you read this. Hopefully I can put a smile on your beautiful face. I just wish I was there to see it. I love you so much, take care and write me back when you can, promise~?
Yours Always,
- Lisa 🌺💜
Milddd nsfw here muaH <33
Hi, love, I’m so happy that you like your gift! I love you very much as well— hopefully it can give you comfort on some particularly hard nights where I cannot be with you, dearest. Sort of like a reminder that although I cannot be there with you in person, you always carry a piece of my heart with you, you know?
I’ll be sure to relay your message to Cyno and Collei! They were rather surprised when they found out I was your girlfriend, haha! In a good way, of course— they’ve been great company so far.
And don’t worry about the other scholars, Lisa dear. I can handle them plenty fine. I’m sure they’ll go running if I even so much as imply that you wouldn’t be pleased with them for their behavior, my love. They wouldn’t want to mess with one of the best sorcerers to ever roam those halls, you know?
Regarding the lectures, they offered to loan me some textbooks actually, but I had to turn them down since, well, I am just an observer, and carrying so many books with me to and fro would weigh me down. Still, although I sometimes get confused while I observe, It’s such a fun and interesting experience! I can’t say I’m remembering every bit of knowledge I hear, but I’ve definitely learned at least a thing or two.
Just yesterday, there was a bit of a lull in lectures that I was attending— something about one of the scholars who had agreed to host me taking their class out to fieldwork, and I was unable to accompany them. So I took the time to check out some of the restaurants you listed for me! I went to just one of them for lunch, since I didn’t want to get too full throughout the day, and I enjoyed it very much!! I included a picture of one of the dishes you noted for me (a best seller of theirs, apparently) and I didn’t regret purchasing it at all. It was so good! In my free time, it’s one of the recipes that I hope to familiarize and bring back home to you— I think you’ll rather like it, especially since there’s no meat. Hopefully I’ll get good enough at making it that you’ll be able to savor the flavor too!
Though, I don’t mind either if you’d rather return with me next time, and we can have a dinner date here? I really like the ambiance of the place— its both romantic and private. And the view from the balcony here is absolutely magical. Or we can maybe visit a couple of the other restaurants you’ve recommended to me? I doubt that I’ll be able to try all of them this time, and being able to experience it with you would make the experience a million times better.
Also, regarding the photos you mentioned— well, I’m fine with it if you are. As long as you’re comfortable with whoever is photographing you love, then it’s perfectly alright with me. Besides, I know that we’re devoted to each other, so there’s no cause for me to be uncomfortable 💞 If you so wish to grant me such photos, I eagerly await them, love! They’re not the same as you being here, of course, but I’m sure they could help me with how much I miss you.
And ah, sending such things only makes me miss you more! Perhaps I should take a good, long rest before I come back to Mondstadt, if you plan to keep me up all night. And who says I didn’t notice your comment? Perhaps I was just teasing you by keeping quiet about it, especially if I know what’s awaiting me back home. And yes, I miss you so so much, I miss your tongue and you lips, your touch on my skin, the way you hold me and make me feel so good each and every time— Love, really, if your intention with that letter was to get me all worked up, then safe to say you’ve succeeded. My, I doubt I’m going to be getting any sleep tonight, thinking of you.
And regarding that bit about the Academy uniform… well, I might have found a local seamstress who was willing to make me a version of it, tailored to my measurements. It’s not ready quite yet, but hopefully I can send you some photographs soon 💞
By the way, love, there’s no need to have to wait up for my letters, not if you’re not getting enough sleep! I don’t mind waiting a bit for your reply as long as I know you’re sleeping on time. I worry about you as much as you worry about me, so for both your sake and mine, promise me you’ll get enough sleep? Either way, though, I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself, dearest. It makes me happy, knowing that you and the others are doing well. I love you very, very much you know? Please continue to stay safe, dearest, and know that I’m always missing you.
And, well, regarding a proper proposal, though I can’t say I haven’t thought of it before (how could I not? I can fully envision spending the rest of my life with you) I would much prefer if I were able to give you the ring and ask you in person, love. That being said, take the bracelet as a promise that I’ll return to you soon— and hopefully with a ring that I think you’ll like and a question that I plan to ask you.
All the best wishes, dearest. I love you very much 💞
—Catte 💞
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nyomjoong · 4 years
boyfriend! Hongjoong headcanon
Hongjoong as your boyfriend headcanon
Purely self indulgence, i miss Hongjoong so much pls
Genre: fluff
Word count: 836
Member: hongjoong
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Boyfriend hongjoong is literally the best boyfriend ever!
I fucking love this concept so much, it just pure *chefs kiss*
Ok ok SO
He asked you out in a really cute way
Guess what he did 
Guess, i dare you 
Yes that's right, he wrote you an ep 
And entire ep 
5 whole songs about you, for you and just for you and your ears 
Normally he'd write songs and put them in a usb BUT bc it’s for you, he burned it on a cd
The cd had little doodles that reminded him of you 
Little flowers bc when he first saw you your tote had a little illustration of baby's breath which he found cute, coffee bc you always gave him coffee when he's working on songs in his studio, the sun bc of ur bright smiles and your bright ideas and overall warm demeanour, butterflies bc you gave him butterflies
In the back it says “ to my muse, this is my thanks”
Song names are probably something like coffee, muse, red and white chrysanthemums, question, hidden track: at last. 
You think its an early birthday present so you just go about your day normally for a couple of days while joongs quite literally losing hair bc of how stressed you’re making him 
Once you listened to the album attentively, you cried because you felt his genuine love and compassion with his music. 
You stop several times during the ep bc you were just too overwhelmed with emotions, you barely got through the album
When the question came on you were confused as to where the song was going because the song was all over the place going from one tangent to another, it confused you a fuckton. 
It was still good but confusing
When the audio stopped you thought your computer fucked up but then you hear a sigh
It was hongjoongs sigh, in a muffled voice he said “ I know this song confused you and to be honest all that was just procrastination.” joong laughed “isn't an ideal way to do things but you really do mean alot to me and i hope that this ep was able to convey some of my feelings to you ” you can hear him take a deep breath “y/n will you go out with me?”
You were crying and laughing at the same time, your heart felt so full at that moment. 
You grabbed your phone and texted him 
“you’re such a dense dumbass”
“I'm coming over to the studio, Coffee?”
Joongs on the other side freaking out bc he thought he got his answer 
He was kinda disappointed
Hed text back 
 HJ “Ashjflsfhas, what did i do?”
HJ “yes please :((”
Right when he opened the door, you said “Yes”
You rolled your eyes as you set down the drinks on the table
Mans was so fucking confused He's still trying to figure it out. He’s just frozen by the door
You ruffle his hair and kiss him “God, you're so frustrating sometimes, i'm all yours joong”
He’d hug the fuck out of you and spin you around, you and him chill at the studio for the rest of the day and once you get home you realized you didnt finish listring to the ep
Ugly sobbing and crying when you hear At Last
As a couple, you and joong are the IT couple of the school
People do be jealous cause he was kinda popular and you were too so 
You and joongs will always have some sort of matching piece, whether that be an earring, a shoe, a bag, a jacket, the colour scheme of your fit. 
Always have something matching
Not exactly the same fit type of matching, but the ones where if you and joong were to stand next to each other it looks aesthetically pleasing as a whole.
Ur dates? museum , Opera, themed cafes, art galleries
Why? Simple,  joong inspiration from the art pieces you see and translate that into his songs 
Lots of boyfriend pics for ur lockscreens
Most of the time the both of you are just chilling in his studio listening to him make songs and what not while you study
Sometimes he'd pick you up from class with coffee or boba
He's literally the sweetest
For your anniversaries, he'd give you customized presents and songs
Constant “can you listen to this for me? I want to know what you think” and “I miss you, can you come give me kisses?” text
His love language? Giving you coffee unprompted during days where he knows you stayed up late doing a project or studying
Forehead kisses is his more subtle way of saying I love you 
Constantly tweets “i miss my gf :((”
You often worry about him not getting enough sleep and nutrition or that people take advantage of his kindness 
Overall he's so clingy, hard working and selfless. 
You wouldn't have it any other way tho, afterall hongjoong isn't hongjoong without these traits
bdjsjdjd i hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it.
be safe ♡︎
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veralovemail · 4 years
Hi! I would love myself a matchup if it's ok 👉👈
I'm female and pan, I'd prefer one of the males tho, Survivors please!
So uhhhh I differ in my personality a lot depending on the situation! I'm more of a loner around strangers IRL— shy, quiet, I don't like interacting and prefer to stay by the sidelines since being in the middle makes me uncomfy.
I try to be as polite as I can, even keeping in my opinions and pain a lot as to not Hurt anyone. I also tend to blame myself a lot for bad situations I'm a part in unless I know I absolutely didn't do anything!
Also I'm quite hot headed and have a bad temper, though I'm working on it! I have quite the problem with guilt and it comes to me fairly quickly when I do something bad.
Ah yeah I'm really forgetful and also really impatient KNRKS
Now- online!!
I'm a lot more open and chaotic. I like to tease my friends and jokingly make fun of them, etc. I try and stop when they tell me to, but I might understand it as them just joking too if they write it that way in my eyes-
I try to look on the positive side for them and their situations and am always willing to make someone happy even without words since it makes me happy too. I'd say I'm caring to a fault- I don't let loose until they finally do something healthy that they've been avoiding and I do get rather angry if I'm not taken seriously with that, causing me to maybe lash out at someone unwillingly,,- and then guilt pops in like "hi there 😍" KDHDJDJ
I encourage anyone to vent, though I'm not the best at giving advice. I'm more of a person who likes to listen and give support if they need it. Oh yeah- my attention span is REALLY short (as short as me good ol' 5'1 me aNENSJJSJD) so I get distracted pretty easily and procrastinate then.
As for hobbies: I love to draw! (As you might know-)Music is my life (especially Jazz) and video games are, too. Though mostly singleplayer Games since I only really like multiplayer with friends-
What else can I write..
Maybe like- I'm an ISFP-T And I think it was 5w6 that I was given by another test
I also got Philophobia, the fear of falling in love because of bad experiences but I'm tryna work on it!!
I guess I can also write about my appearance? I've got short, curly but chaotic black hair that's p much swept to the side- I'm definitely not that skinny lmao- and as I've said before, I'm 5'1! I usually wear casual clothes (hoodies, e.g!! They're so comfy...) I also got brown eyes and glasses!
I think that should be it.. ah yeah! In your introduction, you should prolly add your ID for others to add you because name search doesn't work! :0
Ok that's really it now- take your time, don't rush yourself and stay safe and hydrated!! 💕💕 Hope your blog takes off!
Sorry for my English by the way- I'm German so I might've messed up on a few things!
OH MY LORD I DID NOT KNOW THAT I HAD TO PUT IN MY ID... oml... thank u for telling me that. and don't worry about it, i can see how it'd be difficult (i actually studied german for my gcses :], it was very fun) but anyways! tysm for sending in btw!! i loved writing this, i hope u enjoy - mod vera ♡
i match you with ... naib subedar!
he kinda takes on to your quiet personality, unlike some of the other people around the manor. it's relaxing to be around somebody who doesn't talk much.
you two most likely met when robbie came over to the survivors' side of the mansion, jokingly demanding sweets... but it most likely sounded authentic. and oh god, is that an axe-
you two accidentally locked eyes but you both had a " ah shit, here we go again " face. it just kinda went from there.
at first, he's a tough nut to crack, but if you try hard enough, within a month or so you gain his trust and he .. deems you a friend?
you both kinda start falling for eachother after a period of time, but naib is great at hiding it BUT SIKE, so are you! it's like a game of who can pine for the other in the most subtle way possible.
however, if you tell him about your own troubles with falling in love, he may just open up a little too about his own troubles.
it's takes a while for you two to build a relationship, but eventually (after a lot of rescues, late night hangouts and just being near eachother) you make it!
when he learns about your more chaotic side, naib tries to keep up with you as best he can, he may just need a little tug to do so.
he loves your smile, especially the one you have when you're talking about your passions.
he also tries to help with your temper, but he's just as bad as you are.
however, he's there whenever you have a bad day - he can almost instantly tell, even if you try keep it to yourself. it could be the way you look at him, try to smile or talk, he does notice the change in your aura.
since your shorter than him, he likes holding you. it makes him feel like he's just protecting you from anything and anything, especially on one of your bad days.
he likes your optimism, looking on the good side of every situation. he once saw you trying to comfort robbie when he started crying about not finding any sweets around and you told him "look on a brightside robbie! now we know for next time to stash some away for you before we eat it all!" AND OH GOD, IS THAT AN AXE?
naib gets frequent nightmares about his time being a hired merc, so sometimes you may get woken up at 3 am because he's a bit distressed and needs a bit of comfort.
other times, he just finds holding you while you're fast asleep enough to put him back in a coma for the next 2 hours.
naib also encourages you to talk to him about stuff. whether it be what made you mad, how much of a bitch vera can be, ect. he's there for you and that man is never gonna let you carry your burdens alone.
saying that, you also have to remind him that he can't carry his own burdens sometimes and when you encourage him to talk to you about what's upsetting him, he'll most likely tell, depending on how bad it is.
he also grounds you a lot!! if you tell him about your forgetfulness, he's most likely going to try and remind you.
" hey, [ name ], you did bring [ item ] into the match, right? "
" um... "
" goddamnit [ name ], i thought i reminded you "
naib takes it upon himself to rescue you, or keep you within his general vicinity if you're in a match with him. he does know you can kite very well though! he just wants you near him for a bit of reassurance.
he can be mean sometimes, but he means it in the most endearing way possible since most of it is sarcasm.
you two kinda have " stab as a warning " vibes so nobody really opposes the two of you. even norton. not even freddy dares to oppose you because the last time he did, aesop almost had to prepare his equipment to embalm the poor fella.
when you lash out at someone, naib is there almost immediately to take you away to calm down and comfort you when your guilt kicks the door down and goes " Hey girlie! Hold still 😎 "
sometimes you have to do the same for him because you both have a tendency to lash out.. but.. never at eachother? you two kinda agree on the same things, there isn't much to exactly disagree on.
please draw him!! watch him while he's training in the garden and draw him, or just a few silly doodles of him.
he likes looking at your drawings, it kinds boosts his ego knowing that he's worthy enough to be drawn.
if he finds out that you like music, he'll tell you about nepalese music, or at least what he knew of it - if you both get engrossed in it, he may try and get you some records to play.
teach him how to dance, if you can. it'd make listening to music together way more fun.
he's very content with you!! he likes kissing you out of nowhere, too. you could just be chilling and naib would come up to you, turn you around and give you a smooch outta nowhere. but only in private.
i feel like neither of you would be big on pda, you just stick to holding hands around the manor.
if this were in a modern setting, you two could probably play a game like phasmaphobia together just for funsies.
all in all, your relationship with naib is mutually beneficial and robbie has learned to never ask for sweets again.
i hope you enjoy this <3 it's my first time writing naib too so i apologise if it's not very good </3
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tringstarruuu · 4 years
hi, i love your art style so much it's very pretty ;-; teach me your ways <33
Uwah~ Thank youuu >u< hmm im not that confident to show my process yet bec im so indecisive while making art ;;; BUT here are some tips that helped me improve 1. Find artists that you love the art style the most, that you feel leaning towards to and study their works. That’s how I slowly developed my art style. I followed a LOT of Japanese/Korean artists since I noticed most of their works have intricate details, aesthetically pleasing and filled with symbolisms and oriental designs. Which I truly adore and I want to apply to my art plus. I’m a big fan of Alphonse Mucha of the Art Nouveau so from studying their works I slowly develop this current style! To make it easier, make a folder and compile the artists works. :D 2. Take your time! When making art, don’t rush your process and just enjoy it. Learn from it too as well. Funny bec my artworks take me at least a week or even a month bec I procrastinate a lot -__- (which is my flaw pls do not do that) and I tend to look up and adore newly discovered artists. 3. Make a LOT of studies in between your main pieces. Even just doodles and sketches help improve certain fundamentals you think you still need to improve i.e. anatomy, colors, environment, perspective and so on. I recommend to do it traditionally since it helps ease your eyes from staring at your screen, its relaxing and refreshing too.  4. Be kind to yourself~ Take breaks and eat snacks. Bring a water bottle with you to be hydrated always. If you feel stuck at your current piece, pause and take a refresher (you can also do the #3!) and stretch and think about your process and find a solution to solve the problem.  It’s important to know that by improving and developing your art you should prioritize your health and time too. <3  I hope this helps ;w;
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somuchfuckingsalt · 5 years
It takes Percy a while to figure out what he wants to major in in college. 
The guidance councillor at his school had given him numerous different career quizes but every time Percy went through the list of suggested careers nothing particularly sparked his interest.
At least nothing that would require a four year bachelor’s degree.
He knows right off the bat that he’s not going to pick a career that requires him majoring in a humanity - he wouldn’t survive a single semester if he majored in something that required a lot of reading and essay writing.
When it came to math he did pretty good at the problem solving aspect, it was just he tended to mix up formulas and numbers.
Annabeth was the one that suggested a science. Those classes were always the ones that he did the best in, particularly when he could apply the questions to real world examples. The only school assignments he ever gotten Bs or As in were science labs, since they required more hands on skill and less reading and sitting and focusing.
He ponders doing marine engineering and designing ships and boats for the rest of his life. He’s spent enough time with Beckendorf and Tyson to know that he enjoys building and making things but if he’s being perfectly honest the idea of majoring in an engineering course - which are commonly very difficult - freaks him out so he decides against it.
He settles on marine biology, though he won’t admit it’s settling. He loves the ocean and ocean animals and already knows a lot about them. And it’s a science, which is a kinder subject to him than others.
He thinks he’ll be alright so long as he keeps himself on a schedule like he did while he was trying to play catch-up after the kidnapping incident made him miss half a school year.
He thinks that because he has an interest in the ocean, than it’ll be easier for him to pay attention through his classes. 
He’s just a tad wrong.
It’s not that he does poorly in his classes or that he isn’t able to maintain (for the most part) a good studying schedule. New Rome is even catered to demigods so his ADHD is accommodated.
His dyslexia isn’t entirely though, which is a disappointed, as part of New Rome’s way of helping their dyslexic students is to have things be in Latin, which Percy cannot read.
He’s passing. His assignments are getting in on time (mostly) and he’s getting better at not procrastinating (a lie he tells himself) and he is really good at his labs (that one’s true).
He’s a mediocre student, really. He’s not in danger of failing but he’ll never make the honour roll. So his grades aren’t the issue.
The fact that he’s fucking miserable is the issue.
He’s constantly worried about school. Worried about his inability to stop procrastinating. Worried about that one assignment that dipped his grade just a little too low. Worried about that if he takes one night off to relax he’ll wind up falling behind.
But most of all, he’s always, always, thinking about how much he just Does Not want to do that assignment. Or go to that class. Or read that chapter.
He Does Not.
He wants to go swimming. Or surfing. Or work on his car because the old junker is the only thing he could afford. He wants to hang out with Tyson in the forge or doodle while Annabeth makes drafts.
He won’t admit it. Or show it. But he’s not happy.
Paul’s the one that notices.
Well, he doesn’t really see any signs that Percy is truly not a Happy Camper at college, but he’s the one that asks Percy the most questions about how school is going, his study habits, etcetera. Mainly because as a teacher that’s taken many a required course on how to help kids with learning disabilities, he knows a bunch of different ways kids like Percy can manage through school.
So Paul’s the one that Percy mentions to that he can’t go back to his dorm after his morning class because then he won’t want to leave again and he’ll wind up skipping his afternoon class.
And Paul’s the one that Percy complains to when he talks about lab reports and the very, very thick and expensive textbooks all of his science classes have and there’s just sooooo much reading.
And Paul’s the one that Percy asks for a way to keep himself focused the whole way through that one three hour class he has because it’s hard enough to do so in the 90 minute classes but three hours is damn near impossible.
So when Percy makes an off-handed comment when they’re IMing one day about how Paul managed to convince himself to go to classes he hated in college, Paul asks which classes he hates.
Percy’s joking when he says all of them but Paul can see the truth behind his smile.
So Paul keeps asking, trying to be subtle and kind of failing at it. Percy’s very insistent that he likes college. That’s going to get his degree. That he just complains because school is always stressful and complaining relieves stress.
But when Percy comes home for Christmas Paul quietly takes him aside and reminds him that it’s okay to not go to take some time off school if he’s not entirely sure marine biology is what he wants to do or is happy with.
Percy assures him that yes, he wants a marine biology degree but by this point neither of them are convinced.
A few days later Paul brings it up again, and mentions that since Percy’s on a scholarship if he took time off or dropped out he wouldn’t be wasting any of his parents’ money and he wouldn’t be in debt.
A few days after that, Paul starts asking him if he ever thought of being a firefighter, or a cop, or going into trades. Percy admits that yes, he had, but he wants a degree.
The next thing Paul does is straight up putting a stack of papers detailing the training, salaries, and job prospects for firefighters, cops, and a variety of trade vocations he thinks Percy might be interested in on Percy’s bed where they won’t be missed.
When Percy says goodbye to head back to New Rome Paul tells Percy that it’s okay if Percy doesn’t want to get a four year degree. It’s not his only option. It won’t make him any less smart or any less successful if he doesn’t. He’d support him. Sally and Annabeth would understand.
Percy, frustrated, insists that Paul’s reading into things wrong, that his issues at college are just stress and adapting to a new environment.
Paul looks at him long and says, “If you say it’s what you want, I believe you and I’ll support you, but if you ever change your mind I’ll help you with that too.”
And Percy goes back to college, still insisting it’s what he wants and that he can do better once he adapts to the new structure. But if he changes his mind, he’ll give Paul a call.
He makes that call before the month is out.
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wxyvision · 5 years
Dear First Love {3/4}
Genre: angst, fluff
Word count: 2,106
Part 1 | Part 2
Dear first love,
So you heard, from either Guanheng or Mark, I assume, that I wanted you to teach me how to dance. I mean, I was sort of serious, I thought it could be a good way to get closer to you whilst doing something fun. I wasn’t actually expecting them to tell you, though. I should thank you for actually offering to teach me, and for not laughing at my bad dancing. I was surprised that you bought food and drinks for me, I really wasn’t expecting you to do that. The food was tasty, thank you. You keep making me fall for you more and more with your sweet actions. It’s not fair, how do I make your heart melt? How do I make you fall for me the way I have done for you? I keep hoping maybe I’ll get really good at dancing and your heart will flutter. I can hope, huh? You were really patient with me, I appreciated that. I think I would have gotten frustrated after a while! Also, did you notice that my Mandarin improved a lot? I’ve been studying hard recently! Guanheng still doesn’t know that I’m learning for you, I think he thinks I’m learning because a lot of the boys speak the language and not because I have feelings for you. We talked a lot whilst you taught me, it was fun. Did you enjoy it too? I hope maybe we can do it again in the future, even though I’m nowhere near as talented as you are. Even if I mess up all of the steps, I would be a fun time as long as I get to spend it with you! I wish I had something to share with you in return as a thank you, but you’re already into acting, so it’s nothing new to you. What can I do?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
Guess how long it’s been since we met! It’s been a whole two years!! Right now it’s nearing the summer holidays and I’m really looking forward to it. Especially since we made plans to hang out over the summer, both alone and with the boys. Just as long as we don’t go camping, I don’t want anyone to break a bone or anything. Perhaps we could visit the zoo! Or maybe the beach? Again, I would love to go to the theme park all together, but I can imagine that it would be chaos! Can you imagine a group of teens running around like kids in a sweetshop? Yeah... maybe that would be one for just us two, or us and a couple others. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Oh, but I forgot you’re afraid of heights, aren’t you, my little chicken wing? Perhaps that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all.. I’m sure we’ll find something that everyone wants to do! Do you have any other plans for the summer holidays? I know you said something about trying to visit home for a week or two, I hope you get to spend some quality time with your family, you must miss them a lot. My summer holidays will be spent either hanging out with you and the boys or doing random little doodles when I get bored of eating ice cream in the park. Ha, just kidding, I’ll never get tired of eating ice cream. Especially if the other person is paying ;). I should do a doodle of you, but I would have to do a doodle of everyone so it doesn’t seem like I’m only drawing you. After all, I don’t want to make my feelings obvious, especially because I don’t know how you feel… Damn, why can’t I just tell you? It seems so silly to be so scared. You wouldn’t run away, right?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
Summer flew by fast! I think it's because I had a lot of fun. We should be able to meet up once before school starts again, right? We got the chance to hang out a lot over the summer, which was amazing. We all went to the beach a couple of times... that was complete chaos, but it was funny when we all tried to throw Mark in the water. He still uses that against me. You wouldn't believe how many ice creams he's gotten out of me. At least YangYang managed to get us free ice cream out of the oldie hehe. Did you enjoy the little water fight? We were on the same team, weren't we? I always knew you were secretly competitive! You were a good shot, better than me at least. I wish we could do that again some time. There's always next summer, isn't there? I hope we'll all stay in contact when we leave. It's our last year here now, and then we will have graduated. It's kind of sad to think that I may never see you and the other boys after then, but I hope we at least talk sometimes, even if it's not as much as we do now. I'm just gonna enjoy this year as much as I can and make even more amazing memories with you! We made plans to hang out often, assuming school doesn't get in the way too much. I won't be doing any performing this year, I have enough on my plate with exams and that, but I volunteered to be a stagehand, so I'll still be pretty busy. Not too busy that I can't see you, I hope. Maybe we can all go bowling again like we did over the summer. It was a little difficult since we couldn't all play against one another, but it was fun to have a friendly competition. And how could I forget? You and me going to the zoo together, just the two of us. It turns out you were just as excited to see all of the animals as I was. Although I wasn't just happy because of seeing the animals, but because I got to spend time with you, too. We took many photos, didn't we? I hope we can both look back at that day with fondness. I know I will. If only it could have been a date, but I will settle for a hangout for now. Perhaps one day?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
It was your birthday on Wednesday! You're another year older and wiser (and sweeter) now. I know this year it was a bit less organised than before, but everyone has been busy with school work recently so we had less time to make proper plans. It's regretful, especially since this is the last year celebrating your birthday like this. Still, it was nice to have a more relaxing celebration, don't you think? Well, apart from Lucas starting a high note battle and nearly getting us kicked out. But it's those kind of memories that we'll keep in our hearts. The two of you had two cakes (lucky!). Unfortunately one of them was allowed to be decorated by Donghyuk and Guanheng… sorry about that. They really made a mess, didn't they? Still, they were proud of their "artwork". It was cute, though… kinda. You looked really happy the whole time, I don't think I ever saw that smile leave your face, not even for one second. I'm really glad that spending time with us made you so happy. We also celebrated Halloween together, didn't we? It was pretty cool seeing everyone dress up in fun costumes. You looked super handsome as always! It probably wasn't a good idea to watch spooky movies though. All I kept hearing was someone screaming… and I could see a few of the boys hiding behind cushions. But then Johnny put on a Halloween playlist and we had a mini rave. I don't think I've ever seen anyone waving strawberry pencils like a lightstick before. It's these sort of things we learn not to question after a while, huh? It was good to spend more time with you, school has been pretty hectic recently. It seems that every class has a million and one assignments to complete and to blink would be wasting time. Still, that's no excuse not to party! ...Maybe that's why I'm so behind. I hope things are going well for you. I hope your classes aren't too crazy and that work isn't piled up high for you <3
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
Christmas has come and gone! How was it for you? I heard that you went home to see your family this year. I know how much you've been missing them from the conversations that we've had lately. I keep seeing photos of you and your family on your Instagram. You look absolutely adorable in that Christmas sweater! I can tell how happy you are to be home from how wide your smile is and from the twinkle in your eyes. I wish for you to be that happy always. I can't wait to hear all about your Christmas when school starts again. I wonder what sort of presents you got. I bet you got something really cool, right? Did you eat well? There was so much food for me, but I ate a lot! I mostly received money and small gifts but I treasure those gifts a lot because they were so thoughtful. Did you enjoy the presents you got from me and the boys? I know mine wasn't that much but it's the thought that counts, right? I know how much you like those. Are you flying back for New Year's Eve? Johnny is throwing a party to see in the new year. I hope that you'll be there but if not, then happy new year. I hope next year treats you even better. Time seems to fly by so fast, doesn't it? It feels like only a week ago that the year began, yet it's already ending! Are you planning on making a resolution? I never stick to mine. I always promise myself that I'll eat healthier, or procrastinate less, or sleep better but I never do. I wonder if it's the same for you.
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
I wasn't going to write another letter so soon but I have to get these feelings out of my head and onto this page. I'm glad you were there for the party. You looked handsome as ever, although was I really expecting you not to? You were wearing the cutest sweater I've ever seen. It looked so good on you, but then again what doesn't look good on you? That was… I'm sorry. I'm glad you enjoyed the party. It was nice to spend time with you again after not seeing you for a bit. I heard all about your Christmas with your family. It made me wish I had been there, it sounded so homely and sweet. Your family sound lovely. It's no wonder you're such a sweet person when your family is also that sweet. Still, I'm now wishing that I was busy that day. Or sick. Or for some reason I hadn't been there. As much as it kills me to say that, that's how I feel. Despite being so happy to see you and talk to you and spend lots of time with you, I wish that I hadn't been there. But we can't take back that now, can we? If you were reading this now I bet you'd be wondering why I felt like this, wouldn't you? It sounds so silly, and I shouldn't be so upset over it, but it still hurts. I had always wished that one day I'd have a new years kiss. Maybe I should have been more specific with that wish. I felt so bad. It'll be awkward to see Mark tomorrow. Actually, I don't know if I will. It depends how things go I guess, but I hope things will be okay between us, he's the best best friend I've ever had and I don't want to lose that. I feel bad that he was kissing me yet the only person I could see was you. I feel bad that I don't feel that way for him, and now our friendship is threatened by one stupid kiss. And I wish I felt that way for him because then it wouldn't hurt so much seeing you kissing someone else… I don't know if you have feelings for them or not, but either way the image still makes me heart feel heavy.
Little dumpling
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Chocobros + Ravus as Students
here are some headcanons--i’ve been working on them for a bit. enjoy!
Bored. Bored bored. He is very bored, all the time
Has no fear of being late to class, so he leisurely strolls to class with his mind on other things
Or at least, he pretends not to
In saying that, he is never late. No one knows how.
In reality, he’s used warping multiple times to go in through the windows (only a few students see it, but no one ever believes them)
Ignis once caught sight of Noctis hanging off a window outside his class, begging him to open the window. He didn’t.
Procrastinates like fuckin crazy
If there was an olympic sport for it, he would probs get a gold medal unless he decided to do it later ofc
He’s that bastard who barely studies but does just fuckin fine
His favorite class is actually language arts, surprisingly
He enjoys analyzing literature and whatnot, although he absolutely hates writing essays for it
Contrary to what one might think, he doesn’t sleep in class. He wants to, but he doesnt
Still, that doesn’t mean he pays attention
He zones out a lot
Teachers try to pick on him to speak when they think he doesn’t know the answer, but he always gets it right (once again, no one knows how)
Doodles out of boredom in the margins of his notes
I mentioned that he doesn’t sleep during class, but he does sleep during lunch and guided study type of periods
You can often find him the library
He likes to sneak in naps between shelves
Sometimes you can catch sight of him lounging somewhere on a bench, an open book resting over his eyes
He tries oh my lord
He tries SO HARD
He studies like crazy to the best of his abilities, he raises his hand when he can in class (despite the massive anxiety it causes), HE JUST TRIES SO HARD OH MY GOD
But he still doesn’t always do so hot
He’s the student who studies for 3 hours each night leading up to an exam and still gets a 63
He cries every time
Is fueled by caffeine and pure anxiety
He, too, doodles in the corners of his notes and zones out sometimes
Despite his poor test grades, Prom is actually really smart
He just has really, really bad testing anxiety
Pop quizzes make him cry
Tries to keep a planner for classes but forgets to write in them
He makes lists of the things he has to do for hw on the back of his hand
Teachers like him a lot, they see the spark of curiosity in his eyes and the eagerness in how he raises his hand and are happy to see his genuine curiosity (at least, in the classes he likes)
Speaking of classes
He hates math. It’s boring, doesn’t make sense, and makes his head hurt
However, he does like science
He loves learning how things work and he always has the most specific, odd questions for his science teachers
LOVES his art classes
He sometimes tries to take more than one art class a semester but it usually doesnt fit into his schedules
He’s not great at 2D art in them, but he outshines everything in photography
After his photography class, his 3D sculpting class is his fave
He likes to mold things with his hands and create something 3D, despite the fact that they don’t always come out great
Overall, he does his best as a student (for the most part)
Every teacher loves him, every teacher wants him, every student wants to be him…
He aces every test and quiz, gets 100s on almost everything, and hoo boi does he look good while he does it
His handwriting his immaculate, his notes are comprehensive, his questions are applicable...my god he is an absolute dream student
Everything he does seems like it takes no effort, but no one knows how much he really studies…
In reality, he spends every single waking moment working for either Noctis or school
He’s always studying, always working on practice problems or other assignments, and always putting in an absolute metric fuckton of effort
He’s insanely good with math and science (especially math)
His favorite class is math, purely based on the fact that every question has a single right answer derived from a methodical process
His least favorite is actually language arts
He hates sitting in a seat and having to decide an author’s meaning and symbolism, part of him thinks it’s incredibly tedious and stupid, despite the fact that the other part of him understands the critical thinking aspect of it
Everyone always fights to have him in their groups for projects and he usually gets at least three students a day begging him to tutor them
His answer is almost always no
He’s willing to help out here and there if someone has a question, but he simply doesn’t have the time to tutor anyone
Is a member of student body government and somehow he was dragged into being on the student council (it wasn’t his idea)
Absolutely is the perfect student and nobody knows his secrets
Is absolutely underrated as a student
No one realizes how smart he is when they first see him in their class--they think, “hey, big buff guy--probs not that smart…”
Oh how wrong they are
He’s a genius
It only takes a week before other students and teachers to realize it
Confidently raises his hand when he has questions or comments--and god help any teacher who ignores him (they miss out on legitimately good insights)
Favorite classes are language arts and history
He loves reading literature and analyzing it, and goddamn does he LOVE writing essays on literature
He’s the bitch who actually likes assigned readings
He always makes incredibly great theses and amazing points in his essays, his teachers always ask him if they can keep his as examples for future classes
As for history, he likes to know the big WHY--why did this happen? Why did that happen? What does it mean in relation to this?
He has many questions and he is always determined to get answers to them, one way or another
Genuinely doesn’t mind reading textbooks, hell, sometimes he prefers it
Like Noctis, he can frequently be found in the library
Only Gladio is actually there for reading and doing work
Sometimes, he runs into Noctis there and always wakes him up by smacking him with a book or kicking him
He will shush people. Don’t think he won’t.
It pisses people off but when they see it’s Gladio shushing them, they’re too scared to respond
Librarians know him by name and stop in the hallway to talk to him (they love him so much omg)
They even let him eat in the library and talk a little bit provided he’s not a distraction
Overall, he’s a 10/10 student.
Doesnt have that many friends
His RBF kind of puts people off--he always looks like he wants to punch everyone in the face
Is quiet and respectful in class, but he NEVER talks or raises his hand (well, he does sometimes) except in the classes he actually likes
Teachers never call on him in the classes he doesn’t like either
When he likes a class, HE FUCKING LIKES A CLASS
And then he’ll never give any other student the time of day to speak--he asks questions out the wazoo or has comments and connections to make
He brings his own lunch (he hates the cafeteria food and lowkey likes having matching meals with Luna)
He’s the kind of student who knows the answer to everything but refuses to actually raise his hand
Instead, he grumpily thinks it and gets annoyed when a student he doesnt like gets it right, too
Lowkey, he thinks something along the lines of “Well, I knew it first”
Study skills??? Don’t know her
He was one of those students who was considered “advanced” or “smart” and understood things quickly when he was younger, but as he got older and classes got harder, he became kind of… average. Never developed proper study skills as a result so he gets angry at school bc of it
Still, he has the desire to learn, it’s just difficult for him (and his pride is too high for him to be okay with asking for help)
If he has a teacher he doesn’t like, though, he won’t even try to study
Talking to teachers scares him sometimes (me too, fam)
Either loves or hates the teachers who are coaches
Loves the cool ones bc of how lax they are, hates the douchey ones that yell at them for not doing better (@ his calculus teacher)
Overall? Probs avg student with avg grades, though he defo excels in his favorite classes
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v-le · 5 years
Ktravels / Klife: After a year in korea Final Thoughts
Foreword: Surprise, surprise, procrastination got the best of me for quite some time. But im back. And for the last time. At least for the last time regarding my year-long study abroad experience in Korea. Here lies the last bits and pieces of my heart that left behind such a wondrous lifestyle in such a complex country.
I guess this will be the last of my “Korean” writings for a while. I think I kept holding off on this because I didn’t want to solidify the fact that my journey abroad is officially over. I guess even being home and everything still doesn’t make me accept reality. All I can keep thinking these days is that exactly a year ago, I was sitting around every day, waiting for my summer to end & for me to hurry up and end up in Korea & I kept asking myself over and over and over and OVER, ceaselessly: “I wonder how my life will change once I live there. I wonder what my life would be like over there”.
And what’s crazy, is that even though I kept desperately trying to grasp that fact so intensely a year prior to today, I still don’t have the answer as I sit here in this seat. I still don’t think I can properly express what my 10 month-ish experience was like. I feel just as contemplative as I did a year ago.
I think ive been holding off writing this mostly because I don’t even know what to say. Why don’t I have anything to say? Hmm.. or more like, I have so much to say that I don’t even want to begin. Because once I do, and then once I wrap it all up, everything will truly be all over. It’ll solidify the fact that my year abroad is all done for, never to come back to me ever again.
I think my final post of my study abroad IG account, the one I posted every single day for, enclosed my immediate, final thoughts and feelings really well. I mean, I literally wrote that on the plane flying home, sooooo…
Maybe I should start with addressing my goals I set for myself before I left, and how those goals panned out upon my return. Very vaguely, one of my main pursuits was to “become fluent in Korean”. Even to this day, im not exactly sure what that constitutes and by my standards, I don’t really know to what extent I wanted to improve based on that statement…. But, I guess I just really really really wanted to practice communicating more and essentially feel comfortable speaking, reading, writing, and listening in this completely foreign language. And I mean even prior to arriving, I had already known how to read Hangul for like 8 years. So in terms of reading, I just got to practice a looottt and just brush up on my speed & precision, I guess. Listening has also never been too much of a struggle: years of pure absorption and drowning myself in Korean in every form possible has taken me this far, to be quite honest. It was never anything intentional, I just held onto more and more words as the years went by. And quite frankly, I’m pretty damn proud of myself for that. I guess my point is that I unknowingly wanted to focus on improving my writing and speaking. Which sounds a bit futile, because what was the ultimate purpose in expanding on these skills? When I cannot even use them outside of Korea? Hm… I didn’t think that far. I just knew I wanted to improve. Or no, I don’t even think I had any real basis before arriving anyway. I just wanted to get exposed to that side of the language and make some sort of progress. Because I enjoy it that much.
I didn’t even know how to write the strokes of Hangul characters properly. No one had ever taught me. For years, for the small words or phrases I might’ve scribbled down for fun or doodled my notebooks with, I just wrote what I knew, like pictures. I still, to this day, don’t know the proper strokes lol. It kinda makes me feel noob, but o well, ive made it this far nonetheless. In terms of speaking, of course, I had absolutely no background. There had never been a chance to practice this skill… in fact, if there were one, if I did speak Korean at some point before going to Korea, I feel like that would’ve been really weird anyway… I wasn’t learning it formally in a classroom or anything, so if I were to try…. To god-knows-who…… I dunno,  that doesn’t seem right to me. There was just never a proper place and time for me to use any sort of spoken Korean, and that made sense. Because I had such a wide range of “skills” under my belt when it came to this language prior to arriving, none of it was… “official”? None of it was ever proper…..? I am not really sure which word fits best, but the fact that I had known everything I knew at that time from pure Korean media absorption, it bothered me a lot actually.
I wanted to learn formally. I wanted to learn properly. So, I didn’t hesitate to take the intensive Korean language course at Yonsei, one that was 4-6pm every day, Monday-Friday, for the entire semester. What I did hesitate with though, very greatly, and a little regretfully, was the level in which I started learning formal Korean. A part of me is regretful, but I think I know in my heart it was the better decision. Speaking Korean with the teacher on the day of the placement test was probably my first time ever really speaking full sentences aloud to someone else & I can sorta recall it with slight embarrassment. Okay not even slight, like a ton lol I was such a nooooobbbb… I still ammmmm….anyway, based on that day’s tests, the teacher deemed me as able to start in level 2. But I rejected him. I told him I wanted to start at level 1. Because ive never learned properly before, I felt the need to start from the beginning. He told me that level 1 would begin with each Hangul character, pronouncing them one by one, etc. He asked if I’d be okay with going over all of that, and I told him it was fine.
My level 1 class ended up being more of a level 1.5 & we went much faster than all the other classes and didn’t even start with the basics that I was originally warned of. But still, quite frankly, level 1 KLI was butts easy and I didn’t even need to study for anything to do well. For that, im pretty proud of myself. I’m not trying to brag, but I’m actually just very glad that my skills I arrived with were at least up to par enough that I could complete 1 without much struggle. What I was most grateful for was that I got out of KLI was a lot of grammar basics. A lot of these structures I recognized and have probably used on my own before, but I didn’t know the rules properly myself, until I finally learned them in KLI. So really, if I didn’t take level 1, I really think I would’ve lost out on that basic foundation needed for learning more advanced things. Granted, I probably could’ve covered a lot of those things in my own time if I searched for the proper resources and had a stronger motivation. But I never did that by myself. So, I sorttttt offfff, “wasted time” in level 1.
The next semester, level 2, was also not too difficult. Some concepts were definitely a bit more challenging and less intuitive, but nothing impossible to understand. Overall, my semester 2 at Yonsei was when my Korean grew to the heights that I had hoped for. If I improved about 10% during semester 1, then I would say I improved 115% in semester 2. I don’t even know what that means myself, but my point is that I had many many manyyy more real life, application opportunities to use Korean. The biggest factor being my participation in Powers, the badminton team at Yonsei, that semester. Aside from the 2729017 other things that Powers influenced that semester, language was a big thing. At some point, many of my teammates considered me the “American that is really good at Korean”, but like, the over-exaggeration is real. Although one dude consistently talked to me in only English for the longest time, once I met beloved 익안언니, that English-only image of me died and I communicated with everyone else the same way they already communicated with each other: in Korean. I know that sounds….like…. idk, not a really big deal. Like wow good for you, you could communicate in a foreign language with these people. But my biggest deal with it was that if it weren’t for me being in Powers, I would not have practiced speaking or expanded my vocabulary or just LEARNED as much as I have. ESPECIALLY meeting 익안언니 was such a blessing. Although she is from Taiwan, she is a grad student studying Korean language and culture which already implies that she is basically fluent in Korean. And me, knowing absolutely no Chinese but at least having half-assed Korean skills, we only ever communicated in Korean from day 1. Since the day we met, the day she came up to me and asked if I wanted to warm-up with her and asked if I was a foreigner or not, and then revealing that shes actually a foreigner, too. That made us automatically click, because we realized we could both speak without feeling wary of sounding dumb or making mistakes in front of a REAL Korean person. Granted, other teammates always heard a lot of our conversations and sometimes joined in, too. The main point was that speaking Korean in that sense, was the best experience I could’ve asked for. Others may think the most ideal would be, y’know, a real Korean person. But, why be picky when the point is that I got to practice.
By the end of semester two, I had a kinda random idea, fueled by a conversation I had with a KLI classmate. She mentioned how she was studying for the TOPIK 2, the intermediate-advanced Korean fluency test for foreigners, and she decided to take it in Korea versus America because she heard it was easier and the 65th one would be held in Korea while she was there anyway. Upon hearing this, I only vaguely knew about this test, I didn’t think it to be that big of deal, yet in my head I knew I was always impressed with foreigners when they would say something like “yeah I placed level 6 (the highest mark) on the topik”. And so, I looked more into the test myself, and I was like hmm maybe I should try it out myself. 익안언니 mentioned that she actually needed to (re)take it too because her score from her last test is expiring soon. So very last minute, we decided to take it together. It costed money, but that was expected. I debated a lot in the beginning whether or not to take TOPIK 1 or 2, aka easy vs hard, but I decided to just fuck it, I just gotta make sure I study for reals and have more faith in my skills lol.
Im glad I made the right decision. I didn’t study as effectively for the test as I would’ve liked, but I did what I could given my circumstances. I was shooting for level 3. I at least wanted a LEVEL out of the test, not a blank score, which is what would be given if you can’t even manage the minimum level 3 out of the TOPIK 2. That test seriously HURT my brain LOL. As you get towards the end of each section, it gets ridiculously hard and there were 2475830 words I did not understand at all and the mere rows of sentences eventually turned into huge walls of text that filled the paper all the way to the edges  and o gosh, just imagine how brain frying those sorts of exams can be HAHAHAH.
In the end, I placed level 5. I was 8 points away from level 6. I was honestly very shocked and to this day, I think I just owe my score to me doing a good job at guessing correct answers, not my pure skills LOL. But above all else, I definitely underestimated myself. I really wanted to take the TOPIK to assess my Korean skills once and for all, definitively. But even after receiving my score, I still feel lost on how to accurately describe my skills. Does level 5 even cut it? Do I even have the right to call myself level 5? I got it though, right? Having drowned myself in Korean for 8 years & taken level 1 & 2 KLI, I was able to be lowkey fluent, I guess.
That’s pretty damn cool. Im pretty damn proud of myself. And yeah, idk, that’s that. LOL. Im not trying to brag about myself or anything. All of that was purely my journey with the Korean language, particularly in the context of studying abroad in Korea for a year. And in regards to my goal, I think I did a pretty good job. I can write long chunks of text without too much problem, I can speak a good amount, maybe not 100% flawlessly, but I can hold conversations, I can go weeks with only speaking Korean, and I think that’s pretty awesome progress that I made towards my goal. If anything, I may have surpassed my anticipations. Cool. LOL
 Another one of my main goals was to travel outside of Korea. Or not even that, just outside of SEOUL. Because as amazing that city alone is, I also knew that there is sooooo much to explore throughout the rest of the country and even in other nations. For second semester, I went to Tokyo in Japan, Bangkok in Thailand, Taipei and Tainan in Taiwan, and Busan, Jeonju, Jeju-do, and Yeosu in Korea. I was very blessed to travel to 3 other countries and hit a few beautiful areas outside of Seoul in Korea, too. Although it was a tiresome experience, I wouldn’t have traded it for anything else. Balancing school and travels and other commitments was ridiculously tough. Ive repeated this a lot but: all my snaps and ig updates may have looked like fun and games, but the burnout was real. Traveling with friends isn’t all fun and games.
I learned SO MUCH through this experience: planning logistics thoroughly, dealing with money & currency exchanges strategically, balancing school work, moving things around as necessary, utilizing transportation in various different settings in an effective and efficient manner, familiarizing oneself with the GEOGRAPHY of a place (a really important one that I feel people don’t really talk about), researching attractions from different perspectives & using multiple, varied resources, knowing where to go for help, preparing proper lodging accordingly & communicating with hosts/staff, researching FOOD, too. I could go on and on.
But when it comes to traveling, especially while on a budget bc we are broke ass college kids, the amount of proper communication & discussion & preparation with other members of the group that needs to go into it is no joke. It’s not fun and games, it’s making sure that we know what the fuck we’re doing in a foreign environment so that we can explore, see things, get around, eat, and ENJOY our time safely and efficiently.
SO in that sense, I’m also pretty proud of myself & my friends. Special shout out to Sabrina Sooyoung Wong who was my ultimate travel buddy for (almost) everywhere I went. I already miss the amazing time we had together :’(
Continuing where I left off, I have realized that this writing is taking way too long. The day that marks one year since I left for Korea has already passed (August 21st) & I realized that I was gone for exactly 11 months: Aug 21 -  July 21 (w/ a break in bw ofc) bc I literally landed back in America on the 21st of July, not realizing that the day I left was exactly the 21st as well. And my birthday is on the 21st too. Of Sept..:0 that’s whack. ANYWAYYYYYYY…………
What more do I have to say about this trip, hmmmm……. Ive already talked about my growth through the language and through traveling all over the place…These days, ive truly been trying to relive & recall the worries that shrouded my mind a year ago before I left.
I remember so clearly, constantly asking myself “How will my life change once I go and live there? Will I even be able to make any friends?” People around me also kept telling me that I would “HAVE SO MUCH FUNNNN”, but I recall constantly shutting them down and being pessimistic & telling everyone that I “would just be a normal student studying all the time, just in a different country lol” To address all these predeparture worries, I’ll say simply, thinking back on it now: My life changed SO MUCH, that it feels like nothing even happened at all (ik like wtf??? But lemme explain…), I made friends that I know will last a lifetime, and HONESTLY, I worked really hard studying when it came down to it, but I also made sure to have as much fun as I could. I did my best to balance everything (especially 2nd semester..)
So like, how tf could my life have changed so much that it feels unreal? Well, it’s exactly that. My daily life, the way I went about my daily routine, the lifestyle that I honed, the world that I wrapped myself in, the things I did, the food I ate, just about EVERYTHING about my life in Korea was so drastically different than my life in America, that returning home actually just makes it all feel like a dream, as if it were all a lie. My Korean lifestyle and my American lifestyle are incomparable. They are two completely different worlds. And for that…. I….. yes, I miss the Korean one like crazy every day, but that affection and sentiment for what I had makes my experience all the more precious and just… dear to my heart. Oh so dear to my heart, 나의 유학생활…. I think I kept asking myself the “how will it change” question countless times before I left because I was trying to prepare myself, trying to make sure I don’t throw myself off in the heat of it, make sure I stay grounded in the reality of my circumstances. And although nothing could’ve prepared myself enough for all those specific changes in my life, I think I definitely stayed rooted in mindfulness and never lost sight of the privilege I had.
If I look back on my first semester writings, I always repeated the words “thankful” & “grateful”. I really did my everything to remind myself of those feelings. Same goes for the friends that I met. Particularly my first semester gang, my days spent with them were infinitely bright. I feel like we were all so lost in the wonders of Korea (and Taiwan) and the beauty of just being there, spending time together, having valuable conversations, but also some very dumb ones, and really just bathing in the precious company of each other. It is not every day you meet an amazing group of people as the ones I did 1st sem. I gave yall a shoutout before, but thank yall again for taking care of me, the youngest of younglings out there, and making me laugh & smile more than I could ever recall doing with anyone else. Even my blessed friends from 2nd sem too, sooyoung, antony, Vicky, & 익안언니, I could not have imagined what my life would’ve been with them. My point in all of this? I was so worried about “making friends”, but miraculously, luckily, AMAZINGLY, it all worked out in the end. I am so grateful for that. I got close to some frking really cool people, who I still talk to today, who I still think about a lot, whom I owe a lot of myself to. Even if our collective time spent together was not the longest, even if the timespan of my other friendships are significantly more extensive, the friends I made through studying abroad are infinitely valuable and precious to me at the end of the day. Only stunning memories remain. Our friendships wont end there. They only started in Korea, but I have faith that they will transcend timezones and the years to come.
In terms of just balancing LIFE in korea, I can definitely recall many instances where I felt completely overwhelmed and burnt out. Those days were bound to come from the start. There were many days were I lacked a significant amount of sleep because I was so busy, there were days were I felt perpetually stuck & I could never overcome my problems (the things… a foreigner in Korean cannot do without a phone number…. Gg I felt soooooo shitty at that time)… there were also, ofc, days where I felt frustrated with many different people, there were days were I was so stressed out about whether I was doing the right thing (my 2 tutoring gigs…) or if I deserved anything I was receiving…., there were countless days where I studied hard and stressed about academics, as always (but I managed to get all A+’s 2nd sem & im honestly so proud of that…) …there were plenty of days where I would feel Korean societal standards weigh down on me & I felt painfully inclined to fit in in any and every way possible,.. I also struggled with deeper questions about the kind of toxic community Koreans can foster in various contexts (political, nationalism, etc..)… and the biggest of adversities, the one that broke me down the most, and to this day has left me empty & lost… was watching my singer get torn apart and disappear before my eyes.
I have written about this specific topic very extensively in a different piece, and…. It is definitely a pretty heated, passionate, painful piece. I had many many many many things to say about all of it, and I actually still have countless words to say, honestly. For sake of concision, for sake of keeping my sanity in place for at least this piece of text, for the sake of my world that has crumbled apart far too much for me to ever pick myself back up again… I’ll just say… I miss him so much and I pray for the day I can listen to him again. I won’t even be greedy and say “see” him again. I know ive seen him more times than I ever deserved too. But I want to listen to his voice again. In a new light, in a reassuring way. In some form, I want to hear him again… just once at least… please…Knowing him, listening to him for years, holding onto my life with his voice & music… I know that he needs to do music and nothing else. It breaks my heart every day to think about how this light has been lost from him.
One day… one day……….. I pray desperately every day that one day, he will come back to us. Please.
 Its honestly pretty difficult to talk about my hardships during my time in Korea without mentioning that stuff. It has taken such a big toll on me, life became so taxing because of that one situation, that even today I sit here, half a year after it all fell apart, without much improvement on the state of things anyway. But enough of the negative stuff. I hope that’s enough. Despite all the pain & highkey trauma I acquired from it all, I know that at the end of the day I learned valuable lessons and that I am still grateful for every experience nonetheless.
I still wouldn’t be who I am today or where I am today without those tough times, too. It sucks that I lost my light along the way, I lost sight of my world that so ironically always gave me healing when I needed it most.
Another thing I should mention is how I am also very grateful for that fact that I never got sick while in Korea, or just while abroad in general. I usually catch a cold about once a year, even my first year of college, I definitely had that small period of time where I was dead sick from some sort of virus. But not once, did my body ever falter while abroad. It’s ironic because usually being in foreign countries, especially the not-the-most-sanitary ones like Thailand, Taiwan, etc, one would normally be much more susceptible to a stomach bug or heat-related complication or whatever. One would think that my body would be especially vulnerable abroad. But nope. I stayed strong all throughout. I’m pretty damn proud of that too. I tend to take my health for granted, but looking back on it now, I guess I held up pretty well despite all the odds against me.
The most important question I should be asking myself now is… How have I changed since I’ve studied abroad? Some basic changes would be my outer appearance. My makeup has definitely changed, my clothes do not exactly look like the rest of my friends’, and my eyes are sometimes slightly different colored LOL. But, mentally? Emotionally? What has korea done to me? I thought that once I returned from being abroad, I could be this strong, amazing, fearless, bold person. Maybe in some aspects, I do feel that way. But quite frankly, being away from some beloved, close friends for so long has left me more insecure and unsure than I would like to admit.
No part of my confidence has significantly skyrocketed or anything. I am still too much of a pessimist for any of that to be possible. I actually feel kinda reluctant, vulnerable, skeptical… when it comes back to reconnecting with the friends I haven’t seen for over a year. So in this way, Korea has changed me in which I do not know how to reconvene with the life I originally left.
Korea also….. made me fall in love with the “Asian lifestyle”. I say this a lot in person, but I think I genuinely love Asian culture & way of living better than America’s. Especially after coming back & coming to terms with how normalized some illegal stuff are among kids my age are now, I cant vibe with any of that. I know well enough that both cultures have their pros and cons and but I think I can safely say I prefer one over the other. I have grown up in the same exact house and neighborhood my entire life and I very ironically chose to go to a school that mirrors this familiar environment almost perfectly. Therefore, I easily lose sight about what is new, what is enjoyable, what keeps me grounded here.
So to be honest, nothing keeps me grounded in my hometown. Not my parents, not really my hometown friends, nothing special. It’s a fact that I felt more attached to Korea than America. I don’t know. It just ended up that way.
I traveled to and studied there for a year because I felt like my heart belonged there. And after coming back, I think I finally can contest to that statement.
One more thing, as I try to run out of things to say… I dislike K-pop and I wish it wasn’t such a definitive part of Korea itself. I know for a fact that the way in which K-pop has blown up over the years is an inherent loss for Korean culture because now the world has been misguided, misinformed, and misinterpreting Korea as a whole due to K-pop. I hate how, if I were to speak to someone ive never met before about me studying abroad in Korea, they would most likely assume that I like K-pop or make some sort of connection to my experience, with K-pop. That presumption needs to end. I do not relate my experience to K-pop in any way. There was so much outside of that. So like, no, I did not meet so-and-so. No, I did not see that group on the streets. No, I did not go to that concert. I admit I went to plenty of concerts, but those people were basically NO NAMES compared to actual K-pop artists… So please… I wish there was a distance between Kpop & Korea.
I have come to cherish Korean culture way outside of K-pop. Sure, its what exposed me to it all in the beginning, but I very quickly, very NATURALLY, grew out of that mindset & perspective. Sigh. That’s that. A real shame.
I haven’t been able to wrap this up for an entire week now and I think, right before I head back to school for good at UCI, this would be a good time to close it up for good.
What I meant to talk about throughout this entire “final journey” chunk was how studying abroad changed me, and what that might mean for my future.
These days, while ive been lowkey wallowing away at home, avoiding my responsibilities and waiting for everything to come crashing down onto me once I return to Irvine, one of the biggest things ive been really missing is Yeosu. My spontaneous 2 day, 1 night trip to Yeosu with Sabrina was probably one of the best spontaneous adventures I ever chose to do.
Yeosu held some sort of beauty that is so impossible to explain, that pictures don’t even do justice for, and is really just a hidden gem sort of place that I am so so so blessed to have visited and fallen in love with. Even if it was just for two short days, Yeosu treated us SO well. It will forever be one of the best memories I’ve made in Korea, because of all its combined natural beauty, open air, wonderful weather, breathtaking views, exciting and undying street pojangmacha street life, and FOOD! Amazing, home-cooked 한식…..it was really, honestly, great.
Another thing I thought of: I feel like I took so many airplanes that I lost count and I even lost that exhilarating, enthusiastic feeling that used to be associated with taking airplanes at some point. I am not trying to BRAG that I had that sort of privilege, but I just wanted to…. Reminisce on that missing emotion. Now, going through that entire check-in, security, waiting, boarding process feels sooooo draggy, and if anything, even a waste of time….. :( but I at least appreciate airplanes for being able to take me everywhere…
OKAY FOR REALS, last thing im going to address: my current perceptions on sharing my journey abroad with others. If im going to be completely honest, I really hesitate to talk about how I studied in Korea for a year. I am pretty damn paranoid about what people would think of me and I am reluctant to really tell my story because I feel like all of it is very important and special and dear to my heart that it’s not as simple as “yeah, it was chill, I had a great time”. In response to the question of “omg how was it????”, ive literally made a script for myself: “honestly, like my life in korea and my life here in America were so totally different that it feels like it didn’t even happen… it went by so fast and there was so much going on that coming back here feels pretty weird…also, reverse-culture shock is real”
That is the best spiel I can muster up if I were to briefly talk about my experiences abroad. But in reality, I would want to talk about why korea & the Korean language mean so much to me, how grateful I am for all the places and people and things I got to see, how convenient day-to-day life was. And most of all, I would want to address the all the negative things I discovered about Korea. I would want to talk about how for nearly half of my time there, my world was, and still is, crashing down onto me, and how that entire happening has affected my viewpoint of Korean society greatly. I would love to go on about the nuances that make Korea a very toxic social environment, how many aspects that make it well-known and well-received globally also contribute to my disliking for Korea. My experience was so eye-opening. It really was. With all the beauty I discovered along the way, I feel like I faced some extremely terrible shit, too. But of course, as I have been repeating ceaselessly, I am thankful at the end of the day. I always am.
I think at this point, I don’t have much more to say. Despite how much I miss Korea on a daily basis, for now, I think its best to let go of it. I am proud that my daily Instagram will stay as my detailed, thorough testimony to the countless experiences and stories I thought were worth sharing, or remembering at the very least. 286 days. To be exact, I was abroad for 286 days. Not a year exactly, but sorta close. I did my best. I did everything I could. I was independent as I could be, I saw all the things I could see, and I just appreciated it all at the end of the day.
I am really excited to go back one day. It’s at the least the one thing keeping me a little bit optimistic for the future.
잘 있어줘, 한국아. 모든 걸 고마웠다.
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merecchi-blog · 7 years
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Enjoy some procrastinating doodle while i supposed to study for my finals in *check watch* 13h tmr.
RGB © @modmad Magnus © @0chromat
(also click on the pic to get better view of it?? its kinda blurry i know)
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
aesthetic tag
tagged by: @lunatens luna tysm for tagging me!! :D i love doing these things hehe
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add 20 of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold :)
[soft] baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
[dark academia] neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
[edgy] closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
[seventies] colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
[preppy casual] collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
[parfaitjoon] old book smell | doodles of eyes | stained paint palettes | jewel tones | sleepy eyes and red noses | always blushed cheeks | plushies with sentimental value | keroppi | ever-switching aesthetics | chunky trainers | curvy bodies | blurry vision | analysing movies | shouting when excited | green eye shadow | cool fresh water | tiny frogs | thirst for knowledge | random facts
[dreamiehrs] playing Roblox for 3 hours straight | loud laugh that could probably make someone deaf | listening to music 24/7 | hot chocolate on a chilly day | skirts galore | cat lady | has 2 fans on at all times | hibernates during the summer (not literally) | binge watching tons of anime episodes in one day | dark circles underneath their eyes | is on Tumblr 24/7 | loves buying merch | does online shopping in the middle of class | cannot go 1 day without screaming about their faves | having a dance party in their bathroom while getting ready for the day | has an obsession with buying tiny plants | lowkey never goes outside | wanting to write the day away | has millions of lists for every little thing | cannot stop doing the Chika dance
[yayhei] tarot cards | dark makeup done in the soft styles | eyeliner smears | wearing hoodies unzipped with just a bra | vans | always having bruises | never leaves the house | herbs | staying up staring at the ceiling just because you cant sleep and not doing anything | tons of posters that you have up more for the aesthetic than for the band | shit ton of candles | products that you never use | sleeping during classes | getting detention for tapping on your desk after being asked to stop multiple times
[pastelsicheng] watching sunsets on the roof | rainy days inside | overachieving student though they say they aren’t a try hard | oversized and loose clothes | not knowing your shoe size | cold feet | scrolling through pretty/aesthetic pictures for hours trying to get some serotonin | having several dream jobs | making dumb jokes when youre delirious and tired | worn out clothes | baking on cool/rainy days | sleepless nights | thoughtless showers | short attention spans | shaky legs and fidgeting hands | messy handwriting | scribbled notes | listening to music with earbuds in the dead of night while everyone is sleeping and you can’t | the sound of wind rustling through grass and flowers | drives through the countryside with only trees, cows, horses, and farm houses in sight
[ggulovebot] fruit flavoured alcohol | black glittery eyeshadow | everchanging coloured hair | opening a window when it rains | crisp cold mornings | daydreaming on train rides | longing for a new life in a different country | cups and cups of coffee | chunky black boots with thick heels | sweet essential oils | cringey motivational quotes | a bigass bowl of pasta on a cold day | crying out of nowhere | sweet and tangy candy | trips to disneyworld | old faded polaroid pictures | little black dresses | big gym shorts | staying focused on one task for hours nonstop | doodling interesting words and song lyrics | keeping everything that sparks a memory | gummy bears | laughing at everything when you’re tired | caring too much | feeling the wind go through you | talking to plants | tabasco
[lunatens] orange juice 24/7 | swimming until you’re all wrinkly | lavender essential oil | procrastinating even for things you enjoy doing | late night drives | talking for hours under a cloudless night sky | reaching things on high shelves | sleeping in til the last possible minute | buying plants but never being able to keep them alive | ice cream and a walk by the river | pretty dungeons and dragons dice sets | listening to the waves and crickets on hot summer nights | mismatched socks and sandals | ancient latin | pointing out constellations and celestial objects | cherry chapstick | diy haircuts and colours | constantly lost in daydreams | smiling at strangers | brown sugar roasted milk tea with pearls
[hannie-dul-set] saying i love you every chance you get | multiple rings on both hands | smiling to yourself because of fond memories | staying up until the morning to study | heeled shoes | long flowy skirts | holding the hand of whoever’s beside you | high-pitched squealing  | piles and piles of unused notebooks | liptint every day | concerts in the shower | hyping yourself up in frontof the mirror | constantly pouting | praying before sleeping | covering your face when you laugh | fixing your glasses every minute | ink and paint marks on your hands | painting the day away | excessively sweet words |
this was a lot of fun wahaha, but it was kind difficult to think f aesthetics that weren’t already written :’> tagging @lamarkeu @joshva @starlightshua @sehunniepot @lcveletter but you don’t want to that’s totally fine :>
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