#enhance signals
fixtelaustralia · 1 year
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Need to improve your mobile signal in urban areas? Selecting the best mobile signal booster for cities is key. Factors such as coverage area, signal strength, and compatibility with your network provider should be considered. Personal signal boosters are ideal for small indoor spaces, while vehicle boosters enhance signals while on the move.
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Pretend (peter parker)
A/N: so this is a repost, since my first account got suspended, but i love this fic so much that i couldn't not post it again. This was my first time writing for Peter Parker (mcu) But you can aslo read for any of them :)
Dont be shy, reblogs, comment or like!
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Peter Parker was the new roommate at the compound. You thought he was cute, and he was your age... finally someone to talk about things of your era.
“Hey boomers” you cheer when you enter the open kitchen.
“Mornin’ Y/N” respond everyone.
“Hello Y/N” blushed Peter, but he could see something was not right with you, he could sense it.
“Hey kiddo, she won’t bite” teased Sam.
“Depends when”, you teased back making Peter blushed even more. You got a sweet spot for the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.
You felt dizzy this morning, a little bit lightheaded. You pretended to be okay in front of them. But you were scared because you didn’t understand what was going with you.
See you had powers; I mean you were an avenger. Like Wanda and Pietro, you were an experiment. You could read thoughts and see the future. But you had developed another power, that you tried to understand with Bruce and Tony. Lately you would dissociate in time. Sometimes your body was moving before you did. And this morning was like the other for the past two weeks.
“Shit, she’s not here, is she?” asked Clint.
You became blurry and your voice distorted.
“Hey boomers!” you said again. Nobody responds this time, they all looked at you. You felt the tension and you looked at them. “What” your voice echoed. You turned your head and there’s a reflection of your movement.
“Shit I feel dizzy” before you fall, Peter caught you. His Spidey sense made him the only one able to catch you. Your body was visible three times in the kitchen and the other avengers were not able to take the right one. But Peter reached for the correct body before he could think of it.
“You’re, ok?” he asked you.
“Well, you caught me, so never been better”. He helped you sit down on a chair and brought you a black tea and some buttered toast.
“I think you need to it. You dissociate a lot when you’re with an empty stomach” pointed Peter.
“I hope you are writing down Bruce or Tony, he has a point”. They both nodded and Tony talk to his watch... taking notes.
“Well Queens, you sure are very observant.” Said Steve.
“I-I need to prepare for college” blurred out Peter before almost running out of the kitchen.
“Well done old man, who’s gonna bring me my toast now” you complained.
Vision appeared from the wall and took your plate with your toast.
“I am Y/N, you look very pale... you must eat before dissociating again”.
“See Vision and Peter take care of me... not like you other”.
“Oh my god, you are sure she’s not your daughter Tony,” laughed Natasha.
After breakfast, you went back to your room, it was the one next to Peter’s. You passed by, hoping he hasn’t gone without you to college. You entered your room still feeling dizzy but this time you knew it was because of the emotions bubbling up in Peter’s head. With your dissociation you felt everyone emotions, it was tiring but you delt with like a champ... well you pretend anyway.
Images entered your brain. It was you; Peter was thinking of you, and you weren’t playing scrabble.
“Shit, that’s hot” you said out lout. Peter was imagining you riding him. You were wearing on of his scientist pun shirt, hands in your hair, praising him. His hands were on your thighs and then his thumb was on your clit. The emotions, he was feeling, were so strong that you could almost feel him inside you.
“PETER STOP IT NOW” you screamed. The images in your head froze and you felt the embarrassment growing in Peter heart.
“s-sorr-sorry Y/N” he yelled back.
He was cute, but he was very frustrated since his breakup with MJ. You felt bad for him. You didn’t know the entire story, he told you it was an agreement between them to end their relationship... but you were sure she was more ok with it than him. You felt his broken heart for weeks.
You finished to get ready for school and wait for Peter in the living room. When he arrived, he was red like a tomato, and he looked at his feet.
“It’s ok, Petey. I’m not mad”.
“I-I’m sorry. Eve- ok you’re not mad. Bu-but I shoul-I should not do that either way” he stuttered.
“It was hot, very intense, I almost felt you... inside me.” His eyes went wide but you were too deep in your reflexion to see it. “Crazy right? I think I can feel more when I’m like... I don’t know connect with the person... I should tell Bruce about it”.
“That you can see and feel my... wait don’t tell him, please” he begged you.
“Relax Spidey, I am not telling him I can see and feel when you jerked off.” you laughed when he blushed even harder if that was possible.
You took his arm and went to the garage to take one of Tony’s cars. Your touch went straight to his crotch, he had a crush on you since the last two months. You were kind to him, always defending him when the other teased him too much. Always helping him, when he struggled with his project for school or when he wanted to improve his suit or his fighting skills. You made him laugh and forget about his problems. You were like his personal sunshine and when he missed May too much, he looked at you to feel a bit more home. You were his new home now, but he was too heartbroken to see it yet.
You both arrived in college in no time. Peter drove because you were not sure if you would dissociate again. When he parked the car, you were about to go but he stopped you. “You are not totally here yet” he said calmly. You watched his hand on your forearm, but you didn’t feel his grip.
“Jesus Spidey-boy, how?”
“Spidey sense, I think”.
You were the only one to not called his Spidey sense, “Peter tingle” and he liked you a lot for that among other things.
When you felt his grip, it when straight to your core... for no reason except maybe it was like a reaction to him daydreaming about you. His gaze past you and your heart broke. You turned your head and you saw MJ talking with a guy, a handsome one, and she kissed him with passion. Back to Peter, you saw him with teary eyes.
“Hey Pete, don’t... she’s not worth it.”
“I want to move on, it’s been six months.” he murmured.
“You can’t decide when you’ll be totally healed. it takes time.” You caress his cheek in attend to comfort him. He gave you his puppy eyes signature. Those fucking eyes.
“You can pretend.”
“That you moved on too. “
“We could pretend that we’re dating.” He looked at you, then looked at MJ who was still kissing the new guy, then looked at you again. His hand on your arm holds you tighter and you hand on his cheek went to the back of his neck.
“It won’t hurt anyone, plus maybe your fantasy might come true.” you teased him. Without any warning he kissed you. it was a kick gentle one. You blinked a few times before registering that he did kiss you.
“S-sorry, I should ask you” You shook your head before lean in again and connect your lips to his. This time you took control of the kiss, you took your time to feel his lips against yours. He sighed and parted them a little, your tongue went brush his teeth. You thought he would back off but no he pushed his tongue out to meet yours. You broke the kiss first, scared to not be able to stop... he was a good kisser.
“Well, one of my fantasies is already complete” he said with a certain confidence. You smiled, you liked when he was more confident. “I feel better already, thanks”.
“Did I kissed your boo-boo away?” you joked. He rolled his eyes and got out of the car. He waited for you, then he put his hand on your back.
“It is not for pretending that we are together, you’re still sitting in the car” When he finished his sentence, you felt your soul coming back to your body. Peter holds you closer to prevent from any falling. He heard your heart tumbled in your chest and he hold you closer by putting his harms around your waist. Your head fall on his shoulder by the impact of yourself on your own body. “You, ok?”.
“I don’t know Pete”. You looked up to meet his gaze. His concern about you, you felt it. “It has never been this strong, and… what the fuck? I mean you just hold me and wait for my soul to come back to my body, like you felt it?”
He looked you up and down before putting his lower lips between his teeth. “I-I felt it yeah. Like goosebump. And you have this look in your eyes when you dissociate. Like a cloud on your pupil.”
You’re surprised. He is very observant of your condition, even more than Tony or Bruce, maybe it’s because is more with you… or maybe he likes you more than you think.
“Can you note that somewhere? I have to report this to Bruce.” He nodded and helped you reached your first class.
“Meet me at 2 in the parking lot?” he asked you. “Yeah, fine see ya Peter”. He kissed your cheek before disappearing in the crowd of students. You started blushing for sure.
Two weeks later your condition is worst than ever. You can’t go to class because you keep dissociating. You don’t even know where you are most of the time. The only way to be yourself is when Peter is around you and it makes you sick to be this dependant on someone.
“Y/N?” call Bruce.
“My room.”
The scientist comes in and analyse your state from the door. He frowns.
“Yep, I look like shit, I know. I can’t shower. I mean I can not get up from my bed. Too dizzy”
You hear him hums and scribbles on his notebook. You turn your head slightly and your vision blurs instantly. You close your eyes and groan of frustration. Then… you hear his thoughts.
Maybe the kid could help her shower. Just to see if it works.
“I am not showering with him” he chuckles before speaking out loud.
“No, of course. But maybe he could be near you? I mean when he’s in the same room as you, you seem to functionate almost normally.”
“I am not a machine, Banner.” He sits on your bed, and he pats your leg. “I know, sweety, but could you try? A shower, it’ll make you feel better.”
You sigh and nod positively. Bruce leaves your room, and you wait. A few moments later, you feel Peter coming. He’s nervous and impatient. Bruce knocks and you tell them to come in. Peter is slightly blushing, and his smile disappears when he sees you on your bed.
She looks so ill. I should have come earlier. Shit she can hear me. Think of something, think of something. Lama, dogs, cactus, not her naked, don’t picture her naked. Idiot she can see right trough you. Fuck, fuck… why am I like this. Watermelon, pineapple, no not pineapple, don’t think about what your sperm will taste if you drink or eat pineapple. Stop it, Peter.
You can contain your laughter at his thoughts. Bruce looks at you, but you quick to tell him that Peter is doing what it does best, overthink everything. “And that’s cute, he’s too concern about me. You know, I have to live without you Spidey.”
“I let you two alone now. Let me know how it goes”.
I am cute? She thinks I am cute. Fuck, she’s still reading my mind. Hi Y/N, hope you like my rumbling thoughts.
He thinks about what he did and saw during is time in college and you sigh in relief. You prefer those kinds of random thoughts, feels more like the radio and you don’t have to focus on what is saying.
“You want to try to get up?” you nod before sitting on you bed. Your head does not spin like you’re drunk anymore. You look at him, he stays right beside your bed, slightly nervous.
“Give me your hand Parker… please”. He holds is hand out for you to reach. You take it and push yourself of your bed. You sigh and grip his forearm with your other hand.
“You good?” you nod too weak to form word. He leads you to the bathroom. You both enter and then you stare at each other.
“H-how do you w-want to- to proceed?” he asks you.
“Maybe you can just turn your back and stay in. And no peaking with the mirror behind you.”
He nods and turns; you’re facing his back. He hears you strip from your clothes and enter the bathtub.
“How was your day?” he scoffs but you continue “it’s nicer for me to hear you with your actual voice and not just your thoughts Pete”. He laughs and then start to tell you everything that happened to him. You interact a bit with him, but you quickly become quiet. He continues to ramble and stop instantly. Something is wrong, he can feel it.
“Y/N, still there?”
“I don’t know” your voice echoes. He doesn’t know what to do, you told him to not look at you while you shower. But he feels that you need help, that you are dissociating.
“Peter?” he hears it three time and he closes his before turning and going to the shower. He trusts his Spidey sense to reach you. When he feels your arm, he grips it.
“Peter” you ask this time able to realise that he is with you under the water. His sweat and his socks are soaking wet, but his eyes are closed.
“You there with me again” he breaths out.
“I am, thanks”. He smiles at you shyly. “Peter?”, he hums. “I can see what you’re thinking” he blushes.
“Why am I always wearing one of your t-shirts?” a strangle laugh lives his lips.
“Because I never saw your naked chest and I don’t want to imagine it. So, you in my t-shirt are good enough.”.
“Oh my god, you such a dork!” he takes his hand of your arm, and you feel like you’re falling. Before you know it, Peter catches you in his arms. Now your naked form is pushed against him. His eyes are still closed, but his breathing becomes erratic.
The water is running down on him. You follow a drop along his jawline, and you feel a wetness between your legs.
“Peter, open your eyes” he shakes is head. Your hands snake along his chest to his cheeks, before tugging in the back of his hair. “That’s why I told Bruce I was not showering with you”.
“Wh-what?” his expression is priceless. He arches his eyebrows, and you can almost see the surprise behind eyelids. Your only response is to connect your lips with his. He quickly kisses you back and push you against the wall.
“you’re soaking wet, Pete”. You whisper when he breaks the kiss. 
“So are you”. This time he opens his eyes shocked by his own words. He meets your big grin, and he blushes.
“You’re a specimen Parker, how can you tell me that and then blush like a twelve years old”, because he is right, you are wet… he is making you wet.
Flashes of you riding him in his shirt comes to your head and you laugh. Peter closes his eyes again to stop his thoughts. “I might just do that if you help me finish showering.” His face and ears are crazy red, and he chuckles.
He helps you and puts you in bed. When you head hits the pillow, you fell asleep. Peter stays a while and watches you. Bruce sneaks in and asks what happened. Peter reports the essential and skip the kissing part. You twitch in your sleep and your hand reach for Peter’s. you interlace your fingers with his and you hum.
“Good, I let you take care of her.” Bruce goes out and Peter does not know what to do. He sits awkwardly on the mattress, a butt cheek hanging out of it.
You can lay with me.
He looks at you. Did you just to talk to him in his head.
Need to note that, Pete. But still, you can lay with me if you want. I like to be the little spoon.
He takes a deep breath and positions himself behind you. You scoot over him and take his arm to put it around your waist.
“Thanks Pete.” You murmur.
He kisses your temple and watches you drift in a deep sleep again.
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chevaliermalfets · 1 year
even wikipedia said "we are Not fucking calling it that"
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hclluvasinners · 1 year
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Anonymous said: Are there restrictions about Plap Plap hours? Cause I might know a muse or two who'd love to have their back blown out and brain melted.
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As long as you're free, and don't mind spending several hours in every known position to Hell and in a few new ones, then you're more than welcome to join him in his bedroom. He'd love to have you break you.
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chinasopofiber · 27 days
1U 8 port+WDM high power optical amplifier
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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signode-blog · 7 months
Navigating Market Trends with the Vortex Indicator: A Comprehensive Guide
In the dynamic world of trading and technical analysis, the Vortex Indicator (VI) stands out as a powerful tool designed to identify the start of new trends and spot continuations within the financial markets. Developed by Etienne Botes and Douglas Siepman, the indicator draws inspiration from the natural flow and vortices in water. This unique approach to understanding market movements provides…
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musicianfiend · 1 year
The Science Behind Improved Signal Transmission and Durability in IEM Cables
In-ear monitors (IEMs) have become indispensable tools for musicians, audiophiles, and audio professionals. While IEMs themselves play a crucial role in delivering high-quality sound, the cables that connect them to audio sources are often overlooked. However, the choice of cable material can significantly impact both signal transmission and overall durability. In this article, we delve into the…
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selfdefensegearco · 1 year
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Check Out This Fantastic Post Just Published on https://selfdefensegearco.com/personal-protection/sonic-sentinel-elevate-your-safety-with-the-unstoppable-power-of-the-129db-high-performance-air-horn/
Sonic Sentinel: Elevate Your Safety with the Unstoppable Power of the 129dB High-Performance Air Horn
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In the heart of Oakland, California, a city once known for its vibrant culture and community spirit, concerns have been growing as crime rates soar, leaving both law enforcement and residents grappling with a disheartening reality. As the city grapples with these challenges, an unconventional solution is emerging-one that involves a seemingly unlikely hero: the […]
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electronalytics · 1 year
Silicon Microphone Integrated Circuits (ICs) Market Overview and Regional Outlook Study 2017 – 2032
The Silicon Microphone Integrated Circuits (ICs) Market refers to the market for integrated circuits that are specifically designed for use in silicon-based microphones. Silicon microphones are a type of microphone that utilizes silicon-based materials and technology to convert sound waves into electrical signals.
Silicon microphone ICs are designed to provide amplification, filtering, and signal processing functionalities for silicon microphones. These ICs play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and capabilities of silicon microphones, making them suitable for various applications such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart speakers, automotive systems, and other consumer electronics devices.
The market for silicon microphone ICs has been witnessing significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for high-quality audio solutions in various electronic devices. The advancements in semiconductor technology and the miniaturization of components have led to the development of smaller, more efficient, and cost-effective silicon microphone ICs.
Some key factors driving the growth of the silicon microphone ICs market include:
Rising demand for voice-controlled devices: The increasing popularity of voice assistants and voice-controlled devices like smart speakers, virtual assistants, and voice-activated home automation systems has created a strong demand for silicon microphones and their associated ICs.
Growing adoption of smartphones and wearable devices: The proliferation of smartphones and wearable devices has resulted in a higher demand for compact and high-performance silicon microphones integrated with ICs, as they are essential components for voice recording and voice communication applications.
Advancements in MEMS technology: Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has played a crucial role in the development of silicon microphones and their associated ICs. MEMS-based silicon microphones offer advantages such as small size, low power consumption, high sensitivity, and improved noise cancellation, driving their adoption in various consumer electronics applications.
Increasing demand for high-fidelity audio: With the growing emphasis on high-quality audio experiences, there is a rising demand for silicon microphones and ICs that can provide better audio capture, noise cancellation, and signal processing capabilities. This trend is particularly evident in applications such as professional recording, broadcasting, and conferencing systems.
Overall, the silicon microphone ICs market is expected to continue its growth trajectory in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for voice-controlled devices, smartphones, wearables, and high-quality audio solutions.
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#Silicon Microphone Integrated Circuits (ICs) Market Overview and Regional Outlook Study 2017 – 2032#The Silicon Microphone Integrated Circuits (ICs) Market refers to the market for integrated circuits that are specifically designed for use#Silicon microphone ICs are designed to provide amplification#filtering#and signal processing functionalities for silicon microphones. These ICs play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and capabilities#making them suitable for various applications such as smartphones#tablets#laptops#smart speakers#automotive systems#and other consumer electronics devices.#The market for silicon microphone ICs has been witnessing significant growth in recent years#driven by the increasing demand for high-quality audio solutions in various electronic devices. The advancements in semiconductor technolog#more efficient#and cost-effective silicon microphone ICs.#Some key factors driving the growth of the silicon microphone ICs market include:#1.#Rising demand for voice-controlled devices: The increasing popularity of voice assistants and voice-controlled devices like smart speakers#virtual assistants#and voice-activated home automation systems has created a strong demand for silicon microphones and their associated ICs.#2.#Growing adoption of smartphones and wearable devices: The proliferation of smartphones and wearable devices has resulted in a higher demand#as they are essential components for voice recording and voice communication applications.#3.#Advancements in MEMS technology: Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has played a crucial role in the development of silicon m#low power consumption#high sensitivity#and improved noise cancellation#driving their adoption in various consumer electronics applications.#4.
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brucewaynehater101 · 7 months
AU for Bats and the JL
When Duke joins the brigade, the Bats are ecstatic to introduce him to the JL. Why? None of the JL actually believe that the Bats are non-meta humans. Are they supposed to believe that Batman can do all that he can because he trains really hard?
The JL is so convinced that the Bats are lying about not having powers that they've included it in New Member initiation. It's considered "rude" and "mean" to call out Bats on their very obvious power usage. In fact, guessing Bat powers is half the fun! They gather all of the non-Bat members to have potluck discussions about it.
Obviously, the Bats are well aware of these meetings. They have their own gatherings where they laugh at the suggestions or come up with strategies to fuck with the JL.
For Bruce, the JL is convinced that the man has control over shadows as well as increased mental compacities. Bruce is way too skilled in disappearing in a room full of people with enhanced senses. Also, he knows facts about almost every subject.
For Dick, that man should not be able to move like he does. He either doesn't have bones or has increased elasticity. Dick's favorite JL memory is crawling down the Watchtower halls with his joints in weird places. Green Arrow's scream is forever recorded and backed up into five different servers.
At first, the JL thought Jason had emotional manipulation capabilities. The hope, courage, and passion he inspired could not have been naturally occurring. Then, after he re-emerged as the Red Hood, obviously his powers are resurrection -_-
Tim? Kid's a cryptic ancient creature. The creepy kid will stare at you without blinking throughout a two hour meeting. Stay away from him and don't piss him off.
Steph nearly laughed herself into a coma when someone tried to convince Hal that Spoiler gets her power from the color purple. Her switching to Robin's costume caused a riot and the JL members frantically scheduled an emergency non-Bat meeting. Should they intervene with Bruce forcing her to wear a costume without aid to her powers? The few months she was Robin were tense for the members.
Damian has an ability to understand martial arts on an unparalleled level. What other non-meta ten year old can utilize a sword so effectively?
Cass is an entity. They don't know what she is, but they fear her all the same.
Barbara is all-knowing. Her ability to collect information and navigate technology can not be naturally occurring.
Now, the JL is faced with the first Bat to admit he has powers. Does that mean none of the others have powers? Is Signal's just too obvious to deny?
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Fast Car Chapter One (of four)
Danny hit the brakes hard and veered into a bicycle lane with a very Fenton sort of style and disregard for physics. He dodged the gunman in the carpool lane. He stuck his tongue out as he passed and then steered back into the right lane once he’d cleared the pedestrian. 
It turned out that Gotham rewarded the sort of drivers forged in the crucible of the Fenton tactical GAV, which was great. Jazz had gotten a job as a barista for her third year at Gotham U, so he had inherited the car that she had used as a delivery driver. She’d even somehow managed to pay the taxes on it despite the restraining orders that most government offices had on the Fenton family.
Jazz had been a pizza girl, but Danny wasn’t willing to work the late nights. He worked for three different rideshare companies. It was.. Well. It was a terrible way to make a living, if he was honest. It was wretched. But it worked! Until the car crapped out on him, this was a viable option to feed himself while he was enrolled full time at the university. He was available to drive early in the mornings and for a few peak hours on the weekends.
Danny brought an order of 17 coffees to a warehouse with serious ‘murders will happen here today’ vibes and whistled as he left. People in murder warehouses actually tipped pretty well. Worker solidarity or something. He left the early birds to enjoy their 3 am drinks and then idly checked the app to see if there was anyone else waiting for a ride or delivery. 
“Victor,” he read, and took a glance at the address. It was close! He snagged the request and turned on some bubblegum pop to enhance the ride over. 
He saw a man standing outside, haunting a storefront with metal shutters pulled down. Must be the guy! Danny pulled over, checked the app, and then furrowed his eyebrows. Huh. Seemed wrong. He fixed his face before he looked back over. 
In the app, Victor didn’t look especially young or fit. In person, he was easily over 6 feet tall and lugged a huge bulky bag like it weighed nothing. 
He also had a giant ugly motorcycle helmet with the vague impression of a caveman brow ridge built into it. Danny hid his judgmental thoughts and rolled down the window to chirp, “Hi! Victor?”
“That’s me.” Victor sounded like he was auditioning for the Deft Punks, electronics grinding out his voice to a silly robot autotune. Danny hid the way his lips wanted to tremble. You can’t laugh at clients. “Can I put this in the trunk?”
Danny hated that. “Go for it.” He opened the trunk with the button and hid his real thoughts. He didn’t like people using the trunk. Why not just put it in the backseat like a normal person? There was enough room for a person and a bag there.
‘Is there enough room for this guy, actually?’ Danny wondered, looking Victor up and down subtly. Were his shoulders padded or was he actually built like that? Bizarre. 
He had the sense that Victor was tense.
‘Ah., fuck. He caught me checking out his shoulders.’
Danny cleared his throat and whipped his face forwards again. “Normally I say to sit in the backseat, but I'm not sure that's enough room for your legs. Either is fine.” 
Victor took him up on the front seat option and readjusted the passenger seat back with a casual ease. 
Danny waited a moment.
Victor cocked his head at him.
“Seatbelt,” Danny prompted.
There was a long moment. Victor silently buckled his seatbelt. 
“Awesome.” Danny put on his turn signals and pulled out. He went slower than he preferred. He’d learned the hard way that most passengers didn’t like his driving. It was great for cutting time off when he was delivering food, but no good for nervous cargo like poor Victor here. The poor guy was so anxious that he kept his emotional support helmet on when a passenger in a car. 
Danny thoughtfully drove the speed limit and let Victor change music.
They didn’t have much to talk about. Danny didn’t mind much either way. He liked quiet rides and he liked chatting alright.
“Stop the car two blocks early,” Victor said. He pointed. “There’s fine.”
Obligingly Danny guided the car to a stop and shifted to park. He jumped out of the car. “I’ll grab your bag!” He called over his shoulder. He popped open the trunk and lifted Victor’s bag with a winning smile that said ‘I deserve a good tip.’
Victor had moved to the back of the car faster than Danny expected. He paused. He looked weirdly stiff. “Thanks.” He took the bag. “...Here’s your tip.”
“Have a wonderful day!” Danny said, pretending not to be interested in how much money it was. He waved Victor goodbye and pulled out. As soon as he was a block away he counted the bills. “Fuck yeah,” he hissed. Victor tipped like a crime boss. He stuffed them into his wallet and made a mental note of the account. He’d definitely try to accept requests from him in future.
He gave two more rides before he could go back to his shitty apartment and get ready for classes. Danny parked in the little underground garage near his place where he paid a monthly fee and jogged to his place. He got his bag and left on foot.
He had a pretty normal day. The only hiccup was that it was kind of hard to focus on his lectures when he could faintly hear what had to be every TV on campus playing the same news bulletin. Danny did his best to block it out, grimacing. Having advanced senses really sucked sometimes. If he heard the breaking news jingle one more time, he might cry. 
By the time he was free he felt pushed to his limit. He went back to his place and turned off all his electronics for some peace of mind. 
The next morning felt better. He turned on the tab that said he was available for work at 3 am and ended up bringing a huge delivery of breakfast materials to the same police station that he’d left Victor at yesterday. Danny hummed as he jogged up the concrete steps with three bulging bags of baked goods and coffee grounds. He handed them to a weary-eyed receptionist and accepted his tip without looking at it. He considered cracking a joke about them being busy and decided it was better not to.
He was still an illegal entity, after all. His parents were covering for him, but scrutiny was not his friend. He didn’t want any interaction with the police or the rogue band of detective freakazoids that ran this crime town.
Back in the car, he checked his tip. Danny clicked his tongue and made a disgusted sound. He hated cops. Cheap! There was nothing worse than being cheap.
His next customer tried to rob him at gunpoint as soon as he got in the car. Danny wrestled the gun away from him and ate it while the guy watched. “Just try and report me to the app,” Danny sneered between crunches of metal. It tasted like shit and the guy probably hadn’t washed his hands, so like, yuck. But it was a choice he was making for the intimidation factor, not because it was yummy.
‘Bet my iron intake is good now.’ Danny held out his hand. “My tip,” he said, and did not unlock the car door until the shaking wannabe carjacker had given him three dollars American money. Hell yeah. “Have a good morning.”
He went into the app and canceled the ride. There was another request waiting, so he drove to it. It wasn’t the name that the app’s request had shown, but- “Good morning, Victor!” Danny waved. “Call from a friend’s app this time?”
Victor stared at him dumbly. At least, that was Danny’s best guess of what was going on inside the helmet. “Yes.” He eventually said.
Cool, cool. Very weird. But he was an ok guy and he tipped well. “Hop in,” Danny said, and unlocked the car.
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. genshin impact
pairings. neuvillette, zhongli x gn!reader
content warnings. sfw + nsfw, MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI, heavily influenced by 'dragon' behaviour (is a bit leaned on a/b/o), 5 + 1 fic type (the + 1 is nsfw), possessive neuvie/zhongli, sfw: collaring, scenting, marking, nsfw: nesting, both of them have big dicks lol, talk about breeding, not edited/proofread, written in lowercase
word count. 1.8k
notes. i'm so down bad...
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— ˚₊‧⁺˖ flaunting. 
once a dragon is mated, they like to show off their mate proudly. to enhance their physical aspects and to proclaim their trust in them, mates get draped in the dragon’s treasures. treasures this mythical beast usually hoards with jealousy. the shinier and bigger the treasures, the higher is the mate in social standing. 
neuvillette is less lavish with his treasures, simply because his priorities in his riches lay elsewhere. this is why you often where the brightest pearls, adoring your neck or shiny shells around your wrists. he enhances your beauty much subtler, but nonetheless you’re still worthy to be called his mate. after all, he’s a dragon of water, it’s only right for him to drape you in the gifts of the sea. 
zhongli prefers you in the finest silk and your skin adored with gold and other treasures found in the rich land that belongs to him. as a dragon of earth and especially as geo archon, all the gems are crafted in the most beautiful jewelry. everything to enhance your beauty. he especially likes you in cor lapis, a jewel in a color that he claims as his— and seeing you in this soft hue of orange swells pride in him. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ collaring. 
collaring can be seen as a step further of flaunting. the dragon creates an individual collar for their mate, to not only protect one of the weakest points of their body, their neck, but to also immediately signal that they belong to them. it signals protection and ownership, which is why mates rarely part with their gifted collars,as they’re also the first gift they receive as a dragon’s mate.
neuvillette knows that collars, by human standards, are not something normal. this is why he takes great care to create a collar that not only shows his strength but also fits within the domain the two of you move. this is why your collar is not a traditional one, instead resembling a tight necklace adorned by pearls and silver. it’s just enough to calm his instincts but also a fashionable item— one for which you’ve received many compliments. 
zhongli on the other hand has crafted a collar of which his elders would be proud of. it’s heavy on your neck, made by his own hands and not your usual jewelry. despite that, the collar is made by the best gems and jewels zhongli could find, and of course in his colors. and to ensure you’re comfortable wearing such a heavy collar, the inner side is embellished with the most expensive velvet he could find. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ acknowledgement. 
another important aspect between the relationship of a dragon and their mate is the acknowledgement of the hunt. once the dragon has successfully brought home the game, it is now up to the mate to appraise said game. only once they give their approval can the food be shared between them. this also includes all their offspring. 
neuvillette is always very careful with the food he brings to you. he ensures he’s the only one touching it, as tradition demands, and satisfactory enough for your plate. to him, keeping you fed and happy is much more important than to take care of his own needs. even when you always scold him, when he neglects himself, in this aspect he won’t bulge. 
zhongli himself has a very expensive taste and only the best is just good enough for his mate. no matter what you say, he will hunt on his own and pick all the herbs and berries himself, or else he wouldn’t even present the food. your approval is the highest praise, only one of the many reasons why zhongli takes so much care and time to honor this tradition. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ scenting. 
scenting is one of the few habits and traditions that are more intimate. a dragon scents their mate for several reasons. firstly, it’s one of the final steps of their ‘ownership’ over the mate. clothed in their treasure but also bathed in their scent. secondly, the process itself is very calming for the dragon, almost meditative. 
neuvillette likes to scent you when he comes home. it calms not only his dragon but also his mind. because of that, he never scents you in public, thinking it as a private matter and a treasured one added to that. it’s not something others should witness— you in his arms, pliant to his nosing, his gentle kisses and nibs on your skin and especially when he removes your collar to scent you on your neck. 
zhongli, despite being an old dragon, behaves as if he’s freshly mated and a young blood when it comes to scenting you. he dislikes smelling others on you or any artificial scent that’s not you. he has no shame scenting you in public, but over the years living with you he has reduced to the almost scandalous behaviour to nothing more but scenting on your wrists and a quick nosing on your cheeks. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ marking. 
marking is quite similar to scenting, only this behaviour varies from dragon to dragon. for some, a so called ‘mate-bite’ is enough, others like to add new markings everytime they couple with their mate. but there are even some dragons, who enjoy being marked by their mates, a most unusual behaviour. 
neuvillette has always enjoyed marking you, but is very gentle with it. his mate-bite, another physical sign that you belong to him, is located on your right shoulder, a wound healed a long time ago. he much prefers when you mark him, your teeth sinking in his much sturdier flesh. it leaves him breathless, just the mere thought of you marking him making his head spin— he loves to leave his marks on you, but he even loves it more when you mark him, to tell the whole world that he belongs to you. 
zhongli always loves to admire the marks his sharp teeth leave behind, trace his fingers over your reddened skin— he’s fascinated by your vulnerability and your eagerness to please him. but what matters most to him is that you love to wear his marks, never hesitate to show them off by not hiding them. social decorum would demand for you to hide them away behind draped fabrics, but instead you proudly wear them, as if they’re badges of highest honor. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ nesting. 
as every other animal, be it mythical or not, dragons go through a cycle. at it’s highest point, their fertility is much more prominent. to ensure the increased chances of success in producing offspring, the biology of dragons demands them to nest during the cycle. if the dragon ignores this inner instinct, it grows irritated or even aggressive to everyone who is not their mate. nesting ensures the comfort of both the dragon and their mate and helps them to properly prepare for their coupling. 
the moment the first child of the couple is born, nesting becomes a daily thing until said child passes the first stages of growth. the dragon builds a nest in their den, a different one from the ones in which the parents couple, and ensures that both mate and offspring are within this nest. the warmth and scent of both parents help the child to imprint on them and to recognize them later on as their sires. 
neuvillette, when it comes to nesting, is very picky about it. his nest has to be ready before his cycle starts and you have to be in it as well, pliant and ready for him. if you’re not comfortable, he gets stressed and that doesn't end well. 
for the most part, he has his instincts under control, but when you’re in his nest, naked and flushed, he tends to get feral. and once he lets go of that tight control he has over himself and his body, the dragon in him comes out. 
his pupils turning to slits, fangs sharpening and nails becoming claws. scales appear on his skin, his horns grow— neuvillette lets go of his human skin and becomes the closest he can be to a dragon without hurting you. it always excites you, seeing your usual calm and stoic mate all excited about the thought of breeding you. 
he’s an attentive lover, even if he could just slide into your hole and start fucking you stupid. instead he takes immense care to prepare you, hours even, lips and hands leaving marks on your skin while he makes you cum on his tongue several times. 
and then, when you see stars behind your closed eyes, your thighs shake around his head and you try to calm your breath— then he slowly slides into you, his giant cock hitting you in all right places, making you scream again—
then, only then, when you’re pliant and open for him, a flushing mess beneath his massive body and moaning his name— only then he would truly start to fuck you. 
zhongli is very attentive during nesting, but especially as your lover. he always puts your needs above his, simply because he finds pleasure when you enjoy yourself. 
despite being mated for a long time, you’re always nervous about nesting, especially about the most intimate part of it. zhongli is big and it’s always a tight fit, even if he prepares you with his fingers and mouth. you’re never in pain, he wouldn’t forgive himself if he would make you cry, but you’re still understandably nervous. 
zhongli doesn’t mind it, he understands and instead makes sure you’re distracted enough to not lose yourself in spiraling thoughts. it also helps when you’re breathless from the countless orgasms he has already given you, your hole wet enough, almost gushing, so the slide is smooth and painless for you. 
and you can’t lie, you enjoy his big dick, but sometimes it’s too overwhelming. yet the many years together has taught him many tricks and especially things you enjoy. 
you flush beneath him, when he starts praising you, his rich voice causing goosebumps all over your body. you whimper, when his fangs craze over your skin and moan when he actually bites you. 
but you truly lose your mind when he starts fucking you, slow but deep thrusts, taking his time while you writhe beneath him. it seems so effortless, how he’s destroying you, as if he isn’t going crazy when his mate is in his nest, calling his name, clinging onto him, begging him to go faster, harder, begging for more. 
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taglist. @trailblazernet , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @verxsyon , @auraxins , @lupicalbestwolf , @the-dumber-scaramouche , @spiriteddreams , @kiiyoooo , @8-xnny , @spiriteddreams
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doyoulikethissong-poll · 11 months
Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity 1996
"Virtual Insanity" is a song by British funk band Jamiroquai, released on 19 August 1996 as the second single from their third studio album, Travelling Without Moving. The song interpolates parts of Jocelyn Brown's 1984 post-disco hit "Somebody Else's Guy". "Virtual Insanity" was a number-one hit in Iceland and reached number three on the UK Singles Chart, as well as becoming a top-10 hit in Finland, Ireland, and Italy, the song also climbed to number 38 on the US Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart upon the single's release in the US in 1997. The song also earned the band a Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group. Thematically, the lyrics are concerned with issues like overpopulation, human genetic enhancement, eugenics and ecological collapse. In the beginning of the song's album version, a sound that is sampled from the 1979 sci-fi horror film Alien appears. It is the sound sequence when the S.O.S. signal appears on the screens of the spaceship Nostromo at the start of the film. The music video for "Virtual Insanity" was directed by English filmmaker, director, and screenwriter Jonathan Glazer. At the 1997 MTV Video Music Awards it won 4 out of 10 nominations; Breakthrough Video, Video of the Year, Best Visual Effects and Best Cinematography. In 2006, it was voted 9th by MTV viewers in a poll on music videos that 'broke the rules'. In addition to heavy rotation on MTV and other music television networks, the video for "Virtual Insanity" has amassed more than 250 million views on YouTube as of August 2023 and has seen renewed attention on TikTok, gaining millions more views through various memes and remixes. It has been parodied, referenced, remixed or imitated in countless music videos, television shows, and internet memes. On a personal note, I love each and every one of you who tagged the poll as "#rearranging furniture" in your reblogs! 😂💖 "Virtual Insanity" received a total of 80,7% yes votes!
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chinasopofiber · 30 days
External Modulation Optical Transmitter for Data Transmission #wdm #ampl...
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara x reader ⋅⟡⋅ Boyfriend Headcanons ⋅⟡⋅ On Your Period 🦇
nsfw 18+  CW: menstruation, menstrual cramps, oral sex, blood They get dirtier as you read down so if you want to avoid the smut, just read 1-4 ;) This is dedicated to all of my fellow bleeding humans ❤️‍🔥🩸🕸️ stay strong warriors 🫡
✣ Miguel takes time off of work when you’re on your period. He’s his own boss anyways, so he gladly stays home for days at a time to be your caretaker. He loves feeling needed. He loves putting all of his attention on you, and on making you feel good. You lay in bed, he spoons you and puts your favorite show on his laptop in front of you; he knows you’ll only be able to listen to it, closing your eyes and meditating through the pain. He’ll watch it from behind you, rubbing his big hand along the curve of your waist. He’ll prop his head up on one hand while he watches the show, softly chuckling to himself, as you fall asleep to the sound of his breathing and exhales of amusement. 
✣ He acts as your own personal heating pad. You’ll lay on your stomach as Miguel lays sideways beside you, resting his warm face on your lower back, with one large hand on the back of your thigh. He knows you need warmth and pressure on you when you’re cramping, so he provides just that. You moan and groan when you get those sudden stabbing pains, signaling Miguel to rub your lower back and give you warm kisses as he mutters, “Lo siento, mi amor. Take deep breaths.” He rubs your back, as you dig your face into the pillow, groaning and wincing at every stab. He squeezes your thigh tightly, assuring you he’s there for you. He stresses out everytime you groan, wincing at the sound of your pain. He becomes restless, offering you different medications or demanding he spoon you so he can hold you tightly against him, his arms wrapped tightly around your lower stomach, putting pressure and heat to your painful parts. When you lay on your back, he’ll lay on his side, his face in the crook of your neck, as he rubs your lower stomach, muttering in Spanish, words of comfort. He kisses your neck, sucking and brushing his fangs across your wet skin, distracting you from the war going on inside of you. 
✣ He gives you endless massages. Though he offers this even when you’re not menstruating, he’s especially desperate to make you feel good. He’ll sit at the edge of the bed massaging your feet and watching tv, as you lay with your head buried in your pillow. He’ll spoon you, his warm hand under your shirt massaging your sore breasts as you moan and hum from relief. You also love to lay on top of him, straddling him, your thighs wrapped around him, your bodies pushed together creating the heat and pressure your uterus is begging for. Your face rests in his neck, as he unsheathes his claws to scratch and massage your scalp gently. His big hands also find their way to your back under your shirt. He presses his fingertips into your skin, massaging your pressure points and creating heat all over. He explores your body, squeezing your hips tightly, then kneading your thighs as they envelope his waist.
✣ He keeps you fed. He’ll constantly leave bed and come back to bring you hot tea or chocolate. He’ll cook whatever you request or pick up whatever take-out you’re craving, and eat with you in bed as you binge watch your tv show of choice. 
✣ He loves your scent. He can differentiate when you're ovulating and when you're menstruating. On your ovulation days, he’s wild around you, your scent provoking his beast-like appetite. On your period though, it’s a whole other scent he can't get enough of. He’s almost blood-thirsty. You teasingly call him your vampire; he chases after your scent and even craves the taste of your iron-enhanced slick. You were embarrassed about it at first, but after him constantly whining and begging you to let him dig his face in between your thighs, inhaling your scent, you accepted and embraced his cravings for you.
✣ He loves giving you head. He’ll lay a towel under you, and go to town, loving his ability to make you feel good. He loves the taste of you, your wet heat tasting of your cum mixed with the metallic taste of blood spread between your thighs. He also loves that you’re extra sensitive, making the pleasure that much more intense and rewarding. You moan even louder, desperate for that relief, which you both know, only he can provide.  He loves making you whine and whimper from pleasure rather than pain. He’ll finish you off, his face covered in your blood, then he’ll run a warm bath for the two of you.
He knows he’ll never understand the pain you’re going through, but he can at least be there for you, and make you feel good in every other aspect he has control over. 
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