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I am amazed and blessed and crying and laughing and freaking out!
Thank you so much for this, I can't even describe how cool this is. He's not out of the box yet and already he's so beloved. I'm simply !!
Happy birthday to @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n/@the-art-block!!! Once again I love every one of your characters but I of course have to give love to your Woofman. I hope your day has been WONDERFUL just like you are!
#OH MY GIIID#HUHHH???#ISSAT MY MAN? OH OH OHHHH!#I am overcome#this is the kind of excitement what made old timey englishladies faint in public#oh this is amazing#birthday is absolutely incredible this year#wta#werewolf the apocalypse#garou#greg two rows
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She's back
Ok, I have to block @notthatwriterbuddha too, because it's @tragicfantasy-girl's another account.
Exactly the same arguments
Same behavior ("machine gunning" with comments, reblogs and inbox "questions" with false accusations, misrepresentation of one's words, bragging, claiming that one is a racist or ableist based on nothing etc etc)
Same interests (SW, LotR and Bucky Barnes)
Use of exactly the same arguments and "knowledge" about Barnes and the MCU
The same format of comments and reblogs
Use of her mutuals (or other her accounts) to "back" her words (instead of actual evidence)
To @tragicfantasy-girl, @notthatwriterbuddha or EnglishLady, whatever account/name you use: my advice - get some psychiatric help.
P.S. after I wrote all the above I saw this on her first account:
And I never claimed I'm a "psychology expert", nice try though.
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Dude, tragicfantasy-girl aka englishlady is a racist serial harasser who actively engages in discussions about Star Wars in bad faith and attacks anyone with even a vaugely positive opinion about the Jedi. Agreeing with her is not the win you think it is.
Dear Anon
I have been called all kind of names just for having an oppinion on this and other fandoms, polarization and bad faiths arguments have unfortunately become the norm in many fandoms and that´s a shame.
From my experience on SW Tumblr both the anti and pro Jedi sides sometimes can get into bad faith arguments. In fact I have been personally harrased by anon messages just for sharing meta about PT Jedi because my pov of them is that they are not meant to be perfect and that it´s ok to discuss them in a critical way.
@tragicfantasy-girl has always been nice and respectful in our debates and I appreciate her pov, just like I appreciate the pov of many other fans who like, dislike or are neutral towards the Jedi Order or over Anakin.
At the end of the day I like SW and I like it´s characters and I am tired of this polarization that acts as if having a less than ideal oppinion for certain characters is a crime, they are fictional characters and the narrative itself invites debate, questions and different takes over them.
Have a nice day/night
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So I was on Quora the other day, and someone speculated that insecurity was at the root of Anakin's arrogance and apparent cockiness. I thought this through and it makes so much sense. He felt insecure in his place as a Jedi and had this constant need to prove himself. What's your take?
Personally, I’ve never seen Anakin as arrogant. I think he was *perceived* as arrogant by the people around him but, internally, Anakin was also driven by insecurity (not egotism).
Because he was so insecure in a place where he knew he wasn’t accepted as he was, he overcompensated. It’s a very common behavior: I’ll try harder to prove myself. And because he was so powerful, his attempt to prove himself worthy was viewed as an attempt to show off.
The Jedi Council didn’t want me, either. Being the Chosen One didn’t count for anything. Master Yoda wouldn’t train me, or Windu. Every member of the Jedi Council had had something more pressing to do than help him work out what this terrible, galaxy-changing power of his meant, and how he should live in its shadow. He still wasn’t sure. Anakin recalled standing there in that grand, polished Jedi Council Chamber, surrounded by what felt like fear, and disdain, and bewilderment—who were those Masters to feel bewildered, that the only person there who cared if he lived or died was Master Qui-Gon Jinn. And they stopped him training the Chosen One. Qui-Gon hadn’t cared what the Jedi Council said. He’d trained him anyway, a Padawan in all but name. Why am I thinking of all this now? Haven’t I put it behind me? Haven’t I had enough bad memories since then to take their place? Haven’t I vindicated Master Qui-Gon? [Karen Traviss. The Clone Wars]
Anakin enjoyed praise from Obi-Wan, but often became sullen when he was reprimanded. Obi-Wan assured him that he himself had been frequently reminded by Qui-Gon to be more mindful of the Force, but somehow even the slightest criticism managed to leave Anakin feeling stung. First they tell me to do my best, then they tell me I’ve gone too far! ANAKIN SKYWALKER IN THE RISE AND FALL OF DARTH VADER BY RYDER WINDHAM
Because Anakin had not been trained since infancy at the Temple like nearly all other Padawans, various Jedi Masters accepted the fact that he lacked the discipline of his fellow students. They were less accepting, however, of his arrogant behavior when he demonstrated his abilities. I’m more powerful with the Force than some of my instructors, Anakin thought, and they know it! ANAKIN SKYWALKER IN THE RISE AND FALL OF DARTH VADER BY RYDER WINDHAM
Despite Anakin’s desire to distance himself from the slave he had once been, he was unable, or unwilling, to shed the other aspects that had defined him on Tatooine. He still dreamed of glory, still craved adventure, and never lost his appetite for high-speed thrills and the desire to prove himself in competition. THE RISE AND FALL OF DARTH VADER BY RYDER WINDHAM
What evidence to we truly have that Anakin was arrogance beyond people calling him that? And considering most of his peers and superiors didn’t take much time to get to truly know him, I’d say their option can be considered biased:
Anakin was liked by the other students, but he had no close friends. He was not loved. Obi-Wan told himself that Anakin’s gifts naturally set him apart. But in his heart, he grieved for Anakin’s loneliness. JUDE WATSON [JEDI QUEST: THE WAY OF THE APPRENTICE]
Just when Anakin thought he’d passed that elusive finishing line that said adult, experienced, seen it all, he realized he was still twenty, Jedi or not, and the wounded boy in him still rose to the surface—provoked into angry violence, scared of abandonment, and still in need of approval. KAREN TRAVISS [STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS NOVELIZATION]
[Obi-Wan] knew, glancing at his Padawan’s eager face, that Anakin meant well from the bottom of his heart. If Obi-Wan saw a shadow on that heart, he knew it would pain his Padawan to know it. In many ways, Anakin was still a boy. A wounded, loving, anxious boy with great gifts he did not fully understand. Yet he was also a young man, close to maturity, who could do great harm. To others, yes. To himself, most of all JUDE WATSON [JEDI QUEST: THE SCHOOL OF FEAR]
“I just…” Anakin stopped. He took a ragged breath. “I thought you would be proud of me.” I am proud of you. Obi-Wan wanted to say the words. They were true. He was proud of so much in Anakin. But now was not the time to tell him that. Or was it? JUDE WATSON [JEDI QUEST: THE SCHOOL OF FEAR]
Fixing broken machines was like a meditation. Fixing broken machines was an antidote to every pain, every loss, every fear, every defeat. Fixing broken machines kept him from going mad. CLONE WARS GAMBIT: STEALTH
This doesn’t sound like some who thinks that highly of himself.
“Master…,” he said hesitantly, “I know I’ve… disappointed you in these past few days. I have been arrogant. I have… not been very appreciative of your training, and what’s worse, of your friendship. I offer no excuse, Master. My frustration with the Council… I know that none of it is your fault, and I apologize. For all of it. Your friendship means everything to me.”
Interestingly enough, Obi-wan says it best:
You are very observant, Ferus, but you must accept that I know him better than you,” Obi-Wan said carefully. “Anakin can be arrogant. I know that. But he is also learning and growing. He is respectful of his great power. He does not abuse it. He is younger than you, but he has seen much injustice, many terrible things. I do not think it so wrong that he wants to change things. You must understand that it isn’t ambition that drives him. It is compassion. OBI-WAN KENOBI IN STAR WARS – JEDI QUEST: THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD BY JUDE WATSON
Yes. Anakin can act arrogantly. We all can. It’s part of being human and flawed. but that doesn’t mean that was ALL Anakin was. More often than not, Anakin was motivated by fear, love, kindess and, yes, even hate.
Taking them, she looked up at him and shook her head, even though it still ached. “It’s odd. You’re nothing like I expected.” “Why?” he said, perching on the edge of the nearby chair. “What did you expect?” “I don’t know,” she said, floundering. “I can’t say I’ve ever given the Jedi much thought. I mean, not as individuals. I never expected to meet one—let alone two. I don’t tend to go places where your skills are needed. But—well—you’re gentle.” That made him smile. “As opposed to what?” She swallowed the pain-tabs, washing them down with a mouthful of water. “Oh. You know. The HoloNet news—it portrays as you as this—this—heroic warrior. Larger than life. Charging into battle, lightsaber flashing. Scourge of the Separatists. That kind of thing.” She shrugged. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth]
Because of Hayden’s Anakin being do disliked and, of course, because of the TCW wonky characterization everyday we are seeing more and more people embracing the idea of arrogant idiot Anakin. even if such characterization is not supported by the movies, the lore and basic common sense.
People use Obi-wan’s words in AOTC against Anakin but the truth is, as shown above, Obi-wan himself later recognizes that Anakin is not arrogant (even if he sometimes act that away). Besides, using AOTC to show Anakin’s arrogance doesn’t make much sense because of Hayden’s acting. Anakin doesn’t act like some arrogant prick for most of the movie. if anything, AOTC is a great of example of Anakin’s submissive and insecure behavior.
At last, let’s not forget that the same people calling Anakin arrogant were also facing the same criticism:
“But he still has much to learn, Master,” Obi-Wan explained. “His skills have made him … well, arrogant.” “Yes, yes,” Yoda agreed. “It’s a flaw more and more common among Jedi. Too sure of themselves, they are. Even the older, more experienced Jedi.” [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
People seem to forget that Anakin was in his early 20s when he ‘died’. Show me a teenager or a young adult who’ve never acted arrogantly and i’ll show you a liar. So why is Anakin the only one getting shit for that?
So, yeah, i agree. Anakin wasn’t motivated by arrogance. He was motivated by fear and insecurity, byproducts of his childhood trauma and years of grooming and emotional neglect.
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You know what peeves me off? Its when people get worked up about that scene in The Clone Wars series One in which Anakin tries to persaude Padme to go away with him. They yell and scream about how he's so "selfish" and she is totally focused on career and duty and devotion to "the greater good", and everyone relying on her. Its like in the ond canon, Padme's single minded devotion to career over family or personal relationships was a bad thing. It was a problem for her. Even her parents were encouraging her to retire from politics, but apparently now its a good thing? These people also don't seem to realize that kind of thing causes a person a massive amount of stress, and Padme wasn't going to do anyone any good with a breakdown or a stress related disease. Like some me time isn't evil. Downtime isn't bad, and taking a step back to focus bit on family and personal relationships isn't either.
TCW 08 deleted or ignored all of Padme's development from AOTC. That scene is yet another Anidala scene that get misinterpreted to no end. Also I bet you if it was Padme insisting that Anakin should go with her somewhere and he kept refusing, people would have been throwing all sorts of insults at him. But god forbid they show that Padme is also very much in love with Anakin.
And not only that, but it wasn't an irrational request from Anakin either. He just wanted to spend time with her. Wanting to spend time with your spouse isn't being clingy or possessive, especially when it comes to Anakin and Padme and the two of them are in a war and they barely get to see each other.
I know TCW made it seem like they can always see each other and they're always together, but it really wasn't like that. It was very briefly when Anakin and Padme got to spend time together and the feel we got, from material released around the time of the prequels, was that Padme was always up to spend time with Anakin. I hate that TCW cheapened their relationship to make it seem like a boring westernized romance, where people are together but they actually hate spending time together. There's enough of that everywhere. Anidala was good because both Anakin and Padme loved one another very much and would have done anything to spend time together. TCW missed on so many opportunities of Anakin and Padme getting into all sorts of shenanigans because they're trying to be creative about how they spend time together, because they (TCW) were so hell-bent to portray Anidala as a toxic relationship and to show that Padme only tolerates Anakin rather than love him unconditionally more than anything else in her life.
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@englishlady Male victims are not taken seriously in our society because it preconditions our men and boys from a young age to "man up”, pretend everything is okay and to not open up and when they do, they get shunned or made a mockery of. Maleficent really got that treatment because well, Women just can’t be bad, it has to be a man who hurt her in order for her to become evil, which to be honest, is a trope I have seen in recent media and I hate it. It helps push the "Men are evil and women are angels” narrative. A male version of the story would have never happened because he would have been portrayed in a bad light, while the female version of the King would have been painted as the "true victim" all along. It’s all about this fake girl power, faux feminist agenda Hollywood has been pushing since the 2010's. I find it interesting how they claim to empower female characters but also imply in the same breath that they are oppressed and will always be victims. Anakin is so demonized for pretty much everything and people don’t even wanna give him sympathy because of who he became later. Anakin made a lot of awful decision and to deny that is taking the agency away from him and I can't have that because it cheapens his character, but at the same time, I really dislike how people love to portray his character as he was evil from birth and how they criticize him for not recognizing that his abuser had been grooming from the age of 12...that is peak victim blaming right there. Some of the demonization and lack of empathy, I’d say, probably has something to do with the stigma surrounding mentally ill and neurodivergent people in general and how people just generally dismiss the concerns of those who aren’t neurotypical. I think that has mainly played a role in how he’s vilified for every single he has done as well.
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@englishlady Honestly, I agree. I have very mixed feelings about this moment because of the way it's framed. I like the moment in and of itself - the reason I made the gifset in the first place was because I find the way Anakin deals with the attack quite interesting, i.e. the fact that he can fight right through the pain of the electrocution to strike a killing blow - but the way it's framed in the show - with the expressions and the sinister music - is kind of trying to suggest to the audience that it's a sign that Anakin's starting to turn down a dark path now that they're getting closer to ROTS in the timeline. And honestly, I can't get behind that at all with this particular moment. I mean, he's in the process of being attacked by an enemy combatant with a weapon that may not be deadly in and of itself but is certainly at least debilitating enough to make him vulnerable to other attacks if he doesn't put a stop to it, and so he kills him in self-defence. As far as I'm concerned, there was nothing wrong with that, and I doubt if any of the other protagonists did it, it would have been framed in any way sinister.
The problem to me seems to be that TCW has a bit of a chronic need to foreshadow Anakin's transformation into Vader, but often the moments they choose seem a little off in execution. I was actually talking about it yesterday - these weird little moments where the narrative acts like Anakin's on the verge of darkness when he's just done something that's absolutely reasonable in the context of the situation he's in. The one I mentioned was that moment in s2 where they play the Imperial March over Anakin killing the guy who was threatening to blow up Satine's ship, but I feel like this is also one of those moments. Tbh, if they really wanted a moment of darkness in this scene, I would be more inclined to point towards him cutting off the prosthetic limbs than the killing blow, just because he didn't kill Trench until he attacked first.
Anakin kills Admiral Trench
#star wars#star wars: the clone wars#tcw#clone wars#anakin skywalker#clone wars season 7#meta#star wars meta#tcw critical#replies#englishlady#sfw
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Today my #peruvianembroidery 🎨art work 4a #englishlady #bespokecomission #bellalaneembroidery https://www.instagram.com/p/B2grbL7HkGi/?igshid=40ng4wze0ze0
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I have a couple of questions about Karen Miller/Traviss (are they the same person?) who wrote the Clone Wars novels. Are they still considered canon? Also, I heard that Karen Traviss was abused online or something, was that over her Star Wars novels? Really, I mean that just takes toxicity to a new level.
This is a hot topic but one that desperately needs to be explored because to this day people are still spreading misinformation about that happen as a way to ‘defend’ their points. So, here we go:
Karen Miller and Karen Traviss are not the same person.
Karen miller wrote novels like The Clone Wars: Wild Space and the Clone Wars Gambit series.
Karen Travis wrote novels like The Clone Wars movie novelization and the Republic Command Series.
Both, in my opinion, are very talented writers but both also suffered thanks to sexiest and overzealous fans. There are many reason why they became ‘infamous’ but the main reason is their political stance. They both had a lot of sympathy for the clones and the enslaves citizens of the GFFA, and both were not shy about calling out the Jedi Order and the Senate for their inaction. Of course, jedi stans hated them. To add insult to injury, Karen Traviss was the writer who ‘killed’ Mara Jade (btw, this wasn’t her idea but she’s still hated for it).
Karen Miller ‘crimes’:
Her biggest ‘offense’ was being mistaken by Karen Traviss (more on that later). Beyond that all she did was write Anidala and portraying Anakin and Obi-wan as good but flawed people. This is the kind of stuff she wrote:
“Coruscant was out there. Padmé was out there. There was a heart in his chest, beating, but it was only an echo. She was his true heart. She was his home.” - Karen Miller’s Clone Wars Gambit: Siege
“He saw himself a candle. He saw himself behind a wall. Brick by brick he tried to raise it. Brick by brick, it was destroyed. Every death was a hammer blow. Every loss a chisel. The Sith were a wily foe, they knew where and when to strike. They were drawn to weak places, to old griefs and unhealed wounds.” - Karen Miller. The Clone Wars: Wild Space
To weep for a fallen comrade was to display unseemly attachment. A Jedi did not become attached to people, to things, to places, to any world or its inhabitants. A Jedi’s strength was fed by serenity. By distance. By loving impersonally. Karen Miller. The Clone Wars: Wild Space
Nothing particularly edgy or offensive. Imo, she’s one the best prequel writes in the game.
Karen Traviss ‘crimes’:
Beyond killing Mara Jade, she’s known for being critical of the Jedi and Republic and advocating for clone wars. She supported the highly offensive and controversial idea that clones were human being who deserved the freedom. She also believed that love (romantic or platonic), family and friends were not inherently evil and that Order made mistake by banning them.
Karen Trraviss is also know for writing so much of what we know of Mandalorian culture and she struck a nerve that too.
She wrote things like:
“The only thing [the clones] all had in common was their appearance—although they were starting to age differently, she could see that now—and what the Republic had done to them. Apart from that, they were individuals with the full range of virtues and habits of random humankind, and she now felt completely at home with them. If she had a side in this war, this was the one she chose: the disenfranchised, unreasonably loyal, heartbreakingly stoic ranks of manufactured men who deserved better.” Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
Serenity, my backside. Passion. Passion and anger and love. That’s what this galaxy needs, not serenity. Passion for change. Anger at this brutality. Love-buckets of it, for everyone, love between child and parent, between spouses, between brothers and sisters, between friends. We need more attachment, not less. Attachment can stop us from tearing ourselves apart. The Clone Wars: No Prisoners by Karen Traviss
He wanted to ask her why only a handful of Jedi objected to a slave army, and why they could claim to believe in the sanctity of all life and yet treat some life as being exempt from that respect. [REPUBLIC COMMANDO: TRUE COLORS BY KAREN TRAVISS[
Fandom (over)reaction:
Because of her ‘polemic’ takes, she started getting a lot of hate from the fandom. She used to interact with the fandom and her reward was to get constant death and rape threats. Some fans threatened her with ‘corrective rape’ to change her mind about the Jedi Order and other topics. Apparently, she responded by calling these fans ‘talifans’.
And the fans used that reaction to further vilify her. she was accused of hating the Jedi Order, of favoring Mandalore over them, getting the size of the clone army wrong, of ruining the OT by killing Mara Jade and now, of attacking fans. She was basically bullied out of the franchise.
However, her depictions of Clones and Mandalorians as heroes, while portraying the Jedi as petty or villainous, frustrated some fans, who felt that her stories and characters were counter to Star Wars. These fans wrote negative reviews of her books, and created a petition to George Lucas to stop Traviss from writing further Star Wars books. Traviss also received rape and death threats. Traviss wrote about these experiences on her blog, attacking the fans who created the petition, and likening them to Muslim extremists by calling them "Talifans." Traviss ultimately retired from Star Wars writing due to the threats she received. [x]
It got to point where she had to write an open letter to the fandom explaining she DIDN’T hate the Jedi Order, she just didn’t believe things like war crimes and slavery should be so easily overlooked.
“No sane human can hate someone who doesn’t actually exist. From a writer’s perspective, the more super-powers characters acquire, the harder it is to develop logical story arcs and true human drama…but I don’t have any real feelings about fictional characters that stay with me once I step out of character-point-of-view-writing mode and get on with my life […] My real problem, then, is not with fictional Jedi, but with the people who refuse to believe they can do wrong. – Karen traviss [x]
If you want to know more about this, check this out :)
Now, back to Karen Miller
A few years ago, a popular sw tumblr tried to discredit Traviss writing by spreading the info that she was a sexualizing Ahsoka with Bail so people started hating her for that too. Thing is, Karen Miller was the one accused of doing that but here is the deal:
Neither Karens ever wrote Ahsoka interacting with Bail Orgarna. What actually happened was that someone wrote a fic about Bail sexualizing Ahsoka on fanfiction.net, someone read it and decided the writing style was similar to Karen Miller’s so OF COURSE it must be Karen Miller who wrote the fanfic. Thanks to that genius level of deductive work, over the time people started saying that Karen Traviss wrote about Bail wanting to fuck Ahsoka as extra proof that SHE IS EVIL and should not be taken seriously.
Regardless of what you feel about someone writing, it’s NEVER okay to send them rape or death threats. Never! unfortunately, some hardcore jedi stans still spread the ‘karen traviss was attacking us’ without explaining exactly transpired between her and the fandom. According to their narrative, she was the *only* one in the wrong. That’s why there’s so much misinformation about her and what truly happened online.
My take on this ‘controversy’ is very simple: stop sending rape and death threats to women. I don’t care if you agree with her or not. The moment you believe a women *deserve* to be rape or killed, or support those who do, you lose any more ground you might think have. The situation becomes even more dire if it’s done to protect FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. 🤦♀️ I swear...this fandom....
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So, this is going to be controversial, but I really don't think Obi Wan Kenobi understood unconditional love. Everyone says he did, that he's the model Jedi, the perfect Jedi, the most loving person who ever lived etc, but I don't think his actions bear that out.
He loves Ahsoka, but he's not willing to lift a finger to help her when she's framed, and will leave her to the mercy of the Council and the Senate.
He "loves" Anakin, but he goes to kill him when Yoda orders him to do it.
Then years later he doesn't see Anakin behind Vader's mask like Luke does, he tells himself Anakin is dead to justify using Luke to kill Vader. This is what I mean, he will go against his natural insticts and let the rules of the Council overcome his love for others. That's not unconditional love. He loves people only when they're the person he wants them to be. If they stumble, misstep or go wrong, or if the Jedi tell him not to, then he doesn't love you anymore. Unlike Padme, who was willing to throw everything away to be with Anakin in spite of everything, and unlike Luke, who will literally put his own life on the line to save his father, when everyone is telling him not to. To love a person, see there is still good in them, and try to save them in spite of all the bad they're done, and see the person under that. That is unconditional love.
Obi-Wan doesn't love unconditionally. I don't know where people are seeing that. He did love and care for Anakin a lot, but his love was never unconditional.
Also, regarding your points, after rewatching ROTS, from what Obi-Wan tells Padme, it seems like him and Yoda were under the impression that Anakin knew beforehand that Palpatine was a Sith, and Anakin killed Dooku only to take his place as Sheev's apprentice. Obi-Wan was passed out when it happened so he doesn't know what really happened on that ship when Anakin defeated and killed Dooku. And then all of Anakin's later actions also point to him being Palpatine's apprentice from the point of view of Obi-Wan and Yoda: Anakin kills Dooku, Palpatine assigns Anakin to the Jedi Council, Anakin is unhappy to be spying on Palpatine, Anakin asks Yoda if it's possible to stop people from dying - which was Darth Plagueis' signature move (this one is kind of a stretch, but I'm going to include it anyway because in hindsight, Yoda probably thought about it and was like "Oh he was just inquiring about his new master's powers") .
So all these things do look bad for Anakin and the way Obi-Wan says it to Padme that Anakin became Sheev's apprentice after Dooku died, makes it seem like Obi-Wan and Yoda believed that Anakin knew about Sheev for a long time and this betrayal was planned for a long time. The two of them had no idea that Anakin only turned so he could save Padme and that it was out of desperation and that he wasn't another Dooku.
I can understand why Obi-Wan acted the way that he did. He was deeply hurt by Anakin's actions since they were so personal to him. Anakin was chosen by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan agreed to train Anakin and he failed to help Anakin and that meant that Qui-Gon was wrong about Anakin and he was wrong to trust Obi-Wan and it meant that Obi-Wan didn't only fail Anakin, but he failed Qui-Gon too. I can imagine how hurt someone like Obi-Wan would feel to think that Anakin was working against them and that he betrayed them. So it's no wonder that Obi-Wan is angry at Anakin at the end and he says "I loved you" past-tense. Because he doesn't love him anymore. Anakin broke his trust and he destroyed everything Obi-Wan cared about. Obi-Wan's love was never unconditional and Anakin just did what it takes to turn him against him.
I was rewatching the OT recently, too, and Obi-Wan and Yoda tell Luke that his dad was seduced by the dark side and it makes sense for them to say that if they thought that Anakin's betrayal was a long time coming. They had no idea that it just happened on the spot out of Anakin's desperation to save Padme.
If they stumble, misstep or go wrong, or if the Jedi tell him not to, then he doesn't love you anymore.
I think that's putting it too harshly. Obi-Wan was loyal to the Jedi and he didn't like the Sith. So when Ahsoka is accused to be behind the attacks, he doesn't side with her because the evidence points to her. He sides with the Council because he's loyal to the Council. Obi-Wan was never attached to Ahsoka, he never cared about Ahsoka like he cared about Anakin for example. And when Anakin turned against him, well I just talked about all of that in the paragraphs above. Obi-Wan again stood with the Jedi and he was right to do so because Anakin went to the Sith. In the case of Anakin, Obi-Wan lost everything too. He lost the Jedi and he lost Anakin. Even if he didn't go to kill Anakin, he still lost Anakin because Anakin was a Sith now. It's not as simple as you put it for Obi-Wan to write someone off completely. Ahsoka and Anakin were both accused of very major things and both of these were against the Jedi. And Obi-Wan was loyal to the Jedi and that came first for him. Obi-Wan had a really good grip on his moral values and his ethics and he had a clear view of who's evil and who's good. And he only loved people if they were good.
I know a lot of people (especially certain shippers) try to make it seem like Obi-Wan always loved Anakin unconditionally, but that's just not true. Obi-Wan did love Anakin, but it wasn't unconditionally. It was only Shmi, Padme, and Luke who loved him unconditionally. But people in fandoms tend to push traits onto characters that they wish that character had in order to make the character fit a certain view or be more appealing to themselves. They make Obi-Wan love unconditionally, they make Padme love conditionally and act like a man, they make Anakin be a very dumb man-child who only loves to murder, they make Ahsoka love unconditionally too (but that's for another time lol) and be very caring, they make Leia love unconditionally, they make Luke act helpless all the time, and so on.
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