#endure fic
artgroves · 9 months
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For the wonderful Graphology by @leveragehunters!
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iysure · 2 years
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just girl-best-roommate things
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erisenyo · 10 months
@zukki-week starts early in these parts (because I wrote too much and need to lead in to the actual prompts)! Featuring the confusing line between best friends and dating, Zuko's lack of a blueprint for any and all new social situations, banter, flirting, obliviousness, getting together (for some people involved), and Toph realizing she's surrounded by idiots.
[Not that Zuko needed to be told, of course. It was always obvious that Sokka and Suki were together, or going to be together, or in the process, or…whatever. Zuko just didn’t realize they were finally together together. And it feels like he should have. They’re his friends, his two best friends out of the whole seven he tentatively thinks he can claim for himself these days, and it just feels… It just feels like he should have known.] OR, Sokka and Suki are thrilled that they and Zuko are all officially together, while Zuko very abruptly realizes that Sokka and Suki are finally dating. Which is okay. Obviously. He's happy for them. Really.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 13
“I can’t believe you would go out on Black Friday to grocery shop but I guess thanks for going out on Black Friday to grocery shop.” Aaron greets him with as FF moves over to the table.
Andrew and Captain Neil had apparently went out shopping.
Andrew and Captain Neil had apparently come back and have been in Andrew’s room for the past couple hours.
“Josten probably wanted to go to Excites for some gear. I don’t know what my brother sees in that Exy-obsessed jerk.” Aaron says as he eats his own smiley eggs and bacon. FF hears the sound of a hammer and a drill from Andrew’s room.
Heart in his throat he forces himself not to think about what Andrew and Captain Neil COULD be building.
(A guillotine, an iron maiden, that weird wedge thing that splits people in half at the groin, He should NOT have taken that Spanish history class. Oh god it’s probably a fence so he can’t escape whatever hunting ground Andrew is going to drag him to if he can’t buy his continued existence via baked good.)
“Shut up, they’re actually really sweet to one another.” Nicky chastises before turning to FF, “Because of that your final serving goes to Smithy. He deserves it more than you.” Nicky says and slides the final plate of eggs and bacon.
“He’s just as bothered by it as I am!” Aaron scowls.
“By what?” FF asks because there are a lot of things that bother him so Aaron is going to have to be more specific.
“By those two being all close. I’ve seen the way you turn and walk away.” Aaron reaches across the table for his bacon but FF just pushes the plate closer to him. The two plates he had already eaten were more than enough, especially after the full dinner that they’d had the night before. “You’re grossed out by it too right?” He asks as he goes to stab the bacon.
FF slides the plate away and Aaron stabs the table.
His gran raised him better than that.
“I don’t agree with you.” He says because he doesn’t but can’t bring himself to say anymore. He’s in Aaron’s house, he stole Aaron’s keys that morning to lock up the house.
(it was so rude but what if someone broke in because he left the house unlocked? What if someone got hurt just because he wanted to ensure his own survival? Isn’t it better that he just borrowed Aaron’s keys to make sure that no one in the house got hurt? Does FF still believe with every fiber of his being that Andrew Minyard is trying to murder him in this exact house? Yes. Can these concerns coexist peacefully? Also yes.)
If anything he finds Captain Neil and Andrew to be an incredibly nice couple. They talk about things together, they make plans about their future, their PDA was actually pretty minimal (especially in comparison to Aaron), and he had figured out the weird code Andrew talked in so he was pretty sure that Andrew and Neil loved one another.
The only issue he has with the couple is that they are out at a store probably buying supplies to torture and then kill FF.
Otherwise they were perfectly fine.
Aaron scowls, “You can’t be serious. You walk away faster than you run on the court when you see the two of them getting all gross.” He points with his fork and tries to grab the bacon again.
FF frowns deeper.
“I walk away even faster from you and your girlfriend.” He returns because Aaron and Katelyn are the couple who have been the MOST guilty of initiating something in front of him when he was in ‘Visible only when the sunlight strikes him at the exact right angle on the summer solstice’ mode.
 He had tried to clear his throat to get them to quit quite a few times but…well…he has heard Katelyn mention that one of her and Aaron’s favorite ‘hang out’ spots might be haunted….so he hadn’t been overly successful.
“PDA makes me uncomfortable in general. Captain Neil and Andrew are a very nice couple who you shouldn’t talk bad about.” He defends as one of the only people who would know exactly how thoughtful the two were to one another.
He hopes his Gran is proud of him for saying something.
Aaron looks at him with a twisted mouth for a while before relenting, “Fine they’re not that bad. It’s just a big brother thing.” Aaron rolls his eyes.
FF swallows down some acid in his throat and pushes the smiling eggs and bacon over to Aaron who smiles back at the breakfast and proceeds to eat it.
A big brother thing.
FF gets up and heads over to the final bag that Andrew had left out on the counter. FF had bought some additional offerings for his mortal soul to tide Andrew over while he made the brownies. It’s also where the incense and his latest two five hour energies should still be.
He finds the incense, wonders if he hallucinated the five hour energies (very possible), and hands Nicky a box of sour patch kids to distract him when he comes over.
“Smithy, why the hell are you lighting incense?” Nicky asks because the sour patch kids were NEVER going to be enough to distract Nicky. That would take something on the level of Swedish Fish but he’d been more focused on avoiding the candy thrown by an irate woman towards a member of Target staff because the grocery department couldn’t get her the redemption coupon for one of the flat screens in the Electronic department so he had FAILED to procure them. He’d even seen a box sail through the air is bullet time because his brain was too hopped up on Five Hour Energy but he’d let it go believing he could just grab a box at check out. THEN HE ZONED OUT IN THE CHECK OUT LINE AS HE STARED AT BOTH THE FUTURE AND THE PAST AND FORGOT HE WAS IN THE PRESENT WHERE HE HADN’T GOTTEN THE DAMN SWEDISH FISH.
“I’m going to make my Great Grandma’s brownies.” He says in response, “I’m hoping to channel her so I don’t mess up.” He says.
“Oh! More grandma baking goodies?! I can be your assistant baker! What do you need?” Nicky says visibly vibrating with excitement at the prospect. “We can listen to Mariah and I can lick the spoon!”
There is a noise of revulsion from the kitchen table.
“Don’t let him lick the spoon Smiths! He gets WEIRD about it.”
“That sounds like what someone who wants to lick the spoon would say.”
“Oh shut up!”
“That’s not a NO!”
The cousins continue to argue about spoon licking rights as FF gets started checking to make sure that the kitchen has all the necessary equipment to even make his brownies. He’d been so tired (last night? This morning?) that he hadn’t thought about even checking that the cousins would have things like a glass bowl, an baking dish, pie tin, etc.
Thankfully FOR ONCE luck is on his side and FF does not have to walk back to the Target.
So he finishes pulling out everything he’ll need, getting the oven pre-heated, and pulling out the ingredients for the brownies from the fridge.
He lights some incense with the stove top burners sends a quick prayer up and wonders if maybe a ouija board would have been better but if the Home Goods section had been a dangerous spot then the toy section would have been like walking into an active war zone. There are no laws as far as parents are concerned when it comes to getting the ‘it’ toy for their kids. FF has watched the highs and lows of humanity in the Barbie aisle more than once.
So he melts chocolate, he sifts flour and sugar, he separates eggs, and he uses every muscle that Kevin’s insane work out regiment had given his arms to whip those egg whites into stiff peaks. He knows his great gran is with him when Nicky and Aaron continue to argue (they are now talking about the ethics of licking the spoon vs. licking the bowl? He doesn’t quite get how they got there but alright) so Nicky doesn’t hear him say “Stiff Peaks Acquired” to himself because he knows Nicky well enough to know that he would have NEVER heard the end of it.
He uses all of the delicacy his gran had ever tried to teach him to fold those egg whites into the chocolate and then to fold in the flour and sugar. There are more steps, more ingredients, but unless you are family then those are CLASSIFIED.
Great Gran had always been the suspicious sort.
The oven beeps to let him know it’s done pre-heating as he’s carefully transferring his great gran’s life’s work into the baking dish.
He was so focused that he hadn’t even realized that Andrew was back until he turned to do the dishes and found Andrew holding the bowl and running his fingers through the scant remaining mix and shoving it into his mouth.
He is surprise that the scream remains in his head. He’s even more surprised that he stays upright. Maybe the nap did him some good even if it let Andrew and Captain Neil build whatever torture device they were intending to use on him.
He really needs to drink some pepto. He doesn’t think that Andrew will pause their ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ recreation to let FF manage his ulcers. Andrew is staring straight at him.
Andrew offers him the spoon.
FF declines. Raw eggs, sugar, and chocolate? With THIS stomach? He’d almost prefer to be chased through whatever enclosure Andrew is going to drag him to.
“When did you wake up?” Andrew asks.
“Hour ago.” He answers.
“I’ll make the pie tomorrow.” he ventures trying to extend his life by another day.
Andrew shoves the spoon into his own mouth after that and walks out into the dining room. FF hears both Aaron and Nicky’s cries of anguish.
FF looks at the brownies in the oven at the incense burning on the counter and wonders if that was Andrew’s way of confirming his stay of execution.
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Per your requests:
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As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t  get a notification there might be something switched around in your  settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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ohrevienssoleil · 2 months
I understand why it wasn't possible, but it's such a shame we couldn't get Jenny back for The Wish. She and Giles fighting a losing battle side by side and being hardened from it, but remaining each other's solace. Them piecing together the puzzle Cordelia presents to them and having faith in a world better than this, only for Anyanka to try and throw them by hinting at Jenny's death should they return. Giles faltering at the thought of losing her and Jenny, once again, sacrificing herself and destroying the necklace. The way she sees it: she'll either be dead by The Master's hand or by her own, and only one of those inevitabilities gives the man she loves a chance of survival. She kisses him as she plunges herself into the abyss, wanting the last thing she experiences to be his love.
Giles waking up the following morning, the pang in his heart he always feels whenever he remembers Jenny accompanied by a newfound feeling of emptiness, and he's not quite sure why.
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karalovesallthegirls · 7 months
Y’all ever read a fic and realize that the author hates Kara? Like just truly, deeply hates her.
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mooseman13579 · 4 months
How come everybody is on about Bruce being Danny's bio dad but no one is on that Bruce being Sam's bio dad train?
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merakiui · 11 months
The original Sleeping Beauty fairytale literally had the prince/king nonconning the princess instead of kissing her, and the reason she wakes up is because one the twins she gave birth to while under a sleeping curse sucked the flax out of her finger.
So yeah. Malleus IS perfect somnophilia material.
Yes!! The original fairytales are often far darker than the Disney adaptations. There's so much potential for the grim and gruesome, and so I'm happy that twst doesn't shy away from getting dark in the storyline, backstories, and even in events. But then I think it wouldn't seem like a school of villains if said villains were sweet and kind all the time. ^^;;; Kalim and Silver are exceptions because they're just too kind to be cruel. As for the others... lots of opportunities for yandere.
Malleus is truly the best for somnophilia scenarios because (not only is the dorm and character he's based on from a fairytale that included somnophilia in its original version) he's also abysmal at navigating social cues. So perhaps in his mind he genuinely thinks this is okay because you're not in any discomfort and your body is responding to his touch in such positive ways, and you've told him he's welcome to visit you and rouse you from your slumber if he wants to talk. To Malleus, this means you've essentially offered yourself to him.
Lilia could go out of his way to explain what it really means, as he understands humans substantially better than Malleus does, but why should he when Malleus is so clearly happy? Besides, his intentions aren't truly all that ill. He's gentle in his handling of you, so Lilia isn't worried. And Malleus can't help being drawn to you, to the way you seem so fragile and small in comparison to him and yet you stretch around his cock and take him so nicely!!!! <3 it may have taken countless nights of stretching you to ensure you're completely prepared to take just one, but now you can do it with ease (and one day you'll be able to take both at once). To your unconscious self, this is just the sweetest fleeting dream. You'll never know anything come morning, for he's magicked every trace of himself away. Every trace except for the dull ache in your hips. :)
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vicsy · 1 year
They had an agreement, thing is. 
Lance hadn't forgotten even in the midst of getting his brain scrambled and his body feeling like jelly once the last bits of the adrenaline seeped out of him; evaporated like droplets of water on the heated surface of the Singapore race track, streaked with burnt tyre marks and covered in the debris of his car.
His dad caught up with him at the doors of the med center, tugging Lance in for a mindful hug, away from cameras and those media vultures. The doctors had already cleared him of the worst but Lance couldn't fight a jittery feeling, even with Lawrence's hold steadying him in more ways than one. He powered through it, though, managing a quick foray to catering and finding nothing to his liking. 
Lance's phone was a minute or two away from blowing up, messages and notifications piling up. He called his sister instead of texting her back, gingerly sitting on the side of the hotel room bed, the aftermath of his crash reverberating through his bones, a faint buzzing under his skin. When Chloe picked up with envious speed, as if she's been waiting, Lance cut off whatever she was gearing up to say, his voice steadier than he felt. 
Fine. He was fine. He didn't have to see the pics; he's been there, he lived through it. Saved him from the mockery of it all, for sure.
He set his phone on the nightstand beside a pack of painkillers the doctors prescribed and a half-drank bottle of water, slumping against the headboard, floating on the verge of passing out. It took some time to settle in, Lance diligently cataloguing every painful pang and uncomfortable pull of muscles that made him grit his teeth until he settled carefully on his side, facing the panoramic window. 
He hadn't forgotten, even in sleep, and when Lance opens his eyes, disturbed by a familiar noise of the door opening, something stirs at the back of his mind, a warning flashing before his bleary eyes. 
It was their thing. On media day, Lance found himself chatting away with Esteban when Fernando came up to both of them, discreetly palming Lance's ass, then dipping his fingers in his back pocket to fish out a keycard. Este only looked in horror and Lance barely contained a tiny laugh bubbling in his chest. Fernando's nonchalance as he waved the keycard playfully at him and shot a pointed took Esteban's way earned Lance a nasty smack on the shoulder and a frantic tirade half in French, half in English. 
That was Thursday. Lance ended up spread out on the bed, panting into the mattress helplessly, thighs shaking as Fernando took his fill and they fell asleep tangled with each other, sated. On Friday night, he went down to his knees, Fernando's eyes screwed shut and his back pressed against the door of his hotel room, fingers tangled in Lance's hair, the keycard he stole lying on the floor beside him. Two could play this game.
And tonight, they're not supposed to–
There's a muffled sound of footsteps and then the bed dips. Lance moves to roll onto his back, only to stop short as a hand wraps around his middle, strong and possessive. Fernando presses his body alongside his, sure and steady; warm but out of place. 
"Fernando?" Lance calls out, dumbly, in some sort of dizzy disbelief. 
He wasn't superstitious. It was Fernando's forte. Anyone else would have laughed it off but Lance listened to Fernando's reasoning the night after they raced in Spain, stealing two days out of the schedule to be away from their pressing obligations, media shitstorm and judgmental looks. Lance doesn't remember leaving the bed much but the sunset over Oviedo burned itself in his memory, along with every little quiver and moan Fernando wrenched out of him, sealing their lips together as the sun slipped below the horizon outside an open window. 
"Is bad luck," Fernando had said, propped up on one elbow, mouth curving in an easy grin that pulled a lazy smile out of Lance, almost automatically. "Better we always miss one day and meet after the race, no?"
Fernando kissed the corner of his mouth, gripping the back of Lance's neck, and he'd agreed to the terms, never the one to protest. It didn't matter to Lance much back then, setting a tray with their food aside in favor of pulling Fernando on top of him, chasing what neither of them should have ever had.
And yet.
A day before the race, they stay in their rooms; they don't fuck. No funny business. 
They had an agreement and it shouldn't be broken over Lance's own string of bad fucking luck or whatever karmic debt he acquired; over the hunger he knows resides deep in Fernando's soul. Over the one that flickers within Lance, a trivial thing before the real enormity of it swallowed him whole. 
Fernando's palm slips up and down his thigh, fingers passing over the hem of his sleep shorts and Lance's breath hitches. He's never said no, but he's not in the right condition for anything, let alone lying there and taking it. Usually Fernando rolls him onto his belly and Lance goes, pliant and willing and already breathless with anticipation. Now, his body freezes like he's about to crash again and his mind wanders.
Offhandedly, Lance tries to remember if Fernando had called or texted him but what would be the point of it now? He breathes in shakily, staying painfully still. 
"Hey, I don't–"
Fernando cuts him off.
"Shh," he whispers as if annoyed, softly kissing the nape of Lance's neck once, twice, then splaying his palm across the flat plane of Lance's stomach. "You sleep now. Tomorrow, we race."
It knocks Lance off balance, the way he entirely missed the mark. He feels Fernando burrow his face in his hair, breath tickling his sensitive skin. He holds Lance close, his grip unrelenting, borderline suffocating and something cracks open in Lance's chest, spills out and makes him shiver. The tension eases and he tentatively covers Fernando's hand on his body with his. 
Crawling out of the corner Lance backed himself into, he settles in the bewildered comfort. In his eyes, Fernando is two men at once — the one who who isn't scared of means to an end in order to win and the one who comes up with a different nickname to call Lance in private, making his heart flutter. 
And in the never-ending aftermath of his crash, in the face of those who always turn their back to Lance, the latter man claims his victory. Lulled by Fernando's steady heartbeat against his shoulder blades, Lance slips into fitful sleep, hope nestling deep in his ribcage. 
He wakes with a jolt. Feels like he's fallen into a pit, panicky and sticky with sweat, heart hammering away an uneven rhythm. A heavy weight of Fernando's hand is still slung across his back, a solid point of contact. Some semblance of relief lurches in his throat along with nausea. 
Lance knows something is wrong. He sluggishly gets his hands underneath himself, struggling to lift himself up, and falls back on the bed with a pathetic little noise. His alarm hasn't gone off yet. It's barely light outside. 
His limbs won't cooperate, no substantial strength in his muscles, his t-shirt sticking to his skin uncomfortably. Head pounding, Lance blinks rapidly, suddenly out of breath, like he just completed the race. What a fucking joke. He screws his eyes shut, his mind racing.  
A hand pushes on his shoulder to roll him onto his back in a sick reverse of what he's used to. When Lance blinks his eyes open again, Fernando's sleep-rumpled face swims into his vision. He can't read his expression right, just takes in the lines of worry on Fernando's forehead. He must look like hell.
Lance shakes his head against the pillow, the pinprick of tears in the corners of his eyes. Fernando's shoulders sag as he rasps:
"Is fine, Lance."
It's not. He's not fit to race, a hopeless case at this point. 
"I can't," Lance chokes against the unfamiliar lump in his throat. "Fer, I'm– I can't."
He hurts all over, pain erupting in different parts of his body and then flaring everywhere at once. Lance feels so fucking betrayed, restrained, pitiful. He remembers waking up from surgery, groggy and still half-broken but it feels worse now, feels baneful. Lance moves to swipe damp hair from his forehead, hand wavering, laden. 
Fernando takes him by the wrist, lifts his hand gentle enough and Lance allows to be manoeuvred, guided. Then; a kiss placed over the scar there, warm lips pressed to his clammy skin, grounding him. Lance lets an ugly sob free.
"Is fine," Fernando repeats, a hollow look in his eyes. His fingers tighten around Lance's wrist. "I race for us both this time."
He leaves, soon after; Lance stays behind. 
He almost wishes Fernando good luck, out of habit. Almost. Lately, Lance has been all out of it but he'd spare some for Fernando, unprompted. He promises Lance to wear one of his gloves for the race. For luck. Lance's face twist as do his insides. He's always been dismal at masking how he really feels. 
The last twenty laps Lance watches from the back of the Aston Martin garage, tucked safely away from the reporters. His body still feels sore, like a foreign entity that exists outside of him but it pales in comparison to the feeling of his stomach dropping as Fernando spins on the track and keeps losing and losing and losing. 
Perhaps, it's Lance's luck that does him in. Misplaced blame tastes acrid on his tongue. 
As the celebrations unfold, he seeks Fernando out from a distance. He catches him among the sea of mechanics, race suit undone halfway, the same hollowed look from this morning haunting his features. He stalks forward, past where Lance has glued himself to one of the chairs. He makes no move to follow. Fernando doesn't grace him with a mere gaze. In the background, fireworks erupt.
Back in his hotel room, suitcase laid on the floor in disarray, Lance distracts himself and puts his phones aside, itching to shoot a text or anything, really. Fernando has been radio silent since the end of the race, leaving the debrief earlier than usual. Lance isn't some dumb, love-sick teenager, he knows well enough that after today's debacle Fernando would need space. He waits with patience honed with years.
And waits.
And waits.
Then gives up, momentarily scorned. It's almost past midnight. He should have known better; Esteban would be right to laugh in his face. 
They had an agreement. 
It's unfair to the core since Fernando shattered it himself and the reason why was kept implicit, just beneath the surface. Too many ifs cross Lance's mind like someone opened the floodgates of his thoughts. If he was insignificant, Fernando wouldn't bother right from the very start but they're way past the point of no return. If Lance was wiser or older or not himself, he would not have cared at all and even now, he fucking shouldn't. If isn't good enough of an excuse to feel the skin on his wrist burn with a ghost of a kiss; to crave the safety of Fernando's embrace. To be the sole center of his undivided attention.
It's still Sunday night.
They had an agreement. 
Lance downs the last of the painkillers and drags himself under a thick blanket, the aircon cranked to the max and all the lights turned off. 
The door stays shut, the night passes by. His ache grows stronger and doesn't subside.
Morning greets Lance with a taste of defeat and the knowledge settling deep in his bones. He could race with his heart out on the track but could hardly wrestle a win against the clutches the race itself has sunk so utterly deep into Fernando.
Lance's luck leaves him no chances. After all, he was born to lose.
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gothsuguru · 4 months
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gojo writers i now Formally understand the joy you all feel when writing about him
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hyunjiol2 · 2 months
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i have so many feelings about @slicesofapple ‘s oikage fic “as you wish”
it is adorable and hilarious and i could not help but crank this drawing out despite partial blindness!! give it a read!!
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nhura · 24 days
I'm absolutely still scratching my head at Ratio's localized name/title... In most languages, the character is called Dr. Ratio. His name is Veritas Ratio. This is normal
In CN, it's as follows:
Dr. Ratio -> 真理医生 -> zhēnlǐ yīshēng -> Doctor* of Truth
Veritas Ratio -> 维里塔斯•拉帝奥 -> wéilǐtǎsī lādìào -> Veritas Ratio again
"Ratio" originates from the Latin root for "logic/reason". But why did it slide in place of "Truth"? "Veritas" means truth! But he's still Veritas in CN! Doctor of Truth is a distinct title separate from Veritas Ratio. Is it just because "Dr. Truth" sounds stupid? Maybe!!
*Medical doctor/scholar, as opposed to 博士 (PhD) or 老師 (teacher). I'm curious as to whether or not that would make sense of his one flavor text where he's like.. something along the lines of "Even if I tell people a thousand times, the answer will not change. It's 'Doctor', not 'PhD'."
Looking back at leaks from a year-ish ago (sighs fondly in nostalgia of the time we only had his face and "Dr. Ratio is Imaginary"), translations kind of went back and forth on whether or not they referred to him as Dr. Ratio or Doctor of Truth. Everyone had an opinion on what was the better name. Sadly, his name is funny no matter what.
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speakofthedebbie · 6 days
cherris chap is tech done but i dont like how it looks so ill be doing some major revisions. have this until then
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@justawasteoftime1122 remind me to never write an aussie accent ever again /j
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xx-vergil-xx · 9 months
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excerpt from hounds, ch. 48
an old pov returns :) and you will get no more context outta me than that
wanted to offer something, in lieu of posting just yet — progress is not steady but somehow still quite productive? i’ll write three chapters in as many days and then simply Lapse (c’est la vie — i do best bouncing between projects, so it sort of works) anyways, all things being equal, should be on track for my self-imposed january completion :) much love to all of you <3
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wisteriagoesvroom · 8 months
*laughs through tears* when u realise lestappen’s story has been going for what, at least 12 years now and if the vroom vroom gods are kind to us all, we can easily have another 12 if marketing teams and feral fans doesn’t ruin it for everyone
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jonsaslove · 1 month
Five months later and I have FINALLY updated "through the weeds and willows". If you're not familiar with it, here is the summary:
Tears fall down her face before she can stop them.
It’s been nearly a year, six months of it spent at Pyke, and not a day goes by that Sansa doesn’t think of her sister. That unnecessary loss of Arya, a merciless blight in her search for peace. Sometimes, Sansa thinks Arya must have taken Sansa’s heart with her to the grave because the hollow cavity in Sansa’s chest has yet to stitch itself back together.
Thunder booms and Sansa startles, blinking out at the night as the heavens break open and rain starts to pour. Raindrops splatter against the window sill, streaking the pane like a mirror of her own tears.
When the war is done, Jon remains King in the North while Sansa, in her grief, journeys to Pyke with Theon and Yara.
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