werekxnglives · 1 year
"That means that I need to stay in the back to prevent anything from happening." Their rings helped, but there were still some that tried to sway him away from his mate. "We don't need any blood baths at the bar."
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"I been thinkin' about that, actually." He replied as he cuddled against Aki a little more. "Me other da, Beelzebub, suggested dat perhaps I be a stay-at-home parent. Aye, we have de help from de pack n all, but he also pointed out dat I be stressin' when I do go back; especially over ye. And with me new changes to come..." It would be wise for him to stay at home, though he can still work since he has his art and Dupree ran a business with her uncles.
Plenty of work to keep him busy and he'd be less stressed, and worried over Aki. "It yer call too, Love. I donna want to jeopardize ye or make ye feel that ye must work to provide fer us."
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citysvg1 · 2 months
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Pink Madam President Kamala Harris 2024 Png
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llycaons · 1 year
'prestige' is a bullshit and arbitrary signifier for tv shows and yet I (not a film critic, have a tenuous and hyperspecific grasp on media critique) have the delusion that I personally can determine prestige status
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infraredss · 4 months
Forever irritating how zionists will go onto the posts of queer people who are in support of Palestinian freedom and say "try being gay there, see how that goes!" or something to that effect.
First of all, there's queer people in Palestine. They don't deserve to die. There's also CHILDREN there. Naturally they're innocent in this.
And frankly? I don't think homophobia is a valid reason to kill someone. I don't care if it's not legal for me to be queer in a country. I don't care if I'd Die because of it. I just do not think somebody being homophobic is a reason they should die.
And you don't either, otherwise you'd say "kill homophobes" and not endose bombing 1.3 million Gazan people indiscriminately.
You do not care about the homophobia aspect of this beyond trying to Use it to your advantage in a disgusting manner.
You're not discussing homophobia in Palestine to be helpful or out of the kindness of your heart. You're doing it because you think it'll make me believe killing people is somehow justified.
It's not. It never will be. You try to dehumanise others to absolve yourself of being guilty in this and try to justify your hatred but your reasons for slaughter are flimsy and frequently racist.
Because you have no Genuine reason to hate them. You're literally just doing it because you're a bigot.
The hatred you have been taught has turned to violence and dehumanisation. There are people who would try and do the very same things to you and believe it's justified for very, very similar reasons.
And no, I don't think you should die either. I don't think anybody should be killed for something they believe. But I fully endorse you being fucking shunned by others and I hope you experience endless guilt for trying to flimsily justify the killing of innocent human beings. You are complicit in the slaughtering of thousands. Fuck you, genuinely.
And fuck your flimsy appeal to my emotions. You do NOT get to use the oppression I face like that.
Free Palestine.
Zionist comments will be removed and you will be blocked. I'm not entertaining an argument with you. You will never be able to convince me this is justified.
Antisemitic comments will also be removed. The actions of the Israeli government are not the actions of the Jewish community as a whole or even every person residing in Israel.
Blame the individuals, the IDF and the governments endorsing the genocide, including those who remain silent about it.
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mi6-cafe · 1 year
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September 29th progress update, Part II
We actually got over 25 recs! This community rocks!
You can find all of them linked below, and you can also find them with their endosements reblogged to the Cafe with the tag #short sept bingo. Although we have filled the board, by all means send us a few more to enjoy. And thank you!!
Self-rec Exactly 100 words A remix of another fanwork Outsider pov AU (And a second option) (And a third option)
Fancreation published before 2018 Ambiguous ending Work in progress Fancreation you want a sequel to Memorable OC
Less than 50 comments Crossover A fanwork from a 007 Fest you were not in Fix-it The title begings with "N"
Song lyric title Fanwork that made you go "huh" First kiss (And a second option) (And a third option) Pining Sharing a bed
Rated G Fake dating Non-00Q primary focus A fanwork you found this year Oneshot (And a second option)
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emo-protagonist · 28 days
rfk jr endosing trump made me remember that i hate the kennedy's with a dying passion
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xxxpu55yslay3rxxx · 4 months
Okay this is gonna be an edgy one. Rape and murder mention and other things I don't know how to classify.
It's gonna be interesting but read at your own risk.
Note: please read the disclaimer at the bottom. I am not endorsing any of this in real life, this is all a hypothetical scenario.
You know how people tout how religion prevents people from doing heinous crimes, like rape and killing? And people rightfully criticise that mindset. They ask things like "if there was no heaven or hell, what's gonna stop you from doing these things?", implying peoples' weak morals without an incentive.
I am gonna be edgy and say, if there really is no god, then why the hell should that stop you from raping and murdering. Sure, there are rules, but they are manmade and you can get away with it, why not?
Now onto the real point: I think you should be allowed to rape and murder people who have fucked with you. Now I don't just mean anyone, but people who have been messing with you your whole life, demeaning you, treating you like shit. Think about it, if you don't get back at them, they get to die peacefully while you die better. It's even worse if you believe in no afterlife, because not only did you let people trample over you, your only existence gets ruined because you didn't get back at them.
Now let me explain further. As I said it shouldn't be any random people, it should be people personal to you. For example: people who bullied you most of your life but then "wisened up" and turned a new life. Or people who isolated you, excluded you from everything, borderline exiling and only apologizing you by saying sorry. Or people who controlled you maliciously for their own benefit and only let you made desicions to benefit them.
In other words it's people who have deeply harmed you, not just some randos.
Tips: you're allowed to blackmail and torture them in other ways. Why? Because if they caused you monetary harm or the pain runs deep, you can fleece them and harm them back long term. Always think practical.
No vigilante or mob justice. Remember this is a personal revenge thing. The moment you turn this into a morality play, the mob should be persecuted and tortured in the most horrific ways.
While I did say no mob justice, I think you should be allowed to bring a few people to help you. If you're against multiple people, it's good to have backup. Just remember no morality.
Disclaimer: I am not endorsing this shit in real life. Nor do I think these things should happen. This is not an excuse for bigotry or oppression for these things to happen to people I don't like. I am just being edgy. Please don't use this as an excuse to send threats please, I am not endosing that.
This is definitely not an endorsement of religion.
For legal reasons this post is just mentioning a hypothetical scenario and is not proof of or intent of crime or harm.
Oh btw if you're one of those people who try to stereotype most violence as being done by one gender, then assume I'm the one you don't like <3. I hope you blow your fucking brains out 🥰 as a joke 🥰
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just-antithings · 1 year
Hey about Oli London, I believe he's not ACTUALLY transracial, he's being endosed by a plastic surgeon to get everyones' attention by claiming to be transracial, as well as just being a massive troll, watch "So Oli London wants to be asian?" by Sherliza Moé
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1037: Home is Where the Heart Lies (Sonic X SSBU)
7:56 p.m. at Angel's Island.......
Omega stand firm and tall in front of the Master Emerald, scanning around the area to see if there isn't anymore intruders present in a mid, far, and close radius. As the scanner indicates that are no threats insight, the Ultimate E-Series robot closes his eyes as he relaxes eases down on his posture. That is until.....
'Twig Snap'
Omega: (Eyes Immediately Widens at the Nearby Sound in Question as He Activates a Loud Alarm From his Chest) EMERGENCY ALERT! EMERGENCY ALERT! (Turns his Mechanical Hands into Dual Machine Guns) Any unfamiliar faces and/or threats trespasses into private property will be eliminated within-
???????: OMEGA! WAIIIIT!!!
Omega uses his scanner to see two boxing, spiked gloved hands waving at him from a mid distance below. Brief seconds of analyzation later and his scanner viewpoint has turned red to green as he sees the presence of a very familiar face.
???????: DON'T SHOOT! IT'S ME!!!
Omega: Knuckles.....(Deactivate his Machine Guns and Siren) the Echinda? (Steps Cloeser Towards the Stair Case) Have you finally return from the unknown?
Knuckles: Yep. (Walks Up the Stairs While Letting Out a Sigh) I'm back home. Did you.......(Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Seriously guarded the Master Emerald for me while I was gone the week whole?
Omega: (Nodded To Knuckles) Affirmative. Rouge and Shadow have taken the liberty to watch your territory for approximately four and a half days after the day of sudden disappearance. All while I was tasked to secure this all powerful artifact by any means necessary.
One of Eggman's beaten down robots struggling to raise his hand up in the air before it gets annihilated completely by Omega's laser palm blast.
Knuckles: (Let's Out a Lightly Chuckle) Seems like you clearly don't have any problems on your end. (Turns Back to Omega with a Soft Smile) Really appericate the lookout, man.
Omega: (Smiles Back at Knuckles) No form of gratitude is necessary seeing that you have returned and are well. In the meantime....(Starts Tapping on Ear Piece Communicator on the Side of his Head) Allow me contact Rouge to come over and-
Knuckles: (Eyes Widened in Horror at What is Flying Towards Him at a Very Fast Speed) Oh......no-
Before he could try and process what is going on at this very moment, the poor echinda was immediately swept up his feet by his jewelry loving girlfriend, Rouge the Bat, as she sends him flying around the air in circles in her arms.
Omega: Oh.....(Lowers his Arm Down in a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Nevermind. She's here.
Rouge: (Glaring at her Boyfriend In Tears) YOU STUPID IDIOT!!~ Where the hell have you been in these past few days!? I was worried SICK ABOUT YOU!!!!
Rouge: NO! I'll calm down AFTER I'm done giving you a PIECE OF MIND!
Rouge continues to scold the hurl endose Knuckles in a Loopie Loop as Omega watches them from the ground.
Shadow: (Walks in Besides Omega) He's finally back I see.
Omega: Affirmative. (Turns to Shadow) How did Rouge figured out that Knuckles would be here?
Shadow: Bat hearing. Apparently it's powerful enough to hear from far away distances.
Omega: Interesting facts.
Shadow: (Takes a Look at the Piles of Dismantled Roboys Around him and Omega) You do know you're gonna have to clean all of this up, right?
Omega: (Slouches his Posture Dpwn With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) I am aware......
Few Minutes at Knuckles' House's Dining Room........
Shadow: (Arms Crossed) I see....So you're telling us that you and the others were summoned into a cyber, disconnected universe for a whole week just lore in Sonic?
Knuckles: (Sitting Next to Rouge) Yep. And yhe whole place itself was all created by some little, floating girl named Sage. Don't know what's her here deal is, but she seems to be close to Eggman of all people.
Omega: Who wants to bet that she is one of his many creations who will potentially be underutilized in the future?
Knuckles: (Chuckles a Bit) Wouldn't be too surprising if that were the case, big guy. We'd be loaded with cash if we ever place that bet on the table. ('Sigh') But still, being in that dimension for so long.....has actually got me thinking
Rouge: (Raises an Eyebrow in Curiosity) About?
Knuckles: About my role here as guardian. I've been doing this for God knows how time now. About how I was destined this role since birth and......how I didn't need any help or.....('Sigh') hell, even company from anyone. But now.... (Looks Up at the Ceiling) looking back all the crazy, sort of fun adventures I've been apart of and....(Turns to Everyone in the Room) meeting all of you guys made me realize that maybe.....I'm not cut out to do this full time, you know?
Omega: Are you applying that you will be stepping down from your position as guardian?
Knuckles: What? (Shakes his Head and Hands at Omega in Front of Him) No, no, I'm not quiting the role anytime soon. I mean, I'm literally the last of my race. (Snickers a Bit) And I'm pretty sure my ancestors would try and haunt me in my dreams if they ever find out I'm quitting out of the open.I just....don't want to spend the rest of my life being coop up in here guarding that Emerald. I wanna go out, explore more, go treasure hunting, go out to eat or hang out and junk! I'll even go on missions with you guys if it could help pass up my boredom. If the...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing a Little) offer of me joining the team still stands, of course.
Rouge turns her head towards her two teammates for their thoughts of the matter.
Shadow: (Shrugs) I suppose having one more member to the group wouldn't hurt anyone, especially with all the missions we've been getting lately.
Omega: In layman's terms: The More, The Merrier.
Rouge: (Let's Out a Sigh Before Turning Back to Knuckles) Alright, Knuckie, we'll let you join our team. (Pulls Up a Finger) But on one condition.
Knuckles: Which is?
Rouge: (Hugs Knuckles' Arm) If you ever do get kidnapped or sent into another dimension, at least have the common decency to take me with you~
Knuckles: (Chuckles Lightly) Pretty sure that's not how kidnapping works, Bat Girl.
Rouge: ('Scoffs') Please. You've been missing for a whole week and you think I care? (Let's Out a Huge Yawn and Stretches her Arms Up Before Going Back to Hugging Knuckles' Arm) As long as I get to by your side through the whole thing then ('Yawn')....so.....be.....ittt.....
Knuckles: Rouge?
Rouge: (Fell Asleep on Knuckles's Arm) Zzzzzzzzzzz....
Knuckles: She's tuckered out.....
Shadow: Well, we did spent the entire week searching for your whereabouts. She's the only one out of the rest of us who hardly got any sleep until now. Goes to show how much she really cares.
Knuckles: (Sees Rouge's Sleeping Face as He Begins to Smile Softly) Yeah. I noticed. (Turns to Shadow and Omega) Thanks for everything you've done for me up to this point. (Turns Back to his Girlfriend) You top, Rouge. (Kiss the Top of Rouge's Head) I love you.
Meanwhile Outside of the Smash Mansion..........
Amy: (Standing in Front of the Mansion's Front Door With Sonic By her Side While Letting a Sigh of Relief) Finally.....It's been a long week, but we're finally back home where we belong.
Sonic: (Sighs in Relief as Well as He Places his Habd onto His Stomach) And about time too. All this running around through that crazy cyberspace actually got me craving for turkey right about now.....(Turns to Amy) How are you feeling from all of this?
Amy: Hmm...(Shakes her Jand From Side to Side) So-so. I surprisingly learned a lot from being in that place for this long. But I'm still glad all of us got out of there in- (Eyes Suddenly Widens at the Realization) WAIT. Didn't you said that Big was there too!? (Grabs Both Sides of her Hair in Fear) W-We have to go back for him-
Sonic: (Places his Hand onto Amy's Shoulder) Amy, Amy, relax for me, 'kay? This is Big we're talking about here. I'm sure find his way out there. Eventually. Hopefully.
Amy: ('Sigh') If you're really certain.....(Immediately Starts Shaking her Head) B-But that's all beside the point. (Turns Back her Boyfriend) How are you feeling?
Sonic: (Starts Scratching Behind his Quills) Eh. Same as you honestly. Live and learned, glad to be back home, and....(Gently Grabs his Arm and Softly Rubs it) to be whole again.
Amy: (Raise an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Be whole agai- (Starts to Realize What Sonic is Talking About) Sonic, Are you talking about the time you were.....(Lowers Her Ears Down in Worry and Sadness) You know.....
Sonic: Corrupted? Yeah. I... think I am. (Chuckles a Bit Bitterly) I mean, it's dumb right? Thinking about all of this now of all times. Being frozen, unresponsive....I-I mean, sure, it....didn't really last for that long, but....the thought of being in a limbo like....not being able to walk, talk, breathe...not being seeing or....even hear from you guys again.....(Realizes That There's Tears Forming in his Eyes Before Quickly Wiping Them Off) L-Like I said, it's stupid.
Amy: (Hesitantly but Eventually Gently Places her Hand on Top of Sonic's) Hey, I know everything back there was scary for all of us, but we're out now. Free to go back to our regularly scheduled lives, maybe even go our and do more if we ever want to set our minds to it.
Sonic: Like......(Slowly Looking Back Up to his Girlfriend) maybe....sort of....take part of that Chili Dog eating contest on of these day?
Amy: (Gives Sonic a Bit of a Weirded Out Look on her Face)......Not....the activity I thought you would say....(Smiles Sheepishly) But if that's really what you wanna do someday, then yeah, go nuts. ('Sighs') Look, I know this isn't something you could just shake it off that easily, but please understand that you're not and never will be alone in all of this. You have me, Tails, Knuckles, your mother, father, Shadow and everyone else in that mansion you can always come to just to talk. We love you, Sonic, and that no amount of corruption or loneliness is ever gonna change that.
Sonic: (Stares at Amy For a Brief Second Before Letting Out a Genuine Laugh With Tears Still Falling Down his Eyes) Look at you taking charge again!~ I really have rubbed off on your.
Amy: (Giggles Softly) Indeed I did!~ (Places Both of her Hands Onto Sonic's Cheeks While Using One of Her Thumbs to Wipe the Tears Away) And I'll be happy to do it again whenever you're in the verge of breaking down. You're my everything.
Sonic: (Happily Nodded to Amy as His Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) I know. Thanks for being in my life, Ames.
Amy: (Smiles Bacl at her Blue Hedgehog). Thank you loving me~
The couple begins to slowly approach each other for a kiss on the lips, until.....
?????: SONIC!?
Sonic and Amy gets startled before turning around to see Peach everyone else present inside the mansion, staring at them.
Sonic: Uh.....(Chuckles Awkwardly) H-Hey, you guys! L-Long time, no see.
Sonic: (Places his Hands in Front of Him in Defense) Now....I know we've been gone for like five.....four and a half days, give her take, but hey! At least we made here just in time for Thanksgiving dinner!
Everyone still remains quiet towards the Hedgehog as Peach begins to cover her mouth in tears.
Sonic: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, look. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for disappearing on you guys out of the blue like that and I'm really sorry for making you all worried sick about for this lo-
Peach: My....('Sniff') My....('Sniff') M-M-My-y-y......MY BABY BOYYYYYYYYYY!!!!~ (Immediately Dash her Way Towards Sonic and Pick Him Up With a Very Tearful Hug) You're back hooooome!!~
And just like that, the entire crowd begins run over to the duo and joins in on the group group hug, causing Amy to step aside and witness a huge, heartfelt family reunion woth a smile on her face.
Amy: Yeah. We're back home.
?????: Thank goodness.
Amy turns to see Mario walking up beside her with a genuine worried look on his face.
Mario: Where have you two went off to this entire time?
Amy: We've been transported into another dimension, sir. (Starts Rubbing The Back of Her Quills Back and Forth) It's kind of a long, complicated story actually........
Mario: (Starts at Amy For a Brief Second Before NoddingatHer Woth a Smile on his Face) Take all the time in the world to tell us whenever either of you are ready. In the meantime, Momma Peach and I made a special Strawberry Shortcake with your name on it~
Amy: ('GASPS') Really?~ For me!?~
Mario: Yep. We noticed how much you wanted to make one yourself a few days ago, so we decided to make one for you for your return.
Amy: (Almost at a Loss For Words as She Happily Hugs the Red Plumber Beside Her) Mr. Mario, thank youuuu!~
Mario: (Hugs Amy Back) Not a problem, dear. Anything for our future daughter-in-law.
Amy: Yea- (Eyes Begins to Widened Again as She Starts to Blush Bright Red) F-Future.....Daughter-in-law....(Quickly Pulls Away From Mario While Using her Hands to Hold Her Blushing Cheeks And Twisting From Side to Side) O-O-Oh gosh...Future Daughter-in-Law? I-I mean, i-i-it would be an a honor and dream come true to marry your son one of these days, but I don't know! Do you think I would be a good enough wife to him or- (Continues to Mumble on About Her Potential Future With Sonic)
Mario: ('Sigh') To be young again.......
The metal door automatically opens as Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic speed walking their way to the main laboratory.
Eggman: Metal, have you informed Cubot and Orbot about the meeting?
Metal Sonic: (Simply Nodded)
Eggman: Alright, good. As it stands right now, you are the only three I could trust to share this information.
Metal Sonic: (Makes a Mechanic Like Soud While Tilting his Head)
Eggman: ('Scoffs') Honestly, Metal. Of course, I have another solid proof plan to beat that rodent in his own game, but that's not what the information I'm talking about here.
Metal Sonic: (Makes a Mechanical Sound)
Eggman: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Well.....I've been keeping this secret from you all for as long as I can remember at this point, but.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) As soon as we get the proper blueprints we need to start the process.....
There's someone I would like you all to meet.
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in a shock to no one, the anti-vaxx brain worms guy dropped his campaign and endosed... trump.
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jessmaria654 · 8 months
Free Visa to reach Thailand. Im Telling you how you can fly to Thailand with Visa on arrival.
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gkbfact · 1 year
View On WordPress
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ramrodd · 1 year
Tim Scott, The Debt Ceiling and the NAACP: With April Ryan and Tara Setm...
I hope  this is the pre=production for your announcement for the Oval Office as the Party of Lincoln candidate  If the Lincoln Project means what it says about restoring the adult leadership to the GOP. you are that person. You aren't the Republican Obama. You are the Second Coming of Lincoln in a Putney Swope kind of way. My dad was working on your candidacy when I was in ROTC  summer camp  just before the Chicago Police riots at the Democratic National Convention, when when Gore Vidal exposed the inner John Birch Society of he Ivy League Socialism of William F. Buckley and the John BIrch Society.
I want you to run on the Build Back Better captial budge and a promise to install the Trump Hotle Broand on the moon by 2028 if you could  start right now with the campatn theme/ WOKE = Niffer Lover. That's what Abraham Lincoln was all about and Grant tried to implement. Dad was working with the head of the Hampton Institute Professor of Military Science, Major Montgomery, in the transformation of Hampton Institute into Hampton Univerity, Home of the Pirates. You are exactly the sort of graduate the school was created to produce. If you are into Heidegger's Existentialism, a four year ROTC graduate as Putnew Swope. This is where the Beniinig Road Beauty Shop comes in.
I also want you to run on the Stage 3 of Home Rule 50 years of Hip Hop and 50 years of Home Rule and as an official woke white guy who has been using Critical Race Theory since 1971 as a counter-insurgence agenda to end white supremacy of the Fresh Water economics of the Ivy League Socialism of the John Birch Society. The LSA has had a Ivy League Socialism bias since it was created to ensure legacy white prive privilege would make sure a graduate of George Town Day like Brett Kavanaug hit all the bullet points he had to to get  tenure on the Supreme Court,. I endose tenure. I do not endorse the Fresh Water Fascism of the SCOTUS majority's undiluted Ivy League Socialism .
This is fixable, The Slat Water economics of the Binning Road Beauty Shop was the guiding vison of my dad and Major Montgomery, who was the Commanding Officer of my ROTC summer camp platoon in 1968.  he was wonderful, right out of the Buffalo Soldiers. Black Jack Pershing was woke, which is why they called him "Black Jack": John Prshing, the nigger lover. His example, in absolute moral contrast to my cousin, Woody Wilson ( so called be cause he had a perpetual hard-on characteristic of presbyterian slave owners.  My dad and I are from the Black Jack Pershing, League of Nations side of the family, referred to, politely at family reunions, as "worke".
Bring Mitt Romney on and talk about Kac Kemp. Jack Kemp is the GOP's Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Jack Kemp's tenure at HUD is the foundation of Muriel Bowser's Affordable Housing agenda that is the leading edge of Stage 3 of Home Rule: the second coming of Chuck Brown and Bob Marley.
Visualize Whirled Peas
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fy-2pm · 3 years
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nako-doodles · 4 years
Sh sh sh shirleeeeeeey!!!! So so sorry if you’re tired of answering these types of asks (so ignore if you want lol) but im scrambling at the buzzer trying to collect enough jin stan moots in time for the comeback! I wanna make sure my dash is filled with enough of your man so could you name drop some jinnies pretty please 🙏🏼
this entire ask made me cackle asfjioajiroa jin stans really be collectors limited edijin bts stans that you gamble half your deck for in the back alley to obtain.... anyway, i love sharing talented lil moonies so heres a few that sprinkle  beef flavored top ramen packets onto my dash everyday thank you fam for feedjin me in these dark times 💖✨💖✨
@stargazingjin @seokjinssi @jintual @jinv @jinvant @jinvant @jinsbts @houseofarmanto @honsool @jinnieinabottle @ksj1 @kimseokjinniestan @seokjinings @seokjins @seoksjin @lucid-jjin @seokjins-wings @seokjinils @kkulmoon @jooniejin @jinie @seokjinite @myloveseokjin @kimnamtaejin @jinlovebot @cherryprincejin @jins-kiss @floralseokjin @daechwita @magicjin @yoonjeen @mvpksj @jinstantnoodle @jkandjin @jinstaehyung @kimseokjinss @jintears @jincrediblez @taeyjin @ksjknj @jinkooky @kimseokjin @jintae @mainvocaljin @jinsesposa @sevenmoons @seokjinyoongis @jinggukie @jincentvangogh @kimseokin @gemjin @acousticjin @justimajin @poetseokjin @80sjin @namjinsmaknaes @kimseokjinslaugh @grapejinnie @seokjinjimin @brightjin @epiphanyjin @jinsglasses @papa-seokjin @yoonminjin @sunmommi @21stcenturyghouls @cowboyseokjin @jinpout @seokjin-the-hufflepuff 
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