#idk if this will be a writing project or a comic one
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chaos-element · 2 days ago
I’ve been thinking about replying to this all week, @bringthekaos! I can’t believe I made your whole year! You made me really happy by writing MH Viktor, so it’s wonderful to know I was able to return the favor :)
Your research into League lore clearly paid off! Though I imagine it was also a bit of a nightmare to make sense of, especially Viktor’s, since Riot’s never been very consistent in their portrayals of him (I’m not salty about it, I swear. I’m a perfectly sane adult that’s never been tilted by League before, promise! …cough). Anyway! “Bitter divorced dad energy” killed me XD. League Jayce can be boiled down to Steampunk Tony Stark. Except Riot forgot to give him Tony’s heart of gold or capacity for introspection, so he’s just an ass most of the time. (Ironically, the comic that botched Viktor more than anything else Riot’s done happens to perfectly capture Jayce - you can read his bit here). But yeah, good call to lean into Talis over Gio. Talis has a lot more depth and character development, and a much better basis for a relationship with Viktor; Gio is more of a meme than a person lol. Still, it was neat to see how you incorporated some very Gio moments into your Divorce Era fics, so thank you for that! (I started replying to the part about how you wish they’d kept the Machine Herald and you’re salty, because damn do I have a lot to say about that subject! Gestures to mountain of salt behind them. But that got out of control SO fast and probably deserves its own post lol)... Especially since they teased it so well in the first half of S1 of Arcane! And they even snuck in some League easter eggs in the Hexclaw scene! (The claw having a mind of its own! Lasering poros!) And! And! --unintelligible angry cave man noises …ahem. Yuss, this is the way! One of the things I love about fandoms is there’s always room for more. Just because Riot decided to replace our dear metal man with… something that doesn’t really match Arcane Viktor tbh, doesn’t mean he can’t live on! (Thanks again for helping to make sure he does). And I am not a writer, so take this with a grain of salt, but is it important to have the sequel match the same format as the original? Could it not be a collection of short stories or scenes, and then if you feel like it later, you could write more to stitch them all together? I’m glad you liked writing Renata! Always fun to have a good bad guy. Tbh I ended up reading her lore for the first time after finishing Pulse, and I think you wrote her well too! (She came out a few years after I stopped playing League and therefore caring about new champ releases). Though idk who Ama is? I’m bad with names, and there’s a lot I don’t remember about League lore (tbf to me, there’s a lot of crazy in there). But I love this idea (the Stitch reference is also perfect)! Metal weirdo science man rumored to experiment on people, outwardly projects intimidating mechanical-Vulcan vibes, does the violent bidding of a real scary lady? Friend-shaped. Innately understood to be soft and squishy on the inside - in that way that children see through bullshit - and must now fend off attempts at friendship? Amazing. Beautiful. Chef kiss. Can’t wait!
Hey! Just wanted to say that I'm loving your Divorce Era fics! Finished Pulse of the Machine a bit ago and I'm working my way through the rest. You do such a great job of blending all versions of Viktor's lore - OG, 2016, Arcane - into something that feels natural, exciting, and so very Viktor! And you even managed to incorporate some of the more controversial aspects of his 2016 lore while still maintaining his characterization! (something Riot chose to sacrifice for the sake of establishing the general feel of League's factions). As someone who played League for years and loved OG Viktor, it's so nice to see his pre-Arcane elements being included in the Jayvik community. Your work has been so fun to read, and just- Aaaaaaaah!! Words are failing me! Thank you for sharing your work with all of us! P.S. I hope you do decide to make a sequel to Pulse, since you've set it up so nicely for one! (How do they free Viktor from his condition? What is Renata going to do with that Hexcore-harvested plant venom? What shenanigans do Cait and Vi get up to on their Council-ordered leave? (Love how you write those two together too!))
So sorry this took me so long to answer, but I was literally speechless. Just… thank you so much!!! This means so much to me! I’ve still never played League, I only got into all of this in ‘21 when season 1 came out, but I really did fall in love with Viktor’s (and Jayce’s!) game lore, and did my best to learn all about it! There are elements of both that I love (for instance I adore Talis and lean a little more heavily toward Talis than Gio, but I do still love Gio and his bitter divorced dad energy). And I kinda just melded the two together in a way that I hoped was smooth and genuine, and to know that I succeeded? From someone who has been following the lore long before I ever got here?? It makes me wanna break down and cry with gratitude. I really do wish they had kept the Machine Herald, and I’m still salty about it. And for a while, I was super depressed thinking I could never again write MH because he doesn’t exist anymore.
But then I decided that he’s mine now, haha. I will keep him alive by continuing to write him. Which leads me to the second portion of your ask! I still would love to write a sequel to Pulse, I did have some plot bunnies marinating in my head for it, but I never really solidified it. It was more just a collection of scenes than a fully fleshed out plot. But hopefully one day!! I loved writing Renata, and I would actually also love to work in Naph and Ama, if possible. I’m obsessed with the idea that both those kids took one look at this fucked up, emotionally repressed and lonely asshole and basically did this…
Fucking priceless.
Anyhoo, thank you again for such kind words, you made my whole year already and it’s only February! 💖
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onethousxndvoices · 4 months ago
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took a break from my main projects to do some visdev practice. have a line up for a layton fic that'll probably never see the light of day
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ineed-to-sleep · 1 month ago
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I'm still working on this btw. Chipping away at it one little panel at a time 🥲
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dawnthefluffyduck · 6 months ago
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Sunday doodle, will likely clean this up later :3
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nucleiaster · 1 month ago
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So ive been playing a lot of elden ring, and i had no inspiration for what my tarnished should look like, so i just made raki. And now i have 3 rakis.
some lore about each raki under the cut
from left to right :
Tarahn, aka the cockroach, aka raki #3, i play her as a faith/dex build and until very recently she had like. 20 vitality so every ennemy would two shot me (but for some reason i always end up with 1hp left and surviving against all odds. hence the cockroach)
i picked the confessor class because the outfit looked cool, but now part of her lore is unlearning the rigid rules of the golden order with the help of miriel, so thats nice. i'll end my current playthrough with the frenzied flame i think and try to get a good (better ?) ending in ng+
she's a very curious person, eager go learn and discover new things, but this side of her has been very repressed, and she comes across as cold and aloof. She's very stubborn and ruthless (as all rakis are)
Raki, aka the original, one of the main characters of my comic project. They're a cyborg bounty hunter, who doesn't really like being around people. His body language is very stiff but his face really expressive. he can move surprisingly silently, and has made an habit of scaring people who are unaware of his presence. She's also very tired. Please get this cyborg a bed.
She doesnt appear in part one of the story so most info about her is a spoiler. Just know that they want something and will stop at nothing to get it.
Mikhail, aka le ouicheur, aka stupid bear cub, my witcher oc. He's from the school of the bear, and uses more brawn than brain. He really really hate being around people, and thus make a very bad witcher as he will not dare go into villages to claim money for his kills. He tends to use more his fists than his swords, and has fully mastered the sign Aard, with his signature move being an aard powered jump that will send him flying over his ennemies (he doesn't remember how to use the other signs). He cheats at cards, loves coin tricks and sleight of hand, and got adopted by Ezé, a wolf school witcher (and my partner's oc). The most chill of all rakis, but still a raki at heart, dont be fooled by his silly smile, he is still a ruthless and cold warrior.
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what-aboutno · 2 years ago
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Consider they meet because Diluc was setting up his camera when Childe sees him thinking he's taking a photo,,,
Modern chiluc au with photographer diluc and painter Childe,,,,
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ninjakarkki · 1 year ago
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So there's been this story idea plaguing my brain for severals years...
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wereh0gz · 4 months ago
Kinda wanna write little comics abt sonic being a werehog in a mundane setting. Like going into the Experience of being a werehog (mostly my hcs of it) like weird new habits/instincts, how his heightened senses affect his perception of things, how his friends might react to it, that kinda thing. In general exploring how it affects him and how he deals with it post-unleashed
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dreamsy990 · 7 months ago
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my laptops like super fucking dead and its gonna be a couple days before i can get a new one so uh. have a ghost roxas au doodle from procreate instead. returning to my roots i suppose. do not ask me to explain the story context for this or whats going on because i will not explain ok. you can figure it out yourself <-( theres absolutely not enough information for you to figure it out for yourself )
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beannary · 2 years ago
If you want to talk about one of your aus, or au ideas, I'd love to hear about them! (*scoots my chair forward, looking hopeful*)
ok ive been wanting to answer this for a while but i kept on being so scared because ah! this is the one opportunity ill get to talk about my au! but then i realized that is stupid this is not gonna be my only opportunity to talk about my au
putting my ramblings under a read more because i ended up uh saying a whole lot about Donnie and his relationship with both Splinter and Big Mama
ok so basically ive been thinking a lot about the little prince au because it is fully my child and i adore it so much but ive been specifically thinking about Donnie and Splinter's relationship because I really want to write their relationship well
theyre gonna have such an interesting relationship. I know I havent gotten into how Big Mama ended up with Donnie but I am working on a comic for that so I'm not going to get into all of the details but Splinter does know that he left a turtle behind, he just thinks that the turtle he left behind died in the lab explosion, so over the years he has dealt with guilt because of that but overtime that guilt not necessarily faded but he comes to rationalize it because truly it wasn't his fault that Donnie got left behind, and truly there was nothing he could have done to save Donnie. But once he learns that Donnie is not only alive but that he's been living with Big Mama, Splinter's guilt is going to come back at full force because oh my god, not only is the kid that he thought was dead actually alive but he was raised by the woman who kidnapped Splinter and forced him to fight for years!
Splinter is going to be trying so hard to get Donnie to live with him once he learns that Donnie is alive, and he's going to be trying so hard to be the best parent for Donnie ever to like makeup for abandoning Donnie back in the lab explosion. or you know, not abandoning Donnie but that's what Splinter sees it as
I also want Donnie to have like similar reactions to leaving Big Mama that Splinter had. Like undeniably Splinter was incredibly depressed after leaving Big Mama, and like Big Mama turned this thing that Splinter loved, you know performing and being in the spotlight and entertaining!, and completely took away any agency that he could have to this thing that he loved to the point where he refused to take part in it just so he could have some sort of control over his life again
When Donnie leaves Big Mama (whether its by his own will or not I havent decided or figured out how he comes to live with the Hamatos yet) but he's going to go through something similar just a complete shut down where he abandons everything that he loved to do because he now associates them with Big Mama and her control over him if that makes sense? Like Donnie LOVES dancing and he loves playing music and listening to music! but these are activities that Big Mama actively encouraged and so naturally hes going to associate them with her.
I think one thing Donnie is going to throw himself into when he first leaves Big Mama is his inventing. Sort of like how Splinter would lose himself in his shows, I think Donnie is going to get into a sort of headspace where he just spaces out and doesn't have to think about anything while he's tinkering around.
Donnie and Splinter I think are also both going to want to try to prove themselves to each other? Splinter I think might end up being really overbearing while trying to makeup for all this lost time while Donnie is going to try to be the perfect son for Splinter just like he tried to be the perfect son for Big Mama
But like once they actually get to talking and once Donnie is more comfortable around Splinter I think these two are going to have a lot of heart to hearts just because Big Mama controlled their lives for so long, there's a lot of stuff to bond over and relate to
Idk Im not super confident in my writing abilities and Im trying really hard to portray Big Mama as a narcissistic parent but a lot of the stuff that I've read about how narcissistic personality disorder might portray itself in a parental role like centers heavily on the way that they pit siblings against each other and Donnie does not have a sibling! So I guess in a sense he would be both the golden child and the scapegoat which must make for a confusing existence. I dont even know if im portraying this well at all or if any of this is coming across in my writing but I sure hope that it is!
Another thing I want to get into is how Big Mama like reacts to Donnie's inventing because like having a super smart kid that can build you whatever you want is logically a very good resource to have and she does want him to keep building her stuff. But like inventing is messy! Science is messy! In an ideal world Donnie would be getting down and dirty working hard on engineering and botany, and like Donnie can sometimes get so focused on his work that he turns into a bit of a hermit till he comes out of that focused mindset and that's really the part that Big Mama doesn't like because like yes having a super smart kid does reflect very well on her, but having a kid whose constantly playing in the dirt or messing around with explosives and other dangerous devices and who occasionally goes completely MIA while working does not reflect well on her. So she's put into a position where she both wants Donnie to keep building her stuff but she also doesn't want all that extra messiness that comes with encouraging this interest of his.
Anyways im going to stop now because this has gotten WAY too long and I dont even know where im going with this! but it was so helpful to write this all out and just like getting my like thoughts you know written out so I can actually see if any of this makes sense asdklfjhsakdjh
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kagoutiss · 1 year ago
i LOOOVE sheik’s new hair‼️and the maybe comic sketches were soo cool. can u tell what its abt a little maybe………
oh thank you!!!! i love sheik’s braid sm i’m surprised i didn’t start drawing him with it earlier,,, and yeah i can try to explain a little bit about the comic sketches! i still cant guarantee if i’d end up finishing it, let alone when, but for the recent ones with sheik and ganondorf fighting, those are snippets from when they meet at the beginning of my AU (acknowledging they’ve technically met already bc sheik/zelda is the same person just in and out of disguise, etc)
i won’t give away the whole thing just in case i do draw it, but it mostly takes place in mid-timeskip castle town, which is partially dilapidated, and they run into each other for reasons. they don’t really fight for real, more like sheik at some point just tries to take a very ill-advised stab at him while his back is turned, and ganondorf thinks that this tiny prickly sheikah is very funny for 1) actually attempting to harm him in such a way, and 2) obviously not being as well-trained or indoctrinated as the sheikah agents he remembers fighting during the war. and he takes an interest in sheik during this whole interaction, in part because he’s fascinated by the idea of potentially ‘repurposing’ a sheikah who’s become (as far he knows) estranged from the remnants of their own people in the post-war, post-hylian-imperialist age, left with only a tiny fraction of the unique knowledge & survival skills she would otherwise have. and so it ends up being the precursor to sheik eventually getting stuck on both sides of a conflict that she is the central aspect of, all because she accidentally ran into the worst possible person at the worst possible time while doing something else incredibly reckless, and that’s what i’ll say about it for now :-)
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years ago
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“Memory of a Killer,” Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #1.
Writer: David Pepose; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Jay Leisten; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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broke-on-books · 1 year ago
#accidentally slept through my only class today#which whoops sorry. (my 9am english)#which kind of killed step 1 of a plan of mine but thats okay#anyways THEN i had to go downtown to pick up this award bc i forgot to show up to the ceremony like a dumb dumb#but the building was like a 25 minute walk and it was COLD (punishment for my dumb dumbness tbh) but anyways i got there early so i walked#around the block and then went inside and picked up my medal#and i was already far downtown so then i popped my head in a couple of stores as i slowly walked back#got a few things from target. new hair clip nail polish m&ms pens and then a mango. very excited to eat that either later today or tomorrow#then i popped in the calligraphy store and then the comic shop and looked around. saw some white ribbon in the calligraphy store which ive#been looking for but didnt get it because it was a bit wide and kind of expensive and i want a lot for my project idea#(want to write out some of my favorite poems on them in sharpie and then use it to accessorize)#and then i went to the comic shop and peeked around. saw a nubia issue and a few gl 2021s in the discount bin but i didnt get them bc#they were all middle issues and i havent read those books yet although i do want to someday bc my guys were in them. one of the gl 21s even#had simon on the cover so i was very !!!!!!!! thats my guy!!!!!#didnt buy anything there but i did ask the guy to make sure to order a copy of the spirit world tpb so ill stop by to get that in a few wks#and then i went to the bookstore cafe and got a cold brew and did a but of English there. they have tables in the stacks its nice. the one i#grabbed was just surrounded by old paperbacks of sci fi and thrillers lol. didnt see anything id read but recognized a few author names like#card (no enders game though) and the pern lady (idk her name i havent read it). anyways did half a blog post thats technically late (ill#backdate though dw) and then packed up and i grabbed a gyro from the halal cart on that block which i just finished back at my dorm <3333#anyways good times. now im gonna try and spam some work and go to freaking trivia team for the first time in a month later. oops#blah#oh and i think the halal cart guy may have given me a free soda. unsure abt that though bc its possible it came with and i was just being#silly again. so anyways i had a ginger ale too
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spaciebabie · 2 years ago
What's the storyline for your ocs?
nerdy straight A middle school student katherine quin and her pals realize that their government sucks ass and b/c they are impassioned naive youth, entangle themselves in a state of affairs that will stay w/them for the rest of their lives
more under the cut b/c i wrote a lot more than i thought i would kasfjksdfjksfj (i have big feelings abt this story)
i (officially) made the story when i was 14! all the characters are based off me and my experience 2 some extent (especially katherine i mean i made her bi, biracial, gave her a mole, made her like indie games etc). originally the story was going 2 have a happy ending, but as ive grown i have more of an appreciation for....well endings that are not so happy. im thinking i change it. it would make sense w/what happens in it anyway (the story of revolution is not as happy and triumphant as 11 year old me imagined when i first acted this out w/my brother. honestly like ive changed the story entirely 2 be my own but i still gotta thank my bro cuz the orig storyline that inspired it when we played legos 2gether was a conjoined effort and i borrowed many of the characters)! as im drafting it now, the story is not particularly happy lol
the story tells a sort of generational loop that katherine goes thru? if that makes sense? i wont go too much in depth b/c spoilers but its a story of history repeating itself again and again and the endless loops pain and suffering cause and how people are scared/too comfortable/too angry to change the cycle. i think that katherine being a history nerd in the midst of watching history unfold again before her very eyes grants her a certain point of view other characters dont have (except a few who have lived experiences). although this awareness will come later in the story when she's older
it will also touch on something young folks feel 2day where ppl frequently ask, "why is this happening today? havent we progressed?" and katherine will ponder that herself (although the situations that happen in the story are strictly to the story ajsfsjfd i cant talk abt and link real life tragedies it would be too much for me). and i think that as she gets older in the story and gains knowledge and wisdom from what she goes thru, she'll hafta bear this horrifying knowledge that the sands of time dont just erode the past, but the present and future as well.
i was not expecting 2 write this much KJSFKJSDJFKSJDF
anyway! i care this story a lot. its like my childhood and has grown with me as ive aged. im really compelled to make it the best it can be and i get a lot of imposter syndrome b/c i know the ideas i have and the story itself as a whole is good, but im worried my execution will fall flat. idk its kept me from moving forward w/it or talking abt it for years.
tldr; two can basically be summed up by this image:
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are things going 2 get better? can they get better? questions i think about as i write and think thru this story.
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welcometogrouchland · 10 months ago
mm. Fear
#ramblings of a lunatic#got pointed towards a freelance job opportunity by a friend (thanks bestie ily 🤟) and hit up the asker w an email abt further discussion#since the og email was kind of vague (its a comic project! idk abt what but it is one! idk when/if there's a deadline! but it's a comic!)#and that meetings been arranged and thats all peachy keen#and if i get the job i get it and if i don't i dont#(they liked my samples despite them being old work so i definitely have that part down- now it's just seeing if the schedules align)#but as i was sitting down writing important questions I'd need to ask when we meet i was hit with a wave of. fear#and guilt?#like. It's been so long since I've made a Proper Comic (w/ the correct formatting and attention to layout and composition n stuff)#that I'm scared I'll like. forget how to comic and fuck it up. and disappoint this stranger I don't know#...and myself but that's besides the point#idk i think it's just jitters (also bc i had a bad ipad drawing day the device was NOT agreeing with me. paper was ok tho)#and I don't even have the job yet 😭 idk why I'm so nervous#maybe bc I've never had a paid illustration gig and i feel like such a fraud bc I'm a solid 6/10 self taught artist#i feel like rob liefeld bamboozling marvel into hiring him in the 90s and then Rob Liefeld-ing all over the place#(I don't think he actually bamboozled anyone. that's just how I feel rn)#in conclusion i think being on my period has not helped my feelings of mild trepidation and has in fact made me think dark thoughts#so I'm going to try and claim some semblance of rest now
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alllgator-blood · 4 months ago
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(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
*punches drywall* I must've rewritten this part a million times and I'm still not sure I worded it as best as I can. I usually write SO MUCH in my descriptions but rn I don't have much to say about this one.
I guess I just wanna say if you're someone who rb's these comics and writes your thoughts in the tags, or comments or really has said anything about these pages so far, I'm really grateful. I made the original sketch for this months ago just for myself, didn't think I'd finish it or show anyone, but rn I'm going through some grief in my personal life and I needed a big project to distract me. It means a lot that people are reading this one and giving their thoughts, I've even seen people I never thought would look at my art read this comic?? Idk this is a special project to me and it makes me Feel Emotions that people like it. Thank you
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