#endless endgame bashing
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agentnico · 4 months ago
Agatha All Along - season 1 (2024) review
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Down down, down the road, down the Witches Road…
Plot: A spell-bound Agatha Harkness regains freedom thanks to a teen's help. Intrigued by his plea, she embarks on the Witches' Road trials to reclaim her powers and discover the teen's motivations.
I’m not going to waffle about my complaints with the current state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I’ve already rambled on a substantial amount in my previous reviews regarding this subject matter, so let’s leave it at the fact that my opinion and thoughts have not changed. That being said, WandaVision was one of the few enjoyable projects in the post-Endgame MCU era, as it had that original and unique flavour with messing with different television formats, and additionally was interesting in how that show explored the effects of trauma and grief. Naturally due to its success, Disney being Disney and Marvel being Marvel meant a sequel or a spin-off was inevitable. In this case it’s Agatha Harkness, who was played with a lot of funky energy by Kathryn Hahn in WandaVision. As enjoyable as she was, I never considered her to need her own show. I guess really anyone can get their own Disney+ series these days!
Kathryn Hahn is the primary reason to watch Agatha All Along. She’s as enjoyable as ever, cackling and wincing her way through each episode, and it was entertaining to constantly question her moral code, if she’s a villain or if she was turning to the good side. Hahn is great, and I am so glad she’s getting the recognition snd good roles now. As for other cast members, they are okay. Joe Locke as the teen came off a little pretentious, and Patti LuPone was the only witch I actually cared about. Aubrey Plaza as the mysterious Rio ends up being exactly what you expect her to be, and though Plaza nails the sarcasm, it’s nothing you haven’t seen her do before.
In regard to the series’ style, it’s really campy. The trailers in my opinion promised more horror aspects which were not present in the final product, but my main complaint is with the show’s look. It feels cheap. From the costumes to the sets, the whole thing is reminiscent of a CW or SyFy show, and you can tell Disney is probably tightening their budgets following the backlash of recent releases. But with something like Marvel you still expect to see something of visually interesting style, especially as they are sourcing a lot of narratives from comics and graphic novels, which one would assume would inspire more colourful and memorable set pieces. Unfortunately this show doesn’t offer any of that. The best you get is some rip-off witch costumes from other Disney projects, which I felt was more so for Disney to show-off how much Hollywood they own.
As for the narrative, for the most part this show is dull. It’s a very repetitive concept where in every episode our witches take on yet another trial, and though some trials do stand out more than others (episode 7 where a character time-jumps using tarot cards was particularly memorable) as a combined package it meant that catching up every week with a new episode was at times a chore. The other infuriating factor was the endless foreshadowing. This show consistently would bash you over the head with clues of what’s to come, but the clues were so predictable that when the reveals finally did pay-off they were not surprising even remotely. Reminded me a little of that Walk Hard segment where the kid says “ain’t nothing bad gonna happen today” only for him to get spliced in two 5 minutes later.
Superhero fatigue is real everyone! It’s happening! I’m kidding of course, I’m still holding out hope that Marvel and DC will get back to their former glory, but evidently there is still a long ways to go. Agatha All Along didn’t do it for me, however I do admit that Witches Road song is a banger and has been stuck in my head ever since!
Overall score: 4/10
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helluvapurf · 1 year ago
Out of curiosity, what are your Top 10 Fave HB ships overall?❤️‍🔥
My "overall" top 10 faves? ...Hmmmmm-
Honestly a lil tricky 'cause alot of my main HB ships rn aren't exactly "canon" (save for like, one or two lol), and I do like to multi-ship alot as well depending on my mood. Sooo if I had to name just the top ships currently in my head rn (even if its not a full 10 list), here ya go!
Fizz x Ozzie Beautifully lustful bfs not afraid to be doofuses together whilst always lifting the other up when they're down... honestly, what more can one ask for in a Hell-ranked power couple?~ 💞🔥 If they ever made a spin-off for Fizzarolli, I’d SO be down for that if it means more Fizzmodeus duets~ 😍
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Blitz x Fizz -Biiiit of a controversial one I know, since ofc Fizzarolli is in a relationship rn/Blitz having his own issues wouldn't spell too much success for a romance atm... but like, ughhh I can't help it they're SO good, man T-T 💕 Like, two torn-apart childhood friends who grow up into a petty rivalry, sassing eachother out whilst learning to work together in danger, hashing out their feelings enough to forgive (whilst taking it slow friendship-wise) BUT also having Blitz stand his ground to protect Fizz at the Mammon event?
...Honestly, if it weren't for Fizzmodeus (+Stol*itz) existing, these two would THE perfect endgame, fr~ 👏👏
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Loona x Bee "Peppy x Moody" aesthetics are always a huge soft spot for me in ships, so I couldn't help getting drawn to these gals maybe being more than just "pals" lol ;p
Esp with the potential of Bee not being afraid to call out Loona on her crap (unlike most others who deal with her lol), Loona lowkey finding Bee attractive & super cool (despite still being a lil jealous over her Tex crush), and knowing how intuitive Bee is as a whole... I feel like she'd be the best influence to soften up Loona to get her to express herself & have fun~💖
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Bee x Tex Prob my fave (canon) hetero pair atm, I think these two are pretty lovely on their own accord too~ :3 Surprisingly subtle with their affections compared to other couples... but you can still tell how much they fit well given their laidback natures, abilities to "read" people (like Blitz when he got too drunk), and just overall care for eachother in that bit after Bee shrank down to size. Really curious of how they got together ngl (esp given how Hellhounds are pretty low in the hierarchy system as-is), I think it'd be pretty fun to read about~ 🥰
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Blitz x Striker Ahhh yes, def a classic in terms of the alternate Blitz ships out there (though I guess not as popular these days, given Striker's current writing .w.; ). From how much they oozed chemistry from their first meeting, Blitz's respect for Striker's skill almost giving them good coworker potential, their similar insecurities/frustrations with Hell's hierarchy system (even with Striker going a more "corrupt" route with it in later appearances... the fact that even he declares that Blitz deserved "better" than how Stolas' treats of him speaks volumes ngl-). Like, there's SO much potential imho; whether its a slowburn-redemption pair, an "flirting-on-opposing sides" pair, a "come to the dark side- we have cookies~" pair... the possibilities are endless~ 👀❤️
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Blitz x Mrs. Mayberry
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-Ok, now this one's proooobably the least popular overall of the Blitz ships out there... but idk, just thought it'd be a cute idea the more I thought about it lol .3.
Blitz may be a goofy lil jerk, but he's clearly a devoted family man at heart whenever you see him with his loved ones (Loona, Fizz, occasionally M&M, etc.). And with Mayberry having that strong desire for a family (despite how she was cheated/unfairly-bashed on after her death), I feel like she'd lowkey be a sweet influence to balance Blitz's chaotic nature (whilst he'd be able to make her laugh/bring "excitement" to her current life in Hell). Idk, just something light & cute like that, yknow? :3 💜
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redspiderling · 4 years ago
Isn’t it awesome how the Red Guardian is? I mean, even just from the trailer, this man has a beer belly and an unkempt beard, and nobody bats an eye at him taking on Taskmaster.
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His body is not something to be commented on. Nobody lingers on it, it just is. He even puts his suit on, from the old days when he was young and he says “still fits!”. We may laugh because he’s so giddy about it, but it only reinforces the fact that yes, he’s got a beer belly, still a super soldier though, even the suit fits.
Compare this to poor Thor in Endgame where his beer belly was a joke, and was visualised as a joke for the entire film, even though his body was the direct result of his grief and depression, not something he was comfortable with (unlike Alexei who doesn’t give a fuck!).
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crazyaboutto · 2 months ago
They decided to make Peggy trophy wife to reward Steve for everything he did.
looking at the current state of america maybe it was that deep when they took a character whose whole thing was being against fascism & oppression & moving forward not backwards and sent him back in time to the “idyllic” 1950s to claim his prize for his sacrifice (a wife) leaving abandoning his friends (a disabled veteran and a black man) to deal with his mess
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vormirjumper · 5 years ago
Me at the Cinema when Natasha died , Tony died , Steve went back to Peggy and Natasha didn’t get a funeral
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years ago
Lasabrjotr Chapter 63: Land of Enchantment
Chapters: 63/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: none Relationships: Loki x Reader (There We Go) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Heimdall(Marvel), Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), What Beautiful Music They Make, Even When Diner Food Is Bad It’s Still Pretty Good, Not Very Healthy Though, Get Thee To A Waffle House
Summary:   Loki visits Townsvill, USA
Loki had to admit a grudging respect for the human invention known as the internet. Such lawlessness. Such chaos. Such memes! And the fact that anything, anything at all, could be found there. Including information on the-to Loki's surprise-thousands of species of cicadas. It was one of the great mysteries of Midgard; this grand proliferation of living things. When just one version of something would have been fine, there somehow had to be dozens to thousands of kinds of that thing. Especially among the insect world. Why so many beetles? Why?
In your vast Iowa, there seemed to be almost twenty species, though, aside from size and color, there didn't seem to be much difference between them. They were all shaped like fat teardrops, with lacy, gossamer wings covering, but not hiding, their chubby, pointed abdomens. He did learn some interesting insect facts-there were some that only appeared every decade or so, some even went a full seventeen years without showing up, but when they did...
The word 'swarm' seemed to put it lightly.
He learned about the singing frogs, and their whimsical names; the Bullfrog, the Chorus Frog, the Spring Peeper.
He researched the crickets, locusts, and grasshoppers.
He found recordings of all of these and more-coyotes, owls, the soft squeaking of bats. The loud, crepuscular Swifts, the equally loud, nocturnal Whip-Poor-Will, a well camouflaged bird named after its signature cry.
He could do something with all of this.
In the times in between doing his princely duties, he had things prepared. Some silk needed to be woven, some wooden frameworks made. It would take a little bit of time, but everyone worked faster when it was at the prince's request.
Once he had the blank 'canvas' on its series of wooden 'frames' he sent it to his favorite painters, with an image he wished for them to reproduce.
All the while he waited, he also dove into the study of your homeland.
Midgard was so very large, and he had spent so little time actually being there, and learning his surroundings. The sizes of countries baffled him sometimes. The United States was one of those countries that seemed to contradict its own existence. While not the largest of countries, it was still so large that its central government could not govern its entirety. Instead, it was broken up into 'states'; great chunks of land, many being so large as to be countries all their own. Each of these states governed themselves, reporting back to the central government. It was an odd arrangement, that struck Loki as woefully inefficient and ripe for rebellion.
In fact, his studies taught him that several such rebellions had occurred in the past, and had the possibility of rising again in the future.
He tried to listen to some of the music common to your nation-sized state, but could not stand it for more than a few songs. Modern Midgardian music was mostly terrible, in his opinion, lacking in melodiousness and refinement. The lyrics tended to be simplistic at best, examples of beginner's poetry.
He found some grudging enjoyment in the unusual instrumental achievements of what the radio stations called “Eighties Hits”, whatever that meant, but he would not be admitting that anytime soon.
The pictures and recordings didn't seem like enough. The music wasn't enough.
He needed to be there.
Loki could not take you to Old Asgard exactly, but he could make illusions to immerse you in the world in which he grew up. But you couldn't do that, you couldn't bring your homeland to him. If he was to understand you better, he would have to go there himself. Surround himself in your land, eat the food, breathe in the air.
And so he began planning a little vacation.
Or was it an espionage mission? No one other than Heimdall could know he was there: He was still very much a persona non grata in the United States. He could not take you with him. He would have to go in disguise. He would have to go at night, while you slept, so that you would not suffer for his distance from you.
Maybe someday he would be allowed back; to take you back to see all your friends and neighbors. Until then, he would just have to bring some of it back to you.
One evening, he kissed your forehead gently, telling you that he had an errand to run, and might not be back until morning. You were tired; it was clear to him. You didn't even question what he would be doing.
As he left the city limits, he let his outline shimmer and fade away, replacing himself with features that would be less likely to draw suspicion. Soon there was nothing but a grizzled old man in worn jeans and a stretched out black tee shirt. Boring. Ordinary. Unremarkable.
All the things he was sure he was not.
Heimdall met him with a sarcastic stare.
“What have we here?” He said in a flat voice. “A lost, Midgardian peasant? I suppose I shall have to send you home.”
In a time past, Loki might have felt bashful, but that was before he had realized that the gatekeeper had a sense of humor drier than the center of a star. Now he only felt grateful about how willing Heimdall was to break the rules.
“I wish to learn some things.” Loki said. “It's for the good of my subjects.”
“Plural?” Heimdall questioned. Loki pursed his lips and looked away. Heimdall twisted the sword.
The light gathered Loki up, and flung him across the sea.
The fields were vast in the dying light, stretching so far on every side, that it was impossible to see their end. The only break in the tall rows was the equally endless road Loki walked. He could smell the green plants as the sun disappeared beneath the corn, and the dust, and the mud in the roadside ditches.
Heat distorted the distance, assaulting his senses, but not as much as the noise.
Everywhere, every cubic inch of the world was the sawing scream of cicadas. It filled his skull, filled his bones, inescapable and omnipresent. How did you sleep in this? How could anyone sleep here?
But as he walked, as the day faded and the night awoke, Loki began to hear the song. The insects cries had a rhythm that rose and fell in rounds, constantly changing as a frog in a ditch puddle sang along, as crickets among the corn roots added their harmonies. The interruptions as something, perhaps himself, disturbed the nearest singers, causing them to fall silent, and change the melody entirely.
The whole world around him was alive, and reveling.
A dome of light on the horizon indicated your town. He would be there soon, an hour's walk at most.
The closer he got, the less he could see the emerging stars, a problem even the smallest of Midgardian settlements seemed to have. There were more vehicles too, several of them stopping to ask if he needed help. These he waved away with a friendly declaration that he was just out for a nice evening walk.
Eventually, there came a break in the cornfields, a wide verge between farmland and civilization. A sea of grass and barely visible wildflowers, closed up against the darkening night. He leaped over the ditch and strode a few feet into it, focusing on the last vestiges of wildflower scent, of the insects that rose into the air, the evening choir all around him.
The flashlight shining in his face, the stern questioning of an officer. The warning to move along. He wasn't even bothering anybody, and still, he was somehow in trouble.
The officer also offered him a ride, but Loki didn't trust it. A ride to the local prison maybe. The fellow was a bit too canny; he didn't seem to believe a thing Loki said.
He finally passed a city limit sign, that boasted of its two thousand residents. Smaller, even than Asgard, yet you'd spent your whole life here. Hemmed in by cornfields, like great, green walls. Lulled by the song of nature. Sick, and starving, and scared, without him.
And for a year of it, nearly alone, surrounded by dead fields, like even greater walls, no word from the outside world. Isolated, endangered, without even a single member of your family to draw comfort from. All because of Thanos. Just like Thor had been, in the aftermath. Just like he had been, after he fell.
But never again. None of you had to be alone now.
For a town, the place was surprisingly empty. There were large spaces between buildings, overgrown lawns and poorly manicured houses. There were churches; though in this country, there seemed to be churches on every corner. There was the grocery store he had taken you from. The memory had grown soft and treasured in his mind. The way you had fallen so dramatically in front of him, like a swooning maiden faced with raw power. The way life had flowed back into your limbs when he touched you, the way strength seized your soul, and you had so adorably tried to break his nose.
All he had felt then was your warmth. The blow might have felled a human man, but he was so much more. And he had since proven that to you. Mostly.
You still weren't ready for further steps into this relationship. That was okay. You had a busy life now, lots to think about. Your days were full of so much more than just deciding what icing to put on the cupcakes.
Speaking of...
Loki wandered the isles of the grocery store, imagining that you had done the same. Day in, day out, up and down these cramped, harshly lit shelves, until it was memorized. He stood outside the bakery section-closed by this time of night-knowing that you had spent years in that very spot. How the work of your hands had been appreciated by everyone who had bought any of the wide variety of baked goods on display, but had never been attributed to you. Every worker in this place wore the same uniform, the same hat, the same color. They were forced into facelessness.
You had worn that same uniform when he first found you. You'd lost your hat in the mire outside New Asgard, and he'd had the ugly, ill-fitted uniform thrown out. Only the apron remained, decorated, bettered, made more worthy of you and what you were becoming.
Loki adored the style of clothing you wore now; a mix of traditional Midgardian forms and Asgardian details-as unique in its position as you were. And you had taken to it so naturally! It would be nice to see you in some purely Asgardian pieces though. Specifically, Asgardian lingerie...
Loki tore his wandering mind away from that alluring subject, lingering instead on the array of presumably delicious baked goods before him. There were confetti cupcakes with galaxy-colored icing, covered in glitter, labeled 'Sayd-cupkakes', and a little photoshopped picture of you with rainbows and sparkles fountaining from your hands. He was sorely tempted to filch it, but he had already stolen something from this place.
On a table next to the cupcakes, there were green iced croissants, slightly unfurled before baking, in order to make them look less like a swirl, and more like bulls horns. These were labeled 'Lossants', and Loki struggled with amusement at the awful puns, and awareness about how inappropriate this probably was, considering all he had done. This would never have gone over in New York. The store would have been shut down immediately.
But your old workplace honored you. And seemed to at least acknowledge the reality of himself. If this tiny town could do that, perhaps there was hope yet.
Loki headed down the street, where it seemed a majority of the local eateries were located, and chose the most rustic looking. This would be the place where the local poor would eat, when they could afford to.
The décor was odd to him-it seemed there was little thematic cohesion, with everything from old signs, to movie posters, to farm animals made of wood or tin affixed to the walls. The false leather of the booth seating was red and cracked, and the yellowish lighting threw a grungy pall over everything.
Even in the guise of a rough old man, Loki managed to charm the waitress, ordering a combo plate of breakfast foods, which he was pleased to find were served all day. These were delicious, but he could see how they would be unhealthy for a human, who burned calories at a slower rate than Asgardians did. But Loki knew that peasants of both species needed hearty fare, to do the work that they did.
Personally, Loki found these 'waffles' to be delightful in taste and texture. Did you like these? Had you sat in this seat, smiled at this waitress, eaten waffles off these plates? Did you like this sublime sweetness known as maple syrup?
Or did you eschew these things in favor of the protein? These heavy scrambled eggs, the crunchy bacon, the sausage that was uncomfortably greasy. Asgardian food had been refined over millennia to provide for the needs of mighty warriors: it would be much healthier for you than this.
But maybe he could have some greasy sausage brought for you sometimes. He knew how you loved strong flavors.
He could feed you little tidbits. You could lick his fingers.
Again, Loki had to drag his thoughts away from such subjects, and concentrate on satisfying his other hungers. He had to pay with Icelandic money, bespelled to look like American dollars, but he would likely not be back this way again, so it wouldn't matter when the spell wore off.
Besides, they could just exchange it, couldn't they? It was the correct amount.
He wandered out into the night, allowing himself to get lost in the streets of your town. It was mostly quiet, but the sounds of music and television sets could be heard inside the houses, and cars ran back and forth infrequently on the hot streets. There was smoke in the air, the sounds of gatherings in backyards, and even here, the cry of cicadas.  Loki located your 'High School', and what must have also been your 'Middle School', and 'Elementary School', though he still didn't understand the distinction. But there was only one of each in this little town, so you must have attended at least one. Perhaps you had been selected for the 'High school' due to your intellectual acuity? But then why were you still a peasant among humans?
You were exalted in Asgard now, paramour to a prince. He wanted to believe that it didn't matter, but it was your upbringing. It was what had shaped your personality, and informed your outlook on life. This town, with its run down buildings and overgrown lots, fenced in by walls of corn, it had created you. This was your true maker; it moulded you, and was still a part of you, like the Shining Realm would always be a part of him, no matter what was going by the name of Asgard now.
Loki was not so sure that he really liked this place. For being so flat and open, it still felt hemmed in and constricting. But he liked you, so he liked something of this place.
He walked all the way to the other side of town, and out towards the corn. There was a verge here as well; grass and wild plants between the town and fields, and he lay down there, watching the stars go by.
He must gave dozed off, because next he knew, he was waking to a different song. Birds made up the chorus this time, and he sat up to the rising scent of clover, their little pink and white flowers heated by the light of the morning sun. They mingled with the honeysuckle vine winding along the fence behind him, and-yes those were the flowers you had shown him in the Akureyri botanical garden.
Eager to be gone before anybody noticed, he gathered a bouquet of the cheerful, purple blooms. These he pressed into your hands when you greeted him on his return, as well as a quick kiss on the top of your sleepy head
If you wondered how he had gotten them, you were too drowsy to ask, and he bid you go back to sleep. You could both be late today.
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themissingmarvel · 6 years ago
Tell Him
((I took a lot of liberties with this. I also kept some characters alive because fuck you I do what I want and it fits better. I changed a bit because also fuck you I do what I want and it fits my story. It’s got Endgame spoilers like crazy so if you haven’t seen it and don’t want spoilers, save this and move on. Or read it and get spoiled idc live your best life. I plan on making this a series, depending on how it goes over. Or just in general cause I like this.
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Angst, talk of death))
Sweat was beading on your forehead as you felt your heart race.
 You could feel your muscles aching, sore. Your body was fighting as hard as it could.
Don’t stop!
 Now you could feel it in your lungs, your breathing hard and labored, panting as you could feel the sweat dripping off your body.
 Keep going!
 Your body hurt. Your lungs ached. Your hair was sticking to your head and neck. Every fiber in your being was pushing you forward, past what you even knew what you were capable of. Your mind was blank, filled with only one thought. One need. One desire. You only wanted one thing as you pushed your body past its limits.
 A voice echoed in the gym, snapping you from your trance as you suddenly stopped slamming your fists into the punching bag that had honestly seen better days. Bucky was walking towards you, concern on his features as he looked at you. Your tank top was stuck to your skin, your workout shorts soaked even. What he was most concerned about, however, was the blood seeping through the white hand wraps around your knuckles.
 You hadn’t even noticed.
 It had been six months since the world had returned to normal but you had felt so out of place still. You’d been one of the unlucky ones dusted into oblivion, cast into darkness and a void so dark you didn’t know light existed. You had seen nothing in your final moments except for the sky, laying on the ground and staring into the bright Wakandan world. It had disappeared, just like you had, and the world had moved on.
 When you came back, when you all came back, it had been to a fight to the death. You’d lost a best friend and almost lost a father. You’d watched Pepper hover over Tony, Peter begging in his own way for the man not to leave. FRIDAY had read his vitals as critical and you had thought that maybe this was what true fear felt like. What had Thanos done?
 Now all you could think about was the darkness. The void. The endless fear that came with your final moments and how it wouldn’t go away.
 Bucky knew what was happening as he walked over and placed hands on your shoulders, “You need to stop with this. Hitting that thing ‘till you bleed won’t make it go away. We went through something and now we have to live with it.”
 Tough love, right? He wasn’t wrong, though. Bucky had vanished just like you had. He had collapsed to the ground close to where you had been, and he had felt his form dissipate into nothingness. All of you were trying to make sense of not just a world that had carried on five years without you, but a world where you lived again. It had been moments between the snap and the return, but those moments had been agony. No pain, you’d reassured everyone, but the pain had been mental anguish.
 Bucky knew.
 He also knew you were avoiding the one man you wanted most to hold you and fix this. He had seen the way you looked at Steve and he had known it was more than just a crush. He had seen you get quiet and bashful, and this from a woman- sorry, a warrior, who shied from nothing. You drank with Valkyrie, had trained with Natasha (fuck…) and you had Wanda teach you to control your abilities, the electricity that rain through your veins and made you an asset.
 Moments before you’d fallen and as you lay on the ground, crushed over the snap that echoed before you even knew you were taken, you’d seen Steve. He’d been the last face in your vision and as you lay on the ground, sun bathing you in a beautifully tragic way, you’d thought only one thing: Tell him you love him.
 Even death (if that’s what the snap even was) hadn’t pushed you into Steve’s arms. He was powerful and he was good. He was better than you could be, you had thought, and deserved better. Didn’t he? Who were you? Some test subject that Hydra had let get away before they could twist your mind. You’d voluntarily gone in to change but had escaped once you realized what that place was. You’d practically run to the Avengers begging and pleading and Tony had taken you in.
 Letting you go, Bucky stepped back and sighed, taking your hands and eyeing the damage, “Let’s get you cleaned up, OK? Tony and Steve are out taking care of some business in Wakanda for the week, just left. We need you in shape in case anything happens.”
 You stayed quiet as he let you go and you followed him through the suddenly quiet gym that moments ago had echoed with your panting and yelling, that had echoed with your pain. Tell him. Tell him you love him.
Leave it to Bucky to clean you up. He had envied you for getting away from Hydra, as had Wanda and Pietro, but it had let him trust you. You understood firsthand what they truly were and you were an example of what they were capable of. So was he. So were Wanda and Pietro, frankly.
 Once the water had washed away the blood Bucky had seen that the damage wasn’t bad and that it needed to air out more than anything. You’d thanked him for taking care of you and assured him he didn’t need to, “It’s fine, Buck. I’m fine. Just training too hard is all. Got caught up in the moment, you know?”
 He frowned and turned, beginning to walk away, leaving the living room where you two had been, but pausing before turning his head, “She’d be proud of you.”
 You held back tears, knowing he was referring to Natasha, only watching as he walked out of the room for which you were grateful. You’d only lose it more if he’d stayed. He missed her, too. Clint arguably missed her the most which was why he’d distanced himself so much from the Avengers. He was spending more time with Laura, which was good, and his family was whole. Except for her.
 You walked to the wet bar Tony had of course set up and poured yourself a whiskey, neat. Your plan wasn’t to get trashed, which was good, but you did need something to take the edge off. Tony had seen your pain and begged for you to get help.
 “C’mon, Y/N, this isn’t what sane people do. You… you were dust. You’re back. No one would blame you for needing to talk to someone.” He had sat across from you on the couch at the Avengers base in upstate New York, rather than the tower in the city.
 You huffed, “We don’t live in a sane world, Tony. I can make electricity with my hands. You’ve got a suit of armor that can trash a tank without thinking. We work with two demi-gods from a place called Asgard. Sanity went out the window a long time ago.” You’d eyed him carefully.
 So why was this so hard?
 A part of you was so angry at yourself for not telling Steve you loved him before the snap. Another part was angrier still that you continued to keep quiet about it. Your final wish had been that you had wished you’d told Steve you’d loved him. You’d imagined being held in his strong arms or being twirled on the dance floor, a beaming smile on your face and the world disappearing around you. You were getting that second chance now and still you hadn’t told him? Trauma, you’d told yourself. It was trauma.
 “Didn’t realize you were one for drinking alone,” spoke the voice behind you. Turning you saw a grinning Steve, standing tall with his arms crossed, powder blue button-down shirt on and nice khakis. He paused for a moment before strolling towards you, taking a seat on the couch perpendicular to the one you were on.
 You raised a brow, “I thought you were in Wakanda with Tony. Bucky said you were doing some work out there.”
 Steve leaned back and sighed, “Strange decided to go instead. Makes more sense, really. Strange hasn’t been out there, yet, and I’ve earned a vacation.” He smirked.
 A blush crossed your cheeks for whatever reason and you nodded, “Glad to have you here, then. You know, in case we need America’s Ass again.” You smirked this time.
 Steve laughed, a true and heavy laugh, glad you had remembered one of the stories he had told once you guys had all been back together. Tony had thought it might be good to talk about what happened getting the stones given all you guys had been through. Banner explained how weird it was being out of his own body and you had wondered what it must have been like to see a huge, hulking man shown what-was-up by a smaller woman using only her bare hands. It sounded like they all had quite the trip.
 Taking a sip of the whiskey you relished in its gentle burn. You supposed that if it had been five years then you’d earned at least more than a drink. But it was a struggle to remain cool in the lone presence of the man you pined for.
 He narrowed his eyes a bit, suddenly leaning forward, “Hey, what happened to your hands?” He reached out, taking the hand not holding the whiskey, eyeing the skin that had been etched away leaving your knuckles raw.
 What’s happening?
 You snatched your hand back, inadvertently knocking the whiskey out of your hand and onto the floor, those words that had passed through your mind in your final moments passing through once more.
 Please… not with Steve…
 The liquid hit the hard floor and the glass shattered into a million little pieces. You felt the same. Stumbling to your feet and glad you had on shoes you felt yourself shaking, “I’m-I’m sorry. I have to go. I’m sorry.” You mumbled, repeating your words as you stumbled out of the room and towards the one you had called your own.
 Somewhere in your mind you could hear Steve calling out your name and you had wished for a moment you were able to tell him to make it better. You had wanted to run into his arms instead of leaving him with shattered glass and a concerned look.
 Entering your room, you about fell apart. You made it to your bed before the tears fell hot down your cheeks. That same pain you tried so hard to push away was flooding your vision. You saw that Wakandan sky again, felt the dirt beneath you, heard a voice that was so far away, “Bucky? Y/N?”
 It was beyond unexpected, then, to feel a pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped around you, head against your own as you heard him whisper, “Hey, hey… it’s ok. You’re safe, Y/N. I promise you, you’re safe, ok?” The words were gentle and healing, little pieces that were working to clean up the glass that had just shattered into a million tiny pieces.
 Opening your eyes you saw that it was Steve holding to you and without even thinking you threw your arms around him as well. It just felt so good. It felt like a relief, like letting out a breath you’d been holding in as he held you to his warm chest. His smell, a soft cologne, wafted up and you felt comforted more.
 But there you sat, unsure for how long, as he let you sob. You were certain tears were staining that nice shirt of his and you knew how he was turned it must not have been comfortable. But he held you. He held you close and he didn’t flinch as you sobbed. It was compassion from a man who had been through so much himself and still he was letting you unravel, keeping you centered as best he could while you finally let go of what you’d been holding onto.
 So why can’t I say it?
 When he finally did pull away you had calmed considerably, soft whimpers escaping over loud sobs, looking at him as he smiled warmly and brushed your cheek gently, “It doesn’t feel like it now, but I promise you it’ll be ok. And I promise, more than anything, I’ll keep you safe.”
 You nodded, wiping at your tears a bit as you looked away, “Thanks, Steve… sorry for falling apart there. I think I’m feeling better now, though,” you forced a smile and he leaned in, placing a chaste kiss upon your forehead.
 Tell him!
 He stood slowly, “I’ll be a few doors down if you need me, OK? Wanda said she’ll make us some food tonight. Vision is helping, though, so not sure how it’ll be,” he smirked. You couldn’t help but chuckle, only nodding as you watched him leave.
 If only you’d known. If only you’d heard his own voice screaming at him, his internal dialogue that never ceased once more at attention as he shut your door and moved smoothly down the hallway.
 You were the last one he saw. He watched as your form, the one he had memorized so perfectly, began to disappear. Without a word he watched as you slowly vanished into the air. He watched as your perfect eyes, your perfect hair, your perfect everything slipped from his fingers. Another missed chance. Another dance he would never get.
 Tell her you love her.
( @skymoonandstardust @spookydefendordreamer @luckynumber1213 and lemme know if you wanna be tagged or untagged w/e)
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in-madhouses · 6 years ago
i dont mean to bother you but can you link me to the epilogue of your fic ‘they’ll hang us in the louvre” i absolutely have adored reading and im happy i stumbled across your blogs and fics and i cant wait to read more!
HELLO! NO BOTHER AT ALL. Life has just gotten in the way a little and I’ve been absolutely trash about updating. But here’s the epilogue for louvre for those who are actually still out there reading things I post  😭😭😭
“So what can you tell us about the Marauders film coming out in a couple of weeks?” The excited host asks with a little glint in his eye, as though he’s asking something he already knows the answer to.
“I.. I can tell you what I don’t know, which is everything,” Aahna deflects instead with a bit of a blush staining her cheeks.
Niall forces to keep a straight face at the sight of her on the screen, slightly squirmish but totally acing it.
Despite being high key in the interview spotlight (on and off) for well over two years by now, he can never get over the fact that Aahna confident to the point of arrogance Deakins doesn’t do very well with interviews.
For all intents and purposes, she does just fine. She carries her confidence like a shield and her charm simply radiates onto the screen. But after being intimately acquainted with her and her idiosyncrasies for a better part of a year, her slight awkwardness is evident. Especially when it’s on red couches and with interviewers that she binge watches on a regular.
“You have to know something!” Graham presses on.
“They didn’t exactly… I mean, at this point I know more about how nuclear reactors work than I do about the Marauders movie,” Aahna says casually.
“Are you saying you haven’t watched it or that you’re surprisingly well educated about nuclear reactors?”
“Both?” She laughs.
And Niall knows she’s not lying, she’d looked it up the week before and spent her night explaining to him it how it worked in detail.
The flamboyant host presses on, “Do you even know if you’re in it at all?”
“I don’t… I… I’m not sure,” she stutters a little before chuckling.
The petite host all but practically screeches at that, “You’re not sure?”
“Is it because they don’t trust you to keep things off social media?”
“Pretty much,” Aahna nods, her grin wide and bashful at the same time, “I wasn’t exactly given a script. Everyone on the principal cast knew what was going on, they literally jumped straight into filming after the last season but I was only given the scenes that I was in, and mid-way through production, so I could be a ghost, a memory, a spell-induced hallucination, I’m possibly not even in the movie at all.”
Niall smiles to no one in particular, somewhat proud how well she’s fending despite the multitude of complicated factors surrounding the interview;
a) the possibility of letting too much about the movie slip and therefore violating her NDA, his NDA, and everyone’s NDA basically because she only knows as much as she knows because they’d told her,
b) the possibility of not talking about the movie enough which would cause the audience to be less excited about the boys being on the show in the following week,
c) the fact that she’s not actually on The Graham Norton Show to promote the Marauders movie but the new season of her own show, and of course,
d) the possibility of deflecting everything far too much and then having to maneuver questions about their relationship status which was a newly hot topic of much speculation.
Despite them not even trying to be sneaky about things after the completion of Marauders: The Final Chapter, the internet stayed unsuspectingly calm.
Apart from that one grainy low quality images of them having dinner surfacing on a fan blog, they’ve actually managed to evade the full force of rumours and speculation with Aahna busy with season two of her show and Niall preoccupied piecing together the parts for his own expansion of title from just ‘actor’ to ‘actor slash screenwriter slash director.’
It only unexpectedly comes to a head when Aahna tweets one of the March Madness bracket charts comparing the fictional men on television by replacing every name with Remus Lupin.
Twitter, as it does, promptly loses its shit over it.
Fixed the chart for you 🙃 @BBCOne
Wow what were even doing before you came along? @itsAahna
Sleeping on Remus Lupin, clearly @BBCOne
can @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial just get together already i want peace 😭
OTPOTPOTPOTPOTP #drowningindeniall
I WILL REVOLT #wandsattheready #drowningindeniall @MaraudersMovie
I mean we all know #jily is endgame in the movie but i want to see @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial IRL #drowningindeniall
If this doesn’t change your opinion on the “friendship” between @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial nothing will.
Can we say we called it first? @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial
@MaraudersMovie exclusive. The cast weigh in on the new fave will they won’t they couple and THAT tweet >> bit.ly/Jh8e3rd4
Niall was back in Ireland when it happens, but his Twitter blows up with fans asking if they really are dating. Oddly, none of the guys or any of the Marauders’ cast members pester him about it. Probably because they think that Aahna’s contractually obligated to keep the conversation on the upcoming Marauders movie, but keeping their sexual relationship turned actual relationship a secret for months on end is surprisingly easy when your friends aren’t being complete nosy fucks.
The only person who truly suspected anything had Caroline, and even then, she’d only thought they were having hate sex to fix all their problems. (Not like she was wrong.) But when they decided to come clean when they wrapped filming with a round of drinks, they find out that there’d been a betting pool going on in regards to their relationship instead.
“I had a tenner riding on this,” Louis says, swaying a little after his umpteenth shot, “I still can’t believe the two of you didn’t get together before the movie wrapped!”
Niall and Aahna share a look at that, but before either of them can let the cat out of the bag, Louis then goes off on how no one but Harry expected them all to become friends and how this lead to them all losing money to Harry and they telepathically decide against telling their friends. (Seems only fair, since their friends were all proving to be complete pricks.)
Which only brings things to their current conundrum of having to promote a movie whilst making use of their fan favourite characters’ practically non-existent romance while some fans were emotionally invested in the actors’ very secret but very real romance.
He smiles at the thought. Because he likes to tell people that he was in love once, back in Ireland. But he didn’t really fall in love, fall in love. Not really. It was more of a familiarity. Like one day something that was there all along that just… became love. And it’s entirely the opposite of what happened with Aahna. Before he was even fully aware of what was happening, she was just… all over his life. Everywhere. Like someone poured her over every inch of him and she just seeped into the very fabric of his life and he can’t wash her out no matter how much bleach he used.
The on screen conversation shifts to the other guests for a bit focusing on the projects they qere involved in, but when the host with the big red couch says he has some tweets to pull out circling back to her, Niall could see the subtle signs of panic creep in on her face.
“Lips were obviously sealed quite tightly when you got cast for the backdoor pilot on Marauders, but an incident got leaked to the press didn’t it?”
“Wait, is this the video?” Aahna asks realisation dawned upon her.
“These were the tweets following that video that most people seem to have forgotten about.”
“Something that you won’t let happen, obviously,” Aahna comments good humouredly, mentally bracing herself for whatever the Graham Norton team has managed to dig up on the interwebs.
“Obviously,” the host announces as they move their attention to the screen on set, “Now these tweets are, I believe, the immediate aftermath of the video hitting the internet.”
4 yrs on a top rated tv show only to end up sharing scentime with someone who got famous lookng gd in thr underwear
that’s not me throwing shade at modesl that’s me throwing shade at @itsAahna
it’s really not my fault that @itsAahna finds memorising lines harder than slupring tequila off her girlfriend’s belly button
are YOU slurping tequila off of your girlfriend’s belly button right now? @NiallOfficial
lol kidding (what girlfriend) 😂 @NiallOfficial
at least i’m not about to send in a sex tape to @DailyMirror to distract people from how i cant act atall
if you wanted to make a sex tape all you had to do was ask @NiallOfficial
“And this went on for like a whole hour at 3 in the morning,” Graham titters excitedly as he continues scrolling through the seemingly endless barrage of tweets.
“They do say that the best relationships start from heated online arguments,” Aahna shrugs, a smile dangling coyly on the edge of her lips.
Niall’s heart skips a whole beat at that.
But luckily, no one on the red couch seemed to have given it as much thought and they glide by the whole topic unsuspectingly.
“I mean, at one point you weren’t even typing words!” The host exclaims, still scrolling through tweets.
“No, you have to say it really fast, it’s… it’s a joke on the Irish accent, I was making fun of his accent,” Aahna admits, looking a little pink in the cheeks in embarrassment and nerves.
She then does an (in his opinion, piss poor) impression of his Irish accent.
Niall can’t help it though, his smile is still so wide, he’s at risk of his face splitting in half.
“You might as well have insulted potatoes,” Graham responds, rather aghast at her impersonation.
“Or Guinness, the Irishman is rather fond of his Guinness,” Ines chimes in.
The rest of the interview goes on with attention bouncing back and forth between the guests and before he notices it, the musical guest comes on and the credits are rolling. He does his best to pretend to be upset when she breezes into his apartment like it’s hers the next day (although to be honest, it’s all hers really; his apartment, his mind, his soul, his heart).
“That’s your best impersonation of me?” He tuts, faking being insulted so hard he wonders how he was ever employed as an actor.
She, in turn, does a very poor job of not smiling as she sets down boxes of takeaway in his kitchen, “Seeing as that was the dumbest I’ve ever looked on telly, I think it was pretty on.”
He grins, “You were great.”
“I can see why you need glasses,” she raises a brow at his direction.
Niall merely shakes his head at that. It’s a quarter past four and the gang should be at his place in about an hour because everyone unanimously decided that he needed to host a party to celebrate his script selling and the studio wanting him to direct and she’s doing the dishes because ‘only losers eat out of takeaway boxes at a party’ and he can’t stop staring.
She looks up and finds him sort of looking at her weird.
You, he thinks, I’m looking at you. I’m always looking at you.
“You know this is probably what Sierra meant,” he points out, a little breathless over absolutely nothing, “About distractions.”
She links her hands behind his neck, feigning ignorance, “No idea what you mean.”
And then he’s kissing her against the overflowing sink and she’s laughing, and he thinks it tastes better than anything in his whole atmosphere.
And honestly, Niall is pretty sure he could live off of that feeling for the rest of his life.
I don’t mean to alarm anyone but I think @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial are legitimately dating.
BETRAYAL!! DECEPTION!! OUTRAGE!! @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Pics or it didn’t happen @Harry_Styles
DELETE. NOW. @Harry_Styles
#DROWNINGINDENIALL @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Stop yelling or I s2g I’m coming over there and choking you @Louis_Tomlinson
Kinky. I take it @NiallOfficial likes it rough?
@Louis_Tomlinson keep your kinks to yourself. yes this is me kinkshaming you
There are children on the interwebs!! @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial
Kinkshaming is my kink @NiallOfficial 😉
Kids, kinkshaming is bad
jokes on you kinkshaming kinkshames is my kink @Louis_Tomlinson
Caaaaan we bring it back to the betrayal bit @NiallOfficial
Yes. In case you’re all wondering, the @MaraudersMovie cast has a betting pool on @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial
And I want my money back @Harry_Styles
Et tu @C_Davies? Et tu??
None of that 👆 was a ‘yes, we’re dating’ @C_Davies
I’m blocking all of yous. @Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @LeeyumPain @C_Davies @AinsWills
Yes, we’re dating 🙃
BLOCKEDDDD @NiallOfficial 😡😡😡
@zaynmalik retweeted @AinsWils
BETRAYAL!! DECEPTION!! OUTRAGE!! @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Okay internet (and former friends) You win this one.
I want my tenner back @Harry_Styles
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janiedean · 6 years ago
Wait why would you hate brienne in the north as qg? I would have preferred that instead of having her swear celibacy and be stuck in a place where she will always be haunted by Jaime, when kg wasn’t really her dream? Didn’t she only do that because she loved Renly? She wanted to be a knight but not necessarily in kg. And having her take that vow fucks her character arc by reducing her to yep ur right ur ugly, no love for you no man no kids no nothing no no u r ugly beuteish woman
tldr: because she’d be playing fiddle to sansa.
now, premise: I love sansa. book!sansa. like. I love her dearly. I have endless issues with her show version, I’ve had since S5, I never made a mystery of it and I have them because I love her, so please don’t take this as sansa bashing but rather d&d bashing.
and sorry if I sound like an asshole now, but: they already sacrificed theon’s whole storyline to sansa’s for three seasons which is a thing I always hated, and since s6 included, brienne also was basically there to be sansa’s glorified bodyguard and s5 was her waiting around a tower for sansa while they forgot that she has moved on from renly and kept there there to kill stannis but nvm that. S7 she also basically was that. S8 at least she got to be something else and sorry but since my top three favorites in asoiaf is robb brienne and theon in that order, I would have appreciated not having two of them, not one, having their endgame and storyline sacrificed on the altar of sansa’s eventual endgame.
now, brienne in sansa’s qg means that:
she gets the same as being in the kg, just we can see that it wasn’t what she wanted eventually (she did want to be with jaime right) while sansa got her dream happy ending so we have direct contraposition of ugly mannish girl who was left by the only guy she slept with against good-looking girl who basically is her boss and got everything she wished for and who could have anyone she wanted but whatever, she needs no man so whatever;
queensguard also means swearing the same thing, like she was gonna swear celibacy anyway;
brienne was in the red keep for joffrey’s wedding and that was it, she stayed in wf for months including the one she spent there with jaime....... and you think that living in the room she shared with him for a month wouldn’t be worse than the red keep? like, she has to remember that he left and live in a place where most likely she has bittersweet memories for all of her life when at least in king’s landing she has a new start?
obviously renly’s kg was what she thought she wanted, but like... she wasn’t even a knight at that point and renly’s kg meant nothing. the kingsguard is technically the greatest honor a knight can achieve and in the book she actually was like FUCK YOU YOU SOILED A CLOAK I CAN NEVER WEAR at jaime, and if you’re lord commander you actually have a role and responsibility, so actually the kg in the entire realm >>>>> sansa’s qg in terms of relevancy, being able to do something for the realm and being professionally recognized as good at that job.
like: sansa’s qg implies that she takes the exact same vows as the kg, but she has to stay north dying of cold and doing nothing of import except playing fiddle to sansa’s storyline and being the glorified bodyguard. in the kingsguard she can inspire other people, open a line to have other girls being knights and join in, if we take that she wanted to keep on jaime’s legacy of wanting to clean it up and making it better as much as the show did that wrong then she can actually go down in history as the person who turned the KG into an honorable institution worthy of joining again and she can... do something and find some joy in her work even if I still think it’s not the right ending for her, it’s still miles better than having her storyline tied to sansa’s when it’s been that for three seasons. brienne and sansa have joined storylines and I think that’ll happen in the book and I can’t wait for it, but like hell I want brienne’s to be sacrificed to sansa’s for a whole lot of reasons including that ‘ugly girl’s only sense of existing is being the glorified bodyguard to good looking girl’ when at least the other option means that she’s not just a glorified bodyguard but officially the person recognized as the best knight in the entire damned realm because that’s what the kg is supposed to be.
do I like it? no.
do I think it fucks up her arc? yes.
but if I have to choose in between her doing it for sansa’s qg or for the KL kingsguard..... sorry but the latter every other second. at least I can headcanon it into something decent. the first to me is just a huge red no blaring everywhere because there’s nothing about it that I can headcanon into something decent. :/
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redspiderling · 4 years ago
Every time the patriarchy has felt threatened, it has come up with ways to curb women’s rights and freedom.
Remember the Witch Hunt? Humanity decided that witches are real and they need to burn. That decision wasn’t random, it came right after a lot of prominent women gained power and influence, and wanted to deviate from their normal roles, e.g. Queen Elizabeth the first, and other female monarchs in Europe at the turn of the 16th century. 
Another interesting fact about witch hunts, is that they usually targeted middle aged, or elderly women. Basically, women after menopause were considered useless, “shrivelled”. Not only that, but because they were no longer under the direct control of men (a lot of them were widows, or they had adult children and lived quite freely), and as such were thought of as “easily giving in to female weaknesses” for things like lust, or jealousy for younger women who could still birth children, and as such, women of some age (and experience and wisdom) were the first targets for witch hunters.
I’ll bring this back into Marvel context and say that this is simply why Natasha died. I don’t know if you noticed, but Natasha ticks all the above boxes:
By Endgame, Natasha was independent of all male influence in her life.
She had also gained considerable power, given that she was literally leading the Avengers.
Was entirely free to make decisions for herself.
Wasn’t useful to the patriarchy by falling into the model of woman that is considered proper, because Natasha couldn’t have children, and didn’t seem interested in having them anyway.
It always feels like I don’t say “fuck Marvel” enough, so I’ll say it one more time.
Fuck Marvel.
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vormirjumper · 5 years ago
Can I just say @redspiderling that I love and respect you and your blog so much. I adore your opinions on Black Widow and Endgame. Thank you for your service. 
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newshirtonlines-blog · 2 years ago
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Avengers: The Kang Dynasty Walt Disney World Halloween Mickey And Friends Halloween Party Disney Boo Bash Vintage shirt . and Secret Wars will offer a climax to the ongoing Multiverse Saga in a similar manner to how Infinity War and Endgame concluded Marvel Studios' first collection of films. With so many heroes still lingering from the last saga and countless new ones arriving with every new project, many are wondering who will show up in the next Avengers flick. Already in Phase 4 alone, fans have been introduced to several new heroes and teams, reunited with a few familiar faces, and replaced characters in existing mantles. There's no doubt the cast of the next two Avengers blockbusters will be stacked as Earth's Mightiest Heroes require all the help they can get to defeat Jonathon Majors' Kang the Conqueror.Walt Disney World Halloween Mickey And Friends Halloween Party Disney Boo Bash Vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's With the two-part epic being a story that revolves around the Multiverse and Variants, the possibilities for who could show up are endless Walt Disney World Halloween Mickey And Friends Halloween Party Disney Boo Bash Vintage shirt . Even dead characters are far from off the table thanks to alternate timeline shenanigans. But who is the most likely to be back for The Kang Dynasty? Kang the Conqueror has long been teased as the big bad of the Multiverse Saga and The Kang Dynasty clearly cements that. Fans have already met one Variant in Loki and will soon meet another in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania which may offer more hints toward his mission in the next Avengers blockbuster. But will he survive to antagonize again in Secret Wars? You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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whitewolfofwinterfell · 8 years ago
do you think swan queen is endgame? what do you think of the swan queen fandom?
Do I think Swan Queen is endgame? Honestly, I don’t have a clue. I wish I could give you a straight answer, but I don’t think we’re close enough to the end of the series for me to be able to assess that, because there’s still so much that could happen between then and now. 
I do, however, think that there is absolutely the potential and chance for Swan Queen to be endgame. We know that the show isn’t afraid to portray LGBTQ+ relationships because of Dorothy, Ruby and Mulan. In addition to this, like I’ve said before, all of the foundations are in place for a Swan Queen endgame (x), it’s just a matter of whether the writers will take active steps towards making romantic Swan Queen endgame. 
But as a recently turned Swen shipper, I have to admit I’ve noticed that there’s more emphasis and focus on Emma and Regina’s relationship and their interactions. This is probably an opinion that a lot of other SQ shippers won’t have, because they’ve probably shipped them so much longer than me and so have a preference to earlier seasons or the season that made them a SQ shipper. But watching season 6 is actually what made me a Swan Queen shipper along with this post (x), which inspired me and reminded me that sometimes the canon, heteronormative ships we’re presented with aren’t always the best options or even the ones that make the most sense. But season 6 did completely transform me into a Swen shipper, based purely on the fact that they had more scenes together and I enjoyed them so much and began to see a potential with them. I mean, there’s been so many great SQ centric episodes in season 6, particularly 6x08 and 6x10 and those episodes have just made me love them even more. 
But, I do feel like a lot of the potential we see with Swan Queen is often unintentional on the writers part. I think they really work hard to push them together as best friends and Henry’s mothers, but they will never actually take it any farther. My main reason for thinking this is that they consistently push so hard for C$ and 0Q that I don’t see them ever straying away from that. Even in 6x10, which was such a SQ heavy episode, it still ended with 0Q. Then there’s the fact that despite what we see and perceive, neither Emma or Regina have been confirmed to be anything other than straight, even if there’s been slight hints that say otherwise. They’ve both always had romantic feelings and relationships with men and I feel like the writers would have an issue with pushing Emma and Regina together romantically because they’d have to explain why they’ve consistently portrayed them as being straight only for them to end up with each other.  
I don’t know, I think SQ is simply one of those ships whereby the writers have created such a complex and deeply emotional story between these two characters without even considering the fact that it can be interpreted to be romantic in so many ways. I also think that Jennifer and Lana’s chemistry is more powerful than anyone could’ve anticipated and that led to such an explosion of SQ shippers. But ultimately, I don’t think the writers have ever really considered making Swan Queen canon, which is very unfortunate, but just the way it goes sometimes. 
As for what I think for the Swan Queen fandom, oh my god, I love it so much! When I first joined the fandom I got the biggest and warmest welcome than I’ve ever gotten from anywhere in my life. I had so many people coming to my ask box to welcome me, share their thoughts or ask me questions about how/why I came to be a SQ shipper. It was overwhelming, it really was. I also love the sheer amount of people that are in the fandom. It’s so much bigger and active than I ever expected it to be and after having spent a majority of my time on here with my main fandom as being the TVD/Stelena fandom, which is basically completely dead, it was amazing to be a part of a new fandom so full of life. There’s also an advantage to it because there are so many people to speak to, so many friends to be made, but there’s also so many edits and content available. The Swen fandom is honestly so talented and creative and I love that so much. There’s an endless amount of AU’s, manips and fics that quite literally transport me to another world when I see/read them. It’s really one of the first non-canon ships I’ve really shipped and I love how different it is in comparison to shipping a canon ship. There’s so much more freedom for ideas and so many more people using their creativity to write theories and stories and all other kinds of edits. I also love how positive it is, which I had to admit did take me slightly by surprise. I expected endless hatred towards H00k and C$ in particular, but actually, I very rarely see any from the blogs I follow or even when I’m browsing through the tags. It’s a fandom that’s very much catered towards enjoying, appreciating and sharing our love for SQ rather than bashing other ships or characters, which I like. Before I was part of the SQ fandom, I was obviously part of the C$ fandom and I found that to be so negative in comparison. I was forever unfollowing blogs because I was so sick of seeing Regina hate or almost aggressive declarations of “C$ ARE THE BEST SHIP EVERRRRRRRRR!” It’s like I said before, when I first wandered into the SQ tags I instantly loved it and felt a pull towards it. And now I feel I completely belong in the fandom, which is something I never had with C$. I followed C$ blogs and reblogged their stuff, but I never went into the tags or spoke to anyone or felt the same level of enjoyment to be a part of it. I just adore the SQ fandom, I really do. 
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redspiderling · 5 years ago
MCU Breakdown: That b-roll called Endgame
It's here. The film to end all films.
I’d like to point out for the sake of your sanity, that the amount of incompetence is so ridiculous, there’s nothing to be learned from this. I don’t have any pieces of film that I can build on, or offer fixes for. 
The mistakes are on such rudimentary concepts. It’’s like trying to find wisdom or offer a solution to an equation that insists that 1+1=12. No it doesn’t. It equals 2, and the Russos just suck at directing.
Starting with the obvious dig we are all aware of (sorry, I couldn’t help myself), apparently the Burtons have been living in dog years, because this kid aged 7 years from 2015 to 2018.
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Also, they're like, 5m away from the target? Not exactly Hawk-eye, Hawkeye.
How about this one, doesn’t Bruce look like he shrank 4 sizes? The distance between Cap and that doorway can't be THAT big for Bruce to be that tiny.
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How fucking lazy do you have to be, that FX studios edit green screens and place your actors in a conference room? Why couldn't they shoot this in the traditional way? And no, it's not the holograms, that shit can easily go ON TOP of the footage, no need to use green/blue screen, they are just lazy bastards with too much money, and can just green screen everything for no reason. 
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And I know I'm not crazy, because in the next shot you can see him standing in practically the same spot but WOW, he's normal sized and appearing next to Rhodey now! If he was so far back he was tiny in the previous shot, he should have been significantly smaller in this one as well.
So sloppy.
Next on this travesty of a film, lets take a look at Natasha
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Listen. I know we've been talking about changing the light to fit the mood, create an emotional atmosphere etc, but you can't do that in the same scene, ok? Natasha doesn't literally slightly shine up from a different angle (in the previous shot, the dominant light came from the left, now it’s from the right) when Cap walks through the door.
Also, if it was just the sandwich. And the... glass. And the water in the glass. And the book and the. Screen. Basically all the items on the table. If all the items on the table were the only things you guys moved, between Natasha closing her eyes and then opening them again when Cap spoke up, I wouldn't have mentioned it. But you ZOOMED IN, and turned your camera A BIT to the right, and now there's an entire bookcase behind her that wasn't there before. The fuck man. Someone needs to look into whatever it is that's haunting Headquarters.
This probably goes without mention but between the Avengers' meeting 5 years ago, the scene in the spaceship when they take off, and now Natasha at her desk 5 years later, the light has practically remained the same. The characters have been transformed, emotionally. They've grown for 5 YEARS. They've been through enormous emotional changes in these few scenes and yet they had to literally go to a different planet, to get a noticeable change in the light and the colours. No, Natasha's hair and regained eyebrows don't count as colour changes. That's Scarlett going bananas with the few things she had some control over.
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Also, I know the following isn’t related to the visuals but who am I kidding, I’m going to point it out:
So, apparently, Steve went there to see a friend. Same friend who is crying in front of him, because Clint is on a murder spree. So Steve, fresh back from his support group goes to see Natasha, who is emotionally distressed, and Natasha offers him her food. 
Give her back her sandwich, you monster! 
By the way, you don't get to say "not us" Steve. You only go there to do your laundry, eat Natasha's sandwiches, and tell her that the work she does, to keep the survivors safe, "doesn't need to be done".
So your depressed friend Natasha is crying Steve, because keeping the world safe is hard work. She offers you her food, and in return you say that what she does is probably not worth her time.
Is anyone. Literally anyone, proofreading this script? Are the directors consciously directing?
Russos: Ok Chris you're being casual and positive. Say you would offer her to cook, be supportive, but that you actually can't because you can't cook. So you’re not actually being supportive, you just say you potentially could have been. Now Scarlett, push YOUR food to him because, well that's what a crying Natasha will do and Chris, don't pressure her to eat or anything just, tell her maybe she should give up trying to save the world.
Moving on before I get an aneurysm
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5 years have come and gone, but the lighting in this room remains exactly the same. 
They shot these scenes on the same day and didn't bother changing the lighting at.all. Seriously. On a 120+ million dollar budget. And they couldn't change the lighting on these two completely different scenes that were set 5 whole years appart, and just happened to take place in the same space?! 
Actually, fuck the lights, They Didn’t Even Move The Camera.
Lazy ass bastards.
Lets look at our friendly neighbourhood Australians
Room A on day 1 before the murder
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Room A on day 1 after the murder
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Bright, shiny, it's a beautiful day outside vs Night time, high contrasts, storming outside. Also, camera angles. Top one is casual close up, two people chatting. Next one is closer to the floor, taken from the level of the murdered woman. For fucking dramatic effect.
There's more, check this out. The Avengers about to go and kill Thanos
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And the Avengers having lunch
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So, just to make things clear, basically Scarlett did the job for the Russos and regrew her eyebrows and changed her hair so that we could tell the difference between "about to go to war" and "having lunch". 
Steve's shirt is even the same colour as it was 5 years ago. 
I’m glossing over the fact that we see food and Hulks head and in the background barely visible from the horrible lighting we kinda see Natasha and Steve’s faces. Just the faces though, for the expression you should fix the brightness through your video players guys.
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Aaaah. Much better. It took me about 30 seconds to fix that frame. With a magic, secret software called Adobe Premiere. Just don’t tell Marvel it can be done, ok?
You know what else looks exactly the same? Happy, fullfilled, family man Tony, and depressed and isolated "5 Avengers for the price of 1" Natasha
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Be honest with yourselves. There's a bunch of us on this website who could have done a better job shooting this film.
There’s a bunch of us on this website who could have done a better job shooting a film that made close to 3 billion dollars in the theatres.
I just fixed the brightness on the frame of a film that cost 120+ million dollars. 
Life is a lie.
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redspiderling · 4 years ago
These days that I’m more likely to be eating lunch at home on my own staring at the wall, instead of chatting away with a friend or a co-worker, I tend to think about stuff that piss me off more often than not. I know it’s not healthy but I don’t really have a choice and, let’s face it, it’s better than blankly staring at the wall.
Today I drifted away thinking about Natasha (mainly because I got the Total Film magazine a few days ago and guys, the interview is amazing but more on that at a later post). 
I just wish there was some way I could materialise myself (like a freaking Deus ex machina) on Vormir when she thought she was doing for Clint what he did for her when she was “rescued” from her dark path and just screamed at the top of my lungs:
“Natasha, you knackered dope, you being an emotionally stunted and abused from childhood brainwashed teen, who was born and raised in a kill-or-be-killed environment with no other options, is not equivalent to a grown ass adult and family man, consciously choosing the life of an assassin, especially not when you live in the extreme circumstances where literally millions of other humans found themselves in the exact same position as Clint, and DIDN’T go on killing sprees.”
I would also like to -after delivering that speech- kick Clint off that cliff. Sorry Endgame Clint but just like Endgame Steve, you’re not really Clint and you know it. You’re probably a Skrull.
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redspiderling · 5 years ago
Still salty.
Also, Yaaaay, new comic run this September with 3 really awesome ladies at the helm!!
They've confirmed the launch of a new Black Widow series, from Kelly Thompson (Captain Marvel), Elena Casagrande (Wonder Woman), and Jordie Bellaire (Pretty Deadly). The publisher has released an action-packed trailer video for the upcoming series, which will release in September. "Our first arc has some of the stuff you would expect in a Black Widow book," Thompson said of the series. "But I think twisted in a new way that’s interesting – and where she ends up at the end of this highly personal and life changing story is ALSO interesting!"
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