#agatha all along review
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shutupineedtothink · 4 months ago
AAA final thoughts + praise 🙌🏼
Ok now that I’ve had a few days to sit with the finale and let go of my preconceived ideas of what it should be, yeah it really was brilliant. I still don’t Iove ghost Agatha, but I get it. And now I’m really pulling for Wanda to come back so that she can bring Agatha back (this happens in the comics apparently) and we can do a MCU witch movie. Sign Jac Schaeffer IMMEDIATELY, Feige. Lock her down, we all want more of this shit.
As to where the show ranks overall in the MCU, I feel like at this point it has to be #1. Even above WandaVision, and certainly above Loki, as much as I love both of them. This show just does… more. Like I can’t believe how much they packed into these 9 episodes. This is what… a true six hander? Six fully defined characters with fully developed arcs and satisfying journeys? With the possible exception of Agatha and Billy’s journey not being over yet, which doesn’t take away from their arcs and development along the show. (Again, had to let go of my own theories there.) WandaVision at most had 3… Wanda, Vision, and Monica, and I don’t feel like Vision had much of an arc tbh.
And then all the little witchy horror movie references throughout, the incredible seeding of the Billy’s Road reveal, building up and breaking down the coven, Agatha’s incredible complexity as a character and not being able to neatly put her in any category, hero, villain, anti-hero, whatever. You really can’t pin her down and I don’t think I’ve seen that in the MCU ever. I guess the last character like that was sort of Loki, but he had more of a true redemption arc. Agatha just… exists in the gray at all times. You just never know what she’s gonna do. And it’s amazing.
Then there’s the Ballad and truly weaving that throughout the whole show in such a way that it’s instrumental (pun intended) to the plot… who does that? Plus the amazing score that feels just as present throughout. The only comp I can kind of make is Clara’s theme in DW, but the Ballad is way more intentional throughout.
I can’t possibly go into it all but the sheer amount of setup and pay off is incredible. And yet we leave with more mysteries to solve and more questions to ask, which is also incredible!
Not to mention the production design, the practical effects, costumes, makeup — every visual was stunning.
And I’m not even going to get into AgathaRio (and Nicky) and all the tragic complexity there. I get wanting a happy ending but… also what ever made you think this would be as simple as a happy ending? They are a. Capital S. STORY. They’re practically mythological. Who cares about happily ever after when you can have Epic, Fated, Complex Romance that literally transcends this Earth. Like what more do you want?? That is the top echelon of epic romance. Disconnect the “happy ever after” = “good romance” link in your brain, you know? Judge by complexity and emotionality and dynamic range rather than something as simple and boring as do they end up together or not. They’re so wildly interesting and I’m so glad we could get more of them in the future. (Ok I did get into it oops)
And the humor?? I don’t think I even need to say anything. But what comedic excellence from everyone across the board, with Kathryn Hahn leading the charge of course. And to balance that with the drama without undercutting either of them is not easy, but they all did it flawlessly.
I could go on and on but I just hope this show, and Jac, and Kathryn, and everyone involved gets their flowers for this work of art. There’s just so much love and care and intentionality here. It really feels like a standout not just in the MCU but in contemporary TV in general. Easily my top show of 2024, it’s not even a contest. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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dandelionjack · 4 months ago
watching agatha all along now because i wasn’t participating in the week by week release discussions (busy, you know, doing stuff) and what can i say… i’m up to e4 so far… haven’t read the comics so i’m judging purely from what i see on screen — it’s good. proper high quality, thoughtful tv writing.
character-based and mystery-driven, with plenty of foreshadowing. not so strong on the subtlety/subtext front; they do love spelling every bit of nuance out, but then again, it is the mcu. and as far as comic book movies (or shows) go, the absence of superheroes is always a net benefit, as was mostly the case with The Other Good MCU Show That I Watched In August And Totally Didn’t Have Any Knock-On Effects On Me, Nuh Uh.
i am in love with the almost game-like narrative structure that the central premise of ‘the road’ demands — a treacherous life-path of self-actualisation represented by a physical route through the underworld, in such a delicious classic-fairytale way, reminiscent of one famous road laid in yellow brick and thousands of other similar stories. it’s simple and effective and evocative of the atmosphere they’re going for; one of ancient pagan folktales and ritualised-ordeals-to-gain-magical-knowledge.
the song itself, and its reprise, is astonishingly accomplished work. the lyricism feels genuinely timeless and mystical, something that could have been written in the 70s by a hippie folk-rock band or passed down through the generations of a hidden initiatory tradition. instantly memorable earworm of a musicaltheatre-style melody, too.
what irritates me? oh, all the maiden mother crone talk, triple goddess blah blah blah, the bastardisation of the concept of a sigil (redaction spell to hide information? huh?) and other myriad inaccuracies in regards to modern witchcraft but hey, at least some of the stereotypes are gone. at least they’ve made an effort to research. and in a show that’s purely entertainment, a little respect goes a long way
rating it SO FAR a solid 6.5/10. will keep watching will keep updated. oh and, yeah, i’m catching the sexual tension and past unsavoury history between agatha and rio, obviously. the end has been plastered everywhere so it’s not a spoiler for me — i’m proud that marvel didn’t queerbait for once and actually delivered
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agentnico · 4 months ago
Agatha All Along - season 1 (2024) review
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Down down, down the road, down the Witches Road…
Plot: A spell-bound Agatha Harkness regains freedom thanks to a teen's help. Intrigued by his plea, she embarks on the Witches' Road trials to reclaim her powers and discover the teen's motivations.
I’m not going to waffle about my complaints with the current state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I’ve already rambled on a substantial amount in my previous reviews regarding this subject matter, so let’s leave it at the fact that my opinion and thoughts have not changed. That being said, WandaVision was one of the few enjoyable projects in the post-Endgame MCU era, as it had that original and unique flavour with messing with different television formats, and additionally was interesting in how that show explored the effects of trauma and grief. Naturally due to its success, Disney being Disney and Marvel being Marvel meant a sequel or a spin-off was inevitable. In this case it’s Agatha Harkness, who was played with a lot of funky energy by Kathryn Hahn in WandaVision. As enjoyable as she was, I never considered her to need her own show. I guess really anyone can get their own Disney+ series these days!
Kathryn Hahn is the primary reason to watch Agatha All Along. She’s as enjoyable as ever, cackling and wincing her way through each episode, and it was entertaining to constantly question her moral code, if she’s a villain or if she was turning to the good side. Hahn is great, and I am so glad she’s getting the recognition snd good roles now. As for other cast members, they are okay. Joe Locke as the teen came off a little pretentious, and Patti LuPone was the only witch I actually cared about. Aubrey Plaza as the mysterious Rio ends up being exactly what you expect her to be, and though Plaza nails the sarcasm, it’s nothing you haven’t seen her do before.
In regard to the series’ style, it’s really campy. The trailers in my opinion promised more horror aspects which were not present in the final product, but my main complaint is with the show’s look. It feels cheap. From the costumes to the sets, the whole thing is reminiscent of a CW or SyFy show, and you can tell Disney is probably tightening their budgets following the backlash of recent releases. But with something like Marvel you still expect to see something of visually interesting style, especially as they are sourcing a lot of narratives from comics and graphic novels, which one would assume would inspire more colourful and memorable set pieces. Unfortunately this show doesn’t offer any of that. The best you get is some rip-off witch costumes from other Disney projects, which I felt was more so for Disney to show-off how much Hollywood they own.
As for the narrative, for the most part this show is dull. It’s a very repetitive concept where in every episode our witches take on yet another trial, and though some trials do stand out more than others (episode 7 where a character time-jumps using tarot cards was particularly memorable) as a combined package it meant that catching up every week with a new episode was at times a chore. The other infuriating factor was the endless foreshadowing. This show consistently would bash you over the head with clues of what’s to come, but the clues were so predictable that when the reveals finally did pay-off they were not surprising even remotely. Reminded me a little of that Walk Hard segment where the kid says “ain’t nothing bad gonna happen today” only for him to get spliced in two 5 minutes later.
Superhero fatigue is real everyone! It’s happening! I’m kidding of course, I’m still holding out hope that Marvel and DC will get back to their former glory, but evidently there is still a long ways to go. Agatha All Along didn’t do it for me, however I do admit that Witches Road song is a banger and has been stuck in my head ever since!
Overall score: 4/10
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hot-edits-of-the-ice-cold · 4 months ago
My Opinions on Agathario
What do you think of Agatha Harkness x Rio Vadal?
Cause I like them, I think they have a bunch of memorable lovers to enemies quotes, but considering that Agatha's the main character and they're one of the main (aka only) canon pairings, I sort of think they could be more. 🥲
Maybe it's unfair to compare them to ships from longer TV shows, but there are non-canon ships with both/more (if it's poly) being side character with a lot more depth.
Anyways, I still edited them, cause they make good editing clips 🤭🤫
Also: there's hope, cause I have one episode left, so...💜💚
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bairenalenko · 4 months ago
So I finally finished Agatha All Along and it was much better than I thought it was going to be. I thought it was just going to be a light, funny, witchy, campy show for the spooky season😃🧙‍♀️🎃 and it is! But what I liked most about it was how well written and put together everything was. No thread was left unexplained and there was much more going on than I first thought. Like a nice little puzzle ball all wrapped up onto itself. Yes there are mysteries from the beginning but the show really picks up about half way through when you realize there are so many more references and secrets woven throughout. The attention to detail if you look for it is 👌 After every episode of the last half of the season I was like, "Oh this would be interesting to watch again now that I know what I know." Every 👏 single 👏 last 👏 episode made me say this. I don't like rewatching shows unless I'm showing it to someone but now that I've seen it all I will 100% be watching it again. 8.6/10. It's not like my favorite show of all time but it's very well done and I would definitely recommend it (if you've watched Wandavision cuz this is 100% a part 2 to that).
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defenderstvpodcast · 5 months ago
Agatha All Along Episode 2 Review
Welcome back Witches we’re chatting about Agatha All Along Episode 2 “Circle Sown With Fate Unlock Thy Hidden Fate”. We will be spoiling every little thing about the episode so make sure you’ve watched it before listening along. Agatha All Along Episode 2 Synopsis Agatha Harkness Character Created by Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby. Creator and Showrunner: Jac Shaeffer Episode Written by:…
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fandom · 5 months ago
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And so, time passes: Another Monday, another Week in Review.
The Pokémon fandom is having...A Time right now, for reasons we won't go into here. Meanwhile the resident Artists on Tumblr knock Gravity Falls off pole position this week. Agatha All Along and The Amazing Digital Circus vie for your heads and your hearts—after his moment of clarity in episode 3, Kinger has made it onto this week's list in his own right, and everyone's favorite sapphic disaster duo has done the same. You're all still having words about the last chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen, as Batman headcanons and fanfics continue to abound. And, finally, Halloween is creeping up to the top of the list as we approach everyone's favorite holiday. Welcome to Tumblr's Week in Review.
Artists on Tumblr
Gravity Falls
Agatha All Along
The Amazing Digital Circus
Stanford Pines | Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Gravity Falls
Batman | the DC universe
Free Palestine
Bill Cipher | Gravity Falls
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kinger | The Amazing Digital Circus
Cats of Tumblr
Billford | Bill Cipher & Stanford Pines, Gravity Falls
Agatha Harkness | the Marvel universe
US Politics
Fiddleford McGucket | Gravity Falls
Rio Vidal | the Marvel universe
Dipper Pines | Gravity Falls
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lucyllawless · 4 months ago
Remember when all of the Marvel fanboys™️ were like “who asked for this” when they announced they were doing Agatha All Along???
Well, Kyle, as it turns out, everybody. Everybody wanted this show.
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likea-black-widow-baby · 3 months ago
AAA on Tumblr's Year in Review
Top Ships
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Top Shows
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Top TV Fictional Characters
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I think considering it only came out in September we did a pretty great job!!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months ago
Agatha All Along Finale Thoughts (spoilers)
Imo, the finale undermined the entire series. It was a show built on the strengths and foibles of women, middle-aged women at that, with Agatha at its heart. But then, in the final hour, it was revealed-- umm, actually, it was Teen all along. It all ties back to the Maximoffs, sorry.
It was completely unnecessary and renders all other characters moot. And disposable. Even the one woman who survived, Jen, was nothing more than a wordless snippet of her flying off-- no follow up, no through line, or even thoughts about her experience. And there was absolutely zero intention communicated in trying to reconnect with her.
And yes, yes, the lesbian kiss of death was literal this time. But the kill your gays trope bothers me less than what they did to Agatha. Or rather, what they DIDN'T do. See, basic storytelling requires a journey. Not just physical, but emotional too. Either from the characters or from the audience's understanding of the characters.
Throughou the series there were hints that Agatha could be changing-- but she ultimately reverts back to her initial characterization with nothing learned or developed within her character. And I wouldn't mind that Agatha starts and remains an unapologetic villain-- if the story had shed some light on the reasoning behind it. Desiring more power for the sake of power isn't enough anymore. What did she intend to do with that power? And there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, even as selfish as she is.
Also, why can't she face her son? It was a big confession, one that *suggests* guilt or remorse in how she's lived her life, but in the end even that didn't seem to amount to any significant change.
Overall, I think the show should cut the entire final episode. It was ultimately unnecessary, and in my opinion making Teen the source of The Road all along was a dumb choice, and turned the show from a fully formed stand alone series to nothing more than a launchpad for a future series all about Teen.
So. When I rewatch, I'll be excluding the official finale, and end my viewing where it should have ended-- with a kiss.
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paddingtonfan69 · 14 days ago
next chapter of the tax evasion fic is up. ~10k words, we go on a little field trip to DC, enjoy the screenshot dump 💕💕
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watchnrant · 3 months ago
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Betrayal, Ballads, and Big Witch Energy: The Story of Agatha All Along
When Agatha All Along was announced as a spinoff to the acclaimed WandaVision, expectations soared. How could anything live up to the vibrant, genre-bending magic of its predecessor? The answer: by conjuring a show that embraces its own quirks, doubles down on emotional storytelling, and takes viewers on a spellbinding ride down the legendary Witches’ Road. Marvel Studios and creator Jac Schaeffer deliver a series that feels simultaneously intimate and expansive—a darkly whimsical tale with Kathryn Hahn’s devious charm at its center.
Plot and Characters: A Coven of Misfits
Picking up three years after WandaVision, the show begins with Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) still trapped in her Agnes persona, living a humdrum life as a Westview police detective. It’s a gritty setup with a supernatural twist, as a Jane Doe case and the arrival of Joe Locke’s mysterious Teen catalyze Agatha’s journey to reclaim her identity and power. Alongside her is an eclectic coven: Patti LuPone’s diviner Lilia Calderu, Sasheer Zamata’s potion-wielding Jennifer Kale, Ali Ahn’s haunted Alice Wu-Gulliver, and Aubrey Plaza’s enigmatic Rio Vidal (aka Lady Death). Each character brings a distinct energy, and their uneasy alliance is rife with tension and begrudging camaraderie.
Kathryn Hahn continues to dazzle as Agatha, infusing every line with delicious wit and layered vulnerability. Her scenes with Aubrey Plaza are a highlight, their simmering chemistry electric as they navigate a past steeped in betrayal. Plaza, playing the sardonic, chaotic Vidal, commands attention, especially when her true nature as Death is revealed in Episode 7. Joe Locke’s Teen provides a surprising emotional anchor, and his mysterious connection to Agatha hints at the deeper wounds she carries.
Themes and Tone: A Witchy Adventure with Depth
Jac Schaeffer’s magic lies in balancing spectacle with substance. While the Witches’ Road is a visually surreal marvel, complete with vivid colors and practical effects that evoke an ’80s horror vibe, the series shines brightest when exploring its themes. At its core, Agatha All Along is a story of redemption, self-discovery, and power. It doesn’t shy away from the darker roots of witchcraft, confronting themes like misogyny and generational trauma while celebrating the strength of its female characters.
This tonal balance extends to the writing, which skillfully marries campy humor with poignant moments. Agatha’s transformation back to herself in Episode 1 is a standout—a noir detective peeling away layers of forced personas to reclaim her truth. The show also embraces episodic storytelling, with trials on the Witches’ Road that test the coven’s unity and personal resilience. From Alice’s haunting family curse to Jennifer’s struggle to reclaim her bound powers, each arc adds richness to the overarching journey.
Standout Episodes: A Spellbinding Journey
Among the nine episodes, several stand out as masterclasses in storytelling:
Episode 1: “Seekest Thou the Road” establishes Agatha’s fragmented identity with a detective noir twist, culminating in her cathartic reawakening.
Episode 3: “Through Many Miles / Of Tricks and Trials” takes the coven to the eerie Witches’ Road Mansion, blending psychological horror with a trial of poison and hallucinations.
Episode 7: “Death’s Hand in Mine”delivers a haunting blend of sacrifice and revelation as Lilia Calderu’s ultimate act of redemption unravels her fragmented life, while Rio’s shocking identity as Death shatters the coven’s fragile trust in a tarot-laden trial of fate and free will.
Episode 9: “Maiden Mother Crone” wraps up the Witches’ Road saga with an emotional finale that leaves Agatha poised for future adventures while resolving the coven’s trials in deeply satisfying ways.
Visuals and Style: Practical Magic at Its Finest
Visually, Agatha All Along is a feast. Its practical effects—a conscious departure from CGI-heavy Marvel fare—lend the series a tactile, almost dreamlike quality. Every magical element, from the fog-draped Witches’ Road to the eerie glow of fireflies, was crafted with painstaking attention to detail. The commitment to practical effects extended to action sequences, such as Episode 7’s dramatic sword drop, where actual metal blades were dropped from the ceiling with precision mapping, adding an edge of realism and danger.
The Witches’ Road, in particular, stands out as a masterstroke of set design. Built twice to achieve the perfect scale, the final version is a rich tapestry of mud pits, mushrooms, and glowing flora—all filmed in-camera to enhance its tangible, studio-bound aesthetic. This hands-on approach immersed the actors in the environment, bringing authenticity to their performances and grounding the fantastical elements of the series in reality. The physical demands of navigating the road’s uneven terrain, paired with the magical atmosphere created by fog and glowing mushrooms, enhanced both the storytelling and the visual experience.
By embracing practical effects and studio-built sets, the series pays homage to the golden age of fantasy filmmaking while adding layers of depth to its narrative. This approach makes the Witches’ Road feel like a character in its own right—otherworldly, dangerous, and entirely unforgettable. Music plays a recurring role, too, with the Ballad of the Witches’ Road threading through key moments, adding a haunting resonance.
Final Thoughts: A Bewitching Success
While it doesn’t quite match WandaVision’s genre-defining brilliance, Agatha All Along forges its own path, embracing its quirks and delivering an emotionally resonant, spellbinding tale. It’s a bold entry in the MCU’s television experiment, proving that magic doesn’t always have to be about explosions and world-ending stakes—sometimes, it’s in the characters, the journey, and the haunting echo of a song.
If this truly marks the end of Kathryn Hahn’s tenure as Agatha, it’s a fitting, triumphant conclusion. But if the final notes are any hint, there’s still room for more cackling chaos—and honestly? We wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dandelionjack · 4 months ago
finished agatha.
the only time billy’s witchcraft looks even remotely interesting is when he scrawls a physical pentagram on the floor in chalk, lights some candles in a circle, starts chanting a banishing spell. you know, actual basic magician shit. the moment he puts on that stupid skintight superhero outfit, starts blasting energy balls, hovering in the air? i’m outta here. not my jam at all. which i know is what magic is in the marvel universe but i’m a pretentious bitch and i. don’t like the marvel universe. i was watching this for lilia calderu ONLY
also what was The Point of all this then. agatha’s still hanging around as a ghost? way to ruin a perfect ending. the ‘toxic embrace’ of death herself could be her only redemption. she’s not a silly little sympathetic antihero, she’s murdered dozens of covens in cold blood, and she should be dead dead. why the show tries to parallel her to billy as if his guilt for accidentally conjuring the road is remotely similar to her serial killer activities is beyond me
good show with a pointless ending what’s new it’s disney plus
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leighlew3 · 3 months ago
Overall, Agatha All Along was a nice watch.
I struggled to connect with a couple of the characters due to some of the writing, including William/Billy which made things a tad difficult as he was so central to the plot and reveal tbh, but oh well. The cast were ALL great in their roles though.
Overall -- I dug the show.
Felt at first like there was a lot more emotional depth to mine from and they only sort of scratched the surface in exchange for an easy to digest 'fun' tale for the casual Marvel viewer for most of the show, but they really got deep with it in the last three eps, to my surprise and enjoyment.
Sooo yeah, Agatha really is a tragic figure and sympathetic "villain".
If I'm remembering her backstory correctly (sorry, been a bit distracted with a lot of work and life stuff while watching this show and am trying to remember the specifics set up in WandaVision) -- her awful mother basically created a self-fulfilling prophecy, ffs.
Believing Agatha was incapable of good (we've seen otherwise) and thinking she had to DIE for the supposed betrayal of her coven by practicing dark magic.. it simply set in motion BY her mother. The series of events that pushed Agatha to go dark and fight back in order to survive after her own mother ignored her desperate pleas to spare her as she burned alive...
Everything Agatha did after that, while yes it was her own choosing at the end of the day, was ultimately the result of that trauma and hate for fellow witches. The ironic price she had to pay for seeking to take as much power as possible after hers was threatened by her own mother and fellow witches -- was her own child. So basically, she was harmed -- and she harmed back. Not okay, but empathy makes you try to at last understand why she did what she did and feel bad for what she went through, even if it's not an excuse for her actions. But either way, had to suffer for it. It's sorta like someone sucker punches you, so you knock 'em out cold, and then YOU go to jail. Sigh.
Also, it's petty tragic that the only genuine love she's ever known was Rio (death herself). And it seems they produced a child together (?) whom she then tragically lost. It's just irony and tragedy wrapped in irony and tragedy. Sad shit.
Anyway, I'm glad to see "Agathario" was full canon, however tragic (for now) their "ending" was. Hopeful for further exploration of them in the future. But for now, for Marvel/Disney of all companies to be the one to allow a LEAD sapphic ship with a complicated history and dark dynamics to be a canon thing? Surprising, and kudos.
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logansdogmotif · 4 months ago
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thestarlightforge · 5 months ago
New rule.
I’m not gonna base what Marvel stuff I get into on if Young Avengers characters are involved anymore. Not without reviews at least. That way lies disaster.
Instead— It’s based on if Jac Schaeffer or her team are involved, from now on. Because WandaVision is probs in my top 5 all-time favorites. Captain Marvel 2 was lovely, I thought. (My heart for Carol to get to kiss Maria on screen, but alas, censorship—and not the writers’ or director’s faults.)
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