no.1 fíli of the line of durin fan
845 posts
🕯️🏛️🐺16 | she/her | enfp | hellenic pagan | ceo of wlw saraxter, throbb, and kíliel | asoiaf, yjs, sdp, and lotr enjoyer
Last active 60 minutes ago
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logansdogmotif · 10 hours ago
guys... idk if anyone has said this before but what if lottie didn't die from being killed but of the kuru disease? it's a disease you can get from eating another human's brain and:
"The preclinical or asymptomatic phase, also called the incubation period, averages 10–13 years, but can be as short as five and has been estimated to last as long as 50 years or more after initial exposure."
So what if Lottie was asymptomatic after getting back from the wilderness and only started seeing symptoms recently and then died because of it? What if no one killed her and the girls are just losing it because they think it's some sign from the wilderness????
I don't have any proof for this, it's just a theory
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logansdogmotif · 10 hours ago
ohhhhh yes I completely agree THEY SHOULD!!
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📀 ultraviolence - lana del rey // let me entertain you - queen // c’est la vie - madness
name: giulia jean quigley
family: misty quigley (adoptive mother), caligula (adoptive brother - bird)
age: seventeen
brief personality/backstory: complete mama’s girl. (she was the great-granddaughter of one of misty’s patients when she was a freshly qualified nurse, and this patient was []’s guardian so lamented to misty how she was going to go into the foster system now without anyone to care for her, []’s great-grandmother tells misty that she worries for [], whilst only being 3 or 4, already exhibiting strange tendencies such as claiming to see ghosts, becoming extremely attached to dead birds she finds in the garden, and turning on tv the tv in the middle of the night to watch static; misty tracks her down out of curiosity, and goes through the qualifications to become a foster parent and immediately clicks with [], seeing too much of her younger self in her; she manipulates the system into allowing her to very quickly adopt [] and the rest is history). she loves her mother so much, and confides everything to her, and she is one of the only people misty truly trusts. she dreams of becoming a comedic actress/comedienne, and has been taken to lots of casting calls and workshops throughout her life by misty to help support her dream. having been ridiculed by others when she was younger for her ‘strange and unusual behaviour’, her whole life is a performance, the only people she is even close to honest with being misty and then later walter. she helps her mother with her citizen detective projects and knows more than she should about what happened in the wilderness (and is, in turn, obsessed with it).
motif: rat
faceclaim: emily fairn
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yjs oc faves <3: @dippindotties @artificialroux @cincerelyfemme @puppybutcher @antlrrqueen @moonyvvamp @ohno-people @barblisa @orangecatsmissingbraincell @favstxlenkssxs
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logansdogmotif · 10 hours ago
Okay.. so I kinda just said fuck it to the original concept and did all of them (my bad Misty)
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logansdogmotif · 15 hours ago
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📀 ultraviolence - lana del rey // let me entertain you - queen // c’est la vie - madness
name: giulia jean quigley
family: misty quigley (adoptive mother), caligula (adoptive brother - bird)
age: seventeen
brief personality/backstory: complete mama’s girl. (she was the great-granddaughter of one of misty’s patients when she was a freshly qualified nurse, and this patient was giulia’s guardian so lamented to misty how she was going to go into the foster system now without anyone to care for her, giulia’s great-grandmother tells misty that she worries for giulia, whilst only being 3 or 4, already exhibiting strange tendencies such as claiming to see ghosts, becoming extremely attached to dead birds she finds in the garden, and turning on tv the tv in the middle of the night to watch static; misty tracks her down out of curiosity, and goes through the qualifications to become a foster parent and immediately clicks with giulia, seeing too much of her younger self in her; she manipulates the system into allowing her to very quickly adopt giulia and the rest is history). she loves her mother so much, and confides everything to her, and she is one of the only people misty truly trusts. she dreams of becoming a comedic actress/comedienne, and has been taken to lots of casting calls and workshops throughout her life by misty to help support her dream. having been ridiculed by others when she was younger for her ‘strange and unusual behaviour’, her whole life is a performance, the only people she is even close to honest with being misty and then later walter. she helps her mother with her citizen detective projects and knows more than she should about what happened in the wilderness (and is, in turn, obsessed with it).
motif: rat
faceclaim: emily fairn
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yjs oc faves <3: @dippindotties @artificialroux @cincerelyfemme @puppybutcher @antlrrqueen @moonyvvamp @ohno-people @barblisa @orangecatsmissingbraincell @favstxlenkssxs @natscatorcciosgf
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logansdogmotif · 15 hours ago
favourite colour: fluctuates between dark brown, light brown and light green! also purple was always my ride or die colour as a child so i'm still very locked in with it
current read: a clash of kings by george rr martin mainly! i'm also rereading the first skulduggery pleasant (by derek landy) book and also jules verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea
last song: i'm watching shameless rn so technically it's the luck you got by the high strung but the last song i actually listened to intentionally was my lady of mercy by the last dinner party
last movie: i watched young guns (1988) for the first time last week bc i was on a wild west kick but it was kinda shit so <3
last series: shameless! watching 3x01 now! also i've been watching orange is the new black, yellowjackets (duh), and finally watching the last of us in prep for season 2!
sweet, savoury, or salty? SAVOURYYYY alllll the way i could down 3 family bags of meat flavoured and/or spicy crisps in under a minute TRUST (also pasta is my shittt, and stuffing balls, and croissants, and bread!)
craving: i keep meaning to get up from the kitchen table to make myself a hot chocolate so probably that (i've been meaning to make one for three hours... hashtag i love executive dysfunction!)
tea or coffee: blackberry&blueberry flavoured herbal tea because i can't have caffeine anymore bc of a stupid week long heart problem from like a few months ago
TAGS!!! @ag1rlandagun @griffinskullz @starkstiless @moonyvvamp @cryptcorpse09 <333
tagged by @vamqiredollz <33
favorite color: blue! or seafoam green if we're getting specific
current read: the golden raven by nora sakavic
last song: last night by ricky montgomery
last movie: moana (my friends forced me to watch it after realizing i hadn't seen it lmao)
last series: sasaki to miyano (rewatching for the fiftieth time)
sweet, savory, or salty: sweet :)
craving: apple juice ...
tea or coffee: ... neither?
tagging @geospiral @k9punkout @bluemoonscape (if y'all would like!)
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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Man, oh man, you’re my best friend, I scream it to the nothingness…
hayley & natalie: rooftop conversations, longing looks, cheap vodka, stargazing, forehead kisses, stealing each other's jewellery, mixtapes
an unlikely friendship that they at first both pretend isn't anything special. it's easy to play it off as team bonding or coincidence until both their walls start coming down. it's surreal, because neither of them think they deserve it. why me? because nat can't fathom why anyone would give a shit about her, why someone like hayley - who she can only see herself ruining - would care about her. why me? because hayley can't understand what she's done to have someone with as good a heart as nat in her life when she is anything but good, why someone like nat would want her. why not? because they chose each other; to let each other in, to be their for each other, no matter what. they are each other's person. nat's safe space. the best thing in hayley's life. they chose each other, will always choose each other. they are everything to each other.
hayley & lottie: dancing to abba, sleepovers, matching scars, sharing cigarettes, the smell of chlorine, going one bug hunts, holding hands
childhood best friends who drifted apart then back together but things aren't quite the same. because they missed each other for so long they can't quite stop. even when they're talking again they miss each other. they remember each other's favourites from when the other was five, the favourites that they shared, but can't remember who liked it first. they have matching scars on their knees from the day they both fell down in the playground because they just wouldn't let go of each other. they can't stop seeing the other as the little girl they used to be. no matter how different or distant they get a little piece of one will always be tangled up with the other. hayley can't be angry with what lottie does in the wilderness, can't understand it either, can only promise to not leave her alone with it all. lottie can't be hate hayley for not believing, not accepting her truth, she can only promise to still want her no matter her true nature.
hayley & misty: swing sets, high fives, weird interests, sitting quietly together, friendship bracelets, talking philosophy and mythology
the most fucked up of friendships. one of them is up on a pedestal, the other under a microscope. a mutual obsession that starts when misty pushed hayley off the swing set in kindergarten, split her forehead open and yet hayley didn't cry; leaving small, strange, scared misty quigley in awe. then their seven, both with broken arms and hayley's name is the only one on misty's cast. then they're teenagers and hayley's treats misty decently, like she's a person - helping her collect equipment after practice, sitting with her in corridor during lunch - but she sees her weirdness and is fascinated by it; wonders how far she'd go, how many lines she'd cross. all while misty, wants her attention, wants her encouragement, idolises her and her 'doesn't give a shit' attitude about what other people think of her - misty's queen of the outcasts - until winter hits and she realises hayley's just as a human as she is; just as scared.
hayley & tai: everything is a competition, sarcasm, trying to best each other's grades, whole conversations in a glance, long, tight hugs
academic rivals. overachievers who fear failure and disappointing their parents. they're both so used to being the best in class that when they meet the immediate reaction to the other is to destroy them. other people don't count, they are each others only competition. they are each others only equal. people are so used to them arguing and trying to beat each other to the top grade that it's far more worrying when they agree on something. neither of them can tolerate being put down by anyone but the other. yet for all the bullying and goading and teasing they do into pushing each other to do better, be better, it's still tai that hayley calls at midnight when she doesn't feel like she's enough; it's still hayley that tai calls at midnight to help calm her down because she's thought too hard about that big bad thing - the future - and she's scared she'll never make it.
hayley & van: bonfires, the smell of popcorn, falling asleep on each other’s shoulder, movie marathons, laughter, the sourest of sweets
instant friends. they click together so well. after all, what bonds people better than movies, music, and mommy issues? they work the same shitty jobs and constantly complaining about having to clear up spilled popcorn, candy wrappers and pizza grease; but neither are likely to quit because getting underpaid is still getting paid and that little stash of cash they've both earned themselves helps make life feel a little more secure. at opposite ends when on the pitch, but off they're practically joined at the hip so often that the high school assholes call them the poverty twins. van looks to hayley first after she tells a joke; because if hayley laughs she knows it's a good one. hayley doesn't care if no one else gets the obscure film reference she throws out; because all that matters is if van gets it.
hayley & shauna: rolling their eyes in synch, swapping notes after class, makeup advice, bruised legs, matching nail polish, mint
not quite friends, but not quite not friends. at least not at first. not while shauna's half a person in jackie's shadow. not while hayley's burdened by too much in wiskayok. they're teammates. study partners. they'll save each other from pushy boys at parties. they'll check over each others homework. they'll catch each others eyes and share a look when shits going down. but the wilderness brings them closer. the anger, the hurt, it brings them closer. because they both feel it. bone-deep. they both understand wanting to hurt people who have hurt them. wanting to hurt people because they are hurting. the wilderness brings them closer. close enough to get a hold on the other's throat. closer enough to have the other's blood on their hands.
hayley & travis: flipping each other off, double knots, throwing stones, getting high together, family keepsakes, confessing secrets
frenemies. they don't want anything to do with each other at first. just no. they do not get on. but there are so many threads that are tying them to each other. so many things that they share; that make them the same. dead dads and shitty mothers. little brothers that they'll both never see again. natalie and logan; loves that can't really exist back there in the real world away from the woods. the trust between them comes reluctantly; but far easier then it takes them to admit they don't actually hate each other. because hayley helped travis get his dad down out of the tree after the crash. because travis is the only one who saw hayley cry thinking about her dad back home. because they both went looking for javi in the snow. because they both told the other secrets that they hadn't told anyone else before.
hayley & jackie: notes left in each other's lockers, talking strategy, holding the other's hair back, fake death glares, red slushies
almost. not almost lovers. but almost friends. they were the first of the girls to make varsity and for a year only had each other. to watch their back. to help deal with the older girls' shit. but then the others join and where once they could have been close a gulf grows between them. and the seeds of envy that get sewn only push them further. because jackie with her money and her family and her sheltered upbring has never had to want for anything, never had to worry. because hayley with her thick skin and her stubbornness and lack of shits given has never had to mould herself into someone she isn't for other people. because neither can escape the mortifying truth that they are seen and understood by the other; by the wrong person. but the urge to watch each other's back is still there; which is why hayley tries to get jackie to come in from the cold. and maybe if she hadn't been the wrong person she would have convinced her.
hayley & laura lee: bike rides, drawing flowers on each other, getting ice cream after study sessions, pages ripped from a magazine
the lion and the lamb. the angel and the devil. the zealot and the sceptic. yet surprisingly the most ordinary of friendships, in spite of their very obvious differences. a friendship built over long bus rides, and class projects, and being the only sober ones left at the party. a friendship formed in the face of hayley's slight reluctances, won over by laura lee's enthusiasm. a friendship that escaped the corruption of the wilderness though neither of the girls did. both brave, one trying to conquer the sky, the other trying to conquer the earth. both dead, sacrifices so that the others could live. the sceptic and the zealot. the devil and the angel. the lamb and the lion.
hayley & mari: shit talking each other, strawberry laces tied into nooses, stolen lipstick, trashy boy bands, sharing the extra blanket
basically siblings. mari is the perpetually annoying younger sister to hayley's forever exasperated older sister. so done with each others shit. they spend ninety percent of their time wanting to either strangle or smother the other in their sleep. the other ten percent is reserved for them actually giving a crap about each other; but no one else is allowed to know. hayley will spend the whole day telling mari off for talking shit, but will also make sure the younger girl is warm enough at night. mari will spend the whole day purposefully getting on hayley's nerves, but will also make sure she's one of, if not the first to get a portion of food. they will blame each other, and bitch about each other, and mean it when they say the other should be the next one to die; but fuck it if anybody else tries anything.
hayley & akilah: daisy chains, broken life lines, talking to animals, warm hands, going barefoot, pressed flowers, being sung to sleep
soft, soft, soft. just the fucking softest. hayley wants to wrap akilah up in a blanket, tuck her into her pockets and protect her from all the horrors of the world. there's a peace between the two girls. a comfortable quiet as they tend to the animals, to the garden. akilah can relax around hayley - her gentle protector - she trusts the older girl; far more than she does any of the others. and hayley slips into the role like it's a second skin. around akilah she becomes the person she needed growing up. because she sees herself in akilah. sees the little girl that she'd lost out on being becuase of the cards life had dealt her. sees the person she could have become if life had been just that little bit kinder. akilah becomes the substitute in hayley's head for the little brother she can't take care of out in the wilderness; the person who was better than her, who's life would be better than hers, who she would make sure got to grow up and stay kind and good.
my fellow yjs oc creating lovelies🫶: @logansdogmotif @artificialroux @puppybutcher @natscatorcciosgf @antlrrqueen @dippindotties @blazingstarrr
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
people who don't experience hyperfixation don't know what it feels like to hyperfixate so much on something that it becomes not only your subject of obsession but also your source of happiness and literally the main reason why you still keep going; literal source of strength and life.
shoutout to my favorite fictional characters, favorite people, favorite ships, favorite movies, favorite tv shows, fanfics and archive of our own
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
I need you to understand that when I say "comments are appreciated!" I mean that I will reply to every one of them. I mean that an email with an ao3 notification has a higher priority than a message from my mother. I mean that I will have entire discussions in the comment section if you're up for it. Message me on tumblr and I will have the same discussions on an even more unhinged level. I will dissect entire personalities and ships and fictional political structures and worldbuilding with you. I will become your new best friend. You already ARE my new best friend. At the last battle, I would raise Anduril and say "For my ao3 readers" while a single tears rolls down my cheek, and dive into the fray. I would upload from beyond the grave if someone asked about the next chapter
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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new oc, margot! lisa’s girlfriend and apart of lottie’s commune :3 my anxious deer baby
favs: @artificialroux @logansdogmotif @puppybutcher @antlrrqueen @ohno-people @chshiresgrin @cincerelyfemme @orangecatsmissingbraincell @rippedpatches @natscatorcciosgf if you’d like to be tagged PLS TELL ME :3u
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
i still love you, i promise
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nothing happened in the way i wanted, every corner of this house is haunted
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i miss you, i'm sorry
☆— I miss you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
they were supposed to be best friends who grew up together and moved into houses next to each other and had a garden they worked on together and had lunch every other day together and still had sleepovers every weekend and and—
@logansdogmotif @artificialroux
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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new yj oc dropped !!! pandora abara-turner, tai’s oldest daughter
faceclaim : bailey bass
songs that remind me of her : grace - florence + the machine , apple - charli xcx , love is embarrassing - olivia rodrigo , are you satisfied? - MARINA
i do have alot of ideas for her but its 7am and i havent slept so for now. maybe i’ll make an introduction post for her after i’ve slept !!!
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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— 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
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— 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝, 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝?
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losing his father in the crash, only to lose his younger brother and twin afterwards to the wilderness and survived in the end by eating them.
returning home alone to his grieving mother.
a/n: moodboard inspired by @artificialroux w/ her shipman sisters post!
honorable mentions to fellow yj oc creators 🫶: @puppybutcher, @logansdogmotif, @ohno-people, @dippindotties, @blazingstarrr, @chshiresgrin, & @sirenscatorccio.
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
in my ideal modern asoiaf au jon snow works at that one Walmart at the edge of town. he works only night shifts. he’s the only teenager who works there besides sam. their version of the long night is Black Friday and lysa arryn is the karen night king.
theon works at the petsmart and sometimes ramsay comes in and buys collars and leashes but they’ve never seen him with a dog. he doesn’t say a word and stares theon down as he checks out.
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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the burden of the oldest child
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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that time when sansa & arya didn’t give a fuck about joffrey’s death because their big brother was dead too.
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
if you imagine an animatic hard enough it should come true
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logansdogmotif · 2 days ago
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The Choctaw-Irish Brotherhood(via)
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