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lartisteshop · 1 year ago
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Devastating. SO HEARTBREAKING. How could humans be so cruel.
I had witnessed a lot of cruelty in this world, some with my own two eyes and ears, some with stories close to my heart, and some even done by other people to animals I care for and with every piece of my heart that breaks I hope with all my broken pieces for justice. I am not a religious person, but I find myself praying everytime I see animals on the street, secretly sending blessing and protection their way, that if Deities are real, I hope these people get what they deserve tenfold.
We stand and Support #JusticeforKillua#JusticeforErika and for all the animals that had experienced pain and suffering from heartless Humans.
I still wish for a Bitier Law and justice System here in the Philippines. #NotoAnimalAbuse#NotoAnimalCruelty #BrakefortheAnimals#NotoIrresponsiblePetParenting #EndDogMeatTrade
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doublemerleadventures · 6 years ago
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Stop! Halt! End Yulin! 📣
#banyulin #nodogleftbehind #stopyulinforever #stopyulin #stopdogslaughtering #stopthetorture #stopdogandcatmeattrade
#rescuedogsofinstagram #dogmeattradesurvivor 
#mercyforanimals #meattradesurvivor #dogsofinstagram #rescuedog #friendsnotfood #EndDogMeatTrade #DuoDuoProject
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GELENEK FARKLI, KATLİAM AYNI! #Yulin Köpek Eti Festivali yarın başlıyor❗️ 🆘❌🚫📛 Köpek katliamının “gelenek” adı altında kutlanmasına haklı olarak tepki gösterip bu vahşeti lanetlerken mezbahalarda katledilen hayvanlara uygulanan aynı zulmü görmezden gelmek türcülüktür. İnsan gibi bilinç sahibi duyarlı canlıların öldürülmesini normalleştiren türcülükten kurtulmak, ancak vegan olmakla mümkün. Sömürüyü reddedin, #vegan olun. #stopyulin #stopyulin2019 # #NoDogsLeftBehind #YulinFestival #YulinDogMeatFestival #China #DogMeat #Meat #meatismurder #dog #dogmeattrade #doglover #EndDogMeatTrade #righttolife #govegan #stopkillinganimals #YangWanming #LiKeqiang #XiJinping #Guangxi #ChenWu #animalrights #speciesism #türcülük https://www.instagram.com/p/By8X9SKls1p/?igshid=134xnz9fezrjm
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voxveganoficial · 5 years ago
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😔Ficamos imaginando como deve ser ter de enfrentar aquele festival ao vivo, a cores, cheiros, gritos e sangue! ⠀ 🌎Sabe, na nossa opinião o mundo todo comete crueldades com os animais, cada país, cada povo tem sua cota de monstruosidade indescritíveis, mas não somos ingênuos, a China tem sim destaque quando o assunto é frieza e bizarrice com a vida de qualquer animal. ⠀ 🇨🇳📢MAS É EXATAMENTE POR ISSO que os próprios chineses, os ativistas veganos, os defensores de cães e gatos, são as pessoas que mais admiramos na luta, nos reverenciamos com o mais puro respeito aos guerreiros dos animais, porque é inimaginável a força extra que precisam ter nessa luta! ⠀ ⏲️O "festival" de Yulin começa amanhã 21, na verdade daqui a poucas horas (visto que agora na China são quase 00:00hrs). Enviamos muita vibração positiva aos ativistas, que sejam protegidos, que resistam, que salvem muitos animais, que o trabalho de conscientização diminua mais ainda os frequentadores desse evento para o ano que vem 🙏🙏🙏 ⠀ 🇨🇳📢Força, o mundo está com vocês a distância nessa luta! Um dia venceremos de vez! ⠀ 📲ASSINEM a petição pelo fim do Festival de Yulin, é rapidinho! No perfil @voxveganoficial cliquem no linktr.ee, e abram Festival de Yulin. ⠀ #StopYulin #PareYulin #FestivalDeYulin #Yulin2020 #DogMeatFestival #GuangxiZhuang #ShameChina #EndDogMeatTrade #XiJinping #Yulin #China #AmoCães #AmoGatos #ProteçãoAnimal #LibertaçãoAnimal #VoxVegan (em China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqWLo1J69I/?igshid=1qzqt2wk4mkrb
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animali-adottasi · 6 years ago
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"100 T shirts being delivered soon. You can buy them at (link: http://etsy.com) etsy.com in three sizes. We are getting ready for the summer #protest in #LA"  (link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/605761752/savekoreandogs-100-cotton-short-sleeve-t?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=savekoreandogs&ref=sc_gallery-1-4&plkey=8f4842a33e9e931863fff76453c8c364e0220dfb%3A605761752) etsy.com/listing/605761…  (link: https://www.facebook.com/425073497642716/posts/1368562106627179/) facebook.com/42507349764271�� #SouthKorea #SaveKoreanDogs #enddogmeattrade4ever C’ Mon. People! We all need to buy this. T shirt       #SouthKorea #SaveKoreanDogs #EndDogMeatTrade https://twitter.com/Nenagh9/status/1126824907168452608?s=20 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxb0TA7i8LT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1508hjuvmoo0c
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catmigliano7 · 6 years ago
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#suspicious #notgood #enddogmeattrade4ever #enddogmeattrade #endchinesedigmeattrade #saynotodogmeat #boycottchineserestaurants #boycottchina https://www.instagram.com/packerbackercat7/p/Bv6kYqDHDlG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h9eehrvoo4iv
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eliejc · 6 years ago
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@Regrann from @dove_project - Little Odin is here in Los Angeles and looking for his forever home! He is a Jindo mix whose mother was rescued from a dog meat farm while she was pregnant with him. Thankfully, he grew up in our shelter where he was safe and loved, but he is still a little timid and shy. He can really use the help of someone who has experience with rescue dogs. Please apply for Odin on www.dove-project.org ! Would you consider continuing with the giving spirit to make a difference in a dog meat survivor’s life??? This is your opportunity to change the future for voiceless victims of the dog meat trade - they need your help! We need to raise $100,000 for their care. Please help us by visiting the link in our bio or our website www.dove-project.org https://www.gofundme.com/help-shut-down-a-dog-meat-farm 🐕 🐾 🕊 ✨ #rescuedogs #enddogmeattrade #jindo #doveproject #rescued #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #koreanmeatdog #korea #dogmeat #jindosofinstagram #adoption #losangeles #california #happy #donate #savethedogs #nonprofit #stopthedogmeattrade #fortheloveofdogs #charity #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #beautiful #dog #newyearseve https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiX3o6nw8S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b6vw2fu4juke
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angel2flyagain-blog · 8 years ago
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iggyjoey · 4 years ago
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Beautiful sister. Happy 2 years in Canada. I'm so glad you were rescued from that awful place. #dogmeattradesurvivor #enddogmeattrade
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imaznowflake · 6 years ago
Credit to @nodogsleftbehind : On 8.31.19 Eight more Slaughterhouse Golden Retrievers and 1 Teddy (aka Poodle) from the 6.21 X’ian Dog Dealer Shutdown took their FREEDOM FLIGHT the US. The Goldens and Poodle are ready for their forever loving homes! Adopt Don’t Shop. To adopt a dog from No Dogs Left Behind visit: www.nodogsleftbehind.com/adopt HELP US Stop the Dog Meat Trade ➡️CLICK LINK IN BIO⬅️ to DONATE No Dogs Left Behind has chosen to focus on fighting to end the dog meat trade in China because that’s where the greatest number of dogs in the world are being brutalized. Every year about 20 million dogs are brutally slaughtered in China. We are a non-government organization and rely solely on the donations of people such as yourself. We couldn’t do our work without the kindness, generosity, and caring people of the world who support our cause. . . . . . . #NoDogsLeftBehind #StopYulinDogMeatFestival #EndDogMeatTrade #DogMeatTradeSurvivor #StopDogMeatTrade #EndDogMeat #EndTheDogMeatTrade #animalrights #ShelterDog #RescuedIsMyFavoriteBreed #AdoptDontShop #Rescuepup #RescuePetsOfInstagram #OptToAdopt #yulinsurvivor #animalsanctuary #BeKindToAnimals #SaveAnimals #VoiceForTheVoiceless #StopAnimalAbuse #AdoptAShelterDog #RescueIsTheBestBreed #DogShelter #rescuemutt #RescueLove #RespectAnimals #SaveADog #NoKillShelter #StopDogMeat #EndAnimalAbuse @homewardboundgoldenrescue @scgrr @goldenbondrescue @imaznowflake https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XbvqBA7fb/?igshid=12no09w6u7qh9
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GELENEK FARKLI, KATLİAM AYNI! Her yıl köpek katliamının “gelenek” adı altında kulandığı #Yulin Köpek Eti Festivali 21 Haziran’da başlıyor. 10 gün sürecek festivalde 10 bin kadar kedi ve köpek kesilip yenecek... İnsan gibi bilinç sahibi duyarlı canlıların öldürülmesini normalleştiren türcülüğün sonucu bu. İnek, kuzu, tavuk ya da köpek... Hayvanlar da insan gibi yaşamak ister! #stopyulin #stopyulin2019 # #NoDogsLeftBehind #YulinFestival #YulinDogMeatFestival #China #DogMeat #Meat #meatismurder #dog #dogmeattrade #doglover #EndDogMeatTrade #righttolife #stopkillinganimals #YangWanming #LiKeqiang #XiJinping #Guangxi #ChenWu #animalrights https://www.instagram.com/p/By5vOA4FzhQ/?igshid=d3xlxcxlsfqj
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voxveganoficial · 5 years ago
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🔴É muito importante que mostremos o quanto repudiamos uma "festa" desse tipo, qualquer "festa" em qualquer lugar do mundo onde animais são brutalizados! ⠀ 🔴Marcar hashtags, compartilhar, assinar petições, fazer postagem sobre o assunto... TUDO AJUDA MUITO! A cada ano o festival de Yulin está recebendo menos pessoas. Sinal de que a luta contra vale sim! ⠀ 📲ASSINEM, é rapidinho! No perfil @voxveganoficial cliquem no linktr.ee, e abram Festival de Yulin. ⠀ #StopYulin #PareYulin #FestivalDeYulin #Yulin2020 #DogMeatFestival #GuangxiZhuang #EndDogMeatTrade #XiJinping #Yulin #China #AmoCães #AmoGatos # ProteçãoAnimal #LibertaçãoAnimal #VoxVegan https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgJJ-Yp-y1/?igshid=qfaxhixjc2xj
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savedbyplants · 7 years ago
Regrann from @red0668 - Post 2: Emergency dog rescue . 35 dogs on relying on animal lovers to pull together to rescue them. It is donations that will help to save these lives. . The total price is $3867 by Friday. . $1028 have been raised so far. New balance $2839. . 🔴 Please share the post widely and look out for further videos to see all the dogs that we will attempt to save. . 🔽 Donation Links for the Rescue 🔽 . PayPal option: paypal.me/plushbears . PayPal Email: [email protected] . GFM is on @nom_aly IG Bio Wall: https://www.gofundme.com/plush-bear-rescue-campaign . . #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescuedog #rescuedogs #rescuedogsofinstagram #helpdog #helpanimal #helpanimals #helpanimalsinneed #savedogs #stopdogmeat #stopdogmeattrade #stopdogmeatfestival #stopdogandcatmeattrade #enddogmeat #enddogmeattrade #enddogmeattrade #stopyulin #stopyulinforever #germanshepherd #germanshepherdlovers #germanshephards #goldretriever #goldenretrievers #goldenretrieversofinstagram #greyhound #greyhounds #samoyed #samoyedsofinstagram
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animali-adottasi · 6 years ago
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Jess's Rescue #Namyangju #DogMeat #Farm "First night went peacefully no barking no howling. All good boys and girls. Just fed them..." Full post (link: https://www.facebook.com/425073497642716/posts/1371326319684091/) facebook.com/42507349764271… #SouthKorea #SaveKoreanDogs #EndDogMeatTrade #StopBoknal https://twitter.com/NamiKim_DogsSK/status/1127873858797756416?s=20 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZ4cJeB_Si/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=al1h7bd6vkr1
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thisisyourbaptism · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @jakartaanimalaidnetwork . . . 🐕 We have signed the petition of #dogmeatfreeindonesia !! HAVE YOU? We need 1 MILLION signatures and we need YOU to sign and share this petition! Go to www.DogMeatFreeIndonesia.org And let us stop this cruelty! P. S. Don't forget to watch our "I Didn't Know" campaign video on the website! THANK YOU! - Kami sudah menandatangani petisi #indonesiabebasdaginganjing !! APAKAH KAMU SUDAH? Kami butuh 1 JUTA tandatangan dan kami butuh anda utk menandatangani dan share petisinya! Klik www.DogMeatFreeIndonesia.org Dan mari bersama kita hentikan kekejaman ini. Pssst! Jangan lupa tonton juga video kampanye kami "IDK" pada website tersebut! TERIMAKASIH BANYAK! #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #DMFI #dogsarenotfood #indonesiabebasrabies2020 #dogsarefamily #againstanimalcruelty #jakarta #indonesia #mediaindonesia #dogsarefamily #jaan #doglovers #notodogmeat #enddogmeattrade #stopmakananjing #JAANHQ @sophia_latjuba88 @chelseaislan @gamal1990 @animalfriendsjogja @hsiglobal @change_for_animals_foundation @rickygervais @joanalumly @diofcastro @samsilver.26 #joannalumley @team_peter_egan @vox_silentii @thedodo @infia_fact @dagelan @cesarsway - #regrann
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lapurga-gyong · 7 years ago
if you wanna hate me, just go ahead. if you wanna fight me, come to me and lets do it. but, if you want to change, lets do it now! ------------------ @Regranned from @jakartaanimalaidnetwork - The suffering of dogs caught up in Indonesia’s dog meat trade is unimaginable .. Every year, an estimated 1 million dogs are brutally captured & then transported throughout the country. They’re crammed into sacks & cages, their mouths bound shut so tightly they can hardly breathe! They are then taken on long, gruelling journeys to markets & slaughterhouses in the heat & in pain. For those that survive, they watch other dogs being brutally slaughtered while they wait their turn. The trade is cruel, dangerous & it must stop! The Dog Meat Free Indonesia coalition is committed to ending the dog meat trade but we need YOUR help! Please sign & share the petition calling for an end to the cruel dog meat trade in Indonesia www.dogmeatfreeindonesia.org (direct link in bio). - Penderitaan anjing-anjing Indonesia yang ditangkap untuk dipotong ini sangat tak terbayangkan. Setiap tahun sekitar satu juta ekor anjing ditangkap secara brutal dan kemudian ditransportasi dari kota ke kota. Mereka dimasukan dalam karung dan kandang sempit, mulutnya diikat sangat kencang hingha tidak bisa bernapas! Dalam kondisi demikian mereka lalu dibawa melalui perjalanan panjang menuju pasar dan rumah jagal dalam panas dan kesakitan. Bagi yang masih hidup, mereka menyaksikan anjing lainnya sedang dibantai secara brutal sembari menunggu giliran mereka. Perdagangan ini kejam, berbahaya dan harus dihentikan! Koalisi Dog Meat Free Indonesia berkomitmen untuk mengakhiri perdagangan daging anjing dan kami BUTUH bantuan anda! Tolong tandatangani petisi ajakan untuk mengakhiri perdagangan daging anjong di Indonesia! www.DogMeatFreeIndonesia.org (Klik link pada bio kami) - #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #dogmeatfreeindonesia #DMFI #dogsarenotfood #indonesiabebasrabies2020 #dogsarefamily #againstanimalcruelty #jakarta #indonesia #mediaindonesia #dogsarefamily #changeforanimals #doglovers #notodogmeat #enddogmeattrade #HeroDMFI @sophia_latjuba88 @chelseaislan @gamal1990 @animalfriendsjogja @hsiglobal @change_for_animal
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