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warumichradfahre · 2 months ago
Sündigen im Sündenwäldchen
Genau, es gibt einen kleinen Wald hier, der wohl Sündenwäldchen genannt wird. Er liegt in der Nähe der ehemaligen Ortschaft Manheim und nahe am Rand des Tagebaus Hambach. Fragt sich natürlich, wer da schon mal gesündigt hat, wie und wie oft da gesündigt worden ist. Ich kann frank und frei sagen: It wasn’t me! Ehrlich! Es können nur Scharen von Manheimerinnen und Manheimern gewesen sein, die das…
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ohmos · 5 years ago
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𝟏𝟐/𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲
An interviewer asked me: Why are you here today?
I have goals for the future, revolutionary ideas to help bring peace to my family’s home land. Hopes to aid in liberating Palestine and changing US immigration laws. I have these goals, I have my plan, and now I need my future. Adults silence us by calling young activists political puppets and I ask: How are we puppets of those who are against us? We are not given the chance to revolutionize the world, but we can take it. That’s what Greta, I, and everyone here today plan on doing.
“What do you about the University of Iowa claiming it’s not possible to eliminate coal use until 2025?”
Fuck that.
“Can you say it in a way I’m able to report it?”
There’s not a more accurate way to display my feelings.
Being interviewed as well as standing amongst thousands of people was truly overwhelming. Having aspergers and immense sensory overload made it hard to think coherently. Despite that it was an enlightening experience that I will cherish forever.
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jimabernethy · 6 years ago
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Image by @jim_abernethy // This lemon shark cruises by me as I enter the water for the night shark dive!! Spending most of my life scuba diving as well as living at sea with sharks has allowed me to see our magnificent sharks, true nature! It is hard for me to know that most of the planet still believes they are mindless maneating monstors! However this is definitely changing, as more and more people experience these incredible animals for themselves! The constant news of negative things our species are doing to the planet and all wildlife does eat away at me, but there is so much we all enjoyà The amazing encounters with all creatures is the very best therapy and inspiration to keep pushing for change to protect the animals I love! The journey has enabled me to meet incredible people that are life long friends that I'm very grateful for! Surrounding myself with brillant individuals where I work, what I call my chosen family also increases the quality of my life substantially! The list is endless and very helpful and important during these very difficult times as our planet continues to head in an unsustainable direction! Together our minute changes make a huge difference to the entire planet! What are you doing to help our planet and its beautiful wildlife? Are you part of the solution? This plastic free July lets all do everything we can for our only home...planet earth! @jim_abernethy @wildlifevoiceinc @sealegacy #TurningTheTide #plasticfreejuly #Bethechangetheworldneeds #stopneedlessslaughter #6thextinction #inspirational #alternativepower #saveplanetearth #savepollinators #BanGlyphosate #bethevoice #loveearth #endcoal #saveplanetearth (at Tiger Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzdDHxJp2k6/?igshid=1ganwy01kfb5i
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wastelesswanderess · 6 years ago
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You gotta slam, slam, slam, slam, slam your fist down and demand change in this consumerist society that's destroying the planet we and billions of other species call home. 🎵🎵🎵🎵 That's how the song goes right? 😁 #spicegirls #ifyouwannabemylover #ethicsaresexy #ecosexy #ecofriendly #environment #sustainability #environmentallyfriendly #endcoal #endfossilfuels https://www.instagram.com/p/BpDxN37BIgu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11me5uy6b4wxv
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theothermovember · 4 years ago
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Pavel Tykač was one of the faces of privatization scams in Czech Republic in the 90s. Today, he is the face of fossil business and represents all the super-rich who exchange health of people and the planet for profit. He made money in the infamous coupon privatization scheme, where his financial group lured people into investing in their funds only to steal their assets - 1.23 billion CZK - and siphon them out in tax havens. His coal business creates even more profit - and more mess. Tykač owns Sev.en Energy AG based in Luxembourg and owned through a company in Cyprus. The group owns coal mines and plants in Czech Rep. and also in the US. This is how his business works: He buys old coal plants, lobbies for emission exemptions saying that the modernization is costly, he pays tiny fees to the state for the coal and drains the profits through tax havens - 22 billion CZK in 2009-2016. Experts are calling for the greenhouse gasses emissions to be cut in half within 10 years. The end of fossil fuels is considered to be an emergency brake that could slow down climate crisis. But Tykač is not reaching for the brake - he is trying to get more exemptions that allow him to pollute the air with carbon dioxide and mercury for years to come. There is this naive narrative that when the rich are trying to get richer, they are elevating everyone by creating jobs and innovations on the way. Tykač is a proof that it is just nonsense. He resists innovation and instead of paying taxes to help create greener jobs, he pays himself dividends. People working in the fossil industry are worried their jobs will dissappear and as Tykač avoids all fees, the money doesn't flow back to the communities where it could help reform the industry and maintain job security. His wife Ivana has an annoying business of her own - she owns around 300 AirBnB flats in Prague. Her business is probably not thriving at the moment. But it will take more than a virus scaring tourists to bring an end to her husband's empire. Follow @limityjsmemy or your local climate justice movement, vote only for those taking climate crisis seriously, chain yourself to some mining machinery - everything counts. End coal now!
Text: Barbora Votavová
Pavel Tykač býval jednou z tváří privatizace a s ní spojených finančních podvodů. Dnes je tváří špinavého uhelného byznysu a patronem superboháčů, kteří ničí zdraví a planetu a vydělávají na tom. Jeho jmění se značně rozrostlo díky akci, kterou jeho finanční skupina v 90. letech nazvala "Drobní akcionáři, plačte" a která lákala lidi, aby vložili peníze do akciových fondů, ze kterých vyvedla 1,23 miliardy na účty v daňových rájích. Jeho uhelný byznys ale vydělává víc - a také víc škodí. Tykač je majitelem Sev.en Energy AG. Ta sídlí v Lichtenštejnsku a je vlastněná přes kyperskou firmu, krom�� Česka jí patří např. uhelné doly v USA. Tykačovo podnikání by se dalo shrnout asi takhle: Kupuje zastaralé uhelné elektrárny a doly, žádá výjimky z emisních limitů s tím, že modernizace je nákladná, státu odvádí za vytěžování uhlí směšné poplatky a skrze daňové ráje si vyplácí dividendy - v letech 2009-2016 šlo o celkem 22 miliard. Odborníci volají po nutnosti snížit emise skleníkových plynů do 10 let alespoň o polovinu. Konec uhelného byznysu je považovaný za záchrannou brzdu, díky které bychom mohli klimatickou krizi postupně zastavovat. Tykač však nebrzí - výjimky, které mu dovolují vypouštět do ovzduší nejen nadlimitní množství oxidu uhličitého, ale také násobné množství rtuti, se snaží získat na další dlouhé roky. Tykač je dokonalým příkladem toho, jak nesmyslné jsou naivní řeči o tom, že když se někdo žene za ziskem, pomáhá tím celé společnosti, protože vytváří pracovní místa a inovace. Jeho podniky se inovacím brání a místo placení daní si vyplácí dividendy. Ti, které uhelný průmysl živí, se bojí o práci - protože kvůli sobcům jako je Tykač neputují odvody ze špinavého byznysu na rozvoj udržitelné energetiky a zelenější pracovní místa nevznikají. Tykačova žena Ivana se prozměnu rozhodla otravovat život lidem v Praze, vlastní na 300 bytů, které pronajímá přes AirBnB. Můžeme se domnívat, že v pandemii její byznys příliš nekvete. Aby přestal vzkvétat i ten Tykačův, bude ale zapotřebí víc než jen strach turistů z viru. Sledujte @limityjsmemy, volte na všech úrovních jen ty, kdo berou klimatickou krizi vážně, přivažte se k rypadlu - všechno se počítá. Zatykače na Tykače! 
Text: Barbora Votavová
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14-ltd · 5 years ago
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POLLUTED POLITICS @greenpeace @14burgess14.co.uk Present • “Our politics are polluted" On the last day of #COP25, @greenpeace_esp activists sent a clear message to delegates! • 🇪🇸La política no puede verse contaminada por los intereses económicos. • Photography © Pablo Blazquez /Greenpeace • #climateemergency #cop25 #endcoal #environment #climatechange #climateleadership #planet #nature #climatecrisis • UNITED WE STAND - DIVIDED WE FALL Promotions • @14burgess14.co.uk • www.14babylon14.co.uk • www.14burgess14.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BFz2aldVOcrlCjgWgcnZkveUFCxBVsg8hWQk0/?igshid=1es4abpf3wqqh
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cakkiss · 5 years ago
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Mari dan Ayo Kita Semua bergabung! Di Aksi Akbar #SaveMeratus Senin, 23 September 2019. Jam : 09.00 - Selesai. Titik Kumpul Aksi : Lapangan Dwi Warna Barabai, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan. Karena "Menyelamatkan Meratus adalah Menyelamatkan Kehidupan.!!!" Dalam rangka moment Hari Tani Nasional dan Climate Summit 2019. Ayo kita serukan dan suarakan pada pemerintah dan dunia bahwa #SaveMeratus adalah langkah Nyata mencegah perubahan iklim dan mencegah Bencana. Terimakasih atas kehadiran dan partisipasinya. #SaveMeratus #ClimateEmergency #EndCoal #StopEnergiKotor #SelamatkanLahanUntukPangan #TanahUntukPETANI #AkuiDanHormatiHakMasyarakatAdatDayakMeratus #CabutIjinTambangDiMeratus #BersihkanIndonesia #CintaINDONESIA https://www.instagram.com/p/B2l1rCgnBLd/?igshid=1k1p4hulrfk7p
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gordonwelters · 6 years ago
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„It‘s our future, you assholes!“ seen at fridaysforfuture
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ohmos · 5 years ago
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October 4th, 2019
Preparing to be heard at today’s strike.
Fight for what you believe in!
(Side note my boss said we can all come in late to work so that we may participate today!)
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gsmeeton · 8 years ago
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News from the UK power grid; the energy transition is happening!
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fischkombinat · 8 years ago
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Spazierengehen im Windpark
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royalsmoon · 4 years ago
Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, the last stream is poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money🔥💀⚠️ Will We? @greenpeace #breakfreefromplastic #endoil #leaveitintheground #climateemergency #plastic #plasticfree #climatechangeawareness #forest #restoreforests #environmental #sustainability #nature #climatecrisis #fossilfuels #plasticpollution #endcoal #greenpeace #climateaction #dirtyenergy #plasticwaste #toxic #wildlife #ocean #justrecovery #justtransition https://www.instagram.com/p/CNs08PTH7Kl/?igshid=17662irnnqvhr
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troger · 5 years ago
Még mindig az exkavátoron bandázunk
már olyan 5-6 órája.
És maradunk.
Kempingezésnek kicsit extrém, az idő szar, a szél is fújdogál itt a magasban, ez a förtelmes szörnyeteg meg hideg és kényelmetlen. De kaja van, hálózsák van, a társaság pedig a legjobb ;)
Ez a rohadék 24 órában dolgozna, ha hagynánk, úgyhogy minél tovább maradunk, annál nagyobb a profitkiesés 😜
Drukkoljatok, hogy ne szedjenek le a zsaruk, és itt tudjuk tölteni az éjszakát!
Akinél van kedv, tehet képeket reblogba az utókornak
(ez vala az utolsó előre beállított poszt - mert saját telót nyilván nem viszünk egy ilyen buliba)
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attayaya · 6 years ago
Air Terjun Batang Kapas Tertinggi di Riau Terancam Punah Desa Lubuk Bigau @arikaharmon @gadielok @ulungrahmadhan @djemari_ijal @riaudaily @bangfiko #RiauForest Regrann from @walhiriau - Terletak di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu, Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau dengan luas ± 60.000 ha dan 1000 KK, Kenegarian Pangkalan Kapas meliputi Desa Pangkalan Kapas, Desa Lubuk Bigau, Desa Tanjung Permai dan Desa Kebun Tinggi; Padi ladang menjadi salah satu sumber nafkah hidup rakyat Kenegarian Pangkalan Kapas selain karet, gambir dan hasil pertanian lainnya; Keindahan alam dan rumah bagi harimau sumatera ini terancam keberlangsungannya disebabkan keberadaan PT Buana Tambang Jaya yang merupakan perusahaan pertambangan batu bara. Perusahaan Industri ekstraktif tersebut diketahui mengantongi izin operasi produksi pada tahun 2017 lalu dengan nomor SK. 7/1/IUP/PMA/2017; Berdasarkan Surat Izin Prinsip Penanaman Modal yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal pada tanggal 01 Juli 2011 dengan Nomor 419/1/P/PMA/2011 diketahui bahwa komposisi kepemilikan saham perusahaan ini 80% nya dimiliki oleh saham asing dan 20% sisanya oleh Indonesia. Pemilik saham asing tersebut berkebangsaan Malaysia yakni Lim Mee Lein, Lim Chee Kait dan Lim Chee Yei, sedangkan dari Indonesia dimiliki oleh Hutomo Wijaya Ongowarsito dan Elka Tanudjaya; Menolak keberadaan PT Buana Tambang Jaya, dapat dimaknai sebagai perlindungan terhadap lingkungan hidup yang merupakan hajat hidup rakyat Kenegarian Pangkalan Kapas dan tidak membiarkan Harimau Sumatera hanya ada pada gambar dibuku-buku sekolah dasar; “Perbaikan akses jalan bagi rakyat di Kenegarian Pangkalan Kapas adalah kewajiban negara. Jangan biarkan negara menggadaikan kekayaan alam kami kepada perusahaan dengan iming-iming perbaikan jalan” #2019EnergiBersih #2019PolitikBersih #EndCoal #StopBatubara #RenewableNow #pulihkanindonesia #pulihkanriau #selamatkanrimbaterakhir @walhi.nasional - #regrann #riaumagz https://www.instagram.com/p/BnsItJ6nAuc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14ibeavjv20r3
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giffire · 7 years ago
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myweddingsandevents · 3 years ago
Tweet from Arik Ring - Energy Engineering Expert (@arikring)
Arik Ring - Energy Engineering Expert (@arikring) Tweeted:
@Hazloe3 @ProfStrachan @ECOWARRIORSS @ChristineMilne @ristori20 @mzjacobson @charluv2011 @BSuhic @NJdoc @ddelich @elder_jodi @devindthorpe @AmazingChevVolt @enricomolinari @climateguyw @PaulHBeckwith @StopAdaniCairns @SustMeme @leahstokes @debraruh @DanCas2 @armanwalker @Jackthelad1947 @HansLak @lmg1700 @Klinkmi @seth_leitman @BreezyLovinInWV @CapaTosta122 @kirillklip @blanketcrap @AntonBoym @alexharteco @smoothsale @THEnergyNet @lehimesa @joesegal @GretaThunberg @treacl @Wipapa5 @JimBair62221006 @golwgymor @JoseyRider @lahautj #ClimateCrisis?
Just a Record Hurricane Season Devastating #LatinAmerica.
#ClimateAction #FridaysForFuture #Sustainability
#Carbon #ClimateChange #ExtinctionRebellion
#EndCoal #Environment #EnergyTransition #CO2
@GeraldKutney @jellsmoor @BlakenianSoul
https://t.co/6xT98KZD4v https://twitter.com/arikring/status/1329895965818499083?s=20
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