#end-of-day total was 129
helicoprinus · 10 months
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i feel like im gonna incur the monkey's paw on this but public buy sheet attending is much less intense than i had anticipated
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ouiouibaguettt · 1 month
The Tattoo
Y/N - your name. Y/NN - your nickname. Y/LN - your last name.
request: r is new on the french squad and star struck when she meets gabby. They room together and they bond over their love for records, r ask if she could tattoo gabby if they win their games.
okay i did try my best, im sorry i didnt go with the fact that r could tattoo Gabby in case of a win.
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You're POV:
You've been ecstatic ever since national team coach Jean-Aimé Toupane called you so that you could come to the Insep training camp before you had to start training for the 2024 Olympics.
At the same time, with the season you'd had with Basket Landes, how could he not call you, averaging 6.7 assists, 8.0 rebounds and 17.5 points per game, giving you an evaluation of 20.6. To say you were on fire would be an understatement.
Let's get back to the moment. You were finishing packing your bag, before heading off to the station with your clubmate Marie Pardon. Once there, and after greeting everyone, that's when your eyes met, only it's not the first time your breathing seemed to stop when you met her gaze. Gabby had the same reaction as you, breath cut off, cheeks flushed, it was Marine who helped her out of her trance before she looked like a psychopath.
During lunch, the coach assigned rooms. “Marine Fauthoux with Iliana” he said as the two girls jumped on each other making everyone laugh. “Marine Johannes with Alexia, Marie with Carla, and finally Gabby with Y/N” he added before handing you your room keys and taking your seats to let you finish eating.
Once the meal was over, the whole team decided to go back to their rooms to rest before starting training.
When you entered the room, you saw Gabby unpacking, the way her arms flexed, allowing her muscles to show. The sight immediately made you blush. However, you heard a clearing of the throat, bringing you back down to earth, and Gabby looked at you with a smirk when she saw where your eyes were blocked.
“I hope you're enjoying the view?” she said, laughing a little, not wanting to be the only one in this position you replied ‘It's the best view I've ever had’ you said, winking at her before unpacking your suitcase, leaving her speechless.
However, she snapped out of her trance when she heard the rhythm you were whistling. “You listen to The Neighbourhood too?” she asked. “Yes, I have almost all their CDs in my apartment” you replied. “Which one did you like best?” she added as she lay on her stomach, head resting on her hands, looking up at you. “Hm, I'd say 'Reflections', it's very close to my heart” you replied before adding ”And you? Which one do you prefer?” Gabby took a moment to think about it before saying “I'd say ‘Reflections’ too”. After debating for a while about your rather similar musical tastes, your tattoos, it was time of training.
Since the day you and Gabby were put in the same room, each day brings you closer. If you both were unaware of the feelings that were starting to grow more and more. Your teammates were all aware, some had even placed bets on when you would confess your feelings to each other.
Before, your first two preparation games against Finland, you had made a bet with Gabby. If Finland scored less than 100 points in two games, you let her choose your next tattoo while if Finland scored more than 100 points in two games, you would have to choose her next tattoo.
Spoiler alert, you won the bet. By winning the first game 129 to 50, and the second 117 to 59, Finland had therefore put 109 points in total in two games which made you the winner of the bet. However, you and Gabby decided to wait until the end of the Olympics to get her tattoo.
After qualifying for the final following the victory in overtime against Belgium where you and Gabby were on fire. The whole team celebrated well with the public, and in the locker room. Finally, when the celebration stopped, the players came out one by one to greet the public one last time before returning to the hotel. Once back at the hotel, you and Gabby decided to stay a little in the common room, you were showing each other tiktoks. However, when you looked up from her phone to her, you noticed how close her face was to yours and how beautiful she was.
When Gabby looked up, her eyes were going back and forth between your eyes and your lips, unable to wait any longer, Gabby kissed you gently, she placed one of her hands on your cheeks and the other on your hip while your hands ended up around her neck. Wanting to catch your breath, you separated a little but you left your hands where they were. "Wow-" you said still amazed by this kiss. "I really like you Y/NN, I like everything about you, your musical tastes, your tattoos, your smile, the way your eyes shine with determination in the middle of a match" Gabby confessed. "I really like you too Gabby" you confessed to her. "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" she asked you. "Of course I would do you that honor" you answered her, a big smile on your lips.
However, just as you were about to kiss each other again, Marine Johanness arrived in the room, she saw the position you were in, your faces betraying you since you were both red. Marine understood immediately what had just happened. "Did you just kiss?" she asked excitedly, you had turned red with embarrassment at the idea of ​​a teammate interrupting you, that's when Gabby answered "Yes but-" she didn't have time to finish her sentence that Marine was already on the phone with Alexia. "Alexia you owe me 20 euros" she exclaimed. And then, she went back to her room. "It was super random" you told Gabby once calm had returned, "Yes really" said Gabby starting to laugh at the situation.
After this beautiful moment in the common room, you and Gabby decide to go back to your room.
With only a few seconds left, you managed to send your pass to Gabby, who caught it and scored immediately. The basket being awarded, the referees went to see the video to see if it was a 2-point or a 3-point. The score being 67 to 64 in favor of the USA, a 3-point would allow you to snatch overtime.
However, the referee having viewed the video, declared that the basket was a 2-point, and blew the final whistle, declaring the USA the winner. Gabby collapsed in tears, you brought her in your arms to try to comfort her as best you could.
Once she was 'calm' enough, you went to congratulate the opposing team and greet the public before going to the locker room to prepare for the medal ceremony.
After the medal ceremony, Gabby seemed at peace with what had happened earlier, that's how you ended up in a tattoo parlor to finally choose her future tattoo.
Being the nice girlfriend that you are, you decided to get the tattoo too. After showing the tattoo artist the design, he first started with Gabby, and ended with you. Gabby was surprised but was very pleased with the tattoo you had chosen.
On her left forearm, and on your right forearm, rests forever, the upside down house, the symbol of the group The Neighbourhood.
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daincrediblegg · 11 months
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Well folks. For the old man's Birthday, this is what you get. A preview of the first chapter entirely from Lady Terror's point of view. Enjoy
In the mind of one Miss Genevieve Sinclair, September of 1846 still had time yet to shape up to become a very good month indeed.
A few months out from the Baffin Bay now, the air on HMS Erebus began to shift measurably. As the renewed cold washed in, so too did the excitement of the crew. You’d be hard pressed to find single soul on either ship to not be in the highest of spirits, but the sole woman among the total of 129 men on both Erebus and Terror (and the solitary representative of her sex on this expedition, at least, that which she knew of), was not quite as convinced.
With the cold, of course, came ice, and it was her charge to observe it, after all. She may still have been considered a Junior in these matters in comparison to Mr. Reid, and Terror’s Mr. Blanky, but she was familiar enough to know that even with how well their ships were outfitted, it would be difficult to maneuver the Passage, and the further they approached, the more difficult it would become, and the signs of that difficulty had already begun to show themselves. The ice, in recent days, like this one, began to look like lily pads on a great deep blue pond (dinner plates, Mr. Reid had called them, but she felt it an inept analogy for the way they floated on the surface, like they belonged there). Soon, they would grow to size, and fuse with one another, to create a great sheet, and soon after that, it would freeze farther down even than below where the ships buoyed themselves upright in the water. If their course was not charted carefully from here on out, it would be a certainty. And though certainty was a comfort in its own way, a possibility of success was far more palatable, and Sinclair would rather tread the unknown, study, and understand it, than take her chances with certainty.
And it was for this reason that, in spite of her own reservations on the future of this venture, she found herself at least a little infected by the enthusiasm of her shipmates. It was in fact this same energy that took her up to the portside gunwale on this day in particular, practically glowing from it as the cold air pinkened her cheeks. After wintering on the ice-locked shores of Beechey Island, cooped up for the majority of that time in her cabin out of necessity, she had resolved to not spend a single moment of their summer strait (un-summer-like though it was) below decks, and after receiving her assignment from a begrudged Mr. Reid to aid him in charting out the as of yet unmapped coastline as they passed, and of course, around mid-day Mr. Reid had gone down to attend other duties left to him by Sir John, leaving Sinclair alone to finish the task before her.
In perfect honesty, she couldn’t have been more relieved. Mr. Reid surely was a well studied man, in her estimation, but his demeanor, like many of the other men on these ships, was so curt and plain whenever he spoke to her. They were all a superstitious lot, she knew. Her years on the Demeter with her Father had taught her as much, but even those men, as set as they were in their superstitions, had warmed to her by the end of their course through the Prussian seas. It truly baffled her now, even one year after landfall, and none but a handful that she could count on her two hands had seemed to change their minds on the matter of her, and even fewer with the bravery to more than tip their hats to her in greeting.
And yet, in spite of their ignorance to her presence, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched as she worked. She was still an oddity enough to these seasoned naval men to warrant attention. And though they would hesitate to speak with her directly, their gazes were enough to tell her what they thought of her. Even now, perched by the portside gunwale with her instruments and sketching paper, where she had been nearly since the day began, she could feel their eyes every now and again as she tried to work. It is why she preferred to work in her cabin, or alone, at night, most days, so the feel of the eyes on her would not distract her as much. But even that feeling could not dissuade her from being determined to push through with her task today. The credit for finding the passage itself would never go to the name of a woman, she knew, but it would be her strokes in crude lead and later still in fine ink upon the very map of the world itself… it would be a credit to her. And that, no man could deny her.
It was mid-afternoon now, and she looked at what remained of her work. Three Hundred miles. Three Hundred Miles was all that stood between them and the waters of the pacific. A threshold marred with isles and inlets and capes, and ice. And her hand would chart all the rest of it (or rather, as much as she could manage in her waking hours, at least). But their course through these labyrinthian miles were what counted most. She was well acquainted enough with the accounts Parry, and Sir John Ross left of their attempts at the Passage. Even better acquainted with Dr. Richard King’s theories about the safety of the coastal waters, and as she suspected, islands, and ones that they could sail through the same as they had the Bellot strait just a few short weeks ago. But their luck had won them that prize in the first place. If it had not been summer, and if it had not been in that span of time that they had passed in, she suspected, they would not have made it out the other side and here before. And the ice was beginning to form even here, well… it was all a matter of timing. And Sinclair, as she observed her lily-pad ice, knocking against each other in the rolls of the sea and against their ship, was going to make certain that the timing was correct to avoid being iced in completely.
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pokepollsters · 10 months
Best Poké Ball Tournament- Stats Breakdown!
Thanks to all of your votes and continued enthusiasm for the blog, we finally reached the end of this tournament, and I have some stats to share with you all!
Before we get into the stats, this is the last chance to suggest ideas for the next tournament before I run a poll to decide it! You have a couple of days from when this is posted.
Click the read more for the breakdown!
In this tournament, I did less reblogs for each match, and that has led to a lower vote total than last time- but still an impressive 11,922 votes were cast across all 32 matches for an average of 373 votes per match.
When we get into specific Ball stats, things start to get interesting though- let's rank by average vote total per match shall we?
Luxury Ball- 240 (1202 votes across 5 matches)
Love Ball- 234 (701 votes across 3 matches)
Quick Ball- 225 (675 votes across 3 matches)
Heal Ball- 224 (224 votes in 1 match)
Premier Ball- 223 (223 votes in 1 match)
Dusk Ball- 219 (438 across 2 matches)
Strange Ball- 215 (215 votes in 1 match)
Moon Ball- 214 (1072 votes across 5 matches)
Great Ball- 200 (400 votes across 2 matches)
Dream Ball- 199 (996 votes across 5 matches)
Beast Ball- 197 (984 votes across 5 matches)
Cherish Ball- 196 (392 votes across 2 matches)
Ultra Ball- 195 (195 votes in 1 match)
Dive Ball- 194 (584 votes across 3 matches)
Friend Ball- 192 (575 votes across 3 matches)
Timer Ball- 190 (380 votes across 2 matches)
Lure Ball- 164 (164 votes in 1 match)
Master Ball- 162 (162 votes in 1 match)
Safari Ball- 158 (158 votes in 1 match) & Jet Ball- 158 (316 votes across 2 matches)
Poké Ball- 153 (153 votes in 1 match) & GS Ball- 153 (153 votes in 1 match)
Net Ball- 151 (151 votes in 1 match)
Fast Ball- 148 (295 votes across 2 matches)
Origin Ball- 139 (277 votes across 2 matches)
Heavy Ball- 130 (130 votes in 1 match)
Nest Ball- 129 (129 votes in 1 match)
Repeat Ball- 125 (250 votes across 2 matches)
Sport Ball- 91 (91 votes in 1 match)
Park Ball- 84 (84 votes in 1 match)
Level Ball- 78 (78 votes in 1 match) & Gigaton Ball- 78 (78 votes in 1 match)
While the Luxury Ball sits on top, as you'd expect, none of our other final four are higher than 8th! This could perhaps be seen as some Balls that didn't do so well may have had more enthusiastic support even if they didn't get as far?
Even more interesting is when we get to the average % vote share across the matches:
Quick Ball- 65%
Love Ball- 61.7%
Dive Ball- 60.6%
Moon Ball- 57.6%
Great Ball- 56.5%
Luxury Ball- 56.3%
Dream Ball- 56.1%
Beast Ball- 54.3%
Cherish Ball- 52.8%
Timer Ball- 50.8%
Lure Ball- 48.8%
Friend Ball- 48.3%
Dusk Ball- 48.1%
Jet Ball- 47.9%
Premier Ball- 46.6%
Ultra Ball- 45.5%
Strange Ball- 45.4%
Heal Ball- 45.2%
Safari Ball- 45%
Net Ball- 43.8%
Nest Ball- 42.4%
Fast Ball- 42.3%
Origin Ball- 40.7%
Poké Ball- 40.5%
Master Ball- 40.4%
Repeat Ball- 40.1%
GS Ball- 39.3%
Heavy Ball- 35.9%
Sport Ball- 25.3%
Level Ball- 24.1%
Park Ball- 23.4%
Gigaton Ball- 22.3%
This is probably more of an indicator of how close each Ball's matches were and how much they may have swept... or not! But still, it's surprising that none of the top three in the competition made it to the top three of this list! I think it's fair to say that many of these Balls are very popular, and any tournament to determine the favourite would have been close.
If you like charts, here's what each Ball's total votes compared to the total tournament votes looks like:
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(Apologies if it's hard to read, Excel would not play ball with me... ironically.)
To wrap up, let's look at some individual match stats.
The most voted on match was Round 1, Match 3- Luxury Ball vs Heal Ball. It had 496 votes, and showed that the Luxury Ball was popular even from the start! This is closely followed by the Final Match with 490 votes, Luxury Ball vs Moon Ball. That means for the third time in a row, the Finals is the second most popular match- what a coincidence!
The least voted on match was Round 1, Match 11- Nest Ball vs Repeat Ball, at only 304 votes. The second least popular was Round 2, Match 7- Jet Ball vs Dive Ball with 4 more votes at 308.
The closest match this time round was Round 1, Match 2- Lure Ball vs Origin Ball. It had a margin of only 2.4%, or 8 votes! Congratulations to the Origin Ball for that one!
Let's cap off with the biggest sweep, a title that in previous tournaments went to Water Type and Grusha. In this tournament, the biggest sweep goes to... Round 1, Match 1! The match of Quick Ball vs Gigaton Ball ended in a huge 55.4% win margin, or 193 votes. The show started with a bang it seems! Shout out to the Love Ball, Dive Ball, and Moon Ball for all also achieving sweeps with over 50% margins. All of those Balls gain entry to the exclusive 50% sweeper club, joining Water Type, Flying Type, and Ghost Type.
And that's all! If there's any stat I missed that you'd like to see, just drop an ask and I'll fill you in!
Until next tournament, please keep suggesting theme ideas, and keep your eyes peeled for that poll in the next few days. I'm now going to go look at something completely different for several hours- the word Ball looks weird now.
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roseworth · 1 year
you're the kyle authority on my dash so i figured i'd ask if u have a reading list or if there's a particular list you'd recommend 👀 or just what your fav/most recommended issues/arcs are for him in general
sobbing and crying i cannot be called a kyle authority because i have basically only read him in green lantern 1990 and countdown. and i read countdown before gl90 so i dont even remember how good his characterization was in that fhasdkjfhsajdf
BUT. that will never stop me from being annoying about him. gl90 is all i need i refuse to read anything else. heres a reading guide that has a lot of good stuff on it but uhh i havent read everything on that #lol
but some of my fav arcs/issues!!!! or just arcs that def should be read for him fhdskjdfs
green lantern 1990:
#50-55 (origin story <3 rip alex)
#58 & 59 (donnakyle brainworms)
#71-73 (he gets to have a fun silly time with other heroes yippee!!)
#76-77, & green arrow #110-111 (connorkyle brainworms)
#94 (i just like his interactions with kon fhakdfjha its so sweet)
#96, green arrow #130, flash #135 (three of a kind arc my beloved)
#98-99 (this one is honestly just okay but also there are a couple moments in it that im obsessed with so it deserves to be recommended)
#113-114 (i really like a lot of the introspection with effigy so this arc can be rly nice as a treat)
#121-124 (trapped in a dream trope my beloved <3 also some good stuff at the end to finish marz's run)
#128 (roykyle brainworms)
#129-136 (starts off judd winick's run,,, irc theres some iffy stuff in these issues bc winick's a freak but theyre pretty good)
#143-150 (oh my fucking god. ION. greatest arc ever. do not read this first because you need the full context of his character to appreciate it. but once you read it itll change you forever)
#153 (this one is just adorable i love fhdakhfbdfa calm before the storm)
#154-155 (the storm. hate crime arc, very sad so tw for uhhh homophobic hate crimes. but its a good arc)
can i be honest i dont remember any of the rest of the issues really grabbing my attention. there are good moments (#157 my beloved) but no issues stand out hfksadjhfa
also i was so upset by the ending of this run the first time i read it. i have no problem with sad endings to stories but this one made me so upset and i still havent gotten over it. it ends with him losing all the friends he had on earth and going "well im off to space forever now" and i dont know why i reacted so terribly to it but i remember pouting about it for like 2 days
anyways outside of gl1990 i think green lantern: circle of fire is 1000000% worth reading (honestly i only read the first issue, the only with alex & kyle, and the last issue and i got all the important stuff). also completely unbiased and totally no ulterior motivation of new titans #126 (where he just happens to have a rly sweet interaction with rose.....)
i hope this helps u at all <3 i honestly recommend reading all of green lantern 1990 (or well. starting at #48) because its mostly really fun and has a lot of good moments <3333 and if anyone has more kyle recommendations please feel more than welcome to drop them
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keepsmagnetoaway · 4 days
X-Men 129 (January 1980)
Chris Claremont/John Byrne
It's late September in this one-comic-a-day project and the dawn of the 1980s in the actual publication timescale of these comics: it's the moment we've all been waiting for. It is, finally, the Dark Phoenix Saga.
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It's good to be back. I'm going to try and resist the temptation to rehash in great detail the plot of all these issues, but this is what so much of the last few years of Claremont has been leading too: a ten-issue run of unparalleled high stakes that changed the X-Men forever and is usually regarded as their finest story ever. We'll see at the end if that's true, I guess. One great thing happens right at the beginning, though: Banshee fucking leaves.
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I'm being a bit harsh, but I just never liked Banshee. All the begorrah-bejesus stuff is exhausting, his leprechaun castle backstory is insane, his powers are baffling, and his role in the team was...what? "Older sensible guy"? That's never going to be a particularly interesting position. So, farewell Sean, and hello again to Xavier, who has finally returned from space bullshit and appeared right in a panel with some clashing patterns that are giving me a migraine.
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Meanwhile we get our first real look at our antagonists, though they've been lurking around for a while (including in some retroactively inserted stories), and one of them - Jason Wyngarde - has now appeared a couple of times to psychically send Jean back to a Regency romance novel. But now we finally properly see the Hellfire Club.
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"Regency-themed sexual deviant Illuminati named for the actual Regency deviants' club and heavily inspired by that one Avengers episode" is a totally fucking bizarre idea for a villainous group, but it works. It's unlike anything we've really seen before for the X-Men and it instantly brings a kind of spooky, literal cloak-and-dagger quality that feels very exciting and mature, even when it's all basically silly. That's not all for introductions this issue, though, as Claremont has another piece to put on the board (this is a very Hellfire Club-inflected metapor, sorry) as this storyline kicks off.
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It's Kitty Pryde! She's here! Well, she's in Chicago, as you can see, but still. It's remarkable to realise that, although the revival had been going for five years at this point, Claremont had not yet introduced an actual new character to the team, playing in the sandbox of the existing characters and the ones he created for the initial Giant-Size relaunch. Kitty - though of course we don't know it yet - is here to change that with her instantly recognisable and distinctive features (loosely based, apparently, on Sigourney Weaver) and with her various key differences from existing team members: most notable, she's only thirteen (and also, Jewish - note the necklace). Kitty, as you can see, is being courted by Emma - but the X-Men are also onto her, and she likes them a lot better.
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God, I love this panel (uh, slightly insane comment from Kitty about skin colour aside): the layout, the use of colour in the background, the facial expressions. Note Peter and Logan back there: Logan's reading a porn magazine and Peter's eyes are popping over his shoulders. And on the next page, he gets called on it, before things kick off.
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Right, anyway, Kitty. I'm well aware that there are Strong Feelings about her and various things that have happened to her since, but this is a banger of an introduction and I adore her. The audacity of droping her in like this and then having the three actual X-Men get owned is brilliant, and this is how the issue ends.
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There we go! It feels like whole vistas have suddenly opened up: the Hellfire stuff is suddenly so adult and intriguing, but then we also have plucky teenage Kitty showing up for what seems like a Saturday morning cartoon. It shouldn't all work but it does. And we haven't even gotten to any Jean stuff yet!
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head-post · 3 months
Hundreds rally in Tel Aviv to demand release of hostages, Israeli offensive continues
Eight Palestinians were killed and several others were injured when the Israeli army shelled the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, local media reported. (Updated at 12:27 p.m.)
IDF strikes civilian targets in Gaza
The Palestinian official Wafa news agency reported on Tuesday that the Israeli army shelled the Al-Alami neighbourhood in Jabalia, the largest refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, killing at least eight Palestinians and wounding others.
Overnight, Israeli airstrikes also reportedly hit five homes in Gaza City, killing and injuring people. Health authorities have not yet commented on the airstrikes.
Israel, which has defied a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, has come under international condemnation for its ongoing brutal offensive on Gaza since the October 7 Hamas attack. Since then, more than 37,700 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, most of them women and children, and nearly 86,400 others have been injured, according to local health authorities.
More than eight months into Israel’s offensive, vast swathes of Gaza lie in ruins under a brutal blockade of food, clean water and medicine.
Israel has been accused of genocide by the UN International Court of Justice, whose latest ruling orders it to immediately halt operations in the southern city of Rafah, where more than 1 million Palestinians were sheltering from the war before it was seized on May 6.
Israelis demand an end to war
Meanwhile, hundreds of Israelis protested outside the defence ministry building in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, demanding an end to the war and the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip.
The demonstrators, among them hostages’ families, marched from Habima Square to Begin Road, where the ministry is located, the Israeli media reported.
They blocked Begin Road in a southerly direction. The demonstrators held placards with slogans such as “Stop the war,” “Agree immediately,” and “Return all prisoners.”
The demonstration organisers criticised in a statement the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for being preoccupied with legislation such as the conscription law while 120 hostages are held in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government, they said, is “preoccupied with everything except the captives.”
Addressing Netanyahu, they added:
Faced with a man who insists on continuing the war and returning some captives, we ask: end the war and bring everyone home.
Netanyahu caused a political storm and anger among the hostages’ families on Sunday night when he told Channel 14 that he was ready for a “partial” deal to return some hostages held in Gaza.
On Monday, he retracted his statement and told Israel’s Knesset, or parliament, that “we will not end the war until we return all the hostages,” adding that Israel was “committed to the Israeli proposal (for a ceasefire) that was welcomed by US President Joe Biden. Our position has not changed.”
In total, Israel says Hamas took 253 hostages on 7 October 2023. According to the latest figures, including those who were freed in a deal last autumn, 129 hostages remain. At least 34 of the IDF considers dead.
Foreign ministries call on their citizens to leave the conflict zone
German and Dutch authorities are asking their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.
The German Foreign Ministry said:
Germans in Lebanon are urgently asked to leave the country. The situation on the border between Israel and Lebanon is very tense.
The Dutch government has done the same. They ask their compatriots to avoid travelling to the country and to leave while there is still an opportunity. Politicians fear that the risk of escalation could lead to the suspension of air traffic in Beirut.
A day earlier, Ottawa issued a similar call. Citizens were asked to seek consular assistance at the Canadian Embassy in Lebanon.
Lebanon escalation
More than 20 people were injured in an overnight Israeli strike on southern Lebanon.
The attack hit a residential building in the centre of the town of Nabatieh. Seven people were injured in the strike and 14 were injured as a result of “panic, stress and suffocation”, Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reported. None of the injuries were described as serious.
Nabatieh is far from the border with Israel and has been hit infrequently since exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and the Israeli military began in October in response to Israel’s war on Gaza.
Israel did not immediately say who its military’s strikes were targeting. In February, an Israeli attack on Nabatieh killed ten civilians.
Read more HERE
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bearterritory · 11 months
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Bears Beat WSU In Thrilling Home Finale
Cal Forces 4 Turnovers, Scores 2 Defensive TDs
BERKELEY – Hosting Washington State on Saturday in the final home game of California Memorial Stadium's 100th anniversary season, the Golden Bears came away with a 42-39 victory behind a handful of key defensive plays and 181 scrimmage yards from running back Jaydn Ott.
It was probably the last time these two teams, who have faced off every season for decades, will play each other in the forseeable future. It was their last Pac-12 game vs each other, and the last conference home game for the Bears. Next year they will be playing in the ACC.
The Golden Bears' defense forced four turnovers for the second time this year and set a season high with six sacks. Outside linebacker David Reese led all players with three sacks and two forced fumbles.
"I'm really proud of how the guys fought and competed. We made enough plays to win the game, and we certainly can learn a lot from plays that weren't quite as good," Travers Family Head Football Coach Justin Wilcox said. "We made it much harder than it needed to be, to be honest. But I commend the guys for continuing to compete and finding a way to win. You have to stay in the moment and do what you need to do to win." Inside linebacker Cade Uluave recovered two fumbles, the first of which he also forced and took 51 yards to the house on the Cougars' first possession of the game. Uluave finished with a team-high nine tackles to go with a game-ending interception.
The Bears staved off a second-half WSU rally with back-to-back touchdowns early in the fourth quarter. Holding on to a 28-24 lead, Ott carried the ball for all five plays on a 75-yard scoring drive, highlighted by a 52-yard burst through the left side. He capped the possession with a 5-yard scamper into the end zone which saw him become the first Bear since Patrick Laird in 2017 to surpass 1,000 rushing yards in a season. "Jaydn Ott is spectacular. I've said it many times - he's going to play on Sundays," Cal quarterback Fernando Mendoza said. "At the end of the day, whether it's messy or beautiful, a win is a win. I'm grateful to be able to learn from our mistakes today. These are experiences that you learn from. I can't appreciate our defense enough."
Less than two minutes later, Reese blindsided Cougar quarterback Cameron Ward just as he was about to throw. The ball was picked up in the secondary by defensive back Nohl Williams and returned 52 yards to paydirt, giving Cal a commanding 42-24 advantage with 9:26 remaining.
WSU was quick to respond, scoring a pair of touchdowns and converting a two-point conversion to make it a three-point game. After forcing a Cal punt, the Cougars moved the ball into Bear territory with under a minute left but weren't able to connect on a 48-yard potential game-tying field goal. It was their second missed field goal of the fourth quarter.
Washington State had one last chance to steal the game on a Hail Mary pass from 53 yards out, but Uluave came away with his first interception of the season as time ran out.
The Bears finished with three fumble recovery touchdowns in total, as offensive lineman Brian Driscoll fell on one in the end zone in the second quarter.
Quarterback Fernando Mendoza did most of his damage in the first half, when he was 11-of-15 through the air for 129 yards and two touchdowns. The Bears' first offensive possession of the day went 65 yards on 12 plays. Mendoza capped it off on 3rd-and-goal by rolling left in a fake quarterback keeper and finding Endries sneaking out to the corner for a 6-yard score to put Cal up 14-0.
Mendoza later found a wide-open Ott coming across the middle for a 13-yard touchdown to make it 28-14. It was the second time in three weeks the Bears put up 28 points in the first half.
With the win, Cal remains eligible for bowl game competition. The Bears will be on the road for the final two weeks of the regular season. They travel to face Stanford at 3:30 p.m. PT next Saturday in the 2023 edition of the Big Game. "Winning a bowl game is the goal, and in order to win a bowl game, you have to get to a bowl game," Wilcox said. "It's OK to acknowledge that. The bowl game is a big deal."
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Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem and Patrick Wintour in London at The Guardian:
Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will proceed with an offensive on the southern Gaza city of Rafah even if renewed efforts at internationally brokered talks with Hamas result in the release of hostages and a ceasefire. Mediators led by Egypt have renewed efforts aimed at a truce in recent days after it became clearer that Israel is preparing for its long-threatened ground operation in Rafah. The city on the Egyptian border is the only part of the Palestinian territory that has not faced ground fighting, and more than half of the strip’s 2.3 million population has sought shelter there. Speaking in Jerusalem on Tuesday, the Israeli prime minister said: “The idea that we will halt the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question. We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there – with or without a deal, in order to achieve total victory.” This week’s talks in Cairo are widely viewed as the last opportunity to salvage a diplomatic solution to free Israeli hostages and a pause or end to the war. A Hamas delegation left the Egyptian capital on Monday, saying they would return again with a written response to Israel’s latest ceasefire proposal, and on Tuesday, while it is believed Israel is waiting for the Palestinian militant group’s response before sending its own delegation.
Netanyahu’s latest comments, made during a meeting with members of two right wing groups representing hostage families and bereaved soldiers’ families, came hours before the arrival of the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, on a visit to advance the truce talks. It was not immediately clear whether they would impact Hamas’s response. Speaking in Jordan before flying to Israel, Blinken said the “focus” is on improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza and reaching a ceasefire deal that brings Israeli hostages home. He said Israel has offered a “strong proposal” and called on Hamas to respond. “No more delays. No more excuses. The time to act is now,” he said. “We want to see in the coming days this agreement coming together.”
About Israelis were killed and another 250 taken hostage in Hamas’s 7 October attack that triggered the war. More than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s ensuing retaliatory operation in Gaza, which has left desperate civilians without healthcare, food or water and reduced most of the coastal territory to ruins. A ceasefire at the end of November saw 100 hostages freed in exchange for about 240 Palestinian women and children held in Israeli jails, but collapsed after a week. Israel estimates that 129 hostages remain in Gaza, including 34 who are believed to be dead. Multiple rounds of talks over the past five months have ended in failure. Netanyahu’s ministers have publicly sparred on whether to go forward with a truce proposal: far right members of his coalition have threatened to quit the government if Israel is seen to “surrender” to Hamas’s demands, while centrists have said they will quit if a hostage deal isn’t struck.
Israel Apartheid State war criminal PM Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing to raid Rafah in Gaza regardless of whether a hostage deal occurs or not.
Should such a raid occur, it would be a mass episode of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
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romanaisalive · 5 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Tagged by @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter thanks so much for the tag!
I'm afraid this won't be very riveting... I need to upload more stuff, I have a bunch of short fics I could technically upload but never got around to it. Also, the whole "writing three long projects for years" thing.
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I have stuff uploaded for Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sanctuary, Dragon Age and The School for Good and Evil.
Out of these I'm still active in Sanctuary (if you could call it that) and Dragon Age. I partly moved on to write original stuff, but a DnD & Dragon Age AU story is in the works. I have some stuff for Fallen London too, just didn't upload it yet.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Cold And Consequences - 357 (SGE, Dovey/Lesso)
all my words are left with you - 221 (SGE, Dovey/Lesso)
Star Wars Fictober Challenge - completed - 129 (Star Wars, various)
All My Pieces - 116 (SGE, Dovey/Lesso)
Littles - 54 (Star Wars, Boga POV - written for fic exchange)
...what can I say, SGE fandom was very lively when I was active in it
5. Do you respond to comments?
Mostly! I really appreciate them all and try to answer always, some slip through the cracks though, for older works where I'm no longer in the fandom.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Don't Save Me (I'm Already Dead)
Canon compliant Luminara fic... The canonical character death was a given, then I spiced it up with some extra angst.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Luminara lives AU in the Star Wars Fictober Challenge. I might have been compensating a little.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! I don't think I post enough for that. Also, hate would require readers and other than my old SGE stuff I'm proudly representing the Very Niche Subfandoms division here. :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! I'm the kind of ace where I'm not sex-repulsed but I usually skip smut scenes because I find them boring, no reason to write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, more of an AU girl. I contemplated involving Warehouse 13 in my big Sanctuary fic just to explain where James got the exoskeleton from, but still undecided if I want to go ahead with that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translated one of my own fics once, does that count? I wrote it in Hungarian originally and wanted to post to a wider audience. (Never again, by the way. Translation is a whole other discipline, I'd rather write it in English from the getgo.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Kinda? We had some stuff with @cardeakelsey once but it never really got written.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oh boy. Ever? I don't think I have one.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I like to think I will finish all my projects one day. Fingers crossed. I might need to rehaul some of them first to be feasible, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mood setting, foreshadowing, internal monologues. Angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I sprinkle it in sometimes, not too much. In my opinion if two characters speak French it's better to just say "they switched to French" in the description.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
No idea. It was a WHILE ago.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Out of my published ones probably the broken and the damned (Dragon Age canon compliant) or Smile (SGE, Emma-centric character study).
Tagging anyone who wants to do it! :)
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invisibleraven · 3 months
20 questions for writers
So I was tagged by @stellarspecter last week (I am so behind on my dash) and @1mnobodywhoareyou today.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
132-92 of which are JatP
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1 853 063 (I’d say 1.5m is JatP) and I have a few ficlets to upload there from last week. We’re almost at 900 if you can believe that!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms for the past three years and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
And giving yourself to me can never be wrong (251) My collection of smut prompt fills.
I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home (195) the first part of my Semisonic Sunset verse, and probably my claim to fame on this fandom.
But came the dawn (176) my favourite fic I’ve ever written. A PeterPatterLina soulmate AU that I will never top.
Better walk the line (129) my single dad Reggie PeterPatterLina fic.
Maybe this news can wait (126) The third (and only non smutty part) of the Semisonic Sunset verse.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Not anymore, it takes too many spoons.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Haunted by the moments of what we used to be the fic that mostly got me comments of how very dare you because it is such an angst fest.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think the last time I did this I said Yellow Wood but this time I’ll say So Close To Reaching That Famous Happy End-my PeterPatterLina Enchanted AU. I love it dearly, and hope that you do too if you read it!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
On my fics now no. A few concrit comments I could do without, and there’s the whole blacklist nonsense that still stings, but otherwise I’m pretty invisible.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have in the past yes, but it has been forever since I did so last. I have written M/M, F/F, M/F, and a bunch of multi partnered fics (though mostly M/M/F). Maybe I’ll add some to one of my many WiPs.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, and I never will. I hate crossover fics and will go out of my way to avoid them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It was an unpleasant experience I hope not to repeat.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’ve given blanket permission on my AO3 to do so as long as you credit me and send me a link. Same thing with podfics, and any other fanworks of my stories.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. If anyone wanted to, I think it would be fun!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I seriously could not pick just one. I am a multi-shipper, even within my current fandom, but gun to my head I prefer reading and writing Rulie more than anything, with PeterPatterLina being a very close second.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have far too many WiPs and it has been a hot second since I touched any of them. At this point my trope bingo fic is pretty much dead, but maybe I’ll come back to it one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Endings apparently. It’s the thing I get complimented on the most.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar, spelling, and editing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Have done it before, and actually start doing Spanish in DuoLingo to be better about it, but I suck at conjugating verbs so that fell by the wayside. I mostly only use it for pet names.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trigun, a very very bad smut fic. After that Teen Titans because I fell in love with the Raven/Beast Boy ship. Those fics all still exist on my ff.net account if you find it, and my fave TT fic is on my AO3.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
But came the dawn obviously. Also So Close, and Yellow Wood all hold a piece of my heart. But if I were to pick the fic of mine that I re-read the most it’s For better or for worse my accidentally married demisexual Rulie fic that is exceptionally smutty and the best example of idiots to lovers there is.
Thanks for the tags, sorry I took so long. Tagging anyone who wants to play!
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galactic-pirates · 10 months
@ussjellyfish and @purlturtle 🤗🤗 two tags, I feel so wanted. Thank you guys!! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
82. More than half are Once Upon a Time as that was the fandom I started writing with my AO3.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
942,705 which is annoying. I have quit fanfic for the time being and not having made the million is disappointing. I mean I have written more than a million I am sure as I never cross posted anything from my fanfic.net account and I have some on my HD I never posted.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
None at the moment. I still have much affection for Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, The Librarians and Star Trek. There were a number of ideas on my list that I never got round to writing. I feel nostalgia for it but with my spoons (or lack thereof lately) I have to choose. I can’t write original and fanfic, and for now I am wanting to write original.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fall All Over Again (Once Upon a Time) - 181
Before the first Dark Curse the Evil Queen had a paranoid moment, which meant in cursed Storybrooke, Gold and Lacey were married. Therefore when Belle falls over the town line - Lacey returns. Everyone is shouting at her, and everything is wrong, so Lacey does something she never did once in 28 years of marriage, she turns to Gold for protection. In turn Rumplestiltskin does something that Gold never did in 28 years of marriage - he tells Lacey that he loves her. Belle loved him, so can Lacey fall for him all over again or will the curse mask true love forever?
and the Brighter side of Life (The Librarians) - 150
When Eve takes Flynn home, to meet her parents, she realises with dawning horror that he’s the first serious boyfriend they’ve ever met. The secrets of the library mean her parents know so little about her life, and her new status as an immortal threatens to create a gulf between them. But for now she still has her parents, and it seems if her mom has anything to say about it, the entire annex has gained her parents too.
Painting Layers of Love (Once Upon a Time) - 137 [Abandoned/Incomplete]
Belle French lives alone and she likes it that way. She’s lived alone ever since the terrible car accident which killed her mother and claimed her eyesight. Belle spends her days painting, in complete solitude, until one day she wakes up and hears movement outside. Somebody has moved into the cottage next door. She had grown comfortable in her solitary existence until Mr Gold crashes into her life. Now her future is uncertain, like a blank canvas, waiting for her to apply the paint and decide what kind of story she is creating.
All I Needed (Once Upon a Time) - 129
When Emma told her high school sweetheart Neal, that she was pregnant a month before graduation, she didn’t know what to expect. The last thing she expected to find was a family, and a place to call home.
Transposing Digits (Once Upon a Time) - 122
The phone in the library had always been silent, until one day it started ringing. Belle French answers it and discovers that life really can turn on a dime - or in this case a wrong number.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes mostly. AO3 has stopped emailing me even though my profile says I should get them (I have checked and they aren’t in spam) and if I delay too long I feel awkward about replying. Also sometimes I don’t if I am unsure what to say. But mostly yes I do reply because every comment I receive is treasured, and I want them to know I am grateful.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t really do angst - I am Team Happy Ending all the way. My first thought was “The Beauty and the Tragedy” (Once Upon a Time) because the original ending was totally angsty. But I felt bad as even though it was poetic it was sad, so I added an alternate ending happy ending the very day I posted. So I think probably “Ghost of a Memory” (Timeless) as that was just pure pain. Both of these were character death, so not like me.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh man I have quite a few pure fluff. The most sickly sweet zero angst, zero anything but sugar though is probably the amusing (for the question) titled “Happy Ending” (Sanctuary). My OT3 got married.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Fortunately I don’t think I have. I don’t think I am popular enough to have attracted it. I did once get two commenters arguing with each other which didn’t feel good.
9. Do you write smut?
Not anymore really. I did for a time. It was a very big thing in the Rumbelle fandom and I wanted to fit in. I don’t regret it as it was a good writing exercise, and it allowed me to explore a wider range of ideas. However, once I started to drift from the fandom I lost the urge to write it. I wrote mild smut (more feelings) in my Time Will Tell (Sanctuary) fic as it was an important part of the character development/plot. I think if I ever write it again it will be along those lines.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes. I have written a couple. They are always the most fun. It’s great to put certain characters together like I loved having Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary) and Claudia (Warehouse 13) meet. I regret that in that crossover I didn’t manage to get HG and Helen ‘on screen’ together. The name clash aside, they are two fascinating women who have a lot in common. I did have on my ideas list more of a Warehouse 12/Sanctuary crossover (with time travelling Myka) but I never got round to writing it. My problem is my fics are so long and writing basically novels is time consuming. Anyway one of the easiest ways to crossover is I have something of a hobby of basically taking the Ancients (Stargate precursors) and seeing how many universes I can crossover with them as a backdrop. Such fun.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not of which I am aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don’t believe so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
You may laugh as this but I am 99% sure the answer is no, and yet I have some weird paranoia that says maybe? It’s like I think I have forgotten something. Yet I am sure the answer is no. Stupid brain.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
When I’m obsessed I am really obsessed. Like I go all in super hard. But like a flame the hotter I burn, the shorter it tends to live. Afterwards it’s not that I don’t like it anymore, it’s just that it’s not an all consuming thing, and then I find something else to go crazy about.
But that being said if I have to pick one then I will probably say Bering and Wells (Warehouse 13) as it seems to have the most sticking power thus far. I do wonder if that’s because I fell into it when I wasn’t writing, so my obsession (like a fire) was banked and therefore has lingered long term. I still like to take part in the gift exchange every year. And next year if I have the spoons I would like to put together a Bingo for the fandom. With having given up fanfic I’m not really active in any other fandom at the moment. I would like to do some more fanart but aforementioned spoon shortage - it’s a problem.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Beyond the Lake. It was a Rashoman Job inspired Librarians fic, crazy complicated which is why it didn’t get done but the concept compels me. I can call this a WIP as I did write a couple of chapters. There was also my Noir Warehouse 13, I had I don’t know 10 pages or so starting on that? But alas never to see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
95% or so of the time I finish what I start. I have a couple of abandoned fics on AO3 (guilt, guilt) and yeah there’s a few on my HD. But I have written several long novel length fics, and they did get done. So I think I have reasonable discipline.
I’m also never short of ideas. I can come up with something for any prompt if required (probably), and I do like my ideas. I mean I suppose I would (they are mine) but yeah I think the ideas are good. I sometimes doubt my ability to realise them but the ideas themselves, solid.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I used to think my biggest issue was description but while that does need serious work, I have a far bigger problem - my characters think too much. They don’t talk to one another. When they have a problem they think about it, no conversation. It makes it very static and not much action or banter.
Truthfully I think it’s because I personally think about everything far too much. I don’t talk to people with speaking (I type on discord a lot) but actual conversations? Barely ever. Mum checks in on FaceTime with me almost every day but if it wasn’t for that I would go literal weeks without talking to a soul probably. So anything that happens I am hardwired to think about it - not talk about it - ergo I have absolutely no idea how to craft conversations. What do people talk about?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
You know it’s funny I have been contemplating this in my serial recently This particular case is set in France and so a lot of people should be speaking French. In the end I decided not to worry about it for the first draft. I think in revision I will sprinkle in some flavour words (like please, thank you etc.) and then keep the dialogue in English but try and make it sound like a plausible speech pattern for them. Maybe say it’s in French but if my character speaks French, then they understand so it’s written in English. I don’t know. It’s like when I try and write Sanctuary with The Five from the 19th century, they sound very different from someone like Claudia who is all pop culture references. I want it to feel accurate but also the reader needs to understand and in novels having a variant of subtitles might be annoying.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This says wrote for, not published. I am relatively sure I wrote some self-insert Famous Five adventures when I was about six (long before I knew fanfic existed). I definitely messed around with some Diagnosis Murder when I was 9 (again before I knew fanfic existed). Obviously, when I was 11, The Royal/Heartbeat was the first actual fandom, with the posting and everything. I explained how that came to be before.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooof. I think… I really liked and the Sins of Atlantis the Librarians/Sanctuary crossover. It was entirely self-indulgent and a lot of fun. I also had fun with the Odyssey: Future’s Legacy (Warehouse 13/Sanctuary) crossover. The Star Wars fusion Across the Stars I did for Once Upon a Time was also cool. Sometimes I have these ideas and they just work for me, they like click something in my brain and unroll and mesh together, and just yes. The Beauty and the Tragedy doesn’t even read to me like I wrote it, there’s a clever poetic twist that is so unlike me. I have a soft spot for quite a few fics. It’s not that I think I wrote them well (I didn’t) but the ideas sing to me. I am my own audience in this respect.
But I think ultimately my answer has to be Between Two Fires, a Once Upon a Time fic. Set on a made-up sci-fi world. I could picture it clearly and it riffs off the Jack and Irina relationship in Alias. It was quite a short fic but there is so so much more of it in my mind. Truthfully one day that will probably get expanded and changed to be an original novel trilogy. I have notes. That fic just stuck with me, there is something there to be developed.
Tagging: @tinknevertalks, @ladyelysandra, @enterprise-come-in, @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter, @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth
The questions!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fic?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
Hey so....id thought I'd show you the entire list of our rp...so far..
1.Camp camp
2.Hazbin hotel
3.Helluva boss
4.Beetlejuice (the musical)
6.Friday night funkin
7.Deadmen don't do radio plays
9.The owl house
10.Resident evil 8 
11. Luca
15.My hero academia
17.Five nights at Freddy's
18.Star vs the forces of evil
20.F is for family
22.Poppy playtime
23.Learning with pibby
24.Inside job
25.Invader zim
26.We bare bears
27.Don't hug me I'm scared
28.Tell tale heart
29.The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
30.Yandere simulator
31.Smiling friends
33.Gravity falls
36.The marvelous misadventures of flapjack
37.The league of extraordinary gentlemen
39.Baldis basics
41.Turning red
42.Mystery skulls
43.Total drama
44.She ra
45.Demon slayer
47.Rick and morty
48.Scp foundation
49.Bendy and the ink machine
51.The arcana
52.Johnny the homicidal maniac
53.John Doe
54.Your boyfriend
55.Somethings wrong with sunny day jack
57.Team fortress 2
58.The bad guys
59.Metal family
60.The ghost and Molly mcgee
61.House hunted
62.My dear hatchet man
63.Stranger things
64.Lucky and wild
65.Honey I'm home (ghost and pals)
66.Bob's burgers
67.Suction cup man
68.Dead end paranormal park
69.The black phone
70.Popee the performer
71.Umbrella Academy
72.Sonic the hedgehog
73.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
75.My singing monsters
78.Harley Quinn
79.Monkie kid
81.The Addams family
82.Beavis and butthead
83.Take my muffin
84.Wtf 101
85.Lofi girl
86.Mandela catalogue
87.Little nightmares
88.The batfamily
90.Chibi tiny tales
91.Tim and Eric awesome show great job
94.Mad god
95.The fast food mafia
96.Family guy
97.Sesame Street
98.dogs in space
101.genshin impact
103.housing complex C
104.breaking bad
105.the office
106.Wendell and wild
109.spooky month
110.steven universe
111.a Christmas Carol
112.the nightmare before Christmas
113.rise of the guardians
115.be more chill
116.white Christmas
117.epithet erased
118.tokyo red hood
119.the Grinch
120.bust a groove
123.the loud house
124.sally face
125.talking Juan
127.moral orel
128.detroit become human
With many more to come
So like can you guys make a book of this cause I wanna see how all these characters interact.
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macroglossus · 1 year
very long don’t read
can’t vent to family abt bugs bc they don’t believe we have an infestation yet+i talk about it too much. can’t talk to best friend abt bugs bc i don’t want to scare her. can’t talk online about bugs because i’ve been talking about it so much. can’t go on forums abt bugs because everyone in there is like ‘this will never end and you’re fucked forever especially you specifically’. can’t talk to therapist about bugs because she wants to focus on arfid. can’t *** bc it’s such a stupid reason to and family will still be left with bugs and i feel bad about that. can’t move because i’m broke and insane so i can’t get a job and i would probably track them to new place anyway. can’t call exterminator because family thinks it’s not an infestation and mom says the house needs to be clean before person comes over. house needs to be spotless to have effective exterminator treatments. house is so fucking messy because there are five people here and none of us clean. been working on deep cleaning the kitchen for hours every day for a week and not even halfway done because i have to get every inch in order to feel comfortable. think i’m going to have to clean the whole house basically on my own bc both my parents work full time and one of my younger brothers is in school and the other one just sits on his computer all day and won’t help. keep finding new bugs and people see them when i point them out so i know i’m not hallucinating but none of them have pointed one out on their own a single time and they keep telling me that i’m seeing them because i’m looking for them. family refuses to wash their clothes even once in hot water and clean their rooms because i haven’t proved it’s an infestation yet. was going to buy pheromone traps online to prove it’s an infestation but the SINGLE one that was rated even at all well for carpet beetles by users/pest control professionals also is $129 for a pack of TEN and i only have $143 dollars in my bank account total with no way of making more. can only leave my house for doctors appointments. get yelled at for doing too much laundry but every preventative measure i read says you should change clothes to keep them from spreading and if i’m the only one doing anything i need to be extra careful. keep finding bugs on the couch that i sit on because apparently they fucking follow me around and i don’t know how to stop them even though i shower every day and wash clothes every day and change twice/three times a day while moving from room to room. have to wait until things are clean to do diy treatment and even then there’s some furniture items that i don’t think i’ll be allowed to move to treat behind them even though dark dusty places is where they want to live. AGH
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frogcroak · 9 months
Anon from the 26 cats here, the full winter was actually pretty tame from how i was expecting, and just for a little note, i had 26 cats in the summer, but that number increased to(i'm not even joking) 32, with 2 cats nursing kits, but after the next season, there will be 34 cats in total.
And i will say the penalty didn't bother so much, i expected it to make things harder but it only made foraging herbs harder, like, day 2 i didn't even got herbs, but the lowest prey the hunters got, was literally 49 prey, with the penalty of -18, i guess that since the dice is 6 and the number of cats in the patrol is 18, there was very good chances of me getting more prey than expected(like, i got 77 prey on the last day).
It's even more incredibly broken, when i tell you that i got a prophecy that made a dangerous threat, that make me double patrols 2 times, and in the gathering, one clan made me give 12 prey so they would not attack me, and still, the clan has in the end of the winter 129 prey to rest till spring, that would cut the prey in half making me have 64,5(that would be 65 if we round it), that would be swiftly increase in the summer, so it still is a comfortable amount of prey to have.
I think one of the problem, is that my clan keep having kits so fast, like between Autumn and Winter i had 7 kits in the nursery, and theses kits grow fast enough, that they hunt pretty quickly, i think one of the solutions would be to use another cats to patrol or increase my patrol size.
Also, english is not my first language.
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rip potato :(
yeah whenever i can scrape up the motivation i'll start figuring out how to implement a hard mode. i havent actually done the math on how the winter hunting penalty scales but clearly at a certain clan size it's pointless
hard mode notes/ideas:
change up patrol results for more danger daily, and maybe change how number of cats on patrol affects the amount of danger they face - i think right now a patrol of 4 is the most you need to be at the safest level, but that number should scale with clan size
make seasonal events more likely to be dangerous/deadly
lower rates for having kits, make it so new mates dont have kits immediately
maybe kits should just get their own prey immediately, instead of nursing for a season
implemented either after the first/second year or when the clan reaches like 15 cats, and "turned off" if the clan shrinks too much (or maybe the clan just dies off idk)
slightly related: has anyone done the math on mortality rates in the books. like what percentage of kits make it to apprenticeship, how many apprentices to warriors, life expectancy etc etc demographics stuff
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Ikuto Kimijima
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Birthday: March 7th (Pisces)
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Beverly Hills
Relatives: Father, Mother
High School: Unknown
Grade: Third Year
Committee: School Festival Committee
Strong Subjects: French
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U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: First String | No.7
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Hobbies: Reading, looking at himself in the mirror
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Book: Sky photo collections
Favorite Food: Paella
Preferred Type: His fans
Ideal Date Spot: “Where would you like to go?”
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His Gift for a Special Person: “Myself.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Nice, France (in private)
What He Wants Most Right Now: “Everyone’s love♡” ➜ A devil-may-care attitude [TP]
Dislikes: Wriggling things, people who are blunt about everything
Skills Outside of Tennis: Skincare
Routine During the World Cup: Updating his fanclub blog
Height: 179cm
Weight: 63kg
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: (Unaided) 0.5 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Kimijima Lyrics
“One… Like the Water’s Surface”
“One… Like a Spider’s Web”
“One… Like a Fortress’ Wall”
+13 others
Favorite Brands:
Racket: Prince EXO3 THUNDER 105
Shoes: FILA Alfa II Men’s Tennis Shoes
Overall Rating: Speed: 5 / Power: 4 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 7 / Technique: 5 / Total: 25
Kurobe Memo: “He sips the taste of victory as he sells out his friends. His tactics aren’t exactly fair, but some may say they are necessary in order to survive this training camp. If he could improve his all-around abilities to complement his natural talent of negotiation, he may find himself without competition.”
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He has been performing in media since he was a child and has been in commercials for five different companies. He has even done commercials for sports brands
He has had his belongings stolen at the training camp
He has been involved in the entertainment industry since he was very young. He was also a child actor
The song he sings in Golden Age 84 is “Colors of Summer”
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
What’s in His Travel Bag: A script for a TV drama // A drama he’ll be starring in called “The Negotiator Whispers Into the Night”
He is a fan of French tea (directly imported) and changes the flavor he drinks each day depending on his mood
At the end of Golden Age 129, there is a Valentine’s Day ranking held by the “Kimijima Konzern Group.” It is his family’s company that is almost on the same level as the Atobe Corporation
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His ideal relationship is one he can do in secret due to his celebrity status
He has recently been offered to star in a morning drama series
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