#encouragement cat
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astronomalyy · 9 months ago
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gorgeousfeedee · 4 months ago
Hey guys! I'm New to Tumblr!!! 🤩
Please Like, Follow and Reblog for me.🥰
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paintedpawcat · 1 month ago
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The ending of PATFW made me so emotional. When I read the last epilogue the other day, I was on the bus, and spent the rest of the time staring out the window smiling forlornly and trying not to tear up in public. It’s been a wild ride!! Thank you so much, Raz, for creating such a beautiful and meaningful story <3
And I’m obsessed with older Pinewing’s long hair and moustache and beard. It suits him so well
@barrenclan @razmerry
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anxi04 · 3 months ago
a list of ways steph has used to stop tim from going super villain mode
tim, who currently has a random wannabe rogue two seconds away from death: get out of here spoiler i have it covered.
steph, not thinking much: this is kinda… cringe of you RR. like even more cringe than naming yourself red robin
tim, staring at steph cause the fucking AUDACITY: excuse me?!
bob, can see the light at the end of the tunnel: am i already in hell
steph, decided there’s not enough Chaos: tim when you become a rogue can you be the catwoman to my batman
tim, who is having a Very Bad Day and contemplating rogue status: ew gross never *throws up*
steph, has decided she is the only one actively stopping tim’s villain arc and found the best way to prevent it: what would you even make your villain name?
tim, drawing up a costume for a totally hypothetical villain arc: re-
steph: not red x right? you’re gonna be original with the name?
tim: …maybe i’d go with j-
steph: and you’d never lean into the whole joker junior thing cause that’s dumb
steph: and you HAVE to change your name cause no one’s gonna take a villain named after a restaurant seriously
tim, deleting the costume design: …i’d let the media name me.
tim, contemplating jokers murder: i-
steph, sprinting out of nowhere and throwing a snickers bar directly into his throat wrapper and all: hey rr.
tim, choking:
joker, thought he was about to turn a bat EVIL evil: what.
tim, thinking of joining ra’s:
steph: so why does ra’s have a crush on you
tim: motherfucking what.
ra’s, very much only wants tim as an heir(child): what.
tim, about to throw up: never mind.
ra’s, about to cry:
steph, sensing tim about to go off the deep end: wanna steal the batmobile and see how fast it goes
tim, very much distracted with that idea and forgetting the vicious plan he had before: can we attach rockets to it
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ecoterrorist-katara · 7 months ago
”Aang is the one who reminds Katara to be a kid” PUT SOME RESPECT ON TOPH’S NAME!!! Toph brings out Katara’s inner child, not the sunshine rainbow flower crown inner child, but her internal gremlin. Her pettiness and violence and self-centered mischief. Aang is a ride-or-die friend sometimes, but when they’re together, Katara’s priorities are always 1) the state of the world and 2) Aang himself. Like she can be playful but she’s never really distracted from her sense of responsibility.
With Toph, Katara prioritizes much more childlike things, like having the last word in an argument, and whether her friends think she’s cool, and laughing in a day spa, and petty revenge. Only Toph can drag Katara down to her level of immaturity and I think that’s beautiful
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purr-in-ink · 6 months ago
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This is a daily purr. I share one of these daily on my Purrtreon. 🐈‍⬛🤍
If you enjoy my work and would like to get more of it, join my Purrtreon. By becoming a Purrtron, you’ll gain access to exclusive content like my daily purrs, influence my next creations, and have the chance to win prints and original drawings. 🐾✨✨
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watercolourcritters · 7 months ago
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it's worth it, i promise it's worth it!
[ID copied from alt text: Marker art of a Pallas cat looking at the viewer over a simple white background. Text reads "There's no guarantee it'll get better, but isn't it worth it to try?" The artist's signature reads @ watercolourcritters. End ID.]
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wtfforged · 3 months ago
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5 gay people looking at eachother
og screenshot
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Laxus: Mothers and fuckers of the jury,
Freed: Do you have any idea how much you've damaged my psyche. I was a law student. I went to law school. I will never be able to shake this phrase from my brain. What have you done
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gorgeousfeedee · 4 months ago
Happy Thanksgiving 🍽 🐽
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Tell me, i look fat? 🤭
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enii · 2 years ago
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Let me sit with you until you feel better💕
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thorough-witness-enjoyer · 2 months ago
I genuinely think Destiny‘s story/lore is best enjoyed alongside the interpretations and perceptions of others.
Destiny lore has always stood out as phenomenal to me for its rich influences being utilized in ways that make an interesting universe, but what really breathes life into it for me is how much joy I receive when I get to share my thoughts with others and receive thoughts in return!! Some of my favorite aspects or entries were brought up by other people, either my friends or people in the community who post! There are things I am now enamored with that I completely missed when first engaging with that part of the lore or was completely unaware of that I only know of now because of others.
Everyone has interpretations that are affected by their identity, environment, and life experiences and seeing the diverse array of perceptions that are from people who differ from me in those regards has added so much to the lore! A reference I wasn‘t familiar with being pointed out means I can now draw new parallels, a mythology being used to analyze a plot beat helps me better understand how Destiny’s themes are articulated, a cultural view given on a certain character’s actions gives me perspective on how fiction reflects realities I have not experienced, etc. It’s all so exhilarating!!
I especially like when people use their schooling and specializations to flesh out the Destiny universe in ways the lore lacks!! I turn into the biggest nerd over that!! I’ve learned so much and have had my world view altered off of some of the insights people provided about Destiny!!
Who would have thought a game about community and valuing the perspectives of others would encourage you to engage with and contribute to a community in order to get value out of the perspectives of others
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purr-in-ink · 2 years ago
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thunderc1an · 9 months ago
Sneak peak to my Mousewhisker pmv that is in the works
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pankiepoo · 1 year ago
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late night vent talk
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spinus-pinus · 8 months ago
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Domestic Cat Felis catus
2/16/2023 Disney California Adventure Park, California
One of the more well-known Disney cats, because she can frequently be seen hanging out near Grizzly River Run and being admired by parkgoers. Her name is Francisco! The Disneyland Resort actively encourages these feral cats to hang around, as they help with rodent control, but will remove any that become aggressive towards people.
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