#enban of colour
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+゚*。✧ ★ Intro Post ★ ✧。*゚+
My name is Ras. A shorter name for my blog is Neo. I'm a black brit, I'm an ambonec androgyne, attracted to women and enben only, a commie, a Capricorn, a Christian, and I probably have ADHD but it's not confirmed so I don't go around saying it yk. I have the sweetest girlfriend in the world to call my own.
I like a lot of music, tv shows, fashion, films, cartoons, dolls, art, books, poems, etc. You'll see my interests on here if you look through my reposts. I care a lot about things, like non-binary civil rights, britpop, fruitiger metro, cultural and political history, NB language, blackness, post punk, art, lesbianism, Marxism. Those sorts of things. You'll have a feel for what I like through my reposts and my writings. This isn't a fandom blog, this is my blog. Sometimes I'll vent on here. My side account for all my music related reposts and opinions is @romance-is-a-place
If I have more to say I'll add it here. I hope you enjoy my blog. Unless you're a liberal who's not here to learn, a lesbophobe, an exorsexist, a racist, a nonce or a zionazi. Then I hope you can't bring yourself to enjoy anything in life.
#intro post#blog intro#androgyne#ambonec#enban#britpop#black#enban of colour#poc#black british#black brit#communist#Marxist Leninist#antizionist#undiagnosed adhd#queer christian#marxist#wae#writer-artist-essayist#neometrocosmo vent#lesbian#nbhet#transandrogynous#he/she#she/he#duosex
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nontrinmel ✦ nontrinan ✦ nontry nontrine ✦ nontringender ✦ nontriaspec
[pt: nontrinmel, nontrinan, nontry, nontrine, nontringender, nontriaspec]
nontrinmel / nontrinox / nontrinon : nontrinary sex label. nontrinary equivalent to male, female, enbinmel/enbinox/enbinon, etc. nontrin- in front from nontrinary, ending in -mel, -nox, and -non from the nonbinary sex labels system.
nontrinan (nontrinen) / nontrian (nontrien) : nontrinary adult. nontrinary equivalent to man/men, woman/women, enban/enben, etc. nontri(n) in front from nontrinary, ending in -an and -en like in other adult terms.
nontry (nontries & nontrys) / nonty (nonties & nontys) : nontrinary child (so a diminutive term). nontrinary equivalent to boy/boys, girl/girls, enby/enbies, etc. nont(r)y in front from nontrinary, ending in Y for being a diminutive term.
nontrine (nontrinity) / nontrinarine (nontrinarinity & nontrinarity) / nontrinine (nontrininity) : nontrinary quality. nontrinary equivalent to masculine, feminine, nonbine, etc. nontr- in front from nontrinary, ending in -ine (like in masculine and feminine), -inarine (like in nonbinarine), and -inine (like in enbinine and feminine) to detonate quality.
nontringender : an umbrella term for genders nontrine in nature, a gender defined by being nontrine, and/or a not fully defined but definitely nontrine in nature gender. nontrine equivalent to mingender, fingender, nbingender, etc. nontr- in front from nontrinary, ending in -ingender for in-nature-gender.
nontriaspec : an umbrella term for anyone on the nontrinary spectrum, including anyone whose gender is nontrinary, partly nontrinary, nontrinary aligned, nontrinary adjacent, and/or in some way similar to / resemblant of nontrinaryness. nontrinary equivalent to miaspec, fiaspec, nbiaspec, etc. nontr- in front from nontrinary, ending in -iaspec like the other spectrum terms (which themselves are based off of viaspec, hence the -ia-, but don't have any connection in terms of meaning, so just to clarify, this has nothing to do with being viaspec).
Nontrinary terms and flags (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) !!
It would have made sense to have made them earlier, but I'm hesitant to make terms/flags if I don't understand the terms, and for some reason the meaning just didn't make click for me until now haha.
↓ References: ✦ nontrinary coining (by @arco-pluris) ✦ extra (talking about nontrinary's definition, since my definition may not seem to line up with the above links) ✦ nonbinary options for sex labels (by nonbinarysorcery) ✦ viagender spectra (by @momma-mogai-sphinx) ✦ and I do mention some other nonbinary terms in passing, if you're curious, I have it all on my site ✦ nontrinary flag (by me) ✦ enbinox, enban, and enby flags (by me) ✦ nonbine, midbine, abine, and atrine flags (by me) ✦ nonbiaspec, nonbingender, mviaspec, and mvingender flags (by me)
(honestly, I feel like there so many things that could be linked here)
For the flags I'm just following the formats I've used before (the last three links are examples), but with the colours of my nontrinary flag. This is already a long post, so I kind of don't feel like repeating all of that lol.
#nontrinary#nontrinmel#nontrinox#nontrinon#nontrinan#nontrian#nontry#nonty#nontrine#nontrinarine#nontrinine#nontringender#nontriaspec#new term#pride flag#new flag#pretty sure I'm the first to coin all these#nontrinary (and midtrinary) just doesn't seem to be as popular as atrinary
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Multigender + more!
[pt: multigender + more. /end pt.]
Here is my take on the multigender flag! I liked the complementary colours of it, but personally the blue and orange weren't my favourite? So uh, yeah, here it is and it was sitting in my drafts for a while.
I also made Multigender Man/Boy, Multigender Woman/Girl and Multigender Enban/Enby, flags are below.
#flag coining#mogai coining#mogai term#term coining#xeno coining#xenogender#gender coining#xenogenders#multigender#multigender flag#flag redesign#i tried and not sure how i like it#may re-redesign it#oh well
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could you make flags for trinary terms such as you did xenox xenan and xipflux? since you coined trinarine
→ ↓ From left to right, top to bottom:
✦ trimel / trinmel ✦ trian / trinan ✦ triary ✦ trinaryfluid / trianfluid / triaryfluid / genderfluid trinary / genderfluid trian / genderfluid triary ✦ trinaryfluix / trianfluix / triaryfluix / genderfluix trinary / genderfluix trian / genderfluix triary ✦ trinaryflux / trianflux / triaryflux / genderflux trinary / genderflux trian / genderflux triary ✦ butch trinary / butch trian / butch triary ✦ futch trinary / futch trian / futch triary ✦ femme trinary / femme trian / femme triary
Terms explanation:
trimel and trinmel : trinary sex terms; trinary equivalents to enbinmel, male, female, etc. tri-/trin- in front from trinary, with -mel at the end following the format of these nonbinary sex labels. Note: the spelling of -non and -nox reminds me of nonbinary (plus the term system was originally for nonbinary terms), and trinary isn't inherently nonbinary, so I just used -mel instead (which is based on male/female). Perhaps trinon/trinox could be for nonbinary trinary sex terms?
trian/trien and trinan/trinen : adult trinary person/people; trinary equivalents to enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. tri-/trin- in front from trinary, with -an (singular) and -en (plural) endings following the way enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. are spelled.
triary / triaries (triarys) : young trinary person/people; trinary equivalents to enby / enbies (enbys), boy/boys, girl/girls, etc. tri- in front and ending in -ary like trinary, the E sounding ending is to match how many other diminutive terms end in E.
The fluid, fluix, and flux terms are based off genderfluid man/boy, genderfluix man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl versions. For my trinary terms/flags though, I’m defining them more broadly, so any combination of trinary + fluid/fluix/flux works.
Butch, futch, and femme is the same. Anyone who’s butch/futch/femme and trinary, whatever that combination means to them, can use these flags.
Also, I didn’t list every possible name for the fluid, fluix, flux, butch, futch, and femme terms. You can use alt terms/names, as long as they have the same meaning.
I conceptualise trinary as both an umbrella term and a standalone term, bit like how nonbinary is both an umbrella and its own gender.
Of course it would include anyone who considers their gender to fall under trinary, but surely it's possible for someone to consider their gender just trinary? Like abinary and midbinary, I think, were mainly just coined as umbrella/categorisation terms, but people can use abinary/midbinary as on its own specific gender. So I don't see why someone couldn't do that with trinary.
Trinary terms+flags ^^
[ Gender Flag Sets Masterpost ]
If I going to make the terms, might as make it a whole set to match the others right?
I don't really coin terms, so I hope the spelling isn't weird.
All these flags reference my trinary flag, so the main colours are blue, green, pink, purple, and grey.
For trimel and trian, I just went with a format that felt right / looked nice. Having the stripes be horizontal looked too much like orientation flags to me, so I used vertical stripes (pride flags don’t often use vertical stripes, so I think this helps make it more unique). And the second one, I felt darker and maybe just a bit of desaturated colours would fit. I still wanted them to be colourful though, since I think the opposite gives the impression of depression, which is not just what adulthood is.
Triary follows this girl flag (which has also been used for other diminutive flags, like boy and xip). I don’t know how to make symbols for it though, so I left them blank. Having symbols would help them look more unique, so if anyone wants to make symbol versions, they’re welcome to.
The fluid, fluix, and flux flags follow my formats, which are based on genderfluid man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl flags.
The butch, futch, and femme flags are based on these femme/futch/butch man flags, that's where the 3 horizontal stripes come from. For the diagonal stripes, they're meant to mimic the diagonal stripes in my trinary flag. The colours chosen for them are based on what trinary colours aren't in the horizontal stripes. Butch has green and blue, so I used pink and purple for the side stripes. Futch has blue, pink, and purple, so green was used for the side stripes there. And femme has pink and purple, so green and blue were used. All of the side stripes have grey in them, since the horizontal stripes don't. And the extra unused colour(s) gets blended into the horizontal stripes (whichever mixes best / are the most similar originally).
#trinary#trimel#trinmel#trian#trinan#triary#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderfluidflux#genderflux#butch#futch#femme#new term#pride flag#new flag#long post
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Can u please do some thing flags (like enbything, girlthing, etc) but for anonbinary, neononbinary, and notbinary?
anonbinarything ✦ anodieanthing neononbinarything ✦ notbinarything
anonbinarything : a gender related to being both anonbinary and a thing, a anonbinarything.
anodieanthing : a gender related to being both anodiean and a thing, a anodieanthing.
neononbinarything / neoenbanthing / neoenbything / etc. : a gender related to being both neononbinary/neoenban/enoenby and a thing, a neononbinarything/neoenbanthing/neoenbything.
notbinarything : a gender related to being both notbinary and a thing, a notbinarything.
Like with anodiean, you can use anonbinarything and anodieanthing (the flags/terms) interchangeably if you want.
More -thing gender flags/terms :D
For the terms names', I don't know of any specific terms for anonbinary, anodiean, and notbinary (like how, for example, nonbinary has enby, enban, etc.), but if they do exist (someday), you could replace the anonbinary/anodiean/notbinary part with them. Similar for neononbinarything, since it's based off of nonbinary (neo-nonbinary-thing), you can replace the -nonbinary- part with other terms, as long as they have a similar meaning (like it could also be called neoenbinmelthing, neononbinthing, etc.).
For the format, I followed my alt boything, girlthing, and enbything flags.
The colours come from their respective flags, anonbinary, anodiean, neononbinary, and notbinary. And the center 3 stripes also represent the thing part of the term (not that the whole format isn't meant to).
#anonbinarything#anonbinary#anodieanthing#anodiean#neononbinarything#neononbinary#notbinarything#notbinary#thing gender#new term#pride flag#new flag
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Genderslider flags :)
[here] ✦ [part 2]
(rounded slider) nonbinaryslider (1) ✦ nonbinaryslider (2) (rectangular slider) nonbinaryslider (1) ✦ nonbinaryslider (2)
nonbinaryslider / enbanslider / enbyslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where nonbinary/enban/enby/etc. is the static gender.
(rounded slider) abinaryslider ✦ midbinaryslider ✦ binaryslider (rectangular slider) abinaryslider ✦ midbinaryslider ✦ binaryslider
abinaryslider / abanslider / abyslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where abinary/aban/aby/etc. is the static gender.
midbinaryslider / mbanslider / mbyslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where midbinary/mban/mby/etc. is the static gender.
binaryslider / bianslider / binbyslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where binary/bian/binby/etc. is the static gender.
(rounded slider) atrinaryslider ✦ midtrinaryslider ✦ trinaryslider (rectangular slider) atrinaryslider ✦ midtrinaryslider ✦ trinaryslider
atrinaryslider / atranslider / atryslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where atrinary/atran/atry/etc. is the static gender.
midtrinaryslider / midtranslider / midtyslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where midtrinary/midtran/midty/etc. is the static gender.
trinaryslider / trianslider / triaryslider / etc. : a genderslider term, where trinary/trian/triary/etc. is the static gender.
As always, I listed some examples, but as long as they have a similar meaning, you can use other terms too (e.g. atyslider instead of atryslider).
↓ References: ✦ genderslider coining ✦ genderslider flag ✦ the nonbinary, abinary, midbinary, binary, atrinary, midtrinary, and trinary flags I used (includes their sources)
I wasn't quite sure how to incorporate other gender flags into the genderslider flag, because the base flag doesn't really have much colour/stripe meanings besides the center dark blue bar representing a sliding scale. I settled on putting the putting the gender flag in the background, and the blue/green slider on top. It's pretty simplistic, but I wasn't sure how else to mix the flags together, and I think it fits decently. They're layered on top of each other, with the base gender being static / always present, and the slider changing on top (I also think the cool colours fit with change/fluidity, like water).
I added outlines to the slider for better contrast. For the outline colours, I chose what it was on top of (in the case of 2 center stripes, what it contrasted best with), and if that didn't fit, then plain white. There's also 2 slider versions, rounded and squared, since I couldn't choose between them. The squared version is more like the original flag, but rounded feels more like a slider to me (which I think is influenced by my learning of css design, IRL sliders are probably more rectangular).
#genderslider#nonbinaryslider#nonbinary#abinaryslider#abinary#midbinaryslider#midbinary#binaryslider#binary#atrinaryslider#atrinary#midtrinaryslider#midtrinary#trinaryslider#trinary#new term#pride flag#new flag
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Abman/maban flag? Aban+man
Abwoman/womaban as well?
✦ aban man / abman / maban ✦ aban woman / abwoman / womaban ✦ aban enban / aenban
Some aban (abinary version of man/woman/enban/etc.) flags :3
Only man/woman combos were requested but I thought it'd be nice to do an enban combo too. The spelling used by the other 2 didn't really work with enban, so I came up with my own, with a in front from abinary, en from enban, and the ban ending matches both aban and enban.
For the flags, they're not really like my usual style.
I used my aban flag as the base, mixed the blue colours from the man flag (by trintinic) into the aban green colours for maban, and mixed the pink colours from the woman flag (by trintinic) into the warmer aban colours for womaban. For aenban, I used purple on the bottom (from enban), then a sort of blueish colour as an in-between of enban purple and aban teal, then green from aban, combined the white enban stripe with the yellow aban stripe, then combined the dark orangey yellow colours of both enban and aban together.
Overall just kinda mixed the colours together.
#aban man#abman#maban#aban woman#abwoman#womaban#aban enban#aenban#aban#abinary#man#woman#enban#nonbinary#new term#pride flag#new flag
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nonbinaryfluid | nonbinaryfluix | nonbinaryflux
Alt terms: ✦ Nonbinaryfluid could also be called enbanfluid, enbyfluid, genderfluid nonbinary/enban/enby. ✦ Nonbinaryfluix could also be called enbanfluix, enbyfluix, genderfluix nonbinary/enban/enby. ✦ Nonbinaryflux could also be called enbanflux, enbyflux, genderflux nonbinary/enban/enby.
Some alt nonbinary flags I wanted to make :D ! (plus reposted my alt nonbinaryflux flag, to match.)
They mainly use the colours yellow, purple, black/dark purple, and white/off white, for nonbinary. Like from the nonbinary flag.
The flag formats are inspired by these boyfluid and boyflux flags (which also have matching girl versions), while the fluix flag is my own mix of the 2 old formats. I'll also post alt boyfluix and girlfluix flags in the same style too.
Specifically, the nonbinary fluid flag uses just white, yellow, purple, and black as the main colours, but I used 2 different purple stripes to give it a more fluidy look.
#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderflux#nonbinary#enban#enby#nonbinaryfluid#enbanfluid#enbyfluid#genderfluid nonbinary#genderfluid enban#genderfluid enby#nonbinaryfluix#enbanfluix#enbyfluix#genderfluix nonbinary#genderfluix enban#genderfluix enby#nonbinaryflux#enbanflux#enbyflux#genderflux nonbinary#genderflux enban#genderflux enby#pride flag#alt flag
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Could I have a maverine nonbinary man flag and one for maverine aenban?
maverine nonbinary man (1) ✦ maverine nonbinary man (2) ✦ maverine aenban
[pt: maverine nonbinary man 1. maverine nonbinary man 2. maverine aenban.]
I referenced both of these maverine flags, this man flag, the most common nonbinary flag, this nonbinary mab/boy flag, and my aenban flag (which itself, is a combo of my enban and aban flags).
(I wrote 3 long paragraphs explaining the colours, as I usually do, but Tumblr did something weird and reverted the post back to a previous state without what I wrote. I don't want to re-type all that now...)
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→ ↓ From left to right, top to bottom:
✦ enbinox / enbinon / enbinmel ✦ enban ✦ enby
Some nonbinary flags :D
[ Gender Flag Sets Masterpost ]
Don't know what some of these terms mean (e.g. aban)? I compiled them (and their sources) on my site [ A List Of Gender Terms ].
I wanted to make flags for all the terms compiled on my site. Enban and enby already have flags, a lot of the other terms listed there don't though. So since I was going to be making a bunch of flags anyways, I thought I should make nonbinary versions in the same format. (Also I don't think enbinmel has a flag at all.)
All these flags use the colours from the most common nonbinary flag.
For abinmel and aban, I just went with a format that felt right / looked nice. Enbinmel I thought bright colours, with a more distinct format (so not just a smooth gradient), would be nice, and I made the stripes vertical since it looked too much like some orientation flags otherwise. Enban I thought dark colours would be fitting, maybe some desaturated colours could fit, but I didn't want them to all be denatured because I feel like that gives the impression of a lack of joy, and being an adult is not just depression with extra steps, so they're dark but saturated colours. I chose 6 stripes because 5 stripes looks a bit too much like other flags, and I think having even stripes gives it a distinct look. Often flags have an odd number of stripes.
Aby follows this girl flag (which has also been used for other diminutive flags, like boy and xip). I don't know how to make any symbols for it though, since the original doesn't just use ♀︎, but a altered version for girls specifically. If anyone wants to make symbols for it, please do.
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Soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme (aka butchy femme) flags :D
[here] ✦ [part 2] ✦ [part 3]
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme nonbinary / enban / enby / etc.
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme abinary / aban / aby / etc.
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme midbinary / mban / mby / etc.
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme binary / bian / binby / etc.
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme atrinary / atran / atry / etc.
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme midtrinary / midtran / midty / etc.
✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme trinary / trian / triary / etc.
For the names, I listed some examples for each, but you can use other terms for them too as long as they mean about the same thing (e.g. aphorian instead of abinary, or binan instead of bian, etc.).
Additionally, you can also use butchy femme in place of thistle femme, if so desired.
The bottom 3 stripes (or just the 3 horizontal stripes in some cases), are from @neopronouns' flag formats, and are for soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme respectively. Specifically, they get their colours from these soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme (butchy femme) flags.
The other top stripes are from their respective gender flags. Mainly I just used picked common ones, but for abinary, midbinary, atrinary, and midtrinary specifically, I used my alt versions. And for the trinary flags, they follow the same idea as my butch, futch, and femme trinary flags. Basically, the sideways stripes are meant to mimic the diagonal stripes on my trinary flag, and just look more unique in general. Also, the yellow colour for soft butch nonbinary was edited a bit, just for contrast purposes, not to take away from any meaning.
#soft butch#chemme#thistle femme#butchy femme#nonbinary#abinary#midbinary#binary#atrinary#midtrinary#trinary#pride flag#new flag
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→ ↓ From left to right, top to bottom:
✦ bimel / binmel ✦ bian / binan ✦ binby ✦ binaryfluid / bianfluid / binbyfluid / genderfluid binary / genderfluid bian / genderfluid binby ✦ binaryfluix / bianfluix / binbyfluix / genderfluix binary / genderfluix bian / genderfluix binby ✦ binaryflux / bianflux / binbyflux / genderflux binary / genderflux bian / genderflux binby ✦ butch binary / butch bian / butch binby ✦ futch binary / futch bian / futch binby ✦ femme binary / femme bian / femme binby
Terms explanation:
bimel and binmel : binary sex terms; binary equivalents to enbinmel, male, female, etc. bi-/bin- in front from binary, with -mel at the end following the format of these nonbinary sex labels. Note: the spelling of -non and -nox reminds me of nonbinary (plus the term system was originally for nonbinary terms), and binary isn't inherently nonbinary, so I just used -mel instead (which is based on male/female). Perhaps binon/binox could be for nonbinary binary sex terms?
bian/bien and binan/binen : adult binary person/people; binary equivalents to enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. bi-/bin- in front from binary, with -an (singular) and -en (plural) endings following the way enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. are spelled
binby / binbies (binbys) : young binary person/people; binary equivalents to enby / enbies (enbys), boy/boys, girl/girls, etc. bin- in front from binary, with a -y ending to match how many other diminutive terms end in Y / an E sound. the -by ending is inspired by enby (who's -by ending comes from binary, the ending part of non-binary), and I think it sounds really cute, kind of like baby. Though I suppose the etymology doesn't entirely make sense.
The fluid, fluix, and flux terms are based off genderfluid man/boy, genderfluix man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl versions. For my binary terms/flags though, I’m defining them more broadly, so any combination of binary + fluid/fluix/flux works.
Butch, futch, and femme is the same. Anyone who’s butch/futch/femme and binary, whatever that combination means to them, can use these flags.
Also, I didn’t list every possible name for the fluid, fluix, flux, butch, futch, and femme terms. You can use alt terms/names, as long as they have the same meaning.
Same as trinary, I conceptualise binary as both an umbrella term and a standalone term, bit like nonbinary, midbinary, abinary, and such terms.
Binary terms+flags (๑•᎑•๑)
[ Gender Flag Sets Masterpost ]
Since I made trinary terms, might as well make binary terms too.
I don't really coin terms, so I hope the spelling isn't weird.
All these flags get their main colours from this binary flag, so the main colours are light blue, dark blue, light pink, and dark pink. I kind of use grey too, like in the binarine flag.
For bimel and bian, I just went with a format that felt right / looked nice. Having the stripes be horizontal looked too much like orientation flags to me, so I used vertical stripes (pride flags don’t often use vertical stripes, so I think this helps make it more unique). And the second one, I felt darker and maybe just a bit of desaturated colours would fit. I still wanted them to be colourful though, since I think the opposite gives the impression of depression, which is not just what adulthood is.
Binby follows this girl flag (which has also been used for other diminutive flags, like boy and xip). I don’t know how to make symbols for it though, so I left them blank. Having symbols would help them look more unique, so if anyone wants to make symbol versions, they’re welcome to.
The fluid, fluix, and flux flags follow my formats, which are based on genderfluid man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl flags.
Finally, the butch, futch, and femme flags follows these femme/futch/butch man flags, that’s where the bottom 3 stripes come from.
#binary#bimel#binmel#bian#binan#binby#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderfluidflux#genderflux#butch#futch#femme#new term#pride flag#new flag#long post
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First flag:
Rhetorienby (alternatively, rhetorinonbinary, rhetorineutral or rhetorienban)
multiple definitions: 1. where one is an enby/enban/neutral, but only rhetorically (however the user defines this) 2. where one's gender is confusing and/or is/feels like a question, but they dont feel like their question of gender receives an answer, or they don't want an answer, all they know is they are aligned with/are (an) enby/enban/neutral
Second Flag:
Rhetoridemienby (alternatively, rhetorideminonbinary, rhetoridemineutral or rhetoridemienban)
multiple definitions: 1. where one is a demienby/demienban/demineutral, but only rhetorically (however the user defines this) 2. where one's gender is confusing and/or is/feels like a question, but they dont feel like their question of gender receives an answer, or they don't want an answer, all they know is they are aligned with/are (a) demienby/demienban/demineutral
[First Flag ID: a horizontal eight-striped flag, where the first, third, sixth and eighth stripes are each twice the width of the others, so it goes wide stripe, thin stripe, wide stripe, thin strip, thin stripe, wide stripe, thin stripe, and wide stripe. The first five stripes are a gradient from dark gold to pastel yellow. The remaining three stripes are the same as the first three, in a gradient from light gold to dark gold. It also has a png image of two question marks, the one on the left being smaller than the one on the right, which goes through the third to the sixth stripes. Both question marks are slightly tilted, to the left and the right respectively. End ID.]
[Second Flag ID: a horizontal eight-striped flag, where the first, third, sixth and eighth stripes are each twice the width of the others, so it goes wide stripe, thin stripe, wide stripe, thin strip, thin stripe, wide stripe, thin stripe, and wide stripe. The first and eighth stripes are gray, and the fourth and fifth stripes are light gray and white. The rest of the stripes are the same colours as the first flag. It also has a png image of two question marks, the one on the left being smaller than the one on the right, which goes through the third to the sixth stripes. Both question marks are slightly tilted, to the left and the right respectively. End ID.]
#flag coining#xenogender#mogai coining#xeno coining#gender coining#mogai term#term coining#xenogenders#rhetorigender#rhetorienby#rhetoridemienby#rhetorinonbinary#rhetorideminonbinary#rhetorienban#rhetoridemienban#rhetorineutral#rhetorineu#rhetoridemineutral#rhetoridemineu#demigender#nonbinary#deminonbinary#demienby
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Some multigender/polygender flags ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
[here] ✦ [part 2]
multinonbinary (1) ✦ multinonbinary (2) ✦ multiabinary [pt: multinonbinary (1), multinonbinary (2), multiabinary.]
✦ multinonbinary can also be called multienban / multienby / polynonbinary / polyenban / polyenby / etc. ✦ multiabinary can also be called multiaban / multiaby / polyabinary / polyaban / polyaby / etc.
multimidbinary ✦ multibinary ✦ multiatrinary [pt: multimidbinary, multibinary, multiatrinary.]
✦ multimidbinary can also be called multimban / multimby / polymidbinary / polymban / polymby / etc. ✦ multibinary can also be called multibian / multibinby / polybinary / polybian / polybinby / etc. ✦ multiatrinary can also be called multiatran / multiatry / polyatrinary / polyatran / polyatry / etc.
multimidtrinary ✦ multitrinary ✦ multiandrogyne [pt: multimidtrinary, multitrinary, multiandrogyne.]
✦ multimidtrinary can also be called multimidtran / multimidty / polymidtrinary / polymidtran / polymidty / etc. ✦ multitrinary can also be called multitrian / multitriary / polytrinary / polytrian / polytriary / etc. ✦ multiandrogyne can also be called multiangan / multiangi / polyandrogyne / polyangan / polyangi / etc.
multiagender ✦ multilyagender ✦ multiaporagender [pt: multiagender, multilyagender, multiaporagender.]
✦ multiagender can also be called multiagan / multiagie / polyagender / polyagan / polyagie / etc. ✦ multilyagender can also be called multilyaen / multienfil / polyilyagender / polyilyaen / polyenfil / etc. ✦ multiaporagender can also be called multiaporan / multiapory / polyaporagender / polyaporan / polyapory / etc.
multioutherine ✦ multikenochoric ✦ multixenogender [pt: multioutherine, multikenochoric, multixenogender.]
✦ multioutherine can also be called multiouman / multioune / polyoutherine / polyouman / polyoune / etc. ✦ multikenochoric can also be called multiomen / multihex / polykenochoric / polyomen / polyhex / etc. ✦ multixenogender can also be called multixenan / multixip / polyxenogender / polyxenan / polyxip / etc.
I listed some examples, but other terms can be used too, as long as they have the same / similar meaning (e.g. multiaphorian instead of multiabinary).
Though I wrote them all as single terms, I suppose they can called multigender [term] and polygender [term] too (e.g. multigender enban instead of multienban). The short forms are just what I thought of first, but upon thinking about it more, I don't see why the longer names wouldn't work too.
You could also shorten them if you want (e.g. multixeno instead of multixenogender).
Also, I think these terms can include a lot of different experiences (any combination of multigender/polygender and the specific gender label listed), so I won't be listing specific definitions.
For the flags, I followed a format of having multigender stripes on top (dark blue, lighter blue, and orange), with the respective gender's stripes on the bottom. Specifically, I used this multigender flag edit (by @isobug) for the colours (same main colours as the original, just with nicer contrast).
The other flags referenced as just the most common ones (mainly). I did make a second version using an alt nonbinary flag (second flag in the post). I also used my (alt) midbinary, abinary, atrinary, midtrinary, trinary, and aporagender flags.
Depending on the original flag, I combined the top colour with the bottom multigender orange stripe, if they're similar enough visually (like the orange in nonbinary (second flag)). The multigender blue colours were edited a bit, to fit better with the other colours. And for some of them, I simplified the colours, they have as many stripes as in the original flag.
Special mention multitrinary and multiandrogyne, I went with a different style mimicking the original flags. Trinary used diagonal stripes, so I used diagonal stripes on the side here too. Same with androgyne, but with vertical stripes. For the trinary/androgyne colours that are already similar to the multigender colours (so blue and grey), I combined them into the 3 horizontal multigender stripes, and put the rest off to the side. It's a lot like what I did in my butch/futch/femme/+ flags (not that these are butch/futch/femme flags). I just think it's a unique format, and I like how it flows.
↓ Others (not made by me):
✦ multibinary flag (by @autodeicide) ✦ alternative multibinary flag (by @revenant-coining) ✦ polyandrogyne, polyagender, and polyxenogender flags (by @kalliepride) ✦ polyagender / multiagender / panagender coining and flag (by @moone-just-existing) ✦ polyagender flag ✦ polyxenogender / polyxenic coining(?) and flag
↓ If you're looking for neutrois and maverique versions:
✦ multineutrois coining(?) and flag (by @beyond-mogai-pride-flags) ✦ multineutrois redesigned flag (by @your-bigender-big-brother) ✦ multimaverique coining(?) and flag (by @beyond-mogai-pride-flags)
#multigender#polygender#nonbinary#abinary#midbinary#binary#atrinary#midtrinary#trinary#androgyne#agender#ilyagender#aporagender#outherine#kenochoric#xenogender#new term#pride flag#new flag#alt flag
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