#genderfluix enby
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nonbinaryfluid | nonbinaryfluix | nonbinaryflux
Alt terms: ✦ Nonbinaryfluid could also be called enbanfluid, enbyfluid, genderfluid nonbinary/enban/enby. ✦ Nonbinaryfluix could also be called enbanfluix, enbyfluix, genderfluix nonbinary/enban/enby. ✦ Nonbinaryflux could also be called enbanflux, enbyflux, genderflux nonbinary/enban/enby.
Some alt nonbinary flags I wanted to make :D ! (plus reposted my alt nonbinaryflux flag, to match.)
They mainly use the colours yellow, purple, black/dark purple, and white/off white, for nonbinary. Like from the nonbinary flag.
The flag formats are inspired by these boyfluid and boyflux flags (which also have matching girl versions), while the fluix flag is my own mix of the 2 old formats. I'll also post alt boyfluix and girlfluix flags in the same style too.
Specifically, the nonbinary fluid flag uses just white, yellow, purple, and black as the main colours, but I used 2 different purple stripes to give it a more fluidy look.
#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderflux#nonbinary#enban#enby#nonbinaryfluid#enbanfluid#enbyfluid#genderfluid nonbinary#genderfluid enban#genderfluid enby#nonbinaryfluix#enbanfluix#enbyfluix#genderfluix nonbinary#genderfluix enban#genderfluix enby#nonbinaryflux#enbanflux#enbyflux#genderflux nonbinary#genderflux enban#genderflux enby#pride flag#alt flag
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Genderfluid/flux/fluix equivalents for male/female, man/woman, and boy/girl!
You know how there's the term "enby", to usually refer to a non-binary child or teen, sometimes to an adult as well? Well, @ryanyflags compiled a list of terms similar to enby for many gender identities, as well as adult gender terms that are meant to be equivalents of woman/man (such as enban), and sex terms equivalent to female/male.
I personally felt the need for a genderfluid equivalent to all of these. For those times where I wanna call myself something like enban or enby, but underline the fluid nature of my gender. For those days where I can't, or don't want to, specify what specific gender I'm feeling in that moment, beyond it being fluid.
So I present to you:
Fluy (singular) - Fluys (plural)*.
Genderfluid equivalent of girl/boy/enby. Young genderfluid person.
(*alternative spelling: Fluie - Fluies. Let me know which one you prefer!)
Fluidan (singular) - Fluiden (plural).
Genderfluid equivalent of woman/man/enban. Adult genderfluid person.
Genderfluid equivalents of female/male, following the spelling pattern for their non-binary equivalents enbinmel/enbinox/enbinon. Alternative sex terms for a genderfluid person.
(Note: they are not meant to replace the perisex/intersex distinction. In fact, enbinox and enbinon seem to have been created by a non-binary intersex person. The post has been archived though, so I won't tag them.)
Fluxy (singular) - Fluxies (plural).
Genderflux equivalent of girl/boy/enby. Young genderflux person.
Fluxan (singular) - Fluxen (plural).
Genderflux equivalent of woman/man/enban. Adult genderflux person.
Genderflux equivalent of female/male, same as above. Alternative sex terms for a genderflux person.
Fluixy (singular) - Fluixies (plural).
Fluidflux/genderfluix equivalent of girl/boy/enby. Young fluidflux/genderfluix person.
Fluixan (singular) - Fluixen (plural).
Fluidflux/genderfluix equivalent of woman/man/enban. Adult fluidflux/genderfluix person.
Fluidflux/genderfluix equivalent of female/male, same as above. Alternative sex terms for a fluidflux/genderfluix person.
That's all from me!
Ryanyflags is also going to make flags for all these in his usual format—we discussed in our DMs—so stay tuned to their blog for that!
#genderfluid#genderflux#genderfluix#fluidflux#genderfluid terms#genderflux terms#genderfluix terms#gender terms#enby#enban#sex terms#fluy#fluxy#fluixy#fluidan#fluxan#fluixan#fluimel#fluxmel#fluixmel#fluinox#fluxnox#fluixnox#fluinon#fluxnon#fluixnon#lgbtqia+#nonbinary#trans#fluidflux terms
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i got bored so here's a list of all letters and their corresponding term(s) for letters used in glg / juvelic terms that i could find
0 = zero ( as in, no one; attracted to no one )
a, an, andro = androgyne
a, ab = abinary
ae = aurethesia
aeth = aetherine
a, ag, agen = agender
aliag = aliagender
alt = altumen
am, ambo = ambonec
apog = aporgender
a, aporg = aporagender
au, aut, auti = autigender
b = binary
b, big, bigen = bigender
d = demigender
dat = datesime
db = demiboy
di = dimensen
dg = demigirl
dre = dreandna
e, en = enby
ep, epi = epicene
faunag = faunagender
fer = feruvel
fi, flux, gf = genderflux
fifu, fluxid = genderfluidflux / genderfluxid
florag = floragender
fre = freelekour
gendvd = gendervoid
gf, fluid, flu, flui = genderfluid
gf = genderfluix
got = gorture
how = howabeiyn
i, iso = isogender
i = intergender, intersex, ipsogender, indetermined
ins = instinctant
k = kenochoric
kam = kenochoric, agingender, mingender, and miaspec
l = luxine
l, lib, libra = libragender
m = man
mis = mislypec
mg, polyg = multigender
mw = man+woman
n, ne, neu = neu / neutral / neutrois
nb, nonb, n = nonbinary
neutr = neutrois
nu = neutral, neuter, null
p, pa, pang, pangen = pangender
po, polyg, polygen = polygender
roset = rosetoric
s, sp - soporine
te = tenethesia
tm = transman
tri, trigen = trigender
tw = transwoman
w = woman
wf = warfaren
xe, xeno, xin, xg, xn, xen, x = xenogender
x = genderless
zab = zabainal
zodiag = zodiacgender
#glg#juvelic#i have no intention of consistently updating this btw#i made it cause. bored and mogai spin <3#🌊 talking
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ATLA Pride Headcanons, but cleaned up a bit/updated from this post
stan the cabbage man
AANG 😇 - hoo boy - i still stand by my position that this smol child is aroace - but he's in a qpr with katara - bc yeah they're kinda cute - probably pan in terms of attraction - cisn't - genderflux. yes yes yes genderflux aang - probably doesn't give a shit about pronouns - and literally glows whenever someone calls him they/them, esp on days where the male-ness is low - because yay! ur right! - he's so precious aghsklfdjslk
KATARA 🌊 - she's also aroace - stfu - *proceeds to aroace the entire atla crew* - qpr with aang - they are very cute but not in the romantic sense - i feel like she'd be bi in terms of attraction tho - pan aang 🤝 bi katara - cisn't - genderfluid! all waterbenders are now genderfluid, change my fucking mind - any/all pronouns :)
SOKKA ⚔ - my friend said that he was the straightest one there - I DISAGREE - he's so BI - BISEXUAL DISASTER SOKKA MY BELOVED - i ship sokka and zuko so hard it's not even funny - but sokka and suki are also very cute so i kinda can't choose - extra heapings of internalized homophobia - bc he thinks it makes him less manly or some shit - i like to think that toph smacked it outta him - i said before that i was waiting for him to get smacked in the face with gay panic when he sees zuko, and like i mean get an ACTUAL GOOD LOOK AT HIM - sadly it didn't happen - anyways - cisn't, i think he's also genderfluid - genderfluid sokka would be so FUN omfg - pronouns change depending on the gender
ZUKO 🔥 - he's so GAY OH MY GODDDD - but i still feel like he'd be asexual - massive ace vibes throughout the entire fucking show - also demiromantic - sokka was his gay awakening fucking FIGHT ME ON THIS - bc you will see my corpse on that hill - and you'll realize that i was right - cis(n't) - i feel like he doesn't care enough to figure it out or put a label on it
TOPH 🪨 - I FUCKING LOVE HER OMG OMG - that being said - her favorite color is green how can she not be aro - giving me aroallo vibes tbh - probably sapphic oriented - cisn't - i headcanon that she's enby as well as transmasc - probably she/they pronouns
AZULA ⚡ - oh dear - i love her sm - she's a lesbian - like how can she not be smh - she's so gay - asexual in the "fuck you but not literally" sense - cis - azula and zuko are the perfect example of wlw & mlm hostility and i love them - they're like this
MAI 🔪 - aroallo mai aroallo mai AROALLO MAI - mai is aroallo and i will DIE ON THIS HILL - probably omnisexual if i hafta specify - prefers females - cisn't - agender. mai has no gender. fuck you.
TY LEE 🌸 - ty lee is a lesbian - like how can she not be tell me now - i kinda ship her with azula (mainly bc of this fic you should def go read it it's so GOOD) - cisn't. - ty lee is genderfluix/fluidflux but never tells anybody her pronouns because she likes to fuck with people that way. - mai always seems to know which ones to use tho
SUKI 🤺 - she is also bi - suki & sokka are bi4bi and i love that for them - pretty sure the kyoshi warriors are just one giant polycule but whatever - suki is trans fucking fight me - transgender suki transgender suki TRANSGENDER SUKI - she's also asexual :D
APPA ☁ - lmao there's nothing for him - i just love appa sm
#the gaang#atla gaang#ozai's angels#aang#aroace aang#genderflux#katara#aroace katara#pan#bi#bisexual#sokka#sokka is a bi disaster#genderfluid sokka#genderfluid katara#zuko#toph#aroallo#gay#enby#transmasc#sapphic#lesbian#azula#wlw mlm hostility#mai#agender#ty lee#trans#transgender
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A gender where you feel linarumgender, xenogender(s), and genderfluix (genderfluidflux)!
Basically someone who's gender fluxuates and is fluid all around, both xeno and non xeno genders included, who wants to be seen as and addressed as a masc/male and neutral/enby person! (Feel free to ask for variations!)
#gender coining#xeno coining#Linaruxenofluix#Genderfluix#Xenofluix#Linarumgender#xeno flag#xeno term#xenogender#pride flag
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Being genderfluid is saying "oh yeah I'm a guy!" One moment and "oh, yeah... I'm a guy..." another moment
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it is i, a nb (genderfluid) lesbian and this is mogai jackass
what i did here is, i opened the mogai-lexicon for gender and sexuality and compiled all the labels that - technically (because that’s the mogai way) and/or literally - apply to me. this is all the tmi you’ll ever need about me. you’re welcome to ask why i included a specific label if you gotta know
i went off the descriptions presented on the blog, where the labels are often super vague and could mean literally anything
gender is first, counting 66 labels total out of the 27 blog pages
nymh, venngender, genderflux, vennflux, spectragender, skelogender,
solverigender/emigender, polargender, ogligender, nonpuella, metagender, genderstrange, gendernull, genderfae, genderdox, gendercluster, anongender, aliusgender, gendervoid/voidgender, vestigender, tangender, telegender, stargender, polygenderflux, preterbinary, personagender, perospike, offgender, glitchgender, nesciogender, juxera, illusogender, horogender, fuzzgender, femgender, dulcigender, chaosgender, comgender, cassflux, girlflux, absorgender, genderlike, autogender, cadogender, supragender, nubilagender, gendereaux, deliciagender, genderblank, maverique, histrigender, paragender, fluxfluid/genderfluix, egogender, hemigender, apagender, cassgender, neutrois, greygender, genderq***r, genderfluid, enby, demigirl, crystagender, aliagender
the orientation tag only has 9 pages, but it presents romantic and sexual identities as two different things, which is how i counted them - which makes 24 of them
quoioromantic, volitsexual/romantic, thymsexual/romantic, metaromantic, proquasexual/romantic, poetisexual/romantic, neuroaromantic, finsexual/romantic, cupioflux, culparomantic, apressexual/romantic, alterous, adfectusexual, amicusromantic, requiessexual, femromantic/sexual, demiromantic
note that a lot of the labels, especially where gender is concerned, are different words for the same experiences
tell me again how mogai isnt confusing anyone?
highlights that do not apply but gave me a tepid chuckle
and finally, after going through all of this, it’s easy to be quizgender
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could you make flags for trinary terms such as you did xenox xenan and xipflux? since you coined trinarine
→ ↓ From left to right, top to bottom:
✦ trimel / trinmel ✦ trian / trinan ✦ triary ✦ trinaryfluid / trianfluid / triaryfluid / genderfluid trinary / genderfluid trian / genderfluid triary ✦ trinaryfluix / trianfluix / triaryfluix / genderfluix trinary / genderfluix trian / genderfluix triary ✦ trinaryflux / trianflux / triaryflux / genderflux trinary / genderflux trian / genderflux triary ✦ butch trinary / butch trian / butch triary ✦ futch trinary / futch trian / futch triary ✦ femme trinary / femme trian / femme triary
Terms explanation:
trimel and trinmel : trinary sex terms; trinary equivalents to enbinmel, male, female, etc. tri-/trin- in front from trinary, with -mel at the end following the format of these nonbinary sex labels. Note: the spelling of -non and -nox reminds me of nonbinary (plus the term system was originally for nonbinary terms), and trinary isn't inherently nonbinary, so I just used -mel instead (which is based on male/female). Perhaps trinon/trinox could be for nonbinary trinary sex terms?
trian/trien and trinan/trinen : adult trinary person/people; trinary equivalents to enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. tri-/trin- in front from trinary, with -an (singular) and -en (plural) endings following the way enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. are spelled.
triary / triaries (triarys) : young trinary person/people; trinary equivalents to enby / enbies (enbys), boy/boys, girl/girls, etc. tri- in front and ending in -ary like trinary, the E sounding ending is to match how many other diminutive terms end in E.
The fluid, fluix, and flux terms are based off genderfluid man/boy, genderfluix man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl versions. For my trinary terms/flags though, I’m defining them more broadly, so any combination of trinary + fluid/fluix/flux works.
Butch, futch, and femme is the same. Anyone who’s butch/futch/femme and trinary, whatever that combination means to them, can use these flags.
Also, I didn’t list every possible name for the fluid, fluix, flux, butch, futch, and femme terms. You can use alt terms/names, as long as they have the same meaning.
I conceptualise trinary as both an umbrella term and a standalone term, bit like how nonbinary is both an umbrella and its own gender.
Of course it would include anyone who considers their gender to fall under trinary, but surely it's possible for someone to consider their gender just trinary? Like abinary and midbinary, I think, were mainly just coined as umbrella/categorisation terms, but people can use abinary/midbinary as on its own specific gender. So I don't see why someone couldn't do that with trinary.
Trinary terms+flags ^^
[ Gender Flag Sets Masterpost ]
If I going to make the terms, might as make it a whole set to match the others right?
I don't really coin terms, so I hope the spelling isn't weird.
All these flags reference my trinary flag, so the main colours are blue, green, pink, purple, and grey.
For trimel and trian, I just went with a format that felt right / looked nice. Having the stripes be horizontal looked too much like orientation flags to me, so I used vertical stripes (pride flags don’t often use vertical stripes, so I think this helps make it more unique). And the second one, I felt darker and maybe just a bit of desaturated colours would fit. I still wanted them to be colourful though, since I think the opposite gives the impression of depression, which is not just what adulthood is.
Triary follows this girl flag (which has also been used for other diminutive flags, like boy and xip). I don’t know how to make symbols for it though, so I left them blank. Having symbols would help them look more unique, so if anyone wants to make symbol versions, they’re welcome to.
The fluid, fluix, and flux flags follow my formats, which are based on genderfluid man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl flags.
The butch, futch, and femme flags are based on these femme/futch/butch man flags, that's where the 3 horizontal stripes come from. For the diagonal stripes, they're meant to mimic the diagonal stripes in my trinary flag. The colours chosen for them are based on what trinary colours aren't in the horizontal stripes. Butch has green and blue, so I used pink and purple for the side stripes. Futch has blue, pink, and purple, so green was used for the side stripes there. And femme has pink and purple, so green and blue were used. All of the side stripes have grey in them, since the horizontal stripes don't. And the extra unused colour(s) gets blended into the horizontal stripes (whichever mixes best / are the most similar originally).
#trinary#trimel#trinmel#trian#trinan#triary#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderfluidflux#genderflux#butch#futch#femme#new term#pride flag#new flag#long post
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→ ↓ From left to right, top to bottom:
✦ bimel / binmel ✦ bian / binan ✦ binby ✦ binaryfluid / bianfluid / binbyfluid / genderfluid binary / genderfluid bian / genderfluid binby ✦ binaryfluix / bianfluix / binbyfluix / genderfluix binary / genderfluix bian / genderfluix binby ✦ binaryflux / bianflux / binbyflux / genderflux binary / genderflux bian / genderflux binby ✦ butch binary / butch bian / butch binby ✦ futch binary / futch bian / futch binby ✦ femme binary / femme bian / femme binby
Terms explanation:
bimel and binmel : binary sex terms; binary equivalents to enbinmel, male, female, etc. bi-/bin- in front from binary, with -mel at the end following the format of these nonbinary sex labels. Note: the spelling of -non and -nox reminds me of nonbinary (plus the term system was originally for nonbinary terms), and binary isn't inherently nonbinary, so I just used -mel instead (which is based on male/female). Perhaps binon/binox could be for nonbinary binary sex terms?
bian/bien and binan/binen : adult binary person/people; binary equivalents to enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. bi-/bin- in front from binary, with -an (singular) and -en (plural) endings following the way enban/enben, man/men, woman/women, etc. are spelled
binby / binbies (binbys) : young binary person/people; binary equivalents to enby / enbies (enbys), boy/boys, girl/girls, etc. bin- in front from binary, with a -y ending to match how many other diminutive terms end in Y / an E sound. the -by ending is inspired by enby (who's -by ending comes from binary, the ending part of non-binary), and I think it sounds really cute, kind of like baby. Though I suppose the etymology doesn't entirely make sense.
The fluid, fluix, and flux terms are based off genderfluid man/boy, genderfluix man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl versions. For my binary terms/flags though, I’m defining them more broadly, so any combination of binary + fluid/fluix/flux works.
Butch, futch, and femme is the same. Anyone who’s butch/futch/femme and binary, whatever that combination means to them, can use these flags.
Also, I didn’t list every possible name for the fluid, fluix, flux, butch, futch, and femme terms. You can use alt terms/names, as long as they have the same meaning.
Same as trinary, I conceptualise binary as both an umbrella term and a standalone term, bit like nonbinary, midbinary, abinary, and such terms.
Binary terms+flags (๑•᎑•๑)
[ Gender Flag Sets Masterpost ]
Since I made trinary terms, might as well make binary terms too.
I don't really coin terms, so I hope the spelling isn't weird.
All these flags get their main colours from this binary flag, so the main colours are light blue, dark blue, light pink, and dark pink. I kind of use grey too, like in the binarine flag.
For bimel and bian, I just went with a format that felt right / looked nice. Having the stripes be horizontal looked too much like orientation flags to me, so I used vertical stripes (pride flags don’t often use vertical stripes, so I think this helps make it more unique). And the second one, I felt darker and maybe just a bit of desaturated colours would fit. I still wanted them to be colourful though, since I think the opposite gives the impression of depression, which is not just what adulthood is.
Binby follows this girl flag (which has also been used for other diminutive flags, like boy and xip). I don’t know how to make symbols for it though, so I left them blank. Having symbols would help them look more unique, so if anyone wants to make symbol versions, they’re welcome to.
The fluid, fluix, and flux flags follow my formats, which are based on genderfluid man/boy, genderflux man/boy, and the matching woman/girl flags.
Finally, the butch, futch, and femme flags follows these femme/futch/butch man flags, that’s where the bottom 3 stripes come from.
#binary#bimel#binmel#bian#binan#binby#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderfluidflux#genderflux#butch#futch#femme#new term#pride flag#new flag#long post
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Gender Flag Sets Masterpost
I decided to make a bunch of flags for nonbinary/abinary/midbinary/binary/atrinary/midtrinary/trinary/androgyne/agender/neutrois/maverique/ilyagender/aporagender/outherine/kenochoric/xenogender sex terms (equivalent to male/female), adult terms (equivalent to man/woman), child terms (equivalent to boy/girl), as well as extra ones for genderfluid, genderfluix, genderflux, butch, futch, and femme combos.
Note: I won't delete this, but I won't update it anymore. As I plan to switch to something more organised later.
✦ enbinmel / enbinox / enbinon ✦ enban ✦ enby
✦ nonbinaryfluid / enbanfluid / enbyfluid / genderfluid nonbinary / genderfluid enban / genderfluid enby ✦ nonbinaryfluix / enbanfluix / enbyfluix / genderfluix nonbinary / genderfluix enban / genderfluix enby ✦ nonbinaryflux / enbanflux / enbyflux / genderflux nonbinary / genderflux enban / genderflux enby
✦ butch nonbinary / butch enban / butch enby ✦ futch nonbinary / futch enban / futch enby ✦ femme nonbinary / femme enban / femme enby
✦ abinox / abinon / abinmel ✦ aban ✦ aby ✦ abinaryfluid / abanfluid / abyfluid / genderfluid abinary / genderfluid aban / genderfluid aby ✦ abinaryfluix / abanfluix / abyfluix / genderfluix abinary / genderfluix aban / genderfluix aby ✦ abinaryflux / abanflux / abyflux / genderflux abinary / genderflux aban / genderflux aby ✦ butch abinary / butch aban / butch aby ✦ futch abinary / futch aban / futch aby ✦ femme abinary / femme aban / femme aby
✦ midbinox / midbinon / midbinmel / mbinox / mbinon / mbinmel ✦ midban / mban ✦ midby / mby ✦ midbinaryfluid / mbanfluid / mbyfluid / genderfluid midbinary / genderfluid mban / genderfluid mby ✦ midbinaryfluix / mbanfluix / mbyfluix / genderfluix midbinary / genderfluix mban / genderfluix mby ✦ midbinaryflux / mbanflux / mbyflux / genderflux midbinary / genderflux mban / genderflux mby ✦ butch midbinary / butch mban / butch mby ✦ futch midbinary / futch mban / futch mby ✦ femme midbinary / femme mban / femme mby
✦ bimel / binmel ✦ bian / binan ✦ binby ✦ binaryfluid / bianfluid / binbyfluid / genderfluid binary / genderfluid bian / genderfluid binby ✦ binaryfluix / bianfluix / binbyfluix / genderfluix binary / genderfluix bian / genderfluix binby ✦ binaryflux / bianflux / binbyflux / genderflux binary / genderflux bian / genderflux binby ✦ butch binary / butch bian / butch binby ✦ futch binary / futch bian / futch binby ✦ femme binary / femme bian / femme binby
✦ atrinox / atrinon / atrinmel ✦ atran ✦ atry / aty ✦ atrinaryfluid / atranfluid / atryfluid / genderfluid atrinary / genderfluid atran / genderfluid atry ✦ atrinaryfluix / atranfluix / atryfluix / genderfluix atrinary / genderfluix atran / genderfluix atry ✦ atrinaryflux / atranflux / atryflux / genderflux atrinary / genderflux atran / genderflux atry ✦ butch atrinary / butch atran / butch atry ✦ futch atrinary / futch atran / futch atry ✦ femme atrinary / femme atran / femme atry
✦ midtrinox / midtrinon / midtrinmel ✦ midtran ✦ midtry / midty ✦ midtrinaryfluid / midtranfluid / midtyfluid / genderfluid midtrinary / genderfluid midtran / genderfluid midty ✦ midtrinaryfluix / midtranfluix / midtyfluix / genderfluix midtrinary / genderfluix midtran / genderfluix midty ✦ midtrinaryflux / midtranflux / midtyflux / genderflux midtrinary / genderflux midtran / genderflux midty ✦ butch midtrinary / butch midtran / butch midty ✦ futch midtrinary / futch midtran / futch midty ✦ femme midtrinary / femme midtran / femme midty
✦ trimel / trinmel ✦ trian / trinan ✦ triary ✦ trinaryfluid / trianfluid / triaryfluid / genderfluid trinary / genderfluid trian / genderfluid triary ✦ trinaryfluix / trianfluix / triaryfluix / genderfluix trinary / genderfluix trian / genderfluix triary ✦ trinaryflux / trianflux / triaryflux / genderflux trinary / genderflux trian / genderflux triary ✦ butch trinary / butch trian / butch triary ✦ futch trinary / futch trian / futch triary ✦ femme trinary / femme trian / femme triary
✦ xaeinox / xaeinon / xaemel ✦ angan / manwoman / womanman ✦ angi / bril / boygirl / girlboy ✦ androgynefluid / anganfluid / angifluid / genderfluid androgyne / genderfluid angan / genderfluid angi ✦ androgynefluix / anganfluix / angifluix / genderfluix androgyne / genderfluix angan / genderfluix angi ✦ androgyneflux / anganflux / angiflux / genderflux androgyne / genderflux angan / genderflux angi ✦ butch androgyne / butch angan / butch angi ✦ futch androgyne / futch angan / futch angi ✦ femme androgyne / femme angan / femme angi
✦ ninnox / ninnon ✦ agan ✦ ay / 0n / agy / agie ✦ agenderfluid / aganfluid / agiefluid / genderfluid agender / genderfluid agan / genderfluid agie ✦ agenderfluix / aganfluix / agiefluix / genderfluix agender / genderfluix agan / genderfluix agie ✦ agenderflux / aganflux / agieflux / genderflux agender / genderflux agan / genderflux agie ✦ butch agender / butch agan / butch agie ✦ futch agender / futch agan / futch agie ✦ femme agender / femme agan / femme agie
✦ neunox / neunon / neumel ✦ neutran / neuan ✦ neut ✦ neutroisfluid / neuanfluid / neutfluid / genderfluid neutrois / genderfluid neuan / genderfluid neut ✦ neutroisfluix / neuanfluix / neutfluix / genderfluix neutrois / genderfluix neuan / genderfluix neut ✦ neutroisflux / neuanflux / neutflux / genderflux neutrois / genderflux neuan / genderflux neut ✦ butch neutrois / butch neuan / butch neut ✦ futch neutrois / futch neuan / futch neut ✦ femme neutrois / femme neuan / femme neut
✦ mavnox / mavnon / mavmel ✦ mavan / mavraen / maver / maveri / mavri ✦ mav / mave / uni ✦ maveriquefluid / mavanfluid / mavfluid / genderfluid maverique / genderfluid mavan / genderfluid mav ✦ maveriquefluix / mavanfluix / mavfluix / genderfluix maverique / genderfluix mavan / genderfluix mav ✦ maveriqueflux / mavanflux / mavflux / genderflux maverique / genderflux mavan / genderflux mav ✦ butch maverique / butch mavan / butch mav ✦ futch maverique / futch mavan / futch mav ✦ femme maverique / femme mavan / femme mav
✦ butch maverique / butch mavan / butch mav ✦ futch maverique / futch mavan / futch mav ✦ femme maverique / femme mavan / femme mav
✦ aporale / apnox / apnon / apmel ✦ aporan ✦ apory ✦ aporagenderfluid / aporanfluid / aporyfluid / genderfluid aporagender / genderfluid aporan / genderfluid apory ✦ aporagenderfluix / aporanfluix / aporyfluix / genderfluix aporagender / genderfluix aporan / genderfluix apory ✦ aporagenderflux / aporanflux / aporyflux / genderflux aporagender / genderflux aporan / genderflux apory ✦ butch aporagender / butch aporan / butch apory ✦ futch aporagender / futch aporan / futch apory ✦ femme aporagender / femme aporan / femme apory
✦ ounox / ounon / oumel ✦ ouman / uniqan ✦ oune / ouby / outhy ✦ outherinefluid / oumanfluid / ounefluid / genderfluid outherine / genderfluid ouman / genderfluid oune ✦ outherinefluix / oumanfluix / ounefluix / genderfluix outherine / genderfluix ouman / genderfluix oune ✦ outherineflux / oumanflux / ouneflux / genderflux outherine / genderflux ouman / genderflux oune ✦ butch outherine / butch ouman / butch oune ✦ futch outherine / futch ouman / futch oune ✦ femme outherine / femme ouman / femme oune
✦ kenox / kenon / kemel ✦ omen ✦ hex ✦ kenochoricfluid / omenfluid / hexfluid / genderfluid kenochoric / genderfluid omen / genderfluid hex ✦ kenochoricfluix / omenfluix / hexfluix / genderfluix kenochoric / genderfluix omen / genderfluix hex ✦ kenochoricflux / omenflux / hexflux / genderflux kenochoric / genderflux omen / genderflux hex ✦ butch kenochoric / butch omen / butch hex ✦ futch kenochoric / futch omen / futch hex ✦ femme kenochoric / femme omen / femme hex
✦ xequinox / xequinon / xeuxel ✦ xenan ✦ xenogenderfluid / xenanfluid / xipfluid / genderfluid xenogender / genderfluid xenan / genderfluid xip ✦ xenogenderfluix / xenanfluix / xipfluix / genderfluix xenogender / genderfluix xenan / genderfluix xip ✦ xenogenderflux / xenanflux / xipflux / genderflux xenogender / genderflux xenan / genderflux xip ✦ butch xenogender / butch xenan / butch xip ✦ futch xenogender / futch xenan / futch xip ✦ femme xenogender / femme xenan / femme xip
Extras (Not Made By Me) :
Some of these terms already have flags made by other people. I still wanted to make them in my own style, so I made flags for terms that already have flags. I'll link the other flags I've found here, for anyone curious or wanting different designs. Note: for the links names', I just picked one term to list them as, instead of listing every term that flag can be called by, to keep it brief and more easily readable.
✦ enban, enby, and xip flags (@thehoundsflags)
✦ nonbinaryflux flags (on gender wiki)
✦ girl, aby, boy, angi, neut, xeny, girlby, birl, enby, and enboy flags (@imoga-pride)
✦ abinaryflux flag (@beyond-mogai-pride-flags)
✦ manwoman flag (@beyond-mogai-pride-flags)
✦ manwoman and boygirl flags (@flippingpancake)
✦ agender butch, femme, and futch flags (@gendertreyf)
✦ neutroisfluid / genderfluid neutrois flag (@beyond-mogai-pride-flags)
✦ mavraen flag (@outherworldlycoining)
✦ maveriquefluid flag (@beyond-mogai-pride-flags)
✦ maveriqueflux flag (@beyond-mogai-pride-flags)
✦ maveriqueflux flag (@i-love-my-trans-body)
✦ maverique butch flags (@your-bigender-big-brother)
✦ butch maverique flag (@aroaesflags)
✦ aporale and aporan flags (@noxwithoutstars)
✦ hex flag (@neopronouns)
✦ kenofluid flag (@kenochoric I think?)
✦ kenoflux flag (@revenant-coining)
✦ xip flag (@sage-writes-n-coins-mogai)
✦ original xenofluid flags (found on lgbtqia wiki, can't find original post source)
✦ xenofluid flag (@whimselle)
✦ original xenoflux flag (on lgbtqia wiki)
✦ xenoflux flag (@revenant-coining)
✦ xenoflux flag (@s-enby-s)
✦ xenofluidflux flag (DarlinCake)
✦ xenofemme, xenofutch, and xenobutch flags (@rjalker)
✦ femme, futch, and butch xen flags (@neopronouns)
✦ xenogender butch and femme flags (@queerso)
(This was only meant to list a couple of extra flags, ended up longer than expected lol)
#nonbinary#abinary#midbinary#binary#atrinary#midtrinary#trinary#androgyne#agender#neutrois#maverique#aporagender#outherine#kenochoric#xenogender#genderfluid#genderfluix#genderfluidflux#genderflux#butch#futch#femme#masterpost#compilation post#mogai#pride#pride flag
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