green-enby · 1 month
Genderfluid/flux/fluix equivalents for male/female, man/woman, and boy/girl!
You know how there's the term "enby", to usually refer to a non-binary child or teen, sometimes to an adult as well? Well, @ryanyflags compiled a list of terms similar to enby for many gender identities, as well as adult gender terms that are meant to be equivalents of woman/man (such as enban), and sex terms equivalent to female/male.
I personally felt the need for a genderfluid equivalent to all of these. For those times where I wanna call myself something like enban or enby, but underline the fluid nature of my gender. For those days where I can't, or don't want to, specify what specific gender I'm feeling in that moment, beyond it being fluid.
So I present to you:
Fluy (singular) - Fluys (plural)*.
Genderfluid equivalent of girl/boy/enby. Young genderfluid person.
(*alternative spelling: Fluie - Fluies. Let me know which one you prefer!)
Fluidan (singular) - Fluiden (plural).
Genderfluid equivalent of woman/man/enban. Adult genderfluid person.
Genderfluid equivalents of female/male, following the spelling pattern for their non-binary equivalents enbinmel/enbinox/enbinon. Alternative sex terms for a genderfluid person.
(Note: they are not meant to replace the perisex/intersex distinction. In fact, enbinox and enbinon seem to have been created by a non-binary intersex person. The post has been archived though, so I won't tag them.)
Fluxy (singular) - Fluxies (plural).
Genderflux equivalent of girl/boy/enby. Young genderflux person.
Fluxan (singular) - Fluxen (plural).
Genderflux equivalent of woman/man/enban. Adult genderflux person.
Genderflux equivalent of female/male, same as above. Alternative sex terms for a genderflux person.
Fluixy (singular) - Fluixies (plural).
Fluidflux/genderfluix equivalent of girl/boy/enby. Young fluidflux/genderfluix person.
Fluixan (singular) - Fluixen (plural).
Fluidflux/genderfluix equivalent of woman/man/enban. Adult fluidflux/genderfluix person.
Fluidflux/genderfluix equivalent of female/male, same as above. Alternative sex terms for a fluidflux/genderfluix person.
That's all from me!
Ryanyflags is also going to make flags for all these in his usual format—we discussed in our DMs—so stay tuned to their blog for that!
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