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ryanyflags · 25 days ago
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nontrinmel ✦ nontrinan ✦ nontry nontrine ✦ nontringender ✦ nontriaspec
[pt: nontrinmel, nontrinan, nontry, nontrine, nontringender, nontriaspec]
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nontrinmel / nontrinox / nontrinon : nontrinary sex label. nontrinary equivalent to male, female, enbinmel/enbinox/enbinon, etc. nontrin- in front from nontrinary, ending in -mel, -nox, and -non from the nonbinary sex labels system.
nontrinan (nontrinen) / nontrian (nontrien) : nontrinary adult. nontrinary equivalent to man/men, woman/women, enban/enben, etc. nontri(n) in front from nontrinary, ending in -an and -en like in other adult terms.
nontry (nontries & nontrys) / nonty (nonties & nontys) : nontrinary child (so a diminutive term). nontrinary equivalent to boy/boys, girl/girls, enby/enbies, etc. nont(r)y in front from nontrinary, ending in Y for being a diminutive term.
nontrine (nontrinity) / nontrinarine (nontrinarinity & nontrinarity) / nontrinine (nontrininity) : nontrinary quality. nontrinary equivalent to masculine, feminine, nonbine, etc. nontr- in front from nontrinary, ending in -ine (like in masculine and feminine), -inarine (like in nonbinarine), and -inine (like in enbinine and feminine) to detonate quality.
nontringender : an umbrella term for genders nontrine in nature, a gender defined by being nontrine, and/or a not fully defined but definitely nontrine in nature gender. nontrine equivalent to mingender, fingender, nbingender, etc. nontr- in front from nontrinary, ending in -ingender for in-nature-gender.
nontriaspec : an umbrella term for anyone on the nontrinary spectrum, including anyone whose gender is nontrinary, partly nontrinary, nontrinary aligned, nontrinary adjacent, and/or in some way similar to / resemblant of nontrinaryness. nontrinary equivalent to miaspec, fiaspec, nbiaspec, etc. nontr- in front from nontrinary, ending in -iaspec like the other spectrum terms (which themselves are based off of viaspec, hence the -ia-, but don't have any connection in terms of meaning, so just to clarify, this has nothing to do with being viaspec).
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Nontrinary terms and flags (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) !!
It would have made sense to have made them earlier, but I'm hesitant to make terms/flags if I don't understand the terms, and for some reason the meaning just didn't make click for me until now haha.
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↓ References: ✦ nontrinary coining (by @arco-pluris) ✦ extra (talking about nontrinary's definition, since my definition may not seem to line up with the above links) ✦ nonbinary options for sex labels (by nonbinarysorcery) ✦ viagender spectra (by @momma-mogai-sphinx) ✦ and I do mention some other nonbinary terms in passing, if you're curious, I have it all on my site ✦ nontrinary flag (by me) ✦ enbinox, enban, and enby flags (by me) ✦ nonbine, midbine, abine, and atrine flags (by me) ✦ nonbiaspec, nonbingender, mviaspec, and mvingender flags (by me)
(honestly, I feel like there so many things that could be linked here)
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For the flags I'm just following the formats I've used before (the last three links are examples), but with the colours of my nontrinary flag. This is already a long post, so I kind of don't feel like repeating all of that lol.
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