#empire chairs
meridabears · 11 months
Houston Loft-Style
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Inspiration for a mid-sized mediterranean formal and loft-style medium tone wood floor living room remodel with beige walls
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unfortunatelyderek · 1 year
Mudroom Foyer
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Inspiration for a large, traditional painted-wood floor and white-walled foyer renovation
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empirearchives · 10 months
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An Empire armchair. French, Napoleonic era, early 19th Century.
Source: Scala Regia
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artschoolglasses · 8 months
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Armchair made in Paris, France, 1805
From the Victoria & Albert Museum
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saym0-0 · 2 months
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hi. im an ambulatory wheelchair user fwhip truther. if you even care.
this drawing was originally for a teen/human au, hence the lack of a beard hes like 15, but tbh it could also be regular fwhip so read it as you like
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latentorogeny · 9 months
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“Enlist today!”
Thrawn and Eli at Royal Imperial inspired by those weirdly homoerotic soviet propaganda posters.
Graphic design is NOT my passion so all of the aurebesh is crooked 😭
Aurebesh Translations:
Book/plaque: Loyalty. Stability. (like its what they’re “uplifting” or promoting or whatever)
Top right corner: “Enlist Today!”
Bottom left: “Royal Imperial; security in strength, order in obedience, stand together in unity for the Empire!”
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A large-scale painting by Scott Stanley and mirrors on the rear wall fool the eye by appearing to expand the narrow living room. Handpainted pillow fabrics contribute pattern and give life to the subtle, sophisticated palette.
Southern Interiors, 1988
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darkladylumiya · 5 months
My thoughts on Tales of the Empire
I'll start with my overall thoughts - the animation is really good, though at this point the contrast between more standard Clone Wars-style models and the more realistic ones who look like they could be from a video game is a bit jarring (though this could easily be a just me thing, I've not seen anyone else talk about this), the Barriss arc was way better than the Morgan Elsbeth one, which I doubt was a surprise to anyone, though I still have some issues with both. My big thing is that, compared to Tales of the Jedi, where we get little excerpts and character moments to fill out the characters and their progression through time, here Tales of the Empire is more or less our only source for info on these characters at this point in time. We know what happens with Dooku and Ahsoka in between their episodes - we have no clue what happened to Morgan to get her from Dathomir to running a planet for example, or how Barriss went from inquisitor to hermit healer (though this example is much less extreme).
Anyway, into the arcs proper. Get excited everyone, other force witch clans are back! Like the... checks notes Mountain clan. Not Singing Mountain. Just... Mountain. Cool, thanks Filoni. A decade later you finally make other Dathomiri clans canon, but you just shave a word off a name and now it's totally your own original idea, right? And don't worry, we'll have more totally original ideas from Filoni later, but first. Okay, the first episode is kinda like... a nothing episode. We end the episode with Morgan in the same position as she was halfway through, with a strange plot where Morgan immediately tries to seduce people to the Dark Side because... I don't know, she can? And again, we have no clue how she made it off planet. Dathomir doesn't exactly get a lot of space traffic, and apparently there are droid gunships still scouring the planet looking to kill literally any Nightsister left. Surely the first episode should have dealt with her getting off-planet? And not her sowing some dissent in a clan we've never met before and never see again? Some dissent which immediately ends and goes nowhere because most of them are now dead.
Anyway, next episode, she's in charge of a planet now because she has to be for The Mandalorian to still work - surely her getting to be in charge of a planet should have been an episode? Have the first one be her family getting killed and then her getting off-planet with some scavengers or pirates or whatever, the second episode is her rise to power over this planet and then the last is her meeting Thrawn? But sure, whatever, she's in charge already, cool. She's the designer of the TIE Defender, because they love beating my boy down. I'm not even going to ask how a Nightsister who has probably never even seen a starship before her clan got murdered figured out in the however many years it's been now knows how to design one of the best starfighters out there. Let's actually address that though - how many years has it been? The Battle of Dathomir was 20 BBY. The episode starts with a shot of Coruscant, where we see six Venators before finally an Imperial-class Star Destroyer appears. This implies to me that this has to be early on in the Empire, right? The first five years or so maybe? But then in Rebels season four there's an episode where they steal a TIE Defender prototype. So it took the Empire, or I guess Thrawn more specifically, at least seven years to go from design to a single test model? That's just strange to me, but who knows, it's been forever since I've seen that Rebels episode so maybe I'm just misremembering how they talked about it there. Anyway, the thing that truly got me was Pellaeon and Rukh. Fucking Rukh. But yeah, why was Eli Vanto not here but Pellaeon was? New canon more or less replaced Pellaeon's role with Vanto, so why is he not here now but Pellaeon is? My guess - because Filoni wanted to cover all the Thrawn bases. He read a brief summary of people and things associated with Thrawn in Legends and he put them all in one episode. We have Pellaeon, we have TIE Defenders, we have fUCKINg Rukh. I genuinely do not know why the FUCK Rukh is here.
Okay, let me explain. In the original Thrawn trilogy from the 90s, Rukh is Thrawn's personal bodyguard. Rukh is a Noghri, a species who regard Darth Vader as the savior of their people because their planet got nuked during the Clone Wars (it was an accident) and Vader came in and promised to help rebuild the planet, which he did. Very slowly, so the Noghri would always be indebted to him, because as it turns out they're very good assassins and commandos. But the important thing to note is that they're sworn to Vader, and serve him. Now in the books they work for Thrawn because they're more broadly sworn to the Empire, and after Vader is dead they end up working for Thrawn once he's in charge of the Empire. But Filoni doesn't care, the Noghri are associated with Thrawn and so here Rukh is as his bodyguard testing whether Morgan can fight. As soon as she got attacked, I immediately guessed it was going to be a Noghri, but once I saw the face of her attacker I was much less sure, because the head is completely wrong for a Noghri by the way, their head looks nothing like that. But anyway I lost it when Pellaeon said Rukh's name, because I knew I was fucking right. We're just pulling out all the sick Thrawn trilogy references, but not actually using these characters in any meaningful way - Rukh is here so his character page on Wookieepedia can have a canon tab now and so Filoni can show off his cred of pretending to have read a single book in his life. Oh yes, there is another thing Rukh is famous for by the way. KILLING THRAWN. I'm sure Filoni just forgot that little detail. Or who knows, maybe he'll just recreate it word for word at some point because he cannot do anything but steal from other people's work but do it in a worse and more amateurish way. I was so upset with Rukh being here with no explanation or justification I really did not care about anything else that happened in the rest of the arc. Thrawn shows up and recruits Elsbeth and then the third episode is just her killing a diplomat and burning a forest for no reason, yeah sure whatever who cares. I simply wish at some point there would be a notable character from Legends who is just... left there, and doesn't get dragged by cowboy hat man into whatever nostalgia bait ploy or attempt to pretend he has ever read a book, because the nostalgia bait doesn't work anymore. It just doesn't - it simply pisses me off. You're reminding me of better stories while I watch your lame shows, Filoni. Is that really what you want?
Ugh. Anyway, Barriss. I have a lot less to say because it's actually pretty good. I think it's way too short and she deserved way more screentime, or at the least not having to share an equal amount with Morgan Elsbeth (who I honestly forgot was even in the Mandalorian, I genuinely thought she was made up for the Ahsoka tv show for a while she's so forgettable). Anyway, the fundamental flaw is still that Barriss's massive heel-turn change of heart came out of nowhere and makes little sense with her character as established, so while this does a decent job at building upon that, it doesn't change that her arc in The Clone Wars makes no sense and was obviously chosen so that Ahsoka could be emotionally devastated by her best friend betraying her. A different complaint I then have is like... when did Barriss, woman who killed over a dozen people in a terrorist bombing, at least one of whom was someone she knew and liked, Barriss who murdered a woman in cold blood and purposefully framed her best friend so she could get away with this bombing, Barriss who convinces a wife to make her husband into a living bomb, Barriss who kills three clones with her friend's lightsabers to set her up even further and leads her purposefully where she has stashed more of the same bomb material, and indeed Barriss who kills someone who seemed to be her friend with the same technique she used to kill the woman who was about to rat her out - you want me to believe she suddenly has an issue with killing a village full of people? I'm sorry, but you have to actually explain how she sees this as different. Because you don't actually address at any point how she might feel about her terrorism now, or even what exactly her moral compass is. Killing innocents is good when she does it bad bad when it doesn't make the political statement she wants to make? I just don't get it. Anyway, final episode is the best of the series because it does the most to actually have a moral and message and actually does something pretty interesting? Whether she dies or not (I doubt she does personally), it's still an interesting setup for something else, either another season of this or a comic or book or whatever, to come back to and follow what the hell Lyn (and probably Barriss too) does now. I'm also glad Filoni finally remembered Barriss's specialty was healing actually, and not terrorism, even though we don't actually get to see her do any healing, with the Force or otherwise. Oh also, why does she look so old? It's like she aged 50 years over the course of 10? Like Lyn looks exactly the same but Barriss looks like she's 80. Idk, that was weird. Anyway I've rambled long enough, Filoni is still a hack who's never read a book in his life, but the Barriss stuff here was pretty good, at least somewhat enjoyable throughout. If you watch anything, watch that - all the Morgan Elsbeth stuff is terribly forgettable or outright frustrating.
5/6 edit: I’ve fixed Eli’s name (sorry Eli) and while it’s been pointed out to me that Rukh is in Rebels, a fact I was unaware of, I’m going to maintain the rant as it stands with this disclaimer here at the end - Rukh was in Rebels and was not originally added in this show. However, I still think his design sucks.
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salethe2 · 1 year
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Suitless Darth Vader. Just a very rough sketch I made while listening to the Thrawn: Alliances audiobook.
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weatheredcopper · 2 years
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this isnt getting finished ever but here's more of my 's2 lizzie and gem are actually besties' agenda. they're having afternoon tea
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radi0dontt · 2 years
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the coolest crossover event of all time <3
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ranjxtul · 1 year
dance moms came out over a decade ago and it’s still a beloved piece of culture, like abby lee is a very abusive person and i genuinely hope the girls are doing okay at this point, but i eat that shit up every time. like goddamn dance moms is my roman empire
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Love how we were all hoping for a Jimmy villain arc when in reality we're getting a "loveable character who's always been a little bit off the rails but he's funny so you think he's pretty harmless until an Inciting Incident TM that causes him to go mad with power and now two sworn enemies have to put aside their differences to take down the bigger threat" arc
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visenyaism · 2 years
something something dany using dragons to combat slavery vs the origin of the valyrian empire, shepherds who were under threat of old ghis, perhaps taming dragons to combat the empire taking slaves in the first place.. .. the first vs the last etc etc
it’s literally so. the Valyrians raised up their dragons to protect their flock from Old Ghis and then once they were on top they decided to turn their dragons on everyone else in essos and spread slavery even further until after several long centuries their entire civilization collapsed under the weight of their own rot. And the very last of them fled and turned their dragons on Westeros until THEY collapsed under the weight of their own rot too. And the very very last of them brought dragons back through sheer force of miracle and hope and she’s using them to END the cycle and eliminate the last remnants of the Valyrian empire even though she’s never wanted anything more than to go home…she is the beginning she is the very end. everything, really.
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artschoolglasses · 25 days
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Desk chair, French, 1804-14
From the Met Museum
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saym0-0 · 2 months
hi count fwhip's red scarf was heavily enchanted with blast protection, like, one of the strongest survival player-made enchantments recorded on fabric and gem made it as a gift. in the rapture explosion he brought it up to cover his head and neck which is what saved him from permanent scarring and disfigurement around his head and neck. :3. the rest of his body, as you may know from my other posts/art was not so lucky (scarring nearly everywhere, esp on the right side of his body and lower right leg blasted to bits/amputated :p)
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