#elves x humans
darkcrowprincess · 2 years
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Ok so the dragon prince season 4. What can I say. Well first off the only way to defeat hate is with love. And Im loving all the elf x human ships this season.
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Though yes not a lot of rayllum this season and their reunion was anti climactic. I have hope for next season because of that hug in the end. Claudia I love her going down her dark path. She is full dark mage now and I love it! 😈😈😈 I also love Terry the earthblood elf trans male character. Will write a whole other post about him later. But I love him and hope nothing bad happens to him. I hope he's secretly evil too and that him and Claudia can be evil together. Happy and evil!
The Jamaya scenes! They getting married! Janai will be queen! She is hoping to lead her people to peace with the humans. She beat up her brother who better respect her now. I am just so happy that she gets to be queen and marries the woman she loves!
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Callum going down a dark path an might get possessed by Aaravos! Love it! I love that shit and I hope for good angst Rayla is their to see it.
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Soren was adorable this season and I just loved him making friends with all the dragons. The dragon queen even adores him!
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Lastly, I'm probably not the only one who got the vibe that the dragon queen and Rex Igneous probably were a thing before the queen mated/married/ got with Zyms father. Rex still has feelings for her. No just me?
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sapphirebunnyart · 1 year
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I think I may have a thing for ferelden blonds with redhead elven mages lol.
Messy sketches of my Inquisitor, Kayla with Cullen and my Warden, Rose with Alistair.
I love these dorks so much *sob*
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silken-moonlight · 3 months
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Elf boyfriend and you sharing the same evening routine. Brushing each others hair, oiling the ends before putting in a sleep braid. Softly singing while doing that. Combs made out of crystal, products from the forests...crafted by nature. Crafted by elves.
Your sleepwear is the finest linen; your skin has never been softer. You do his skincare, and he does yours. You put the lip oil on him, but he can't resist and kisses you; your lips were too close not to. You scold him with a soft "tut." He smiles and holds still for you to reapply the oil. Of course, he does the same for you.
You apply lotion and body oil to each other. This is the closest form of intimacy in elven culture: taking care of each other and trusting each other.
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Divider credit: @thecutestgrotto
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specshroom · 4 months
I imagine elves would think that humans are pretty masculine no matter their gender like the way we think elves look feminine and dainty no matter their gender.
So imagine an elf guy who assumes that humans like to be told how big and strong they are just cus they're usually more muscular than elves. He ends up flirting with a pretty feminine looking woman the same way you would a masculine man like,
"Oh wow~ Your so stroong~ "
He touches her arm, which is not at all muscular by human standards,
"Do you work out?"
And the woman's just like “...😐 Are u making fun of me?“
And the poor elf guy is trying to figure out where he went wrong 😭😭 He just thought all humans liked being complemented on their comparatively more masculine body types.😭
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Please, what are you headcanons about Astarion and human Tav/Durge? There's obviously the angsty issue of humans having one of the shortest life spans of all DnD races but that's only as angsty as you want it to be in this setting (and the stories you can tell about it are what makes it fascinating). Still... What's your take on it? Would that be a disaster for a proud immortal elf?
Since humans are very diverse I decided to take female human Tav who isn't exactly a big girl but would be considered "curvy" by human beauty standarts.
Astarion x F!Human!Tav
You are the third child born into a big family of seven.
Unlike your sisters, you are that girl who is always teased for "eating too much" or "needing too much fabric for a dress."
It would bother you if you had issues with self-esteem. But you don't.
"At least, I have some tits and ass!" you jokingly say to people who decide to comment on your looks.
Besides, your father, a native to Frost North, has always told you that "the bigger a woman is, the more chances she survives a winter".
You inherited from your northern ancestors' red hair, the color of fire.
Freckles dance over your pale skin and, when you laugh, you can be heard in the neighboring village.
Since there's not much for you in life apart from marriage, you sign up to join an adventure party.
Being an adventurer isn't easy. It's dangerous for a lonely woman but you manage to find friends and learn how to protect yourself.
And you are still this jolly human woman who just can't allow herself to stop because your years are so short.
You probably regret this attitude when locked inside the Mindflayer's pod with a nasty tadpole behind your eyes.
You gather this group of traumatized people - it's not like you are the most competent person, but you are, at least, not experiencing the meltdown!
Astarion immediately catches your eye - he is an elf. And it's a common knowledge humans see elves as the most beautiful creatures ever.
Does he think he manipulates you into protecting him? Too bad. You decided you weren't leaving this adventure without this handsome elven man by your side.
A vampire? Even better.
You are much stronger than him and a bit taller.
You can easily pick him since his bones are so light.
And he adores your body.
Your breasts are pretty big and your thighs are soft.
He likes using your boobs as a pillow and you don't mind - because it gives you full access to his hair.
Or putting his head on your soft belly and thighs.
He also adores your body hair - especially the one in private parts.
"You know among humans it's considered ugly unless you are a man"
"No wonder human women prefer elves."
You look adorable in dresses with deep necklines and ribbons in your curly red hair.
And Astarion loves seeing you in the morning, when you, awake from your long human sleep, look at the world with puffy eyes trying to apprehend wtf you saw in your dreams.
"Don't even ask, human's dreams are fucked up."
When Astarion is distressed, you often put him on your knees and lull him like a child.
And it's difficult for him to adapt to your lifestyle.
You are considered a slow type for a human but you are still a human
You are ambitious, loud, and fast. You have so little time left, you want to experience it to the fullest.
You are smart, brave, skilled and unstoppable like a human traveler, who decided they want to reach the edge of the world.
You keep being adventurers until it's too difficult for you.
Your red hair turns white, and you have wrinkles. You aren't a jolly red-haired girl any longer.
You are a jolly old lady who can both bake cookies for neighbor kids and beat someone's abuser with a hammer.
The time passes fast and it's time for you to go.
"You were quite an adventure, Astarion", you whisper to him
"And you were everything", he replies holding his tears back.
Astarion wants to leave the moment you find rest in your grave, but your family, the loud red-haired clan doesn't let him go.
Well, it's not like any of them were ever prepared to have a vampire for an uncle but here they are.
Astarion visits them from time to time, seeing how children grow up, how new things get old, and how the village becomes a town and then a city.
Human lives are so short, they make the most of them
Astarion visits less and less and only some of the oldest residents of the city know about him.
"Oh, yeah… I remember. My grandmother once told me her great-grandfather's sister was married to a vampire."
Sitting at the seashore, waiting to sail to the Isle of Evermeet, Astarion remembers the words he once heard from an old elf.
"You need to fall in love with a human at least once in your life."
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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edges-of-night · 1 month
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・゚♡ Being Lady Galadriel's servant would include...
✧ you giving in to your desire for longing glances, only for her to (of course) instantly notice and smile at you like you did not just commit a most indecent faux pas
✧ a warmth in your chest fuelled by her eternal light and grace
✧ her playfully asking you about your opinion: on which jewellery would look best in her golden hair, which dessert she should have tonight, which of tonight's songs you liked best…
✧ exchanging knowing looks over a banquet
✧ you making sure you know everything about her routine and preferences, only to change it up once in a while to make her laugh at the surprise
✧ her letting you know at any given opportunity that she values your loyalty and respect
✧ receiving gifts so precious and expensive you wonder if they were really meant for you – until a lovely handwritten note in Sindarin gives you confirmation that they are in fact from Galadriel for you
✧ her asking you to sing for her out of the blue and listening to your music with great joy
✧ her modestly helping you pick up the tablet you carried when you fell (it is hard to walk Lórien's stairs when you are blinded by beauty)
✧ you fumbling and blushing – which only delights her more, of course
✧ her letting you in on ancient Elven secrets because of how much she trusts you
✧ you defending her passionately even when she is not around
✧ the other servants snickering and chuckling at how smitten you are with your Lady!
Book Bonus:
✧ bonding with Gimli over how beautiful you both find your Lady (and picking fights with Éomer who thinks otherwise)
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misstycloud · 2 years
Yandere!Hunter x Elf!Reader
Yandere!hunter who is the village’s loner. He rarely talks to anyone else, instead he prefers to keep to himself in his cabin secluded from the town.
Yandere!hunter who has heard legends about the kinds of creatures living in the forest nearby, the one that almost no one goes into. Well, except him of course. The place was gianourmus and hard to find the way out the moment you set foot inside. It was like a maze. One you’ll be trapped in forever if you weren’t careful.
Yandere!hunter who regards himself as a logical man and therefore doesn’t believe a word of those silly tales. They were just bedtime stories for kids, something parents used to keep them out of the woods.
Yandere!hunter who goes into the woods in hunt for prey, he needed meat to sell at the market; also he was in urgency of food on the table. He had to eat and lazing around the cabin wouldn’t solve anything.
Yandere!hunter who definitely doesn’t believe in things like elves. Ethereal, intelligent and magical, how could a perfect being be real. They don’t exist. But how come he met you?
Yandere!hunter who was just as surprised as you to come across another creatures on your adventure through the high trees. You immediately raised your guard when you saw him. He was a stranger, a potential threat to your life.
Yandere!hunter who was taken aback by your beauty. No one he’d ever seen before could compare to you. There was just something about you that instantly drew him in like a moth to a flame. You were obviously not a mortal, that was for sure. The hunter started thinking back to the legends, perhaps they were in fact true. There really were magical creatures such as elves living in the woods.
Yandere!hunter who lowered his weapons to show you that he wasn’t intending on harming you. Then he slowly inched closer to you, barely daring to breathe in fear of you simply being an illusion of being there for too long.
Yandere!hunter who is overjoyed when you don’t run away and chose to stay and talk to him. It had been a while since he last held a conversation longer than two sentences.
Yandere!hunter who is desperate when you say you needed to go home and begs you to meet with him in the same spot the next night. He had to speak to you again, he must get to know you more. Luckily you agree to his request, albeit a bit reluctantly at first while looking over your shoulder deeper into the forest. As if you were worried about something in there.
Yandere!hunter who is thoroughly enjoying the conversations you two share every night. Not only were you wonderful on the outside, you were heavenly on the inside too. So kind and full of life, always curious about things and willing to learn.
Yandere!hunter who thinks your pointed ears are just adorable and let’s you feel his own rounded ones. How your face lits up when you are allowed to touch his ears is so cute, he thinks.
Yandere!hunter who absolutely loves when you ask him questions regarding his life. You showed interest in him! He answers all questions honestly, only wanting to reveal himself to you. You were the first person to ask him about his day and his likes, it warmed his heart to the point of it feeling like it’s going to explode.
Yandere!hunter who is sad when his inquiries concerning your life is responded with vague and short replies. You say that you can’t really tell him that much about your society, that it would be unfair to the others.
Yandere!hunter who realises he can’t live without you in his life. He must have you with him. What if you’re not safe? What if someone’s being mean towards you? What if another comes for your hand?
Yandere!hunter who won’t let anyone else have you when he needs you the most. The next time you meet, he supposed he’ll have to convince you that he is a much better option and you’ll be happier with him.
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lamemaster · 1 year
Ways to Coax Your Beloved
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Pairing: Glorfindel x Reader
Genre: Romance, fluff (i swear) , sprinkle of angst
Summary: What began as a minor disagreement now feels like an insurmountable chasm between you two. Never before had an argument lasted so long.
AN: written directly on Tumblr interface this is my mania. Enjoy!
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"I've brought us some snacks," you carefully balance the tray on the balcony railing. "Cakes, tea, cookies, crackers, cream rolls – I've got everything." He remains facing away from you, his back tense and unyielding to your words.
"Glorfindel," you take a hesitant step closer, your hand hovering in the air. But before you can say more, he disappears once again. This has been the pattern for a week, the longest and most trying week of your life.
What began as a minor disagreement now feels like an insurmountable chasm between you two. Never before had an argument lasted so long. Your beloved simply did not care to hold on to grudges for long.
Sighing, you lifted the tray, contemplating an excuse that wouldn't draw the pitying gazes of the kitchen staff.
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"How do you coax a sulking elf?" Erestor looks up from his book. You had never really conversed much with him before this. There was never a reason to. "Specifically a thousands of years old being whose been born twice and is quite a legend."
Much to your surprise, Erestor does not find your humor hilarious. Leave for slight amusement in his eyes there is little appreciation for your jest.
"I would rather you not discuss this with me," the stern looking elf replies as he simply turns back to his tomes. Yikes! Awkwardly swinging your arms you try to plan for a slightly less awkward exit. "Ah yes," picking up the closest book you plan for your emergency exit from the unforgiving company, "I would like to get this book."
With another scathing look directed your way, Erestor meticulously wrapped your borrowed book in a fancy-looking cloth. "Keep it away from any water, heat, or dirt. Any damage is unacceptable," he instructed curtly.
You solemnly nodded, understanding the gravity of his instructions. "Sounds good," you responded with a casual tone, but Erestor's raised eyebrow reminded you that casualness wasn't his forte.
As you turned to leave, you almost collided with the bookshelf, which seemed to have crept up on you. "Oof," you muttered, swaying your way out of the room.
Then, Erestor's voice halted your steps. "Try Asfaloth," he suggested.
With a wide grin, you turned around and threw a jolly salute to Erestor, who had already returned to his books as if nothing had changed.
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Armed with Erestor's invaluable intel, you ventured to the stables. Before arriving there, you made sure to thoroughly search your quarters, Glorfindel's rooms, and other frequently visited areas of the dwelling. Finally, you descended to the stables, where your beloved's horse awaited.
"Asfaloth, my boy, how I've missed you!" Your heartfelt enthusiasm was met with an equally excited neigh from the elegant white stallion. Despite towering over you, Asfaloth possessed a temperament that invited nurturing from anyone.
Performing a playful dance with light stomps to celebrate your arrival was entirely unnecessary but undeniably enjoyable. Or perhaps it was the not-so-well-concealed carrots you held in your hands that fueled your jubilant display. "Have you seen him?" you posed a question to the horse, though you knew full well that, despite elven claims, horses did not possess the gift of speech.
Approaching the gentle giant that was Asfaloth, you deftly ensured that he didn't gobble the carrots too quickly. "Patience," you murmured, adjusting the treats to prevent any mishaps. Abandoning the idea of petting the eager horse, you directed all your focus toward preventing a choking incident. You were acutely aware that Glorfindel would never forgive you if Asfaloth were to asphyxiate on your offerings.
"Where is he, Asfaloth?" Your fingers continued to caress the munching horse as you briefly entertained the idea that, just maybe, the elves were right, and Asfaloth understood you.
No fancy braiding or delicate floral decorations adorned his mane this time. "Why is he avoiding you? What have you done?" you pondered aloud, earning a pitiful whine from your equine companion. "I know, incredibly rude, I must say," you commented, deciding against attempting to braid Asfaloth's mane for the sake of both the world's sanity and your own. Instead, you settled on a comfortable pile of hay, hoping you weren't sitting on Asfaloth's dinner from the previous night.
"I brought him flowers, snacks, I even endured the drudgery of laundry, and I despise laundry. I got him books, a random flute, baked him a cake, and even learned a new card trick. But not a single reaction!" You confided in Asfaloth, desperately hoping for some form of understanding and equally enthusiastic compassion. To your relief, Asfaloth seemed to offer a sympathetic snort at just the right moment.
"You wouldn't believe it, but I even dared to venture into Erestor's little cave for intel. I'm at my wit's end, my friend," you sighed, realizing that the hay pile was indeed quite comfortable.
"I mean, I could try going to the nearest town for something, but I doubt I'd find anything better than these snobbish elves. Besides, those townsfolk charge outrageous prices," you continued, and Asfaloth leaned in, sniffing your satchel in hopes of more treats. Allowing the horse to continue his investigation, you didn't stop him. "I might dip into some of those savings. Perhaps Glorfindel would appreciate some rustic tools, eh?" Tired of Asfaloth's curiosity, you playfully tossed your empty satchel into the corner, which, for some inexplicable reason, Asfaloth chased like an adorable hound.
Tucked away in Asfaloth's cozy abode, you couldn't recall when your consciousness had faded into that blissful six-hour nap – the kind you cherished above all others. In the realm of bizarre dreams, you found yourself pinned to a pile of hay, unable to relinquish the unconventional comfort. Maybe Erestor had been onto something when he recommended Asfaloth.
However, your tranquil slumber was abruptly shattered as a metaphorical tsunami wreaked havoc on your sleeping form. Gasping, you struggled to make sense of the blurry world that seemed to whirl too rapidly for your groggy vision to follow.
"Y/n, oh Eru, you're awake!" A voice echoed through your sleep-addled and hazy thoughts.
Grasping the strong arms that held you close, you attempted to piece together the disaster that had overtaken you. "Wha-" your words faltered as you laid eyes on the tearful and sniffling elf standing before you. It was your first time witnessing such an emotional display, and you couldn't quite believe that elves were capable of producing snot.
Shaking off your mental fog, you slowly realized the peculiar predicament you were in. You were seated on a pile of hay, within the stable, beneath Asfaloth's unflinching gaze, and enfolded tightly in the embrace of the Balrog-slayer himself.
"I-I thought you left. You left like you said," Glorfindel stammered, your hands gently cupped your hiccupping beloved's face as his words tumbled out faster than you could process. "I couldn't find you… I had to… I rushed here, and then, you were… your eyes closed like that." Using your sleeves, you wiped away the relentless tears (and yes, even the snot) that streamed down his face as you sought a way to soothe Glorfindel's overwhelming emotions.
You couldn't help but internally curse yourself for your rambling that had led to this emotional upheaval. Days ago, beneath the relentless blanket of snow and impenetrable clouds, your thoughts had wandered without restraint.
"It happens, Glorfindel," you offered in an attempt to console him, "weariness of the world is unavoidable, even more so for Men. A slight change in weather can trigger it. After all, we are bound to some place beyond this." Your words seemed to offer little solace, evident from your beloved's reddening face.
"It is only natural to ponder death or the end. We Men are born with this burden, so it's not unnatural for such thoughts to sneak in. We call it 'existentialism.' But those ramblings mean nothing right now. I would not leave you, vanish into thin air, or transform into an insect just because the snow wouldn't relent." Your words carried a hint of playfulness, but there was undeniable truth in them. You would depart one day, for a fate separate from his. Before that day came, you both would endure the passage of time, a force that dared not mar the Balrog-slayer.
You harbored thoughts about evading him before he witnessed such a sight, but you knew you had some time left. A few years before you would spend eons waiting for another reunion.
But you chose not to speak of those deeper truths.
"But," you interjected, and Glorfindel perked up at the unexpected word. "I would tell everyone about this if you don't stop being an absolute grump." Just like that, the tension surrounding you both dissipated. "Imagine, 'Balrog Slayer, The Balrog Slayer,' in the stables – hmph!" Your words were cut off as Glorfindel playfully covered your face with his hand.
Even with reddened eyes and a rosy nose, your beloved looked every bit his old self. All traces of your angst and his sorrow dissipated into the slightly stinky breath of Asfaloth.
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thechaoticdruid · 7 months
I could see that elves would find human ears cute. Especially, if they make a human blush enough to the point the pink/reddening of the skin makes it from the cheeks all the way to the human’s ears.
Yes! Finally someone has decided to speak up about this! I also think that elves may just like how small human ears are compared to their own. It's a fun little switcheroo of the human fawning over elf ears trope that I think needs to be explored a little.
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the-unconquered-queen · 11 months
Thinking about the age gap between Tyril x elf!MC.
Thinking about how Tyril is the elven equivalent of 25 even though he's about 75 actual years old.
Thinking about how we don't know how old MC is but we do know that they are within two years of Kade's age (or even the same age—I think I found an inconsistency) and that the two of them were orphaned and subsequently adopted about 20 years ago, which MC says is as long as they remember (despite the fact that on more than one occasion MC has mentioned remembering their parents, most notably in b2 they mention remembering their parents' teachings, which means MC wasn’t an infant when they were killed).
Thinking about how Tyril said MC is young for an elf.
Thinking about how by elven standards, 20 human years makes one "very small" (equivalent of a 6 y/o).
Thinking about how elven years must work very oddly because if their average lifespan is 300 years, then an elf who is 30 (random guesstimate for MC—they're likely a little bit younger) would be the equivalent of 10, which tracks with the "very small" comment, but which would not make MC the adult they very clearly are (and keep in mind that elves reach maturity at 50, which would be the equivalent of 16 in human years).
And also thinking about how I either have MC's backstory mixed up or there are some small inconsistencies that make it very difficult to tell but even disregarding the math above, the best I can reason is that Tyril is one of those dudes in their 20s who goes after the barely legal teenagers 😬
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tadpole-apocalypse · 10 months
I think I’m really into romancing Astarion as a human cause it just makes for such a fun dynamic in my head. He’d see them as short lived little mayflys, aging and dying in the blink of an eye…why bother forming relationships or even learning their names? They’ll be gone before he knows it. It’s bad enough he has to deal with the immortal ones, like Petras.
Except for the one that got her clutches onto his soul and now he has to cherish every single second he’s got before it’s over.
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kyotamination · 6 months
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Climb (OC's)
Hallr showing Tilde the ropes, woodland style 🪵🌲
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floriianthefool · 1 year
the stars are eternal (and we were not)
Angry gaze, battle stance, and, curiously enough, a bejewelled staff worthy of an Archmage. This was his first impression of you.
He first met you when roaming the skies of the Endless Plains, streaky pink and peach marking the first blush of dawn. The green grass plains appeared to roll on for an eternity, as endless as the cosmos. With the sky above and land below, he felt free, unconstrained by his earthly shackles.
His peace was disturbed, screaming and yells of anger reaching him. Below, a group of miniatures were fighting against a sun mage, a wall of fire separating them from a fleeing group. Strange, sunfire elves in the Endless Plains, no less fighting other elves.
Smoothing a patient smile upon his face, he flew down, patting his moonbeast's flank. Eyes burning, he choked on arid smoke and burnt flesh, casting a simple spell to breathe clean air. Moondancer huffed, shaking her head, landing heavily. Dismounting, he surveyed the scene.
Flickering fire clawed at the sky, thick smoke heavy in the air. Earthblood elf corpses littered the ground, claret bleeding into the soil, the stench of death pressing in. And at the centre, a human mage, glimmering staff pointed at him.
"Tell me, elf, do you too hunger for death?"
You were beautiful.
"Tell me, why the sun arcanum? What drew you to sun magic?"
You grinned wryly, perched on the table in the run-down human bar you'd invited him to. In disguise of course. "I was waiting for you to ask me that." Candle-light flickered across the planes of your face, eyes dark and knowing. "I cannot say what drew me to the sun arcanum, only that I knew it called to me. Using it's magic, I felt so alive. I suppose that's how you feel about the star arcanum."
He adjusted the hood of his inky black cloak, a silvery sheen to the fabric that drew the eye, shifting on the hard wooden bench. "I feel that I am hardly inconspicuous, even in my elegant attire." Even facing away from the other patrons, he could feel their eyes burning against his back, ears straining for even a whisper of the mysterious conversation between a cloaked stranger and the human mage.
"They won't give you any trouble." You looked over his shoulder, gaze hardening. "They know you're with me, and that is all they need to know." You leant forward, smile gleaming, hand daringly placed upon his own. "Now tell me, how might I learn to access the earth arcanum?"
You were fascinating.
"You... care for me?"
"Is it so difficult to believe?" Head tilted, your fingers brushed over his own, before quickly darting away, movement jittery.
For once in his life, he was uncertain.
This confession had been unexpected. You and he had been collecting rare moonflowers (you hoped to cultivate them in your own garden), alone in the glade except for the moon lighting the land with her pearly glow. Once finished filling the basket, you had decided to stay, encouraging him to stargaze with you. You weren't an elf, you didn't know that this was how many star-touched elves confessed, revealed their love. And yet, and yet- somehow, some way, you knew. You knew and you had confessed and you had taken the time to learn more about his people and you cared and-
Apprehensive at his pause, you said, "It's okay if-"
"I care for you as well," he found himself saying. And he meant it. He adored you, cared for you, loved you, more than he imagined himself capable of. From the first moment he had met you, he found himself enamoured by your very presence, his heart the tides to your moon. If he loved you any less, he may have hated you for it. "Life is dull without you, my love. Without the sun of your presence, the land is dark and cold. My moon, my love, shall we gaze at the stars together for all eternity?"
You smiled coyly, hand twining with his own. "Lovely poetry, come up with it on your own?"
He smirked. "Yes, did you enjoy my elegant prose?"
You shifted closer, bringing your hand to his cheek, fingers tenderly cupping his face. "It was very romantic. Makes my confession seem bland in comparison."
"I quite enjoyed yours." He too moved closer, looping an arm around your waist. "It was so earnest, so honest. Very in character."
"Really?" you breathed. Your grin broadened, a mix between delighted and mischievous. Incredibly tempting, dare he say it.
He kissed you.
The market place bustled around him, air brimming with life and energy. Shiny bolts of fabric in every colour of the rainbow hung against burnt red clay walls, venders and shoppers alike chatted in a mix of languages all different from each other, creating a buzz that faded into the background. Wooden stalls on either side lined the streets, hosting every item imaginable, from children's toys to rare magical artifacts and intricate weapons crafted from magical metal. The sun burned overhead, light hazy as it pierced through silk sheets covering the air above the market, providing shade from its relentless heat. And the aromatic, delicious smell of fresh food straight off the fire, constant and pressing in causing his stomach to rumble.
All around him, humanity thrived, flourished. He had never seen so many humans, all so different from one another, different heights and colours, different tongues. But all content, all at peace. They were not the magicless monsters the elves had painted them as, he had yet to see any human undeserving of life.
And you, always you, leading him through the human market. You wanted to show him something, something important. Important enough for him to once again be in disguise, although he doubted it was incredibly helpful your fellow humans were stopping around him, staring and whispering. Unable to contain their surprise. He doubted they would be to happy to see an elf, a mage no less, intruding in their sanctuary. He hoped you weren't going to do something dangerous.
At last, you came to a pause, staring up at a two-story building that seemed almost out of place considering the thin winding streets you had led him through. People constantly came in and out of the building, placed at the intersection of five different streets, almost like a focal point the rest of the market had been built around.
You turned to him. "Okay, so, uh." He raised a brow. "Okay, you may be a bit surprised, since, well, what I'm about to show you is very - very strange. But, I think you'll think it's cool." You nervously laughed. "Amazing actually."
"I'm sure I'll be sufficiently amazed." He takes your hands in his own, squeezing. "You need not worry." He smiles at you reassuringly, and you return it, albeit with a hint of nerves.
"Okay, so, let's go." You grin widely, pulling him into the what he soon came to know as the library. His fellow elves would be in shock to know humans had libraries, let alone written language.
You soon showed him the surprise, and he was amazed. To think, all this time, you had been teaching your fellow humans primal magic, helping him to connect to the arcanums. Mixed with his wonder at your kindness and general awe at human tenacity, the thought that his kin would not be happy with this could not help but linger at the back of his mind. This would have far-reaching consequences, ones humanity and elven kind would not be prepared to face.
"You should heed my warning." Aaravos felt helpless, flustered (he'd never felt this way before). You ignored him, still barking out orders to your numerous apprentices. All around him, human mages swarmed the meeting space, all frantic, all hurried, urgently carrying out your orders, carting books, scrolls, tapestries, artifacts. "Flee to the west, beyond the setting sun. Leave Norvos, leave Xadia."
You frowned, irritated as you lug a large tome to the boxes piled in the centre of the room. "You know I cannot. I must stay here, be with my people. I cannot flee, run away with my tail between my legs." You turn to him, gaze harsh. "You know this."
He wanted to scream, to grab you by the shoulders, shake you until you saw sense. "Let go of your foolish human pride and go. The elves and dragons won't spare you, nor your people. Take them with you." He grabbed your hands, bringing them to him.
Your scowl deepened. "I cannot bring millions of people with me to the west. I can't just uproot them from their homes. Xadia is their home as well. You cannot ask this of me."
"The elves and dragons will not spare you. They will bring fire and raze all you love to the ground." His grip tightened, plea entering his voice. "Leave Xadia, come with me to the west. It'll be an adventure, just the two of us. Just like you always wanted."
"Aaravos, I-"
"They're going to kill you!"
The room grew quiet, all eyes turning to him, the lone elf in their midst.
"And what of it?" You pulled away, taking a step back. A chasm sprang between him and you, he felt the loss like a missing limb. "Do you think us helpless? Unable to defend ourselves from the 'higher beings'? If they wish to fight with fire, let them, they took will die in the flames. Humanity will persevere, endure."
The room cheered, fists up in salute.
"You will die, all of you! The dragons-"
"Get out." Your voice was cold, cold where it had always been warm. "Leave Aaravos, and come back when you change your attitude."
"Fine, die with your useless pride. It won't warm you in the grave." He stormed out, door slamming behind. You were a fool, a prideful fool who could never acknowledge when it was time to flee. But no matter, you would see sense soon. And he too would come back when he had calmed down. They still had time, time before they came. His kin would not march for another week.
He was wrong.
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Good news the doc full of monster stories is done! Ofc I’ll keep adding to it randomly but there is also a link added on the doc where you can request sexualities, monsters, situations, etc to be added due to popular request.
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Hi! I love your writing and especially your headcanons🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻
Could I request Gur/Monster hunter Tav with Astarion? I feel like it would be a really interesting dynamic, kind of enemies to lovers. It could involve Tav questioning their long-held beliefs about monsters and vampires as they grow closer to Astarion. I don’t know!
Hope you like the idea!🤍🤍🤍
Hi! It took me time to think something coherent about the Gurs and I hope it won't dissapoint you! In this HCs, Tav isn't a "tadfool" - she is a companion in the Astarion Origin Run he picks up in Act 2.
Astarion x Gur!Tav
You were ordered to get bring to his master.
Once Gandrel failed and, presumably, died, you were ordered to complete the mission.
Of course, Astarion is a monster. He kidnapped the children of your tribe.
But you also question why your clan works for a vampire lord.
How come? Why?
The Gur demand their youth to respect the elders. You are violently beaten for disobedience.
Your people have a unique way of life. They are nomads who couldn't care less about the laws of big cities and small towns.
Laws are for the weak. Only the tradition matters.
And it often means violence.
You find the tadfools in the Shadow Cursed Lands.
They rest in the camp and Astarion is among them.
You can't believe those idiots allowed the vampire to be the leader!
You try to attack him stealthily while he's meditating, but he immediately wakes up and pins you to the ground.
The rest of the camp wakes up and, instead of helping, you they tie you up demanding to say who you are.
You keep telling them Astarion is a monster, he must be brought to his master...
"So, you think I am evil but it's you who work for Cazador? Am I getting this right?"
He tells you his side of the story.
Your ancestors decided Baldur's Gate was their hunting ground. He introduced the law to protect the citizens.
A night assault. Revenge.
The vampire, drinking his blood.
Slavery, tortures.
The miserable destiny of a spawn who can't say "no" to his master.
A mere puppet acting on his master's commands.
Your people - working for the person they were supposed to hate the most.
It shocks you, but the puzzle comes together.
You stay at the party, not knowing what to do.
As the journey goes you see Astarion as someone you couldn't believe he was.
The leader. The fighter.
You constantly quarrel. He sees your people as no more than savages, the wild descendants of the Rashemi.
You prove him otherwise by telling what the Gurs really are.
Your honor, your beliefs, your world, your traditions.
It bewilders Astarion and he spends nights listening to your stories and legends.
And he introduces you to something else - the prospects of living outside the tradition. The chance to see the world from a different angle.
Your love evolves slowly and one night you offer him yourself.
First, your blood.
Then, your body.
When you reach Baldur's Gate, you are approached by the Elders - and you beg them to reconsider the decision to hunt Astarion.
Besides, what if the children are still alive?
You see the despise and hatred in your elders' eyes - your bite mark is visible in the sun.
The fight with Cazador goes hard, and you are at a loss for words, screaming to stop the ritual.
As Astarion collapses on his knees and weeps, you cover him with your cape, assuring he is safe.
Your clan promises they won't hunt Astairion down anymore - he is free to walk those lands.
But you-
You have to choose.
If you stay with the Gurs, you leave Astarion and forget him.
If you choose him, you are no longer a Gur.
Simple as that.
Your society is run on traditions as old as time. Your blood, your clan, and your family must prevail.
Astarion squeezes your hand and you know he will fight for you if necessary.
But you made your choice a long time ago.
You are a Gur. And will always be. The elders can't take this from you.
But if they can't accept you, so be it.
Post-game, Astarion and you become monster hunters and adventurers.
You go hand in hand into the future.
Your human life isn't going to be long - and Astarion is ready to spend with you every day till the death takes you.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @queenofthespacesquids
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sundogsandrainbows · 1 month
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Yes, after three years I'm finally back to writing this story and have been done so several weeks already, actually :D But since my tumblr got erroneously terminated for over a week or more, I only now can post about it, sigh. Anyway, yay for another update?
STORY SUMMARY: Trust is a delicate flower that needs to get nurtured and time to grow. Even more so love. A tale of two disparate Wardens forced together, of finding a way to overcome the distrust, and their own painful past in the time of the Blight. Very in-depth, character-focused exploration of the Dalish origin/warden, of all DA:O companions, and their relationship dynamics during the Fifth Blight. Follows and expands on canon events; AU in some ways. Multiple POV's and pairings. Slow burn af.
CHAPTER SUMMARY/ All The Way/ 4U, Part III: While Lenya is deep in her cups, having a good time for once, Alistair is deep in his feelings, struggling to find his footing after his confession and how to handle this (perceived) one-sided love going forward. But maybe things aren't as black and white as thought? Note: This is part three of a three part act. Catch up on the previous three chapters I have posted after its long loooong hiatus here, here and here, respectively, before reading this one.
[...] If nothing else, Alistair could be at her side, support and protect her, whenever possible. Take the fall for her, if needed. This was what love was about, wasn’t it? Selfless and selfish, all in one. It could be a source of strength instead of weakness as Morrigan had disparagingly called it. And in the way Lenya could easily shatter him with a few words but put him back together and make whole as quickly showed it was strength and weakness, both. Not black or white but the in-betweens of it, more like. Complicated too, especially as a Warden in the time of a Blight to reconcile it with the duty he was bound to. But nothing of it had been planned, these feelings for her just happened . And now his life would be so much poorer without her in it. He didn't want that, not anymore. 
Her hand bunched in the sturdy fabric of his gambeson, asking him wordlessly to stay. Alistair did, how could he not? “I’m not leaving, don’t worry.” Lenya relaxed, closed her eyes with a long, stuttering exhale.
I love you.  
There was a clarity to that thought now, to these three words. No longer pushed away but embraced as immovable fact as it was by now. One day Alistair would have to let go of it, set it free, and her . He couldn't remain the hopeless fool forever. But for now it was a sense of purpose in a directionless world gone mad, a reason to fight beyond that lofty, nebulous goal of his duty of slaying an archdemon, to end this Blight. 
Her breath had slowed to an even rhythm, but she was still holding onto him. Alistair took her hand, hesitated as she stirred but she only settled down even closer to him, seeking him out as if by instinct. He very likely was just fooling himself here, yet his stomach was aflutter at the slightest possibility of it being real, and the cold no longer an issue for him. 
Cusping her hand into his in a gentle grasp, he marveled at the difference in size for a moment. So small in comparison, yet so powerful. Alistair bent down his head to kiss its backside, just a whisper of lips, as thankful for the comfort of her presence as she was for his. 
He waited until she was calm and asleep before leaving the tent again. [...]
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