#elvenqueen maereth
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sotwk · 1 day ago
Thranduil and Maereth's wedding night--or rather the aftermath of it.
I've been cursed with this plot bunny for over a year now, and I dunno, it might be starting to rise up and haunt me again.
I kind of want to write it, I kind of don't want to write it, I don't know if I have the skill to write it (even if it's not going to be smutty, just spicy, but it's Thranduil, you know it's going to ooze heat anyway).
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sotwk · 6 months ago
who is an underappreciated/little talked about oc of yours that you would like to get more attention? (And feel free to talk about them!)
What a lovely question, thank you Anon! <3
I am lucky enough to have such supportive friends that my OCs are reasonably well-supported. If some of them don't get enough attention, it's because I'm the one who doesn't talk/write about them enough!
I would say that it is my version of Thranduil's wife and mother to Legolas and his brothers, Elvenqueen Maereth, whom I hope more of my readers come to know and love as I do. She is to me what Lúthien, Varda Elentári, or Galadriel were to Professor Tolkien: my vision of a perfect woman. But more than "perfect", someone wholly good and kind, full of love, and worthy of admiration. For that reason, I think a part of me will always worry that readers would criticize her as a "Mary Sue" (ugh that word), which holds me back from singing her praises as much as I would wish to.
Furthermore, every Thranduil or Legolas fic writer has their own version or ideas of the Elvenqueen, so I can understand why some readers would rather keep to their preferred visions. Therefore Maereth remains my extra-personal, special blorbo OC. I am deeply appreciative of anyone who shows interest in her.
I collected headcanons specific to her here: Maereth Headcanons.
If I could recommend one fic that (so far) best demonstrates her best qualities, it would be "The Broken Shield", which is surprisingly a Thorin-centric fic! But this story highlights key aspects of her character that I love best:
How she was a lifelong ally and friend to the Dwarven race, particularly the Line of Durin.
How she continued to work and fight against evil till the end, even after centuries of loss and suffering and heartbreak (sons dying, kingdom collapsing, etc.).
How she took an active role in ruling the kingdom alongside her husband, even in making critical decisions.
How deeply Thranduil loved her, so much that he could never replace her with another.
Thank you again for the Ask, Anon! I almost never talk about Maereth unless encouraged, so I appreciate this chance. :)
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SotWK Fancast: Jennifer Connelly as Elvenqueen Maereth
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sotwk · 1 month ago
Two days ago I saw post on Instagram about Thranduil and you know the usual stuff about him and little about Legolas and how there's not so much info about them and Oropher too and how we don't even know his wife's name.
And I was like🫨 what do you mean you don't know the wife's name HER NAME IS MAERETH.
Your girl of course with a hand on her heart started writing a paragraph about how we know his wife's name and their children too and then I remembered THEY'RE NOT REAL they're not Tolkien's they're yours.
I stopped there and deleted it all, closed Instagram and returned to Tumblr to the pieces you provide for us.
@asianbutnotjapanese, this is one of the best and kindest things I've ever been told about my OCs, and the fact that it's about MAERETH makes me weepy with happiness! <3
I have said over and over again that I still cannot get over my hesitation to write more about Elvenqueen Maereth, even though (a) she is my favorite among my creations, (b) she is absolutely critical to my AU, and (c) she has been well-received by my most trusted Moots and Readers. No one has made an unkind comment about her (yet), so my anxiety issues really is the only one to blame.
Thank you SO much Zabiba, for telling me this funny and delightful story and for reminding me to give my own OC some love and attention! I am so blessed to have a friend like you; my AU would not have gotten this far, and would certainly be dead by now if it weren't for this kind of encouragement from Moots.
Now I shall grab an opportunity to show off Maereth and Thranduil together! And maybe even type up a few words in one of my WIPs for them! <3
(To others reading this: if you're new to my blog, and you want to learn more about Maereth, please check out my Headcanons and Fics!)
Behold Legolas and his brothers' beautiful parents:
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SotWK Fancast: Jennifer Connelly as Elvenqueen Maereth
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sotwk · 9 months ago
//Do you have any Lindir hcs? •w•
Hello my Lindir-loving friend!
I still have to get around to making an official, full-blown "character sheet/profile" for Lindir as he exists in the SotWK AU, but in the meantime, here is a quick summary of what I do have in my notes regarding his origins and early life in Lórinand, before he came to Lord Elrond's service as a steward in Imladris:
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Lindir was born in Second Age 1243 in Lórinand. His father was a Sinda who had migrated across the mountains with Amdir's company. His mother was a native Silvan.
He had an older sister named Calanien, who was nearly his polar opposite in personality; the siblings were very close, regardless.
His father was a tutor to Prince Amroth who became a high-ranking steward in King Amdir's hold. Lindir's mother was an herbalist who was brought by her husband to the King's household to become a royal healer.
Lindir began service in King Amdir's household when he was relatively young, holding various positions ranging from butler, to scribe, to valet. He became known for his cleverness, problem-solving skills, and amiable nature.
Lindir's talent for singing remained private during his youth in Lórinand. Despite his name, he was not publicly known as a singer until he came to Imladris.
Lindir became well-acquainted with both Lady Galadriel and Lady Celebrían during their stay at Lórinand around SA 1350.
At about this time, he also met Lady Maereth (the future Elvenqueen of Eryn Galen), a visiting Noldo from Eregion. They eventually grew into lifelong friends.
Maereth and Lindir's relationship, although entirely platonic from the start, was so lovely and pure to behold that it roused the irritation and jealousy of one Prince Thranduil, who for years mistakenly viewed Lindir as a rival for Maereth's affections.
Centuries later, Lindir, driven by his friendship with Celebrian and Maereth and his deep admiration for Elrond, came to live in Imladris where it didn't take long for him to become one of the most trusted stewards of the Last Homely House.
Bonus SotWK exclusive: I do have an OC I plan to introduce as a love interest for Lindir! I have already introduced her in one of my recent fics. She is a trusted member of Thrandul's household staff and almost like Eryn Galen's "Lindir equivalent".
Thank you for this great Ask! <3 As I said, I hope to write a more thorough "fact sheet" for Lindir soon, AND write at least one of the several fic ideas I have for him. :)
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sotwk · 2 months ago
Connie Nielsen is my fancast for "older" Celebrían!! ❤️❤️ I HC Celebrían to be incredibly and regally beautiful, so Connie is a great fit in my eyes. Elrond was infatuated with her both inner and outer beauty. 🥰 I love imagining her paired with Hugo Weaving too.
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Thank you for asking, @emmanuellececchi! ❤️ oh, and my fancast for Elvenqueen Maereth is Jennifer Connelly, another actress whom I think is gorgeous at every age and a good match for Lee Pace's Thranduil. 😍
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Gladiator (2000) | 2/?
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sotwk · 10 months ago
Hi Naneth! Do you know and/or play D&D? So...I've recently started playing it and got addicted to the game (surprisingly for someone who's always been a bookworm than a gamer hehe), and now I can't help but be curious what would the Thranduillions (maybe bonus Thranduil and his wife?) be like as D&D characters (or what kind of characters would they create and play as during D&D sessions)? Ooooh, now I wonder what a Thranduillion D&D session would look like XD!
Omg it's amazing that you asked me this question, because literally just this morning I was chatting with my sister about her starting to play tabletop D&D with her old college buddies! I said to her, "Man I'm jealous and I wish I could join in, but I would just be so lost and confused and annoying because I'll need everything explained to me multiple times." XD My sister is also trying to get me to play BG3, and although it's really, really tempting, I'm afraid even venturing into that would take up what little free time I have left!
Anyway, going into your question that I LOVE so much, about what the Thranduilions would be like if they had a D&D session. Using my limited knowledge of the actual gameplay, it would go something like this:
The Royal House of Greenwood Plays Dungeons & Dragons
Characters Chosen
Everyone in the family prefers to play Elves but sometimes may choose a Half-Elf, Human, Dwarf, or Halfling. Legolas may dare to try controversial classes (i.e. dragonborn, half-orc), but only when their parents aren't playing.
Mirion: Barbarian. Values Strength.
Turhir: Paladin. Values Constitution.
Arvellas: Wizard. Values Wisdom.
Gelir: Ranger. Values Dexterity.
Legolas: Druid. Values Wisdom.
Thranduil: Rogue. Values Dexterity.
Maereth: Bard. Values Charisma.
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How They Would Play
The family likes to run the campaign as a group that quests together, rather than individuals, so they work together as a team.
Arvellas is the Dungeon Master mostly because he wrote the guide books and has by far the most organized brain among the brothers. He's also the calmest, most patient, and can keep his brothers in line in case things descend into chaos.
Legolas was the ringleader who initiated the idea to start/play this game in the first place. He begged and helped Arvellas to create the game books, with Arvellas wrangling Legolas's wild enthusiasm and all-over-the-place ideas into brilliant manuals. Legolas also crafted the dice, miniatures, and game boards himself, and he always has the most elaborately detailed character sheets.
Mirion is not much for this sort of game but is absolutely happy to humor Legolas and spend time with his family. Barely knows what is going on and essentially just follows what Legolas tells him he "has" to do. His character is often first to get injured or in trouble, but he laughs it off. Is eating an unholy amount of snacks the entire time.
Turhir is the tactical genius who thinks of creative ways to solve problems and defeat opponents. Mostly does his thing to keep the quest going and everyone alive, but also gives advice regarding combat tactics when asked. Is quietly the MVP of the campaign.
Gelir is just really annoyed by the concept of dice controlling his fate and blames lousy dice rolls a lot. Protests and argues against the "logic" of difficulty checks. Heckles any of his brothers who "mess up" (in his opinion). Chooses courses of action based on what's flashiest instead of what's wise. (He's much more strategic in real life, but this is a GAME. Plus he likes to mess with Legolas.)
Thranduil picks up on the game super quickly despite having the least experience. Frequently leaves the table to attend to crown business (or grab more wine). Assigns Turhir to play for him in his absence because they have the same mindset. Drinks a crazy amount of wine during the course of the game (it helps him relax) but still does not appear drunk, nor is his gameplay affected.
Maereth never gets into trouble (in the game) because literally everyone is half-focused on protecting her. Eventually she gently removes herself from the game so they can play for real without having to consider her. Helped Legolas make the dice, miniatures, and game boards.
I hope you (and all D&D/BG3 readers) enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you for this very fun Ask! <3
For more SotWK AU headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
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Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @acornsandoaktrees @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @quickslvxrr @spacecluster @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
Special Moots who are BG3 fans and might be interested tag: @ass-deep-in-demons @kylobith @tolkien-fantasy @creativity-of-death @missiemoosie (I probably missed some.)
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Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
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sotwk · 1 year ago
Hi, Anon who asked about Celebrian here! Thank you for your great answer.
I just loved loved loved your HCs so much it made me sob, fr my 3-year-old sister offered me chocolate because she saw me crying (no I’m not that young we are just like elves: born one generation apart from each other).
Toddlers cuteness and generosity aside, I love that the two women have a sisterhood-type of friendship, me and my best friend are just the same, although not related at all but in Tolkien everyone is basically related to one another and we like it that way. (“Confusingly complex family tree” As you rightly said)
Also I do love your depiction of young!Legolas because he reminds me of my little sister and it’s such a joy to have her around and that is true for him too.
Not relevant to the topic discussed, the idea of Thranduil being jealous of poor Lindir is hilarious, and it absolutely MAKE SENSE. There is a reason he became a fan favorite over the years so I absolutely want to see how that will play out and maybe what his reaction to the knowledge that a prince, a Sindar of Doriath, thinks of him as competition. Hilarious but also true, i dare say.
One last thing: If I remember correctly, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, Maereth has/had a brother or a sister? Im not so sure of this, I think in The Crown you mention a nephew of the elvenqueen. But I didn’t see them mentioned when you posted about her genealogy. Im probably misremembering or it’s something I made up based on your HCs.
Now I stop ranting. Have a nice weekend! Byeee <3
my 3-year-old sister offered me chocolate because she saw me crying
I'm sorry for the tears, but I hope it was a cathartic cry! *hug* I'm glad the friendship between the two Elf-Queens (Celebrian is a Queen in my mind, titles be damned!) moved you so much.
Toddlers are so amazingly compassionate! My husband woke with lower back aches this morning and our 4-year-old seriously tried to give him a massage. XD You and your little sister sound very sweet!
the idea of Thranduil being jealous of poor Lindir is hilarious, and it absolutely MAKE SENSE.
I have such a soft spot for Lindir! He's just that shy, slightly awkward and nerdy guy who might get overlooked for being quiet, but he's actually a hottie who's unaware of his own sex-appeal. So yeah. Even though he and Maereth's friendship stays entirely platonic, stew on that for a while, Thranduil.
Maereth has/had a brother or a sister? Im not so sure of this, I think in The Crown you mention a nephew of the elvenqueen.
I'm gonna give you a virtual trophy for being the first one to notice this and bring it up with me! I've been dropping mentions of Maereth's nephew/the Thranduilions' cousin in multiple hc posts and fics now! Here are just a few of those sources:
The Crown
Greenleaf's Day Out, Chapter 5
Yuletide in the Elvenking's Realm, Day 5: Five Golden Rings
SotWK OC: Olondir, Master Craftsman of the Woodland Realm
Lord Olondir (oc) is the son and only child of Maereth's brother, Calinondo (oc). Although he died fighting in the War of the Last Alliance, Calinondo is a significant character in the SotWK AU because he became heir to the knowledge and craft of the great Celebrimbor, his uncle and mentor. (Remember that Maereth's grandfather is Maglor, which makes Maereth's mother and Celebrimbor first cousins--they were very close with each other.)
Calinondo passed on everything he knew to his son, so that by the Third Age, Olondir was named the Master Craftsman of the Woodland Realm. Apart from helping craft the Elvenking's famous crown, he was responsible for other creations such as the faemir/calarsil mentioned in "Greenleaf's Day Out". Most of the armour and weaponry used by Mirkwood's soldiers in the Third Age, as you see in BotFA, was also designed by him (alongside Mirion, who was a Master Bladesmith). These Noldorin craftsmen were responsible for upgrading the inferior armour and weapons that contributed to the Silvans' defeat at the War of the Last Alliance. In essence, the fact that Noldorin craftsmanship lived on in Thranduil's family helped Mirkwood survive Sauron's onslaughts.
Because I've been sharing fancasts right and left, here is my fancast for Olondir, nephew of the Elvenqueen: Jake Gyllenhaal.
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Olondir is the the only Elf in the Woodland Realm who can grow a full beard in his Second Cycle. Remember whom else he descended directly from? Mahtan, the great smith of Valinor and father of Nerdanel! Olondir keeps his beard to honor that part of his heritage, which he is most proud of.
Side note: I have a creator's crush on Olondir. He's almost like a 6th Thranduilion Prince, and his character is quite sexy. He's got the Fëanorean edge to him. Although he's not super developed in my head yet, I would love to write more about him someday! XD
By the way, Maereth actually had three older brothers; her two eldest brothers were twins: Surlírë and Vëalírë, but they died in the War of Wrath alongside their father Eärondir, so sadly Maereth barely knew them. But boys and twins ran strong in their family, just as in Fëanor's.
Anywaaaaay, thank YOU for letting me ramble on this long again! XD I love you so much for geeking out about my OCs with me, Anon! I'm gonna have to write this down in a proper and more thorough post later on, but it felt really good to share this much!
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sotwk · 9 months ago
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Eryn Galen in Bloom
Thranduil x Elvenqueen fanart commission by @griseldajane (View their commission sheet info HERE!)
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Second Age 1740, Springtime
Maereth visits Eryn Galen for the first time. After harboring unspoken love for her for over 300 years, Prince Thranduil finally professes his feelings and declares his intentions.
This beautiful drawing captures the moment right before the confession leaves his lips.
How does she respond?
@griseldajane did such unbelievably gorgeous work on this piece, and I'm so thankful to have her lend her talent to my vision! Just look at the coloring, background and incredible light effect that makes the beauty of Greenwood spring come alive!
But what really blew me away is how she successfully captured the expression on Thranduil's face, which I specifically requested. Thranduil has been giving Maereth that soft, tender look for centuries, and she has remained mostly oblivious to it.
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For someone as bold and confident as Thranduil, it was strange that he held onto his feelings for so long, but that's also how he knew it was real. He loved Maereth from the start, and that love never faltered no matter what happened (and they went through a LOT); it only grew. He knew it would endure for eternity.
As for Maereth's response, I will leave that for the actual fic that has yet to be written. 😊 But we all know how it ultimately ends, don't we?
Thank you for enjoying this new fanart and my Thranduil x OC ship with me! ❤️
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 1 year ago
This was beautiful ❤️
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1st Day of Yule: “A Partridge in a Pear Tree”
Crown Prince Thranduil & Princess Maereth
Second Age 3430 
Bar Lasgalen, Palace of the Crown Prince
In all his three and a half thousand years of existence, Thranduil was certain he had never before held anything so precious, so desperately in need of his protection, even while the tiny fist that clutched his forefinger already boasted of a strength that made his heart swell with wonder and pride. 
He tugged the swaddling clothes up higher to sufficiently cover the newborn’s head, before stepping out into the balcony and the cold winter's night. He held the babe aloft for a moment, so that the legion of stars might meet and kiss his face with their light before fading into the dawn. 
But something else, something less expected, greeted them in the morning twilight. From far off, unseen voices carried faintly across the sprawling, snow-covered palace grounds, singing in chorus a sweet hymn so old, as ancient as Eryn Galen’s trees, that even he could not understand all the words of the Nandorin blessing.
“Our people welcome you, ion nin.” Thranduil chuckled at the gurgle he received in response. Such keen curiosity shone in those wandering little eyes, that already sought to take in the wide world he had just entered!
Tonight they were given privacy and peace. Tomorrow, well-wishers will descend upon Bar Lasgalen and the great feasting will start. King Oropher had already declared and made arrangements for a kingdom-wide celebration in honor of his new grandchild. The heir to his heir, the future of his house, the scion of his line. It pleased Thranduil that his father had finally set aside his grievances concerning lineage and did not let it mar his excitement over the newborn prince. 
Yet a persistent cloud cast a shadow of unease over Thranduil's boundless joy. His knowledge of the Darkness stirring in the lands beyond their realm weighed on him, more heavily now that he carried a priceless treasure in his arms. The enemy threats they thought they could dismiss as distant and outside of their concerns, suddenly felt too close and too real to him, too unsafe to ignore and leave unquelled.
As father and son retreated back into the warmth of the royal chambers, Thranduil sensed his wife stirring behind the sheer curtains of their canopied bed, waking from her much-needed rest. 
“Can I bring you anything, Endanya? Are you hungry? Shall I send for food?” He did not doubt his wife’s great strength, but she had yet to properly eat after her long labor, and in the days leading up to the birth she would consume only the golden pears she craved, a rare fruit that grew in the valley of Imladris where she had previously lived. Elrond himself had sent baskets of it across the mountain to Eryn Galen, making time for this gesture of care even in the midst of a rising crisis. However well-intentioned, this kindness added to Thranduil's burden of obligation to their old friend.
“No, my love.” Maereth smiled and reached out with a hand that Thranduil immediately took inside his own. “I have everything I need right here.”
“I never imagined I could love anyone anywhere close to how much I love you,” Thranduil shifted his gaze from her lovely face to that of the infant that had now fallen back asleep, content in the curve of his arm. “But this one has firmly taken his place second in line.”
He knelt at his Queen's bedside to bring their son closer to her. Maereth brushed her hand lightly over the baby's head of fine hair, silver as the starlight, just like his. 
“I will do everything in my power to protect you both,” the prince said suddenly. “To the last breath in my body, I will do what I must. I will not let any danger or evil come near either of you.”
He knew she understood his meaning, and that she believed him; she always did. But she squeezed his hand and leaned over to kiss his forehead. 
“Leave those vows for the morrow, Melmenya,” she whispered. “For now, let us keep our thoughts on the gift we have been given. On Mirion.”
“Our Mirion,” Thranduil agreed, carefully returning the sleeping child to his mother's bosom. “Finally, a jewel I could agree is worth marching to war for.”
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Yuletide Series MASTERLIST
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Yule Event Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @spacecluster @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @acornsandoaktrees @warriormirkwood @emmanuellececchi
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sotwk · 4 months ago
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SotWK AU Flash Headcanon (and fic spoiler):
Elvenqueen Maereth's real name is not actually Maereth.
And--in true snarky fashion--Thranduil calls her out on it from the time they are first introduced. He looks at her, this ethereally beautiful elleth, recognizes the aura of extraordinary grace that she is trying to hide, and he bluntly and smugly tells her, "That is not your name."
Of course, Maereth is taken aback by this, and is somewhat miffed, and punishes him by refusing to reveal to him the real name he so rudely accused her of withholding. When Thranduil does eventually win her over, it's the first sign of her growing affection for him (or perhaps just forgiving him) when she finally tells him her given mother-name, or amilessë.
Maereth is an epessë, or "after-name", and is actually the epessë used by her mother, Laurinwen. Laurinwen's husband (Maereth's father, Eärondir), called his wife this to remind and reassure her of her goodness, in spite of her being a "child of a kinslayer" (Maglor), which caused most Sindar to ostracize her.
When Laurinwen sails to Valinor early in the Second Age, Maereth takes the epessë for herself, after she decides to conceal her Fëanorean lineage as much as possible. Translated into "good woman" in Sindarin, it is a very plain, boring, common name that reveals nothing about the bearer. Thranduil knows immediately that such an elf could not possibly be called something so mundane! Surely she must have an amilessë worthy of her quality.
Ultimately, even after she learns to embrace and take pride in her lineage, Maereth never goes back to using her mother-name, and continues to use and consider Maereth as her "real", regnal name throughout her life.
So what IS Elvenqueen Maereth's "true" mother-name?
Well... I can't spoil everything that I want to reveal in my fics, can I? Thranduil waited 62 years to find out. Hopefully my readers won't have to wait as long. XD
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Thank you so much to @lady-of-imladris for this gorgeous fanart of Maereth--the first drawing of her that I've been gifted! :)
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sotwk · 4 months ago
🎶Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something fun to eat!🎶
(I've actually never been trick or treating, but this rhyme gets stuck in my head every Halloween season 🎃)
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SotWK AU Flash Headcanon:
Is Thranduil really anti-dwarf? Think again! He's shared a LONG history with the House of Durin, thousands of years before Thorin was born.
Durin III was instrumental in encouraging the early relationship between Thranduil and his (eventual) wife, Elvenqueen Maereth.
Maereth was not too impressed by Thranduil during their first meeting in Lorinand. She found him obnoxious, but she also didn't want to attract his attention, or anyone's. She was self-conscious of her identity as a Fëanorian descendant, especially amongst survivors of Doriath, and just wanted to blend into the background!
The story will be further explored in future chapters of my fic, "Sins of Our Fathers", but Thranduil and Maereth actually get their chance to bond and fall in love IN KHAZAD-DUM, of all places, while staying there as guests of Durin III. Durin was very fond of Maereth and became one of her dearest lifelong friends. (The Pretty Elf Prince was just... okay, Durin guessed.) Durin wanted Maereth to be happy, and he saw that she actually loved Thranduil, in spite of her hesitations to let him get close.
Imagine having a big, boisterous, busybody Dwarf King as your matchmaker, just rooting for you kids to get together!
Literal Eye-Candy for you; my fancast for Durin III, next to his descendant, Thorin. Durin lives!!!
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SotWK Fancast: Hugh Jackman as Durin III; Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield
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sotwk · 4 months ago
treat 🎃🎃🎃
SotWK AU Headcanon:
Elvenqueen Maereth's eyes drastically shift color, from shades of green to shades of gold. This feature was an unusual inheritance from her mother, Laurinwen, whose naturally green eyes turned gold as a result of her childhood years spent in the company of Arien, during the days of the Two Trees.
Maereth's grandmother, Velcálë, was a Noldorin apprentice directly under the service of Vána, and was thus bestowed with the epithet "Vanandur" (Servant of Vána).
Velcálë and her husband Maglor had a daughter named Laurinwen, born in Tirion sixteen Valian years before the destruction of the Two Trees. Laurinwen grew up spending a lot of time in the gardens of Vána, and as a result grew close to the Maia Arien.
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The days spent in close proximity to the golden flowers of Vána, which were watered with dew from Laurelin, caused the change in Laurinwen's eyes and gave her extraordinary beauty and graces, including the power of foresight and resilience against dark influence.
Maereth was born with her unusual eyes and could not control the way its color constantly shifted, in a way that mimicked sunlight passing through the green leaves of trees. Having such a unique feature made it more difficult to conceal her identity, and it took many centuries before she learned to be comfortable with it.
(Maereth's eyes are mentioned in my fic, "Sins of Our Fathers", when Lindir takes notice of them and tries to pay her a compliment.)
Maereth's firstborn son with Thranduil, Crown Prince Mirion, inherited a more subtle version of her eyes, as his green eyes were said to turn starkly gold in certain lights.
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sotwk · 4 months ago
Treat! :3
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SotWK AU Headcanon:
Elvenqueen Maereth had two older twin brothers who fought and died in the First Age War of Wrath, possibly even on the same battlefields as her future husband, Thranduil.
Maereth's brothers, Surlírë (“Wind Song”) and Vëalírë (“Sea Song”), were the children of Laurinwen and her husband, Eärondir, the son and only child of Círdan and his wife Eäriel.
Their family had a relatively safe home on the Isle of Balar, and should have avoided participation from that great war. Maereth was even born during the war (highly unusual), in FA 553, 8 years after the Host of Valinor landed in Beleriand.
However, the twins Surlírë and Vëalírë had grown up with chips on their shoulders regarding their Fëanorian heritage, despite their mother having renounced her father, Maglor, for his crimes. In FA 570, they ran away to enlist in the Host of the West, feeling compelled to fight for the sake of their family's honor. They were only 50 years young, although they argued that they had "come of age".
Their father Eärondir went after them, but when he could not persuade them to return home, he joined them instead. They fought under the command of their kinsman Finarfin, and survived nearly until the end of the War... until the dragons were unleashed.
Eärondir, Surlírë, and Vëalírë all perished in fields of dragonfire, along with thousands of other valiant warriors. (Thranduil was very badly injured on those same fields, but survived.) When Eärendil finally arrived on Vingilótë to slay Ancalagon and bring an end to the war, Círdan received a small satisfaction of revenge for his son.
Eäriel was irreparably broken from the loss, and after the war she readily answered Eönwë's summons to sail for Valinor. Out of love for her father-in-law, Laurinwen stayed with Círdan and lingered in Mithlond for a few centuries longer, but the desire to reunite with her husband and sons prevailed and she eventually sailed across the sea as well.
Laurinwen entrusted her remaining two children, Maereth and Calinondo, to their grandfather, but eventually the siblings chose to join their mother's cousin, Celebrimbor, at his home in Harlindon and eventually Eregion.
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(SUPER BELATED) HAPPY HALLOWEEN, @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! *This went into a pretty deep dive into the SotWK AU lore, but I thought and hope you might appreciate it. :)
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sotwk · 4 months ago
Hi! I bring you a little drawing I made on a post-it today while in a meeting :) I dod some digital editing because OF COURSE my post-its hsve personal information on them 😂
Anyway, thank you for being so lovely, you always brighten up my dash and I hope I have the time to read all of your headcanons soon <3
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Do you know whether it's possible to have a joy-induced stroke? Is that a thing? Because I think I came very close to having one today! OMG OMG OMG. The way my eyes bulged and jaw dropped when I opened this Ask was definitely cartoonish. Then I had to get up and wash dishes because I was just too damn overwhelmed.
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THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND I CAN'T BELIEVE IT CAME FROM A POST-IT SKETCH??? Thank you so much for such an amaaaaazing gift! I got teary-eyed because it really is the height of a fanfic writer's "career" when an artist gifts them with art of their OC. I feel honored and blessed, really.
I love Elvenqueen Maereth so much but I don't give her as much attention as I do the Thranduilions, even though she's really a wonderful character that I'm proud to create. Your choosing to make art of HER gives me a boost of confidence and pride. :) And you did such a PERFECT job! The aura! The grace! The dress! Of course you would be able to design such a beautiful gown and headpiece for her. If I had to guess which one of my Moots is Most Fashionable, you would be my first pick. :)
I've saved this precious art in my special folder for me to stare at A LOT, probably forever. When I use it in a fic or headcanon post, I would be so proud to credit you and say THIS WAS A GIFT from @lady-of-imladris! Yeah, I'm friends with her!!!
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asianbutnotjapanese · 1 year ago
However, you stopped short of sharing the contents of the letter with her, for you could not even read the words in private without sinking into a chair, overwhelmed by emotions you could not define.
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2nd Day of Yule: “Two Turtle Doves”
Crown Prince Mirion Thranduilion x Reader
Third Age 110 
The Last Homely House, Imladris
“Are you certain about this?” You gently stroked the downy throat of the sweet, grey-colored bird perched on the ledge of the open window. It chirped its approval of your touch, signaling not just its willingness, but its eagerness to set out on its special mission. 
But your question had not been for the amiable creature. It was for the Lady of Imladris, who finally rose from the desk where she had been working for the past several minutes while you waited, entranced by the swift movement of her skilled fingers. 
“This should do it.” Lady Celebrian flashed a triumphant smile and held up the small object, about the size and shape of an earwig, between her thumb and forefinger. “As for being certain, I think that is something you should ask yourself, not I or our little friend here.” She bent over to the bird on the windowsill, and before you could come close to see what she was doing, the tiny case that contained your letter had been secured to the animal’s right leg. “This will surely find its way to the intended recipient, so are you certain about your message?”
“I…yes, I am.” You knew you did not sound at all confident, and the blush that bloomed over your cheeks did not help matters. “I only hope that my words do not disappoint him.”
“Oh?” Celebrian’s tone was light and passive, but you were well aware of her deep love for Elvenqueen Maereth, and by extension, her sons. She had surpassed your mother in her eagerness to introduce you to Prince Mirion, even in the midst of the momentous occasion of her wedding day to Lord Elrond merely two summers ago. 
Yet Celebrian asked no questions, and gave no indication that she meant to press you for more information, whether at the moment or in the future. When you came to her to share news of the arrival of the feathered messenger from the Woodland Realm, you knew you could trust her to hold your secrets in confidence. 
However, you stopped short of sharing the contents of the letter with her, for you could not even read the words in private without sinking into a chair, overwhelmed by emotions you could not define.
“I believe he is ready to depart.”
Indeed you had tarried long enough in sending a response, almost unforgivably. You stretched out your arm, and the grey dove fluttered lightly to land on the edge of your hand.
“May kind winds carry you all the way home, darling friend,” you whispered. “Thank you for your courage.”
The messenger bird bobbed its head, trilled cheerily, and promptly took flight. In a flash it vanished into the evening sky, too quick in the darkness for even your sight to follow.
“What a long way to fly in terrible weather,” you sighed, peering up at the clouds overhead which appeared moments away from turning their icy burden into snowfall. “It seems like too much to ask of that fair little creature to brave such a journey.” 
“You may see it just as a delicate song bird.” Celebrian moved around you to close the shutters and keep out the incoming frost. “But Greenwood doves are exceptionally, deceptively hardy and utterly determined, just like their people. If that little one succeeded in finding its way here, then it will most certainly succeed in its quest home.” She slipped an arm around your shoulders to give you a gentle squeeze. “There is nothing left to do but wait.”
The Lady departed your room to leave you alone with your thoughts…which quickly turned to those words again. You glanced over at the book you left on the chaise by the fireplace. Within its pages you hid the letter that you had been reading over and over again since its arrival, even though the words had already nested within you, keeping his voice inside your head and his face in your mind’s eye. 
"The bond between two Greenwood doves is so steadfast that one could scarcely bear to be separated from its mate for long. I send this one to you because he is a trusted friend; one who understands the importance of his errand. Just as I do, he knows of separation and longing and the love that drives it all.
My only desire is to reaffirm the ardency of my affections for you. To know that you have been reminded of it, that you have thought of me, is enough to comfort me through this winter we are apart. 
I await my friend’s return with anticipation. I shall celebrate his reunion with his beloved, in the hope that I too may experience that same joy very soon."
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Yuletide Series MASTERLIST
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Yule Event Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @spacecluster @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @acornsandoaktrees @warriormirkwood @emmanuellececchi
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sotwk · 4 months ago
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SotWK AU Headcanon and SPOILER:
The last (known) Elvenqueen of Eryn Lasgalen, wife of Crown Prince Aranion, was a Silvan commoner. She and Aranion were crowned by Thranduil just before he sailed for the Blessed Realm.
She is the daughter of....??? Spoilers under the cut. (Although I'm not sure there's a reason to care about spoilers for my AU at this point, since I have never written anything in a linear fashion. LOL.)
Born in TA 1190, Thalawen is the daughter of Feren, Captain of the Mirkwood Kingsguard.
Her mother was grievously wounded and poisoned by a spider while pregnant with her. Although the powers of Elvenqueen Maereth saved both mother and child, Thalawen was born very prematurely: small, weak, and with deformed limbs. It took her entire childhood to fully recover to a healthy state. With centuries of further healing intervention and therapy/training, her limbs regained close to normal use and appearance, but she was left in chronic pain.
Throughout these life challenges, Thalawen remained positive and brave, a rarity during the dark times of Mirkwood's Third Age. She discovered her exceptional talent at sewing and creating specialized cloths. She received commissions to sew wardrobe pieces for members of the Royal Family several times, but she devoted her craft mostly to the creation of clothing for Mirkwood's guards and scouts, using enhanced ("magic") cloth that gave them added protection.
Thalawen's strength and infectiously bright spirit captured the attention of Prince Aranion (son of Crown Prince Mirion and Princess Itarildë) as early as TA 1975, growing their friendship to mutual love. But as much as Thalawen gave Aranion joy and comfort throughout the tragedies and losses endured by his family, the weight of his responsibilities to his grandparents and his new position as Crown Prince (after his father's death), made him reluctant to pursue his own happiness.
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SotWK Fancast: Bradley James and Emilia Clarke as Elvenking Aranion and Elvenqueen Thalawen, the last rulers of Eryn Lasgalen.
Eventually, Maereth intervened and encouraged her grandson to build a life and family of his own, and to choose hope in spite of the darkness and despair that engulfed Mirkwood. In TA 2724, Aranion and Thalawen were wed, and she became Crown Princess of the Woodland Realm. Together they served their King and kingdom faithfully and well, and were instrumental in helping the realm endure while Thranduil was incapacitated from grief for nearly an entire century after Maereth's death in TA 2793.
For a long time, despite their best efforts, the couple struggled to conceive a child. In fact, no Elven child was born in the Woodland Realm after Maereth's death until the destruction of Dol Guldur. Thalawen finally give birth to a daughter and new heir in the spring of TA 3020.
tldr: Feren's daughter becomes Queen of Mirkwood/Eryn Lasgalen in the Fourth Age!
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(SUPER BELATED) HAPPY HALLOWEEN, @nocturnsworld! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! *I know you're new to my hot mess blog, so I feel I must deeply apologize for info-dumping on you, but this is really what happens when I get Asks. :)
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