#elliott x emily
lily-alphonse · 2 months
Emily and Elliott for the rarepair?
Oooo man okay that's.... that's rare.
Hmmmmmm let me think
He kinda matches her freak doesn't he lol. He comes in with his pompous clothing spouting his "Barkeep! Your finest ale please!" and Emily's eyeing him like oooo he's a weirdo I like him.
And he of course spots her big feather earrings and colorful style and is immediately curious. He strikes up a conversation with her and she matches his pompous speech patterns with a sparkle in her eye as if they're playing a game together. She says some off the wall shit about energies and Elliott can’t believe she’s real.
More than that, he’s never had banter flow quite like this. It has his mind sparking, firing on all cylinders. Emily is witty, and he’s never met anyone quite like her. There is the wit you find in theater class, that’s tried and tired and painted on like clown rouge— and then there is Emily.
She just does it all for the sake of fun. She doesn’t care how she’s perceived.
When Elliott gets back to his shack that night he spends all night poring over his books and reference texts for mention of her name. There is something more to her. She must be every one of these Emilys; she is infinite, she is a muse incarnate.
Beyond the mutual curiosity though, they sort of complete each other. Emily is wacky and does some things that seem nonsensical sometimes but she always has her reasons, and she is actually very practical. She is good at managing a household, keeping a job, and managing her relationships.
Which is why she notices when Elliott disappears in a multi-day writing frenzy, and pries him from his typewriter to take a shower and eat. She offsets Elliott’s drama and impracticality by actually often being the voice of reason. And when he has a depressive burnout spiral there is nothing that helps him quite like lying his head in her lap as she places crystals on his forehead and hums along to their frequencies to realign his chakras.
He doesn't understand it, but he doesn't understand what's going on inside him anyway, so he puts his heart in her hands and she is so gentle with it.
I like it. Emmiott? Crystal feathers? Crystal Quill perhaps?
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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galacticwarpedlense · 6 months
Okay a rare pair just quickly struck me in the face and now I have some brainrot.
What if Emily and Elliott? As a ship?
Like this crazy, bird aunt drags the reclusive writer out of his shell and in return, the bookworm gets her into literature and keeps her a little grounded.
Like can you imagine a scene of Elliott writing a fantasy novel but when he's writing the female lead, she seems so boring to him so he starts adding in little "quirks" like blue hair, a parrot familiar, maybe her magic has to do with gems or clothes. And then halfway through he realizes that he basically just wrote Emily and starts internally freaking out like "Am I truly, falling madly in love with the town's crazy bird lady?"
On the other end, Emily is sewing up some clothes based off a character from a book Elliott lended her. And it's the most princely thing she's ever sewn. She loves it, she's giggling to herself like a schoolgirl. And it just so happens to be Elliott's size. So, guess who's getting a prince costume for his birthday?
Also the Heart event where Emily is dancing to an upbeat song. She would totally drag Elliott into the dance and that sounds so cute!
And where is the farmer? Probably playing matchmaker.
Wine Aunt x Poetic Romantic Such an odd combo and I love it.
I still ship my farmer with Elliott but I am a multishipper.
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kaikonn · 3 months
POV: You got 8 hearts with all the bachelors/bachelorettes, so everyone kinda flirts with you
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habitabel · 5 months
How are y'all struggling to fish in SV?? I'm over here fishing with one hand while eating a full course meal with the other or idk straight up scratching my BALLS
(I have a coin slot)
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babiebom · 7 months
Heyyy! I was wondering if u could do the bachelors & bachelorettes reactin to / dating an s/o who has really intense nose bleeds when they're stressed. But plot twist bc this is literally the norm for the farmer bc they have crippling anxiety, especially social.
Thank u sm!!
A/N: I don’t know why I thought this was funny??? My anxiety just makes my stomach upset but a nosebleed in front of everyone like some sort of anxious demon is funny. Not the clean up tho. I’ve never had a nosebleed but I know they bleed SO MUCH. Also no problemo!!! Always glad to get requests!! I did different things (so not just stressed because I would’ve written the same thing for anyone I made crush aspects as sort of for stress too lmao) for each hopefully they’re good enough!
Tw: cursing, blood, anxiety, the nose bleeds are VERY dramatic because it’s fiction lmao. Physical fights(in Leah’s part), arguments(in almost all of them). Pierre hate Pam hate(kinda) Demetrius hate Morris hate. And Kel is gender neutral! let me know if there’s anything else to tag!
Wc: idk lmao hopefully at least 100 words for each
Stardew Masterlist
Just frowns
Actually helps unexpectedly
….we can never talk about this happening again if you want……
It’s not often that you get to see the towns resident emo, even after visiting Robin multiple times for various building needs. So when you wander into the house, looking for Robin so you can upgrade your coop, seeing him makes your brain malfunction.
“Oh…hey farmer.” He greets, moving past you to head further into the house. You blink for a second before returning the greeting, watching as his dark hoodie disappears behind a wall.
You try to force your breathing to slow down. There is absolutely NO reason you should be this worked up over a literal one second conversation. While you sit with your thoughts, foot steps fill your ears and the sight of Sebastian returning from wherever he went makes all of your progress regress. “So…you here waiting for my mom?”
You nod quickly, clearing your throat, “yeah…um…just need to upgrade my chicken coop.”
“Oh well, she’s not in today. She usually goes to Pierre’s store to work out with the other moms.”
You frown to yourself, how did you miss that she wouldn’t be in today? Damn now all you can think about is how you just made a fool of yourself. Lost in your thoughts, you miss that Sebastian had cleared his throat a couple times until he waves a hand in front of your face.
“If you want, I can take your order and tell her when she gets home later. That way she can get started tomorrow.”
“Would you?” Your heart flips as you perk up. Was he usually this nice? You kinda heard from Robin herself that Sebastian never really interacted with people he wasn’t already friends with.
“Yeah sure.” He shrugs and moves to go around the counter, setting his slowly cooling food down. “Okay so she usually charges 10,000g and you have to have 400 logs of wood and 150 things of stone. Sound right?”
You nod and hand over the bag of money. The second your hands touch it’s like your body decided it couldn’t handle anything else from him. Luckily he just takes the money and pretends like your nose hasn’t become a geyser as you scramble to try to keep the blood from dripping all over their furniture.
it’s like from a movie or something
Is overall sorta scared but at the same time thinks it’s cool
“And this is how I do a kick flip!” Sam shows you skateboard trick after trick and honestly you can’t get enough of it. It wasn’t a secret that the both of you had crushes on each other, and even now it was very obvious by how you were watching him do his tricks that you had feelings for him. Yet still you two weren’t in a relationship, just sort of friends who like each other in a romantic sort of way.
“You’re so cool!” You clap as he lands another trick.
“And you’re cute!”
You freeze in your spot and watch in confusion as he sort of freezes midway through his next trick and crashes to the ground. His words echo in your head, making your face heat up and your heart soar. He smacks his face on the ground, sending you into a panic because now all you can think about is how he thinks you’re cute, and now how he probably has a concussion from hitting his face directly onto the concrete.
When he lifts his face off the ground, you’re kneeling next to him, trying to check on him. His forehead is bleeding, his nose is bleeding, and so is his mouth. You shriek and try to go through your backpack to see if you have anything to help him. You didn’t.
You already know where this is leading, and you let out a groan of annoyance right before your nose starts leaking just like his. His eyes widen and he lets out a loud laugh. Maybe you two can move out of the weird friendship you have after all.
Would just stare silently
Like no comments no nothing
Doesn’t even act like it’s happening
Having a part time job at Joja Mart during the winter is one of the absolute worst ideas that you’ve had in a while. But you didn’t make a lot during your first year of farming. Stacking the products onto the shelves, your only saving Grace is the fact that you’re allowed to have earphones in. Except for the fact that Pam is now standing next to you asking loudly about where something is. Shane is stacking the shelves behind you.
“I don’t know Pam…the alcohol is probably on the wall in the back.” You frown at her. She obviously knows that you don’t know this store that well, you were a FARMER that NEVER shopped here before. She rasps out another question and it takes everything in you to not snap at her. Trying to calm yourself of course there’s gonna be something else that makes you lose your mind. That something is Morris, coming over and being the absolute WORST and in turn making Pam LOUDER and more insistent.
He’s lecturing you, Pam is agreeing with him way too loudly, the music on your headphones is now overwhelming instead of calming, and the sound of random things in the market is making you want to bite a chunk out of the loaves of bread in front of you, plastic and all. With everything building up inside of you, you already know what’s going to happen. It always happens, but instead of excusing yourself you stand there, staring Morris down as the blood begins to flow from your nostrils.
Pam yells out curses and Morris begins to stutter, but behind them Shane just stares for a second before continuing to work. When you’re finally left alone with him in the aisle as your two stressors hastily take their leave, all he does is let out a dry chuckle.
“Sam has a hell of a mess to clean up…”
Oh DUDE your nose is like….LEAKING
Doesn’t help
Just watched and comments
“AND THEN HE HAS THE NERVE TO TELL PEOPLE THAT MY HARVESTS ARE HIS BUT HE ONLY DOES IT IF ITS GOOD!” You rant to the brown haired boy, pacing back and forth in his room. Thankfully both Evelyn and George were out so you weren’t bothering anyone except for the man in front of you.
You huff and puff as he watches, slightly amused slightly concerned. Alex wasn’t the best person to go to when you’re upset unless it was something absolutely devastating. So being in front of him now, complains about your farming woes meant that he was only half ass taking it seriously. “You should go and speak your mind.” He says.
Turns out you should NOT take advice from Alex. Standing in Pierre’s shop, you’re staring him down angrily, anxiety creeping up your throat from you trying to will yourself to call him out on his bullshit. The older man just kind of stares at you in confusion because all you had done was shout his name angrily as you entered the shop then stand in front of him seething.
“You….you…..” you point a finger at him. This was the moment, the moment you stand up for yourself and tell Pierre how HORRIBLE he is!
But of course things don’t work how you want and your nose gushes out blood all over the counter before you can work yourself up to the point of accusations. With a gasp you run out of the shop, hoping that he would keep his mouth shut with Alex running behind you laughing. Again, NEVER let Alex talk you into anything.
How do I help PLS LET ME HELP
Everything probably gets messy
Fishing had never been your favorite pastime, but now trying to fix up the community center you had to. Unfortunately Willy was gone and couldn’t properly teach you even though he had gifted you an old rod of his, so the next best thing is getting your boyfriend to teach you since he does fish often. Now you stand on the docks, waiting for a fish to bite the hook.
“Keep calm, the fish can feel your fear and it makes them upset.” Elliott spoke. In all honesty you didn’t even know if that was true or not, but you take in a breath to calm down. You did not want to be here all day you had cows to pet.
The second your line begins to pull you try to pull the fish in. And you succeed until it comes time to unhook the eel you managed to catch. The eel is slimy and slippery and all around not a good thing to try to grip. A shriek leaves your lips and the eel struggles, Elliott tries to help you but is also struggling to catch hold of it. And now your nose is bleeding adding another layer to the already hellish experience.
You’re unhappy, the eel is unhappy, and Elliott is unhappy. After what seems like an hour, the stupid thing slips out of your grips and back into the ocean, washing your nose blood off of it and splashing you with saltwater. 0 out of 10 you will not be trying again.
Calm but concerned(after panicking for a second)
Has a doctory approach to it
But is secretly like WTF inside
Your heart thumps in your chest as you sit on the clinic bed. It’s been a while since you’ve been in Harvey’s clinic, having taken a break from the mines, and somehow this seems more shameful than having been beaten almost to death by living slime. Your hands bleed into the cloth you have pressed into it. One of the pigs knocked you over into the broken fence you were in the middle of fixing. Now you sit waiting for the good looking Doctor.
When he walks in he’s all smiles, tapping his clipboard with his pen. “While I’m sad to see that you’re injured, I’m glad to see it isn’t from those mines again.” The eye contact he makes with you makes your heart twist for a second.
He starts speaking of all the shots you need and the antibiotics you need to take, rust poisoning is quite serious you know. “Now,” he says, moving towards you, “let me see your hand.”
Your heart thumps erratically at the close proximity of him and you. You only really ever got to see him this close when you were half dead and barely conscious. His face is much too close for you to be able to do anything but focus on how pretty his eyes are, and how fluffy his mustache is, and how…
“OH MY DEAR YOBA” He yelps and jumps away from you. It takes only a second after him to realize what’s going on, and now your furiously wiping away at your nose with your hands instead of with the cloth, and he’s trying to get something on your nose to catch the blood. It’s a disaster, really. But at least you’re already in a clinic!
Probably panics
Doesn’t know how to deal with it
Would try to help though
The warmth of the pool in the spa did nothing to ease your nerves as you waded in the shallow end of the pool. Penny had invited you to come sometime after 7 pm, and when you had arrived she was already waiting for you, kicking her feet in the pool. The thought of her asking you here made your stomach turn, did you do something wrong…? Was she inviting you here to tell you she hated you or something…? You had grown close to her over your time here and would hate it if she thought you were too much or something.
“Do you know why I invited you here?” She asks, moving closer but keeping her eyes on the water.
You shake your head, “I’m not exactly sure, no.”
She frowns and sighs at you, meeting your eyes for a fleeting second then looking elsewhere. “Really? I thought you would’ve noticed by now…” her words trail off and her eyebrows furrow.
The next few seconds are ones that you simultaneously want to remember for forever and forget. She confesses her feelings for you. Feelings that you obviously reciprocate, and the emotions in you mix and grow, rising up your throat as if you were a volcano of conflicting feelings. As soon as you open your mouth to tell her that yes, you like her too, her face morphs into one that’s horrified instead of hopeful, disgusted instead of smitten and you realize a second after she does that your nose is spouting red, dyeing the water you both were swimming in.
Penny shrieks for a solid second before trying to scramble out of the water as fast as she can. You do the same, swirling the red around the pool as both of you splash trying to exit the now crime scene looking pool. When you get out of the water, she’s holding a towel right in your face, smooshing it so hard you can barely breathe and now your nose is throbbing with slight pain. “What do we do?!” She asks moving about quickly. She’s so confused that she just keeps walking and turning as if she’s remembering and forgetting things at the same time.
You just tilt your head downward and cringe inwardly, this was not the way to get a girl to like you. “It’s fine…I’m fine,” you say voice nasally and muffled. “And I like you too by the way.”
confused staring
wtf is happening
Actually speechless
It isn’t every day that you get to talk to a beautiful blonde. It isn’t even every day that you talk to anyone. So when she approaches you on one of your trips off of your farm you couldn’t help but feel like either everything is out to get you or that you’re up on your luck. You don’t really know for sure, it honestly depends on how things go.
“Hey farmer!” She smiles as soon as she stops in front of you, the feeling of your stomach twisting makes you want to vomit in all of your nervousness. “I have a favor to ask you…”
“Yeah?” You ask trying to keep your cool. “What is it?”
“I would totally love love LOVE you forever if you could bring me an amethyst? It’s for Emily’s birthday and I don’t really like Clint so I don’t wanna buy anything from him. I’m willing to pay 150g!”
You cough into your fist, nodding along and taken aback by how casually she’s speaking to you. Before you can accept doing her the favor, the horrified look on your face makes your words falter.
She looks absolutely horrified, and touching your hand to your face you can feel why. Your nose started dripping blood, and by dripping you mean you can now feel it running down to your chin. A flurry of curses leave your mouth as confused noises leave hers. It's not much of a surprise that this has happened, but man did you wish it wasn't in front of her.
Surprisingly chill about it
Probably has a weird story about a nosebleed or something
Actually helps
You sit at the bar alone, upset at a horrible farming day. You tried your best, you really did, but those stupid ass crows actually ate ALL of your seedlings. Or…almost all of them but that’s basically the same thing! There is no way you’re gonna make enough to make it through winter comfortably. You told Emily exactly this, appreciative of her listening ear in the middle of her busy shift.
“You know they probably didn’t mean it…or maybe they did,” she sucks in a breath eyebrows furrowing as she thinks, “you know crows are very smart they probably know that you’re using that land to farm and stay there because of all the free food.”
“But it’s not free!” You exclaim, throwing your hands up in annoyance, “I have to buy those seeds! They’re just putting me into debt!”
She hums and nods, wiping the bar next to you where a person had just left. You had only a couple months left until the snow started falling and making it virtually impossible to grow anything. The little plants you had left you had to fight the crows for. And by fight I mean you angrily swung a broom at the with the intent of scaring them (not hitting them that’s mean). Still the growing anger inside you was not easily crushed by her warm and quite frankly outlandish words. No, in fact your anger grew the more you thought about it.
You felt it coming before anything had even exited your nose, hurriedly snatching the rag from Emily’s hands. Damn now you would have to buy the bar a new one. She just blinks then nods as if your nose becoming a bloody waterfall was normal.
“You know…nose bleeds cause by stress is usually because your heart rate and blood pressure increase and it causes your blood vessels to dilate!”
You stare at her before laughing. Maybe she was helpful after all.
You stand in front of Pierre in front of the shop, arms crossed as you watch his face grow redder the longer time goes on. “-IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DAUGHTER?” You’re not really listening to his tirade, over the whole ‘protective dad’ thing.
“Dad I’m an adult! You have no say in who I date!” Abigail yells back, face equally red. Who would’ve known that he would have a problem with the farmer he rips off constantly dating his daughter?
He yells out more reasons that the two of you shouldn’t be dating, and in turn points a finger into your chest roughly. You sputter out an offended sound, moving away from him. “Don’t touch me!”
“You shouldn’t be touching my daughter!”
“What? Dude we just started dating, you’re weird as hell!”
The arguing only gets worse from there, accusations flying around and now an audience comes with the drama. It’s almost too much for you to handle with now Caroline, Harvey, Haley, and the Milner family standing and watching the chaos. “Abby let’s just go to my place…” you try suddenly feeling the need to escape and no longer feeling the ‘fuck you dude’ attitude.
“No! He needs to understand that he can’t control my life!”
It’s like a volcano in your body and just like a volcano your nose begins to erupt. Now you’re screaming, Abigail is screaming, Pierre is screaming, the Mullners are screaming. Could this get any worse?
Turns out yeah, it can get any worse, like a family fight worse and now all of you are sitting in Harvey’s clinic. At least you aren’t the only bloody one now.
Is surprised
Also forgets what to do
Would probably make things worse
Maru talks about robots and space the way you would talk about her: totally and completely enamored. You sit on her bed listening to her talk about her newest invention, some sort of robot that can cook and clean and basically be a free maid. You laugh and move your arm to get in a more comfortable position to watch her. Unfortunately your arm had other plans and smacked hard into her bed post. Groaning out in pain, your eyes close and begin to water from how much your elbow hurt.
Demetrius is in your face before you even realize that he was in the room. You yelp out in surprise as he starts ranting about you ruining his daughter’s future. You blink in surprise and try to retreat back into the mattress. What was happening. You can hear Maru screaming over his words but your ears feel like they’re filled with water.
“We’re just friends!” You find yourself shouting. Like damn is the man insane? It wasn’t the first time he’s gotten upset at you over Maru, but it was the first time that he was absolutely losing his mind.
“Dad stop!”
Time froze for a second as you and Demetrius stared at each other, Maru standing near him. Breathing in you can taste blood in your mouth before your nose starts bleeding, yet you can’t bring yourself to do anything but sit and catch your breath.
“Oh my god!” Both Demetrius and Maru exclaim moving around the room trying to find something to help. You couldn’t help but feel annoyed at him acting concerned now.
Thankfully Maru looked cute trying to help you which at least made things a little better.
Is also freaking out on the inside but calm on the outside
Helps you with tissues
Is understanding
Going on a date with Leah is a dream come true. There’s paint, wine, food, and you’re sitting in the prettiest meadow you’ve ever seen, well it’s pretty because Leah is there and she’s pretty and you’ve been here multiple times because it’s near her cottage but it still looks different today.
You sit, paintbrush in hand, laughing at something she’s saying. It’s fun and if she hadn’t have asked you would’ve spent the day farming like usual, this little break was needed. The day couldn’t be ruined, absolutely nothing can ruin it.
Okay, one thing can ruin it and that one thing is Kel coming and ruining everything. The argument that ensues is one of the worst that you’ve seen. Kel tries to walk up on you(translation: Kel wants to fight you), Leah stops them but in turn gets into a fight with them which causes you to actually get up and try to defend her.
You kinda block out until you can hear Kel call out “I made your nose bleed bitch!” Which again causes you to want to drown in your anger.
“My noses is bleeding because I’m stressed, stupid!” You back. It’s obvious Kel hadn’t been able to hit your nose so claiming to be able to hit you so hard your nose bleeds isn’t even possible. It’s almost childish how the two of you argue.
Leah finally gets Kel to leave and hands you a bunch of tissues as she sits you down on the now rumpled blanket. As the two of you catch your breath and calm down, you find yourself smiling at her behind the wad of tissues catching blood flowing from your nose.
At least the situation would be funny in the future.
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veren-cos · 3 months
Bachelor(ette)s react to a handmade gift!
Aka Bachelor's and ettes x reader
Honestly a lot of these can be read as platonic, and for Sam, if you just ignore that bullet point, it can be platonic too lol
Loosely based on a request by @vvnbxz !
• Loves it.
• Loves it Loves it Loves it Loves it.
• Like anything from you and he is happy.
• But If you made something just for him? Oh he would be crazy happy.
• Peppers you with kisses all over your face.
• Then gives you a hug and like gushes about how cool you are.
• He would probably be the most chill.
• He would obviously say thanks out of politeness and genuinely liking it!
• But he doesn't make it a thing.
• If you are close with him tho, he gets very happy about it when he is just thinking before he goes to sleep.
• Like woah! They made this just for me!
• It makes him feel special.
• Awh Alex is just a sweetie.
• He would be so so so happy.
• Whatever you made him, he would try and figure put how you did it.
• Then, he would make one for you!
• Whether that be a piece of clothing (the one he made would be falling apart), a mug, literally anything.
• Just enjoys your presence and your sentiment and wants to reciprocate the gesture.
• Stoked!
• Like he is so precious about it.
• He displays whatever you give him on a shelf on his room.
• He feels like it's too precious to ever actually use it in fear of damaging it.
• Eventually he learns it's okay to actually use the things, but he is just so happy to receive something from you!
• He probably wouldn't realize it was handmade at first.
• You gave him a cup cozy that you made for all the soda he drinks haha
• When he realizes he just thinks it's cool!
• Wouldn't be dramatic or flabbergasted like some of the others.
• He already knows you've been crafty.
• But yeah he thinks it's neat!
• He would be over the top.
• My dramatic man haha
• No but he would be complimenting you left and right, saying how talented you are!
• Would not let it go for nearly the whole season!
• Brags about it to Leah. Constantly.
• He is just so happy he connected with you, and that you actually think about him!
• Thinks it's so cool!!!
• If you just met Haley, you'd probably think she only likes brand name stuff
• But she is a sucker for home made!!
• She can't make things for crap imo, so she thinks you are so talented.
• I think she'd love if you knew how to sew or crochet.
• She would wear the clothes you make her all the time.
• Oh Emily would just die if you made her something
• Like she would be flabbergasted.
• You would probably learn how to make something just to give it to Emily.
• Like you'd learn how to paint and give her a mug you painted?
• She would be so touched that you thought of her! Would use/wear it constantly
• Leah, like Emily, would be so happy!!
• You'd learn how to sculpt just to try and make her something!
• She ends up getting a finger pot from you, as it was the very first thing you ever sculpted.
• She thinks it's so sweet that you learned a new skill just to give her something.
• Penny would love it!
• She definitely appreciates the sentiment of a gift more than the gift itself.
• So give this girl anything and she is over the moon
• I feel like she would like a good scarf or clothing accessory
• So you made her a big warm scarf!!
• She wears it all the time.
• Once she even tried to style it for spring and got wayyyy to hot that she felt sick-
• But she just wanted to show you how much she appreciated it!
• Thinks it's very sweet of you!!
• She has a lot of technological crafty stuff, but doesn't really work much with artsy things.
• So if you gave her something you made (ie a scarf, clothes, artwork) she would think it's super cool!
• Would probably ask you to teach her. She loves to learn new things.
• Not going to lie, y'all probably made it together!
• She is super hands on with literally everything, and is pretty crafted herself.
• You probably were both making bracelets and then traded at the end of the day!
• They ended up having the same color scheme, totally on accident, so Abigial wears hers all the time.
• She always gets really happy when she sees you wearing yours too!
An* I've never actually written for any of the bachelorettes, so this was really fun!!! They are all just short and sweet blurbs :3
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queenxxraccoon · 1 month
So, we all know that for the most part people in Stardew Valley have jobs. But those who don’t like Haley, Abagail, Alex (he works at an ice cream stand in the summer that doesn’t count lol) Elliott, and Shane (once you marry him he stops going to work at JoJa Mart). I’m curious to know what you think these characters would enjoy doing for a living, or what they may have wanted to be growing up. I may have messed up and added a character who does have a job, or I missed a character that doesn’t and didn’t add them. Apologies if I did.
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stardew-traveler-peep · 10 months
Elliott Cosplays as One Man... Who Should He Be?
FUGIMOTO VS HOWL (poll at the end)
On the defence for Fugimoto:
Dude. The red hair? wig not needed, he just lets those locks GO and he's good!
this freak married the sea. and honestly with how beautiful Elliott describes her in game, I could TOTALLY sea it
If Elliott cosplays as Fugimoto, then the farmer gets to cosplay as THE SEA. lemme tell you, she GORG
Constantly in a mental break tbh the sea is the only thing keepin him sane
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on the defence of Howl:
Howl and Elliott?? they are t h e same type of dramatic
Elliott sounds like christian bale to me and so does Howl.
Howl has gone ginger. though its true it was during a mental break
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xinkrustardew · 3 months
I finally remade this after like two years😭 I’ve been playing lottssss as of recently
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writer-by-the-sea · 12 days
Um, hi! I'm new and I really like your works!
I want to make a request for Haley and Penny (separate) if that's okay with you!
Scenario: how would they react when they find out that their s/o, the farmer, used to be a member of the Mafia? A hitman to be exact, but they've changed and left that life behind.
I don’t think I’ve ever done a full on headcanon before, but I figured why not! 
Instead of doing mini fics for only two characters, I am going to attempt to write these thoughts into a slightly coherent but readable mess. WARNING: These do not all end happily. Some are very heavy angst and they break up with you.
“There’s… something I need to tell you,��� the farmer began, rubbing the back of their neck while they looked away from the person in front of them. Someone that they’ve come to love, to trust enough to finally open up to, and someone who might understand.”Before moving to Stardew… I was... Part of a very bad crowd,” they pause and take a deep breath. “Not just a little group of delinquents that spray paint the side of buildings.
“Something.. Far worse. I know that you might view me differently because of this but– I want you to know who I truly am. I never want to lie to you, and while I wanted to keep this secret buried deep inside; I care about you too much to allow you to continue dating me without knowing… 
“I was a hired killer, an assassin, a hitman.” 
“Hey, man, you don’t have to lie to me to look cool,” Alex laughed and gave you a thumbs up. “You’re already really cool in my book.” 
You grimace before saying, “Alex, I’m not lying.” 
“Oh,” he breathes out. A minute passes, the gears turning in his head as he thinks it over. “Ohhh.” 
“Yeah, oh,” you reply. “I understand if you need some space–” 
Alex leaned back into his bed, letting himself land softly on his back. “Gramps has killed a few guys, so I’m not really worried about it.” 
You look down at him and raise a single brow, “Wasn’t that in war though?” 
“It was, but it’s the same thing, isn’t it?” 
“Not.. really.” 
Alex shrugs and sighs, “if you asked him for stories, he would spend the rest of the day telling you every single bloody detail. I’ve heard them all a thousand times.” He sat up, dropping her face to a sneer and pulled his lips back. “During that war,” he began, perfectly mimicking his grandfather. “I killed fitty men! I collected their earlobes and wore them around my neck like a trophy!” 
You laughed, bumping your shoulder into Alex. “Okay, that’s a little fucked up actually.” 
“You haven’t even heard the worst of it,” he answered with a grin. “He likes to tell this story about the time they had to go save some guy–”
“Wait,” you cut him off, gently placing your fingertips against his lips to stop him. “I just.. I want you to know that I love you, and that all of that shit is in the past… but I understand if you want nothing to do with me after this.” 
Alex pushed your hands away with his lips, laughing again as he pulled back. “It’s alright, I get it. Just don’t keep anything else from me, okay?” 
You nodded and pulled him into your arms, giving him a good squeeze. “I promise.” 
Alex slid out of your arms and ran to his bedroom door, swinging it open before playfully glaring at you. “As punishment for not telling me in the first place!” He took a really deep breath filling his lungs before shouting “Grandpa! The farmer wants to hear all your war stories!” 
Alex wasn’t scared of you. Afterall, nothing you’ve done could ever compare to the stories he grew up with. He knew his grandpa regretted the choices he made, but sometimes, you have to do cruel things to survive. 
Elliott quickly grabbed his wine, downing the glass in one huge gulp before placing it back onto the table. “What you’re telling me,” he whispered, his gaze focused on the empty wine glass. “You’re being truthful? This isn’t a jest?” 
“No,” you answered, scooting your chair closer to his. “Just.. I know you’re in shock right now, but please just give me a chance to explain–”
“This is wonderful news!” Elliott jumped up from his chair, darting to a notebook that lies open with scribbles across the pages. He sprinted back, throwing himself back into the chair as harshly it nearly toppled over with him in it. “Tell me, what does another man’s eyes look like as you choke the life out of him?” 
“W-what?” you stammered, glancing down at the notebook that was now on the table where Elliott held his quill above it, ready to write. “Are you trying to get a confession from me?” 
“Heavens no!” He replied with a laugh, putting his quill down and turning to grab your hands. “My next novel is a murder mystery! I would love to have your feedback.” 
“You’re kidding,” you replied, your mouth hanging open. 
“Not at all, my love!” Elliott smiled so brightly, you would have thought you just told him his book had a million sales; not that you used to kill people for a living. “It truly is destiny that we were to meet!” 
“Do… Are you okay with my past?” 
“Ah,” Elliott nodded, understanding now why you seemed so hesitant with your words. “We all have our demons, don’t we, darling? If I were ever to judge every person I knew by the skeletons in their closet.. Well, life wouldn’t be very fun, now would it?” 
“I’m…” you tried to focus, confusion swirling in your head making everything foggy and hard to follow. “What?” 
Elliott was already back to his notebook, licking the pad of his thumb while he flipped through the pages. “This part here,” he held the book out to you, the page filled with brainstorms and more messy scribbles. “Could you fact check it for me? I honestly don’t know what a man sounds like when he gets stabbed like this. Also, the shoulder would be a good spot for them to survive from a stab, right?” 
You laughed, shaking your head at this ridiculous man. “Well, actually, there’s a main artery that going along the shoulder–” 
Part of you wasn’t surprised that Elliott was excited to discuss bloody, brutal, cold murder with you. Although, the writer did make a point the next day to scold you for keeping the secret from him. He could have finished his novel even sooner, and… he could have told you how much he loves you and would never give you up. 
In fact, he would help you get away with murder. 
“No,” Harvey stood abruptly, his knee hitting his kitchen table and nearly knocking his coffee over, the hot liquid jumping out of the mug and onto the table. “Shoot!” he cried as the coffee landed on some of his folders that were spread out. 
You joined him in grabbing napkins, trying to clean the coffee before it caused too much damage. 
“I can’t believe this,” he whispered as he tossed the dirty napkins aside, uncaring of where they would land. “Not you, not my farmer, no…” 
You pressed your lips together, trying to hold back your emotions. “Harvey–” 
Then he broke before you, a sob ripping through his throat right before he began sobbing. His glasses getting wet and foggy as he let each tear slide down his cheeks. “Not you…” 
“Please, I just–” 
Harvey straightened up, taking a deep breath and forced himself to meet your eyes. “I have dedicated my whole life to helping those who need it. I took an oath to assist any single soul that cries for help. If a patient dies on my table, I have to live with that for the rest of my life. The rest of my life knowing that I couldn’t do enough for them!” 
Your eyes widen, dread filling you as you realize this is the end. “Harvey, please–” 
“Get out,” he growled, his voice deep, dangerous, and oozing with hatred. 
“Let me explain–” 
“For you to come to me, and tell me that you took human lives for your own gain? I don’t need to hear another word,” Harvey took a step towards you, his body tensing, preparing to fight you if he must. “Get the fuck out of my home.”
Everything in you wanted to stay, to fight for what you had… 
You left, crying on your way back to the farm, your heart shattered beyond repair. 
“For real?” Sam's face scrunched in disbelief. “No, you’ve gotta be joking. Ain’t no way the hot farmer killed some dudes.” 
While your hands may have been tough from constantly working in the dirt, Sam could never imagine in a million years that you would kill a fly on the wall, let alone another human being!
“Is it April Fool’s? It is, isn't it?” he joked and nudged you. “Well, you got me–” 
“Sam,” you breathed out in reply, the truth hanging between you. 
“Holy shit,” Sam stood slowly, taking a step back from you. “You’re serious? You’ve actually killed people?” 
“Dude…” he ran a hand through his wild hair, not caring how the gel stuck to his fingers. 
He needed more information, but right now, he needed to make one thing clear. 
“Look,” he started and made his way back to you, dropping himself on his mattress next to you. “Like, I’m not gonna dump you over this; but keeping that from me was seriously not cool.” 
“I know,” you mumbled in reply and offered a weak smile. “I just–” 
Sam raised a hand, cutting you off. “No, we’re gonna talk about this later, after we’ve both had some pizza, and maybe a couple… or an entire case of beer. You’re gonna break all this shit down for me, and then we’re gonna talk about how you’re doing like.. Mentally. After doing all that shit.” 
“Mentally?” you asked with a laugh. “What--” 
“Nope,” Sam stood and grabbed your hand. “Pizza first, you asshole. I can’t believe you killed people, so fucking weird.” 
Sam was in it for the long run, and while he viewed you differently (as like, a cold blooded killer what the fuck,) he wasn’t going to give up on you just because of a dark past. 
“I mean, who hasn’t?” 
Your head whips up to stare back at Sebastian, not sure you just hear those words correctly. “Wait–” 
“You think I haven’t killed a man? Why do you think I hide out in the basement coding shit all day instead of living in the city and making a fortune? Be realistic.” 
“Sebastian, I–” 
“No, it’s cool. I really don’t care,” he said with a shrug and went back to typing on his computer. 
“Well, no, wait; Sebastian that’s a lot to drop on someone–” 
“Hey, I wasn’t a fucking hitman though now was I?” 
“I don’t know, were you?!” 
He shrugs again, reaching for an open pack of cigarettes and lights one up. He takes a deep drag and then blows it out slowly. “I’m gonna go get some leftover pumpkin soup, I made it last night, you want some?” 
You just stare back at him, your jaw hanging open. Now you were the one that needed more information! 
But, you supposed that could wait. Pumpkin soup was on the line, afterall. 
He takes a sip of his soda, savoring the flavor and bubbles before putting his can back down on the kitchen table. 
“So,” he began, forcing himself to sit up straight and meet your eyes. 
“Are you here to kill me then?” 
“Are you.. here, to kill me?” Shane asked again, slowly. 
“No!” you shouted and waved your hands in front of you like a white flag. “You’ve got the wrong idea!” 
“I’m not telling you how I made the chickens blue, you can beat me to the brink of death and I’ll never spill–” 
“Shane, babe, no– well actually how do you–” you stopped speaking as Shane glared at you and narrowed his eyes. “Nevermind the chickens, I’m not here to kill you.” 
“To kill Marnie then?” He asks. “To end the competition for milk and eggs? You make me sick,” he spit. 
“No, what? I turn all my milk into cheese to make you Pepper Poppers or Pizza–” 
“Then the eggs!” He declares and stands up, pointing a finger down where you sat. 
“Please, just listen to me,” you stood with him, on the verge of tears knowing that this could be the end–
Shane’s frown twitched, so quick you could almost miss it. 
You opened your mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it again. 
“Oh, I see. You came here to kill Willy, with your gaping fish mouth.” 
Any doubt or worries you had dropped instantly. “You’re totally fucking with me, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, I found your list of names a few months ago. You really shouldn’t leave that stuff lying around you know?” 
“Yoba,” you sighed in relief and dropped back into your chair, the wood lightly squeezing on the tiled floor. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You kept your head down, ashamed to have ever tried to hide this from him. 
Shane chuckled and sat back down, “I figured you’d tell me when the time was right.” 
You risked a glance at Shane, “do you hate me for it.” 
“Hate you? Of all people to hate someone for the mistakes they made in their past, you think I’m going to be one of them? I’m a little offended, farmer.” 
“I’m sorry,” you cracked a smile as he gazed at you, his eyes filled with all of the love and support in the world. 
He was right, Shane would never judge you for your past, just as you never judge him for his. The only thing that matters is the kind of person you are moving forward, and that suits him just fine. 
The first thing she asks, with a wicked grin and excited eyes, “So, how many people did you kill?” 
While she knows the value of a human life, she could never allow her thoughts to wander towards ‘what if I killed someone?’ She feared she may pursue it herself. 
“What was your weapon of choice?” she would ask next, hardly containing the buzz flowing through her body from the quick high; knowing she was talking to (dating!) a certified badass killer. 
She does view you differently, however. 
Not as an evil person, as you might have expected; but someone strong enough to protect her, someone who told her this knowing that she might turn away from them, someone who loves her enough to put her first. 
The subject is sensitive, and she knows not to tease you too much or ask for too many details; but she does ask for the occasional story – if you’re willing to give it. 
She gasps, her hands flying up to cover her mouth as she stares back at you in horror. “W-what do you m-mean,” she stumbles over her words, her hands now shaking as she lowers them away from her face, trying to steady them as they rest in her lap. “You.. you actually, ki–” she can’t finish the sentence. 
“I did what I had to, to get by. Please understand that I’m not a bad person-” 
“You killed people,” she dropped her head and watched as tears fell into her lap. “You actually killed people…” 
“How can I trust you after this?!” She jumped up, still shaking while she paced around her room. “How can I know that you’re not withholding more?!” 
You stood and put your hands on her shoulders, holding her in place, but she refused to meet your eyes. “I swear to you, I will never hide something from you again… if you just give me a chance to prove myself.” 
Emily dropped her head onto your shoulder, softly sobbing and letting her tears drip onto your shirt. “You’re going to tell me everything.” 
“Okay,” you whispered back, your arms moving down to wrap around her. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” 
There would be a lot of trust issues moving forward, and Emily would keep you on a tight leash for a while; but she knew that not everyone was perfect, and while she might not like your past, she loves who you are now. And she’s not willing to give up yet. 
She looked up from her phone, her brow dropping down and her eyes narrowing, “Ew.” 
You tried not to snort a laugh at her reply, but failed miserably. “That’s all you have to say? Ew?” 
She rolled her eyes at you, “what else am I supposed to say? Oh no, please don’t kill me, super scary hitman?” 
“Uh,” you looked around you as if you could find the answer hovering in the air. “I’m.. not.. sure, honestly.” 
Another eyeroll. “You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it’s worth. I’m still going to love you no matter what dumb shit you’ve done in your past. I mean, did you know that I dyed my hair black once? Also, ew. Total regret.” 
Bewildered, you plopped down beside her, shaking your head in disbelief. “You don’t care?” 
“Ugh. Of course I care,” she slapped you on the side and finally put her phone aside. “But you obviously regret it, like I did with the black hair, and while our past mistakes may have been huge; it doesn’t dictate who we are today. So, don’t worry about it.” 
“You realize you’re comparing black hair to the murder of a.. Lot of people?” 
“Babe,” she took a deep breath, staring deep into your eyes, begging you to understand… 
“I used a box dye. Tell me a worse crime than that.” 
You laughed together, her crime never coming close to your misdeeds, and she knew it. But after getting to know you, she knew she could continue to trust you just as she always has. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Leah threw her paintbrush at you, hitting you in the chest and leaving a splotch of yellow paint. “Not again!” 
“Again?!” you shouted back in shock. “What do you mean again!?”
“Tell me,” she hissed. “How many, what organization, and why the hell did you make me fall in love with you?!” 
“Do. Not. Leah. Me.” Each word spit in your direction. “Answer me.” 
You sighed, “it was a lot of people.. The organization was international and I never really knew who was in charge..” Closing your eyes, just to get away from her angry glare for a moment, you continued, “I never meant to mislead you. I wanted to tell you the truth to see if I even still stood a chance with you.” 
Leah relaxed, shaking her head before finding a place to sit down. “Thanks, for telling me, I guess.” 
Moving to her side, you kneeled next to her, taking her paint stained hands into your own. “Please, just give me a chance to make this up to you. I never wanted to hurt you.” 
“Yeah, well. You did,” she gently pulled her hands away, turning away from you. “Honestly, I don’t know if I can go through this again.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You’re never fully out of that life, farmer. That past will come back to haunt you one day, and I don’t think I have the strength to endure it.” 
“No, Leah, it’s over, I swear–” 
“Just leave, okay? I have a lot to think about.” 
Dejected, you do as you're told, stopping to say one last thing before you go. “I hope you’ll give me another chance, Leah. I’ve never felt this way about someone before, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 
She sniffles and wipes a tear away, “we’ll see.” 
She begins by tilting her head at you, her eyes scanning you up and down before turning back to her studies. “I know that, it’s pretty obvious.”
“Huh?!” you blurt out, shaking your head. “How–” 
Maru sighed and put her work aside, realizing that they needed to have a full chat about this now, despite her samples calling for her. 
“Once, you mentioned the amount of required poison to kill a person without raising suspicion to require an autopsy.” 
“Okay, but–”
“Another time, when my dad asked if you wanted to go camping one weekend and maybe hunting, you asked if a Heckler & Koch P30L would be an appropriate gun to bring.”
“I’ve never been hunting before!” you defended, weakly. 
“Sweetheart, it’s a handgun. You don’t go hunting with a handgun.” 
“Hang on–”
“Furthermore, you have two bullet wounds that I know of. One on your lower left calf and the other on your upper bicep. You also have obvious scars from being stabbed or sliced and it was most certainly not from a childhood cat.” 
You both stared at one another. You felt like an idiot for thinking you could ever hide anything from her. 
“Does it bother you?” 
“A little,” she admitted with a small shrug. “So long as you don’t go back into that kind of work though, I can get over it. Just don’t ever try to lie to me again, I will always know.” 
Her eyes widen and her heartbeat jumps so quickly she thinks she might faint.
She would have never expected this of you. 
Going into the mines was one thing, but killing people was a whole other level of insanity. 
It takes her a minute to process what you’ve just told her, her hands twisting in her lap, fearing she’s going to say the wrong thing. 
“Were they all bad people?” she finally asks, lifting her eyes up to meet yours. 
You take a moment to respond, a lie resting at the tip of your tongue, but you squash it and say, “No, they weren’t.” 
At this, Penny breaks. 
She drops her head into her hands and cries, pulling her knees up and to her chest while the heels of her feet rest on the edge of the couch. 
She was in love with you. So desperately, eagerly, pathetically in love with you. 
And now, she doesn’t know how to move forward. 
Her whole life, she has dealt with bad people. From the moment she was born she has fought with everything she’s ever had to be one of the good ones. Abiding by the rules, keeping to herself to avoid stepping on any toes, taking care of others when they don’t even appreciate the kindness she shows to them. 
“I don’t-” she gasped between her tears. “I don’t think I can do this.” 
The farmer nodded, taking her hands into their own and squeezing them gently. “I love you, Penny. More than anything.” 
“Why did you have to tell me?” she whispered. “Why..” 
“I couldn’t keep lying to you..” 
Penny stood, ripping her hands away to rope the back of them under her eyes. “Don’t talk to me. Don’t talk to me ever again.”
Then she ran off, leaving you there as the guilt washed over you. 
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halloweenbitch2764 · 5 months
My Stardew Valley asks are open! Send me SFW or NSFW asks and I'll reply to them!
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stardewlegends · 5 months
[Part 2] The Day After The Day Before | Sebastian x Reader, Platonic!Sam x Reader (Angst, mild Fluff)
Category: Angst, Fluff (Mandatory) Age: 18+ Trigger Warnings: Implied non-con, implied sexual assault, physical violence, blood, miscarriage, forced pregnancy, physical violence, verbal abuse, bleeding, head injury, hospitalisation, explicit language Ship: Sebastian x Reader, Platonic!Sam x Reader, implied Sam x Sebastian x Reader Summary: She'd heard so many good things about her best friend, Sam's, father, Kent, and it was true, he was lovely! Right up until he wasn't. How was she meant to tell Sebastian? Sam? The answer is simple: she couldn't. But apparently she couldn't hide it either. Request: N/A Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 6k
Almost six months have passed since the day (Y/N) learnt she was pregnant with that monster’s child. She decided to keep the baby. It was a hard decision, unsure whether she’d permanently be traumatised every time she looked at her child but thought about it more prominently as Sam’s brother than Kent’s son or daughter.
Sebastian and Sam, as promised, supported her the whole way. It’s not like she had anyone else. Harvey and Maru were judge-free too and have been helping her throughout the entire process.
Sebastian and Sam moved on to the farm with her, Sam occupying the spare room whilst Sebastian shared hers. It was fun. They helped her grow once again into the bright, chatty woman she once was before he took it all away.
Jodi never welcomed Sam back into their home after that Godforsaken day. She spread rumours about Kent’s beaten up face. Said that Sebastian had gaslighted Sam into abusing the family. Said that Sebastian was the one who raped (Y/N). Oh, yeah, a real likely story. Robin and Demetrius tried to get answers out of Sebastian about what actually happened, but he didn’t give them any information. He simply told his mother that he was moving onto the farm with (Y/N) and Sam to support her as she’s pregnant. Clarified it wasn’t his child. Robin didn’t interfere much more than that, Demetrius making snark comments at the boy which is just ignored.
Abigail regularly came by when she could, but Caroline forbid it. Naturally, Jodi opened her mouth and made the farmer the talk of the town. No one really gossiped about it except Jodi. She would do anything to protect her husband, and if that meant making everyone in Pelican Town hate the little bitch who took over the farm then so be it.
On the farm, Sam absolutely adored her chickens. Who knew the skater boy enjoyed farming so much? Sebastian enjoyed collecting fruit from all the trees, being sad in Winter when that wasn’t something he could do. They always went out foraging for some crystal fruits though. The pair made sure that she didn’t have to lift a finger anymore. Not whilst pregnant.
“I wanna go to the saloon.” (Y/N) admits one Friday night as the trio are watching some grid ball game on the television.
The two men look at her with surprised expressions on their faces.
“You serious?”
She nods but keeps her eyes on the screen across the room.
“I miss playing pool on Friday nights. I miss Gus and Emily listening to my boring farm talk, I miss Clint telling me about what cool shit he managed to forge together out of the leftover ore I had, I miss Willy’s voice shaking the place as he tells Clint all about some huge as Scorpion Carp he found…” The woman trails off. “I miss being normal.” “Then let’s go to the saloon.” Sam states. “People are gonna stare…” The woman trails off. “Let them; you look stunning.” Sebastian tells her, watching her blush and curl into him. “He’s right.” The blond adds, smirking and flashing a wink. “Come on, you’ve got me and Seb by your side - nothing will happen to you. Besides, as much as my mom is capable of opening her huge fucking mouth, the town adores you too much to listen.”
(Y/N) wishes she believed him. She’s trying to.
Sam calls up Abigail, asking her to come down and meet them at the saloon. She’s never been so excited to watch the boys play pool.
They walk down, basking in the late-Spring breeze that surrounds them.
“I’ve missed town.” (Y/N) sighs, smiling at the sight of the buildings around her in the town square. “I dunno why, it’s shite.” Sebastian remarks, the trio chuckling at the sarcasm.
They come to a halt outside of the Stardrop, the two men patiently waiting for the woman to be ready to go inside.
“It’ll be okay. My family don’t even come in here.” Sam reassures.
She nods and they finally enter. Peoples heads turn to acknowledge whoever has just walked in and the chat immediately dies down.
(Y/N) wonders if Sebastian is nervous, knowing the rumours were that he’s the one who knocked her up without consent. He doesn’t seem phased. The truth is he isn’t. The people who matter know the truth, and anyone who believes the lies aren’t worth having around.
The farmer’s convinced everyone heard her gulp.
Sam and Sebastian don’t falter, the latter reaching for the woman’s hiding and offering an encouraging smile. He’ll take anything that is thrown her way. Both of them will. She knows it. She’s grateful.
As Sebastian leads her into the pool room, Elliott’s voice speaks up.
“(Y/N),” He calls, the woman freezing. Sam and Sebastian do too. The trio turn to look at the man sitting at the bar, everyone’s eyes on them. “It’s good to see you back.”
The tears that well up in her eyes are staining her cheeks before she can even attempt to hide them.
Elliott smiles and stands up, Leah admiring his confidence, approaching the farmer, opening his arms for a hug which she graciously accepts.
“Thank you so much.” She whimpers into his burgundy jacket. “No need, little lady. We’ve missed you more than you know.”
The red-head offers a smile at the two men whom the farmer walked in with, them returning it with a nod.
“How many weeks are you now?” He asks, admiring the prominent bump under the woman’s dress. “Twenty-four.” She whispers, naturally resting her hands there. “You know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?” “Keeping it a surprise.” “Nice.”
Elliott heads back to the bar, taking a seat by Leah, and (Y/N) continues her path toward the pool table with Sebastian and Sam.
The tension is already gone thanks to Elliott and the night is pretty relaxing. Abigail joins them shortly after they arrive, her constantly talking to the baby bump as if it’s gonna respond.
“I’m gonna go order a drink from the bar - I wanna chat with Gus and Emily.” (Y/N) states, her three friends nodding and smiling in admiration. “Okay, doll; we’ll be right here.”
She nods at Sebastian with a smile before heading over to the bar, standing beside Elliott.
“Hey, Gus,” She greets, the bartender offering her a warm smile. “Evenin’, farmer. Good to see ya face again. What’re ya havin’?”
She giggles at his attempted farmer’s accent.
“Just a blackcurrant and soda water, please?” “Comin’ right up, ma’am.” “It really is good to see your face again, (Y/N).” Elliott comments, turning to face the woman once again. “I appreciate it so much.” She whispers, tearing up again.
He smiles and wraps his arm around her before picking up his drink.
“Ladies and Gents, if I could have your attention, please,” The red-head begins, (Y/N)’s eyes widening. “I’d like to raise a toast to our sweetheart of a farmer who joined our wonderful town and naturally made it a better place. She hasn’t been able to have our support lately but I’d like everyone now to raise a toast to this little lady in congratulations of the wonderful baby they’re carrying.” He announces, eyes locking with everyone in the bar. “To (Y/N)!”
And everyone does toast. Drinks in the air. Everyone cheering. Hell, even Clint does and he’s as quiet as anything.
The woman hides her face in Elliott’s jacket in embarrassment. He chuckles and strokes her back.
There’s some fun chat and banter throughout the bar as (Y/N) catches up with everyone, quickly feeling a lot more welcome in her local despite what her worrying thoughts warned her about.
So much fun going on that she doesn’t acknowledge the saloon doors opening.
“Well, well, well, this all looks awfully friendly.”
(Y/N) freezes up at the voice. She’s stood at the bar talking to Emily, the door directly behind her, along with the wife of that monster.
“Surprised the whore actually decided to show her face again.”
The farmer’s eyes clench shut as she fears everything that’s about to happen. Sam and Sebastian hear the voice and stride over to the archway that connects the pool room to the main bar.
“I presume you’ve also fucked the bitch by now, Samson.” Jodi snarks, turning to look at her son who stares her down.
Sebastian looks ready to kill.
“Jodi, I’m afraid if you’re going to be rude, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Gus states, trying to remain professional.
The woman smirks.
“Why do I have to leave when that little rat has been spreading her legs for everyone in order to ruin my life!?”
(Y/N) is trembling now, hands gripping onto the bar as if it’s keeping her from collapsing.
“Jodi,” Elliott speaks up, giving the woman a glare that tells her not to start. “Gus asked you to leave.” “Are you all stupid!?” “Mom-” “Don’t you dare call me your fucking mother!” Jodi instantly interrupts her son, pointing her finger.
Sam gulps but is prepared to fight this battle.
“And you!” The woman continues, pointing at the dark-haired boy standing beside her son. “You manipulative, gaslighting little shit!”
Sebastian doesn’t falter at her words. She’s delusional.
“What did you think you’d gain out of making my own son hate his father!?” “Kent did that himself.” The boy remarks, Jodi’s eyes flaring up with more anger. “You’re sick. You’re fucked in the head.”
Sebastian’s convinced that if his mother was here, she’d have lost her shit at Jodi by now.
“Perhaps, but my husband didn’t rape someone half his age whilst still married, so I guess I’ve got that going for me.”
The tension in the room is suffocating. People’s eyes widen as they acknowledge the truth in Sebastian’s words. Kent was the one who got her pregnant.
“Let’s just go.” (Y/N) manages, turning to look at her two best friends.
Jodi scoffs.
“Yeah, that’s right, run back to that petty little farm that you can’t even run properly so drag those two down with you. My son had a future before you fucked him up!”
The farmer sighs and turns around to finally meet Jodi’s glare.
The woman’s eyes widen at the sight of her belly and (Y/N) very rapidly realises that Jodi didn’t know.
“You have got to be fucking joking me.”
The woman at the bar freezes, shaking once more.
“I’m just gonna go home.” She manages, taking a step forward and turning toward the archway where her two best friends are standing, but that’s when Sebastian screams.
Everything happens too fast.
(Y/N)’s head whips back around just in time to see Jodi lunging for her, shoving the farmer with enough force to send her stumbling back into the bar, knocking the wind out of her, before falling into the bar stools and to the ground.
Sebastian and Sam dove forward but weren’t as fast as the silent man in the blue Joja jacket who grabs Jodi by her throat and slams her up against the wall of the saloon.
(Y/N)’s breaths are heavy, moaning in pain, hands wrapping around her belly as her two best friends drop down beside her, along with Elliott and Leah.
“I was always taught to never hit a woman but you’re no fucking lady.” Shane all but growls as Jodi gasps for breath, hands clawing at the man’s hand in an attempt to alleviate his grip. “Shane-” She gasps, eyes wide. “I could fucking kill you, you know that?” The man warns, grip not faltering. “You had the audacity to tell everyone in this town that Sebastian touched her without permission when in reality it was your shit-eating husband.” “Shane…” Marnie’s voice manages to reach his ears. He forgot she was here, to be honest. He doesn’t care.
Marnie isn’t telling him to stop, no. Marnie agrees wholeheartedly with his actions. He knows that. She’s warning him to be careful. To not get caught.
With another shove into the wall, Shane drops the woman, Jodi dropping to her knees as she gasps for breath once more. The man spins around and acknowledges Sebastian and Sam helping the pregnant woman stand up.
And that’s when he sees it.
“Get her to Harvey.” He states, eyes wide. “Yeah, no shit.” Sam manages, not intending to come across harshly. “No, seriously,” Shane adds. “Guys…” Elliott speaks up, Sebastian and Sam looking down and seeing the red stains on the floor where (Y/N) was lay.
The same red stains at the bottom of her dress. The same red stains leaking down her legs.
The two boys’ eyes widen and they look at one another before looking at the girl they’re holding who’s eyes are also on the mess.
“No…” She whimpers, legs giving in but Sebastian and Sam catch her. “Come on, baby, we’ve gotta get you to Harvey. The dark-haired boy manages, heading toward the door. “No, no, no, no, no, please!” She’s screaming. Sobbing. Her heart is shattering and everyone can see it.
Shane opens the door for the boys, sprinting ahead and banging on Harvey’s door.
“HARV, OPEN UP! EMERGENCY!” He yells, Sam and Sebastian slowly approaching with the screaming woman in their arms. “FOR FUCKS SAKE, HARVEY, OPEN UP!”
The doctor sprints to the door scared that Shane has relapsed once again, but this is so much worse.
“She’s bleeding.” They’re the only words Sam manages as he meets the scared gaze of Harvey.
He nods and ushers them inside, quickly preparing a bed for the woman where he injects her with some substance or other to knock her out, her screams dying down.
Sam and Sebastian are stood by the bed, bloodstains on their clothes, eyes wide as Harvey begins to work on the woman.
“Guys, come on, you’ve gotta let him work.” Shane attempts, they listen. They stare at the woman with lost eyes but let Shane lead them outside of the room.
They’re lost. Sam and Sebastian. Shane is talking to them both but neither of them can understand any of the words he’s saying. They simply manage to find each others’ gaze and cling onto each other in a bone-shattering hug.
Shane’s breaths are heavy. He isn’t exactly best friends with the farmer but she’s the only one who never judged him. She would always sit with him and have a drink. Buy him a pint or two. Saved his life when he hit an all-time low. He saw her as a friend, and she saw him as an equal. That was more than enough for him.
When he heard the gossip that Kent was attacked by Sebastian because the soldier threatened to expose that the quiet emo both was a rapist, he didn’t believe it. How could he? (Y/N) treated Sebastian with the same amount of care that she treated himself with. Now he knows he was right. Sebastian isn’t a bad guy, but that fucking asshole…
Hours pass. How many? Neither of the men are sure. Sebastian told Shane to go home after he calmed down. Thanked the man for defending (Y/N). Shane could only apologise that he wasn’t quick enough to stop the initial hit - Sam and Sebastian told him it wasn’t his fault. He wishes he believed them.
Harvey’s footsteps echo across the surgery, Sam and Sebastian immediately up on their feet and looking at the man with so much anticipation
“She’s still out but will probably wake in the next hour or so.” The doctor begins, the men somewhat nodding but awaiting the more important information.
Harvey sighs and removes his glasses from his face and ruffling his hair.
“Gents, I’m sorry, but the baby didn’t make it.”
Sebastian’s body starts to shut down. He remains frozen, eyes staring lifelessly at the brunet in front of him.
“Seb,” Sam whispers, noticing the absence of life in his friend.
The blond’s heartbroken. He’s crying. Not only was that his best friend’s kid, it was his half-brother.
Sebastian’s face turns to look at Sam, still remaining stoic.
“Why her?” He whispers, Harvey tearing up at the question. “What did she ever do to deserve this?”
Sam lets out a sob and shakes his head, looking around the room for the answer that doesn’t exist.
“She didn’t deserve this.” Is all he can whisper.
Another two hours pass. The two men are sitting on either side of her bed as she stirs. No words have been said between them.
A groan rumbles in her throat as the blinding light of the hospital room takes over her vision.
Sebastian is holding one hand whilst Sam is holding the other.
“Take it easy.” Sebastian whispers.
When the room finally starts to make more sense, the woman glances over at Sebastian and Sam.
“Hey…” It’s muffled against the oxygen mask covering her face. “Hi, gorgeous.” The dark-haired boy murmurs, forcing a smile despite his painfully obvious tear-stains.
She takes a moment to remember everything that happened but the gasp that escapes her follows a number of beeps from the monitors she’s hooked up to.
“Woah, hey, hey, hey, baby, calm down,” “Woah, (Y/N), it’s okay!”
Sam and Sebastian are both up on their feet trying to calm the now frantic woman down.
“Breathe, baby, breathe.” Sebastian attempts, watching her head drop down and hands jump to her, now, flat belly. “No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!” She’s ripping the mask off of her face, tearing at all the wires in her body, throwing the bedsheets off of her as she gets a better look at her stomach.
Sebastian wraps his arms fully around the woman, cocooning her against him, whilst Sam stumbles back and throws his head back against the wall. His fists are clenched as silent tears pour down his face.
It took the woman months to come to terms with her pregnancy and decide she wanted it, picturing the perfect life with Sebastian and Sam by her side, but it's been ripped away from her.
“WHERE’S MY BABY!? WHERE’S MY BABY!?” She’s screaming, Sebastian sobbing and trying to keep her trapped against his body to stop her flailing about. “(Y/N), doll, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, breathe for me.”
Harvey comes sprinting into the room and sees the state of the woman who’s just woken.
“SOMEBODY TELL ME WHERE MY BABY IS-” The woman’s screams fade out as Harvey injects her with some sort of drug to knock her out. “I’m sorry, I was upstairs organising some files.” The doctor utters, Sebastian pulling back from the woman so Harvey can fix up her wires.
The two boys don’t respond.
“What do we do, Harvey?” Sam whispers, still leaning against the wall, staring aimlessly at the unconscious woman. “She’s going to take a while to recover but with the right support around her, I think she’ll be fine.”
More silence.
“Can she ever get pregnant again?” Sebastian manages, voice barely above a whisper. “Yes.”
It’s barely enough to relieve either of the men.
“Can she have sex?” The darker-haired boy continues to ask as many questions as possible, wanting to be ready to answer everything the woman may have when she wakes again. “Yes, but I would recommend waiting a couple of weeks before inserting anything into her vagina. Her cervix is open so she’s prone to infection.” Harvey answers all the questions with explicit professionalism. “Is she gonna be in pain?” Sam manages, his eyes flitting to Harvey for a moment before returning to (Y/N). “Some pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramp pain, is quite common after a miscarriage,”
Sebastian’s eyes clench shut at the word itself.
“This should only last a couple of days really; if there’s any noticeably bad pain then you can come back to me and I can offer painkillers, but I won’t let her out of here until she feels up to it anyway.”
They both manage a nod.
“Is there anything we can do for her?” “She needs to continue to eat and drink plenty even though she may not feel up to it. Try and stop her doing physical work on the farm, she needs rest.” The boys continue to nod in understanding as Harvey speaks. “She will probably struggle to sleep for a while honestly.”
There’s silence after that as Harvey switches about the wires and tubes in the woman’s body.
“If she wakes up again, press this button and I’ll be right in.” “Thanks, Harvey.”
It’s an hour later when the doctor returns with a knock at the door.
“Sorry to interrupt, gents, but Robin is here and has asked if she can see you, Sebastian?” Harvey states, Sam looking at his friend, curious for the response. “Is she welcome in here?”
Harvey nods.
“Of course.”
A moment later, another knock followed by Robin’s entry. She looks like she’s going to cry when she looks at (Y/N)’s, practically lifeless, body laying on the medical bed.
“Hi…” She whispers, looking at her son with uncertainty.
Sebastian stands up and hugs his mother in that moment.
“Oh, Sebby…”
A sob escapes the boy’s lips.
“She didn’t deserve any of this, mom.”
Robin remains silent for a moment, glancing over at the blond across the room who’s staring at the floor, crying once again.
“What’s gone on, Sebastian?” She whispers, hands stroking the back of her heartbroken son.
The pair pull back and sit down, Sebastian’s eyes returning to the unconscious woman.
“(Y/N) and I have had a ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement for a little while now - discussed dating and stuff but decided we’re not quite ready for it,” The boy begins, Robin holding his hand and stroking it. “I know full well I’ll never love another woman the same way I love her.”
He pauses, trying to find a starting point.
“When you and Demetrius were away on your anniversary trip, I had Abigail, (Y/N) and Sam over to play some video games and shit. Everyone left except (Y/N), but she was packing her stuff as if ready to leave; she normally stays the night. I wrapped my arms around her and asked if she was leaving already but she froze.” He pauses, remembering the exact moment he held the woman he loves in his arms and she froze up like he just made the worst mistake of his life. “Like, really froze. It scared me. I let go. She said she had some farm stuff to take care of and started heading toward the door but I grabbed her wrist - not hard! But she fucking screamed. Stumbled into the wall and stared at me like I just burnt her.”
Robin doesn’t tell the boy off for swearing on this occasion.
“She ran out after that. I was scared shitless. I saw it in her eyes that she was fucking traumatised. She’s never been like that - certainly not with me. She loves physical affection and shit, she would never react like that. Anyway, I sat and thought it over for a while, worried about what the fuck I’d done to make her so fucking scared of me, and realised I hadn’t done anything, and even if I had, she would’ve told me. We’re best friends, she tells me everything…”
Robin is tearing up as she listens to what her son has been through whilst she’s been completely oblivious.
“I decided to deal with it later cause it was late. Next morning I call by Pierre’s to ask Abby for her help, grabbed Sam too, and told them what had happened. Sam immediately suggested that someone’s hurt her, agreeing that it’s not like her to turn down physical affection, especially screaming from a touch. We went to her place - she was still in the same clothes she fell asleep in which worried me too. We asked her if someone had hurt her and she lost it. She broke down in tears as we asked her more and more questions trying to get to the bottom of whatever the fuck had happened.”
Sebastian pauses as he sniffles and wipes the tears from his face.
“She told us she was raped; admitted it was Kent. Said she didn’t wanna tell us because he’s Sam’s dad. She didn’t want Sam to lose the father he’s been waiting years for.”
Robin’s eyes turn to the blond across the room, seeing his eyes clenched shut, fists tight, tears falling.
“Sam didn’t believe her first - I don’t blame him, but I knew (Y/N) would never lie to us, especially about something like this. Sam stormed out and gave Kent a hefty punch or two, I followed - scared Sam might take it too far.”
He fucking deserved it. Those are Sam’s unvoiced thoughts.
“He fucking deserved it though.” Sebastian voices his thoughts anyway. “I went in and Kent was mouthing off some shit about how she was asking for it and shit-talking her, so I lost my fucking cool and gave the guy a good hit.” “Or ten.” Sam quietly remarks, a very brief smirk on his lips. “The asshole deserved it. Anyway, I was stopped because (Y/N) and Abby turned up and I didn’t want her to see that. She passed out after Kent spat out some more utter bullshit. I carried her up to ours since you guys were away - figured she could do with somewhere away from her own house and that fucker’s.”
Robin is crying but lets her son finish.
“I just let her rest for a few days. She didn’t say or do much, we just watched some TV, I read to her, made her food, bla bla, then one day she asked if she could speak to Maru as she realised she could have damage, infections, possible pregnancy, which I hadn’t even fucking thought about.” “You can’t beat yourself up over this, Seb.” Sam manages, sparing a glance at the dark-haired boy.
Sebastian gulps but continues.
“I asked if she was sure and she said yes, so we spoke to Maru who got us in with Harvey that very evening. Found out she was pregnant. We slept on it since she was unsure what she wanted to do. Sam came over the next day to see how (Y/N) was doing - and because Jodi and Kent kicked him out, Jodi losing her shit and saying I was gaslighting them both or some dumb fucking shit,” He takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “We eventually agreed to move to the farm, all three of us, and she decided she was going to keep the baby - wanted to try and get something good out of this whole shit show.” “So when did Kent actually…” Robin trails off, not wanting to break her son even more. “End of Spring - like, a fucking week after he came back to Pelican Town.” Her son confirms. “Anyway, I’m sure you’ve heard the drama of what happened in the saloon. (Y/N) decided she missed going out. We were all very aware of Jodi spreading utter bullshit in order to protect to darling husband and whatever, so we’d all been on the down-low for a while. We decided to go to the saloon, Sam and I very ready to protect her from any bullshit thrown her way, but Elliott grabbed our attention as we came in and said she’d been missed. Later in the night, she was chatting to everyone, Elliott raised a toast to congratulate her on her pregnancy, it was really nice to see her smiling again.” “She was glowing.” Sam whispers, Sebastian managing a momentary smile. “Yeah. Anyway, Jodi turns up at like eleven PM, starts shit-talking (Y/N), me, Sam… You probably would’ve smacked her.”
Robin attempts a small chuckle.
“(Y/N) says she’s just gonna leave and doesn’t want to cause any drama, but Jodi obviously wasn’t aware she was pregnant and lost her shit, shoving her back into the bar. She fell down, smacked her body on the stools and her head on the floor. Sam and I were too far away to fucking stop it. Shane stepped in though, pinned the bitch up against the wall and threatened her. (Y/N) was bleeding… a lot. Shane helped Sam and I get her here, but she, uh, the baby didn’t make it.”
“And now we’re here.” “What time even is it?” Sam manages. “Just after one PM.” Robin confirms.
The boy nods.
“I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t talk to me about all this. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this has been on you. Both of you.”
Sebastian attempts an appreciative smile but it barely lasts a second.
“Come here, Samson.” Robin adds, standing up and opening her arms for the boy. “Robin, thank you, but-” “Come here.” She doesn’t take no for an answer, simply smiling and accepting the embrace. “You’re always welcome into my home.”
He squeezes a little tighter.
“Thank you.” “You and Sebastian have always been like brothers anyway.”
He pulls back and smiles
“He drives me crazy like a brother.”
She manages a chuckle.
“He drives me crazy like a son.” “I’m right here.” It’s a sarcastic remark from the dark-haired boy. “Has she woken up yet?” The carpenter asks, taking a seat back beside her son. “Yeah, but she realised her bump was gone and lost her mind; Harvey had to inject her with some anaesthetic or something to knock her back out.” “Oh, bless her.”
Some time passes and Robin says she’ll head off, not wanting to intrude when the woman wakes up once more. What she doesn’t tell either of the men is that she’s going to add some renovations to the woman’s farm, free of charge, to help accommodate all three of them, and a baby in future if she wishes to try again.
Sam stands up and walks over to sit beside his best friend, taking his hand.
“I’m sorry, Seb.” “Do you think she’ll be okay?” Sebastian whispers, not taking his eyes off of the girl.
The blond pauses, contemplating his answer.
“We’ll make sure she is.”
Another forty-five minutes pass before the woman begins to stir, Sebastian immediately noticing the way her eyelids twitch. He presses the emergency button to contact Harvey straight away, praying that they can keep her calm enough to stay awake this time round.
The running footsteps resound in the small medical room the three of them are occupying, Harvey unlocking the door with worried eyes.
“She’s twitching a little - stirring - I think she’s gonna wake up; I figured I’d get you here first.” Sebastian briefs, the doctor nodding and checking over her machines and stats once again.
The woman groans, feeling exhausted, which is bizarre given that she’s waking up. Her body feels like it’s got the weight of Lewis’ truck resting on it.
What the hell?
“(Y/N), can you hear me?”
Is that… Harvey’s voice?
“If you can hear me, love, can you try and give me a sign? Wiggle your fingers or toes?”
Why the hell wouldn’t she be able to hear him? He sounds like he’s right beside her.
Nonetheless, she complies and attempts to move her digits.
“Perfect. Okay, (Y/N), I’m going to tell you a few things but I need you to remain calm, okay? Despite everything I’m reminding you of, you’re one-hundred percent safe right here right now.”
She’s clearly in the hospital.
Another mining accident? She usually can hear Marlon nagging in her ear by now though about how reckless she is.
“You’re in the hospital due to getting hurt when in the saloon. You were pushed and fell to the floor. Do you remember?”
Who in the hell of Stardew Valley would push her?
“Can you hear me, doll?”
Attempted finger movements.
She also tries to turn her head toward her best friend’s voice but her eyes aren’t assisting just yet.
“Hey, pretty girl,” She fails to see the soft smile on Sebastian’s face, perfectly paired up with the tears staining his cheeks. “You remember Sam’s family?”
Oh, fuck-
Another gasp and she feels multiple hands on her body as if pinning her down.
“Breathe, doll, it’s okay.” “(Y/N), remember that you’re safe.” Harvey inputs. “Don’t panic, you’re okay, I promise.”
The pet name ‘baby’ is on the tip of Sebastian’s tongue, but there’s a time and a place for that…
“Just focus on staying calm, doll, or else we can’t help you.”
She was pregnant.
The saloon.
Jodi was pissed.
Jodi didn’t know she was pregnant - how!?
She was pushed.
The blood.
Her baby…
“Try and stay calm, (Y/N).” Harvey’s voice interrupts her thoughts once more; it’s then that she realises how obnoxiously loud the beeping of her heart monitor is as it gets faster.
With struggling efforts, the woman manages to move one of her hands across her body to her flat stomach.
She lost the baby.
There’s no way she had the baby - she had two months left.
Is that possible?
Perhaps this was the way it was meant to be.
With strain, she manages to open her eyes, the blinding hospital lights barely hurting in comparison to the loss of her baby.
“Welcome back, (Y/N).” The doctor greets, but she hasn’t even looked at any of the men in the room yet. “Just to make you aware, I’m in the room along with Sebastian and Sam.”
“Hey, (Y/N).” The blond comments.
She doesn’t respond.
Eventually, she manages to turn her head and acknowledge the doctor beside her. He offers a reassuring smile and waits patiently for her to feel comfortable.
She then rolls her head around and sees the two boys standing side by side, both crying and looking like they haven’t slept in days. Or showered. Or eaten.
With slow, mechanical movements, the farmer reaches up and slowly slides down the oxygen mask covering her mouth. She licks her lips and moistens her mouth, feeling just how dry her throat is.
“You two look like shit.”
Sam can’t help the laugh that erupts from his throat, mixed with a sob or two. Sebastian simply smiles and shakes his head.
“Missed you too, gorgeous.” The latter mutters. “You’re not lookin’ too hot yourself, farmer.” Sam adds, jokingly.
She attempts a smile before turning to look back at Harvey.
“How long have I been out?” “Eighteen hours-ish.” The doctor confirms. “You woke up about ten hours ago but weren’t doing so good.”
She nods.
“I lost the baby?”
The anguish on Harvey’s face is enough to know.
“I’m really sorry, (Y/N). I tried everything I could.”
She simply smiles and nods before turning to look at the two boys on the other side of her.
“Are you mad?”
The men's faces contort into confusion and shock.
“Mad? Why on Earth would we be mad? Of course we’re not mad, doll, we’re just glad you’re okay.” Sebastian assures the woman, resting a hand on her matted hair. “(Y/N), I’m just glad you’re alive and breathing.” Sam adds.
Harvey answers every question the woman has, brings her some food and drink, and leaves the trio to chat amongst themselves.
“I love you both very much.” “We love you very much, pretty girl.” Sebastian smiles. “My mom came by earlier, by the way - I told her everything.”
(Y/N) nods.
“Does she hate me?” “Of course she doesn’t hate you, (Y/N).”
“I want to go home.” “We can go home whenever Harvey says so.” “Will you both stay with me?” “(Y/N),” “Doll,”
Sam and Sebastian begin at the same time, (Y/N) giggling at their synchronisation.
“I think I can speak for Sebastian as well as myself when I say we don’t plan on leaving your side for the rest of our lives.”
It was at that moment that (Y/N) looked at Sam in the same light she looks at Sebastian in.
But three’s a crowd.
Sebastian sees the conflict in the woman’s eyes and it makes him grin.
“We’ll figure it out, pretty girl.” The emo boy comments, flashing a wink as she realises he can read her like a picture book. “I love you both.” “We love you too, farmer.”
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arrloww · 4 months
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Up and Coming
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pancake-poett · 1 month
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-- stardew valley masterlist ୨ৎ .ᐟ
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♡ all/multiple marriage candidates (headcanons, etc) :
nothing here yet!
♡ bachelors :
nothing here yet!
♡ bachelorettes :
nothing here yet!
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2willowlane · 11 months
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introduction <3
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welcome to my stardew valley brainrot. please, get comfortable. it's my new hyperfixation, lol.
i mainly write for harvey, elliott, emily, and abigail. maybe shane and sandy. i write for sfw requests. i may be ooc at times, so please excuse it..
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babiebom · 8 months
Hey! I’ve been into SDV for a while know and I found your profile and it’s absolutely amazing! Your headcanons are so accurate and your writing is so smooth! I love it all! I saw that you take requests, so could you do headcanons for Stardew Valley Bachelors and Bachelorettes reactions when they find out that the farmer has a prosthetic leg?
(Love your work💗💗)
A/N: thank you for enjoying my work!! I try my best to write everyone in a way that I think is accurate so it feels good when people say that they think it is. Again if anything is offensive or wrong let me know!!!
Tw: some cursing, maybe some mean things/judgement/ableism because let’s face it not everyone is nice, a person without a prosthetic writing about it. let me know if anything else should be tagged!
Bc: at least 5 for each!! Some are shorter than others!
Stardew Masterlist
I feel like Sebastian would try to act normal about it but would be like….
Hmm okay
I don’t think he would react outwardly
He would try to keep things inside
And I don’t think he’s ableist
But he would be like
OMGOMGOMGOMG in his mind
He wouldn’t ask questions either
He’d just act like everything is fine when in reality he’s now panicking like……..
Is he supposed to act different? He doesn’t think so? Is that rude?
Is terrified of losing you and doesn’t want to mess anything up.
When he does ask about it tries to do it in the most non offending way possible.
Because he is curious about it
I don’t think anyone else in the valley has prosthetics
So he does want to know everything
He’s really nosy tbh
But acts all emo and as if he isn’t and that he doesn’t care
If you wanna ever talk about it I think you would have to bring it up first
OH COOL ya know *insert some random thing*
He wouldn’t be all “omg I didn’t know I’m so sorry” about it
I think he’s similar to Emily in this
In that it doesn’t really change his view of you
Would probably say offensive things though
Like on accident and because his mind is coming up with dumb questions and he has no impulse control when it comes to his mouth
Would ask if you could be like a pirate
Or ask if it means you can skateboard better than him
Would probably give you a kinda offensive nickname
But again hes doesn’t mean to be stupid about it
DOES change his tune if you don’t like it
Would never want to continue doing something that you actively dislike
Does ask every question that is on his mind
I feel like rather than the others he’s much more comfy with you
So doesn’t hesitate to ask about anything he lacks knowledge on
Depending on where you are in your relationship he has different moods
Like if he hasn’t opened up and is still depressed and an alcoholic he would be VERY pessimistic about it
Would probably get your spirits down
Would also probably say VERY offensive things in his melancholy state
Would say sorry only after you say that he’s being rude about it
If it’s after he gets help no matter if you’re dating or not he’s still like…
About it
Y’know? But he wouldn’t be an asshole either he’d just be like
Are you okay? About it if it makes sense?
Like it’s not an omg are you okay it’s more of a how are you feeling about it way
Like no matter if you’ve had the prosthetic forever or got it more recently his question is the same
How do you feel about it?
Does really care about your thoughts
I do think with him you’d have more deeper conversations than with anyone else other than maybe Harvey
While I don’t think he’s very judgmental on purpose
He probably would say some rude things
Or react in a rude way
Maybe thoughtless is the right word?
Like he isn’t going to be mean or anything
But he will say something like “oh like a pirate or something!”
And you’d be like “??????sure I guess….?”
Would want to swing your prosthetic leg around for shits and giggles
Understands that it’s expensive to get proper prosthetics but it’s in the back of his mind
Wouldn’t really treat you any differently unless it’s something that he thinks could hurt you
Even if you can do it alone
He’s like “NONO let me do it!!”
I don’t know what type of person you are but I know that’s either a relief so you only have to do easy things or it’s annoying because you’re perfectly able to do things on your own.
Is always impressed that you can do your farming duties.
Like it’s sorta ableist?
Like he’s a little confused but he has the spirit type of thing
His first thought would be
Damn how good is your insurance
Or if you had to pay out of pocket for it
Is a doctor after all
I think he’d be curious in a doctor way
Because again I don’t think anyone else in the valley has a prosthetic (Sadge bc diversity is cool)
So he hasn’t really seen them that often
Would probably be very intrusive if you two are close
Would also back off if you weren’t okay with it
Does however become very….worried? About you
I don’t think worried is the right word
But would remind you to take breaks more often than he would a farmer without one (and even then it’s pretty often)
Like a mother kinda
Is kinda ableist but doesn’t realize because he thinks it’s just his doctor side
Again will stop if you want him to
Would absolutely have some interesting facts about prosthetics
Would try to be poetic about it
And it’s either very cringy or cute based on hope you think of him
Would probably try to write a book or story or poem or something about a character with a prosthetic
Does get a lot of things wrong with the facts but tries
Because you are his muse
And his characters reflect you even if he won’t admit is until you’re closer enough
Might change something’s up about it though so it’s not exactly you
Just in case you hate it so he could be like “nononono this character has a DIFFERENT prosthetic hehe”
I do think he’s ableist but again like the others not in a judgemental kind of way just…..uninformed
Will listen if you try to teach him
Will also fight anyone who has anything to say about it
Depending on where you are in your relationship makes her reaction different
Like before she opens up I think she’d have a mean girl type of reaction
Like she’d make a face and everything and ask rude questions.
Like it would genuinely either make you mad or make you feel bad
She’d be like “WHAT THE HELL??”
And you’d be like “tf???? Are you okay?”
She’s ask VERY personal questions
Partly because she’s curious and partly because she has to make fun of you by being a bitch
But if you’re closer when she finds out she’s just like…
Taken aback and like oof but that’s the extent to it
I think if you’re closer she’d be too scared to ask any questions because while she gives no fucks she likes you
Whether it be in a romantic or platonic way
And she doesn’t want to push you away or anything
So she won’t really comment on it other than being like “oh….okay….”
Will fight anyone who says something about it though
Like even if they’re asking a valid question or something she’s like “ABSOLUTELY NOT”
Doesn’t react at all other than being like oh cool!
Honestly I don’t think she would think anything different of you, or even think that anything has changed now that she knows
Like you have always been the person that she knows and your limbs being different doesn’t mean anything because why would it?
Does make you cute accessories for it if you allow it though
Makes covers, will bedazzle it, literally whatever you want.
I think out of all of the bachelors and bachelorettes she would be the one to make it the least weird.
Like the others would either ask really insensitive questions or act weird about it
She’s like <3 yeah okay anyways do you wanna see this dance I’ve been practicing?
Like sorry I don’t have many headcanons for her she’s just….normal when it comes to things that other people would deem weird(not to be ableist I hope you know what I mean by this bc people are asses)
But again not in a judgy way
She just….
She means well but it’s kinda annoying if you don’t want help
Just like how she shoves George’s wheelchair out of the way at the mailbox to help him
It’s like first you should ASK if someone wants help
And second helping isn’t always what you think it is
Would help you without asking if you want it
Acts like she just is so much stronger or whatever
Is VERY embarrassed after you talk to her about it
Might try to argue back that she was just helping
But ultimately realizes that she was kinda overstepping
Just wants to make things easier for you
Would think it’s cool
Asks dumb questions like if it gives you an advantage over anything that others wouldn’t think about
Forgets about it half the time tbh
Like it doesn’t matter to her
And thankfully she has make herself her own person outside of Pierre’s beliefs bc child her would’ve been mean
But she does think it’s cool and like the others has a million different questions
Asks them nonstop
Also like Alex asks if she can use it as a weapon
Sometimes offensive but not often I don’t think
Would probably say some bullshit like you’re part robot or something
Again depending on how you feel she either keeps up this joke with you.
Or lets it die out
Cooler than most about it
I think she’s one of the ones that doesn’t react
Because she’s lived in the city
I think she has come across a couple people with different kinds of prosthetics
So she isn’t like the others with a million questions or anything
It’s much more normalized for her that she doesn’t really comment or question it
Will ask if she could create one for you out of wood just to see if she can
Also one of the ones that would knock a bitch out for coming at you in a rude way
Would probably have a “yeah and?” Reaction if you wanted her to actually react
Like it doesn’t change anything at all for her.
Would be stoked
But in a science type of way
Would also wanna see if she could make you a new one
Unlike Leah though Maru would probably be a bit offensive
Mostly because I don’t think she understands social norms or anything
So she would ask things that would be unamusing and uncomfortable for you because she really just….
Doesn’t understand that there’s things that you shouldn’t say or do
Is overwhelmingly positive though
Like tries VERY hard to get you to understand that nothing has changed for her
Is a little annoying about it but just really wants you to know that she likes or loves you no matter what
Would probably have some interesting facts about prosthetics as well
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