#ella rasei
butch 4 butch (girls!rasey)
Ella came over to her house all the time. She crashed on the couch or sprawled on her bedroom floor. They would run amok in the streets, getting up to stupid shit, drinking too many beers for a pair of teenagers in public, hollering at each other across the street, digging through trash, wrestling each other in a park gazebo. They always stumbled into Casey’s house well after midnight, buzzed and giggling and covered with new scrapes, not even bothering to keep their voices down because when Casey’s dad had his whiskey in him a train barging into the house wouldn’t wake him up. It was nothing they’d be able to get away with at Ella’s, with her caring father and overbearing sister waiting up all hours of the night for her.
After they had gotten all their energy out, their screams and cackles and roughhousing, they would collapse in twin piles of sweaty limbs and toothy grins. And then, only then, did the quiet of the night and the shadows of Casey’s room allow the important things to be said.
“I think his drinking is getting worse.”
“You can crash at mine any time.”
“Your dad doesn’t like me. Neither does your sister.”
“Yeah, but they’re not total assholes.”
Sometimes Casey’s hand would dangle over the side of her bed, the tips of her fingers brushing the soft fabric of Ella’s t-shirt. Something so light and casual it could be an accident.
“My sisters are scared of me.”
“Scared for you, probably.”
“Shouldn’t be.”
“They love you, dumbass.”
Sometimes Ella would kick her leg up and rest it on the mattress, foot barely resting against Casey’s leg.
“What if I’m just like him?”
“Gross. You’re nothing like him.”
And sometimes they would just sprawl half over each other on Casey’s twin bed, Casey’s leg curling around Ella’s and Ella’s arm trapped under Casey’s back. As they dozed, Casey could turn her head and smell the musk of Ella’s sweat on her neck, could see the steady rise of her chest in the light of the streetlamp.
“I think I… nevermind.” 
“Fuck you.”
Ella woke up with her arms around Casey more than once, head practically buried in her hairy armpit as Casey starfished across the bed.
“Morning, sweetheart,” Casey might drawl. “Get cold and lonely last night?”
“Holding on for dear life, more like it. I don’t know why I even try sleeping in the bed, you always try to push me out of it in your sleep.”
That summer, they played the night on repeat. Ella’s family would treat her presence as a rare occurrence. Donna would react to the sight of her with sardonic shock, Mika would needle her and beg her to stay long enough to get crushed in Super Smash Bros. Dad accepted her daily goings with wary side-eyes, and Leona seemed to oscillate between lip-pursed lectures on staying out too late and too-sincere worry about what Ella got up to.
“Going to Casey’s. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“This is shocking news.” Donna drawled.
“Ella… Remember that Mika’s softball games start tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Bye.”
Casey’s dad, on the other hand, barely noticed whether Casey was there or not.
“I swear, I could walk out of the house naked and throw myself into traffic and he wouldn’t even notice until the electricity got turned off because I’m the only one who remembers to pay it.”
Their evenings were spent wrapped in each other’s worlds, loud and raucous and competing to make each other laugh. The nights were cool and sticky with dried sweat and dipping their heads together in secrecy, trusting each other with the parts of their hearts that they couldn’t share with anyone else.
Casey’s eyes were brown, but looked like deep wells of black in the indigo darkness of her room. Her hair spilled inky and stringy over her mattress, escaping from her ponytail in long tangled strands. Ella’s own ponytail could barely hold together at the best of times, as short and thick as it was.
Ella toyed with the ends of Casey’s hair where they poured over the bed. “You ever wanna just… cut it all off?”
“Nah, too much work.”
“Isn’t taking care of it too much work?”
Casey’s shoulders shook with an almost silent chuckle. “Does it look like I take care of it?”
Ella snorted. “Good point.”
Casey was curled on her side on the bed, looking down at where Ella was laying on the floor, unopened sleeping bag separating her from the hardwood floor. It was a hot, sticky night. Too hot to share the bed.
“I kinda want to cut mine off. Just. Full chop.”
“Do it, then.”
“I don’t wanna deal with all the comments and shit. People will freak out.”
“Fuck ‘em.”
Ella’s fingers tangled in the ends of Casey’s hair, further up than before, and Casey felt the slight tug on her scalp. She hummed, feeling wide awake.
“Hey, what was that thing you were gonna say the other night but wimped out about?”
A long sigh. “Can you drop that?”
“Fuck no, dude. I wanna know.”
“It was stupid.”
“So? We say stupid shit all the time.”
“Uh, who’s ‘we’?”
“Fuck you.”
A snicker and another tug, this time very deliberate. Casey bit her lip because Ella wasn’t looking at her face. Her eyes were trained on the ends of her hair.
“What was it?”
Silence followed.
Casey reached down and batted at Ella’s face. Her hand was smacked away and Ella turned her head, but Casey just reached out again and stuck a finger in Ella’s ear. Her hand was smacked away again, this time harder.
“Would you fuckin’ stop?”
“What was it?”
Another sigh, and Ella glared at the ceiling of Casey’s room. Casey watched the discomfort grow on her face. She saw the moment Ella decided to tell her the truth, her eyes overtaken by regret even before she opened her mouth.
“I think I'm gay.”
Casey blinked. “Oh.”
Ella continued to stare at the ceiling. She reached up to scratch at her brow, hand hiding her eyes from Casey’s view. “Yeah.”
“That’s cool.”
A glance in her direction. “Is it?”
Casey was sure it must be showing, all the noise in her head and the bubbling over in her chest. She was sure her breaths must be coming in pants, that she must be floating off the bed a bit, that her eyes must have little cartoon hearts in them. Of course it was cool. Jesus fuck, of course it was. 
“Yeah, man.” Casey’s hand dangled down and mingled with her hair, both no longer touching or being touched by Ella. “I mean. Pretty sure I’m bi. So.”
Ella searched her face, apprehensive, like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. “You are?”
“Yeah. Since I was, like, twelve. Thought you knew.” A shrug. “So I get it. Girls are hot.”
Ella’s eyes looked cool and colorless in the moonlight as they watched her. Casey watched her right back, thinking that in the daylight they were the warmest hazel. Ella’s breaths hitched before she evened them out again, and the silence stretched between them. Silence wasn’t something they usually did.
Casey opened her mouth to say something, and her fingers twitched forward. But Ella was so still, and she looked scared. Casey had never seen her scared. She pulled her hand up onto the bed.
“Hey. Let me cut your hair.”
A breath escaped Ella’s mouth. “What makes you think I’m gonna trust you with a pair of scissors near my head?”
“Because I’m gonna use clippers, and I’ve been cutting my dad’s hair with them since I was seven.”
“Good point.”
The soft buzz filling the room that night clung to the inside of Ella’s ears and filled her up with something warm. She sat in Casey’s desk chair and stared at the baseball bat that sat in the corner of the bedroom, broken in half and patched together with duct tape. They hadn’t bothered with a towel, so strands of soft, black hair fell over Ella’s shoulders and into her lap. She held one lock between her fingers, rolling it back and forth. Her skin tingled where Casey’s fingers ran along her scalp, her neck. Fingers pulled lightly at her hair, tousling it, and a warm shiver went down her spine.
A breeze pushed through the window and Ella could feel it against her scalp. She sighed.
A hand brushed the hair from the back of her neck, and the buzzing stopped abruptly. “We’re gonna need to hose you off. I’m itchy just looking at you. But I think you’re done.”
Ella reached up to feel her head, her breath catching at the prickly hairs against her palm. Casey turned the chair until she faced the mirror that was propped up against the dresser. Ella stared at herself.
“What do you think?” Casey grinned, the gaps in her teeth on full display. “Not counting the piles of hair all over you.”
Ella nodded, not taking her eyes away from the mirror. She looked like a different person. A stronger person. Someone Ella wished she was.
“I think you look hot,” Casey blurted when Ella didn’t answer. “The butch look suits you.”
When Ella turned to look at her, a huge smile spread across her face. It was wide and warm and ferocious, and Casey thought that smile could eat her alive if she let it.
“Yeah. I like it.”
Ella’s family didn’t freak out as much as she thought. Donna didn’t even notice that her hair was short until Mika rolled out of bed, wandered into the kitchen, and let out a piercing shriek of joy at the sight of her. Leona bemoaned Ella’s willingness to let Casey near her head with a pair of clippers, but offered a tentative smile as she said, “It looks nice.” Dad just tousled her hair with a gentle hand and remarked that it made her look so grown up, a wistful tinge to his voice.
Ella couldn’t keep her hands off her own head for the first few days. Casey got a pride-filled grin every time she caught her running a hand over the nape of her neck or palming the hair around her temples. The new hair seemed to be an excuse to get her hands in the mix as well, ruffling and mussing the short strands every chance she got so they stood up in odd spots.
The days were hotter, the sun harsher, and Casey’s A/C wasn’t up to the job. Casey declared that Ella could have the stinkin’ bed before sprawling out on the cool hardwood floor. Ella sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. Casey’s forehead was against the floor, her hair pulled into a high ponytail to keep it off her neck, and Ella was staring at the wispy hairs at her nape. They were shiny and stuck together with sweat. Then her eyes followed the dusting of freckles along her neck. They ran up to her cheeks and behind her ears, then trailed down her shoulders and beneath the fabric of her shirt. Ella wondered, if she pulled the shirt off, how far they would go. Where the little flecks of brown would be.
“Quit staring, it’s getting me all hot and bothered.” Casey’s voice was soft and teasing, her nose scrunched.
Ella swallowed and looked away, face warming. “Weird joke.”
The room was silent for a moment. Crickets filled the night air, and a soft breeze ruffled the pages of a comic book Casey had left on the dresser.
“I wasn’t really joking.” Her voice wasn’t teasing anymore.
Ella’s heart started to hammer in her chest, and she didn’t dare look. Casey must see her breaths coming faster, the heat creeping up her neck, the sweat pooling in her collar bone.
Then Casey was in front of her, kneeling at her feet, a hand gripping the sheets next to Ella’s thigh. Ella couldn’t look away, her gaze pulled to those deep brown eyes, the way moonlight danced in them, the way they looked scared. Ella had never seen her scared.
Casey’s lips parted. “El.”
Ella’s fingers threaded with the greasy strands of Casey’s hair and pulled her forward, lips pressing harshly against hers. A gasp filled Ella’s chest at the jolt of heat that ran to her belly, and Casey’s breath warmed her cheek in a deep sigh of relief. Casey’s hands went around her waist, strong and bony and gentle, and with a little tilt of her head, she turned the kiss from something hurried and rough to something slower, sweeter. Her lips were so warm and soft against Ella’s, and it felt like she was smiling.
Ella’s hands loosened to cup her face, afraid that at any moment she would try to pull back. But she didn’t. Instead, she leaned forward, pushing herself between Ella’s knees. Ella could feel the ribbed fabric of her tank top against the inside of her thighs. Casey bit lightly at her bottom lip, and Ella sighed into her mouth.
Then Casey dipped her head and licked at the sweat along Ella’s collarbone. Ella’s hands knotted in the back of Casey’s shirt.
“Casey,” she breathed.
“El.” Casey kissed up her neck and sucked hard on the spot just under her ear.
Ella had to bite her lip to keep down her groan. “Casey, you cut my hair.”
“Sure did.” A kiss, a soft nibble, then she sucked on the skin again.
There was nothing she could do to hold back the shiver that ran down her spine, but she tugged on Casey’s hair, trying to pull her off. Casey just moaned a little and bit down on her neck harder.
“Case. My neck.” Another tug on her hair, another moan.
Casey’s lips were making obscenely wet sounds as they kissed her skin. “Your neck. Yeah.”
“Casey.” Ella finally yanked on her hair hard enough to pull her head away. “Don’t give me a hickey. I can’t cover it because you cut my hair.”
Casey’s pupils were huge, her lips swollen pink, and she stared at Ella blankly for a moment. Then understanding dawned in her eyes. “Oh, shit.” She looked at her neck. “Yeah. Um.”
“Dude, did you…?”
“Oh, yeah, I did.”
She nodded, eyes locked hungrily on the light bruise under Ella’s ear. “Yeah.”
Her hand slapped over the bruise, and Ella glared at Casey, which Casey thought was really hot, honestly, what with her kissed-pink lips and rosy cheeks.
“My family is gonna freak.”
Casey shrugged and grinned. “Fuck ‘em.”
“If my dad sees me with this, there’s no way I’ll be able to spend the night here anymore.”
“Oh.” Her face fell. “Shit. Do you have anything to cover it, like makeup?”
“Seriously?” Ella’s hands gestured around the room. “Me? Do you have makeup?”
Casey chewed on her lip. “The butch look has its downsides. What about your sisters?”
“Leona wears makeup sometimes, but if she sees this there’s no way she’s not snitching to Dad.” Ella rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. “Mika loves makeup, but that kid can’t keep a secret to save her damn life, and Donna doesn’t touch the stuff.”
The floorboards creaked loudly as Casey stood and walked to her closet. Ella watched her rifle through it, yanking hangers against each other and digging through the pile that covered her shoes. She had thought the way she felt, if it ever managed to escape into the dark little haven of Casey’s room, would destroy their little something, rend it to pieces, stamp it into the ground and spit on it. It had been an ugly, fearful thing sitting in her chest. But it had gotten free. And Casey was the same, talked to her the same, looked at her the same. Ella thought that meant something. That the way Casey looked at her when they kissed was the same way she always looked at her.
Casey was in front of her again holding a hoodie. She snapped her fingers in front of Ella’s face. “You with me? You good?”
Ella swatted at the hand. “Quit.” She yanked the hoodie out of her hands and inspected it, feeling the well-worn fabric, sniffing it. It had the musk of a hoodie that had been worn for a while without being washed. And the sleeves had been cut off, the edges jagged and fraying like Casey had done it really quickly with a pair of dull scissors.
Casey let her look it over for a bit, then tugged on it gently, pulling it around her shoulders and putting the hood over her head. “There.” She reached into the hood and tapped the hickey, making Ella jump. “Can’t see it.”
“Your solution is for me to wear a hoodie? In summer?” Even as she spoke, her finger hooked into the loop of Casey’s jean shorts and pulled her closer.
“The sleeves are cut off, it’s cool enough.” Casey lifted one knee to rest on the mattress between Ella’s legs. “By the way, your arms are gonna look so good in that.”
“They’re definitely gonna know something’s up.”
“You got a better idea?” Casey whispered, leaning forward so her breaths puffed against Ella’s lips.
“Good point.” Ella pulled her down and kissed her again.
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miss-moradas-art · 6 years
Predictions on the Big Mouth Valentine Day Special
Soooooo... In light of the trailer for the Valentine’s Day special, I’ve seen people say:
“Why are they trying to make Matthew look straight?”
“Jessei x Matthew?”
“Jessei can turn gay guys bi”
First: that last one. NO
Second: I highly doubt the creators of this show would make the only openly gay character straight, knowing how much it’ll piss off its on fans and others. (Also, Matthew’s voice actor is also openly gay and I doubt he’d let that slide too.)
Earlier in the trailer, we see Matthew doing the morning announcements with a tagline saying ‘LOVE IS AN ILLUSION’ Given his personality, he’s probably bitter and/or upset that he’s alone on another Valentine’s Day. Think back to season two with his interactions with Jay. Mainly the one in E10, where Jay, obviously confused about his feelings, goes up to Matthew about the previous night. The latter brushes it off, with the former is happy about. However, Matthew looks annoyed at the fact that Jay is happy about their “game” meaning nothing.
We see in the trailer that Jay (at least for some part of the special), he’s spending Valentine’s Day with Suzzette, a motel pillow.
Btw we know Matthew isn’t well liked by his peers. Not wanting to go to the dance alone, he might’ve asked Jessei, as the two of them are friends (And friends alone)
Third: Those scenes involving Jessei and Matthew look like a song.
By the lightning on the two characters, their outfits, the flow of the scenes, and movement of the characters, especially their mouths, it looks like a song.
If there’s one thing Big Mouth can do perfect, is their singing sequences.
In the trailer, all the characters have a plot line including something about love or partnership. Andrew is tired of Missy not being available. Nick is recently single and looking for new people. Jay is spending Valentine’s Day with Suzzette. Matthew has to deal with another thing that reminds him of how lonely his and Jessei has just gone through a bout of depression and her parent’s divorce.
But then you could be asking:
“What does Jessei have to do with the illusion of love?”
One: Do you hear yourself?
Two: Jessei has just (and still is) going through a divorce with her parents. She watched their once loving relationship completely fall apart and now her mom is dating another woman, who Jessei isn’t very fond of.
Jessei has also seen the horrid effects of love on her classmates. She dated Nick and Jay; One ending with rumors being blasted all over school and the other ending when she realized running away with him was a bad idea. She’s also seen Gina’s, who was also “dating” Nick, reputation be completely ruined by her (meaning Jessei) spreading rumors about her all over school. She saw the toxicity of Andrew and Lola’s relationship and how it ruined him.
Now, were all the relationships I listed in the paragraph above actual love?
No, but you understand my point.
Jessei has seen what love can do to her family and friends: be awful and toxic.
Matthew is lonely because of his love (meaning his sexuality)
A song about how love is an illusion is PERFECT for these two characters.
I may have gone too deeply into this but thanks for reading.
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bmcheadcanons · 6 years
Jeremy and Rich's PTSD comes into play when they see Keanu Reeves and Kermit the Frog
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faiyx · 6 years
QUICK STORY 😂 so I found you through your falsettos art but I've found ALL your art to be just as amazing and well detailed So quick question 😂 There seems to be a lot of old artwork that isn't on here that you've reblogged from now deactivated accounts. I don't have a problem with that but have you ever thought about reposting them on here? Sorry if you get this a lot, I don't wanna be a bother
I reblogged everything from my old account. I didn’t upload more. wheres the point in reposting them when i reblogged them and theyre here. 
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 6 years
It's so sad to see you go :'( you were the first batim blog I found and you gave me the inspiration to post things but we all must move on and thank :) ps. I follow your main art blog so the tears aren't all sad :3
((lies down and dies because this message is so pure. i’m glad i could inspire you ; u ; keep doing’ you!!
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un-tested-waters · 3 years
Tumblr media
@sofizzeu @just-anotherlostgirl @minimins @pj1145 @mochistans @life-of-multifandom-trash @shreeramlab-blog @heyyyitsmeham @eatalotandsleepalot @plutoyko @freshrotten @mythoughtsrightnowthistime @ella-rasei @animangalover15 @andygoyap @hmorgan @emosweatshirt @stylesyly @yoongiattack @kinky-bangtcn @plazaking @yougotnojams99 @angeljimim @bluiwi @aveatquevalemyparabatai @amyyeee @my-taekook-blog @princessofhearts19 @busangloss @themcpoylebrothers 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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b-rainlet · 6 years
WIP theme tag?
 I was tagged by @teacupwriter thank you Claire!
Rules: Bold those themes that appear in your WIP (and italicize those that are loosely touched upon). Optional: ***star*** the top three themes.
wip: Ambrosia
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fatherhood | fear | fear of failure | ***found family*** | free will | ***friendship*** | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society  | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | ***love*** | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | obsession | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | sexism | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation | destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
This was incredibly harder than I thought it would be! But still a neat list with a lot of points that aren’t in my wip but just sound interesting enough to end up in there too!
I’m tagging everyone who wants to do it but also @ella-rasei, @thewoefulandwonderous and @anonymous-ivplay if you haven’t done it before.
And feel free to tell me more about your three main themes!
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sanders-sides-thuri · 6 years
Idk wat your guidelines are but I have no idea what Sanders sides is, but I really wanna get in it :) but i need someone to explain what its about AND CHOSE YOU! *Cue pokemon music* (I'm sry abt my awkwardness)
Sanders Sides is a Youtube Series by Thomas Sanders! The conceit is that he works out personal issues in his life by talking to personified representations of the different sides of himself--Logic, Creativity, Morality and Anxiety. 
Here’s a playlist of all the episodes, that’ll catch you up!
Otherwise google, the Sanders Sides Wiki, and tumblr tags are probably a good place to start to dive into the lore.
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girls!rasey pt. 2 - ella & leona
The next day had Ella sweat-drenched, sitting on the shiny metal bleachers as she watched Mika’s softball game. The sun turned the bleachers into a bunch of wide, flat frying pans, and Ella sighed as a trickle of sweat went down her back.
“She’s doing really well so far,” Leona said to their Dad, who didn’t understand the rules of any sports besides martial arts and spent all of Mika’s games asking questions, like “Oh! Was that good?” and “Why are they groaning? I thought that was good” and “Why is it called a softball? It looks pretty hard to me.”
“Good, good.” Dad’s smile was wide and prideful as he watched Mika standing on one of the bases, stretching her legs as the next batter stepped up.
Donna leaned toward Ella and said in a low voice, “Why are you wearing a hoodie? Aren’t you hot?”
Ella glanced at her sisters and saw that Leona was looking at them out of the corner of her eye, Donna’s question having gotten her attention. “No.”
“You sure?” Donna reached over and placed a gentle hand against Ella’s forehead. “You feel pretty hot, and you’re looking a little pink in the face…”
Ella batted her hand away. “I’m fine! I like it, okay?”
Donna gave her a very dry, very skeptical look, then shrugged and turned back to the game. “Alright. Have fun cooking yourself.”
Ella grumbled and ignored the way she could feel Leona’s eyes on her. She could dig around in her room for some spare bills and go buy some makeup from the drugstore with Casey later. She just needed to make it through this stupid game, and then through stupid lunch.
By the time the game ended she was miserable, grumpy, and the back of the hoodie was soaked with sweat. She only managed a smile for Mika as she tugged on her arm, chanting, “Did you see me, El? Did you see me? Did you see me?”
“I saw you, I saw you, you were great.”
Lunch was a celebratory summer cookout in their backyard with hotdogs, burgers, coleslaw, grilled corn, and Ella’s favorite, watermelon. She sat in a lawn chair in the shade of the house, letting the cool, pink juice dribble down her chin as she tore into her fourth slice. It was one of the only cold things on the menu, and she hated coleslaw. She watched Mika tossing a frisbee around with her softball team friends, baffled that the kid still had energy to run around in the scorching sun after playing a softball game, and sucked the last of the juice from the white flesh of the watermelon rind.
“Are you okay?”
Ella’s eyes must have gone into the back of her head with how hard she rolled them. “Yes, mom, I’m fine. Can you leave me alone?”
Leona glared down at her, hands on her hips. “What is wrong with you? I just asked if you were okay.” She glanced around at the rest of their family and guests. Donna was in her usual place at the grill, Dad was watching the kids play while crunching on a popsicle. “Also, you know I hate it when you call me that.”
Ella could see that her sister was trying to turn this into a conversation, so she got up and went over to the spigot on the side of the house, ignoring her. She turned it on, running water over her sticky hands and splashing some onto her face until the remnants of the watermelon juice were gone. When she shut the spigot off and turned, Leona was right in front of her, arms crossed and looking miffed.
“Ella.” She was using her serious voice.
“Leona,” Ella said back, mocking. “Go eat a hotdog and get off my case for once in your life, huh?” She pushed past her and walked into the house through the back door, letting it slam shut behind her. She heard the door open again a second later and groaned.
“Hang on,” Leona called after her, her footsteps following Ella at a march. When she caught up to her, she grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
“Get off!” Ella yanked her arm out of her sister’s grasp.
“You’re freaking me out!” Leona put her hands in the air, at a loss. “You’ve been sweating through that stupid hoodie all day even though it’s making you overheated and grumpy, and it just seems like you’re hiding something. And…” She examined the hoodie for a moment. “That’s not even yours. Is that Casey’s?”
Ella chose to believe that a blush did not bloom across her face at the mention of Casey’s name. “Leona, I cannot stress this enough. I’m fine. And the reason I’m wearing the stupid hoodie is, get this,” she moved a hand horizontally through the air, as if presenting something, “none of your business.”
She turned around to walk into her room so that she could slam the door in her sister’s face and wait out the rest of the cookout in sullen solitude. But Leona’s hand shot out the moment her back was turned and yanked the hood off her head.
Ella’s gut turned to ice. She whipped back around and gave her sister a ferocious look, so indignant at the fucking audacity of her that she forgot to put a hand over her neck. “Leona! What the fuck?”
Leona’s eyes looked over Ella’s face and head before pausing on the side of her neck. Ella slapped a hand over the hickey. Leona’s eyebrows rose.
“Is that–?”
“Ella, have you been covering up a hickey all day?” Leona’s voice was pitched high with disbelief, and Ella shushed her desperately, glancing around to make sure no one else had wandered into the house.
“Will you shut up?” She paused and looked her sister in the eye, apprehensive and feeling a little bit sick. “Don’t you dare tell Dad.”
Leona frowned at her, face soft and thoughtful. “Did Casey do that?”
Ella looked away, breaths suddenly shallow. “‘Course not. I’m not…” She trailed off.
The silence between them sat undisturbed for a few moments. Leona watched her sister, and Ella watched a piece of lint that was clinging to the bathroom doorway.
Leona’s hand reached out and grasped her wrist. Ella glanced up to see Leona smiling at her gently. “C’mon.” She turned and started walking toward her room, tugging Ella along after her.
“Why?” Ella muttered tentatively, but allowed Leona to pull her into her room and guide her to the small vanity that Leona had found for cheap at a yard sale. Leona shut the door behind them, then pushed Ella a little so she plopped back into the vanity seat.
“You can’t just walk around in a hoodie for the rest of the day. You’re gonna pass out,” Leona said as she fished around in her vanity drawers, plastic makeup cases clacking together. “I bought a foundation last summer that I think might match your skin tone.”
Ella watched her dig through the drawers for a moment until she pulled out a warm, tan bottle. Then she selected a sponge and turned to Ella. “I’m gonna cover up the bruise, okay? You can watch in the mirror to see how I do it so you can do it yourself later.”
Ella stared at her. “You’re… gonna help me cover it up?” She squinted. “You’re not gonna tell Dad?”
Leona was frowning at her again. “No. Why would I tell Dad?”
A shrug, and a guilty glance at her feet. “Uh… I guess I kinda thought you were a snitch. About most stuff. Especially this kinda stuff.”
“Ella…” Leona sighed and turned the chair so Ella’s back was to her, but she could still see them both in the mirror. She blotted the foundation onto Ella’s neck and started to smooth it over the bruise. It really was a good match to her skin. “I only tell Dad things I think he needs to know. He doesn’t need to know that you’ve been making out with… with anyone. Doesn’t matter who.” She applied more foundation and worked it in. “I would only tell him about this if I thought you were in trouble, or if someone was hurting you.” She paused. “And you’re not in trouble, right? Casey isn’t hurting you?”
Ella’s lip curled. “Of course not.”
“Then I don’t need to tell Dad anything.” She resumed blending the makeup in. “I’m your sister, not your mom. I get not wanting adults to know everything. I keep secrets from Dad too, you know.”
Ella couldn’t hold in her laugh of surprise. “You?”
“Uh, yeah, and he knows it too. He just… trusts me not to keep anything serious from him.”
Ella watched her hand for a moment, watched the way she blended the foundation into her skin with smooth, circular motions. Then she glanced up at her sister’s face in the mirror. Her brow was furrowed with concentration, but her eyes kept glancing at the mirror to check on Ella.
“So you’re cool?”
Leona smiled. “Of course I’m cool. I’m the coolest.”
“No, I mean…” She swallowed. “Casey. You’re cool?”
“Well.” Leona pursed her lips. “She wouldn’t be my first choice. I mean, she’s been suspended how many times? And she rides that awful motorcycle to school, which I had better never catch you on. And she was caught spray painting the restrooms by the track field that one time–”
“Leo. I meant that she’s a girl.”
Leona stopped and looked at her in the mirror. “Oh.” She frowned and put a hand on Ella’s shoulder. “Of course. You’re my sister. None of that matters. I only care that you’re safe and happy, El.”
Ella took in a shaky breath, then let it out. She nodded. “Okay,” she said, her voice cracking.
“Okay.” Leona squeezed her shoulder, then went back to the bruise. She gave the foundation a few more dabs before setting the sponge down. “I think it’s done.”
The column of her neck looked completely unmarred. Ella ran a finger lightly over where the bruise was, feeling the tackiness of the makeup. “You can really work magic with that stuff, huh?”
“Pretty much.” Leona capped the bottle, then grabbed a little plastic bag and dropped it in. A clean sponge was tossed in as well before the bag was deposited in Ella’s hand. “For when you need to reapply. Don’t leave it on when you sleep. Wash it off and put more foundation on in the morning.”
Ella nodded, then glanced up at her sister. “Thanks.”
“Sure.” Leona bit the inside of her lip. “Just… talk to me. Next time.” She shrugged and scratched at her arm. “And don’t give yourself a heatstroke for no good reason. I’m on your side. You know that right?”
Ella snorted. “Yeah. I know.” She put the baggie in the pocket of the hoodie. “I can do that, I guess.”
Leona put her arms around Ella’s shoulders in a firm hug, and Ella didn’t fight it. She squeezed her sister’s torso, smiling when the strength of it made her groan. Ella’s nose was tucked against Leona’s shoulder, and she looked at the cat calendar that hung against the pale blue bedroom wall, each day filled out with penned notes and highlighter circles.
“I’m gonna miss you when you leave,” Ella muttered against her shoulder.
Leona squeezed tighter. “Me too. I’m gonna miss all of you so much, you don’t even know.”
Ella smiled. “I do.”
Leona laughed. “Yeah… yeah, you probably do.”
The two returned to the cookout, Casey’s hoodie tucked into the back of Ella’s jean pocket. Donna gave them both a look and gestured to the plates of food sitting on the porch steps, letting them know that their requested hotdogs and burgers were probably cold because they took so fucking long. Dad placidly reminded Donna not to swear.
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