#elizabeth schuyler kin
helpless--narrative · 6 years
Don't take another step in my direction, I can't be trusted around you.
2am thoughts (via First Burn)
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hear-ye-hear-me · 6 years
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The Schuyler Sisters
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hamilkincomfort · 7 years
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Aesthetic for an Eliza who hasn't forgiven Alexander. I hope you like it Eliza, ask if anything needs changed!
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dedded-by-glamour · 7 years
Eliza! What memories do you have about times before Phillips death?
Oh goodness this is an old, old question... I remember that I taught Phillip french quite often. Before he went to boarding school, me and Alexander taught him ourselves. Most of the time it would be me teaching him... Alexander always busied himself with work...-Eliza
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secretary--hamilton · 6 years
dog canon call
Hello, so this might be a stretch, but i’m looking for anyone who’s kin with a beagle from the 1700s
for more clarification, Me and my family from my Hamilton canon are looking for our family dog, named “Cyrus”. 
Name: Cyrus Species: Beagle Gender: Male Background/memories: Me (Alexander) and my wife (Eliza) are looking for our sons (Philip) dog, named Cyrus. He was a fit beagle, and we bought him for Philip. we had other children as well. 
If anybody at all remembers being a beagle in the 1700-1800′s, please contact me!
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gushandslush · 7 years
There’s so much hate for ppl who are Hamilkin and like ¿? Just let us live in peace¿?
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cryptcrying · 7 years
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Angelica, remind me what we’re looking? 
Eliza Schuyler moodboard
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angelqueen04 · 4 years
Hamliza Month, Day 14
@megpeggs​ @historysalt​
Wedding Summary: You are cordially invited... Note: This takes place in the same arc as Reunion (Day 10) and Tryst (Day 12). Also, happy 240th anniversary to Eliza and Alexander!
Everyone was here, Eliza knew. The ceremony was to take place at precisely ten-thirty in the morning, and it seemed that no one wanted to miss it. The various relations that had been able to make the journey – not as many as there would have been at a different time of year, given the atrociously cold weather, but still a respectable number – had been arriving all morning. Their combined voices were creating quite the loud din downstairs, and Eliza could hear her father’s booming voice introducing Alexander to the various aunts, uncles, and cousins that had been able to make the journey.
Not that Eliza had seen any of them. She had not been permitted to step below stairs at all today on her mother’s orders. “Bad luck him to see you before the ceremony!” her mother had lectured her. Nor had any of the guests been permitted to come upstairs to see Eliza, not even her cousins or aunts. The only people she had seen at all today had been her mother, Peggy, Cornelia, and a few of the servants.
But now, that was, finally, about to change. It was nearly time, and Eliza could hear the guests moving into the parlor, where she would marry Alexander. Her father would arrive at her door any moment to escort her down.
Eliza took one last look in the mirror in front of her. She had chosen to marry in blue, so as to complement Alexander’s own attire. He asked her in a letter just a few months ago what she would have him wear.[1] It had been an easy answer – her fiancé was a soldier, and so she would wed him in his officer’s uniform of buff and blue. The dress’ fabric was covered in beautiful blue floral patterns, and she rather thought that it would match up very well with Alexander’s coat.[2]
The sound of footsteps on the stairs suddenly reached her ears. Papa was coming.
She took a deep, steadying breath. It was time. In just a short period of time, she would no longer be Miss Elizabeth Schuyler, but Mrs. Alexander Hamilton.
She felt no fear, no apprehension. Eliza was ready to take this step. She had been ready since the spring, when Alexander had first proposed to her. She would have married him then, without an elaborate party or anything else of the sort, but this grand gathering had been her parents’ most earnest wish, since they had been denied the chance to provide it for Angelica. So Eliza had submitted, with Alexander’s encouragement and agreement, but had done so reluctantly. She had not needed any of this fuss, but because her parents seemed to, she deferred to their wishes.
A knock at the door. “Betsey?” came her father’s deep voice. “It’s time.”
It was time. She was ready.
Taking a deep breath, Eliza called, “Come in, Papa.”
She turned toward the door just as it opened. Her father stepped in, and stopped in his tracks when he saw her. His eyes widened, clearly surprised by her appearance – for he had not seen her in her wedding dress before now – and then he blinked several times. “You – that is – your mother. She wore blue on the day we wed,” he said, his tone gruff but gentle.
Eliza smiled. Stepping forward, she took her father’s hand. “Well, let’s get down there, Papa,” she said, and then added teasingly, “Let’s not let all of our hard work go waste.”
He smiled, and Eliza saw him continue blinking. She realized then that her father, her wonderful, stern, gruff father was blinking back tears. Eliza squeezed his hand, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead before he aided her in bringing her veil over her head.
They crossed the salon together, making for the staircase. As they began their descent, Eliza could hear the murmur of voices. Her heart began to beat faster in excitement, and it took every ounce of control she had not to dart ahead of her father just so she could reach the parlor, reach Alexander.
The dining table had already been pulled out into the center of the front hall, and it was already groaning under the weight of the food, particularly the wedding cake, which sat in the very center. The food smelled divine, but they did not stop to partake. That would happen soon enough.
Peggy was waiting for them before they reached the parlor door. They stopped a moment and allowed Peggy to make a few last minute adjustments to Eliza’s gown – straightening the skirt and veil, and even making sure Eliza’s garters were secure. When Peggy finally stood still in front of Eliza, their eyes met and Eliza could not help but feel a moment of loss. There was one of their number missing here today. They had always been three – the Schuyler sisters – and had done everything together. That had come to an end with Angelica’s elopement, but somehow, it was only now that it truly seemed real to Eliza. Angelica was far from here, living her life in Boston with Mr. Carter and their two little ones.[3]
Eliza bit her lip against the sudden urge to weep, and she saw the feeling reflected in Peggy’s eyes.
But then Peggy straightened to her full height and said, “Buck up, Betsey. You don’t want to meet your Colonel with red eyes, do you? You might actually succeed where the British failed and frighten him off!”
Both Eliza and their father snorted, the sounds nearly identical. Giving her one last grin, Peggy turned on her heel and preceded them into the parlor.
There was a moment of silence, and then music upon the pianoforte filled the air. Her father took her hand and placed it on his arm. “Well, my girl,” he said, “Are you ready?”
Eliza beamed at him, squeezing his arm. “Yes, Papa, I’m ready,” she told him.
He nodded and, together, they started forward and into the parlor.
The room was full to bursting, was Eliza’s first thought. Although her wedding was not as large as her parents likely would have cared for it to be – owing to both the weather and the war – many of her kin had obviously made a special effort to come when they received word that it was happening. Her grandfather, standing tall and venerable even as he leaned on his cane, winked at her as she walked past him, and Grandmother Gertrude also smiled. Eliza also received various smiles and even whispered well-wishes from her numerous other relatives as she and her father moved down the small aisle the crowed had created, toward the fireplace where Alexander and Pastor Westerlo waited. Last, but never least, she saw her mother, brothers, and Cornelia standing at the front, the former already dabbing a handkerchief at her eyes and the latter bouncing in excitement. Eliza struggled to suppress a laugh at her little sister’s exuberance.
Meeting Alexander’s gaze nearly stole her breath away. She had rarely seen him appear so happy. Perhaps the only time that could compare would have been the day she had accepted his proposal of marriage, back in the spring. That had been a day they had both been delirious with joy, but now Eliza thought that this day would be even more so.
She and her father halted just in front of Alexander, who then stepped forward, holding out his hand. Her father slowly took her hand from his arm, and then laid it in the younger man’s. “My son,” he said in a low, quiet tone, so soft that it was unlikely most of the crowd could even hear it, “be true.”
Alexander nodded, completely in earnest, and her father, satisfied, stepped back, leaving Eliza to step up alone to stand with Alexander before Mr. Westerlo. The music also came to an end, leaving the parlor in silence.
The pastor began the ceremony then, speaking the words that he had no doubt spoken for many couples before them, but in all honesty, Eliza heard few of them. Instead, all of her attention was drawn to Alexander. Their hands were tangled up in one another as they received the prayers of Mr. Westerlo and the many witnesses. As their gazes held one another, Eliza saw Alexander’s eyes sparkle and one corner of his lips turn upward in a smile. The gesture had Eliza fighting not to break out into a wide grin wholly inappropriate for the solemn moment they were in. Instead, she squeezed his hands in warning, but received only a mischievous wink in return.
Naughty man, she thought, wanting to laugh.
Mr. Westerlo’s words finally broke through the haze of merriment around them when he asked Alexander, “Will you take this woman to be thy wedded wife?”
His voice was strong and clear, with no hesitation. “I will.”
“To have and to hold from this moment forward? For richer, for poorer? In sickness, and in health? Forsaking all others?”
“I will.”
The pastor then repeated the bride’s vows for Eliza, which she duly answered. Subsequently, Alexander produced a ring, which he slid upon her finger as he swore, “With this ring, I thee wed. With my body, I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow.” And in a personal touch, not part of the ceremony, he then lifted that same hand to his lips, and kissed the ring that now rested there. Eliza could sense rather than see the smiles coming from their audience, and the fond, indulgent look of Mr. Westerlo.
Finally, the ceremony concluded, with the pastor granting Alexander permission to “kiss his bride.” Alexander let go of her hands then, and plucked at the veil, raising it and letting it fall back behind her head. Without hesitation, they closed the distance between them and their lips met in a kiss that pledged all of their love and devotion, a moment every bit as sacred as having the church grant its own blessing upon their union.
The sound of cheering filled Eliza’s ears, and soon she and Alexander were surrounded by her many relations. Eliza was receiving kisses on the cheeks from Peggy and her mother, and she could feel Cornelia tugging at her skirts. Her father and Mr. Westerlo were shaking Alexander’s hand, with her many male relations waiting their turn.
The next several hours were a whirlwind of good food, dancing, and excellent company. More than once, Eliza would lose Alexander in the crowd, only to find her brothers smirking and nudging her in a certain direction. Then, lo and behold, there would be Alexander, and they would have some time to enjoy one another’s company, only to be tugged apart again by different members of her family. From the mischievous expressions on many of their faces, Eliza was certain that they were all doing it on purpose.
By the late afternoon, Eliza was flushed from both the wine and the dancing, but was still able to stand up to bid farewell as the guests began to take their leave. Eliza was inundated with well-wishes – and advice – from her female relations. She was also on the receiving end of a fierce hug from Peggy, who was leaving for Albany in the company of their grandparents.
“I think you’ll be happy, Betsey,” Peggy said as they clutched one another tightly. Eliza buried her face in her sister’s shoulder for a moment before they separated. Together, they turned where Alexander stood some distance away, in deep conversation with their father and several uncles. He seemed to sense their gaze, however, and his eyes shifted from his new father-in-law to meet Betsey’s gaze. His expression lit up and he beamed at her.
Peggy stifled a laugh. “Oh yes, he adores you already.”
“And I him,” Eliza murmured, smiling back at him before turning back to her sister. Out of habit, she reached out and tugged Peggy’s cloak about her more tightly. “Stay warm, dear Peggy.”
Peggy flashed her one last grin, this one far naughtier. “I would say the same to you, but I don’t think I need to worry. Alexander will take care of that just fine, I’m sure.” Dodging Eliza’s playful swat, she darted out the door.
Eliza found herself without someone else to pay her respects to, so she turned her gaze back to Alexander. Like her, he was flushed from the wine he’d consumed and their many dances, but beyond that, she could see how happy he was amid his current company. Her father already made it perfectly clear how delighted he was with his new son-in-law, and the other men appeared to have taken to him as well. It was certainly a far cry from how Mr. Carter had been viewed after his and Angelica’s hurried elopement.
The thought made her stop. It was true, Alexander was receiving a much kinder reception from her family. Perhaps it was because of her father’s obvious approbation and support, but part of her could not help but wonder if it was because Alexander had done things properly. He had publicly courted Eliza, had sought her parents’ blessing after he had proposed to her, even revealing aspects of his life to them that could cost him that blessing, and yet being unwilling to lie, even by omission. He had not married her in a hurried ceremony in a dirty army camp, but instead had bowed to the traditions of her family and the desires of her parents. He had even taken leave from his important position as General Washington’s aide-de-camp to marry Eliza here, in her home and surrounded by her kin.
Eliza had not needed this large celebration. She was never one for ostentation. Still, she had recognized her parents’ desires and had bowed to them. But as she looked at Alexander, took in his obvious happiness at being so welcomed by her kin, Eliza could not help but think that perhaps Alexander had needed this too. He had told her enough of his childhood to know that he really had little kin to speak of. A dead mother, a father and brother that he had scant contact with, a half-brother who had taken everything and left him with nothing, and a few cousins who, although dear to him, were a world away and had no plans to close that distance.
But now, in marrying her as he had, Alexander had gained an enormous family, all of whom were warmly disposed to him. For someone whose life had been so lonely, it must have been a like water on the ground after a long drought.
Well, there would be no more of that, Eliza thought with a sudden fierceness. He had her family now, and most of all, he had her. They would build their own family, and he would never have to worry about being left alone again.
Glancing around, Eliza saw that no one else seemed to be readying to leave just yet, so she left her spot near the door and made her way towards the group congregating around Alexander. There was a great roar of laughter as she approached, and she smiled reflexively. “Excuse me, gentlemen,” she said, moving over to Alexander’s side and slipping her hand into his. “Might I borrow my husband?”
No one raised any objections, and Eliza had no trouble leading Alexander away from the crowd. She pulled him toward the back of the house, past the stairs – it wasn’t yet time for them to journey upstairs just yet – and into her father’s library. She nudged him inside and closed the door behind her. Turning back, she leaned against it and stared at Alexander. He stared back at her, looking amused. “How may I be of service, Mrs. Hamilton?” he asked, his eyes gleaming at her new name.
Eliza suspected it would be a long, long time before being called that lost its thrill. In fact, she hoped it never would. Still, she had no desire for coyness. Brazenly, she stepped up to him, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him fiercely.
Alexander did not object to her boldness, bringing his arms about her waist and returning the kiss. They stayed like that for several moments. When they finally broke apart, he asked somewhat breathlessly, “May I ask what that was for?”
Eliza did not stray far, keeping her arms draped loosely about him. She smiled and said, “Just to say how much I love you, my dearest Alexander.”
He laughed, “Well, then, if that is how you plan to say ‘I love you’ for the rest of our lives, my sweet Betsey, I shall say that I am the luckiest of men!”
[1] Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Schuyler, 5 October 1780.
[2] I went diving into Google and Pinterest, looking for something that I could see as Eliza’s wedding dress. I could never find the complete ensemble that matched what I envisioned, but here is the fabric that came the closest (though the cut of the gown isn’t quite right, so ignore that).
[3] I’m honestly not entirely certain on this. I’ve read conflicting reports as to whether Angelica was present for Eliza and Alexander’s wedding. I learned from a recent livestream that even the interpreters at the Schuyler Mansion aren't completely sure either. Still, her absence seemed pretty plausible to me, so I went with it.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
The Bitches™
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lel8nM
by f3k1nl0s3r
i put each and every single comfort creator/character and all of my kins in a chatfic. well see how its gonna go
spoiler: not well
Words: 442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, OMORI (Video Game), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hamilton - Miranda, Friday Night Funkin' (Video Game), ENA - Joel G (Web Series), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Miraculous Ladybug, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Big Hero 6 (2014)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Darryl Noveschosch, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, Alexis | Quackity, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando, Erina Pendleton Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Suzie Quatro, Elizabeth Joestar | Lisa Lisa, Pillar Men (JoJo), Wamuu | Wham, Esidisi | ACDC, Robert Edward O. Speedwagon, Kujo Jotaro, Kakyoin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Abdul | Muhammad Avdol, Higashikata Josuke (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, Nijimura Okuyasu, Kira Yoshikage (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Buccellati, Leone Abbacchio, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, Vinegar Doppio, Diavolo (JoJo), Risotto Nero, Kujo Jolyne, Hermes Costello, F. F. | Foo Fighters (JoJo), Narciso Anasui, Weather Report (JoJo), Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Funny Valentine, Diego Brando, Hot Pants (JoJo), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sunny (OMORI), Aubrey (OMORI), Basil (OMORI), Kel (OMORI), Hero (OMORI), Mari (OMORI), Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Asahina Aoi, Ogami Sakura, Oowada Mondo, Kuwata Leon, Maizono Sayaka, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Mioda Ibuki, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Nanami Chiaki, Owari Akane, Pekoyama Peko, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Hanamura Teruteru, Sonia Nevermind, Tanaka Gundham, Soda Kazuichi, Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi, Chabashira Tenko, Yumeno Himiko, Amami Rantaro, Shirogane Tsumugi, Tsumiki Mikan, Saionji Hiyoko, Koizumi Mahiru, Akamatsu Kaede, Kishibe Rohan, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Gokuhara Gonta, Harukawa Maki, Momota Kaito, Naegi Komaru, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Citron | Clemont, Kasumi | Misty, Takeshi | Brock, Eureka | Bonnie, Musashi | Jessie, Kojirou | James, Suiren | Lana, Serena (Pokemon), Gou | Goh (Pokemon), Kaki | Kiawe, Gladio | Gladion, Lilie | Lillie (Pokemon), Mao | Mallow (Pokemon), Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Pico (Pico's School), Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Lemon Demon (Friday Night Funkin'), Skid (Friday Night Funkin'), Pump (Friday Night Funkin'), Ena (ENA), Mutou Yuugi, Yami Yuugi | Atem, Mazaki Anzu | Tea Gardner, Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler, Honda Hiroto | Tristan Taylor, Kaiba Seto, Bakura Ryou, Yami Bakura, Marik Ishtar, Saiki Kusuo, Saiki Kusuke, Teruhashi Kokomi, Hairo Kineshi, Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Akechi Touma, Aiura Mikoto, Toritsuka Reita, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil), Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Fujisaki Chihiro, Tsukino Usagi, Albert | AlbertsStuff | Flamingo, Mizuno Ami, Aino Minako, Hino Rei, Kino Makoto, Chiba Mamoru, Hiro Hamada, Mark Fischbach, darkiplier, Antisepticeye (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Sean McLoughlin, Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Doctor Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Wilford Warfstache | William J. Barnum | The Colonel, Googleplier (Markiplier TV), Ethan Nestor, BlankGamePlays, Original Characters, Dave | Technoblade, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack
Relationships: currently are too many for me to keep up with lmfao, some of them are crossover pairings lol
Additional Tags: wow thats a lot of people, uhm-, Chatting & Messaging, Shapeshifter Alexis | Quackity, Out of Character, VERY Out of Character, like everyone here is out of character-, TommyInnit Has ADHD (Video Blogging RPF), Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, Chaotic Alexis | Quackity, how is that not a tag??, Chaotic Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, chaotic everyone in general, except jotaro saiki and yoshikage, lmao they hiding in the corner, Fluff and Crack, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Bisexual Mutou Yuugi, Nonbinary Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Alexis | Quackity, Nonbinary Alexis | Quackity, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Komaeda Nagito, He/Him and They/Them pronouns for Wilbur Soot, He/They/Fae/Bugz Pronouns for Quackity, author projecting onto quackity, Trans Kujo Jotaro, Genderfluid Kaminari Denki, Sunny and Omori share a body, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Sunny uses It/Its pronouns, Tourette's Syndrome, Quackity has tourettes, Smart Tsukino Usagi, Asexual Character, Asexual Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Aroace Saiki Kusuo, Older Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Trans Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Bonnie is older, like shes 15, did i mention evil version of the main heroes are gonna be here too?, oh i havent?, Well-, Mastermind Naegi Makoto, Mastermind Saihara Shuichi, Mastermind Hinata Hajime, Dark Satoshi?, idk the tag, Dark Tsukino Usagi, my hands hurt, Dork Naegi Makoto, Human Disaster Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton Loves Coffee, John Laurens Lives, none of the fandoms follow canon btw, just wanna let you knowwww', Bisexual Joseph Joestar, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lel8nM
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countessnataliaa · 7 years
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and for you to need me the same way i needed you
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helpless--narrative · 6 years
After Alexander died, I wore a silver locket every moment of every day. It never left my neck. Inside was a photo of my love, our son Philip, and a few scraps of paper. They were burnt around the edges but the words on them were still legible. 
The sonnet he wrote me... I had committed it to memory then, but for the life of me cannot remember all of it now. It had been the last of the papers I burned after the Reynolds scandal. I remember holding it above the flame until it caught, tears streaming down my face. It was soon fully alight and I panicked, dropping it on the ground and quickly trying to put it out. I picked up the burned scraps and held them close to my heart as I cried.
Angelica found me soon after and I kept those scraps my whole life, keeping his words close to my heart, as I wished he could be. 
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hear-ye-hear-me · 6 years
My name is Samuel Seabury, and I’m here with a few things about my canon!
- it was a modern setting, everyone was in college.
- my canon would fall under urban fanatasy, I don’t remember many humans at the college
- I remember being an angelic being, though I wasn’t very religious.
- I roomed with (Charles) Lee, who was a wolf shifter who couldn’t handle a lot of noise, George Frederick III, a vampire who was semi-distant royalty who came from a wealthy family, and (James) Reynolds, who was a fae
- We kicked Reynolds the Fuck out of our dorm when we found out he was abusing his girlfriend and my adoptive sister. Burr, who was human, ended up moving in instead
- Mariah (Lewis) was a siren, and she was my adoptive sister. She loved going to karaoke with all of her friends
- I had a huge crush on Lafayette, but I don’t remember if I acted on it or not
- (John) Laurens and (Hercules) Mulligan were both humans, while Alexander (Hamilton) was a mer-shifter and Lafayette was vampire. They all roomed down the hall from us.
- Lee and Burr were dating.
- The Schuyler Sisters all shared a room. The three were all adopted siblings. Angelica was a genderfluid witch, Eliza was a nonbinary Druid, and Peggy was a transfeminine Angel.
- The Washington’s were Alexander and John’s adoptive parents, Martha (Washington) was a selkie and George (Washington) was an Immortal
- The college has an annual fair that always ended up with someone in the hospital, wether it be from alcohol poisoning, getting in fights, or getting in some form of accident.
- Mariah and I would host girls nights with the Schuyler’s and we would paint each other’s nails and talk about stuff while old movies played in the background.
- I used any pronouns, but checked off ‘Male’ when gender was required
- There was a bit of tension between humans and non-humans, but it was only a little and rarely caused any big drama where we were
That’s all I have at the moment, but I’ll probably add more eventually as I remember more stuff!
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hamilkincomfort · 7 years
Hi! I'm Alexander, and the ask box is open for any confessions, comforts, aesthetics, or canon calls you need to make! This blog is purely for Hamilkin and any hate will not be tolerated!
Feel free to send in an ask!
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ao3feed-lams · 4 years
Time to Take a Shot
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VYwA8r
by LambsLams
Alexander Hamilton hated everything. He hated his stupid social worker who thought he was better than everything. He hated Mr. Kin- no. He wasn’t supposed to think about that. He hated the hurricane that destroyed his town. He hated the sickness that took his mother’s life. He hated his father for leaving them and taking away their only chance at an okay life. But most of all, he hated himself for, well, just being himself. His dad left because of him. His mom never took her medicine because of him. His cousin hung himself because of him. And now, at just 15, almost 16, he was being moved into a new home again because he couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut. As much as he hated everything in his life, he knew most of what he hated was probably his fault. It was always his fault.
Words: 2728, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Martha Washington, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Aaron Burr, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Charles Lee
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, George Washington/Martha Washington, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, Alexander Hamilton & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & John Laurens & Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette & Hercules Mulligan
Additional Tags: Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Gay John Laurens, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Bisexual Eliza Schuyler, Everyone Is Gay, Foster Care, George Washington is a Dad, Friends to Lovers, Charles Lee Being a Dick, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Alex Was Being Abused
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VYwA8r
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secretary--hamilton · 7 years
HELLO! I'm Alexander and me and my Eliza @chaquemoi are desperately looking for our Philip!
Please please please come home Philip, we miss you so much. If you're out there, please know that your mother and father love you dearly and are looking for you, we hope you're looking for us too
**please** message us if you're Philip and any of these things sound even vaguely familiar, we miss you, please come home Philip
- I had blue eyes and freckles, and I had a slight stutter. I was around 5'7, and had a slim build
- Philip was adopted, we adopted him as a baby. He knew he was adopted though, I would always say things like "the second we brought you home, you were so gentle and calm" and stuff
- Philip had a slight tooth gap, thus making him have a lisp. He grew out of his lisp as he got older though.
- he had /really/ curly hair, he would sit in between my legs and I would brush his hair and put it up or braid it for him
- Eliza would always make comments about how he looked like he could've been our biological child, because both me and Philip had freckles
- I was very afraid of storms due to the hurricane, and one time it was stormy outside and I froze and stopped talking, and Philip was about 3 or 4 at this time. He tugged on my sleeve and said "what's wrong, papa?", and I bent down to his level and reassured him that I was okay, and then we sat on the couch next to the fire place, he sat on my knee.
- I have this rly rly nice memory of me, Eliza, and Philip sitting on a field having a picnic during a really sunny day, Philip was about 7, 8, or 9 at this time? There was daisies all around us and we were making daisy chains
- my friends would look after Philip if I was busy, Philip LOVED laurens so much, like whenever laurens walked through the door Philip would run up and cling to him
- Burr was rly good at math and taught Philip math
- Philip was my absolute pride and joy. I would do anything for him and I would constantly do the dad thing where I picked him up and tossed him above my head and stuff
- Eliza has a memory of cuddling with Philip and running her fingers through his curls
- dinner time was probably my favourite time of day, because that's when me, Philip, and Eliza got to spend most time together
- we adopted a dog for Philip! We got a beagle, and it was mostly Eliza's and Philips dog since I was so busy I never really got to play with it, but it was extremely well trained and loved Philip dearly. I don't remember his name, though.
- we have more memories if you're curious! Just message me and ask!
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
Hi I'm Elizabeth Schuyler from Hamilton and I really miss Peggy! We're also looking for Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette. In our canon, Philip was adopted because I had a lot of troule getting pregnant, and Alex was really scared of storms. Alex and I were also married closer to the end of the war. If this sounds familiar to anyone, please like or reblog, or message me @chaquemoi!
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