#elisabeth of jiyel
quilleth · 4 months
wardrobe, change, and alternate for elisabeth?
Ooh this was fun! Thanks for asking about Elisabeth! ^-^
Wardrobe: How big is your character’s wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Elisabeth's wardrobe isn't extensive, and she gets a lot of things from her sister handed don and made over to suit her better. Her sister married well and is better off, so the clothes she gives Elisabeth are generally well made and more in season than Elisabeth's clothes would be if she were left to her own devices xD She absolutely wears things threadbare if she likes them and they're comfy, though I don't think she's particularly adept at repairing them when needed. She could probably fix a tear or loose hem, but not very neatly.
Change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Not really. Elisabeth doesn't like change very much, and she's comfortable with her appearance and clothing the way it is. The biggest change in her appearance would be the new clothes her mother and sister insisted she needed before the Summit.
Alternate: What would your OC’s alternate universe look be? If they’re a fantasy character, what’s their modern look? If they’re sci-fi, what’s their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Modern AU Elsabeth would be a big fan of leggings and skirts and oversized comfy sweaters! I've made a dollmaker of it before!
Because it grew a mind of its own and i am Attached to it, cottage witch AU Elisabeth wears clothing similar to Edwardian outfits. I've commissioned pics for it a couple of times here and here :3
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awaylaughing · 5 years
A Complication
4 weeks before the arrival of the delegates, Jasper’s planning is disrupted. He handles it - because Jasper always handles it.
Jasper looked up from his book with a frown. It was early yet, and outside the world was a quiet torrent of rain. Most everyone, he thought, ought be in bed still, or at least no further out of it than it took to start waking up properly. Leavening himself out of bed, he eased open his door, surprised to be greeted by a fresh faced looking Greer.
“Good morning Greer,” he said.
“Good morning Jasper,” she replied, eyes sliding past his to focus on his ear briefly, then his nose. He supposed someone must have told her the staring was off putting. “The Matchmaker wants to see you, immediately.”
“I see, I will attend to her at once then,” he said, “thank you for the message.”
Greer just nodded, disappearing down the hall with heavy footsteps and the swish of her skirts. Quickly he got dressed, though not so quickly that he was not as neat and styled as he ever was. It did not do to let oneself grown complacent, especially not with the Summit looming. He had no doubt from her profile that Lady Jiyela would not be overly troublesome, by all accounts she was smart and social and perfectly acceptable, but that did not mean there would never be need to rouse at inopportune times.
Removed from the traditional confines of their societies and parents, almost anything could happen among the delegates.
This early the halls were quite staid, in a way they would not be for quite a while. Once the delegates were here, there would be an unsettled sort of feeling permeating the entire island. So Jasper enjoyed his short walk from his rooms in the servants halls, to the matchmaker’s room. He had only knocked once before her voice rang out.
“Come in dear boy, you know you’re expected.”
Easing open the door, Jasper bowed shallowly to the matchmaker, noting she had a generous breakfast laid out, and a second plate and cup of tea ready. “Politesse is also expected,” he said. The matchmaker smiled, simply fanning her hand in a sit down motion.
“Tea?” she asked.
“Thank you,” he said, accepting it once poured.
“Your assignment has changed,” the Matchmaker said instead of anything one might expect. “Your Lady Jiyela unexpectedly found a love match at home, and will not be joining us. Your replacement,” she slid a small packet of paper toward him, lips pursed.
“This happened four weeks before the Summit?” he asked.
“Five, apparently the mail was delayed,” she said, “I got this late last night. She was chosen because she is a cousin, and because her brother will be attending as well. It’s quite a family affair.”
“I see,” he flipped quickly through the little bundle of information, mind already racing. They had just over three weeks to change anything they needed to in their preparations.
“I am sorry, dear boy,” she said.
“We will handle it,” he said, “it won’t be a problem.”
“No,” she said, unwinding enough for a wry smile to crawl across her face. “I suppose you wouldn’t allow that, would you?” Jasper gave her a look, and she cackled. “Don’t look at me like that boy, I know about your tender pride.”
“It is not pride, it is expectation,” he said, feeling just a touch defensive about himself. “I don’t wish to be rude however-”
“Lady Elisabeth is not going to suddenly appear, and you will be hardly impacted by eating before you hare off to harass your staff,” she said. “Eat. And finish your tea.”
Jasper sighed, but set aside the papers, careful to keep them from the threat of food and tea. “Very well, matchmaker.”
The matchmaker just laughed.
Finding Sayra and Ria, once he was released from the matchmaker’s custody, was no great demand. Ria’s bright red hair was a beacon at the breakfast table. Jasper headed right for her, easily spotting the tall form of Sayra across her. As he approached, his eyes fell on a short haired brunette, seated next to Ria. When her eyes met his, her blue eyes went wide. It was, he was certain, quite comical to see her immediately skitter to the side, catching Ria’s attention and leading to half of the table staring him down.
Sadly, Jasper did not find himself in a good humour, too preoccupied with the head ache looming large.
“Good morning Ria, Sayra,” he said, nodding first to the two maids who would be serving their respective lady, and then to young Imogen, still looking a little perturbed. Clearly his reputation preceded him. Or Ria was telling horror stories. “Imogen.”
“Jasper, sir,” Imogen and Ria said in near unison. Sayra just gave him a deep nod.
“If you two are finished with breakfast, we will need to meet to discuss some changes,” he said.
“Changes sir?” Ria asked, green eyes wide. “What sort?”
“We’ve a new lady,” he said. Ria’s face went white.
“A new – what happened to lady Jiyela?”
“A whirlwind romance,” he said.
“We’re done, then,” Sayra said, standing and lifting her mostly cleared plate.
The profile on Lady Elisabeth was not any more worrying than any other delegates, and Jasper kept this in his mind as Ria, Sayra and himself studied and looked for any major differences they would have to keep an eye on. The only difference between her and any other delegate was the amount of time Jasper had to get to know her – or the her painted in reports.
“Oh,” Ria fluttered around him, hands clearly unsure of where to go. “Oh but she’s a different rank than Lady Jiyela!”
“I am perfectly confident in your ability to remember which curtsy to use, Ria,” Jasper said. “Until she is here, we don’t have much to change however, I simply wished to inform you.”
“Yes, it would be awful to call her the wrong name,” Sayra said, the tiniest touch of wryness in her tone. Ria nodded enthusiastically, clearly having missed it, distracted by her worrying.
“Indeed,” Jasper agreed, standing. “That is all for now, we will continue as we have been and so you are released to your current duties until tomorrow morning.”
“And you?” Sayra asked, dark eyes locked on him.
“I am also to attend to my current duties, as ever.”
                                                       *   *   *
Bravado aside, Jasper could not lie that a slight sense of anxiety settled over him as he eyed the room around them. The Arlish and Corvali delegations had arrived earlier in the morning, and now Skalt, Jiyel and Hise were descending on them all nearly simultaneously. The castle was primed, ready to intercede the moment the delegates feet hit land. In less than ten minutes their mysterious last-minute lady would be upon them. As if on cue, a sharp knock rapped on the door and even Sayra twitched slightly, looking up from the vanity she had been glaring down at while Ria compulsively soothed non-existant wrinkles from the bedding.
“Elisabeth of Jiyel’s room?” were the words that greeted Jasper, and a moment later the bag boy, Evin, looked up from his list and grinned. “Heya Jasper, got your lady’s trunks for you!” As he spoke the two even younger boys attending him pulled a set of sleek trunks from the top rack. Jasper wordlessly opened the door wider and stepped aside – the boys, despite their youth and silly grins, were quick to place them at the foot of bed.
“Thank you gentlemen,” Jasper said and the three boys beamed.
“No problem Jasper! Have fun!” Evin said, already consulting his list. “Next hall boys, we gotta duke!”
Jasper closed the door behind them and turned; Sayra swooped down on her offerings, the picture of furious focus as she gently removed reams of silk and chiffon from their prisons.
“Well,” she said, looking up after a moment. “She likes purple.”
“Purple’s a lovely colour,” Ria, clearly primed to be a very loyal lady’s maid indeed, said. “But oh look she has a few greens! And flowers, oh these are lovely.” She reached out as if to touch one of the gowns, and then paused, pulling back. Sayra eyed her briefly, and then nudged the second bag.
“Your stuff’s probably in there,” she said. Ria’s eyes lit up, and with that tactic permission she set to excavating for her own little treasures. Jasper took up his spot by the door, as if he were expecting their lady to pop in unannounced any second now, and tried to figure out how this collection of pastel fabrics, ribbons and oils fed into the puzzle that was Elisabeth of Jiyel.
Five minutes later and Sayra and Ria had packed away seven week’s worth of living materials, arranged the vanity and vanished the trunks to the top of the armoire. Two minutes after that, a knock, not as sharp as the bag boys’ had been, silenced the quiet chatter that had filled their space. Jasper gave the girls a second to arrange themselves before he opened the door, stepping outside. People were making their way to the front halls, and Jasper fell into step with a nearly green looking Orion.
“If I die, I’m giving you all my stuff Jasper,” Orion said without preamble. Jasper did not roll his eyes, but only because he was long out of the habit.
“You will be perfectly fine, you’ve always liked a challenge,” he said. “And the novel – surely a Skaltish priestess is both?”
“And probably armed,” Orion said, with a glumness that did not suit his voice nor his face. “Ah, well it could be worse. I’ve never much liked birds anyway.”
“Birds,” Jasper said.
“Sacrifice them don’t they? For rites and fortune telling.”
“I suppose you would know,” Jasper said. Orion flashed him a much more typical grin, before straightening to his full – and not inconsiderable – height as the doors to the entrance hall came into view. Jasper sped up just a touch, carefully arranging people as he went, nudging everyone into twin lines. Orion stayed at the back, looming over the rest of the party and Jasper studied everyone once, before he fell into a gap left for him closer the front. Immediately, the doors swung open.
The butlers filed in, and Jasper’s eyes were drawn to the General, one of the faces he knew for certain. A little septet of Jiyeli candidates lined up to his left. They were largely dark haired, and his eyes skipped over them, drawn instead to the two lighted haired delegates.
Checking one last time that his uniform was in the best condition it could be whilst also on a person, Jasper stepped forward, coming to a stop in front of the general first.
“Good evening sir,” he said with a bow.
“Evening,” General Falon said, brows pulled together sharply. “Which one?”
“I believe I already know sir,” Jasper said, “Lady Elisabeth.”
The General jerked his head toward the blonde woman – who was now openly and curiously watching them, eyes flitting between him, the General, and the two butlers now at Jasper’s back, waiting to make their own introductions.
“Good evening Lady Elisabeth,” Jasper said, stepping forward with a bow before looking to large blue eyes. “My name is Jasper, I will be your Butler for the next coming weeks.”
                                                          *   *   *
My apologies that this is two days late! Life - more notably the wifi - was not kind to me. Still, I hope you enjoy this little run up to Jasper and Elisabeth’s first meeting and had a VERY excellent Holiday, Quilleth!
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faejilly · 7 years
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in harmony for @quilleth​ and the @7kppsecretsanta​
a fic and playlist about dancing and falling in love; Elisabeth of Jiyel / Jasper of Vail Isle from Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Here and now, the two of them together in the ballroom with the light warm and golden as it poured through the windows, felt somehow momentous. Felt singular, despite all the other times they'd been alone, all the other times he'd met her here, instructed her.
Jasper knew it wasn't something that should make him feel so oddly breathless.
It was simply his duty.
She was his responsibility, his delegate, his charge, of course he would be honored.
Anything his lady required.
He would have done the same for anyone.
Had served before, would again; he knew his place.
More importantly he knew why, knew how necessary the Summit was, how vital the delegates, how every step, every word, every look would be judged.
She had to be prepared.
It was his job to always be prepared.
Why then did he feel as if he'd failed, as if he'd fallen, as if anything could happen next?
Why did the tension down his back feel so much like fear?
She had been a terrible dancer.
She wasn't now.
He'd always enjoyed a challenge.
That was all.
There was no other reason to want to smile, no other reason for the ache in his chest as he held it in, as he kept his face smooth, as he held himself precisely the proper distance away, as he kept each step steady.
He was not going to spin her around, lift her off her feet and listen for her laugh, was not going to display his joy in her success so overtly.
She is perfect.
There was nothing wrong with being pleased with one's delegate. Being proud of her.
With liking her.
It was satisfactory to have a charge of whom he could be so proud.
Proud of Ria's fine work, as well, how becomingly all that golden hair was swept up, the barest few tendrils to curl against the line of her neck...
He was here to teach her to dance in preparation for the Matchmaker's Judgement, for the Ball.
Not to admire Ria's handiwork.
Not to admire her, not more than was proper.
It had been so straightforward when they first started, the basics of courtesy and curtsies; it was easy to remember his position, and hers. He was her servant; she'd requested his aid.
He would help, and then he would stand back to let her finish the Summit a success.
He'd never doubted her success.
But today he could feel her breathe, the lift of her ribs so close to his. He could feel the soft pressure of her hand, could smell the floral rinse Ria had made for her hair, could hear the soft whisper of her slippers against the floor as they turned, almost hidden beneath the slightly louder tap of his soles. Today he was close enough to count her eyelashes, to trace precisely the shape the shape of the shadows they cast against her cheeks, close enough to...
Today he didn't want to stand back.
He didn't want to let go.
He wanted the dance to last forever.
LISTEN ON: Spotify / YouTube / 8tracks
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia "Evgeny Svetlanov", Vladimir Jurowski - The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, TH 13, Act I "The Spell": No. 7, Entrée d'Aurore 
Vitamin String Quartet - Howl’s Moving Castle - Merry-Go-Round of Life
Claude Bolling, Jean-Pierre Rampal, Max Hédiguer, Marcel Sabiani - Versatile, Pt. 1 - With Bass Flute
Aramis String Quartet - A Thousand Years
Emile Pandolfi - Once Upon a December (from Anastasia)
Dallas String Quartet - La Muerte Del Angel
2Cellos - Shape of My Heart
Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters 
Dmitri Shostakovich, Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Dmitry Yablonsky - Jazz Suite No. 2: VI. Waltz 2
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Whaaat I actually finished today :D, I’m very sorry for it being a little messy, but I hope you like it, because I loved doing it ^u^
@quilleth‘s MC from 7KPP, Elisabeth of Jiyel
(pssst the symbol at her hair piece means life :D) 
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birdmanart · 8 years
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Just a fuckton of 7KPP sketches. Some headshots of my more recent MCs (I haven't had a chance to actually play them yet bc school, but the time will come), and then a bunch of sketches for some of the multitude of AUs we've come up with. Featuring @quilleth's MC Elisabeth and @timelord-in-hogwarts's MC Clara!
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quilleth · 7 months
🍩for literally anyone you want to answer for, I feel like this could be very funny :D
Ooh this one is fun!! Thanks for asking!
Vanora literally just stole/ commandeered a boat from what i think was one of the guard ships in town in our last session. And that's just recently xD In her defense, something was clearly afoot in the lake, and the party *did* defeat the aboleth. But still. Probably not a good idea to cut a random boat loose with a longsword in a town you're not familiar with. No idea if she'll get in trouble for it yet though lol
Mercutio: cheating at cards and/ or gambling (though him getting arrested for this is pretty unlikely, since he's really good at it) is his bread and butter. General mayhem and tomfoolery, disturbing of the peace with impromptu performances, or going a little too far and pushing the buttons of one noble or another during his performances (he's college of satire) are things he'd be likely to be arrested for and honestly, he probably planned them that way so that his father would have to bail him out again.
Elisabeth: picking flowers from "public" gardens or taking cuttings from somewhere where they have laws not to xD
Enid: it's probably pretty hard to arrest a countess, and she knows this, so she probably regularly commits petty crimes of annoyance on people that irritate her in Holt.
Toby is a pirate sooo....I feel like one of the things she's mostly get caught on though would be disturbing the peace though, since she likes to play pranks on people and isn't too fussed about whether or not the pranks do minor things like disrupt the flow of traffic r the market or something.
Noah is a pirate by proxy and he tries not to think about that too hard, but also is lured by books and adventuring and his boyfriend is very pretty and swashbuckly about it all.
Piper regularly commits crimes against science and technology but not generally the kind she could be arrested for. Mostly of the "you built all this crazy machinery just to build a better toy duck?" mad scientist way xD
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quilleth · 7 months
10 please :D (and maybe also14 for Elisabeth and any other 7KPP gals you may have in the wings)
Hehe thank you for asking!!
10) Free Space #1: Which of your OCs would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Which would die immediately?
Since you didn't specify characters for this one I'll do it for whoever comes to mind!
Survive: Elisabeth, surprisingly, and mostly from a combination of being a plant nerd and therefore being able to figure out food and medicine for things when needed, and sheer dumb luck xD
Mercutio, because he is sneaky and devious and not above throwing other people under the bus to save his own skin. He might feel a little bad about it later on, but his survival has always been his focus.
Foxglove, because honestly, they probably didn't realise it was happening and tend to avoid places where there are a lot of people on principle.
Toby, depending on how the virus works, again, likely because she's out at sea and not around highly populated areas for it to get to her or her crew. But she'd be VERY upset about it if it did come for her crew.
Die: Sadly, Noah, because of his health issues and also because he has a tendency to wander off and explore things as the fancy strikes him and would be unlucky enough to run into a hoard :(
Vanora, likewise, has the attention span of a goldfish and a lackadaisical attitude about her own personal safety and probably ends up thinking she can handle things and ends up getting bitten trying to fight some zombies off. Unfortunately, she'd probably also try to hide that fact which would not bode well for anyone.
Annabelle. Just....this girl has negative survival skills. Do not put her into situations.
14) How does your character feel about riding horses (or your world’s closest approximation of a horse if it lacks horses)?
Elisabeth's pre-Summit experience with horses is probably the one old work pony around the estate that is like half work pony and half mild mannered babysitter. She finds larger horses kind of intimidating (but also likes feeling tall), and isn't the most skilled rider, so she wouldn't go above a slow canter at most, but she doesn't have strong feelings on them either way. Would prefer walking, though. She is more indignant about someone hurting the horse than she is about someone doing so to try to hurt her xD
Enid is an avid sportswoman and accomplished rider. Spoils her horses rotten, and probably gives them silly food names like Biscuit and Scone or something. She is absolutely convinced she could do better at picking horses for people and probably would tell the stablehands so, if she didn't have an internal voice reminding her to mind her manners. Zarad, of course, hears it all when he approaches her at the end of the ride xD
Annabelle likes the idea of horses, and likes feeding the ones at the palace apples and sugar cubes and when the stablehands let her braid their tails and manes or brush them. She might be able to ride sidesaddle at a walk, and probably thinks this is very daring and impressive (it's not). After the group ride, firmly comes down on they are very pretty to look at, but no thank you, she does not wish to ride one any time soon!
Toby *could* ride. If she really wanted to. Which she mostly doesn't, thank you very much. She thinks they're pretty, but silly and skittish, and they can tell and are not amused.
Jienne dislikes how large they are and how sharp their hooves look and is absolutely holding her reins in a death grip the entire ride, which really only cements in her mind that horses are very much not for her.
Alvida is somewhere between Jienne and Toby. She *could* ride, if she wanted, but also horses are so very large, and she is so very short, that she always feels she looks ridiculous at every point of the process. She would much prefer a carriage or walking.
Noah likes horses, and he's had more interaction with them pre-Summit than Elisabeth. Unfortunately, he is not a particularly skilled rider either. In large part because he's a little anxious about it, and he always seems to get the ones who sense this, but instead of going into school pony mode, go into "I can get away with SO much chaos" mode. He's probably still trying to get his horse to please STOP eating everything in sight and just WALK when Elisabeth is dealing with the horse shenanigans during the group ride and only catches up after his horse decides to see what all the fuss is about xD But he keeps trying! Maybe it'll work out someday!
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quilleth · 2 years
hiiiiiiii it's your 7kpp secret santa again!!! so just wanted to ask, what kind of a 'best friend' dynamic do the jiyel siblings have???? oh also how would you describe their handwritings???? omg i'm asking way too many questions ahahaha XD
Hello hello again ^-^ I hope you're having a good week and staying warm! Also no worries- you're not asking too many questions at all!!
Elisabeth and Noah are very close so it's not unusual for people who don't know them to assume they're twins even though Noah is a couple of years older. They bicker and tease each other but rarely actually get into fights or arguments. They have similar interests so they'll swap book recommendations and chatter about places they want to see or things they want to do. Because they can have similar opinions and interests, they also are the ones to offer each other more encouragement to pursue those interests. Neither of them are really interested in what's expected of them, so they kind of support each other in dealing with that (Noah's the oldest son but doesn't actually have much interest in inheriting or running the estate and Elisabeth wants to go out and see the world instead of worrying about being a dutiful daughter and making a good match (she's too opinionated for this to have worked by the time the summit rolls around lol) or staying home to help out. Her parents don't actually expect that of her but she feels like they do because their older sister did well before she was Elizabeth's age).
For handwriting, Elizabeth's is surprisingly neat, but the smaller she writes the harder it is to read because she writes in cursive. Noah's is a big messy scrawl, takes up far more room on a page than necessary, and often ends up with letters having too many or not enough humps and definitely forgets to cross t's more frequently than he'd like to admit.
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quilleth · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiii 7kpp santa here!!!! wanted to ask if ur ocs would us ig if they were in a modern au n if so wht r their handles???? hope ur having a great weekend!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Hello!! Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to this!
Elisabeth would probably use Instagram, with something like celandine or another plant related name as her username, since she's my flora and fauna nerd lol. I don't know that she'd post very regularly
Enid might, and I'm going to say she's probably as bad at choosing usernames as I am so something like countessofholt or something as a username xD lots of outdoorsy kind of pictures probably
Alvida would have a very aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed but I have no idea what kind of username she'd have >< unlike Enid she would not use something relating to where she's from. I know that's not helpful sorry! She might use something with elf in it, since alvida means elf, but she also goes by vida as a nickname
Noah absolutely uses Instagram and along with posting lots of random things would probably be the most likely to share selfies. He is a gremlin and his username is probably something about aliens and/or in leet speech xD 10/10 would make cryptid references. Also would use vine to make videos of himself annoying Elisabeth and their other siblings lol
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quilleth · 2 months
Appearance 10 for Elisabeth and Vanora? And if you're up for more - Objects 11, Food 1, Nature 8, Hobbies 10 for anyone who sparks joy? :D
:3 Ooh these are fun! Thanks for asking!
Appearance 10: If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be? Elisabeth: Elisabeth isn't really someone who thinks about clothes or fashion very much, but she would splurge on something practical that's really nice quality, like a nice wool cloak that maybe has some pretty floral decorations or something similar like that. Vanora: Vanora absolutely is the kind of person who would treat herself with fancy pajamas. Like the expensive, silky matching set camis and shorts with pretty, soft embroidered lace trim kind of fancy. Though for her, probably made from really high quality linens or other plant based fiber, since those are better for the heat than silk. In a similar vein, cute matching bra/ undies sets if they were a thing in her universe, although she's also the kind of person who would just wear a swim suit under her clothes most of the time when she's home, since she lives on an island and is likely to just go "ok swimming time" at any given moment of her day, and who has the time to go back home and change first?
Objects 11: What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character? Elisabeth: plants and books (or books about plants) and they'd generally be right Vanora: Vanora is pretty easy to read and would also be like "aww you didn't need to give me anything!" 🥺 about receiving gifts regardless of what they are. Someone who doesn't know her particularly well might think a weapon could make a good gift, but she's happy with the ones she has. Handmade things however would go over especially well for her.
Food 1: What flavor would your character say their personality is? Vanora: It's entirely anachronistic since it's such an artificial flavor, but if she knew about it she might say blue raspberry or tropical fruit punch or something similar xD Noah would make some kind of pun on the nutty professor academic thing, until Elisabeth says he should've said shortbread instead since he's so short on wits to make that pun when he hasn't been in university for years and goes out of his way to avoid their younger brother's tutors. (she would probably say something sensible like an herbal tea for herself).
Nature 8: What type of environment does your character like best? Noah likes places where he can meet people or sit and read and people watch. The outdoors doesn't really agree with him too much, so mostly ones that are indoors and cool. Elisabeth likes being in quieter places, like a library or out in the gardens. Vanora's favorite place/ time to be is on the beach at sunrise or sunset and there's a nice warm breeze coming off the ocean, and everything is a little hushed, except the colors of the sky.
Hobbies 10: Is there a skill your character doesn’t know they’re bad at? Elisabeth I think is pretty well aware of what she's not good at, and probably would assume she's worse at something than she actually is. Noah isn't really unaware that he's not good at outdoorsy sportsmanship kinds of things, but he's optimistic about his abilities anyway. He gets an A for effort if not skill xD Vanora isn't particularly good at more creative pursuits, but she also doesn't much care if, say, her singing actually sounds good as long as she enjoys doing it. The other answer to this for her is flirting or recognizing when she is being flirted with and she is terrible at it. Absolutely no clue 99% of the time. Also planning and thinking ahead are not her strong suits either.
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quilleth · 2 years
7kpp secret santa here again!!! curious to know if your ocs will get tattoos in a modern au and if so where and what?
Hello again!! ^-^
Elisabeth might get one, something smaller and dainty and floral on like her inner wrist or something. Watercolor style or just very soft dotwork and lines most likely. Or possibly a quote from her favorite book or something (I have no idea what that'd be though xD)
Enid would probably be more likely to get multiple tattoos, and probably in a more American traditional style kind of landscape thing or cool looking daggers. I could see her having a sleeve.
Alvida would not get tattoos.
Noah would probably have a few tattoos, but the only specific one I can think of for him would be a compass rose, as for where I'm not entirely sure.
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quilleth · 4 years
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Guess who got ridiculously carried away making dolls today instead of doing any actual work...
Anyway, made one of all my current MC’s arranged in some attempt relating to height L-R: Toby, Annabelle, Alvida, Enid, Elisabeth, and Jienne. Alvida is the shortest, Jienne the tallest, followed by Toby, Annabelle, and then Enid and Elisabeth are roughly the same height
I also tried making a bunch of shippiy ones but boys are hard to make in this, and especially the 7kpp boys and I’m not sure I’m happy with them
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quilleth · 4 years
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People in group chat were sharing pretty moodboards, which made me go “I want to play too!” and then spend a good part of 3 DAYS making this mood board for Elisabeth/ Jasper xD
The quote is from Emma by Jane Austen
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quilleth · 3 years
Found a new dollmaker so of course I went nuts making Elisabeth, as usual lol
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and for funsies, because they included the breathe dress and i love Ever After and i can’t not put her in it if it’s right there
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i also made the mc from my pretty much all but abandoned  VN, Felicity
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quilleth · 4 years
Elisabeth & Jasper for the otp feels!
Meme is here!
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
My initial instinct on this is to say Elisabeth is the werewolf and Jasper is the hunter, because Elisabeth is just that level of feral chaos and Jasper bound by all the rules would be so very conflicted. Buuut, Jasper would also make a very pretty wolf, although Elisabeth would be a terrible hunter because she has much fewer qualms about breaking the rules. Which really just means that they’d both think the other one is a werewolf,and try to protect them in their own ways. Jasper’s reasoning behind thinking Elisabeth might be a werewolf sounds perfectly reasonable to most people, but Elisabeth’s reasoning for thinking Jasper is a wolf is of the variety that leaves the listener with no reaction other than “I mean...I guess” because it’s all logically sound so can’t be picked apart that way, but utterly ridiculous at the same time. They figure it out during some kind of cliched period drama Pirates of the Caribbean esque scene where one of them is perhaps bandaging up the others hand or something and they both realize at the same time that one of them is wearing a silver ring and neither of them are reacting badly to the silver. Bonus: the white wolf Elisabeth may or may not have seen is either an entirely normal wold, or Kade out to Cause Problems on Purpose. Because I think that’d be entertaining.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Elisabeth would be both a very good and a very terrible mermaid- good because she has a pretty singing voice to lure unsuspecting sailors to their doom upon the rocks; bad because she kind of feels bad about it. So she probably tries to sing only in smaller coves that aren’t frequently visited by sailors. Which would make Jasper a fisherman with his own little row boat for fishing who stumbles upon her one day and brings human trinkets to this very curious mermaid who tells him the best spots to find fish and seaweed and other useful things.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
With her flora and fauna, Elisabeth has to be the witch. She’d be a little cottage hedge witch, like Mrs. Fairfax in Howl’s Moving Castle, which would make Jasper the very well behaved familiar that ends up saving her from knocking over any number of things at any given moment. He’s a very harried familiar, but Elisabeth always makes sure to give him the best treats and rewards to show her appreciation for having such a faithful friend
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Elisabeth is a tea drinker, and given you have to persuade Jasper to sit and drink tea with you in game, I’m going to say they’re both baristas. Elisabeth is the one who tries to make all the wacky recipes you find on the internet or people ask for, and Jasper is quietly horrified at the crimes she is committing against coffee, tea, and other beverages.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
Jasper is the very patient professor, and Elisabeth is the very tired but enthusiastic TA who wishes people would just come to her office hours already. Seriously, she has to have them anyway, and she is very eager to help people! If it helps her procrastinate on her dissertation, all the better. The students and rest of the department very likely ship it.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Elisabeth would very much like to think she does not need assistance, but she has like 10 self defense, so a very courageous and troublesome princess she is. Jasper has his apparently Very Intimidating aura and fierce glare and undisclosed fighting abilities, so he would be the very beleaguered knight who wishes his princess would please stop getting herself into trouble, or at the very least, warn him first so he can make sure to be there when she needs him.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
I can’t really see Jasper teaching young children, but I could see Elisabeth teaching younger children, and getting very flustered during parent-teacher conferences, and also trying very hard not to be nosy to try to find out what exactly happened that made Jasper a single parent. Because he’s very kind and polite and never seems to get very frustrated with her assessments, and it seems such a pity that such a nice man is left on his own.
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Jasper would be both I think, and Elisabeth is the new author struggling to make her writing work and cannot believe her luck in getting his help and is probably also internally panicking because she’s likely a fan of his work.
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quilleth · 3 years
🌈 for Elisabeth or Tamsin!
I made one for Elisabeth, but flux has kicked in, so Tamsin's will need to be finished tomorrow lol
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