#friend character: Elisabeth of Jiyel
birdmanart · 8 years
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Just a fuckton of 7KPP sketches. Some headshots of my more recent MCs (I haven't had a chance to actually play them yet bc school, but the time will come), and then a bunch of sketches for some of the multitude of AUs we've come up with. Featuring @quilleth's MC Elisabeth and @timelord-in-hogwarts's MC Clara!
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quilleth · 3 years
Hello, and happy new year! It's your secret post-santa for the 7KPP exchange, and I have some questions. Namely, what was Elizabeth's home like growing up - the type of house, the geography and environment around it? What about her extended family - grand parents, cousins, aunts and uncles, really close family friends, etc? (If you want to answer the same for other characters, go right ahead)
Happy new year secret not really santa! I hope this is the kind of information you were thinking of!  Let me know if not!! Elisabeth’s home is a smaller sort of estate, that i imagine her father inherited from his parents. It’s a more rural area nearer to the Arland border than to the coasts or capital of Jiyel, so I imagine it’s a fairly temperate climate.  It’s probably only a few acres and most of that is taken up with agricultural pursuits, since her father and his family have a title due to research in improving agriculture.  There’s also a very sizeable amount of gardens around the house where Elisabeth’s mother grows plants for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. Elisabeth is therefore, a big plant nerd genetically xD  There’s a pond or small lake nearby, where she and her siblings would’ve learned to swim in summers.
Elisabeth grew up closer to her paternal side of the family, both in terms of location and also just family bond.  Her mom’s family is a higher station than her dad’s, and her maternal grandparents Did Not Approve. So they don’t see them very often, and then Elisabeth doesn’t really behave like a “proper young lady” in a lot of aspects (and looks more like her father than mother), so they frown on that as well.  They are close to her aunt on that side, who is Jiya’s mother, so Elisabeth and Jiya grew up as friendly cousins.  Her paternal grandparents are very warm and fond of al of their children, in laws, and grandchildren so it balances out. I admit I haven’t figured out how many other aunts and uncles or cousins she has on either side of her family 😥
Close family friends: Servants or other people employed by the family Elisabeth tended to view as family friends more than employees, so she’d consider their housekeeper, Mary, and her son Lennox (the infamous stable hand who had an ill advised crush in their teen years xD) are people Elisabeth would consider family friends. There’s probably a few other people in the village or old classmates of her parents too, but I haven’t thought all that out xD
I *definitely* haven’t figured any of this out for other characters at all so I can only really answer for Elisabeth and Noah, since the answer is more or less the same for both of them lol
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quilleth · 8 years
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Oooh thank you for asking!! :D  These are fun questions!
1) The first ship I ever had:  Oh boy, the first ship I remember having (other than Disney characters, which like...you kind of have to ship with the way the movies are...) is probably Curdie and Princess Irene from The Princess and the Goblin.  I went through a *phase* when I was in second or third grade where I was OBSESSED with that book and movie (and by extension goblins in general)! (And is also where my Warden gets her name from, although I never got the pronunciation they used in the cartoon)
2) Talk about 3 of the most important ships in my life.  I will go down with Ron/ Hermione and will fight anyone anywhere who says they’re not a good ship (including JK).  They were my favorite HP characters, and HP as a whole had such a huge influence and impact on my life since I was aging in time with the golden trio for most of the books, so they all felt like really good friends to me and I wanted them to be happy.  Anders/ Hawke, because that’s what got me started really writing fanfic and feeling more comfortable sharing my writing with other people and that’s been a positive thing in my life.  And probably also Sarah/ Jareth (again with the goblins!) because Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve been able to appreciate the story more and understand the give and take of the fantastic/ reality and how a balance between the two is necessary (also because it’s the first one I remember getting mad about and am still salty over because if you need all of the figures you met in the Labyrinth, including the freaking fieries, you can bloody well let the GK into your impromptu party Sarah!)  
3) my current OTP.  I have a navy of OTP’s, but right now my brain is pretty well stuck on my Jiyel scholar Elisabeth and Jasper from 7kpp :D
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