#7kpp ria
fyeah7kpp · 12 days
Yuletide 2024 Nominations!
Hello, my dears!
It's the time of year again to nominate the 7KPP characters for Yuletide! For those who are unfamiliar, Yuletide is a yearly fanfiction gift exchange for small fandoms (fewer than 1000 works in English) on AO3, where the fandoms and characters that can be requested are nominated by users. You can find more information about it on the AO3 collection or on their Dreamwidth.
Nominations are currently open, for both fandoms and for characters. 7KPP will definitely be nominated but individual characters to request will also need to be nominated, so we're putting together a list to keep track of which characters have already been nominated, and who we have yet to nominate!
Note that you do not have to participate in the gift exchange itself to nominate, though you do have to have an AO3 account! You also do not have to nominate to participate, so if you're interested in the future, please feel free to hop in and join the fun!
Nominations are open through September 20 at 9 am UTC!
Please reply/reblog this post/message me to let me know who you are nominating and I will update the post accordingly so we can keep as careful track as we can! Also, people who don't have AO3 accounts who want to suggest additional characters to add to the list who I may have forgotten are welcome to!
Much love to everyone, and I'm sorry for the long absence! We will hopefully get an announcement about 7KPP Week out soon!
-Mod Tina
Information about current nomination statuses under the cut!
Updated as of 9/11/24.
Spoken For Characters: Jiyel Scholar, Jasper, Matchmaker, Sayra, Falon, Jaslen, Yvette, Woodly, Gisette, Avalie, Ria, Rebel MC, Widow MC, Princess MC, Court Lady MC, Countess MC, Clarmont, Lisle, Emmett, Zarad, Jarrod, Kade, Blain, Mrs. White
To be Nominated Characters: Pirate MC, Anaele, Penelope, Hamin, Cordelia, Lyon, Katyia, Sterlyn, Aamir, Constance, Leala, Adalric, Imogen, Estelle, Greer, Jorges, Lord Chancellor Torren Han-Lyle (Arland ambassador), Viscount Herschel (Wellin ambassador), Marchioness Iris Patricia Valentine (Revaire ambassador), Lady Nasira (Corval ambassador), Captain Nike (Hise ambassador), Minister Cato (Jiyel ambassador), Speaker Andel (Skalt ambassador)
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awaylaughing · 1 month
Glance, motion, and formal for Pippa? :D
Thank you! For Pippa, my lovely 7KPP Corval Lady. This got long, because Pippa and clothing is a Thing haha.
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC’s appearance? What’s their distinguishing feature?
In order, it's; Hair, short, very smiley.
The hair is down to a combination of factors, the main one being the style in Corval at the moment is long, loose hair across the genders. Pippa has a lot of hair as a result, and it's very curly and a bright strawberry blonde that invariably draws attention. Even when it is up, as a deference to practical factors or because she just feels like having a fancy updo today, her hair is vibrant enough and a unique enough colour and texture to be noticed.
The shortness speaks for itself, Pippa is under five feet tall, but is brightly coloured so she's hard to miss which just makes the fact she's all the way down there all the more obvious (Pippa talking to Lyon is always hilarious from the outside perspective).
Lastly, very smiley. Lady Pippa is a very nice girl, most people will agree. She's beautiful with a beautiful smile but the more attentive will notice it's basically always there. This is not entirely a mask, Pippa is a fairly happy individual who's natural inclination is to smile in most situations. But Pippa also wears her charming nature and natural beauty like an armour, people do not inherently take a small, very feminine, very charming and beautiful woman seriously. This is annoying, but it's also useful.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
There's a surprising economy of motion to Pippa. She's not much of a hands talker in the traditional sense, but she always has a fan on her and she gestures with it quite often. She's purposeful about it, and she's very purposeful in other motion to. She's not effortlessly gliding around, but she's not remotely clumsy and she is quite coordinated, so it's very rare to see her stumble. In general, she's good at giving the impression of being in motion without actually expending much energy. Another part of her "don't mind me I'm just a human parakeet" camouflage. formal: What’s your OC’s formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Modern fashions in the Inner Court rather demand one be, if not fashionable, at least armed with quite a lot of clothing. The general rules means that even when she's being casual, Pippa looks fairly formal or at least polished next to many people's definition. As it stands however, Pippa's very sartorially inclined and not remotely embarrassed by this fact.
Currently, the fashion for noble women happens to align with the more common fashions in day wear. A blouse and a skirt, and a shawl, are all part of the fashion. Arlish influence from Princess Constance is where they diverge and means the skirt and shawl are fabulously complicated at the moment, as the skirt is split so you must have beautiful petticoats, a beautiful skirt and a shawl that goes with both. And a maid who can make sure all three are visible at once. In a pinch, at least until Sayra and Ria really master the draping (I'm sure they're no slouches on day one) Pippa can do her own draping. The skirts are quite full, but Wellin has introduced the world to the cage Crinolin and in Corval, it's very new but Pippa is both a proper fashionista and a fan of not having to wear mountains of fabric if she doesn't have to.
Her evening wear is more likely to be a single dress back in Corval, but at the Summit having pieces she can mix-and-match maximizes her ability to not rewear items so she might have opted to continue with her day wear model. In Corval, you can kind of do either but the Inner Court favours a full dress because Princess Constance favours a full dress, as does the Empress but she is admittedly not a fashion icon these days. At night too, the shawl is less utilized but Pippa's mother comes from a culture that uses the shawl very heavily in their fashion, so you never see Pippa without one, though the limits of packing mean she could only bring so many heavily embroidered, 2 meter long bolts of fabric with her haha.
Heavy makeup isn't really in fashion in Corval, other than the use of kohl which is older than the nation, and Pippa doesn't like to have a lot of things on her face honestly. Jewellery on the other hand very much is important, Pippa's not quite wealthy enough she can absolutely drape herself in jewels but her mother's dowry was saffron fields so, she does alright.
Shoes are her one sticking point, Pippa's not a huge fan of shoes so she doesn't have much of a collection, but she has enough she'll never let her outfits down.
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krys-loves-otome · 5 years
Fictober 2019: “I never knew it could be this way.”
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku: Romances Across Time Rating: General/Teen Pairing: Kennyo/Ophelia of Revaire (OC) Warnings/Notes: Fluff, Using Kennyo’s personal name rather than calling him ‘Kennyo’, awkward monk man is awkward and it’s cute.
Also on Ao3!
My Fanfic Masterlist
She never expected her life to take this turn, after all the other times it had taken a turn. Being her parents' bargaining chip for more fame and wealth, her brief marriage that ended in disaster, being transported into an entirely different world with no hope of returning, losing everything she once knew and even remotely cared about, even paraded around as a man's favorite toy at her lowest point.
And yet, here she was, calmly tending to a vegetable garden by herself, not even caring if dirt got under her nails again nor how much her back protested standing up straight anymore.
For the first time in her life, she had something she was proud to call her own. More than jewels or coins, more than the number of rooms in a manor or how many servants she employed.
She had life. She had her garden, her new home.
And, most important… she had love. Real, genuine love. Something she didn't know existed since she was a small child.
With a small sigh, she stood up and stretched her arms, taking in the view of the blue skies above her. She could hear birds in the nearby trees and the wind carrying distant voices from the temple. Visitors, it seems, as they didn't sound familiar. Seems they had children with them, based on the patter of feet against the stone paths. She smiled, wiped her hands on her apron and put her gardening tools away.
She was still cautious in approaching strangers, unsure if she'll be recognized because of her white hair. So, she stayed in the background, feeling warm just watching people acting like normal people. No fancy garbs, no shrill voices demeaning a poor servant for something out of their control, no toxic gossip spreading about some unfortunate soul.
Just... people being normal people. The old man that comes to pray every week and talks with all the abbots and helpers about his travels, the fishmonger that brings his extra stock after market to give to those less fortunate, the young couple that comes quite often to pray they have a child someday, the happy family that comes by every holiday with a new little one each year (up to six, with a seventh on the way the last time she saw them). She had never realized before that watching people go about their lives, simply being themselves, gave her such joy.
A familiar arm surrounding her shoulders takes her out of her reverie, a smile adorning her fair lips once she realizes who's holding her.
"You caught me again." She said, closing her eyes.
"It's not hard to capture you when you're like this," his tone was light, almost teasing, "you used to be much better at noticing my presence before I could approach you."
"Perhaps I'm slipping because of my age," she chuckled. "Be forewarned, Kousa, I just may become one of those grandmothers that goes through every child's name before finding the correct one, including yours, at this rate." Her mother had been on that path before she came to this world, going through all of her children's names before finding the correct name.
"I doubt any number of children we have would confuse you to not remembering their names." He complimented.
"That almost sounds like you want a lot of children from me." She grinned, knowing his face was lighting red behind her. "Are you challenging me?"
He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"...Only as many as you want to give me."
She chuckled.
"My mother had nine children for as long as I knew her. Do you wish to compete with that record? Ten seems like a nice number to have."
He stumbled for words again, much to her amusement.
"I mean…" she could hear the hesitation in his voice, unsure of how to answer her. "If that is what you…"
She turned her head, seeing his scarlet cheeks and ears, and smiled warmly.
"Don't hurt yourself, dear," She reached up and kissed his cheek. "I won't mind if we are only a family of just you and I."
He smiled softly, held her closer, and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"You would drive yourself mad with ten children, anyway."
"It was a very real possibility, once, in my life." She chuckled dryly. "The perfect young wife, set for life in her perfect little manor to live out her days in misery. Nothing more than a pretty bird in a cage her husband could look at and steal eggs from."
She touched her hand to his, grasping her fingers around his worn, bandaged hand.
"But that's in the past now," she sighed. "The freedom to choose might have gone to my head, after all."
"Must have. You chose to torment me instead of using your anger on Nobunaga and his entourage."
She laughed.
"I like to think I chose well," She held his hand tighter, enclosing her arm over his. "He couldn't handle me anyway. Too much ego in Azuchi might have made it collapse."
"A pity. Watching this fierce lady take down the devil king himself and his entire empire? Many would have applauded you for your efforts."
"You flatter me, Kousa." She smiled, "But, he is also but a memory of the past, another I'd rather not think about for some time."
"If you wish, 'Ria." He released his hold on her, opting to leave his hand between her shoulders. "Come. Afternoon prayers are starting soon."
He stepped back, meaning to walk in front of her, but she stepped forward and took his hand instead, like a small child would a parent. All his questioning face saw was her smile, the familiar tinge of sadness that always lingered there, but now shown gratitude as the much stronger emotion.
"Lead the way, dearest. Don't want to be late, after all."
Without another word, he held onto her hand as they walked, his cheeks flushed the entire way.
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Ria: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated
Sayra: Killed without hesitation
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sazandorable · 6 years
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I started playing 7 Kingdoms: The Princess Problem again to romance Ria, so here she is, the frecklediest, blushiest, adorablest of maids!
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ellebeebee · 7 years
7kpp Secret Santa 2017
Happy Secret Santa, ya’ll~~
I got @awayandlaughing, and I did your first option, with Ria, Sayra, and Jasper preparing before the Summit, and a good deal of all the other servants preparing for/reacting to their assignments. 8)  And also a bit of an oblique reference to your Pippa~
Thanks @7kppsecretsanta for setting all this up!
One piece of parchment.  Of average size and quality, the ink upon it unremarkable though the penmanship was unmistakably refined.  No clandestine messages written in invisible ink marked its surface, and no imposing noble seal was fashioned to its signature.  The author of the note had been clear in its message, without flowery epithets or poetic allusions.
And yet it had, more effectively than Head Cook’s infamous triple chocolate trifle, silenced the servants’ dining hall that morning.
In normal circumstances, of course, butlers sat at the head table and maids, valets, and all other miscellaneous inside servants sat at the next two tables.  The bottom two were given to the grounds workers.  This morning, the grounds workers still sat in their usual spots, albeit with curious looks and crooks in the necks around at the others.  Now, black uniforms and neat pale pinafores interspersed the top tables, no longer confined to the formerly rigid partitioning.  Wide eyes and chewed lips dotted expressions.
The two girls were already waiting for him in their new places at the head table, already looking a bit squirmy.  Jasper adjusting his plate and glass in his hands and moved toward them.
And Edmun skittered into his path.  The pale young man breathed sharply through his nose.
“Jasper,” his slightly strangled voice edged out. “I assume you’ve seen the assignments--”
“Yes, I do believe we have all seen them,” Jasper said.  He waited pointedly for the other to move from his obvious intention of obstructing him.  When Edmun did not, Jasper exhaled softly. “Is there a problem, Edmun?”
“A pro--” Edmun stopped before he tossed himself completely out of propriety. “Sir.  As I understand it, the Matchmaker shares some confidence with you.  And so perhaps you are able to enlighten me as to her reasoning for…” He inhaled dramatically. “My assignment.”
Jasper’s brow arched incrementally. “The Crown Prince of Revaire is a prestigious placement.  I fail to see how you could harbor any disappointment.”
“As a valet,” Edmun deadpanned while a vessel pulsed at his temple. “I am a certified butler.  While Montgomery certainly has seniority by far, there’s no sense in wasting my skills--”
“I am sure I am mistaken, but it sounds like you are implying the Matchmaker has been nonsensical,” Jasper said.
“I… I didn’t mean…”
“Yes.  I am sure what you mean to say is that you are grateful for the chance to learn from a senior staff member like Montgomery and it will be an honor to serve such a highly-esteemed member of the nobility.”
Edmun’s tongue floundered for a return.
Jasper pointedly inclined his head. “Now, if you will excuse me, my tea is getting cold.”
Edmun let him by with a somewhat churlish ‘Yes, sir.’
Jasper was not one to put too much confidence in hearsay, but the sheer amount of anecdotal evidence concerning the Crown Prince of Revaire’s character did make the Matchmaker’s choice somewhat curious.  Montgomery was an old hand, if rather lackluster in personality.  Edmun and the other valet were, frankly, arrogant little things.  Hmm.
Perhaps she did not think subservient servants suitable for-- how had he put it-- such a highly-esteemed member of the nobility.
Honestly, though, he was hard put to imagine any other staff member protesting an assignment to a Crown Prince-- not because of his character-- but because it didn’t suit their dignity.
His assigned maids, a Ria and Sayra, sat near the opposite end of the head table.  Ria’s shoulders had a stiff set to them, and her eyes darted a bit.  While Sayra waited with all due inscrutable placidity.  And both had not touched their plates in deference to his absence, as they had been instructed.  That was a relief.  He didn’t need absolute obedience, but he did need amenable characters if this Summit was to be a success for their lady.
The girls rose from their seats at his approach, but he waved them back.
“Good morning,” he said, taking his own chair.
“Good morning,” they replied, Sayra with quiet confidence and Ria just one moment behind her.  She blushed at her fumble.
Jasper ignored it.  He gave them a few introductory comments about the time they will spend together in the future, and the essential nature of their jobs.  Although it is the ruling class who steers the course of the world, they cannot do it without trustworthy and competent help.  Which was made quite difficult by the young maid a few seats down seasoning her slowly congealing cream of wheat with her noisy tears.
“Oh, do buck up,” a young butler nearby finally told her. “How bad can it be, really?”
She blinked wetly at him, her face gone ruddy and drippy. “I’ve-- I’ve-- It’s the pr-prince from Hise.”
The young butler raised a brow. “Do they have princes there?”
This did not console the girl.  She hiccuped. “I d-don’t want to be kidnapped.”
“Oh, yes, how inconvenient that would be,” the young butler agreed solemnly. “After all, I hear dying from scurvy is quite painful.”
The girl gave a quiet wail.  Another younger butler across her looked sympathetic.
“Oh, don’t please.  Listen, I have the princess from Hise and I have taken the initiative of pulling a volume of anti-kidnapping self-defenses from the library.  You can look over it as well.”
The teasing butler bit his lip around a snort.
“That’s enough,” Jasper finally raised his voice to address them.  Their seatmates around them quieted. “As Isle servants, it is not our place nor does it particularly speak well of us to judge our lords and ladies, no matter where they may hail from.  Keep your thoughts to yourself and do your work.”
A tentative chorus of ‘Yes, sir’s’ ran down the table.
Another young girl, despite her more senior companion’s glares, sort of half-raised her hand in a not-yet discarded schoolroom habit.
“But, Jasper, sir--  What if, if say, you’ve been assigned to someone you think might have unusual interests.  Such as, well-- Such as, say, p-puzzles, or piano forte, or maybe, you know,” she paused and fiddled with her braid. “Poison.”
A barely-stifled collective gasp ran down the table, worse than any penny play of the most purple prose.
Jasper eyed her.  This girl and her companion were given a position with a young man of Corval.  A country of which there was no shortage of lurid tales of evil schemers and courtly machinations.  Though there is no smoke without fire, much of these tales were idle fancy.
Jasper opened his mouth, but this girl ploughed on as if the dam on her anxieties had broken.
“I mean it doesn’t do any harm, right?  To read and prepare in case you have to handle any-- any p-poisons, right?  And practice lying, right?  I’ve heard to be a good servant in Corval you must learn to lie for your master and be deadly loyal.  I’m not-- I’m not going to have to be buried alive beside them if they die, right?”  Her voice shrilled on this last.
From the corner of his eye, Jasper could see Ria’s blush draining away to a horrified palor.  Really.  Although their future charge was also Corvali, he had hoped that the girls would be a bit more sensible than this.  Well.  Better an impressionable person with honesty than a hardened veteran with ulterior motive.  He loudly cleared his throat.
“That is absolutely enough of that, thank you,” Jasper told the panicking girl. “The practice of burying servants with their masters hasn’t been practiced in Corval in millenia.  And in any case, there will be no poison, and positively no deaths during the Summit.  What nonsense.”
He studied them all as they withered under his eye. “It seems to me that you all have much work to do in preparation before the arrivals, so I think it would be best to end breakfast early.”
He stood-- the most senior butler present-- and the others rushed to cover their surprise and stand as well.  The line of servants was dotted with sullen glares at the worriers for denying them their meal.  As they all marched sadly out of the dining hall, Jasper gestured at Ria and Sayra to keep up with him.  Sayra wore her ever-calm face, yet her counterpart noticeably still looked wan with shaking fingers wringing her pinafore’s hem.
He gave an internal sigh.  They had so much work to do.
In the following weeks, Jasper wondered not a few times whether the Matchmaker was specifically testing his patience.  And what, exactly, that meant about his future mistress.
Even if he were inclined to speculate on the matter, he hardly had time inbetween the hours spent prepping Ria and Sayra and the incessant pestering of those servants disinclined to just do their jobs.
Of particular annoyance was Dietr, the very newest to be qualified as a butler and given the appointment of the princess from Wellin; Jasper found himself ambushed around every corner, in every common room and parlor, with Dietr’s desperate pleas for guidance in the intricate art of etiquette.  From the proper bow of an earl to a duke on their third meeting, to the correct color of china to serve an impromptu second afternoon tea on-- the boy was near in tears over the most esoteric minutiae of proper behavior, certain that he was beyond under-qualified for his lady and that he would most certainly offend her the very moment she first laid eyes on him.
On top of that, a very petty form of hierarchy was wriggling its way into the staff.  Assignments were furtively compared, and suddenly the butler of a Revairan count thought they could order the servants of a Hisean lord to do their laundry.  The Hisean lord’s servants argued that rank was irrelevant in Hise and anyway, how dare they, etc.  A nasty feud of over-starched knickers ensued.
And of course, there was the incident wherein a maid had three of her fingers broken after she and her partner kept sneaking into the sparring practice room to clumsily whack at each other with wooden swords.  After a thorough dressing-down, they explained they were terrified their future Skaltan lady would deem them useless having never studied the blade.
Jasper was not sure where he found the time to drill his maids in the Summit schedule and etiquette, and have them practice their skills, amidst all of this chicanery, but he knew it had involved not a few cups of very stiff tea.
It was a shame that information about ladies of Corval’s inner sanctums was near impossible to obtain, else he would have had the girls work on ways to enhance their lady’s particular charms.  But with the sheer amount of different cooks and laundresses they practiced on, he had no doubt they would be ready no matter what stepped through that chamber door.  And he himself had the delegation roster down pat perfectly, and felt confident he would be able to assist her whatever her goals may be.
And with his and Sayra’s careful nudging, Ria seemed to largely divest herself of notions of being buried alive.
A success all around.
The door clicked softy behind Jasper and the lady’s exit, and Ria immediately slumped with a loud exhale.
Sayra patted her arm. “See?  All that worrying for nothing.”
Ria’s hand flew up to cover the sudden heat washing over her cheeks. “Oh!  I know!  When I think about how silly I’ve been-- Oh, Sayra, how did you and Jasper ever put up with me?”
Sayra knelt by the large suitcases to begin organizing and putting away the mountains of silk and beading and jewels.
“You make it easier than you think,” she said.
“So silly,” Ria repeated. “I’ve been terribly, terribly silly.  And when she is so lovely-- Oh, Sayra, promise me, please, you’ll never tell her all the awful things I was worried about.”
Sayra gave her small, soft smile. “It’s a promise.”
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mendedwings · 2 years
7KPP Week ~Fashion~
Next contribution for @fyeah7kpp’s appreciation week, Sadie/Hamin vs Arlish fashion
“Glitter, what is this?”
Sadie turned from her furtive peeking into the hallway to find Hamin staring at the pale blue and white gown hanging on the side of her armoire.
“It’s a dress,” she said slowly, wondering what he meant by the question. “For dinner tonight.”
He chuckled at her bemusement and leaned against the wall by her window. Ready to make a quick exit if they heard someone coming, she supposed. “I may not be the clothing aficionado Cordelia is, but I do know that much. What I meant-” He fell silent as footsteps treaded down the hallway, waited until they were passed to continue. “It does not look like any dress I have ever seen, nor a particularly comfortable one, for that matter.”
Sadie gave a wry laugh. “It’s the latest in Arlish fashion, or was when I left, and that rarely means comfort, I fear.” 
Hamin looked between her and the dress a few times, his eyes narrowing at the gold-embroidered bodice. “I think your seamstress measured wrong. That looks too small in the waist to fit a human being.”
“Oh, Ria will lace me into a corset snug enough to ensure it fits just fine.” Funny that the thought inspired annoyance now, rather than resignation.
Hamin frowned, his sharp green eyes full of concern. “That can’t be healthy, Sadie.”
She shrugged. “The price we ladies pay for staying in style. It’s only a few hours, and at least it’ll keep me from eating too much.”
“Ah, but with food this good, that seems as much a crime and caging you so.” Despite his light tone, he sent a critical look at the gown. “Fashion be damned, Glitter, I’d rather see you in something you like, that lets you breathe.” He winked. “Though I will be sure to catch you should you faint.”
“My hero,” Sadie giggled quietly. “If you leave now before someone catches you in my room, I’ll take it under consideration.” She did enjoy seeing him, but every visit like this was a fresh risk, and they were so close to the end. Marrying a pirate was enough of a scandal to fling at her parents without him being caught in her private quarters beforehand.
Hamin grinned. “You have a deal, my dearest treasure.” He gave her a swift kiss on the cheek--”See you at dinner”--and vanished out the window.
Sadie laughed watching him go, then heard her mother’s voice in her head, some of her final instruction, as she surveyed the gown again. ‘Remember, my dear, above all; confidence never goes out of style.’
Maybe it was time she took that to heart.
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just-jammin · 3 years
Can I request Ria from 7KPP?
It's a non-coloured doodle, and you can use whatever colour you like to draw her.
As for why 7KPP every time I request something... I really like the game :3
eh, it’s fine! i’m starting to like drawing stuff i don’t know much about; it’s getting me to learn a bit more abt them!
anyway, here’s the art!
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leahazel · 4 years
It’s Yuletide noms season!
I nominated Anaele, Gisette, Ria and Avalie.
@faejilly, @quilleth
Tag anyone who you think might be interested. You can nom without signing up, if that makes a difference (I’ve done it in the past).
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quilleth · 4 years
Fictober Day 4: Gold
another one for 7kpp fictober over on @fyeah7kpp I couldn’t even go a whole week of prompts without writing for these two. xD Favorites? me? never
This fic was inspired, in part, by this ask
I also recommend listening to this song while reading
Quiet, restful days came so rarely the weeks before, during, and immediately after the Summit, especially so for someone in Jasper’s position. When they did happen, he often found himself working despite, or perhaps because of, the calm or reading in his room. Lately, however, he found his thoughts refusing to cooperate in such quiet moments, and, secure in the knowledge that there were no scheduled events for the delegates or meetings for the staff, and that a certain delegate in particular was well occupied with her studies, he slipped into the abandoned music room and settled himself at the piano.
The keys gleamed; clearly the instrument had been cleaned and likely tuned earlier that morning. Jasper idly let his hands run over the keys, playing a few random scales before finding a rhythm, the practice of playing already doing much to put him at ease: A single, long high note, a lower note, higher notes and a pause in succession. Though not using any notations or playing any specific piece, the arpeggios and chords flowed easily with his thoughts.
Always a stressful time, the Summit this year had, in a relatively short period of time, surpassed the stress experienced in past years. Fragments of memories from the past few weeks danced through his thoughts: the worry at hearing about a horse riding accident, a warm smile over a loaded breakfast tray, disgruntled green eyes and Ria worrying about removing tea stains from a sodden skirt, easy laughter, a concerning pallor. His stress this year centered more around whom it involved than any of the events, and that, more than the rest, concerned him.
Caring for one’s charge was not a bad thing—one had to care at least a little bit to do the job well—but for it to extend to this… awareness of her, the pleasure of her company, and the sincere wish to see her happy, it was a disconcertingly new experience. His hands paused on the keys briefly, frowning as he remembered how transparent he seemed to be, at least in the eyes of some. Trying to forget Yvette’s less and less subtle reminders about the oaths he had sworn when he was a much younger man, he picked up the simple melody again. A glint of gold in the corner of his eye made him start, a discordant chord reverberating from where his hands slipped. The very cause for his consternation stood, hands clasped behind her back, a startled expression on her face.
“Lady Elisabeth! Forgive me, I did not see you there,” he said, hurrying to stand.
“Oh! You needn’t have stopped on my account. That was a lovely piece,” Elisabeth replied earnestly.
“I am sorry if you needed assistance and were forced to go looking for someone. What can I help you with?” Jasper said, attempting to find comfort in reverting to his duties.
She tilted her head, a smile gracing her features. “I am quite well, thank you. I finished my books and wanted to go for a walk, that is all. Only,” she gestured to the darkened windows, where rain fell heavily against the panes, “it is raining far too much to venture into the gardens today.”
How had he not noticed the storm? Jasper shook his head, bewildered. “So you came here?”
“Not intentionally! I was simply exploring the castle, but when I heard music, I couldn’t stop myself from investigating. I didn’t mean to intrude. I didn’t even know it was you playing until I came into the room, and then…” she flushed slightly before continuing. “Well, it was such a pretty song, and you seemed so at ease… I ought to have left you to your break, I know, but it seemed a pity to risk making a noise and disturbing you. You play so well; it makes me wish I could play an instrument half so well,” she added with a wistful sigh.
Something in Jasper’s chest tightened at the dreamy expression on her face. “Did you wish to practice?” He didn’t know what to say, a feeling that he was growing far too familiar with when around Elisabeth.
She laughed a little. “Me? I am afraid that would be rather pointless. I don’t know how, you see.” Her smile grew a little wry.
“You don’t?” he asked, curious to learn more, against his better judgment.
“Well, the music tutor was dismissed when I was, oh ten or eleven, I suppose. But even before that he and my parents agreed that, though my voice was decent enough, my abilities and aptitude lay well outside the musical sphere,” she replied in a matter of fact tone. “Which I truly never minded really. It allowed me to learn so many other things instead of being cooped up with my older sister.”
“What did you study instead, may I ask?”
“Oh, lots of things!” Elisabeth bounced on the balls of her feet a little, green eyes bright. “Academics mostly, and politics, history, and the natural sciences, of course.”
“Of course,” Jasper replied. What else could he say, really? He did know that she had been delighted to see the gardens and carried a journal with her for taking notes. “Natural sciences like botany?”
“Yes! Exactly! You can do so many things with just a few plants, you know.”
“I admit that it is not a field I am proficient in.”
“Luckily,” she replied, her grin turning a little mischievous, “there is not one, but two rather lovely libraries here. You could quite easily learn more if you fancied it. Unlike me and that piano, sadly. Still, I should probably worry more about learning to dance for the time being, don’t you think?” she added with a shrug.
He smiled at her. “You’ve improved quickly on that front, Lady Elisabeth.”
“Buuut….?” she said, her grin growing as she rocked forward on her feet.
“Well, if you finished your books, there is time enough for more practice.” Jasper could not quite suppress his own smile.
She laughed. “And here I thought to save your poor feet some trampling!”
“Or yourself from practicing curtsying?”
“That too!” She beamed up at him, clearly pleased to find him playing along with her teasing. “But you are quite right. I find myself with some unexpected free time today, and I’m still not certain I believe the Matchmaker won’t decide to ship me home after all. A little practice could hardly hurt, and I must admit I enjoy dancing more than I thought I would. But only if you have no other plans!” she insisted. “I am sorry to have interrupted your break. I’m sure you don’t have many,” she added, looking contrite as she clasped her hands together in front of her.
“It would be my pleasure,” he answered honestly.
She gave him a disbelieving smile in return, and said, a little hesitantly, “Very well then. Shall we?”
Motioning her to precede him out of the room, Jasper breathed a sigh of relief. If she believed he was acting in his capacity as her butler, then  he had not let any of his conflicted emotions show, to her at least. They would be safely tucked away, a problem for another day. For now…now he had a dancing lesson to conduct.
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angstmongertina · 4 years
7KPP Prompts Day 2: Soar
I’m like 10 hours late because I had to get up early today for a friend’s thesis defense, but here’s my fill for yesterday’s prompt!
As it always was on Vail Isle, the wind was warm as she made her way to the lakeshore, Jasper following, somewhat reluctantly, at her heels.
“Lady Evelynne, I must insist—”
She glanced over her shoulder, grinning at the disapproval on his face. “Jasper.” She muffled a snicker as his mouth snapped shut, ever the consummate professional. “It’ll be fun. Don’t you trust me?”
Much to her amusement, though he said nothing more, his face still illustrated the depths of his misgivings, clear enough now that she knew where to look. Still, she ignored it, instead casting her eyes over nearby trees.
When none of them seemed to fit his description, she shook her head, then pushed onward, skirting around the water and ignoring the soft questioning noise from behind her.
The next cluster of held more promise, and she paused, tapping her lip as she considered. The one nearest the water was surely too wizened, looking as though it were barely remaining upright. The one beside it had promise, or would have if the lowest branch were not at least a dozen feet in the air…
Jasper had caught up, and given the look of disbelief he leveled at her, had managed to add two and two. Then again, considering the past few weeks, she was hardly surprised by how quickly he seemed to understand her thoughts; he often seemed to anticipate her actions before she even conceived of them herself. Clearly, the present was no different.
Rather than bothering to respond, she cast her gaze over the nearest one. It certainly had potential, though she couldn’t be sure if it were the same one. But if her estimation was correct, if she jumped, she could reach the lowest branch…
“Evelynne, I refuse to condone this behavior.”
She shrugged, purposely ovelry cavalier. “That’s fine. I was hoping you might make the search a little easier, but I suppose I could just try every one…”
Even before he spoke, she knew she had won; he sighed, though his eyes were notably less exasperated than the rest of his expression might indicate as he moved around her, placing his hand on one sturdy trunk. “This one here. Why does this even interest you?”
That she could answer and she turned, smiling at him as she carefully laid her shawl on the grass. “Because it was clearly important to you.”
Whatever he was expecting, it clearly was not that; a look of shock passed over his face before it was replaced by his usual stoicism.
Chuckling under her breath, she turned to the tree itself. It was not the largest of the group, nor the oldest, but its branches were thick and sturdy, arranged in such a manner that it was almost begged to be climbed. And it wasn’t like there was anyone to witness her break in propriety excepting Jasper…
She leapt, catching hold and feeling a tug as her skirt caught on a small twig. With a frown, she twisted free, making a mental note to apologize profusely to Ria later, as well as offer thanks to Ana, though she doubted that was what the princess had been expecting her training to be used for.
Swinging herself up, she leaned back against the trunk, laughing as Jasper stared up at her, a mix of astonishment and what, on anyone else, she’d have called admiration in his gaze. “I do hope you realize that when I said I used to come here to read, I meant on the ground.”
She waved a hand airily, looking out toward the lake. “Yes, but I have no book and the view is far better from up here.”
“Perhaps so, but I cannot imagine that anyone would approve of you doing so.”
Swinging her legs with almost childlike abandon, she shrugged. “I suppose not, but I suppose it would only confirm what they had suspected from the beginning. At any rate, I would rather they gossip about this rather than continue their pointless speculation on the late Baron. At least this is true, though I suppose given the circumstances, I will know exactly who decided to spread these rumors, no?”
Her teasing clearly did little to set him at ease; though his expression softened somewhat, the disapproval did not bate. “And how do you intend to get down?”
She heaved a heavy sigh, swinging back down and swearing under her breath as her skirt caught once again on the rough bark. “Like so. Besides, I have faith in your butlery ways.” She grinned, patting him playfully on the shoulder. “You’d find a way. You’ve kept me out of trouble for weeks now. Well, mostly.”
“There’s a first time for everything.”
In spite of herself, the sincerity in his voice, rather than the sarcasm she expected, made her blink, coming to a halt, but he shook his head, something inscrutable, even for her, crossing his expression before he raised an eyebrow. “Ria will be most displeased at the state of your dress.”
It was an obvious attempt but she obediently paused, glancing down and grimacing at the dirt and small tear she found. “Do you think she’ll listen if I tell her to leave it alone and that I can take care of it?”
“No more than I would, my lady.”
She rolled her eyes. “I thank you for your faith in me, Jasper.”
He huffed a laugh, but when he turned away, leading the way back towards the castle, she couldn’t be sure if she imagined the quiet murmur. “Always, my lady.”
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motylapodkowa · 8 years
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7KPP Week Day 7 - Future
Today is Valentine day so why not show future with love!
Alexia...... maybe is staying to live on the Island? Will there be an option like that? I would so love it! Especially when you want to contnue Katyas Legacy. Adn Alexia wants to ensure peace like Katya did. With the help of Jasper and some maids. I have to add that seriously I was supposed to ship her with Hamin then Jasper happened (I even named a butler Jasper when I played Heroes Rise).
Safira is enjoying a long dance under the stars with Zarad. They will have a lot of time to learn about each other and teach other people not ot mess with them. Also she is ahppy she can stay in her country and be close to her mother. She was also supposed to be with someone else (Clarmont) and then Zarad and their shared story happened.
I will try to someday fix most of those drawing so they would look better.
And also happy Valentines Day! X3 <3
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awaylaughing · 5 years
A Complication
4 weeks before the arrival of the delegates, Jasper’s planning is disrupted. He handles it - because Jasper always handles it.
Jasper looked up from his book with a frown. It was early yet, and outside the world was a quiet torrent of rain. Most everyone, he thought, ought be in bed still, or at least no further out of it than it took to start waking up properly. Leavening himself out of bed, he eased open his door, surprised to be greeted by a fresh faced looking Greer.
“Good morning Greer,” he said.
“Good morning Jasper,” she replied, eyes sliding past his to focus on his ear briefly, then his nose. He supposed someone must have told her the staring was off putting. “The Matchmaker wants to see you, immediately.”
“I see, I will attend to her at once then,” he said, “thank you for the message.”
Greer just nodded, disappearing down the hall with heavy footsteps and the swish of her skirts. Quickly he got dressed, though not so quickly that he was not as neat and styled as he ever was. It did not do to let oneself grown complacent, especially not with the Summit looming. He had no doubt from her profile that Lady Jiyela would not be overly troublesome, by all accounts she was smart and social and perfectly acceptable, but that did not mean there would never be need to rouse at inopportune times.
Removed from the traditional confines of their societies and parents, almost anything could happen among the delegates.
This early the halls were quite staid, in a way they would not be for quite a while. Once the delegates were here, there would be an unsettled sort of feeling permeating the entire island. So Jasper enjoyed his short walk from his rooms in the servants halls, to the matchmaker’s room. He had only knocked once before her voice rang out.
“Come in dear boy, you know you’re expected.”
Easing open the door, Jasper bowed shallowly to the matchmaker, noting she had a generous breakfast laid out, and a second plate and cup of tea ready. “Politesse is also expected,” he said. The matchmaker smiled, simply fanning her hand in a sit down motion.
“Tea?” she asked.
“Thank you,” he said, accepting it once poured.
“Your assignment has changed,” the Matchmaker said instead of anything one might expect. “Your Lady Jiyela unexpectedly found a love match at home, and will not be joining us. Your replacement,” she slid a small packet of paper toward him, lips pursed.
“This happened four weeks before the Summit?” he asked.
“Five, apparently the mail was delayed,” she said, “I got this late last night. She was chosen because she is a cousin, and because her brother will be attending as well. It’s quite a family affair.”
“I see,” he flipped quickly through the little bundle of information, mind already racing. They had just over three weeks to change anything they needed to in their preparations.
“I am sorry, dear boy,” she said.
“We will handle it,” he said, “it won’t be a problem.”
“No,” she said, unwinding enough for a wry smile to crawl across her face. “I suppose you wouldn’t allow that, would you?” Jasper gave her a look, and she cackled. “Don’t look at me like that boy, I know about your tender pride.”
“It is not pride, it is expectation,” he said, feeling just a touch defensive about himself. “I don’t wish to be rude however-”
“Lady Elisabeth is not going to suddenly appear, and you will be hardly impacted by eating before you hare off to harass your staff,” she said. “Eat. And finish your tea.”
Jasper sighed, but set aside the papers, careful to keep them from the threat of food and tea. “Very well, matchmaker.”
The matchmaker just laughed.
Finding Sayra and Ria, once he was released from the matchmaker’s custody, was no great demand. Ria’s bright red hair was a beacon at the breakfast table. Jasper headed right for her, easily spotting the tall form of Sayra across her. As he approached, his eyes fell on a short haired brunette, seated next to Ria. When her eyes met his, her blue eyes went wide. It was, he was certain, quite comical to see her immediately skitter to the side, catching Ria’s attention and leading to half of the table staring him down.
Sadly, Jasper did not find himself in a good humour, too preoccupied with the head ache looming large.
“Good morning Ria, Sayra,” he said, nodding first to the two maids who would be serving their respective lady, and then to young Imogen, still looking a little perturbed. Clearly his reputation preceded him. Or Ria was telling horror stories. “Imogen.”
“Jasper, sir,” Imogen and Ria said in near unison. Sayra just gave him a deep nod.
“If you two are finished with breakfast, we will need to meet to discuss some changes,” he said.
“Changes sir?” Ria asked, green eyes wide. “What sort?”
“We’ve a new lady,” he said. Ria’s face went white.
“A new – what happened to lady Jiyela?”
“A whirlwind romance,” he said.
“We’re done, then,” Sayra said, standing and lifting her mostly cleared plate.
The profile on Lady Elisabeth was not any more worrying than any other delegates, and Jasper kept this in his mind as Ria, Sayra and himself studied and looked for any major differences they would have to keep an eye on. The only difference between her and any other delegate was the amount of time Jasper had to get to know her – or the her painted in reports.
“Oh,” Ria fluttered around him, hands clearly unsure of where to go. “Oh but she’s a different rank than Lady Jiyela!”
“I am perfectly confident in your ability to remember which curtsy to use, Ria,” Jasper said. “Until she is here, we don’t have much to change however, I simply wished to inform you.”
“Yes, it would be awful to call her the wrong name,” Sayra said, the tiniest touch of wryness in her tone. Ria nodded enthusiastically, clearly having missed it, distracted by her worrying.
“Indeed,” Jasper agreed, standing. “That is all for now, we will continue as we have been and so you are released to your current duties until tomorrow morning.”
“And you?” Sayra asked, dark eyes locked on him.
“I am also to attend to my current duties, as ever.”
                                                       *   *   *
Bravado aside, Jasper could not lie that a slight sense of anxiety settled over him as he eyed the room around them. The Arlish and Corvali delegations had arrived earlier in the morning, and now Skalt, Jiyel and Hise were descending on them all nearly simultaneously. The castle was primed, ready to intercede the moment the delegates feet hit land. In less than ten minutes their mysterious last-minute lady would be upon them. As if on cue, a sharp knock rapped on the door and even Sayra twitched slightly, looking up from the vanity she had been glaring down at while Ria compulsively soothed non-existant wrinkles from the bedding.
“Elisabeth of Jiyel’s room?” were the words that greeted Jasper, and a moment later the bag boy, Evin, looked up from his list and grinned. “Heya Jasper, got your lady’s trunks for you!” As he spoke the two even younger boys attending him pulled a set of sleek trunks from the top rack. Jasper wordlessly opened the door wider and stepped aside – the boys, despite their youth and silly grins, were quick to place them at the foot of bed.
“Thank you gentlemen,” Jasper said and the three boys beamed.
“No problem Jasper! Have fun!” Evin said, already consulting his list. “Next hall boys, we gotta duke!”
Jasper closed the door behind them and turned; Sayra swooped down on her offerings, the picture of furious focus as she gently removed reams of silk and chiffon from their prisons.
“Well,” she said, looking up after a moment. “She likes purple.”
“Purple’s a lovely colour,” Ria, clearly primed to be a very loyal lady’s maid indeed, said. “But oh look she has a few greens! And flowers, oh these are lovely.” She reached out as if to touch one of the gowns, and then paused, pulling back. Sayra eyed her briefly, and then nudged the second bag.
“Your stuff’s probably in there,” she said. Ria’s eyes lit up, and with that tactic permission she set to excavating for her own little treasures. Jasper took up his spot by the door, as if he were expecting their lady to pop in unannounced any second now, and tried to figure out how this collection of pastel fabrics, ribbons and oils fed into the puzzle that was Elisabeth of Jiyel.
Five minutes later and Sayra and Ria had packed away seven week’s worth of living materials, arranged the vanity and vanished the trunks to the top of the armoire. Two minutes after that, a knock, not as sharp as the bag boys’ had been, silenced the quiet chatter that had filled their space. Jasper gave the girls a second to arrange themselves before he opened the door, stepping outside. People were making their way to the front halls, and Jasper fell into step with a nearly green looking Orion.
“If I die, I’m giving you all my stuff Jasper,” Orion said without preamble. Jasper did not roll his eyes, but only because he was long out of the habit.
“You will be perfectly fine, you’ve always liked a challenge,” he said. “And the novel – surely a Skaltish priestess is both?”
“And probably armed,” Orion said, with a glumness that did not suit his voice nor his face. “Ah, well it could be worse. I’ve never much liked birds anyway.”
“Birds,” Jasper said.
“Sacrifice them don’t they? For rites and fortune telling.”
“I suppose you would know,” Jasper said. Orion flashed him a much more typical grin, before straightening to his full – and not inconsiderable – height as the doors to the entrance hall came into view. Jasper sped up just a touch, carefully arranging people as he went, nudging everyone into twin lines. Orion stayed at the back, looming over the rest of the party and Jasper studied everyone once, before he fell into a gap left for him closer the front. Immediately, the doors swung open.
The butlers filed in, and Jasper’s eyes were drawn to the General, one of the faces he knew for certain. A little septet of Jiyeli candidates lined up to his left. They were largely dark haired, and his eyes skipped over them, drawn instead to the two lighted haired delegates.
Checking one last time that his uniform was in the best condition it could be whilst also on a person, Jasper stepped forward, coming to a stop in front of the general first.
“Good evening sir,” he said with a bow.
“Evening,” General Falon said, brows pulled together sharply. “Which one?”
“I believe I already know sir,” Jasper said, “Lady Elisabeth.”
The General jerked his head toward the blonde woman – who was now openly and curiously watching them, eyes flitting between him, the General, and the two butlers now at Jasper’s back, waiting to make their own introductions.
“Good evening Lady Elisabeth,” Jasper said, stepping forward with a bow before looking to large blue eyes. “My name is Jasper, I will be your Butler for the next coming weeks.”
                                                          *   *   *
My apologies that this is two days late! Life - more notably the wifi - was not kind to me. Still, I hope you enjoy this little run up to Jasper and Elisabeth’s first meeting and had a VERY excellent Holiday, Quilleth!
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birbycakes · 7 years
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IT’S RIA!!!! Finally some 7KPP fanart again! \^o^/
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Ria: Can I get you anything to drink?
MC: The tears of my enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed
Ria: I have jasmine tea
MC: Ooh, jasmine. Yes please
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zordonmlw7 · 7 years
Seven Kingdoms: The Parallel Prince
~ Part 1 ~
(A/N This is my first 7kpp fanfic and I’m just gonna post this here because I’m too impatient to get on AO3′s waiting list for an account I may not even use much. So... to tumblr. :D  Honestly, this could be a lot better, but I didn’t feel like editing it because I’m publishing this literally on a whim at 4:30 in the morning.  My main concern is that it’s maybe mirroring the game’s style a bit too closely and not in the direct emulation way I utilize in later chapters (I have Ch 2 and 3 written already.) I don’t even know if anyone if gonna read this fanfic let alone this super long author’s note so I guess I’ll stop already. XD)
We must begin with a story. A legend.  Even a fairytale of sorts.  Only this story, this legend, is a true one.  An important one.
 Then again.  You’ve probably heard it before.  Dozens of times.  Who in this day and age hasn’t heard of how, 100 years ago, Princess Katyia created what would become the Seven Summit and ushered in an age of peace and prosperity?
 I’ll spare the details. This is a story of a new delegation. One that may prove to be as momentous as the original held by Katyia herself!
 On Vail Isle, a silver haired butler stares at the delegate he will be serving the next seven weeks.
“Greetings, my liege. My name is Jasper and I’ve been assigned as your personal butler during your stay here at Vail Ilse.”
 The delegate eyes Jasper, a man whose good looks do not take away from the grave tone in his voice. He informs the delegate of his responsibilities as his butler, the most important of which being to be completely invested in the delegate’s interests.  However, before he can be invested in said interests, he must know them, and with them, the delegate’s past.
 The delegate was the son of a Marquis of Arland.  From a young age, he showed unusual intelligence, something that would be greatly advantageous to his upbringing.  Growing up, he was quickly instilled with the traditional Arlish devotion to duty.  As a result, he was always very obedient, never disobeying his parents (at least not to their faces).  When the day came for him to begin his tutoring, he discovered he had his work cut out for him.  Due to bordering Jiyel, academic capital of the world whose court was interspersed with countless scholars, the ruling family of their march always received tutoring far more intensive than the curriculum of other Arlish noblemen. While many would find this to be unnecessarily stressful, the marquis’ son thrived.  It was often said by the servants that the young boy never smiled more brightly than after reading a particularly insightful piece of literature, or after having solved a math problem his tutor had anticipated would stump him.  Despite his love for academia, however, no tutor loved him more than his speech tutor. His ability with words, coupled with his keen knowledge, often garnered remarks of being a miniature tutor himself. When not in the classroom, he often accompanied his parents to whatever business they had.  Although he was present, he was to remain silent at all times, and, as he was not expected to pay attention to the actual discussions, spent ample time watching people, trying to figure out how they worked. While he received basic self-defense training like the other noble boys, he preferred talking his way out of a dispute.
Once, as a child, he traveled with his parents to a meeting in Jiyel.  The day of the meeting, his parents sent him to a town several miles away that would be holding a festival, giving him a rare chance to enjoy the Jiyelian culture.  The day of festivities, however, took a dark turn.  The carriage, while going down a solitary road, was attacked by bandits!  Not wanting to risk losing his guards in a fight and possibly endangering himself further, he bribed them with the allowance he had been given to spend at the festival, keeping the emergency treasure hidden under his seat out of their hands.  
Another time, his parents tasked him with trying to please an especially naughty noble woman.  Despite being lower in rank than you, she acted as though she and her parents’ county were the mightiest and most regal in Arland.  However, as his parents wanted hers to support their treaty, he was left with no option but to fulfill his duty.  After speaking to several other nobles, he learned that the girl’s cousin was her most bitter rival.  Although the cousin was 2 years her junior, she was already ahead of her in her studies, and the girl did not take it well.  So he decided to bombard the girl with countless compliments directed at her cousin… with said cousin several feet away.  In her resulting fury, she challenged said cousin to a competition, which she easily lost.  While he felt bad for using such an underhanded tactic, after seeing how humble the experience left her, any trace of regret he had faded.  The treaty promptly passed.
Another tale of his past involved his visit to the province of Caiserban, an area deteriorating because of drought.  He was entrusted to help prepare for his parents’ visit and was sent ahead.  When he arrived to the castle where he would be staying, however, he saw an angry mob that had formed outside of it.  Noticing the luxury carriage with finely dressed nobleman inside, the mob quickly directed their attention to him.  Despite having to face a horde of townspeople who might get a kick at seeing him hanged and his castle raided, he recalled his parents instructions and remained calm. He asked the people to individually voice their concerns.  He quickly realized the people were not revolting because of the drought; it was a force of nature and no authority figure could do anything to change it. No, these people were worried that, given the trecherous reputation of their governor, that the nobility did not care for them and would allow them to suffer.  With a calm smile and a promise to discuss their concerns with the governor during the noble family’s visit, the mob disbanded.
At the age of 15, he was informed that he wouldn’t have time to take on as many classes as he had been, and was asked to limit his time to but one tutor. He was tempted heavily to keep his academic tutor, but he felt to choose personal preference over responsibility was against everything Arland stood for.  Reluctantly, he dismissed academic tutor, along with all the rest but his political tutor.  As fun as he found most any other subject, he knew politics was his future and he needed to give the subject the attention it deserved.
 Having finished story time, Jasper proceeded to prod for some more information.  Firstly, his weaknesses.  His biggest weakness came to mind immediately.
 “I’m not very charming. My grannie is the most easily charmed person in the world and even she won’t fall for my puppy eyes.” He laughs off the last statement.  
 Seeing that the butler expects him to divulge more, he ponders the topic a bit more. “Well…  My hardest subject growing up was always my self-defense training. And given how long it’s been since I’ve had any lessons, I imagine what skills I had have likely all but rusted away at this point.”
 Having divulged such sensitive information, to a complete stranger no less, leaves him feeling… cleansed. It’s a feeling he finds comparable to confession.  Of course, here on this mysterious isle, there is no guarantee that this information will remain strictly between him and the gods.  However, as he sees it, there is no way of getting around placing his trust in the hands of the handsome, stoic-faced man before him.  In fact, the more he considers it, he isn’t really placing his trust in the butler at all, but rather, the delegation itself. His family, his faith, his country, the very institutions that govern his life.  He had placed his trust in all these things for as long as he could remember and had never been disappointed in the results.  It seemed only fitting now to place that same level of trust into the isle and all it represented.  
 After yet another long discussion, this one about his personality, Jasper nods his head and prepares to introduce him to his maids.  Two lovely women, dressed in simple garments enter the room and curtsy before him gracefully.  Jasper tells him their names are Ria and Sayra.  Although he would have preferred to introduce himself personally, he follows etiquette rules and allows Jasper to introduce him to them.  
 “This is Lord Ettore of Arland.”
~ End of Part 1 ~
Charm – 10
Eloquence – 50
Beauty – 25
Leadership – 25
Self Defense – 15
Charisma – 25
Manipulation – 25
Courage – 25
Intelligence – 60
Etiquette – 55
Grace – 0
Poise – 50
Cunning – 50
Insight – 0
Academic – 40
People – 25
Politics – 40
History – 15
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