eldraftsman · 1 year
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Throw your suggestions.
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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! (づ˶•༝•˶)づ 💖💖💖
Awww, thank you so much for sending this to me, it truly means a lot!! 💗🤗💗 Making others happy is something that brings me so much joy, it's even a lifelong goal of mine to spread joy and positivity to others!! 😊 I truly believe that everyone deserves some cheer in their lives, especially now more than ever!!
Speaking of which, I wanna give a shout out to some of the wonderful people that constantly bring a smile to my face and fill my heart with so much joy here on Tumblr: @tare-chan/@tare-anime, @such-a-downer, @theinvisibledoodlewizard, @thelreads, @tokiro07, @nataliedoesthings, @juuyeah, @nonokoko13, @eldraftsman, @itsmaferart, @whateversawesome, @yumeka-sxf, @buf309, @nallhir, @your-zipper-is-down, @anavi-vrg, @kitty0go, @piracytheorist, @damiamichel, @cantsomeoneelsedoit / @crass-myrtle and many others!! 😄 Y'all are awesome, never stop being wonderful!! 💗
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betterbemeta · 7 years
eldraftsman replied to your post “Because I track the ganondorf tag or something there is this post that...”
I find kind of hypcritical people support something they denounce. Find the Zelda series or Nintendo racist? Then you shouldn't support it.
“do you find media you enjoy or consume to have not been utterly perfect in some way? retroactively un-consume it. Un-buy it. stop any enjoyment of it you had and do not ever hold it to a high standard. instead of criticism we should just never engage with media that we find flawed.”
Aside from the goofiness of this comment, like, we should think about the ultimate result of behavior like this. Consuming, ‘supporting,’ liking, and speaking about ONLY media we deem to be the most infallible, the most pure, and the most unworthy of criticism. Only useful for people whose primary objective is to maintain that things they like are perfect and above criticism-- a very elaborate “shut up.”
Also, the power of the individual consumer to a giant like Nintendo means just about nothing. Whether you like or dislike something like the Legend of Zelda means almost nothing, so boycotting or buying an individual copy has relatively little relevance even though to ourselves our own experiences feel like the most important thing in our world. But criticism reaches many consumers, can have them all collectively think about their world through media they also have consumed. Nintendo doesn’t need or care about your, or my support-- but my friends definitely do care about what I have to say or what I think about something.
So me not ‘supporting’ some media I like but also find kind of racist does not lead to any change, except for the fact that my voice is not there to call it kind of racist. Which does not serve me, only people who never wanna see critical perspectives. Why would that ever be my motivation?
Also like, the whole idea that finding any kind of flaw or criticizing a corporate entity is ‘denouncing’ it is hilarious. I only denounce the evils of truth and love, extend my reach to the stars above etc.
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ellorgast · 8 years
eldraftsman replied to your photoset: *gentle gasp* Was Zelda dating the Gerudo...
No? She had her as a surrogate mother figure, since her mother passed away. Her attitude through the cutscene is more motherly or alike to an elder sister than romantic.
I mean that might be what the writers intended, but I don’t tend to rest my face on my mom or sister’s breast while they gently caress my hair. This was, by far, the most tender and intimate interaction I have seen in this game yet, including every moment between the actual canon couple (and I mean, I love them, but I am also loving the harder edge that this version of Zelda has, and the reveal in this scene that she kind of... resents Link a bit). I’m not saying that it couldn’t be taken as a platonic scene, but there was certainly a level of intimacy there that would suit a romantic relationship.
Anyway it’s hilarious that I’ve been joking for a week about Link hooking up with a 100-year-old shark-man without one single complaint, but somehow Zelda possibly getting together with a slightly older lady who she has been apparently spending extended periods of time with is off limits.
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viola-ing · 8 years
eldraftsman replied to your post “Why don't you like zelink?”
1.-Valid, if unreasonable 2.-Valid 3.- makes no sense(no event ever implies they're gay or even straight for someone else)
and when did i ask for you to “validate” my reasons...? i never did
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shadyvaati · 8 years
eldraftsman replied to your post:
“Link and Mipha were interested in each other and were going to be...”:
D) On my personal opinion? I just wish Nintendo wasn't a massive tease and just picked sides. Want Zelink? Good, let em' f*ck or something. Don want it? Fantastic, just don't dance around the idea like a moth around a lightbulb.
“A) Wether Link reciprocated is left ambiguous. B) Mipha died and Zelda is alive, what is up to the future has no chances for her “
-To address the first point, sure I suppose, but compared to Zelda, Link knew Mipha since childhood, they’ve known each other a long time to both know each other as just friends and possibly something else. I say that because Mipha made the Zora tunic for Link, which is a tradition with the Zora as a sign of proposal and you don’t just propose (and I mean seriously propose) if you aren’t already with someone, just saying
-Second, I don’t care if she’s dead????? Idk what kinda of person people think Link is, but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t just jump to be with some other girl he not too long ago in his own memories had a strained relationship with. Maybe in the future, sure, but as it stands with what the game presented, I highly doubt it :/ Also like, after a loved one dies, some people pledge to never be with anyone else? Idk why that also wouldn’t be a possibility for Link. It’s honestly really tragic what happened with them, but Mipha isn’t Zelda so we can just ignore her once her part in the story is done.
“C) If RANDOM NPCS point out the possibility of Link having a thing for Zelda(like Paya does) AND a LOT of the backstory revolves in how close the two of them got(and there IS subtext), you can't just say "it's all about Mipha" “
-See the thing about that first part tho is that people can and will take that as a “it’s so obvious theyre meant to be together if they see it!!” it literally takes so little for people to see that ship where as if another couple as someone literally make a proposal gift and have their family (both Mipha’s father and brother say Mipha loved Link, while his feelings are never stated out right I lead u back to my first statement as well as then that goes double for Zelda where if you just look at how they interact it’s hard to even tell how close they are beyond Link being her protector). And the backstory isn’t so much focusing on their relationship bc it existed, it’s bc those were the pics Zelda took herself and Link was there because he was her protector, in some of them they didn’t even really interact, they’re there to help him remember and in a way catch the players up to speed with things going on. People can have their own interpretations, I’m not stopping that, but I’m also not saying “Mipha’s dead so now Link HAS to be with Zelda he has no choice!!” which is kinda sad another girl has to be out of the picture for there to be no ambiguity. This isn’t even a hate on Zelda, like she even says it herself that she’s the only one that seems to think for herself, but apparently no one else could imagine her having a love interest other than Link (shrugs). It isn’t “all about Mipha” but the girl /did/ plan to propose to this boy she was rather close too is what I’m saying. This is the one part where there is literally zero room for interpretation if we’re comparing the two. A girl and boy can have a lot of screen time together and still just be friends in the end.
“D) On my personal opinion? I just wish Nintendo wasn't a massive tease and just picked sides. Want Zel*nk? Good, let em' f*ck or something. Don want it? Fantastic, just don't dance around the idea like a moth around a lightbulb.”
-And finally, sEE I ACTUALLY AGREE WITH YOU HERE. Nintendo should just do it if they want it, but they haven’t. I understand why they don’t because they don’t /want/ there to be any straight up love interest and I’m fine with that tbh lmao. Excuse my annoyance tho when every little hint for Zelda and Link is amped up to a million and Mipha is just left off to the side bc she isn’t a character they were already rooting for. She doesn’t matter, right? Because we’ll never hear of Mipha again lmao (tho there were serveral nice little easter eggs to past characters in botw so who knows maybe we’re on our way to a new canon), but as it stands Zelda and Link are “the destined ones” always reborn in the same timeline and meant to meet again and again, and kudos to people who like that, I also don’t mind those types of stories! Link and Zelda tho just aren’t my number one cup of tea hense when I see a more reputable ship being pushed to the background it sorta fires me up that it can just be ignored. I can’t make anyone pay more attention, but it just would be nice to have a different focus everyone once in a while. The same thing happened with Midna too and people fucking love her. This isn’t Skyward Sword where I wouldn’t even argue that there might have been more between them because they were childhood friends there and had plenty of hints to become more--this is Breath of the Wild tho, and that honor this time belongs to Mipha.
I like Mipha and Link. I don’t hate Zelda and Link, but in this particular game I don’t see them getting together either during or afterwards. TLDR: I wish it didn’t always have to be about Zel*nk and that there could be more focus from the fandom on something other than their romantic relationship that may or may not exist. I don’t mean to come off as aggressive, but it always feels like there needs to be a mountain of evidence for any other coupling to be valid in canon when Link and Zelda just need to be in the same room together.
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seddm · 8 years
I guess deaths are fun, that's why everyone's asking :D. Seriously though, even if some great deaths in the history of storytelling were pretty unexpected or worked because of that...exactly how do people think it will benefit the show? I made a pretty "make the characters miserable" a while ago, and even I kept them alive. And there's a reason for that.
Ehr... some people crave angst? And some are just scared by the possibility of a character dying, and they try to exorcise this fear by talking about it?
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tare-anime · 3 years
SxF Chapter 55
(Beware spoilers)
Okay, first of all, so many things happening for sxf fandom! I feel so blessed to be part of this fandom 🥰
Spy x Family get an anime!! AAAAAHHH! I'm loving all the artworks, and the tiny bit of Loid's voice. Uuhh... I can't wait to hear Yor and Anya, and the background music, the OP the ED, and of course, to see my favorite panels in color and moving!
And earlier that day, we were granted with vol 8's official Yor art that is so awesomely drawn. She's so pretty 🥰🥰
And then, we have this closure chapter (before the family fluff I believe), that is so warm, almost like it tend to Yor's wound. I'm sobbing 😭😭
We are so blessed. Thank you so much, Endo!
Okay, now unto the chapter.
So, Loid showing off his analytical skills, which once again reminds us why he's considered one of the best.
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His deducing skills here??? Top tier!! 😫👌👌
Unfortunately, he needed to experience the ugly side of bureaucracy (Ugh, I always hate when spelling this word. As I also hate the meaning of the word).
Saving face? Usual practice. Fortunately for the SSS, Twilight here was the worker type that had so many creativity to overcome the obstacles given to him.
He managed to save the ship, and all of its passengers. During his vacation nonetheles!
Btw, I love the parrallels here.
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Heh.... Loid really learned a thing or two from his wife.
Plus, as @eldraftsman point it out, the arc opened with Yor yeeting something, and ended with Loid yeeting something.
Yep. So poetic 🤣
Another parrallels that I noticed:
> In this arc, Yor's "boss enemy" (a.k.a Sniff Jobs and Snoop) managed to get away from Yor, but getting blown away by Loid.
> In Inusan Crisis, Loid's "boss enemy" (a.k.a Keith) managed to get away from Loid, but getting kicked by Yor.
And in both arcs, Anya was the one pulling the string, manipulating people here and there, to keep her parents (and everyone else) save. Using any disguises and any reasons and any acts accordingly.
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I love this family so much. They really are meant for each other.
Love this Loid getting soft, and slowly but surely turn into real family man.
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He's become a real dad.
Good for you, Loid 🥰
Now the thing that made me sobbing in this chapter, were these panels:
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I love the metaphore in these panels.
How Yor viewed herself as "dirty". She never enjoyed to be in this job, but then she reminded herself that she is doing this just for a simple purpose: to prevent tragedy befalling one or two person near her.
And by Olka being "the person" to be at the recieving end, didn't hesitate in holding Yor's dirty hand, it's as if Yor's simple wish was approved. And she was rewarded with warmth. From both the mother and the innocent child.
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A real warmth that perhaps Yor has forgotten.
These panels.
With her dirty hand, getting a hug from contended Gram. I'm..... I-....... *sobs* 🥲🥲😭😭😭😭
Yor finally get the overdue recognition for her hardwork.
Now please Endo, let Yor got the warmth from her family next, yeah? 🥲🥲
The soft McMahon.
As a family man himself, he of course understand a thing or two that made Yor showing that face.
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Finally he let go of that strict mask of him, and gave Yor her rewards. The director relayed Loid's message to Yor. He even teased Yor not to use swimsuit 🤣
Ah, this side of him, made me wonder if @lacrow theory is right. That McMahon's family was long gone. 🥲
Anyway, this week has been super awesome for us.
And I can't wait to see the Forger family reunion 🥰 To be exact, I can't wait to see Loid's face when he saw Yor after 2 days separation.
Praying hard for TwiYor content here 🤞
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eldraftsman · 1 year
Hi I love your art ;-;
Thanks You very much! Glad You appreciate it
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lacrow · 4 years
Top 5(ish) of 2020✨
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Thanks @abluescarfonwaston for tagging me! Where would the chat be without our favorite prompt writing machine? xD
Mission Files: Family, Forger: Guess I’m required to start off with this one? The fic(s) that started it all, this little collection kick-started my obsession with SxF lol. At the time there weren’t a lot of people writing fics, and I distinctly remember trying to pump out a fic a week to give people something to read. Now the opposite is true, and I couldn’t be more happy about it!
Silver Forks and Twilight Werewolves: The first fic I wrote for Forger Spookfest. I just love writing Anya as a naive kid; yeah she can read minds, but at the end of the day she’s just an impressionable little girl. Between Yor and Loid being soft to each other and Anya figuring out how to keep papa from turning into a doggy person, I had a blast writing this one.
Papa’s Ex-Girlfriend: STILL WORKING ON IT. Sorry, had to clarify before anyone else asked. I think everyone likes the idea of Loid’s past coming back to bite him in the ass, and this was my attempt at that. Admittedly the manga has changed my plans for the ending, but I think for the better. Just waiting for a chance to finally finish it, hopefully within the next month or so.
Long Rider: This one never should have been posted before it was finished, but @lunalitmedia drew some A-MAZ-ING fanart for what little she read of the first part so I my hands were tied lol. Loid with a southern drawl, Yor as a barmaid, and Anya as the most adorable girl this side of the valley? What else could be more fun to write?
Forged in Fire: I saved the best for last, or rather the most fun to write. I love fantasy, and I have a bad habit of taking stories and turning them on their heads. I also have a thing for Loid and Damian bonding, and making them paladin and squire together is just peak self-service to me. I can’t wait until I can sit down and devote my time and energy into fully writing out the story. I know it’s gonna be a lot of fun!
Gonna go ahead and tag @lunalitmedia @gonnahypatia @eldraftsman and @illogicallogicsuwu. Happy New Years everyone!
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364-wii · 4 years
Commission made by Eldraftsman
I saw Schooled and was kind of disappointed that no one, but Lily got a design change so here my Lincoln in a middle school what if new look.
Also heres joeyfelt from atomic puppet cause he's cool.
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hylianlinks · 7 years
eldraftsman replied to your post “link is visibly shorter than zelda in every single game iteration!!!!!...”
You again throwing words like it's candy and people should just eat them? No
lmao what? anyway link is always shorter than zelda and its b/c hes trans :D
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hyruviandoctor · 7 years
eldraftsman replied to your post: I just unlocked Kass’ Final Song and wow I can’t...
Yes Link and Zelda are canon lesbians now, Kass says so
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whale-shark-queen · 8 years
eldraftsman replied to your post “The zelink vs mipha x link discourse is so fucking DUMB i swear to god”
You new to this fandom? Because Malon and Midna weren't that much better at the time.
I’ve been into Zelda since phantom hourglass first got shown in ONM.  I’ve avoided the online zelda fandom for years until recently for personal reasons, but  I guessed that female characters would set off the entitled z//////el/////ink (idfk how these work but I’/m not starting a ship war) shippers anyway but its for literally the most ridiculous reasons ever
so no I am not new to the fandom but it doesn’t make the discourse any less stupid
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ladyriptor · 6 years
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@eldraftsman Neither has Solid Snake and there he is in Super Smash bros. Bayonetta also, until recently when her first two games were announced as Switch ports.
I'd not be surprised if a character from the Dark Souls series made a guest appearance in the game. There is already an Amibo.
Seeing Geralt wouldn't be impossible and could mean a Switch port of his games. Far fetched but a fan can dream right?
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gascon-en-exil · 7 years
@eldraftsman and @zeldassmile
You guys got off into quite the discussion in replies and I’m a little late to getting back to them, so just a couple of disconnected points:
To reiterate, I don’t actually ship Urbosa/Zelda or personally have trans Link headcanons. I’m just acknowledging that they exist and that some people like them, and I think that diversity in fan interpretation is rarely a bad thing. Also, as eldraftsman points out it’s fallacious to dismiss Urbosa/Zelda because it’s “pedophilia” when A) Zelda is most definitely past puberty so it would actually be ephebophilia, B) age of consent varies by jurisdiction, and it’s impossible to say with any accuracy how it would be regarded in a fictional setting that never addresses the subject, and C) I seriously doubt it’s a major concern for the developers; recall that in Ocarina of Time an almost definitely prepubescent Link is duped into an engagement and the whole thing is played for comedy, or that in BotW itself there’s a Zora who appears to be a child yet gets involved in some fashion with an adult Hylian man.
The question of Link as a self-insert is a very old conundrum that’s even baked into his name (he’s the link between the player and the game world - someone in 1986 was feeling clever). There have been times when the games allow for the player’s input on certain story scenes, but most of the time that’s either not an option or the choices are irrelevant. BotW is notable in that almost nothing in the game is actually mandatory to complete it, including the flashbacks that showcase the development of Link’s character and his relationship with Zelda or anyone else. Of course these shouldn’t be discounted if we’re talking about Link as a discrete character, but the fact remains that the player can choose to ignore them and craft their own adventure to a degree not seen since the NES days. BotW Link’s not a full-on blank slate PC like those from MMOs, but he comes damn close. I’d compare him to death knight PCs from World of Warcraft, who like him come pre-packaged with a heroic backstory that was brutally cut short by tragedy, after which they are reawakened under strange and ominous circumstances.
On a related note, I never bought into that most outdated of gaming carrots on a stick, rescuing damsels in distress, specifically because it  (and the inferred promise of heterosexual love/romance/sex for the protagonist) never appealed to me. Clearly there are players who get personally invested in those scenarios - look at the recent outcry over Peach’s behavior at the of Super Mario Odyssey, for an immediate example - but since I’m outside that assumed straight male demographic it doesn’t do a thing for my sense of immersion. Certainly Zelink and some of the secondary M/F pairings like Malink and Midlink can play into that dynamic, but I prefer to pull different ideas from those interactions even if I’m not treating Link as a self-insert just because doing otherwise would be really boring. (Note that there are exceptions - I admit that the Zelink dynamic in Spirit Tracks is pretty fun, and at least one-sided Midlink can play into Midna’s broader development well enough.)
Kind of a humorous last note, but I’ve gleaned from a little research that many vocal anti-Sidlink fans are specifically bothered by how the ship’s fanbase plays up the size difference and, er, rough logistics that would probably be involved. To this I should point out that Sidlink is just the latest in a long line of M/M ships that pair Link with a man who is much larger, more dominant, and/or just outright evil. Whether that’s Ganondorf, Dark Link, Ghirahim, Groose, Demise, Linebeck, more Dom versions of himself with Four Swords selfcest...to paraphrase a gay friend of mine who’s also a fan of the series, Link is just a big ol’ bottom in fandom. As a bottom myself I could suggest that this trend reflects how physically demanding bottoming is and how it requires a fair bit of courage (heh), but I may be giving the fanbase a little too much credit with that reading. In any case, giant shark dicks is old hat at this point, with the only thing surprising being that Sidlink has become so wildly popular. Positivity + size kink = fandom gold, apparently.
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