#elana of avalor
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athena-theunicorn · 11 months ago
what do you think happened after sofia freed elana. like she obvs went to tell cedric all she learned abt the amulet but like what did he think? he had to have been flabbergasted because in all years of researching the amulet he never even heard of another princess that used it. like he just assumed avalor was where the amulet was created and didn’t think the rest of the events there were related.
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floof9766 · 5 months ago
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me when this strange knight guy saves me from this angry guy who thinks I killed his father his name is fist bob or something like that I can't remember
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 1 year ago
For the Elana of Avalor ask game: 👑 - favorite character?
🌼 - favorite episode?
⚔️ - unpopular opinion?
👑 - honestly it's probably a tie between Elena and Esteban. Their arcs are both handled *so* well. Plus their personalities are just really fun aornfkekdn they bounce off of other characters really well. I also really like Zuzo! He's just a really fun character. Honorable mention to Ixlan, for being hilarious, and Richard Horvitz Octopus, for being voiced by Richard Horvitz.
🌼 - THAT'S a tough one omfg- this show has so many great episodes- but I think right now I'd have to go with Elena's Day Off. Partly due to recency bias(just finished rewatching the show lmao), and partly just because it's a really fun episode. Sweetheart's Day is also really good but I ended up sleeping through that one on accident so I haven't actually seen it in a hot sec... Oh also shout out to Captain Mateo and the Lightning Warrior! GOD ITS SO FUCKING HARD TO PICK-
⚔ - Hmmm... I don't know much about what takes are popular in the fandom and which ones aren't, and even then I'm pretty sure most of my oppinions are pretty un-controversial. I guess maybe I think the finale's resolotion was a little rushed? Don't get me wrong it's an AMAZING finale, but especially Esteban's arc feels kinda forced. Idk how unpopular that is fuck-
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denzartriste · 11 months ago
25, 98, 83, and 69 for this ask game? (specifying bc i dont actually remeber how long ago you reblogged that one)
25 What is your favorite food? : I don't like most foods so the food i like i really like. Kd shells but watery and also rainbow pasta. For snacks i eat goldfish religiously >>>
98 Whats your favorite color? : Red. It's so bright and colourful but i also REALLY like pink
83 Can you swim well? : Yes! I took lessons for a while but i stopped because i have anxiety when failing things and i "failed" (aka didnt go to the next level of swimming, but i did take it for a solid couple years so its fineee)
69 Ever take dance lessons?: Yup! Funnily enough my stepmom just told me the story of how i convinced my dad to let me stop. My little self used LOGIC and FACTS and was like "Listen i work HARD all week i need a day break >:(. I am choosing to stop dance and let Saturday be my one day break in the week to watch sofia the first and elana of avalor."(last part is a lie i dont think i said that but it was probably what i was thinking) And my dad couldnt come up with a retort to that :D
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diavolo-is-babygirl · 9 months ago
-Has a birthmark on his thigh. It just looks like a cow splotch.
-100% has ADHD. I don’t care what y’all say, he has ADHD
-Still watches kid shows. (Elana of Avalor and Bluey are his favorite)
-Mleps sometimes for no reason. One moment he’s normal then the next he’s mlepping. Not even to be cute, he just does is sometimes for no reason
-Very flirty when drunk. One of my male and female MCs have a video of him falling on his face after trying to lean on a table.
-Favorite human world flowers are carnations
-Knows Latin
-Used to be tight with Queen Mary I
-Heavy feminist and wouldn’t mind being dominated (by literally anyone)
-Type of guy to go “SLAY!” after being sent pictures of outfits being worn
-Couldn’t tie his shoes for the first 236 years of his life
-Makes flower crowns for people he loves
-Love language is physical intimacy (poor boy is touch starved as hell)
The last one breaks my heart but I agree with all of them
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tangledbea · 2 years ago
Would you have preferred tts to be animated or directed like “Elana Of Avalor?” I’ve also heard some people say even that series has a better overall plot/ storytelling even though it too is targeted towards younger kids.
I like TTS's animation, and wouldn't want it any other way. I've seen a little bit of Elena, but not enough to be able to say if I'd preferred it's production style (the word I think you meant, rather than "directed").
All I know is that I wish they'd been solid on the plot the entire time, and that they had a lore bible that they'd look back on and use to keep things consistent. I wish they'd done less because "it would be cool," without having any idea what they wanted to do with it afterward.
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musicaltheatreblog20 · 2 years ago
Now I know this is a musical Theatre Blog but let’s get things straight if you don’t like Sofia the first you didn’t have a Childhood cause that show was Everything let’s just talk about the Lore
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1. The Movie Pilot
So in Sofia the First Once Upon a Princess it came out in 2012 and we get introduced to Sofia and Miranda who married the King Roland then we get introduced to the twins Amber and James and they give Sharpay and Ryan vibes
Ok So it’s Sofias first day at royal prep and Amber really wants her to have a bad day and james plays a prank on sofia it’s a magic swing when you go High you fly into a bird bath
So after a bad at school King Roland gives her a magic amulets called the “Amulet of Avalor” and if you haven’t seen the Show you wouldn’t know what that is but thats going to be later
Disney Princess
So whenever Sofia is in trouble going on her adventure her necklace sends her a Disney princess and the we see that in the movie when Sofia is sad about Amber Cinderella shows up and gives her advice she dissapers and that happens in each episode there’s a problem a princess show gives her advice then leaves now how does they get there and how do they leave
King Roland
Roland in some episodes really get on my nerves cause he’s king but he’s not doing a good Job but there are so many times he needed to Do better Season 2, episode 15 when Princes Lani Lost a Key from her Country and a evil Witch also wants the Key so they Have to have a competition to see who’s the Real Lani and one of the things was dancing the real Lani was doing a dance from her country while the fake Lani was doing the Waltz and he picked the fake Lani cause she did the Waltz
What he doesn’t know is that different places have different cultures let’s do better Roland
Amulet /Elana of Avalor Pilot
So to talk about the Amulet I have to talk about Elana she was put in a Amulet by the Royal wizard of Avalor alaczar when her country was being taking over by a Evil Witch Named Shariki so the Wizard searched over the Country and realms until he found sofia and Turned himself in a book
here’s when the Pilot comes in Play In the Elena and Sofia crossover she was giving daydreams about Elena getting Trapped in the Amulet so She goes to the secret library which is a comes in in season 3 and usually a book tells her a story but Alcazar comes to tell the story since he is a book
And tells her to go to Avalorar so her and her family goes to Avalor and They free princess Elena and saves her country from Shariki and a few months later the Elana of Avlar airs and after she leaves the Amulet it turns pink and gives her new powers
So Sofia is going to a School to be a princess but she already have everything she needs to be she’s Helpful,Like to help stranger which we saw in the episode princess test when when Higgins there librarian and everyone else said no and Princess Hildegard didn’t even say anything she just ignore her and So many examples In the show that just shows she doesn’t need a school
Sofia New Powers
So now that the Elana is gone the Amulet changes she still can talk to her Animal Friends like clover (played by Wayne Brady)but she can now turn into mermaid and remember when the princess came to her help but now Sofia is called to other princess to help them like we see in Season 3 Ep 22 “Beauty is Beast”which that princess also had the Amulet once Upon a time and she has other powers which I couldn’t find
Cedrick and the other villains
So now let’s talked about the villains Cedrick the Royal wizard of Enchana wants Sofias amulet so He does these plans to try to steal it but he’s not that bad cause throughout the season he takes a liking to Sofia but Everyone else except Sofia hates him even the king and they used to be friends along with Cedrick sister who also Hates cedrick
in season 3 he finally got the Amulet by freezing the Royal family but he couldn’t freeze elana cause he didn’t have it in him so he’s put in Jajl until he saves the family from Grimtrix who wanted to take over all the kingdoms and now the family is being nice to him and Many other villains that was introduced in the show we just doesn’t see in the series anymore like vor a Wicked Witch
Mystic Isles
In the Last season we’re introduced to the Mystic Isles The place is an archipelago of countless floating islands home to different magical creatures and objects. The Isles are the source of all the magic in the world, where all sorts of magical creatures live.
All the islands are connected by a series of roads and bridges for convenience. There is also one island which the Protectors Headquarters is located. The Protectors are the guardians of the Mythical Isles And Sofia is training to be a protector for three episodes
Before the finale we have a episode where the Kids are graduating royal Prep and they have to choose a career and one I don’t understand is Sofia cause she’s already training to be a protector and Amber who wants to be Queen but a thing in there family since Roland sister didn’t want to be Queen Roland who is second born became king so James thought he was going to be king but something happened and James said he didn’t want to have all the responsibility’s so he wants to become a knight
Now in the Finale Vor a evil Witch tricked Prisma who wanted to over throw her sister so she meets vor and she tricked her into stealing the wicked nine which is the most popular villains belonging and now she’s freed so Sofia goes to the Secret library and it shows her, Her story and we get a backstory like Sofia dad was a sailor and died and King Roland wife died so King Roland wished a wishing in a evil well that his wife could have kids which was the Twins the Ryan and Sharpay wannabes but to have the kids she had to die
So Sofia was feeling like she couldn’t fight so the original bookkeeper came and gave her advice and she went to fight in the final battle in the Amulet the best battle ever like vor put her in a corner but all the princess that helped her through the series came to her in spirt form which in my opinion is confirming that there dead
But at the end She defeats Vor and saved enchants and became a Protector of the Ever realm which is her realm she lives in
And that’s the End of the Series ever in 2018 but came back in Elena of Avalor when Elana was being crowned Queen which a reference to the Crossover
I hope you enjoyed Reading the Sofia the First Lore
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yourlocalsonia2 · 1 year ago
HELP I cant watch any more StF bc Elena and the Secret of Avalor isn't part of the Sofia the First OR Elana of Avalor playlist 😭
Oh no 😭
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rainbow18 · 2 years ago
Yes, it did come from one of your videos.
Yes, there’s lore in Sofia The First.
Sofia’s magical amulet was originally given and/or made for A Princess named Elana, who later got her own Spinoff called Elena of Avalor. Elena was imprisoned in the amulet and She’s the reason why the whole “With each deed performed, for better or worse. A power is granted, a blessing or curse” existed. Elena could only be released by the right Princess and Sofia was the chosen one. Elena gave King Roland 2 a magical message so that he would give her the amulet. After being freed, Elena allowed Sofia to keep the amulet and People no longer have to do good deeds to use the magic.
King Roland 2 has a older sister named The Duchess Matilda. Matilda was The Heir but when Their Father passed away, She chose not to be Queen. Which made Roland get The Throne. Roland didn’t know that Matilda abdicated so he mistakenly assumed that they used male preference primogeniture or only males inherited the throne. (This belief caused him to tell his 3 children that James was The Heir, when The True Heir is actually Amber because she was born first.)
Partially Because they needed a Heir to the Throne and partially because they liked children, King Roland 2 and his first wife Queen Lorelei had tried to have children for a long time but they were unsuccessful. Eventually King Roland 2 discovered a magical well, which Amber later found. Roland asked the well to give him children. The well obeyed and Lorelei became pregnant but she passed away when Amber and James were newborns. (It’s up to interpretation whether or not The magic of the well killed her since Roland never specified that he intended to raise the children with her.)
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a-lilacsong · 2 years ago
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[Image ID: A pencil crayon and ink fanart drawing of Esteban, Isabel and the baby jaquins from Elena of Avalor. Isabel is on the left with Zoom sitting on her head, she is reaching out towards Mingo who is sitting inside a gift box in the middle of the picture. Esteban is on the right holding a purple bow in one hand and putting in on Mingo's head, Estrella is on his shoulder. End ID]
New Flores cousins fanart and fanfic just in time for the holidays!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years ago
Rapunzel: *lays out a detailed plan to protect the kingdom from the red rocks*
Varian: Great! There's only one thing wrong with that plan.
Rapunzel: What?
Varian: I'm part of it.
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athena-theunicorn · 11 months ago
the way that elana was probably cracking up in that amulet during cedric be good. like she was fs fucking w him.
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authenticcadence18 · 5 years ago
Does anyone else ever think about how, from 2017-2019, there were not one, not two, but THREE animated shows airing on Disney about magical princesses? All of whom underwent character arcs about learning to shoulder the responsibility of someday being the queens of their respective kingdoms? While also learning to control their magic? and uncovering secrets about their family/kingdom history?
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because I think about it a lot 👀
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years ago
Another episode update
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everrealmdweller · 5 years ago
Awwww! And Naomi is gonna be in her alternate reality!!
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When Elena wonders what her life would be like if she had not been born a princess, Zuzo casts a spell to show Elena an alternate reality.
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cleverqueencommander · 3 years ago
What are your theories for who the other parents of the VKs or even the AKs are?
Hm, good question, but I don't have much theories about the VKs other parents other the ones you listed.
For the other AKs now:
Jordan: Eden from the Aladdin series
Ally: Mad Hatter
Doug: Elana of Avalor(inspired by @hannahhook7744 )
Jane: possibly the grand Duke in Cinderella
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