aigeneral · 6 months
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J U S T I N T I M E ⏰
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issuesdolly · 4 months
Jonathan Davis Gives You a Sexy Birthday Surprise
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Warning: explicit/sensitive content, 18+ Smut. Male/female sex (romantic boyfriend/girlfriend theme) foreplay, fingering, oral sex, cunnilingus, handjob, unprotected sex, p in v, finishing inside, edging/denial, fear kink, adrenaline kink
#jonathandavis  #jonathan davis #korn #jon davis #fanfic #jondavis #fanfiction #smut #fem reader #x reader #edging kink #praise and degredation #edging #edging #edginganddenial #fear kink #adrenalinekink #female reader #make me masturbate #angst #angst with a happy ending #romantic #romantisizing life
Summary: You are Jonathan’s girlfriend and it’s your birthday. Normally, it’s a day he’s unable to spend with you due to tour/work obligations. But this year, due to COVID, he is home with you. Because it’s a rare opportunity, you opted to spend the day together instead of inviting friends or family. You’re wondering why Jonathan is acting strangely. It turns out he had several VERY sweet surprises for you… as well as a few VERY spicy ones. 
Preface: This story is MUCH more of an emotional/romantic fantasy for me. But sexier aspects of this fic were inspired by a naughty answer Jonathan gave in an old interview. When asked about the last time he had sex outside, he said he had surprised his girl with a car ride in his hatchback. JD quote: “I stuck my girl in the car, up on a hill outside Indigo Ranch, where we recorded the new album. We had the hatchback open and just fucking went for it. It was great.” I thought that was damn HOT (since I am way into public/nature exhibition too haha) …. So I wanted to incorporate that into his “birthday surprise.” But this story has a very romantic/emotional tone as far as what Jonathan’s OTHER surprises for Y/N are. Jonathan has SEVERAL sweet gifts planned for her….something far beyond just a “naughty car ride.”
The day of your birthday, you chose to just luxuriously sleep in. For once, Jonathan was home with you. The context of COVID-lockdowns/tour postponing, however grim, had given the two of you the opportunity to be together. You had fallen asleep next to him sometime in the middle of the night. The two of you love to sleep in until AT LEAST mid-day. When you woke, you were surprised Jonathan was not sleeping beside you still. Wiping your eyes and sitting up, you peered around the empty room. 
Grabbing your phone from the nightstand, you checked the time. It was already 4pm. You were surprised Jonathan hadn’t awakened you when he got up. He usually stumbles awake, sleep-deprived or not, by mid-afternoon. He must be somewhere else in the house. Confused, you unsilenced your phone to check notifications. You had a few well-wishes from friends and one missed call from your parents’ house. Your parents have always been emotionally distant and unresponsive/unsupportive in all ways. They didn’t think much of your celebrity relationship either. But then again, nothing was ever good enough for them. Thoroughly disinterested in meeting Jonathan or seeing you, you were surprised to have even missed a call from them. You checked your voicemail, but they had not left one. You decided against calling back, knowing it would be an inevitably disappointing and empty conversation. 
Shaking your head, you moved on with your day. Walking into the kitchen, you found Jonathan looking at something on his computer. When you walked in, he looked a little jumpy and seemed to click away from something he had up on the screen. 
“Hey hun,” he said softly, standing up and greeting you. 
“Hey…” you replied, sleepily. 
“Happy birthday!” Jonathan said as he stepped across the room to give you a big hug. 
You gladly accepted his hug and wrapped your arms around him. As the two of you embraced, you realized his dreads were a bit damp and he smelled of his best cologne, clearly freshly out of the shower. He smelled fantastic, but you were a bit surprised. It wasn’t as though you PRESUMED he’d wake you with some “birthday sex” and shower after, but the two of you usually at least shower together whenever you both wake up. So this was quite odd. 
“Oh, you already showered huh?” you asked, confused. 
Jonathan tensed up and pulled away. 
“Yeah! I um… woke up super groggy. Just wanted to wake myself up more,” Jonathan said. 
Again, this seemed like an excuse to you… but you didn’t know what he was up to. The two of you exchanged awkward smiles. His eyes were so expressive, you knew you could lock eyes with him and start guessing what he was up to. You looked at his face, searched his eyes, but as soon as you made eye contact with him, he scooted off to the kitchen, tugging at his hair. 
“I made you some food!” Jonathan stated, proudly. 
You wondered what’s with him, but obviously you were hungry and pleased you didn’t have to whip up anything to eat. Jonathan came back over to the kitchen island as the two of you sat down on the dining stools. He handed you a plate with a few waffles with honey drizzle and some strawberries. It looked delicious. 
“Awww thank you,” you whispered as you leaned in to give him a big kiss. He beamed at you, brushing some of your “bed hair” out of your face before returning your kiss.
As you began eating, Jonathan was closing some tabs on his computer. You noticed this also. “What was that about?” you wondered. You were hungry though, and kept eating. As you ate, you were still thinking about how disappointing the non-interaction with your parents was. You decided to bring it up. 
“So my parents tried to call while my phone was on silent,” you told Jon. 
“Oh? What did they have to say?” Jon asked in a soft, disappointed voice. He knew hearing from them is NEVER good news.  
“They didn’t say anything. It’s just a missed call, no voicemail. I decided to just leave it alone” you admitted, feeling sadness. There was awkward silence between you and Jonathan as he shook his head. Slowly he put his arm around you. 
“Well, you know how they are. I’m sorry though. Really sorry,” Jonathan whispered as he rubbed your shoulder. 
You stopped eating for a moment and leaned against his shoulder, burying your face into it. Eager to change the subject, you started talking about how the two of you might spend the day. 
“So…. there’s not much to actually DO today, is there?” you asked Jon. With most things closed or with limited hours due to COVID, restaurants and venues were inaccessible. Even parks and nature sites had a lot of restrictions. BASICALLY, your fondest hope for today was going to be hanging out with him, eating food, and hopefully some awesome birthday sex. 
Jonathan didn’t respond quickly. Again, it seemed like he was hiding something. 
“Ummm… I don’t know. What if we go for a drive?” Jon suggested. 
“A drive?” you asked, confused. 
“Yeah …. Just….. Get out of the house! We’ve been home so much. It’d be nice, just drive around…. Hmmm?” Jonathan proposed, tugging more nervously at his hair. 
“A drive….” you repeated, still dumbfounded. This wasn’t a common thing the two of you did. Drive aimlessly around during COVID with no errands/destination in mind.
“That sounds kind of boring to be honest,” you admitted, looking at Jon. 
The nervous smile he had on his face faded perceptibly. He tugged more at his hair, twisting one of his damp dreads in rapid circles as if he was thinking hard…. 
“You sure?” Jonathan asked, looking nervous and disappointed. 
“Yeah. I don’t feel like going out. What if we just put a movie on and hang out in bed?” you suggested.
Jonathan’s smile faded more. TRULY, what you wanted was some birthday sex. You figured watching something together while snuggling would be a pretty good start for that. Jonathan shifted around anxiously on the dining stool.  
“Ummm… I don’t know. That sounds kind of lame. I really think we should just get out of the house!” Jon implored. 
You were dismayed. “Well…. I don’t know if I’m in the mood for that,” you admitted.
Jon looked VERY dismayed, fidgeting more before speaking again. 
“Ummm… I still think it could be cool. It’s a really gorgeous day out. At least think about it, mmkay hun?” Jon softly begged. As he asked you to think about it, he began gently playing with your hair and stroking your cheek/chin with his thumb.  
“Ummm.. yeah, I’ll think about it I guess,” you replied quietly, smiling and melting a little.  
An aimless drive sounded thoroughly boring, but Jon’s soft voice and playful touches could pretty much invite you to entertain ANY idea. The two of you exchanged smiles. 
“But YEAH!! Happy birthday again, hun! Today’s gonna be good, I promise,” Jon said as he brought you in for another hug. You leaned forward on your dining stool to hug him, face pressed against his chest. He smelled really incredible, all freshly showered. Comparatively, you were feeling pretty disheveled. 
“Mmfff, guess I should go shower too, huh?” you said, looking up and smiling at him. 
“Yeah! I’ll let you get going baby, take your time. I’ll um… hang out here” Jon said as sipped an energy drink and returned to browsing on his laptop. You had to admit, you were a little frustrated. What you REALLY wanted was him to be all over you right now. The depressing phone call incident with your parents had left you kinda desperate to just “feel good.” You hopped in the shower, shaking your head and wondering why he showered without you. A sexy shower would have been a really nice “start” to the day. 
Hopping out of the shower and mopping the excess water from your hair, you contemplated how to seduce Jon. Jon was definitely not the type to need much “incentive” to come get you. Unless he was VERY exhausted/distracted, all you ever had to do was ask or initiate ….and he’d usually fuck. Plus, it’s your birthday. He’d be even LESS likely to refuse you TODAY.  You decided to make your move. You put on his favorite perfume and instead of getting dressed normally, you threw on his favorite sexy nightgown and lace panties.
You plopped down on the bed, smiling and chuckling to yourself as you prepared to surprise him. 
“Hey Jon?” you called out. 
“Yeah hun?” you heard Jon reply from the kitchen.
“Can you come help me with something?” you asked, pretending to have a stressed-out tone in your voice, as if you needed “mundane” help of some kind. 
You heard Jon stepping down the hall, fully expecting you needed some sort of “normal” help. 
“Yeah what’s up, what do you–” Jon said, stopping mid-sentence as he rounded the corner to see you on the bed. 
You laughed hard. He cracked a huge grin and let out very nervous laughter. 
 “Damn….Baby! What…. Wha????” Jon muttered through nervous laughter. He gripped the doorway for balance and shook his head, grinning/laughing. 
“I need your help, baby!” you said, playfully. 
“Hmmmm…You need my help, huh?” Jon inquired in a soft voice. He stroked his facial hair and gave you a naughty smirk, stepping towards you in the room. 
“Mmm-hmmm….” you said in a sexy, hushed voice as you climbed off the bed and stepped towards him. His face and body language showed quite a mix of emotion. He looked VERY aroused, but very apprehensive for some reason. 
You stepped right against him, pushing yourself into his arms and grabbing his waist. He was tense against you. You moaned and gently pulled at his neck, inviting him to bend down and start kissing you. Despite his strange, apprehensive behavior, he couldn’t help but respond to how aggressive you were being. He let you pull him down into a sexy kiss. As you began crushing yourself up against him more, you gripped his waist harder. His hands instinctively wrapped around you and gripped your ass. You pushed your crotch more towards his as he squeezed your ass through the nightgown and kissed you harder. He moaned more as his fingers felt the lace of the panties you were wearing, realizing you even had your sexiest lacies on for him.
“Oh... fuck…” he groaned as he gently pulled his mouth off yours. He was breathing harder and you were pretty much throwing yourself at him at this point. Reaching a hand down towards his pants, you gently traced against his dick through them. He moaned more as your hand movements got more aggressive, rubbing his crotch and gently pulling on his hair, inviting him to kiss you again. He gasped a little and tried to speak….
“Baby… ughhh….nnn- … isn’t it a little early for this?” Jon asked, trying to catch his breath. 
“Too early? Well shit! I forgot about all the NOTHING we had planned today!!” you retorted, jokingly. You continued feeling him up, stroking his belly through his shirt before playfully reaching a hand up under it to pull it up. The moment your hand went up his shirt, Jon quickly gripped your wrist. He gently but firmly pulled your hand away from his belly. Again, you were shocked/confused. Usually touching/caressing his lower stomach while pressed up against him was a magic BONER recipe. 
Jonathan groaned, QUICKLY pulling his t-shirt back down.  
“Ughh…fuck…nnn..” he sputtered as he reluctantly took slow steps back from you, 
“No. Not right now, baby. Ahhmm… Uh…. I just…. Uh…. DAMN,” Jon stammered. He was trying to catch his breath. He winced and grimaced, backing away from you and fiddling with his hair frantically. He was desperately trying to stop himself from getting carried away and fucking you. Though you didn’t know why he was denying you. There was a tense silence as you stared at him, confused. 
“I just… um…didn’t want to get into all this so early! I think we should wait. Just a little bit,” Jon said, lamely. You were baffled. He’d never shut you down like this. Jon rubbed his forehead, trying to catch his breath and tame his erection. 
“I really just want you Jon….. I’m sorry,” you replied, confused and embarrassed. He sighed, nervously rubbing his neck and slumping his head down, still grimacing. 
“Sorry hun,” Jon said, softly. 
You felt rejected. Your cheeks started to flush a little. Jon broke the silence: 
“I want you too, baby! Fuck. I REALLY do,” Jon said apologetically, his voice breaking a little. 
“I just - uhmm… want to wait a little bit, mmkay?” Jon asked.
“Ummmm. Ok. Sorry,” you said… turning away from him and shaking your head. This was all so strange. What was going on? He always LOVED it when you gave him a random/freaky invite to fuck. Didn’t ever matter the time of day as long as he didn’t have somewhere he had to be. 
“I’m… gonna go back to the kitchen for a bit… But… PLEASE come back out when you get dressed! Okay?” Jon asked, still trying to catch his breath and calm his “nerves.” 
“Uh, yeah, ok…” you replied, disappointed. Shaking your head, you got dressed in a normal outfit. It was a warm, spring day. You decided on a short, button-front sundress and a lightweight black jacket. 
You met Jonathan back in the kitchen. He greeted you with a beaming smile and shut the laptop once again as you entered the room. 
“Baby! C'mon, I really want to take you on that drive,” Jonathan begged, excitedly. 
“Damn… you and this drive….okay, fine,” you said… mildly irritated. He took your hand and held it tenderly as you walked out to the car together. He decided to drive the spacious hatchback. Though not the fastest/sleekest luxury car he has, it’s definitely the most spacious and comfortable. You never thought “lavish” cars that go fast could turn you on, but you had to admit, riding in any of his luxury cars was always a ton of fun. You hopped in the passenger seat as Jonathan’s keys jingled and he hopped in the driver’s side. He put on the radio nice and loud as he drove like a badass and sped away with you. 
You weren’t sure where he was taking you but it seemed he had a very definite destination in mind. As he drove, he held the steering wheel with one hand and reached over towards your lap with the other. The car was traveling down the more winding, rural roads, getting farther away from the city. He sped as much as possible, taking turns with quite an aggressive edge. His big hands started rubbing your knees as he worked his way up your thighs. You’d already felt aroused, but his sharp/fast driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on you REALLY had you going. 
“Hmmm, okay you win Jon, a drive was definitely a good idea,” you chuckled as his hand started caressing further up your thighs. 
Jon chuckled and stole a glance at you with a big smirk on his face, nodding his head. 
As he drove you further away from the city, he pushed his hand further up your dress until it was inches from your panties. 
“Baby, do me a favor, hmm?” Jon cooed. 
“Yeah?” you asked in a sly, curious tone. 
“Shut your eyes for me….. Keep them shut… Where we’re going is a surprise,” Jon said in a quiet, sultry voice. 
Your heart jumped. It was starting to make sense now. You didn’t know what exactly he had in mind, but you KNEW there’d been a reason he’d wanted this drive so badly. Shutting your eyes with a smile on your face, you softly replied: “okay baby.” 
You heard Jon let out a naughty chuckle and rub/pat your thighs with his warm hand as you felt the car pick up speed. It was such a SMOOTH ride, it made the speed feel a bit surreal. In a normal car, this speed would have felt bumpy… but in THIS car, it felt like you were just flying. Hearing the gentle hum of the powerful engine and feeling his hand tease your thighs and stop JUST short of your pussy, it was extremely seductive. Jon kept driving. Your heart raced a bit. With your eyes shut, it made the ride a bit more frightening. If you had your eyes on the speedometer and were aware of your surroundings, it wouldn’t be quite as scary. But, with your eyes shut, unsure where you were or how much he was speeding, you felt powerful jolts of adrenaline/arousal. 
Your body slid around on the seat as gravity forced it in different directions depending on how Jon was pulling the car. You shifted around, feeling the sharp turns of the rural, winding roads. As your heart raced with fear, you began opening your eyes, trying to steal a peek. Jon stole a glimpse at you. 
“Don’t you DARE baby!!!” Jon teased. 
You quickly shut your eyes again, smiling and nervously laughing a little. 
Jon’s hand worked its way to your pussy and slowly teased it. You moaned and instinctively put one of your hands over his, encouraging him to touch it while he sped the car. You felt the car pick up speed even more and take some sharp turns while he rubbed your clit harder through your panties. Your breath caught in your throat. Breathless and turned on, you had to just shake your head in amazement. Jon had a LOT of experience seducing women in a variety of manners. This was definitely one of them. 
You HAD to admire his “multi task” ability, speeding around in a badass car while pleasing you. You TRIED not think about how much “practice” he’d had at this seduction game with other women. It was amusing though. He was DAMN good at seduction. Jon’s hand dipped further into your open legs, gently rubbing your pussy entrance with two fingers through the exterior of your panties. You gasped a little. It felt so good. The engine kept revving as you felt his fingers move your panties to one side and push against your slit. You were losing your mind. As the car sped, he began gently fingering you. You were very wet and also a little bit scared, since he was definitely doing a rather risky “multitask.” You couldn’t guess the car’s speed but it felt like he might be driving at least 80-90mph. You heard your heartbeat pounding in your ears, as you resisted the urge to open your eyes. You trusted him to know what he was doing. 
Jonathan let out dark, low chuckles watching your reactions. You must have had a blissful/nervous expression on your face. He started fucking your pussy more aggressively with his hand. The car was slowing a bit and you felt fewer sharp turns. You wondered if perhaps he was nearing whatever destination he was bringing you to. As your pussy dripped against his hand, Jon decided to tease you even more. He slipped his fingers out of you and slowly rubbed/traced his fingers them against your belly and upwards towards your breasts. He squeezed and caressed your hard nipples. 
“Oh shit…ugh…yeah this was a good birthday surprise” you whimpered. 
Jonathan let out a sly laugh. 
“Oh trust me baby… I’m not done surprising you,” Jon said in a quiet voice. 
You felt indescribable excitement. WHAT was he up to? 
He moved his big hand off of your breasts and up towards your face. He traced his thumb on your chin and rubbed his middle/index finger along your mouth. Having your eyes closed made it even more seductive. Not knowing where/how he was going to touch you next. You playfully licked/sucked his middle/index finger while keeping your eyes shut. 
You heard Jon let out a moan before saying, “fuck….” in a quiet voice. Clearly loving the sensation of how naughtily you sucked on his fingers. He let you continue teasing his fingers for a second. You could hear him gasp and clear his throat as he tried to compose himself and keep driving. As you tasted yourself a little on his fingers, he slowly slid them out of your mouth. You were left hanging for a moment, feeling the movement of the car as it took another sharp turn down a different winding road. Then you felt his wet fingers rub back against your pussy again. You couldn’t resist and decided to try to “help him out,” with his “multitask.” Pulling your own panties to the side and pushing on his hand, you helped guide his fingers back inside you as he drove. 
Jon let out a soft grunt, getting more aroused. You heard him shift around on his seat. Jonathan was getting hard and increasingly difficult for him to stay composed and safely drive while his girl was getting off in the passenger seat. He fingered you more firmly and you gently lulled your head against the comfortable passenger side headrest. Jon’s hand was growing clammy and you could feel it trembling a little. It was clearly getting trickier for him to concentrate on driving. 
You felt the car gradually slow and wondered if you were finally reaching the “secret” destination. The car came to a slow stop as you heard Jon switch gears into park. You kept your eyes shut, listening to Jon as he tried to catch his breath and compose himself. He slowly slid his fingers out from your warm pussy and turned the car off. You had a big smile on your face as you sat patiently, eyes closed. 
“Baby?” Jon said softly/sweetly. 
“Yeah?” you asked. 
“You can open your eyes now,” Jon whispered. 
You opened your eyes. Jon had driven you to a vantage point overlooking the city from a rural location. The view of the city at dusk was vibrant hues of red/orange through a smoky/hazy sky. It looked like a dream. You caught yourself for a second, almost forgetting your horniness. It was such a beautiful view. Jon watched your eyes light up and smiled as you took in the view.
“You like it?” Jon inquired. 
“Yeah! It’s beautiful. Been awhile since we got out of the city and saw anything like this. Wow,” you admitted, awestruck. You peered out the car windows to check out the rest of your surroundings. Jon had driven you to what looked like an abandoned rural park. There were old benches and a dilapidated swing set and kid’s slide off in the distance. But the park, as a whole, looked so overgrown with weeds/shrubs and foliage, you could tell no one had been there for a long time. 
“Whoa..it’s like.. A ghost park!” you remarked. 
“Yeah, haha… that was what I was browsing when you came into the kitchen earlier. I didn’t want you to know,” Jon admitted in a sly voice while grinning wider and playing with his hair. 
“I wanted to take you somewhere with a great view… but definitely not some tourist spot. Lotta those were closed anyway…. I also wanted to pick something where we don't risk….  getting caught,” Jon said in a naughty voice.
You looked back at him with a huge smile, shaking your head and LOVING the way he thinks. 
“I did a bunch of research on really fucking rural, out of the way spots….” Jon explained. You were somewhat dumbfounded. You LOVED his naughty surprise. You weren’t sure what to do first. Take in the view and just cuddle him across the seat divider, or TOSS yourself at him. His face looked so sweet, you just went with your first instinct. You thanked him and went in for a kiss. 
“Thank you baby, you’re the best,” you whispered before stroking his face and leaning across the seat divider as Jon leaned across to kiss you back. The two of you shared a slow, sweet kiss as Jon gently gripped the side of your neck, caressing it with his hand while kissing you. As you slowly stopped kissing, Jon cleared his throat again. He was clearly trying to compose himself. He had more tricks up his sleeve. 
“Wait right here,” Jon said, excitedly. He quickly got out of the driver’s side and walked back behind the car, popping the trunk and unloading some things he had secretly packed the car with earlier. He came back and started filling the backseat with some items he had stashed. There were two pillows, a big blanket, and a cooler. You were PRETTY sure what the bed supplies were for, but curious about the cooler. Jon saw your eyes move towards the cooler. He looked at you, smiling, before opening the cooler lid and showing you what was inside. 
“Um.. it’s just snacks and shit….Ha- uhhm…. I didn’t wanna drive you all the way out here to do …. stuff… and, um.. Not even bring SNACKS…HA.. I figured we might want them eventually...” Jonathan explained through giddy/sexually excited laughter. 
You saw several sodas/energy drinks, some water bottles, sandwiches and bags of chips/cookies. You cracked up. Your hand went to your mouth as you shook your head more, LOVING the way he thinks. The two of you just got quiet while smiling. You looked all around ... unsure what to do first. 
The view on the smoggy sunset hillside and the ethereal look of the abandoned park at sundown honestly was beautiful. You truly needed a moment to just take it all in before you and he launched into anything “more.” You got out of the passenger side and Jon set the cooler on the ground by the car, stepping towards you. He came up behind you and caressed your waist, pulling you into his arms. You held his arms as they wrapped around you and the two of you stared at the view for a minute. Jon leaned down towards your face from behind, giving you a soft/wet kiss on the cheek and whispering into your ear. “Happy birthday, baby,” Jon said softly. 
You couldn’t resist turning around and proffering your face for another big kiss. Your height difference made it difficult. You reached up towards his shoulders and prompted him to lean down. He bent down and kissed you, moaning and squishing you against him. 
You were still so turned on from the “wild ride” up to the destination. Again, you pressed against him harder. You felt so in love with him at this moment. Smelling him, kissing him and breathing harder as his hand stroked and gently squeezed your neck. You grew weak in his arms while he moved his mouth to your neck, leaving wet kisses as he gripped your ass and slipped a hand more into it between your cheeks. He gently pushed you against the side of the car as the two of you continued to make out. 
The smell of the nature around the two of you was intoxicating also. Smelling the mix of smog and beautiful springtime flowers/weeds in this overgrown natural park/garden was intoxicating. Smelling it WHILE getting seduced by him was even more overwhelming. Jon’s hands moved up to the small of your back. He had you feeling like you and he were a couple of teenagers, making out and getting ready to fuck out in this beautiful, rural spot. Jon picked you up around the hips while kissing you harder. You just closed your eyes. You trusted him to carry you to whatever spot was best for fucking… and you got increasingly lost in his kiss. 
You opened your legs more, draping them on either side of his torso. He set you down on the hood of the car while continuing to massage his tongue against yours. As you whimpered a little, your hands began reaching into his shirt, sliding against his belly. You felt him tense up a little. He kept kissing you, but his hands began to shake. You caressed his belly more and started to playfully lift his shirt up once again. He tensed up hard and pulled away from you.
Again, you were SO confused. Jon had a giddy/nervous look on his face, pulling his shirt down and taking a few steps away from where he had been pressed between your open legs. 
“What’s with you, Jon? Isn’t THAT why we drove me up here?” you asked.
“Ummm… that’s only PART of the reason I brought you up here,” Jon explained, rubbing his neck and smiling nervously. He paused, staring down at your lap. He couldn’t help but lose his train of thought, gazing at the gorgeous view of your panties/pussy under the sundress. You were still sitting on the car hood, legs open, waiting for him. You slowly closed your legs and pushed your dress down, allowing him a chance to “collect himself” and refocus. 
Jon let out some more giddy laughter, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes. Eventually he spoke. 
“So…. there was a reason I hadn’t been letting you.. Um.. touch me. There was a reason I didn’t shower with you or … let you see me naked earlier,” Jon admitted in an apologetic/nervous voice. You were totally lost and curious. What was the reason? 
“Why?” you demanded. 
“Well… it would have spoiled one of your other birthday presents,” Jon said, cracking a huge smile. Staring at him, you had no idea what he meant. He playfully beckoned to you, inviting you to come stand next to him. You slowly slid off the hood of the car and took careful steps towards him. He had a beaming smile, grinning at you and still looking very nervous. 
You stood up close next to him. 
“I didn’t want you to lift my shirt up for a reason,” Jon admitted in a soft/sweet voice. 
You locked eyes with him, baffled.
“But you can now …. If you want,” Jon whispered as he looked down at his shirt and belly. Curious and excited, you gingerly lifted his shirt to look at his belly. At first you were totally lost. What were you supposed to notice? Jon looked at you with a goofy smile, waiting for you to notice. 
It took you a minute but you saw he had a new tattoo towards the right side of his lower tummy. It was your name, tattooed in a beautiful, elaborate font. The font made each letter of your name appear carefully woven into a pattern of small leaves. Your name was etched onto him like a miniature garden on his belly. It took your breath away. You couldn’t believe he had done this for you. He has plenty of tattoos, several for family/loves who hold great meaning to him. But you honestly never expected he would get one for you. It was beyond beautiful. 
“Oh my god….. Jon….” you whispered, holding back tears. 
“You like it?” Jon asked, nervously. 
You looked up at his eyes. He looked giddy and nervous, almost afraid of your reaction. The two of you had spent plenty of time together. You had LIVED together for a while even. But you STILL didn’t know exactly how much significance you held for him. At that moment, it became clear. You felt tears rising in your eyes. Tears of happiness…. But still.. Tears. Jon’s smile faded as he realized how profound your reaction was. 
“Oh! Hun? No! ... don’t cry,” Jon said softly. He pulled you against him in a huge hug, unsure what else to do. You tried to suppress your happy/surprised tears as you held him…. 
“I love you! I couldn’t think how else better to show you,” Jon whispered as he held you. 
“I love you too Jon….. I love you forever,” you admitted as you pressed your face into his chest and held him tight. 
“I love you forever too, girl,” Jon replied softly. “That’s why I did it,” he explained in a soothing voice. 
“I just want you to have a good birthday for once, mmkay?” Jon asked. 
“Oh … believe me.. I am. Thank you for everything,” you replied. 
Jon slowly let you out of the embrace and gave you a warm smile and grin. 
“You’re welcome, baby. Like I said. LEAST I could fuckin do,” he said through chuckles, trying to lighten the mood a little. He was so happy you reacted well to the tattoo. He truly didn’t know what YOU would think of him taking that step and putting your name on him either. Jon was fairly certain you adored him… but he’d kept the depth of how he felt about you somewhat secret until now. 
Naturally, you wanted to look at the tattoo more. Teasingly, you lifted his shirt back up as he happily looked down at you as you stared at the artwork. 
“It’s beautiful. Why did you decide to put me THERE?” you asked, curious. 
“Uhm… ha… it’s funny you should ask. I’ve had a nervous fucking stomach most of my life. Puked a LOT. Especially when stressed out… or before shows or… when I was depressed….pissed…all that. Since I knew you… that’s been happening a lot less. My stomach’s kinda…. healed a bit,” Jon admitted. “So…. I thought it’s a good place to put you,” Jon explained, softly. You looked back up at his face, once again overwhelmed. You were touched. 
Jon cracked a naughtier smile and added: “AND …um.. You seem to really… enjoy that part of my body,” he added, chuckling a deep, sexy chuckle. You let out some naughty laughter also. It was very true. You LOVED touching/caressing his belly. It always tended to be your segway before moving your hands lower on his body. The two of you laughed together, starting to feel more aroused again. The light was getting lower as the sun dimmed on the horizon. Some light breeze began and it was surprisingly chilly. It had been a fairly warm evening but it was starting to get cold. As the wind hit the two of you, you shivered a little. 
Jon saw this and pulled you against his body again. The two of you held each other as you felt his body warmth heating you up. You definitely wanted to “pick up where you left off” on the drive up this hill. Looking up at his face as some wind blew the scraggly bits of hair at the tip of his scalp, you whispered “let’s get back in the car.” Jon’s eyes grew sultry and wanton, and he silently nodded. He took your hand and the two of you speed walked towards the back seat and climbed in together. Sitting side by side, Jon pulled the blanket over the two of you in the spacious back seat. Jon placed a pillow on either side of the two of you behind your backs. 
You shivered a little as you got comfortable against him, hearing the wind picking up and howling around the car windows. Feeling a mix of love and horniness for him after all his gestures, you just took it all in. 
“You okay, hun?” Jon asked, reaching his arm across your shoulder. 
“Yeah, definitely okay. More than okay,” you said quietly. You just wanted to touch him now. He looked at you with a relieved, slowly forming a warm smile. 
Jon looked relieved and draped his other hand over your legs, his warm hand rubbing your cold thighs. 
Jon went in for a kiss, gently opening his mouth against yours and rubbing his hand more seductively on your upper thighs. He began holding you closer, pulling your thighs more across his legs. He went slow. This wasn’t meant to be a quick hillside fuck. Jon planned to take his time on you out here. Gradually kissing and moving his hand between your legs, he rubbed your pussy and warmed you back up until you were more than ready to get into it. You leaned yourself up on the car seat as Jon helped bring your knees up and face him. He opened your legs and reached his hands up on either side of your hips under your dress, tracing around your panties. 
Slowly pulling them off and down your legs, he took in the gorgeous view of your naked pussy under your short dress. Starting to feel a lot “warmer” now, you took your little jacket off as well. Jon slowly crawled up against you, gently crushing you against the pillow and passenger side door. Your pussy had already been wet. You’d wanted him at home. You’d wanted him on the way up this hill. But paired with his other gifts to you…. Now you REALLY wanted him. Finding your clit perked up and your pussy slick, he cracked a huge grin. 
“Already feeling pretty good, huh?” Jon teased. You laughed and nodded, reaching out to stroke his facial hair. He easily slid two fingers back into you while french kissing you and pushing himself harder against you. The sun was getting lower on the horizon. Both of you kind of “felt your way” around each other’s bodies in the twilight. Not as comfy as a bed but the seats were soft and the lack of space in the car made it almost hotter than fucking in a proper place. 
The two of you had to get even closer/more creative shifting arms and legs around so you could prepare to fuck each other. Jon slid his fingers in and out, pushing/massaging up against the roof of your pussy. He had you going HARD. His massage inside you felt incredible and you wrapped a leg against him as he pressed his other hand against the passenger door for balance. The two of you continued like this for a bit until he started moaning more. You were more than ready to let him to fuck you. Stroking his gorgeous stomach and reaching down towards his belt buckle, you pushed yourself upward in the seat a little and started trying to get his pants undone. 
“Shhh… slow down hun,” Jon cooed. “I wanna taste you first,” Jon whispered. 
“FUCK,” you thought to yourself. You were already ready to cum, but Jon clearly intended to take his time on you up on this hill. “Honestly I’m so close to cumming, Jon,” you admitted, laughing. “You don’t have to hahah, we can just fuck” you continued, extremely aroused. 
“I want to, baby,” Jon said softly, lifting your dress up more and stroking your lower stomach and pussy as he slid down the seat and knelt his knees on the floor, crouching against your open legs. As your thighs trembled in anticipation, Jon stroked your stomach and teased your pussy, breathing against it and giving it gentle kisses. “Oh fuck,” you whispered, shutting your eyes. 
Jon began licking your clit and pressing two fingers back inside you, massaging your pussy more while continuing to stroke your lower stomach with his free hand. It was beyond blissful, leaving you gasping. He continued like this, giving your clit and pussy an unrelenting/intense massage with his fingers and tongue. “FUCK…. I’m gonna cum….Seriously Jon!!! I wanna …ugahhhhh” (your words caught in your throat as Jon simply continued as he if didn’t hear your words.) “You.. y,.. Ahhhh… you can just fuck me now!!” you pleaded. Jon slowly pulled his head out from between your legs, though he continued massaging the inside your pussy while he spoke. “Just cum for me, baby. I’ll still fuck you after.. You can cum more than once … we’ve got time,” Jon suggested in a naughty voice. 
You cracked up through whimpers/moans. That’s a good idea. Why were you so braindead you couldn’t have thought of that? You laughed and whispered, “fuck… ok then …. Ha….” and threw your head back, shutting your eyes and letting him continue. He pushed his fingers more firmly into you, massaging your pussy hard while licking all around it. He alternated flicking his tongue against your clit with licking/sucking on the inner lips of your pussy. 
“Ahhhhh, you’re gonna make me cum!” you squealed. Jon didn’t say anything. He just squeezed one of your thighs harder, getting ready to feel it. He pressed his head more firmly against your pussy and sped the pace of the firm massage with his fingers. Your legs started to shake hard. He flicked and twitched his tongue more aggressively against your clit with his head pressed hard into your open legs. With his free hand he gripped one of your hips firmly in place as you wriggled around. Jon was so good at oral, the sensation would get a bit overwhelming and make your clit almost ache as you got close to an orgasm. You would always start bucking your hips too much. He knew this, so he would always grip one of your hips and hold it firmly in place whenever he brought you off this way. 
 ou gasped as your orgasm overtook you. Instinctively, you arched your back up against his face/fingers as you came. Letting out a very loud moan, you felt tremendous relaxation/pleasure wash over you as you had your “first” orgasm in the car. Jon let out some muffled moans/heavy breathing from between your legs as he felt you cum on his face. Your pussy kept spasming and your clit vibrated/ached from the sensation overload and you just KEPT cumming. 
You had finished so hard, a bit of squirt escaped against Jon’s fingers and facial hair. He just continued licking your pussy and letting you ride his face as you finished cumming. Slowly, you stopped moaning and shaking. You slumped your weak thighs on either side of Jon’s shoulders. Hearing the wind howl around the car as things grew quiet, Jon slowly slumped his head against your inner thigh, breathing heavily. Feeling the intensity of your orgasm had his dick aching with the need to fuck. He didn’t just like pleasing you, it also turned him on incredibly. The whole time he’d been down on you, he’d been WISHING he could just fuck you. His cock had been so hard for so long it was growing quite painful. But he was determined to finish you off before losing his composure and just fucking you. It was your birthday after all. 
He loved when you came hard enough to squirt, and he LOVED knowing what he’d just done for you. You opened your hazy eyes to look down at him as you weakly muttered some thanks. Jon chuckled and gave you a wicked grin, continuing to stroke and mop clean some of his facial hair that you’d wetted. “Oh fuck… uh… sorry Jon,” you said, realizing you must have just squirted on his face. 
“Shit, don’t be sorry. Ha.. uh…It’s a compliment. Guess I did good?” Jon teasingly questioned while giving you his dirtiest facial expression. You groaned and mumbled “mmm-hmmm,” with your voice breaking. Jon gently stroked the top of your pussy with his hand and finished wiping his wet facial hair with the other. You slowly recovered, crawling your way back into a sitting position on the seat and lowering your sundress with Jon’s help. He sat next to you and let you relax against his chest. He groaned, dick sore, trying to not be impatient and just pin you down and fuck you. You were rather spent and elated from that powerful orgasm.
Jon winced while uncomfortably shifting around in his seat. He was feeling unpleasantly full and desperate to relieve his dick. He’d had to deny you for sex back at home because the stomach tattoo would have revealed the surprise. But he’d been horny since he rounded the corner of the bedroom earlier, the first time you offered yourself up on the bed. He’d been quite horny on the drive, watching your reactions and getting you off on the ride up. He’d been INCREDIBLY horny when he had you propped up on the car hood. He’d been ready to BUST the whole time he was down on you. You could hear his raspy, frustrated breathing and groans. Gradually, you lifted your head from where it had been lulled against him. He was wincing and you realized just how tense he was. 
Exchanging glances with him, he looked almost woozy. Then you glanced down at his pants, noticing his raging erection fighting hard against the zipper.
 “Oh wow…” you laughed. 
“Yeah…I um… ughhh…” Jon muttered, unable to say much. You gave him a huge grin and wordlessly climbed atop his lap. Your pussy was still exposed under your dress. You straddled his lap and hungrily kissed him while he let you take control. While kissing him, you reached down to undo his belt and pants zipper. He grunted and reached down, helping you undo it.  You kept your thighs raised up on either side of his lap, hovering over him. Once his fly was down, you pushed your hand into his boxers and gripped his dick. He let out a gasp as you freed his cock out from his boxer flap. It sprang out, all the way up. Jon gripped the base of his cock, gasping for air and waiting to feel you slide onto his lap. You lowered your pussy back down onto his dick and braced yourself against his shoulders as he gripped you around the waist. 
He sighed and then inhaled a huge breath as he entered you. It felt indescribably good to him. You started riding his lap fast and firmly. His whimpers immediately got more desperate. You tightened/flexed your hips up and down against him in delicious writhing movements. Jon moaned louder while gripping you hard around the hips, helping you ride his lap. He was already so close. He wanted you to come again but he was on the verge of losing it. Growing weak, he just held onto you as you aggressively fucked him. The oral he gave you had turned you on so much, you just wanted him to relax and not have to “do all the work.” You just rode his lap faster and harder.  
Jon was sweating in copious amounts, trying to restrain himself from coming too quickly. But you were getting him off too much. His orgasm hit him without warning with a few minutes of your rampant movements atop him. He winced and grit his teeth as he gave in to unbelievable relief. “UghhAAhhhh.. Nu-agghh!!!!” Jon stammered as he came inside you. He grabbed you in a tight hug while losing control and filling you. He gasped and winced, overtaken by feeling WAY too good. Jon usually had it in him to pace himself more. But he had been so full, all it took was that minute or two riding his lap before he had to let go. He kept busting HARD, digging his nails into your back. You returned his embrace as he came, gently gripping his wet hair and wordlessly holding him. As he got done whimpering and whining, you could hear the wind around the car again as you both exhaled and relaxed. 
“Fuck!” Jon yelped, blushing. “Um…. sorry…. You felt a little too good, baby,” Jon continued, apologetically. 
“It’s ok,” you said, stroking his hair and slowly sliding your pussy off his dripping dick. You had no idea what to clean up with. Some things about this drive had not been thought through. 
“.....We made a mess,” Jon admitted, giggling nervously and feeling more embarrassed. You shifted around on his lap, realizing your inner thighs were getting wet from the cum dripping out of you. The two of you just laughed for a second, confused as to what to do next. There was almost no light in the car, and limited options for how to handle this “mess.” You felt around next to where you still sat, straddling Jonathan’s lap. Your hands felt some cloth and you realized it was your panties, still next to the two of you on the car seat. Leaning across Jon’s lap as far as you could without losing your balance, you grabbed them. 
“Just use these,” you said while offering him your panties and laughing more.  
Jon shook his head, wiping sweat off his forehead and mopping his wet, sweaty beard. 
“Umm… are you sure?” Jon asked. 
“Yeah. It’s fine baby. I don’t need them for the rest of our time up here,” you said in a naughty voice. Jon let out a dark chuckle. You handed him your panties and he started cleaning up his lap and leaking dick until he was dry enough to put his cock away and relax in the seat. You wiped down your inner thighs. 
Jon groaned sleepily, a dazed expression on his face. The two of you were groggy and feeling pretty damn satisfied. Jon slowly reached up and covered the two of you with a blanket. The two of you placed the pillows more comfortably on either side of you and just held each other sleepily, hearing crickets and wind around the car. Nothing needed to be said. At home, the light from device screens and interior home light made it easy to stay awake long after dark and into the night. But out here in nature, the adrenaline/release of cumming mixed with the peaceful, dark night had the two of you falling asleep. In short order, you were both slumped against each other on the seats, passed out asleep. The two of you remained that way for many hours into the night. 
Sometime in the middle of the night, you woke slightly, realizing your neck and shoulders were sore from the slumped position you were in against Jon’s body. You started groaning, remembering where you were. The wind outside had picked up even more and you heard light raindrops hitting the roof of the car and smacking against the car windows. The inside of the car was still fairly warm though, and you were still warm under the blanket with Jon. The windows were still fogged from the body warmth the two of you had generated in there. 
Your wriggling around as you rubbed your neck and shoulders woke Jon. He made some soft humming/groaning noises as he woke up. The two of you could barely see anything, but you gradually oriented yourselves and touched each other in the dark, laughing softly as you realized the context of how you wound up in this configuration. 
“Doin’ ok, hun?” Jon whispered. “Yeah haha, my neck’s kinda sore.. But ok.. Definitely. Can’t see shit though,” you said, trying to feel for his face in the dark. 
“Ha.. um.. Hang on a sec,” Jon said as he fumbled around the car seats and looked for his phone in the cupholder between the two front seats. Flipping his phone flashlight on, light shown in the car and Jon moved the beam around as he crawled back into the back seat with you and relaxed more. 
“What time is it?” you inquired. 
“Hmmm… 1am,” Jon said, rubbing his forehead and shaking his head with a grin. 
“Damn, haha…..we must have been DONE for,” you said. 
“Yeah, haha…. Do you- wanna just head back now, or?” Jon asked. 
You thought for a second, taking in the peaceful ambiance up on the hill with the rain/wind sounds outside the car.
“Um… not really. I’m down to stay out here a bit longer… unless YOU wanna head back,” you admitted. 
“Nah, I’m down to stay out here too,” Jon said softly. The two of you moaned/giggled quietly for a moment. You were both still very sleepy and disoriented though. 
“I’m kind of hungry though,” you admitted. 
“Yeah…. Me too haha…” Jon said as he looked around the car with the flashlight trying to spot the cooler. 
Where the hell was it? Both of you were baffled for a minute. Jon slowly smacked his forehead, shaking his head, as he had the epiphany of where the cooler actually was. He wordlessly hopped out of the car and brought the cooler back inside the vehicle. It was STILL outside the car from when he set it on the ground earlier before the two of you got “carried away.” You and Jon laughed more, realizing how silly it was. It had DEFINITELY “slipped your mind.” Luckily the food was still in-tact and the sodas/drinks were fairly cool. 
Wordlessly and sleepily, the two of you ate some food together and gradually woke up.  
“Havin’ a good birthday?” Jon teased while finishing his sandwich.
“Ha, definitely the best birthday ever,” you replied, stting with your legs crossed, the blanket covering your lap, trying to warm up your legs. You still had no panties on and definitely weren’t about to put the ones you two “used” back on yourself. As the two of you recovered and felt more awake/alert, you and Jon were both massaging your sore necks/shoulders. Falling asleep in the car wasn’t the best decision. The view out the car windows was nonetheless beautiful. There was still the distant city light, some moonlight and some visible stars between batches of clouds/rain. 
“So, you wanna just stay up here till the sun comes up or something?” Jon asked. 
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you replied sleepily, taking in the ambiance. 
“Ok hun, sounds good to me too. Lemme try to get this fucking car more comfy then….” Jon said as he shifted around against the backseats. 
“Scoot forward for a sec,” Jon warned. You sat forward in the seat as he pulled a little lever on the back seats and got them to recline all the way back. The back seats converted into a fully reclined position to form a mini couch/bed in the spacious back of the hatchback, similar to a travel sedan layout. Jon chucked the pillows up at the top by the reclined headrests. The two of you slowly/carefully lay back against the soft, cushiony reclined seats. Jon opened the sunroof so the two of you could stare up at the sky as the clouds slowly covered/uncovered the moon. 
It was damn peaceful and you just got comfy against his chest again. He wrapped an arm behind your neck and pulled you close. The two of you took it in for a while while saying nothing. You just listened to him breathe and felt peaceful. After some time had passed, Jon couldn’t resist. He was pleased to know he’d made your day this much. His mind began replaying the “fun” you had earlier and he wanted more of you. He shifted around, moving his body to face you. He kissed your cheek and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you tighter against him. You turned your body to face him more against the seats. 
Jon spent some time kissing and feeling you up. He reached up under your dress and squeezed your breast. You moved one of your thighs across his lap and wrapped it around his lower body. In the dark, Jon fumbled around trying to find the buttons on the cleavage portion of your short dress. You reached a hand up to help him unbutton them and free your breasts so he could play with them more. He pressed his crotch harder against you while playing with your breasts. He slipped his other back back between your thighs and started rubbing your pussy again. 
The two of you continued like this for some time as he reopened your pussy with his fingers and continued gently squeezing your breasts and pinching your nipples. You whined more and moved a hand down to his pants to rub his dick. The two of you lay side by side as you felt your way around his pants buckle and zipper. Jon slid his pants and boxers down his legs while staying reclined next to you…. Taking a moment to push them down his knees and off his feet. Your breasts were out and your pussy was exposed so there was really no need for you to take the skimpy dress off. Jon left his t-shirt on and carefully crawled on top of you. 
You gladly spread your legs for him and felt his warm dick begin to poke against your thigh in the dark. Jon took some time licking, sucking and gently biting on your exposed breasts while you had your legs parted in anticipation. He just knelt between your inviting thighs and let your pussy get increasingly wet, teasing your breasts. Your pussy dripped as your nippled got more erect from the sensation of Jon taking them into his mouth like this. You cradled the back of his head and stroked the back of his hair. 
The two of you could NOT see what the hell you were doing in the dark so you both fumbled around in the confined space as you found a comfortable position to start fucking in. You heard Jon lick his fingers and palm a bit before feeling him press it to your pussy opening for a bit of extra lubrication. You sighed and gripped his hair as he massaged and teased your entrance. Even though he had cum hard earlier, he was already extremely aroused again. Happy to be able to “take his time” this time around. You felt his weight press atop as he braced himself against the seat and slowly slid his dick back into you. The two of you stayed somewhat quiet at first, just moaning and sighing. You were both still a bit sleepy, but this felt amazing. Fucking in the middle of the night in this ghost park. 
Jon cradled the back of your head and let out lots of soft grunts as he took slow pumps into you.  Feeling his belly pressed against yours as you fucked… you remembered the gorgeous tattoo he now has on that belly of his. You smiled in the dark and held him tighter as he pushed deeper into you. The two of you fucked for a good long time before getting carried away. Jon was determined to let you cum first. Even as his cock began to ache with the need to release, he kept fucking you at a slower pace so he didn’t “lose it” again. As you got closer, you felt around searching for Jonathan’s face in the dark. Finding his face, you pulled the back of his head down towards your face, inviting him to kiss you. Bracing himself against your body with his shoulder, he leaned down towards your lips while fucking you faster. The two of you exchanged a wet, open mouth kiss. His tongue massaged against yours as he picked up speed, desperate to feel you cum.
He writhed his hips more firmly against you, taking long, deep, hard pumps. Your noises grew far louder, as did his.  Being in a somewhat cold car, under a warm blanket with you, pushed between your warm thighs and feeling your slick pussy grip around, Jon’s dick was throbbing badly. The two of you were losing control. Both of your moans were turning into screams. You gulped a little, trying to suppress your noise. Jon spoke: 
“It’s ok baby. Scream for me…. No one’s gonna hear us,” he said through grunts and pumps. 
You gladly did as he said, getting as loud as you wanted. Hearing you get this loud always drives Jon wild. He could hardly stand this anymore. Your pussy started quivering and pulsating. As Jon felt this he started grunt/screaming and pumping harder and faster into you. You could feel the car shaking/rocking a bit as he fucked you this hard. You LOVED the feeling of getting fucked so aggressively in the car. You yelped and screamed “guh-ahhhh… HARDER!!” 
Jon whimpered. He was about to blow, hearing you beg to get fucked EVEN more roughly. He inhaled a raspy, labored breath while doing as you said and fucking you even greater intensity. 
As soon as he started fucking you more roughly against the seat, your orgasm hit. You were too lost to tell him you were cumming. You just screamed louder and arched your back up against his hard dick while gripping his dreads and gasping for breath. Jon couldn’t take it anymore. He let out a grunt/scream as the contents of his dick spurt into you as his hips twitched and jerked. The two of you let out loud, unrestrained noises as you came together for a long time. You kept arching your pussy/back up against his dick, riding your climax. He kept squirting jets of cum inside you until he was completely and blissfully empty. 
Breathing hard, the two of you slumped against each other, going limp. 
“Fuck Jon… I came so hard,” you admitted. 
“You DID? Guhhh…. Fff… thank god… I thought maybe I … let you down again, if you know what I mean,” Jon said in a naughty voice while laughing. 
“Fuck no… haha.. You have NOT let me down,” you replied in an equally naughty voice.
 The two of you had both come so intensely there was pretty much nothing left to say. You and he kicked the blanket off as you were both hot and sweaty. Jon grabbed his phone flashlight and located his pants and boxers, struggling to get them back on. You didn’t bother with the buttons on your dress. You just lay on the seat, lethargic and satisfied. The windows were completely fogged now and you couldn’t see anything outside the car. You just heard the gentle rain and wind as you and he grew quiet. Resting his head against the pillows, Jon slumped back down next to you, holding your hip and facing you. You let out some soft, relaxed whimpers as you were falling asleep again. You felt Jon lean forward against the seat and give you a wet kiss on the forehead. You could feel how sweaty his whole face was. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” Jon whispered. The two of you fell asleep again. 
Sometime around dawn, you opened your exhausted eyes to the sensation of rumbling and early morning light. It took you a moment to orient yourself once again and realize you were still in the car. You had been asleep, sideways on the passenger seat. Jon had left a blanket over you. He hadn’t wanted to wake you but he figured it’s best to drive back home before the car risks getting noticed. He was quietly driving the two of you back. As you remembered everything that transpired yesterday/during the night, you felt blissful all over again. Briefly, you thought of letting Jon know you were awake and coming to sit up front with him. All you could see was his matted hair from behind as he sat driving the car. But you decided to just relax back against the seat. You WERE quite tired and blissed out. You just pulled the blanket more over you and let him drive the two of you home. 
Side note, I have a TikTok and Youtube where I make sexy/funny JD edits and thirst traps. I often include myself since I'm an openly pervy/goofy lady. Feel free to check it out. I try to find sexier JD moments or funny/naughty crap of his to play with.
Link to a silly/naughty example vid from my Tiktok:
Link to my main TikTok Page:
Link to my Youtube:
Feel free to send me story ideas. This fic was pretty fucking flowery compared to my more deviant ones but I plan to write some freaky shit next ;)
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loubella77 · 1 year
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One of those knot toys I was talking about!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
I dunno if guy's understand that saying, "I don't think M' gonna last-" during sex is one of the hottest things they could say.
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malehealth1 · 1 year
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dodgesgirl · 4 months
content warnings: sub!art??, he's so pathetic, premature ejactulation, crying, overstimulation, let me know if i forgot anything!
art cums so quickly. he really doesn't mean to. he tries hard to get you to cum before he does, but it's just so hard. he does everything he can to postpone it, to stop it from happening, but even when he's just massaging your thighs, he needs to take breaks. he needs to breathe deeply, and hold his hands to his chest & away from both your body and his own dick, so that he doesn't cum too quickly.
he gets so embarrassed that he cries, even when you coo at him and card your fingers through his curly hair to soothe him, he can't help it, babbling apologies and holding you with one hand while he rubs himself through it with the other.
the overstimulation is even worse. sometimes he doesn't even realise he's cumming, until it's too late and he's already cumming a second or third time. his eyes roll so far back he sees stars, and his legs shake so much he won't be able to stand for a few hours.
he gets so annoyed with himself, but oh, you've never loved anything more.
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
How are you? I love your fics ❤️ and kept having this idea in my head.
Dick Grayson when he discovers early in their relationship, she never had someone give her head before. Like she’s getting all shy at her confession and says it’s nothing, but Dick doesn’t undermine her and says when she’s ready, he will make it SO memorable. This conversation always is at the back on her mind and after some time pass in their relationship, she is ready and he makes her sit on his face??? Like why is this so hot? Ofc, she will be insecure at first and wouldn’t want to suffocate him , he just really guides her through it but like more in a gentle rom way. Just imagine her experiencing like the most intense orgasm while also gaining self confidence and squirting for the first time too ?! 🤭
Dick Grayson/F!Reader, 2.1K words AN: I’m well, thank you for asking, I hope the same can be said about you. Thank you for sharing, this is such a hot and sweet idea. When I started, I was just planning short blurb type response, but I guess it kind of got away from me. CW: First time cunnilingus, soft dom Dick (if you squint), dirty talk, swearing, hair pulling (Dick receiving), praise, squirting/female ejactulation, petnames: baby, good girl, pretty girl, perfect girl.
18+ MDNI
On the surface, Dick is the perfect gentleman about it, excluding his flabbergasted initial response.
“What? Never?” Followed by the even denser question; “Because you never had the opportunity? Or just never wanted to?” As if it mattered a whit either way.
But after that, he apologises for his reaction. He takes your hand, stares at you with those deep-set blue eyes that have always seen you, with that smile that soothes you and promises; “When… if you let me be your first, I promise I’ll make it worth it. We’ll make sure it’s memorable together.”
And then it’s ’forgotten’, he doesn’t bring it up, doesn’t talk about it unless you do. Ostensibly, the perfect gentleman, not wanting to scare you off with his enthusiasm, because on the inside he’s feral, obsessed with the idea of potentially being the first man to savour the taste of your hot, wet folds, to make you coo and pant and wither with just his mouth, to make you cum all over his face, fuck. All of it makes him hard as a rock in an instant.
The night you finally commit is nerve-racking for you both because you’ve built the moment up in your minds for so long. But Dick is determined to make this one of the greatest sexual pleasures of your life, and you trust him completely, that still, however, does not absolve all of your unease.
You’re already curled up together on the bed, in repective states of undress when you tell him you’re ready. His body immediately grows stiff, radiating excitement. He abandons his attack on the soft spot of your neck to examine your expression, you stare at each other, searching for reassurance, and find only dilated pupils and heavy lids.
“You’re sure?” He checks, and you instinctively nod. His eyebrow twitches upward, and you know he’s going to say something about using real words, so you beat him to the punch. “I’m sure!”
He grins at you, sparkle in his eyes before he’s climbing into position, moving all the pillows away from the headboard and settling in the now empty space, he taps his cheeks and instructs you to; “Come on up.”
It’s a silly attempt at adding humour to the situation, but you find yourself suddenly filled with doubt and stuttering. “You want me to sit on your face?” You’d thought you might start with a less constraining position. “Won’t that be uncomfortable, for you?”
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “And if it does get uncomfortable, I’ll tap your leg 3 times, sound good?”
“Okay, sounds good.” You agree, still hesitant, but Dicks eagerness is contagious, the way he’s watching you with those lust-filled eyes makes you want to give him whatever he wants, and he’s never failed to deliver in the bedroom depart previously, so you hitch your leg and situate your knees either side of his head, your cunt hovers just above his face.
It isn’t until you feel his long, calloused fingers hook into your underwear and shift them to the side that you even realise you’d forgotten to remove them. You make to apologise, but he distracts you by running his index finger between your folds, lingering over your clit, he adds his middle finger and pulls apart your lips, exposing your entrance.
“Fuuuckk.” He breathes, “Such a pretty pussy. Can you bring it closer for me?”
Fuuuckk is right. The genuine affection in his voice has you nearly trembling as you lower yourself until you feel his warm breath brushing between your legs, the combination of air on moisture making the area tingle, but Dick’s still not satisfied.
“You don’t need to worry. It’s not too different to things we’ve done before. I’m only going to put my fingers in here.” To demonstrate his point, he sheaths one finger inside you in one quick motion and pumps it in and out, gradually building speed each time. “You like that, don’t you?”
“Oh, god, yes!” You confirm, unconsciously rocking your hips, trying to coax him deeper inside you.
“Yeeahh.” He hums, pressing the bud of his thumb against your clit, immediately sending a wave of pleasure through you in a way that makes you flinch. He chases your body with his hand, maintaining the friction between your legs. “And I’m gonna use my mouth here, sometimes I’ll swap but it’s gonna feel just like this, only better. I promise.”
Then his hand is gone, its withdrawal leaving you ten times needier than you had been when he’d started. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself before settling further down, you don’t stop until you can feel his nose poking between your lips. You’re rewarded by the muffled sound of Dick’s voice praising you from below; “Good girl.” Then one hand locks onto your thigh, not hard enough to force you in place, but firm enough to convey the message.
From there, you’re partly expecting an assault, but it doesn’t come. Instead, Dick slowly works his tongue from your entrance to your clit, letting out a lewd, glutaral groan in the process. “You taste so sweet.”
If you weren’t already flushed, that would have done it. You open your mouth to thank him, but as you do so he latches his mouth around your clit and sucks. That does not feel like anything you’ve done before, but it does feel fantastic. All you manage is a whimper as you clench your fists into the top of the headboard to ground yourself.
You hear a wet pop as Dick releases his suction, and returns to lapping at your sweet spot, eliciting shorter and raspier pants from you with each flick and circle of his tongue. He’s experimenting, changing up the pressure, alternating between slick darts with the tip of his tongue, and wet, sweeping motions that seem to consume your entire core until he finds the perfect move-set that has your toes curling and your hips bucking. An orgasm is quickly building, blood boiling, clit aching when he pulls back, sinking lower on the bed to slip his tongue into your entrance before you hit your precipice.
Stunned at the sudden change, you look down at him, he peeks out from between your legs, eyes fierce, amused in a way that sends a chill down your spine. Without warning he replaces his tongue with two fingers, plunging much deeper than he had the last time, and spreading them out to push against your walls despite their resolve to clench around him.
He loves the way you look right now, flustered, frustrated, lost to anything but his touch. He wants to push, to tease you more, wants to refuse to let you cum until you really ride his face, until you beg, but he’s worried about taking things too far on your first time, because most of all he wants you to feel good and comfortable. Not to mention, if he plays his cards right, makes this easy and unforgettable; you’ll want more, and then he can have his way. So, he settles for ghosting kisses along the soft skin of your inner thigh and says the only other thing that’s on his mind without filter; “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna make you cum. I’m gonna make you cum so hard no one else will ever compare.”
You’re so blissed out, rocking back and forth on his fingers, he’s not even sure you heard him. He wells with pride for a moment, his pretty girl so fucked out already, glowing under a sheen of sweat, all because of him.
“Did you hear me?” He accentuates his point by slowing his fingers and you whine as you lazily nod at him, upper body heavy and disjointed as your lower half keeps trying to fuck itself.
“Yes, Dick.” The distress in your voice is music to his ears, it makes his already hardened cock throb. Pleased by your reaction he presses his thumb to your clit, simulating the motions he’d used earlier. “P-please.”
“You don’t have to beg, baby.” But it's highly appreciated, if your mind was less fuzzy from the dual simulation you might have noticed the way he laughs when he talks. “Have you ever squirted before?”
It’s so hard to answer when he makes you feel so good, when all you can think about is how much better this would feel if he used his mouth again. Knowing the only way that will happen is by answering, you muster all the brain capacity you have left to shake your head and stammer; “No… Tried but couldn’t do it myself.”
“Can you shift onto your feet for me? That’s it.” He coos. It kills you to pull away because you already feel so good, but he watches you with so much adoration as you follow his instructions it makes your heart feel as fuzzy as your puffy clit, makes it bearable. “Just like that, perfect, my perfect girl.”
You can’t lower yourself as much in this new position, but that doesn’t seem to bother Dick who latches his mouth back onto your clit, re-finding this rhythm in an instant and filling your swollen centre with a third digit.  He moans repeatedly into your folds as he works, loudly savouring your taste, memorising every fold and spasm. He alternates between sucking and lapping until the most incredible, white-hot feeling begins to surge through your body. You throw your head back, eyes squeezed shut, hands haphazard abandoning the headboard in favour of Dicks soft black hair.
Just when you think things can’t possibly feel any more intense you feel the turning point, the undeniable feel of Dick smiling into your folds is followed by the deliberate curl of his fingers, brazenly rubbing your g-spot in long, fast strokes, exiting you completely and plummeting right back to the bundle of nerves each time until it hits you.    
“D-Dick I-” Your climax washes over you before the words can leave your lips. Your muscles grow tense, nails biting into your palms through the trestles of Dicks hair you’re clinging onto. Your chest is heaving, and you couldn’t lift your lids long enough to look at the stream of watery cum flowing out of you if you wanted to.
You know it’s a lot, it’s wild, because you can feel droplets of it splash back onto your stomach, can feel it pooling into the limited space between your searing, sensitive skin, and Dick’s face. He hasn’t let up for a second. Intent on riding you through your high and soaking up as much of you as he can manage. Even when you’re over the hump, he keeps going, noisily slurping at your dripping, oversensitive heat. It’s hard to tell if you’re shaking from the intensity of your orgasm, or the continued abuse of your oversensitive cunt.
“Dick?” You call, weakly pulling at his scalp. He gets the message, finally detaching from your southern regions and shuffling from between your legs until you can get a good view of his face.
His hairs askew, cheeks pink, pupils seemingly even more dilated than they had been when you started, if at all possible. Every inch of skin from the tip of his nose to his nipple’s sheens under a mixture of spit, slick, and cum, and he’s staring at you like he’s a man starved. “I’m not done yet.”
Your bedroom flies by in a blur as Dick plants his hands on your thighs and uses them to support you while he rolls you back and between his legs. His member brushes against your folds briefly, sparking yet another ripple of arousal you didn’t think your body could muster amongst its already frenzies post-orgasm overexcitement, but as soon as you feel it, it’s gone again. You catch a glimpse of Dick rearranging it, tucking it low and out of the way before he crawls between your open legs again.
“I promised you it would be memorable.” He reminds you, leaning in closer. He grips onto the now drenched pair of panties he’d hiked to the side earlier and finally removes them before licking a testing strip from bottom to top just like the first time, enjoying greatly how wet and puffy it is, how you can’t keep from shivering, how you breath catches. “You did so good baby, but I’m not gonna stop eating your perfect pussy ‘til one of us can't stand it any more, an’ it’s not gonna be me.”
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veroniquesboutique · 8 months
i wanna hear you
JJK men and how they sound in the bedroom
feat. Satoru Gojo, Nanami Kento, Suguru Geto, Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen, & Choso Kamo
genre: NSFW smutty one-shots
warnings: AFAB!Reader, female reader, PV sex, unprotected sex, pet names out the wazoo, light bondage & orgasm denial (gojo), overstimulation & toys (nanami), praise kink (geto), degradation & very mean & very rough & car sex & anal (toji), implied concubine & restraint & pain (sukuna), virginity & premature ejactulation (choso)
wc: ~3k
a/n: back on my JJK bs with my first attempt at a multi-character one-shot post like this. Content is NSFW and 18+, so minors DNI!
More (explicit) below the cut!
Satoru Gojo: subby whimpers and pleas
“Use me, use me, use me,” His voice cracks into a higher pitch as he whispers his chants, completely drunk on your lips and your pussy. He’s absolutely beautiful as his face contorts, scrunching and tensing, his jaw-dropping open to pant wildly as you continue to fuck yourself on his cock. Your lips find his jaw, and you drag your teeth gently against the skin there, bouncing harshly on his lap to take all of his length so deep in you that it’s making your toes go numb. 
“That’s what I’m doing, baby,” you murmur, and he moans out another whimper as he struggles against the restraints that are tying his hands behind the chair he’s sitting in. The incredibly lewd, slick squelching sounds of you taking him over and over and over echo in your dimly lit living room. One of your hands is wrapped in his hair, pulling the strands roughly to expose his neck to your grazing, searching lips, and your other hand is gripping his waist to stabilize yourself in his lap. Your knees are pressed into the back of the chair, and your legs are slotted in between his legs and the arms of the chair. 
You dig your nails in deeper to the skin just above his hip, and he starts at the sharp pain, panting so loudly he sounds like he’s hyperventilating.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m going to cum,” He warns, wanting to buck into you but slipping without any leverage.
“Are you? Are you close?” You whimper mockingly back, and he nods as you bear down in his lap and grind yourself against him. His eyes roll to the back of his head, letting you bend to lick at his collarbones and bite at the blushing skin there.
“Yes, yes, yes, I am, yes.”
You shoot up, letting his cock slide fully out of you and bounce against his lap. He cries out at the sudden loss of your warm, tight cunt. 
“Says who?” You coo, pulling his hair to make him look at you again, and he looks so overwhelmed he might cry. 
“Please?” He pleas, desperate, but you raise your eyebrows at him. That’s not good enough to get what he wants. “Please, please, please let me cum. I’m begging, please.”
You reach down between your bodies to stroke his cock with your hand, menacingly slowly as you lean in to speak your next words directly into his mouth, kissing him. He completely dissolves at the feeling, the whimpers coming out of his mouth wet and needy.
“I’ll let you know when you can.”
Nanami Kento: talking you through it
“Look at me, pretty girl, look me in the eyes please,” His voice is stern but warm, and it’s the only thing that breaks through the fog of your impending orgasm. You lift your heavy head and open your eyes to see his beautiful brown eyes staring down at you, dripping in lust as his jaw clenches at the sight of you melting for him.
His middle and ring finger are curled deep inside you, pressing harshly against your g spot and making your legs jelly. You’re lying in bed, fully naked and exposed to him, but all he’s given you is taking off the leopard print tie from around his neck and pushing up his sleeves to reveal his forearms. As he thrusts inside you, the veins on his arms pop, and if you were anywhere in your right mind before, you aren’t now.
His other hand is holding a vibrator against your clit. The pleasure swirling through your body is dizzying, making all of your nerves stand on end as he roughly fucks you.
He’s clearly straining against his suit pants, but he has always been a patient man, putting your pleasure before his many times over.
“I-I can’t-” You pant out, your whole body tensing as the coil tightens and tightens deep in your core.
“Yes, you can, sweetness, I know you can. You’re going to cum for me, okay?” His voice is still so, so strong, and the words cradle your body, sweeping against your overly sensitive skin to make you shiver. You nod because if it’s what Kento wants, then you’re going to give it to him.
“Okay, okay,” You pant out, desperately trying to keep your eyes open and locked on him as he continues to massage deep in you, and when that coil finally snaps, you feel yourself gush out all over his hand and arm, your legs shaking violently in time with the vibrations from the toy still pressing into your clit.
“There we go, there we go,” He groans out, his voice deepening into a syrupy sweet chocolate sound, dark and full of desire. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” You moan out, throwing your head back and arching against the bed as he slows his fingers. Even still, as your toes curl and your whole body spasms with overstimulation, he doesn’t pull out, and he doesn’t take the overwhelming vibrations away from the sensitive spots between your thighs.
You thrash lightly against the bed, unable to even think as he slowly starts to press into your sore g spot again.
“Now just give me another one, pretty girl. One more, and I’ll give you what you want.”
Suguru Geto: praise, praise, and more praise
“Oh good girl, you look so beautiful taking all of me like that,” He whispers into the shell of your ear, his hair tickling the skin on your face and neck and chest as he slowly fucks his length deep into you. You can feel the tip of his cock kiss at your cervix, and it makes your whole body tense in surprise, not used to feeling anything this deep inside you. 
“Darling, it’s okay, you’re going to feel so, so good,” He murmurs softly, shifting the pillow under your hips just slightly to give him a better angle. You press your knees into his waist as he bottoms out again, and you moan out so lewdly, it’s nearly pornographic.
“A-already so good,” You stutter, squeezing your eyes shut so your whole body is overwhelmed by him him him only him. 
“You’re making me feel so good too,” He kisses at the skin just under your earlobe, making you shiver at the softness of his mouth compared to the splitting pleasure of his cock between your legs. “The way your pussy is taking me all in, God, it’s my favorite.”
You whimper a little, and his hand comes up to caress the base of your neck, squeezing there so gently that it just feels like tight pressure. He licks a line from your jaw back to your ear as his hips slowly start to pick up speed.
His other hand comes to the back of your thigh, pressing you up and open ever so slightly, but this other change in angle has him hitting exactly where he needs to deep inside you. You mewl out, and you press your lips against his neck, your lips finding his Adam’s apple and grazing it gently with your teeth. He gently chuckles deep in your ear, his voice so soft and heavy in your chest that it makes your neck tense up. 
“Use your pretty voice to tell me what you need, baby girl,” He asks, and you pant, bringing your nails to his back to hold on tight as he fucks you into oblivion.
“M-my…” You whimper against his skin, the words dying in your throat with every thrust and the inching feeling of embarrassment in your stomach. “My…”
“Go ahead, baby girl, I want to hear you say it,” He whispers again, slowing slightly to give your brain time to think.
“My clit,” You whimper, nuzzling into his shoulder to hide your face in embarrassment, but you’re immediately rewarded by his strong, rough fingers circling your needy clit, and it makes you melt into the sheets.
“See, darling, all you have to do is ask. You look so pretty losing your mind on my cock. I’ll do anything to make you cum.”
Toji Fushiguro: degradation that makes you cry
“You fucking whore, good for just your holes. Nothin’ else,” He grunts, landing a harsh spank on your ass that makes you yelp, your face being pushed harshly into the headrest of the backseat as he takes you from behind. 
“Toji,” You whine, kicking your feet a little as he bullies deep inside you, roughly slamming his hips against yours. “You’re being mean.”
“And you’re being a whore. Honey, if the shoe fits,” He laughs at you, and one of his hands finds the hair on the back of your head, pulling it roughly and snapping your head up. You can feel him skewering you deep, and it’s like he has no regard for your pleasure.
“It hurts, Toji,” You moan, shimmying your hips to change the angle, but he spanks you again, leaving a red hand shape on your flesh that’ll slowly bruise over the course of the night.
“You should’ve thought about that before you wore that dress out to dinner,” He leans into you, and you can feel his balls slapping against your clit so aggressively that it’s making your toes curl and your mouth drool. “You got me all hard. Gotta do something about it.”
“Could’ve waited until we got home,” You whine again, and his hand in your hair grips you tighter, pulling you up so he can speak darkly directly into your ear.
“You wanna say that again, slut?” He asks, his hand now wrapping around your throat and testing a squeeze, and you gulp down your words, closing your eyes as you come up to grab his wrist.
“Good.” He lets go, and you fall forward again, letting him absolutely fuck you to ruin. His hand rests against your ass, and suddenly, you feel his thumb pressing against your asshole. You gasp, tensing your whole body, but you let him rub against your hole because telling him no at this point would just make him angrier. He spits, the warm wetness dripping between your cheeks, and without warning, he hooks his thumb into the tight muscle, making you cry out, rosy cheeked and tears brimming.
“That feel good, mama?” He laughs at you again, and you whimper out a moan, pushing your hips back to feel him deeper inside you, your brain melting out your ears at the feeling of both holes being used. He spanks you again with his other hand, his hips now chasing his orgasm deep in you at the look of you enjoying being used by him. Your hand comes up to pull at your own nipple, your leaking eyes looking back to meet his.
“I knew you liked it when I used you like this. Now I gotta make sure you remember this when you sit at dinner. Keep my little whore sore and needy”
Ryomen Sukuna: animalistic grunts, growls, and the occasional howl
“Take all of me,” He groans out the command as you obediently hold your knees near your shoulders, keeping your thighs spread wide for him as he fucks his thick, overbearing cock into your walls with such savage ferity that it reminds you that Sukuna isn’t human at all. What above you is a curse - the king of curses - and he has lost himself in the inviting wetness of your cunt just as he does every night when he comes back to your room. 
The cold stone of the floor hurts your back as he rams into you, but you can’t really focus on it because all of your senses are being overwhelmed by his presence. He’s grunting directly in your face, his teeth finding your lips and biting at you, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth to chew on, and it hurts so good. 
“M-my lord,” You moan out, squeezing the flesh of your thighs harder as his smell makes your brain dizzy, something so earthy and spicy that you can feel it burn you at the back of your throat as his tongue chokes you, squirming into your mouth to taste all of you. At your words, he groans deep, so deep it rumbles the window in the frame, and two of his hands find yours, peeling your fingers from your thighs and holding your wrists above your head. His other two hands replace yours to hold you open, and you let out a small sound when he pushes you wider than you held yourself. 
Your slick wetness is running out of you as your body frantically tries to accommodate his ever thickening cock. There’s a slapping sound every time he bottoms out in you, and it echoes in the cold, cold room without anything to dampen the sound. The collar around your neck feels tight as you try to gulp in air, and the chain connecting you to the frame of your bed is taut as he pulls your body closer and closer to him. 
He growls in your ear as you squeeze your fingers around his hand, your eyes fluttering closed as soft pants leave your tongue, so sweet and innocent for the way he’s ruining your body. He drops his mouth to your neck, and you stretch it out, submitting to him fully. 
“Please, my lord,” You beg, and you can feel him smile slightly against your skin before he bites down harshly right where your neck melts into your shoulder. It hurts so bad that your eyes spring with tears, but the pain is numbed by the pleasure of him fucking even harder into you. His teeth stay gripping into you as he pushes you so far apart that your knees hit the floor, and you can feel how your thighs are going to be sore in the morning. You’ll be unable to walk, but it doesn’t matter.
“Thank you, thank you,” You pant out, the tears dripping delicately off your eyelashes, and he responds with another deep growl, licking at the teeth marks he’s left in your skin.
“Silence. Focus on taking me; you have a long night ahead of you.”
Choso Kamo: virginal cries in pleasurable surprise
“Wait, wait, what are you-” He cuts his own words off with a loud cry, his whole body tensing, back arching, head thrown back and eyes rolling in his skull, as you guide his cock into your clenching pussy for the first time. Every time you’d been with Choso before this, you’d kept it contained to just mouth and hand stuff, but you couldn’t wait any longer to have him inside of you.
What better way to teach the birds and the bees than hands-on learning?
“Oh my God, oh my God,” He whispers, squeezing his eyes tight as you slowly move against him. You’re straddling him on your bed, taking the lead to show him how good he could really feel.
“Does that feel good, Cho?” You coo, letting him slide in and out of you, holding yourself up with your palms pressed against his chest.
“Unbelievably good!” He cries out, his hands coming up to grip your hips tightly as you begin to ride him. “You kept this from me?”
You laugh a little, throwing your own head back to let your hair waterfall down your back. “If I gave you too much immediately, you’d be spoiled.”
Now his hips are bucking up to meet yours, and you can feel his heartbeat throbbing deep inside you from how overwhelmed his body is. He does you the favor of bringing one of his hands in front of you, placing his thumb on your clit like you taught him to just a few weeks ago. He’s gotten pretty good at it, and you reward his attempts with a loud moan.
“A-am I doing it right?” He asks, breathless, his eyebrows furrowing in pleasure as he watches your body writhe on his, absolutely entranced by the way your breasts bounce and your stomach and thighs ripple with the impact your hips against his. He loves the way you stretch your neck out and back, and he wishes he could lean up to bite the skin there, wondering how hard he’d have to bite to make you bleed-
His thoughts are interrupted as you clench around his length, and you bite your bottom lip tight, looking back down at him with heavy lidded eyes.
“Fuck, babe, you’re doing it so right,” You praise, your body heating up with the way he’s thumbing against your clit.
The way you look right now, it’s driving him absolutely crazy. His head is hazy, completely lost at the way you look, and it’s making him lose his fucking mind-
“Oh God!” He cries loudly, his whole body convulsing as he cums suddenly inside you, and you freeze, surprised at how little it took to get him there. He shakes under you, the cries pouring from his mouth stuttering as his body comes off the orgasm.
When he finally calms, he looks up at you in surprise and embarrassment.
“Are you okay?” You ask, staring down at him in concern, but he just blushes at your words.
“Y-yeah, I just…came too quickly…”
You purr at his words, leaning down with a small smirk to kiss his lips ever so softly.
“It’s okay, Cho. We’ll just have to go again when you’re ready.”
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 months
MeChat NSFW Alphabet - C [Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)]
Tumblr media
Tamura Blood: "Inside, now. I need to be inside you." He growls. He refuses to spend himself anywhere else. He won't even let you blow him to completion. He needs to always cum inside you. And forget about him using a condom, too. He insists on watching that creampie gush from your spasming pussy, because you bet your bottom penny he will make you cum, too. His leads are rather generous and if you manage to get him to cum before he shoves his cock into you, you'd see he shoots quite far.
Social: Sex with him is an ordeal, he wants to be witnessed, be it IRL or on social media. If you don't want this, you better give him something very distractive, like a good number of mirrors, so he at least has the feeling people witness him cum. He will always announce he's cumming too, loudly and a good few times. He makes sure everyone knows he's gona shoot. He is actually a dribble, but it is quite a lot.
Shion Komatsu: He'll let you know when he is ready to blow his load. He'll make sure you know how good you are making him feel. "Fuck, kitten, you are gona make me cum. Where do you want it?" He growls. He'll dump his load where you want him to, be it in your mouth, your pussy, your ass, anywhere else. He is definitely a shooter, spending his seed with quite a bit of velocity.
Serge Halphen: He refuses to cum inside you. He doesn't want to risk knocking you up, but he also doesn't like wearing condoms. "You wana finish me with your mouth, or on those stunning tits?" He'll pull out, stroking himself slowly until you give him a better option. He prefers to finish on your tits or ass. He is a gusher, and he cums quite a lot.
Philip Aluredes: As an Angel, he can postphone his climax as long as he wants. He can keep fucking you till you get sore. So he'll ask. "Do you want me to cum yet?" Because he will most certainly want to fill you up. He'll give it to you however you want it, but he'll be so fucking smug about it. His cum is silvery and he can produce as much as you like, shooting it where ever you want!
Percy Montgomery: He's incohernt, only able to moan and whine as he writhes between you and Oscar. His entire higher brain just goes out of the window when he is close to climax. There is zero control to him, he's just pounding into you wildly, ready to explode. He'll gasp and whine when his climax is washing over him, all his muscles seizing up as he pumps you full of his spooge, before everything slackens. He is mostly a gusher, producing about average per ejactulation.
Oscar Dawson: Precum gusher!! He uses his pre as lube on himself and on Percy and then has plenty to still gush. He does not cum more than average though, actually a bit under. The closer he cums, the more filth he spews. There's muscles spasming on his groan and he'll go 'Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.' and goes all cross eyes. "I'm cumming, oooh fuck, I'm filling you up, oooh fuck, take it all."
Optimo Lynx: This guy does not get off much. He gets far too absorbed in everything else going on in his life. So when he cums, he cums hard. And sooo much. "Ah! Oh Gods, here I cum.... I'm gona .... ooooh fuck." It always seems to take him by storm, whiping his entire mind clean. He sort of whites out every time he cums. He cums soooo much too. Like, as though he is storing it until he gets to get off again. He is more of a gusher than a shooter.
Leclerc Hardwood: Melticulous about protection until you are super steady. But when he cums inside a condom, it usually ends up spilling out. Guy cums sooo much. So usually, he'll pull out when he is about to cum. "I'll make it rain baby." He growls. And then he is cumming, rope of rope of white jizz over your belly and tits, some even landing on your face. He is defo a shooter and borders on hyperspermia.
Lan Ying: He is in full control. He schools is expression well and keeps his thrusts steady. He prefers to cum inside you, mouth, pussy or ass. He counts you both down, because he wants to cum together. Of course he makes sure to stimulate you. "Five ... God, so close. You better, four, cum with me. Three, two ... there we cum baby. One! Cum with me, oh fuck!" You climax together, your muscles tightening on him as he spends himself. He is a shooter, not coming very much, but impressively far.
Koby Bates: The closer he comes to climax, the wilder his thrusts become. He doesn't even need to tell you he's close. "Will you cum for me?" You ask him. You know he likes it like that. "For you, always." He murmurs. He'll pound you right through his own climax, never losing power or speed. He has quite a bit to give and loves to watch his cream pie gush out of you. He's a powerful shooter, too, but most certainly prefers to cum inside you.
Johnny Roe: He loves cumming inside you, but will always make sure to wear protection. He does imagine breeding you every once in a while, but gets very anxious when the posiblity of knocking you up comes to mind, so he is very careful. He stammers his way through telling you he is going to cum. It is insanely cute and you encourage him, telling him to fill you up, even though he is wearing a rubber. He is mostly a dribbler and also dribbles quite a lot of precum.
Glenn Hobs: This man is nasty and you know it. He will want to make sex with you as naughty as possible and he doesn't give a shite about condoms. He loves watching his cum drip over your skin or from your holes. When he cums in your mouth, he wants you to show him. "Stick out your tongue, don't swallow yet." He is a fucking letch and revels in it. He is more of a gusher, cumming the average amount.
Flynn Knightly: He is a dirty man, especially when it involves cum. He loves creaming your pie from whatever end you'll let him. But it will equally turn him on to paint your face/tits/thighs/ass/anywhere with his cum. He loves it when you watch/listen to him cum. "Here I cum, baby, all for you." He groans, biting his lips, loving your eye upon him. "Open your mouth for it, yeah?" He is definitely a shooter and cums quite a bit.
Elijah Silva: Of course their orgasm is entirely contingent upon yours and your permission. They always make sure you cum first and beg you to be allowed to cum themselves. They get full body orgasms, their thighs shaking and the veins in their neck throbbing. It's always preceded by a lot of precum, so you can sort of predict they are close. "Please, mistress, please please, may I cum." They whimper. They are gushing precum and straining the rope. "Please, please, I am close. I need to cum, please." They are usually a shooter, but if you ruin their orgasm, it is more of a gush.
Drink: "Go ahead, drink your fill of me." He loves cumming in your mouth most, adoring the sight of your throat bob when you swallow his jizz. He tastes like booze, yet like nothing you ever had before, richer, more flavourful, smooth like amaretto. He is a bribbler and there is so much of it. Then again, he is not human, so you can't expect him to measure to human standarts.
Dare: He could drown you with his cum if he wanted to. He can prodoce as much as he wants. "Truth or dare baby? Truth? Tell me how much you want me to cum?" He is, of course a shooter, spending his seed all over and inside you, until you beg him to stop.
Dance: She is a squirter for sure, her whole body shaking as her orgasm takes her. She moans loudly, as he nectar drips down her thighs and jets from her. She loves it when her dancers watch her while she cums. But most of all she loves it when you rub your pussy against hers when you cum together.
Corey Moore: He loooooves to breed you. He pumps you full of his hot cum every chance he gets. And he stays inside you till he is full flaccid. Then he'll sit on his haunches and fingers his cum deeper into you. "And you better keep what I gave you. You belong to me, I marked you with my cum." He growls, making you cum on his fingers. He cums quite a lot, too and he is a shooter, though not overtly far.
Cedric Casier: Such a showoff! He is really into you watching him. He'll spew the filthiest dirty talk, wanting nothing more than to be able to cum in and all over you. Sadly all he has is his hand and you looking at him. He is a shooter, but does not cum very big loads.
Calle Malmberg: He is very particular about protection. He wants no risks, he wants no consequences, so he is very careful. If you are not on the pill, he will wear a condom and use lube with stuff in that eliminates his seed, even though it is pricey. When you are on the pill, he still wears a condom. His moans get more growling when he is close, sweat pearling on his forehead, his hips snapping more firmly against yours. "Fuck, gona finish." He is a shooter, but cums only the average amount.
Blaize Everbleed: He might be a bit careless when it comes to protection, but he has plenty of spells up his sleeve that make his seed null. He loves fucking and fucked in return. He loves being inside you and letting you experiment with him. He loves a good prostate orgasm. He is a gusher and produces a little over average.
Adonis Cosmelis: He loves giving it to you raw, but he wants to also make sure you don't get knocked up. He'll ask you to pick what type of birth control you prefer. He might even take the type of pill that renders his seed null. Because he fucking loves filling you up with his cum. "Beg me for my climax, baby girl." He growls, hitting your g-spot over and over as he fucks you like a man gone mad. He is mostly a gusher and cums rather generously.
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makoodles · 1 year
WARNING: Innaproiate sex joke, don’t watch if you be offended by sex comedy.
Anyway I think Jake had a problem that occurs where he gets hard if y/n kisses him. And it not an everyday occurrence it’s just occasionally happens especially when he’s sitting down. Now he’s stuck there on that log cause he knows if he gets up the whole village gonna see that obvious bulge under his loin cloth. Neytiri is teasing him and y/n confused why he can’t stand up but he’s too embarrassed to say why. Also another thing he finds out is he ejactulates prematurely if he looks into y/n eyes during sex. It was fine the first time cause he was eating her out and the second time cause neytiri was on his face but the third time? The third time he goes a couple thrusts and mid trust looks in her eyes and then just loses himself. Now he’s embarrassed. He tries to pretend it didn’t happen and just keep going but 2 minutes later he accidentally glances at her face and it happens again. Y/n now knows what’s up and keeps teasing him about it. Now she knows his secret she tells neytiri and both are giggling at this secret they know about Jake. Next time they do the do with Jake and y/n riding him while neytiri watching she notices jake keeping his eyes closed and she ask him to please open his eyes and he’s all like “nah uh!” “Please ma Jake I wanna see your pretty eyes” and Jake peeks his eyes open to see neytiri face and it happens again. He moans in estacy and y/n just burst out laughing that it happened again. Neytiri very amused and Jake feels like he has to have a conversation with his dick that it needs to pull itself together cause they grown now they not some horny teen.
AHHHH tiktok wont let me play the video but i love love love the headcanons!
there's nothing better than thirsts that are sort of sweet and sort of horny, and this hits the sweet spot.
jake is usually super proud of his stamina, and frequently brings it up as part of his flirty teasing. so you can only imagine the delight of neytiri and reader when they find out that eye contact during fucking turns jake into a minute man ahahahahah
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metastablephysicist · 7 months
what pdf are you most looking forward to reading and/or what pdf haunts you the most with guilt for having not gotten around to it yet
haunted with gyuilt by testo yonquí which i abandoned after the part where preciado describes himself ejactulating his feminism all ober his partner. just couldn't continue after that. someday i will return
i really want to read funhome but i haven't gotten around to it :/
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richeeduvie · 6 months
I don't know how you've managed to find the niche intersection of people attracted to cartel lords and white collar losers along with them being totally simps with prejack issues but thank you for your service richeeduvie 🫡🫡🫡🫡
There are a whole group of people that enjoy Lalo and Roman. And their tendencies to prematurely ejactulate. And the feet stuff. My blog is special spot from them 😌
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baladric · 2 years
If you want 2 characters to throw together who have never met may I suggest Csevet and iana?
hold on hold on wait hold up wait a minute wait hold hold on ho—
Csevet was not entirely sure why he was surprised by Iäna Pel-Thenhior. He had met people of much higher influence than this upstart Amaleise composer, even before his precipitous elevation to the position of secretary to the Emperor. He had met people of much greater flamboyancy, too, possessed of much louder voices who baffled and amused him in much the same way. He had met talented artists and could carry a conversation on libretti as well as any musical layman, and had gotten much drunker, much faster with much more scrupulously tailored men.
And so he was not sure what it was, exactly, that surprised him. Or perhaps unsettled was the word.
Pel-Thenhior laughed at some joke of Min Vechin's, his head flung back on his neck, a show of earnest delight, and no, no—there was too much of kinship with Pel-Thenhior for Csevet to label the drifting feeling that had been with him all evening unsettlement. He recognized too much of Pel-Thenhior's manner, too much of the energy coming off of him for anything of that ilk. It was ever so difficult to be wary of a fellow marnis.
"Did you see that horrible little production of Seleno when it toured, the—"
"Oh!" cried Min Vechin, soft hands flying to cover her grinning mouth. "Oh no, yes, yes, with the—"
"The horse!" Their voices played a riotous counterpoint, both of them practically shouting before dissolving into rib-cracking laughter.
Were this a properly formal occasion, rather than a post-performance soirée in the more private of the Court's gardens, Csevet would have left them to it. It helped also that he was slightly soused.
"Was that the one with the tremendous wigs?" Csevet asked, with a gesture meant to encompass girth as well as height.
"The ship wigs!" Pel-Thenhior said—exclaimed, declared, ejactulated. "Yes! Absolutely wretched fucking things!"
"Oh, I hate those," said Min Vechin over the rim of her glass. "Impossible to sing in."
"And absolute murder on the neck," Pel-Thenhior agreed.
"I seem to recall," Csevet said, "that a literal model ship fell out of the soprano's wig mid-duet, and the mid-soprano—Hal... Hmm. Hallelan? Havenan?—"
"Oh no," said Min Vechin, just as Pel-Thenhior said, "Halleïan."
"Mm," Csevet said, sipping at his wine. It was far too sweet, as it had been every other time he had tasted it since switching himself over from the red in the hope of slowing the progression of his drunkenness. He sipped again and applauded himself internally for not grimacing. "Halleïan spent the rest of the scene skittering about, trying to pick up all the pieces of the ship—it broke rather spectacularly on impact—while still carrying her part of the trio right after, and I recall thinking that there was not a chance in the world that she was being paid enough for that."
"We never are," said Min Vechin, far enough into her cups herself that she made a most unbecoming facial expression.
"Please tell me Alffris stepped on a piece," said Pel-Thenhior, naming the vicious excuse for a love interest in the first act of the opera, who was always famously (scandalously) barefoot for the scene that followed. Csevet bit down on a smile.
"No," he said, "but he did accidentally kick a little bit of hull right over the lip of the stage and hit the concertmaster in the eye."
Min Vechin wailed, and Pel-Thenhior roared with a fresh bout of laughter. Csevet had become well-acquainted with the particular pleasure of making his staid, anxious emperor laugh, so he was less effected than he would have once been by the act of reducing such a self-possessed person as Mer Iäna Pel-Thenhior to riotous mirth—but the moment did give him the jolt of clarity he'd been looking for all evening.
Pel-Thenhior laughed, and across the parterre, Othala Celehar's ears lifted. As they had done all evening.
And as Pel-Thenhior sobered—tonally, at least—he shot a golden, glowing glance at the othala in turn. As he had done all evening.
Ah, Csevet thought. So it was not Pel-Thenhior that had surprised Csevet, but whatever that was—subtle enough to be getting on with, but not quite so to have escaped Csevet's finely-tuned buggery barometer. (As Basreiët called it.)
Csevet scanned the small gathering until he found Cala Athmaza, lanky and tragically sober at Maia's back. He lifted a pale eyebrow in query, to which Csevet replied by darting his gaze between Pel-Thenhior and Othala Celehar, and smiled smugly. Cala’s eyes narrowed.
Finally, Csevet’s depressingly unfaltering romanticism had done him a service—there was love even for downtrodden, withholding othalas with uncomfortable callings, and Csevet was about to win ever so much money.
"Now I don't mean to pry," Csevet said, swirling his wine in anticipation of stirring the shit. "But I've heard that opera people tend to have very polarizing views on the works of Mer Mezhaär."
Iäna Pel-Thenhior's howl would have put the Wolves of Anmura to shame.
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tanadrin · 9 months
docking, like where a piece of metal or something is inserted into two dude's urethas (urethri?) at the same time. Supposedly models the feeling of ejactulation
oh, yeah, i could see this being appealing. has sort of the "uncommon penetration" appeal of pegging. the urethra is really sensitive though, you gotta be careful. 5/10.
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays Raft: 03:04 - 01/04/2024
ejactulating rapids ride
Season 7 Ridden on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Sapphire
Raft by ChristopherLry
whjy would you call it that.
jerma ride. like you coulve call it anything. and why is foreskin quarters here. why would you do that. why are you like this. i love it. banger rip. HEY GUYS. UHHH PENIS TRICK!!!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Oh Bexxx, my dear, you KNOW how bad we all got it for Sam right now after that viewing of You Might, so could you PLEASE bestow upon to us some good ol' Sammy boy? I got some prompts that I know would fit him so well. “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.” , “That was the prettiest sound I’ve ever heard.” , and, “I thought your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world. I was wrong, it's your moans.” He just makes me FEEL things and I can't help myself, but please go nuts! I need soft smut asap! Thank you, queen~
Okay man this took too long for me to get to for fucking real but here it is! A full out, massive request filled for the BIFF! So I wrote this all last night and edited it tonight, I hope you fucking looove it. I have wanted to do this fic for like fucking ever. There is this movie I totally love called, “YPF” or “Young People Fucking.” It is a comedy that follows several couples who fuck on the same night, going from pre-lude and foreplay all the way through to afterglow and one of the couples are two life time best friends and the dude, Matt, gives me MASSIVE Sam energy. I have been craving doing a fic with him based off that movie so I hope you all enjoy this! Major credit to said movie for all the inspo and some of what must be my fave dialogue in any movie, (Shoutout to Kris you totally inspired me just as like a person with your attitude, speech pattern and confidence, what a real one.) 
Let’s stop wasting time and let's get into it!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 8.4K. Sam Wescott X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Best Of Friends To Fuck Buddies. Mentions Of Cheating. Shit Talking. Banter. Teasing. Making Out. Blow Jobs. Pre-Mature Ejactulation. Hand Jobs. Cunnlingus. Vaginal Sex. Intense Feelings. Crushes. Begging. Creampie.
It’s Making Me Freak Out!
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You had been friends with him longer than you had been friends with basically anyone in your life at this point. He wasn’t your first friend but some people, just like how people have a tendency to do, had left your life, he however was still here, someone you could count and rely on. So naturally, when your years-long relationship ended, with a bag stuffed full of the belongings that had been kept at your now ex’s apartment you showed up on his doorstep, confessing as soon as the door opened, “We broke up.” 
He was nothing but understanding, doorknob abandoned in favour of a rare hug between the pair of you as he said, “I always fucking hated that guy.” You naturally returned the hug with both arms with something that was a mix of a sob and a laugh, “Yeah he fucking sucks.”
He pulled back, hands still on your arms as he was saying, “RIght?! That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time!” Samuel Justin Wescott could always make you laugh more than anybody else. 
You ended up on his couch, favoured movies and too many snacks and empty beer bottles on the coffee table as you recounted the whole thing and got it all out of your system. You bitched and vented and he was nothing but supportive in that very him sort of way. You crashed there that night and as days bled into weeks and then months you started to do significantly better and how much Sam was there for you definitely helped you along. A few months after said difficult break up you had a growing concern gnawing at your brain stem that refused to leave but it was nuts, like the very idea of it was insane but you found it hard to let it go and as time continued to wear on it started seeming less crazy and more logical, it was downright genius. 
And so one Friday, a few drinks into a hangout with Sam you said, “I think we should fuck.”
The next sound was him choking, followed by a cough, maybe stating that so casually with no lead up when he was mid-sip wasn’t the smartest move. A hand on his throat as he struggled to regain his breathing, his other hand setting down the beer bottle so he wouldn’t drop it, finally getting down a big enough breath to gasp out, “Wha-what?!”
You take another sip, trying to play is cool, a small shrug before repeating yourself verbatim, “I think we should fuck.” 
Taking that moment to meet his gaze made you fight back a laugh, looking insanely shocked, mouth agape. Now it was your turn to say, “What?”
“What do you mean what?! My best friend of like I don’t even know how long just said we should fuck the same way someone might suggest a new restaurant to try for dinner! And I’m supposed to be like, normal or act like this isn’t-” He was rambling, you cut him off, “Isn’t what man?”
“Isn’t a huge fucking thing to just throw out there so casually!”  He was seriously close to freaking out, spiralling hard and trying to brush it off and so you said, “Oh my God, forget it, nevermind!”
“No, no we aren’t going to! I know you, there is a reason for this, something is up-” You throw up both hands, “Nothing is up! I never should have said something, shoulda known you would have-”
“Would have what?” He asked and you sighed, not wanting to say it and he asked, leaning closer, elbows on the table, “Well?” So you finally said, “Gone all Wescott about it.”
“Gone all-oh my fucking God, you have so much faith in me!” He sounded exasperated but it was much more joking, much more light and so you smile and say, “Am I wrong?”
“What?” He asked and you couldn’t help but say, with a raise of your eyebrows, “Is ‘what’ the special word of the day or something?”  
“Answer the question!” He pressed and so you said, “Am I wrong for thinking you wouldn’t be able to handle this without freaking out?”
He opened his mouth to retort but instead picked up his beer and took another sip and you laughed, “Because you totally DID just freak out. Or to quote myself earlier you went all-”
“Went all Wescott, yeah, yeah, okay you aren’t wrong, but still! Ow.” He replied and you reached out, a touch of his hand before saying, “I’m sorry for so rightfully categorising you.”
“Such a bitch.” He sighed with a roll of his eyes, it was fond and you laughed before saying, “And you’re such a pussy but what else is new?” 
“Ooo you treat me so nice.” He teased and then followed up, “So why do you think we should fuck exactly?” 
Another sigh from you, the heaviest so far, “Okay so, you remember, my ex, obviously.”
“Yes, the shit-bag, the man who’s name we dare not speak, of course.” He responded and you said, “Right, exactly. Well it’s been like months and whatever and I have been thinking really hard about where I went so wrong, not just like this relationship, but like all of them cuz like every guy I have ever been with cheated on me-”
Now you were the one who was rambling and spiralling, you took a deep breath to steady yourself, “-and as it is you are like the only man I can stand to look at right now.” 
“Really?” He said with a quirk of his brow, seemingly impressed and glad that is the case, you smile yourself before you say “Yes, you are. So I have been thinking that I just need to fuck, just get it out of my system or I am gonna fall for some fucking asshole who is just gonna cheat on me again and then I will be right back where I started. Here. All sad and single and shit.” 
He takes another long drink before saying, “So, you get so pent up and cock hungry that your asshole radar goes screwy and you end up fucking the first attractive dude you find, who usually ends up being a total dick?” 
“Calling me cock hungry AND the hypothetical dude in this scenario an asshole and a dick in the same breath? Impressive Wescott, but yes I think that is what is sooo, if I fuck you, in theory, I can hold out until I met like a normal, non-cheating-non-jerk of a guy. For once.” Another sip before tacking on, “Present company excluded, obviously.”
Content that you had laid it all out there and he nodded along, “I mean it makes sense. Just, are you sure that is what this is?”
“Pretty fucking sure.” You affirm. He asks, tone unsure, “And you want it to be me?”
“Yeah! I mean again, you don’t suck and you’re the only dude I can even stand at present. And we have known each other foreverrr, I can trust you.”  He seemed to no longer be freaking out and considering it, this seemed to be turning around, going surprisingly well, better than you could have hoped for honestly, he wasn’t running out the door with a lame excuse.
“So what do you say, Wescott? You wanna help out your ol buddy? My future relationships depend on you screwing my brains out.”  You asked, holding a hand out. 
He exhales amusedly through his nose, “Jeeze no pressure right?” 
A hand runs through his short hair and you could tell by now his answer, you wait, a wide grin as he finally said, “Okay, okay yes, I’ll do it.”
“Yeah you will?!” You asked and he said with a laugh, “Yes, I’ll let you fuck my brains out so you can meet a normal non-jerky guy.” 
He took your hand and you shook on it. Both of you broke eye contact with a laugh over how ridiculous this was, you said on an exhale with a shake of your head, “What the fuck are we doing?” 
“I don’t fucking know anymore.” He said laughing along and the topic was shelved for that evening, happy at how well this went.  
So you both had next Wednesday off so you thought that Tuesday night would be as good as any so you find yourself at his apartment and soon enough on his couch. Bottle of liquor and two shot glasses on the coffee table in front of you. 
It seemed so easy last Friday but that was four days ago and when talking about it you’d already been hanging for hours and had multiple drinks in your system, it was all jokey and just very you guys, it was all in theory. 
But now you were here, about to actually do it and it wasn’t like you hadn’t entertained the idea ever but thinking about it and actually fucking your best friend of like twenty ish years was a totally different kettle of fish. There was a brief conversation over a strong drink when you came in but you didn’t want to waste time, could feel the nerves and tension radiating off of him and yourself.
You and he were facing each other, both sitting side saddle on the couch, intending to start this the only way you knew how, to get one of the most awkward parts out of the way, your first kiss with him.
“Don’t be lame-” You started and he said after clearing his throat, almost defensively, “I won’t. Now, fuck off.”
“No pussying out.” You said firmly.
“I’m not, will you just-” You cleared your own throat, cutting him off and saying, “Alright. Come on. Okay?”
“Okay, okay.” He agreed.
A pause, both of you in the same position, you say,  “You’re not moving.”
“Well, neither are you.” He fired back and you looked him up and down, “Jesus Christ man up, would you?”
He sputtered out, “I’m fucking…I’m closer to you than you are to me.”
Eyebrows knitted together as you respond to him with a question, “How the fuck does that work?”
He looked you up and down before saying, “Cuz I’m doing some moving and you’re not doing anything-” He calls it moving, you’d call it nervous fidgeting. You cut in, talking over him in the middle of his sentence, “You’re an idiot.”  And he continued on with his thought “-you’re just sass-bossing me-” Finishing with a very mature retort of, “-you’re an idiot.”
“Shut up.” You fire back and he shh’s you. 
All of this back and forth is totally just posturing because you and he are so nervous, reverting back to childish banter and barbs to try and hide how much this was, the inherent vulnerability and worry involved that this would fuck everything up. Even though Sam didn’t say it, he didn’t have to, you knew him and also had that same thought yourself, that if this doesn’t go well it could spoil everything. It could potentially ruin a lifelong friendship. You were trying to put the worry out of your head as much as you were sure he was too. 
A move of your head, you start to lean in as does he, “Don’t be a pussy.” You remind playfully and he says with a half nod, tone unsure but eyes determined, “I’m-I got it.”
You didn’t stop your forward momentum and neither did he, and one moment there is still space between you and the next, there is none, your lips touch and holy shit you are kissing Sam Wescott. His lips are soft, way softer than you ever thought they could be, he was so warm too, and fuck, he knew what he was doing. It wasn’t like you ever thought Sam would be a bad kisser but you realise while this was happening that you don’t think that you ever thought about kissing him seriously.
Your mouth moved on instinct, kissing him back nearly immediately, moving with him, his lips parted first, his bottom lip under yours, a slip of his tongue that made a rush of arousal wash over you from him doing it first, and with confidence you hadn’t counted on from him. You returned his efforts further, your tongue making contact with his and you swear you could almost feel him tense, you leaned closer, deepened it slightly and so did he. The heat grew considerably for another ten seconds before it became too much. You ended up pulling away first, moving to sit back on the couch properly, feet on the cushion below you, knees swaying back and forth, he moved, sitting back on the other side of the couch, hands up as his elbows sat on the backrest of the couch.
“Okay.” You said with a nod, thighs tensing, trying to grapple with the immediacy of how much that one kiss turned you on and he agreed, a nod as he said, “Yup.” 
You snuck a look at him, the way he had one leg crossed over the other, ankle rested on his knee, a thick swallow and you were sure he was hard even with the view of him obscured. 
You took a moment, trying to calm down, you really hadn’t been expecting one dumb kiss to get to you this badly, you needed to get a hold of yourself and seemingly so did he.
It had been weirdly quiet for too long now, normally when it was you two together you always had stuff to talk about so this was, strange to say the least. Then again you and Sam had never kissed each other before. Another drink was had, conversation forced, you weren’t gonna let this fail so early, not when you had barely gotten started. 
You take a deep breath, pick up your shot glass and down it, the burn feels good, emboldens you once more and you say as you sit back, “I think I’m drunk, you?”
“Maybe we waited too long.”  He said and you replied, “Maybe we should have another shot.” You lean forward once more, pouring another for yourself. 
You take it, knocking it back as he starts to say, “Ah I’m just worried about things going wacky.”
Shaking your head as you swallow the burn of the alcohol you hum, “Nuh-uh.” And he asks, “Do you think this is the smart thing to do?”
“All right, Wescott-” A hand on the backrest you turn to face him once again, sitting sideways on the couch you say, “I understand what you’re feeling, but listen up, cause I ain’t saying this twice. We all know my reasons for doing this but this is about you too and you’ve been stuck on some whore-bitch who dumped you-”
“Don’t call her a whore-bitch.” He interjected with a roll of his eyes and you didn’t stop, still going off, “-who dumped you like, seven months ago and treated you like shit for two months-” 
“Three months and two days-” He supplied and you groaned, hands reaching out, one on his shoulder, the other on his chest as you emphatically said, “Oh, you need to get laid!”
He coughs before agreeing, “Okay yes.”
“Very, very badly!” You insist and he looks back over to you, “Yes, I get it.” 
Onward you continued, “And instead of worrying about this, that, and the other thing, just focus on the fact that your balls need emptying.”
A raise of his eyebrows, eyes wider as you say, “Immediately. And that’s it. That’s all you think about because that’s all this is.” 
He cocks his head to the side, taking in what you said, you think it might be sinking in, a nod but then he says, “I just don’t want to jeopardise anything.”
“Okay look.” You say, putting a stop to his next ramble of trying to talk himself out of this with his neurotic worries, “Sometimes it’s something. Sometimes it’s meaningful. Sometimes it’s caressing faces and fingers intertwined and whispering little secrets in ears.” 
You say it softly, emotion and warmth colouring your tone as you look directly into his eyes, your hand still on his chest, feeling his heartbeat below your palm, firm, steady, quickening. 
A small pause before you then say. “And sometimes a fuck is just a fuck.”
His smile broadens, neither of you looking away as you expound, your hand lifting off of him, “It’s grinding your shit and emptying your balls and falling asleep right after you come and that’s what you and I are gonna do to one another because that’s what friends are for.” 
His expression is hilarious, smile had gotten dimmer, eyes showing he was trying to follow along but was confused, adorable honestly, but you don’t let it trip you up, a clap as you say, “So stop fucking up the game plan, down that shot, because right after that your old buddy here-” Pointing to yourself, “-is going to blow you.”
He breaks eye contact, shocked once again, almost as if it just hit him that this was really going to happen, you both seriously doing this, he turns back as he says with quiet disbelief,  “Uhm…You’re going to-?”
You made a mimic the motion of sucking a dick before mouthing the words, “Blow you.” 
His head turns once more, looking at the shot you poured minutes ago on the coffee table before sitting up, leaning forward, he picks it up and downs it, placing the glass back on the table, wrists rested on his knees and you sit in the same way to match him. You ask, “You ready?”
He hums with a nod, “Buzzed?” 
“Yeah-huh.” He agrees.
“Trim that shit up like we talked about?” You asked and he said, “Uh-yeah, I already told you I do that on my own-” 
“Okay.” You clap again and then turn to him, “High five.”
He does so immediately and without complaint as he always did when you offered one.
You scoop up the shot glasses and take them to the kitchen, he follows, bottle in hand, the shot must have worked because he asked, “What happened to you blowing me immediately, post shot?”
“Sorry I thought I should put these away because I know how your over thinking, worried ass gets, I would hate for you to be unable to get it up because you can’t stop thinking about dirty dishes on the coffee table.” You tease and he scoffs as he bottle set on the counter, “Again, the faith you have in me is astounding.”
You turn, push off the sink and come forward, your hands on his shoulders and you lean up, not dignifying him with a response instead choosing to kiss him again, sudden and deep, pressing him to the kitchen island. He returned the kiss, your tongue slipped into his mouth first this time and you could taste the shot still lingering as you were sure he could as well. Your head is swimming and you aren’t certain it isn’t from the alcohol, you break away, staring up at him, his cheeks were flushed, again you aren’t certain it isn’t from the drink on his part. 
“Who says I can’t blow you in the kitchen, Wescott?” You challenge as your hands slide off his shoulders and down his arms. 
You had seen Sam shirtless many times, especially at summer camp, but actually feeling him now, Jesus, seeing and feeling is a totally different thing. He had some good strength, you couldn’t wait for him to put it to use. Your hands find the top of his jeans and you start to unbutton them and he responds, “Uh no one I suppose, I mean you can blow me wherever you want to really, I’m not picky-”
You press a kiss to the underside of his jaw, a smile on your face as you say, “Hey Wescott?”
“Yeah?” He asks as you unzip his pants, then your hands catch the bottom hem of your top and you take off your shirt, you toss it aside, revelling in his wide eyes at the view of you just in your jeans and bra. You say fondly as you begin to sink to your knees, “Shut up.” 
“Okay, shutting up.” He nodded, looking down as your fingers hook in his belt loops, you lean in, your cheek to his bulge, lips catching on his zipper as you rub against him before starting to tug his pants down his hips. 
He lets you do so and then he can feel your mouth on him, through the last layer of his underwear, warm lips and even warmer breath has him putting his hands back, gripping the edge of the kitchen island. A few kisses are placed along his clothed shaft, his pants around his knees now and your hands slip back up his legs, nails dragging teasingly before you reach for the waistband of his briefs. You take a deep breath for courage before pulling them down and for the first time you see his dick, very hard and less than two inches from your face. 
“Holy shit.” You utter, lips parted as your eyes drag over every exposed inch of him.
He looks concerned, “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing just fuck, dude, you didn’t tell me you were packing heat!” He laughed, “What? When was I supposed to bring that up in our friendship? Hey bud, awesome cookies you brought to the bake sale, also I have a massive dick.” He added on after another shared laugh, “Also is it really that big?”
You scoff, a roll of your eyes, “Oh my God only dudes with big dicks say shit like ‘is it really that big?’, fucking, of course it is!” You wrap your hand around the base and he inhales sharply. “I mean look at this! Look how much of it is still left after I get my whole hand around it!”
He nods, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip before saying, “Yeah, uhm, shit, you’re right, it does look big in your hand.” 
“Duh dude.” You laugh before leaning in, honestly excited for this, the excitement and want far outweighing the nerves, wanting to wow him. “Get ready for me to blow your mind.” 
Your taunt makes him laugh, it’s breathy and nervous, “Yeah I’m ready for you to blow my dick, the jury is still out on my mind.” 
You might have bragged about your dick sucking skills previously in your friendship and a running joke was him never believing you, and you were about to prove him how wrong he was. You start easily enough, a lick from midway down his shaft, up the underside of him before your tongue swirls around the tip and you hear his breath catch from above you. A small smirk on your face and he is about to say something but you shut him up by slipping the head of his dick into your mouth, lips wrapping right around that sensitive ridge and you suck deeply. He gasped out, “Oh fuck-”
Your hand is still locked around the base as you pull off of him with a loud pop. You are looking up at him, hand beginning to stroke him, using your own spit as lube as you ask with a faux innocent smile, “You okay up there Wescott?”
He nods and says on an exhale, “Yeah, yeah, M’ fine.” You smile wider as you twist your wrist on the upstroke, “Good.”
You lean back in, slipping him back into your mouth, taking more of him, sliding him in deeper and he grips the island harder, knuckles going almost white as he tries to contend with the feeling of how wet and hot your mouth is. You bob up and down, hand moving in tandem, tongue running up the underside of his shaft, flicks and licks, messy open mouthed kisses, quick pace, lots of sucking, allowing spit and drool to leak out, getting sloppy with it, just as he had previously confessed to liking. The amount he tensed when you latched onto and paid heavy attention to his balls made you smile against him.
This was done all while you were looking up at him. He was very much not looking at you though, heavy breathing, nervous fidgeting and you pull off once more, “Are you sure you are okay?”
“Yeah, yes I am, why?” He asked, seemingly out of breath and caught off guard by your question, “Just, you aren’t looking at me and are real fidgety-”
“You keep looking at me.” He admitted, eyes darted to you and away again quickly. You accuse, “You said you like when girls look up at you during head!” 
“Yeah but it’s you! And so it’s not just like it’s a girl doing it, it’s all, ‘yeah that’s my dick in her mouth’ but when it’s you it’s like ‘oh there’s my best friend with my dick in her mouth’ and it makes me freak out-” He rambles and you laugh breathlessly.
“Wescott, everything makes you freak out! Just try to relax and focus on how good it feels, alright?” He nodded, a deep breath, the reassurance helps, he agrees, “Yeah, totally, how good it feels-”
And you had taken him back in before he finished speaking, his sentence breaks off with a choked off moan, his eyes closing and you feel a sense of pride as well as a drip in your panties. 
He sounded really good when he moaned. It pushes you on. You pulled out your best moves, you pushed him harder into the kitchen island with one hand while your other stroked and you sucked deeply, taking as much of him as you could, you gagged and he seemed to like that. His dick twitched in your mouth, his hips rocked forward involuntarily, a groan broke out of your name and you did it again. Take him deep, gag, choke yourself a little, you pick up the pace as you deep throat and then he is squirming, all of a sudden his fists clenching and unclenching, “Shit, wait, hold on I think, I uh, ahhhn, need a second-” 
You felt him throbbing in your hand and on your tongue and you stroked faster, a long suck with a moan against his shaft and he still tries to stop you, his eyes back open, looking down at you. Seeing you looking up at him with those, ‘fuck me eyes’ did not help at all on holdong off, a hurried moan of, “Wait, fuck, I said wait! Ohhh Goddd.”
He couldn’t stop you and so he couldn’t stop it and he came, hot and thick ropes spilling into your mouth and you don’t stop either. You slowed down slightly, not wanting to overstimulate him, doing what you could to draw out his pleasure, he was still holding onto the counter, weak in the knees, trying not to lose his balance from how hard he was cumming, buried well more than halfway inside you. 
Big swallows, taking every single drop without issue until his dick finally stopped twitching and his hand was on your head, pushing you back and you allowed it. You sit back on your heels, the back of your hand wipes your mouth and you say, “Wow Wescott, I thought you’d last longer than that! What was that? Three minutes or four?”
“Fuck you!” He huffed and you said with a wide grin, “I mean you were supposed to but now-”
He was still catching his breath as he defending himself, “Gimmie a minute! I can go again.”
“Oh can you?” A taunt he clearly took offense to and he said, “Yes! I can, fucking, come on.” He reached down, one hand snagged his pants and underwear, he pulled them back up, his other hand hooking under your bicep and he hauled you up onto your feet. He dragged you along quickly, “Awe I must have touched a nerve! Where are you taking me?”
“To the bedroom.” He stated firmly as you were now in the hallway, “What are we gonna do in there? Cuddle till you can get it up again?”
He pushed you into the bedroom, hard, and you fell onto his bed. He flicked the light on the nightstand on, “No, I’m going to eat you out till I’m hard enough to fuck you so I can wipe that smug fucking smirk off your face and shut you up.”
The show of strength dragging you here, pushing you on the bed, the promise he just made, you tried to hide how hot it was. You got the distinct feeling he could back his word up and you hoped against hope that feeling was correct. 
“You think you can do that?” You taunted, weaker than you meant to.
He was starting to take off your jeans, his own still open and low on his hips, he assured you, “I know, I can do that.” 
A pulse of your clit and hard swallow and with a nod, holding eye contact with Sam you said, “Fucking prove it Wescott.” 
Denim was tossed aside, and he took his shirt off, you assumed in classic Sam fashion trying to make it even because now you were in just your underwear and nothing else. He climbed on top of you, he kissed you, hard just like you had previously but also in the most him way possible. It was way too all consuming, hard not to get lost in, practically melting below him way too fast. His mouth soon dragged down, kisses over your jaw and your throat, his other hand sliding underneath, gripping the back of your neck and you gasped out, “What are you doing?”
“You said you liked it when guy’s kissed your neck like this?” He murmured, his tongue ran over your pulse point, teeth scraped as his nails bit in slightly, a light bite that had your back arching, “I-I do but ahh-”
“But what?” He asked teasingly, “Isn’t this just about getting off?” He had used that tone when you had both joked around countless times before but now with him on top of you and kissing your neck it made heat pulse inside of you.
“It is-” You assure, trying to ignore how hot you had gotten and how wet you were and he said, one of his legs slotting between yours, knee pressing against your clothed slit, “Well doesn’t this get you off? Or were you lying to me all those times we talked before?”
You shake your head, his other hand that wasn’t preoccupied with your neck, finds your hip, he makes you grind on his thigh and you moan, “I wasn’t lying.”
“Then stop whining and enjoy it.” He said easily as he started to slide down your body, lips pressing more kisses as he went. Soon he is on his knees on the floor, your panties are being tugged off, throwing them away and your legs are resting over his shoulders. 
You should feel some nerves being so exposed before him but you mostly feel excited he is seeing you like this. Any of those small remaining nerves were pushed away when he breathed out, “Oh wow.” 
“Wow?” You asked, his hands made contact, strong and firm resting on your mons, thumbs stroke down, parting you open, getting a good look, “Yeah, just, fuck, you’re soaked.” 
He admitted and you bit your bottom lip. You try to conjure a response but none comes as you feel him closer, warm breath on your wet folds, his mouth doesn’t waste time. 
His lips touched down on your clit and once again you are hit with the sheer softness and warmth of him. You suck down a deep breath as he lifts up, another kiss placed just right, a few mouth come and then his tongue slipping out to slide over you and fuck, you were unprepared for the jolt of pleasure that hits your system. 
He didn’t tease you about his oral skills before getting started because, well, he knew he didn’t need to. He knew you heard the rumours that flew around at Camp Clear Vista, he knew you know what people say about him and his mouth. There had been many jokes made before about it, you not believing him already made abundantly clear throughout your friendship and within two minutes he was proving you wrong. He warms you up beautifully, open mouthed kisses, lips and tongue paying attention everywhere, running through every nook and cranny he could find, was impossibly attentive. As if he knew just when it was needed he switched to focusing more where you needed, tongue ran up and over your clit, a flick that made you moan, thighs tensing around his head. He hums out, “Good?”
A shaky nod at the rush of sensation the vibration provided, “Yeah, fuck, s’ good Wescott.”
Another hum, he seemed happy to hear that and doubled up. He found a rhythm that made your breathing extremely uneven. Your very ready and swollen clit between his lips, tongue circling it with a steady and even pressure that was currently melting your mind. 
How was he this good? Where the fuck did he learn to eat pussy like this? 
He ate you out like he was starving for it, like you tasted incredible and your satisfaction was the most important thing. It was more than that too however, you got the real impression he wasn’t doing this out of obligation, he was doing it because he really, really enjoyed it. You had been with guys who made claims of getting off on you getting off but it always turned out to be just that, pretty words and claims made in order to get into your panties, any upfront effort did not last once their dick entered the equation, but you had the feeling Sam was the genuine article. 
You looked down and you understood what he meant previously when you were sucking his dick. Seeing him being the one between your thighs, eyes closed in concentration, doing this was a lot to handle, mainly, the view of it was way too hot, it made your cunt clench around nothing, leak more and your clit throb. You had to force your eyes closed as you tried to forget it was Sam who was making you feel like this.
It shocked you how fast he got you to the edge with only his mouth. You weren’t prepared at all for this, you were shivering, so close, panting and trying to come up with how to warn him, you had a thought of getting him to stop, taking a breather, switch to sex or something but again, there was no hope for you. 
No time, no words came out, just a loud and honest moan, genuine vocal expression of the intense pleasure he made you feel as your fingers tangled in those navy bed sheets you bought him last Christmas. Hands tugging as you tried to ride out the most powerful orgasm you had in months thanks to his talented tongue, chest heaving as the feeling rose, peaked and then slowed down until overstimulation threatened to seep you, you panted out, “Fuck, fuck, stop!”  
As soon as it left your mouth he pulled up, “What was that you were saying earlier about cumming quickly?” He asked and you finally managed to catch your breath, “Shu-shut up.” 
You reached up, your hand found the back of his neck and you pulled him to you, your mouth crashing into his, effectively silencing his argument with your tongue in his mouth, tasting yourself on him. He moaned into your mouth and he moved closer, settling back on top of you, pressing himself into your hip and you feel how hard he is again. He wasn’t kidding, you had blown him what must have been less than fifteen minutes ago and he was raring to go. Maybe you shouldn’t have teased him so much?
A rock of his hips and you broke the kiss, pulling on his jeans, “Get these off.” You demanded and one of his hands snapped your bra strap, “Get this off too then.” 
“Fair.” You agree as he gets out of his jeans and underwear and you arch your back, unhooking your own bra, you toss it and then you and Sam are naked together in his bed. 
This is really happening and you are so into it. Legs still trembling from how hard you came, seeing the sight of him totally naked and almost on top of you again, you are having trouble remembering the last time you were this turned on, felt like you had this much sexual chemistry with someone. That is all this was, right? Sexual chemistry. It had to be. 
Sam was leaning over, he opened the drawer on his nightstand and reached in and when you saw the small foil packet you asked, “Condom?”
“Yeah?” He nodded, “What, you don’t trust me, Wescott?” You teased, “No, God no, I just thought you’d want one.”
“Nope, I’m safe and as you know, I haven’t been with anyone in months annnnd I know you haven’t either so-”
A beat.
“Sooo it’s fine without?” He asked and you shrugged with a nod, “Yeah if you’re fine with it I am too.” 
He seemed unsure but he said, “Sure, I can handle it.” 
“Me too.” 
You weren’t sure that you could as you eyed him, without a doubt he is gonna be the biggest you’ve had like this but damn it did you want to try. He kissed you first again, slower as he eased on top of you and your heart was speeding up, you pushed on his chest and said,  “Wait, no, hold on.” 
You sit up and position him, sitting up with you in the middle of his bed and you slide into his lap, arms around his shoulders, his hands settle on your waist and he asks, “Like this?”
A nod, you wanted to be in a position you could be on top, have a lot of control and he still could too, you didn’t want to be under him, worried what it would do to you. “Mhmm.” 
You moved your hips, grind on his shaft and your breath catches slightly as does his, “Fuck, so uh-”
“This is happening.” You finish his thought, prodding your slick entrance with him as he said, “Yeah once we do this-”
There was no going back. Instead of saying that you reassure him, “It’ll be fine Wescott. Sometimes a fuck is just a fuck remember?”
“Right.” He sighed with a nod, clearly trying to psyche himself up. He looked into your eyes, tone shockingly steady as he said, “A fuck is just a fuck.”
No point in waiting any longer. You position yourself just right and then ask, “Ready?”
He confirmed, “As I’ll ever be.”  You don’t look away as you then start to slide down, your hands looped around the back of his neck, his hands on your waist squeeze as you start to envelope him. Fuck, you were plenty warmed up and totally wet but the stretch of him almost hurts.
Halfway down your eyes close as you focus on how delicious it feels as you take him inch by inch until you settle in his lap, him fully buried in you. 
A moment is taken then. Soaking in the feeling of fullness, of how good it is to have him bare in you.
Almost chest to chest you can just about feel his heart beating impossibly hard. Eyes open and you look up, meet his gaze and your own heart isn’t doing much better, threatening to beat out of your ribcage. Sam’s face is flushed, lips parted and eyes hazy, you ask, “You’re gonna pull out, right?”
“Totally.” He breathes and you start to move then. Hips rising, sliding him out halfway before letting yourself fall, impaling yourself on him again and you and he both let out a small moan. “Oh!” 
You move again, starting to ride him slowly and a minute in he begins to match you, rocking with you as you both work together to find your rhythm, he breathed out, “Fuck.”
“Right?” You let out a light and musical laugh as your hips fell once more and he leaned in, his hands sliding over your back, he pulled you closer as he fucked up into you. His mouth was on your neck as your forehead rested on his shoulder, he said it so quietly you almost missed it, “That was the prettiest sound I’ve ever heard.” 
You almost wanted to ask him to repeat himself, you were hearing things, no way he said that. You must have imagined it, what you thought you heard from him pulled at something in your chest. You push that down and increase your pace, forget emotionality, embrace the physical, this is about fucking, about getting off, not sappy feelings shit. 
Your legs wrap around his hips, feet now on the bed to better help yourself ride him. He was still helping as well, moving with you and when he rolled his hips, ground into you, a gasp tore from your throat from the friction it provided your clit. Your grip on the back of his neck loosened with every perfect move against one another, eyes closed, head falling back as you fill yourself over and over, grind and pulse and then you lose your grip. “Woah!” 
Your back didn’t have far to go thankfully, hitting the mattress, your legs still over his hips, him still inside, he is the one to laugh now, “Shit, you okay?”
A laugh along with him, “Yeah, M’ fine.” You reach out, grabby hands, needy as you prompt him, “C’mon don’t stop.” 
In the heat of the moment, desperate for more, you weren’t opposed to him taking control, it was Sam, you could trust him. 
He takes the que, comes down to meet you, moves his hips forward, fills you all the way and you moan again. Your arms are around him, legs wrap tighter around his hips and he sets the pace now. You expect him to go back to what you were doing, hard and even but he doesn’t. He stays deep inside you and he grinds and the friction where you need it most makes you nearly choke. “Ah!”
You think it’ll stop but it doesn’t. It isn’t so much fucking, it doesn’t feel like it, not rough pounding, a race to the finish line, it is much slower, seemed imbued with meaning, he continues it, grinds and writhes with you and you do as well. It goes on for minutes, the flow of it comes with surprising ease, the pleasure is intense, you squirm below him, moan and your head is thrown back, “Oh-fuck, that-s-”
“That’s?” He asked, hopeful. His weight on top of you, the smell of him, his wandering hands, his strong body covering yours, the fullness, you say, “S’ too much!” 
Your hands on his shoulders, one of your knees nudge his hip hard and you move, he lets you, he knows what you want, he lets you take control again, you roll together. Him on the bottom on his back, you fully on top and back in control. 
You start at a much harder pace, faster. “Better?” He asks with a chuckle and a shake of his head. 
“Yeah, sorry, couldn’t-” Your lie breaks off with a moan, he doesn’t push, instead he rocks up into you, crooked smile as he assures, “Don’t worry about it.” 
A swirl of your hips and he angles his and you brush that spot inside just right, “Ohh! Yeah, yeah, right there!” 
It happens fast, in about two minutes of both those spots being hit so right and all the build up, heavy breathing and shared moaning, bodies slick and working together, he says, “I’m going to come soon-”
“Oh my God, me too-” You confess, your hands were planted on his chest and he was so taken with you in that moment. You riding him, being so close with you buried totally inside, and you look down, meeting his gaze and the weight of all of it hits at once. 
True, sometimes a fuck is just a fuck. 
Bu this wasn’t just a fuck, it held too much meaning, felt way too good for that, even the sex that physically felt the best for you didn’t have this much emotion in it, never made you ache down to your bones with feeling like this did. It was Sam, it was always Sam, he had always been right there, understood you better than anyone. This wasn’t just some guy to use to get over your shit-head ex, no, this was your best friend. 
And you looking into each other's eyes, not having sex, not fucking, much, much more than that, it was like you saw the same realization hit Sam all at once.  
He speaks honestly as his hands squeeze your waist, “You’re so gorgeous.” 
The smile on his face is infectious, you smile too, until a few more moves of your hips again drags you out of your head and your sudden emotional realisation and back to your body, so close to coming but not close enough to him.
You need to be closer, you reach out, your hands catch his, he laces his fingers with yours as they go above his head, pulling you down with him by doing so. Your hips don’t slow, almost chest to chest, fuck it, you decide to be honest too. “This is better than I ever thought.”
He agrees, a shake of his head, tone full of feeling and near wonderment at you and this, “Ever imagined.”
“Oh my God you feel so good-” You cry and he says in a rush, continuing to thrust up into you, “You’re so beautiful.”
It is so close, the feeling creeping up your spine, you say what you feel, it is as easy as breathing, finally admitting what you now know you have felt for God knows how long, “Oh, oh, oh, I love you!” 
“I love you too!” His response fills your ears and that ends up being what pushes you over the edge as you stutter out, “Sa-ahh-am! M’ cumming-”
“Fuck, me too.” He grit out and you beg, you actually beg mid-orgasm, the three words break through the haze, far too blissed out and high on him to want anything else as you please, “Don’t pull out!”
It’s all the encouragement he needs, his hands squeeze yours as he allows himself to cum, filling you up with a long groan of your name, your hips squirm, walls milking him as your own pleasure finds its natural end. You both slowly stop moving, out of breath and you go slack on top of him, hands still linked together.
You can’t believe this is how it all turned out. 
He kisses the side of your face and you smile, you let his mouth move until his meets yours, a soft kiss is shared, you pull back looking down at him. He breaks the silence, “I thought your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world. I was wrong, it's your moans.” 
A wide smile, “So I did hear you say that earlier.” He laughed lightly, “Did you? Shit I tried to keep it quiet, I swear.”
“Mmm, I so believe you.” You tease and he says, “Speaking of believing people, what was that about a fuck is just a fuck? Sometimes it means something and sometimes it’s about intertwining fingers but this isn’t that?” 
His hands squeeze yours again, making a point of wiggling his fingers still between yours and you roll your eyes, letting go of his hands “Okay, okay you aren’t gonna hold this over my head our whole relationship are you?”
He pauses and asks, “Relationship?”
You scoff and purposefully clench on him, making him let out a small groan as you then ask, “Well we ARE dating now aren’t we?” He said it as if it was as clear as the fact the sky was blue, “Obviously.” 
“Sooo I’ll try to be nice and only bring it up when it’s really funny.” You conceded, “I can allow that.” 
“Or when it’ll help me win an argument” He joked and you sighed, “Okay sure, Sam.”
“So I’ve lost the Wescott finally? I’m officially Sam since I am officially your boyfriend?” 
“Yeah you get first name privileges when you make me cum that hard.” 
Another beat before you ask, “So you meant what you said right? You didn’t just say it cuz like I said it right?”
He said, tone shocked, “Of course I meant it!” 
You defend yourself, “Cuz sometimes you do that thing where you say a thing because I did just to agree with me-” He laughed and his head fell back on the pillow, “Oh my God, no not this time. I mean it.”
“Really?” The grin almost hurt your face, “Well I bet you didn’t know but I had a crush on you back in fourth grade-”
“Awe I did know but I was with that guy so we couldn’t. I bet YOU didn’t know I had a crush on you in ninth grade-”
“I did but I was with-” You both stopped and you said, “Jesus we really do know everything about each other.”
Why did you ever wait so long and waste so much time on other people?
“Maybe that is why this is so good? Because we do?” He offered and you said, “Maybe, you might be onto something there.” 
You press a kiss to his forehead as you start to slide him out and get off of him. One of your hands slipped between your thighs as you moved to the edge of the bed, “You in a rush to leave?”
“Hardly, going to the bathroom.” You tell him as you carefully get off the bed, still cupping yourself, trying to hold some of the mess inside. He laughed as he watched you try to do that and make your way to the ensuite bathroom, you asked “What?”
His hand waves dismissively as he says, “Nothing, nothing. Just I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
You threw up the middle finger on your free hand as you left the room and he called, “Love you too!”
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