#either way wouldnt u just die to watch this..............
dayurno · 6 months
i was literally thinking about sending an ask the other day asking if u played sdv and if you ever thought about kevin playing. bc You seem like the type and ive been grinding since the update and also can only ever think about him :) he would so love harvey…. i also think he would like alex bc. kinda mean and sportsball guy. but really he would love the Tasks it would be good for him!!!!
I DO PLAY AND I DO HAVE THOUGHTS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! i think kevin would be so absurdly autistic about stardew valley he would be one of those people that own the book with every produce and every season it should be planted on.............. i'm torn between saying he would never install any mods at all but i think he would (ask andrew to) install the romanceable robin mod eventually because i truly believe he would want her with a desperation. but yeah harvey is his priority. of course i considered alex before and i see it well too i just think harvey would get kevin right where it hurts (daddy issues)
i think kevin would love all the farming activities, would tolerate the mines because he knows it's important and would outright ignore everything else for the first two years because he's on his farming grind. honestly in general i truly believe kevin would love farming simulators / 'cozy' games like sdv and acnh because i think it would be therapeutic for him and also fulfills some deeply set wish to farm without actually having to touch dirt or animals
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princessmyriad · 3 months
*minecraft damage noise every few seconds, i am dying of cold*
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Hello gorgeous !
Could you make something with a reader who is a very important fighter and in her plans she somehow married daemon as a second wife and made a deal with rhaenyra and daemon to respect and not threaten her people and kingdoms .
And when rhaenyra gets the throne , the reader asks for a divorce , breaking their hearts?
Stone Cold
Daemon Targaryen x Reader x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Summary: There was nothing more powerful than an alliance of two houses, and that was exactly what you offered the Queen and her consort to win the war. It was out of loyalty, but your heart was not as strong as your resolve.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Mentions of death/suicidal tendencies/war, fem!reader, second wife!reader, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: Heya nonnie (pls read this)! I saw this ask and was like OMG FRESH OMG REAL OMG YAS but then the more i thought about it, the more i was thinking it wouldnt be possible, like divorce wasn't a thing then and i know i could just make something up but i- i- dont play like that. and unless you're ok with a modern au, which idk if u are, i realized i could not write this BUT THEN while i was ranting in my reply of how i think ur req would really play out, i thought fine i'll write it anyway dw its not a modern au, but it's also not exactly your request either. its still pretty angsty tho so i hope you like it <3 ALSO IDK WHO IF I WANNA BE DAEMON OR RHEANYRA IN THE GIF I LOVE THIS GIF SO MUCH T_T Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda would you like to read a tibit of an epilogue for this?
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Rhaenyra was my queen; she always has been even as a child. Having grown up with rugged brothers, it was clear to me that power was only gotten through force, through sheer will, and landed only on those born to be heirs.
And yet she was declared to heir the Iron Throne, regardless of her sex.
And yet she rode on dragonback as her long braids and ornate skirts flew with the wind.
She was living proof that my brothers were morons in their belief that women were less, and that if I wanted to, I could do what they did, even better.
So against everyone's wishes, my parents, my brothers, the whole of society, I stood where I wanted and spoke about my thoughts. Though I was not welcomed, I trained to be strong enough go go against my adversaries, not just with my wit, but with my sword.
I made a way for myself in court and in battle, and developed a fortress within myself that could not be felled, not by a man, not by anyone.
So when it came high time for me show my gratitude to my queen, I did not hesitate.
I pledged my allegiance to her, and watched her navigate her plans with poise. I watched her as she caressed her pregnant belly and felt my heart hurt for her. I watched as she turned to her husband, the infamous Rogue Prince, for comfort, and found it in his touches.
Oh, to be like her, to capture the heart of the heartless, and to exude such feminine grace even in a room full of men who doubt her capabilities.
And so I finally spoke my plans to her. I finally told her the loony thought I've had since the start of my stay in Dragonstone. Our families should form an impeachable alliance and strengthen our forces.
"You are suggesting that you become my husband's second wife?" Rhaenyra states plainly. Her hand is atop her belly, and her husband stood steadfast behind her.
"It would be only for show, my queen," I nod, "you are aware of my family's stronghold, and how they insist on remaining neutral through all of this."
Rhaenyra watches me intently as I explain. Daemon tilts his head.
"This would give my brothers no choice but to fight for me-- for you."
"And how would marriage guarantee that?" Daemon asks, "I am well-acquainted with your brothers' insolence."
"You are correct, Prince Daemon. There has not been a moment in our lives where my brothers and I did not go against each other's wishes, but through it all, they have a sense of honor, and they would rather die than allow our family name be put to shame. It is why they were so against the idea of me taking up arms in the first place," I cross my arms, "but since then, they have joined me many times over in my victories. They would surely not give up the chance to bask in our victory."
Rhaenyra and Daemon take in my words.
For a moment, there is only silence. Then they look at each other, examining each other's expression.
That night, I was married to Daemon by the traditions of his house.
After he kissed me, I turned to Rhaenyra and nodded to her. She offered me a small smile and nodded back.
Since then, we exercised our might against the whole of Westeros. Those who did not know of us knew soon enough that the combined power of our houses, along with all our other alliances, was not something to be taken lightly.
And so we were tasked to spearhead the war under Rhaenyra's command. Daemon would take the east, and I would take the west. Where one needed help, the other would arrive with their blade, still slick with the blood of the enemy.
Historically, men had done nothing but strike me and spit on my bones. Though he was now my husband, I thought little of Daemon. I didn't then in the fires of his youth, and I didn't now. I bring myself to care about him out of my respect for Rhaenyra.
Yet as time went by, and battles were won and lost, I grew to respect him as himself, as Daemon Targaryen, the prince commander of the troops, who knew exactly what he was doing.
"I did not think you were capable of doing anything un-serious."
I turned to him as he smirked. His eyes were on the my cup of ale, "might my lady wife spare me a drop?"
Daemon sits next to me, though on the ground, as I was sitting on a stump I found not too far off our camp.
I peer down at him as I hand him my half empty cup.
My lips part when he downs it and places the empty thing beside him. Daemon catches my look and chuckles under his breath, "oh, did you mean to finish that?"
I don't get to respond as he grabs my leg and leans against my thigh.
My stomach rolls at the sentiment. I did not know why he was acting like this towards me so suddenly.
He releases a groan as he closes his eyes, "you are my wife, are you not? Must you stare at me as though you wish to burn me with your eyes?"
That would only be the start of his affection towards me.
It was jarring, disturbing, really, how he would reach for my hair and brush it aside, how we would reach for my cheek and brush it with the back of his hand. He would not do it in front of Rhaenyra, and for that I was at least grateful.
I decided not to make issue of it, because it was not as though it was harmful really.
And yet it dawned to me that that was my mistake; he was an invader of my fortress, and I only realized when it was too late.
I could not calm my beating heart when we were ambushed.
It was not the blade against my neck that made me want to hurl, not even how the man who managed to capture me for a few minutes was gutted on my side and had his entrails gush onto my armor. It was not the violence that made my pulse deafening to my ears, but how Daemon acted out that violence.
"Release her now, and I will be swift about your death," he seethed. When he was not listened to, his face darkened. The moment he had an opening, he stabbed my captor in the gut. When I was pulled away by our men, I watched as Daemon rampaged the man with his bare hands, smothering him until he was deformed, until he was dead.
And then he turned to me, gripping my face with his bloody hands, examining my form, "are you alright?"
That was when everything changed.
Not only did I begin to anticipate, look forward to his touches, I began to lean into them. I began to look forward to his company, seek his company. I would worry if there was not word about him, and I would worry if there was, until I knew it was not grave.
I began to laugh with him, in the privacy of our conversations, in front of the troops, in front of Rhaenyra. I began to bicker with him unabashedly, for it became second nature. I began to dance and make merry with him, for why'd shouldn't I? Why not, when Rhaenyra teased us about it, when she laughed about it with us.
And then at some point, I did the worst thing.
I began to want him.
I began to want him the way Rhaenyra did.
I began to felt entitled of him, for after all, he was my husband too.
I allowed myself believe that it was alright, Rhaenyra wouldn't mind, after all, her husband was my husband.
But then I faced with the truth of how brazen I'd become.
But then Rhaenyra called for Daemon and he did not answer.
But then she gave birth too early and held her lifeless daughter in her arms.
But then he was broken because of it, and yet made no inclination to anyone.
But then I realized I was not apart of their picture, for neither of them even spoke their sorrow to each other, much less anything to me.
I was a fool to think I was deserving of anything. I was a traitor to them and our agreement. I was a traitor to myself.
And so I rebuilt my fortress, I pulled away from Daemon's touches and did not hold Rhaenyra's gaze too long.
I became reckless in battle. I dove head first into everything, not caring what the consequences would be.
It was because of my recklessness and severe injuries that we were at the precipice of victory. Daemon should have been applauding me where he was rebuking me. And Rhaenyra should not have been worried by her husband's news of me at all, not when she would benefit the most from my death.
Yet here I was, gripped harshly in Daemon's hands as I defied his wishes to stay in bed longer.
When that didn't work, he ordered me in the name the Queen to do so, because it was, in fact, her order too.
It dawned onto Daemon that it didn't matter which of them commanded it, I would not be withheld from the cries of war.
"DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" Daemon demanded finally as I got onto his last nerve.
I did not hesitate to respond.
His expression dropped when he heard me say yes.
It was against myself that I began to bawl in front of him. I had worked so hard to keep my defenses, and yet it was all for naught.
"Why?!" he heaved, hands darting up to my face instead of my arms.
I shake my head. I would have to die first before I admit anything to him.
"I will have you chained like a madwoman before I have you succumb to your darkness," he quips, releasing my face, before dragging me to the tent post, undoing his belt and binding me there with it.
I cry out to him. I tell him to release me, of all of it, so that I wouldn't have to suffer.
"Tell me wife what makes you suffer, who makes you suffer, and I will swiftly end them."
I shake my head at the anger on his face, "Daemon, please."
"TELL ME!" he quips, grabbing my face again.
I choke on my tears finding as I allow my voice to betray me.
Daemon knit his brows, "what was that?"
"It's you, Daemon," I whine, screwing my eyes shut, "it is hell to be around you. I do not want this pain anymore."
He releases me, stepping back twice, "and what mortal err have I done to make you loathe me so?"
I peel my eyes open, chest constricting at the sight of him. I shake my head, "nothing."
Daemon's nostrils flare. He grabs my jaw tightly, face tense with hatred, eyes glassy in betrayal, "then why?"
I whine at the pain of his grip.
He heaves as he releases me, shaking his head as he walks back, "will you drive me mad along with you, selfish bitch?"
I shake my head again, "Daemon-"
"Because I want you!" I blurt, "I want you so bad when I should not-- I cannot!" I grip my hands tightly, "we may be married, but you are not mine. You are Rhaenyra's, and I do not wish to ever come in between that. Not after all that has-"
I cut myself off when Daemon began to undo my ties. I myself began to back away from him when he began to rid himself of his clothing.
I threaten him with my words. When that does not deter him, I threaten him with the blade I managed to snag.
He was stoic the entire time. He asked me to kill him, dared me to kill him. Of course I could not. I threw the blade to the side.
He called me a fool as he undressed me. He called me pretty when he began to kiss me. He called me his when he began to fuck me.
I shouldn't have, gods know I shouldn't have, but I did, I let him have his way, because I wanted him to. I wanted him to touch me, to use me, to take his anger out on me. I wanted to for so, so long.
It was everything I ever imagined and more.
And enjoyed it deeply before I hated myself viscerally after.
It was clear at one point that everyone knew of us. Our dynamic had drastically changed from when we were first married to now. They all knew what he and I did in the dark, but why would they care, we were, in fact, married.
I cared though.
And I guess it was the will of the Stanger to allow me that one thing before collecting my soul.
I did not fight against it. I did not try to save myself.
When I decided to take the blow for Daemon in the battle field, it was not out of my selfish desire to find freedom in the shackles I bound myself in, it was because I wanted to save him, I had to save him.
He admonished me as he carried my limp body out of the skirmish. He called my name and threatened to do his worst if I thought of closing my eyes at all.
It was nice to have made it long enough to make it through the transport, to see Rhaenyra, and her and Daemon's children that I myself found to love in my own way.
I felt bad that they all seemed to be sad that I was fading away.
I felt bad that Daemon had to be the one to carry me here.
Where was Daemon?
"He's gone to finish the war," Rhaenyra said, holding my hand firmly in hers.
"You can hear me?" I mutter as I watch her sad face.
"Of course I can, my dear," she caresses my cheek, "why wouldn't I?"
I close my eyes, "I beg your pardon, my queen."
"No!" she calls, shaking my cheek, "you cannot sleep until Daemon has returned. He is but a fortnight nigh."
I hum, "she has been so lonely though."
"Who? Who has been so lonely."
Rhaenyra pulls her hand away. One of the children gasps.
"I told her that I was not her mother, that you are," I sigh, "but she told me she wanted me to stay with her."
Rhaenyra is bewildered. For a moment she is unable to do nothing. She repeats the name she called. When she is not met with a reply, she takes another moment to collect her thoughts, "you cannot answer my daughter's call. Your duty is with me, not her."
Rhaenyra's face tenses when she does not get a reply yet again.
She calls out, one, twice. She shakes the hand in her grip, and remarks once more about Daemon, knowing that would do the trick, she knows it will, it has to.
A chill runs down her spine when she realizes was for nothing.
It is too late.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Don't be so annoyed, love!
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Summary: He's so annoying sometimes but it's ok because you love him 😭 (HC w/ Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
Genre: Crack, fluff, lowkey suggestive themes
Warnings: 🗿 we ignoring the red flags bc we can. also mentions of farting bc dazai 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
A/N: u cant tell me that they wouldnt do any of these things ok 💀also kunikida's got a small drabble out of nowhere but im always wildin when it comes to him 😭😭😭😭😭
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Dazai Osamu
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u cant tell me that as soon as hes rly comfortable in ur relationship that he WOULD NOT be ashamed of just farting outta nowhere honestly 💀
Like yall r just chilling on the couch, watching smth and he just lets it all out bc why should he hold himself back 🗿
Hes at home 🗿
But bro's lucky he doesnt smell but 🗿🗿🗿🗿 wheres the warning from him
u give him the side eye and hes like "What? Are you perhaps ashamed of human nature, bella?" like ok we'll leave him alone but he ruined the emotional moment of the movie yall were watching 😭😭😭
Is also the type to prob leave his socks and clothes lying around
It got better over time but he still sometimes does it bc old habits die hard i guess 🧍
once got so bad you just collected all of his clothes and put them infront of the door so he'd have no choice but to pick all of that up and do it himself 💀
would try to talk his way out of it in the beginning but also felt kinda bad after the relationship got more and more serious
So now hes a good bf/ husband and does it himself 🤩 (with the occasional sock under the couch 💀)
drinking habits would take a bit longer to be fully gone, he'd learn to regulate it over time
He's learned to warn you tho when he thinks that a rly shitty day might hit him bc work and more
sometimes you take the day off and do something together to take his mind off of it
Sometimes you're at work and a "im home" text without hearts will come and you know whats wrong
would feel more comfortable over time letting you take care of him
will definitely show you his appreciation for you the next days in one way or the other 🤩💅
talking about living together, yall would often have to sit down to talk about his spendings bc our man cant save for ANYTHING
Used to often come home with little things like "Look, this reminded me of you!" and it's a plushie of a cat or something
Started off cute and small but got dramatic like him really fast
ngl he came home with a expensive necklace u liked when the both of u went shopping but u didnt buy it bc.. she expensive...
like he was charming as always with his "Tada! Guess what I've got you?~ 😋" ".... Not the necklace...? 😧" "🤩 How did you guess that right, bella??" "😨😨"
THIS man right here wouldnt even hesitate to just right out fking steal shit for you if u want it bc thats how much Power u got over him he'd never admit that tho sksks... OK maybe in bed...
he'd def either blackmail or bribe chuuya into helping him with stealing
probably even has access to his bank account and you'd only realize that when he'd stand infront of your door, asking where that "f*cking b*stard" is
you'd legit have to mediate their convo or else the whole building you live in would be gone immediately skks 💀
Chuuya likes u so he wouldnt make yall pay for it bc he knows that dazai's nearly broke 24/7 and u dont deserve to pay for his fault 💅
it would be enough to destroy his pride to make him obey chuuya for like 2 weeks or sum cue evil cackling from said red head
queen of Gaslightining nr. 1 😭 sometimes its for the dumbest arguments tho like why its okay to smack your lips while eating 😭
"I don't know it's just really noisy and kinda annoying for me?" "But Bella, that shows just how tasty your food is or are going to deny that fact and say that I should not show my appreciation for it? What if for me personally it's a sign of a good meal?" "Yeah but doesnt need to be that for me. Also you can show your appreciation for it in other ways like just simply saying its delicious?"
"But actions speak louder than words, my love." "YEAH, well then what do you want then???"
Its just a whole shit show and would (lmao it WILL) end in him giving you just shameless bedroom eyes and well you know whats gonna be after dinner lmaooo 🤡😭
Also also i do believe that hes not the best cook at first but hes a real fast learner so it prob would only take him a week of consuming cooking videos and reading books and BOOM
"Samu, is this a 3 course meal you're cooking because that's a LOT of ingredients in the kitchen." "Sssh just sit down, wash yourself up and enjoy the evening, my love! I'll call you when I'm done 💕"
Manages to somehow still give you some snacks and drinks in between the cooking 😭 with some sneaked in kisses on your shoulder or lips 😏
If you go and hug him from behind, he'll be MELTING
Like nuzzling your face into his back while wrapping your arms around his torso, you feel the slight rumble in his chest as he chuckles at your cute action 😭
"If you want to eat something then you should take a break from being so cute, you know? Don't want the food to go bad from maybe getting a bit distracted if you stay here for a bit longer." "Ew, are you implying you'd start something infront of our food??"
"... Well, I can just have a whole meal by myself but you'd be left hungry so it's your choice 😋"
🗿 the way he doesnt need long to be turned on is alwaya amazing to u but thats just how whipped he is and bro is a whole snack himself so WHOS complaining 😋💅
food's is guaranteed to taste heavenly but if he knows youve got time, then he'd make excuses to taste your cooking like
"Samu, it's been a while since I've gotten to taste your cooking." "Aww, was it that delicious for you? Hmm but I actually prefer your cooking!"
Time for some cooking and baking lessons together, eoow 💅 with the occasional make out session because the sauce found it's way on your lips and he just had to clean it up with his 😭😋
honestly despite all of some of the difficulties, dazai would never fail in making you feel loved in his own way even tho u gotta peel back some layers 🗿
At the end of the day, his bear hugs and many kisses are smth u love to come back home to after work
also doesnt say it but would def be a house husband for u 🤩 with the occasional "whoops gotta go and do smth quick" text and he comes home at like midnight skks bc the agency needs his cute ass 😋 but dw dinner's ready and house chores have been done so enjoy ur evening after work, zurlie 💅
dont kill me for this but id give him a 7.5/10 😭
Obsessed with him and i love him but it would prob be really really exhausting to get him to FULLY trust you and its honestly understandable
Also he kinda makes me feel like i'd have to walk on eggshells around him because you often dont really know what hes thinking 😭😭
could smile at u while thinking "why u so ugly" 😭😭
also bro is so smooth, its scary like he'd prob make us forget immediately that hes trying to find out everything about us(why he sounding like a stalker 😨😨 wouldnt want him to be MY stalker 😨😨 or would I?? 🤩) MY DELULU BRAIN 👹
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Doppo Kunikida
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😨 Cleaning maniac
personification of the verse "I can COOk, i can CLEAN" (i know its "dont" instead of can but we all know hes like perfect house husband material... maybe a bit too perfect 💀💀💀👹)
If u forgot a cup on the dinner table, he'd legit take the cup, put it in ur hand and be like "why did u leave it there if u r not using it"
WILL def rant about why u shouldnt do it
Honestly huge nagging mom vibes 💀💀
At the beginning of moving in together, he'd just clean everything without a word whatsoever
Like you wanna help around the house too? NUH UH, he already finished everything up.
Vaccuming the house? Done
Swiping? Lmao be sure to not arrive at home after work around that time bc u gotta stand at the door and WAIT until the floor is dried 💀😭
Dishes have been done like at 5 in the fucking morning 💀👹
Bro thankfully doesn't wash clothes that often (gotta be careful of the water bill 😭) but there r days where he legit throws his clothes nearly everyday bc the worse the mission the more blood yk 🗿🗿
U had to legit drag his ass to the couch to talk to him bc he gonn be deep clean the house if someone doesnt stop him
"Kuni, you literally don't need to do EVERYTHING by yourself! I'm also here to help and frankly, it feels like you're my maid sometimes ��" " Don't worry. Everything fits perfectly in my time plan and since you sometimes work overtime, it's better if I do a bit more of it."
... "🗿 You are legit saving this city from being destroyed so often and I just sit in the office, bro 🤡" "I understand your argument but I have seen the way you look tired so often so let me take a bit of your burden"
He knows how to make us go "🥺"
The argument prob went on for an hour until yall settled on making a plan on who does what on which days and if someone's gotta work overtime or sum then the other takes a bit of it over and so on
So in the end its alrighty 🎉
Groceries and so on are never a problem except it sometiems turns out like going shopping with your mom because...
"Omg Kuni, look!!" *holds up cute decoration* "We could put this on our dinner table! Isn't it cute 🥺??"
Bro just takes it from you and looks at the price. Legit gives you the 🤨 look
"That's 937,32 Yen (around 6€) 🤨🤨. For a tiny statue of a dog? We could find it somewhere way cheaper." "🥺 But it's a limited edition and it reminds me of you bc its got the same fur color 🥺. It's even got ur glasses on 🥺"
Bro will say no but the day after you spot the dog on the table 🤡
Yall lying in bed together and cuddle so give him a peck on the lips while killing him with your cute ass smile (U MURDERER 🗿🗿)
"What was that for?" "Hmmm, well I just noticed that said statue magically appeared on our table. You think it was a cute long haired fairy with glasses and a grumpy look 😋? "
He tries really hard to deadpan at you but the corner of his lips still tug upwards as he pinches your nose
"Well, sometimes its not so bad to buy a little extra, I guess."
If theres a market nearby with some really good deals then you'd either be dragged together with him or he'd come home after work with tons of bags
Always surprises you in how good he is at negotiating about the price
Sometimes you gotta stop him from arguing with some of the shop keepers because some decided to sell some items way too overpriced 🗿🗿🗿
you once found him stay up all night researching about reasonable prices for veggies... 😨
and cue to yall standing in the morning infront of said shop keeper getting absolutely destroyed in an argument by your man.. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Well guess who even got some extra free stufd because kuni terrified the shit out of him 😋
"Thank you for your hard work in harvesting and selling us these delicious vegetables. My wife is quite a fan of them." Your husband said as he put the money into the shop keepers shaky hands, face red in embarassement as he squeezed out a "It's nothing." between his teeth. His face paled at the words "We'll see each other next Monday. Until then have a great week." leaving your man's mouth as he gave him a friendly smile before taking your hand and going to the next stall,only for you to sheepishly wave goodbye to the shop keeper before going with your husband.
"Well, you gave him quite the scare back there." You said as you felt him squeeze your hand a bit tighter, the bustling of the array of people only increasing by minutes. "Someone had to correct his ways. It would help his sales but only if he's willing to take that advice seriously." he simply answered as he looked at the contents of the bag, counting the ingredients left to purchase.
"Well atleast we got ourselves more than we needed so we can go home and call it a day." "Who are you?" Chuckling at your surprised face out of the corner of his eyes, he continued to make his way towards the end of the market, to finally reach your car.
"I thought over your words and I do believe it would be nice to" laze around together "for once in a while. Everything in the house has already been done, so maybe we could try out that one series you've been talking about. The reviews seem to be quite positive about it."
He just lets a breathy laugh escape his lips at your squeal while you begin to rant on why its gonna be so good watching it and
honestly there are like no real red flags like his red flags are disguised green flags and yall can legit work through it easily
The only thing would be his tendency to overwork himself and it could lead to an argument but never a real fight because hes pretty easy to reason with
Like even when hes stubborn, he'll STILL listen to your words because the many good things about him that he'd always make sure to take your words seriously 🗿🗿
which sometimes makes it tempting to tease him bc we can lowkey understand why dazai easily tells him the most outrageous shit and your man just casually writes it down in his notebook 😭
"That damn idiot managed to fool me again by telling me that aliens have been among us (AMOGUS 👹) and that the goverment has been hiding it from us for decades." "I thought you already knew about that tho?"
"What" "What?"
"Wait so they're real?"
Cue to him showing him a video (that dazai sent to you a week ago just for this moment 😭)
Lmao dont tease him too much tho but dw, he cant stay mad at you at all lmao 😋💅
Honestly a 8.5/10 bc his nagging scares me 💀😭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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"Greatest Detective" more like "Queen of Gaslightining" 👹👹
Everyone knows hes way too obsessed with sweets but how the hell is his teeth actually still existing 🗿🗿
ngl i believe fukuzawa would prob sometimes just randomly ask him if he brushed his teeth bc he lowkey lowkey raised him ok 🤡
Ranpo is all nice like "yup, i did." but when u ask him, hes a whole b*tch about it
"Hah??? Why would you ask me that?? Do you really believe that I'd be so dumb to forget about brushing my teeth? If i can solve the most difficult cases then why would you assume that brushing my teeth might something that I'd forget, huuuhh??"
His gaslightining used to work at the beginning of ur relationship but sooner or later its not hard to notice his patterns 🗿
Like yas ok, he could just put up a whole ass strategy in how to not get u to notice that he didnt brush em at all but bro
Hes too lazy
And hes a sucker for attention 😩 like he might be "annoyed" if u nag at him bc of smth but he absolutely loves it bc its just one of his many ways to get ur attention without him having to actively get up and get it for himself 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Hes a huge clown but i love him 😭
Dazai tends to forget his socks or smth lying on the floor but THIS mf right here just doesnt rly care 😭
Like that was the first thing u noticed when u entered his apartment 🤡
Its not right out messy on a disgusting degree, its more like theres tons of trinkets n shit from cases or just random candy wrap hidden under the couch 💀💀💀
The epitome of "I can do it tomorrow" bc bro doesnt forget, he just IGNORES that he has to do it 😭
might take a while to actually get him to yk do smth around the house
used to prob only sleep and shower at his apartment and thats it💀
But when hes whipped then hes whipped and hed actually try his best to help around the house
Key word "try" 🤡
Like its often tbh accompanied by "okay, ill do it but only if i get smth"
But there are days when he legit deep cleans everything by himself bc either you had a bad day or yall had a fight 👹👹
still would whip out the "now gimme something, please 😋" if yall cuddle after a fight and he cleaned and tidied everything up for his love 🤩
doesnt always have to be candy yk HEUEHEUEHEUUE 👹👹👹👹👹
also its not a surprise but dont let him near the kitchen
Like he had only cooked for ONE time and it was like a fever dream
Bc u legit had a fever and he cooked chicken soup but uhm 🗿
he cooked it so good??? Like veggies n meat cut and cooked up nicely?
Broth kicking in real hard?
Like? "What the hell? I thought you couldn't cook??"
Bro is about to put that spoon fr away 💀
"I'm not so heartless to let you starve and I definitely wont be giving you some cheap soup either. I just looked it up on the internet and followed the instructions so you gotta get well soon because I miss your cooking 🤩🤩"
Are we flattered?? Gurl, maybe but he'd def know if we tried to make ourselves be sick to taste his cooking again
Bro only offers to help when it comes to baking 😪😮‍💨😮‍💨
His only help is licking the dough or chocolate outta the bowl or smth 😀
would sneak in many kisses tho bc he likes u and sweet stuff is just sugar overload for him and he loves it 🤩
I think one of the important factors for him in a relationship is that fukuzawa approves of you? Since he does value his opinion over his own intellect
Like bro trusted him when it came to Fukichi and other ppl 💀
fukuzawa could legit go "aliens r evil" and ranpo would be like "ok everyone, aliens are evil!!!!" 🗿🗿🗿
honesrly i dont think why there would be a reason for fukuzawa not to accept you (if there is one then time to take 100 steps back and reflect on urself 💀)
He'd prob be impressed on how u even fell in love with him bc.. its ranpo💀
petty, clingy, can be manipulative ( but never with ill intentions), would legit prank ur ass bc he can, impatient and quickly bored af
But hes attentive, kind, can be patient when it comes down to it, empathetic (depends sksks) (also thank u fukuzawa for kinda ramming that into his head 🤩), affectionate in his own way (a sucker for physical touch but would NEVER right out admit it 🗿) and so much more honestly
there arent any real red flags tbh (might come as a surprise for some ppl)
Maybe maybe he'd obviously have a bit of difficulty fully opening up and i do believe there might be times where he once or twice legit deducted what ur feelings r for him bc hes used to being careful around people and especially bc in case someonw could randomly target the agency
Or is some kinda criminal in general
But honestly when hes learned to trust you then you know youve got yourself someone loyal 💅 and i mean FR loyal
personal favorite hc and honestly prob canon since we've already seen it : he'd not be ashamed to throw hands at someone when he thinks you're being insulted or harassed
And with hands i mean exposing them to 100% until they are pissing their pants and begging him to leave them alone 🤩🤩🤩
Also also, gives me off a similar vibe to dazai with the "maybe having to walk on eggshells" around them but ranpo doesnt make you feel as watched tbh as dazai which would kinda make it easier to talk to
but bro isnt as smooth as him so whOOP 💀💀
Overall iconic and a solid 8/10 🤩🤩🤩💕💕💕
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The random ratings i gave them LMAO 💀💀💀 hope u like em 🗿
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yuumebow · 6 months
how you can help gaza right now. resources in thread.
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people in gaza are still suffering. miserably. and you need to help them.
imagine being in a situation where your land gets bombed, you have no food, your family members are dying, your losing your loved ones, hospitals not being able to fix ur injurys.
that'd horrible, wouldnt it? terrifying even.
and everyone in gaza goes through that everyday. everyone is just trying to survive, always trying to find shelter and find food.
this isnt just happening to adults either, children too.
instead of children happily playing with their toys, maybe even friends and having a childhood, they instead should have to fear and die.
so you should help gaza in any way you can, please.
what you can do is:
take part in strikes
be visible: wear clothing, accesories of you being support of palestine
go to protests*
educate yourself please. education is so important in cases like this.
put posters up for awareness of the gaza genocide
make art for palestine, music or anything that helps gaza
boycott companies that support palestine. do not buy from companies that support israel*
listen to music artists from palestine. israel is also trying to destroy palestine culture
do not watch eurovision or the oscars. it was used as a distraction for bombing palestine
spread awareness, spread any news of palestine u have to other people, its extremely helpful.
reblog palestine related posts: palestine news, palestine artwork, palestine anything.
and please click on these links!!! these help you learn and support gaza.
click here for a resource thread do your daily clicks to help palestine buy e-sims for gaza* educate yourself in 5 minutes guide to boycotting posters to hang up help families in gaza + link masterposts* resource thread how to help gaza while being a minor read about palestine
*please do this only if you have the ability to
ill add anything to this if i find anything thats also important
do anything u can on this list. please. save gaza.
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windupaidoneus · 18 days
first you're not horrible and in fact I care about you deeply and dearly, second!! Tell me about that furry modern AU i've seen you post a bit about I think? the one where they work office jobs. If you have anything you wanna say about that :] or um. Tell me hilde and emet's favourite date activities !
green. sneef. i hold ur kind words so close to my heart. always. even when i feel bad!! which is saying!! u know how it is with brain bad...
& of course i can tell u about my Epic Furry Modern AU where they work office jobs!!!!! it's one i haven't actually pondered TOO much yet but the beautiful thing abt thinking is that it's something u can do & then u have thoughts. isnt it beautiful
it would be separate from my Regular Modern AU which has its own lore. in this one they are really. coworkers. to start with. this one actually started off bc i was designing a fursona for hilde & the image came to me of him.. well hold on. this
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^ this is him looking up over his shoulders while Handsome Kind of standoffish Smells good fuckkkk he smells GOOD coworker (though the way i see it it's more similar to like, when two companies work together? & they're from diff. companies basically. yeah) reaches over his head to grab something from the shelf he was sorting. & well emet is an Owl so he has Big Feathery Arms kind of like a cape... so in that scenario hilde is kind offf getting enveloped in that. not really bc emet isnt touching him but. yeah. if this hapepend to me id just die homosexual style i can promise you this
i think magic exists in this universe however we still need desk workers yk. magic doesnt, err, magically erase bureaucracy. Sad! theyre both full of magical potential but yknow when ppl either have a lot of skill but cant get hired for anything relevant to them so they settle for some nothing job OR the thing theyre really good at doesnt pay well so they go for smth that doesnt align w their preferences for the sake of living comfortably financially even if it means work is hell on their mind? them. hilde is the one who cant get hired for smth he likes & emet is the one going for a job that pays good rather than a job that suits what he likes doing. though of course he does get really really into the managing & organising aspect of Office Worker due to le autism. no way he isnt a manager of some sort he is NOT at the bottom of the ladder in any universe. i wouldnt say hilde is at the bottom of the ladder either bc he DOES have good skills & is generally a very applied worker (also idk im really not gunning for them having an unbalanced dynamic as coworkers, same company or not) but he definitely brushes his job off as not that important if asked what he does
emet probably has a sort of Reputation that makes him sound unapproachable but in the few interactions theyve had hes been a very reliable person to work with so hilde isnt particularly deterred from maybe trying to make friends for that reason. hes just.. socially awkward & anxious to start with. the moment their other coworkers (who hilde is actually like, decently friends with, likely one of the scions who mightve even been his friend before he started working there too. hell, could be a zero! or two even) catch that hes trying to befriend the guy with the Reputation theyyy try to orchestrate ways for them to work alongside each other more lmao. or like ohhh shucks i left xyz in the office over there can you go get it for me since youre nearby </3 which is entertaining for everyone in the know to watch.
they do get to work more as time goes on bc i feel like hilde would be doing like... communications stuff. great for the social anxiety lmao. & so relaying info & working out how the companies can better work w each other would be at least partly on him. he'd be involved in that i thinks. & ofc that would also involve the ppl in higher positions. fuck iahve so amny more ideas but im actually falling asleep in my seat remind me to rb with more tomorrow + the date activities ahhh
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modkatisbacc · 2 months
ModKat Re-reacts to Ninjago: Episode 9
Now you may be wondering "Where are the other episodes?" Well my friends, they were on my old account by the same name. "Why did you delete your old account?" Because *Gestures at all the other weird things I do* its kinda what I do best. i started doing episode 9 before I deleted the Blog but a lot of things have HAPPENED in the show since then.
WARNING: There WILL be spoilers for up to Ninjago: Dragons Rising S2 P1.
Also, sorry for the picture quality, it was actually better on my phone but now im using my laptop.
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What were they going to do if he Didn't Survive all this because he had plot armor? Did THEY know he had plot armor? I mean they know he's the Grandson of the FSM, so maybe they did. But then again I take my Ninjago Canon into account and I SHOULDNT-
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Lloyd has been through so much,,, look at u go u funky little guy.
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Still crying that Clutch was name dropped like... like he was never even supposed to be in the series. I still haven't watched his movie... one day..
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I wonder how much Lou knows about Elemental Masters. In like... all of my AUs, Lilly always dragged him along and he experienced things first hand. But,,, what does he know in CANON?
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And, as of the Merge, people just Live Here.
Garmadon,,, Voice,, Handsome.
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Use. The Bell. Son. I dont know why but that is the funniest delivery ever, and its also funny when a parent and child duo are voiced by the same person, thank you, Kirby.
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And WHO decided that one of the fangs of the devourer would be used as a TROPHY? What if someone with ill intent found this out Long Before!
Also as someone who has suffered many twisted ankles, what... what are you doing sit down. Your pain tolerance must be crazy, sure, but it aint gonna heal with you jumping around like that- (Edit: 7/26/24: I... I twisted my ankle yesterday, but got lucky it doesnt hurt that baad LMAO Also what do u mean half the episode has been in my drafts for several weeks no it hasn't)
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Dang Scales thinks they're good. I mean three out of the four never learned how to dance or anything and they're much better than me SO.
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(Insert Dragons Rising Questions Here) But also... Where is it? The Administration is *here* right? What happened to this portal when the merge happened? Is that why they're able to send people back to other realms? They found a way to like use that source to teleport to other realms? How Does It Work. Also I know its guarded, but if its daytime the Craglings wouldnt be an issue, so... Its not guarded during the day. Why not.
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He literally only does this to be an annoying brother. Just a little push shove, dramatic entrance. Wu here looks so shocked by the vortex, My man you've seen crazier.
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They got these suits and promptly only used them for an hour tops. Maybe less.
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My headcanon is that this man right Here Knows A lot more than he ever let on here. Like There Is A REASON he was so adamant. Can we at least get a confirmation that the parents are okay. We don't even need to see them just a lil thumbs up.
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*Points* You had a bad word on your paper mister, I remember the Post. The funniest thing I've never noticed.
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And those specific butterflies can stay away since they seem to be nearby when someone is either about to die or be in big trouble.
(At Zane's funeral, landed on the bike in s7, if I remember correctly, The butterfly in Tick Tock)
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Its time For you to do this again in DR Cole.
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Man really was straight up willing to kill Lou for a distraction. Also he ran under there before he potential kicked in, so he can deal with a lot of stuff Falling on him. Interesting to know.
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True Potential Shots pretty... Very Pretty...
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Can I just say that... These four mean so Much,,,, to me... Look how happy they are.
Ninjago Episode 9 Rewatch Done! I should be uploading these at least three times a week? Maybe more if I... Feel Up To It. I love doing these, and I am sorry that the others are lost. but we Are Back! These wont be going anywhere!
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mstrickynici · 2 years
So I've been playing Forspoken for 2 days and I gotta say I don't understand why people hate on it so much (at least for the things they claim to hate, im pretty sure they dislike it for other reasons... ).
The world and characters are interesting. The story till now is great too, enough that I'll bingeplay it till its over for sure. The battle system is nice. The map is gigantic. Graphics and physics are good. The dialoge isn't any worse than a lot of other games.
Haven't encountered any bugs so far.
Only thing I don't like is the small font and wasting a lot of space instead of making the panels bigger. I'm playing on a ps5 on TV and sometimes I have to squint my eyes to read anything. Not talking about the subtitles, those are fine. But everything else...
All in all a great fantasy game with a magic based fighting style and parkour.
A well rounded single player rpg. I really don't get all the hate. A game doesn't have to be a masterpiece to be enjoyable.
Also there are a lot of cats. U can pet them. They cuddle with you when you sleep.
Definitely recommend it.
SOME SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Nothing major, but things about the environment and other small stuff.
First the somewhat negative stuff, which there is more than I had hoped.
Now that I've played some more I have to admit it gets somewhat repetitive, if you want to explore a lot. There are no real side quests, just some interactions in the main city and one fetch quest.
Especially the photo quest. It doesn't matter what pictures or how many you make, they always interact the same. Say the same line. There was a point in the story where people die and they still cheerily ask for their pictures. Normally I wouldn't care about that, but because there are no real side quests, this one just stands out.
And now that I'm near the end I've got to say that the main quest seems rather short. It's basically watch this interaction, watch another interaction, go here, another interaction, go fight the Boss.
Due to the story the only character interactions are in the main city, or when you meet one of the bosses, which I think there are four. I've defeated two and am on my way to the third and its chapter 11 of 12.
So other than "Cuff" making remarks its a gigantic open world, but only enemies to interact (fight) with.
It is an open world rpg, I know that. But the lack of side quests and the repetitive exploration locations dont really fill the story out.
The items you get (Cloaks/necklaces) aren't that rewarding either, because you can level up each one as much as you want (the max lvl for all items is the same) and apply any perks to any clothing item. The only thing that changes is the appearance. Exception to this is the nailpolish.
An example from today: I just fought a really hard boss and got a new cloak. Because I leveled up the one I'm already wearing its got double the stats than the one I got after the fight. And that's kinda disappointing, because that's been the case with every item I got until now. The only thing you really get are the perks the clothing item has, so you can use it on others; and the new appearance.
Positives: Still no bugs. Even if I get stuck somewhere I'll always get out in a second. The parkour and fighting gets better and better the farther you get in the story. The locations are stunning to look at. The floating rocks you can jump around on are definetly one of my favorite places. The story is still interesting, and I'm looking forward to the conclusion.
I also like that you get a little exp. when interacting with some people during story events. I wouldnt call them side quests, because you just talk with a character. But it's still nice.
Also all the cats you meet hang out in your home after you befriend them. I think I have 8 hanging out in my little house now. And there are more. Gotta collect them all and see how they all gonna fit in there.
Gonna write the second edit and make my verdict when I finish the game. But right now I'd say for what i got it was too expensive. I would have still bought it, but when it was on sale.
Edit 2: oh boy
I really, really wanted to love this game and say mostly good things about it, but I'd be lying if I did.
The story ending was kinda dissapointing and mediocre. I could see the big plot reveals from pretty much the beginning and was hoping I'd be wrong and that itd be intentionally misleading. But no, it was like I thought, and not in a "AHA, I knew it!" triumphant kind of way. It was so obvious who the big bad is.
The last fight was also kinda meh. There was an instance where you fight while standing on a dragon, and I was stoked, hoping there'd be parkouring involved. Or just flying around. But no, the dragon hovers static in the air and you point and shoot at targets, like one of those carnival shooting games. It doesn't even move a bit.
Big, big plus point though: There are epiloge quests. The story is not over after the main boss fight, it goes on a little bit and you can explore everywhere. That's good for me, because with most games I lose interest as soon as the main storyline is over.
Also apparently the point of no return is actually in chapter 11 and there is no real warning except the normal "Frey enters new story chapter" warning. Because you lose some abilities that you only get back after finishing the game, some warning would have been nice.
Also the abilities you gain from boss Nr. 3 you can't really use freely until after the main story is over. So if you stop playing after the main story ends you've got a barely used magic skill tree. I'm sure they put a lot of work in those spells, so seeing an entire branch practically unused seems wasteful.
Putting all that and the last region in the epiloge, when a lot of people will probably not play much past it doesn't seem very smart.
There's also a quest where you fight the main bosses again. No difference. Just the same cutscenes and the sane fight.
I hate the dancing quest with a passion. Nevermind it's the same dance 4 times, just with more Button prompts. The 3 and 4 times are so fast, and as soon as you hit one wrong button, the dance is over. You can't skip the cutscenes. So you have to start again and again and again. Because you don't know what next button to press. Couldn't they just let you finish the dance even if you failed a few steps? Just so you can learn the sequences?
Downside to this after story playing is also character interactions. With Cuff. You'd think there would be some major difference, but no, for the most part the interactions and talks are the same, which I find baffling. Why didn't they change them? It's at times like nothing happened.
There's also a choice, before the boss fight.
It's fight the Boss, or go back to New York.
I'll reload and try the New York option, just to see how that will turn out.
Maybe there'll be Edit 3, after I've played some more.
Edit 3: if you choose the New York option it's a 5 second clip with her carrying her cat down the street. Then the credits roll... Wow.
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sukifoof-art · 2 years
hello suki,,, it is i,, again,,,
i rewatched kkss recently and i wanted to know what are your thoughts on The Church Scene™ ?
it's honestly one of my favorite scenes bc in my opinion despair expressed a tiny bit of emotion as if he actually,,, didn't want to kill mary,,,
i cry every time
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oh man i meant to answer this earlier but then i Completely Forgot... BUT YEAH i think despair is a really interesting character and that scene is very interesting for his character!! i think hes very lonely in his immortality and while he has femt and aligura he still doesnt get to just. be an ordinary person. he doesnt get to have the kind of bond black and white have and he doesnt get to have the friendship leo and white have... hes Extremely Depressed and the thing he says about lingering attachment keeping him and white alive.... Very Interesting. ive said this a lot but i think white is a foil to pretty much Every Character shes so well written.... but anyway i think a lot about how she said she wouldnt be able to live without black and later on black says that without her theres no world at all. but she learns that even if shes gone its okay because black Wants to live and thats so important to her when her whole childhood she watched black barely ever stand up for himself,,, those two make me so emotional,, i think theres a whole religious aspect to it too but im still not quite sure what my thoughts on that are and what white is supposed to represent.. im very out of it today so forgive me if this doesnt make sense But i think despairs Lingering Attachment in a way is his love for humans. he likes that they can love despite their lives being so short and he wants to understand, and seeing how much the macbeths care about each other probably really affected him.... he doesnt really want either of them to die because he appreciates their humanity but. u know. hes the king of despair. gotta cause despair to literally everyone including himself <3
tldr the king of despair kins saeru those are my thoughts <3<3
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tskumoyuuma · 3 months
finally got around to watching happy death day, and it was pretty good I had fun watching it, so I decided I'd try the sequel movie right after the first but..
spoilers for these movies I guess but man did I lose interest in the sequel real fast. I think the last good moment was when o fortuna played n I laughed real hard at that, but after that moment, it just felt. kinda boring. and also confusing? like did she just automatically assume this guy was gonna try n kill her every night like the first movie, even tho so much had changed? she just went straight to killing herself, sometimes in really really brutal ways, so she wouldnt get stabbed to death? and then it turns out he wouldnt have even gone after her at all as long as she wasnt in the hospital cause he doesnt even kno her here. so then what wouldv happened if she.. had just avoided the hospital? like if they hadnt gotten the machine up and she didnt die. would it still reset? or would it have just gone to the next day. I assume not cause they talk about the loop still being there but it only has ever reset when she dies. it's like they either didnt think about that when writing this movie, or they didnt want their audience to think about it too hard, cause when the killer reveal happens n he asks who she is, this kind of 'solution' is never even mentioned as a possibility. of course the movies basically over by then and I guess its better to be safe than sorry when u think a guys gonna kill u every night but. I think I'd feel better about it if they had addressed it in some way, like if the loop didn't actually depend on her death this time. but then we wouldnt have the 'funny suicide montage' I guess so.
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bearcuryama · 8 months
Ive read worse mangas
《 The List 》
Kinda dissapointed this went from a 7/10 to 5/10. It really had a lot of potential. Not the plot, i ment the actors, they had good casting and the esthetics and colors scream my style.
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I went in not expecting much cuse i literally just chose it from the myflixer catalog, with no recommendations. Therefore, i was pleasantly surprised it was not absolute compost.
It's still not a good romance. But honorable mentions cuse it wasn't as cringe as it could have gone. They did a good job for a cliche white woman romance novel. The ending was just really disappointing. It started out so well. The ending is litteral trash.
My main issue :
They undersold the love intrest
Dude they casted him so well, he emanates "besties" vibes. But u guys do realise that for that type of love intrest to shine U STILL HAVE TO TREAT THEM AS A MAIN CARACTHER.
On my first watch, i thought the fault was on him and maybe he wasnt a charismatic actor. But rewatching his very few scenes, the fault is entirely on the director !!! Use the camera better !!! Center him !! Light him better, give us close ups and more individual shots just for him.
I know that the point was that she didnt see him as an option and she was focused on the 5 other love intrests but we all knew those guys wouldnt be endgame ( altho i was rooting a little for british boy, for selfish reasons. He sounds like tweksbury///)
But still... treat him like a main caracthers a little. He was off focus and off cadre most of the movie !!! I know he's a tiny boy but plz try to center the shots!!! Wtf was that TT
Also im sorry, there was a potential chemistry between them but idk it just didnt feel right in the end. Maybe casting them together wasnt a good choice. Or maybe the movie was way too fast and u didnt let the actors enought time to bond ( or even let the caracthers enought time to bond either). If you wanna do the friends to lovers trope MAKE THEM BESTIES not just friends who met a week ago. Homeboy was closer to her bestie than to her and they spoke less TT
Speaking of her bestie, she's my favorite caracther and im so happy to see her here TT omg girl !!! I knew this had to be you !!! Look at u ! From being a boy obsessed biker girl in disney's teen beach to a ride or die bestie that simp for her ex-gf TT
What do i call this type of era?
I call it "the result of my parents not giving me access to the internet as a tween and locking me in our house all summer with no cable either so all i had was the on demand bootleg service every imigrant house tv installs so ive gotten used to watching bad white people movies even if they are not up to my standards cuse u never know when ull discovers another love rosie ♡"
Or " i crave romance but all the new kdramas i wanna watch are still ongoing, ive finished rewatching my ults, ive read all the new shojo mangas i might like, and fics just dont hit the same ( people are cringe) so i have to stall for time and find a new source of romance".
Why am i awake
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ok before i forget and the episode comes out im gonna just write down 4 my own sake what i think is gonna happen on tonights owl house episode (well technically tonights but i think id rather think abt it as tmrws bc it comes out at like 3am so ill watch it in the morning).
anyways most likely it begins like exactly where we left off anddd the collectors new game is this like dream sequence type shit w im assuming either like fucking idk. luzs biggest fears or how the collector views luz. or like both ? idk. but like her biggest fears bc i mean she sees herself as literally as bad as belos so thats im guessing like everyone else also thinks the her being in his clothes type shit. and then also that one scene with her friends all in like their old clothes kinda echoing that one season 1 ep 2 scene. im guessing the reason theyre in each of those clothes is bccc errr. well theyre not from the same time that much is clear.  id like to say theyre from the worst times of their life or whatever but that doesnt make sense 4 gus bc grom wasnt like. bad 4 him ? unless theyre all being forced into kinda roles like luz is too ? but that seems like it only rlly makes sense 4 amity n hunter bc hunters in his golden guard uniform n amitys just in her. Default Boiling Isle clothes ig ? which i GUESS could be like when she was around her mum ??? but then why not go full out and give her the green hair again ???? im just confused abt that part honestly unless it was to do w just significant parts of luzs life but then again why the fuck is gus in his grom outfit. anyways im obsessing 2 much over that one scene. er. ok um. anyways luz does this whole dream sequence thing for someee reason anddd. well belos n raine have their like fight im guessing. maybe bc likeeee idk eda does smth and we get some raeda angst maybe ??? and then bla bla belos possesses the titan oopsie doopsie. wait. wait ni that wouldnt rlly make sense. bc like the titans kinda fucked up. and we saw he couldnt possess grimwalker corpses anymore bc they were all fucked up n rotted. and the titan is likeeee loadsssss older than caleb so that wouldnt make sense. unless its like he can possess the body but cant move it much rlly beyond like environmental horror. like a humphrey omori type deal. except big humphrey is dead. and bones. and fucking hates air conditioning. and is a puritan. anyways errr yeah and thennnn eda n king becomee fuckinnn rabid n shit. king looks much bigger in that one scene tho so maybe he like becomes So Rabid he gets all titany n shit or whatever idfk. errrr. idk what like the hexquad n co would do. bc theres no way toh team would have time to give them all their own dream sequence stuff. and it wouldnt make sense bc the collector only rlly has it out for luz bc hes jealous of her for being besties w king. so like. idk. maybe they just like vibe. or hhave a big heart 2 heart moment. errrr. kindaaa hoping honestly that huntlow doesnt get a big like wow rainbows hearts scene like lumity did because having their sorta quiet understanding of mutual feelings feels more fitting for them yknow. but i wouldnt complain if they got smth big n obvious i just think itd be more fitting if they got smth sorta quiet and subtle. errr and thennnnn err fuckinnn. everyone comes together to save the day and kill belos and let that old man fuckin die already. and thennnn luz decides like fuck it we got a portal who says u cant live in 2 realms at once eda did it why the fuck wont u copy her. anddd they all lived happily ever after the end. oh andddd eda n camila meet n they do NOT have a mum fight because they both LOVE each othe because they both love LUZ and they are both GRATEFUL that the other took CARE of her and the end. oh and hooty becomes door again. the end part 2. and then disney blows up and everyone cheers and the end part 3.
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bakidose · 3 years
hi baki!! if your requests are open, may i ask for angel devil relationship headcanons?? thank you <33
warnings: mentions of sex toys + quick mention of pegging + cunillingus + blowjob + mentions of death /dying + very slight angst + angel being a brat
pairing: chainsaw man's angel devil + fem! bodied reader
a/n: phew first work ive posted on here thank u sm for requesting <33 tbh i was panicking on how tf id even go about this and ended up writing wayyy too much 😭 anyways- i had fun writing and he deserves more content fr also i didn't rlly know if u wanted it to be sfw or nsfw so..i did both lol enjoy
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SFw —
baby you are my- ANGELLLL
you guys have ice cream dates often since its his favorite !! he does expect you to pay for his share of the ice cream though LMAO but really he enjoys all dates you two have that involves food. he eats anything and everything
except bugs, he won't even come close to that shit "you're telling me you're cool with eating a zombie...but not a beetle?" "yeah </3"
also holding hands?? yeah happens a lot after he started wearing gloves so no direct contact would ensue. holding hands while walking, hands intertwined while watching a shitty tv show on the sofa together, holding hands while doing literally anything. "why are your hands so cold?" clasps your hands with both of his, says you have him "put in too much effort for you"
"sir..." yeah, he's almost always the one instigating hand holding 😌
you and him also cuddle often, very careful with the way he touches you, making sure his body is against fabric and not skin. he's already content enough with the warmth your body gives him
you love to play with his hair, braiding it, up in a bun, anything really. and he especially loves when you run your hands through the strands of his long hair. it helps take his mind off things. definitely will reciprocate if you let him
another thing, he doesn't even try to come up with an excuse when he doesn't wanna do something labor inducing. will just straight up tell you he doesn't want to 😭 so you end up doing it yourself 😃
despite how lazy he can be and how hed rather drop dead than be doing too much, oddly enough he really enjoys baking. says its "not nearly comparable to working at a job" angel baby...chefs and culinary artists exist 😭
it started when you asked him to come over and bake something with you. he enjoyed the time spent together and how good the cookies you both made were hebarelyhelpedyoubye
loves red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting a LOT also, cherry pies. really loves those mfs
just has a really big sweet tooth omg
likes spending time with you overall. never knows when he'll be gone or vice versa, given the fact that he's a devilangelman
you two don't kiss very often either but you still do it because kisses make heart go brrr even though he scolds you not to. 1 week off of your life for a simple quick liplock? you'll take it baby :3 he lowkey loves the feeling of your plush lips on his though so,, he doesn't fight on it as much as he should
wishes he could decide how much of someone's lifespan he can take but unfortunately can't. if he could, he wouldn't take any at all from you
just wants to be happy and stay with you as long as possible :(( he'd never admit it but, you're what's keeping him going
which is why he doesnt understand why you're not more careful around him
"are you trying to die quicker?"
"im not. but i care a lot more about you. and if that means my days shorten just so we can spend more time together, so be it"
calls you a moron. says you humans need to care more about the time you have left on earth since there's not much. pretty ironic considering he's immortal but wishes to leave this place as soon as possible
he does find it touching that you cared that much about him; enough to sacrifice something as important as your life. wouldnt admit it but his feelings grew for you more that day along with the already very present need to protect you
you and him both know how much hes in desperate need of physical affection and you're more than willing to give it to him
the love you two shared was almost poetic <3
despite the obstacles you two have to overcome to make your relationship work overall, pretty and caring boyfriend. would 9/10 recommend
nsfw below the cut !
NSFw —
let's starts this off by saying, phew you're in for a rollercoaster to heaven and hell babe 😭
you begged to suck his dick bye
he just looked at you with the most deadpan expression in his eyes like "no.. im not gonna risk taking some of your life away just for that" and you were like "no baby it'll be worth it trust me pls"
he really doesn't want you to die basically
cause of death : dick
you are the definition of down bad, you are down bad as fuck
you ended up teasing him so much that day with lewd little whispers in his ear, "accidentally" grazing your hand over his clothed enclosed cock
"you don't know what you're asking for"
and yeah </3 you really didn't cause the moment you two were alone, away from any prying eyes, he shoved you down on your knees, head being forcefully pushed to come face to face with the obvious tent in his slacks
"such a needy little cockwhore" "is this what you wanted so badly huh?"
his head spins seeing you barely able to give back a reply, throat too preoccupied, busy being abused as you garbled out an incoherent 'yes' from those spit smeared, swollen lips. tears welled up in your eyes but fuck, it felt too good. hes taking control while you do it, hands gripping your hair; careful not to touch too much. you're being such a good girl for him. he's already taken a month off of you just by your mouth on him
speaking of which, since that's one of the biggest problems, he loooves using toys on you or watching you use them on yourself
watching you writher and moan, a blissed, fucked out look on your face. please he loves it, it turns him on so much
mutual masturbation is also a staple in the bedroom since you don't have to worry about touching each other and he doesn't have to worry about shortening your lifespan </3
but when he does feel like taking the risk mostly due to your happy-go-lucky ass 🙄
loves to finger fuck you. especially eating you out phew its like an ice cream sundae on a hot summers day to him. tongue lapping up and circling your little bundle of nerves lazily, mewls occasionally slipping from his pretty pink lips
overall, very uninterested-like, doesn't wanna put too much effort cause...no lol
angel : "i respect it, but it ain't me"
you really gotta rile him the fuck up if you want him to put more effort in and just go wild with no inhibitions, discarding the fact that he's removing some of your lifespan. that last part is really the only thing stopping him 95% of the time
now, even though i said he's uninterested in everything he does. even in the bedroom. don't fool yourself into thinking that he won't make you cum 3 times in a row cause he felt ' bored' that day even though you're begging him to spare you mercy, that its "too much" and he's like mmm "i don't feel like it" literally does not give two shits. you cant take it? hm too bad, cause he decides whether he's done or not
he's not really a horny person to begin with honestly. sex drive is really low since he doesn't need it but your sexy self changed him 😫
definitely a switch. no, i don't take constrictive criticism </3
also goodluck tryna get him to be an obedient submissive. he won't let you 😁
but,,, he still somehow takes control either way LMAO
he's both a brat and a brat tamer 💀
you'd realllly have to beg and whine for it, eventually caves in cause you're being annoying as fuck and doesn't wanna spend the energy bickering 'no' and 'yes' back and forth
he is soooo mf sensitive help swirl your tongue on the tip a little bit, follow the vein from the base stopping just right under the head- he's out. gone even. he just visited heavens gate right then and there
also, his moans bro? fucking angels are singing, a whole choir. you swear it sounds angelic as hell. probably because he is one 😟 but i digress. sound's breathy, panting almost. a little shaky too. soft groans mixed with low moans. timid and shy like he doesn't wanna let it out too much. a kept secret just between you and him
his face flushed, squirming and chest heaving, choked out pleas begging for release. he'd cuss you out and you'd coo something along the lines of :
"aww baby, if you stay still and be a good boy for me, maybe ill let you have it"
would eventually crack and give in cause holy shit he's about to cry
and does end up crying once you finish him off, overstimming him
"s'too much" he says. "ill say when its too much" yeah, you'd totally give him the same treatment he gave you 😇
honestly him subbing could go both ways. he gets pissed that you bossed him around to the point where he was begging for it and he ends up dicking you down cause fuck it what's 7 more months less of your lifespan when y'all are having the time of your lives in this very moment
or he ends up being exhausted as hell and goes out like a light immediately afterwards
couldn't deny afterwards how much he enjoyed being a subby bitch for you though </3
pegging? yeah, he was down for it after that. but that's for a different time 😚
overall, you and angels sex life is quite literally teetering on the edge of death
lifespan lost : 4 years
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published : 6/4/21
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stfuhair · 2 years
will and mike plops in the floor exhausted, at the abandoned store as they finish killing three or four demodogs, they honestly did not count.
"and what did u planned to do?" mike says panting as he presses the back of his head at the wall
"put myself out there, try to be out of the shadow and i dont know, make more friends, go to some parties, find someone that i like and pray he liked me back" will says non-chalantly, lying on the last sentence, also huffling as he reload his gun
"i mean as long as u dont forget about the party and promise to invite us to get shitfaced with you then i allow it" mike says, he knows will didnt ask his permition but he still teases him about it maybe to hide his real worry of being pushed to the side
"idiot" will smiles
"and i mean even tho our group wasnt the bag of popularity u you still managed to pull more girls than me dustin and lucas together, so it wouldnt be so hard to manage another one to like you right" mike says as he feels a lump forming in his throat, but stills play it off.
"mike..." will whispers, almost pleading, but it came out as 'are you stupid' type of call. Like mike, he is now with his head pressed on the wall furrowing a bit his eyebrows, with a look that can be confused as sleepy, but is just the position of his head.
"what?" mike huffs a laugh "you said yourself, find someone and prayed he liked... you back..." his voice fades out.
find someone and pray he liked me back
...pray he liked me back
...pray he liked me...
...pray he...
will watches the realization appears on mikes face with a blank stare, even if hes visibly fighting aggainst the urge to connect his eyebrows on a pleading look, hoping, waiting for an answer, he honestly didnt thought about it when he said, but what is done is done, and now his only worry should be not die to a demodog.
"oh... either way" mike says, averting is look to the other side, he was flushed, it could be imperceptible if it wasnt for the fact that will studied his face for the last 10 years to not notice any subtle change on it "anyone would be lucky to have you..."
and at that moment, with mikes stare back at his, allowing him, even for a moment, to analyze what mike was thinking or saying beyond the use of words, he finally let himself to feel something he didnt felt for a long time, hope.
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inkleaf-cafe · 3 years
Okay i cant find the post but i’ll take it as a yes so here:
1: sleep tight don’t let the milf’s bite
2: I sometimes think you’re not neurotypical
3:i can just smell the trauma
4:my queerness could never
5:i can just feel the gay
6:You know how i said “I definitely jinxed it”…yea i did
7:sounds like a crisis…mood
8:In one sentence i somehow made my whole bloodline ashamed of me
9:Dont know if this is supped to be gay or therapy
10:my yawns sound like a quiet chainsaw
11:my dreams are either trauma or gay…what does that mean
12:my dream was amazing filled with zombies but amazing
13:be the gays you need to be
14:i think i ate some soap
15:My brain was somewhat okay and you completely ruined it
16:Okay who do i have to kill this time
17:Yes im using a musical to teach politics
18: think i made a random poem and somehow it got deep
19:What do you not understand about me reading gay shit on webtoon and seeing cute dresses?
20:I will be the monster under your bed i will either comfort you till you sleep or be Jeff the killer
21:Ah yes blackmail the best way to negotiate
22:feel’s like i’ve zoned out while reading this
23:Wheres the TL;DR because i just stopped at Hi!
24:Yea you lost me im in Stratosphere
25:* eats vomit cutely *
26:I still question both of our sanity
27:When they call me baby girl
28: thats stupid bitches tok
29:I mean wouldnt it be cool that your ex is the moon
30:do you even sleep
31:The only people i hate are real people
32:I use the happy emojis all the time they all look dead inside
33:Social anxiety isn’t pog
36:i thought Jessie and James were gay
37:Its called insomnia
38: Hermione is holding me at gun point
39:Is kicking someone a team sport?
40:what part of asl with out sign do you not get
41:kiddo but an insult
42:i was gonne say i watched Luca but damn do you need therapy
43: knew all that trauma would pay off one day
44:imagine not having fangs 🤡
45: being stupid is my job you cant take it from me
46:the whole world hates England
47:okay but arson would be so much fun
48:Do i rly sond like a dog when i say things out loud
50:I mean zeus is a whore
51:So we got bad bitch and better bitch making up the baby girl squad
52:Sometimes I challenge how much i can disappoint my ancestors
53:Ghost be judgin while i hit that rennagade
54:Fuck ✨ grammar ✨
56:Probs an alligator too
57:this blog could always be *cursive rainbow* gayer
59:✨ alcohol ✨
60:Kiddo go to drugs dont do school
61::i still have trauma from the zebra cardigan
63:aww thats so gay 🥺
64:hol’ on a god damn fucking second…this shit gay
65:am i turning straight?
66:you broke your fucking plant this better be worth it
67:i have two moods “i wanna die” and ✨gay✨
68:they look like shit but they can look like shit together
69:nice 😏(i never said this or wrote this before just sayin’ its nice)
70:fuck you (affectionate) [is it weird that i said that at least 20 times]
71: fuck you……TAKE MY LIKES
72:we can capitalize off of your dog
73:oh shit i thought that was elsa jumping off of that bridge she made
74:wait are you implying they’re the last non binary orange
75:i might die for the third time now
76:are you god? I mean sans undertale profile pic but still are you god?
77:heh gæ
78:when i sleep i sleep
79:i will not tolerate dead memes in my class room unless its doge
80:he looks so cute but damn do i want to kill him
81:people are just too damn kinky these days
82:so this is what it feels like to have attachment issues
83:But Etida u e-mol-Dionizijo Aguado my beloved
84:I like it just my brains too small to comprehend it
85:shes a sexist feminist in the making
86:i want a mineta x death fic
87:they’ll plan my funeral…add saxobeat
88:a-am i a-a child?!?
89:hey girl you a flashbomb cus you bright
90:hey girl is your gender water cus its fluid
91:Ok im actually proud of that one i better not hear a cricket
92:okay now he looks like an emo boy
93:Yea my will to live is as low as my self esteem
94:can someone plan my funeral yea i know its wedding galore same thing
95:remembering that time i called saiki a tsundere bitch
96:* call me by your name starts playing* NOT AGAIN
97:i may have “i kicked a child” as one of my names but you’re a monster
99:Bye :] , wtf?
100:GO CATBOY GO(00:03 am)
101:you know i have a pain tolerance of
102:I kin that emoji
103:That blood stain looks like a pp
104: am i too middle school
105:I feel like my sass level has risen
107:nah i kinda wanna continue to write my raid shadow legends x reader fic
108:plus my confidence is as low as my will to live
109: who wants to have the honour of killing me
110:great mind think alike but also wt
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dontgofarfromme · 3 years
So I've been unable to stop thinking about how Hua Cheng still has the red pearl from Xie Lian as a ghost, because initially I was like oh he kept it but then I was like wait he's a ghost how??? I dont know the exact specifications of what happens when u become a ghost in tgcf, so at first I was wondering if you die wearing something if that thing would materialize along with you when you become a ghost.
But that would mean that the pearl Hua Cheng has is a dupe basically and that the original is theoretically out there somewhere with his bones, which is not really what the emotional intention of the story seems to be. Also, until he is Hua Cheng, he never wears or displays the earring anywhere visible--it's possible that it's on his person but it's definitely hidden as Xie Lian never notices it and doesn't even put together that the young soldier following him in the civil war/land of tender arc is "Hong Hong-er," which he likely couldve if he'd seen a tip like that.
So the only other option, really, is that Hua Cheng, when he was still alive, hid the earring somewhere to keep it safe. It was probably his most prized possession at that point--he's young, and poor, frequently goes hungry and seems to have almost nothing, so something like this--not even really because of its expense but becomes it comes from the person he has basically dedicated his entire soul to--is probably priceless to him.
Where could he possibly hide something that precious? Probably somewhere he would be able to find or see it often--again, the fact that he still has it 800 years later indicates how important it is to him as a symbol of Xie Lian and what he did for him. But it would also have had to been somewhere it wouldn have been found over the significant time he was dead/elsewhere--somewhere secluded, abandoned, and unwanted, where even if they found it, other people wouldnt really go around digging for treasure because they'd know they'd find nothing.
Maybe...somewhere like one of Xie Lian's shrines? That little, somewhat hidden one where he used to go offer Xie Lian flowers?
I'm imagining 12-13 year old Hua Cheng, prior to starting in the army, hiding it somewhere in that shrine, a little worried because at that time Xie Lian hadn't yet fallen from grace and people other than Hua Cheng would occasionally find this shrine, but thinking that the best place to hide it was under the protection of his god. Young Hua Cheng, growing, getting into the army, watching the conflict grow, and returning occassionally to this shrine to unearth the pearl from its hiding place to hold and remind himself of why he pushes on in life.
And then at some point, he dies, and doesnt return for a while because he's dead and then he's ghost fire and then he's Wu Ming and then he's dead again and then he reforms in Mount Tonglu and spends ten years fighting and growing and sculpting a cave of 10000 gods for Xie Lian, but when he finally gets out he knows a piece of his purpose is still in that first shrine where Xie Lian told him to live for him. So he goes back and finds it somehow, miraculously spared. Or he finds it completely broken down into rubble. But either way, his hiding place inside it has been preserved, and when he reaches inside he finds the single coral pearl earring.
He can't carry his cave of 10000 gods around with him. He's just beginning to establish himself as a Supreme. He is yet to build Qiandeng Temple as a place to house his devotion. He will not see Xie Lian for another 790 years. But this small piece of Xie Lian, this reminder of the god who saved his life and then gave him a reason to live? This bit of worship, Hua Cheng keeps with him always.
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