#either way i was the only one who didnt get in trouble
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tittyinfinity · 2 years ago
Wait I wonder if I'm still technically banned from Walmart after the 2012 video game pants incident
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twistedpink · 2 months ago
Who’s your valentine? @/cafekitsune banner
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And the spinner says….
Idia + getting sick + quality time
“Hey… I know how this looks.”
The cabinets clatter violently with how you scramble against the wood- Veggies, boullion, and way too much water go in the pot. You hope he tastes the anger.
“Glad you’re self aware, Casper!”
“The friendly ghost?? Mid reference.”
The ‘how to not murder your boyfriend’ council in your head is screaming at him to shut up already, but you kind of want him to keep going. Just to watch him talk himself into a corner, like your shit-stirrer so often does. The least he could is entertain you after this royal betrayal,,
If there’s anything you regret about tonight, it’s not hating Idia more (not that you do hate him, but everyone can sympathize with a little trouble in paradise!). It doesn’t matter anymore if it was a work function or family dinner- He promised to go, and now even his immune system’s flaking!
The half-hate soup simmers in the background while your true crime show is playing ‘FBI torture: not clickbait!’ as a duet to Idia’s shakey sneezes.. God, you’re mean. He doesn’t even like this show, he’s just compliant enough to sit in on it! Because he likes you!! “Dinner’s ready.”
There’s something special about the way he looks up at you- His hair pools in a waterfall down his hunched back after jailbreaking from a low pony that you gave him, and his little sickie nose twitches at the warmth… He’s way too cute to stay mad at!! The hot spoon full of fresh soup presses faithfully against his lips, and you’re soon to realize that he’s never looked guiltier.
“You good, babe?”
“UH. um. Never better, babyface..? This soup’s totally meta, YEAH, that’s it! Just thinking about soup!”
“It’s not that good! But I’m not here to yuck your yum, let’s get you better. Love you.”
“Yup! That too,,”
. Cheezy catchphrases and emote sound effects blare from your surround-sound system (Ids insisted on on the thing, and you’re weak to begging), echoing off the comparatively bare boned living room setup. One thing you convinced Idia to do was drag all his gaming into the living room “to share” (you’re hardly allowed to touch anything, much less any guests) you just couldn’t ever sell him on the “normal” knickknacks, barely avoiding anime figures for decor.
He’d only half persuaded you into starting this rpg- All the fantastical races and classes usually melt together whenever mods come into play, but you’re really starting to enjoy yourself! You’re so invested in the current dialogue that you almost don’t notice a boyfriend-shaped beartrap wrap around your arm. Almost.
“Idia, are you sure everything’s okay?”
He forces out a weak ‘m sorry, and the game’s forgotten pretty quickly to start loving on him (great! Now you have to catch up later), you lavish kisses all over his face, mumbling pet names into his sensitive ears- Avoiding his crusted nose and making your way to his neck before he shoves a palm in your face with a little too much force. It’s not like you can get away with all his weight piled up on your thigh, that’s just rude!
“What?? There’s no way you’re faking this, how dumb do you think I am?”
“It’s stupid. I licked a Petri dish at work so we wouldn’t go out. I’m super sorry!”
Before you know it, you’re giggling uncontrollably at the mental image of Idia licking a Petri dish, and running away- Leaving only licks as evidence. He is HORRIFIED. Maybe this is your murder giggle?? Regardless of whatever he’s thinking, the grip on your arm gets tighter, and he joins you with a couple entertained huffs.
“SHUT UP, YOU DIDNT! You’re the funniest guy I know! Next time, just let me know when you want to stay in. I’m pretty slippery when I want to be :),”
“Really. Either way, it was a good Valentine’s Day. Are you up for icecream?”
“Sure! And, uh,, happy Valentine’s Day. Ilyt.”
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yuri-is-online · 8 months ago
(Scatters more Aceyuu birdfeed for the lovelies)
Imagine, when Yuu awoke in Twisted Wonderland, they didn't even have their own clothes--they were in the ceremonial robes--at best they're (probably) given a janitors uniform from Crowly when they first meet Ace. Fast forward a day or so when Ace decides to camp out at Ramshackle for the first time and he really sees your situation. You're not some nutjob and their badly trained pet who broke into the school, you are in trouble.
Cut to Ace finally moving back into his dorm after Riddle's overblot and Ace is going through his stuff (to make sure his roommates didn't mess with it) and he finds like, an old pair of pyjamas he doesn't really wear anymore. This shirt is pretty outdated fashion-wise too. And he has no idea why he packed this pair of shorts for school either! They could go to a good home, he supposed, before bunging his unwanted hand-me-downs in a bag and setting off back to Ramshackle. Trying to ignore the first signs of a pitter-pattering heart as he watches your face light up with realisation when you pull out his old clothes from an old sports bag. He knew you needed clothes but seeing how much this meant to you? Yeah, Ace is gonna be doing all sorts of things to take care of you now to keep that smile. And don't get me started about how he got butterflies the first weekend he went to see you and you were wearing his (ill-fitting) clothes!
After Book 4, Ace has another suitcase of "charity clothes" from home (if Yuu is fem presenting, then he might've asked his mum for her hand-me-downs so Yuu would have some more "girly" clothes, if that's what they want) only to come up short when going to deliver them too you as he sees Deuce wrapping his old leather jacket around your shoulders, or Jack giving you an old cardigan that you're just swimming in.
He can't help but feel betrayed, in a way, seeing you accept clothes from your other friends. Logically speaking, he knows you're not in a position to be turning down charity, but the sting of losing what felt like just a you two thing hurts. He's sulking and petty and got this stupid suitcase sitting in his room for weeks while he pouts, glaring daggers at Deuce for the betrayal (Deuce is just confused, he was just helping a homie stay warm since there's snow on the ground. Jack is at least aware of the connotations but likes returning the shit Ace sends his way).
Eventually it bubbles up to one day, when the group are studying in Heartslaybul, Deuce forgot his noted in his room and Yuu offers to grab them, noticing the suitcase they bring it up to the guys and Ace squirms as Deuce mentions how Ace brought it after winter break and hasn't touched it since. Everyone badgers him for what's in it and Ace won't admit it infront of everyone else there, you gotta get him alone so later on, Yuu broaches it again and he admits its more clothes but he felt stupid seeing you get more from everyone else (he plays it off like "didnt want you swamped with stuff you didn't want" or something) but Yuu perks up, asking what he brought and if he still wants to give them to them. Maybe accidentally admitting they still mostly only use Ace's old pj's because it smells like him because his stuffs just more comfy and they like his stuff more.
Something something small fashion show for Ace something something this got a lot longer than I intended uwahhhh.....
If Ace could go back in time he'd probably punch himself for all the comments he made before he started using his goddamn brain and LOOKED at your situation he would, but he can't so he instead does what Ace does best and looks out for you while pretending he's not doing that at all and does not care.
But the problem is of course that Ace does care. You open the door in his clothes and it really doesn't matter what you're saying anymore. He's forgotten why he's here, actually, instead there's a hum in the back of his skull that he likes. He likes seeing you in his pajamas, he likes spending time with you. Ace will never say it out loud, in fact he denies it every chance he gets, but he likes spending time with you and Deuce. The other first years are fun, and he likes the basketball club, but the two of you are the best use of his time. He doesn't even think about the others maybe wanting to help you out because he's the one who takes care of you. Not Deuce or Jack, him. Maybe he spends winter break thinking about you and going through his things. Maybe he has to hype himself up as he takes his duffel bag back because his mom teased him just a little too much about things running in the family.
Deuce giving you a leather jacket breaks something in him. Ace thought Deuce would have been drowning in attention based on the bad boy appeal alone and that jacket just cements it, even if the blank look his glares get sort of soothes the jealous ache somewhat. "Don't be rude Ace! No one likes having to rely on hand me downs-" Juice is so fucking stupid he doesn't know why he bothered being jealous. Jack's a different story though because on the one hand he "hates" the idea of appearing vulnerable but on the other hand there is a chance to dunk on Ace just waiting to be taken and that has to make up for temporary embarrassment. He could probably get Leona in on this too if he spins it the right way, wouldn't that be funny? Fine, Ace will just keep his things to himself since you... probably don't want them huh. Yeah, sure he swears you always wear his pajamas but that's because you don't have other clothes. You've got stuff now you don't need him. He's not the only person taking care of you... oh well!
When Yuu asks him about the suitcase he plays it off. "Just some extra stuff, you know. Parents am I right?" When everyone leaves he teases you about it because he's embarrassed and he needs to take it out somewhere.
"You really thought of me?" There's a look on your face that renders Ace speechless. "Thank you... I. You really didn't need to but if you have something similar to the pajamas..." You were wearing the shorts tonight. Come to think of it he hasn't seen you in Jack's shirt much. Deuce's jacket was meant to protect against the snow so it's not like he can
"You can have it." He mumbles, looking off to the side instead of into your eyes. "It's not like they weren't meant for you I just forgot about it you know?"
Maybe he'll buy you something next time, no one's done that yet right?
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river13245 · 1 year ago
All I Wanted Was You
Warnings: ANGST, Rick being an ass, CHEATING, Daryl being protective and Negan being an ass and flirting at wrong times.
Series maybe (pt 1)
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Rick had always been a man who usually knew what he wanted. It was part of the reason he was the leader of your group. He always took charge and made big desisious after thinking about it long and hard. It was something you admired about him.
It was one of the many things that made you fall for the man. The way he lead everyone through all the troubles that had came your way. How he cared for Carl and Judith and always made sure people were okay. Its was admirable how he cared for people.
In fact there was a time when he was sure of you. He had developed feelings for you many years ago and he was very sure that he wanted you. So when the two of you finally got together it was amazing. As amazing anything could be in the apocalypse. He would fall asleep next to you and you even woke up with him in bed. Some days he would be up early and heading to go do things he had to do. But on the days when he would sleep in late, with only the sheet covering your bodies. Those were the days you really just let yourself pretend there were no walkers. Just the two of you and your family happy and safe.
With the both of you being a couple, it was something people could tell if they paid attention. Either holding hands or taking care of eachother. When shit went down he would always try to protect you, or look for each other afterwards. You would do the same for him. People just knew.
However that all slowly began to change after about two years into the relationship. At first you kept making excuses for him. Saying it was because she was new and he had to make sure she wasn't a threat to anyone. That he had to show her around. Help her train and make sure she knew the rules and everything.
It started the day that Michonne joined the group. At first Rick was still right beside you the whole time. A bit weary of her because he didnt know her and she was new. He didnt want to make the wrong decision but he ultamitaly decided to let her stay.
You and the group were a bit hesistant at first. But when she slowly began to help people with things around town. Everyone started to get along better, letting her feel welcome. You even went out of your way to talk to her and invite her on small trips.
Everything was fine, or so you thought. But after a while Rick started to become distant. He would wake up in the morning and instead of staying in bed and wrap his arm around you. He now gets up and throws clothes on and barely even kisses you goodbye.
There was one morning when you had wanted to spend some time with him. Make the both of you some food before starting the day but he had decided to take a quick shower and start heading out. You were trying to have a conversation with him but he was giving you rushed answers as he put on his boots.
You walked up to him and grabbed ahold of his arm and made him look at you. "Rick what is going on. Why are you in such a rush?" you asked and he looked at you "Just have to go on a run with michonne and Daryl. We gotta try to find more weapons"
He seemed to be telling the truth so instead of starting what you knew would be an argument you nod. "Alright I love you" and with that he begins to walk out the door saying "love you" and that's only one of the things that makes your chest hurt. He always said "i love you too" never just two words. The other thing was that he didn't even look at you when he said it and left without a kiss or anything.
This wasn't the Rick you agreed to be with. But maybe he was just going through things he couldn't talk about. All you knew was that he is the man you want, you've been in love with him for years. Carl even liked you and that took a bit of work because he wasn't a big fan of opening up right away But you two were close now.
It had been five months since Michonne had entered the group. You hadn't seen much of her but you haven't seen much of Rick either. Deciding to spend time with Maggie or Dary to fill your time. Maggie had been your best friend since before the outbreak happened. Both of you adjusting to this new life. She was even your number one supporter when you and Rick had gotten together.
The both of you had been on patrol just making sure no walkers were coming. It was a slow day so the both of you were talking for a while and she could sense that something was wrong. "okay what is going on? You're being off"
A sigh escapes you and you begin to vent. Telling her about how rick has been acting and about the fact that he's almost always out. And when he's not he comes back and he is quiet. Nothing like the man you fell in love with. Even Maggie is confused because that is weird behavior from him.
But then you go and try to defend him. "But I know he's been working a lot. He goes out on runs alot with Daryl and Michonne and comes back just really tired"
As if you had summoned him. Daryl comes around the corner looking sweaty, probably just coming back from hunting. "what about me?" he asks and so you say "You and Rick have been going out on runs a lot with Michonne"
He looks confused and shakes his head "No I haven't. Only runs I go on, im alone or with Carol" Now its your turn to look confused "what do you mean? Are you trying to tell me that Rick has been alone with Michonne for months now.?"
Maggie grabs ahold of your hand and you scoff and stand straight up. Brushing yourself off "I am so sick and tired of this. I thought he liked me...well loved me. He wanted ME before she came along. But that's just life right, there always is another person someway somehow"
Daryl looks guilty even when he has done nothing wrong. Maggie pulls you into a hug while Daryl rests his hand on your back. You don't cry but you just stand there for a moment before pulling away. "Daryl i'm going to go on the trip you all are taking. I'm going to go kill Negan with you all"
Maggie nods and Daryl smiles "alright. Go get some sleep cause we are leaving tomorrow" you nod and walk back home and once again you go to sleep alone. Rick was gone when you woke up which is probably best since he didn't want you to go on the trip with everyone. But you are anyways.
You end up getting ready, putting on a thick shirt and made sure to have a bag and some supplies with you. Weapons were always around you so you made sure they were loaded before making yourself a quick breakfast. You were in the middle of eating when you hear a knock. "come in" you say and in comes Daryl.
"we gotta go. You're riding with me on the bike" he says and you nod. He always seemed to know exactly what you wanted. Just knowing you don't want to be near anyone besides him and Maggie right now. So when you guys walk to everyone , he gets on the bike before holding out his hand and helping you get on.
Once you guys are on and ready is when Rick walks to the group. He gives his pep talk, one that you weren't listening to at all. Your hand still in Daryl's squeezing it. Rick looks around and notices you and he gives you a look basically asking what the hell you were doing. But you look away from him and tell Daryl to start the bike.
Everyone leaves and some go separate ways. You were always with Daryl, he seems to want to keep you as close as possible to protect you. The both of you talk during the ride because its how you cope with nerves. By physical touch or cracking jokes. So he just listens and laughs at some of the things you say.
When the two of you get there Rick tries to talk to Negan. He walks out and they walk up to each other. You were beside Daryl who has a hand on your arm. Rick and Negan are arguing and having a contest on whose dick is bigger. (not really) but it's what they are acting like. Seeing who will make the first move, however when Negan turns and looks at you he smirks.
You had only ever seen this man one other time and that was when he killed Glenn. However he seemed to recognize you and he runs his tongue across his teeth and smirks. "well well well. I see you brought me a little surprize. Why don't you come on out darling"
Daryl grips onto you but you turn to place your hand on his chest. "its okay Daryl. Let me do what I've gotta do. I've gotta get you all out of this, no matter what I have to do" He gives you a look as you pull out of his hold and walk out into the open.
Rick looks at you "what the hell are you doing?"
Walking up closer but giving space so your farthest away from rick as you can be. "Doing what I have to" you say with a monotone voice. This earns a chuckle from Negan "woah Lovebirds aren't singing this time. Trouble in paradise?"
This makes you and Rick both look at him. Negan holds up his hand in mock surrender. "look just let them go. Most of these people have families to get back too"
At your words one of Negan's followers holds up the gun and aims it at you. You freeze in your spot but you don't look scared, in fact the only one who reacts is Daryl. He starts to walk in front of you but Rick holds his hand out to silently tell him to stop. Rick doesn't even look phased and thats what causes your chest to ache.
Negan had quickly looked at the man who was aiming at you and said "now we don't go around shooting people who hasn't really done anything to deserve it. Especially such a pretty one" The man lowers it and you seem to be able to breathe a bit more but he aims it at Rick now and that's when you stand in front of him. Shielding him from the bullet if they were to shoot.
You look straight at negan "Look enough with this fake flattery. It will get you no where with me. If you want to get anywhere with me, you will let them go. Rick has a family to get back too, Daryl he has Carol, Everyone has someone waiting for them, especially kids." you pause to breath for a second before deciding your next choice of words. "haven't you ever had a child or someone you cared about. That you would do anything to get back home too."
A muscle in Negan's face tenses and you already know the answer. "then let them go. I'm sure your a reasonable man when you want to be" you try to flatter him just a little before he speaks "And what about you huh? What do you have back there waiting for you?"
He steps closer to you which makes you look up at him. Not backing down from whatever he was trying to do. Which was intimidate you. "Absolutely nothing. What do you have waiting for you? Just a bunch of people who follow you cause they are scared of you. Does anyone really hope and pray that you come back?"
Negan grips your jaw which makes you wince but you remain eye contact. You knew you struck a nerve and that was the point. "You better watch how you speak to me. I may not have someone hoping that I come back, but it seems to me like you also have no one. Not even the man you love seems to be worried about you"
Now he had hit a nerve and you grip onto his leather jacket and pulled up away from you. Just enough so that you could swing at him. Your fist hits hit jaw and he chuckles at that. "don't ever speak to me about what I do or don't have. That is none of your business"
Instead of negan retaliating from you hitting him. Instead he grabs your arm and pull you close to him. Then he looks out at everyone saying loudly "we will let them go. Go back to their people, but i'm not going empty handed" His grip on you tightens and you groan. "ill be taking y/n. Back with me so now I have two of your people"
Negan looks down at you and you glare up at him. Obviously not happy with the arrangement but you knew how this was going to go. Before you stepped out of alexandria. The first time you met Negan he had seemed fascinated by you. In fact you had yelled at him in front of everyone and even killed one of his people after he killed Glenn. And when he didn't kill you on the spot. That's when you knew he wouldn't.
However when Eugene had left and joined their group. Is when you made your own plan, you would get on the inside too. Fuck some shit up on the downlow. Eugene had been your best friend, the both of you being inseparable and when he left is when you knew you had to go through with the plan. And here you were.
So when Negan looks down at you and asks "Who are you?" Everyone knew what he wanted the answer to be. Maggie gasps and everyone's eyes are on you, Even Ricks. If this is what you had to do to get his attention, you didn't want it. Taking a deep breath before saying "Im Negan"
This is when everyone was aloud to react. Negan loved a crowd reaction, he loved the attention. Especially when he got what he wanted. Daryl tried to grab you but Rick pulled him away "what do ya think yer doin" he asks and you look over at him. Tears threatening to fill your eyes but you look at Rick.
He looks confused and a little disappointed. There was no love in his expression, their hasn't been for months now and so you looked back at Daryl. Who looked pissed and hurt and something else you couldn't quite place. Maybe desperation. "Im doing what's best"
When Rick had finally gotten Daryl inside a car and he stopped fighting. He runs to Michonne, his hands on her shoulders and arms. Checking for any bruises or wounds and when she reassures him shes unharmed. You can visibly see the sigh of relief he has, as he pulls her to him holding her close.
That is what you had been missing for months. Thats whats been missing in his eyes when he looked at you. Now you knew why, Its because hes been giving all of his love to her.
You must have looked as awful as you were feeling because Negan places his arm around you. At first you think he's going to flirt or joke around but he actually just pulls you to him and begins to walk the both of you back inside. He doesn't say anything, for the first time he has nothing to say.
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cheesymellow · 2 months ago
(Disclaimer: Forgive me if i make no sense i cant explain 💩).
Okay uh starting with the lastest teaser as of posting this: (i love the animation oh ma goodness)
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Shadow milk here seems to be sad, maybe even pitiful. Staring at truthless.. Seeing himself in him before immediently smiling back to his usual silly self. which is out of character for him (at least for me). Also a quick second him having pv’s eyes which makes me feel like theres a reason shadow milk went through all this trouble to make pv exactly like him.
He wants someone who feels exactly how he feels. All his trauma and pain. Someone that understands him. And pure vanilla was the best canidate to do so. The pain/trauma of his corruption or smth
How did he corrupt? Well heres what i thinkkk
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Going all the way back to the prolouge of crk. We know Pv used dark moon magic in order to seal dark enchantress. Successfully, but with a cost—His memories
But he slowly got his memories back ONCE DE was released. Basically, using Dark moon magic comes with a cost depending on what you do and if the spell deactivates or breaks, you get a refund!!! thats the best i could explain it
(as for white lily, i actually dont remember but i think she used it when freeing dark enchantress. then the price she paid was merging with dark enchantress?..)
NOWWW moving on to smilk.. We know he lives in the dark side of the moon where the magic is held/resides?? (uh i think). So i think its possible for him to be the creator ORR the first one to wield/sacrifice something for it
I rlly love the theory where smilk possibly corrupted last by all his friends. So id like to imagine its either that He thought learning dark moon magic was the only way to save his friends (the beasts). OR was obessed with finding more knowledge to share with cookies or smth. But in return for full control of dark moon magic, He sacrificed his sanity, the more he used it, the more insane he got and then he started the question stuff like.. “What is the purpose of this?”, “Whats the point of guiding them all?”, etc etc like that.. basically questioning his own existence! Then eventually snapped realizing his whole LIFE is a lie, Being chosen by the witches and thinking he chosen his life but in reality he didnt at all is what makes him crack. Then since his life is a lie why even bother sharing knowledge now? so he starts lying because its FUN!
now moving on to PV.. He was questioning his own existence and life choices.. becoming truthless recluse after realizing theres no point in sharing the truth because the “truth” shattered him, making him believe his whole life is a lie aswell. so sharing lies would be better right?? execpt its not for fun or smth. Not the same but PRETTY SIMILARR.. basically like smilk is just projecting his thingy to pv so someone can finally understand him
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Truthless has key, Pre-corruption smilk has keyhole
you get where im going with this??? Pv will be the one to understand and help smilk and maybe even break the dark moon price. But first he will either relive shadow milk’s memories. Or his own memories and realize the truth.
Anyways moving to how pure vanilla would awaken..
Before in an old post (link at the end) ive had this theory before that pure vanilla was split into TWO when changing into truthless, Those split halfs being:
Pv A: The pv we all know and love :D
Pv B: The self doubt, hatred and etc
I believe the way for him to Awaken is the first understand shadow milk, Then accept the cruel truth by facing his self doubt and hatred (truthless) and merging with the other him (pure vanilla) becoming the real him (the holder of true truth or something i dont know what he would be called) (I cant explain this well im so sorry)
and also. there is a small chance a SHADOW MILK REDEMPTION MIGHT HAPPEN but i have my doubts
Okay first the very small proof that i think it WILL happen
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But on the other hand im not sure if smilk has any purity left in him 🤔
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Mainly bcuz we know remaining purest parts of the beast’s souljam were taken to create the Ancient’s souljam, Leaving the beasts with no purity left right??
BUTTT as i said earlier, Remember dark moon magic and i said it could possibily be refunded?? Pure vanilla COULDD probably be able to reverse the price shadow milk’s paid? if he does then they’d be besties for sur-
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ah i believe its a lie. Again from an old post, i have someeee proof that its fake based on capple’s and smilks interaction
thats all my brain has for noww! theres probably better explanations out there but, reblogs r appreciated!
Link to my split pv theory w/other theories innit
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guppy365 · 5 months ago
Yandere Superheroes x Powerless Female Reader x Yandere Supervillains Part 1
Y/n hated superheroes and villains. Actually she hated almost everyone. Growing up in a world full of superpowers and not having any yourself is hard. Growing up powerless in a family of 'heroes' is worse, especially when you have a favoured stepsister like Y/n.
Emily had been favored ever since her father had married Y/n's Mom. At first it was just because she was cuter then Y/n; Emily had lovely blonde hair and sparkling green eyes while Y/n plain (eye color) eyes and dull (hair color) hair. The favoritism was immediate but it became worse when they found out Y/n had no powers where as Emily had several.
They were 6 at that point already Y/n was feeling the affects of favoritism over the 2 previous years. Emily got better toys, clothes, more affection, everything. Y/n hoped that getting a cool power would turn the tide and make them equal but when the doctor came out and announced that Y/n no powers while Emily had multiple she knew it would only get worse.
For the next 8 years Y/n's hatred slowly bloom. She was given the bare minimum while Emily got everything. She was never hugged or complimented on her accomplishments while Emily always was. Then at 14 Emily got her superhero license, the youngest ever in recorded history to receive it. Suddenly it wasn't just her family treating Y/n that way it was everyone. Even her friends abandoned her for Emily.
The next four years before turning 18 were the worst for Y/n. She became the failure in not just her mother and stepfathers eyes but everyone around her. Even the people who didnt like Emily turned on Y/n. Then the bullying started.
At first it was verbal bullying but that turned soon to physically bullying. There wasn't a date went by without Y/n getting a new bruise or a busted lip for no reason. If Y/n tried defending herself she got in trouble instead of the bullies.
Today Y/n finally turned 18. She had plans to change her name move somewhere no one knew her and never talk to her mother, stepfather, or Emily ever again. However when she came down stairs to walk out of the house Emily was there with her boyfriend, Conner.
Emily had moved out 3 months earlier into her own place with her boyfriend and two hero friends, Haze and Yuki, after her 18th birthday but frequently stopped by. Y/n was not Emily's biggest fan as Emily had defended Y/n's bullies before after they attacked her. Y/n was not Conner's biggest fan either.
He was an arrogant and spoiled red head with brown eyes from a rich family who became a 'superhero' for kicks. He was not a good person though. They were currently talking with Y/n's mother and stepfather who were laughing and seemed pleased their favorite child was home.
Y/n rolled her eyes and walked past towards the door but when she started to open it a masculine hand slammed it shut. Y/n knew it was Conner as he had super speed and it made her eye twitch in displeasure. "Aren't you going to greet your sister and I?", he says behind her cockily.
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fandomfucker · 11 months ago
Rhea x singer reader and they're fans just being completely obsessed with them especially if the reader released songs about rhea
I have so many headcannons about this exactly especially when I'm listening to music so pretend some of these actual artists didnt make these songs
You are a huge music artist, like somewhere around Sabrina Carpenter level (who you're also friends with ofc)
You and Rhea are like the gay communities celebrity IT couple
Most (if not all) of the albums you've released since dating Rhea have at minimum, 1/3 of the songs are love songs written about her
You're #1 love song about her though is If Not For You (originally by Maneskin)
Not only is it your personal favorite song, and Rheas, but fans go absolutely nuts for it
There's merch for it, signs, friendship bracelets, you name it and it's been made to the lyrics of this song
One of your favorite songs to perform though is The Death of Peace of Mind (Bad Omens) bc you like to drag Rhea up on stage to dance with you
You have her sit in a chair and when it gets to “the way you fuck the way you taste” you straddle her hips and lick a strip up her cheek, which sends the fans into an absolute frenzy
It's a sexy song and you like to have fun with it, especially with your very very hot girlfriend
The biggest crossover ever though was when you did a collab with Motionless in White
It was charted #1 worldwide for almost a month straight
Fans saw her at some of your concerts and have a meltdown
Also have a meltdown when you show up at one of her WWE shows
Rhea was even able to get you the opportunity for one of your songs to be the like featured song for a ppv
Honorable mention, pop/country songs that remind me of Rhea cause of the lyrics; Nothin Like You & Save Me the Trouble, both by Dan&Shay
If you have any kind of concert/performance on the same night as Raw or a PPV, you will wear either Rhea or TJD merch OR you wear some of her old gear or heavily inspired clothes of your own based off her current gear
Rhea constantly wearing your merch backstage and vice versa
She even forced the boys to wear your merch and attend one of your concerts with her
Don't worry though they all loved it and had fun
And there was a clip or two of Dom screaming the lyrics to one of your songs that went viral on Twitter the next day
Unlike Jojo Siwa, you actually added to the improvement and development of gay pop
I picture you as part of a kind of Halestorm-esc band
Sexy rock singing about your girlfriend
Do Not Disturb (Halestorm) is definitely one of your most popular songs
You have that rockstar girlfriend look, complete with the makeup that Rhea taught you how to do
You dedicated an album to her right after yall got engaged and fans freaked out
Trending worldwide on Twitter for two days
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suiteheart-hotel · 1 year ago
✎ breastfeeding m! Kylar like he deserves ♡
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. . . ˚✧.⊹ tags ⊹⁺. ೀ
2.5k words (wow im a horny bastard), informal writing, m! Kylar with cock, unprotected p in v sex, unrealistic sex, Kylar is a very submissive and pathetic (/affectionate) top, lactating pc from cow transformation, BIG GIANT TATAS and AFAB anatomy terms. u got coochie n it'll b called cunt and pussy but Kylar doesn't call u by either feminine terms or masculine terms so it's,,, gender-neutral reader-ish??
. . . ⋆ ꮺ˚⊹ notes ⊹ ༘˚
WHY BOTHER HAVING A BREAST MILK MECHANIC IF U CANT GIVE IT TO ANY OF THE LOVE INTERESTS... SMH VREL GET ON IT /LH also dis is a shoutout to da fellow transmascs like me that don't mind hvin big tatas 2 feed kylar <33 my first full fic i tink!! enjoy!!!
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♡ ┆ u 2 are on a date at the park as usual. when u casually suggest it, his brain just stops working. his mouth hangs open and u have to shake him to snap him out of it. 
"uhh, haha, sorry, darling... c-could you repeat that?"
with a smirk, you do. you lean in and suggest going somewhere private so he could enjoy your milk directly from the source. all the blood in his cheeks rush to his cock almost immediately. he is so down bad for u, he's fucking floored u even suggested it.
♡ ┆ he gets more cocky, confident, and possessive during sex, but at this point, he's only squeezed your chest so far, not sure how he could even begin to explain himself. he’s seen u lactate when u cum, he just didnt know if it was overstepping a boundary to just dive in. its early into the relationship so he doesnt know if youre comfortable with that part of your bovine biology. hes a perv but hes also a polite boy!!  well... most of the time ♡ he couldnt just walk up to u and say i want ur milk babe, you deserve better than that, he just didnt know how to ask... so ofc he's over the moon you're the one who brought it up
♡ ┆ absolutely solidifies in his mind that you're an angel sent from heaven to protect him and love him
♡ ┆ he's a stinky little anime nerd /pos. pre-relationship, after you saved him from bullies, he draws u and ur cute fluffy cow ears and massive anime-like tits in all sorts of erotic ways. does all the hentai tropes. fists his needy, leaky cock at night to the drawings he's made of u. when you start dating, it was like he was walking on cloud 9 when you wanted to recreate some of his erotic drawings (bc ofc u pushed to see his sketchbook when he mentioned it was full of only u lol)
♡ ┆ cant go to the manor, kylar isnt comfy w that yet. cant be in pc’s bedroom, kylar doesnt even want a single chance of someone who knows you and lives with you to see u giving him milk, it's his and only his in sight, sound,,, and ofc taste. hed get jealous if other orphans u live with saw yall doing it, bc if they see he thinks theyre never gonna forget the sight..... which could lead 2 all sorts of trouble since they live with u and he doesnt. he wants it to only be his even in memory. PATHETIC /POS so yalls only option is a cheap-ass love hotel. maybe someday youll fuck somewhere nicer but this’ll have to do… not to mention kylar is thrumming w/ excitement. he’s fucking trembling at the mere thought of getting to taste your sweet milk, directly from your heavy chest which was always tempting him… PATHETIC /POS (1)
♡ ┆ at first, kylar cant get his bearings. he sits next to u on the bed, hands politely on his lap while his cock strains against his pants. hes strangely silent until u snap him out of it with a kiss on the cheek. “ah… d-darling, you don’t know how much this means to me.” he says in a shaky voice. you chuckle and slowly begin to lift your shirt, making sure to give him a show. the way your heavy tits laden with the milk he craves always looked like they were spilling out, your bra barely being able to hold them back never failed to do a number on kylar’s psyche. 
♡ ┆ ”c’mon, you’ve already seen me lactate. get me wet first, babe, then it’ll come out.” you tease as you unclasp your bra effortlessly and toss it to the side, your tits swaying with every movement you make. kylar is hypnotized. just a lot of spacing out in general until you two really get into it.
♡ ┆ your back is laid on the bed, and Kylar moves to get your pants and panties off. the sight never fails to make him breathless. he figures the quickest way to taste your sweet milk is to eat you out, so he does, very diligently. he dives in and devours your pussy like a man starved, he does this every time. he just can’t believe someone as perfect as you would willingly give yourself to him, and he wants to show his gratitude properly, always…
♡ ┆ this mf latches onto your cunt with an intense need and desperation. not only is he making his beloved feel good, he’s working to get your milk flowing as well… it makes him especially ravenous. licking up and sucking on your sensitive folds, using his hands to part your lips and plunge his tongue into you deeper… when you pat his fluffy, unkempt hair and moan… “fuuuuck yes, that’s it, good boy…” he goes absolutely ballistic in his brain. it goes w/o saying that he has a praise kink, loves giving and receiving it. he’s especially emboldened when he feels his head sandwiched between the softness of your thighs, he’s going delirious with need at this point, eyes all half-lidded and bleary, focused on nothing but lapping up the fluids your cunt makes. he's fucking groaning against your folds, can't get enough of your sweet taste. his cock is straining to be free right now, but your pleasure takes precedence.
♡ ┆ eventually, he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks hard, tongue swirling around it as he’s making you scream. “K-Kylar!!” it fills him with a sick thrill, like he’s letting all the strangers in this damn sleazy love hotel know that he’s the one making his darling cry out with pleasure. he pulls back for a moment, a string of saliva connecting between your cunt and his lips to smirk confidently at you. “that’s it, darling, let it all out.” he says, as he’s licking a broad stripe up your pussy, “let them all hear how much you love what i’m doing to you.”
♡ ┆ the moment he sees your tits drip with milk, he unlatches his mouth from your cunt with a soft pop, halting the intense suctions for now. his eyes sparkle with curiosity and hunger, seeing you laid out on the bed with your cheeks flushed, mouth hung agape from moaning so much just does something to his fucked up brain. he wastes no time capturing a nipple into his mouth and giving a hard suck, groaning when your milk hits his tastebuds. it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted…
♡ ┆ he kneads at your tit, trying to coax more and more milk out of you as your cow ears flicker atop your head. needless to say, he’s getting off on your moans, the taste of your creaminess, and the softness of your chest… he loves it. all of this, it’s only for him and him alone. he laminates your nipple with spit using his tongue, moaning as he drinks up every last drop. keeping a hand on your pussy, he gently bites down, making you yelp, yet he also felt your cunt twitch at the action… that gives him an idea for later. he shows love to your other breast, licking up all of the milk that had been dripping off to the side as his fingers rub at your pussy, the slick sounds making his head spin. his breaths are heavy and erratic as it fans over your exposed skin, adding a layer of eroticism from his desperation being conveyed this way. 
♡ ┆ finally… the moment he’d been waiting for. he releases his mouth and cups both of your heavy breasts, pressing them close together and sucking on both your nipples at the same time. wow… just like in his hentai mangas. the sensation makes you feel embarrassed, but you can’t deny how good it feels, either… as his fingers dig into your plush, large chest, he suckles, licks, and bites, doing anything to get more milk into his mouth again. some of it drips in between your chest, and it gives him a devious idea…
♡ ┆ he retreats for now, taking a finger to swipe up a drop of milk on his chin and lick it, a crazed hunger in his green eyes. he pulls down his pants and boxers… out comes his cock, blushed at the tip and leaky with pre-cum. “darling… would you be willing to hold up your chest for me, please?” he asks in a sweet voice, and you comply without question. you already knew what he was planning without him having to outright say it.
♡ ┆ he holds the sides of your breasts securely and moves up on the bed, positioning himself under your chest. you feel something hard underneath your boobs… and without further ado, Kylar thrusts his cock in. he moans so loud, breathing sooo heavily as he pistons his hips… he’s just in pure disbelief. the milk that had dripped between your chest earlier aids him in creating a slick passage between your pillowy tits. it takes him all his willpower to not immediately cum… which he inevitably fails. his cock splatters all over your chest, and a little bit gets on your face. “ah…!! i-oh no, i’m so sorry… i couldn’t help it, it just felt too good…” he pouts with a voice whinier than usual. you reassure him that it’s more than okay with a sultry smile, and you collect his cum with your fingers, licking it all up.
♡ ┆ the sight of you doing that of your own volition without him even asking to… grrr he’s going feral! and he realized you hadn’t cum once! that just won’t do. so while waiting for his cock to stiffen up again, he pulls out and lowers himself back down and thrusts a finger into your dripping entrance. he gets off on the sound of your moans, and he reaches down to take a nipple into his mouth again, the dual sensation of kylar’s suction and his finger curling inside you driving you mad. he establishes a rhythm with both actions, and it’s not long before he adds another finger into you, the squelching noises from your naughty pussy tempting him making his cock twitch back to life very quickly. as your inner walls tighten around his fingers, he searches desperately for your sweet spot while feverishly lapping up any milk from your breasts. and finally… he finds that one gummy mass inside you and just absolutely goes to town on it, making you cry out loudly. he reluctantly detached himself from your tit, and as his fingers were pressing down on your sweet spot, he held his hand firmly over your pubic mound, pressing down and quickening the pace of his fingers going in and out of you. it’s not long before you scream his name and cum on his fingers, soaking his hand in your precious nectar… not to mention your chest flowing with milk as well.
♡ ┆ he’s now hard again… and you take a moment to catch your breath. he’s too impatient this time, however, he wants to thrust into you now. you feel his cock press against your overly sensitive entrance but you manage to gently push him down onto the bed to take control of the situation. “ah ah ah. not so fast.  just came, ya horndog.” you tease lightly, while kylar groans and pouts. you reach down and press a kiss to his lips, your tongues meeting each other once again as they get entangled. you taste a hint of your own milk. kylar can feel your breasts pressing up against him, the weight making him get more needy and feverish with his kissing. his breath hitches when you start grinding your cunt onto him, tip of his cock leaking with cum onto his tummy as your pussy presses down on it. your hips buck back and forth on top of him as you take control, allowing yourself to rest while keeping kylar sated.
♡ ┆ when you’re finally ready to have sex, you teasingly bounce your cunt on the tip of his cock, and you see tears in his eyes. “pc- my love, come, on, let me in, pleasepleaseplease- ah!!” 
his babbling is interrupted by you finally giving him what he wants. as your velvety walls sink down onto him, threatening to overwhelm his senses, you press your breasts onto his face. “you know what to do.” you say with a flirtatious smirk. kylar immediately gets the memo, he’s been dying to do this since you first saved him. he latches onto your nipples and tugs down at your breasts while you start bouncing your pussy on his cock, the dual sensations driving you both mad.
♡ ┆ you’re expertly riding him as he whimpers helplessly beneath you, humping into him so hard the headboard slams into the wall from your passion. his mouth is overflowing with your milk like he wanted… his brain is just melting, much to your delight. your cow tail swishes behind you playfully as he grabs your plush hips and thrusts up into your movements, the sounds of your moans and wet slapping reverberating in the room. 
♡ ┆ the warmth and softness of your cunt makes him wanna cum again. poor boy… he was never good at lasting long. “kylar, hold yourself back right now or else i’m pulling myself off.” you tease, but he takes that to heart and whines in disappointment. “i’ll be good… i’ll be good, pc, i promise, just please dont, ah… leave me!” you smile at him. “i’m not leaving you dummy, ever.”
neuron activation time……. his eyes widen in disbelief as affection floods his heart. he grips your hips more firmly, thrusting up into you at such an animalistic pace that the poorly constructed bed almost sounds like it'll break. the plush of your ass bounces back on his lap, and it makes him grit his teeth trying to hold back. he has a fire in his eyes, as if his life’s whole purpose now was to make you cum on his cock. he bites down on a nipple like earlier and feels your cunt clench around him. he alternates between bites and hard sucks as his hips thrust desperately upward while you struggle to keep riding him. “that’s a promise, okay? dont! ever! leave! me!” he punctuates each word with a thrust deep into your womb, hell-bent on breeding you. 
♡ ┆ it’s not long before stars crowd around your eyes as you two climax together with your own loud moans, his semen flooding the depths of your warmth while your own cum coats his cock and drips down to his balls. your milk drips down your breasts again, and even though kylar is weak, he still manages to find it in himself to lick it up. as you catch your breaths, you two giggle conspiratorially, pressing your foreheads together and exchanging words of pure love and affection for one another… right before going back in for another round. you two rented out this room for an extended period of time, after all.
♡ ┆ now kylar takes whatever opportunity he can to bite and suck on your precious chest, pulling you in school closets or dark alleyways just so he can have a taste of your milk.
♡ ┆ ofc it’s not long until you both rent out a room at the hotel again, you going along with one of his crazy hentai recreations. it ends up with him on your lap and you, jerking off his sensitive cock, rubbing his pre-cum all over his shaft as he has his fill of your milk.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months ago
any hcs abt soda/darry and how they feel abt PaperCut/Curly ?
sodas thoughts on em
i said it before and ill say it again, soda doesnt HATE curly, i truly don’t think he does, it takes a lot to make a guy like soda hate someone, however i don’t think he likes curly either, and that truly ONLY comes from the fact that curlys hanging out w pony. to say soda woukd hate curly feels like a huge mischaracterization that i see in fics and DONT GET ME WRONG its interesting, but it gets to a point where it gets a lillllll boring???? cause ikkk if curly was just some regular greaser who wasn’t close to them, i don’t think he would rlly care much for what he was doing. u gotta remember that he lets pony hang out w DALLAS here and there, and i’m willing to bet that it’s bc he knows pony doesn’t look up to him. but w curly, it’s obvious pony LIKES being around him and look it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that them being around each other is a literal danger, he’s protective of pony as is, to have some HOODLUM!! around pony scares him even more so bc they’re around the same age and pony technically doesn’t have anyone who’s his age so he knows pony’s naturally seeking that out. there’s only so much the gang can rlly do for pony!!
and i will die on the hill that as much as he “slightly doesnt like” curly, he still does care for him!! theres a cap on how little he doesnt bc he knows that at the end of the day, curlys also a troubled kid looking for connections. if things were different, i dont think soda would rlly mind them being together cause he knows they make each other happy, and thats all he could rlly want.
darrys thoughts on em
dare i say,,,i dont think darry would gaf AS MUCH as ppl say
i dont think darry is HOVERING over them wondering what theyre doing 24/7, i say this bc again, they let pony hang w dally sometimes, but then even without dally being there, if he didnt exist, they STILL wouldnt care bc EVERYONE around town acts the way curly does. they dont have the biggest moral high ground bc theyre pretty desensitized to what crimes ppl commit. add on the fact that darry got bills to pay and yea i cant see him putting all his energy into helicopter parenting pony like that.
only time he ever would b like that is around the time he knows the social worker is gonna visit, where darrys more stressed and wants everything to go smoothly, so pony is t taken away from him, i dont think u can rlly blame him for that😭
AND YKNOW WHAT??? i think darry cares more for papercut/curly than soda does partially bc he sees himself in curly (and pony) when he was younger!! carefree, just doing anything they wanted, and yes times have changed, that doesnt mean he wants to keep pony on a tight leash. its usually darry who has to pull soda back and just b like “let it go”, soda cant fathom it and no amount of explaining could rly make him understand, over the years hes just gonna have to see it for himself
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year ago
Yandere! Kalim x reader, but yandere but they're bad at their jobs au. Like one minute Kalim act all sadistic and dark then the next thing when reader asked if he wants some pets he went to his usual happy sunshine puppy that demands pets
yes~~ presious baby boi just wants love but he so spoil x3
what i also like to think about with yandere kalim is that he knows right and wrong but its so water down for him that "he just cant help it ^^
For fun, im making this into a modern mafia au ^^
~Just trying to help~
Yan!Boss!Kalim x Worker!mc
Warnings: power dymanmic, mafia mention, violence mention, nsfw hints, death?, manipulation
The Asim, they are known for their wealth and their trades. They're a super big powerful family with a lot of people (both loyal and not loyal) under them. They kind of give "untouchable kings" vibes. Theyre still really nice to their "people", you just don't see them a lot, or at all really. The only way to really "talk to them" is by talking to someone in their circle but there are layers into that circle. some people thinks that their family is shady, like the rich people act is a persona to hide something but no one really has proof.
But you really don't have to worry about that. You have your own stuff to worry about, like living expenses. You were basically living on the streets, barely living. You did side jobs to get by. maybe you'll clean or maybe you'll babysit. when you were a kid, you always wanted to help people. But with your home life, money, you couldn't really get to your dreams even if you tried. you stopped school pretty early and its a little too late for you to get back into it. plus what school will accept you. you lived in a community where rich gets richer and medium class becomes poor... I guess that's where you are, what your luck...
you were heading to your next "job" place. you had to clean for a really sweet old couple, the Wrights. They couldn't afford much either but they try to help you whenever they can. Example, you clean places that they cant reach, in exchange they give you dinner, as much as they can. you always wish them good health. they are too sweet for this unfair world.
you were lost in your head, enjoying the memories and conversation you had with them. But when you to their place, you see 3 grown men towering over Mr. Wright.
"please understand.. we aren't here for trouble but your son does owe us some money. were just here to collect."
"please.. we havent seen our son in months. hes not here."
"come on, blue carb! i wanna go home! if you dont tell us-"
"Floyd, we aren't here for threats."
"hmm..? oh my... what do we have here?"
the light hair man turn to you with a very scary smile. You didnt have time to take even a step when one of the men grabs you by the arm. he had teal hair with a black stirp. he had awful smile that showed off his sharp teeth.. the smile looked every threatening..
"were just here to talk about business, why dont you scram shrimpy."
you started to tremble and turned to Mr. Wright. he gave you a weak smile and moved his hand like to shoo you away.
"go on dear. it'll be okay."
you gulped in terror but you dug your heels into the ground. if you didn't, who knew what these shady guys would do to this kind old couple.
"h-he.. said he hasn't seen his son! n-ow get out of here before i call the police!!"
everyone got quiet.. no one moved.. the men seem stun by your outburst. the man, that was holding you, didn't seem to like your outburst and gripped your arm, harder. it hurts..!
"tck.. im getting really annoyed, shrimpy... Should break your arm to show you-"
"actually Floyd, i have a better idea."
the light hair man walks up to you and hands you a card.
"i am Azul Ashengrotto. i run a cafe called the Mostro Lounge and Mr. Wright's son has owe us a pretty penny~"
The way he spoke gave you chills. You hated it. it was too sweet when you knew that the words he spoke are laced with poison.
"What if-..."
You had to take a long deep breath, you're risking a lot for even thinking this... but you had to. you were the only able person to protected these people who gave you more than you've asked.
"what if... i worked for you..? i'll work for you, pay off the owe money and you'll have to leave Mr. and Mrs. Wright alone! Deal..?"
the light hair man pauses.. then smiled. he put his hand out for a handshake.
"Its a Deal."
when you took his hand, that was it. you had to say goodbye to your home away from home. you gave mr.wright a smile and left with the strange men...
the next few weeks you learned what they did, kind of, and what they needed of you. they didn't tell you 100% of everything but you were supposed to be their servant, or an errand boy, or something like that?
the job wasn't bad at all. you cleaned, get anything they need, run things for them. sometimes they call you for... personal reasons. In exchange you get 3 meals a day and a comfortable room. which honestly, you weren't complaining. before, you would have one meal a day and even sleep on either a hard floor or a gross mattress. At this rate, after you finish paying off the Wright's debt, you might just stay here.
sometimes the job brings pretty scary people that show up out of nowhere. they often had big weapons to their side, some would have the weapons ready and loaded. Jade, Floyd, or Azul often gets you out of the way and most times tell you to cover your ears and close your eyes. sometimes they have you clean up their messes after these scary men... "leave." you knew better but you cant really say or do anything about it so.. you just don't question it.
after a month, you thought you get used to your new home life now but- you accidentally ran into someone or someone ran into you.
"oh my-! are you okay? im so sorry!! i-"
"no no! its okay. i should have been more careful."
the mysterious man helped you up. he had bright red eyes and white white that complement his dark skin every nicely. he had a black dress shirt and a red suit with gold accents, red dress pants to match. when he helped you up, you notice he's hands are really soft. big contrast to your hands.
"I'm sorry again."
he was about to run away but stopped and sheepishly turn and smile at you. it kind of reminded you of a happy teenage.
"actually... do you know where the Mostro lounge is? i... i think im lost. hehe." he scratched the back of his head. the embrassement on his face was slowly growing on you because he kept smiling.
it was kinda weird to see someone around here with such a bright smile..? like an genuine smile or maybe hes just a good actor or something..? you cant say.
"oh.. its a left then a right." you poked.
"kk! thank you~"
he turned and ran away again. you were about to leave but he stopped you again.
"can you actually walk with me there..? i asked directions before and got lost.. hehe~ pretty please?"
with his charming smile, you couldnt help but smile back.
"okay, follow me."
during your walk there, he asked a few question. they were harmless questions, enough. favorite colors? favorite food? favorite animals? where have you been? favorite places to go? etc.
when you got there a tall man with dark skin and long beautiful black hair rushed to your side, well more like to the other man.
He had the same outfit as the white hair man but they both wore it differently. which wasnt a bad thing. it compliment their personalities. Like jade, floyd, and azul do with their suits too.
"Kalim! where have you been?! we just left the elavoter and you were gone from my sights?! why did you-?"
"oh ya! i saw this pretty ocean theme pillows and i wanted to get some but you had my wallet hehe~ so... can i get them? they be perfect for-!"
"no. ugh..."
you felt really uncomfortable... it was like a mother scolding her kid... the black hair man looked at you. you shifted your feet uncomfortably.
"who are you? i dont remember you from our last visit?"
you raise your hands up and backed up slightly. people here are either very suspicious, they often come to see azul for his deals, or naive soul, that came for the ocean-like atmosphere.
"im just a-"
two arms snaked around you. you started to freak out. this is how you die--!!!
"shrimpy!! where's my drink~~? ive asked it for about... like 10 minutes ago~~~"
Oh! its just Floyd. he practicely moaned in your ear. it was a lot to get used to Floyd's mood swings. but you learn to avoid him when hes upset or just do want he says and not say too much. if he tries to tease you, he often gets bored and wonders to do who knows what.
"oh! hi sea snake! hi sea otter!"
"Floyd.. for the last time, stop calling us-
"hi Floyd!! haha!"
the white hair man jumped up and join the hug! you were getting crushed between these two... you were patting their backs in a way to say "okay thank you but-- that enough..!!! im dying! let me go!"
"jamil! Kalim! its great that you made it! a bit late but- i cant say im suprised."
"tsk.. hello jade... azul..."
the dark hair man, pulled the white hair man off you. it helped but Floyd is still squeezing you like he was trying to kill you, not literally... hopefully.
"ah.. its seems that you met our new hire. Jamil, Kalim, this is (mc)."
you, trying your best with the situation youre in with floyd right now, bowed your head as jade introduced you.
"hehe. we found shrimpy when we were at the Wright's place."
"did you get the money..?"
"no~ they were being stubborn but (mc) offer to pay off the money that was owed so i cant complain too much."
azul spoke and rubbed your head like a kid. you didnt like how they were talking about you like you werent there. or rather, talking about the Wrights like they were bad.. but you held your tongue. you didnt want to get them mad... especially when floyd is still holding you.
"ohh.. poor (mc). dont worry, well protect you from those mean people. im kalim, Kalim al-asim!"
"and thats jamil, Jamil Viper."
"Kalim! dont give our names to strangers! you dont even know them-"
"Well then~ we'll just have to just spend time with them!"
Kalim.. Kalim al-asim.... an Al-Asim.. Al-Asim! This smiling ray of sunlight is an Asim??
apparently your face paled because Kalim reached for your face and held your face into his hands. he gave you a giggle and smiled as he massage your cheeks in his hands.
"hehe youre so cute. after our meeting with Azul, i want to hangout with you on your break. when is it? hmm?"
you turned to Azul, he nodded his head in approval.
"i-its.. its in 2 hours from now.. sir.."
"hehe.. no need to talk so formal. just call me Kalim. And okay, on your break, meet me by the front door of the Mostro lounge, kk?
"y-yes.. kalim.."
he gave you a smile and all the 5 men started to head to Azul VIP room..
what did you get yourself into....
You've been spending a lot of your time with kalim as of late. To the point where you felt guilty for leaving work.. but you'd feel more guilty for saying no to kalim. You tried once. It was one too many.
You initially wanted to keep some distance. But with kalim's smile and charisma, you couldn't say no. Kalim always found a way to have lots of fun and he will always include you too.
Every time you came back to the Mostro lounge, floyd gives you a stink eye and a "why wasn't i invited~?" whine. Jade gives you his creepy smile and does a weird thing by leaning in and asking "did anything exciting happened~?", whatever that means. Azul doesn't seem upset at all. It made you anxious. Is he marking down your pay when you're out with kalim..? You checked your accounts and you were still getting payed for your work but.. you didn't do any work..?
You decide to talk to azul about it. You didn't want something like this be in the air, with someone as slimy as azul.. and with money no least!!
You knocked.
"Um.. azul..? Are you busy?"
You peeked through the door of Azul's office, and they vip room.
"... no. What do you need..?
he was working on some papers and he looked.. unpleased.
"I.. ill ask later."
You tried to take your leave befor-
"You wanted to ask about your pay..?"
You slowly turn to him. His face hasn't changed from that unpleased expression.
"Y-yes sir.."
Azul sighed, lend back into his chair, took off his glasses and rubbed his face as he let's out another sigh.
"Kalim is... renting you."
"And he also requested for you to still get payed because, his words.. 'they're still working.'"
He started to stare at you. You didn't think he meant it to look intimidating, because he can't see you, he doesnt have his glasses on. But it still was very unpleasant.
You were at lost of words. Kalim al-asim... is renting you..? You weren't mad but you weren't happy too. Spending time with kalim is really fun and his personality is really refreshing. But being told you were 'rented out' feels.. dehumanizing. But with your life, you can really feel anything else..
"Is that all..?"
"Yes sir.."
"Good, you may leave."
You bowed your head and left, making sure to close the door softly behind you.
What do you do now..?
Now after every visit from kalim, the moment becomes a little sour. He's paying azul to spent time with you, but why? He's an al-asim. He could get anything he wants right? Why would he spend time with a common rat like you..?
What are you to him?
"(Mc)? You okay?"
You looked up and kalim was really close to you! You jolted and lean back
"I-im okay! Its just.. work. Heh.. work just be exhausting and im just.. I'm okay!"
You smiles, you didn't notice that kalim stopped smiling.. he was still looking at you but just not smiles. it would have scared you to your core if it wasnt for you trying to change the topic by looking at the scenery. A minute past and his smile came back, brighter.
"Why don't you come with me then?"
"You could live in the al-asim estate and you don't have to lift the finger! Serverts will come to your every beckon call and you get to live.. like an Asim."
As you were staring at him, lost of words, he gently took your hand. You didnt even noticed it until he pulled your hands to his lips and kissed it.
"K-kalim! I-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he stood in front of you and got on one knee.
You felt sick
"(Mc)... "
You felt dizzy
"Will you-"
This has to be a dream!!!
"Be mine?"
He sweet innocent smile made you feel sick. How can can someone so dangerous be so naive?!? You bearly knew him! He bears knew you!!
"I.. i-i have to go!!"
You ran off, back to Mostro Lounge, back to your room, leaving a sad otter left on one knee..
You were in your room for 3 days..
You weren't payed for those days but you didnt care..
You felt sick and a little guilty. Kalim looked so sad when you left him. Maybe when you see him again... you could apologize and explain yourself..? By the seven! Would he still be mad at you? Will he order for you to be erased??
You felt nausea.
You needed to get some water.
Luckily it was night time, you wouldn't likely run into floyd, jade, or azul.. maybe?
You walked through the dark halls, only using your memories and the walls to guide you.
You were lost in thought and didn't realize a figure coming up behind you. By the time you did noticed, the figure quickly over powered you and you were imbraced into darkness.
[Before the proposal]
"Azul!!? how much does the Wrights owe!?"
Kalim bursted into Azul's office, with a tired Jamil following behind.
"ah! K-Kalim! you know you have to make an ap-"
"i know i know! this is important though!!"
Kalim rushes up to Azul's desk, slamming his hands down on to the desk and leaned over to Azul. he was like a jumping dog..
"i want to ask (mc) to marry me!!"
everyone froze and even jade and Floyd, they were walking by, looked at Kalim like he was crazy.
"Kalim! I know your father has told you about being an Al-Asim and your responsibility to your family and making an hair but not like this!!"
"come on, Jamil~ they're perfect~ they're sweet and kind. they're responsible and hard working, like father wanted. they're just... perfect!"
Kalim goes through his phone and looks at pictures of you he took when you hanging out with him and even ones he requested from Jade and Floyd, secret cameras. They vary between you working and you when you think youre alone...
Azul rubs his face and gives a long sigh.
"look kalim. Even if your display of affection is definitely... something... (mc) is still working the Wrights' debt off. if they're not here then-"
"oh! that's another amazing thing about them! they were willing to help the Wrights without even knowing what they were getting themselves into. with the amount of debt the Wrights have, (mc) would be working until they're in their 70s. Thats why i need to protect them, do they even know about the Wrights 'situation'?"
Floyd lays on the couch in the VIP room, with candy in his mouth.
"nope! Jade thought it would help (mc) stay motivated to work. you saw how upset they got whenever we talk about the Wrights. they're so cute but so obedient that they don't even asked what they did to get in their situation, HAHA! silly shrimpy~!"
Floyd laughs and Jade chimes in.
"To be fair, we did get them out of a 'dangerous situation'. what the Wrights were doing to them was shameful.. Saying their debt was all because of their son, who has been dead for 10 years, and saying they dont have money but is found actively going to clubs spending more. the fact that they're living in the poorest town, and looking like weak old people. they're fooling everyone with the act. Everyone, including (mc)~"
Jamil turned and glared at Azul.
"wait-.. you didn't even tell them..? and you kept them working here?"
"think whatever Jamil, someone has to pay the debt off."
"i can pay it!"
Kalim looks at Azul, he was giving a determined look. Azul sighs again, why is everyone in his office. He has too much work to do.
"i know you can but you know-"
"in exchange, give me (mc)."
Jamil was about to stop Kalim but-
"(mc), yes, they work here under false pretenses but they have became a big asset to us. if you were to take them, it will take a long time to replace them."
Kalim walks closer to azul. with his serious expression, to say left everyone on edge was an understatement.
"i will pay 3x the Wrights' debt... as long as i get (mc)."
Azul looks at Kalim and a sick smile appears. He held out his hand.
"Its a Deal."
This took so long! but i did it! i hope you guys enjoy it. if you guys like me to draw something for this, just ask, until then, back into my wips qwq
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speakofthedebbie · 8 months ago
by popular demand (re: one person) some radioapple fic recs!! (i hope thats what you meant lol most of the fics i read are just radioapple)
Bedtime Rituals to Try out Before the Next Angelic War by @miribalis
just yes. thousand times yes. so basically my boy luci has some sleep troubles and that somehow leads to a qpr with al look its been a while ok just read it
Managerial Liberties by the same fella
these two tags explain it pretty well
Tumblr media
something that sticks out to me about this is that charlie is actually (reasonably) cold to adam and like. im actually surprised with how little ive seen that. i mean i dont think id be exactly buddy-buddy with my besties killer either. only 3 chaps as of writing but already looking to be a radioapple classic
im not sure if its meant to be read as such but it kinda feels like a squeal to bedtime rituals in a way (edit: not meant to be read as such, just the same vibe)
devils don't fly (don't expect me not to fall) by @corgiss
also just yes. basically a really not cool joke evolves into a blossoming romance because why wouldnt it. (man if i had a nickel for every radioapple fic that had a masquerade that was sabotaged by the vees- *gets shot bc i cant mention osas yet*)
i’ll hold you close (i’ll stay the course) by the same fella
the entire time i was just going "yas king! put that egotistical flatscreen in his place!!". basically luci reminds the overlords who he is and vox shows he can be more of a threat than he lets on.
ykw fuck it just the entire series (i didnt mention i would give anything to not give a shit (but i do) and my perfect rock bottom (my beautiful trauma) because the first one sounded a lil too angsty and ive gotten enough of that from other sources [pointedly glares at Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love {also coming up later!}] and the second is (mostly) smut and ive been trying to step back from that because "ive seen worse" isnt a valid excuse for that torture actually)
Of Saints and Sinners by the forever amazing @morningstarwrites!! (if you see this i have a serious question: is this your first time ever writing a fic? because how do you get so much right the first time- [not even beginners luck could explain this level of skill])
i could sing its praises until my death bed but ill hold off so i can explain whats happening. basically after burning down a meeting room several times, luci and al make a deal ("not a deal!", luci laments to the void): they will attempt to be civil and maybe even friendly, and by the end luci will owe al a favour. whats the favour? read it yourself dammit! seriously, 10/10, i am foaming at the mouth till friday (depending on how this goes, that might be tomorrow or today)
Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love by Starlit_Rainfall (no tumblr in sight, so AO3) (i. urgfgh. what happened. i was just smiling over the fluff while crossing to go to school. where did it go. where did it gooooo)
if thats anything to go by, the last few chapters have been rough. the fluff feels so far away that i cant even explain what happens. luci was waxing poetic about swimming in maple syrup for al, i remember that much. also emily is there (fallen) tho we havent seen her in a sec. if you read it, warning for the gut punch of angst that starts chap 32 "She/Her" (though the chapter before that, "Should Alastor Know By Now?" ends pretty rough too)
Freely We Serve by @romanaxe
i dont remember how i managed to stumble upon this but im having a great time. basically alastor is a new sinner fresh in hell (but time doesnt matter and the whole cast is still here) and thinks "what better way to gain power than be the personal assistant of the heartbroken king of hell!" features a 6(?) year old charlie and a morally dubious lilith (also i loved eepy al X3)
A Family Forged in Hellfire by Green_Ghostwriter (once again, no Tumblr, so AO3)
this ones a bit newer (10 chaps), is so far mostly exposition and the slowburn pot hasnt even been put on the stove, but as just a hazbin fic in general i see the potential. basically its a 1920s au where heaven decides little charlie doesnt deserve to be raised in hell and is sent to earth with a "foster" family where her actions in life will determine witch realm she will return to after death. her "parents", al and minzy, are given false memories so they can claim the girl as their own and gee i wasnt kidding when i said it was a lot of exposition. erm honestly explaining anymore would tech be spoiling so go read it!
The Red Thread That Binds Us by @scun-gilli
{{future me prefacing this by saying i have no idea where i was going with yesterdays thought process, all you need to know from it was im on chapter 27. also scungilli your comment is making me very worried 😟 well theres no mcd tag so im sure itll fine, right? RIGHT, SCUNGILLI??}}
basically its a king x kings guard au where al and luci grow up together and only grow closer after a. certain life event for al (its fine guys trust :)) [she said, like a liar]) then al is sent of for royal guard training school (ik its not called that i forgor 😭) but dw he comes back. just watch out for graphic depictions of injuries (i think thats this fic) angst and a sneaky eve bc radioapple fics are allergic to happiness (or maybe im not looking hard enough lol) (also im really tempted to make the friendship bracelets they had 👀)
somewhere down the line by kj_crwm (AO3 link)
this one starts off as human!alastor/lucifer but by the middle(?) its just regular radioapple. basically al is encountered by luci while finishing off a job who agrees to keep quiet. luci just keeps on showing up, reveals hes the devil to which al us just like "lol ok" and eventually they get in a relationship (ooh lala 👀) but they break up after saying some hurtful things to each other (oh nono 👀) with luci promising al they will never cross paths again. if you watched the show then well. you know that doesnt happen 😂 most human!al radioapple have al summon him (no hate to them) so this was an interesting change of pace
cannot stress it enough but this is a WORKING list i WILL be coming back to it bc these are purely the fics i could think if off the top of my head. IN FACT, if any of you have radioapple fics you love, SEND THEM THE FUCK IN! i am one person whos only been in this fandom for 4 months, and reading fics/shipping radioapple even less, theres bound to be some ones i missed that you think are Worthy™️! and if theyre nsfw then at the very least it shouldnt be the main focus
EDIT: so sorry anyone who reblogged this before had to see the disgusting unedited version. literally just found out that tumblr doesnt apply edits to reblogs. what the fuck
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kirby-616 · 13 days ago
This guy is weird…
First of all he’s a cup, like an actual teacup… but Bendy is half an eel so they’ve got no room to judge. Second of all Bendy almost killed him, but for some reason he’s helping them now? Either he’s dumb or really wants that gold… Bendy didn’t wanna think about the third option. They’ve heard horror stories of what happens to merfolk that trust land folk, they just hoped it wasn’t true.
Cuphead speaks up, breaking Bendy out of his train of thought.
“Hey, uhh, you’re glowing..?”
“Thanks, detective.”
“So thats… normal..?”
The once white flowers were now glowing a pastel blue, matching the faint blue of Bendy’s tail. Cuphead was having trouble pulling the suitcase through the thick Vines covering the ground.
“Y’know, this would probably be easier if i could carry you.” Cuphead says exasperated
“Okay then.”
Theres a deafening silence between the two, the cave would be completely quiet if it wasnt for the sound of the suitcase bumping through the vines.
Suddenly Cuphead stumbles, his grip on the suitcase handle slipping causing it and Bendy to falls. Cuphead makes an attempt to catch them but ultimately fails
“Whoops…” Cuphead turns to face the eel who’s now on the ground. The pale blue color of Bendy’s markings begin to get brighter. He debates on whether he should help them or not because of the way they acted last time.
“Are you.. okay?”
“..No” Bendy sounds reasonable upset but weirdly, they stay face down.
“Do you want help..?” Theres silence for a moment
“Yes…” the bright blue markings go back to their pastel color as lifts themself up. Cuphead wraps an arm around Bendy and uses his free hand to pick up the suitcase.
“I don’t trust you to pull me on the suitcase anymore…” Bendy claims while holding onto Cuphead for dear life.
“You want me to carry you then?” Cuphead’s lips curl upwards into a smile.
“Is there a secret third option?”
“I could take you back to your little pool.” Bendy’s grip on Cuphead loosens
“…Just turn around.” Bendy scowls
“Turn around?” Cuphead has a confused look
“So I can get on your back.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” Cuphead turns around and crouches a little so Bendy can reach. Bendy wraps their arms around Cuphead’s neck to pull themself up. Cuphead moves his hands to help Bendy. After a few minutes of struggling bendy wraps his tail around Cupheads waist so it doesn’t drag on the ground. Cuphead has a small smile of victory. He grabs the suitcase and they begin walking again.
Bendy begins to doze off when they’re snapped back to reality by cuphead’s voice
“So, you’re an electric eel mermaid, right?”
“Thats cool. I’ve heard about mermaids but I didnt know they could be other species of sea animals. I’ve seen a mermaid before and it kinda reenforced the idea that all merfolk kinda look the same.” This guy talks a lot. Bendy almost zones out before Cuphead asks him a question “Can merfolk be any species of sea life or is there only certain one?”
“Oh uh.. I dont know? Maybe?” Bendy’s rarely around other merfolk, they have 2 mermaid friends and thats it. Bendy’s never really had a family either, not one they can remember at least.
“Okay, that’s fine. Uhhmmm… Whats the most interesting mermaid you’ve seen?” Why does he have to be so chatty. Bendy can’t wait to be home.
“Uh, probably my friend. She’s a… leafy sea dragon? I think thats what she said.”
“Sounds interesting!”
Finally, he shut up…
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year ago
the abandonment issues au,,
where Sun and Moon gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss their way into ur heart
and then turn into sad wet baby kittens when u find out and call them out on it <3
(copy and pasted from the space aces discord, sorry fellas lmao)
abandonment issues au:
ok what if. fucked up au time
where. reader is the new daycare assistant or a mechanic or smthn idk theyre working withh Sun and Moon thats the important part
i think it works better if theyre like, Sun n Moon's handler? Bc they r closer that way and it makes it more fucked up lmaooooo
so basically. this takes place right after Sun n Moon had their best friend-handler person leave bc Sun n Moon had been acting increasingly volatile n buggy n rlly just having issues but the more the previous handler tried to talk to them abt it and fix it the more they got anxious abt getting decommissioned and would cover up the problems n act like nothing was wrong
and eventually one day the previous handler nearly got rlly hurt and knew they had to leave bc it wasn't safe for them and they left a detailed warning/report for the mechanics
(and they didnt say goodbye, not out of malice or anything just bc they didnt want even more reasons for Sun n Moon to act up/potentially hurt them or themselves)
so. the mechanics did a total clean up of Sun n Moon's system, basically left their memories but scrubbed their data of a lot of the 'feelings' they'd had- mostly wiping away the feelings tied to 'good' memories, and the only thing Sun n Moon could do to fill in the void of 'feelings' was assign different feelings in their place, so when they once looked back and felt happy or nostalgic, now they feel confused and angry and sad and betrayed bc why was all of that happiness taken from them?? why did their handler hurt them like this??
so the scrubbing of their systems, which was one thing they really really didn't want to have done for fear of losing their memories entirely, DID work in putting their issues on a much lower level,, but it didn't get rid of the issues entirely. Now they're just,, easier to hide or play off or ignore. They're careful around the kids, of course, but they do at times have trouble with their motor controls or their speech will glitch slightly, etc
a few handlers come and go, never staying for more than a week or so- none of them really care about the job, don't see Sun n Moon as coworkers but more like fancy 'machines' with no real thoughts or emotions, they normally leave after Sun or Moon has a glitchy moment and nearly hurts them or, in at least one case, does hurt them by squeezing their wrist too hard. more often than not, the ppl applying for the position read the list of warnings n cautions and are like 'hell nahh' and bail immediately
then. in comes,, reader. local dumbass. most endearing of idiots. a bit dense. very much clueless. dearly beloved
you're the first one to really treat them like your coworkers, making small talk and being friendly and kind and patient and laughing at their jokes. you smile when you introduce yourself, offering your hand for them to shake- not afraid of them or their little twitches at all. god, how they missed that. you remind them of their previous handler, if only in how you see them like theyre people and not machines.
and they make a mutual agreement to do whatever they can to keep you as their handler. even if it means dodging around company rules and policies by doing something like crumpling up the confidential 'warning' forms, ortelling the occasional white lie, like forging your signature onto the papers when your back is turned and making sure it makes it to your manager without either of you noticing who exactly was putting it on their desk.
you've already started calling them your friends the first time they have a glitchy moment. you're doing detailing work on their endoskeleton, really just cleaning dust away and making sure everything looks the way it does in the manual, when they break something- a tablet, a pen, your phone, whatever it is, it happens in an instant and startles you.
when Sun n Moon come to and realize whats happened theyre terrified. what if you use this as some kind of excuse to leave? What if you abandon them, just like their previous handler did? What if you start treating them differently, or you tell the staff that they need to be scrapped
so when you ask what that was about, they're frantic, quick to come up with something, anything that might make you shrug and forget all about it,
"Well, you WERE just working on their insides, right? That must have been something YOU did to suddenly make us do something like THAT! There's no way else it could have happened. Right?"
You take the lie hook, line, and sinker, apologizing profusely, promising to try harder to make sure nothing like that happens again. The relief they feel is almost euphoric. They pat you on the head kindly, reassuring you that they know you didn't do it on purpose, it was just a little mess up! You're fine, friend, we forgive you.
From then on, they dodge blame and truth alike, most often redirecting your attention to something you must have said or done to make something so strange and out of character for them happen so suddenly, and you believe them, full of apologies and careful words and actions and nervous worrying about doing things wrong and hurting them somehow. It's cute, how anxious you can get. It's cuter, how you melt for their comfort and reassurance. 
They play the song and dance with you again and again, weaving doubt and guilt into you more and more frequently. Until one day, you mumble something about how 'maybe i'm not cut out for this, maybe i should switch to be on the janitorial team instead, or some other department, i don't want to hurt you guys, or-or be the reason someone else gets hurt, i clearly dont know what im doing, and it's only gotten worse, maybe i should talk to my manager,,' and they panic
don't be silly, friend!!!! you can't just leave like that, what about the kids, what about that puppet show you had helped them plan, did you really want to just abandon all that?? so what if maybe they had the occasional hiccup, you were always there to smooth it over, who cared whether they dropped things from time to time, or- or broke a toy or two, that didn't matter, did it??? You were getting so good at being their handler, your little mistakes were normal, come on, you don't want to leave your very best friends. Do you?
and you cave, agreeing to stay, and they are so, so extremely careful to hide their little moments from you for several weeks, making sure you don't notice their tiny twitches or split seconds of glitchy voices, maybe keeping a closer eye on you than would be comfortable, watching over your shoulder each time you type up a report about the day, giving the manager a loathsome glower behind your back whenever they happen by,, and every time you leave you say 'i'll see you guys tomorrow!,' they grab onto your sleeve and respond with 'promise?' so you always know that they really, really do want you to come back
and then. one day,, you decide to go looking in their files for something small and silly, like what kinds of updates had been added to their pick-up protocols, and you find the warnings and cautions forms
and you see your signature on them, but you would definitely remember this and you are absolutely certain you have never seen these papers in your life. and you take the papers and you go to ask them about it.
"i thought you said you never had any problems before? you told me you never had any issues before but this- this is full of things that you- and you, you've been having these problems for that long??"
they stumble over their words, frantic, panicked, backpedaling on everything theyve ever said, trying meekly to grab the papers from your hands, piling excuses on excuses 
"you knew? you knew you were having these problems, and you didn't tell me? and you- you told me it was my fault!"
you're close to tears, hurt that they lied more than anything. you keep backing away from them, dodging their attempts to get the forms. they don't know which is worse- seeing that look on your face, or when they were left without so much as a goodbye.
"you could have told me. i thought i was the reason for everything, i thought i was hurting you, and you just... you lied right to my face and let me think that."
theyre putting on their best soothing voice, movements slow and gentle, wanting to comfort you and wipe those tears away and reassure you somehow that this- this isn't their fault, none of it is, it never was, they're fine and you're fine and nothing was ever wrong, and everything will be fine if only you calm down and stay
you can tell they arent really listening. you take a deep breath and turn away from them, scraping the tears from your face. you tell them you're going to go home and write up a report about all of this and when you come back you can go over it together before you send it to management, but right now you're leaving because you need space to breathe and time to think
but all they hear is that you're leaving, and they panic.
they don't hurt you, of course! but right now you're not allowed to leave.
you try to shut out the sound of them crying and apologizing and begging, even if it breaks your heart, because right now all you want to do is go home and lie in your stupid bed and have a stupid cry in your favorite pajamas. but you try every door you can think of- none of them open. you've sstayed past closing more than once, but the doors aren't normally shuttered for another two hours,, and you're pretty sure the night guard isn't even here yet
the entire time you're walking around the 'plex, Moon is trailing sadly behind you, waiting with the saddest, most pathetic wet cat look an animatronic can achieve, for you to turn and face them again
and thus begins what is probably the longest night of your life, spent trying to avoid your animatronic friends/coworkers who are acting like the worlds clingiest ex who just got broken up with and who can't stop dropping sad love songs in ur dms
by the time morning rolls around, they agree to actually go to parts n services and cooperate and try their best to get whatever is wrong with them repaired, even if it means they might get decomissioned. in the mean time, you promise to come back once they're fixed and work with them to help them get back to their old selves- or at least, back to how they were before any potentially dangerous bugs
basically this is the 'sun and moon have abandonment issues and gaslight you abt it' au
idk what else would happen tbh idk why i thought this au needed to exist either but here we are *lays facedown in a puddle*
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wizardnaturalist · 8 months ago
I am not about to sit here and claim that any work is above reproach, but so many criticisms of RENT are either directly addressed within the show or are just. not true. and this perennial discourse about how Problematic it is annoys me, so here we go
Why don't they just pay the rent?
are you kidding me
did you watch the show??
they don't have any money
the situation established at the beginning is that Benny has allowed them to stay in their apartment rent free for the past year because Roger was unable to work and he and Mark wouldnt be able to afford living expenses as well as Roger's medication otherwise.
Benny then tells them that unless they break up Maureen's protest, they will not only have to immediately start paying rent, they will also have to pay back the entire previous year's rent or else be evicted
needless to say if you ware barely scraping by, you do not have a year's worth of rent and then some just sitting on hand
Mark was cosplaying poverty, he could've gone back to his parents' house at any time.
all we know about Mark's parents from canon is that theyre pushy and he doesnt want to live with them. We don't know any details of their living situation or home life
but even if he would have been fine moving back home, it would have meant abandoning both the community he had grown into, and Roger.
Roger literally had not left the apartment since April died, and was not well enough to work to support himself at the time. Mark leaving would mean leaving Roger without support.
Mark's view of the homeless is often voyeuristic and expoitative.
the conflict between Mark's comparatively privileged upbringing and the poverty amongst which he now lives is a major part of his character
remember when that homeless lady told him to fuck off
that didnt just slip in by accident
The whole show is about not being able to afford things, and then Mark quits his job for his Ideals.
Mark was not entirely jobless before being employed at the magazine. He wasn't going from having a job to unemployment. He always had money for food, clothes, medication, etc., even if it was tight
he just wasn't employed in his field. it wasnt a question of Having A Job or Not; it was about whether Mark was willing to accept the chance to get closer to making a living off of his art, even if it went against his morals, or whether he could be content carving out filmmaking for himself in a way that felt right
I thought Jonathan Larson was gay and died of AIDS.
not his fault??
neither Larson nor his estate ever claimed either of those things, you just jumped to a conclusion and made it everyone elses' problem
I can't believe this is a common "criticism"
A straight man has no right to write about the AIDS epidemic.
I dont know how to tell you this, but AIDS is not a gays-only disease. what are you, a politician from 1986?
RENT was not about being gay, it was about the disease. Roger, Mimi, Mark, and Benny- half the main cast- are all straight as far as the audience is aware. other than gay people, the most at-risk groups at the time were IV drug users, sex workers, people of colour, and impoverished people, all of whom are represented in the show
Larson may not have had AIDS, but many of his friends and loved ones did, and died of it. how incredibly callous to say that someone cannot write about the tragedy they personally lived through, just because they are not of the demographic you most associate with it
Larson plagiarized the whole cast and all the major story beats from Sarah Shulman's People in Trouble.
this is one that cropped up on tiktok a couple years ago
have you read the book?
I have
the only similarities are that they are both about poverty and AIDS in New York, and there are characters who cheat on their partners. that's it.
it's like saying Veep plagiarized The West Wing because theyre both about white house staffers. or like those guys who claim any fantasy story featuring swords and the hero's journey is a Star Wars ripoff. it' absurd.
RENT is directly and openly based off the opera La Bohème by Puccini, as well as incorporating autobiographical elements from Larson's life
stop just repeating things you hear
in conclusion: there are real criticisms and analyses to be had with RENT, but these are not them
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maxdibert · 2 months ago
I hate the excuse "Snape was only bullied bc he was into the dark arts and believed in blood purity" Nah man, most of the "hot" popular guys in my HS were racist as shit and watched liveleak execution videos on their phones in class and they sure as fuck didnt get bullied for being massive pieces of shit (or in any official trouble, "we cant do anything if you have no proof", fucking hell), but do you know who did get bullied and in trouble? The quiet "ugly" kids who were into innocuous stuff like anime or emo fashion and just wanted to be left alone. Getting bullied every day for no reason other than existing, and then getting punished when you finally break and lash out at the bullies once, while they get away with years of constant attacks on you and your friends.
I love Snape, because I see myself in him. Liking him tricked me into realising I didn't deserve what happened to me. I love all the people who stick up for his character, you're kind and understanding.
Love your blog, I've been going through reading all your posts and I couldn't help messaging, you write so well and it made me emotional. I hope you are well and have a wonderful day ❤️
That's a shitty excuse.
First, because canon doesn’t support it. Canon makes it very clear that James was the one who started the whole conflict. James, without anyone saying anything to him, approached Severus and mocked him for the first time on the Hogwarts Express during their first year. At that point, Severus hadn’t said anything about liking the Dark Arts, and James wasn’t born a Legilimens to magically know it. He simply thought he could butt into a conversation and make a shitty comment, and that was it. Canon also clearly establishes that when James stripped Severus in front of the whole school, it was because Sirius was bored, and his way of having fun was to corner “Snivellus” and publicly humiliate him. At no point are the Dark Arts mentioned. At no point is his association with Slytherins mentioned. The only one who brings it up is Lily, not James. This makes it very clear that James’s motive wasn’t ideological—he just enjoyed tormenting Severus because he liked having someone to take it out on. That’s it.
And second, that’s still not an excuse to torment someone in a position of inferiority. I’ve met plenty of people with garbage mindsets throughout my life, and I’ve never beaten them up for it—unless we were at a protest and they started getting violent. I have friends who were very popular in school, with leftist and combative mentalities, and it never crossed their minds to go after a marginalized kid, no matter how shitty their beliefs were, and publicly humiliate them. It’s ridiculous. Social justice isn’t about being a rich, spoiled brat abusing your social and economic power to pretend you care about people’s rights by using violence against someone who clearly can’t defend themselves or doesn’t have the same opportunities and tools you do. Social justice is about real actions with real impacts on society. So even if James’s excuse had been that—which it wasn’t—it would still have been just as wrong. And if anyone thinks otherwise, they’re either sociopaths or literal children who still don’t have hair on their legs and have no clue how the world works.
I wasn’t bullied in school, but I have met plenty of James Potter types throughout my life, and they’ve always disgusted me. White men, with money and resources, who think they can do and say whatever they want and treat people however they please. The ones who make “jokes” that aren’t jokes, the ones whose jokes have repulsive undertones. Guys I absolutely would punch in the face. Guys I’ve had to deal with all my life because, at the end of the day, they’re just gutless bags of shit.
Thanks for reading my blog. I’m glad it made you feel good. Big hug <3
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eclipse-rain · 1 year ago
Jjk - Big Brother Yuji + Choso Headcanons;
Warning: Mentions of attempted suicide in first part + manga spoilers obvi
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•You and yuji are twins (sry i love them being twins soo much)
•you grew up together with him and your grandfather
•but the thing is, when dealing with jujutsu sorcerers being a twin is considered bad
•this ment you could see cursed spirits while yuji could not
•your grandfather tried to console you by saying they werent real and to try and ignore them for fear of people thinking you were crazy and trying to put you in a hospital
•you tried your best to think that way and you learned not to freak out in front of other people about what you were seeing
•but you were a kid and they looked scary, why were you the only one seeing these monsters?
•yuji was the main reason you were able to look past it, past them
•he was always in front of you so all you had to do was look towards him and then everything was alright
•his smile was always such a reassuring sight, it could put you at ease almost instantly, wash all your troubles away in the blink of an eye
•you really loved your older twin brother, and he loved you just as much
•it would have been good if things had stayed that way, but i guess then we wouldnt have this story
•there was a time where you couldnt take it anymore, the constantly being scared and looking over your shoulder, it was during a short period of time when yuji wasnt around
•you were nine years old by this point and in the bath, suddenly the bubbly water looked more reassuring than staying in a world full of monsters being the only one who could see them
•you let yourself sink into the warmth and the next thing you knew, yuji was above you, holding you in a fresh fluffy towel but instead of smiling like he always did, he was crying
•for the next year yuji and your grandfather had you sing everytime you bathed or showered for fear of it happening again
•but you had realised from that day on that if you had yuji in your life, wheather he was far away or right next to you, as long as he was alive you could push past what you saw and focus on him, you could stay alive too
•you were born together so you both had an unspoken promise that you would live together and when the time came, die together
•thats not the only thing that went wrong though
《Yeah im about to change the whole plot and spice it up real good, cue the trauma✨》
•when you were ten kenjaku came to retrieve one of you, either yuji or you, it didnt matter which
•your grandfather knew this would happen some time in the future as kenjaku made it known after you both were born
•but your grandfather kept it from both of you and raised you the same way, without difference, same clothes, same hair, same treatment so that he could try and feel less attachment when the time came to give one of you away
•what he would get in return would be the guaranteed safety of the other twin, not a hair on their head would be touched and they would have a normal life as a human unless they themself chose otherwise
•your grandfather had been stuck between a rock and a hardplace
•and thats how you got separated from your twin and your grandfather
•your grandfather didnt even know which one of you kenjaku took, he raised you both without any difference, including gender
•that didnt mean it didnt impact him any less though, he turned away from yuji, became more distant and contemplative of his life and yujis future
•he regretted and agonised over what happened every single day he lived until his death and made sure to make yuji promise not to end up alone at his own death bed
•yuji always kept you in mind, he never forgot a single thing about you, your hair, your eyes, your smell, the feeling of your small hand in his as he led you to your next class in school
•you were the first loss he faced in his life, your grandfather didnt have the heart to tell yuji where you had actually gone, not that he knew
•And kenjaku with his connections or powers god knows what, made it seem, to your school, all the people in the community, as if you had died and with what happened last year that didnt come as much of a shock
•otherwise people would start to ask questions if you suddenly werent around, like you had dissapeared into thin air, even though by all accounts your grandfather knew...you had
•he wasnt even allowed to know where you were going or what you would be doing, if you would have a normal life or whatever the alternative to that was
•Or even worse you were actually dead and kenjaku hadnt just made people believe that so yuji and him could live a normal peaceful life
•but in reality and unbeknownst to your grandfather kenjaku had plans for you, those which were never revealed to you and that you couldnt figure out because you could never for the life of you read the person who was suposed to be your so called "mother"
•of course you didnt know that kenjaku was technically your birth mother, you only figured it out years later, five years later to be exact, when you were fifteen, a little while before yuji also found out
•kenjaku didnt know which one of you he had taken either at the time but it didnt matter to him, it was all the same regardless
• he hadnt even planned on either of your births, with all the rest of the cursed wombs being failures he didnt have much hope left for either of you to work out in his master plan, just like the nine death painting brothers you both were far too normal (though his and your versions of normal didnt seem to align)
•but now you just seemed to give him more options, more paths he could take, more fun, a variable in his master plan if you will
•wheather you both would be a catalysts or not was up to you two but you yourself had made it your lifes mission so that your brother could continue living safely without the need of ever knowing that you werent crazy after all and what you saw was real
•let him be ignorant, let you carry all this burden by yourself, if he can be the light, your light and give you hope then you can be the darkness, carry his burdens, his share of darkness aswell as yours
•it would have probably stayed that way if he hadnt gotten himself entangmed with the king of curses after - of all the ones he could have eaten
•being one of kenjakus kids means your the only girl amongst all your siblings which definitely sucked a bit in your eyes
•like what do you mean you have ten siblings and not even a single one is a girl
•you'd have to put up with yuki as your big sister since that was the closest to the real thing you would get
•you werent there when yuji and nobara killed Eso and Kechizu and you didnt even know that they were your brothers yet anyway
•you first met choso when (of all times) kenjaku, mahito and he were playing a board game while waiting for the outcome of the fight between yuji, nobara, megumi, Eso and Kechizu
•well you didnt talk or even make eye contact but you both knew each other was there (you're probably in a badass looking cloke or something idk babe)
•kenjaku tried to coax you into playing with them, fed up you just ended up 'standing guard' so you could get some peace and quiet or so you thought because they (*ahem* mahito *ahem*) wouldnt stfu
•You were colder now that you were older and not showered in your big brothers light which he directed completely at you when you were younger
•you didnt say a word the whole time, you rarely did since you had been with kenjaku and his lackies
•you wondered everyday, since you had learned what cursed spirits were, why he still kept you alive and with him, you couldnt read him at all and it gave you a horrible pit in your stomach
•of course how were you to even guess what really was your realtion to him, even if cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers were real kenjaku technically being your mother still seemed a bit far fetch when you first learned about it
•as you listened to their conversation you noted that a person called itadori yuji was one of the jujutsu sorcerers fighting against chosos younger brothers along with a girl named kugisaki nobara
•you had come here now for this exact reason, (after learning yuji was now a jujutsu sorcerer) just in case something happened you would protect your brother, even if you didnt see him in person, even if you did and he didnt remember you, or recognise you
•after they split off to see who could find him first so did you, you had to find him before they did
•you didnt ... (well done)
•choso and yuji still fought and he almost killed yuji successfully but for some reason when you found choso he was alone, no yuji in sight and he was huddled in a ball on the ground looking like he was having a mental breakdown (whatever that was about)
•though when you questioned him about if he found yuji yet or not he suddenly got wierdly defensive, you decided you werent gonna try and reason with a cursed spirit who was obviously crazed since he was working with kenjaku (even if he was doing it for family which was the exact same reason as you had for doing the same thing)
•kenjaku ; the man who basically kidnapped you from your home five years ago for god knows what reason, telling you that you were special since you could see cursed spirits
•the man who made you feel special and useful and like you had a purpose in life, the man that put you on a pedestal above all those who couldnt see cursed spirits like you could
•his manipulative methods could have worked on your young mind, they had somewhat, but never fully because of one key thing
•this was because you always remembered yuji, your kind older brother who couldnt see cursed spirits, unlike you, but just the same as the people (humans) who would call you wierd or crazy for being able to
•but he wasnt one of those people, by all accounts in your mind and heart, to this day you still believe he is the kindest person in the whole world and it was because of this that you never saw yourself above non-sorcorers because your precious big brother was one of those people
•And it should have stayed that way
•but it didnt
•and you cant help but blame yourself everyday for it (even tho its literally not ur fault babes chill out a bit)
•for not being more prepaired, for not being more aware, for not keeping better tabs on your brother for fear kenjaku might break his promise to your grandfather now that he was dead
•you had asked kenjaku to tell you about what yuji was up to after you left when you were small
•as you got older you didnt want kenjaku being near yuji and his information on him could be unreliable, just lies he fed to you
•so you stopped asking to know about yuji and for a while stayed away completely before you started keeping your own tabs on him when you were older and more able, stronger
•you had learned alot in your time with kenjaku and his lackies, even if it was unwillingly and even if it was perhaps ruining you, or who you used to be
•the small, kind and scared girl was no more, instead a shell of that girl remained, who would only come out of hiding when she was face to face with her brother again finally
•instead now you were cold and unspeaking, as you were unwavering in the face of the same monsters you once ran from
•you had only found out that your grandfather had even died after you finally dug into what yujis life was like after you got older
•you also learned yuji had eaten a curse and enrolled in Jujutsu high school, now under so called "protection" by some of the most fearsome jujutsu sorcorers who ever lived
•*back to the present ig* both you and choso went looking for yuji again, since you had no luck finding him by yourself last time you chose to stick with choso this time as he found him first last time
•Choso however was less than pleased at having you stick to him, as he now for some reason seemed even more determined to find Yuji if that was even possible
•choso can sense the transformations of his younger brothers through their blood connections no matter how far away they are
•choso could see yuji in his fake memory because yuji was going through the final transformation, which is death
•choso during his mental breakdown had figured out yuji was his youngest brother, but he also found out something else
•see yuji was a twin and that ment he shared his soul with his other half, his own twin, you
•that ment if he died a piece of the other twin would die along with him
•this ment he could also see yujis twin there too, you
•though since he wasnt dealing with your soul (death/transformation) directly, but just a link between you and yujis as twins, you were very blurry and he couldnt properly make out your face in his paniced state of mind
•so he didnt recognise you as the person who kenjaku brought along (you could have had ur face covered by like a hood or mask when with kenjaku as well)
•he could see the other cursed wombs properly only because they were all already dead
•choso and you end up getting confronted by a curse and with him now being even more hell bent on finding yuji he leaves you to deal with it (he ran without saying a word to you, leaving you by yourself, he did not care lmao, he's off to protect his new baby bro)(tbf he didnt no you were his sister yet and feels bad about it in the future)
•so you two got separated
(Skipping to when he finds out cuz im lazy)
•choso when he finds out he also has a younger sister, which is you, would be very shocked at first, and a little unbelieveing of it, since all the other cursed wombs had been male
•honestly he didnt think it was even possible for them to be female at this point (not that it was a big deal) 1/11 those are wierd odds tho
•there had to be a reason for this, perhaps thats why kenjaku/noritoshi kamo was so interested in you (so maybe it was a big deal?? He wasnt so sure but he hoped that wasnt the case, kenjaku had seemed pretty interested in yuji also and he wasnt female)
•he didnt know if he should treat you any differently than he did for his brothers for a while when he first found out
•he was the same amount of pushy about wanting you to call him big brother as he was with yuji though, possibly even more so
•he has a little sister now, thats crazy, he wants to hear what being called big brother is like coming from you
•when you finally called him big brother the first time he started bawling like a baby
•after the shibuya incident the three of you are all living normal human lives together after everything was over
•yuji cooking in the kitchen like he had done so many times for you before in your childhood, choso and you both sat at oposite ends of the kitchen table
•A warm light from the window shone across it, signaling the first signs of it setting and nights approach, it would feel warm and cozy, the atmosphere light hearted and safe
•choso would be taking in the sight of it all, slightly melancholic, thinking of how your other brothers never got to experience this
•you would be reading a book, possibly even studying now that your back at school, a hot cup of steaming tea a little to your right, a basket of fruits in the center, a cat lay on your lap barely visible, only so by an ear twitch or the slight swish of a fluffy tail
•butterflys landed on the plants by the back door, the one that lead to the back gardens, where cherry blossom flowers bloomed on the trees in spring but in autumn they were bare and the air was cold and crisp
•farther down a trail of cherry blossom trees, the chickens roamed and slept inside their coops snuggled up to one another for warmth, you would go down to collect the eggs tomorrow morning as you had done this morning, those ones now being used by yuji prepairing omurice for your evening meal
•yuji and you were happy once again and choso could safely say he was the most happy now than he had ever been since he had been born, he just wished his brothers could have felt this way too
•the three of you had buried the remaining cursed wombs and mementos of Eso and Kechizu in the back garden next to your grandfathers grave
•you three visited them everyday and told them about everything that happened, from exciting things to those that were rather boring or simple
•it was a nice way to live
Im backkk bitchesss📣, dont get ur hopes up tho, im here for a good time not a long time sry
I love writing nonsense about my silly little scenarios✊
Idk how i haven't written for jjk yet because its literally one of my favorite anime/mangas rn (I've also been waiting for choso to get animated and get more attention since i first saw his fine ass in the manga)
If there are plot holes pretend your ✨blind✨👩‍🦯
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