philipejoaquim · 2 years
Fato interessante: sabia que o Pato Donald já foi banido na Finlândia? O motivo? Porque ele não usa calças.
Letologia, do grego, foi o termo criado para quando esquecemos aquilo que queremos dizer. Aquela palavra na ponta da língua. Me pergunto o que acontece se esquecemos ela.
Segundo um estudo divulgado pela ONU, que analisa diferentes áreas; pelo quinto ano seguido, a Finlândia é eleito o país mais feliz do mundo. Será que é porquê lá patos usam calças?
Albert Einstein foi o maior físico do mundo, e um dos homens mais inteligentes de todos os tempos. E por causa disso, o cérebro dele foi cuidado, e preservado, em etanol e álcool etílico . E ainda é, constantemente estudado por cientistas, que tentam encontrar algo diferente no seu cérebro, que explique a sua genialidade. Pelo menos, por enquanto, os cientistas ainda não descobriram nada.
As formigas vão dominar o mundo, e eu posso provar como. Elas estão por todo lado, e podem carregar até mais do que 50 vezes o seu próprio peso. Se juntarmos todas elas, são cerca de 10 trilhões de formigas. Contra os 7.7 bilhões de humanos. Quase 13 milhões à mais. Preparem-se para a revolução das formigas.
FIM da parte 3
por PJ
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just-an-enby-lemon · 6 months
Can we talk about how RQ!Einsten is like that because he has the magical equivalent of a brain injury and used to actually know a lot about magic instead of just teleport? About how the other academics and Harlequins were dismisive of him because of it and how he was afraid to tell the party about it because he was ashamed? About how still he is one of the few that survives and he is helpfull and how the party loves and suports him from the start and are always keen to thank him and say how great he is and they do it not out of pity but because they truly see how great he is and all of them love him and don't see him as less or dumb and just genuinally loves him and see him as familly? Can we talk about that?
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so my buddy was showing me a woman earlier saying "she should have gotten a spot in your poll" and when told he could still submit her he replied that she wouldnt get in so he wasnt even gonna bother
well it turned out that woman already had multiple submissions and she needed his to fully qualify!
so dont let your dreams be dreams, submit all your handsome women even if you think theyre not gonna make it!
you never know what might happen... and im the only one who has to sort out the data anyway lol
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rosesandmary · 1 year
im literally madly in love w vill-v (has barely played hi3 ever)
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ndcultureis · 2 months
ADHD (?) Culture is getting distracted from the schoolwork you were doing to explain an Einsten quote to your brother, and somehow ending up explaining the history of the Soviet Union to him.
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jadlee · 5 months
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Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ"Há momentos na vida em que o melhor que temos a faser é ficar calados e... observar á nossa volta. O tempo e as atitudes dos outros irão dar-nos as respostas certas." Albert Einsten Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
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nightmare-knight · 5 months
El dilema del planeta Blanc -¿Viaje espacial o Viaje temporal?-
El planeta Blanc que conocimos en la segunda temporada de Loonatics, tiene una estructura particular en forma de pelota hueca, donde una serie de agujeros de gusano salen del centro de este planeta, que sirven como una supercarretera para recorrer todos los puntos del universo de manera instantánea.
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Estos puentes Einsten-Rosen, según Tech, conectan a cualquier parte del universo en el que se encuentran, es decir que son tuneles intrauniversales, por lo tanto si viajas a través de estos, te mueves de un punto al otro del universo en un tiempo diferente.
Eso significa que, de no calibrar el viaje a través de estos agujeros de gusano para a llegar a un punto específico en un momento concreto, podrías terminar viajando a través del tiempo.
En conclusión: La nueva base de los Loonatics esta instalada sobre un jodido DeLorean.
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Eso significa que, no solo podrían ser visitados por villanos de otros puntos de la historia, ya sea del pasado o del futuro, sino que también por versiones de ellos mismos, sus sucesores o tal vez hasta sus propios hijos.
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Hay una posibilidad enorme de escribir historias de viajes en el tiempo, que sean un dolor de cabeza con las paradojas, pero otras donde se cristalicen algunas relaciones o destino de los protagonistas.
Futuros buenos, futuros decepcionantes pero inocuos, futuros malos y Futuros apocalípticos, podrían entrar en la lista de posibilidades, creación de OC (Personajes originales) y nuevas relaciones.
Solo queda imaginarse las posibilidades y escribir el tema que más te guste. Yo, desde ya, me inclino a un futuro muy bueno, en peligro de volverse malo, culpa del villano de turno...
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overwatch · 5 months
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My OC Pokemon Trainers
Silver from Pokemon Silver, with 2 Gengars that use Hypnosis+Dream Eater (been doing this Einsten's wife move since Pokemon Stadium on N64). This is also why Silver looks tired bc the fella has 2 Gengars that feed from their sleep.
And Selene from the Hawaii Pokemon game with her water types and chill Raichu who surfs with her.
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horseforeplay · 20 days
“I think farts are green because poop is green:” - Albert Einsten’s famous theory
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orange-s-mario · 1 month
i think i like my Lex Luthors more sympathetic than not.
I feel like it ultimately makes him a more interesting character
which is why I prefer a lex that's childhood friends with Clark. A Lex who actually does good stuff to his relatives. A Lex who likes Einsten instead of just Warlords.
The best lex luthors have at least a bit of good in them
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shofiyah-anisa · 7 months
Jujur itu Sulit.
Kiranya kaalimat itu untuk tema hari ini. Beberapa hari lalu, tepatnya tanggal 2 Maret 2024, sedang jaga ujian di salah satu SMP Swasta di Solo. Terlaksanalah ujian disana dengan khidmat, muter sana, muter sini, kedepan ke belakang, ngecek siswa yahh selayaknya para guru pengawas mengawasi pelaksanaan ujian saja. Tiba-tiba tangan kiriku di tarik oleh salah satunya, dia ingin menunjukkan kepadaku bahwa ada temannya yang mencontek. "Us si A, habis lihat google nomor ini, dan ini" katanya. Apakah aku lantas menegur si A? Sayangnya tidak. Kubiarkan dulu ia. Sambil kupasanga kamera Hpku yang mengarah padanya. Hingga saat ini ku berfikir "kenapa aku harus punya bukti?" Mungkin orang2 bertanya "sudah di tegur us?" Apa jawabku? "Itu kejadian di detik akhir us, saat saya mengambil lembar jawab siswa, saya ndak bisa menegur tanpa tahu sebenarnya." Iya,
Banyak siswa yang ingin nilainya bagus tanpa usaha, namun juga tidak memiliki otak secemerlang albert einsten, hahahaha. Sehingga menempuh cara2 mengerikan untuk menggapainya. Di kurikulum merdeka, tidak boleh ada nilai dibawah angka 75. Guru di tuntut untuk menaikkan nilai sedemikian rupa hingga mencapai batas minimum pada angka 75. Jika ada hal seperti di atas? Bagaimana kami memberikan nilai? Bukankah tetap ada pengurangan nilai sebab perbuatannya yang di luar nurul.
Maka benar, jujur itu sulit. Banyak orang murni mengerjakan ujian tanpa embel2 babibu. Namun tidak sedikit yang mengerjakan ujian dengan bantuan blablabla. Maka kesimpulannya adalah kerjakan apapun dengan kemampuan kita. Kapasitas manusia tentu berbeda2. Jeleknya nilai mungkin tetap tertoleran daripada attitude nol.
5 maret 2024
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just-an-enby-lemon · 6 months
Jonny: This is my main characther Jonathan Sims, total original name, no relation to myself Jonathan Sims.
Alex: That's my great brand new NPC irish poet and playwrigther Oscar Wilde. Yes, one day he'll write Dorian Gray, thank you for asking.
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ambrosethepoet · 3 months
"Der Dichter sucht also ein Weib, das er lieben könnte, und nirgend findet er sein Ideal. Keine reicht bis zu ihm heran; und so verbietet er lieber königlich den niederen Mägden ihn zu lieben, und hält sich rein für seine Muse. Ich bin überzeugt, dass dem Dichter seine Muse einstens verkörpert begegnen wird."
Ida Dehmel, geb. Coblenz
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maratellsstories · 5 months
Can you learn to trust again when everything has gone?
Sci-fi story about hope Listen to the whole audiobook https://youtu.be/895KaOmjjSA
Bianca is drifting through space. Hermes, her DreamShip and only friend, has died and she'll need to find somewhere or she'll perish.
Einsten, the ship that left earth several generations ago but is now slowly decaying has no hope of ever finding somewhere to settle. Alicia, and the crew, is holding onto the past, because what else can you do when there is no future?
When they meet, can they learn to trust again when everything tells them not to? And what happens when they do?
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appendingfic · 6 months
Before Hamilton there was the movie where Albert Einsten, Kurt Godel, Nate Rosen, and Boris Podolsky decided to be some random auto mechanic's wingmen
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the-iron-fjord · 1 year
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