#ehhhhh I hate tumblr
peasofgreeniguess · 2 years
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Ok so sorry @puffyfishynomnom but the original ask was glitched and deleted my whole post! Still answering so let’s try again! I did my best 🥲
YES that tattoo would be SICK! If you do get one show meeeee /nf
(UF sans has a lil kiss so beware if you don’t like that! Gender nu reader)
Underswap papyrus-
Stretch is a thigh guy- I mean it’s the best pillow in the house! You come home one day after a outing that you refused to tell stretch about, he’s been asking over and over again but you insist it’s a surprise. When you come home and show stretch your new tatto he is stunned, he slowly got on his knees and looked at it closely, admiring all the detail you added, even the slight dents in the blasters he summons are included. He’s incredibly touched and marvels you and your tatoo whenever possible, even outside of private moments he will talk about how you cared enough about him to get a tatoo of his magic, aswell as making his heart melt (you already do that on the regular anyways) this action gives him enough assurance to ask you out on a date, he does this by “tattooing” your soul color on him in the same spot to match you (he drew it with markers- you can’t tatoo bone)
Underfell sans:
you show him the tattoo and he doesn’t believe you. he thinks it’s sharpie or temporary- but no, you get a towel and “wipe” it off for it to still be there…. he’s never had somone care enough to do anything like this (beyond his amazing brother) and that- he doesn’t know what to do with that… he pulls your arm over to him and stares at it. It’s exactly a replica of his blaster… he looks up at you noticing how close he got accident- his soul aches in joy- he’s been in love with you for a while now and this really made him swoon, hard. You did this for him, you. Did this. For. HIM. You ask if he’s ok but he can’t hear you- He closes the gap between, kissing you Gently before pulling away. “Been waiting to do that for a while” he says with a dry laugh and sweating- he hopes he hasn’t fucked up- what was he doing- it’s 2pm on a Tuesday what the FUCK. His worry fades away as you kiss him this time, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning into him, red closes his eyes moving his arms to your sides as you two stay like that for a while.
Classic sans:
He doesn’t fucking notice- for THREE DAYS you tried everything, wearing tank tops, complaining how your arm hurts, even turning your body to where he is in DIRECT EYESIGHT of the tattoo… but no he is completely oblivious. One day you had enough and pull him onto the couch pointing to your tattoo yelling “LOOK DIPSHIT” at him. Sans looks at it genuinely surprised- he actually didn’t see it this whole time… he sits up and moves his face very close to the tatto, tracing his finger over the delicate line work, “when did this happen” he asks softly, truly marveling it. You answer and he laughs saying “shit I’m sorry“ breaking from your arm to look in your eyes. “I’ve been… my minds been other places” he says, in reality he’s been thinking about asking you out but he worried you didn’t like him that way- he didn’t realize how in his head he has been… he realizes that- no normal friends would not get a tattoo of the others magic summons- fuck it. “ you wanna be my partner y/n” he blurts out- his cute plans of a candle lit picknick out the window. you step back in suprise before nodding your head, he chuckles and kisses you on the cheek, “how bout we head to grilby’s tonight? My treat.” “It’s a date”
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karakuuls · 2 years
Where have you been?
pretending reeeeal hard to be imperceptible to the naked eye
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tenzou-taichou · 6 months
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
Making it into its own post because people can’t see it as much as a reblog:
If y’all wanna complain (admittedly in a FAIR amount of cases justifiably complain) about toxic buddie stans from twitter or instagram
I want to give y’all three guesses on where the best place to do that is-
If you guessed tumblr EHHHHH ❌you’re wrong
Listen I get having a rant over here but speaking as if the tumblr fans are all the same people as the twitter fans is just incorrect, if you wanna argue or call people out do it to the people actually doing the stuff
The majority of people on tumblr are on it cos we hate the other apps and their fandoms, which also means half the time we don’t even have any clue what you’re talking about and have to go investigate from seeing a flood of hate on the buddie tag (which I’ve made a bajillion posts about people misusing tags so I’m sick and tired of that as a whole other issue)
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phantomtwitch · 2 months
PhantomTwitch | 30-something | she/her
Hi! Welcome to my blog! It's only taken me over a decade to finally do this. I love cartoons and writing and all kinds of other things, and I have the kind of lame sense of humor that makes three year olds laugh hysterically and anyone older than ten roll their eyes most of the time.
This place is a disorganized disaster (kind of like my brain), with this post probably the closest thing to any sense of order I've tried to impose on it. Below are links to my various writings, as Tumblr's search bar sucks and most of you are probably members of the phandom that stumbled across one of my works somewhere and came looking for more.
(Though whether that's the case or not, you're welcome either way!)
I write a lot and genuinely love it. The only part of writing I actually hate is coming up with titles and summaries. Sometimes I get a decent flash of inspiration for a title, other times? Ehhhhh.
I'm happy to answer any asks and will, like many, happily ramble on endlessly about my fics.
I rarely post WIPs, so unless noted, all of the works below are completed as of this time and on AO3.
Danny Phantom Fanfics
There was something wrong with Danny Fenton.
Nearly eighteen months after a lab accident left him hospitalized, his friends and family assumed he was still recovering from the side effects of his near-death experience. But after witnessing Danny do something ghostly, they begin to suspect something much more sinister is afoot and set out to save their friend from the clutches of the evil ghost possessing him.
As The Ice Begins to Crack
Little by little, as the public’s perception of him changed, Danny’s ghost form continued to reflect it. He looked more human every day, more confident, and more like the superheroes from the comics they used to read on the floor of Danny’s room as kids. As the months passed there was a moment when Tucker began to forget, to wonder if what he saw when Danny first stepped out of the portal that day was nothing more than a nightmare.
Inspired by this post on tumblr from paenling
Doubt Comes In
For InvisoBang 2023.
When Danny Fenton returns on the first day of spring after being kidnapped by the Fright Knight, something is off. His teeth are too sharp, his skin is too pale, and when he’s angry, the lights flicker as a harsh chill and the scent of ozone permeates the air as if heralding an approaching storm. There are moments when he is impossibly still, more statue than flesh, more ghost than human, and little by little everyone wonders if the child sitting in their midst is truly still Danny at all.
Scars He Hides
For Ecto-implosion 2023.
The portal accident left Danny with scars that glow whether he's Fenton or Phantom. He's done his best to hide them, but it's only a matter of time before someone finds out his secret.
Beyond the Grave
For Ecto-implosion 2023.
At the start of his freshman year, Danny Fenton disappeared. But much as Dash didn’t care and preferred to focus on football, it’s hard to avoid thinking about it after seeing Fenton dig himself out from an unmarked grave in the woods.
What We Have Been is What We Are
Based on this tumblr prompt from MadameTamma here
Maddie has a near death experience when an invention blows up on her in the lab. Her spirit is suddenly thrust from her body, and Clockwork appears to guide her down the Path, presenting her with a chance to learn from her past as her life flashes before her eyes. Little by little there are signs that she's missed something, that there's something off with Danny, and she finds herself risking her very existence to learn the truth.
So You Have Wished It
Something is wrong. Something has changed.
The signs start off so small, so easy to dismiss, but little by little it begins to spiral until Sam can't ignore it anymore and she's forced to face reality once again.
(This is a one-shot from part of a bigger AU I am working on currently)
My Body Is a Cage
For Angst Fest 2023
His friends aren't sure how much longer they can keep this a secret. Every time a ghost appears, Danny dies again. And every time Danny dies, they bring him back.
It doesn't help that no matter how much they try to explain to Danny what's happening, the truth never sticks.
Unnamed Electric Core OneShot
Currently on Tumblr only, now a bigger WIP, but this can still be read on its own. Another No One Knows AU with the ghosts being creepier than in canon.
Unnamed WIP
Currently on Tumblr only, this was inspired by yet another MadameTamma prompt where Danny does not remember being human. Body Horror fic and currently a WIP.
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sparkly-caroline · 3 months
Story time for the Tumblr peeps:
A couple of months back, I posted a drawing of an Oc on the Twitter dot com (or X if you wanna get technical ehhhhh) and this one dude whose name I won't say in the comments said "just draw GF FNF again" (not exagerating, he really commented that), and when I told him "ayo this is my account, I can draw whatever tf I want and I draw ur waifu enough as is" this man's only response was "WAAAAAH GIMME MORE GF SLOP".
Yeah, this dude straight up said to me "waaaah do not draw anything other than my waifu waaaah waaaah". Like bro, how do you shamelessly tell someone that?? It's insane. I didn't block him, cuz I moslty just found it funny (after a short moment of frustration), but I wouldn't be surprised if he got blocked by other artists if he said something like that to them.
His bio said he was in his 20s btw, AND every time I drew GF FNF he would comment with multiple drooling emojis, and still does to this day. Not just on my stuff but on literally every fanart of GF he finds, it's honestly crazy, dude really be exposing himself as a down horrendous mf. That digital footprint oughta be insane, I would be SO embarrased if I did that.
(FYI, this is not a hate post on anyone, I'm just poking fun at some people online lmao)
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sunriseverse · 7 months
fic author interview
tagged by @killerandhealerqueen (thank you!!!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
374 total, as of right now. a good 200 of those are pacific rim fanfics, of which at least 70% are promptfills, because i used to be a fairly heavy promptfic writer.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
currently, exactly 1,309,300 words, but this will definitely grow—i tend to write between 150k-250k per year, depending on how things go (last year i hit an all-time high at 300k). i've written more total, but that's the amount that i've written since 2017 and not deleted.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
let's see..... 1. strike it through (start again) (938) 2. do you feel the hunger (does it howl inside?) (634) 3. a love that echoes through the distance (484) 4. strokes of love (449) 5. The Trials and Tribulations of One Hermann Gottlieb, PhD (407) honestly i am a little annoyed with my top four fics because they've been in my top four since, like, 2022 when i posted them, and i have written so many better fics since then!!!! unfortunately my better fics are also for tiny fandoms so they stay there at the top </3
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! even if it's just a simple "thanks for the comment, i'm glad you liked it!" because comments mean so much to me and i want commenters to know that.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I loved, I loved (I lost) i think? it's funny, because i love writing angst, but i rarely write things with a solidly unhappy ending—i almost always at least leave something on a hopeful note. no idea how this fic holds up because i wrote it ages ago now and my writing skills have definitely improved.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
what qualifies as "happiest"? i think this really varies from person to person. that said, my personal favourite ending of things i've written recently would have to be in nie huaisang and the no good, very bad day, which ends with 1. jin guangshan's head being cut off, and 2. poor huaisang fainting, just because i think it's hilarious as hell.
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really—i used to, but these days, i tend to write fusions more. i just don't particularly feel the drive for characters from different media to meet each other, and prefer to blend settings or worldbuilding instead. that said, i would like to write a zmyx/dmbj crossover, because i think a dmbj door would be wicked.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not as much since i switched to mainly posting on ao3, but i used to, yeah. most of it was very repetitive and boring and unimaginative, but a while back someone called me a f*g hag for writing an entirely sfw fic and accused me of getting off to gay male sex and i was just sat there like goddamn. none of what you said is even close to the mark. i deleted it (it was anon on ffnet, and thankfully i had my settings configured to let me delete anon comments), but i do have a screenshot saved somewhere, i think, just because it was so absurd.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
ehhhhh? not really?? this is complicated because like, i have written a few fics with smut, but i wouldn't really say i write smut. when i have written it it's almost always been very vague, for a variety of reasons, and in service of the narrative. i'm just not particularly interested in smut, and don't read it, either.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i would hope that if it were to happen, my readers would let me know. i have a specific line in my ao3 bio that states that if my works are found anywhere but on my ao3, tumblr, or ffnet, then it's stolen and reposted without my permission to cover my bases.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i had someone ask if they could translate a fic of mine years ago, but as far as i'm aware nothing came of it—i was very honoured, though!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! only one traditionally co-written, but it was an interesting experience. i'm not certain i could do it again, just because it requires a lot of coordination and effort.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
pingpangxie/tiesanjiao (romantic)...............they have set up an entire shopping mall in my mind, and i adore them deeply.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i don't think i have any wips on ao3 that i really want to complete, but i guess if we consider all my wips, the sun telling the same lies about how beautiful the world is, which is my sunrise sha hai parallel. i've been tinkering with the outline for a bit now, but i have yet to actually start writing it, but i care about it so much and want it to be written so badly, because there's so many fun things in both worldbuilding and canon changes that i've got prepared.
15. What are your writing strengths?
i'm a very descriptive writer! people have told me that my writing is very immersive because of this, and it makes me very happy, because i love describing things. also, not something most people comment on, but i love putting layers of meaning into every writing choice i make—especially lately, my writing is all blue curtains, as it were.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i have been known to love a massive paragraph, alas. my record so far is a 500+ word paragraph. i only would say it's a weakness because sometimes it can get hard to remember the point of the paragraph, but i'm skilled enough that i usually do fine.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
depends; if i speak the language, then maybe, but usually, i write dialogue in english......................but that said, all the dialogue i write for cdramas/cnovels is technically written in chinese in my mind and then translated into english in my writing, which is why sometimes i'll make references to the phrasing that only works when you consider the chinese version of what is said.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
on ao3, warriors! this is probably the first fandom i ever write anything for, actually, but anything i wrote pre-2016 either only exists in hard copy, or has been deleted.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i have so many baihe ships i want to write for but i have yet to finish a single goddamn novel so unfortunately i can't actually do that. however i am planning on doing a baihe writing challenge for march since it's my birth month, so hopefully i'll get at least some writing done in that vein (it'll probably be yunze chuan and shuang jing heavy since those are the things i've actually finished, but i'd like to write something for fgep, ruzhui, etc).
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
not a fanfic, but a series: sunrise ‘verse! if i had to choose an individual fic i'd probably struggle a lot, i like so many of them! so i'm putting a series here :) this is my proudest achievement and my favourite world i've come up with. i have so much lore behind this and so many things i want to do with this, and it's a series i've done a lot of experimental things with and plan to do more experimental things in the future, and i think it's really pushed me as a writer.
@mhaccunoval @xueyang @mejomonster @mispronouncing-michaelangelo @vaynglories and anyone else who wants to! (no pressure!!)
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normaltothemax · 7 months
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Salty AF Munday Meme ♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
Trying to keep this as far from vague blogging as I can, so I guess someone dropping everything and basically cutting all contact over a small, silly (in my opinion) reason. It just seemed like such a drastic reaction. Especially when it probably could have been resolved with just a bit of communication.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
I can't really think of any so we're gonna get suuuuper nitpicky: using bright, hard to read colours in replies. Again, me being super nitpicky. I don't really have that much of a problem with it, and I even use colours in some of my own replies with the Moon Goons to differentiate between individual voices in their head. So if you do it in your writing, please don't think I have an actual problem with it or feel like you need to change anything in replies to me. If it was really an issue, I wouldn't have followed you in the first place. It's more...the colour options that Tumblr provides, I guess. They're very bright and can just be A Lot on the eyes sometimes. I know a lot of people out there aren't familiar with coding and don't feel comfortable, or just plain old don't feel like, going into the HTML of a reply and adding a more toned-down version of the colour instead, and that's totally fine. You do you, I've got no issues with that. So less of a fad/trend that I'm over and more of the way Tumblr allows you to go about it, I guess? I really hope that makes sense. Seriously not trying to hate on how people write their replies, or anything like that.
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
Short answer: no. Slightly longer answer: there are some FCs and character types that I'm ehhhhh about, but it's not because of any particular person or experience, it's just a me thing.
@paragonrising (x)
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lamortwrites · 9 months
I just realised like an old lady who doesn't internet, I accidentally replied to the original post you retweeted but re: Balthazar: I believe say in-game he took ‘pieces’ from BG2:ToB Balthazar to create himself. Kind of unclear why, but I guess Balthazar was a Bhaalspawn (and a super high level monk) so maybe he just had really great body parts? Also there's a crypt in Amkethran that's tied to some necromancy/lich stuff so ehhhhh Myrkul idk.
I saw your reply tumblr just hates me 😭😭
I guess he could've gone there for lich stuff that's true... It just all feels very shoehorned in which bugs me somewhat, esp when there's areas of the game that have clearly had so much thought put into them. Some of the writing quality just feels. WILDLY inconsistent
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m1d-45 · 2 years
hello again my far love/p
there's something I feel like I need to explain?? I have a Tumblr account but I prefer to be anonymous for asks and such, I just prefer it bc I get shy(and a little paranoid that people can see me yk, I like to be a fly on the wall) I've also just began using 🍄 to ask in blogs and I've gotten attached
I've been following and liking your content before I asked yk and I'm sure if I gave you the name I go by online you'd know what my account is lmao, tbh at this rate I don't think I mind, you and teddy are cool people and I do want to talk more/play genshin with u all
I just felt like I needed to clear that up and when I said that I should create a blog I mean like, a writing blog where I post about things and such, ofc If I end up doing this I would let you know. my only issue with that is motivation and inspiration
speaking about that tho, your 1k special
- how 'insert character' felt when they became your vessels
- letters (I've seen this one before)
- windtrace/events with the creator
I think that's all the ideas I got rn, you could always do a prompt based one where it's like "can I have a latte with strawberry and chocolate with diluc" and latte = fluff, strawberry = SAGAU and chocolate = date hcs
- 🍄 (never take precalc if you're bad at math, it's sucks and I hate it. I have a test on Thursday 😭) (I feel like playing genshin with y'all would be so fun tho)
[i was gonna make a joke here about dramatically receiving a letter, then realized that you know what, rp is not something i want on my genshin impact fanfiction blog]
i 100% get the like fear of being Perceived but like…. in the gentlest way possible, i feel like a character in a shakespeare play, talking about intense worldbuilding with my vaguely queercoded best friend as we profess to be knights by each other’s side until the very end, no matter how bitter, for the audience to hear (it’s foreshadowing for how we die together on the battlefield)
(hello to everybody that isn’t 🍄 anon or teddy anon, how are y’all tonight)
uhh re: creating a writing blog, insert link to that post i made abt my tips for blog things, referencing point numbers one and seven.
also i like the letter one. that’s a good idea. i will consider it. should probably sort this out prior to 1k but ehhhhh
(i would love to play genshin with you i am both ar 58 and so bored-)
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
hi siren, have you ever received hate on Tumblr? 🤔
ehhhhh sorta ? then i say a few (or alot ) choice words and then they come to they senses 😭i think i’ve only received like 5 idk
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pregnantsecondo · 2 years
Thinking of deleting tumblr 😅
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sprinqdays-remade · 3 years
hi it's been a while 👋
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vindrawin · 5 years
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Finished this a week ago; My oil painting!
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salmoncult · 6 years
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
Well that was...crazy...so last night there was this cockroach and I tried to kill it but it ran away. Then this morning I saw one and it was on its back so I was like “cool it ran into something and it’s dead now” but then I saw it twitching a few times, but me being me and not wanting to deal with this bug cause “it’s pretty much dead anyway right?” didn’t touch it...it was there all day...then I come downstairs and it’s GONE. It was freaking still alive and somehow (I’m blaming my cat???) got up and ran off...but I still saw it (or maybe another one, who knowsss) and I got it this time...
That’s now two cockroaches in like three or four days...and a scorpion...my sister said cleaning might help so maybe I’ll try tomorrow but I DON’T WANT TO PICK ANYTHING UP CAUSE I DON’T WANT TO UNCOVER ANYTHING *flops*
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