#eh. anyway
hotdyke-hardstyle · 2 years
anyway I think the reason why people have been so disappointed with the writing in honkai over the last couple chapters is that they've proven previously how good they are. they did develop the main cast incredibly well through properly paced chapters that focused heavily on individuals and their relationships to one another, and it's really weird to lose out on that as we come to the finale.
if you've enjoyed the writing for the moon chapter in particular, please feel free to offer your thoughts on it because I would love to go back into it with a different perspective that could allow me to appreciate something I haven't.
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luminarai · 9 months
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Ringo says work smarter, not harder (also he replaced the pieces with delicious homemade cookies before the game even started. Taigen never notices)
stickers etc here
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kitamars · 19 days
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doodles as i relive my spideyman phase from eighth grade
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owlkhemy · 1 year
Well golly gee I just remembered that when I made a post about my experiences with my brain thinking of stuff that makes me anxious on purpose, I made an offhand remark that works as a great inspiration for a new post!
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Which means...
My brain loves dreams. I've kept a dream journal since 2019, and even before that I've had some that I've unfortunately lost. I've never had "true" nightmares, the closest thing being dreams that revolve around my slight megalophobia, but the amount of just Weird™ dreams I have is A Lot. I keep meaning to post more of them and keep forgetting. ("The Man And His Stone Mice" coming soon maybe???)
What this means is, in theory, I should have dreams with my favourite fictional characters in them. And I do.
But they never look "right".
There's always something off about them. Sometimes I don't put enough focus into remembering the dream to figure it out. And other times, the character is so different that I wouldn't even think it was them except for my brain explicitly telling me.
For example...
This was a sculpture of a character whom I'd had a semi-lingering interest in at the time. The instant I saw this figurine being made I knew who it was, thanks to my brain deciding to give it Certain Vibes... but do you?
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This was supposed to be the Mystery Man from Undertale.
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Every time my brain has decided to include MM in a dream of mine, something that Very Much Does Not Look Like Him shows up instead. Whether it be this disgrace of a figurine that literally doesn't even include the eye thing, a weird angel like thing in a bizarre Dollar Store AU, four random kids, a bunch of ominous cables and connections...
I mean, it's kind of fitting, given the theories. But still. Brain. BRAIN. That is not the Mystery Man.
This happens on occasion with other characters too, of course. I find it happens more often with characters whom I'd been afraid of at least once in the past. (Looking at you, Badly Malformed AUTO after I watched Wall-E as a kid.)
(Also, for the record, my brain can't replicate my own characters either. So it's not just my normal vague misremembering of characters' details. Brain just hates being accurate.)
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notherpuppet · 7 days
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I started calling her “Lottie” 🥰💞🩷💘🌈🎀
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sabh0 · 16 days
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umayashla · 2 months
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posting my fave two kon drawings in this blog too
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chiptrillino-art · 10 months
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In the Spirit World, roughly 400 years ago.
When you are just a little blue guy. But the greater gods found a liking in you. And then you ended up as chewtoy for Koh.
Spirit shenanegans at their finest.
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bluecoffeebeanz · 5 months
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saw this and thought of them
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cheerioskid · 6 months
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a pearl & gem from the stream today
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
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ough…… they’re so….. hng
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lucabyte · 4 months
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I don't use it to eavesdrop, if that's what you're asking.
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seventh-district · 4 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 6
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5]
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scrivvle74 · 6 months
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I’ve noticed a consistency in my favorite ships
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tfrinpin · 7 months
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Hullo. I am amongst the living.
This little idea kept nagging at me, so here we are: TFP where Op goes ✨FERAL✨
So y’know that whole shtick about “they had a secret relationship all along?” Well this is sort of like that, basically— yes, Megs and Op have had a secret relationship ever since the Orion arc. Megs kept in contact because he missed Optimus SO MUCH. And the war has been going on for so long. Also they can fix Cybertron together. But MOSTLY Megs missed Optimus.
Things go along, now they’re definitely considering peace time and even drafting a treaty to share with their respective factions.
But a little bump in the road comes in the form of someone that Megs DID NOT expect to see— MegaZarak. And instead of Zarak heavily injures Optimus or tortures him, like a previous idea I’ve had before— I’ve thought of something a little more heart wrenching. Shit goes down right when Prime and Megs are about to establish peace: Zarak beats out Megs from the title as leader of the Decepticons. He retreats, and escapes via ground ridge thanks to Optimus and the crew. Knockout, BreakDown, SW, and DreadWing follow after him, ever the loyal soldiers (and they also dont want to deal with Zarak). But Optimus gets nabbed just before he jumps through the ground bridge, and he’s now a prisoner to Zarak. So to fuck with Megs even more, Zarak uses the Botched Synthetic Energon to make Op go FERAL.
Like he’s a literal beast on a leash, fangs and all— and Megs, when staging a rescue operation, is torn because he doesnt want to hurt Op, but he has no choice because OP IS FERAL AND HE WILL LITERALLY GET HIS FACE RIPPED OFF. Optimus’ optics are the striking green just like when Ratchet messed around with it earlier on in the series. (Don’t do drugs kids)
He’s got Optimus pinned and he’s trying disparately to pierce through the feral veil that’s blinding the Prime. And there’s a small, tiny moment where Optimus calms down, and his optics flash blue. He tries to speak but his words are staticky and jumbled. Megs reaches out a soothing hand over Op’s face, but unfortunately the touching moment is short lived when Optimus’ optics flash green again, and he goes back to fighting like a rabid animal.
Megs has no choice to knock Optimus out and take him to the wreckage of the Harbinger where both bots and cons have established a new base since the one is Jasper got blown to bits. So Megs is looking through the cell door of the brig, watching as a feral Op is chained to a wall, snarling, growling, and trying to rid himself of his bindings. Ratchet establishes that it’ll probably take days, maybe WEEKS to flush the botched synthetic energon from Prime’s frame. Megs, ever the stubborn mech, refuses to give up on his Prime— so he sits, and waits, and assists where he can in order to bring his Prime back to himself.
So yeah, an idea where Optimus is pretty much having to be treated like a wild beast the whole time until they can get the botched synth energon out of him.
You’re welcome.
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aislinceivun · 6 months
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*dusts off account* *coughs*
My tumblr is pretty much defunct but I'm crossposting this one per request~
Art for part #6 of my absolute favorite StaticRadio fic series, 666: Live On Air! written by the amazing @prince-liest
Every new installment keeps destroying AND energizing me, but the hurt/comfort of this latest update fed me ESPECIALLY well😩💞
If you aren't doing it yet and you love the ship, GO READ 666!! It's droolworthy! It's emotional! It's kinky! It'll make you laugh one sec, rip your heart out the next! No excuses, you must give it a try at least!!
PS: If you're interested in more StaticRadio (or StaticDust) (or StaticRadioDust, perchance? >:3) art & threads from me, find me on twitter here!♥ (adults only) PPS: This one is not a 666 fanart but I might as well plug it: I actually had the same galaxy brain idea as Prince and drew Vox manually keeping Al's heart beating post-Adam😈 (The way I gasped when this happened in 666 too!😩👏) Mild gore cw, but if you're curious, it's here.
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