#egotistical streamer
sh5 · 1 year
my critikal impression isn't good per say, but
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tf-rpg · 3 months
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Second part of Jo-Go's initial transformation! She hacked a bit too far, and got imported into the vRRPG not as a usual player character, but as a sakura-themed Raid Boss deep in a dungeon. The penny's finally dropped as she realizes she can't get out, that this is her body.
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Alright, maybe not that DEEP in the dungeon since she got given the Boss abilities of Colossus and Broodmother. She's filling up the whole place, and making her own little foxy minions for good measure.
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An army of cute little helpers for an egotistical streamer? Yeah, maybe Jo-Go can get used to this quicker than expected.
She'd be in this boss state for quite a while, as the "Lady of the Azure Dungeon", the first major roadblock for any guilds trying to clear dungeons.
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wildpeachfarm · 4 months
Hi, Moku!
It’s been a while. Life has been a whirlwind of hurricanes and tornadoes mixed with occasional sunshine and rainbows recently, and I’ve been tackling everything I can. (Congrats on making it through another academic year, and for completing finals).
Not to beat a dead horse here, but I just wanted to input my thoughts on the q.smp bs happening.
Obviously, I hope all the workers who were wronged and never fairly compensated for their free labor, win their lawsuit and get more than what they’re owed for dealing with that narcissistic, egotistical, clout-chasing fuck. Now that I’ve said that, moving on to my thoughts.
I’ve seen discussion on how many servers are popping up post-dsmp era, and I have some thoughts on that.
Pre-dsmp, the only other SMP I heard of was Hermit-craft SMP. Then, we went through a deadly, lengthy, life-altering, and generational changing pandemic, which forced the world inside. The dsmp arose out of that, cause with everyone being at home, there wasn’t much to do. The gaming sphere/streaming sphere was dominant in a way I’d never seen it before, and it was incredible to witness. Minecraft especially experienced a resurgence, and Mr. Greenman himself was a huge part of that-through manhunts and the dsmp.
Unlike the nature of the q.smp, and some of these other short-lived smps, the dsmp started authentically. It was originally a server meant for Dteam to play on together and just have fun with each other. Then Dream added some of his friends and those friends knew people who they thought would enjoy the server and it just kept growing. Eventually, when all these people were added, the lore started, and that took the server to new heights and popularity (everyone loves a good story, regardless of the method of storytelling).
Dream himself never streamed his perspective, so as not to take away viewers from the notably smaller streamers on the SMP (which is opposite of a certain duckwhodoesntquack who only streams his perspective). He was also an active member in creating the lore/storylines of not only his character, but others as well (a certain unapologetic abusive cc was a big part, as well but we don’t talk about “Bruno”). Again, this is opposite of the q.smp, as the owner had people write the lore for him, and then was also never satisfied with what was written.
I think one of the biggest differences was the dsmp wasnt meant to be a roleplay server. It happened cause the people occupying the server wanted to do it, and made that decision on their own. It wasn’t marketed as a “passion project” so there wasn’t much build-up and hype for its release/existence (until after the lore started, and then it became more hyped). There was no competing server of its kind, cause the only other one that most people knew about had long since been established-the notoriety, popularity, and clout was already there, and didn’t need to be earned.
And the biggest difference of them all, no one got payed. There were not “workers” meant to move the server along; everything happened via the streamers themselves. So although there were some communication issues, there were no legal issues cause no one was being payed, unless you streamed playing it on a streaming site and made the money through donos.
It breaks my heart watching the q.smp play out like this, cause if it was done in good faith and genuineness, it could’ve been so good-bridging language barrier gaps and creating endless opportunities to learn a language you don’t know, and/or a culture you also don’t know-but it fell victim to a greedy owner and all good qualities were made null. I hate that this is how it transpired, especially for those that were working for free, and everyone who got doxxed/swatted over this.
TLDR; dsmp’s authenticity, genuineness, lack of greed from the owner played into what made it so successful. They’re also the reason it can’t be replicated, because it wasn’t manufactured- it just happened. And that’s why all these other servers have failed before they started, only lasted a bit of time, or ended up buckling under the consequences of the decisions of the owner. Dsmp is THAT girl and she will always be.
I’m sorry this was so long; has a lot of thoughts. Thanks for reading this anyway, and I hope this finds you well.
Have an amazing day, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself!
-L :)
Yeah I 100% agree i think something that a lot of newer servers lack is genuine authenticity that isn't built off of an expectation or hope of fame. the dsmp was never even supposed to be something other than a chill server between the dteam so obviously their intentions when just starting out were nothing but pure. However, there is no denying that anyone who made a server after that had the fame of the dsmp in the back of their mind- it's just impossible with how famous the server got.
And with how sterile the qsmp felt with how much the rp was pushed onto the streamers and the fact that there was essentially a business being run through the server, it killed the authentic feeling of everything (if it was even there to begin with)
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milkyruins · 1 year
## kim gyuvin x reader, TROPHY WIFE
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warning, i've never played pubg in my life *puts on sunglasses*
summary: kim gyuvin might have an embarrassing amount of hours on pubg, but can he really beat his partner, the deadly streamer @/not.an_aimbot?
genre: fluff
content warnings: light cursing, fps/shooter games (violence/death/guns)
wc: ~0.8k
as soon as the webcam feed populated the screen, your comment section explodes. his eyes widen like a deer as he tries to catch whatever was being spammed in the chatbox.
"baby, say hi." regaining a bit of composure, gyuvin's normal cheery self comes back. he flashes your viewers that giant smile of his and waves at the webcam.
"woah, staring into this tiny camera is weird. anyways, i'm gyuvin, yn's-- or i guess you all know them as @/not.an_aimbot on here-- partner."
he pauses to stare at you, deadpanning hard. "have i ever told you how stupid your username is?"
you give his shoulder a light smack, which helps his grin return to his face. "hey! i'm just kidding! kind of!" to which he receives another smack.
"how dare you?! you've only been on stream for what... eight seconds and you're already trying to drag my username?" you puff your cheeks a bit in frustration.
"yeah. and?" he grabs your puffed cheeks and smushes them. hard. as you bark whine at him to stop, he decides to deal more damage. "it's like what a 11 year old boy who thinks they're good would name themselves."
after enduring his sweet gesture torturing for what felt like an eternity, he backs off. finally having your cheeks back in your custody, you continue trekking on. "i'm going to ignore that and move on then." you face the webcam again, eyes carefully trained on the lens. "gyu's here so i can deflate his massive ego via kicking his ass in pubg."
gyuvin huffs. "in your dreams."
"my user isn't just like that for show, y'know. i am pretty damn good."
he gives your hair a light ruffle, breaking character a bit. "i know you are, bubs. you're the best. but i have an embarrassing amount of hours on this game and i will not go down without fight." he proceeds to enter a fighting stance, fists up against the webcam.
and suddenly you're giggling like crazy because holy shit, your boyfriend was a dork. it seemed like your chat had the same idea. "ok loser, stop trying to fight the camera and enter the lobby."
"'aimbot's carrying as usual. gyuvin... he's trying.' @/not.a_luvbot, well said."
"hey!!" gyuvin grumbles, hands frantically smashing the keyboard for some avail. unfortunately, from the glimpses you took at his pov, it didn't seem to help. meanwhile, you were picking up kill after kill, but somehow couldn't find your partner, who you deeply desired to shoot dead.
"baby, where are you? i have a gift for you." you smile brighter than you have this entire stream when gyuvin shrieks at you to quote, "no!!!! take that gift and shove it up your a-".
since you were doing so well, you decide to take a hard-earned break to admire you boy. his little quirks when concentrating, like his eyebrow furrowing comically and him nibbling on his lower lip, were just so endearing. even the obnoxious rgb lighting of his headset highlighted his features breathtakingly. you give yourself a mental pat on the back for pulling this specimen of a partner.
but you had the gift of death to bestow on the egotist next to you, so you had to get to work. you move a bit so you're on some high ground and watch as your boyfriend, god bless his soul, hobbles into view. he was badly injured already, the poor thing.
oh well.
with a click of your finger, he's dead and gone. i mean, there was a reason you had to clarify you weren't an aimbot, no? the match is called and the username he so abhorred sprawls across your screen (next to the iconic "winner winner chicken dinner" of course) triumphantly.
"i wasn't on my game! babe!!"
you shrug, watching as "gg"s flooded the comments. "yep, good game y'all. bad game to you gyu."
"one more match."
"that's what you've been saying for the past three rounds. i hate to break it to you, but you've been absolutely trashed by a prepubescent boy with no naming sense. three times in a row."
"babyyy..." you don't miss the pout that starts to tug on his lips. it makes you scoff and melt at the same time.
patting his shoulder in mock sympathy, you reply. "it's okay gyu, you can be my trophy wife or something." he snorts at that, minor tantrum seemingly forgotten. he gets up from his stream, giving your cheek a quick peck before exiting from the camera's view. "sure, fine, whatever. what do you want for dinner then?"
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
Brozone & Acquaintances: Fame and Blunders (The Rise And Fall, The Epic Highs And Lows Of Trolltwt) Part Six
split into a new post bc the last one (parts 1-5, crossposted on ao3 (including intermission)) got too long. as always, cowritten by the evil genius @squirrelpatties
cloud guy: infamous leaktwt contributor, with a specific fixation on branch (and to a lesser extent anyone close to branch, but branch is his #1). he got his hands on several embarrassing baby photos of branch, which even jd was concerned about, because "we never published those ones, they were just for grandmas wallet". some of his most well known leaks were "barb was admitted to rehab" "creek got a BBL" and "smidge had a miscarriage" (the latter overshadowing the other two by a significant margin)
sky toronto: egotistical millionaire who bought twitter and changed the logo into a tie. whenever creek posts a new off-the-wall conspiracy theory to his impressionable audience, sky replies that hes "Looking into this..." (theyre oomfs). many of his experimental party supplies have killed a disgusting amount of animal test subjects but that doesnt mean hes not willing to test on trolls. branch almost dies when hes hit by someones neuro-mind-link party popper.
smidge vs barbtwt: several influential barbtwt members with a tie to a certain infamous leaker who shall not be named (they paid him. he didnt need the money he just likes messing with people) get their hands on smidges medical records, initially to prove shes trans (shes not) but they instead learn about her miscarriage. instead of backing off, showing her sympathy and feeling guilty about this disgusting breach of privacy, they coordinate to make this public knowledge the next time smidges name trends. twitter is divided into "smidgetwt supporting her wholeheartedly through this horrible situation" "smidge antis who think 'she had it coming'" and "barbtwt happy that smidge is suffering". this sparks a debate on the ethics of trolls smoking while with eggs, with pro-egg-smokers saying its their body their choice and anti-egg-smokers saying "are you out of your damn mind". this is how smidge reveals she is simultaneously pro-egg-smoking and pro-life. its a bloodbath. she drops off the face of the internet never to be seen again........ unless 🤔
cloud guy (part 2): after years of providing the public service of "making branchs life miserable", cloud guys twitter account (and IP) is sadly permabanned when poppy demands sky toronto take action the third time branch is doxxed. sky toronto originally didnt care but after a solid week of her pestering him, he gave up, but only because he forgot to take "no doxxing" out of troll twitters TOS, and the backlash would be worse than hes willing to deal with right now. sleep well, soldier 🫡.
dante vs poppy: dante is branchs stalker. routinely stakes out by branchs pod to take photos of him for his shrine. its not a sex thing but whatever it is is way weirder than a sex thing. branch has moved pods 3 times but dante always manages to find him. perhaps he has friends in high places? regardless of the "how", the "what" is poppy wants him fucking Gonezo. unfortunately dante, as an ambassador for classical trolls, is not under poppys jurisdiction of pop trolls. she decides the only way to deal with the "rando stalking my partner" situation is to catch him with one of branchs traps. except, dante can fly, so rope traps arent effective and poppy needs to get creative and potentially very violent. she asks branch if he still has those spikes she begged him to take down. he does but he repurposed them as hat racks. now he needs to find somewhere else to put his hats!
gus tumbleweed: lowtiergod-esque fighting game streamer whos known for yelling and screaming at his opponents when he loses. he goes into long, drawn out, nonsensical similes and metaphors to describe how much he wants the player who beat him to kill themself or otherwise die painfully
tiny (in game chat): git rekt f4gg0t gus (on mic): someone outta hog tie ya and hang ya up in the middle o town like a pinata caught sleezin with the mayors daughter tiny (in game chat): bro
is invited to take part in a tournament for charity during pride month. when beaten by a gay guy he regresses to violently homophobic hatespeach. youd think thisd be a career ender but its amazing what "pretending to be attracted to your fellow straight male friends" can fix! he makes a halfhearted comment about thinking one of his streamer friends is handsome and/or has a nice ass and everything is back to normal, and he faces zero consequences for his actions.
holly darlin: fellow twitch streamer, although in different circles to gus tumbleweed. she is undefeated at chess but otherwise unremarkable, yet because shes a woman everyone hates her. after a year or two or constant hate she decides "fuck it" and commits to selling snake oil. the hell are they gonna do? call her a whore? shes already got every variation and misspelling caught in autofilter, buddy. she peddles for the same company that supplies the diet pills satin and chenille hype up on their podcast. its how she and satin meet. theyre lesbians now. it makes the hate holly gets SOOOOOO much worse but satins used to it so shes unaffected. chenille gets no say in the matter
synth: third and final twitch streamer (...so far). the gay guy who beat gus in a tournament for charity and was met with violent hatespeach. beforehand was one of the smaller creators in the tournament but afterward he blew up a lot more. he does a lot of charity streams, mostly for the benefit of disabled children, out of the goodness of his heart and NOT the glory like some OTHER trolls mentioned two paragraphs previous. hes just a good guy! also almost had a thing with branch when they were both confused about each others identities.
synth: today marks a year since i almost kissed a very attractive twunk in pop village and then found out he was a lesbian who thought i was a lesbian minuet: gay culture
broppy: theyre doing great! absolutely NO problems whatsoever! im sure it will last forever!
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clementine-side-blog · 3 months
Edward Nashton Headcanons (SFW)
Summary: My personal headcanons for Edward Nashton. Again, these are MY personal headcanons and I use them for when I write about him. So, yeah. I can't believe I'm just now writing headcanons for this guy. This is long overdue.
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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I fully believe that he has autism, like you cannot change my mind. Plus, it's canon that the Riddler has autism! In my opinion, he has the "I'm a genius" autism, but also the "watching documentaries about WWII at 2 AM" kind of autism as well.
Overall, he's a pretty reserved guy. It takes a while for him to come out of his shell. He's shy, timid, nerdy, and a little awkward. He does NOT know how to talk to people, especially people he finds attractive.
Once you get to know him though, and become friends, he's a very friendly man. He's super caring, a good listener, and has a great sense of humor.
He's a fucking super genius. It's canon in the DC Universe that his IQ is 190. This man is so fucking smart and he basically knows everything about everything.
When he has a crush on someone (obviously you), he CANNOT get them out of his head. He quite literally becomes obsessed and, might I add, a bit possessive.
He has trauma from living at the orphanage. The reason this goes under the "personality" category, is because it shaped who he was as a person. Let me explain...
Egotistical/Arrogant: Edward was a very bright kid, but no one ever recognized him for it. Because of this, he grew up to think highly of himself, as no one else did. Edward thinks, no, he knows that he's the smartest man in Gotham. This can lead to him making others feel small/dumb, but it's never his intention.
Protective: Since he never felt protected or loved growing up, he strives to make his partner feel like that. He wants to shower them with the love, affection, and praise that he never got. As your boyfriend, and best friend, he wants nothing more than to love you unconditionally. This also means that he spoils you SO MUCH, like so fucking much.
Obviously, the number one is solving puzzles. Riddles, crosswords, sudokus, etc. If it's a puzzle, he'll solve it.
When he's bored, or if he's just relaxing (like watching a movie), he'll sometimes play with a Rubik's cube. His fastest record for solving a Rubik's cube was around 6 seconds.
He loves reading. As a kid, that was basically all he did. He reads basically every genre (barely any romance though). Edward loves to go to a bookstore, or Barnes & Noble, and just hang out.
Surprisingly, he's a very good cook. He always makes really good food, and sometimes uses some herbs/spices that he grows out on the fire escape outside his living room window.
He's a Twitch streamer! Can't change my mind about that. He's got a cool setup in his bedroom that is decorated very nicely. He'll watch documentaries, true crime stuff, play video games, etc. Since he's a forensic accountant (and had to learn about forensics in general), he'll explain and go into depth about certain things in crime. It's actually very educational, but he makes it fun as well!
Bro LOVES video games. He plays basically all of them. He loves Resident Evil games, Silent Hill, Horizon Zero Dawn, Minecraft (he has tried to build all of Gotham in minecraft), Fallout, Half-Life, Outlast, and basically any other shit you can think of.
His music taste consists of basically everything except country music. He LOVES metal/rock music. Here are some of his favorite bands...
Weezer; ICP; Green Day; blink-182, Gorillaz; Slipknot; Korn; I Monster; Megadeth; System Of A Down; Nirvana; Radiohead; and Foo Fighters. He also likes classical music and operas.
In the orphanage, he read lots of books, and some of those were about different languages. He basically taught himself...like...a bunch of different languages just for fun. A few of his favorite languages to learn were French, Spanish, and even Korean. He also knows a handful of Latin, though it's not really a language people speak anymore. He just likes to brag about how he knows Latin and most people don't, lol.
He likes his apartment and everything he owns to be clean, and sometimes he'll get random bursts of energy and deep clean his entire apartment.
He has a diary :)
Favorite color is green, obviously, but purple is a close second.
He has sensory issues. He hates the feeling of fleece especially.
Edward is queer. It's that simple. He doesn't like a specific gender, he doesn't dislike a specific gender, he just likes who he likes! :)
One of his favorite shows ever is Breaking Bad.
One of his favorite movies ever is American Psycho. He read the book too. Edward knows that it's a satire, don't worry, he doesn't relate to Patrick Bateman at all. He just thinks the movie is funny and loves how it shows how ridiculous "metrosexual" men are.
He can do a great impression of Patrick Bateman, including the facial expressions.
He also loves Fight Club, because cmon its a classic and its so fucking good. Also, he thinks Brad Pitt is hot in the movie...
Knows how to play guitar very well!
His hair is a little shaggy (imagine young Paul Dano, like when he was 20ish)
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sleepysheepy6 · 11 months
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Here's Colored Pencils for my Origami King Au he takes the form of a Snifit. Let's just say that the Legion Of Stationary in the original game won't be the bosses that Olly and Olivia will face. Which means whats going on in the area will be different then in the game to this Au.
We'll meet this guy after beating whoever is guarding the Red Streamer. We don't meet him first in this form. But as a normal colored pencil case. And making sure he doesn't get used by Origami Mario. Olly and Olivia together bring him to life. He's a bit egotistic but is happy to help the Origami siblings.
In the art you can see he's a lot different then a regular Snifit. Instead of bullets he shoots colored pencils. And use the colored pencil he holds as another weapon.
(Honestly telling others of this Au makes me want to write a fanfic about it.)
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dwtdog · 6 months
like tbf i could believe some of those writers saying that just because theres been so many people that basically just boil them down to a stereotypical ship and in the end its nothing like them at all 😭 especially early on in the fandom, like theyd always go so hard into the "opposites attract" thing where either one of dream or george was just a complete asshole and its just??? like dream is not an egotistical bully and george isnt an emotionless bitch. or they go for the flirty and overly confident dream and a totally flustered and helpless george who is just subject to dreams flirting. like mr "keep being obsessed with me" and the one who leaned in to kiss dream first after seeing him in person for the first time?? being shy and a total wallflower?? soo many writers just take one part of their personality and exaggerate it 100x so yeah i could see people just seeing those parts and using it to write an easy romance fic because certain parts of their dynamic definitely hit those popular tropes.
oh mannn early dnf fics r rough 😭 in all fairness we didn't know as much about them but. some of the biggest fics were just like hello this is not dnf these r two random dudes where r my cringy lame nerdy streamers
(just to be careful i do want to be clear if anyone is worried, that we're all just writing fics at the end of the day :D have fun with the art u make, have fun exploring the characters and making them as close to the source if u want to, or go in the opposite direction :3)
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animentality · 2 years
Can we all agree that Twitter was the worst social media even before Muskrat bought it?
It's always been demonic. Tumblr and Reddit and Facebook and Instagram might be fucking cringy and harmful in their own special ways, but Twitter is literally where people go to harass celebrities and organize riots.
Twitter's like system is bullshit, its algorithm is random. Even people who are saying something so fucking far removed from the general populace's opinion and morality can blow up and become Twitter famous.
It's so fucking stupid that your entire feed is just fed to you by an algorithm. You could be the most liberal person in the world and still get fucking conservative politicians all over your feed.
At least Reddit is subdivided into subreddits so if you really want to avoid stupid shit, you just don't use r/all. At least Reddit lets you DOWNVOTE people and let them know their opinion is considered shit.
At least on Tumblr you just follow who you want to follow and never have to be subjected to anything you would really hate (for the most part). The chronological algorithm is one of the most freeing things about this place.
Plus you can get your ass obliterated by Tumblr, even though we don't have downvotes.
The reblogging system lets you obliterate the OP's bad opinion in a way that quote retweets never could.
And sure, Tumblr chased off John Green and xkitguy. Tumblr has definitely been the Bad Place before, harassing small artists and creatives and starting truly awful discourses.
But it's NOTHING compared to Twitter harassment like where do you even fucking start?
There are so many celebrities who have gotten harassed on Twitter, to the point where they just had to delete their Twitter or stopped responding to any comments.
There are literally too many to name, I'm not even going to bother. I might argue that every single celebrity has been harassed at least a few times for something dumb!!
Celebrities don't have to name themselves here!
Celebrities are less likely to be harassed on Reddit too.
Twitter is where all the fucking branding and marketing people go because it's like a fucking lottery system, where you never know what'll go viral, but when it does, it goes big.
But the negative side of that is the fact that the WORST FUCKING PEOPLE go viral and extremists become the norm.
And you have yourself a gas echo chamber, where everyone is being poisoned by each other's bad faith discourse.
It is the fucking worst.
Not to mention that their bot problem is worse than any fucking where else.
Russian bots were here too, but more people use Twitter, so the bots there are much more influential.
Also think of this bullshit right?
Twitter is swarming with narcissists. Celebrities, pseudo celebrities, streamers, stock traders, nft bros.
All kinds of people who have to hock their products.
I myself joined Twitter so I could promote my books and try to reach out to literary agents. But there are so many people doing the same shit that you get lost in the white noise of desperate, begging people, who are all trying to make themselves something.
It's fucking sad and depressing.
People on Reddit don't care about being followed. Tumblr hides your follower count from your followers.
I don't know about Facebook because I haven't had one since 2013, but I assume you still have to friend people.
But Twitter is just this out of control mess of narcissists and echo chambers and no matter how rancid your opinion, people will still like it if it goes viral, and no amount of counter points or ratios matter, because in the end, you went viral.
and it's honestly only fucking fitting that Elon Musk bought that vipers' nest.
He's so fuckng egotistical and narcisstic that they go together like peanut butter and jelly.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW | Iono | Headcanons
Iono's reaction to her biggest YouTube (Poketube?) rival, who was also faceless, revealing their face on screen in a video and they turn out to be the nice, sweet person she's had a crush on for weeks now?
Not gonna lie, didn't know how to go about this one too well. Mainly in headcanon format, but alas, here we go! I hope it's good, and if it isn't, then you never saw anything.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Iono: Big Reveal
You had been to Levincia on several occasions, mainly for shopping or work related things. In that time, you had met Iono a handful of times.
She was a bit egotistical for your liking, but you respected her. As a faceless Poketuber, you held respect for Iono who always had her face out there for everyone to see. It was something you were nervous about doing.
Iono had taken note of you whenever you had gone into town as well. You seemed interesting and had this air about you, almost like you were also an entertainer. Still, she could never find you on any social media, and decided she had been wrong.
You and Iono had actually had a few conversations in passing, and Iono wasn't proud to admit it but she kind of fell for your sweet nature. It was a stark contrast to her feral energy, and she liked you. Not to mention, she bet you'd be amazing online if you went for it, since you did have that air about you.
She liked you more than she hated this one particular Poketuber, which was saying something. She saw this one Poketuber as her absolute rival since they easily pulled in more views than her without ever showing their face.
When she found out there was going to be a face reveal, she had to watch it. She knew it was going to pull millions so there was no point in even trying to stream that day.
She hovered in front of her phone, staring at the stream as they talked about a few things. When they finally turned on their camera, her jaw dropped.
It was you, the sweet person she had talked to in town several times and fell for. You were the faceless streamer. She was both mad and ecstatic. She was already plotting on doing collabs with you now, waiting for you to come back to town.
When you did, you had a jacket and hood on. Fame was hard, especially since now all of Paldea now knew your face. Still, you couldn't hide from Iono. She knew the aura you gave off and was attracted to it like a magnet.
She cornered you and dragged you to the gym. She was intent on not only collabing, but eventually becoming your partner in crime. Just imagine the views!
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popculturebrain · 4 months
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synthetic-sonata · 1 year
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i just consumed so much sparklecare content and made an au of my oc pink . say hi to razzle (b) dazzle(d)! he is now everyone elses problem.
more info under da cut
he's very similar to uni in some ways, and that isn't intentional i've had pink for a WHILE. they would b good friends tho. i gave him mega-sads instead of ultra mega-sads ( normalest sentence ) just to differentiate. Bc i do not want ppl to call him a clone of uni they are very much diff people just with the same sort of outward flavor.
speaking of which he probably has more afflictions i just didnt know how to sparklecare-ify having ADHD and probable BPD. nor did i rlly want to make terms for it. likely has a physical affliction as well before coming to the hospital i just didn't know what to give him
he has two prosthetics! one prosthetic arm, one leg. yes, this obviously means those two limbs were removed from him somehow. most people assume and theorize the staff at sparklecare did this during a surgery, but... pink gets very dodgy about this topic and never answers it in a clear way.
due to him being very sociable and easy to get along with he's friends with most patients . sort of like a Hospital Celebrity. he's known and he's cool and he's chill so ppl like him.
also i'm not sure if it matters but the bro and scatterbrained art is pulled from the official website, which is prob obvious
his favorite holidays are palentines day and kissmas and its obvious. loves anything associated with love and that whole aesthetic.
either has the default rainbow armband or the ITP band ( he's usually pretty compliant .. mostly out of fear. he does and will join or help escape attempts sometimes tho )
sleeps a lot. possibly narcolepsy possibly just not that ( like. napping a lot or depression naps or naps bc hes dissociating and or understimulated. )
more traits that fit him that i couldn't fit in da sheet:
he's often found doodling idly or singing and making music in his spare time. he's expressed a desire to become an idol or an actor in his future. ( referencing how canon pink/razz is an idol robot lol )
honestly this one is a give or take but it's a trait he eventually has. he definitely flirts with people often and casually. whether or not he actually sleeps around is a give or take though because i can see it either way, but, probably. he has an Allure to him. and he's. hypersexual so i mean yea.
this one isn't super bad, but he hypes himself up a lot and compliments himself casually. it's mostly to make him feel better about himself... but he does sometimes put other people down in order to put him up. it's always jokingly, at least... mostly, but it can become a problem later down the line. it doesn't feel good to be called lesser to someone!
he's probably edited videos and audio a lot. and is or wanted to be a streamer/youtuber.
outgoing and affectionate are sort of hand in hand for pink. although, he has a very high social battery.... somehow, and is always around people or talking to him. he's also pretty impulsive.
sometimes overly so. he'll even be affectionate or call people nicknames who he really should be at odds with - this includes staff. he's incredibly chill with most of the staff, or at least seems to be... giving them all nicknames and talking with them as if they were casual friends ( they aren't ). or it's to annoy them. it's not really clear with razz, ever.
presumably, this is a bad way of coping with how shitty people treat him by acting as if they're his friends - or something.
sensitive ( if you told razzy you hated him or smth he'd take it super personally but he'd come off as not offended but he'd think about it way too much. surprisingly he doesn't do this with like threats. he's numb to threats almost entirely )
conflict avoidant ( mostly explained in chill but they prob should be separate things there just wasnt enough space lol )
soda/sweets junkie
he casually swears a lot and says a lot of sex jokes or things like that. Very casually, once again.
his response to anything traumatic is usually just being really zoned out and dissociative after - due to this people think he doesn't really have a proper response to trauma. he does! people just don't think the zoning out counts as one! he has others, but he tries to hide any other trauma response for when he's alone.
fear of hospitals/medical stuff/etc
surprisingly, this didn't happen after being admitted to sparklecare, but it very much didn't help. goes hand in hand with claustrophobia and a lot of other fears he won't admit to. he's gotten numb over time. it still messes with him badly, but that mostly shows in the form of him dissociating... or in rare cases, having a panic attack. he only really shows emotion when he's in very very bad mental health or alone. at the very least he has people to talk to - if he didn't, he'd likely have completely broken by now.
thats a lot of things and i could probably find more to describe him but yea. He should prob also be more saturated n simplified but ehhhhhh. My oc my funny my silly he gets to slightly bend rules cuz he isnt in the comic its fiiine.
( plus its kinda symbolic of how many people in universe would see pink as surprisingly mentally well-adjusted and fine considering the situation he's in, which reflects in him not being 100% saturated. but he is. it just doesn't show outwardly )
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destinygoldenstar · 6 months
Riyuko Kurai ; The Ultimate Vigilante (Danganronpa The Privileged Traitor)
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Riyuko Kurai (Ree-you-ko Kew-rye) ; 19 Years Old ; From Hiroshima, Japan ; The Ultimate Vigilante
Riyuko Kurai is a student of Hopes Peak College Class B-3 in Danganronpa The Privileged Traitor.
Riyuko goes by the vigilante name, The Black Dragon. A self proclaimed superhero that fights enemies in the night.
She was once the rival of the Ultimate Scientist, Miki Peridot. But lost to her after being persuaded that her inventions were actually beneficial. Since then, Miki has been her only family.
No one understands Riyuko besides Miki. She claims herself to be an actual black dragon, never takes her costume off, will only wear black, no exceptions, and has reactions to things that seem inhuman to others. She’s stoic in what she says, has very little reaction to things, and has a habit of sneaking up on people and jump scaring them. Whether she intentionally does that or not is unclear.
Riyuko does not fit in with anyone, and conforms to zero rules of society, majority or minority. She’s simply her. She just does what she feels like. The last thing she wants is to fit in with society in any way.
Riyuko’s morality is questionable. The only thing that people can go off of is her bond with the egotistical Miki, and that she can sneak up on people without notice and jumpscare them, intentional or not.
She’s also got a lot of creepy expressions. Whether she’s intentionally trying to be scary or not, it’s not clear.
Out of the students forced in the Killing Game at Hopes Peak, Riyuko is the one with the most questions from others on who she is or what her deal is. Ally or enemy.
Victim? Killer? Survivor?
See my other profiles; The Protagonist ; The Mastermind; The Ultimate Musical Sensation ; The Ultimate Good Cop ; The Ultimate Bad Cop ; The Ultimate Scientist ; The Ultimate Archer ; The Ultimate Environmentalist ; The Ultimate Arsonist ; The Ultimate Violinist ; The Ultimate Renaissance Student ; The Ultimate Dance Streamer ; The Ultimate Video Game Modifier ; The Ultimate Poetry Writer
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hikkikoaubrey · 1 year
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Okay, well I finally made a concept design for a Omori au I've been working on for a while.
Introducing: The Headspace Swap au (might be a temporary name, might not be)
Basically in this au the Headspace exclusive characters swap with the Faraway town cast with the main focus being on a introverted shut-in version of Sweetheart who spends most of her time on the internet. In this au the names of many of the characters will also change to fit this.
Sweetheart has a lot of mental health issues especially involving loneliness and her own appearance, often using the internet, video games and her group of loyal followers who blindly adore her as a means of ignoring / coping with this. Sweetheart has also become pretty egotistical because of her fanbase, being unable to take criticism and often starting arguments online.
Sweetheart often wishes for a life a luxury where she is loved and adored by others, having tons of servants who will do her every whim and being as pretty and cute as she truly wants to be.
Additional info and ideas on Sweetheart: Is a streamer with the website she streams on being based on the keeper of the castle, either lives by herself in her own apartment or lives with her 3 grandma's. In this au she is transfem (which also affects her self-esteem issues about her appearance)
Other ideas I have for the au so far are: Space boy will be the leader of a biker gang, The Slime Girls are a part of their own small band, Humphrey is a pet fished owned by the slime girls, Rococo is Sweetheart's adoptive brother who is off to art school and his original family died in a housefire when he was really young. Mari is the equivalent of Sweetheart in this au, being named Sundai and taking inspiration from the scrapped ice cream princess character from Omori.
Anyway I hope you guys like my concepts for this au and please tell me your thoughts about it if you guys want.
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isa-ghost · 9 months
Dude, I feel like an idiot.
I know nothing about any Minecraft YouTubers, and this whole time I thought Dream was in the QSMP, and I was about to block you because I don’t really like him. So I went to your blog and read your tagged pin about not wanting to interact with Dream stans. I was confused by this since I thought he was in the SMP you like and had to Google it and realized Dream hasn’t even been in the QSMP this entire time.
Anyway, I guess PSA to people like me who don’t follow Minecraft stuff: Dream is, in fact, NOT a part of the QSMP.
I feel like such a fool since I try not to lump content creators together, but I really misunderstood this one.
THE Q IN QSMP STANDS FOR QUACKITY. THE CONTENT CREATOR WHO MADE QSMP. (Fans will say it stands for Queer because so many of the CCs on it make gay love canonically in roleplay so often)
Anon I can promise you most, if not ALL of QSMP fans fucking HATE Dr*m's p*dophile asshole egotistical ass. I want that sack of shit to drop dead like NOW. At all times. I could rant for EONS about his stupid ass and the horrid experiences I've had with his stupid fans. I'm glad you've now learned first hand why people who think "all of Minecraft YouTube = Dr*m & His Friends" are stupid and why nobody who watches mcyt likes people like that.
Dr*m (and the Dr*m Team [Dream & his friends G*orgeNotFound and S*pnap])'s fans are the mcyt equivalent of Tr*mp supporters. No one likes or respects them. No one understands how they can support such a problematic douchebag when there are entire threads of actual literal proof he's a problematic douchebag. Some of the things in those threads are things he has straight up admitted himself are real. Also I am literally censoring his, G*rge and S*pnap's names so their rabid ass stans don't somehow find this post and then swarm & doxx me. Because they do that. I have witnessed genuinely traumatic witch hunts on Twitter executed by Dr*m Team stans before I got rid of that shit app.
Somewhere I have a post of entire TLDR'd reasons between 2021-2022 of why Dr*m fucking sucks and no one should support him.
The SMP you were confusing is DSMP. Dr*m SMP. Which btw he didn't even fucking pay for the server the SMP was on himself. His friend (ex friend? I wish/hope ex) BadBoyHalo (BBH) who IS on QSMP was paying for it. So people like me who fucking hate and resent Dr*m will spitefully call DSMP "BBHSMP" sometimes because almost all the streamers that were on DSMP minus the Dr*m Team were and still are fabulous people, and I will gladly list them and the reasons they're great people if I really have to or if someone's genuinely curious about it. DSMP was awesome. Several were amazing queer creators that wouldn't have the exposure they do now if they hadn't joined and that's just one reason DSMP was great before we all found out Dr*m is a walking talking sack of shit.
So now that you have this knowledge, do yourself and the entire mcyt community a favor: Stop assuming anything Minecraft YouTube = Dr*m = Racist And Bad and Shitty. And start educating other people who think that way that they're wrong too.
Anyone who gets worked up at hearing "SMP" in a sentence is literally getting angry at hearing Minecraft "Survival Multi Player" which is often literally just groups of friends who are also streamers playing Minecraft. And maybe roleplaying as they do so. People who get angry at SMPs are literally getting mad about people roleplaying in a video game about cubes. It's like if they got pissed at a cube version of Dungeons & Dragons somewhat. They just look like a massive fucking clown.
Also, in general, don't forget the golden rule: To assume makes an ass out of u and me.
I am patting your head anon. Thank you for the laugh. Now take this knowledge and do the mcyt fandom a favor by shutting other uninformed people up. We have enough issues we're fighting to put an end to every day. We're not some racist monolith or whatever like some people for some reason think, so many of us are fighting tooth and nail to bring awareness to internal issues in the fandom, constantly. Just like any other fucking fandom. It's absolutely mind-blowing and braincell-killing to me that non-mcyt fans just assume we're all okay with racism or some shit. I've actually seen people like this, it's a real thing somehow.
Also also: I hope anyone who was following me for my previous hyperfixations (looking at you JSE community people who didn't also take the jse -> mcyt pipeline like me) also takes this knowledge. It's one thing if y'all don't want to see me blogging about something you're not interested in. It's another if you've thought something shitty and untrue about me or the fandom currently captivating me hardest this entire time. You guys too, do us mcyt enjoyers a favor, and start educating misinformed people so we don't have to go around expecting to be labeled racist or some other shitty awful thing over liking watching people play Minecraft.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
your streamer smau has given me brainrot i think about it and the way you depict scara all the time ty for the food 🛐
— 🦋
UR SO WELCOME AND SAME 😭 idk if it sounds egotistical but i slayed w that au and i get brainrot for it too ☠️ like i’ll be listening to a song or watching a utuber and i’ll be like “damn this is smth yn wud post” or “scara wud listen to this”
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