#edward elric headcanons
dokidokidraws · 2 years
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Sending the ace-ification beam directly at my blorbos…..... they’re all ace because I am and I said so
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cuchufletapl · 11 months
The Elric brothers publish joint academic papers sometimes and everyone who knows them personally cites them as "Edward Elric et al." as a joke, even when Alphonse is the primary author of the article.
Ed finds it hilarious after years of his younger brother being mistaken for the Fullmetal Alchemist; Al is so annoyed about it.
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homey-comb · 7 months
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I love the idea of Ed and Al going on their repective travels and sending each other (+ Winry) photos in the mail. Photos of landscapes, new friends they've made, small animals, new gadgets, spices, anything to share what they've seen while apart.
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dyingroses · 7 months
I think it would be hilarious if when Ed and Al joined team Mustang they just assumed Roy and Riza were married and like one day much to their confusion and sadness they find out they're not and the rest of Team Mustang has to be like we don't really get it either
Alphonse: Hey, what's Leiutenant Hawkeye's last name
Falman: What do you mean? It's Hawkeye. Riza Hawkeye.
Alphonse: What
Falman: H-A-W-K-E-Y-E, R-I-Z-A
Edward: Wait, I thought that was her nickname since she's the top sniper, "The Hawk's eye"
Fuery: Yeah, but her last name is also coincidently "Hawkeye."
Havoc: Honestly, that's probably where the name came from. The officials at the military academy aren't that creative.
Rebecca, with dramatic flare: Or maybe it was her destiny
Alphonse: So, is that why she kept her last name?
Havoc: What do you mean?
Edward: Why she didn't take the colonel bastard's last name?
Alphonse: Yeah, it could be confusing to have a Lieutenant Mustang and Colonel Mustang
Edward: Why do you think I call him Colonel Bastard, it's not just accurate but strategic
Rebecca: Oh . . . honey . . no
Edward: What?
Alphonse: What's wrong?
Edward: Why does everyone look sad all of a sudden?
Rebecca: *sniffles*
Havoc: *puts a comforting hand on Rebecca's shoulder*
Fuery: The Lieutenant and the colonel . . . well . . . They aren't actually married
Rebecca: *starts crying on Havoc's shoulder*
Alphonse: B-but they're together, aren't they?
Rebecca: *cries even louder*
Havoc: *rubs her back comfortingly*
Breda: No, they're not - I mean, well
Alphonse: Why aren't they together?!
Rebecca, sobbing: WWWWHHHYYYY?!
Hakuro: What the hell is going on in here?!
Rebecca: *furiously screams something inaudible at Hakuro*
Hakuro: *exits scaredly*
Later in Resembool they break the sad and shocking news to Winry who actually takes it a lot harder than they do because she ships them soooooo much
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ahbogman · 5 months
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psuedostar · 5 months
Just thinking about how Ed's automail hurts whenever the weather changes. Not just day to day weather but in extremes, like gloomy rainy days. Or hot humid heat. Either way his ports hurt and body aches.
In the cold the metal starts to freeze and brings down his own body Temperature, along with the fact that metal contracts when cold. His ports would get to tight to walk or move comfortably. Since he's always cold, his immune system goes down and he gets sick more frequently. Frost bite being another big possibility.
In the heat he suffers just as much, his automail heating up and thus the ports heat up his skin making him more susceptible to hypothermia, even heatstrokes and heat rashes (hyperthermia when it gets cold) ,even burning him at times.
Both sides of the coin can also potentially damage his automail. The condensation from the humid heat and the water from frost and snow can lead to the possibility of it rusting his joints and making his automail weaker in combat. Making his reaction time slower due to the bolts and hinges not moving properly.
All these reasons gave me the idea that resembool is the perfect place for him and his automail. The weather doesn't really change, only during rare times of a rainstorm or an unusually hot summer but overall it's a place that's constant. Kinda how Winry is a constant for Ed, with everything else being so hectic and unsure ( the homunculus, the government, foreign royalty, even the possibility of them not being able to get their bodies back) winry and resembool are the things that Ed knows for sure are waiting for him.
It's also where he first was fitted with his new arm and leg. He did his recovery there and so his body has essentially healed and adjusted to the areas conditions. I mean anytime he and Al need to rest or take a break it's usually at resembool, sure it may be for matienence but they feel most at peace there.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
autistic elric brothers? (and winry)
please let me hear the headcanons
name me one neurotypical in fma. i’ll wait. /j
fr tho theyre SO autistic coded
- I believe in my HEART the reason Ed doesn’t wear that uniform isn’t JUST because he thinks it’s stupid, he also just absolutely hates the texture of it. He put it on his body exactly one time and went “absolutely the FUCK not” and has since transmuted it into something else to take up less space
- It’s very hard for Alphonse to regulate himself because he has no sense of touch and can’t feel anything and he feels pretty detached from reality a lot of the time, but he likes to just talk and make noise. Like banging his gloves together, just because he can, because it’s proof to him he’s still here
- I can see Edward stimming by waiting until his ankle starts to get creaky and then just rocking it from side to side and listening to the squeaks. He gets the nice feeling of moving his whole leg with his ankle, plus the bonus of the obnoxious little sounds. Mustang wants to strangle him for it, Winry wants him dead, Alphonse just wants him to oil the joint before Winry rips his leg off
- Winry and Ed are BOTH tappers when they’re thinking. Fingers on the desk, foot on the floor, doesn’t matter. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. Poor granny and alphonse are just so used to it by now, bless them
- Winry and Ed definitely just have YAP sessions where they ramble about their hyperfixations for literal hours on end. They don’t really understand too much about the other one’s thing, but theyre very supportive
- When Alphonse gets his body back he very much becomes obsessed with the ✨Textures✨ of different things. He needs to touch EVERYTHING and just feel it, and one of his favorite stims becomes rubbing a very nice very specific rock he found
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soufflegirl · 2 years
my headcanon is that at some point Mustang's entire line of command thinks that the Colonel and Lieutenant Hawkeye must have something going on except Edward, who's always ready to deny everything because he's strongly convinced that 1) it's just unfounded gossip and everyone must be insane for thinking it's true, 2) lieutenant Hawkeye deserves way better than that bastard, 3) come on, the lieutenant would never date someone like him, and 4) Mustang doesn't deserve anything in general, let alone a woman like her
so when he finds out they're actually in a relationship he starts freaking out (and Alphonse is like ,, told you so), he goes through the 5 stages of grief and actively tries to convince Riza to dump Mustang everytime he sees her (until Alphonse drags him away)
(they gotta thank Edward if the rumors died down tho)
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number1greedlingfan · 2 months
you know what time it is
More random headcanons
Ed has a bitemark scar on the second knuckle of his left pointer finger. He puts it in his mouth while he thinks and then forgets his strength (paired with his high pain tolerance it's impossible to notice). He used to do this with his right hand but stopped after getting automail because he did it instinctively and then chipped a tooth.
It's canon that Ed can't draw for shit, and I like to think this extends into other areas like sculpting (non-alchemically), painting, crocheting, etc. Tell him to draw anything but a perfect circle and his head explodes.
When Al was younger he got cold easily and used to crawl into other people's beds while half asleep. This worked fine with his mom, who didn't mind snuggling with the Son that Doesn't Kick, but frequently caused fights with Ed who overheats no matter the season.
Not only can Al draw in realism, but he can also sketch and paint in multiple different styles and he can embroider. I think drawing is something he's been doing since he was little but other skills were honed post-human transmutation (he had to fill those lonely nights somehow). After getting his body back, relearning how to do all these is slow going.
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iennoganan-aha · 3 months
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Last day of pride month omg
Here are SOME of my aroace headcannons for characters, each character varies on their spot in the spectrum but either way they’re all aroace to ME 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
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Headcanon that Roy had to teach Ed how to do taxes at one point and it went about as well as being in elementary school and asking your dad for help on your math homework. Like:
*three hours in*
roy: what does that say.
ed: i don’t know
roy: do you know how to read.
ed, sounding unsure: *sobbing* …YES???
ed, sobbing: I DON’T. KNOW.
al, sitting quietly in the back playing with the cat he smuggled in: 👁️👄👁️
alternatively trisha taught him how to do taxes before she died because she wanted him to be prepared
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mossyboy69 · 3 months
FMAB Post Canon Headcanons that no one asked for:
Ed sometimes still uses his left hand for fine motor tasks or to feel the texture of things despite having his right arm back
his right shoulder acts up during bad weather
He never goes through surgery to remove the leftover bits of automail from his shoulder
he says he doesn't want someone to mess with his body to cover up the fact that his previous surgeries were really traumatic and he's afraid of having to go through recovery again
Winry is the only person that is allowed to touch his automail leg
when she's too pregnant to work Ed has to go to another mechanic and all he does is gush about her amazing work
Ed goes through physical therapy to get his strength back in his right arm
He secretly keeps his state alchemist watch (he makes up some lie about how he lost it to Roy)
And proceeds to make his and Winry's wedding rings out of
Al gets a small pendant made out of Ed's pocket watch (is there enough metal for all that? I don't really know or care /lh)
While traveling after the promised day Ed realizes that he gets nightmares when he sleeps alone (which leads to some awkward talks with Al)
Ed & Al make sure that Hohenheim gets a headstone next to Trisha's
Ed becomes a stay-at-home dad because he doesn't know what job to take and he's seen everything he wants to see (at least most of it)
(also, he doesn't want to repeat his father's mistake by staying away)
when Winry's and his children are a bit older and things have settled he becomes a counselor to Roy and the parliament
(aka he gets paid to call Roy a bastard and have a good idea once in a while)
Winry has to force him to take that job because he's become annoying now that the children don't need to be looked after at all times
Ed secretly wishes that their children had Winry's blue eyes (and he'll tell everyone but her)
when they get married it was originally supposed to be a small celebration in Resembool
however Armstrong got wind of it and suddenly it turned into a public affair that ends up in the newspaper
even Ling shows up as official guest
Maybe I should just write a fanfic at this point lol
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karolinswritings · 1 year
Can I request envy x gn reader who found him when he was is his little worm form and took him in? And then he reveals himself or something and him and reader just live together? I feel like that would be fun.
Okay I love this request, honestly I find his little worm form adorable. I am sorry for the veeery late reply, thank you so much for the request, I hope you like the headcanons. They turned out to be more like a story, I hope that's fine ^^
Fullmetal Alchemist Envy Headcanons: Envy x reader who took him in when he was in his little worm form
In these headcanons, Envy managed to escape from Mustang, Riza and Ed and he ended up alone on the streets of Amestris before he could return to Father, because of his lack of energy left.
I think when reader found him and took him in, he would be so tired and dizzy that he wouldn't really understand what is happening. All he can remember is a human reaching towards him and the warm touch of their palm.
After resting for a while he would regain consiousness and look around reader's house, observing their furniture and possesions, trying to understand where he is. Looking at their dining table he would see them and recognise them as the person who picked him up and carried him somewhere earlier. That's when it would all come together and he would realise that he is in a human house and has been taken in.
He would definitely know what condition he is in and that considering the absence of any philosopher's stones to help him regain his energy, he would stay quiet and observe their actions carefully.
When he notices reader holding a book and reading carefully through it, as if they are looking for something, and notices that it is a book about lizards and how they live, he would get the idea of pretending to be a lizard until he can find a way to regain his powers.
As time passes, he would quickly notice how careing reader is and how much they care about him. He would slowly start to trust them more and more, letting them feed him and even pet him. He would start feeling lonely whenever they are out and his eyes would sparkle with excitement anytime they come back to him.
At some point, probably after about a month passes and he notices that he doesn't entirely hate humans, specifically reader, now thinging of them as his human, he would decide to reveal himself. As to his plan of running away as soon as possible, looks like it will have to wait for a bit. This human just awoke his interest, he can't just leave.
One time, seeming out of the blue for reader, but completely planned by Envy, the little lizard would suddenly speak.
" Listen here, human. I am not a pet lizard, I am homunculus, so you should definitely stop wasting your time reading all those books, wondering how to take care of me properly. If you wanna know so bad, I might just tell you. If you ask nicely of course."
Seemingly not careing about reader's shocked expression and lack of ability to say a word from suprise, Envy would use all that's left in him to transform into his prefered form. He would have to take a seat on a nearby chair from exhaustion, but would look up at reader with a slight smirk, proud of how mesmerized they look from seeing his shape-shifting abilities.
"What? You didn't notice that whole time that I was homunculus? My oroboros tattoo was all out there for you to see and you just tought it's a spot? You're so oblivious..So, what do you think? I'm quite--"
For Envy's suprise, reader cuts him off and lifts up his chin for them to observe his features, still not really understanding what happened. They take a look at his eyes, nose, lips, making him feel more and more nervous. All of a sudden his cheeks get pink and he looks away, obviously embarresed.
"What? What's so interesting?...Stupid human.."
" You're quite handsome. So you are.. a homunculus? I think I have heard about them before, alchemists say that homunculi are artificial humans. But I definitely didn't imagine one to look so..nice."
After hearing reader's unexpected words, Envy would consider staying with them for a while, and then leaving, but the tought of ending their life doesn't seem to be of his liking, so he decides to put aside his departure until he feels satisfied enough with their presense. He won't think of it for a while.
As time goes by though, he would realise he doesn't really want to leave. At all. Everyone probably thinks he is dead anyways, so why not spend more time here? On top of all, he has his own human now.
He would get addicted to reader's care and would love feeling like a royalty, being served food, treated pretty much as a diety and being the center of reader's attention everytime he decides to tell them about all of his abilities and the pros of being homunculus.
I think he would think of various ways to get to a stone so that he can regain his abilities. Staying with reader and talking to them is quite interesting and new to him, but he would definitely miss being able to use his full abilities. If he manages to return them, the first thing he would do would be to show off to reader, taking in their compliments and watching them stand in awe as he shape-shifts into all kinds of things.
Sooner of later I think he would totaly forget about all the stuff he used to be interested in doing before. He is curious as to how living with his human would be like and in what new ways he would use his abilities.
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Cuddling Headcanons with Edward Elric
Tea Type: Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Edward/F! Reader
Length: 180
Summary: N/A
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Ed loves to be the big spoon.
I dunno if you’ve noticed this, but he’s a little protective.
Being the big spoon lets him feel like you’re not going to leave him, it’s a physical reassurance he adores.
Likes to bury his face into your neck as he sleeps, the heat and feeling of your skin against his is super reassuring.
Quietly talks of his adventures with Al in hushed whispers until you both doze off, or listens to you talk about your day.
Some days he just gets really quiet and takes in all he has that’s around him, and on those days you make sure you spend plenty of time cuddling him to ground him and remind him it’s all real and he’s safe now.
Likes to cuddle outside in a sunny spot with you on a blanket and fall asleep only to then teach you about the stars and constellations during the night.
The quickest way to calm him down from a nightmare is to hold him tightly and squeeze him until he comes back to himself.
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wingsofescape · 1 year
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Thinking many thoughts today
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ahbogman · 5 months
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this was meant to be for yesterday, 503 day, but I didn’t finish it in time. but here it is now :))
i decided to finally share my headcanon designs and names for ed and winry’s kids! Ezra and Willow. they’re a bit older here, probably around 10 and 8. I would love to write out a little bio for both of them one day. i hope you like them!
anyway, happy belated 503 day!
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