#edit: should probably link the playlists
mamasplat · 4 months
Minami Minamida themed playlists + Akira for the don’t look for her ending
[songs taken via suggestions primarily]
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ccelicaa · 1 month
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Taking a step back from the goofy silly arts and getting a little serious for this one.... this is promo art for their story I've been working on!!!
It's an idea of what I'm planning, and I'm hoping to write their story for a fic! So I wanted to ask if you guys would be interested in reading it?😳😳
I didn't think I'd be getting this invested LOL but I'm hoping to draw scenes out of the fic too if they're that good🤷guess we'll have to see. lol anyway
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS I posted the wip of this on twitt a while ago, and it's probably been my fav piece for them 😭😭at least in terms of the process because I was listening to so much music related to them....and it got me in my feels for them...... (if you guys wanna hear the playlist I made for them I would gladly share....) (ALSO MAKE A PLAYLIST FOR YOUR OCS / SHIPS GUYS ITS SO GOOD) ANYWAY HOPE Y'ALL LIKE!!
EDIT: IM PUTTING THE LINK TO THE PLAYLIST HERE you guys should send me links to urs too 😍 lmk what you guys think!!
Here: SebSol Playlist
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malusokay · 2 months
School is starting back for me soon and I always struggle with it. Do you have any tips to romanticize it?? Love ur blog btw!!
thank you thank you <33
my top 3 tips would probably be
cute stationery. Buy a cute signature pen, some nice highlighters (I like pastel ones because I find the neon ones irritating), and other supplies that you might need for school/class.
Have a good playlist. I will link two of my own below; one is my soft study playlist, and the other one is my gloomy back-to-school playlist ( one of my favourites, actually!!)
Embrace it. I personally love "back to school season" as someone who feels comfortable in academia; it's quite comforting to me hahaha. make a Pinterest board, or vision board, set some goals, put together some cute outfits, catch up with some friends, etc etc
I hope the new academic your goes well for all of you; let me know if I should post some school/study-related blogs <33
edit: forgot to add the playlist hahahah sorry <3
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Can you offer any (academic) writing advice for Autistics and ADHDers? You clearly write a lot and write very well and very clearly, so some insight into your process would be great. Personally, I tend to struggle with over explaining or over citing (cause I am always getting misunderstood) and that I get very fixated on not misrepresenting what my sources are saying to avoid feeling like I'm lying. All this is time consuming and makes it hard to say what I really want to say. Thanks!
Hi there! I've written an essay about a lot of this, here is the free link to read it on Medium:
Much of my writing process is inspired by the book How to Write a Lot by Paul Silvia, and it is specifically tailored to academics. The advice applies to people who write popular nonfiction or fiction just as easily, however. And he does have advice relevant to the self-editing and self-doubt you describe feeling.
The full piece gets into this more, but here are some of the stand-out tips:
Schedule a regular time to write every week and show up no matter whether you are feeling it or not.
Throw out all your magical thinking about what you "need" to be able to write. You don't need the perfect workspace, divine inspiration, the right pen, the right playlist. You just need to show up to write regularly, and do it
Editing, outlining, working with research notes, and drafting all count as "writing." Don't expect your initial drafts to be perfect or to equate writing only with getting new words on the page.
Try writing in public spaces to help get yourself in the mindset of explaining a concept to someone with a different frame of reference and type of expertise than you. Writing in a cafe or a public library can force you think and write in a more accessible way. (alternatively, you can pretend you are explaining the concept to a specific person in your life who you respect but who doesnt have all the same reference points as you -- sometimes this is called the "Grandma Test". Explain something like you are talking to your grandma.)
In addition to all this, I would add that you should read a lot of writing, both good and bad, especially work that isn't dry and academic. If all you read is journal articles, you'll write a journal article -- and most of those are hell to read, even for academics. read fiction. read bad wattsapp shipping. read substacks. read newspapers. read indulgent personal nonfiction in the cut or whatever. read reddit posts. notice what works and what doesn't. develop an ear.
and then write a lot! it took me 15 years to get good enough for anything i wrote to get noticed. you can expect to take many years to get comfortable developing your own voice, too. i dont know how far along you are, but even when you've made tremendous progress you'll only notice your flaws and feel the most turgid brain foggy moments. that doesn't mean you're failing.
also, to some extent you can embrace your citation-dense, precise manner of self-expression. we are living in a moment of maximalism and indulgent, long creative works. it's the decade of the 5 hour youtube essay and the 2 hour album. my 5,000 word essays do better than my 2,000 word ones. you should strip down unnecessary tangents and trust yourself and your reader a little more probably, but ive found that the more blatantly autistic and indulgent my writing gets the more the right people like it. a writer's flaws and their distinctive voice are kinda hard to separate. you're not for everyone!
good luck!
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hanleiacelebration · 4 months
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2024
WE'RE BACK, BABY! "Wait, what's happening, wasn't this in August??" you might wonder. Based on your feedback, we decided to host this and (probably) future editions of Han/Leia Appreciation Week earlier in the year. July seemed like the better choice, given that it's a vacation period in both hemispheres!
This year we're also giving you the prompts over a month in advance, so you have plenty of time to plan and create!
Han/Leia Appreciation Week was an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019, but for the past three years, we've taken up the mantle here at @hanleiacelebration 😊
💖 How does Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from July 14th to July 20th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2024 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we’ll share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
🎆 The prompts
Sunday 7/14: Tradition / Ceremony
Monday 7/15: Braids & Bloodstripes (hair or clothing) / Home planet
Tuesday 7/16: AU / Canon divergence
Wednesday 7/17: Force / Belief
Thursday 7/18: Favorite scene / Favorite quote
Friday 7/19: Meeting / Escape
Saturday 7/20: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💕 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💕 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💕 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💕 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won’t be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else’s art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💕 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you’re allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia’s relationship!
💕 What’s the time zone for the event?
Please don’t worry too much about time zones: when we say “day”, we always mean “whenever that day is for you in your part of the world”. IE: if it’s Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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spnfanficpond · 11 days
SPN Rewatch: FanFic Edition
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Our goal is to rewatch the show with fanfic writing in mind. We want to look for all the places in canon where we could add a scene, show a scene from a certain character’s point of view, or change something to make things turn out differently. (We may also critique what the show writers did; that seems inevitable.)
Episodes we're discussing: 3.01 The Magnificent Seven and 3.02 The Kids Are Alright
What time will it be for you:
UTC - Saturday 16:00
Los Angeles - Saturday 9am
New York - Saturday noon
London - Saturday 5pm
New Delhi - Saturday 9:30pm
Melbourne - Sunday 2am
Who’s invited? All Pond members, including Turtles! You don’t have to be a writer to have an opinion on the episodes that could inspire a writer! Everyone has valuable opinions about the show and could spark conversation and inspiration.
Where will we meet? In the discord server.  (You must be a member to be in the Discord server. Not a member? Fill out this form here.) There is a special channel for us to chat in so we don’t disturb other chats happening at the same time.
How does it work? On our own, whenever we have time, we all watch two episodes of SPN. At the appointed time, we all get together and chat about them. Although we have several questions to consider and creative ideas for you to do if you want, there is no pressure to actually have answers to these questions or have created anything prior to the chat. Didn’t get to watch them? No biggie! We’ve all watched these episodes enough that we can probably talk about them without rewatching them!
More info under the cut!
What questions should we consider while we watch? We have a few questions you can keep in mind while you’re watching the episodes:
Are there any “fanfiction gaps” in this episode? Any places between scenes where a juicy story could happen? (For example, one scene ends at night, but the next scene begins during the day, and what did they do with all of that time?)
How would the episode be different if you changed one thing? What is changed is up to you. It could be as complex as a character making a different choice, or as simple or silly as someone wearing a funny hat throughout part or all of the episode.
What about this episode would you like to see happen differently? How would making that change affect future episodes?
List any parts of each episode that you think could be jumping-off points for a fic. Like, in the pilot, how did Sam meet their friend who was in the bar with them?
How would the episode be different if there were another character involved like a reader insert character?
Do any of the themes we've already discussed in The Archive (See the bottom of the doc under the heading "Thematic docs") show up in this episode? Does this episode bring up any new themes we should be watching out for in the future?
What else can we do before the chat? You can add any notes you have about the episodes we'll be discussing to The Archives! In addition, besides just discussing the fanfiction possibilities in every episode, we also want to encourage you to create things centered around the episodes we’re discussing and share them with the rest of us. Things like:
Write some meta about some part of the episode. What does this episode show us about one or more of the characters?
Write a fic based on the episode. Share a link to your fic in the discussion and we can talk about it!
Make a playlist that you feel reflects the mood of the episode.
Make some art or a photo collage or edits to go along with the episode.
We look forward to seeing everything you create! Be sure to tag us so we can reblog your work!
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Have questions about this or anything else? Send us an ASK or send a private message to one of the admins below!
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
Mana - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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dix0nvix3n · 2 months
➳જ⁀➴ 𝕯𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 ⟡ [𝔏𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔘𝔭𝔡𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡: 7/25/24]
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬:
𓆩⚝𓆪 I'd rather not reveal my real name here so please call me Dagger.
𓆩⚝𓆪 I'm genderfluid and my pronouns are they/he/she.
𓆩⚝𓆪 I'm 22.
𓆩⚝𓆪 Even though I'm genderfluid anything I write the reader will always use she/her pronouns but potentially I may be able to write for a gender-neutral reader.
𓆩⚝𓆪 I'm a big time rambler/yapper so please dm me any time you wanna talk! (Please know that I'll often forget to respond or go through periods of time I can't talk though.)
𓆩⚝𓆪 I'm autistic and have an ADHD riddled mess of a brain which is the core factor of why I write so slow along with me being new to writing and not grasping it easily so please be patient with me. Trust that I have several wips at all times that I can never finish.
𓆩⚝𓆪 Another part of being neurodivergent makes it so that I have a harder time interacting with people here. I often don't reblog and sometimes I won't even like a post because I feel like I'm bothering the person who made the post somehow. My brain isn't very nice to me. I'm trying to get past this but it's hard.
𓆩⚝𓆪 I currently only write for Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead and Scud Frohmeyer from Blade 2 but I hope to write for other characters Norman has played some day.
𓆩⚝𓆪 My fics will always come with a warning description of some kind and if l ever miss something you think should be in the warning, please let me know!
𓆩⚝𓆪 I post edits @ daryldixonvixen on tiktok, if you're also an editor please tell me and I'll follow you!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝔉𝔲𝔫 𝔉𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔰:
𓆩⚝𓆪 My favorite TWDverse ship isn’t even from TWD, it’s actually John and June from Fear The Walking Dead and my favorite Non Canon TWD ship is RosiTara. I don’t ship Daryl with anyone probably cause of how attatched I am to him so don't expect to see any ship posts. (Your ship opinions are valid though so don't come bringing ship discourse to my page. I hate Bethyl though and if I see you supporting the ship it's an instant block from me.)
𓆩⚝𓆪 I have 10 piercings. Septum, right eyebrow, a daith, a conch, a bridge, four helixes, and a left nostril.
𓆩⚝𓆪 I first watched The Walking Dead at a themed birthday party for it when I was in 7th grade when I was 13, we watched the whole first season and I wanted to continue watching once I got home but I couldn't find any way to watch it so I didn't end up watching again until December of 2022 when I was 20. The only things I could remember from when I first started watching were Glenn and the horse dying lmao. The show forever changed me and has become a major source of comfort for me and became my special interest, I'm just so mad it took me so long to watch more of the show.
𓆩⚝𓆪 I don't understand zodiacs too much but I'm a Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, and a Capricorn Rising.
𓆩⚝𓆪 My current hair style was inspired by Scud since I loved his hair so much!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 How Daryl would help you on your period
𓆩⚝𓆪 Trimming Daryl's hair blurb
𓆩⚝𓆪 Convincing Daryl to wear reading glasses to help with his squinting
𓆩⚝𓆪 Music Daryl Dixon would listen to but it's accurate spotify playlist
𓆩⚝𓆪 Daryl running from the cops from a house party blurb/ inspired by Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine
𓆩⚝𓆪 Murphy Macmanus speaking multiple languages when dirty talking to you
𓆩⚝𓆪 Piercings that Scud would look good with ramble
𓆩⚝𓆪 Daryl with a reader who has multiple piercings
𓆩⚝𓆪 My Travis chai bot
𓆩⚝𓆪 The Summer of 1992 and What Came Before and After (Will be putting a link to a new masterlist for the series here instead at some point.)
𓆩⚝𓆪 Daryl and Norman Lightroom edits 1
𓆩⚝𓆪 Daryl and Norman Lightroom edits 2
𓆩⚝𓆪 Daryl, Sandman edit
𓆩⚝𓆪 Daryl, Blue Monday edit
𓆩⚝𓆪 Murphy, Carnival edit
𓆩⚝𓆪 Scud, Can't Get You out of My Head edit
𓆩⚝𓆪 Multiple Norman characters, Hotel Motel edit
𓆩⚝𓆪 To see any of my various shitposts go into my search under the tag ;daggershitposts📣
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𓆩⚝𓆪 And here's a Daryl and me face reveal moodboard. This is probably the only place here on my account where I'll show my face. This really shows why I wrote the reader from The Summer Of 1992 and What Came Before and After as alternative cause I myself am alternative!
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 22!!
And we're back to Team Ineffable!
Since the winning vote from the Fanfiction question was to include smut, Younglings beware. I don't mention anything specific, other than a vague line about some trolls. I will link the fic for those who want it. That's as bad as it gets. You're still good to read this on the bus if you're the kind of person who worries about the old ladies sitting behind you (pro tip, if they're reading smut off your phone over your shoulder, they're enjoying it).
Next installment we're meeting Jeremy!!
Okay, let's do this.
Beginning || Previous || Next
The five of you have been on the road for a few hours now, and honestly it’s been very uneventful (disappointing, I know). In the last five hours, the peak of Interesting Happenings was Aziraphale wondering if the Shuffle was working properly on the playlist, because he was certain they hadn’t put nearly so much Taylor Swift on it. But the song quickly switched to Moonlight Sonata, so Aziraphale stopped complaining. That’s it. You sort of vaguely notice that that music has drifted back to Taylor Swift, but it’s all basically white noise at this point.
It is for this reason that you pull out your Miracle Enabler, and decide that you may as well get started since you have the time. With a quick glance around the car, you pull off a number and make a wish.
No one questions the book for another hour. It’s about the size of a graphic novel, slightly bigger than you would have liked, but aside from that it’s exactly what you wanted. The cover is a nondescript light brown moleskin (because moleskin feels SO nice), the only clue of its contents on the front, written in red script: AO3 Favourites: Good Omens Edition. Making the book was step one, and step two is reading the entire thing (vital, you see, got to make sure it’s nice, complete, and accurate). So far, it’s perfect. A tip-top piece of Miracle Making, if you do say so yourself.
“Oh!” Aziraphale says from the front seat, “I didn’t realize you brought a book!” Of course he’s the first one to notice. You wonder if you’re blushing at all because you’re pretty sure you know the next question he’s going to ask. “What is it that you’re reading?”
Yup. Nailed it.
For a moment you hesitate. Should you? Well, there was nothing to be ashamed of really. He’d probably read Lady Chatterly’s Lover and had it signed by the author.
“Oh come now,” the angel presses, “There’s no reason to worry, you’ve seen my bookshop after all.” There’s a twinkle in his eye that makes the decision for you. Well. He asked. Whatever happens next, it’s his fault.
“Well,” You say, “I was starting to miss some of my favourite stories from back home, so I made them into a book.” You hold up the volume, showing the cover.
“How lovely!” Aziraphale says, “What kind of stories do you have in there?”
“Smutty fanfiction.”
Crowley and Sardis both start laughing (Crowley’s going to regret that in a minute, you think), Anathema has put down her phone and is smiling as she tries to contain laughter herself. Aziraphale isn’t laughing.
“I...beg your pardon?” He asks in his I’d-be-clutching-pearls-if-I-had-them voice.
“Well,” You say, “Good Omens is my favourite thing--”
“-- The story about me and Crowley,” Aziraphale interrupts.
“Yeah,” You say, “That one. It’s my favourite thing, and a lot of other people’s too, so a lot of them write fanfiction about it. Like...stories about you and Crowley in...alternative situations and realities.”
Neither Aziraphale or Crowley have figured out where you’re going with this yet, but Anathema has, and she can’t seem to contain herself any longer.
“Oh my god,” she looks at you across Sardis, glee and amusement lighting up her face, “You made a book of your favourite Aziraphale-Crowley porn!?”
You notice that Crowley has stopped laughing. He and Aziraphale are staring straight ahead now, and the tips of their ears are going red.
“Pretty much, yeah,” You say in answer to Anathema. She cackles in response.
“Wow,” she manages between fits of laughter, “I wonder what that looks like!”
Okay, well with that kind of encouragement how can you not elaborate?
“Oh,” You say, “I can tell you exactly what that looks like. In every version you can think of. I have them as is, I have them as fairies, trolls, merfolk, aliens, mixed species, humans, some experimentation of celestial forms, and reversed. I have them as men, women, mixed, fluid, doppelgangers, current time, through history, future, on beds and ceilings and in public bathrooms. Every kink and position you can imagine. In canon, canon divergent and – ”
“FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE,” Thunders Aziraphale from the front seat, “WOULD YOU STOP PLEASE.”
You go quiet. Which bothers you because you hadn’t quite finished. You bounce your knee for a second before adding quietly:
“And crossovers.” There. Now you’re done. Aziraphale groans in frustration from the front seat. For a moment you sit there, book closed, hands in your lap. At some point during the conversation the music had stopped altogether, and now the car is just full of a horrible smothering silence. You’re starting to regret bringing this up, until you notice Anathema’s hand, reaching across Sardis, making gimme motions. With a glance up at the front seat, you hand the book across to Anathema, who immediately opens it and starts flipping through it, Sardis leaning over her shoulder.
“Oi!” Crowley calls. He’s staring at you through the rearview mirror. Huh, you didn’t think he actually used the rearview mirror. You learn something new every day apparently.
“Look,” You say, “It’s important.”
Aziraphale scoffs.
“No really,” You pull out the Miracle Enabler and wave it around, “I’ve been thinking about this thing. And I’m thinking hey, there might be a very real chance that we end up in a boss fight kind of situation. And I was thinking that I should probably know exactly what I can do with this thing before I’m standing on a battle field.” You take out a folded piece of paper, and hand it to Aziraphale. He takes it and unfolds the list written on motel stationary.
“Hm,” He says, putting his glasses on his nose.
Movement in your peripheral vision distracts you. Anathema is waving at you. She’s found that some of the stories are illustrated, and she’s landed on “Boon of the Blue Moon,” specifically the illustration that shows Troll!Aziraphale and Troll!Crowley in a very interesting position that’s only achievable for trolls with long tails, or acrobats who occasionally work from home. Her eyes and mouth are wide as she mouths “OH MY GOD.” Sardis mirrors mock-horror.
It takes all of your self control to hold in your laughter and try to wave them away. If Aziraphale sees this right now, he might actually smite you. And Crowley would probably help him. (And yeah, okay, you still have four lives left, but let’s not use up one of them on friendly fire if we can help it.)
“Make something that doesn’t exist,” Aziraphale reads aloud, “Make a common object, what’s this Matrix- Kung Fu mean?”
“It’s like...shorthand for giving myself a talent or skill that I never actually learned.”
“Ah,” He replies, folding the list again and handing it back, “I just don’t understand why you needed to start with...erm...”
“Smut,” You finish. The blush is creeping across his face, and you figure that saving him from saying the word out loud is the decent thing to do. Aziraphale nods as he removes his glasses and places them back in his pocket.
“Um yes, that.”
“Well some of them are really beautiful. I mean the sheer talent of these people. There are some stories in there that are so lovely they actually made me cry. And let me tell you, there are an awful lot of critically-acclaimed ‘proper’ works that haven’t evoked emotion for me the way that these have. It’s not just about the sex.” You decide to leave the Plot-What-Plot stories out of this for now. When you’re making progress in an argument, it’s important to quit when you’re ahead.
Aziraphale considers this for a moment, before the car’s audio turns back on, blaring Taylor Swift’s Love Story.
Under the cover of music, you lean over and say quietly to Anathema (and Sardis) “Wait till I show you the comics.”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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meat-wentz · 2 years
okay so tumblr ate the original ask i was responding to and now refuses to save/post all the edits i’ve made, so this post has to come out in two parts. i’d rate it surface level-knee deep lore (maybe some waist deep, maybe some neck deep idk we'll see)! i'll be focusing on pre-hiatus just cause post-hiatus is generally easier to find (but there will also be post-hiatus because i can't help myself). also curated to my tastes these are things that *i* always think about, so big disclaimer this is not everything. this part basically covers the fob extended universe (terms/people to know, blog links, and important texts here and there), links to unrealeased tracks/rares/covers, and a rundown on the origin story.
so here's some basic things to know:
FBR- Fueled by Ramen. baby's first record label. also host to a bunch of other notable acts from the scene.
FOBR- easy to mix up. literally just falloutboyrock.com, their website. hosted journal entries, updates, the webstore, and more.
Decaydance- record label owned by Patrick and Pete under FBR, founded in 2005 when Pete wanted to sign P!ATD and realized he didn't have label to do so. AWESOME ORAL HISTORY FEATURING PETE, TRAVIE, GABE, AND SPENCER. intro to Decaydance (included in article). relaunched as DCD2 in 2014.
FOE- friendsorenemies.com, let's do a quote about this one: "If you’re one of those types that have uttered the words, “I’m their biggest fan” in reference to post-punk popsters Fall Out Boy, then you’re in luck because there is a site where like-minded people can hang out. Honda Civic Tours has joined forces with Friendsorenemies.com, to create a user-generated worldwide fan community for the Chicago-based band. The site includes dozens of up-close and oh-so-personal videos of the band, along with exclusive, unscripted content that gives an extensive behind-the-scenes look at the Fall Out Boy’s latest tour… because pop stars shouldn’t have any privacy or down time." they have a youtube with SO MANY videos here (check out their playlists, they have a bunch of fob specific ones.
OCK- Overcast Kids, fob's official fan club, usually got exclusive content, merch, pre-orders, and more. you'll see some blog posts where pete makes references to overcast kids referring to the fans.
Fuck City- essentially Andy Hurley frat house/collective/brand. he has Fuck City tatted on his knuckles. there's primers out there i'd search for "Matt Mixon primer" and you'll probably find some livejournal links.
Clandestine Industries- Pete's clothing brand. there's a whole dvd about his collab with nordstrom and in it he states he wanted to aim for "unisex," if i ever found a rip of this i'll link it here. meanwhile here's a video about their landmark store. video that was on the site. 2010 fashion show.
Pete’s blog entries (best viewed in browser). there's also this masterpost (hint, if some links don't work in this, especially for fobomatic, try amending the url to "fobomatic-blog," and it should pop up). and this tumblr: @disloyalorderofpete
Joe’s blog entries
Patrick’s blog entries
important text: “We Liked You Better Fat: Confessions of a Pariah” written by Patrick post-Soul Punk, and kicked off talks of coming off hiatus between Pete and Patrick.
important text: “Fall Out Boy Forever” by Hanif Abdurraqib
important text: “The Boy With the Thorn in His Side” by Pete (his first book), you can read here, just scroll to the bottom to start: @clandestineindustriespresen-blog
important text: to you (unfinished, off the top of my head) arguably one of the most important Pete blog entries (to the fans and to ME at least)
you'll see some names around, so here's a few touring friends and crew you'll want to make note of: Charlie (security), Dirty (personal court jester and whipping boy, he seems to like it, i want to do a study on him, he has Pete's initials branded in his ass- Pete did it himself with a hanger), HeyChris (i'll probably give him is own section), Nick Scimeca (i've never really clear on him, i think he acted as web designer/bestie, but i know for sure he lived in the dirty ass tttyg apartment), Hemingway (Pete's dog), Matt Mixon (Andy's bestie/fuck city roommate). primary ones to know are bolded.
HeyChris: okay Chris is important because he was in Arma Angelus and was fob's first supporter, caught the name HeyChris through grenade jumper (which they wrote for him!). he tours with them for awhile, i *think* doing crew duties, running the merch stand, being one helluva hypeman. QUITE A DYNAMIC with pete. part of the World's Most Hated Crew which were crew members primarily shared between mcr and fob, who had bad reputations for 1) their proximity to the bands 2) being scene kings/queens 3) gossip and drama. 2006, he and Pete have a massive falling out over their blogs. since then they've made up, still talk every once in awhile. he runs the catcade in chicago and emerges out of the woodwork to stir shit up every now and then. here's his livejournal. and another one. he also has a tumblr. so go hunting if you want. most of his updates are through instagram, he loves to troll.
list of movie references in songs
because it's referenced so much i have to include the drunk history, but be warned it's Brendon, and a whole lot of him.
here’s some of my personal fave unreleased/covers/features:
hand of god (some very uhm breathy whiny patrick vocals in this that i can’t believe are legal)
austin we have a problem (also horny vocals and for what)
star 67
we don’t take hits we write them (listen the amount of blood i would spill to get a clear recording of this song)
save your generation (jawbreaker cover)
basket case (green day cover live)
under pressure (queen and david bowie cover, patrick does both vocal parts and and it’s so cunt)
what’s this? (nightmare revisited: nightmare before christmas cover album and US SPOTIFY REFUSES TO COUGH UP THE ONE FOB TRACK, however i still recommend korn’s version of kidnap the sandy claws and rise against’s version of making christmas)
lullabye (hidden track on folie a deux written pete’s son)
catch me if you can
mr. brightside (killers cover which they did live a few times, which is extremely funny because pete and brandon flowers were feuding after brandon said fob and emo were ‘dangerous’ and ‘poisoning the minds of the youth’ and that he wanted to ‘beat all those emo bands to death’)
i write sins not tragedies
tiffany blews bridge ft. patrick vocals
patrick covering i can make you a man from rocky horror
patrick feature on one day i’ll stay home by misery signals
patrick features on cupid’s chokehold and clothes off! by gym class heroes (these may be obvious to some but i’m including just in case and also because they slap)
patrick feature on one of THOSE nights by the cab, brendon jumpscare warning, but patrick’s vocals literally made me fucking insane here, also the amount that pete is featured in this video is so funny to me
fob feature on the hand crushed by a mallet remix by 100 gecs (the way i fucking lost my mind when this dropped)
these are on spotify but often get looked over/missed/are hard to find:
roxanne (police cover): spotify, youtube
start today (gorilla biscuits cover): spotify, youtube
snitches and talkers get stitches and walkers: spotify, youtube
the music or the misery: spotify, youtube
my heart is the worst kind of weapon: spotify, youtube
my heart will always be the b-side to my tongue
pax am days
lake effect kid
yule shoot your eye out: spotify, youtube
i wanna dance with somebody (whitney houston cover): spotify, youtube
the world's not waiting (for five tired boys in a broken down van)- literally my personal favorite off of EOWYG it makes me insane: spotify, youtube
some fun extras:
there’s also this fun little behind the scenes video for cobra starship where patrick is singing city at war
this uncomfortable video of patrick and pete singing womanizer with ellen degenres
this video of fob at the inaugural dinner for obama where they have light up instruments and patrick starts off i don’t care with a little snippet of womanizer (very cunt) which also has a part 2 where pete climbs a tree and they meet the president ajbdjdksndnd.
fall out boy on teen titans go: part 1, part 2, song
deep blue love (patrick wrote this for a movie! and it makes me need to lay down) "behind the scenes" here
patrick song in star vs. the forces of evil
patrick theme for spidey and his amazing friends
patrick musical episode of dead end paranormal park (most of the patrick demos are uploaded as well)
patrick features on robot chicken, also here's the uncensored version of blue rabbits fucking
you can also look up their rare/unreleased songs and get a whole lot more than provided here, and also patrick has done so many covers it’s wild there’s a playlist on youtube that’s 130 videos long and includes bangers such as this is how we do it, let’s dance, in the air tonight, kiss my sass, fob covers of we are the champions, don’t stop believin’ and more.
NOW. as far as origin stories go. let’s start with pete who was a notable figure in the chicago hardcore scene, having been in bands on bands on bands, and very notably RACETRAITOR. pete, joe, patrick (i still haven’t found the source for patrick but it’s on wikipedia so i’ll include him) and andy have all at varying points played in racetraitor, and andy still plays with racetraitor when they get together. joe and pete become friends, joe driving him around because his license is suspended, and right around that time pete starts ARMA ANGELUS and when heychris can’t make it on tour, pete convinces joe’s parents to let him fill in on bass and they all go out on the road. when they come back, arma’s kinda its last leg and this is when pete and joe start talks for a pop-punk project. joe will play guitar, pete will play bass, now they just need a drummer and a singer.
so very important lore here, joe’s hanging out in borders when he’s interrupted by none other than one patrick stump who starts a lecture on music to which joe starts lecturing back, THIS IS HOW THEY MEET. i’ll let joe tell it (click for full view):
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this continues into another important bit of lore, which is that joe dragged pete to patrick’s house so he could audition and patrick answered the door wearing a sweater, shorts, and socks. this is important, it comes up time and time again, patrick answered the door in an sweater, shorts and socks. it’s important. to both me and pete. he proceeds to show them all his talents, but when he sings, that’s when it clicks and everyone in the room says you’ve got a massive set of pipes there, you’re our singer. now, patrick didn’t care about singing, in other bands he had primarily focused on drums. but he wanted to be in a band that would let him write music and he also had admired pete from afar on the scene and so he agreed to sing.
they finally pull andy when they start recording seriously and their drummer can’t make it so they ask andy to fill in. andy at this point is a notable drummer in the scene, like he plays in so many bands and is referred to as “the metal drummer.” pete and andy have known each other for a long while and they've had their eye on him since the beginning, it's just that he's in various other bands and going to school so he hasn't had the time. but they ask him to fill in and everything just falls into place. i’ll let patrick tell it:
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and they've been the same lineup for two decades now (outside of fill-ins every now and again for emergencies etc). as legend goes, they had switched out names quite a few times, fall out boy being one of them, referencing the character from the simpsons. one night they came out, said "we are [insert long drawn out complicated name here]" and a fan yelled "fuck that! you're fall out boy!" and they have been ever since.
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killjoysmonth · 4 months
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To commemorate five years since the finale of our beloved Killjoys, this September we'll be celebrating Killjoys month!!!!! Official post with prompts coming out at the end of June, but I thought I'd give a quick update to share the current plans so people know what's up :) (and to let people know this blog exists now so you know where to check for updates <3)
The majority of the votes went to 'month' over 'week', but since the difference was very small I have decided to go for the best of both worlds and have two lists of prompts:
One set of prompts will be the ones you'll probably be familiar with if you've seen appreciation weeks come by before (think: 'favourite character(s)', 'favourite episode(s)', etc.) There will be 7 of these total, so feel free to use that to simulate a Killjoys week within September if that's your preference :)
The other set will be a broader list of words/concepts/lines from the show that can be used for inspiration (more along the lines of 'endings' or 'memory' or 'the warrant is all')
The idea is that people can choose which prompts they want to use and when-- mixing & matching absolutely welcome. And of course: no pressure, joining for one prompt only is totally cool!
I'd love some more input on the second prompt list especially! There's a google form you can fill out if you'd like to vote on the current list I have and also suggest your own.
Other guidelines:
Anything posted throughout the month with the hashtag #killjoysmonth will go on this blog :) Gifsets/edits/art/fic/fanvideos/analysis/playlists/whatever post types I'm not thinking of right now! You're also welcome to @ this blog in the post, and message me a link if I somehow miss it.
I'll keep a list of content warnings in the about page of this blog so people know what will be tagged-- I'll definitely include a warning for flashing lights, but if you have anything else you'd like to see tagged, just message me, anon is on! -> this should also give people an easy list to work from if they want to add content warnings to their own posts for the event.
If you have any questions / suggestions, feel free to reach out to me here or on my main @asalesbian :)
@swallowedabug, @aflawedfashion
@kdramamilfs, @asaraphale, @crimsonscloud
@brunnismemorybank, @starry-mist, @ashortstoryaboutlove, @taniushka12
I'm tagging people who interacted with the initial poll so none of you miss it but just let me know if you want to be taken off this post, I think some of you may have just been trying to show emotional support :') (very much appreciated) For future updates I won't be @ing anyone unless specifically asked to.
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quibbs126 · 5 months
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So I made these Warrior Cats designs today, mostly out of boredom and because I wanted to draw
As you can tell, I took some creative liberties. Which for the most part we’re just me making them more genetically accurate since I’m back on watching that cat genetic video playlist again. I kept losing focus on it as I drew though
Spottedleaf and Redtail were my first attempts, but they didn’t end up looking that great. They were also originally going to be full body, but then I realized I don’t know how to draw cat bodies, so they’re just neck up, like usual. I did a lot better with Sandstorm so I just stuck with her method
I’m pretty sure Spottedleaf and Redtail are actually calicos, not plain tortoiseshells, but shush I wanted to do it like that. Though the not full body means I can’t show off the idea of Redtail’s red being mostly around his hind and tail
With Sandstorm I made her a dilute tortie because of the whole “Redtail being her dad” thing. When I looked on the Wiki I saw that this appears isn’t the case anymore, but screw it, I like the idea and personally wanted to keep it. She originally had grey fur, but I changed it to fawn so that Leafpool could still be at least partially brown-ish
As for Firestar, I know that genetically he wouldn’t be red, since his mother was brown, but I mean his fur color being red is relevant so shush. Maybe Nutmeg is red in this universe, I don’t know. I also made him a mackerel, though I kind of want to make him a classic tabby now. But then I’d have to change Leafpool’s markings too, which is too much of a hassle right now
Also randomly I just want to add in for no particular reason, my favorite era of Firestar is when he’s a stressed as hell out deputy to a losing her grip on reality Bluestar. Don’t know why I wanted to add that but I do. I think I just want to read the books again
I decided to then make Squirrelflight and Leafpool because why not? And they’re both torties because I made Sandstorm one. Granted I probably could have left at least one of them solid, since they’re like, two thirds red and only one third something else. But I kind of like how they look, so shush
I’ve actually been editing Squirrelflight as I write this, since first I realized I didn’t change Squirrel’s black coloring after changing Sand and Leaf’s grey to fawn. Then I realized that I didn’t need to keep Squirrel’s red the same as Fire’s, since he’s a tabby and that’s a whole color thing (or something, I wasn’t paying too much attention), and then trying to make it so her cinnamon doesn’t clash with the new red. I think I got something good now?
Leaf doesn’t have much to talk about other than being a dilute tortie, but with more fawn than her mother
With Tigerclaw I just kept him basically the same as canon. Other than that, random thing but I half forgot that Tigerclaw not actually being evil and instead just being a grump is something that I made up and isn’t actually canon
Then I made Goldenflower so I could do Bramble and Tawny like I did Squirrel and Leaf. I think she’s a tabby in canon, but I took that out. Also she and Tigerclaw’s amber eye colors were switched originally, but the lighter amber clashed with the cream color
I know Bramble is supposed to look identical to his dad, this was a plot point, but genetically that isn’t accurate, he should be either red or cream from his mom’s side because fur color is sex linked. I think in a previous attempt at this I made him red, with the idea that it made Bramble actually resemble Fire, but this time I went with cream so that he’d look like his dad but with his mom’s colors
Tawnypelt is mostly the same. Her black fur’s because Tigerclaw’s a black tabby. And also her eyes are amber because her parents have amber eyes
I wasn’t sure who to do after, I was gonna just call it quits, but then I decided to do Lionheart since he was important to the first book. And as I checked on the Wiki he’s apparently Goldenflower’s brother. I feel like I made him look fruity, which wasn’t intentional, I was just trying to make him look like Goldenflower
Also Lionheart and Goldenflower look a lot like Daisy I’m noticing. Probably shouldn’t have done that but oh well
I might make more of these, probably first doing Dustpelt and Ravenpaw and then Cinderpelt’s family, maybe Ferncloud and Ashfur too, who knows?
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dylanlila · 13 days
why I didn’t know that you are not only full of love for Lila but also passionate about Bob Dylan. I never thought about Bob Dylan=Lila but now I could not listening to any of his songs of the 60s without thinking about her...
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK 🧡✨🧡✨🧡✨🧡✨🧡✨🧡✨🧡 sorry for the rest of this reply in advance 🌙
i'm ecstatic about this making sense to somebody else... for me it's mostly how both of these personalities are about somebody unsuitable and scrawny and generally unpleasant being elevated to this holy warrior status purely thanks to their mind and their ideas. there is this shape-shifting quality to both dylan and lila where they're simultaneously too young and too old... something about dylan's tone is very lila to me, specifically 60s dylan as you say, because perpetual state of transition is something so integral to lila. you have this equally idealistic and serious youth battling almost clumsy, but not unfounded nihilism. it's literally dylan's face on the times they are a-changin' cover. every description of lila's outbursts of creativity is incredibly reminiscent of dylan's manic writing in the sixties to me, where it isn't even that you want to do this necessarily (lila definitely doesn't, but she can't help it -> it's her basic nature), but your body is too restricting to keep your energy locked inside. boundaries dissolving or whatever. and lila making the deal with the solaras reminds me of dylan going electric. do i think they sold themselves? doesn't matter in this particular context. it's about the controversy of that action. but most of this is in my lila x dylan web weave anyways (linking the version with a little essay i left in the reblogs). my lila playlist is titled sad-eyed lady of the lowlands... i should probably make a dylan only limited edition of that. this doesn't even scratch the surface of what i have to say on the subject, but it's probably just me being delusional about linking two of the most significant figures of my life. aaaaand i am rambling for no reason whatsoever again.
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justmossyall · 7 months
about me <3
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hi! the name’s claire. she/her, a minor, INFJ, aggressively neurodivergent
a bit about me: i’m a christian, an author, an artist and an actor. i am obsessed with the fiber arts and am probably developing arthritis due to the many hours i spend embroidering. i’m a huge dork and love infodumping about my favorite things, so my asks are always open if you want me to rant to you 😎
the general stuff: no nsfw, don’t be weird, just remember that i am legally (and honestly mentally) a child before you say anything weird or are mean to me lol. also i have pretty bad anxiety and emetophobia, idk why that would ever come up but I figured I would mention it??? just…………….don’t stress me out or mention vomit ig????? bro idek anyways
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side blogs because i have an obsession:
this is my main, a lot of reblogs about the things i like
my horrendous thoughts @justmossyaps
christian things @justjesusyall
art blog @justartyall
writing blog @justmosswrites
fiber arts 🤯😍 @justthreadyall
photography blog @raindropsonmushroomcaps
ask game! drama ask game! can you tell i like ask games! here’s a fourth one!
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shows i like: gravity falls, arcane, bluey, bee and puppycat, amazing digital circus, toh, wandavision (not a marvel fan in general but i love that show), dance moms (don’t judge im a sucker for reality tv), and way too many kids shows. what can i say my mental age is like 4 (@person4924 and @sweetronancer know octonauts is where it’s at 😭)
movies i like: first of all i am a huge ghibli fan 😭 anyways the tinker bell movies, ratatouille, wall-e, the muppet movies, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, brave, random 90s movies that I watch with my parents
books i like: psych im not listing all those, there’s way too many 😭 (kotlc and the scythe series are my favs though)
games i like: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow (y’all should know by now how obsessed i am with that franchise), stardew valley, animal crossing, zelda botw (i have not played totk yet :( im hoping to soon though!), ddlc
special interests: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow, psychology (especially neurodivergencies, specifically autism and tic disorders), writing, gravity falls, arcane, bee and puppycat, some very oddly specific medical stuff (mostly things like autoimmune disorders and the like, i just hate gore and tbh the cardiovascular system in general), kotlc, bluey, coding, embroidery/textiles/fiber arts, linguistics/etymology, clowns for some reason??? girl idk don’t ask
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i do a lot of writing, my first novel is actually fully drafted and i’m hoping to have it edited within the next 2 years so i can publish :) other than that main one + my other main-ish novel i have about ten million wips 😭
as mentioned above i am also an artist, i mostly just draw though i also embroider and dabble in clay and watercolor. my art blog is linked above so you can go check that out :)
i also do photography! it’s not a very serious hobby but i enjoy it, photography acc is also linked above.
i actually also make music???? lmaoooo yeah here’s my soundcloud it’s @\lofiwithsunny. i just write crappy instrumentals using soundtrap loops, but it’s fun and i think they sound pretty nice :)
i’m also an actor (yes i like to suffer creatively in many ways) so naturally i’m quite dramatic. i frequent the 😭 emoji and often use all caps. i love to sing though and i love music so if you have any cool songs you think i would like feel free to send them to me. OBSESSED with the oh hellos
speaking of which, my spotify is also @/justmossyall if you want to search me up. here are a few of my fav playlists ~ ~ ~
also as mentioned above, i am a christian! if you ever want me to pray for you or are curious about the faith, my asks and dms are always open :)
i am neurodivergent, suspected autism among other things (i’m not able to seek a diagnosis rn but i plan on seeking one when i can). im also having a lot of health issues recently. i’m not sure if it’s POTS, long COVID, fibromyalgia, or a combination of these things, or something different all together—either way, it’s been a pretty rough year for me. i’ve got pretty bad brain fog, chronic pain, fatigue, dizziness/presyncope, migraines, and i have bad episodes of almost passing out, heart palpitations, etc. idk what’s up but it’s been a journey lol :’)
because of that (plus the fact that the subject overlaps with a lot of my special interests) there will be a lot of disability posting/reblogging here. i hesitate to speak up about it sometimes because im not professionally diagnosed with anything, and im a minor so i dont have much experience in life with these things, but i’ve got kind of a lot of stuff going on with me and it’s a subject im passionate about, so i’ll have a lot of stuff about that on my blog :)
honestly send me asks whenever you want, i am incredibly bored all of the time and love making new friends <3 literally rant to me about anything idrc but i apologize if i don’t answer for a while lol, i go through on and off phases of being on this site
i guess that’s about it?? love you guys have a wonderful day!! <3
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varteeny1234 · 4 days
Why You Should Watch Marma1ade!
All about my favorite MCYTer :D
Marma1ade is a small Minecraft Youtuber, currently with about 8.6k subscribers, and only 75* videos. She doesn't have a lot of series, but she has been uploading regularly for about two years now! Most of her videos are single-player, but she is a part of the Skyblock Kingdoms SMP (link to her channel playlist) and has been a part of two collaborative videos, one a hardcore luckyblock video (her video) with AnimusJ (his video) and one with AvidMC (on his channel). She does not, as of currently, have any inter-series lore or storytelling, so you don't need to worry about having to catch up on any of that.
*the number of videos is listed as 80, but only 75 of them are full-length, 5 are yt shorts
Video/Editing Style
She has chill, relatively slow-paced videos. She doesn't yell loudly, narrating her videos in a quiet but clear voice. She DOES use a lot of background music, especially in her earlier videos, but it doesn't feel like she over-uses it, and she matches the beat of the song to in-game actions (particularly in her chunklock miniseries). She uses B-Roll in building montages (various 2-3 second clips of different stages of building- if you've seen any of Ethoslab's videos, you probably know what this is) as well as timelapses. She tells a story for everything she builds!
Survival Let's Play Season One: Magical theme to her builds, stories about a world with connecting civilizations. Starts out living in a mangrove swamp! 32 episodes, finished (MC version 1.19)
Survival Let's Play Season Two: Builds and lives in a cherry grove valley village, with a story about how time has passed and changed the buildings, and new places have been built. 14 episodes, likely finished* (MC version 1.20)
Chunklock miniseries: Starts out in a forest biome, explores nearby areas, does not have an overarching story. Her main goal is to beat the Ender Dragon- because the chunklock datapack is the way that it is, a long-term series with big builds just wasn't a realistic goal. That's ok though- the sacrificial shrine is worth it! 5 episodes plus a combined movie, finished (MC version 1.20)
1.20 Hardcore: Lives in between a cherry biome and a plains village! Has built a lot of farms, but no large builds yet- smaller builds yes, but nothing really MASSIVE. 5 episodes, ongoing** (MC version 1.20)
Skyblock Kingdoms Season One: SMP series with 19 other creators, all playing on Skyblock, in teams of two each with their own island and tree type! Marm is one of the Mangrove witches, and she has a lot of involvement in the OSSHA arc. 13 episodes (as of 19 Sept. 2024), ongoing (MC version 1.20-1.21)
*Marm has not confirmed the series is finished. However, it has not been continued in 9 months, and she has since started two new series.
**Marm has not started any new SINGLEPLAYER series, and she stated in-episode that she has plans for builds later on, but she is currently busy with SBK. She may return to Hardcore in the future.
Series Lore
While Marm has lore in her Skyblock Kingdoms series, she does not have any canon* lore connecting to her other series. In SBK lore, she has magical powers, and is connected to the void through her magic. Her character is connected to AvidMC's character/lore. On her Tumblr (@/marma1adee) she has made comments about possible connections to other series' lore (specifically LP S1) but nothing has been confirmed or even mentioned in-episode.
Why She Is Awesome
Marma1ade is very talented at both playing Minecraft and editing videos, and her videos are always fun to watch. She's a very friendly person, and cares a lot about sharing her ideas with the world!
She has a good sense of humor, which adds a lighthearted air to her storytelling. Also, she cares less about perfection and more about the experience, so she likes to ask her viewers what they think she could do to improve!
One funny quirk I've noticed is that Minecraft mobs seem to always be in the wrong place for her. If you think, "oh, that's normal!", then you have NO IDEA just how bad this curse is. Not a SINGLE mob is in the right place the first time! In fact, I believe that her frogs from LP S1 are still stuck underneath their lily pad :P
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blush-and-books · 3 months
what is thee donnaharvey song for you?
Here's a link to my spotify playlist for them (my roommate laughed her ass off when she saw i had a donna/harvey playlist omg). LMK if any of the songs are familiar to you bc I'd love to scream about them some more!!! There's a handful of Gracie Abrams on this playlist which is kinda funny bc she's not particularly a favorite artist of mine but the songs she has that I like are songs I really beat to death lmao!!
Some of the songs on this playlist also partially fit into some fics I have drafting rn, so if you look at the lyrics and think "this is only kind of a darvey vibe but not really" then that's why <333
However, probably my big #1 darvey song is...
Full Machine | Gracie Abrams
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WOW. OH MY GOD. This song was actually #1 on my 2023 spotify wrapped and that was entirely before I ever watched Suits. And then I was revisiting it this year bc it's just a song I love, and I realized HOLY SHIT this is so Donna and Harvey?? The idea of being so desperate to be with someone, knowing they are the cause of your greatest emotional pain but also they are the only antidote, SO DARVEY.
Also specifically the "do you think we could talk/cause i've been trying to tell you/how you're the one that i turn to/but i should probably stop/instead of forcing a breakthrough" IS SO IMPORTANT bc they both have moments of extreme confessional intimacy and being like "you're the most important person I have" but then when they push that button too hard it just forces them back apart again. I think this has especially happened for Donna obviously - LOVE ME HOW?? SORRY HARVEY I JUST HAD TO KNOW!!!!! But at the same time, she'll always choose him even if he keeps denying her the truth of his feelings and is jerking her around because she just. loves him.
There's a lot of pathetic longing in this song that also strongly reflects Harvey imo, "i almost lost it/i'll heal eventually/but faster if you're next to me" or "i'm a shameless caller, you're a full machine, but won't you answer tonight and say something nice to me"!!!! like he just needs Donna but can not communicate it properly to save his life!!! This song honestly is just fun to listen to and pick apart which lines are Donna's pov vs Harvey's.
I highly recommend this song!!!!!
I've also made an edit for this one
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spnfanficpond · 1 month
SPN Rewatch: FanFic Edition
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Our goal is to rewatch the show with fanfic writing in mind. We want to look for all the places in canon where we could add a scene, show a scene from a certain character’s point of view, or change something to make things turn out differently. (We may also critique what the show writers did; that seems inevitable.)
Episodes we're discussing: 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One and 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two
What time will it be for you:
UTC - Sunday 20:00
Los Angeles - Sunday 1pm
New York - Sunday 4pm
London - Sunday 9pm
New Delhi - Monday 1:30am
Melbourne - Monday 6am
Who’s invited? All Pond members, including Turtles! You don’t have to be a writer to have an opinion on the episodes that could inspire a writer! Everyone has valuable opinions about the show and could spark conversation and inspiration.
Where will we meet? In the discord server. There is a special channel for us to chat in so we don’t disturb other chats happening at the same time.
How does it work? On our own, whenever we have time, we all watch two episodes of SPN. At the appointed time, we all get together and chat about them. Although we have several questions to consider and creative ideas for you to do if you want, there is no pressure to actually have answers to these questions or have created anything prior to the chat. Didn’t get to watch them? No biggie! We’ve all watched these episodes enough that we can probably talk about them without rewatching them!
More info under the cut!
What questions should we consider while we watch? We have a few questions you can keep in mind while you’re watching the episodes:
Are there any “fanfiction gaps” in this episode? Any places between scenes where a juicy story could happen? (For example, one scene ends at night, but the next scene begins during the day, and what did they do with all of that time?)
How would the episode be different if you changed one thing? What is changed is up to you. It could be as complex as a character making a different choice, or as simple or silly as someone wearing a funny hat throughout part or all of the episode.
What about this episode would you like to see happen differently? How would making that change affect future episodes?
List any parts of each episode that you think could be jumping-off points for a fic. Like, in the pilot, how did Sam meet their friend who was in the bar with them?
How would the episode be different if there were another character involved like a reader insert character?
Do any of the themes we've already discussed in The Archive (See the bottom of the doc under the heading "Thematic docs") show up in this episode? Does this episode bring up any new themes we should be watching out for in the future?
What else can we do before the chat? You can add any notes you have about the episodes we'll be discussing to The Archives! In addition, besides just discussing the fanfiction possibilities in every episode, we also want to encourage you to create things centered around the episodes we’re discussing and share them with the rest of us. Things like:
Write some meta about some part of the episode. What does this episode show us about one or more of the characters?
Write a fic based on the episode. Share a link to your fic in the discussion and we can talk about it!
Make a playlist that you feel reflects the mood of the episode.
Make some art or a photo collage or edits to go along with the episode.
We look forward to seeing everything you create! Be sure to tag us so we can reblog your work!
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Have questions about this or anything else? Send us an ASK or send a private message to one of the admins below!
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
Mana - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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