#edit: nah I had to go for the weird one
dailyzedaphfacts · 3 months
Fun fact!
Zedaph loves to consume the tears of others!
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princessdimondheart · 2 years
Tells | Ghost x Secret Wife! Reader
Pairing: Ghost x f! Reader
Warnings: blood, wounds, pregnancy, 🥺
Edited: No
A/N: I really wanted to do my own take on this idea. Hope you like it.
Character banner ©️ Me
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Johnny wasn’t sure how he hadn’t realized it before, after being introduced to his Lieutenant’s wife. There were small, subtle tells that gave away Ghost having a significant other, but he never put the pieces together. Honestly, Johnny was a little upset because he’s in the SAS- he should be able to see things like this. 
The first time he noticed something was strange with Simon was when they were gathering their gear right before going to another mission. They were placing the last of their equipment into their bags. Simon had not put his black skeleton gloves on yet so his wrists were exposed. Johnny didn’t notice anything different until Simon rolled up his sleeves like usual. And there it was. 
A hair tie. 
He didn’t think much about it. Maybe he found it laying around the base. No. That would be weird and there weren’t that many women frequenting the same places as Simon anyways. 
Could he be using it to snap at his wrist when or if he got anxious? Nah.. Ghost stays focused on missions. Johnny doubted Ghost would let anxiety pull a fast one on him in the field. 
Oh! Simon is definitely growing his hair out. Johnny wondered if his balaclava was comfortable with long hair. So he pointed it out. 
“Growing your hair out L.t.?” His lips curled into a little smirk. 
Simon looked up from the full magazine in his hands. Only his eyes gave away his confusion. “No? Why?”
“Your hair tie.” Johnny nodded to his right wrist. “Never took ya for a purple-wearin’ kind of guy, sir.”
Ghost blinked at his Sergeant and then glanced to his aforementioned wrist. Sure enough a bold purple hair tie was bound to his lower arm. Simon was sure he had removed it before leaving home earlier that day. 
“Oh… must have forgot.” Simon spoke absentmindedly. He was remembering his wife. He had gotten home before her and when she came he helped her remove her ponytail, completely forgetting about the hair tie once their kisses got the better of them. 
Simon didn’t say anything else, so Johnny shrugged it off and continued filling his bag with ammunition. Not even two minutes after he forgot what they were talking about when Captain Price called them over. 
The next time something was different with Ghost, Johnny wasn’t even the one who noticed it first. It was Gaz who pointed it out. 
After a long and hard mission, Task Force 141 had finally arrived at base. The team desperately needed showers, so right after hoping off the helicopter everyone went straight to their barracks. 
After their most loved showers everyone went to the mess hall for some real food and not the field MREs they had been eating for the past few weeks. There Kyle had already gotten his portion of food and was digging in. Soap and Price were sitting across from him too, but no Ghost in sight. Simon came in almost halfway through their dinner and sat next to the young Sergeant. The food on his tray was not being eaten. 
That’s when Kyle smelled it. A fruity smell was wafting from the freshly showered SAS powerhouse next to him. Ghost smelled of fresh cut pomegranates and some other fruit notes. It took him by surprise. Kyle would have normally pictured Ghost as a strict standard-issue soap kinda user, not a fruity one. 
“Did they change the regular soaps, sir?” Gaz took the risk. 
Johnny had finished chewing and looked up at his L.t. and Kyle with a questioning look. Then he leaned forward on the table to take a sniff. 
“Is that pomegranate, L.t.?” Johnny chuckled. He’d take any chance to tease his superior. 
Ghost gave them a subtle glare. He had hoped no one would have noticed his mistake. He’d been in a hurry to leave home and well…
“I grabbed the wrong bottle.” He deadpanned then turned to Price, who was shaking his head in disapproval at the two, to ask about any new leads. Clearly, the conversation was over. 
The third time was when their mission went FUBAR. Ghost and Soap had gotten separated from Captain Price and Gaz when their enemies tried to ambush them. In the chaos Soap was shot in the leg, but with Ghost’s help, he was able to escape and hold out until it was safe enough for them to head to the rendezvous point for extraction. 
Now that they were relatively safe, Ghost was searching his packs for supplies to help Johnny with. Johnny wasn’t particularly paying too much attention to what he was doing since he was bleeding out and moaning in pain, but he definitely noticed when Ghost used a tampon to plug the gunshot wound in his thigh. 
“Fuckin’ hells, Ghost! Where’da fuck yous get a bloody tampon from!?”
“It’s an essential tool for survival.” He honestly had no idea how that slipped into his med pouch. Johnny guessed it was so if Ghost had said it. 
Next time they were somewhere in Africa, most definitely melting with the heat. A great bonding experience for the two of them. Their only relief was a slow moving breeze. Soap and Ghost were staking out one of a known terrorist cell’s many compounds. All was quiet for now. 
“Johnny?” Ghost didn’t move from his position, eyes dead on his scope. 
Johnny looked over. “Yeah, L.t.?”
“Once we’re done here, I’m taking you somewhere important. Keep your schedule clear.” Simon’s deep voice sounded out softly. 
“Oh… alright.” He didn’t know what to say. “Okay. Definitely, Simon.” 
He looked back towards the compound. Simon had glanced at that moment to see his little smile. His eyes crinkled. 
True to his word, after their stakeout mission was completed, Simon hauled Johnny into his car and began to drive them to who knows where. All Johnny knew was that the drive took several hours from their base in London to wherever they were in the countryside. 
They were nearly at their destination when Simon pulled them into a long driveway and pressed a button controller on his shade that opened the metal gates. Going through, the road was surrounded by open pastures on both sides. When Johnny looked around more closely he noticed a few horses, and, was that a cow? They were grazing on the lush grass. Was his L.t. taking him to a farm?
“Where are we, sir?” He had to ask. 
“You’ll see, Johnny.” Simon had slowed down so as to not spook any of the animals grazing. 
Two minutes later and the car pulled up to a nice two-story cottage home. It was made from stone and appeared to be like a fairy tale type of house. Johnny quite liked the look of it. He noticed that the lights were on. 
Simon opened the locked door, then took off his skull balaclava. It was clear that he was comfortable enough to forego it. “I called ahead, so dinner should be ready soon.”
Dinner? Who’s made them dinner? Johnny didn’t question him and just nodded. Simon stepped inside, none of the wooden boards squeaked when he walked in them unlike when Johnny stepped on them. His steps alerted the person in the kitchen. A delicious smell was coming out in soft waves. The person poked their head out to see who was there. They weren’t worried because they knew that only Simon had the extra key. 
“I’m home.” Johnny noticed a softness in his voice that he hadn’t heard before. Simon’s large frame was blocking his view of the person. A dog suddenly burst from the kitchen barking at Simon before realizing who he was. It sat down when he started to pet him, his butt wiggling with the fast beat of his tail. Cute. Then the dog, a German shepherd, turned to him and started sniffing him with caution. Johnny let him sniff his hand and after a bit he licked his hand and wagged his tail. Approved. 
“Welcome home, Simon!” The person’s voice was distinctly feminine. Johnny had moved closer to Simon and the kitchen, so when the woman fully came into view he saw her right away. 
She went in for a hug and that’s when Johnny noticed a small, yet significant distance between the two. She was pregnant and her baby belly was making it a little harder to hug her. But that didn’t stop Simon from embracing her as tightly as he could. When her hand came up to rest against Simon’s shoulder, Johnny noticed again the large diamond on her ring finger. 
“L.t.?” The two lovers separated to look at him. 
“Johnny, come meet my wife.” Simon gave him a knowing nod which Johnny instantly returned. 
He almost couldn’t believe it. His L.t. had brought him home to see his little family. Johnny almost choked up upon realizing the significance of Simon trusting him with this information. Right then and there, Johnny gave Simon a mental promise to help keep his family safe, no matter what.
“Oh! The baby is kicking! Want to feel ‘em, Johnny?” Simon’s wife asked. 
“Oh, sure! If that’s alright with you?” She took his larger hand in answer and placed it near the top of her baby bump. A few kicks hit his hand. They were rather strong kicks too. Definitely a football star, or another SAS kid, in the making. 
“Woah!” Johnny exclaimed. Then, turning to his L.t. who was watching them interact, his mouth turned into a wide grin. “Does that make me their uncle, Simon?”
“Don’t push it, MacTavish.” His wife giggled. 
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atrwriting · 1 year
more, more, more — carmy x reader
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carmen berzatto x coworker!reader
listen to me. this man? this man?? so fucking slutty. so fucking slutty i can’t even think straight. i am absolutely AGHAST at how little writing there is of this man online. absolutely OUTRAGEOUS. he looks like that and none of us have done his character justice?? DISGRACEFUL.
i wrote this in direct response to how angry i am at how little there is.
as always, warnings… SMUT!, alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption with sex, smoking, p in v penetration, work relationships, overstimulation, carmen berzatto being an absolute mind blowing fuck on a table i mean in bed
also, minors fuck RIGHT the fuck off
barely edited we die like men
i stole that joke don’t come for me
you didn’t really know how it happened.
you were once an unemployed law student, scared of drowning in bills, and eagerly awaiting a call back from anyone that would hire you — when she called.
natalie berzatto.
her voice was warm and comforting on the phone, and very eager to have you come in. she was relaying important information to you on the phone, and while you grabbed bits and pieces, it was hard to focus on anything else besides the sheer excitement of finally having a job. the job would be stressful, sure — but at least you wouldn’t be broke and stressed.
unfortunately, your first couple of shifts were a mess and a half. you took instructions well, and performed well, but in the hospitality business — that means nothing when an oven burner is out, a dishwasher doesn’t show up for a shift, richie starts barking, or when carmen’s upset.
fucking carmen.
while soft spoken, there was nothing that could compare to the look of approval in his eye when you had completed a task to his standard. most people would consider the job of a hostess useless, or not a job at all — something to laugh at, but carmen? no. that man took your job very seriously, as he knew what it meant to provide the full experience to the customer.
however, when something was lacking in the kitchen and that experience was interrupted… carmen took the look of approval, almost gratefulness, away and replaced it with something that everyone felt like they had to walk around shards of glass.
when he was angry? oh, fuck… that could ruin anyone’s night.
the worst of it happened when his sister unexpectedly went into labor. two weeks early.
carmen had left the place screaming, and, in the process, had also left his things at the restaurant, including his jacket, wallet, keys, the lot — so to be nice you went to drop it off at his place. worried that he might be at the hospital, you texted him.
you: hey, going out for a drink. saw you forgot your stuff at the restaurant so i grabbed it because you’re otw. you home?
carmen: oh shit thanks. i’m home
so there you stood. at his front door, his stuff in hand.
you quickly adjusted your long hair, worried about your appearance. it was weird to show up to carmen’s place in your regular attire — seeing as though your regular attire on a night with your friends was black flare jeans, a tight black long sleeve v-neck that showed off your cleavage — you were concerned that he might be concerned with who he exactly employed. however, his niece was just born… he had more important things to worry about.
so you knocked.
and barely waited.
carmen was barely at the door a few seconds later before you came face to face with the man who constantly let exhaustion ride on his back.
“you good?” you immediately asked, handing over his stuff.
he nodded. “yeah, uh — thanks.”
“you look like you could use a drink,” you laughed. “want to come with?”
he shook his head, the corners of his lips somewhat curving upwards. “nah. day was hectic. you want one? come in — for a drink?”
you smiled. “i don’t want to intrude, especially after the berzatto family excitement of the day.”
“i owe you,” he sighed. “but don’t let me hold you up if your friends are waiting.”
you smiled. “one drink won’t hurt.”
one drink definitely did not hurt.
drink two and three definitely didn’t, either.
how much carmen made you laugh definitely made your stomach hurt, though. in a good way.
“you’re killing me,” you cackled. “who knew quiet carmen berzatto was such a good host.”
“you can call me carmy, y’know,” he spoke, saying his cigarette before pouring you another drink. “everyone else does.”
you shrugged. “you’re pretty professional in the kitchen. didn’t want to impose.”
“i don’t think you could impose a day in your life,” he chuckled. “i think you’re the only one that knows boundaries in that fuckin’ place.”
“says the mysterious one,” you giggled. “the only reason any of us know your nicknames is because richie likes to share your baby stories.”
“speaking of babies…” he took a drag. “thank you for helping sugar out so much. she told me to tell you how much she appreciates it.”
you shrugged. “‘s nothing.”
“nothing?” he scoffed. “you keep her sane. definitely keep me sane.”
“always got your back, chef,” you giggled.
he smiled, and ashed his cigarette once more. his long, thick fingers stretched around the circumference of his glass. one fingertip tapped against the glass and a few droplets of condensation fell to his countertop.
you were twisted around in your seat to face carmen, eyeing his attractive hands. in your peripheral vision, you saw him lift his head to cock it towards you and stare at you. the longing look sent shivers up your spine, but you gazed at him through your long lashes as you waited for his response.
“you do,” he spoke. “always have. we were lucky to find you. i - i was, i mean.”
“more like i was lucky get a call from natalie,” you laughed. “it’s so hard to find a well paying job nowadays.”
“heard,” he rasped. “you happy at the bear?”
“very,” you replied. “staff keeping you happy, chef?”
he chuckled. “when i’m not made to scream, yeah.”
“that’s fair. we’re lucky to have you.”
there was only so many things you could think of to say to carmen before you began to consider that you were imposing. you slapped your hands against your thighs — a implicit signal it was time for you to go. he led you to the door, where he reached out for your coat. you smiled at him, thanked him for the drink, and slid your arms through the jacket as he held it out for you.
you don’t know what caused you to, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was you — or maybe it was how good carmen smelled — but you glanced up and over your shoulder at the polite man behind you.
you didn’t have anything to say. frankly, you said something last — it was his turn. however, carmen’s sense of societal expectations started and ended with the door to the kitchen. but there, by his front door? basically holding you by the shoulders, and staring back down at you? he had nothing to say.
however… his eyes could share a thousand things about him. more specifically, emotions. carmen’s eyes showed exhaustion, a bit of dehydration, to keep it a buck, but there was so much intensity in those crystal irises. they were a stunning, clear blue… but with the way carmen was gazing down at you, there appeared to be no clear thought in his head.
and he did nothing.
so you could do nothing.
you found yourself disappointed at his actions, or rather — lack thereof.
you simply smiled, and went to turn away. you reached for his door knob, when you felt the slightest brush of calloused fingers against the skin of your wrist. the feeling shocked you, pricking at your nerves, but you didn’t stop until you felt those fingers enclose around the circumference of your wrist.
like they had with the glass, moments ago.
you turned back, letting your long and thick eyelashes ghost over your line of sight. all you could see was a frozen chef, standing tired, but staring back at you.
when his gaze fell to the floor, you stepped closer. he glanced up.
you felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you softly asked, “what’s up, carmy?”
“first time i had someone over.” his parted lips closed so he could swallow, and his eyes drifted between your lips and the floor. the words were right there, on his tongue. they were so close you could feel them, taste them. he replied, “i, um… don’t want it to end, uh — i guess.”
you smiled and turned around in place, barely inches from his face. his breaths were pushing past his lips in small, light puffs that hit the tip of your chin. it was like he was conscious of everything he was emitting; his vibe, where he was looking, even his fucking exhales. he was cautious and frozen and all you wanted was for him to be relaxed, or as close to, as he was moments ago.
“already drank you out of house and home, carmy. what else you got in mind?”
his eyes widened, but his voice stayed level. “what else i got in mind?”
you hummed in agreement with a coy smile on your face. you folded your lip between your teeth and stepped backwards. carmy glanced at your hips and feet hesitantly, shifting his weight slightly. while his eyes were trained on you, his parted lips quivered slightly which told you that there was still some nervousness lingering in him. with every step you took, carmy took one as well. you kept stepping backwards, and carmy kept stepping forwards, until your back was pressed against the wall.
carmy’s lips weren’t slightly quivering anymore. there was no hesitation in his figure when he leaned down slightly and rested a flat palm against the drywall above your head. his breath was hitting you on both cheeks — as if they weren’t hot enough already. inside you were screaming. you were screaming, and screaming, and screaming and all you wanted to do was grab both sides of his face and smash your lips to his. you wanted to, but you wouldn’t. you wanted to see if he would.
“you know,” you spoke, raising your back. your cold palm pressed against his cheek. it was burning — almost as bad as yours. “even though you’re the boss… never seen you actually taste anything.”
“no?” he rasped. the gruffness in his voice pricked at your cheeks and went straight to your core. “and what do you want me to taste, sweetheart?”
you released your grip from his cheek and brought your hand down to your face. with a manicured nail, you tapped the plumpness of your bottom lip. you stared into his eyes — a dare.
with his free hand, carmen wrapped your hand in his own and pressed it to the middle of his chest. he held it there, pressed against his heart, and surprisingly it was the exact spot you wanted to hold him. you wanted to hear — no, feel his heart that was beating slightly faster than normal. when carmen finally pressed his chapped lips against yours… you saw stars.
the alcohol coursing through your veins made you melt into the man before you. his hand on the wall slid down until he was rubbing the side of your neck, and then gripping the base of your skull. his fingers, his beautiful, skillful fingers threaded through your hair like it was one of his pieces of art and he was creating something. he twisted your strands until he had your head bent back, practically supported by the heavy palm of his hand. the motion made you gasp into his mouth. carmen swallowed it whole. every. last. bit.
“y’taste so fuckin’ sweet,” he moaned against your lips.
you hummed with him. the warmth of his body engulfed your body into his until the moment started and ended with carmen anthony berzatto. you could taste the liquor on his tongue that danced with your own. with every breath he took, bits of smoke would linger between the two of you. it went straight to your head, swallowing your senses whole. you didn’t know if it was the alcohol, the cigarettes, or carmen himself, but you felt like you were swimming.
“this okay, sweetheart?” he asked, pulling away for a second. a thumb of his stroked the skin of your cheek as he stared at you, waiting for feelings of regret from you. “d-do you want me to stop?”
“please don’t stop, carmy,” you gasped, pulling him back into. “you’re perfect.”
you didn’t expect that would make carmen slide his hands down your body and grasp the back of your thighs. his fingertips pressed into your skin, pulling your legs up and around his waist. you squealed against his teeth and couldn’t believe you had found yourself in this situation.
it’s not that carmen wasn’t handsome, no. the man was drop dead gorgeous in a tortured artist way, and you always had a thing for men that looked like they needed a hug but wouldn’t admit it. but… he was your boss.
what could you do about that? it’s not like you could stop now. even if you had told him to stop, got your shit and left — the damage was done. you both had crossed the boundaries, and you were going to reap what you sewed.
in that case… might as well have a little fun with it.
he had placed you on a neighboring table. his large hands gripped the flesh of your thighs and you couldn’t help but whine into his embrace. his tongue glided over your lips and teeth and with your tongue in the messiest way possible and all you could chant in your head was more, more, more.
and that’s when you found yourself pulling at the bottom of his t-shirt.
he stepped back slightly, throwing his shirt over his head. his swollen lips were parted, and his eyes searched your face. you found your chest rising and falling with anticipation, and realized you should’ve been more concerned with how he was dealing with all of this.
“you okay, carmy?” you whispered.
he nodded, letting a few fingertips of his ghost over the skin of your cheek. his crystal eyes glanced down to your lips.
“we can stop, you know,” you whispered again. “it’s okay.”
he nodded again before dipping his head down to the side of your neck. his plump lips left wet kisses on the sensitive skin and you moaned into the open air. you widened the space between your knees, allowing for carmen to wedge himself between your thighs.
“you’re always talking such good care of me, sweetheart, so good to me,” he rasped against your throat, sucking on the skin. “but all i want to do right now is have my fingers inside you. y’gonna let me?”
“yes, carmy,” you whined. “yes please.”
“such a polite girl f’me.” carmy’s mouth was attacking your throat. moans escaped passed your lips like carmy was squeezing them from you, claiming them. his fingers traveled down the front of your clothes and stopped at the button of your jeans. sliding it open, carmen berzatto slipped his perfect hands into your jeans.
“right there, please,” you gasped once his fingers found your bundle of nerves.
his fingers dipped into your core and spread it all over where you needed him most. warmth began to spread through your hips and your knees widened for him. his drew circles different ways until he noticed that when he drew counterclockwise circles, you bit your lip and your eyes appeared to involuntarily flutter shut. you felt carmy smirk against the skin of your neck.
“what made you this wet, baby?” he hummed, sucking at the base of your throat.
“you, carmy,” you whined. “felt it as soon as i saw you when i first walked in. needed you so badly.”
he smirked again. “so bringing my things wasn’t of the purest intentions?”
heat rose to your cheeks with the sensual actions that were taking place below the belt and carmy’s accusation. you grew worried at what he would say if you said no, that you honestly just wanted to help him out… but if carmy wanted to play like that, you could play.
“n-no,” you whined as the pleasure began to spread throughout your whole body.
carmy was holding you so close to him. it was like he was your support — supporting you through such a physically vulnerable moment. your legs were practically shaking at this point, trying to take everything he was giving you and not start sobbing. you were grabbing at any piece of him you, wanting to kiss him — but he wouldn’t let you. fucking bastard.
“good,” he stated, staring you dead in the eyes. your mouth fell open at his response, a pant pushing passed your lips. “i don’t have the purest of intentions when i do this.”
carmen berzatto slid two long, thick fingers inside you ever so slowly. the motion pulled small moans out of you like you were a pathetic mess of a puddle and the sun rose and set with him. you felt his fingertips press against the upper wall inside you, while another finger worked at your clit, and all you could do was hold onto him tighter.
“it feels so good, carmy,” you whined. “i love your fingers so, so much.”
“yeah, baby?” he breathed against your ear. “you wanna cum f’me?”
“faster, please, i will,” you sobbed. you fucking sobbed as the tapping motion inside you hastened. “oh god — oh my fucking god —“
“that’s it, sweetheart? that’s what you needed?”
“yes, yes — fucking — fuck — yes.”
“f-fuck —“ he groaned broken, incoherent phrases against your throat. his breath was hot and heavy on your skin and all you could think about was how good he felt inside of you, and also how badly you wanted all of him inside you. interrupting your thoughts, he spoke, “show me how good it feels, baby. finish all over my fingers f’me.”
that broke you.
that fucking broke you.
it was like a shock of lightning hit you straight in your core and the power from the strike spread throughout your entire body. every muscle of yours went taut as you arched your chest into carmy’s.
with his expert hands, he fucked you through the orgasm. “that’s it, baby. that’s it. keep cumming for me.”
it was like carmen berzatto knew everything to say to make you shatter. you couldn’t even breathe — all you could do was give into the spreading feeling of bliss and hold your breath while it washed over you. it was wave, after wave, after wave of mind-numbing orgasm and carmen held you through all of it.
“pretty girl.”
“i know, baby. you’re such a sweet girl f’me.”
“that’s it, sweetheart. take it.”
once the waves finished hitting you, your chest was rising and falling heavily. carmen peppered light kisses along your neck, being gentle as to your state, but you were having none of it. you reached for his belt.
you smiled lazily at him. “any objections, chef?”
he smirked at you, letting his fingers ghost over your sensitive core. a shiver ran up and down your spine at the almost painful action. “be careful — or i’ll make you cum again.”
you knew he wasn’t joking. you let out a slight giggle before you dragged the zipper and his boxers down. freeing his cock, you pumped his shaft.
carmy was once dominantly kissing your neck and whispering mean things in your ear, but now he was using the crook of your neck to support his forehead.
“you have such a pretty cock, carmy,” you whispered in his ear. there was something so comforting about being intimate with a man where you both could be vulnerable, and you weren’t sure if you would ever let it go. you want him everywhere he would let you have him. “i don’t know if i want it in my mouth or inside me more.”
he chuckled at that, crooning back into your embrace when you would touch a very sensitive part of him. “dirty girl — you’re so fuckin’ evil.”
you were worried the friction was becoming too much for him, but you didn’t want to raise your hand to your own lips, so you swiped some of the juices from your core and used it to lubricate the skin of carmy’s cock. it was a quick motion — you didn’t think he’d notice, and plus his eyes were most likely closed.
but when he spoke, you froze.
“do-do that again.” his voice was rough with lust. “do that again for me.”
you were hesitant at first, but you decided to make a show of it. you slowly dragged two fingers up the length of your slit and rubbed a very slow circle around the circumference of your clit. you gasped at the sensitivity, slightly jumping at the touch.
“fuck, that’s hot,” he groaned, breath humid on your neck.
you smirked at his response and reached for his cock. your hand slipped along the smooth skin of his cock, drawing a deep groan from carmen. the poor man was so sensitive — almost aching from what giving everything he had to you previously felt like.
“so big, carmy,” you breathed. “so big and pretty.”
“y’know what would be prettier?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your jaw line. “watching you put it inside you. can you do that, baby?
you smiled at him devilishly. carmy’s hands shoved the rest of your jeans down your legs and flung them somewhere in the room. your pussy was aching — dripping for the man before you. the sensitivity had left you, no longer prickling at your nerve endings. all that was left was the want for more — anything carmy had to give you.
“please,” you whined, rubbing the head of his cock against your glistening folds.
“i love when you beg f’me,” he groaned. “such a good fuckin’ girl.”
both of your lines of sight drifted down to the view of your hips. you both watched in awe as you lined carmy up with your entrance as he pushed his hips towards you.
the throws of passion and want for carmy were intense, sure — but so was the want to enjoy this while he could. he pushed in the tip of his cock, groaning slightly as your tight hole encased him. you whines at the barely filled feeling — so empty, needing more. carmy, however? carmy didn’t care. he wanted to feel every push and pull of your muscles between your hips.
carmy kept his eyes turned down at your pussy and you swallowed more and more of him inside you. he gripped the flesh of your waist, fingertips digging into you. your own hands were splayed our flat against the cool countertop of the table — a direct juxtaposition of the boiling feeling that electrified the top of every inch of your skin. you whined as carmy took his time with his thrusts, pulling back every so often when he felt resistance, and then pushing back in ever so slightly, yet slightly farther, each time.
“please, more,” you gasped, folding your lip between your teeth. “i want all of you.”
“baby isn’t patient, huh?” he asked, continuing with his motions. “gotta have it all, when you want it?”
“i can’t be teased right now,” you sobbed. it was pathetic how needy you were, but fucking christ did it turn carmy on.
“this what you want, baby?” he asked, pushing into you deeper.
your walls were squeezing him like he was the only thing that existed to you. the burn at your entrance was something so bittersweet, something so delicious — you didn’t know how you were going to keep control and make this special for him as well, let alone how you weren’t going to cum right then. but you didn’t care — you didn’t have the strength to care.
“yes, carmy — please,” you begged, bucking your hips into him weakly. “fuck — your cock feels so good.”
“yeah, baby?” he pressed into deeper. “so impatient you can’t handle it slow?”
“i want you to fuck me, carm,” you bit with lust dripping from every word. “fuck me — use me however you want — please.”
that set him off.
carmy was a patient and low maintenance man, sure, out of necessity and convenience mostly. however, when he had the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, with a dirty mouth to match, talking back to him, and begging him to be selfish?
fuck patience. fuck ease. and fuck being selfless.
carmen’s grip tightened on your waist, and he pushed the last parts of his cock inside you.
it immediately hit you right where you needed him — that soft, sensitive spot so deep that barely anyone before him could dream of reaching. your walls gripped the smooth skin of his cock and you screamed. you fucking wailed when he finally pounded into you painfully, but so fucking sweetly.
“dirty — fucking — girl,” he grunted, thrusting upwards into your pussy.
there was nothing like the sight of carmy finally taking what he wanted. no expression of shame, or guilt, or hesitation on his face — just a man, slightly bent over before you, inside of you, holding you so close to him because, in that moment, you could give him what he wanted — needed. and, in that moment, all he needed was you.
the side of his face was pressed against yours, breathing heavily into your ear. the few groans he let escape his throat were guttural — almost animalistic. they went straight to your core, practically flooding around his cock. your whines of pleasure forced his hips forward and back faster and harder with each motion. balancing your weight and carmy’s with a firm hand of yours behind you on the table, you clamped your free hand on the back of his neck. you twisted a few stray strands of his hair around your fingers, tugging at them. every thrust caused you to pull his hair, him, closer and harder into you.
“laythefuckdown,” he spat, to your surprise.
the command startled you, sure — but it also made you bite your lip in anticipation. he pressed a wet, heavy kiss to your cheek, throwing butterflies in your lower stomach, as you released him. before you could lay down, he stopped you.
“you want to give me what i want, baby?” he whispered against your lips.
you nodded, gazing at him with dark, lust filled eyes.
“then i want your pussy to finish around my cock,” he stated. “think you can do that f’me?”
“y-yeah,” you replied, shakily, but full of trust.
you laid down and carmy regained his footing at the end of the table, keeping his cock pressed firmly inside you as he stood above you. his cock twitched against your most sensitive spot inside you, and you whined at the new angle. he gripped one of your hips firmly, but let his other hand ghost up your glistening lips.
“such a pretty fucking pussy,” he rasped, gazing at it. “takes my cock so well. but right here…”
he pressed his thumb against your clit.
you would’ve jumped if his hand wasn’t keeping you locked to the table.
“this is what i want,” he spat. “so fucking pretty.”
he began rubbing rough, fast circles on your clit. your legs were shaking from the overstimulation, and you thought you could cry from the sensation. your back arched off the table, and your hands struggled to find something to grip — to balance you as carmy tortured you.
but then his cock started working itself back into you again, hitting that spot that needed him so badly.
“think you can cum like this, baby?” he asked, taunting you. “be a good girl for me, yeah?”
“yes — !” you groaned, reaching for the end of the table with one hand. grabbing it, you tried to steady yourself, but it was no use. not with carmy. “fuck — it’s so much — it’s too much carmy —“
“gonna cum for me, sweetheart?”
you threw your head up to stare at the man. he was rocking into you like that was the only thing he knew, fucking you like it was the only thing he wanted, but there was so much focus on his eyes. so much focus on you.
“gonna give me what i want?”
“yes, yes,” you were nodding your head so pathetically, so sweetly for him. tears were practically threatening to spill over the corners of your eyes, but they glistened at him, and only him, and god did it fuck with him. “please, carmy — let me cum for you.”
“do it,” he ordered. “fuck, baby — cum for me.”
your hips were bucking against his pelvis and his hand, too erratic for him to be precise like he wanted to. you were chasing his fingertips, chasing the orgasm that even in his selfish state he was so generous to give. whines left your throat involuntarily as the intensity in your lower abdomen grew, and grew, and grew. your eyes were screwed shut as you pushed yourself to your elbows, holding yourself up as you couldn’t help but curl into yourself. carmen may have been looking at you, or something else — it didn’t matter. all you saw was the black of your eyelids, until is was white.
white. pure white.
your finger nails dug into the meat of your palms as the heat spread from your womb to the entirety of your body. every nerve ending and hair rose to the highest point of height they could, and you held your breath. the feeling of immense pleasured you washed over you — wave after wave, after wave, after wave. it hit you, it crashed into you, it fucking drowned you — it swallowed you whole until you were gasping for air. your orgasm was violent — practically mine splitting. you were shaking. you were sensitive beyond belief, beyond repair — and the prickling feeling wouldn’t stop. you were gasping for air as you looked down, only to find carmy’s hand still working between your thigh.
still rubbing those fucking circles.
“c-carmy,” you sputtered, tears wet in the corner of your eye. “please — i c-can’t.”
“shhh,” he whispered. “just keep cumming, baby. just keep cumming for me.”
your chest split open at that, throwing you back against the table top. shivers went up and down your spine as you took carmy’s torture.
“that’s it, baby. that’s it.”
his words were music to your ears as you screamed for him.
“ohh, fucking shit — that’s it —“ he hissed. “just like that. take it all for me — oh, fuck.”
you were dazed and confused on carmy’s table, basically seeing stars. absolutely useless, fucked out beyond words. you felt the weight and warmth of carmy’s body lean over, and rest against yours, as his hips sloppily rocked into you.
you wrapped your legs around the middle of carmy’s back, locking him in place. one hand went to clamp on the back of his head, and the other pressed against the side of his cheek.
against his lips, you whispered, “cum for me, carmy, please. i want to feel you inside of me.”
“good — fucking —“ he grunted, pressing his lips to yours in a farm, hard kiss as he shook. carmy’s tongue shoved itself into your mouth, and down your throat. carmy was everywhere — so deep in every part of you. you hummed with each moan of his you swallowed, rocking your hips against his and rocking him through his orgasm. gasps left his lips as he gripped any part of you he could, doing anything he could to hold onto you and keep you in place.
“holy f-fucking shit,” he gasped against your cheek, pressing kisses to your cheek and the length of your neck. “that — that was — it was so —“
“i know,” you spoke, giggling slightly.
carmy laid his head against your collarbone and you weaved his wet curls around your fingers. he rested fully against you, completely relaxed.
“fuck your friends,” he mumbled. “stay here tonight — as long as, um — you want to, that is.”
your giggle hummed in your chest. carmy’s confidence leaving him in the middle of the sentence surprised you slightly, but not enough to leave you unamused. “‘m not imposin’?”
he chuckled at that, and pulled you up from the table and into his arms. "fuck off."
lmk what you think :) love yall -L
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ambermeh · 2 months
During a car video
head cannons for Matt, Nick and Chris
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⋆ So Matt would be driving and him being in the front seat is a bit of a problem if you aren't sat next to him. If Chris is in the front (because it makes sense for the video) I can just imagine Matt reaching his hand back to hold yours from time to time. Just to feel a bit closer to you.
⋆ When he is around you he speaks more. He wants to make you laugh, and he also knows that if he speaks you're more likely to and he can also ask you questions and stuff just to hear you and get you more engaged in the conversation
'hey didn't you have a story from the other day y/n?'
'oohhh yeah that was so weird so this guy...'
⋆ Would make sure that they got your favourite food when they could for the car videos. There is nothing more fun to Matt than watching his girl getting all excited and happy for food
⋆ Any weird things happening when they are recording then he is out of that parking lot in a flash because he's not risking your safety for a video
⋆ After he's dropped the others off, the two of you just go for an intimate little drive where you two just share some food and talk (and have a little make out session)
'fuck sweetheart, you look so pretty riding me'
⋆ This is his time to shine, like Matt all he wants to do is to make you laugh (and he succeeds every time). I feel like he would be a bit more quieter than usual just because he is more for listening to you and not just telling his stories.
⋆ Chris, you and Matt would gang up on Nick and just bully him, in a loving way of course.
'Y/N you are supposed to be on my side'
'sorry nick, but Matt had a point'
⋆ The amount of treats that Nick has packed away in the back is unreal, he is just pulling out everything from ice cream and doughnuts. Every time he does the look on your face just gives him the feeling of wanting to do it again.
⋆ because the two of you are in the back, there will definitely be some teasing going on, Nick or you giving each other certain looks or his hand getting a bit too high up your knees.
'Nick stop the video will pick it up'
⋆ He gets you to film the outro because he says he wants there to be more edits of you
⋆ After the video, the two of you just go to bed and laugh about some of the stories you had told.
⋆ He will have given you a top of his to wear and honestly would have been drooling over you the entire time
'Chris can you look any where other than me for three seconds'
'nah ma you look too good in my top jus' want you to bend over the seat' he whispered in your ear, while you glared and blushed, looking at him smirk.
⋆ Makes Nick go in the front so you two can be in the back
⋆ every comment is literally about how in love Chris is with you, he does not stop giggling and blushing when you two look at each other
⋆ becomes even more talkative because he just talks about what the two of you have been up to
⋆ On the way back, Matt gives you the aux and when chris hears you playing one of the songs he likes he will be so proud
'y/n this is from my playlist'
'yeah thought it was really good'
'that's my girl'
⋆ After the video is filmed, this man is having soft sex with you while expressing the love he has for you in his clothes
(thank you @enchanthings for the divider)
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xxkatxgracexx · 5 months
Niko Omilana ~ £10 Date VS £10,000 Date ~ Beta Squad video.
Niko Omilana but references a date with both Niko and Chunkz orchestrated for entertainment purposes.
Summary: As the only female member of the Beta Squad, you are the chosen date for the £10 Date VS £10,000 Date video on the Beta Squad channel. Obviously the aim of the video is to see whether money or personality matters more on a date, so Chunkz's is being a good date, person and overall caring, but having the low budget of £10, while Niko had a high budget of £10,000 but had to be arrogant and rude. Nobody knows you would die for a real rate with Niko.
Warnings: Planned and Orchestrated Relationships for entertainment, Language, Kissing, Smut/Sexual Themes, Descriptive Smut, Unsafe Sex.
This takes place a few years ago on original Beta Squad. Go watch the video it's mad funny.
It takes ages to get to the smut but it does get there - I wouldn't lie to you bae xx.
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Niko is so fine bro
2nd Person - past tense
"Hi Guys, Welcome to the Beta Squad channel, and today we are going to do a £10 VS £10,000 date challenge, in which two people go on a date with one girl. The aim is to see whether money or personality matter more."
Everyone has been introduced and is going out to find a girl. Once they have discovered this is a no-go, they go back to the Beta House to think.
Aj sat on a bean bag, everyone else on the couch. Out of no-where, (definitely scripted), Chunkz said:
"Guys, the 6th Beta Squad member is upstairs and we didn't even think about her. Why can't she be the date?"
Niko insisted against the idea, "Nah, nah. Wouldn't that be weird?"
Aj looked straight into the camera:
"Well, we're gonna do it anyway, we have a tight budget," He said and laughed.
A knock on your door was heard and Niko, Chunkz and Aj came in. Kenny and Sharky waited outside. Chunkz looked at you, you were sitting in your chair editing when you heard them and turned around:
"Uhm, hello?" You said, acting confused for the sake of the video.
Niko spoke: "We would like you to help us film a Beta video."
"Okay... what do I have to do?"
Aj said: "You have to go on a date..."
You got up, "Yes, well needed."
He continued, "With two of us..."
"What... why?" You said, feigning confusion.
"Content?" Aj said into the camera with a smile on his face.
"Whatever let's go," you laughed.
"After careful consideration, Chunkz has been chosen for the £10 date, and Niko was elected for the £10,000 date," Sharky said into the camera.
"Oh, this is gonna be horror," Chunkz said, half-laughing, half-despairing.
The camera panned towards Niko, his face seemed filled with glee for the £ 10,000 budget but somehow worried.
You internally freaked out in the corner of the room, staring at Niko before burying your face into your phone, acting unbothered.
The next scene showed you entering the Beta House as if for the first time. You knocked on the door and waited for what felt like hours before a smiling Aj appeared before you.
"Welcome! Sorry for the wait beautiful," he winked. "Come in, come in."
He took you through the house and into the backyard, where a piece of cardboard and Chunkz awaited on the floor.
"Oh." The camera panned towards your concerned face.
Chunkz noticed you, "Hey darling, take a seat, my apologies for the current... situation."
He smiled sweetly.
Immediately you thought about how it's weird to be on a date with Chunkz, not only because he was your friend, but because he wasn't really your type and you usually wouldn't go for him.
Despite this, you could see that he was trying his best to make the date a little more enjoyable for you.
Sat on the other side of the cardboard (uncomfortably, due to the grass being a little damp), you watched Aj walk over and offer the both of you some drinks.
You piped up, "Do you have any champagne?"
"No," Aj replied.
Chunkz looked like he wanted to die.
It cut to his interview:
"We have a 10-pound budget... and this gyal thinks we got champagne? Mad ting."
"What do you have?" You asked.
Aj hesitated, "Water... I think?"
You smiled awkwardly and accepted anything you could get. The date continued to be an absolute shambles. It was awkward, the budget was not ideal and you walked away with wet legs. However, Chunkz was really trying for you and ended up being really nice, showing you that he too wanted to have a more ideal situation and a better date.
Cameras went off before you left for your dreaded second location.
Chunkz hugged and thanked you, saying, "Don't have too much fun on your date."
He winked and you said your final goodbyes.
Niko's POV - past tense
At this point, we had gathered all of our supplies and were waiting in the restaurant for Y/n to arrive. Tired of waiting in the uncomfortable booth, I sighed and decided to go outside.
As I opened the front door, I was taken by surprise - Y/n appearing right in front of me. I jumped.
She laughed, "Such a gentleman and the date hasn't even started yet?"
She smiled and walked over to George, getting orders on what to do. She went back outside for a walk-in shot and sat down opposite me. As she sat down, she noticed flowers splayed out on the table, spelling her name so incorrectly it made her laugh. You genuinely would've thought a child spelt it.
"That's sweet but it's spelt wrong."
I laughed and then dropped my face dramatically, "No that's right."
She smiled awkwardly for a second before I randomly leaned forward, to "kiss" her as the boys had "advised". I could've sworn for a second her face went red before creasing her eyebrows and looking around.
"Did you just dodge my kiss?" I asked, mock-offended.
"Yes... why would you kiss me thirty seconds into a date?" She laughed awkwardly.
"Are you a lesbian or something?" I said, 'seriously'.
She bursted out laughing before profusely apologising. We got told we were going to have to re-take the whole scene. She spent another ten minutes apologising again and again, which I was grateful for as it stalled the almost-kiss for a little longer.
When it came, our faces were inches apart for a few seconds, and my face was heated, wishing I could've stayed like that for just a second longer. I've never wanted to lean forward and let go as much as I did then.
I pushed through the rest of the date acting arrogant and entitled before we finally finished recording and the camera went off.
Y/n burst out laughing, she looked at me and I swear a blush formed on her cheeks but I figured it was heated from filming so long on this hot set and ignored it.
"Nikolas Omilana," she laughed. I smiled - hearing her say my full name always gave me butterflies, "I never thought you could be such an obnoxious prick."
I joked around, saying: "Could I get that kiss now though?"
I laughed, obviously kidding but wishing she really would do it.
She giggled and reached up onto her toes, grabbing the back of my neck with one hand and my jaw with the other, kissing me softly.
She pulled away laughing, Sharky and Kenny as shocked as I was.
In all honesty, I didn't think she actually would do it, it was just a stupid fantasy. In reality, I had no clue what to say or do if it would happen and still had no clue what to say or do when it did happen.
"I...," I stuttered, utterly speechless, "You know I was joking right?". I lie through my teeth, knowing I wanted that so badly.
"I know," She giggled.
I looked down at her and my heart warmed up. I leaned down and kissed her again more passionately, my hands in her hair and her arms around my neck.
Sharky and Kenny jokingly cheered in the background, laughing and applauding me on my "good work".
I pulled away and smiled at her lovingly.
"I think the date went brilliantly," I laughed.
She smiled, "I can't believe I just kissed someone after a date like that."
"How about I take you on a better one to make up for it?" I prayed she didn't think I was cringe, or maybe she didn't even like me at all like that.
Sharky and Kenny whispered their 'smooth's and 'cold's and she smiled and stuck her tongue out from between her teeth slightly. She hugged me, her head immediately cuddled into my chest.
'God, I could bend her over right now." I randomly thought, immediately feeling creepy and grossed out in my head.
Her breasts were pushed into my chest, my heartbeat got faster and I slowly felt an erection forming until I pushed her away "calmly", I smiled innocently as if I couldn't and hadn't been imagining her in every position under me I could physically think of.
Kenny drove and Sharky took the front seat before I could, forcing me awkwardly in the back with Y/n.
The whole journey I rested my hand on her thigh, hoping she felt the same internal screaming as I did then.
Y/n's POV - past tense
I had zoned out for the rest of the car journey and 45 minutes went by faster than I could imagine. The endless kisses I wanted from him and Niko's hand on my thigh were the only things running through my head.
The car stopped suddenly and I awoke to Niko picking me up out of the seat and closing the door.
I rubbed my eyes slowly, really feeling Niko's hands around me.
I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up in Niko's bed, half-lay half-sat uncomfortably. My neck ached and I was thirsty.
The only sounds I could hear were Chunkz editing something - presumably the video we have just filmed, and Niko's electric toothbrush vibrating from his bathroom.
Niko walked in wearing an NDL hoodie and plain grey joggers.
"Oh, you're awake!" he exclaimed.
I hummed softly and sat up, stretching.
I swung my legs over and got out of his bed. I was about to walk out when I heard Niko say my name.
I turned around, eyebrow raised.
"Would you wanna watch a movie?" he smiled sweetly.
I nodded, yawning.
"I'm gonna get dressed first," I said, still wearing my dress (thankfully my heels had been taken off).
"You can just wear my clothes," he hesitated, then added, "If you want."
I nodded and he gave me his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. I go into his bathroom to change.
I started being nosy in his bathroom, looking at his shower and in his cupboards. I held his shirt to my nose, inhaling and closing my eyes. I slipped out of my dress and my bra, feeling grateful to have free breasts for a while after having a push-up on all day.
Putting his clothes on, I saw his cologne and sprayed some, basking in his scent.
When I walked into the room Niko was searching for a movie to play, looking half-asleep cuddled up in his bed. I got in beside him, resting my head on his shoulder, not getting too close cuddly just in case he didn't want that.
Clearly I was mistaken because I felt a much larger hand wrap around my waist, pulling me closer before moving it down my lower back and holding me tightly to him.
He played the movie but seemed to be much more interested in looking at me than watching it.
I looked up at him and he smiled sleepily. He almost looked drunk from there and for some reason that made me want to kiss him, so I did.
My heart pounded, butterflies erupted in my stomach and my breath flutters as he pulled me infinitely closer to him.
He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and pulling me onto his lap, so I was straddling him. I moaned softly into the kiss, immediately embarrassed. He smiled, wrapping his large hands around my waist and moving them, holding my hips.
He guided me so that I was grinding on him slowly and I felt him twitch underneath me.
He soon got hard, pushing his hips up into mine. He sat up, breaking the kiss only to slip his hoodie and t-shirt over his head.
"Can I take off yours too?" he asked, lust in his eyes.
I nodded and he pulls it up over my head, groaning and the sight. I giggle and go in for another kiss, pushing my bare chest against his and wrapping my hands in his hair.
I slipped my tongue into his mouth, making him groan into the kiss.
"Get up," he said, gently but still showing his dominance over me. I did and he stripped down to his underwear.
I couldn't help but stare at his erection through his boxers. Larger than I had expected, and I had expected it to be large.
He smirked. I lay down on the bed on my back and he leant over me, biting his lip before re-connecting our lips. He held my face in his hands, which seemed overly romantic. I appreciated the intimate gesture.
He kissed down my neck and moved his way up to my jaw, nipping and sucking, creating love-bites all over my skin.
My breathing sped up and he chuckled against my skin.
I slipped out of my underwear and he groaned from above me. He kissed down my chest and stomach. He completely skipped the area I most wanted him, kissing down my inner thighs. He smiled up at me from between my legs before licking up my thigh.
I moaned out his name softly, pleading for him to touch me.
Niko smirked up at me, gazing into my eyes as if they were the stars and he was merely an admirer of my beauty.
"Can I?" he whispered.
"Please," I nodded. He bit his lip and suddenly I felt his middle finger on my clit, rubbing gently and slowly.
I called out, moaning his name. He smiled hearing me whimper, entering a finger inside of me and moving it slowly.
He added another finger, moving faster inside of me but still incredibly gentle, taking care of me.
Just when I told him I was close he pulled him fingers from me, licks them off and leans back over me, kissing me once again in a swift motion.
He pulled away, staring into my eyes.
"You're so beautiful," he smiled, and I felt a warming in my heart.
I leant up and kissed him. I felt emotionally attached to him, a connection so much deeper than sexual chemistry.
I pulled away slowly and we smiled at each other almost politely, so we both started laughing at the irony of smiling at each other so friendly.
Niko cut both of us off, kissing me passionately, leaning down onto me.
The skin-to-skin contact of our bare chests together was intense.
He asked for permission and lined himself up with my entrance, eyes focused on mine at all costs. he slowly entered me, asking every two seconds if everything was okay and if he was doing anything wrong, if I was in pain.
I gave him my approval and he stared to move gently, groaning a little.
"Niko," I moaned out, hearing his own whines made everything ten times more pleasurable.
He moved faster, but still gently, not wanting to hurt me. All you could hear in the room was our moans in harmony like a sensual melody only to be heard by us.
The room smelt of sex and Niko's cologne. I like to imagine he could smell my perfume as intoxicatingly as his fragrance was for me.
He uttered words of praise, constantly reminding me that:
"You're doing so well.", and:
"You feel so good."
I moaned out his name, signaling I was close and he sped up, pressing his finger back to my clit and rubbing me softly.
"I'm coming," he called out.
He groaned and released inside of me before panicking a little.
"I'm so sorry... are you on the pill?"
I nodded and he looked relieved. We hadn't even thought of that beforehand.
I closed my eyes, not minding much but a little annoyed I didn't get to finish, before I felt Niko's breath on my thigh, making me jump a little.
He licked up my inner thigh, cleaning up his own mess and wrapping his hands around each thigh before connecting his tongue with my clit, pulling on it a little with his teeth softly.
He entered his tongue inside me, making me gasp, and he laughed, vibrations circling around my body. He entered two long fingers inside me once again, sucking on my clit slightly.
"I'm gonna come," I warned, and he sped up a little.
I felt myself go over the edge and shake slightly, feeling an orgasm wash over me completely and rest in my core. He helped me ride out my high and stopped once I had completely finished, licking up the remains.
He looked so unbelievably hot doing so that I didn't even mind the overstimulation he was creating.
Once he was happy he came up behind me, holding me in his arms and kissing my head.
I sighed, "I need a shower."
I got up, stumbling a little when I tried to walk.
I turned around hearing him laugh, "Shush."
"I didn't say anything!" He held his hands up in defence.
I rolled my eyes, "You coming?" He nodded and stood up, towering over me.
Niko's POV - past tense
I followed her into the bathroom and turned on the shower for her. I noticed that she turned the heat up substantially.
I got in after her, hugging her waist from behind, and placed chaste kisses on her neck, proud of the bruises I had previously left on the skin. I opened my body wash, squeezed some into my hand and rubbed it into her neck and back. I liked the idea that she would smell like me the next day.
I did her shampoo and she did mine, we giggled together as she stood on her tip-toes, leaning up into my hair in an attempt to wash it. I ended up helping her and she did her conditioner, and we finished up and dressed into clean clothes. I put on boxers and joggers, still far too hot for a t-shirt.
She wore an NDL T-shirt of mine and my boxers. We got back into bed, I lay on my back and she lay on her front with her face cuddled into my chest, her arms around my neck.
15 minutes later, I saw she had drifted off and felt I could finally rest.
I felt myself doze off not much later.
I woke up with a weight on my chest and arms wrapped lazily around my neck. I opened my eyes to see Y/n sleeping peacefully in my arms. I smiled, feeling unmatched love and appreciation for the girl in my arms.
I slid out from underneath her, placing her gently onto my pillow and throwing on a T-shirt and socks.
Heading downstairs, I saw everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast. The clock read 12:32 AM, which was unsurprising, as everyone in the house had just woken up.
I sat down, and everyone muttered their 'mornings' before Aj, the only person in the world with 100% energy all the time turned around to me and said:
"Your gyal was mad loud moaning last night, I swear to god I could not sleep."
Sharky let out a laugh, Chunkz and Kenny looking like they wanted to die. I was utterly speechless just staring at Aj, not really knowing how to reply. He looked at me puzzled.
"Shut her up next time?" he raised an eyebrow.
Chunkz started laughing then, muttering 'How's he gonna do that?' before I started laughing a little too.
A second later Y/n came into the room wearing my clothes. She smelled like she had used my deodorant too.
"Something funny?" She smiled, making her way to the toaster before putting two slices of bread into it. I gave Aj a glare and he ignored my warning look, saying in a high-pitched voice:
"Ohh Niko, please, I'm gonna cum." He laughed.
She leaned, holding her head in her hands as everyone was giggling around her.
Kenny decided to join in, "Yes Niko, right there," he said mockingly before making the most graphic moaning noise possible.
I groaned and walked over to her, holding her waist from behind and leaning down to kiss her head. Aj wooed behind us and I gave him a strange look.
Y/n put together cheese on toast and set it in front of me before grabbing one of her monster cans and walking out. I followed her, plate in hand, furrowing my brow.
I walked in, and she was sitting on the sofa drinking her can.
"Hello?" I said, confused.
"What?" she looked completely innocent, an image of beauty.
"Is this for me... or?"
She nodded as if to say 'obviously'.
"You didn't have to do that," I smiled, seeing how giving she could be, but she passed it off as everyday behaviour. King treatment.
"I know," she said, almost matter-of-factly. It was no big deal for her, but meant everything to me.
I smiled, thanked her and sat down next to her, eating. I wasn't hungry, but ate to show my appreciation for the gift.
Y/n's POV - past tense
30 minutes later me and Niko were watching some random movie he found and cuddling in his bed. All I could think about was what our relationship even was at this point. I really wanted to be with him, call him mine, be loved by him, but I had no clue what he wanted or how he was feeling. if he would just talk to me so I could get the slightest inclination to how he felt.
I was still overthinking when I felt his hand shift on my thigh, startling me - so I jumped.
He chuckled, "Sorry."
I giggled for a second before we sat in silence, aware of each other's presence and skin-to-skin contact driving us crazy. I felt his hand on my jaw, lifting my face to the side. He gazed into my eyes as if he was drawn to them. He kissed me softly and I kissed him back, feeling genuine love for him from the bottom of my heart.
He pulled away slowly and I felt his heart rate fast on my back.
"I love you," he blurts out suddenly, I just looked at him, shocked. My mouth was open slightly and I didn't know what to say or do.
He looked worried, biting his lip, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put pressure on you or anything. You don't have to say it back of course... I'm sorry-"
I cut him off by kissing him. He smiled into the kiss and I pulled away slowly, scared but overjoyed.
"I love you too," I muttered, but I knew he could hear.
I rested my head back on his chest and smiled to myself. I felt a surge of love for him all at once, washing over me like a wave of affection. I breathed in his scent, never feeling happier than I did then.
Okay it's finally done after like 3 weeks - I hope it's worth it.
Loved making this but it was hard work.
Let me know if you enjoyed it <3.
Don't know how many words.
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ajsswifey · 3 months
can write for aj when he wants a hug but doesn't know how to ask for it (bc of his pet peeve) , so hes awkwardly circling the reader or following her around like a little kid. MAKE IT EXTRA ADORABLE FOR MY POOKIE AJ😭❤️
it can be an hc or whatever you want🫶
Warnings: nothing
Pretend the guys arms in the second pic aren’t white 🥰🥰
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 ੈ✩‧₊˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚
You sat at your desk, editing one of your upcoming assignments, taking a few sips of your coffee every now and then.
From the corner of your eye, you spot Aj just standing at the door. He had been acting real weird the whole day..just watching you without a sound.
You grab your cup, lifting it up to your lips only to find out you had run out of all your coffee.
With a quiet groan, you get up from your seat and grab your coffee cup, making your way to the kitchen.
As you look over your shoulder while waiting for the coffee to brew, he’s still just standing there..what on earth does he want?
The two of you had been a couple for a while now, but it was starting to get awkward with him just staring at you and following you around everywhere.
You go back into your guys’ shared office with an already half empty mug, typing away quickly on the keyboard.
The floorboards creak under the weight of Aj as he slowly makes his way over to you, standing behind your chair and resting his arms on the backrest.
You frown, “do you need anything, AJ?” Spinning on your chair to turn and face him, looking up at his desperate, dark brown eyes.
He slowly and awkwardly nods his head, looking away and scratching the back of his neck.
“I, um,” he sighs, not knowing what words to use, “nah, I don’t know.” Aj shrugs, when he did in fact know, and so did you.
“Aj, you little rat,” you mumble with a giggle, “you’ve been following me around and watching me all day. Like a creep. And just by looking at you I know you want something.”
Aj groans, knowing you’ve figured out what he wanted this whole time.
“All right, all right..can I..get a hug?”
Without another word, you wrap one arm over his neck, and the other holding his torso. He wraps his arms around you, holding you tight against him.
“Was that so hard to ask?” You giggle
“Shush.” Aj mutters into the crook of your neck, earning another giggle from you.
You go to pull away from the hug, but Aj clings onto you tighter.
“Ajjjj,” you whine, trying to free yourself from the hug, giving up as he clearly won’t go. “Cmon, I need to finish my assignment.”
“No.” He sighs. “You’ve been working on it all day..take a break, luv.”
For 20 whole minutes, the two of you just stood there, hugging.
I really like this fic because it’s so aesthetic 😝😝🙏🙏
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haunted-headset · 1 year
Wilbur talking about YN at a concert and YN just happened to be streaming and chat told her. Then once wilbur gets back from tour (theyre roommates) YN mentions it and wilbur gets all flustered 🤭
💬 Everybody Talks Too Much 💬
Summary: Wilbur was talking about Y/N at a concert and Y/N happened to be streaming & her chat told her. Then, once Wilbur gets back from the tour, Y/N mentions it & Wilbur gets flustered AF
A/N: guys go follow @joviepog, they're basically one of the reasons you guys get fanfics. Also, this title was based off of a song called Everybody Talks :p
pairing: CC!Wilbur x afab!musician!reader
pronouns used for reader: She/her/hers
tags: @vibestillaxxx @joviepog @ax-y10 @themonsterunderurmom @wilburstan @smolsleepykitten @funnyreally2009 @crows-death @thewheelersgaygaragelights @dykepunz @aresriiots @0miamor0 @cathers-world @defonotval @chipch0p @mazzistar16 @unmellowyellowfellow @justalittlebitofchaos @thosecolorfulsheets @vopix @taylors-version-from-the-vault @aine-lasagna @merianakross @veeislost @urfav-sapphic-siren (pls let me know if you do/don't want to be tagged!)
warnings/cw: reader & Wilbur getting flustered, swearing, mentions of whimpering audios
proofread?: *aggressively shakes head*
genre: fluff
word count: 455
"Do we have to steal Wilbur's YLYL rules again, chat?" You said to your chat with a laugh. "It seems like Wilbur's the only one who can tame you feral fuckers." You were doing a YLYL stream & your fans thought it would be a funny idea to try & send whimpering audios through MediaShare. You were not amused. Just then, a different video had been sent in. You were very prepared to pause the video or have the mods remove it, but you then saw your roommate Wilbur in the video.
"What's this?" You asked with a raised brow. You read the caption of the video, which read, "Wilbur was talking about Y/N during one of his concerts!!!!" You felt your face get hot.
In the video, Wilbur had just finished a song & he said to the crowd, "Guys, I forgot to mention, but shoutout to my roommate Y/N, because they stuck around even though I forget to pay rent half of the time & I bother her with my dumbass rambling! So, yeah, respect for my pretty hot roommate!" He said it so easily as if it were nothing. As if he didn't just call you hot.
"...interesting," you mumbled. The chat was blowing up with 'lol' messages & comments about how red your cheeks were. You didn't really care because you heard a knock at your bedroom door. You were home alone.
"Uh...come in?" you said to the knocking at the door. Wilbur then opened the door. "Wilbur?! You're back from tour?"
"Yeah," he smiled. He became Beardbur again during the tour & he looked very tired. "Sorry, I didn't tell you. I wanted to surprise you."
"Nah, it's fine," you said. "I was too busy to pick you up anyway."
"Wow," Wilbur said sarcastically, placing a hand over his heart & scoffing. "I can't believe that you would prioritize your streams over me!"
"Oh, piss off," you laughed.
"What're you doing?" Wilbur asked, looking at the webcam. He looked at the video & raised a brow.
"We're doing a YLYL stream," you said. "& my chat sent a video of you talking about me during a concert."
His usually pale face went ten shades pinker. "Th-that must've been edited or something-"
"Wilbur, it's fine, I know you're madly in love with me," you said jokingly. He laughed awkwardly.
"Oh well, I'll leave you to your weird chat," Wilbur said as he quickly got up & left the room. You waved goodbye & saw that someone had subscribed & left a message along with the sub.
"...what?" You said softly.
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d-dixonimagines · 5 months
PROMPT: "Thought you'd be taller.."
I feel like I want to do this one again with a different approach, but I don't know. I envisioned it being something light-hearted and fun, so please excuse my attempt at being funny...! @darylsdelts A/N: It's not edited so there's probably typos
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There was a weird buzz of energy going around the camp that you couldn't quite place. The way people whispered to one another excitedly like gossiping teenagers. Eventually you got wind that Daryl Dixon was supposed to be arriving. It was overheard on the radio when your group leader was communicating with Aaron, arranging some kind of supply drop. They had been talking for months and were finally closing on a deal to join forces and create connections.
Sure, you had heard Daryl's name before, but it was strange to see people act like it was some celebrity coming through their town, a behavior you thought was long dead when everything fell. He had been the talk for days, apparently. People telling stories about all the things they've heard he's done, even some you were sure couldn't possibly be true, like blowing up a group with a bazooka? It sounded ridiculous.
He had managed to gain a sort of reputation. He was the lone wolf you didn't mess with. People have said that he mostly kept to himself, some describing him as a grumpy old bear, and good luck if you ever got on his bad side.
You've heard he was mean and intimidating and had a permanent glare, but others say he is kind and had a softness to him. That he had a type of charm that was hard to explain. But it was all the same as rumors go; you didn't know what you were supposed to believe.
He had come to the camp a few times, but somehow you've never seen or met him yourself. It was like he was a myth. A story someone made up, and depending on which version you heard, he was either a scary boogeyman or some kind of hero.
None of that mattered, though. You were determined to find out for yourself who this Daryl guy really was, and if he was worth all of the commotion he seemed to cause.
The sun was just about to set when he and Aaron finally arrived. They were greeted with welcoming smiles and were invited to join you all for dinner. You were appreciative of the large cart of food and supplies they brought, but so far you weren't seeing anything too spectacular. He was quiet, mostly. Handing over crates and stuff, no particular look about him. He didn't look scary, there was no scowl-y expression. So many not a grumpy bear?
As the evening went on and everyone was settled, scattered about around the fire, you sat silently - continuing to watch him. When it was mostly just the two of you remaining, you decided that the silent stalking was getting you nowhere, so you took things to the next level; you approached him..
"Would you like some more?" You offered, extending the kettle of food you had in your hand. He looked up at you for a second before shaking his head, "Nah, I'm good.. Thanks." His voice was gruff, but there was a softness to it, it didn't make sense!
"I'll have some more." Your attention was brought to Larson, a guy from your group, who was sitting close by with his plate stretched out, a friendly smile on his face. Without saying a word, you took a step towards him and practically tossed the kettle in his lap, taking a seat next to Daryl, your back towards Larson.
There was a silence again, aside from the confused mumblings from Larson as he dished himself more food. You tried not to make it so obvious that you were eyeing Daryl, trying to glance at the fire every now and then, but you were failing quite miserably.
"Can I help ya with somethin'?" Daryl finally confronted you. When you didn't respond he continued. "You've been starin' me down since I got here and it's startin' to weird me out..."
You straightened up a bit and put your hands up briefly, an attempt to express you didn't mean anything by it. "I'm sorry. I'm just... trying to figure you out." "Whats'ta figure out, exactly?" he remained calm, but you could tell he had a guard up. Which was understandable.
You have a quick shrug as you tried to gather your thoughts. "The way people talk about you, you're at all what I expected." He gave a sight grunt, like where this was going all clicked. "Should I even ask what you were expectin'?" "Thought you'd be taller.." Your response surprised him a bit, causing him to let out a chuckle. Your shoulders relaxed at his reaction. He definitely wasn't a boogeyman type.
"There were a lotta things you could'a said, but I wasn't expectin' that one," he shook his head a bit and set his dish down by his feet. You could understand where he thought you were going, so many mixed reactions to him, but you were feeling more inclined to believe the positive ones, based on your current encounter with him.
"There was a lot of buzz around here when people learned you were visiting. They talk about you like you're some kind of celebrity. Which, I guess in some sense, you kind of are. With all the stuff you've done, you've made quite a name for yourself."
"Pshh.." he scoffed, "I don't buy into all that. People's opinions don't mean shit." "Even if it's good? People look up to you, from what I gather." He shook his head again. "It's all bullshit. They don't know me or the shit I've done." "We've all done things. Larson here?" you pointed your finger over your shoulder, Daryl's eyes following the direction, "the worst thing he's probably done is kill a rabbit, and that's saying something when it comes to him, and while he's probably not the best example, we all still know he's a good person."
Larson looked up from his plate, his gaze going back and forth between you and Daryl. "It was an accident..." Larson defended himself, a silent look of panic etched on his face. "The rabbit, I didn't see it, it was in the -" "You don't have to explain, Larson, it's OK. No one blames you." You cut him off before looking back at Daryl. "...Why would they blame me..?" "It was a whole thing.. but that's not the point. I'm just saying, the stuff you do makes a difference to people. The good stuff, I mean."
Daryl looked confused for a second, trying to figure out Larson's deal, but brought his attention back to you. "I dunno about any of that. I ain't tryin' to be anythin', I'm just doin' what anybody else would." You nodded, planning on keeping things at that, but there was one thing you couldn't get out of your head and needed answers on.
"I just have one question," you opened. He seemed almost reluctant to agree, but he did with a nod. "Is it true you shot a bazooka at some group? Some people say there was a group of like fifty highwaymen and you just blew them all up." He looked at you for a second like you were insane and let out a sigh. "There weren't fifty of 'em, there was only about eight.." "But you blasted them with a bazooka?" "Yeah?" he responded like he didn't understand what the big deal was. "They were a bunch'a assholes, they had it comin'."
"No, I completely get it," you let out a small laugh. "It's just a crazy thing to think about, you know? A bazooka! Where the hell would you even get one of those?" "Military truck," both Daryl and Larson answered at the same time, causing you both to look at him. "Sorry, I keep forgetting you're there." You almost felt bad. "Anyway, I should get going. It was cool to meet you," you turned back to Daryl and stood up, talking some of the empty dishes. Daryl gave a nod as you walked off.
"... The rabbit incident really was an accident," Larson chimed in after a moment of silence; he was leaning towards Daryl like he was trying to keep it between the two of them. "It was in the -" "Let it go, Larson!" Two other people in the group shouted at the same time. Larson slammed his plate on his lap in frustration as he was interrupted once more and he straightened up. Daryl sat there awkwardly in silence for a moment before getting up himself. He walked passed Larson and gave a quick sympathetic pat on his shoulder. "It's alright, buddy. I believe ya.." Daryl let out an amused scoff as he walked away to find Aaron.
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billthedrake · 5 months
I tried not to go wild. I still was married and still had my normal corporate guy life in Kansas City.
But doing porn turned out to be addictive. It was the combination of a deep exhibitionist streak I was discovering in myself and the access to incredibly hot men willing to suck me or get fucked by my big tool. It made me feel like a total stud... less middle-aged, I guess.
And work trips were the perfect cover. I really was doing the road warrior thing for my company, so I wasn't lying to Kate THAT much. But I did sometimes add a night to my travels.
Like the week after Easter. I had a business trip to Denver, but I added an extra evening and squeezed in a quick connector flight to San Francisco on my dime with miles. Muscle Pup Mike, my son's friend and escort/pornstar buddy, set me up with a versatile OnlyFans star there. I shot two scenes with him, actually, one oral, one with me masked as we had a nice, long 50-minute fuck scene. I didn't feel a deep chemistry with Kevin, aka "Jeff Reed," but I felt a deep chemistry with the two cameras that were on us. Besides, sex with a muscular 28-year-old hunk was hard to beat.
Turns out, the next night would beat it. I flew to Denver bright and early in the morning and had my sales meeting all day. I was rolling my business-style carry on into my hotel room right around dinner. I undid my tie and sat down to unlace my shoes before calling Kate to check in.
Yeah, I felt pretty bad knowing I was stepping out behind her back. I'd deal with that guilt later. Either stopping porn cold turkey or making a break or separation with my wife. At this point I wasn't ready to do either.
I wasn't a frequent poster, but managed a video every 2-3 weeks. And I had a growing following of fans willing to pay a modest subscription for just that. Sure, I got some comments complaining that I never took my mask off, but apparently I had the body and blond-furred looks a lot of guys went for. And my cock size helped - a lot. I was careful about not talking on camera, or I just edited those parts out, but I'd learned to be verbal with my grunts, to show appreciation for my sucker/bottom and to let viewers get that thrill. It worked.
I sat, alone in that quiet hotel room, thinking just how wild my double life had become, and I fiddled with my phone again. Chicago was an hour ahead and now would probably be a good time to call. I pulled up Travis's contact and FaceTimed him.
"Hey Dad," my son greeted.
"Hey," I said, leaning back and feeling my boner ride up in the crotch of my trousers. "I didn't catch you at a bad time, I hope?"
"Nah," he said. "Just getting back from the gym." Indeed, he had a workout zip-up on and I could see the familiar kitchen from his condo in the back.
"All sweaty?" I teased.
That got a laugh out of my son. He was surprised how horny I was sometimes, how much I'd leaned into this weird affair we had going on. "Something like that. How'd your shoot go?"
"Real well," I replied. "Kevin is a real professional. Made it easy."
"Just a professional?" Travis asked, with a teasing smile on his cute face.
"Just fucking," I said. "Not a ton of chemistry, I'm afraid, but I think I got some good footage for the next two vids." I'd always sent Travis the digital files via encryption, and he did the editing magic on the material. As amazing as my son was at being on-screen talent, he also had a knack for making great porn behind the camera.
"Don't take this the wrong way, Dad," he said. "But I think you're a natural adult performer."
I smiled. "Is that what the kids call it?" I joked.
That made my son laugh. I loved seeing and hearing his laugh. "OK... you're a natural porn star, Dad.... You know, it's really hot to say that. I get so hard watching you perform, you know."
My throat got dry. Travis knew how to work me up. "Jesus, Trav. You have no idea how much I've watched your videos."
That made my son laugh again, those dimples forming. "I have a pretty good idea, Dad. You've told me before."
"I lied," I teased. "I figured if I told you the real number, you'd get freaked out."
"Turned on is more like it, Dad," Travis said. "Why don't you show me how much you like em. You hard now?"
"Rock hard," I said. I turned the phone down to show off the rod forming a ridge in my trousers.
"Fuck," Travis hissed. "My dad has a real porn star dick. I have a shoot in a couple of hours. I'll definitely be thinking of your cock."
"Who's it with?" I asked. This was the wild phase Trav and I were at now. Father and son, lovers, flirts, and professional colleagues in the adult entertainment business.
"Bud and Spike," he said. I recognized the screen names of two muscle daddies from Dallas, into the more hardcore stuff.
I made a wince of an expression. "Go easy with those guys, buddy," I said. "For real." I felt strangely protective of my son. Which was weird, because in general he was the one looking out for me as I began doing porn more regularly.
Travis smiled. "I will, Dad. Promise. We're planning a more vanilla scene than they normally do." He gave me a wink. "Listen, I gotta go get ready, actually."
"All right, buddy," I said. I wished we had time for some phone sex because just talking to Travis was turning me on big time. "I can't wait to see your scene. And I'll be in Chicago in a couple of weeks. We'll catch up then, OK?"
"You bet, Dad," he said. "Love ya."
"Love ya, too, Big Guy."
We hung up.
I let out a hiss of air. I was horny now. Turns out "Jeff Reed" hadn't drained me. I did have a back up idea. There was some University of Colorado kid who'd been emailing me on the anon account Travis set up for me and linked to my OnlyFans. Call me a narcissist, but I'd been eating up the fan mail, and something about this college dude Bryan won me over. Maybe it was the pics he sent. Cute as fuck, brown haired, boy-next-door looks. And the nude pics that showed a surprisingly built body for a college kid - either a jock or someone who hit the college gym regularly. Smooth body with just a dusting of a treasure trail, creamy white skin, washboard abs, hard cock, amazing bubble ass.
Or maybe it was the request that I hit him up if I was ever in the Denver area.
So far I'd only done pro-amateur porn stars in the OF circuit my son and MusclePup Mike worked in. Some of it was the self-justification that it wasn't fully emotional cheating, just porn I was doing. Some of it was caution. All the arrangements went through Mike and because of my mask, no one knew my identity.
But I was horny now and sent this Bryan kid a message. I didn't expect a reply, but it was worth a shot. I set down my phone and undressed to take a quick shower. It was only 6:30, but it had been a long day.
There was a message waiting for me. "God yes, man," Bryan wrote. "I could be there in about an hour and a half," he wrote. Then almost nervously, there was a follow up. "God, I must seem overly eager. But fuck you're so hot. Let me know what works for you."
"How bout 8:30?" I typed back and gave my hotel name and room number. I wanted to get some food in me.
"Awesome. Yeah. See you soon," came the almost immediate reply.
I had only business casual clothes packed, so I got dressed to grab a bite at a restaurant near my hotel. I got back to my room with about ten minutes to spare. I brushed my teeth and checked my appearance in the mirror. I wasn't crazy about getting older, I had to admit, but I could see the "DILF" look that Travis and Mike were always raving about. Well-preserved was the expression, I suppose.
I was actually a little nervous when I heard the knock. I had no business fooling around with a guy like this. Not making a porn vid but actually having a cheating hook up. The messed up thing is that most guys would consider the videos a worse infraction, but this felt naughtier in a way.
Bryan looked great. Better than great. He was cuter than his pictures, and I think his nerves made him more attractive to me. He forced a smile but was shaking.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," I smiled. "Come in, bud."
He was shorter than me, and his size made his collegiate muscle look more compact on his build. Maybe not collegiate wrestler exactly, but definitely that wrestler body type. A little thick, even. MusclePup Mike would have called him a twunk.
"I didn't know what you'd look like," Bryan said softly. His gray eyes were taking me in.
I remembered now he'd never seen me outside of my videos, all masked up. "You came over anyway," I observed.
"Oh yeah," he enthused. "You're my favorite porn star, hands down." He blushed but didn't stop gushing. "You probably know this... I guess most guys don't pay to watch your videos, but I subscribed to your site so I could email you."
"For real?" I laughed.
"Yeah," Bryan replied, that nervous smile growing bigger. "You're not on Twitter or Insta," he explained. His eyes swept up and down my frame. "God, you're even hotter in person. I knew you'd be hot, but... wow."
I was eating up his flattery. "You're not so bad yourself, buddy... bring it in..." I held up my arms to gesture him to come in for a kiss. He did. He was nervous and that turned me on for some reason. But once we started making out, Bryan got real into it, meeting my tongue with his, before practically sucking me into his mouth.
His hands were feeling it up, tentatively at first, then all over. He chuckled as he pulled back so he could feel me up better. I stood there and let his hands roam over my button-down shirt and the gym-toned muscle underneath. At that moment I was VERY glad for the personal trainer Travis set me up with.
"I hope you don't mind my saying," Bryan said, "But it's so wild to be with a porn star."
"Don't mind at all, buddy," I hissed. I was now experiencing the other thrill of doing porn. I knew I was into the exhibitionism of it all, but now I was feeling the hero worshop, the adoration of a young guy like this. I was rock hard.
He gulped as I reached down to undo my khakis, unzipping them and reaching in to haul out my dong. "I guess you really like my cock, then, huh?" I growled.
This wasn't me. At least it wasn't Brad Connors. Married father of three. Road warrior corporate guy. But being MaskedDaddy gave me the sexual confidence and freedom to be someone else.
"Fuck yeah," Bryan gasped as he saw my prick. "That cock's so fucking big..." His eyes were wide, taking in my size before he looked up at me. "OK, if I touch it?"
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't, buddy," I said. "That's why you came over isn't it?"
He nodded, like a chastised kid. Then tentatively he stepped in again and reached forward, like he was afraid of being branded by a hot poker. But once his fingers made contact, the hesitation was gone. The college dude circled his fingers and round me, griping my hardon and gently stroking a couple inches of it to get a feel of the girth and heft. "You don't know how much I've jerked off to your videos," he said. "I wasn't gonna admit to that you, but fuck...." His voice was heavy in his ragged breathing but still had that frat-bro collegiate kind of tone.
"I think we talked about you sucking that dick," I grunted. In our texts, Bryan had offered a blow job, and his presence now was making me really want this. In a surprising way, his realness was making me click with the college kid more than I did with a megahot porn star. Maybe it was the opposite of what Bryan was feeling, where he was living out his porn dream.
"Yeah," he nodded. But he gave me a sheepish shrug. "I, um, don't have a lot of experience."
I patted his cheek. "Give it your best, bud. Please. Daddy's really fucking horny." Yep, this was porn me talking, but it was the magic words for Bryan, who couldn't get down on his knees fast enough.
The young stud actually whimpered as he pulled my dick to his face and began licking it. It was slobbery and impetuous, and his attempt to take me into mouth was more urgent than skilled.
"Easy, buddy..." I urged as he choked a little on my size. "Daddy's got a big cock... take your time."
He nodded and moaned around my prick, flashing those gray eyes up, a little teary. Fuck.
I wouldn't say he got the hang of, but he got a lot more comfortable. Slowly, he sucked me, a few inches at a time, working up the focus to get an extra one back into his throat. The young dude was so excited to blow me, and I was loving this. Slowly I stroked his hair and encouraged him. "That's it, sport... you don't need the training wheels do ya? You go right for the big ones. OH FUCK, that feels nice."
"Yeah?" Bryan asked as he spit out my cock and swallowed the excess spit. I could tell he wanted to make sure he was sucking me right, but more than that he struck me as a young man who craved positive feedback in sex.
"You're doing great, buddy," I said.
There was something about this connection which was night and day different than "Jeff Reed." Bryan was a real guy, a college stud eager for me and not just playing out sex for the camera. And yet...
"You interested in filming this, Bryan? It's SO hot to watch you, buddy."
I could see two reactions in his face at once. A fearful shock at the idea. And an excitement to even consider it. "Oh man," he responded, not giving me a hint which one was the bigger emotion.
I slowly stroked my rod in front of his face, working in his spit over my dong and letting it get steel hard for his gaze. I had toyed with using viagra for my shoots, but even with my size I didn't have an issue getting real hard erections like this. I just loved sex too much.
"If it helps, I packed a spare mask," I offered.
Maybe another dude would have wondered why I had a mask with me, much less more than one mask. But Bryan had been used to seeing me in one, so maybe it just seemed normal to him.
"This is crazy," he said, his fearful look breaking into a smile.
"Is that a yes or a no?" I asked, gently tapping his cheek with my dong.
"Yes," he muttered excitedly before taking ne into his mouth once more.
I let him work me for a few seconds then pulled back. I went to my carryon back and retrieved the masks. I wouldn't need one, I suppose, but I tossed both over Bryan's way while I got my portable tripod, a compact digital camera, and a spare cameraphone, an old Iphone I used for extra handheld footage.
I was worried I was killing the mood setting everything up and fiddling with the lights. But I loved shooting porn, and if anything my dick was harder in anticipation with shooting a different kind of scene. Me with an amateur costar. Even if Bryan wasn't an experienced I just knew this would be a hot video. And if not, I'd enjoy jerking off to it.
Fortunately, Bryan seemed excited too. I could see the excitement in his eyes, even behind the mask. He'd taken his shirt off, maybe to be less identifiable but was on his knees still, hands braced on his thighs. "I can't believe I'm going to be in one of your vids," he said. Yeah, the dude was into this.
I sauntered back, my dick leading the way. "If you're not comfortable with the results, we don't have to post anything," I said, remembering how important that veto power was for my comfort level for my first vid with my son. "Otherwise, I'll take this as your consent."
"Got it," he nodded.
The second his lips touched my prick again, I let out a gasp. He looked up at me, excited, and I took in his green eyes looking up through the mask holes. I pointed the phone camera at him to capture that. I wasn't gonna shoot that angle the whole time, since I preferred to enjoy getting head instead of playing cameraman the whole time. But the snapshots of him looking up would add to the effect.
Bryan's technique wasn't better this time, but his enthusiasm had tripled, at least. I set down the phone and eased my stance back, my posture upright. I was still in my business casual attire as this horny college kid blew me. I urged him to go slower at first with a quick deep grunt.
I heard the guy moan around my meat as something relaxed in his throat and he was able to more steadily take more of my dong into his throat. Working me up and down, I reached behind his head and massaged his scalp through the mask, gently urging him deeper.
"Yes," I choked in response. "Suck me." I'd gotten pretty good at deguising my voice. Using my porn voice. "Suck Daddy."
That did it. Bryan pulled off for a quick breath, then descended all the way down. I'm a big guy, and even some of the OnlyFans studs had a hard time swallowing my sword. But they weren't feeling the crazy sexual thrill this kid was.
He held a second then it was too much, and he pulled off with a sputtering cough. I could see his eyes watering even through the mask holes.
"Sorry," he breathed, as he tried to regain composure.
"It's OK... take your time," I said in my normal voice. Travis would have to edit that out. All for the best. I gave Bryan a second to catch his breath and then I leaned down and met him for a sensual kiss.
"You're doing real good," I said. Then leaning up, I offered my hard dong again. It had gone down a little, but was still pretty heavy. "Ready for more?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah," he said, his gray eyes looking back up at me.
His mouth on me got me rock hard once more. I pulled out some to let the camera catch my full hardon, then pushed back in between his wet lips. Bryan was novice, but that was OK. I was turned on from a change of pace from the OnlyFans dudes. This was a real guy, young and eager. I let him suck and get into sucking.
"Yeah," I grunted, I ran my fingers through his hair again and took the chance to push him down on my meat some more.
Byran was up for the challenge. He grunted around my prick but his throat relaxed and swallowed more of my thickness.
I started cumming. I wanted to ride out the orgasm in his college kid's throat but instead I pulled out and shot a couple of jets onto his mask and his lips before pushing back in just a few inches to let him suckle the remaining dribbles of semen.
I caught my breath a half second then picked up the cameraphone again. I hadn't taken too much handheld footage, so now I got a good view of Bryan slurping on my sated meat, licking up and down and outright worshipping my cock. Thankfully I wasn't too sensitive after nutting, and even if I lost a little of my rigidity, my dick kept a heavy firm meatiness that looked good.
I finally pulled back and turned both cameras off. "You were amazing, buddy," I said with a smile.
Already Bryan was pulling his mask off. I was glad. The guy was real fucking cute. "Dream come true for me," he said.
I could tell he was still horned up and at full sexual arousal from servicing me. "Get on the bed, kiddo," I urged. "Lie back."
He didn't seem to know what was going on but he complied. His body was shaking some as I undid his jeans and yanked them down.
"What are we gonna do?" he asked with some apprehension. Still he raised each leg to let me pull off his jeans. And his boxers showed a thick boner beneath the cotton.
"Your turn to get off," I said, not really answering his question.
Still, Bryan nodded and hooked his thumbs in the elastic of his boxers to slide them down. I let him take them off as I stepped into the bathroom to get lube out of my toiletties bag.
Bryan was now lying back on the bed, fully naked, his creamy white muscle looking even better than I anticipated now that he was stripped nude.
"You an athlete?" I asked as I flipped open the cap on the lube.
Bryan's eyes were nervously only the lube. I think I knew what he was worried about, and a part of me enjoyed playing with his nervousness. I'll give him credit, he put on a brave face as his eyes met mine to answer me. "Yeah. Wrestling.""
My guess had been spot on. "It shows," I said. "You have an amazing body."
"Thanks," he said, watching me get on the bed, me making a show of drizzling some lube on his hardon. His dick twitched, untouched, he was so turned on. "You have more the football build."
"Baseball was my sport," I answered. "And golf. But my trainer has helped me bulk up."
"You're my fantasy," he said softly. "The whole package. None of the guys know I'm into this, though." I could read in his face that he wasn't sure if he should be getting emotionally open like this.
I patted his thigh and set down the lube on the night stand with my other hand. I was fully dress, with my cock sticking out of the fly of my khakis still. I wasn't sure I wanted to get off again, but I knew I could. Bryan was hot as fuck, and I was grooving on his clear attraction to me.
"A shame," I winked, trying to make the conversation sexy again. "Maybe you could have some fun. With you coach, too."
That got a laugh from him. Bryan had a sexy smile. "I've definitely thought of Coach. A lot."
I rubbed his legs some more more, outright caressing them now. His quads were solid as fuck, hard brawn that contrasted with the soft collegiate fur. I copped a feel of his ball sac, lightly haired and ran my fingers up the lubey length of his shaft.
"Lift your legs, bud," I urged, my tone friendly even as my words were commanding.
He got that deer in the headlights look. "I've never done this," Bryan said softly.
I had a good idea what he meant. "You a virgin?" I asked. My eyes doing their best friendly look I could manage as I played with his hard dick and his balls. Not stroking him, more exploring his rigid younger dick. Getting him excited to play more.
"For fucking, yeah..." he replied. "Sorry."
I don't think I realized till then how much I wanted to tap this hot wrestler's ass. Maybe his innocence was fueling some of my desire, too. "Not gonna do anything you're not ready for buddy," I said. "Come on, just lift your legs for Daddy."
Maybe that was the magic word, because Bryan leaned back and raised his legs up.
"You can pull em back," I instructed, taking a good look before leaning forward and crouching down.
"Holy FUCK!" the kid gasped at the first swipe of my tongue. His hair down there was light, and I enjoyed the contrast with hairier guys or even the OnlyFans dudes who shaved smooth. It was a delight to lick up and down the trench and then focus more on his tight pucker.
"Jesus," Bryan gasped. He wasn't naturally verbal, but I could tell his mind was being blown. Surprised, maybe a little ticklish but he definitely loved getting rimmed.
I pulled back. That ring was drum tight all right. It made me realize I'd never eaten out a cherry hole before. My son's certainly wasn't virgin. "Go ahead and stroke off," I urged. I relished the ability to speak in my normal voice now that the cameras were off, even as some of my Masked Daddy persona came out anyway. "I want you to come kiddo."
I watched as he excitedly gripped his boner and start to stroke it. Then I dove back in. Not just rimming but fully eating him out, munching the tightness of his asshole.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck," the kid gasped. I knew his orgasm was starting. I held onto the back of his meaty thighs and even pushed back a little to angle him perfectly to got to town with my tongue and my sucking mouth.
"NMNGGH!" came the grunt of his cum. Bryan's whole body was tensing up and I knew he was giving up his load in a big way.
Indeed as I pulled back I saw that beautiful creamy white wrestler muscle sprayed with splotches of his sperm. I began licking it up off his abs and chest, saving it in my mouth before I finally met him in a kiss to share it.
The snowballing caught him by surprise but he was way into it, accepting his own cum then pushing it back into my mouth, our tongues working it back and forth and frothing it up with our own saliva.
He had a big, content smile on his face when finally parted, swallowing what little seed was left on our tongues. "I thought..." he started then stopped himself.
"I know, buddy," I said. I patted his chest gently. "I won't lie... I came THIS close to pushing your boundaries."
He nodded, emotionally raw. I could tell he half wanted me to. But only half. "I know. I don't know how, but I could tell."
His hand reached up and ran along my arm through my button down shirt. "I'll probably be kicking myself for not going all the way. But I wasn't ready," he said.
"It was all great, buddy," I assured him.
"I should go," he said. "I got a long drive back to Boulder."
I pulled back and gave him one last pat as I eyed up his nakedness one more time. Bryan was the real deal. Not a "jock" for pay. I felt a strange emotional connection even with the sexual chemistry. I'd have to process why I was feeling that.
For now, I let him up and I went to piss while he got dressed again. When I stepped back from the bathroom, he was mostly dressed again, and had a dreamy, moody expression.
"Thanks for that... fuck I don't even know your name."
"Will 'Daddy' do?" I asked with a wink.
"Guess it will have to," he said with resignation. "You've made my dream come true."
I stepped up for a final kiss, then I showed him to the hotel room door.
I was glad Bryan didn't sleep over. I needed a good rest and I had a busy schedule with my client visit the next day.
It felt like naughty fun messaging Bryan when I got a chance, though. It started off with "had a great time" kind of texts, but Bryan admitted how he wished he'd gone all the way.
"Maybe if you're in town again, I'll have the courage," he admitted.
"I'm in town another night if you manage to get that courage, kiddo."
There was silence on his end. Like an hour and a half before I got another text, and even then it was a half hour before I had a break after my afternoon presentation.
"Sorry," Bryan wrote. "Was in class and my prof goes apeshit if we're on our phones LOL."
I texted. "I worried I'd spooked you."
This time the reply was quicker. "Dude, you don't know how horny I've been all day. You're definitely not spooking me."
I bit my lip and looked around. I probably looked like I was doing business texts on my phone. But fuck I was getting horny too. Somehing about this Bryan kid got under my skin. "Is that a yes?" I wrote. "You gonna give me your cherry?"
I was pushing boundaries now for sure, but Bryan seemed up for it now, more than the previous night. "I wanna. Yeah."
"Daddy wants to get in your hole SO bad, buddy." Then, "I'll go easy on you."
"God yes," came his reply. "I'm hard as fuck now."
God this was gonna happen. One more boundary to push. "Will you let me fuck you on camera?"
There was a pause now. Then, "Masked?"
"As you like," I wrote, almost hoping Bryan wouldn't wear one, even if I knew he would. To coax him, I added, "I'll tell you my first name if you let me film us."
"Deal. LOL."
I looked up. Folks were filing back into the conference room. I hoped my chubbed cock wouldn't show. "I gotta go. But maybe plan for 8:30? I have a work dinner before."
"God yes. I can't believe we're going to do this."
"We're going to do it, Kiddo." I assured him. "I want you so bad."
I got a blushing emoji in return and had to smile. "All right," he wrote. "Talk later."
I went into my meeting and was able to get my mind off Bryan's creamy smooth wrestler build and his cherry hole. Somehow.
I checked my messages after we wrapped up, before heading off to a business dinner. It was close to my hotel thankfully and these things never ran late. I hoped to see a message from Bryan, but there was nothing.
I did google some instructions for preparing to bottom. With the OnlyFans guys and my own son, that routine was down pat, but a newbie like Bryan could use some guidance, and I wanted the ease and comfort of topping a clean hole. I forwarded the site to Bryan.
I held off to one glass of wine during dinner. I wanted a clear head for later. By 7:40 I'd paid the check on my corporate card and bid good night to my client contacts. I had to laugh at myself by how excited I was to get back to my hotel. I did have time to stop at an office supply store and pick up a spare small camera. I figured this scene would be worth the extra vantage point.
Bryan texted when he was on his way. I stripped down from my business clothes and hung them up in the closet. I was rock hard already, and dripping in anticipation. I hadn't felt this excited since my last time with my son. I took a quick shower and put on the plush hotel robe, tying it to cover up my midsection.
I spent the rest of the time setting up the cameras. The lighting wasn't perfect but it was enough.
The knock made me realize I was a little nervous myself. I'd gotten comfortable doing porn, maybe a little too comfortable, but taking Bryan's cherry felt like a certain responsibility. I wanted it to be an incredible experience for him, and I was realizing I was totally green when it came to easing a guy out of his virginity.
Still, the sight of him made my heart beat. He was just so fucking cute and hunky. Particularly was we realized each other was nervous.
"Hey, Daddy," he said stepping in.
"Brad," I said. "You can call me Brad. Or Daddy," I smirked.
Our kiss was soft, surprisingly soft given the act we were about to do.
"You good for his, buddy?" I asked, running my hands along his outer arms.
He nodded. "I'm nervous as hell, but I'll be kicking myself if I don't do it."
"You feel like stripping down?" I asked. "There's a mask for you on the table."
I pulled mine on and then went around made sure all the cameras were on. I was pleased to see Bryan's naked body, that thick muscle lean and compact with just a dusting of hair. God, even with that build he looked every bit the 20 year old he was. Like I say, the real deal.
And I was doubly pleased to see him throwing hard. That thick five spike standing up from his lightly furred crotch, nerves notwithstanding. I watched him pull on his mask. It was a shame the viewers wouldn't see how cute he was but his body rounded out that college jock look for sure.
I pointed the camera at him. "So... we're about to have sex for a video that will be released through OnlyFans. Do you agree for me to share what I film?"
I half expected some questions, but he just nodded. "Yes."
"Good boy," I said with a laugh. That made Bryan chuckle, too, which made me glad. "Why don't you lie on the bed, face down?"
I could sense his nervousness. Maybe he anticipated face to face for his first time. "Don't worry buddy, I'll ease you into this."
He nodded silently and then complied, walking over to the hotel bed, while I filmed him with his natural jock gait. It was hot as fuck, seeing him strut and that ass of his work. Then his full body stretching out face down.
The other cameras would get a good angle - one angled on each side nightstand, the other from behind where I stood, just a little off to the side. I held the camera phone as I stepped closer, letting the camera rove over his strong back and amazing ass, up and down his legs. Maybe more jock-worship footage than we'd use, but Travis could work his magic.
Finally, I stepped back and propped the camera phone off to the side. maybe it would work for another angle. Bryan turned back to look at me, and I got off on how his back muscle flexed with his motion. Stepping up, I ran my hands along his calves, working up the length as I climbed on the bed.
I knew I'd be in good view of the cameras now as I kissed from one side of his hamstrings to the other knotted leg. I took my time working my way up.
Bryan was ready for the rim job now. Hiking his ass up, he parted his legs enough to let me in. My hands gripped his buns and did the rest.
The college kid's sigh was deep and sexual as I began licking. I wanted to put on a show. I loved rimming a guy and sometimes felt there was never enough of it in porn videos. It was always a quick lick before the top was lining up. I went full in now, eating out Bryan for a solid five to ten minutes, alternating speed and tonguework. Sometimes Bryan relaxed and let me do my magic, sometimes he bucked up against my face to maximize the contact.
I pulled back and with a hungry growl gave him a light pat. "Turn over," I urged in my deeper voice. Spittle wetted down the chin of my mask. I really wished he and I could do it without these, but the masks allowed us to fuck on camera, both of us.
I was amazed to see Bryan's prick hard and leaking clear sap everywhere. He was majorly turned on. I pulled up enough to let the cameras get a good view of his ripped, modestly jacked body.
"How many guys have fucked you?" I asked tersely. I sure hoped the "MaskedDaddy" voice was enough fo a disguise.
Bryan didn't change his voice, but his soft response was sexy as hell. "No one yet," he said.
I leaned in and kissed him. Just enough sexual urge, and enough romantic finesse. Bryan responded in turn, sucking my tongue into his mouth and moaning against me. He was nervous, sure, but also getting the case of the major horns.
I loved this, putting on a show and yet connecting one-to-one with this fine young man. I pulled up and muttered, "nice," patting his chest. I rolled off to the side and undid my robe. My hardon bounded out and both Bryan and the camera could see my exposed body with its blond fur. I pulled him to me and we started making out again.
Silently I guided him down and the kid knew what to do. Slowly he began kissing and worshipping my big prick, wetting it down with his tongue before taking me into his mouth. Practice hadn't made perfect, but he was getting much more accustomed to my size and better at blowing me.
I was determined not to get overheated. I just lay back and enjoyed this, the sensation of Bryan's soft, slow blowjob and the view of his nakedness kneeling in front of me in servicing position.
Soon, though, it was feeling too good. I nudged him off. He came up to meet me for a kiss, taking the initiative now, until I regained the upperhand in rolling him back on his back, with me on top. I could feel his hardon against mine and the warmth from his body.
Placing my mouth at his ear, I whispered, "You like being a porn star too, dont ya kiddo?"
"Yeah," he grunted back.
I knew I needed to be a little verbal with him. If the camera picked up my words, Travis could edit them out. "You're just about the hottest guy I've ever fucked, Bry."
His body actually shivered at that. The time seemed ripe. I lifted off and leaned over to pump out some lube.
He let out a hiss of air the second my greased fingers touched his pucker but he didn't flinch. Instead he spread his legs and looked into my eyes. This was gonna be good.
I pushed a digit in. Bryan was real fucking tight. But I worked him slowly. Back and forth, in and out.
"Another," I said curtly.
"God," he hissed as I penetrated him with two fingers. It wasn't bad-uncomfortable for him, but it was certainly unfamiliar to him. We stood still eyes locked, him lying back, me between his legs. Until I started finger fucking him again. I applied more lube and fingered him some more.
Finally I pulled back and removed my robe entirely, slipping it off my body and tossing it aside. Bryan's hands were on me, excited to feel up my DILF body. I let him. Between his attention and the cameras I was getting real excited. I was the one dripping now. I caught a thick thread of precum in my fingers and brought it down to his virgin hole. I fingered him up with that too.
The third finger was slow going, but I got him to relax.
"No rubber?" I have asked and half said.
"No sir," came his excited reply.
I was gonna get blue balls soon if I didn't fuck. I scooted up and pressed my prick head in place. I pressed super slow against his ring, working against the spit-slick tightness and smearing my precum against him.
I could feel Bryan's body shake beneath me, and he looked up, a real deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes beneath the mask. I worried if I waited longer his nerves would get the best of him. I pushed in.
"UNNH!" he whimpered loudly. I felt bad the entry hurt and bad that he was doing his bravest to pretend it didn't.
"Easy, bud..." I hissed, reaching down to run my hands along his hot body. This fine young man was giving me a major gift. My prick jerked an inch or two inside him, feeling the tightness of his ass clamping down on him, as I held still, then gave the shallowest of thrusts, back and forth more than in and out.
I looked at him, trying to communicate silently. Then I leaned in, pushing his legs back with my body. "You're doing good," I said.
We kissed. My cock slipped out of its toe hold but I didn't care. He needed this, and I wanted it. This was about the only time I lost track of the cameras. When I wasn't putting on a show. I connected with this college kid in a deep, soulful kiss. And kissed him som more.
I pulled back. This time I didn't rush, but I didn't delay. I pushed back into him. Bryan somehow trusted me, because his ring gave way more easily. He was virgin tight a few inches inside, but I gently thrust back and forth, working that knot inside him. I pulled out and added more lube. Now showing off for Bryan and the cameras both. Then I placed his ankles on my shoulders.
"OOH FUCK!" Came his cry when I broke through. But he wasn't in pain, just overwhelmed by feelings he didn't have word for. I plowed all the way in and held it. I could see his muscular chest rise and fall, taking deep breaths.
"Got your cherry, kiddo," I hissed.
"Thank you," he actually replied, his voice heavy in emotion. That got me going. My dick felt like stone inside his warm, tight guts.
"Feel good buddy?" My hands massaged his calf muscle as I looked down on him and restrained myself from just plowing his hot ass.
Bryan nodded.
I pulled and out thrust in. Then again. I was fucking for real now. Bryan's first fuck. Maybe more than he bargained for when he came over the previous night. But I knew this was his deep fantasy and why he reached out to me.
I wasn't hard or rough, but I fucked with a steady determination. I wanted to give this kid the best first time experience possible now. I puffed my chest and used more of a swivel action of my hips, in and out, in and out, as my eyes stared down at him. I'd probably read his facial reactions better without the mask, but his eyes and mouth were enough. I was getting to him, hitting that spot.
I paused just a second and reached to pump out more lube. This went onto his prick. He gasped as I slicked him up then got the picture once I pulled my hand away.
I grabbed a pillow and slid it underneath his hips. It made for the perfect angle, and I took quick advantage, resuming my steady plow of Bryan's no-longer virgin hole.
Turns out his masturbation was just what Bryan needed, flipping the switch to full pleasure now.
"Yeah?" I asked. Fucking heavier now.
"Yesss," the college hunk hissed back. He was jerking faster now, not frantically but eagerly and in synch with the fuck.
I saw his pisslit dilate and a clear spurt fly out. Not his ejaculation yet, but the prelude.
"Fuck yes," I grunted, throwing my hips into harder pounding. I was getting close to the finish line, and I wanted to speed up to catch up with this stud.
My harder thrusts felt amazing giving how much his ass was clenching and releasing on my dick spasmodically. But it really made Bryan's prostate sing. His pale skin grew pink and flush and his wrestler muscle tensed up.
"Shit!" he yelled and timed with each shove his nuts gave it up, and his prick spurted heavy ropes of semen over his perfect body.
I went at it even harder, leaning in some, powering my hips in rapid jabs. I didn't say anything but my grunt was unmistakeable as I shoved in and unloaded. My cum threw off my rhythm, but I held deep a second, then my hips jerked involuntarily for another hard shove to discharge my seed deep inside Bryan.
The kid winced at that one, which made me feel bad. I got myself under control and held myself steady, gently massaging his leg and then easing back. He'd been a trooper but now needed a break. I leaned back and showed off my slickened dong, though most viewers eyes would probably be on the cum-covered collegiate muscle of my bottom.
Leaning over I picked up one of the cameras. Time for the money shot.
Even if Bryan wasn't an experienced bottom, he'd watched enough porn to know what I was after. Rather than drop his legs down, he pulled them back, spreading them enough to show me and the camera his fucked and seeded hole. No longer drum tight, it has a slight gape and was thick with my cum. I'd shot a lot.
I got a good shot of it, then angled the camera up to capture his whole ripped and cum-wet body. Nothing would ever top watching my own son in porn, but Bryan was a close second.
I finally set down the phone and pulled off my mask. That was the cue Bryan was waiting for and he eagerly peeled his off.
"You OK, buddy?" I asked. My normal voice returning.
He nodded. "God yeah. I'm so glad we did that."
I gave a sly nod to the camera. "Your first time's preserved as a memento," I said. A little teasing in my voice, but checking in where his head was.
He smiled and god he was so fucking cute with that pearly white smile. "I didn't think I was gonna enjoy it at first," he admitted. "But damn..."
I ran my fingers through the cum that had turned liquidy on his chest. "You shot like gangbusters," I said.
"My cums are pretty big normally," he said. "But your dick did something inside me that made me go wild. I've never felt anything like that."
"I'm glad," I said. I leaned forward for another kiss, this one tantalizingly soft and slow.
Afterward, I let Bryan get up and shower off while I checked my phone. Then I figured I'd join him. The look on his face told me my presence was quite welcome.
"Hey," he grinned, shyly. God, he was star struck and that made me feel like a real stud.
"Hey," I said. Our wet bodies connected and we took the time to soap each other down.
"You married to a man or a woman?" he asked as he nodded to my gold band.
"A woman," I said. "I'm not the best husband."
He gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad you share yourself."
"I have news for you kiddo," I said, turning off the water and running my hands over his wet muscled body. "You've shared yourself now, too."
"Still can't believe it," he said. "When will you post it?"
"In a couple of weeks," I said. I wasn't going to bring up Travis or my process for putting the vid together.
His hands reached up to feel my body too, my chest but also my shoulders and arms.
"I'm hard again," Bryan said. "I can't believe it."
"You're 20," I joked. "It happens."
"Yeah," he laughed.
I patted his arm. "Feel like sleeping over?" I asked. "I have a morning flight to catch but you're welcome to stay."
He nodded, like an eager puppy. We dried off and made our way back into the room. I downed a bottled water to rehydrate and tossed him one. "Remind me to tip housekeeping extra," I said as I pulled down the sheets. "We made a fucking mess."
He slipped into the bed next to me. His body was cooler now, and felt great against my warmer bod. We made out. His dick was a spike and I got hard once more, but I wasn't eager for another fuck. And Bryan seemed to go with the flow.
"So..." I finally said. "No longer a virgin..."
"No sir."
"Any regrets?" I asked, leaning back in the bed against the headboard, pulling my hands behind me. Bryan nestled in, resting his head against my upper chest and running his hands along my fur.
"None. It was hot as fuck," he said. "But even if it hadn't been, I just feel relieved, you know?"
"Not exactly," I smiled knowingly.
"Ha," he said, picking up on my meaning. "I'm surprised your so good at breaking a guy in if you're cherry too."
"I'd like to say I had some secret," I admitted, "But I just did what felt right."
Maybe it was the sex. I mean it was getting late, but not that late. Bryan was dozing some as he rested up against me. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Ready for bed, kiddo?" I asked.
"Yeah, Brad," he said and rolled off to the side.
My son did his magic crafting two separate scenes from the footage with Bryan, as well as a very hot teaser. "Taking College Jock's Cherry" was the title of the second. The on-screen chemistry was real, and it was clear that we weren't faking it. I really did take the young dude's virginity on screen.
"God, Dad, this is fucking incredible," Travis said to me on the phone before he posted the scene. "I've shot three times to it."
I smiled. I was in a semi-public place and had to be a little discrete. "I'm very glad to hear that," I smirked. "A little payback to the one you did the other week."
"Bud and Spike?" he asked.
That one was one was OK, but not my favorite. "No, the other one," I said, cagily.
That got a laugh from Trav. "Oh, MiamiMuscles... dude's a crazy power bottom, right?"
"Yeah," I said, my throat getting hoarse with lust I was trying to hide. "I like watching you in action like that."
Travis picked up on my need to be discreet, though he had no constraints on his end. "You prefer watching me fuck, Dad?"
God, my son knew how to drive me crazy. "I do," I admitted.
I detected a hesitation on his end, which wasn't Travis's normal response to anything. He paused. "Dad... you ever think about, you know, me fucking you?"
Just hearing those words were going make me go from chubbed to boned. "It's a little scary to think about," I replied. "But yeah... I do."
"Oh fuck," Travis hissed. Only then did I realize he'd been dreaming of that very act. Topping me. Taking my anal cherry, like I'd done with that Denver kid. It surprised me actually, given our bedroom chemistry with my son bottoming for me, eager for his dad's cock. "We'll talk about it next time, OK?" he said. Not pressuring me but letting me know this was on his mind.
"Yeah," I said. "I'll probably chicken out, son. But I wanna explore the idea." I was nervous just vocalizing this.
"Sure, Dad," Trav said. "God you know I love everything we'd done together. If I were there right now, I'd suck your cock, you know that." My son was getting into deep lust mode now.
"Fuck, Trav, I should probably go," I said. I knew if I kept talking like this, I'd get in trouble. "Later, son?"
"Yeah, Dad," he replied, his voice rich with lust. I knew he was probably going to jack off when I hung up. I was going to find the time myself at the first chance. Pull up one of Travis's videos where he topped and stroke off imagining him pounding me, too.
My Denver videos were popular. I wasn't surprised that my fans responded to the realness of them, but I was surprised by the messages I got. They changed my porn career and it's probably not an overstatement to say they changed my life.
The first one came two weeks after the video with Bryan dropped.
"Dear MaskedDaddy, I loved your latest video. God, it's like my deepest fantasy. I'm 23 and live in DC. I don't have that college jock's bod, but I'm working on it. I've been too scared to let a guy fuck me, but if you want to be my first, I'd love to star in one of your vids. I wouldn't even need a mask."
It was a wild email, and I figured the kid's horniness doing the thinking for him. I pawed my crotch and laughed at how forward the offer was. I started to send a polite thanks but no thanks reply.
But then I thought about it, and I figured what the hell. I asked for the young dude's pictures. He was cute as fuck. Not quite as twunky as Bryan but still good looking, kind of that boy-next-door type.
Travis handled the OnlyFans money my site brought in. I didn't do porn for the money, and in any case I didn't want my finances impacted lest Kate find out.
I sent two more texts that night. One to DC guy. "If you're serious, lets plan for something three weeks from now." I knew I had some work travel on the East Coast I could piggy back on.
My other I sent to Trav. "I need your help arranging a DC visit. Gonna pop another dude's cherry."
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hareofhrair · 2 months
Edith Finch and the Unreliable Narrator
Oh you thought I was done losing my shit over that game? Nah I’ve just been letting it ferment a while. This is just part one because I need to sleep, I’ll hit you with the rest later.
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What Remains of Edith Finch has been analyzed pretty thoroughly through the years since its release, but none of the analysis I've seen has ever quite done it for me, in part because I think they are all overlooking an incredibly crucial element of the story.
This is a story about unreliable narrators.
It's not just a cheeky reference that House of Leaves is one of the books found throughout the Finch house. It too is about nested unreliable narration, and I believe is there to draw attention specifically to this element of the game. Edith is not telling us the truth. The stories she reads are not telling her the truth. The result is a matroyshka doll of contradictions and carefully unexamined clues.
Here's a few of the more blatant contradictions, just to prove my point.
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Grandma Edie is wheelchair bound. Yet in the retelling of Edith's final night in the house, she sees Edie standing unassisted on the porch. But eh, it's difficult to see. Maybe she had a walker. (Edit: nah that's totally a walker forget this one)
So how about this little nugget.
We are given explicit dates for when Lewis died, when Edith and her mother left, and when Edie died.
Actually, we're given two explicit dates for when Edie died.
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We have Lewis's date of death from his tombstone, as November 21, 2010. Edith specifies it was exactly a week after this (November 28) that her mother informed Edie they were leaving, and that same night they fled the house, leaving Edie alone. Edith claims Edie was found dead by nursing home carers the next morning, November 29.
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The date on Edie's tombstone is December 5th. A solid week after Edith claims she died.
Here's one of my favorites. Walter is hit by a train that should not exist. The real life Orcas island does not have a train, but in most games I would simply write that off as artistic liberty.
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But having a train on an island that small at all does not make sense. Furthermore, even if there were a train, why would the tunnel pass directly under a residential home? Having lived near train tracks, if it were that close to the house at all, the entire family would have been very aware of it, and yet it seems to have caught Walter by surprise. And where is it now? Did they shut it down after Walter was hit? And why would Walter take a sledgehammer to a random wall in the inexplicable tunnels below his already subterranean secret bunker, instead of just going up stairs? Was he afraid of going back through the house? And more importantly:
How does Edith know about any of this?
She had no idea Walter was down there.
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("After Barbara died he got as far away as he could" is another lie btw. Walter didn't enter the bunker until he was 16, eight years after Barbara's death, the same year Dawn was born)
So what did they tell her when he died, in 2005, when she was about six years old? Maybe they hid it from her, she's a small child, maybe she just didn't remember. What did they tell her at literally any time after that when she presumably asked about Walter's grave in the family plot? She knew Walter existed, she played in his bedroom. Did she never ask where he was? What happened to him? She has a mysterious uncle she's never met, and then one day out of nowhere there's a new grave for him out back, and she doesn't ask for any explanation about that?
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Walter's letter doesn't say he was hit by a train.
I bring this one up not because it's a particularly blatant contradiction, it's actually a pretty fuzzy one with a lot of weird, circumstantial explanations. But it leads into one I think is really important.
When Edith arrives at the house, she informs us the power has been cut off.
But after she leaves the bunker, lights begin turning on.
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Eventually culminating in Edith's room being fully illuminated.
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This is also the point at which she stops talking about investigating and wanting to find out the truth and switches to "Maybe there is no truth, actually! Maybe it was all just a self fulfilling prophecy and none of these bizarre situations mean anything! You should definitely NOT come here and dig deeper into it."
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This is the point at which I think Edith switches from more or less honestly repeating unreliable stories she has no way of verifying, to straight up lying to us, in an effort to discourage her son from ever coming here. There's no answers here, she assures him. Stay away.
People who try to handwave this as a mundane situation, either caused by hereditary mental illness (some real ableist takes about that out there btw yall, yikes) or simply a string of unrelated tragedies highlighting the randomness of death, the complicated ways we grieve, and how sometimes when people die they leave behind unanswered questions that we simply have to live with— Are neglecting the aspects of the story which are blatantly fantastical.
This "string of unrelated tragedies" has been haunting this same family for over 500 years. To the degree there are multiple books written about the curse, by presumably non family members. A man sailed a house across the Atlantic for pete's sake. Even looking at just the deaths since the Finches arrived in America, you cannot tell me that's a normal amount of tragic, unnatural deaths. And Finches have apparently been dying this way and at this rate since the 1400's. You're really going to tell me that's just bad luck? If nothing else, the fact that the family hasn't died out yet with a death rate that high is proof of something unnatural.
How about the fact that Edith's mother was SO alarmed by Edie trying to give her that history of the family, that she got into a physical altercation with a 93 year old, then fled the house, literally just grabbed her kid and booked it, abandoning literally everything she owned, including mementos of her dead husband and children. And then she never came back for them.
If this was a simple case of Dawn and Edie having a personal disagreement, even a pretty intense one worth cutting someone off for, you would think at some point in the seven years following Edie's death, she might have wanted to come back and pick up her stuff!
What was it about Edie trying to give Edith that book that made Dawn change her plans from "we're going to move out" to "we are leaving immediately with the clothes on our backs and never coming back?"
Why does Dawn think Edie's stories killed her children?
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And why does Edith never enter the library?
Once we're shown that final evening in the house, it's clear that Edith has known the secret passage into the library from the start. And yet, in the "present" of the game, she never enters it. We only see the inside of the library during her flashback.
You would think, of all the answers Edith might want, the biggest might be what was in that book Edie tried to give her. And if it's anywhere, it's probably still in the library.
But it doesn't come up. Edith, very carefully, I think, completely avoids the subject.
Let's talk about Milton for a minute.
Milton's story is the shortest and contains the least actual details about what may have happened to him. He simply disappeared. Important note, he's not the only one. Barbara's boyfriend also "just disappeared." If I had a nickle for every mysterious disappearance that's happened in this house, I'd have two nickles! Which isn't a lot, but hey, I think maybe any mysterious disappearances are unusual, let alone two.
According to the writers, Milton is the king in their other game "The Unfinished Swan," which is a surreal fantasy that takes place in a magic kingdom. Kind of rules out Milton having just fallen in the lake and drowned during a mental health episode, doesn't it? Kinda makes it explicit that something not normal is going on here, doesn't it?!
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Milton's murals are in every secret passage in the house. He knew them all. He knew the house better than maybe anyone.
And when he disappeared, his mother's response was to seal the doors of all the bedrooms. Why? What did she think happened to him? What was her rational for this?
And even more bafflingly, Edie's response to this is to drill peepholes.
Dawn's response to her son's disappearance is to turn her dead relatives bedrooms into sealed tombs. Edie's response is to insist she be able to see into those tombs. And this was apparently an acceptable compromise to Dawn.
Notably, the one exception is Walter's room. There's a peephole under construction in the garage that was presumably for this room. But why did Dawn save that one for last? What made it such a low priority? The fact that there wasn't a memorial in there, because Walter was under the house instead?
Hey, I actually misled you a bit back there. I said she sealed up the bedrooms. That's not completely accurate.
She also sealed the library.
The library where Edie tries to give Edith the family history, that final night in the house.
How did Edie get into the library? I somehow doubt a wheel chair using 96 year old crawled through that secret passage.
Among the bedrooms Dawn sealed, one of them was Edie's. She didn't seal her own or Lewis's or Edith's rooms, so she clearly didn't expect them all to abandon the rooms they were using and sleep in the living areas. So where exactly was Edie sleeping?
Hey, so I actually misled you a bit there, when I said the library was the exception to Dawn only sealing up the old bedrooms.
There's a cot in the library.
Someone was sleeping in there.
During the flashback, Edith doesn't acknowledge it, so why is it there? What is it meant to imply? Was Edie sleeping down here instead of her bedroom upstairs? Sure, I could buy that, stairs are clearly an issue for her.
Except, remember, the door was sealed. Only accessible by crawling on all fours through a cabinet that's maybe 2ftx2ft.
The only remotely plausible scenario is that there is another, more elderly-accessible passage into the library, presumably (since there's no space for it anywhere else) somewhere in the HUGE portion of the third floor we never get to see, and which Dawn and family decided to build a shanty town on top of instead of live in. And that in the couple of minutes between when we hear Dawn and Edie arguing in the dining room and when Edie appears in the library, she booked it up two flights of stairs and down again. Plausible!
But Occam's Razor provides a much simpler explanation.
Edith is lying.
I think it's time to talk about the books.
The books that fill the Finch house are a constant, looming presence. And I do mean constant. There is nowhere in the house that they are not. They're in the secret passages, they're in Walter's bunker, they're in the basement— Literally everywhere.
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A lot of the titles are repeated, over and over, and I think this one can safely be chalked up to the realities of making a video game. The amount of work it would take to make that many unique books, the hefty chunk it would add to the game's file size-- The impact it would have on the framerate alone, trying to render all the damn things! So I don't think it's surprising or particularly meaningful that the books repeat as often as they do.
But see, the thing is, they didn't just make one set of books and copy paste it into every room in the house.
Instead, every room gets its own, bespoke book collection, featuring a mix of repeated titles and books seen literally nowhere else.
You go back and read that paragraph up there about how resource intensive and insane it would be to make all the books unique, and then tell me the fact that they DID make them all unique (albeit in a slightly more practical fashion) doesn't mean anything.
So let's talk about some of the titles on display in the Finch house.
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I already mentioned House of Leaves, a story about unreliable narrators and a house that grows an impossible hallway that can't physically fit in the space it occupies. I'm gonna talk some more about that later when I get to the maps, just you wait. It's one of the books that appears repeatedly through all rooms.
Other books seen throughout the house include: the Necronomicon. The King in Yellow. Infinite Jest. Gravity's Rainbow. The Weird. And three separate stories by Jorge Luis Borges.
The Necronomicon and The King in Yellow, as well as being allusions to the eldritch mythos of Lovecraft (which is its own whole bag of cats) have something in common with Infinite Jest. They all feature what you might call cognitohazards. Meaning, something that poses a danger to any person who has perceived it. By reading the Necronomicon, you irrevocably bring yourself into the awareness of Lovecraft's eldritch beings. The King in Yellow features a play, which when seen induces madness. Infinite Jest features a film which when viewed causes the subjects to lose all interest in anything other than watching it, eventually leading to their deaths. Additionally, they are all three named after the cognitohazard they feature, meaning it's impossible to tell if the books on the Finch's shelves are the stories that feature these things, or the things themselves.
Gravity's Rainbow and The Weird are two of many books featured in the house which are experimental and surreal or straight up part of the genre known as weird fiction. Defining weird fiction is sort of a debate on its own, but it's a relatively modern genre, applied retroactively to stories as far back as the 1930's but which experienced a resurgence (called the New Weird) in the 80's and 90's. To try and roughly describe it, it's a genre of supernatural fantasy and horror which features transgressive, experimental, and non traditional elements. Lovecraft is considered a writer of weird fiction. He described it thus:
"The true weird tale has something more than secret murder, bloody bones, or a sheeted form clanking chains according to rule. A certain atmosphere of breathless and unexplainable dread of outer, unknown forces must be present; and there must be a hint, expressed with a seriousness and portentousness becoming its subject, of that most terrible conception of the human brain—a malign and particular suspension or defeat of those fixed laws of Nature which are our only safeguard against the assaults of chaos and the daemons of unplumbed space."
What Remains of Edith Finch is, itself, a work of weird fiction. And that's not me talking out of my ass, the writers have said as much in interviews.
Which would then imply, by it's very nature, an element of the supernatural.
Just an element that you don't dare look at.
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wheezyseeker99 · 2 months
Too Sweet
Warnings: body appreciation, pda, teasing, alcohol consumption, swearing, oral (female receiving), soft domination (little bit of daddy kink), hair pulling, unprotected sex (fm)
18+, MDNI
Summary: An entire day where Cam cannot keep his hands to himself.
AN: This picture got posted while I finished editing this so I think that means I need to use it.
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Cam has always shown appreciation for my body, but his enthusiasm for my curves surpassed anything I have ever experienced. This morning I woke up and made myself a cup of coffee and brought a cup of chocolate milk to bed for Cam. He’s been sleeping in later now that it’s the off season. I smile to myself as I look at him softly snoring. His messy hair shined brighter from the sun streaming in through the windows.
I climbed back into bed and grabbed my book from the bedside table, and read until Cam woke up. He rolled over and laid his head on my lap while I flipped through the book. Well, that was until his hands started to roam my body.
I looked down at him, and his eyes held on my thighs. I rarely ever bother to put on pants when I go to bed so I’m still just in an oversized old tshirt. It’s nothing special, but Cam loves it. He trails a hand up and down my thigh. I let him get lost in his head for a little while so I could keep reading. It was only when his teeth met my thigh that I slammed the book shut.
“Cameron,” I gasped and looked down at him, “why did you do that?”
He took the book from my hands and sat it on his bedside table. He picked up the glass of chocolate milk, smiling to himself before drinking from the glass. He sat it down and then laid back down.
“Wanted your attention baby,” he sighed before kissing over the red bitten skin on my thigh.
“Yeah?” I say and run my fingers through his hair, “and how did I taste?”
His eyes gleam with excitement and he sits up a little to give me a chaste kiss. “The usual, honey. Way too sweet for me,” he states, grinning ear to ear.
“You say that like you didn’t just drink chocolate milk,” I laugh.
He hummed softly. “You’re sweeter than that, though.”
“If you say so Cameron.”
“I do,” he places another kiss on my thigh before nuzzling his face into the skin. “5 more minutes.”
5 more minutes turned into nearly 30, and now we’re both getting ready to leave the house. Today we’re going to a bonfire out near Chesapeake Bay at one of his friend’s houses, and Cam got us an airbnb for the night. I knew he would convince me to go out on a boat in the morning to fish so I packed extra clothes in my overnight bag.
While I’m zipping up my bag, a slap comes down on my ass. I let out a gasp before two arms snake around my waist. I lean back into Cam’s chest and I felt a kiss being placed on the top of my head.
“What was that for?”
“It was right there, calling for me to touch it,” he laughed into my hair. His hands stroked my sides gently.
“I’m sure it did,” I rolled my eyes and played along. “Let’s go before I send you by yourself.”
“Like you could get rid of me,” he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. He grabbed the bag and walked out the door.
The entire drive Cam had his hand on my thigh. He hummed to the music playing from the radio, but otherwise, he was quiet. Typically he would want to talk so this is a stark contrast to how he usually is. Silence is just weird in this car. I placed my hand over his to get his attention, and his palm squeezed my inner thigh through my leggings.
“You’re being quiet,” I told him. I traced my fingers over his hand and looked over at him. His gaze is still fixed on the road.
“Just content baby,” he glances over at me. His hand squeezed my thigh again. A bolt of electricity races through me and I clamped my thighs closed around his hand, trapping it between them. I held back a moan by biting down on my lip. “Very, very content.”
“But I want you to talk,” I whine. He arches an eyebrow when he looks at me for a second.
“Nah baby, you can talk about anything and I’ll listen. We have 10 minutes until we arrive at the airbnb.”
I pout in my seat for the remainder of the drive, and I don’t wait for Cam when we pulled into the driveway of the house we’re staying at for the night. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the back without sparing him a glance. I punch in the code and walk in through the door. Cam walked up behind me in the entryway and pulled me back into him.
“Is my little brat mad at me?” He cooed before turning me to face him. “Need me to talk and touch you all day long to satisfy you?”
“Ugh, don’t make fun of me,” I chastise him.
Cam slotted his mouth to mine for a moment and he tucked my hair behind my ear. Beaming down at me, he said, “it’s my favorite past time, honey.”
I shoved his chest and grabbed my bag.
“You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep this up Cameron.”
At the bonfire Cam and I are sitting on a blanket, watching the fire roar in front of us. He talks to his friends and teammates while I sip the whiskey sour in my glass, listening to him. I guess I’ve finally caught up with Cam with the content feeling soaring through my chest. I lean into him and a press a kiss on his jaw, silently telling him that I’m enjoying this too.
I like being out of the city, even if it’s just for a little while. I can tell he does too. A lot of people treat him as if he’s only a last name and a number on a jersey, but the people here know him as just Cam. It put a smile on my face for him to be normal and comfortable in a space around people. ‘Drunk on life Cam’ is one of my favorite versions of him.
I finished off my glass before standing to refill it at the minibar. From afar, I can still feel his eyes on me. All the sudden I hear the pop of a bottle being opened. I glanced over and it was Tyson pouring wine into Katie’s glass. In my mind it wasn’t the pop of a wine bottle, I heard the smack of Cam’s hand on my ass. A shiver ran through me at the thought. When he had done it earlier I knew I’d end up thinking about it once I drank a little.
Now I feel the horniness settle inside me. I move my eyes back to where he is, loving the way he’s laughing. I go back over to my spot to sit down, but he tugs me down between his spread legs, caging me in with his arms around my waist. I lean back into him and get lost in the haziness he makes me feel. I tuck my face in the crook of his neck. I breathe him in, smelling his cologne, and I feel him laugh as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. I love him and he knows it without me saying a word.
“Honey,” Cam whispered into my ear. I hummed in response. I feel his warm breath against the shell of my ear. “Do you want to head out soon?”
I shake my head while taking a swig of my drink.
“What are you two whispering about over there?” Jamie asked, narrowing his eyes at us.
“Nothing Jameson,” I spoke up. “Just how we need to head out soon. You know I’m an early riser. And I need to have time to get comfortable in bed with Cam.”
From the outside perspective, my words were innocently sweet, but Cam knew what I meant. I tilted my head to connect our eyes and his flared at me. I didn’t miss the way his eyes dropped to my lips. My insides feel warm instantly. Whenever I use the term ‘get comfortable’ that usually meant I would be naked and waiting in bed for Cam. Jamie and the guys probably didn’t know that though.
“Boring,” Jamie snorts. “Are we going out with Tys and Katie in the morning?”
Cam nods his head while licking his lips. He bites down on his bottom lip and I move my eyes away from him. I take a long sip from my glass and focus my gaze back on the fire. It wasn’t long before I felt his lips trail down the back of my neck. I tilt my head to the side so he has more access, and I try to hide the involuntary moan coming out of me by finishing what was left in my glass.
“Cam take your girl home if you’re going to be acting like that bro,” Tyson laughs.
“Gladly,” Cam groans behind me. He lets me go and jumps up to grab my hands, pulling me up with him. “See you guys in the morning.”
We barely make it through the door when my back is slammed against it. I felt satisfaction already twisting deep in my stomach when he looks at me like this. His eyes lingered on me for a few seconds before they met mine again. They were a darker shade of blue and they made my chest feel tight. He drags the backs of his fingers down my cheek, “where were we, honey?”
“Kiss me.”
That was all I could say before his lips attack mine confidently, passionately. His hands slide into my hair, slightly tugging my head back. I feel the heat rushing through my body, building between my legs. I need him on top of me, inside me. I need him in a way that’ll screw up my mind forever.
His hands dropped from my hair before gliding down my curves to rest on my hips. Cam pulls his lips away from mine before he pulls me towards the kitchen.
“Hop up on the counter,” he murmurs.
My gaze flicked towards the hallway where our bedroom for the night is, but he steers me to the countertop, pressing me against it. His fingers hook into my leggings and panties, tugging them down my legs.
He straightens his posture before his hand came beneath my chin, tipping my face up, “I've seen and tasted every inch of you. There's no point hiding in a bedroom now. You’re going to get comfortable right here.”
Cam presses a chaste kiss to my lips before pulling away, lifting me by the hips to settle on the counter. He steps between my spread legs, grinning at the sight. He groans while lowering himself to come face to face with my core.
“Please,” I whimper out.
He softly kisses up my inner thigh from my knee to my pussy. His beard scratched against my skin, teasing just enough to make me squirm. He placed a kiss against my clit while dragging his fingers over my folds.
“So wet for me already honey,” he moaned before diving in. His mouth traced shapes on my clit and two of his fingers entered my pussy, knocking all of the air out of me. I gasp and rake my fingers through his hair, holding on. His fingertips increased pressure inside me, and I feel my stomach tense.
“Cam.” His name on my lips is a constant plea for more, moaning it out like it’s a melody. My hips thrust into him, his tongue caressing all of the right places. My body is aching for release when he pulls his mouth away, his fingers still thrusting into me.
“Yeah?” I can hear the cockiness in his voice while he bites down my thigh. “I make you feel good?”
I nod my head, only able to moan at how good he’s making me feel.
“Say it,” he gritted out, sucking my swollen clit back into his mouth.
“You make me feel so good Cam,” I say obliviously. A harsh moan tore from me and he continues to push me closer to the edge. My eyes closed tightly as Cam coaxes me through my orgasm, massaging my sensitive clit with his tongue until I tug a fistful of his hair to bring him to his feet. I can taste myself on his lips, opening my mouth for him.
Cam kissed me for what seemed like forever. His hand slid upward to grab a fistful of my hair, and the other came around my throat. I whimpered at the forceful grip. I’m far beyond aroused at this point. I need him. Now. I need all of him.
I trail my hands down to his shorts, tugging them down to reveal his cock, inch by delectable inch. I need him inside me so bad. His cock taunted me and it only urged me on more. Cam groaned and released his grip on me when I grabbed a hold of his thick, hard length. I stroke him slowly while his eyes watched me, sliding over every part of me that he could see. From my face to my barely covered breasts.
“Why didn’t I take off your tank top earlier?” Cam rasped. His hands settled on either side of me.
I cocked my head to the side and I released his length from my grip, “you were pussy driven, daddy.”
Cam’s eyes flared as his gaze dropped between my legs. If my body wasn’t on fire under his stare before it definitely is now. I drew my legs around his hips, tugging him closer.
“How can I not be honey? Your pussy is fucking sweet.”
My legs tightened around him, urging him forward into my throbbing core. I lift his shirt over his head and toss it away. His cock slid along my wet folds and I moaned at the contact. I clutched the back of his neck, sliding my fingers through the hair at his nape. Cam groaned as he entered me, his hot breath against my skin sent a shudder through me. His hands went to my hips, tugging them towards his, meeting his thrust.
“Fuck baby,” Cam grunted. His beard scratched my lips as I trailed soft pecks down his jawline, knowing that he loves the attention I give his neck in intimate moments like these. The sound of his low groan made me smile against his heated skin. I bit down on his earlobe before pulling my gazed back to his face.
"So fucking good daddy,” I praise him. “Please, don't stop."
His head fell onto my shoulder as he plunged in further, each thrust making me fall apart at his fingertips. His teeth pulled the straps of my bra and tank top from my shoulder and his mouth comes to my nipple. I clench around him and tug at his hair as he sucked the nub. Cam hits the spot inside of me over and over, gripping my throat again. He loses his composure completely as he slams his lips to mine in a bruising kiss.
“I love you,” he moaned as he released my lips.
“I love you,” I whined against him. His thrusts were forceful in the most delicious way, sending me into a powerful orgasm. He kept plunging into me during the aftershocks, leaving me whimpering and clutching onto him. I pulled his lips back to mine and he held my hips to his as he came inside me with a guttural groan. I open my eyes and watch him come undone, mesmerised by his features. His mouth hung open, breathing uneven. I can feel his body relax, his arms came around to hold me to him. I tried to pull back to look at him, but his arms tightened around me.
“Feels too good baby,” Cam shoves his face into my neck. We stay wrapped in each other for a few more minutes until he brings his eyes to meet mine. I feel too sated to move. I gasp and whimper when he slides out of me. I try to tug him back into me by my legs that are still wrapped around him, but he just chuckles, “not cockwarming you tonight, honey. Time for bed.”
He lifts me from the counter and takes me to our bedroom for the night. He cleans me up and tucks me into his chest before we both fall into a deep sleep.
The morning after Cam was up before me for once, getting the gear ready to go out on the boat. I shoved my head into his pillow when I realized he left the bed. I’m not sure what time it was when he slid into bed to wake me. He places soft kisses on my shoulder, “wake up, honey. Car is packed so now we need to get you dressed. Jamie is getting breakfast but we need to meet him at the dock before Tys and Katie.”
Cam tugs me out of bed, smacking my ass as he turned me around to attempt to dress me in my bikini. Once he ties the straps on my top and slides the bottoms on, he turns me to face him.
“Baby I’m pretty sure I should be taking clothes off instead of putting them on, but we need to hurry.”
Cam places a soft peck on my lips and lifts my arms and places my flyers hoodie over me. He tugs shorts up my legs and I whine in protest, still half asleep.
“Go brush your teeth. I’ll brush your hair,” he says and steers me towards the bathroom.
At the docks 20 minutes later we’re sitting on the boat with Jamie eating breakfast. He eyes us suspiciously.
“I don’t want to know why you both are marked up, just don’t do it in front of me.”
“Don’t tell me that Jim,” Cam snickers and wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me closer to him, “I love my girl.”
“I love you,” I whisper and kiss him.
“That’s enough,” Jamie says before walking to the drivers seat. “Don’t have sex on the boat.”
“Don’t tempt me,” Cam tells Jamie looks down at me, biting his lip. His hand slips under my hoodie and dips his mouth to whisper in my ear, “your sweetness is addicting.”
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3rachasdomesticbanana · 2 months
Side Effects III | Han + Chan
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You're onto whatever it is that Jisung and Chan are hiding. You just have to prove it. With a hidden camera set up in your room you're ready to catch the two science nerds in the act. However it just doesn't work out that way.
•Pairing: nerdy Jisung + Chan x Female Reader
•Content Includes: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, kitchen sex, feelings of guilt, jealousy and betrayal, animal testing no rats were harmed in this work of fiction
an: sorry this one took so long. writers block was kicking my ass. slightly edited so if something doesn't make sense or needs to be fixed let me know ♡
The link to the song Amortentia that's referenced is included. For a more understanding of Jisung's feelings towards y/n give it a listen. Completely optional of course but it's truly a good song. Amortentia By, Let's Lumos ft. Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls
Want more smut? Follow the banana 🍌
Part I • Part II
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You had everything planned out. You knew exactly what you were going to do. Or so you liked to tell yourself. In reality, you were clueless and nervous as hell. What should I do? Seduce the two men and see who spills the beans first? Nah, that'd never work. Confront them with my suspicions about both of them being invisible? Without concrete evidence, they would only deny it.
“Ugh, damn it. Guess I'll just wing it,” you mutter to yourself behind the register, just as a customer walks up wanting some eccentric type of coffee.
You’ve felt Chan more than Jisung lately, so you figure it would be easier to get to him. You know he seems to like places where it's easy to get caught, like the balcony, the kitchen, or the couch. If Jisung were to ever walk out of his bedroom, he’d see you two immediately. Your eyes light up as you pass the recycled paper cup full of fresh coffee. Each time you were fucked by someone you couldn't see, it was an instinct to be as quiet as possible to not get caught… but what if you weren’t? Your mind starts running through scenarios of Jisung finding you as you come undone around some unseen man.
You argued with yourself your whole shift at the small coffee shop you work at. What if Jisung catches his best friend invisible and balls deep inside his roommate, causing a fight? Why would it, when Jisung doesn't see me that way? What if Jisung kicks you out? I'd be homeless and miserable. The cons were looking pretty convincing. You were all out of ideas, having talked yourself out of every one. It was starting to look like you'd never know what they were up to in Jisung's room, if they were actually invisible or if you were insane.
When you step into the apartment and slip off your shoes, you’re surprised to see Jisung in the kitchen. What surprises you the most is that he says something to you as you walk past the kitchen to your room. You freeze and look at him, almost wondering if you imagined him saying, “Hello” to you. Looking around, you see it's just the two of you.
“H-hey, Ji,” you respond, feeling timid and a little scared that he’ll just start ignoring you again.
He gives you a shy smile and retreats to his bedroom. Weird. He never fails to be weird, and you never expect it either. It's not like how you expect to have a visitor in your room waiting for you. You could smell the sweetness in the air the moment you stepped inside your room. To anyone else, they probably wouldn't be able to smell the difference between the vanilla of Chan and the caramel apple scent of your current favorite body lotion. Where he was in your room though, you had no idea.
Chan sat on the floor in the corner of your room by your bed, watching you. He had to find another spot to observe you from after you almost stepped on his balls two weeks ago. He discovered this corner was one you didn't go near, and it provided the best view to watch you undress. Much like right now. You meticulously removed each piece of clothing, and Chan was engrossed in the action as if it were his favorite show or movie. He didn't suspect that the way you moved had anything to do with the fact that you knew he was there. Slowly, you put on a show for Chan while still wondering how to catch them.
Does Ji know Chan is in my room? He must.
You were certain that Jisung's greeting to you was some sort of signal for Chan. It amused you, and you almost laughed out loud, but you remembered that you had eyes on you. That might not be enough to convince someone like Jisung or Chan, but it was enough for you. Nothing would get past you now that you knew you weren't crazy. Now, if only you could expose one or the other while they were invisible. Where are you? you wondered once you were completely nude. You stood there, chewing on your lip, pretending that you'd forgotten what you were supposed to be doing. A slow turn and, with a gasp, you moved to grab your towel.
Maybe if I entice him enough, he'll follow me into the shower. The steam might expose him...
It was a shot in the dark, but you didn't have a whole list of ideas. There was no guarantee that Chan would follow you into the shower, and no guarantee that the steam would make an outline like in the movies. Never once had Chan followed you into the shower. It always seemed like an easy way to get caught. Not in the way you were thinking, though. He knew you'd possibly get suspicious if he just so happened to have wet hair right after you felt something. Not to mention Jisung would be more suspicious than he is now.
Jisung had yet to question Chan about the strange, creepy smile you gave them both. He noticed how Chan's body language changed that night—how shifty and nervous Chan was, no matter how calm and collected he acted. Jisung had always been good at reading people. Well, except for you, but he attributed that to his feelings for you. Jisung just couldn't understand why Chan suddenly started acting weird. Surely if he were experiencing any side effects, he'd report them so they could work on them. Chan wasn't the type to keep things like that to himself. Not with something as important as this. This elixir, once perfected, would make them billionaires. That outcome was so close Jisung could hear the announcement of him getting a Nobel Peace Prize.
Chan continuously tries to fight the urges, running tests of his own that Jisung doesn't even know about. Every night, he tries a new combination of vitamins and over-the-counter pills. In his own time, he researches anything that would lower a person's libido and, in a healthy, safe way, tries each one himself. So far, nothing has worked. The only change is that he's getting a good daily dose of vitamins and a hell of a workout with you. It's even a mental workout just trying to resist you when you choose to walk around your bedroom completely naked, like you're inviting him to fuck you. You are, but Chan doesn't have a clue.
There's no way you would ever think that he was the one that was balls deep inside whatever hole of yours he decided he needed to fill that night. But smell is such a powerful thing. You could smell something you hadn't gotten a whiff of in twenty years, but one breeze past you will bring up a whole memory you could've sworn you forgot about. You put a lot of effort into that cologne for Chan. You paid close attention to how he smelled weeks before you settled on that specific one. The smell of smoky vanilla always reminds you of his hugs. The warmth and sweetness surround you. It brought you comfort. It still does; only now it also makes you wet. Like your body knows once you smell him, he'll be fucking you into another dimension.
So while Chan would love nothing more than to fuck you hard up against the slippery, wet tiles of your shower, he remains in the same spot, all while his precum leaks heavily from his hard length. He refuses to even touch himself. It would do him no good anyway; he'd still be hard as hell and insanely horny. He even tries to resist the temptation to feel you. You were still dripping wet from your shower when you walked back with the towel wrapped around you. You half-expected Chan to have left, but the soft shuffling sound that quietly creeps closer gets louder. The smell of vanilla fills the space around you, and you struggle to pretend you're unaware. Without thinking and without any warning, you scream loudly, hysterically calling for both Jisung and Chan.
Jisung bursts into your room without hesitation, making your heart swell. The way his cheeks turn red at the sight of you gives him a cute, innocent look, all wide-eyed, wearing his round glasses and lab coat. You have to bite your tongue to hide your smile. Instead, you pout and run to him, grabbing his arm.
"Ji, oh my god! I just saw this massive spider in the corner. I… I don't know where it went, though. Where's Chan? I know he usually takes them outside." You lay the damsel-in-distress act on thick.
You cling to his arm, your breast pressing firmly into his biceps. He shifts on his feet, looking around your room, likely for Chan instead of the imaginary spider. Jisung can feel his heart thundering in his chest, and his cock rapidly growing harder. It's been a while since he's taken the elixir, and although that wasn't easy, lusting over you and desiring you seems to only grow since he already felt you under him and around him.
“Oh, uh, I'll, um. I'll look,” he stammers, moving out of your arms, though he'd rather be fucking you up against the wall behind you both.
“Thanks, Jisung. Dunno what I'd do without you,” you tell him. Your voice is soft and delicate, which only makes Jisung struggle even more.
Chan uses this opportunity to slip out of the open door before the effects wear off, while Jisung hesitantly walks toward your bed, looking for the bug, scared and horny. A loud thud startles both you and Jisung, and you both turn toward the door, seeing nothing, though you hear the faint whisper of a few curse words in a very familiar accent.
“I'm not seeing it, Y/N. Maybe it crawled away,” Jisung says loudly as a distraction from the foot of your bed.
With an amused smile, you look back at him, and his throat feels suddenly tight. With you just in a towel, hair damp, and in the same spot where he was inside of you, he feels overwhelmed. So many emotions are running rampant inside of him. He just stares at you, lost in the memory of when he first felt your walls hugging his cock tight. With his faraway stare, you wonder if he's thinking about the last time he was in your room. Back when you had no clue and seriously thought you were insane. When you can prove your suspicions, then you'll deal with the fact that they both let you believe the place was haunted or that your brain was fried from working too much. You take a couple of steps over to Jisung and gently touch his arm. He hasn't jumped away from you like before, but he does look at you with such an intense expression that you almost step away from him.
“Ji? Are you good?” you ask, looking him directly in the eyes. He swallows hard, his breathing coming out in quiet huffs.
He prays your eyes don't stray and travel any further than his face. He'd be mortified if you noticed the very prominent bulge he's got right now hidden behind his dark basketball shorts. It's painful just how hard he is, and with each angry pulsation, he fears that he might cum right here in front of you.
“Yeah, I'm... I'm alright, just tired.” He clears his throat and starts to walk to the door.
You feel panic blossom in your chest. What if he goes back to being distant? The thought makes you reach out to him, grabbing the wrinkled white lab coat. Jisung looks over his shoulder, and his heart drops seeing the fear and sadness in your eyes. He knows he's been a huge dick to you, but he figured that would make being away from you easier. Yet he was wrong. He missed your company far more than he missed your tight, wet, perfect cunt. Before his mind can drift off again, you speak up.
“U-uh… I was wondering if you wanted to order from Collision? I know how you love the food there. My treat?” He nods, and his lips perk up into a small smile.
“Sounds good, sweetie. My treat, though, okay? I'll get our usual.”
And then he leaves your room, shutting the door gently behind him. Bewildered is far too weak of a word to describe how you're feeling while you just stand there in the middle of your room with a stupid shocked expression. Jisung has gone back to how he was with you overnight, and it makes you anxious for some reason. Like something big is going to happen really, really soon…
Chan is walking out of Jisung's bathroom when he steps back into his domain. He locks the door and just stares at his friend.
“Uh, sup? Why are you looking at me so weirdly?” Chan asks, chuckling nervously.
“You did it too, didn't you?” Jisung whispers, looking at Chan, who has panic flash across his face.
“No! What? Why would…” Chan trails off, quickly accepting defeat.
“Not while she was sleeping, no.” He finally admits and watches as his best friend walks over to the bed and flops down with an oof.
“Listen Ji, I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to do all the things that I knew were the right things to do.” Chan continues, unmoving from his spot in front of Jisung's bathroom door.
“No, I get it. The elixir. This side effect is strange. I don't even know how to describe it, let alone study it.” Jisung inhales deeply and sighs. “On top of that, we're so close to making it last longer than twenty minutes too. I can feel it.”
Chan moves, walking over to the air mattress and carefully sitting down, feeling guilty and also proud of their hard work. He opens his mouth to apologize at least six more times, but when Jisung speaks, he's unable to find his voice.
“Did she like it? You said she was never asleep. She must've wanted it, so she must've enjoyed it. Stupid question…”
His statement hangs in the air like cigarette smoke. Heavy, lingering, suffocating. Chan, with his guilt and desires eating at him, and Jisung's heart hurting due to the unspoken love that he has for you. He wants to be mad at Chan. Shit, he is mad at Chan, but he really understands. Though the little green demon called jealousy is constantly tapping on his ear, telling him that now he's got no chance with you. All the girls love Chan, despite him being just as nerdy as Jisung. With his chiseled abs and jawline, the perfect dimpled smile and accent, the girls at school always had eyes on him. So what's to say you won't fall for Chan now that he's fucked you who knows how many times. Jisung can't bring himself to even ask for a number.
“I try to fight it, Ji. I really try. In the beginning, it was easy, but something shifted… no, cracked in me. One night, she was talking in her sleep. But that talking soon turned to moaning, and at the time, I still felt normal. Until she got… close.” His voice gets quiet, and he trails off.
“Was that the, uh, first time you and her?” Jisung asks, and Chan shakes his head in reply.
“When she, uh, finished in her sleep, she moaned your name, Ji. I know you don't think you deserve her, but you're wrong.”
It's not much, but Chan's words soothe the green-eyed demon that was festering away at Jisung's heart.
Nodding and with a loud exhale, Jisung stands up. “Alright, let's get to work. I know for sure there's a way to tackle the effects as well as lengthen it. We just need to think further out of the box,” he announces, pulling out his phone. “But first, I need to order food.”
That night after dinner, things started to look up for you. Though you don't have any proof yet, Jisung seems to be coming around. You're not back to how things were, but at least he isn't running away from your presence. You sigh and roll onto your back, hitting the yellow "buy now" button on your phone. By the time you get home from work tomorrow, you'll have a wireless discreet camera. A victorious smile spreads across your face as you think, “Gotcha.”
You set your phone aside, the screen dimming as you rise from the bed. The soft rustle of the sheets and the creak of the mattress punctuate the quiet. You can feel him watching you, his gaze almost tangible against your skin. Your heart quickens, not with fear but with excitement, the anticipation of what’s to come making your pulse race.
Slowly, you begin to undress, your movements deliberate and unhurried. The fabric of your clothes slides against your skin, a soft whisper of cotton and lace. You hear a faint, almost inaudible intake of breath, and you smile, knowing the effect you’re having on him.
The room is cool, the air from the open window sending gentle chills across your exposed skin. You can almost feel his presence drawing closer, the warmth of his body cutting through the coolness. Your breath hitches as you feel the first tentative touch – a soft, barely-there caress along your arm, trailing down to your wrist. It’s as if the air itself has come alive, brushing against you with a lover’s touch.
You don’t flinch or pull away; instead, you lean into it, letting your eyes flutter closed as you savor the sensation. His touch grows bolder, more confident, sliding up your arm to your shoulder, tracing the curve of your collarbone. You shiver, a sigh escaping your lips. The feel of his hands – warm, soft – skimming across your body with a reverence that makes you ache.
Chan moves closer, the scent of vanilla intensifying, mingling with the smell of cake batter from your body wash. You can feel his breath now, warm against your neck, goosebumps up and down your arms and legs. His lips follow, pressing soft kisses along your jaw, down to the sensitive spot just below your ear.
You tilt your head, giving him better access, your fingers threading through the air where you know his hair must be. The sensation is surreal; you've never let your hands roam too much before. You feel his hair through your fingers and his hands on your hips, pulling you closer, his body solid and real against yours despite the invisibility.
The room is filled with the sounds of your shared breaths, the quiet breeze, the faint rustle of sheets as he guides you back to the bed. You lie down, heart pounding in your chest.
His hands are on you again, sliding up your thighs, parting your legs with a gentle insistence. You gasp as his fingers find your core, slick and ready, the sensation electric. He teases you, his touch light and maddening, drawing soft whimpers from your lips.
"Please," you breathe, your voice a desperate plea. There’s a moment of stillness and then he’s on you, in you, filling you with a slow, deliberate thrust that makes you cry out.
The world narrows to the two of you, the sensation of him moving inside you, the slippery sounds of your bodies coming together, the taste of his kiss on your lips. Every touch, every caress, every thrust sends sparks of electricity through your veins.
You cling to him, your fingers digging into the air where his shoulders must be, your body arching into his. His pace quickens, the rhythm of his movements matching the frantic beating of your heart. You can feel the tension coiling inside you, tighter and tighter, threatening to snap.
With a final, desperate thrust, you come undone, your body trembling with the force of your orgasm. He follows you over the edge, his own release a silent shudder that you feel rather than hear. For a moment, you lie there, your bodies entwined, the air around you heavy with the scent of vanilla and sex.
As you catch your breath, you feel him begin to pull away, the warmth of his body retreating. You reach out, your fingers brushing against nothing but air, a wistful smile on your lips. The room settles back into its quiet stillness. You reach for your phone, the glow of the shipping tracker on the screen lighting up your face once more. For now, you’ll play their game, savoring every touch, every stolen moment. But soon, you’ll have the evidence you need to confront them, to bring their little experiment out into the open.
"Ready to come clean, boys?" you think to yourself, feeling Chan's eyes on you, waiting for the moment he can slip away. He finds that moment when you go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Just in time too, as the effects wear off right as he steps out, coming face to face with Jisung.
“"I'm sorry," Chan whispers, letting his head fall.
There's no need to ask how long he's been standing there or if he heard your moaning. The flexing of his jaw muscle and the steady breathing to keep himself from doing anything he'd regret speak volumes. Chan suggests they should scrap everything and start over. He can't stand the hurt look on Jisung's face; he's like a little brother to him. Never in a million years would he ever hurt him.
“No. We're not far from the end; we can't give up now,” Jisung says quietly, moving away from your door and towards his own as Chan follows. “I know the feeling of not being in control, and with you taking a higher dose than I was… well, I get it. Let's just finish this up as quickly as possible.” Chan mutters a defeated-sounding agreement and trails after him like a sad puppy.
When you get home from work, you find the package containing your new camera. You retreat into your room quickly to set it up. You smile to yourself as you angle it so that it's pointing towards your bed and the bedroom door. At one point, you even thought to rig up some contraption above your door that would dump flour on them when they walked in, but you thought better of it. With your luck, you'd be the one covered in white instead of Chan or Jisung. Though… you still just might be. When you walk out of your room, you see Jisung and Chan talking in front of the door with Channie's bags in his hand.
“You leaving us, Channie?” you ask, worried that you missed the opportunity to catch him on camera and that you just set everything up for nothing.
“Don't worry, I'll be back to bug you two soon. My cousin's having a grand opening for his restaurant in Australia, so I'll be gone for the weekend.” He explains, his eyes darting to his friend nervously. “Stay out of trouble,” he tells Jisung and looks back at you. “Both of you.”
You give him a lazy salute and smile. “Yes, sir,” you respond and walk into the kitchen.
Just you and Jisung for the weekend… This could go either really well or really badly.
The first night was a bit awkward. Jisung is distant again, but not as much as before. He seems to try and talk to you more, but you can see he isn't always fully present in the conversation.
It's not that he isn't paying attention or finds what you are talking about boring. It's the flashbacks that he struggles with around you. The temptation of taking the liquid just to feel you again. He misses how you felt, the sounds he would make you make. Every time he is with you, talking about whatever, it’s almost like he can practically feel you bear hug his cock with your greedy cunt.
The second night isn't any easier, and most of the time, Jisung is in his room, tweaking and testing the elixir on more borrowed rats. Each time he hears you shuffling around the apartment, he wants to chug the whole test tube of the faint aqua liquid.
Those two days, however, you feel defeated. You keep thinking that you wasted money and time on the camera that sits hidden in your room out of sight. In a moment of frustration, you disconnect the device with an annoyed growl.
“Fuck this,” you sigh and sit on the edge of your bed. “Back to the drawing board, I guess. Maybe… maybe I could take a peek inside his room?”
The brainstorming with yourself only keeps coming to a brick wall. The camera was the answer, or so you thought. Now, without anything happening, you figure you missed your window to catch them in the act.
It's Saturday evening, and you've seen Jisung only a few times. You start to worry that he's gone back to his weird avoidance towards you again.
“Hmph. It's not like I have cooties or something,” you mumble, rolling your eyes as you walk into the kitchen, just barely catching a glimpse of your roommate before he hurries into his room.
It's true that he's avoiding you, but at that particular moment, he just didn't want you to see that he had snuck out of the kitchen with your espresso extract. You'd kill him if you knew he was going to use all of it in the name of science. No matter how many times he told himself that it's for a “good cause,” he knows not to come between you and your coffee. Lucky for him, you already had your cup for the day and wouldn't notice that it's missing until tomorrow. Plenty of time for him to replace it.
The idea of adding a strong espresso to the elixir had immediately popped into his head at random. He could feel the light bulb over his head glowing brightly. It was such a simple idea, but he was more than positive that this was what they needed to lengthen the invisibility timeframe.
The tiny white rat squeaked from inside the metal cage that sat on his cluttered desk when he sat down. Its nose twitched curiously, sniffing the air as the strong smell of coffee filled the room. Jisung's glasses slowly slid down his nose, but he was too focused on measuring and mixing to be bothered by it or even adjust them.
“This is it,” he whispered under his breath, eyes sparkling with excitement.
With a glass dropper in his hand, he watched as the now grayish-teal elixir filled the tube. A couple of drops fed to the rat, he started the timer on his phone. Jisung could hear you outside his room singing. It was muffled, but just the sound of you working with the experiment made him hard.
“Maybe if I... No! I promised Chan.” Jisung took a deep breath and kept his eyes on the cage that seemed to be empty.
The occasional squeak and the cage bedding being kicked up was evidence that the rat was indeed still there and still doing just fine. More squeaks from the cage woke Jisung, who had dozed off, and he checked his phone. Thirty-five minutes and the rat was still invisible. He jumped up out of his chair, startling the rodent, who jumped and squeaked some more.
“I did it,” he said out loud. “I fucking did it.”
Only problem now, how will it react with something bigger? Sure, he promised Chan he would stay out of trouble, but this is important. He can't possibly wait until tomorrow when Chan gets home and then wait for him to make it to the apartment. He'd just have to fight the urges. Maybe the espresso canceled out the weird side effects anyway. He had to know how this new version of the elixir would do on a human.
He watched the dark liquid swirl in the flask, heart racing with anticipation. Taking a deep breath, he downed the elixir, the bitter taste masked slightly by the coffee. The invisibility kicked in almost immediately, but what he didn't anticipate was the overpowering surge of arousal that came with it. Every nerve in his body was tingling, his cock painfully hard. He was amazed and a little terrified by the intensity.
He paced in his room with a stopwatch in hand as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He was invisible, but the arousal was overwhelming. It had never been this intense before. He checked the mirror obsessively, waiting for any sign of the elixir wearing off, but it didn't happen. Twenty minutes passed, and he was still invisible, still hard, and it was only getting worse. He should be happy that his brilliant idea worked, only if he wasn't going mad.
Then, he heard it. Your voice, soft and innocent, singing in the kitchen. You were singing that old song from Let's Lumos, the one you were obsessed with, "Amortentia." The lyrics hit him hard, mirroring his own hidden feelings for you.
Before he could think, he was moving. The kitchen came into view, and there you were. You were lost in the song, unaware of his presence. His breath caught as he watched you from the kitchen doorway, invisible but so very present. The desire gnawed at him, rational thought slipping away. He moved silently, driven by an overwhelming need to be close to you. Suddenly, without realizing it, he was standing right behind you, the proximity making his breath hitch.
He snatched the headphones off your head, tossing them over the kitchen counter. You yelped, spinning around to face nothing.
“Ji?” you whispered, your eyes flicking around the room.
He chuckled, a deep, resonant sound, before pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was intense, searing, consuming you whole. His hands gripped your ass, pulling you close, and you moaned into his mouth, the sound muffled and desperate. When he finally pulled back, you gasped, inhaling deeply like you’d been deprived of oxygen.
“I’ve missed these lips,” he murmured against your skin. One hand slipped inside the front of your shorts, cupping your sex. “I’ve missed these lips even more.”
You gasped, feeling his middle finger slip inside you, your body arching into his touch. His name passed your lips in a hushed whisper, making him groan.
“Fuck, you’re smart. Makes you even sexier. Can I have you, Y/N? Hm? Not Chan, just me.” He slipped another finger inside you, and you cried out, clinging to him.
“Yes!” you gasped loudly. “I’m yours.”
His fingers were gone, and your pajama pants were pulled down. You barely had time to think before he was lifting you onto the counter, his mouth on your neck, your collarbone, your breasts. Every touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine.
His name fell from your lips over and over, each time like a prayer, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He kissed you deeply, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands roamed your body.
“Needed you so bad, Y/N. Needed you for so long,” he whispered against your skin. “God, you have no idea.”
You gripped his shoulders, pulling him closer, needing him as much as he needed you. “Show me,” you breathed. “Show me how much.”
You felt his hands on you again, rougher now, more insistent. His cock pressed against you, hot and demanding, and you shivered with anticipation.
“Jisung…” you whispered, your hands clutching at his shoulders, needing him closer, deeper.
He kissed you again, harder this time, his tongue tangling with yours. He entered you in one swift motion, and you cried out, the sensation overwhelming. He was everywhere, all at once, filling you completely. His thrusts were urgent, desperate, each one making you feel like putty in his arms.
“God, Y/N,” he groaned, his voice strained. “You feel so good.”
The kitchen faded away, the world narrowing down to just the two of you. You didn’t even notice the moment you could see him. Every touch, every kiss, every thrust was like a fire, burning away everything but the raw, intense connection between you.
You lost track of time, the only thing that mattered was the way he felt inside you, the way he made you feel. His whispered words of desire, his hands on your body, his lips on your skin. It was all-consuming, a perfect storm of sensation and emotion that left you breathless.
You could barely think, barely breathe, the pleasure building and building until it crashed over you in waves. You came apart in his arms, crying out his name, and he followed soon after, his body shuddering with the force of his release.
You were both panting, clinging to each other as the aftershocks of pleasure rippled through you. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his breath warm against your skin.
He helped you off the counter, pulling you into his arms. Together, as he carried you, you made your way to the couch and wrapped yourselves in a blanket. The last thing you remembered before falling asleep was the feeling of his arms around you and his heartbeat against your ear.
Hours later, the sound of the door opening jerked you awake. You blinked groggily, realizing that Chan was standing in the doorway, his eyes wide in shock at the sight of you and Jisung, naked and in each other’s arms.
“Guys…?” he said, his voice a mix of disbelief and amusement.
The blanket slipped slightly, revealing the state of your undress, and you hurried to cover up, as if he hadn't seen you naked for the past month.
“Uh… I can explain…” Jisung started, but Chan just raised an eyebrow and smirked.
“Well, this is unexpected,” Chan said, shaking his head. “Guess we need to talk about this, aye?”
You stepped into Jisung's room, your eyes scanning the cluttered space. "Okay, I need to know what you're working on," you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
Chan looked at Jisung, eyebrows raised in question. Jisung sighed, running a hand through his hair. "She found out on her own..."
"Please," you interrupted, your voice breaking. "I need to understand."
Jisung exchanged a look with Chan, who nodded slightly. "Okay," Jisung said, motioning for you to sit. "But you have to promise to keep an open mind."
You nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. Jisung began to explain, his words technical and complicated. But the gist was clear: they'd created an elixir that grants invisibility. As he spoke, the pieces started to fall into place—the strange occurrences, the feeling of being watched, the vivid dreams.
"So, you're saying... you’ve been invisible this entire time?" you ask, disbelief coloring your tone.
Jisung nods, looking down at his hands. "Yes. We've been testing it, trying to perfect it."
"So the... dreams?" you whisper, not sure you want to hear the answer.
He hesitates, then looks up, meeting your eyes. "That was me."
Your breath catches in your throat. The room spins, and you feel a surge of anger and betrayal. "You... you lied to me, Ji. I was terrified for weeks, thinking I was haunted."
Jisung’s face crumples, and he looks away, shame evident in his posture. "I'm sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen. It started out as a joke. But the side effects… it got carried away.”
Chan stands, his face a mix of shame and disappointment. "I'm sorry too, y/n.” You turn to him, having been waiting for him to say something. “It wasn't just Jisung. I don't know what came over us, but I do know it wasn't something we could control."
Jisung buries his face in his hands. "We fucked up. I fucked up."
You stand, trembling with rage and hurt. "Et tu, Channie?" you say, your voice barely more than a whisper as you look at the curly-haired man who avoids your eye. "How could you guys lie?"
Jisung looks up, tears in his eyes. "I’m so sorry, y/n. I’ll do anything to make it right."
You shake your head, backing towards the door. "I need a moment," you say, your voice hollow. "I can't think."
You walk out of the room and leave the apartment, the weight of Chan and Jisung's betrayal crashing down on you. Outside, the night air is cool and soothing, the feeling of autumn approaching, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside you. You walk aimlessly, trying to clear your head, but the pain and confusion follow you.
Back at the apartment, Jisung sits in his room, staring at the door you just left through. Chan stands beside him, silent and disapproving. "We need to fix this," Chan says finally. "We have to make this right, man."
Jisung nods, but deep down, he knows it won’t be that simple. They crossed a line that can never be uncrossed, and the consequences of their actions are only just beginning to unfold.
When you step back into the apartment, you see the backs of Jisung and Chan out on the balcony. The glass door muffles the sounds of their conversation and your footsteps as you walk towards them. Behind the glass, you see tall flames in front of them, and you panic. They've finally done it, you think. They've finally set something on fire. Sliding the door open with speed, the two men turn around quickly, both startled by you.
“What the hell did you burn?!” you ask, looking at both of them.
“Nothing yet,” Jisung says, pointing to the table where every piece of their experiment sits. The notes, every drop of liquid, and even the failed experiments.
“We talked a lot, y/n, and we came to the mutual decision to destroy everything. It's not worth it if it means destroying anything with you,” Chan says, bringing you to tears.
“We would hug you, but the side effects have some lingering symptoms. You're very difficult to be around, let alone touch, right now. Sorry, y/n.” Chan tells you, and Jisung awkwardly coughs, which makes you laugh.
“Listen. Maybe you don't have to destroy it. Maybe you could change it to be some kind of sex enhancement drug? Doesn't sound too difficult for you two.” You appreciate that they'd actually destroy something that could make them billionaires. “How about calling it Love? That's cute, right?”
“Fuck, y/n. Your brain is so fucking sexy.” Jisung grumbles, scrubbing his hands over his face and up into his hair, making you blush and giggle.
“About time you two stop this silent mutual pining,” Chan says, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's wait for the stuff to get out of our system before that, maybe.” Jisung laughs and smiles your way. “I mean, if you want to, of course.”
“Ji, of course I do. I told you, I'm yours.” You reassure him, watching his cheeks turn red and ignoring Chan's dramatics pretending to gag.
“Okay, lovebirds, let's get this stuff back inside if we aren't getting rid of it, yeah? Gotta figure out where to store it before we start y/n’s genius idea.”
“I kinda like the side effects.” You say timidly, and both men look at you in surprise and you laugh.
You help them carry everything back inside, feeling a new sense of calm. Once everything is safely stored and locked in a crate that only you have the key to, the three of you head back into the apartment, the door sliding shut behind you. Jisung and Chan exchange a glance, both knowing that their bond with you, though strained, is far from broken.
"We’ll figure it out," Jisung says softly, taking your hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Now that there are no secrets."
You nod, smiling, "No secrets."
And for the first time in weeks, you feel a glimmer of optimism. The experiment may have changed everything, but it also brought a truth to light that you and Jisung needed to face. Now, you can rebuild the trust that was lost.
As the night deepens, you find comfort in the fact that, despite everything, you're happy. And if that's a side effect, then you'll gladly endure it all.
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Side Effects 3 tags
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123 notes · View notes
rumor-weed · 1 year
Kid Gorgeous Edition.
“He was a man most acquainted with misery.”
“None of that matters, but it's important to me that you know that.”
“He did not look like his job description.”
“He looked like he should be the conductor on a locomotive powered by confetti.”
“But, instead, he made his living in murder.”
“He was the weirdest goddamn person I ever saw in my entire life.”
“He could look at a child and guess the price of their coffin.”
“Shut up! You're all gonna die. Street Smarts!"”
“You remember the scourge of muggings when you were in second and third grade.”
"Man, I need cash for drugs right now.”
“Okay, you can get these at any haberdashery.”
“Buy a money clip. Engraved, question mark?”
“Hey, Dad. Can I have a silver money clip with a $50 bill in it, please?” (Or sub “dad” for character name, if you’re a coward)
“The man with the mustache told me to do it.”
“Let's say a kidnapper throws you in the back of a trunk.”
“You kids have no upper body strength.”
“Yeah, he was not a "spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" kind of guy.”
“Brush your teeth. Now, boom, orange juice. That's life.”
“Fight the guy off using weird, psych-out, back-room Chicago violence.”
“I chewed up a tab of Alka-Seltzer I carry with me at all times. This created a foaming-at-the-mouth appearance that made it look like I had rabies.”
“Now I've thrown him off his rhythm.”
“Okay. Your odds of coming back alive from the primary location, about 60%. But if you are taken to a secondary location, your odds of coming back alive are slim to none.”
“I am 35 years old and I am still terrified of secondary locations.”
“Nah, sister. You're not getting me to no secondary location.”
“I thought I was going to be murdered my entire childhood.”
“Top three colleges? I thought I would be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out of the taillight by now.”
“I just got a letter from my college, which was fun 'cause mail, you know?”
“So then I had to speed to Goodwill really fast.”
“It was charitable, but it was also fast and violent.”
“I was throwing boxes at people. The boxes were so heavy I couldn't even say what was in them.”
“This one's shirts. I got a bunch of shirts! Take 'em away!"
“How do I write that on my taxes?”
“My mom said it could be a sleep shirt. Please deduct this from my 2017 income.”
“So rather than violate these meaningless politeness rules, I'll just go to bed in a smock like goddamn Ebenezer Scrooge.”
“I'll tremble off to bed in my long Victorian nightgown.”
“Was there ever even a ghost, Mother, or was the dead Victorian girl you saw just me all along?”
“And that's why you shouldn't give to charity.”
“I found out recently that jokes don't do well in court.”
"Hey, that lawsuit with my neighbor is still dragging on.”
“Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I will totally kill that guy for you.”
“Okay. See you at improv practice.”
“Strange, the passage of time.”
“I'm not that old. I'm 35, that is not old.”
“I never knew about this, but I am now gross.”
265 notes · View notes
Title: You First {One-Shot} ***
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Plenty Of Words, Cursing, NSFW, 18+ Mature Content, Male & Female Receiving,
Words: 7.3k
Summary: Nah!
Note: Written on my phone's Notes app, so please forgive any weird spaces or if the look of this is off.
As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
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You stared at the text then busted out laughing yet again. This time you couldn't control yourself. You let it all out not caring how loud you were.
"This fool," you said between gasps of air.
Was that supposed to be a love confession? Was that his way of saying he loved you or wanted to lock you down?  The more you thought about it the more you laughed. This fool couldn't be serious about anything. He always had some kinda joke or funny comeback. At the beginning of the text your heart melted, then at the end your eye roll took over. Did he make this graphic himself? Had he busted open a quote creator app and gotten carried away?
Sighing, you decided to fuck with him. After finding your own quote creator app you got busy creating. It took almost 10 minutes to finish because you quickly got sucked into the process and wanted to make it pretty. You looked it over again then hit send.
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The longer you admired your creation, the more you thought you did pretty good.
MSG Lewis:  Are you being serious right now?
As you giggled you typed out your reply.
MSG: Of course! I never lie about put me in the grave stroke game. It's so rare it must never be spoken about unless absolutely true or else you'll never experience it in life.
MSG Lewis:  🙄.
Again, you laughed.
MSG Lewis: See that's what I'm talking about. We're on the same wave length. You get me.
Snorting, you thought about his words.  He was right. You did get him. Often times you knew what he meant halfway through his sentence or knew how he felt just by looking at him, or even knew what he wanted without him uttering a single word. Sometimes you thought your connection was unsettling and it had taken many months for you to even embrace it and accept it for a cosmic connection. Now all you waited for were the 3 little words from his lips. 3 little words he'd been tight lipped with, 3 little words you could tell were at the tip of his tongue but dissolved whenever his brain and instincts entered the chat.
It wasn't that Lewis was a commitmentphobe. He liked all the perks of having a ride or die in his corner,  the support, the loyalty, the bomb sex, the intimacy, the comforting feeling of not going through life alone. He cherished all of that but a lot of times his battle with conquering and progression clouded things. He feared an unfulfilled life, feared not meeting all his goals on his endless list of goals that doubled and even tripled with each milestone he reached. He feared getting lost in anyone for fear of losing himself and his way. 
You'd seen that red flag that waved vigorously over his head the first time you spoke with him. It was a red flag that never went away but it was a red flag that your red flags enjoyed playing with. 
He didn't want to lose himself and neither did you. He wanted companionship and so did you. He wanted loyalty, support, bomb sex, a ride or die in his corner, intimacy that rivaled any other that others experienced, comfort, and goddamn it, so did you. He didn't want to depend on anyone or need someone, and fuck outta here neither did you. 
So, the musical chairs game you played worked well. There were kinks but the way the two of you were in your own personalities, those kinks always worked themselves out. This game, song and dance had been going on for 4 years now.  4 years of no strings attached companionship, loyalty, bomb sex, someone having your back, intimacy and comfort. 4 years of dating in the open in secret. 4 years of this connection and still neither of you had said the words. 
You wondered if it had turned into a game without either of you acknowledging it. Had there been times when the words were at the tip of your tongue? Sure. However you kept a tight chain on that shit because everyone knew that lose lips sink ships. Plus you weren't about to be the one at his mercy,  no matter how strong what you felt for him was.
MSG: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get you as much as you get me.
Putting your phone to the side, you tried to buckle down on the last bit of work so you could enjoy your 4-day weekend ahead.
MSG Lewis: Since I get you and you get me, when can I have you?
Just like that, you were distracted once again.
MSG: Depends. How do you want me?
MSG Lewis: Oh I think you know the answer to that already.
MSG: Nope. Tell me. I'm clueless.
MSG Lewis: I want you bent over the table on my penthouse balcony. Since I walked in and saw it the other day, I haven't been able to atop thinking about it.
MSG Lewis: I want you on your knees in front of me in broad daylight on that same balcony with my dick so far down your throat you can't breathe.
MSG Lewis: I want you against the wall of the pool here. The lights change color depending on the movement of the water and the sounds around. I want to see what pattern your moans make.
Your jaw was dropped, imagination running wild, and panties soaked. Fuck, you thought. For several minutes you just played through each of those fantasies. You didn't even realize how long you'd been trapped in them until your phone rang out startling you. When you saw it was Lewis, you took a few breaths to calm yourself. There was no way you were going to let him know he affected you.
"Were you just touching yourself?"
You scoffed, "I see you think very highly of yourself."
"Just asking."
"Not at all. I'm actually working."
"Says the workaholic."
He chuckled and the deepness of the sound sent a zing of electric current right to your lady parts.
"What was that little butterfly?"
"Nothing. That's a stupid nickname by the way."
"Oh, it definitely was something especially since you're trying to deflect from it by clowning the nickname I gave you. Do you remember why I gave it to you?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Nope. Forgot long time ago."
You were full of shit, you knew it and he knew it.
"Bullshit," Lewis called before continuing, "How could you forget that afternoon we spent having high tea at the garden? Well, we were supposed to be having high tea, instead my head was buried between your thighs barely touching you except for the lite barely there butterfly flicks of my tongue against your clit."
He moaned then and you couldn't help but slip your fingers to the place where you wanted them most. Well, you really wanted his fingers but yours would have to do.
"You remember now, little butterfly?"
Your finger swirled around your slick bud not wasting time with teasing. You wanted a release, and you wanted it now. Truth be told you were quite fond of the nickname. It brought back wonderful memories. Memories of a warm rays beaming on your skin, a gentle breeze caressing your back as his fingers did the same to your inner thigh. What a feeling to be Rosé tipsy and getting amazing head. Not much else could compare in the world.
"Mm you tasted better than those strawberry shortcake scones," Lewis teased.
The more he spoke the faster your finger swirled and the faster your finger swirled the shallower your breathing became.
"Oh little buttlerfly I can hear your breathing. Are you touching yourself to my voice? Using the dirty things I say to get a nut? Does it feel good?"
It was the softest of whimpers, but you knew he heard it. In response, Lewis let out a deep moan and you felt that moan right between your legs.
"Fuck, Lewis," you rasped.
"Tell me does it feel good, Y/N?"
"Ye--," you gasped as a strong wave of pleasure hit you. "Yes!”
"How good?"
"So fucking good," you replied already in a frenzy.
"As good as my fingers? "
You groaned, "No."
"As good as my mouth?"
Your panting turned to whines now as you felt how close you were. "No ne-never."
"As good as this long, thick dick?"
"Oh fuck..."
You heard his muffled grunting and knew he was doing the same thing you were. For a man of immeasurable control, you always pulled him to this point.
"I want your tight little pussy wrapped around my dick right now. I want to fuck you until you can't walk, speak, or even comprehend the English language. Fhhhuck!”
"I'm gonna cum Lewis I'm gonna--gonna...
"Cum with me little butterfly."
On command, your entire being shook as you found your release. Your high-pitched wails filled the room, and you couldn't care less who heard you. You were sure they'd heard far worse through your walls.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Lewis groaned.
You could hear him panting as he tried to get himself back under control.
"Come see me this weekend. I miss you."
"This weekend as in tomorrow?"
"Yeah. I know we have an agreement for at least 48 hour notice but---."
The silence stretched for a while.
He sighed, then came rustling as you assumed he changed his positioning.
"I really do miss you," Lewis said, his voice soft and sincere.
You picked up on something else in it...something close to longing. You sat extra still and contemplated his words, allowing them to fully sink in. He sounded so vulnerable so delicate.
Oh boy, here you go, your brain said to your heart before you replied.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
You don't know what divine and holy being you had to thank for everything coming together so effortlessly and flawlessly. Somehow you'd managed to snag a squeeze in, last minute show up appointment at your body spa for the works, nails, massage, wax, etc. You even managed to procure all the items from your favorite brands for the weekend in just 3 hours.
Things continued to move smoothly when you breezed through packing, an act that usually would take hours and inconceivable degrees of stress on the PS scale, and managed to be 100% put together in the back of the chauffeured car on the way to the private tarmac just after 1pm the next day. This had to be a record.
By the time you landed in Qatar, the sun was still high in the sky, and you felt like you were seconds away from evaporating into a sparkling plume of magical melanted fairy dust. You knew Lewis was probably with the team trying to tweak his car and come up with strategies for his upcoming race and you didn't want to interrupt but you now felt the magnitude of how much you'd missed him.
The debate in you went for the duration of the drive to Lewis' hotel and at the last minute you decided to just go to the hotel and push those feelings down. You didn't want to be the one who fell first. The drive was peaceful and scenic. Every sight you passed you gaped in awe. There was something so majestic about simple surroundings with mind-boggling architecture that encapsulated a country in the best of the past and the future. When you walked into the penthouse you received a message from Lewis.
MSG Lewis: Landed?
MSG: Yep.
MSG Lewis: On your way to the paddock?
MSG: Nope.
That was the last message you got from him until he walked inside the penthouse 4 hours later. The sun was setting beautifully over the sky, bathing everything in milky oranges, purples and reds setting the scene with the dinner you'd just finished cooking in the state-of-the-art kitchen. Yeah, you could have ordered room service, but you wanted to give him one of his favorites authentically made. The soft instrumentals playing made it so you didn't hear him come in. It wasn't until Roscoe jumped up on your leg did you realize you weren't alone anymore.
"Oh my goodness, Roscoe. Hi baby. How are you?"
You were stooping rubbing the fashionable bulldog down and cuddling him close. You'd missed him and from the way he lapped at every inch of exposed skin you could tell he missed you too.
"Have you been a good boy for daddy? Have you? Yes? Oh, you're so cute."
You peppered kissed along his frame then gathered him in your arms. Roscoe took full advantage and attacked you with licks, pinning you down. You giggled and wiggled trying to hide your mouth from him. You loved him to death, but you kissed no dog on the mouth.
From somewhere to the side, you heard a series of tongue clicks and seconds later Roscoe climbed off of you and padded away. From your lying position, you saw Lewis standing there with Roscoe assuming his perfectly trained position, right at his feet.
"What are you jealous?"
The corner of his mouth twitched. You stood and rearranged your form-fitting jersey dress and saw Lewis' eyes rake over your frame. His eyes rested at your hips which the dress accentuated, and a smirk slipped across your lips.
"I dont get jealous," Lewis said.
You snorted knowing he was the one who was full of shit now. He'd never admitted it, but you knew there had been several occasions where his jealousy manifested in the form of a back breaking, cervix bruising fuck all because of the attention you drew in his presence.
"Thats the hello I get little butterfly?"
Scoffing, you crossed the room to him then wrapped your arms around him pressing up so close to him your bodies melded perfectly. Lewis let out a soft sigh as he reciprocated your action. The longer you remained in his arms the tighter he held you.
"Mm, you smell good," you mumbled against his neck.
Lewis pulled back then gazed into your eyes, "So do you."
His lips softly pressed to yours, surprising you. You expect something more fevered and frenzied but there was nothing frenzied about the way his lips moved across yours. The languid way his tongue coaxed your lips apart continued with the way it stroked and wrapped around yours. He was taking his time, pressing this moment to his physical memory banks. When his hands slid down to rest on your hips, he pulled you closer and a groan slipped from him vibrating against your lips.
Lewis' fingertips pressed roughly into your flesh and the heat from him seared the fabric of your dress and branded you. "Mm."
When he pulled back, his forehead was pressed against yours. "Thank you for coming," he whispered.
Holy shit you thought. This was new somehow. There was something about this exchange that felt different from every other one over the years. The way your heart thundered against your rib cage was also new and because of how close you were, you worried he could feel it. Just as you were going to pull away from him, you looked up into those dangerous burnt honey and bourbon eyes and you were trapped, captivated and so ready for him.
The moment was thick with the promise of more but then Roscoe cut the sexual tension with a bark. That was where you found the strength to tear yourself from him creating space as you wondered what the fuck that was.
"Hungry? I made your favorite."
Lewis rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head as if he too had been greatly affected by whatever that was just now. 
"Cool. I set the table on the balcony. Thought we could eat out there," you said walking back to the kitchen counter.
"Need help?"
"No. You and Roscoe go sit I'll be out soon."
Lewis lingered for a few moments before he walked off to the balcony with Roscoe trotting behind him. You busied yourself plating up the meal you'd made with him in mind. Then you plated Roscoe's vegan feast. When you put his bowl down, Roscoe immediately went for it.
"Roscoe, what do you say?"
Like the obedient pup he was, he stopped in his tracks before he buried his face in the bowl then yipped at you before circling you once and giving your exposed leg a lick. Your heart melted.
"Good boy," Lewis rewarded.
Roscoe then happily dug into his food as you placed the rest of the plates on the table. Before you pulled out your chair, Lewis beat you to it. He was always the perfect gentleman but because of the moment you shared earlier this also felt different.
"Thank you."
"It smells amazing," Lewis complimented as he prepared to dig in.
You watched him take a hearty forkful then smiled when his eyes lit up. He moaned and added another forkful before finishing what was already in his mouth.
You giggled and followed his action. He was right. It was good, you knew that though. As you ate, he told you about his last few weeks of work and play. He told you about the week he'd spent with Miles in Japan and the latest on his niece and nephew and other family members. Then he listened attentively as you spoke about your last few weeks and the details of how you'd spent your time away from him.
By the time dinner and dessert were finished and the sun had long set, you continued to listen as he spoke of his day and the changes they'd made for the next race. He looked tired as if this chosen career was taking its toll. A sudden urge to give him a massage washed over you and without thought you stood, moved behind him and did just that. As expected, his shoulders were tense.
Almost as soon as you started Lewis moaned then relaxed under your hands. His words stopped and the only sounds around you were the sounds of Roscoe peacefully napping at your feet and the quiet nature sounds of Qatar. The longer you massaged you found yourself relaxing as if this was as natural to you as breathing. When you felt Lewis' head resting against your stomach you looked down and found his eyes staring at you with nothing but tenderness and awe. It was then you realized how very domestic this was especially right now.
Lewis' eyes continued to bore into you making it impossible to look away. Gradually your hands slowed until they came to a complete stop. One thing that did not stop was your heart. It pounded loudly in your ears, and you knew he could either hear it or feel it. You tore your eyes from his and looked into the sky at the full moon.
"U-uh--um...this is amazing, so beautiful," you stuttered as you stepped away from him ready to clear the dishes away.
Before you made it, Lewis grabbed your hand and pulled you to him bringing you down into his lap. Again, on instinct you wrapped your arms around his neck while his engulfed your waist.
"Did you miss me, Y/N?"
His voice was low, only loud enough for you to hear. You watched him rake his eyes over every inch of your face before he gazed back into your eyes.
"Did you miss me?"
It was a cop-out; he'd told you that he did last night. Lewis smirked then sighed as he tipped his head back to look in the sky. Nudging his chin up to it, he spoke.
"I’ve looked at that moon every night no matter where I've been for the last 5 weeks, and I thought of you."
You looked across to the full moon then back at him. He looked as if he were having an internal debate over something. He remained quiet for several long moments and when he spoke again, what he said surprised you.
"I thought what is she doing right now? Is she looking at the same moon? Does she miss me? Is she having fun right now or is she home unable to shake the inexplainable blues? Or am I out of sight and out of mind? Is she smiling at someone else right now the way she smiles at me or letting them kiss on her? Is she working herself into the ground or unable to get up because of how crippled she is with this confusing sadness?"
Lewis took a breath then harshly released it. Keeping his eyes on the moon, he continued oblivious to how you were crumbling before him.
"This moon is the only thing that made me feel closer to you. This moon has seen me do embarrassing things all in the name of you. Things I don't fully understand yet. Things that are completely unexpected especially for me."
You remained silent unable to speak because you knew if you did you would blurt the answers to each and every one of those questions he wondered about. So, you bit your tongue and focused on not crumbling any further and resisting the urge to kiss him. His eyes shifted to you, and everything became too much.
"You’re so beautiful like this," Lewis whispered bringing his hand up to caress your cheek.
"I look jet lagged."
He smiled softly, "You look flawless."
Your stomach did backflips now. Holy hell, the man was on a mission to ruin you.
"I missed you too," you said in a daze.
They were words you hadn't planned on saying, words you'd been trying to keep in for weeks. Words you were reluctant to speak out loud because words carried weight. Words held implications and brought complications. From the way he looked at you now you could tell those complications had just sprouted and had now woven around the two of you. A clean break looked to be something that was quickly drifting out of reach.
Lewis' cupped the back of your head then pulled your lips to his. Kissing you slowly he sparked the desire for him in you that laid just below the surface--always just at the surface. Within seconds you twirled your tongue with his, teasing as good as you got. It didn't take long for the kiss that began slowly and felt timid and investigative to turn sultry. When he moaned against you, yours followed.
You felt like you'd been struck by lightning, but the feeling was 10 times more electrifying as if you stood in the sand in the middle of a storm and the act of lightning striking the sand also set you ablaze wrapping you in a cocoon of flames and electricity. Soon you'd pulled the hair tie from his hair leaving his black and blonde braids free.
Your lungs burned and begged for air--they pleaded for the very sustenance that would prolong your life, but you didn't give them what they craved because you craved something else entirely. Lewis pulled his lips from yours then bombarded your neck with kisses. The more he kissed the hazier everything became. When you leaned back the clatter of dishes brought you back to reality.
"Lewis--the--the dishes," you whispered. Anything louder was above you right now.
"Leave them. It doesn't matter."
Moving you as he pleased, he rearranged your positioning so you were now straddling him.
"The dishes will sit here if--if--."
Lewis claimed your lips again clearly in an attempt to shut you up. You moaned as you felt his hardness press against the quickly dampening fabric of your underwear.
"Lewis," you groaned again.
"Tomorrow’s another day."
With that he went back to your neck this time sucking his path to the one spot he knew you would be powerless to fight against. Your gasp was high-pitched and jagged when he sank his teeth into your flesh.
"Fuck," you croaked as you held onto him tighter. "Lewis."
His lips were on a mission, and it was to make your panties not just damp but soaked. He was well on the right path, and he knew it. The feel of his hand sliding around your waist and against your stomach left a trail of heat and need. Then when he pressed his palm between your breasts right at your sternum, he paused. You knew he was feeling your heartbeat.
Lewis' eyes met yours and the same wild passion you felt thundering inside of you, you saw mirrored back in his eyes, and it scared the shit out of you. He continued to press down sending your back to rest against the edge of the table.
From there he trailed that same hand up, up, up to your neck where he gripped it and squeezed. It wasn't hard enough to cause harm but just enough to thoroughly ruin your underwear. Another moan escaped you and this one was very telling. Lewis brought his other hand into the mix just before he dipped down and cupped your breasts.
"Oh fuck, Lewis," you whined.
The feel of his large hands massaging you sent actual chills through you and made you want him even more.
"I like the way my name sounds from your mouth," he mumbled against your neck never stopping the assault on your skin. If he kept this up, you were sure you'd cum.
At the thought of cumming Lewis doubled down on the spot on your neck while his hands continued massaging your breasts. Every so often he tweaked your nipple through the thin fabric of the dress. His hands left your breasts for a few moments, and you whined, begging him to come back. Lewis gripped your hips as he stood. His body was now keeping you pressed against the table while he slid the dishes to the side of the table away from the two of you, then he plopped you on it.
From your half-lying position, you stared at him taking in how unbridled he looked. His hair hung loose around his face, lips red and swollen, eyes completely glazed as he stared at you like you were his next meal.
"So damn beautiful," he mumbled before he hovered over you and kissed you.
The kiss was so passionate, so deep, and all-consuming that you struggled to hang on to your sanity, struggled to keep yourself restrained so you didn't say something you oughtn't. Lewis kissed a blazing trail down your throat, across your collar then down the center of your body until he nipped at your nipple which strained through the material of your dress begging for more.
His lips didn't stop there though, when he kissed just below your belly button, he gripped your thighs.
"I'm hungry."
His intention was now crystal clear, and it broke through the haze in your brain. You gaped at him.
"What?! Here? We're outside on the balcony Lewis."
"So what?"
He slowly hiked up the hem of your dress as your brain sputtered, "So what? People could see."
Again, Lewis' response was nonchalant, "So?"
Dropping a kiss to your inner thigh, he sucked onto your flesh making your nether parts twitch and throb. He was not playing fair. Lewis trailed a path of open-mouthed kisses, nibbles and fire to your pelvis. Your body involuntarily lurched upward sending your sex brushing against his jaw. Lewis groaned then cussed.
"For fuck, Y/N, you will be the death of me."
He laid the flat of his tongue against your core then licked upward nudging your clit which felt incredible, so incredible you exclaimed into the night air.
"Baby," you whispered.
"Still stop, little butterfly?"
"What if someone sees? We can end up on TMZ or Daily Mail? If that happens everyone will know, this--this becomes--crazy."
Lewis stared at you really thinking about your words. He looked like he was quickly running through the possibility, but not even a minute went by before he spoke again.
"Listen to me. I want you in every aspect of the word want, everything it epitomizes. Everything."
Lewis scoffed then shook his head. "I want you, Y/N. I want you emotionally, mentally, physically, I want to engulf you, swallow you whole so my entire being captures your entire being."
Holy shit in a manger, you thought as his words washed over you. The intensity in his eyes only stole more of your breath.
"I don’t see outside, I dont see a balcony, I don’t see anything but you…and me."
Lewis laced his fingers through yours holding your hands against the table in the most tender way. His eyes so clear and open bore into you working whatever magic he had that always made you want to give in to him. "Let me have you…all of you. Every inch, every single part that you hide and tuck away, every part that you hold back from me, every layer that you deny. All of you."
Elsa's ice castle had nothing on you, right now in this moment being pinned underneath the last man you had ever expected to fall for, you were completely frozen as every single feeling you were currently feeling came to life in your mind in the form of screams. He'd always had a way with words and right now you decided to be just like Elsa and let it go.
And that was what you did. You let go. You pulled him to you by the collar of his shirt and crashed your lips to his then kissed him like the desperate, needy woman you were. All the weeks of pent-up urges and desires came pouring out of you. You no longer cared to hold back, no longer cared if you slipped up and said something first. He'd just said plenty. Lewis moaned as he battled for control but found no winning ground until he pulled away then kissed down your body again.
With rapid movements he raked your dress up around your waist then pushed your panties to the side. Once you were bare for him, he buried his face between your legs wasting no time on teasing. He licked and sucked at you like he were a starving man and every moment without the sweetness between your thighs caused him mortal pain.
You arched your back off of the table as your moans echoed around you. Resting your hand on his head you used it to center yourself. You knew you weren't going to last long; it had been too long, and you wanted too much. Lewis released your other hand and used his fingers to spread you. He then concentrated attention of his tongue against your clit sent you over the edge and you collided hard into your release.
A long drawn-out screech left you as your body convulsed from the sheer power of your orgasm. The sun had set hours ago but the entire sky lit up again with the oranges, purples, and reds. As you rode the wave of pleasure, Lewis remained between your legs inching you higher and higher with a series of mini orgasms that left his name on your lips.
When he emerged and kissed his way up your body he nuzzled your neck. "You've never shook before," he said looking into your eyes.
"Something is different," you whispered.
He studied you for a few moments then nodded, but before he spoke you kissed him again as you sat up. Taking control, you turned your bodies putting him against the table. Lifting off his shirt, you dropped it to the floor before you attacked his chest and teasing the spot right at his collar.
"Aaah, shit."
You didn't relent hellbent on making him as weak as you'd been moments ago. Lewis gripped the edge of the table as you continued your onslaught of kisses, licks and nibbles across every inch of his exposed flesh. When you made your way down his chest, and across his abs his eyes were glued to you. As you met them, you undid his pants then yanked them down. His hardness sprang free then bobbing in the air before you. Pre-cum dribbled from him while the length of him spasmed. You blew on it, making him groan loudly.
"Fuck don't tease me, Y/N, I can't take it."
You smirked. "As you wish."
With that you took the entire length of him into your mouth bottoming out as you tightened your throat around him.
You moaned when you felt him throb even more from the tight confines you'd forced him into. Your name tumbled from his lips over and over, and as it did you pushed past all the boundaries and things got messier and messier. Each moan of your name sounded softer and softer until he looked to be completely at your mercy.
Before you knew it, Lewis had pulled you to your feet and crashed his lips to yours. His tongue coiled around yours just before he sucked pulling you into a sinful exchange that you desperately wanted more of. As he kissed you, he lifted you securing you on his lap and in the same breath lowered you until he was filling you to capacity.
"Oh fuck!”
Neither of you moved, both of you allowing the moment to consume you. However, neither of you could stand the stillness for long. Lewis lifted your body then lowered you again sending a shiver through you when he nudged deep inside of you. Fuck he felt good, you thought to yourself, throwing your head back.
As he moved you against him, you rocked on him using him to chase your next release. Soon your movements became frenzied, both of you desperate for one another.
"Y/N," Lewis grunted.
Each time you flicked your hips forward, he held you tighter. Soon he was practically dropping you on his cock allowing gravity to do the work. Every time he did that you clenched around him sensing how close you were.
"God, you feel so good baby," you said, holding onto him tightly.
Lewis turned and splayed you across the table spreading your legs wide so he could watch himself slide in and out of you.
"So fucking pretty. Watch me fuck you little butterfly. Watch this thick dick fill you up."
You eased onto your elbows and did as you were told. Your pleasure increased as you watched the sensual act of your coupling. Every few strokes, Lewis slowed down then locked eyes with you.
"Mmm do you see that? Your tight little pussy creams for me."
Dipping your hand down, you swirled your clit then rolled your eyes to the back of your head when that lit a fire for something so intense you could feel it burning through you like a lit TNT fuse.
"Oh god I'm gonna cum," you warned.
"Cum for me little butterfly. Cum all over this dick. Let me see how good I make you feel. How perfect we are for each other."
Lewis circled his hips hitting every angle with precision and without mercy. The pounding of your heart in your ears drowned everything out. The only thing you could focus on was the way your body tingled as if the entire thing was asleep and slowly waking up.
"Yes, yes, yes right there. Right fucking there Lewis!”
When you screamed your body shook again, you'd lost all control. Lewis' lips claimed yours, swallowing your scream but joining you with his own shout. It felt as if he were taking the life from your body but giving you his in exchange, fusing you together in an unbreakable bond. In those seconds that both of you came together you transcended space itself, floating off out of your body to soar in ecstasy just before an inky darkness swallowed you whole.
Slowly your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you noticed was the feel of softens under and around you. It contrasted from one of the last feelings you remembered before your world went dark. You realized in moments that you weren't on the table anymore. Glancing to your right you squinted as bright sunlight assaulted your retinas. A soft groan left you then you rolled to your left hoping to get away from it.
Your arms stretched and you took note of the emptiness beside you. That didn't feel right. You shot your head up and looked around, keeping your eyes squinted. It was either early morning or afternoon and you were not in your own bed. You dropped back down and allowed the memories to come back. When they did, you flopped onto your back and flinched as the throbbing ache of your body became a focal point.
"Jesus. What the fuck Lewis," you groaned reaching between your legs as the ache persisted. When you did that, you felt the soreness of your back and it was then you remembered lying against the stone table as Lewis had his way with you.
Coiling into a ball you flinched at the raw burn of your knees. When you looked at them you saw how bruised and chaffed they were. You recollected kneeling before him as you brought him to the brink of recklessness then again on the table as he buried his face between the full swells of your ass.
Though you were in pain your body thrummed alive with the beginning stirs of desire. Unbelievable you thought. You wanted him even now. Sitting up, you slowly slid to the foot of the bed then took a breath before you stood. Upright the thoroughness of the fucking you'd taken last night washed over you and you smirked because you regretted nothing.
After a piping hot shower where the pressurized showerheads worked magic on your aches, pains and soreness, you felt more human. When you walked out of the bedroom wrapped in your robe you made your way to the kitchen hoping to find some strong Middle Eastern coffee that would make you feel like a NASA rocket.
Before you made it to the kitchen you caught sight of Lewis from the corner if your eye on the balcony working out. He dropped to the floor did 5 perfect push-ups then 5 plank tucks before coming back up to do a sequence of right and left hooks with short jabs. He did it again and again and by the 4th rep your jaw was dropped as you stared at him. His body glistened with sweat and that sweat only made his newfound more defined muscles that much more mouthwatering.
You slurped back the little bit of drool that was almost dribbling from the corner of your mouth, "Holy shit."
Unable to look away you watched him move on to pull ups. With his back facing you, you got the perfect view of his shoulders and the incredible definition of his back. He was gorgeous and you knew then that though you hadn't said the words to him it didn't make it less true. You wanted him and he had you in more ways than you liked.
Unexpectedly, Lewis turned and caught you ogling him. A cheeky smirk stretched across his perfect face, and you knew there was no way to play it off. Still, you tried. Clearing your throat, you walked to the kitchen and said a silent prayer for health and wealth to whoever delivered the coffee then poured some into the ornate and vintage looking tea and coffee cup, then smiled as you took a sip.
The flavors of cardamom, cinnamon, hints of cedar, creamy pistachio and something close to cherry washed over your tastebuds and in seconds you'd finished the cup. It was that good. You poured a second cup then took your tine with it.
You could feel Lewis' eyes burning into you and though he made no sound you knew he was coming to you. When his scent wrapped around you, you sank your teeth into your bottom lip hoping to stifle the moan. He didn't touch you, but you knew just how close he was to you. Just when his proximity alone was causing havoc on your senses, he brushed his lips to your ear.
"Good morning."
The sudden urge to push him against the wall filled you but you resisted.
"Was it? I woke up alone. For a man who said he wanted me here you sure don't show it."
Lewis came around the kitchen island and took a coffee for himself. "Of course, I want you here, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes. "Yet I'm sleeping alone and you're working out."
You were only teasing him but parts if it felt true. Lewis put his cup down and came around to you wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry. When you blacked out last night or this morning for the 3rd time, I put you in bed, but I was still wired, like more wired than I've ever been. I tried everything video games, working, reading, watching tv nothing worked. I just wanted you more and more. This workout took the edge off."
You let his words resonate. Blacked out? Third time? He wanted you? You finished your coffee then walked out of the kitchen toward the balcony. The memories flashed through your head like a movie. You had blacked out 3 times. He'd put in work work.
"So you were trying to hold back your perv tendencies."
Lewis snorted then wrapped his arms around you again.
"If I'm a perv then what does that make you?"
He turned you to face him and you smirked.
"The innocent obviously."
Lewis smiled then caressed your jaw. "I'm sorry I took too much last night."
You studied him for a moment then smiled. "I'm standing and able to walk. I don't think it was too much."
Lewis stared into your eyes trying to figure out if that was true.
"So you're working out because you're still horny."
He licked his lips then slid his hands down your arms.
"I'm working out because I'm wired and--you're not helping with what you're wearing."
His thumbs hooked at the collar of your robe teasing it. You smirked.
"Oh no?"
You pulled the sash then dropped the robe at your feet to stand before him completely bare. Lewis sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes raked over your body. His expression was pained as if he felt tortured.
"You want to not be able to walk or sit right today huh."
With a shrug, you slipped a hand down the front of his basketball shorts then smirked once you had the prize in hand.
"You're already so hard."
Boldness overtook you making you lower to your knees. You ignored the burn from the stretching skin over your knees and pulled him free.
"It's day time little butterfly. Someone could be watching," Lewis cautioned.
You smiled while stroking his length, preparing him for you.
"Then I better give a good show."
With that you lowered your mouth down his need, wasting no time with teasing.  Lewis' hands slipped to the back of your head as he watched you please him. The tight clench of his jaw said he was barely holding on at this point. When he began thrusting forward, pumping your mouth you opened your throat so you could take more of in.
'Aaaagh! You're ruining me Y/N. I'm completely fucking ruined for anyone who isn't you!"
You moaned then slurped your way up his shaft and smiled as you jerked him.
"You like hearing that huh? Like knowing that you've got me to the point where I dream about you at night and fantasize about you during the day. Like knowing that anyone who approaches me to flirt or hint at wanting to be on their knees in front of me like this is met with quick dismissal."
You moaned again then found his dick slipping down your throat. With a few thrusts, Lewis was fucking your throat for his enjoyment and your punishment for your cockiness. He knew you liked knowing that.
"You like knowing that your name is my favorite thing to moan. Like knowing that I only want you, I only want to be around you, I only want to show you these countries, I only want to experience this life with you by my side."
You paused completely shocked at the turn of his confession.
"Don't deny it."
He didn't give you the chance to before he shoved his cock right back in your mouth. Taking control, you gave everything you had used all the tricks in your repertoire all in the name of his pleasure. Within moments Lewis grunted and held tightly to your head as he released spurt after spurt of himself down your throat. You moaned as the hot thick substance hit the back of your throat, but you didn't pull away, you locked eyes with him and swallowed everything he gave.
Lewis pulled you up then threw you over his shoulder before stalking toward the bedroom. Once there he dropped you onto the bed and watched as you spread wide for him. Lowering himself, he hovered over you then swiped the tip of his hardness across your sex. You shivered then bit your bottom lip.
"You like knowing that you are the only woman I could ever--would ever want to go completely bare with."
His words brought back the memory of just that happening all night and early morning. Lewis watched you waiting for you to say something, object, anything but you didn't. Lewis slowly nudged forward pushing into you so achingly slow making sure you felt every inch, all the stretch as your body tried to accommodate him after it being pushed to the brink hours before. You gasped as the mix of pleasure and pain sent you so close to the edge it became impossible to breath.
Lewis looked as close as you were. With him fully seated inside of you, your eyes lingered as his body did over you.
"I'm yours, Y/N."
Your breath caught and the only thing for you to do was come clean.
"I'm yours."
At first Lewis looked completely surprised but then slowly he smiled.
"Took you long enough."
You snorted. "You still said it first."
Lewis flicked his hips forward making you groan.
"We'll see who says it most."
Drawing his hips back he plowed forward with full force making your eyes roll back and your body quiver. It was going to be a long day.
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AITA for making a stupid joke about white people names?
a group of friends and I (all 18+) were chatting, and one of them, Patty, mentioned how certain ethnic names have odd spellings that throw people off, or how some names might be spelled the familiar way but pronounced differently. that conversation eventually devolved to making jokes about obnoxious white people name, like adding 'eigh' instead of a 'y' or 'ie' etc, y'all know the meme. lakynn and other shit like that. I was under the assumption that, because we were now joking around about something similar but NOT ethnic names, the conversation topic changed.
so anyways, I made an edit of the woman with the sign and circling the weird spelling she was choosing, the blond pregnant woman wearing a blue shirt meme? I put one of the weird spellings we were talking about earlier in it, and we all had a good laugh bc imo it was genuinely funny at the time. for the record, I was not the only one making these jokes, but I was the only one who made a meme about it.
later on (like over a couple weeks, I think), we realize Patty hadn't messaged in the group for a while. I eventually find out through another friend, Greta, that Patty was super hurt by my joke about white people name spelling, saying that it was super rude and disrespectful to her and her (real, ethnic) name.
honestly, I saw where I fucked up and asked Greta if Patty was open to talking to me, as I wanted to properly apologize. I get that making a white people name joke after JUST talking about how ethnic names were disrespected was in bad taste, and I really do appreciate and value Patty as a friend. Greta then tells me that Patty refuses to talk to me, doesn't want an apology, and wants us to forget this ever happened.
I end up telling Greta that, while I regret what I said, it was hurtful that Patty, someone who I had a good relationship with previously, waited so long to say something and that I had to find out what happened through someone else. I've stated multiple times in this friend group that I'd want someone to call me out/in, rather than let me keep hurting people because of my ignorance. I always try to be receptive, and it hurt that Patty waited so long to talk to Greta to then tell me I fucked up so long after the initial conversation.
After all of this, I was pretty hurt too. not because Patty didn't decide to educate me, but because the relationship I thought we had was apparently flimsy enough that Patty would cut me off and give no chance for us to actually talk. it felt like a slap to the face, because we had known each other for years at that point, and this was the first incident between us. But then suddenly Patty was gone and refused to talk to me.
later on, after "dropping it" per Patty's request, I tried messaging them. not even to talk about what happened, but just to see how they were doing and try to rebuild our relationship. I simply got a message that Patty was busy with life and didn't have time to talk.
I realize that's a lot of information, but I guess my question actually is, AITA for trying to apologize for the stupid joke? For being hurt that I wasn't told anything until it was too late?
Other information: as far as I'm aware, I was the only one who Patty had an issue with after the joking conversation. Patty has continued to talk to other people in the group, but pointedly ignores me. I've tried a couple times to join a conversation that Patty was in, but they tend to go quiet after, so I gave up doing that and just try to keep my distance.
What are these acronyms?
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delimeats-000 · 11 months
Just the Editor - pt. 2
summary: chris comes to get his sweater back after the edit session him and the reader had.
warning: idk, shit writing
(two days after pt 1)
he’s all i can think about. his lips on mine ad i sit in his lap. what i wouldn’t give to be that close again. im scared to call, what if he’s not really interested? maybe im just another girl that he can fuck and dip.
i don’t want to be that.
fuck this, im just gonna call. i gotta play it cool though.
“ok” i say outloud to myself, in my shitty one bed apartment.
that was fast.
“Hey chris.”
“Sup, goof?”
“I uh, I still got your sweatshirt. I dunno if you want it back or whatever.”
“Uh if you want to keep it that’s cool.”
“Nah im good you can have it back.”
does he want me to keep it?
“Oh, ok.” he sounds disappointed, “Should i come by and get it right now?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Alright send your lo and i’ll be there.”
“K, bye.”
i hang up before i could get a response.
that was awful, i feel awful. maybe he does like me. maybe im just overthinking it. no he could have literally anyone. he’s not gonna like some editor.
an hour goes by and i hear a knock at my door. i grab the sweatshirt and take it with me to the door expecting him to take it and leave, as i open the door i realize i was wrong.
“Hi.” his voice is gentle, he seems nervous.
“Hey?” i look down he’s holding bags of chick-fil-a.
“Can i come in?”
“Oh right, yeah.”
he walks in right by me with a faint smile. “I didn’t know what you liked so i got a few things.”
“Yeah, no problem.” he pauses for a minute, i can tell he has something to say. “I uh, im sorry for the other day.”
i knew it, i knew i was just another fuck buddy.
“Oh it’s cool, i get it.”
“Get what?”
“You just needed to get off, right?”
“No. No, not at all.” he seems kinda offended. he looks down before continuing. “I like you, a lot. I thought that you’d get weirded out or some shit if i told you and in the heat of the moment i thought you liked me too.”
that’s all i could manage to say.
“Look im sorry, ill just go home.” he starts to stand up but then i grab his hand and pull him back down towards me.
“Dont go. I like you too chris. I just dont want to be a booty call.”
“Never. I want you, only you.”
“Chris, im just the editor. You gotta know that im not special.”
“You are tho, you’re so sweet and pretty and ever since the other day your lips are all i can think about.” he grabs my face with both hands and pulls me closer to him. “I’ve always been scared of relationships, but for you, i want to try. I want you all to myself.”
“Ok.” i smile and hold his hands that still rest on my face. he leans in and kisses me.
we both laugh and eat the chick fil a he brought while finally reviewing the newest pod i editited.
pt 1, love you🫶
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