#cam york smut
chukys-mouthguard · 2 months
why not both
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5.4K words
genre: smut
warnings: minors DNI, 18+ content; threesome, dirty talk
featuring: jamie drysdale x female reader x cam york
summary: when two men are fighting over who gets to sleep with you, why not choose both?
note: the reader and Cam often call Jamie “jim” or “jimmy” in this as a nickname. Also, this is my first ever attempt at writing a threesome, these 2 men just really needed to be written together in my opinion 🥵 I’m not super proud of this but hopefully y’all like it 🫶🏼
Giving yourself a once over pulling at the hem of your skirt, you questioned if it was too short. Knowing the boys you were hanging around they’d surely love if it was, so you opted to ask Jamie, the least likely to undress you with his eyes and give you his honest opinion.
Soon enough the jet black haired boy appeared in the doorway of your bathroom, his outfit making you chuckle.
“I swear to god you and Cam really said what’s the most generic outfit to wear for a country music festival…anyways, thoughts?”
Hands on your hips you did a spin, giving him the opportunity to take in your outfit. A black mini skirt and black cowboy boots, paired with a white tank top that read j’adore cowboys and a black cowboy hat to top it off. Jamie’s jaw slightly parted as he looked you up and down.
“I feel like I reallyyy dropped the ball now seeing you.”
He flashed you a shy smile as you took his words as a sign that you looked good. Tipping your cowboy hat to him as you walked past, stealing his High Noon in the process as you tossed back the remnants that were in the can.
“Thanks Jimmy!”
The sounds of Morgan Wallen blasting from the kitchen of the airbnb as you walked in to find Cam pouring shots for you all.
“Where the hell is everyone?”
Noticing the house was empty you checked the time, assuming you were running late as you usually did. However today you managed to be almost 30 minutes early, a new record for you.
“They are on their way and-holy shit, someone is trying to get all the cowboys hot and bothered today huh?”
Cam flashed you a cocky smirk as he handed you a shot, leaning against the counter while he took in your outfit. Playing with the silver sparkly chain that laid over the skin of your exposed stomach.
“Don’t you know that necklaces are meant for your neck?”
Cam leaning in towards you, grinning from ear to ear before you’d mirrored him, your faces inches from one another.
“Don’t you know that I don’t give a fuck?”
Raising your eyebrows you tossed back your shot, giving him a wink before Jamie joined the two of you asking for his own.
The dynamic between the two boys was one you’d never fully understood, but it made sense. Cam was outspoken, a cocky fuck to put it plainly, who would tell you exactly what he wanted to say, whether it was something you wanted to hear or not. The energy between the two of you was always one of trying to one up each other, your competitive sides always on display. But Jamie, he was the total opposite. Soft spoken, mindful of anything and everything that came out of his mouth. He was the one you went to for advice, the late night talks where you’re up until 3am eventually forgetting the point of the conversation.
Though bringing the two of them together always guaranteed a good time. Hot guys, alcohol, and a music festival, a girl was living the dream.
Once the rest of your group had arrived, it was time to head out. The girls of course needing to take tons of pictures before leaving, making the boys roll their eyes but giving them the opportunity to toss back a few more shots.
“Why’d she call you to her room earlier Jim?”
Cam shot Jamie a playful smirk as the boys trailed behind the girls on the long path to the entrance gates, to which he shook his head with a laugh.
“No way dude, don’t even go there. She asked me what I thought of her outfit.”
Rolling his eyes Cam threw an arm over Jamie’s shoulder. His voice now just above a whisper as he didn’t want the group to overhear.
“You’re telling me that outfit she has on isn’t driving you crazy? Cause shit, she is driving me crazy right now in that mini skirt.”
“Keep it in your pants dude!”
Jamie shoved Cam from his side with a laugh, trying to ignore his friend's comments. Cam just putting his hands up with a shrug. “Listen Jim, if you won’t finally make a move, I just might.”
Jamie had hid his feelings for you since the day you’d met. He had never seen a girl so beautiful, but he wasn’t the type to be forward and blunt about how he felt. Unlike Cam who made it known that he thought you were hot and would do anything for a chance with you. Jamie had told Cam in confidence one night how he felt, at the time not knowing that Cam felt the same way. And since then it had been their secret, one that almost brought out the competitiveness between them whenever the three of you got together.
Several hours into the festival, having been spent in the direct sunlight, it was safe to say you were in need of water and food. Thanking yourself for picking an outfit that didn’t have much fabric so you were somewhat cooler than those who had multiple layers. The boys benefited from the fact that they could simply take their shirts off, while you could only put your hair up in hopes of it cooling you down.
“If I don’t get french fries in my mouth in the next five minutes, I might actually die.”
You groaned as you sat on the grass, fanning yourself with you hat as your friend group followed suit. All of you trying to rest before you headed off to the next artist’s stage.
“Someone ask for some french fries?”
Jamie smiled as he sat down next to you, handing you a basket of fries, seeing the look on your face as you practically scarfed them down in seconds.
“I could kiss you right now Jamie oh my god!”
The phrase making his eyes go wide, despite knowing that there was likely no intention behind it. Though he couldn’t help but think back to Cam’s words from earlier. Hoping that maybe today, in a moment of drunken false confidence, he’d work up the courage to finally make a move.
“Oh my god!”
Jamie was shook from his thoughts as he looked at you, concerned that something was wrong.
“You even remembered I love ranch with my fries? God I love you Jamie!”
He softly smiled as he was happy to know he’d made your day remembering such a minor detail about you. The two of you sitting in silence as you refueled yourselves before heading off to the next spot.
“I really do like your outfit today by the way. Sorry I got a little tongue tied when you asked me this morning.”
You watched Jamie slightly blush as he spoke, his eyes not connecting with yours as he seemed almost nervous about his words. A smile on your face as you continue munching on your fries.
“Tongue tied? Because of?”
“How hot you looked, obviously.”
The words catching you off guard coming from Jamie, sure he’d complimented you before but never so bluntly. Perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe the heat was getting to him. But it was a side of him you liked. Having spent so much time with Cam you thought for sure he would’ve gained some of Cam’s confidence, his boldness. But he’d remained the kind and gentlemanly man he’d been since the day you met, which you appreciated in contrast to Cam. Though sometimes you wanted to see that cockier side of Jamie, and see him be more outspoken. Not let Cam run the show or call the shots so much.
“You think I look hot?”
“Oh absolutely, you alwa-“
“Don’t mind if it do!”
Cam interrupted Jamie’s words as he pushed between the two of you, stealing a few fries from your basket before he tipped his hat to you and blew you a kiss.
“Thank you little lady.”
You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head before you looked back at Jamie who was awkwardly laughing off the situation. Almost thankful Cam interrupted so he didn’t end up saying what he planned.
You tucked some hair behind your ear as he offered to help you stand up, taking your empty fry basket and tossing it in the trash as your group was ready to start walking again.
“Jamie, you were saying something? Before we were rudely interrupted!”
Making the gesture as if you were going to kick Cam in the butt as you empathized your words, causing Jamie to laugh.
“Just that, you always look hot to me.”
He flashed you a wink before one of the guys had called him away for something, lucky for you as a blush was quickly creeping over your cheeks. Hopefully disguised as you just being flush from the heat so no one would think much of it.
As your group made your way to the final stage of the night, you all had grown eager for the final performer. It was the main reason you’d come to the festival, and you all were ready to sing until your voices gave out.
Onlookers probably thought your group was annoying, the way you all belted out the lyrics, dancing around with one another. But none of you cared, enjoying every second of the night you all had been looking forward to all summer.
As you danced around, you noticed Jamie standing and talking with Trevor, drinks in hand like two awkward freshman at their first college party. Making your way over to them, you grabbed Jamie’s hand, attempting to bring him out of his shell a bit.
“Jamie don’t make me dance alone, come onnn!”
He smiled down at you as you took his hands in yours, laughing as you belted out the words along with the crowd. But despite being as drunk as he was, he wasn’t giving you much to work with. Simply rocking back and forth as he watched you. A smile on his face as he’d wondered if this was his chance, to make his move like Cam had teased him about.
But as the song came to an end, you’d let go of his hands and clapped along with the crowd. Looking on in anticipation as you all tried to predict the next song, Jamie immediately missing the feel of your hands in his as he rejoined Trevor at the back of the group.
The second the slower strums of the guitar started, you threw your hands to your hat in shock, searching the area for Cam as you knew his reaction would be similar. This song had been your favorite from the album, and you’d each had it on repeat for weeks leading up to tonight.
He’d found you from across the group, the two of you immediately belting out the words as he wrapped his arms around you, swaying you to the music before he’d switched to slow dancing.
Jamie watched as you threw your head back laughing, the way Cam’s hands were resting at your waist, beating himself up for being too concerned about what people thought to dance with you how you’d wanted. He couldn’t blame Cam for the way he acted around you, Cam wasn’t afraid to show you how he felt towards you. And you seemed to appreciate the boldness of him. And while Jamie felt he expressed his feelings in other ways, he was starting to think that it wasn’t good enough.
After several hours in the sun and far too much alcohol, you all were ready to head home. The house was only a short walk once outside the fairgrounds, but your feet were killing you in your boots and you were sure they would be covered in blisters. Every step hurt worse than the last, and you were ready to take your boots off and leave them behind.
“Ouch, fuck.”
Jamie noticed you wincing as you walked, and in true Jamie fashion he’d thought up an idea. Stopping you in your tracks, he’d positioned himself in front of you, slightly bending down before instructing you to jump.
Normally you’d question him whether or not he was sober enough to carry you, but with the alcohol flowing through your system and the pain in your feet, you gladly accepted. Wrapping your arms around his neck, his arms around your thighs, the two of you were the closest you’d ever been. Your cheek practically touching his as he carried you with ease down the trail.
His eyes occasionally catching yours before you’d look away embarrassed. Luckily the amount of alcohol in your system and a slight sunburn was hiding any blush that had appeared on your cheeks.
“You good?”
Jamie smirked at you as his eyes traveled from yours to your lips, then back. Something in them was different, and you felt almost nervous to be so close to him. Taking the time to appreciate how good he smelled, the way his face lit up when he looked at you. Sure you’d always thought Jamie was attractive, but you’d never thought about him in that way. But feeling his biceps flex as he carried you with ease, his hands gripping your thighs just beneath your ass, you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol getting you warm or something else.
“Giddy up cowboy!”
The sting of Cam slapping your ass quickly pulled you out of the moment with Jamie as you playfully yelped. A hand leaving Jamie’s neck to grab at your ass, rubbing the sore spot before you cursed Cam.
“Don’t have it on display if you don’t want me touching it, little lady.”
He playfully tipped his hat at you, flashing a wink before he ran to catch up with some of the guys.
“He’s such a perv.”
You laughed as your arm returned to wrap around Jamie’s neck. Noticing how Jamie’s expression had turned a bit annoyed, not used to seeing him that way.
“Jamie, what’s wrong?”
He shook his head, trying to laugh it off and pretend like it was nothing. Embarrassed that he was even getting jealous over Cam’s interactions with you.
“Nothing, it’s, it’s nothing.”
You glared at him as he kept his eyes forward, knowing him all too well to believe that it was simply nothing. He could feel your eyes practically burning a hole in his cheek, finally letting out a sigh as he gave in.
“I mean, it’s not like it’s anything you don’t already know. It’s silly that I’m even bothered by Cam wanting to fuck you so bad.”
You practically choked on your own saliva hearing the words pour from Jamie’s mouth. Sure you knew that Cam flirted with you, hell he flirted with every girl that crossed his path. But either you don’t know him well enough, or you’re just oblivious to him wanting to sleep with you.
“Um, actually I didn’t know that…but why does that bother you?”
Jamie knew he could risk jeopardizing his friendship with you, but Cam was right. He needed to finally man up and make a move or he’d never have the chance.
“Because I obviously like you too. You can’t tell me you’ve never noticed it? I mean I don’t run around slapping your ass and drooling over you in front of your face. But, Cam and I feel the same way. We have for, well forever.”
“So you want to fuck me too?”
Jamie bit his tongue, unsure if he should open up a can of worms with his response. He knew the second he’d admitted how he felt, there was no turning back.
“You fucking told her?”
Cam’s voice was barely above a whisper as he scolded Jamie, shocked to know he’d finally grew a pair and told you how he felt. But not without dragging Cam into the mix along with him.
“Well, you told me to make a move, but then you were busy making a move and I got jealous and she noticed and it just slipped out!”
The two of them whisper bickering back and forth, trying not to make too much noise for you to overhear as you’d gone to take your hat and boots up to your room.
“It slipped out for you to tell our best friend that we both want to fuck her? Jimmy I swear to god I could kill you!”
Walking into the kitchen you couldn’t help but notice the two boys awkwardly stopping their conversation. Both of them smiling at you as if to cover up something.
“Um, hi?”
“Hey, how uh, are your feet feeling?”
Jamie tried his best to break up the awkwardness, Cam slightly laughing at his choice of a convention starter as he walked over to the island to crack open a drink.
“What is going on with you two?”
Leaning on the counter as you snacked on some chips, holding a hand out for Cam to pass you his drink so you could steal a sip. His eyes darting from Jamie to you as he handed it over, a smirk on his lips as he chuckled.
“Look, I know Jamie let the cat out of the bag. So, we just want to know, who would you pick?”
Leaning against the counter as he took his drink back from you, Cam couldn’t help but smile. Crossing his arms over his chest as he awaited your response. Jamie’s eyes wide as he had no part in the questioning, easily you knew this was Cam’s idea.
“I’m sorry?”
Playing dumb you countered the question as you walked over to Cam, jumping up to sit on the counter as he shook his head. He could see right through you, knowing that you knew exactly where he was going with this conversation. But you figured you’d have a little fun with the two of them, make things more interesting.
Cam looked to Jamie, seeing that he wasn’t going to be the one to push the conversation forward, per usual he’d have to be the one to take the lead.
“I said, which one of us would you pick to fuck you?”
Cam’s hands were now on either side of your thighs, his lips inches from yours as he studied your response, seeing how you’d slightly tensed up as he got closer. Your breath hitching in your throat at his forwardness.
“I have to pick?”
A playful tone in your voice as you raised an eyebrow at him, watching as he leaned back against the counter behind him to join Jamie. The two boys in front of you impatiently waiting for a response. Cam assuredly thinking the answer would be him simply on account of his boldness. While Jamie was hoping it was him to knock Cam off his high horse, wanting this competition between the two of them to finally be over with.
“Can I pick both?”
Both of their eyes going wide at your response as they were sure you were joking, earning a slight laugh from you. The idea certainly not one you’d had prior to this very moment, but who could blame you?
Cam had always struck you as the type of guy you’d normally go for. Outspoken, a little bit of an asshole, knows he’s hot and will be sure to remind you of it. But could back it up with his body and his ability to make you blush with every flirtatious comment that came off his lips.
Jamie on the other hand, was more reserved and lacked the surplus of confidence Cam possessed. He’d compliment you, but never too boldly. Always a gentleman and respectful, though you often wondered what he might be hiding should you ever get past his shy demeanor. Like Cam, his body was one you’d occasionally get caught staring at, the both of them strict about their gym routines and it showed.
Still in their cutoff flannels from the festival your eyes landed on their biceps, then traveling to their chests that were peeking out due to one too many buttons being undone. Which you definitely appreciated, having to squeeze your thighs together to help with the building pressure you’d started to feel as you thought about the idea of the two of them finally getting their hands on you after wanting the opportunity for so long.
Cam took notice of you pressing your thighs together, a smirk on his lips as he looked at Jamie, who was clearly hot and bothered himself over the idea as he awkwardly adjusted his stance as if to hide a growing problem in his shorts.
“Well, what do you say Jimmy, should we give the little lady what she wants?”
He waited for a moment, to get some type of response from Jamie, but he clearly was unsure of the idea. Like a deer in headlights as he watched Cam close the distance between the two of you. His lips immediately on yours, sloppy as he’d clearly been aching to have this moment. As predicted, Cam fought you for dominance. His tongue pushing past your lips as his hands gripped your face, a slight moan escaping you as you gripped his ginger curls.
Cam playfully bit your lip before his trailing kisses down to your neck. First sucking, then biting, and finally trailing his tongue over the red marks to soothe the skin.
“Fuck Cam”
He smirked against your skin hearing his name pour from your lips, urging him to continue. As your eyes slowly fluttered open, you found Jamie trying to ease the discomfort in his shorts. Embarrassed when he locked eyes with you, unsure of what to do. Sensing his hesitation to jump in, clearly by Cam taking charge of the situation, you reached a hand out to him. Pulling him towards you by his shirt as his hands softly rested on your thighs.
“Oh come on Jamie, you said you wanted to fuck me right?”
Your tone playful as you teased him, pulling him by the chin to your lips. Fingers tangled in his black locks as his hand moved to your waist, lightly digging into your skin as he finally seemed to relax.
“Atta boy Jimmy, don’t be shy. She wants it just as bad as you do.”
The kiss intensified as Jamie became more comfortable, a hand slowly pushing past your tank top to find your lace covered breasts. His hand immediately bypassing the fabric, earning a moan of approval from you as you broke the kiss, gazing up at both boys with lust filled eyes. The two of them unsure what to do next as they’d not planned for a moment like this.
“How about we go somewhere that gives us a little more space to work with?”
Biting your lip you nodded in agreement, Cam pulling you in for one last kiss before he led the way upstairs. Jamie offering to help you from the counter, to which you accepted. But not without trying to ease his nerves in the process.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you pulled him in for a kiss, his hands gripping at your waist as your legs circled his, inviting him to lift you off the counter.
Jamie carried you upstairs, the two of you stealing more kisses from one another before he laid you on the bed. Cam tossing his shirt to the side, then discarding his shorts before he’d begun trailing kisses up your thighs.
Jamie following suit before joining you on the bed, his lips finding yours again as his hands pulled your tank top over your head, eyes immediately getting ahead of his actions and undressing you further. Your hand dropping to his cock that was pressing against your side through his briefs. Jamie moaning into the kiss as you palmed him over the fabric.
Cam noticed your focus on Jamie, lightly biting at your inner thigh to gain your attention.
“Ow fuck, Cam!”
“Sorry, you were giving him all the attention. I want to know I’m making you feel good too baby.”
His hands hooked into the waistband of your skirt, pulling it down with your thong in one motion. Instinctually you closed your legs, nervous for the boys to see you so vulnerable, but Cam immediately gripped your thighs, pulling them apart as he positioned himself at your core.
“Come on baby, you can’t be shy now. You chose both remember?”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt Cam’s tongue trace up your slit, your free hand falling to his hair as you gripped his curls. The other hand pushing past the waistband of Jamie’s briefs, stroking him slowly as his lips fell to your neck. Breath heavy as he moaned against your skin.
His moans were needy, telling you’d need more than just your hand.
“Take these off, let me give you more than just a hand.”
Lifting his hips, Jamie pulled down his briefs. His cock slapped against his stomach as your jaw had slightly dropped at the sight. His size definitely not what you’d expected but you weren’t complaining.
“Mmm, you gonna suck his cock while I eat your pussy baby?”
Without warning Cam slips a finger between your folds to accompany the work of his tongue. Your hips arching off the bed into his touch as Jamie pulled you towards the edge of the bed, tilting your jaw to face him as he stroked his cock. Eyes falling to yours for the go ahead before slowly thrusting into your mouth.
His hands falling to your hair, guiding you down as far as you’d let him. Gagging as you deepthroated him, Jamie’s breathing harsh as his head fell back at the feeling.
“Mm, she being a good girl for you Jim?”
“So fucking good.”
Jamie’s eyes met yours as he watched you take all of him in your mouth, his grip tightening in your hair as he fought the urge to fuck your face. Wanting to go easy on you and not rush anything.
Cam dipped a second finger into you without warning, picking up his pace as your hips bucked against him. His free hand moving to hold your hips in place. Wanting to help you ride out your orgasm.
“Fuck, oh my god Cam I’m gonna cum.”
“Don’t stop fucking her face Jim, make her take it.”
Jamie grabbed your hair, finally giving in to his urges. Thrusting into you as his cock hit your throat, eyes watering as you felt your climax closing in. Cam’s tongue and fingers in unison as your clenched around them, hips lifting off the bed as you came. Your moans muffled as your mouth was preoccupied with Jamie’s cock.
“Mm, she tastes so fucking good Jim. Come try for yourself.”
Jamie pulled his cock from your lips, taking Cam’s place between your legs. His eyes flashing up to you for approval before you gripped his hair and urged him to taste you.
Cam positioning himself behind you as his hands gripped your breasts, kneading the skin before focusing on your nipples as he watched Jamie along with you.
Jamie’s tongue slowly traced your slit, stopping to pay attention to your clit, the sensation causing you to buck against his face as you were still coming down from your high. Cam’s lips falling to your neck, kissing and biting at the skin before he brought your lips to his.
Hearing you moan into his mouth let him know Jamie was doing a good job. He watched as your hands gripped his hair tight, grinding your hips to match the rhythm of his tongue and fingers.
“You want him to fuck you now? I think you can handle it baby.”
Biting your lip you nodded your head, fingers releasing their grip in Jamie’s hair, though he continued. Enjoying the taste of you as he’d felt you tighten your grip on his fingers, letting him know you were close.
“Tell him what you want, use your words.”
“Please Jamie, fuck me. I need you.”
The words pouring from your lips like magic to his ears, his cock twitching at the sound of you begging for him. Pulling his fingers from you, immediately earning a whine as you already missed the contact. Cam’s fingers soon taking over as Jamie lined himself with your entrance.
He stroked himself a few times before thrusting into you, the feeling of Jamie’s cock stretching you while Cam’s fingers circled your clit had you seeing black.
“How does she feel Jim?”
“So fucking tight, fuck!”
Jamie’s hands gripped your hips as he couldn’t bother going slow, his thrusts hard and quick as he’d already been close since you’d had him in your mouth.
“Does he feel good baby? Stretching you out while I rub your clit?”
Cam’s cocky smirk was working overtime. You always assumed he was a freak, but you swore he was made for sex. The way dirty talk rolled off his lips and had you dripping wet at the sound, you were wondering how you’d gone so long without this.
“Mhm, feels so fucking good. I, I’m so close. Please don’t fucking stop.”
But instead he pulled himself from you, a gasp catching in your throat as you’d had your climax halted from the immediate loss.
You looked at Jamie as he climbed onto the bed, laying down next to you as he stroked himself.
“It’s only fair Cam gets a chance to feel how tight you are too baby.”
The sound of Jamie calling you baby had you melting, rolling over onto your knees as Cam gladly took advantage of the opportunity to fuck you from behind. His grip tight on your hip as he teased your slit with his cock, loving how wet you were.
“Ready baby?”
Ready as you’d ever be.
You’d taken Jamie’s cock back into your mouth as his hands tangled into your hair, forcing you down his length as Cam finally thrusts into you. Your moans muffled as you deepthroated Jamie, Cam’s fingers leaving bruises on your skin as he held you while his thrusts showed no signs of ceasing.
“Fuck, pussy is so tight baby. Jimmy didn’t stretch you out too much huh?”
“Fuck you Cam!”
You watched as Jamie spat back at Cam before his eyes reconnected with yours as your hand began working in unison with your mouth. His hips bucking against you as he grew close to his climax.
“Shit…I’m gonna cum baby. Keep sucking his cock, make sure he cums for you.”
“Mmm, shit. I’m gonna cum.”
Both boys moans turning you on, the low groans and grunts that spilt from their lips as they both were nearing their peaks. Watching as Jamie’s abs twitched while his breaths were short and choppy.
“Yes, fuck, ah”
The boys groaned out almost in unison. Jamie’s head fell back against the pillow as he came, your mouth still on his length as you felt the warmth of his seed hit the back of your throat. Making sure to swallow it all while you felt Cam pull his length from you as he came on your ass.
The three of you sweaty and exhausted as you tried to catch your breath. Cam heading to the restroom to grab a towel, while Jamie found you a tshirt and himself some shorts.
As the three of you got cleaned up, you nestled between the two of them under the blankets. Your head on Jamie’s chest with your legs were tangled with Cam’s, his fingers tracing circles on your thigh.
“So, you think you’ll be more likely to come visit us in Philly next season?”
Cam raised an eyebrow at you while Jamie just laughed, a hand running through your hair as you shrugged.
“I mean, if the visit is anything like tonight, I don’t see why not.”
The boys both smiling at your answer, pleased with themselves that they didn’t disappoint. Happy to have finally gotten the chance at something they were sure would never happen.
“I think the real question we want to know is, who was better? And it’s okay if you need to tell Cam he was better just so his feelings don’t get hurt, I understand.”
Rolling your eyes you could not believe how competitive they truly were. Although you could, considering that they made it a point to trash talk each other during sex.
“Mmm, hate to say it but I think it’s a tie. We might need to try again to solidify a winner?”
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wheezyseeker99 · 2 months
Too Sweet
Warnings: body appreciation, pda, teasing, alcohol consumption, swearing, oral (female receiving), soft domination (little bit of daddy kink), hair pulling, unprotected sex (fm)
18+, MDNI
Summary: An entire day where Cam cannot keep his hands to himself.
AN: This picture got posted while I finished editing this so I think that means I need to use it.
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Cam has always shown appreciation for my body, but his enthusiasm for my curves surpassed anything I have ever experienced. This morning I woke up and made myself a cup of coffee and brought a cup of chocolate milk to bed for Cam. He’s been sleeping in later now that it’s the off season. I smile to myself as I look at him softly snoring. His messy hair shined brighter from the sun streaming in through the windows.
I climbed back into bed and grabbed my book from the bedside table, and read until Cam woke up. He rolled over and laid his head on my lap while I flipped through the book. Well, that was until his hands started to roam my body.
I looked down at him, and his eyes held on my thighs. I rarely ever bother to put on pants when I go to bed so I’m still just in an oversized old tshirt. It’s nothing special, but Cam loves it. He trails a hand up and down my thigh. I let him get lost in his head for a little while so I could keep reading. It was only when his teeth met my thigh that I slammed the book shut.
“Cameron,” I gasped and looked down at him, “why did you do that?”
He took the book from my hands and sat it on his bedside table. He picked up the glass of chocolate milk, smiling to himself before drinking from the glass. He sat it down and then laid back down.
“Wanted your attention baby,” he sighed before kissing over the red bitten skin on my thigh.
“Yeah?” I say and run my fingers through his hair, “and how did I taste?”
His eyes gleam with excitement and he sits up a little to give me a chaste kiss. “The usual, honey. Way too sweet for me,” he states, grinning ear to ear.
“You say that like you didn’t just drink chocolate milk,” I laugh.
He hummed softly. “You’re sweeter than that, though.”
“If you say so Cameron.”
“I do,” he places another kiss on my thigh before nuzzling his face into the skin. “5 more minutes.”
5 more minutes turned into nearly 30, and now we’re both getting ready to leave the house. Today we’re going to a bonfire out near Chesapeake Bay at one of his friend’s houses, and Cam got us an airbnb for the night. I knew he would convince me to go out on a boat in the morning to fish so I packed extra clothes in my overnight bag.
While I’m zipping up my bag, a slap comes down on my ass. I let out a gasp before two arms snake around my waist. I lean back into Cam’s chest and I felt a kiss being placed on the top of my head.
“What was that for?”
“It was right there, calling for me to touch it,” he laughed into my hair. His hands stroked my sides gently.
“I’m sure it did,” I rolled my eyes and played along. “Let’s go before I send you by yourself.”
“Like you could get rid of me,” he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. He grabbed the bag and walked out the door.
The entire drive Cam had his hand on my thigh. He hummed to the music playing from the radio, but otherwise, he was quiet. Typically he would want to talk so this is a stark contrast to how he usually is. Silence is just weird in this car. I placed my hand over his to get his attention, and his palm squeezed my inner thigh through my leggings.
“You’re being quiet,” I told him. I traced my fingers over his hand and looked over at him. His gaze is still fixed on the road.
“Just content baby,” he glances over at me. His hand squeezed my thigh again. A bolt of electricity races through me and I clamped my thighs closed around his hand, trapping it between them. I held back a moan by biting down on my lip. “Very, very content.”
“But I want you to talk,” I whine. He arches an eyebrow when he looks at me for a second.
“Nah baby, you can talk about anything and I’ll listen. We have 10 minutes until we arrive at the airbnb.”
I pout in my seat for the remainder of the drive, and I don’t wait for Cam when we pulled into the driveway of the house we’re staying at for the night. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the back without sparing him a glance. I punch in the code and walk in through the door. Cam walked up behind me in the entryway and pulled me back into him.
“Is my little brat mad at me?” He cooed before turning me to face him. “Need me to talk and touch you all day long to satisfy you?”
“Ugh, don’t make fun of me,” I chastise him.
Cam slotted his mouth to mine for a moment and he tucked my hair behind my ear. Beaming down at me, he said, “it’s my favorite past time, honey.”
I shoved his chest and grabbed my bag.
“You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep this up Cameron.”
At the bonfire Cam and I are sitting on a blanket, watching the fire roar in front of us. He talks to his friends and teammates while I sip the whiskey sour in my glass, listening to him. I guess I’ve finally caught up with Cam with the content feeling soaring through my chest. I lean into him and a press a kiss on his jaw, silently telling him that I’m enjoying this too.
I like being out of the city, even if it’s just for a little while. I can tell he does too. A lot of people treat him as if he’s only a last name and a number on a jersey, but the people here know him as just Cam. It put a smile on my face for him to be normal and comfortable in a space around people. ‘Drunk on life Cam’ is one of my favorite versions of him.
I finished off my glass before standing to refill it at the minibar. From afar, I can still feel his eyes on me. All the sudden I hear the pop of a bottle being opened. I glanced over and it was Tyson pouring wine into Katie’s glass. In my mind it wasn’t the pop of a wine bottle, I heard the smack of Cam’s hand on my ass. A shiver ran through me at the thought. When he had done it earlier I knew I’d end up thinking about it once I drank a little.
Now I feel the horniness settle inside me. I move my eyes back to where he is, loving the way he’s laughing. I go back over to my spot to sit down, but he tugs me down between his spread legs, caging me in with his arms around my waist. I lean back into him and get lost in the haziness he makes me feel. I tuck my face in the crook of his neck. I breathe him in, smelling his cologne, and I feel him laugh as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. I love him and he knows it without me saying a word.
“Honey,” Cam whispered into my ear. I hummed in response. I feel his warm breath against the shell of my ear. “Do you want to head out soon?”
I shake my head while taking a swig of my drink.
“What are you two whispering about over there?” Jamie asked, narrowing his eyes at us.
“Nothing Jameson,” I spoke up. “Just how we need to head out soon. You know I’m an early riser. And I need to have time to get comfortable in bed with Cam.”
From the outside perspective, my words were innocently sweet, but Cam knew what I meant. I tilted my head to connect our eyes and his flared at me. I didn’t miss the way his eyes dropped to my lips. My insides feel warm instantly. Whenever I use the term ‘get comfortable’ that usually meant I would be naked and waiting in bed for Cam. Jamie and the guys probably didn’t know that though.
“Boring,” Jamie snorts. “Are we going out with Tys and Katie in the morning?”
Cam nods his head while licking his lips. He bites down on his bottom lip and I move my eyes away from him. I take a long sip from my glass and focus my gaze back on the fire. It wasn’t long before I felt his lips trail down the back of my neck. I tilt my head to the side so he has more access, and I try to hide the involuntary moan coming out of me by finishing what was left in my glass.
“Cam take your girl home if you’re going to be acting like that bro,” Tyson laughs.
“Gladly,” Cam groans behind me. He lets me go and jumps up to grab my hands, pulling me up with him. “See you guys in the morning.”
We barely make it through the door when my back is slammed against it. I felt satisfaction already twisting deep in my stomach when he looks at me like this. His eyes lingered on me for a few seconds before they met mine again. They were a darker shade of blue and they made my chest feel tight. He drags the backs of his fingers down my cheek, “where were we, honey?”
“Kiss me.”
That was all I could say before his lips attack mine confidently, passionately. His hands slide into my hair, slightly tugging my head back. I feel the heat rushing through my body, building between my legs. I need him on top of me, inside me. I need him in a way that’ll screw up my mind forever.
His hands dropped from my hair before gliding down my curves to rest on my hips. Cam pulls his lips away from mine before he pulls me towards the kitchen.
“Hop up on the counter,” he murmurs.
My gaze flicked towards the hallway where our bedroom for the night is, but he steers me to the countertop, pressing me against it. His fingers hook into my leggings and panties, tugging them down my legs.
He straightens his posture before his hand came beneath my chin, tipping my face up, “I've seen and tasted every inch of you. There's no point hiding in a bedroom now. You’re going to get comfortable right here.”
Cam presses a chaste kiss to my lips before pulling away, lifting me by the hips to settle on the counter. He steps between my spread legs, grinning at the sight. He groans while lowering himself to come face to face with my core.
“Please,” I whimper out.
He softly kisses up my inner thigh from my knee to my pussy. His beard scratched against my skin, teasing just enough to make me squirm. He placed a kiss against my clit while dragging his fingers over my folds.
“So wet for me already honey,” he moaned before diving in. His mouth traced shapes on my clit and two of his fingers entered my pussy, knocking all of the air out of me. I gasp and rake my fingers through his hair, holding on. His fingertips increased pressure inside me, and I feel my stomach tense.
“Cam.” His name on my lips is a constant plea for more, moaning it out like it’s a melody. My hips thrust into him, his tongue caressing all of the right places. My body is aching for release when he pulls his mouth away, his fingers still thrusting into me.
“Yeah?” I can hear the cockiness in his voice while he bites down my thigh. “I make you feel good?”
I nod my head, only able to moan at how good he’s making me feel.
“Say it,” he gritted out, sucking my swollen clit back into his mouth.
“You make me feel so good Cam,” I say obliviously. A harsh moan tore from me and he continues to push me closer to the edge. My eyes closed tightly as Cam coaxes me through my orgasm, massaging my sensitive clit with his tongue until I tug a fistful of his hair to bring him to his feet. I can taste myself on his lips, opening my mouth for him.
Cam kissed me for what seemed like forever. His hand slid upward to grab a fistful of my hair, and the other came around my throat. I whimpered at the forceful grip. I’m far beyond aroused at this point. I need him. Now. I need all of him.
I trail my hands down to his shorts, tugging them down to reveal his cock, inch by delectable inch. I need him inside me so bad. His cock taunted me and it only urged me on more. Cam groaned and released his grip on me when I grabbed a hold of his thick, hard length. I stroke him slowly while his eyes watched me, sliding over every part of me that he could see. From my face to my barely covered breasts.
“Why didn’t I take off your tank top earlier?” Cam rasped. His hands settled on either side of me.
I cocked my head to the side and I released his length from my grip, “you were pussy driven, daddy.”
Cam’s eyes flared as his gaze dropped between my legs. If my body wasn’t on fire under his stare before it definitely is now. I drew my legs around his hips, tugging him closer.
“How can I not be honey? Your pussy is fucking sweet.”
My legs tightened around him, urging him forward into my throbbing core. I lift his shirt over his head and toss it away. His cock slid along my wet folds and I moaned at the contact. I clutched the back of his neck, sliding my fingers through the hair at his nape. Cam groaned as he entered me, his hot breath against my skin sent a shudder through me. His hands went to my hips, tugging them towards his, meeting his thrust.
“Fuck baby,” Cam grunted. His beard scratched my lips as I trailed soft pecks down his jawline, knowing that he loves the attention I give his neck in intimate moments like these. The sound of his low groan made me smile against his heated skin. I bit down on his earlobe before pulling my gazed back to his face.
"So fucking good daddy,” I praise him. “Please, don't stop."
His head fell onto my shoulder as he plunged in further, each thrust making me fall apart at his fingertips. His teeth pulled the straps of my bra and tank top from my shoulder and his mouth comes to my nipple. I clench around him and tug at his hair as he sucked the nub. Cam hits the spot inside of me over and over, gripping my throat again. He loses his composure completely as he slams his lips to mine in a bruising kiss.
“I love you,” he moaned as he released my lips.
“I love you,” I whined against him. His thrusts were forceful in the most delicious way, sending me into a powerful orgasm. He kept plunging into me during the aftershocks, leaving me whimpering and clutching onto him. I pulled his lips back to mine and he held my hips to his as he came inside me with a guttural groan. I open my eyes and watch him come undone, mesmerised by his features. His mouth hung open, breathing uneven. I can feel his body relax, his arms came around to hold me to him. I tried to pull back to look at him, but his arms tightened around me.
“Feels too good baby,” Cam shoves his face into my neck. We stay wrapped in each other for a few more minutes until he brings his eyes to meet mine. I feel too sated to move. I gasp and whimper when he slides out of me. I try to tug him back into me by my legs that are still wrapped around him, but he just chuckles, “not cockwarming you tonight, honey. Time for bed.”
He lifts me from the counter and takes me to our bedroom for the night. He cleans me up and tucks me into his chest before we both fall into a deep sleep.
The morning after Cam was up before me for once, getting the gear ready to go out on the boat. I shoved my head into his pillow when I realized he left the bed. I’m not sure what time it was when he slid into bed to wake me. He places soft kisses on my shoulder, “wake up, honey. Car is packed so now we need to get you dressed. Jamie is getting breakfast but we need to meet him at the dock before Tys and Katie.”
Cam tugs me out of bed, smacking my ass as he turned me around to attempt to dress me in my bikini. Once he ties the straps on my top and slides the bottoms on, he turns me to face him.
“Baby I’m pretty sure I should be taking clothes off instead of putting them on, but we need to hurry.”
Cam places a soft peck on my lips and lifts my arms and places my flyers hoodie over me. He tugs shorts up my legs and I whine in protest, still half asleep.
“Go brush your teeth. I’ll brush your hair,” he says and steers me towards the bathroom.
At the docks 20 minutes later we’re sitting on the boat with Jamie eating breakfast. He eyes us suspiciously.
“I don’t want to know why you both are marked up, just don’t do it in front of me.”
“Don’t tell me that Jim,” Cam snickers and wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me closer to him, “I love my girl.”
“I love you,” I whisper and kiss him.
“That’s enough,” Jamie says before walking to the drivers seat. “Don’t have sex on the boat.”
“Don’t tempt me,” Cam tells Jamie looks down at me, biting his lip. His hand slips under my hoodie and dips his mouth to whisper in my ear, “your sweetness is addicting.”
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turcott3 · 1 month
would you maybe be interested in writing a fic about having a threesome with Jamie and cam🤔🤔
(OFC I WOULD BE INTERESTED) (and here it is)
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wicked games
jamie drysdale x fem! reader x cam york
warnings?: SMUT, alcohol, cursing, threesome, unprotected sex, oral m and f receiving, nasty and filthy basically
“have you seen the way you look at him?” your friend yells over the sound of the loud music.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, you know exactly who i really want.” you reply sternly, well, as sternly as you could for being hammered at stagecoach.
“be fucking serious with yourself y/n. look at them, do you see what cam can give you versus what jamie can give you?” she says. you couldn’t deny that she was half right in the fact of you wanting to yank cam’s pants down, even if it was in front of everyone. you’d craved his touch for the many months you’d known him, the thigh tat making you horny each time his shorts ride up a little bit, but you didn’t think he was capable of providing that safety you’d always longed for since you were a little girl begging god every night in your prayers to turn you into a princess and marry a handsome prince. that was something jamie could easily provide you. you’re snapped out of your thoughts as she shoves you lightly with a chuckle, sending you bumping into cam. your heart leaping in your chest with nerves.
“careful there babe.” he laughs, hands placed carefully on your waist to help you stay on your feet.
“woah sorry.” you say, placing light hands on his chest with a small laugh. a nervous laugh. you danced and sang with cam for longer than your sober self would allow, but you weren’t upset. you found yourself with your back to him, fighting the strong urge to grind your ass up against him, in hopes of making some physical advance.
“cam.” you whine, turning around, gripping on his shirt to get his full attention.
“what is it?” he asks dipping his head down to yours.
“i need a bathroom.” you say and he nods, grabbing onto your hand and pulling you through the swamp of people. when you arrive outside the porta potties, you turn to cam, a confused look spreading on his face.
“okay well, i don’t need the bathroom.”
“then what are we doing at a bathroom?” he scoffs, you waving him over to whisper in his ear.
“so you can bend me over behind one of these things and fuck me.”
“you naughty naughty girl.” he giggles, a tease lining his seductive tone.
“please cam.” you ask grabbing onto his hand, subconsciously rubbing your thighs together, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. moments later, he’s tugging you behind him sneakily finding his way behind the structures without too many eyes on you.
“can we make this quick? this is technically fucking illegal.” he says, sounding like a smart ass but you nod in response. you turned around, pulling the short skirt of your dress over your plump ass, placing your hands on the plastic of the structure in front of you as your heard the quiet unzip of his denim shorts. it didn’t take long for him to get where he needed, his fingers pushing your thong to the side and sliding his dick right into you with ease, considering you’d been wet practically since your friend shoved you into him.
“fuck.” you moan quietly, praying there was no one in the stall you were pressed up against. his hands grabbed firmly onto your hips, pulling you onto him harshly, his cock stretching you out with ease.
“such a bad fucking girl huh?” he grunts out behind you as he wrapped his hand in your hair, pulling you back toward him.
“y-yes.” you reply as his thrusts quicken.
“you don’t want me.” he teases.
“i do cam, fuck, yes i do.”
“i know you do baby, but not like you want him. if you really wanted me, you wouldn’t let me fuck you behind a porta potty at a concert like a fucking drunk slut.” he teases further, his thrusts growing faster and deeper, your knees locking as an orgasm came crashing over you out of nowhere.
“cam oh my god.” you moan out loudly, your hands gripping onto the wrist that held your hair, your knuckles turning white, his thrusts continuing their quick pace.
“get on your knees.” he says pulling out of you quickly, which you of course don’t hesitate. you find yourself on your knees in front of him as he came on your tongue, leaving no mess to be cleaned. you pull your cum covered tongue back into your mouth and swallow it like it was frosting off a cinnamon roll.
he brought out a completely different side of you than the usual, chill personality you possessed, and you were scared that you just got addicted. you stood up off the ground, not even bothering to fix your panties, pulling your skirt back over your ass.
you found your way back to your group and stayed for the last few songs before deciding to beat the traffic and leave a little bit early.
“your knees?” your friend asks.
“oh um.” you start, looking down at the dirt and small cuts the dripped on your knees.
“i fell when cam was helping me back from the bathroom.” you lie, and frankly she believes you….. maybe.
“we’ll make sure you get those cleaned before you go to bed.” she says, you sat between her and jamie.
because who else would it be.
“i can help you out with them.” he smiles lightly.
“thank you jamie.” you reply, your language slurred as you finish your last drink, tossing it out the window and leaning your head on jamie’s shoulder, wrapping your arms around his.
“yeah you’re welcome.” he giggles, patting your thigh lightly.
you just lied to everyone. and now jamie is gonna help you clean the cuts you got from his best friend cumming straight onto your tongue, behind a porta potty about 50 feet away from him.
what the fuck.
you arrived back to the house and found yourself sat on the bathroom counter with jamie, knelt down cleaning your knees for you. you couldn’t help but realize the lack of coverage you had on your vagina considering you’d ignored the chance to pull your thong back over it after cam fucked you, and you couldn’t do it now. when jamie looked back down, you pulled your thighs together, covering your pussy from view. thankfully, he never bothered to look, which was something you admired about him.
he wasn’t looking for any reason to sexualize you like cam did. not that it bothered you when he did, you just loved the stark difference between the two, yet they were best friends.
“thank you jamie.” you say as he places the last small bandaid on your knee.
“of course. maybe i should be the one taking you to the bathroom next time, i wouldn’t have let you hit the ground.” he giggles as you open your arms to hug him, which he graciously accepts.
maybe he would’ve done it too, if it were him i took to the bathroom instead.
who are you kidding? he would never.
“alright, i’m gonna go try and rest, you should too.” he says, helping you down from the counter.
“i’ll see you in the morning.” you smile lightly at him as he bids you goodnight and sees himself out, disappearing to his room rather quickly.
“fuck me dude.” you groan squeezing your eyes shut. under no condition were you sleeping tonight. you couldn’t stop your mind from racing.
after hours of laying awake on your bed checking the time and playing your stupid games, it hit 6 am.
“fuck it.” you say sitting up, not a wink of sleep under your belt as you make your way downstairs, flopping down on the couch, flipping on the tv.
“oh look who’s up.” you hear from the front door, looking over to see the ginger that drove you mad.
“i couldn’t sleep.”
“no kidding, it’s fucking 6 am and you’re awake.” he scoffs.
“we have such a long day and i’m running off like five total minutes of sleep.” you complain.
“i mean you still have time.” he replies, flopping down on the couch next to you, setting his water bottle down on the coffee table.
“cam i really need to go to sleep.”
“well why can’t you?”
“i just need to shut my mind off. last night is keeping me up.”
“well maybe i can help you with that.” he replies, as if he’s not the reason you can’t fall asleep. his hand find its way onto your leg as he sits at your feet.
“cam i- it’s 6 in the morning.” you say.
“and? no one’s awake. just let me help you huh?” he nods and you groan, growing wet at his gaze all over again.
“cam.” you whisper as he readjusts his position, pulling you closer before tugging at the waistband of your shorts.
“i want to b-“
“but nothing babe. you just have to stay quiet for me.” he smirks, pulling your shorts off of you. famously, you go to bed commando, so it’s not like he had a lot of fabric to fight. he pushes your legs open and locks eyes with you as he kisses teasingly up your inner thigh. when he finally makes contact with your core you let out a breathy gasp, or maybe a sigh of relief.
“god, you taste so good y/n.” he says running his tongue along your clit, retracting briefly to spit out his nasty words that strung you along worse and worse. his tongue made contact once again, twirling and sucking your swollen bud in the best way. your hand gripped tightly on his red locks as he ran his tongue in circles around your clit, your soft moans fighting the urge to grow into loud yelps. you could practically see a galaxy in your eyes as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge, his fingers gripping onto the outside of your thighs harshly. your hand slapped over your mouth as your long awaited orgasm finally came, washing ever ounce of pain out of your body, shakes rippling through your muscles.
“jesus fucking christ.” you sigh as he pulls away with an evil smirk on his face. he pulls your shorts back onto you before you sit up, grabbing his neck and pulling him to your lips, your tongue diving directly into his mouth, his large hand gripping your jaw from below.
“just had to have a taste for yourself huh?“ he says lowly as he pulls away.
“maybe i just wanted to kiss you.”
“well it doesn’t matter now because, i’m going to shower, so if you care to join you know where i’m at.” he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek before standing up and walking away like nothing happened.
“that cheeky fucker.” you say quietly, flopping back down on the couch. just minutes later you were passed out, finally.
“y/n.” you hear someone say above you as your eyes flutter open.
“woah, what time is it?” you groan.
“it’s 10. no one else is up yet but, i made you breakfast since you’re down here.” the mystery figure says before you’re able to get a good look.
“breakfast? oh jam, you didn’t have to.” you frown, sitting up.
“well since you were down here i figured i should, here’s your plate.” he says, placing it down on the coffee table in front of you before taking a seat right next to you.
“well i appreciate the gesture, i couldn’t sleep so i came down here a few hours ago. must’ve crashed watching tv.” you giggled nervously, lying straight through your teeth once again.
“happens to the best of us.” he replies, leaning back on the couch with the plate in his hand. the two of you sat in comfortable silence watching the tv until you were both done.
“will you help me pick my outfit for today?” you ask sweetly, toying with the ends of his shorts.
“yeah of course.” he nods, setting his empty plate on yours before following you up the stairs. he shuts the door quietly behind you and sits on your bed, waiting for each outfit.
“what do we think?” you ask, on outfit number three at this point.
“yep. this is the one.” he nods, standing up off your bed and walking closer to you, standing almost flush against your back.
“are you sure?” you ask again, making eye contact with him in the mirror.
“yes, you look beautiful.” he says, you could tell he wanted to put his hands on you but was afraid you’d turn him away. boldly, you took matters into your own hands, grabbing both of his hands and placing them on your hips.
“y/n i-“
“i could tell you wanted to touch me somewhere, you were just scared.” you giggle, turning around in his grip.
“well um, i-“
“jamie it’s fine. i promise you i am more than okay with you putting your hands on me.” you smile, wrapping your arms over his shoulder.
“okay, i just wasn’t sure.” he blushes intensely, your hands locking in the back of his neck. hesitantly, he closes the gap between you, connecting your lips softly. only for a few moments were your lips planted on his before he pulled away.
“oh wow, i’m so sorry.” he giggles, stepping back.
“don’t apologize jam….. i loved it.” you smile, placing your hands in his cheeks, capturing him for one more short kiss.
“i’ll see you down stairs.” he says nervously, stepping out of your room as you giggle to yourself.
you’re fucked.
“no i’ve gotta take you back, you’re too drunk.” jamie says, practically holding you up.
“but i don’t wanna leave them, and im not that drunk.” you slur.
“i’m plastered and you’re making me look sober, i’m taking you back to the house.” he insists as he grabs onto your arm, tugging you out of the crowd, almost like you’d wish it were him last night.
god you wanted him. so badly.
the two of you safely made it back to your airbnb and he helped you to your room, placing you on your bed.
“i have a confession, maybe two.” you grit your teeth, grabbing onto his hand.
“okay?” he questions.
“i fucked cam behind a porta potty last night…..” you paused reading his expression.
“and then he ate me out on the couch this morning because it would quote, help me go to sleep.” you continue and he sighs, letting go of your hand.
“please don’t be upset jamie, i don’t have any emotional connection with him, not like i do with you.” you beg and he nods, seemingly understanding the situation, he turns to leave.
“jamie wait.” you say sitting up.
“what is it?” he replies turning back to you.
“stay jamie, please.” you beg, poking your bottom lip out.
“i figured you’d just wanna go to sleep.” he says scratching the back of his head, walking back toward your bed.
“no i want you to stay, i wanna….” you trailed off, stopping yourself.
“you wanna what?” he says sitting down on your bed. without a response you climb into his lap, reconnecting your lips again, his hands finding their way to your ass as he deepened the kiss. you may have been drunk but you knew this was exactly what you wanted. what you’d been longing for.
you pulled away after a few moments, shoving him to his back as you climbed over him, reconnecting your lips again, palming at the ever growing bulge in his pants, small whimpers leaving his mouth between kisses.
“y/n.” he says sitting up with you, scooting back against the headboard. quickly, the both of you discarded your clothes. sex was on both of your minds now.
“finally get me a taste of you.” you say lowly as you take his hard cock into your hand, pumping him slowly.
“fuck.” he groans as your lips make contact with his sensitive tip, the taste of his salty precum covering your tongue as you took almost all of him into your mouth. he was too big without the assistance of your hand, firmly holding him from the base. you pulled him out of your mouth with a loud pop before climbing over him, straddling his hips with yours. anxiously, you sink onto him. the sensation of his cock hitting the sweet spot deep inside you was everything you’d imagined and more. he filled you all the way up, zero room for more.
“fuck.” you whine out as his hands found their way back to your ass as you bounced up and down on him at a quick pace. jamie brought your lips together once again to silence your moans as you rolled your hips back and forth.
“god you’re so hot riding me like this.” he grunts, his hands gripping more harshly on your ass.
“you don’t even know how long i’ve been wanting to get you like this.” you say in a breathy voice, reaching closer to your climax, taking his face into your hands and locking eyes with him.
“fuck i’m coming.” you whine as an orgasm shreds your muscles, finding yourself flush against his chest as he pumps you full of his milky climax, something you hadn’t let cam do.
“hey yall wanna go to- oh.” you hear a voice open the door, but not shutting it. you turn your head as sharply as you could to see cam standing in the doorway. something in your was telling you to make him leave, but you couldn’t.
“come in here.” you say sitting up, as he hesitantly shuts the door and locks it behind him.
“uhm, okay.” he says walking slowly over to the bed as you beckon him over.
“take off your clothes.” you insist and of course he does so. after all, when it came to you, he’d do anything. you peel yourself off of jamie’s chest, telling him not to move as you shifted to the end of the bed and sat on your knees, waving him over.
“just like yesterday.” you whisper to him as you take his already hardening cock into your hand, spitting on it aggressively as you worked the saliva into his skin.
“jesus christ.” he groans run in his hands over his face.
“what? you know you love it when i’m on my knees for you.” you reply as he shuts his eyes throwing his head back, taking him into your mouth, your tongue focusing on his sensitive head.
“god.” he scoffs before you pull out, turning around back to jamie and positioning yourself on all fours.
“don’t worry jamie baby, i’m didn’t forget about you, just had to make sure he was ready.” you say, taking his cum covered cock back into your hand as cam grasped onto your hips, pulling you onto him with a moan.
“now you can watch what you do to me huh?” you say making eye contact with him before running your tongue up his length. sucking him clean of the mess he’d made. jamie takes your hair into his hands so he can see your face as you take him with cam thrusting harshly into you, your moans vibrating his cock.
“god you’re so fucking hot.” cam says slapping your ass suddenly, a yelp leaving your mouth.
“such a good girl.” jamie says lowly as he takes your cheek into his hand, your face frozen in an O shape as cam thrusted into you so deeply you could hardly form a conscious thought. jamie’s other hand guiding your hand up and down his cock, pumping him firmly and tightly.
“oh my god.” you moan out, somehow mustering up words to say.
“speak up baby.” cam says from behind you.
“fuck.” you yelp out louder as he brought you closer and closer to your next orgasm.
“atta girl.” he replies, you could hear the same devilish smirk in his voice as your muscles began to shake intensely as your orgasm came back in a bigger wave. cam knew better than to finish inside you but he couldn’t help but notice that jamie had, stinging his feelings slightly, but he knew that you wanted jamie in a real way, it could never be him. quickly, he pulls out of you and spurts his seed directly onto your ass.
you felt jamie’s hips begin to stutter and his cock twitch in your hand. you gasped as jamie reached his climax too, all of it hitting you on the lips and on your chin. you found yourself now laid flat on the mattress recovering from the fucking you’d just received, scraping jamie’s cum off your face and sucking it off your fingers, cam using a tissue to clean your ass of his mess.
“i can’t believe we just did that.” you sigh out, jamie running a soft hand up and down your back, shooing cam out of the room as you smiled at him one last time. carefully, jamie pulls you onto his chest, continuing his soothing motions against your back.
“you did so good y/n. so so beautiful.” he mumbles into your hair, pressing a kiss to thre top of your head.
“jamie i wanna be with you.”
“i know.” you sighs as you sit up.
“but i know we can’t. i’m not ready yet.” you reply with a frown.
“i’m not really either but, you know i’ll be here waiting whenever we are ready.” he smiles, brushing hair out of your face.
“yeah.” you smile lightly, bringing his lips to yours again.
“i’d say friends with benefits might help us figure it out?” you suggest.
“whatever you want my love.” he replies, his hands placed delicately on your waist.
“i think this means i have to talk to cam in the morning.” you giggle.
“yes it does, i don’t want him fucking on my girl anymore.” you giggles jokingly, your heart tugging at the idea of being his girl.
the next morning you found yourself alone on the couch, waiting for cam to return from his run, which of course like clockwork he did.
“hey y/n.” he says, tossing his rag on the ground next to his shoes.
“we need to talk.” you say and he nods, waking over to you.
“we can’t….. see each other anymore. i’m not saying what we’ve done is a mistake and i’m not saying last night wasn’t fucking amazing but, i really wanna try to peruse something with jamie. i’m sorry.” you explain to him.
“y/n, it’s okay. i already knew.” he replies with a chuckle.
“okay, i’m sorry again. i really enjoyed what we had together though, please know that.”
“i do, and me too. but if you need me, you know where my door is.” he winks, jogging up the steps as you sat in awe.
you’d never been so confused by a man, but luckily he’s not yours. he was just another body under the belt, no strings, no feelings…. or at least no real feelings. not for him, so you think.
what you and jamie had was real. you could feel his affections for you through all his actions, and you’d never do anything to lose that.
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aurorawritestoescape · 10 months
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Birthday Surprise
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller
Tw: 18+ mdni smut, mfm, power imbalance (boss/employee), ‘sir’ kink, praise kink, tiniest bit of degradation, oral (f/m receiving), cum eating, unprotected piv (wrap it up obv), creampie, rimming, multiple orgasms, butt slapping (light), voyeurism, swearing, no use of y/n
Word count: 3,2k
A/n: thank you @noxturnalpascal 💖 for an amazing idea to write fics based on this PROMPT: Pick a Pedge Daddy character - Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Dave York, etc. (it can be Canon or Non-Canon/AU/No Outbreak).
PPCU Daddy is surprised - and excited - to learn that the grad/postgrad student he hires to watch his child sometimes also works as a: stripper/dancer/cam-girl/onlyfans-model/dating-or-escort-service (or straight-up SW)
I added Tommy to the mix cos what’s better than one Miller boy? Yeah, two Miller boys😝
Other fics based on the prompt: Room 301 @milla-frenchy Dancing is a dangerous game @noxturnalpascal Webcam for beginners @iamasaddie
You’ve been doing stripping as a side job for a few months now. As a postgrad student you were broke and in debt. You needed money to help out with the tuition, which was unbearably high. On top of that your car broke down and you’ve been trying to save for a new one. One of your friends who’d done it told you that the money was good and the hours were flexible. So you decided to give it a shot.
The gig turned out to be great. You were often tipped generously and though the men were usually drunk and overly excited you’ve been lucky enough to be treated fairly well. They called you Diamond because of your sparkling silver costume and glittering boots.
Today you are shining at a birthday party. It’s a total sausage fest and everyone is excited about the headliner - you. The men are cheering you on as you’re giving your best lap dance to the man of the evening. The music is blaring while you are slowly taking off your sparking top before pushing your breasts together and swaying your hips seductively. You’re still wearing high silver boots and a tiny diamond-encrusted thong.
Everyone is already buzzed. Everyone except the birthday boy. He doesn’t seem to be drunk at all as his dark piercing eyes are sliding across your glitter-covered body with intent and hunger. Sometimes he gives his friends a little smile and laughs at their thirsty comments. But when his gaze returns to you his expression becomes focused and serious, one of a hunter whose unsuspecting prey is inching closer and closer, as he’s waiting for the right moment to strike. There is something hypnotizing about the man and you feel the magnetic pull every time your eyes meet.
You want him to want you. And judging by a big bulge in his jeans you’re doing great. You’re practically drooling over him as your hands are gliding over his broad shoulders, strong chest, running through his dark curly hair. After some time you see only him, and your heart flutters and core burns with desire.
You’re hovering over his lap, his face inches from your bouncing breasts as your hips move the way you’d ride him and your hands are holding onto his muscular shoulders. He wants to say something to you so you lean down bringing your ear to his plush lips. His breath tickles you and you giggle.
“Can I get a private dance?” he asks a little louder so you could hear him through the music. He tilts his head to the side to look into your eyes. He’s gorgeous. Older, just how you like them. A scent of whiskey and something sweet hits your nostrils and you feel yourself getting wet. Your pussy tingles and you both decide to give this guy whatever he wants tonight. You smile at him nodding your head, maybe a little too eager.
That’s how you end up on your knees in the VIP room, fully naked between his spread legs, his cock deep in your throat. You’ve never done anything like that with a client but you just couldn’t help yourself. You would be fired in a second if anyone found out but you feel that he’s not the one to kiss and tell. His body, his eyes, his confidence drive any rational thought away from your mind.
When you were sitting on his lap having discarded your thong and boots and framing his legs with yours, your pussy was throbbing so much for him it hurt. You rested your head on his shoulder, turned to him and whispered in his ear, “You can touch me if you want”.
He chuckled and asked if he was allowed to but his fingers were already caressing your glistening seam. A few moments later he was fucking you with his thick digits, his tongue licking into your mouth. He knew his way around a pussy and you came hard, making a mess of his jeans.
Now you are sucking on his ball rolling it in your mouth with your tongue and slowly jerking his cock. His jeans are opened and tugged down his hips, your hand is splayed on his lower belly covered with soft hair. He’s watching you with a soft smile, half lidded eyes blown and hazy. You’re enjoying yourself so much you feel you might come untouched just from sucking him off.
That’s when HE barges into the room apologizing for being late. You hear the gravelly voice and your heart drops into your stomach. You freeze glancing up at the birthday boy with horror on your face. Fuckfuckfuckfuck!!!! Fuck! You recognise that voice immediately. You raise your head before glancing back. Of course it’s him! The father of the girl you’ve been babysitting for a few weeks. You always loved kids so babysitting seemed like a great idea. Well, until now when two of your clients met.
Joel Miller was always kind and respectful yet a little grumpy. You never blamed him, a single parent who worked very hard to provide his daughter with the best life. He was a great father judging by how well adjusted and happy Sarah was.
He doesn’t look grumpy now. With his mouth agape, he’s staring at the two of you and mumbles, “Fuck, Tommy.” He raises one brow and runs a hand through his dark hair in a nervous gesture. His black T-shirt rides up showing a slither of his soft stomach and a happy trail. Suddenly you remember all the times he would come home sweaty and hot from working outside all day and you bite your lip.
You’re used to being naked in front of strangers so it takes you a minute to realize you need to cover yourself up.
“Oh my god, Mr Miller. Fuck.. I’m so sorry,” you get up looking around for anything to put on. Of course there’s nothing except your tiny thong and the boots so you just place your hands awkwardly on your mound and breasts and stand between Mr Miller and ‘Tommy’, whose cock is still out and hard. He’s not putting it away, just sits there proudly. Your eyes are darting between the two men.
“You’re interrupting, bro,” Tommy says with a nonchalance in his voice. Now it’s your time to be surprised cos the man looks almost bored.
Joel visibly collects himself and comes up to you.
“I see that,” he says, looking you up and down and then turning to his brother, “Do you know that you’re getting blown by my babysitter?”
Joel looks back to you and brushes your arm with his big warm hand. You shiver at the touch.
“No shit! Babysitter?” Tommy sits up, finally expressing some interest. Joel hums and his brother chuckles and leans back again, holding his still hard cock in his hand, “Got yourself a new one?”
“Yeah… and I seemed to hit the jackpot,” Joel replies with a little smile but his eyes on you are darker, hungrier than you’ve ever seen him. Your skin erupts in goosebumps and you feel yourself like a bunny circled by hungry wolves.
“Mmm.. Mr Miller, I can explain,” you stutter nervously standing there like a school girl being scolded by a headmaster. You want to tell him that you don’t usually walk around sucking your clients off but Joel interrupts you, “No need to explain anything, sweetheart. Work is work. You did nothing wrong.”
His deep smooth voice makes your clit twitch and you almost gasp when he cups your cheek and lowers his face closer to yours, “I know you’re a good girl.”
“And full of surprises,” Tommy adds with a smirk looking at you almost differently, with more intrigue in the gaze and his cock twitches in his hand.
You glance up at Joel and his eyes slide to your lips and yours do the same. Your mouths are so close you’re breathing each other's air. His thumb is rubbing your cheek. Suddenly you jerk when Tommy coughs interrupting whatever is happening between you and your employer. Joel straightens up and his hand leaves your face.
“Ya know what,” he says walking to the chair across the room, placing it a couple meters away from you and taking a seat, “Don’t stop on my account.”
Your jaw drops and you freeze, hardly believing your own ears.
“You heard him, baby. We don’t need to stop,” Tommy repeats his brother's words as your shock is being replaced by excitement.
You hesitate at first but the idea of sucking a guy off when his brother is watching is so filthy that the burning in your core reignites again and you feel yourself gush.
You drop your arms exposing yourself to the men, come up to Tommy again and retake your previous position on your knees between his legs. You take his cock from him and turn your head back to Joel. His legs are spread, big hand resting on his inner thigh as he’s watching you.
You swallow loudly and turn back to Tommy. He must have read the anxiety on your face as he takes your chin between his fingers and gives you a warm smile.
“Don’t be shy, baby. My brother just wanna watch. Let’s give him something to remember when you come babysit for him next time.”
You blush, biting your lip and dropping your head. It can’t be happening. It feels like a weird wet dream. But you see this gorgeous weeping cock in your hand and your mouth salivates. And you would be lying if you said that you didn’t fantasize about Mr Miller bending you over his kitchen counter after your shift and fucking you senseless. So you bend down and kitten-lick Tommy’s fat tip. The man shamelessly moans and your pussy tingles at the sound.
You hear Joel’s groan as he must have a great view of your ass and pussy. The depravity of this situation makes your mind hazy and you arch your back wiggling your ass a little as you’re aching to be touched again. Your hand leaves Tommy’s balls which you were caressing and snakes down to your naked mound. You rub yourself there and then dip your fingers between your wet folds. A pathetic whimper escapes your lips muffled by Tommy’s cock and he twitches against your tongue stimulated by the vibrations.
“I think my naughty babysitter needs some attention, little brother,” Joel rumbles behind you and you hear a creak of the chair and his steps.
Parting from Tommy’s cock with a pop you turn your head and see Joel getting down on one knee next to you. You’re leaning on Tommys thighs, your elbows on his knees.
“You’ve been so good for my brother, sweetheart,” Joel says in a gentle voice, putting his hand on your back. You feel his calloused palm sliding down to your ass and then coming back up to your shoulder blades. “Has he made you come, baby?”
You nod your head staring up at him with slightly parted mouth. You still can’t believe you’re naked in front of the man you’re babysitting for and his brother. With the latter's precum on your lips.
“I’m a gentleman, Joel,” Tommy chimes in sounding offended. He glides his fingers along your neck, “Ladies always come first.”
Joel smirks and leans closer to your face not minding the stiff length of his brother just inches from you both and whispers in your ear, “Ya want another one?”
He presses his lips to your cheek and kisses you before traveling down to your jaw and neck. He grabs a fistful of your hair and holds you in place as he starts sucking a hickey into the delicate skin of your neck. You shut your eyes with a set of moans and tilt your head back for him.
“Don’t damage the goods, Joel”, Tommy jokes and the degrading remark sends you further into the depths of arousal.
“Please, make me come, Mr Miller,” you plead and both brothers seem to love it. Joel’s groaning against your neck while Tommy takes his cock from you and begins jerking his shaft.
Joel parts from you and you feel him gently pushing your head down. You follow his wordless command, lowering your face to his brother's crotch.
Joel guides you and when you open your lips he impales your mouth on Tommy’s cock.
“Yeah, just like that. Suck on it, sweetie, give my brother the best birthday present.”
Joel brushes the hair away from your face and watches you work Tommy’s cock for some time. His eyes are glued to your every move, every bob of your head, every swipe of your tongue around Tommy’s tip. The younger brother is holding your head on the other side and rhythmically raising his hips slowly fucking your mouth.
All this time Joel’s touch doesn’t leave you, he caresses your head, rubs your back and sides, until his hand snakes to your front and he grabs your breast and twitches your nipple. Your slick is dripping down your legs now and you can’t take it anymore.
With your lips still wrapped around Tommy’s cock you turn slightly to Joel and glance up at him. He’s panting and his half lidded eyes are clouded with arousal. He reads your expression and not being able to control himself any longer too, he orders, “Get up, sweetheart. But keep sucking.”
You do as you’re told placing your feet on the floor and standing up still keeping Tommy in your mouth. Joel gets up with a groan and walks behind you.
“Mr Miller’s gonna take good care of you, baby,” Tommy promises with a smirk and holds your arm to keep you steady in a new position. “Make sure she moans around my dick, bro,” he says louder and Joel hums in response.
“I know how to take care of a girl, little brother, don’t worry,” Joel quips, standing behind you as his clothed hard-on is pressed to your ass. You feel his fingers squeeze your cheeks and he gives you a light slap. You jerk and Tommy flinches, as your mouth moves on his cock a little too roughly. Joel chuckles and Tommy scolds him him,
“Be gentle, Joel, she’s got a mouth full of my cock.”
Joel laughs a little but his next movements are careful and soft. His big hands glide along your sides and down to your bottom again, rubbing your skin and making you clench around nothing. You wiggle your ass a little in invitation and he reads your signal.
“Look at her, Tommy. Can’t wait to be fucked by my fat cock while sucking on another dick… ahh..she’s gonna get a glowing recommendation from me.”
Both men laugh and you feel your pussy ache even more when they’re talking about you as if you’re not there and you place your feet further apart. “Ya wanna come on my cock, sweetheart, or my mouth?” Joel asks and you hastily part from Tommy and breathe out, “Cock, sir.”
“Fuck, baby,” Joel rumbles and you hear him unbuckling his belt and discarding it on the floor. You expect him to pierce you with his member any second now but you hear shuffling and then his warm lips kiss your pussy from behind. You gasp and Tommy smiles, gently pressing your head back down, “She’s like a little doe, so easy to spook.”
You lick the underside of the younger brother’s cock while Joel is behind you, peppering your pussy with open mouth kisses. Then his tongue slips between your folds and travels from your clit to your entrance. He spreads your pussy with his thumbs and your core burns with desire. You’re completely exposed, and you whine remembering that it’s Joel Miller who is about to make you fall apart while you’re blowing his brother. Joel’s movements are sure and effective and very soon your belly and thighs are trembling with an upcoming orgasm.
Mr Miller surprises you again when his tongue glides up to your asshole and he gives it a kiss after spreading your cheeks. You moan loudly not being afraid to be heard as the music is still blaring behind the closed door.
Tommy and Joel hear you well though and the oldest brother parts from your ass to lightly slap your cheek, getting your attention, “Ya like it, sweetheart? Will you let Mr Miller fuck your asshole with his tongue?”
“Yeah,” your whine, the sound muffled by cock. You roll your eyes in ecstasy and Tommy lifts your head by the hair a little to see the results of his brother’s actions on your face. Meanwhile Joel is licking your tight ring as his fingers rub circles on your throbbing clit. When he points his tongue at your little hole and starts poking it moving it deeper little by little you almost sob from the pleasure and lose your rhythm. You can’t concentrate on sucking any longer so Tommy pulls you off his cock.
“Hold it wide for me, baby” he commands, keeping you face above his red swollen tip and you do as you’re told, darting out your tongue. Your whimpers and moans fill the room accompanied by the squelching sounds of Tommy jerking his cock and Joel’s slurping on your tight hole.
Tommy’s eyebrows are furrowed and his gaze runs over your face, breasts and then your ass, being eaten out by his brother. The view takes him over the edge and he shoots his cum on your chin, lips and tongue. You close your mouth around his tip and drink everything he’s giving you. When Tommy pats your hand, you part from him and rest your head on his thigh, inches from his semi hard cock.
Joel gets up with a grunt and you finally feel his tip nudging at your dripping entrance. He impales you on his cock in one swift move and you scream when his tip hits your cervix. He’s big and your pussy aches trying to accommodate his thick length. You close your eyes and focus on the way his cock is gliding inside you, rubbing your sweet spot. A couple more thrusts and your whole body is shaking, ecstasy coursing through your veins, clit twitching and walls contracting. Your juices flow around Joel’s cock and he groans, “Yeah, good girl.. Fuck, squeeze Mr Miller’s cock.”
He begins thrusting into you vigorously and Tommy keeps you in place holding you tight while his brother starts pumping you full of his hot cum. Joel’s rough hands are gripping your hips leaving handprints on your skin while his cock is squirting seed deep into your pussy.
“Doing so good, baby,” Tommy coos at you, while you're nothing but a trembling shaking mess. He’s watching you both unravel and his cock twitches.
When your climax subsides and Joel stills and pulls out you fall on your knees between Tommys legs.
Both men help you up and Joel puts you like a rag doll on Tommy’s lap. You feel Joel’s cum leak out of you on his brother’s jeans.
You lean on the chest of the birthday boy resting your head on his broad shoulder, completely spent, drunk on endorphins and the depravity of what you’ve just done. Tommy lights up a cigarette as Joel gathers your clothes and boots and comes up to the two of you. He hands them to you and then caresses your cheek with a thumb giving you a warm smile,
“I’ll see you on Monday, sweetheart. Bring your costume.”
You smile back with a nod and he leaves.
Thank you for reading!
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!💖
Tag list: @missannwinchester @harriedandharassed @bbyanarchist @nervousmumbling
I’d love to rec the fics that have been feeding my obsession with the Miller brothers combo! Check them out if you haven’t yet!♥️🥵
The Wrong Way @romana-after-dark
Leopard Print @toxicanonymity
Stuffing @toxicanonymity
At the Table @toxicanonymity
Liquid Gold @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Two Hands to Hold @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Too Depraved 4 TV @bonezone44
Smack My B*tch Up @milla-frenchy
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
part 2 of what happens in that hotel room w Jamie😏
[ hotel room service ] j. drysdale
part two !
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find part one HERE
pairing : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie goes back to the hotel with (Y/N) after the game
warning(s) : smut ! language, multiple orgasms, handjob, fingering, p in v penetrative sex, protected sex, pet names during sex, some dirty talk
author’s note : ask and you shall receive, anon. this is basically all smut and no plot (oops)
18+ below the cut ! MINORS DNI
Instead of taking the bus back with the team, Jamie takes Trevor’s rental car to the hotel with (Y/N). Cronin didn’t give him any issues when he said he was going to get a ride back. Probably because Jamie played well during the game and had an assist on the Ducks’ only goal. All he has to do is be on time for the flight back to Anaheim in the morning.
The ride to the hotel feels like an eternity in Las Vegas traffic. (Y/N) thinks Los Angeles and New York traffic is terrible but Vegas on a warm night is just as bad. All she wants to do is spend the night with her boyfriend and show him how proud she is of him.
She keeps a hand on Jamie’s leg the entire drive back to the hotel. Jamie has a hand resting on hers while he responds to some texts on his phone. Music is playing at a soft level so they aren’t driving back in complete silence.
Jamie chuckles beside her and she glances over at him when they stop at a red light. "The team found out that I wasn't getting on the bus with them and Trevor told them why so now they're all making comments in the group chat," he tells her. "Some of the comments are funny."
(Y/N) smiles and keeps her eyes on the road. "I'm glad that they feel like they can still tease you considering this was your first game back after injury and your contract dispute," she replies.
"Me too."
She parks the car when she gets to the hotel. This time the car is parked closer to the entrance since she doesn't have to hide from the Ducks or Jamie. Jamie grabs her hand as they walk inside. She can't help but smile at how he is being so public with his affection.
He normally isn't like this, but she's never minded a little PDA. Jamie isn't normally a fan of PDA. They'll hold hands occasionally, but they never do when he thinks his teammates will be around. Jamie doesn't like some of the comments they, mostly Trevor and Mason, make when they show affection.
Of course a couple of Ducks players are sitting in the lobby when (Y/N) and Jamie walk into the hotel. One of them whistles to get their attention. She looks over and sees Frank, Mason, Rico, and Cam are all sitting in the lounge area across from the check-in desk.
Rico and Frank have grins on their faces. Mason smiles and shouts, "Get it, Jimmy!"
(Y/N) looks up at Jamie, who finally looks over at Mason. "Be glad I'm not going to be on the same floor as you," he retorts. "You wouldn't be saying that if I was."
Mason's jaw drops and Jamie snickers as he pulls (Y/N) to the elevator. She clicks the button for her floor as the doors shut. Jamie wastes no time in the empty elevator and presses her against the cool wall by her waist.
"You can't wait a few more minutes?" she giggles.
"You're a sight in my jersey, (Y/N)," he tells her as he leans and nips at her jaw. "Plus, I've really missed you. I wasn't expecting to see you here when you're supposed to be in New York for another week."
She melts against Jamie and wraps her arms around his neck. "I had to be there for your first game," she manages to get out. "I haven't watched you play NHL hockey yet."
The elevator dings and Jamie backs away just in case anyone is on the other side of the doors. There is no one so (Y/N) grabs his hand and walks down the hallway to her room. She digs in her pocket for the key as they stumble down the hallway.
As she grabs her key when they reach her door, Jamie comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. He moves her hair off her shoulder and begins kissing her neck. "Jamie," she gasps as she unlocks the door with the key. "We're literally right outside the room."
"Get inside the room," he mumbles against her skin.
"So needy," she teases as she pushes the door open. Jamie stumbles into the room behind her.
The door shuts and Jamie is quick to spin them around to (Y/N) is being pressed against the wall right by the door. She gasps and stares up at Jamie. "You have no idea how much I've missed you," he says to her as he presses himself against her.
Something pokes at (Y/N)'s waist and she smiles. "I think I might have an idea," she replies as she snakes her hand between them. She palms Jamie over the pants of his arrival suit. He lets out a low groan.
"Fuck," he breathes out. She presses a little harder and he lets out a soft gasp. "Oh, fuck me."
She uses her other hand to begin unbuttoning Jamie's button up that he's wearing under his jacket as her lips attach to his neck right under his jaw. She's gotten pretty good at unbuttoning his shirts with one hand recently. It drives Jamie crazy that she can do this.
As soon as his shirt is unbuttoned and untucked from his pants, she trails kisses down his neck to his chest. "(Y/N)," he sighs as she nips at his chest. "Bed. Now."
"Take me to bed, Jamie," she challenges.
Without missing a beat, Jamie lifts her up. She sequels and wraps herself around him as he walks fifteen feet to the closest bed.
She's still wrapped around him when he deposits her onto the mattress after crawling onto the bed on his knees. He falls and hovers on top of her as her head hits the pillows and she lets out a giggle. He smiles and looks down at her.
The sight above her is almost too much for (Y/N).
His usually soft eyes have a fire behind them that she only sees when he's turned on. She can see his freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks in the dimly lit room. The smile he has on his lips is beautiful. Jamie's beautiful.
She reaches up and cups Jamie's jaw in her hands. "I missed you," she tells him. Her voice is so soft it almost comes out as a whisper. "A month away from you is too long."
"I agree," he says. "I missed you too. I missed this."
Needing him close to her, (Y/N) pulls Jamie into a searing kiss. It's hot and needy and quick from the moment their lips connect. The kiss alone is enough to cause a warm sensation to form in her belly. She's been away from Jamie too long.
Jamie grinds the bulge of his pants against her legging covered core. He lifts one of her legs around his waist to get a better angle. She lets out a soft groan into the kiss that follows.
She pushes the jacket and unbuttoned shirt he's still wearing off his upper body. Jamie throws them somewhere on the floor without breaking the kiss. Her hands find their way to the back of his neck and her fingers curl into the hair at the base of his neck. She pulls him even closer to him.
His lips leave hers and attach to her neck. He nips at the skin but is careful not to leave any marks. Hopefully.
She sighs and reaches between them to get Jamie's pants off his body. She manages to get them down to his knees before he kicks them off. Her hand sneaks into the waistband of his boxers to get a hold of his hard dick. She gives him a few slow pumps.
Jamie begins to slowly kiss down her neck. "(Y/N)," he mumbles against her collarbone. "Jersey off."
"Get off of me then."
She feels Jamie smile before he falls onto his side. (Y/N) sits up and pulls Jamie's jersey over her head. He props himself up on his elbow and pulls at her leggings. "These too because you know I'm going to struggle getting them off and I want to get my hands on you as soon as possible," he tells her.
(Y/N) laughs and shakes her head. "I think you need to figure out how to get a pair of leggings off a woman, Jamie," she teases. "You wear compression pants all the time so I don't know how you can't get a pair of leggings off of me."
"I'm rarely ever in a rush to get my compression pants off," Jamie tells her. "Get them off, (Y/N). Please."
Another laugh falls from her lips as she lays back and lifts her hips off the mattress so she can get her leggings off. She throws them to the side and pulls Jamie back down for a tender kiss.
His hand runs up and down her right thigh. She lets her legs fall apart for him. Jamie jumps on the opportunity because he immediately slips his fingers into the waistband of her lace panties.
Yes, she wore a lace set under the jersey. She hoped that she would end up in bed with Jamie since it had been weeks. She wanted to look nice.
He runs his fingers through her already soaked folds. She wouldn't be surprised if the lace was ruined from how wet she is. Jamie hums into the kiss. "So wet," he mumbles.
"Only for you," she says between kisses. Jamie smiles and dips a finger into her. She gasps and pulls back from the kiss to look at him. "Jamie. Teasing isn't nice. Finger me or don't-"
Jamie cuts her off by fully sinking two fingers into her. She whines at the sudden but familiar feel of Jamie's fingers inside of her. "I always take care of you, baby," he tells her.
He begins to move his fingers and she sighs. Her right hands makes it over to the waistband of Jamie's boxers. She slides it in and wraps her hand around his dick. Her thumb runs over the leaking tip and uses the precome to pump him easier.
They're both a mess as they work each other closer to the edge. Jamie lets out soft groans and (Y/N) moans every time Jamie moves his fingers into her. Jamie's nose is buried against her cheek and he occasionally presses a soft kiss to her cheekbone.
Eventually, Jamie adds a third fingers. She cries out when he curls his fingers every time he moves them. "Jamie," she whines. "Jamie, Jamie Jamie."
"I've got you," he tells her, breath hitting her ear. "Come, baby. I know you want to. Come on my fingers."
His words are the reason she comes right then and there. She lets out a loud cry and her entire body shakes from the orgasm. Her back arches off the bed and closer to Jamie. Her vision goes completely white for a second.
Her legs are shaking and Jamie has his fingers in his mouth when she comes to. "Fuck," she pants as she watches Jamie suck the come off his fingers. "That's hot."
"You're hot," Jamie retorts.
(Y/N) crashes her lips to Jamie's and she swears she tastes herself on his lips. She hums and moves so she's straddling Jamie's bulge. She reaches behind her and unclasps the bra she's wearing. She lets the fabric fall off her body before it joins the rest of the clothes on the floor. Jamie's hands are immediately cupping her breasts.
Jamie sits up and wraps one of his arms around her waist. The kiss breaks and he turns his attention to her chest. His free hand grasps one breast and his mouth is on the other. He plays with her nipple and she gasps. "God, Jamie," she breathes out. "Keep this up and I'm gonna come again before you even get inside of me."
"I'd be okay with making you come three times in less than an hour," Jamie tells her. He looks up at her with his eyes as he trails kisses from one boob to the other.
She smiles and shakes her head. "Needed you in me like yesterday, Jamie," she replies. He nips at her breast and she gasps. "Baby. Come on."
"Okay, okay," he laughs. He snaps the waistband of her ruined panties. "Get these off while I grab a condom."
With zero hesitation, she falls off his lap onto her back. She lifts her hips up to pull off the panties. As she throws them to the ground, Jamie grabs a tiny silver package out of his wallet. He tears it open with his teeth as he pushes his boxers off his body. She watches as he slides its contents on his dick.
Jamie comes back over to her and crawls on top of her. She notices the layer of sweat that has formed on his forehead. She can't help but smile.
That smile quickly falters as Jamie runs the tip of his dick through her folds. "Jamie," she breathes out. "Please. Please, baby."
She wraps her legs around his waist and digs her heels into the back of his thighs. Jamie kisses her jaw and mumbles, "So beautiful like this. All mine."
(Y/N)'s smile returns as Jamie slowly slides himself into her. She wraps her arms around his neck and lets out a soft sigh as he lets her adjust to his size. It has been a month since they've had sex.
Jamie bottoms out in her and doesn't move so she can adjust. She's also extremely impatient so she rolls her hips against him. "Fuck, (Y/N)," Jamie breathes out.
"Move, Jamie," she pleads. "I swear to God-"
He slams into her so hard it makes her dizzy. "I told you that I have you," he tells her. "So fucking needy for me."
Jamie rolls his hips into her slowly but deeply. "So fucking needy for you, Jamie baby," she echoes. "Fuck."
He must use that as motivation because his pace quickens.
She's so overwhelmed by how good it feels that she nearly blacks out. She's a moaning mess beneath Jamie, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Jamie's lips reattach to her neck and she whines.
Sex with Jamie is never the same twice, and that's what she loves most about being in bed with him. She never knows what to expect. Tonight, she gets soft Jamie that moves and touches her like she's fragile. She gets the Jamie that makes sure she's taken care of first before he worries about his own needs.
She wants that to change though.
Without warning, (Y/N) pushes Jamie to the side and rolls on top of him. All without him slipping out of her. She sits up on his dick and he looks at her with wide eyes. "You lay there and look pretty," she tells him. "You played an entire hockey game tonight. Gonna take care of you. Gonna make you feel good."
"Shit," Jamie breathes out as she begins to roll her hips. She smiles as Jamie squirms underneath her.
It's not often when she takes control in the bedroom, but she knows Jamie loves it whenever she does because of how rare it is. She loves to surprise him.
His hands rest on her waist and he helps her keep her pace. Her hands are on his torso. Soft groans fall from her lips every time she lowers herself onto him.
Her hair creates a curtain around their faces when she leans down to get her lips on Jamie's neck. He fucks up into her and she moans against his skin.
"Feel so good around me," Jamie sighs. "So tight."
"Feels so good inside me," she mumbles. "Make me come again, Jamie."
Jamie sneaks a hand between them and takes the sensitive bud between his fingers. He plays with her clit and she cries out from the slight oversensitivity. She cries out in pleasure.
"Come for me again, baby," Jamie rasps in her ear. "Come on my cock like a good girl. You want to make me feel good? Come for me."
That's the first time Jamie has talked to her like that and it's so hot.
Her second orgasm hits her harder than the first. She cries out right near Jamie's ear as she clenches around him. She has a fistful of the pillow under Jamie's head as her orgasm rips through her entire body.
She collapses on top of Jamie with a loud groan.
At some point, Jamie came inside the condom inside of her. When she comes to, her entire body is shaking and Jamie is tying off the used condom and throwing it into the trash.
"I'm gonna need you to talk to me like that more often," she pants. "Holy shit, Jamie."
"Not too much?"
"Definitely not too much."
The next morning comes way too early for (Y/N). Light is coming in through the large window that overlooks the strip. Jamie is already up and looking at her when she opens her eyes.
He smiles and mumbles, "Good morning." He nuzzles at her jaw and she laughs.
"Watching me sleep is so Edward Cullen of you," she comments as Jamie leaves soft kisses to her jaw. "But good morning."
"Team is doing breakfast before we pack up and head back to Anaheim," he tells her. "They said you're welcome to join us. Just be prepared for the comments I'm going to get when I show up to the table in the suit I was wearing yesterday."
She smiles and backs up so she can look at him. He looks so pretty in the rising sunlight. "I'll give it right back to them so you better be ready for that," she replies. "Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go."
Without warning, she jumps out of bed. She finds one of the sports bras she packed and throws that on. She puts on one of her Ducks hockey shirts that Jamie gave her as well as a pair of shorts. She puts her hair up in a messy bun before she turns and looks at Jamie.
He's buttoning the shirt all the way up to the collar. She walks up to him and swats his hands away. "Leave these undone," she tells him as she undoes the first few buttons. "It's hot."
Jamie shakes his head as she grabs the key card from the floor. He taps her ass on the way out the door and she squeals in reply. She does get her revenge in the elevator.
The entire Ducks roster looks over at Jamie and (Y/N) as they walk into the little dining area. Conversations die out when they make their appearance and they see how disheveled Jamie looks.
Trevor is sitting at a table with Mason, Leo, Frank, and Rico. He ends up standing up and starts a round of applause that the entire team joins in on. "He survived!"
She looks up and sees Jamie's face is tomato red. She smiles and shakes her head before heading toward the food. "Barely," is all she says in reply.
"Oh shit," Mason says. Trevor's jaw drops as Jamie follows right behind (Y/N) to get something to eat.
She bets Jamie is wishing they just ordered some room service or something with the way his teammates congratulate him and tease him because he had sex.
She loves watching them tease him though. It's like they're one big happy family and she's glad that Jamie has them.
MASTERLIST | part one
have a request ? check out the guidelines !
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martiny0rk · 6 months
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Anahiem Ducks
Lukas Dostal
Mason Mctavish
Trevor Zegras
Arizona Coyotes
**Maveric lamoureux
Boston Bruins
Jeremy Swayman
Buffalo Sabres
Joel hofer
Chicago Blackhawks
**Connor bedard
**Frank Nazar
Columbus Blue Jackets
**Adam Fantilli
Cole Sillinger
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
Kirby Dach
**Juraj Slafkovsky
New Jersey Devils
Nico Hischier
**Alex Holtz
Jack Hughes
**Luke Hughes
John Marino
Dawson Mercer
New York Rangers
Matt Rempe
Philadelphia Flyers
Jamie Drysdale
Cam York
Toronto Maple Leafs
**Fraser Minten
Matthew Knies
Joseph Woll
San Jose Sharks
William eklund
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
Luca Fantilli
Ethan Edwards
Mark estapa
**Rutger McGroarty
**Nick Moldenhauer
**Macklin Celebrini
**Cutter Gauthier
**Gabe Perreault
**Will smith
**Ryan Leonard
* means they are a prospect for that team or not playing there yet
**under the age of 21. Even though I’m underage myself I will not be writing anything smut related about anyone under 21.
 martiny0rk — all rights reserved. please do not modify, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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noxturnalpascal · 9 months
Daddy x The Babysitter
Last month I came up with an idea for a story prompt to get the writing juices flowing and several people joined in and wrote with this idea. I wanted to share all the participants linked in one place 💜.
PROMPT: Pick a Pedge Daddy character - Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Dave York, etc. (it can be Canon or Non-Canon/AU/No Outbreak). PPCU Daddy is surprised - and excited - to learn that the grad/postgrad student he hires to watch his child sometimes also works as a: stripper/dancer/cam-girl/onlyfans-model/dating-or-escort-service (or straight-up SW) 
webcam for beginners
by @iamasaddie
room 301
by @milla-frenchy
birthday surprise
by @aurorawritestoescape
Dancing is a Dangerous Game
by (me) @noxturnalpascal
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drysdaleknieslee · 6 months
Masterlist and Future AU's
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I do not write for underaged players or players who are 18 years old and I will not take further requests for players who are 18 and below. Only 19+
Smut: 🥵
Fluff: 🩵
Angst: 🫢
Luke Hughes
Wipe Out - Part 1 🩵
Wipe Out - Part 2 🩵
Wipe Out Pt. 3 🩵
Will Smith
Will Smith x MC Isabella 🩵
Strawberry Scones (will x isabella) 🩵
Cam York
Only Exception 🫢🥵🩵
Cole Caufield
Cole Sillinger
Fraser Minten
Mirror Mirror 🥵
Matthew Knies
Kniesy Smut 1 🥵
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My Best Friend, The Cam Girl
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TW: Smut. Masturbation. Language. 
SUMMARY: Your best friend, Rafe, comes across your secret little Cam girl account…his reaction is more than unexpected…
My Best Friend, The Cam Girl
Best friends tell each other everything. Crushes, dreams, ambitions, and failures. All for that promise of their comforting words and loving embraces that may even consist of that constructive criticism that was necessary for personal growth. At least this was what Rafe thought as he pulled up his computer for the afternoon, believing somewhere in the back of his mind that he knew every detail about you. Even down to how you came fastest, despite the fact you two had never even kissed. But as he slipped his lubricated hand into his sweats, the preparation of a cam girl on the other side as a pre-recording to his fantasies, a girl chosen with your specs as you were his type to perfection, he stilled in awe at details of the similarities between the two of you. 
Down to the same red comforter he sat on that very morning as you whined about some recent grade and a lack of attention from your shared peers. He continued slow strokes of his shaft as these details continued to strike him. A specific shift of color in the tint of your hair only visible when the hair would hit it just right. The snowglobe he had given you last Christmas of New York because you had always dreamed of going there during the holidays. And finally, that scar on your shoulder that he had been somewhat responsible for after playing a bit too rough when you were younger and you'd fallen off of the jungle gym you were playing on, wearing that scar as evidence of his victorious strength against you. 
A sudden rush of guilt washed over him as he convinced himself these were all coincidences. There was no way this could be you, his best friend. And yet, a continuation of details such as this popped up around him. The hue of your curtains, the way you wore way too many hair ties on your wrist despite rarely wearing your hair up unless you were alone at night, even the sound of your breathing that had been a means of solitude for him when he'd rest on your lap when his days were in need of that comfort you allowed. 
"Mmmm..." You had moaned into the camera, his hand continuing, even quickening, as he felt guilt pulse through him. You were friends. You were so close you could almost be family. And yet, he couldn't stop his hand from those motions. So much so, that he would spray himself beneath his sheets in record time at the forbidden thoughts of you. Your moaning. Your exposed chest. And more importantly, how he could make this a reality the next day. 
"Do I have to ask you again?" He inquired as you hid your blush behind a nervous smirk before rolling your eyes. 
"How did you even find it?" 
"Doesn't matter-" He spoke quickly. 
"I thought you had that girl from the pep squad taking care of you-" 
"I don't think you should be on there..." He was protective and domineering as always, offering this behind his usual reserved hostility and blazed irises darkened from their usual light blue. 
"Because only certain people should see you like that..." 
"Like you?" 
"Yes..." You teased, editing the space between you until you could take a deep breath and touch his chest with the tips of your breasts, perked nipples at attention at the thought of his touch. 
"Why is it any different if it’s you or someone else?" 
"Because they don't care about you..." He defended quickly as you weren't in the mood for chivalry or even romance. 
"Did you come?" 
"What?!" He moved away from you as if you'd asked a ridiculous question. 
"Did you come watching me?" 
"No I-I shut it off..." He lied, eyes shifting in either direction and evading you as you closed in on him. 
"So you didn't see that beauty mark...right here?" You asked, pulling your shorts and panties low enough to reveal what you spoke of. 
"And you didn't see me..." Pulling your fingers between your lips, you carried your digits into your mouth only withdrawing them when they dripped, as his eyes followed their descent into your panties. 
"Do this?" 
"Stop..." He was weak in tone as you chuckled. 
"Are you made because it's me? That anyone else can see it?" You moved even closer to him, "Or that you paid for something you could get for free?" He cocked his head. 
"Don't say shit you don't mean..." 
"Do I ever?" You moved to the bed, legs wide for his view, as you ran your fingers in quick strides and eventual penetration as his eyes followed your motions. 
"Rafe..." You moaned his name as his jaw clenched. 
"You know I think about you when I record myself?" His eyes darkened, his chest heaved, and his palm ran lines down his shaft in the attempts to tame its newfound ache, as he was on the tightrope of his resistance to you. Now more than ever. 
"I have a picture of us at the beach...the one where your shorts are low enough that I can just imagine how big you are...the things I'd do to you...the things I want you to do to me...and your muscles..." You shuddered, a sensitive twist of your nerves making your toes curl as you watched him in awe of you. 
"I even say your name...but I always edit it out...just in case you found me...but a part of me always wished you would..." You suddenly withdrew your fingers. 
"So what are you gonna do about it since you have?" You brought your fingers to your mouth, eyes pulling into a roll as this had been enough for him. 
He pounced without a care of what it meant for your friendship. Instead, he pawed you in the attempts to leave you naked for him. Once he succeeded, he took stock of your breasts and nipples, moaning against each one as he left them dripping and and writhing, until pulling himself freely from his pants. Your brows rose in shock to how large and thick he was, a momentary regret to initiate this as you knew how painful he would be. But before you could ask him to be gentle or second guess it, he was already inside of you. 
"Fuck!" You both moaned in unison as he moved quickly. Years of sexual tension and denial of feelings had come through each reckless peneetration as his fingers ate into your hips while he lifted you further against him. 
"You're never making another fucking video...nobody else gets to see you like this..." He demanded as you chuckled. 
"Oh really?" 
"Don't push me..." 
"But it seems to fair well for me..." You were now taken away from him. Ass lifted in the air as he penetrated once more. 
"Mine. I'll brand this ass if I have to-" He smacked yourcheek, pulling your hair as you moaned to this teasing abuse. 
He obliged. 
"I'll leave you so marked up nobody will question that you have someone-" 
"Are you my someone Rafe?" 
"I'm gonna be your fucking everything!" He called behind you, hand now to your clit as you catapulted to that edge. 
"Just like you've always been mine." 
"Fuck. Yes." He grunted. 
"About time..." 
"Shit..." He nearly whimpered, your words that further pulled to his own release. 
"Come for me, Rafe! I can feel you so deep, I can't take it!!!" 
"Take it baby...take all of it-" He growled into your shoulder, bent over you perfectly, to hit THAT spot, before you trembled in unison to his orgasm as he brought you to your own. 
"I mean it about those videos. No more." 
"Starting now?" His eyes narrowed as you but your lip and pointed towards the laptop with a lift of your head, the computer set on record, and pointed towards your bed. 
"You recorded us?" 
"I mean you did just barge in here making demands...very sexy..." He wanted to be upset, he had every right to be. But instead, he could only scoff. As he pulled you over his lap into a straddle. 
"What do you say, we make it worth their money then?" 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
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welcome to my masterlist, where i try my absolute best to keep things updated for you all ✨
✨ requests are currently open!
current works in progress/requests ✨
✨ list of players i write for
❤️‍🔥 = smut ☁️ = fluff 💧= angst
A Shot at Love: an nhl dating show au
meet the 12 eligible bachelors
welcome to the mansion
the first rose
your journey ends here
Current Mood: an NHL moodboard series
Short n’ Sweet
What Are the Odds pt. 1
Anaheim Ducks
Trevor Zegras
Blurbs: 1☁️
Dallas Stars
Wyatt Johnston
Birds of a Feather ☁️
Florida Panthers
Matthew Tkachuk
The Hills❤️‍🔥
White Ferrari 💧
Done Dreaming ☁️
Stanley Cup Champ (social media au!)
Blame’s on Me 💧
Las Vegas Golden Knights
Jack Eichel
Fading perfection 💧☁️
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
social media au series -> Fourth of July , Back to Work, From Italy with Love, A Day at the Track
To Have and To Hold ❤️‍🔥
New Jersey Devils
Luke Hughes
Blurbs: 1☁️
Seeing Double☁️
My Muse ☁️
Jack Hughes
Blurbs: 1
Nico Hischier
Blurbs: 1
Oasis ❤️‍🔥
Nice to Meet Ya ☁️
New York Islanders
Mat Barzal
Blurbs 1 ❤️‍🔥, 2☁️, 3💧☁️, 4💧, 5☁️
Kinda Tempting | pt 2❤️‍🔥, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
Broken Memories (sequel to kinda tempting) -> 2, 3
Almost something 💧☁️
New York Rangers
Matt Rempe
Social media au: birthday boy
Blurbs: 1💧, 2☁️, 3❤️‍🔥, 4☁️, 5, 6
What if?☁️
Kinda Tempting | pt 2❤️‍🔥, pt 3 , pt 4, pt 5
Broken Memories (sequel to kinda tempting) -> 2, 3
Party’s Over 💧☁️
Kiss me, I dare you
Step Right Up ☁️
Philadelphia Flyers
Jamie Drysdale
Blurbs: 1
Why Not Both? ❤️‍🔥 (ft Cam York)
Social Media AU: spicy summertime
Sundazed ❤️‍🔥
Cam York
Why Not Both? ❤️‍🔥 (ft Jamie Drysdale)
Seattle Kraken
Vince Dunn (no longer accepting requests for Vince)
Blurbs: 1❤️‍🔥
What is, what isn’t 💧
Pleaseher ❤️‍🔥
Never Not
Toronto Maple Leafs
Auston Matthews
Fight Night
Nights Like This ☁️
William Nylander
Aperol Spritz ❤️‍🔥
Joseph Woll
Blurbs: 1☁️
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
Blurbs: 1💧☁️, 2 💧☁️
Nice to Meet Ya ☁️
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wheezyseeker99 · 1 month
Warnings: pda to exhibitionism, swearing, teasing, fingering (female receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (fm) {it’s giving br**ding k*nk}
18+, MDNI
Summary: just jealousy inspired this one? His pov too because why not?
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I don’t like the way he’s looking at her. Tonight she’s supposed to be mine. I’m supposed to be giving her attention, but she’s laughing at something this dumbass said to her across the bar.
I can’t pull my eyes from her. Her hair half up in a clip. Her dress that hugs her curves and her ass just right. Her sweet smile that I want to only be for me. I look over at the bartender and I clench my fists. He clearly wants her.
She was just sitting next to me a few minutes ago eating her dinner before she went to grab me a beer from the bar. I should’ve done it myself. She took my wallet so maybe this guy will see my name on my card and know she’s mine.
Her eyes reach mine from across the room and I tilt my chin up, puffing my chest out. I can see the way she bites her lip, but then the motherfucker distracts her again.
My blood boils in my veins. It’s not her fault that men hover near her, but fuck, do I get jealous.
If there’s one thing I hate, it’s when dudes try to swing in and disrespect my soon-to-be wife all the time, and it pisses me off. Just because she’s the full package of a woman doesn’t mean they need to prey on her. The ring should ward them off, but apparently I need to buy her a larger rock to wear on her hand.
Call me obsessed, but nobody will ever get to taste her again as along as I’m alive. The ones that came before me have a death wish, and so do the ones that think they can steal her from me. She’s mine. It’s animalistic, the way I think about her in situations like these. She’s everything I need to survive. I’m so damn possessive when it comes to her.
I glance back over as he hands her a beer, and she turns to walk back to me. I don’t drag my eyes away from her this time. I step out of the booth when she walks up and she slides in while sitting down my drink and wallet.
“Thanks baby,” I say and kiss her forehead. I turn my head back to the bar for a moment and the bartender is still looking at her. I slide into the booth after her and place a hand over her bare thigh, giving it a squeeze. I lean down and place a couple kisses on her neck before claiming her lips with mine. I pull away and take a sip from my drink. She looks at me questionably.
“What’s going on Cam?”
“Nothing, just need you today.”
She hums like she doesn’t completely believe me. I wouldn’t believe me either. My body is still on fire and it’s taking everything in me not to walk across the room to the bartender and throw punches.
She takes my hand, holding it in hers for a moment until she puts it back down on her thigh. I don’t say anything, I just tuck her hair behind her ear with my other hand and give her a chaste kiss.
“You know I know you’re jealous, right?”
“Of course you do,” I chuckle and place my forehead on hers, “you know everything about me.”
“You know everything about me too. So tell me what I’m thinking,” she says while placing a kiss to my jaw.
“You’re always thinking dangerous thoughts,” I tell her in a low tone.
“So what are you going to do about it?”
Shes taunting me. It riles me up when she thinks she can be in control. I won’t allow that. I release my grip on her thigh and slide my hand below her dress. Usually she wears shorts under her dresses, but she didn’t tonight.
“Right here baby?”
She nods her head, giving me approval to keep going. She moves further into the booth and picks up her fork to keep eating her meal, looking at me expectantly.
I didn’t expect her to want me to finger her under the table, but I’m not objecting to it. Nobody will know a thing unless they see where my hand is. I cup her pussy under her dress and she whimpers quietly. I hold her eyes with mine as my hand moves aside the wet lace of her panties, tracing a finger up and down her slick folds. While picking up my beer with my right hand and take a drink, I circle her clit with my left hand. I place the bottle back down before I talk again.
“Is this what you wanted baby?”
She nodded her head in confirmation, not saying a word. I kiss her temple before pulling back to look at her. She’s biting her bottom lip. I want to taste her so bad.
She nods again. I insert two fingers inside of her and I can tell she’s holding back a gasp. Fuck, that’s hot. I move them slowly in and out of her. She grasps my wrist under the table when I hook my fingers inside her.
“Anything else before I get the check for you two,” the waitress says from beside me and my eyes snap to her. My fingers still inside of my girl as her hand comes down to my thigh. I can feel her pussy clenching around my fingers. Shit. She definitely thought we were going to get caught just now.
“No just the check,” I say and take another swig of my beer. The waitress nods and turns away, then I take the opportunity to move my fingers faster. I move over so my mouth is next to her ear, “you know what’s going to happen baby?”
Her legs are starting to shake. I hook my fingers again, over and over. She doesn’t reply so I keep going. I circle my thumb around her clit and she gasps at the contact.
“You’re going to cum for me right here before the waitress gets back, and then I’m going to take you home and fill you up,” I growl into her ear and press a kiss just below it, “and baby, you’re going to take it like the good girl you are.”
Her head rolls onto my shoulder and her eyes squeeze closed as she bites her lip. I don’t need to hear her tell me she’s about to finish, I can feel it on my fingers. Her body shakes and she whimpers into my shoulder. Watching her cum is an addiction that I never want to be cured of. This is exactly what I wanted. I feel my dick twitch in my pants. I need to be inside her.
“That’s it, ride it out baby. I’ve got you.”
I kiss down her neck and pull her underwear back over her pussy. Slowly, I lift my fingers to my mouth and lick her cum off of them. She watches me until her eyes catch on the waitress coming back to the table. I fish out my wallet without looking at the check and give her more than enough cash for the bill and her tip.
“Have a good night you two,” she says and leaves again. I make sure she’s gone before I swing back the rest of the beer. I grab my girl’s hand and drag her to the car. Before we even get to the car she’s digging into my pocket to get the key. I laugh at her enthusiasm. I open the door for her and close it before getting in on the drivers side.
“Do you think you can wait until we get home sweetheart?”
As much as I need to unload inside of her and watch her eyes roll back into her head, car sex isn’t her favorite. That, and we’re also not far from home.
“No promises Cam. You have 5 minutes until I lose my control.”
There it is. There’s my feral girl. I smile and start driving. Not even a minute down the road she releases her hair from her hair clip, and her hand starts stroking me over my pants. It’s impossible, how hard she gets me.
“Slow down or I’ll cum in my pants. You know you want it inside you baby,” I grit out.
She hums to herself but continues to touch me. I gulp and try to stay focused, but it’s hard to do that. Literally. The feeling of her hands always makes me hard. And shit, sometimes the thought of feeling her body against mine makes it hard for me to even breathe. She really does have me wrapped around her finger.
I pull in my parking spot, and before I could even cut off the engine, my girl is out of the car. I unlock the door and immediately attach my mouth to hers. My hands dig into her hips as I slam the door shut behind us, my mouth never leaving hers.
We don’t make it to the bedroom. I thought we would make it to the couch at least, but we fell to the rug in the living room, her straddling my hips. Her lips break from mine and are on my chest after she peels off my shirt. She peppers soft kisses across it, and then she trails kisses up my collarbone and the base of my throat. Her fingertips run down my stomach, making the path to set me free from the confines of my pants.
I love it when she doesn’t keep her hands to herself.
I tug off her dress and take her breasts into my hands around the same time she unbuckles my belt. I suck a nipple into my mouth and she grips my head. I feel her grinding onto me. This is driving me wild.
“Jesus Christ,” she screams as I bite down on the stiff peak.
“He has nothing to do with this right now darling,” I flick it gently with my tongue before moving over to the other, “who’s making you feel this good?”
“Cam,” she moans and I moan too. Our bodies are overheating despite being almost naked. She smells so good like this. Sweat, vanilla, and sex. Her fingers curl into the sweaty hair at the nape of my neck and she tugs.
“Oh?” I ask and smirk against her skin, “are you going to cum from just this? I’ve barely begun to touch you baby.”
She nods and tugs my hair again. She’s everything to me. Fucking perfect.
”I love it when you pull my hair. It means you’re close.”
Holy shit, I want to taste every inch of her. Desperately. I slide my hands to her hips and moved her against me until her body shakes. She’s soaking through her panties when I lay her on her back. Pulling off the rest of my clothes is a task, but I manage it and then take off her soaking panties.
My pretty girl is still panting on the rug. I bring her lips to mine in another soul-satisfying kiss. I groan into her mouth because fuck, her lips are heavenly. Her leg hooks around my waist and she grinds into me, gliding my dick against her wetness. It wasn’t enough to ease the ache. I can feel every fucking inch of her beneath me and I need more. I’m so selfish. I can’t get enough. She gasps against my lips when I release her lips from mine.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I tell her. I grip her chin between my fingers, forcing her pretty eyes to meet mine. I run a finger over her bottom lip as she watched me, “that’s right, look at me. You belong to me.”
I’m too far gone for her, and I’ve had enough teasing. It’s beyond time to give my needy girl what she needs. What I need. I pushed into her slowly with a groan and she writhes beneath me.
“More Cam, please,” she breathes.
Somewhere in my consciousness, I know I’m going to bust in a matter of minutes, but I’ll keep going until she sees stars. I give in and speed up almost instantly, keeping a steady pace just how she likes it. She bucks her hips into me, taking me deeper with every thrust.
“That’s my girl,” I mumble, “take everything I give you.”
She clenches around my cock and it feels too good. It’s always too good. So wet and warm, and each stroke makes my spine tingle. I reach my hand between us and place my thumb on her clit. Her hands tug on the strands of my hair again. Yeah, she’s going to cum soon.
A guttural noise comes out of my throat and speed up my thrusts. My head falls to her chest. I’m almost on the edge, but the selfish part of my brain needs her to cum first.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” I moan into her skin. Every roll of our hips is sending me into a never ending spiral.
I love being deep inside her. I love the way we fit together. I love her.
“Cum,” I command her. She whines out my name softly before crying out. I watch her as she climaxes. Her eyes roll back and her legs shake. She clenches hard around me and I hold onto her thighs while riding out her orgasm. I continue my thrusts, pounding into her.
“Fill me up Cam,” she whimpers.
I bring my mouth back to hers once again and I see stars. I cum into her immediately. I feel like I’ll never stop. Fuck, she’s ruined me. She drags her lips down the column of my throat as I cum into her. I sink deeper and still my thrusts inside her.
My head falls into the crook of her neck. I can’t stop cumming. My climax makes my body shake in pleasure. I never want it to stop. Everything feels so intense.
I don’t know how many minutes we stay in the same position. I feel like I melted into her. I roll over on the rug next to her and place tender kisses on her shoulder, and then bring her ring finger up to my lips, “so good. I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I shouldn’t have been jealous, huh baby?”
“Nope but I enjoyed the outcome,” she laughed, “now we need to go up to bed and do it again.”
My eyes flare at her, “at least give me 5 minutes to recuperate. You’re filled already.”
“Fill me more.”
She gives me a little smirk and leans up to bite my bottom lip. My feral girl. Tonight definitely isn’t stopping here.
She’s going to be the death of me, and I’m perfectly okay with that.
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turcott3 · 8 months
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master list <3
* = smut
~ = blurb
Complicated? - Cole Caufield
you make loving you easy - kirby dach
love on the brain - alex turcotte
back to you - mackie samoskevich
homesick - trevor zegras
boyfriend - mackie samoskevich
first strike - mark estapa
margaret - tj hughes
23 - mason mctavish *
all star break - john marino *
mine all mine - florian xhekaj
~ Positions Fics Masterlist! ~
there for you - mason mctavish
good looking - matt rempe
made for me - matt rempe *
wrapped around your finger - luca fantilli *
throw away - matt rempe & juraj slafkovský *
ordinary things - olen zellweger
mark estapa birthday smut *
all of you - juraj slafkovský
birthday boy - juraj slafkovský *
drinking game - jamie drysdale *
after dark - luca fantilli *
it’s never too late - florian xhekaj
i love you, i’m sorry - kirby dach ~
kisses - matt rempe
unwritten - ethan edwards
and you know it - florian xhekaj *
the way - kirby dach
21st - matt rempe * -> second, first - matt rempe *
the set up - cole caufield *
treat you right - olen zellweger *
come home - adam fantilli
then he kissed me - nick moldenhauer
never lose you - luca fantilli
happy 1st - trevor zegras *
imperfect for you - brandt clarke *
the fourth of july - dean letourneau
everything i need - brandt clarke
college girl - matt rempe
summertime feelings - mackie samoskevich *
need it bad - arber xhekaj ~
wicked games - jamie drysdale and cam york *
greedy - ethan edwards
angel - matt rempe
those damn grey sweats - kirby dach *
faith - jamie drysdale *
195 notes · View notes
jedijesi · 10 months
Caught in the Cat's Web Chapter 14
Miguel O'Hara x Felicia Hardy!Reader
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Previous Chapter 🕸️ Series Masterlist
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Implied Smut, Heartbreak, Little bit of Violence.
Word Count: 4K
Summary: Felicia relives her heartbreaking past with her ex, Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man. 
Co-Author: @stclairesplace
A/N: Sorry for the late update, holidays and finals have taken us hostage. Enjoy this chapter, I loved writing it! I also recommend listening to the other woman by lana del rey during flashbacks!
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New York, Earth-192
Felicia and Miguel sat comfortably on the couch, pretending to be engrossed in the captivating show playing on the television as their minds wandered to the thoughts of each other's lips. She found solace in leaning against Miguel's chest, feeling the rhythmic rise and fall as he breathed, a comforting and familiar rhythm that reassured her.
The playful touch of his fingers touching the silver strands. As the scenes continued on the screen, Miguel would occasionally plant tender kisses on the crown of Felicia's head, causing her heart to beat faster. Then, with a delicate touch, he would kiss her neck, leaving a trail of affectionate pecks that ignited a spark within her. Each kiss left a tingling sensation in its wake, and Felicia couldn't help but sigh contentedly.
In this intimate moment, the outside world seemed to fade away as they found comfort and love in each other's presence, even if they were doing nothing but simply watching the television. The shared silence spoke volumes about their connection.
Miguel continued his sweet assault on Felicia's neck, listening to her soft gasps and moans, until LYLA's sudden appearance jolted Miguel out of his moment with Felicia. He sighed, reluctantly pulling away from her neck, his attention shifting to the unexpected intrusion.
"What?" Miguel asked, a trace of irritation in his voice.
"I thought you wanted updates," LYLA said, crossing her arms with a no-nonsense expression.
Miguel pressed one last tender kiss to Felicia's lips. "Enjoy your show, Hermosa. I'm going to go in the other room if that's alright."
Felicia nodded and stole one last kiss. "You can go to the gallery. Its the third door down the hall." She gestures with her hand. 
With a smile, Miguel briskly made his way to Felicia's gallery. He opened the French doors, stepping into the room that held breathtaking displays of art. The walls were adorned with some of the most stunning paintings, and practically every inch of the room was covered with canvases. Miguel can’t help but shake his head and smile, imagining all of the Black Cat’s escapades. 
“Miguel.” LYLA interrupts his daydreaming to remind him of her presence. 
“Yeah, sorry, what’s going on at HQ?” Miguel asks as he walks to the desk by the window where a box of newspapers had fallen. 
“One thing has been confirmed, It’s all an inside job.” Miguel sighs, bending over to help clean the mess on the floor. “Miss Drew and I interviewed everyone that works in the Gismo production so see if anyone has been smuggling them. So far, we’ve got nothing there. A little over two months ago there were a few outages in the security cams.”
“That must have been when they retrieved enough to give to the Maggia.” Miguel ponders as he places all of the newspapers back into the box. 
LYLA continues to theorize, but Miguel becomes enchanted by the headings of the newspapers. 
Several security guards reported a woman in a 
black suit and claws stealing the precious art.  
Miguel chuckles to himself as he looks over his shoulder to where the girl in a pink gown on a swing, hung proudly in the center of the wall. Miguel flips through several more newspapers spanning over the years. As he flips through the various years and headlines staring his Felicia, he stops on one in particular that catches his eye. 
Has the Black Cat changed her ways? 
“LYLA,” Miguel interrupts the AI’s train of thought. “Does Earth-192 have a Spider-Man?”
Taken back by Miguel’s random question, LYLA stops to go through the data in her codes. “Yes. Night-Spider and Spider-Man AKA Felicia Hardy and Peter Parker.” She informs. “Why do you ask?”
“She never mentioned having a Spider-Man.” His brows furrow. 
“According to my records, Peter Parker of Earth-192 sponsored Felicia throughout her training and interview process.” Wanting to know more, Miguel dives back into the box of newspapers. “Whatcha doing there, boss?” LYLA peaks over Miguel’s shoulder with suspicion.
“Just… looking.” He shrugs. 
“You sure you're allowed to do this? Might be a violation of her trust.” LYLA warns. 
“Holy shit.” He muttered as he finds exactly what he is looking for. 
New York’s favorite crime-fighting duo was spotted kissing on the Empire State Building!
Spider-Man and Black Cat take down the sinister six! 
Is she bloated or pregnant? 
Black Cat seen with diamond ring! Is it from cat burglar days or a special spider? 
Black Cat makes it very clear that it is over!
LYLA and Miguel read each headline in shock. Slowly, Miguel places the stack back into the box, trying to take in the new information. As he takes a step back, Miguel notices a newspaper crumpled on the ground. Hesitantly, he picks it up to read the headline. 
After a tragic car crash, the former Black Cat was seen working with Spider-Man and sharing a passionate kiss! 
Refusing to let his scattered mind confuse the situation, Miguel grabs the box, rushing back to Felicia. 
“Felicia,” Miguel calls out, striding down the hall into the living room. 
“Yes, my spide-” Felicia’s smile fades as she recognizes the box he holds. “What are you doing with that?” Her posture straightens to attention. 
Miguel timidly sits on the couch next to Felicia, setting it down between them. “I found this.” 
“Mí Vida.” Miguel brights Felicia out of her dark thoughts as his hand touches hers. “You can tell me.” 
“He was the guy that… kissed me that night- the first night I stayed with you.” Felicia could feel her heartache as memories began to flow filling her mind’s eye. 
“He was the asshole that kissed you!” Miguel shouted, his eyes glowing red with fury. 
Felicia nods. “Peter Parker, the man obsessed with the front page of the Daily Bugle.”
“I just don’t get it,” Miguel becomes baffled by the information. “Peter Parkers aren’t exactly known for being egotistical assholes.”
“He wasn’t always… he was my first love.” 
Freshman Year of College…
Black Cat offered a playful smile from her elevated vantage point, perched on the rooftop as she surveyed the treasures of Tiffany & Co. she planned to rob after nightfall.
"Tiffany's? Again?" Spider-Man couldn't help but express his disapproval. "Can't we fight somewhere else tonight?"
Her melodramatic gasp followed, and she placed a hand over her heart as though she'd been wounded. "I thought we were close enough not to judge each other."
Spider-Man moved closer, nimbly walking along the thin rooftop wall. "When are you going to join me on a real mission and help people?"
Black Cat met his gaze, her sultry tone curling into a teasing purr. "Whenever you decide to take me on a date."
Spider-Man chuckled at her response. "That's not fair. You never say yes."
Black Cat shrugged with a devious grin. "You haven't earned it yet, Spider."
Their flirtatious exchange took a more serious turn as Spider-Man whispered into her ear, "I thought I earned it two nights ago, but I guess I was just a booty call."
Before Black Cat could come up with a witty response, Spider-Man suddenly leaped off the building, swinging down to the street below. Concerned and curious, she hastily followed him, only to discover that he had stopped traffic to allow a family of ducks to cross safely.
It was a simple, lighthearted gesture, but it struck a chord with Felicia. She couldn't help but reconsider her goals and her plans for the night, including her intended heist at Tiffany's. Perhaps she did want to explore the Italian restaurant Spider-Man often raved about.
Junior Year of College…
Felicia's heart raced with excitement as she raced up the steps of the campus lecture hall, leaping into his arms. "Pete!”
"My precious girl," Peter replied with a tenderness in his voice. He showered his girlfriend's face with affectionate kisses as his arms wrapped tightly around her.
"I missed you," Felicia pouted, looking up through her lashes at her dashing boyfriend.
Peter couldn't help but chuckle at her infectious energy. "It's been 8 hours!" he teased, his eyes sparkling with affection as he held her close.
"8 hours is a long time to show you this!" Felicia exclaimed, pulling a newspaper out from behind her back. She bit her lip, eyes gleaming with anticipation.
Daily Bugle
"We're New York's favorite couple!" Felicia excitedly whispered, her eyes dancing with enthusiasm as she carefully ensured they wouldn't alert other students. "We were all over international news, babe!"
Peter took the newspaper and inspected the featured photo, which captured the thrilling action of Black Cat and Spider-Man's recent battle against Vulture, Shocker, The Lizard, Sand-Man, and Green Goblin.
"Look how much you've grown, baby," he said, his voice filled with pride and love. "I'm so proud of you. I couldn't have done it without the love of my life."
With those heartfelt words, Peter passionately kissed Felicia on the steps wanting everyone to see how much he loved his Felicia.
Later that night…
"Wanna order takeout to celebrate?" Felicia asked as she playfully traced invisible doodles onto Peter's chest.
"Chinese downstairs?" Peter responded with excitement, his eyes lighting up at the idea.
"Mmhmm!" She confirmed as her fingers continued to dance along his skin.
Peter couldn't help but smile, and he gently pulled Felicia in for a sweet, lingering kiss. "I love you so much," he whispered, his words laden with warmth and devotion.
Felicia giggled her laughter like a cascade of soft chimes, and gracefully slipped out of the bed to put on some clothes. "It shouldn't take long. Why don't you set up a movie and get some drinks ready?" she suggested a playful glint in her eyes.
"Sure, baby," Peter agreed, giving Felicia a playful smack on the ass before she left their cozy studio apartment.
As he reached for his sweatpants, his phone chimed with a message, a notification that displayed a name he hadn't seen in a long time. His heart raced as he read the name, his mind racing with questions and emotions. The air in the room seemed to thicken with anticipation, casting a shadow over what had been a tranquil and affectionate moment between him and Felicia.
MJ: Hey, Tiger. It's been quite a while. I caught a glimpse of you and your girlfriend on the news, and you two were nothing short of amazing. I'd love to catch up sometime. Feel free to text me whenever you can. I've missed you <3
Peter: Hey, thanks. I'm just relieved no one got hurt. Missing you too, by the way. How's everything going?
MJ: San Francisco has been chaotic. I can't help but wish I was back home with you. ;)
Peter hesitated, his gaze fixed on his phone, before typing his next message.
Peter: How's your boyfriend?
MJ: I called it quits with him yesterday.
Peter: Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. 
MJ: Don't worry. I'm genuinely happy.
MJ: I just realized that he's nowhere near as spectacular as you, Spider-Man ;)
Peter: Haha... Thanks. You're remarkable yourself too.
MJ: I'll be moving back after college next year. Perhaps we can reconnect?
Peter: Yeah, I'd really like that.
MJ: Can't wait to catch you on the news, Tiger. ;)
Peter's fingers danced over the phone screen as he exchanged messages with MJ. The nostalgia of their conversation filled him with a mix of emotions – a bittersweet blend of longing and fond memories. He couldn't help but smile to himself, lost in the exchange of words that felt like a breath of fresh air from his past.
"Dinner!" Felicia's cheerful voice broke through his daydreams as she walked into their cozy apartment, holding two plastic bags filled with takeout. Her vibrant enthusiasm clashed with the introspective mood that had overtaken Peter. "You didn't set anything up," she remarked, her smile slightly faded, but still optimistic.
Peter quickly wiped the smile from his face, placing his phone down as he returned to the present moment. "Oh, sorry," he mumbled, the weight of his previous conversation still lingering in his mind.
"It's okay, Spider. Everything alright?" Felicia inquired, her concern evident as she placed the bags of food on the small table by the window.
Peter managed to put on a smile, though the warmth that usually danced in his eyes was absent. "Never better." 
Felicia's gaze was distant as she stared at the black and white print of the newspaper. "After that," she continued, "he became utterly fixated on the limelight. It was like he couldn't get enough of it." Her fingers absently traced patterns on the paper, betraying the weight of those memories. "He'd pose for every picture, he became obsessed with his physique, and took on the most outrageous stunts," she sighed, the words laden with both disgust and disappointment.
The room fell into a contemplative silence for a moment, the distant sounds of the city filtering in through the window. Miguel scooted closer to Felicia, letting her fall into his arms so that he could hold her. Then, she added, her voice lower, "He hooked up with MJ the very day she returned to New York." The words hung in the air, heavy with the knowledge of a romance that had played out in the public eye, and the impact it had on Felicia's relationship with the man in question. “Took me a bit to find out though.” 
2 Weeks after Graduation…
The apartment was immaculate, as Felicia desired to surprise Peter on their special date night. Freshly cut flowers from the rooftop garden adorned the living space, their fragrant aroma mingling with the alluring scent of Felicia's new French perfume, filling the apartment with an ambiance of romance and elegance. She dressed in Peter’s favorite black dress with elegant make-up and sat on the fire escape of their cozy apartment, a hint of anticipation in her demeanor. She occupied herself by meticulously manicuring her nails, her signature black nail polish to match her attire. As the minutes ticked by, Peter's absence stretched to over an hour and a half, causing Felicia to be more engrossed in her nail care routine while the anticipation gradually turned into concern. 
As the clock marked the two-hour milestone and Felicia's attempts at contacting Peter remained fruitless, her growing concern turned into determination. She decided to take matters into her own hands, donning her iconic Black Cat suit. With her agile and graceful movements, she swung out into the vibrant New York night, visiting the locations Peter frequently frequented in the hopes of finding him.
While gliding through the cityscape, the distinct sound of Peter's hearty laughter reached her ears, piercing through the bustling nightlife. Guided by this familiar echo, Felicia zeroed in on an apartment. With her newfound spider-powers, she stealthily crawled along the brick wall. Her cat-like finesse allowed her to peer inside the cluttered room, where she spotted Peter seated on a couch. Tears glistened in his eyes as he burst into laughter, the intensity of his amusement visible through the window. The sight both relieved her and piqued her curiosity, as she wondered what had brought such joy to her often absentminded boyfriend. Adjusting her angle, she finds the source in her blind spot. 
Felicia's heart plummeted and an overwhelming feeling of nausea washed over her as she beheld the scene before her. Watching MJ in her underwear, return to the couch with two glasses of wine, a million thoughts raced through her mind. She knew she couldn't let Peter see how he had just shattered her world.
With a heavy heart and a sense of devastation, Felicia glided back to the apartment, her swift, graceful movements belying the turmoil within. She hastily packed her belongings, leaving no trace of her presence behind. The only place she could run to was the secret penthouse at the Plaza that her father left her. It was dusty as she had mainly used to store her stolen valuable jewelry and artwork. Previously, she was content with the idea of living a humble life with Peter, but life had different plans for her.
After moving everything out of her, now, old apartment, Felicia found herself on her rooftop of the Plaza, finally alone with her thoughts. It was the first time she allowed herself to fully absorb the reality of the situation, the pain of heartbreak weighing heavily on her shoulders.
Painted tears streamed through Felicia’s Black Cat mask, leaving streaks of make-up along her face. In an instant, the Spider-Woman-in-training decided to revert to her previous life, purging herself of any trace of Spider-Man. Her tears blurred her vision as she gazed down the street at the Dolce and Gabbana store. A shift in her demeanor occurred as an idea suddenly sparked in her mind. Before she could put her plan into action, she goes back inside for her old bag of tricks, hidden away in the dusty confines of her home.
Across town, Peter wiped away his tears of laughter before reaching for his phone, which was charging on the table. "Oh, shit!"
"What's wrong, Tiger?" MJ inquired.
"I have a ton of Spider-Man alerts; I gotta run!" Peter replied, quickly grabbing his Spider-Man suit from his bag.
"Hurry back, lover," MJ said with a gleam in her eye as she pressed a kiss to Peter's lips before he pulled the mask down and swung out of the window.
Felicia deftly twirled her vibranium baton in her hand as her eyes locked onto her next target. With a powerful swing, she shattered the glass protecting the precious jewelry. A triumphant scream escaped her lips as the gems and trinkets lay exposed. This was her fifth shop of the night, and in each one, she left his clothes and a deliberate and enigmatic message for New York's beloved Spider-Man. 
Dolce and Gabbana: “CHEATER” 
Tiffany and Co: “TRAITOR”
Gucci: “FUCK YOU”
Chanel: “LIAR”
Each message bore the distinctive signature of clawmarks and a cat sketch, a calling card only too familiar to the city's web-slinger. As Spider-Man arrived at the first scene, a heavy sense of dread engulfed him. 
"Did Black Cat make this for you, Spider-Man?" a cop inquired, eyeing the bold, black spray-painted words.
Spider-Man hesitated for a moment, his thoughts racing. "Are there more?"
The police officer nodded. "Yeah, several places around the upper east side have been broken into and tagged."
"Fuck!" Spider-Man cursed before swinging away in search of the next location. The night was a relentless cycle of pursuit, revealing message after message until he reached the last one. His frustration and anxiety grew with each discovery.
"FUCK!" he exclaimed once more, his voice filled with exasperation. He finally returned home to find his apartment nearly empty, all his belongings in a messy pile in the middle of the room.
Felicia stood before her floor-to-ceiling window, arms crossed, and gazed at the flashing police lights converging on the designer shops she had systematically destroyed. The ever-growing chaos in the city below, brought her a strange sense of peace. 
After Felicia had run out of tears, she stepped away from the window and set about the task of cleaning the dusty apartment. She hung up her stolen art, unpacked her belongings, and gradually transformed the space into her new home. It was a solemn process of letting go and starting anew, but it needed to happen, even if she’d spend half the night doing so. Once the daunting task was complete, Felicia crawled under the covers of her king-sized bed, tears streamed down her face, and she cried herself to sleep. 
As Felicia’s head rested on Miguel’s heart, she continued. “For the rest of the summer Peter and I were in an on-and-off relationship.” She cringed to herself. “He would keep trying to convince me that there was nothing between him and MJ. It was a painful cycle where I’d cried every night as I realized that I would never truly have his heart.”
“It’s not your fault, mí vida,” Miguel whispers, caressing her hair soothingly. 
“Looking back, I realize I shouldn't have ignored the glaring red flags. I was a fucking dumbass and kept going back to him. I genuinely believed that the same Peter that would have stopped the world for some ducklings was still buried in there. But now, he's still obsessed with MJ's approval while she's obsessed with the chase. I hope they're happy in their psychotic relationship." She spat out, frustration causing her to throw the newspaper across the room. 
Miguel presses dozens of kisses to Felica’s forehead to soothe her. 
“Thanks, Miggy.” She looks up and smiles at Miguel. She moves around so her legs straddle his lap, a knowing smirk drawing itself on her face. She leans into his lips, whispering, “I consider myself very lucky to have you,” and presses her lips against his, both of them smiling into it. 
“Is that so?” 
“And what is it about me that makes you feel lucky?”
Felicia takes a deep breath in before saying, “I love it when you throw me around.” 
Miguel bursts out laughing at the bold statement. “You- you do huh?”
“Don’t you dare make fun of me O’Hara we’re supposed to be having a nice moment!” She slaps his chest to scold him. 
Miguel catches his breath still laughing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry what- what else, please please continue baby.”
Felicia huffs before continuing. “I like how you’re a good leader. You think about everyone else before you do yourself.” Miguel nods for her to continue.
“And I don’t care what anybody else says, but I like how you have a scary, menacing walk. Where people look at you and are scared to approach you but I for one find it incredibly sexy.” Miguel’s smile fades into a stern expression, his tone changing.
“Who says what now?” 
Oops. “No one! Just rumors, anyways!” Felicia quickly diverts the subject, waving her hand in the air as if to wipe it away from memory.
“I like the way you look at me.” 
“And how do I look at you?”
Felicia smiles to herself about the answer, the heat rushing up to her cheeks. 
“C’mon tell me.” Miguel sits up more on the couch, hands now rubbing at her sides. 
“I like how you look at me like I’m your equal. Like I’m worthy in every way possible. Not someone who needs fixing, or needs to be changed. You look at me like a partner, not an enemy.” 
Miguel slowly nods his head, absorbing all the things that Felicia expressed to him. 
“I’m lucky to have you too sweetheart. You have no idea, how lucky.” Without giving her a chance for her to reply he immediately pulls her head in to kiss her deeply.  She melts into his arms, her heart racing as their kiss deepens. His words echo in her head, I’m lucky to have you. She feels so lucky to be in his arms, feeling safe and loved. She’d never felt such adoration before, not like this, especially with Peter. She wraps her arms around him, wishing for the moment to never end.
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Chapter 15
Taglist: @leahnicole1219 @oscarissac2099 @www-interludeshadow-com
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wannab-urs · 2 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fic Recs | Vol 40
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy Folks!
Here's the 40th volume of the Spreadsheet Digest. Pretty Joel heavy this week, but there's a few other boys in here too.
Summaries and Tags provided by the author. Please pay attention to the tags!
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Dave York one shot by @foli-vora
Dave takes you to the fair
swearing, dave being a fucking MENACE, guns/air rifles, first date carnival shenanigans, it's a bit soft and fluffy, Dave 'BDE' York, SMUT 18+ ONLY: fingering, oral sex (f rec), unprotected p in v (no matter how pretty they are or how horny they make you - wrap that shit), public sex, outdoor sex, rough sex, dirty talk, dave doing what dave does best - completely fucking annihilating pussy.
Dave York series by @punkshort
Fresh on the heels of a breakup, you move into a new apartment in a shady part of town. When a mysterious man breaks in, insisting he knew the prior tenant and needs to recover something left behind, you get caught up in a whirlwind of danger and attraction.
language, threats of violence, physical violence, blood/gore, guns/knives/hitman shit, smut
15 minutes
Din one shot by @whocaresstillthelouvre
Being a cam girl isn't as exciting as people think it is, that is until a mystery of a deep voiced man asks you what makes a woman feel good.
Smut, mutual masturbation, voyeurism, sex work, Din reveals his face, silver dildo, Din's a virgin, premature ejaculation. Banner has nothing to do with appearance of reader, reader has no physical descriptors besides being AFAB.
Blood on Your Name
Ezra one shot by @kedsandtubesocks
Texas 1885 - the town’s ranching competition brings in new souls out from the desert, one unfortunately happens to be a ghost haunting you & he’s still as handsome and dangerous as ever
old Wild West AU, slight enemies to lovers, very morally!gray Ezra, fingering, oral (f receiving), pussy pronouns, one moment of spit kink, allusions to p in v, scoundrel but soft!Ezra, themes of violence & reader enacting violence on another, use of guns, blood & injury, morally!gray reader, time period views of marriage & shaming women (brief use of derogatory terms against reader), minor character deaths, light gender language usage, use of nicknames
Beneath the Mire
Ezra one shot by @bonezone44
You're a human-turned-swamp monster and a man crashes into your corner of the bayou.
DDDNE, Non-con somnophilia. Blowjob. Unprotected p-in-v.
Room 301
Joel one shot by @milla-frenchy
Joel finds out that babysitting isn't your only student job
PWP. Age gap unspecified, escort, dirty talk, praise kink, sir kink, size kink, spitting, pussy slapping, light degradation, oral (m/f), unprotected piv, creampie. No outbreak
Life and Loss
Joel one shot by @wildemaven
Momentos of him, your late husband, have remained tucked away for the last year following his unexpected death. As you settle into your new widowed life and new home over a thousand miles away from the life you created with Dave, all the beautiful memories reside in cardboard boxes out of sight.
death, grief/loss, major character death (no description of said death), AU and crossover universes, kind of fluffy, navigating loss, reader is non descriptive/blank slate.
Call It What You Want
Joel one shot by @chaotic-mystery
Who knew a storm would push you and Joel exactly where you wanted to be but never thought you’d end up?
shocker shocker, Mads wrote fluff for once! There’s a slight mention of arson and your house burning down but ya know, the rest of it is fluff. Nicknames, implied age gap but it’s not specified, storms. NO USE OF Y/N.
Worse than Death
Joel one shot by atticrissfinch (AO3)
When Joel and his group of raiders finds you alone and in need of assistance, he offers to help you. You quickly discover those are not his intentions.
Post!Outbreak, Sadistic/Borderline Psychotic!Joel, explicit noncon, Gangbang, Kidnapping, Bondage, Double Penetration, Triple Penetration, Fisting, unprotected piv. Anal, Rough Oral Sex, Cum Eating, Watersports (including consumption of piss), Spanking, Object Insertion, HEAVY Degradation, references to necrophilia, Face Slapping, Physical Abuse, Boot Crushing, Dehumanizing Language and Behaviors, Use of the word Rape in a sexual context, Murder of unnamed OMC, alcohol consumption, Reader is implied curvy aka not a member of the IBTC, Joel has zero remorse or compassion in this, so if that's what you're looking for this is not it. Jesus i think that's everything, But in case it's not please just read with caution, MAJOR DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, spitting, Choking, Gun Violence
Joel series by @kiwisbell
a retired hitman returns to the fold.
hitman!joel, husband!joel, graphic violence throughout, established relationship, artist!reader, love as worship (and a little bit of blasphemy), injuries, murder, revenge, cars, smut (individual warnings in chapter tags), fluff, angst angst angst (i mean it), joel is an idiot, heartache, healing, forgiveness, threats of rape/SA, mob activities, secrecy + lies, childhood/religious trauma, grovelling, the typical alcohol/smoking/profanity, erotic paintings
Whiskey Sour
Joel series by @kiwisbell
Reuniting with your estranged father while you finish college in Austin has unintended consequences. His best friend, for one.
dbf!joel being extremely criminally attractive, big ol' age gap (40s/early 20s), unprotected piv (do not follow the leader), creampie, multiple sex positions, multiple orgasms, oral sex (m and f receiving), dry humping, spitting, biting, joel miller is a MUNCH, very appropriate use of a showerhead, consensual somnophilia, yoga, heavy emphasis on payphones, daddy issues, family reunions, angst, dead mom, grief and mourning, father/daughter relationship, bartending, reader is a woman in STEM (author is not), being a student in university deserves a warning probably, attempted drugging (roofies), college boys suck, possessive sex, possessive joel, protective joel, obligatory warning for joel's salt-and-pepper hair, masturbation, wet dreams, no outbreak AU, hurt/comfort, healing, no sarah or ellie, stargazing, face-sitting, pining/yearning, happy ending
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Happy Reading!
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2frosty4you · 1 year
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Masterlist ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
| FLUFF 🌸 | SMUT 🌹 | ANGST 🥀 | PLATONIC 🌼 | Hurt/Comfort 🌻 | | Request ⭐| FEM | GEN | MALE | Request/Ask box
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Ask/Request box rules ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
ʚ Idm if you send just to ask stuff or for any requests :33 ʚ Things I won't write: Gross shit, Pregnancies and rape/sexual assault
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Fanfictions ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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ʚ-› Child Of Light (South park x reader) - [PAUSED] GEN “You’re like the sun, a ball of brightness and full of joy. But what happens when you have to move away, away from your friend and everyone who understood you. Maybe then people will see the other side of the sun.”
ʚ-› Scorched (Tf2 x reader) - [ONGOING] FEM “The world was full of people who despise (Y/n) (L/n). Be it due to the amount of carnage they engage in, to the perfect privileged life they seemed to live. Being supported so suspiciously through bank transactions ending with the company name; Mann.Co. Suspicions arise as they are taken away to live in the shoes of a deceased merc inside of 'Teufort'.”
ʚ-› Knife In The Frame (Zack Addy x reader) - [PAUSED] FEM
"Dr. (Y/n) (L/n), proudly a great forensic pathologist and toxicologist and head of her own forensic building in New York. Being friends with Cam she takes over her post while she goes on holiday." "But (L/n)'s keeping a secret, one which will be exposed if she doesn't keep it hidden from the Jeffersonian."
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Oneshots ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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(to be added!!!)
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Head Canons ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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↬ Tf2
ʚ-› All Mercs ⭐With a reader who’s bloodthirsty but kind to animals 🌸GEN ⭐Mercs comforting teen reader after toxic relationship 🌸🌼GEN ⭐Mercs find out teen!reader takes sole care of siblings 🌸🌼GEN
ʚ-› Scout ✧ Crushing on you 🌸 FEM ⭐Cuddling with him 🌸FEM ✧ Comforting him through a thunderstorm 🌸FEM ⭐ Convinced him to keep a stray pet 🌸 GEN
ʚ-›Soldier ✧ Crushing on you 🌸FEM
ʚ-›Demoman ✧ Crushing on you 🌸FEM
ʚ-›Engineer ⭐ Convinced him to keep a stray pet 🌸 GEN ✧ Crushing on you 🌸FEM ⭐Sub Engie🌹GEN ⭐Falling for a friend pursuing Phytotoxicology 🌸GEN
ʚ-›Medic ✧ Crushing on you 🌸FEM ⭐Falling for a friend pursuing Phytotoxicology 🌸🌼GEN
ʚ-›Sniper ✧ Crushing on you 🌸FEM
ʚ-›Spy ✧ Crushing on you 🌸FEM ⭐ Convinced him to keep a stray pet 🌸 GEN
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Drabbles ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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↬ Tf2
ʚ-› All Class ⭐Flustering the Mercs 🌸FEM ⭐Finding you asleep with a cat 🌸GEN ⭐Mercs reacting to underage reader being catcalled 🌼FEM ⭐ Mercs reacting to Teen Reader getting hurt in battle 🌼GEN
ʚ-› Scout
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Updated 5.03.2024
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naisblogsblog · 3 months
Ok so there isn’t any smut yet there will be soon to tw
You are a drill rapper and Matt is a YouTuber nobody ever expectd you to fall in love but yall make it work no matter what. Your kay flocks daughter you had a consert the same day Matt was on the let’s trip tour and you both ended up in New Jersey your consert was at 9:30 and the let’s trip tour was at 5:30 you got there about 8 to start setting up but you see people packing some stuff up “oh are you here to help with the unpacking” some random boy asked “oh no sorry I have a show at 9:00 so I was just coming to look” oh what do you do he ask “I’m a drill rapper”I say laughing “my name is y/n “ my name is Nick he responds when someone who looks just like him walks up behind him they kinds look alike I think “who’s this” he asks “this is yn”Nick responds omg arnt you a rapper” he asked “my name is Chris” he says daping me up “are yall twins” I ask a lil confused nah we triplets he points at Matt ohh I say looking at Matt he was a lil cute im not gunna lie but I don’t say anything he walks over to us and looks me up and down yo I say before I can respond Cblu(he is another drill rapper) walks up to me “come on they want us to get are song list”ready “oh ok I say yall wanna stay or yall gotta go “ I ask hoping they can stay because I wanna talk to the boy who I didn’t get the name of “yeah we can we don’t have to leave until tomorrow” chris says ok I say smiling here add me on ig so we can hang out after the show I say opening my phone handing it to Nick he puts his ig in and I here Cblu again “Y/N COME ON HURRY UP DAM” I roll my eyes and Matt laughs “ok lemme go someone’s getting grumpy imma text yall see you later “I say walking away I walk up to Cblu who’s real name is camran “cam “I say smiling ear to ear what he says you saw the three guys I was talking to yeah he says raising a eyebrow the one with the beard what you think I say willing my eyebrows “ no way” he says “not to be a hater but he looks like he likes lil blond girls with there lil mini skirts” he laughs ugh hater I say “but they are coming to the show can I go talk to them and you set up” I look with pleading eyes I ask sure he shrugs I hug him thank you I say walking away I see them standing in the corner I walk up to them “yall look so sad “ I say they smile “nah we ok” Nick says “oh I didn’t get your name” I say looking at the boy oh Matt he says I dab him up y/n I say smiling as we hold hands for a sec before I pull away “what where you guys doing” I ask “we had a show we are on tour we do YouTube” he says pointing at the vlog camera that Nick is holding “that’s cool I always wanted to do youtube” “ so why don’t you” he questions “because I gotta focus on my music and stuff don’t wanna let my dad down” I say looking down “dad” he question “kay flock” I say “you ask a lot of questions” I laughed “my bad I’m just wondering” “no no it’s ok “I say “we are gunna get McDonald’s yall wanna come”Chris asks Matt looks at me waiting for my answer “ I have to stay just in case they wanna test the mics and stuff “ Nick looks at Matt “I’ll stay to then “ he says Chris and Nick look at each other ok and they walk away “my feet hurt “ I say sitting on the stage stairs next to us he sits to you close enough so your legs are touching “are you from New Jersey”he ask “nahh I’m from new York what about you” I look at him admiring his features he had really nice check bones I liked that “I’m back and forth from Boston and la” I smiled thinking of la “dam I always wanted to go to la” say smiling as I put my elbow on my knee and my chin on my hand “I always wanted to go to ny maybe one day you can show me around ny” I laughed I’m in the hood I can show you the hood” i mentally laughed at my joke “we can look around then,together “ I look up seeing he’s already looking at me I we lock eyes “then you will show me la” I ask ofc he says “wait your brother said your on tour have yall done ny “ I ask hoping they haven’t “no we go in a week” he says I grin “so maybe I can show yall around” I say here I grab my phone give me your ig then you can tell me when your in ny maybe
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