#niko omilana smut
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katxxgrace · 11 months ago
Niko Omilana ~ £10 Date VS £10,000 Date ~ Beta Squad video.
Niko Omilana but references a date with both Niko and Chunkz orchestrated for entertainment purposes.
Summary: As the only female member of the Beta Squad, you are the chosen date for the £10 Date VS £10,000 Date video on the Beta Squad channel. Obviously the aim of the video is to see whether money or personality matters more on a date, so Chunkz's is being a good date, person and overall caring, but having the low budget of £10, while Niko had a high budget of £10,000 but had to be arrogant and rude. Nobody knows you would die for a real rate with Niko.
Warnings: Planned and Orchestrated Relationships for entertainment, Language, Kissing, Smut/Sexual Themes, Descriptive Smut, Unsafe Sex.
This takes place a few years ago on original Beta Squad. Go watch the video it's mad funny.
It takes ages to get to the smut but it does get there - I wouldn't lie to you bae xx.
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Niko is so fine bro
2nd Person - past tense
"Hi Guys, Welcome to the Beta Squad channel, and today we are going to do a £10 VS £10,000 date challenge, in which two people go on a date with one girl. The aim is to see whether money or personality matter more."
Everyone has been introduced and is going out to find a girl. Once they have discovered this is a no-go, they go back to the Beta House to think.
Aj sat on a bean bag, everyone else on the couch. Out of no-where, (definitely scripted), Chunkz said:
"Guys, the 6th Beta Squad member is upstairs and we didn't even think about her. Why can't she be the date?"
Niko insisted against the idea, "Nah, nah. Wouldn't that be weird?"
Aj looked straight into the camera:
"Well, we're gonna do it anyway, we have a tight budget," He said and laughed.
A knock on your door was heard and Niko, Chunkz and Aj came in. Kenny and Sharky waited outside. Chunkz looked at you, you were sitting in your chair editing when you heard them and turned around:
"Uhm, hello?" You said, acting confused for the sake of the video.
Niko spoke: "We would like you to help us film a Beta video."
"Okay... what do I have to do?"
Aj said: "You have to go on a date..."
You got up, "Yes, well needed."
He continued, "With two of us..."
"What... why?" You said, feigning confusion.
"Content?" Aj said into the camera with a smile on his face.
"Whatever let's go," you laughed.
"After careful consideration, Chunkz has been chosen for the £10 date, and Niko was elected for the £10,000 date," Sharky said into the camera.
"Oh, this is gonna be horror," Chunkz said, half-laughing, half-despairing.
The camera panned towards Niko, his face seemed filled with glee for the £ 10,000 budget but somehow worried.
You internally freaked out in the corner of the room, staring at Niko before burying your face into your phone, acting unbothered.
The next scene showed you entering the Beta House as if for the first time. You knocked on the door and waited for what felt like hours before a smiling Aj appeared before you.
"Welcome! Sorry for the wait beautiful," he winked. "Come in, come in."
He took you through the house and into the backyard, where a piece of cardboard and Chunkz awaited on the floor.
"Oh." The camera panned towards your concerned face.
Chunkz noticed you, "Hey darling, take a seat, my apologies for the current... situation."
He smiled sweetly.
Immediately you thought about how it's weird to be on a date with Chunkz, not only because he was your friend, but because he wasn't really your type and you usually wouldn't go for him.
Despite this, you could see that he was trying his best to make the date a little more enjoyable for you.
Sat on the other side of the cardboard (uncomfortably, due to the grass being a little damp), you watched Aj walk over and offer the both of you some drinks.
You piped up, "Do you have any champagne?"
"No," Aj replied.
Chunkz looked like he wanted to die.
It cut to his interview:
"We have a 10-pound budget... and this gyal thinks we got champagne? Mad ting."
"What do you have?" You asked.
Aj hesitated, "Water... I think?"
You smiled awkwardly and accepted anything you could get. The date continued to be an absolute shambles. It was awkward, the budget was not ideal and you walked away with wet legs. However, Chunkz was really trying for you and ended up being really nice, showing you that he too wanted to have a more ideal situation and a better date.
Cameras went off before you left for your dreaded second location.
Chunkz hugged and thanked you, saying, "Don't have too much fun on your date."
He winked and you said your final goodbyes.
Niko's POV - past tense
At this point, we had gathered all of our supplies and were waiting in the restaurant for Y/n to arrive. Tired of waiting in the uncomfortable booth, I sighed and decided to go outside.
As I opened the front door, I was taken by surprise - Y/n appearing right in front of me. I jumped.
She laughed, "Such a gentleman and the date hasn't even started yet?"
She smiled and walked over to George, getting orders on what to do. She went back outside for a walk-in shot and sat down opposite me. As she sat down, she noticed flowers splayed out on the table, spelling her name so incorrectly it made her laugh. You genuinely would've thought a child spelt it.
"That's sweet but it's spelt wrong."
I laughed and then dropped my face dramatically, "No that's right."
She smiled awkwardly for a second before I randomly leaned forward, to "kiss" her as the boys had "advised". I could've sworn for a second her face went red before creasing her eyebrows and looking around.
"Did you just dodge my kiss?" I asked, mock-offended.
"Yes... why would you kiss me thirty seconds into a date?" She laughed awkwardly.
"Are you a lesbian or something?" I said, 'seriously'.
She bursted out laughing before profusely apologising. We got told we were going to have to re-take the whole scene. She spent another ten minutes apologising again and again, which I was grateful for as it stalled the almost-kiss for a little longer.
When it came, our faces were inches apart for a few seconds, and my face was heated, wishing I could've stayed like that for just a second longer. I've never wanted to lean forward and let go as much as I did then.
I pushed through the rest of the date acting arrogant and entitled before we finally finished recording and the camera went off.
Y/n burst out laughing, she looked at me and I swear a blush formed on her cheeks but I figured it was heated from filming so long on this hot set and ignored it.
"Nikolas Omilana," she laughed. I smiled - hearing her say my full name always gave me butterflies, "I never thought you could be such an obnoxious prick."
I joked around, saying: "Could I get that kiss now though?"
I laughed, obviously kidding but wishing she really would do it.
She giggled and reached up onto her toes, grabbing the back of my neck with one hand and my jaw with the other, kissing me softly.
She pulled away laughing, Sharky and Kenny as shocked as I was.
In all honesty, I didn't think she actually would do it, it was just a stupid fantasy. In reality, I had no clue what to say or do if it would happen and still had no clue what to say or do when it did happen.
"I...," I stuttered, utterly speechless, "You know I was joking right?". I lie through my teeth, knowing I wanted that so badly.
"I know," She giggled.
I looked down at her and my heart warmed up. I leaned down and kissed her again more passionately, my hands in her hair and her arms around my neck.
Sharky and Kenny jokingly cheered in the background, laughing and applauding me on my "good work".
I pulled away and smiled at her lovingly.
"I think the date went brilliantly," I laughed.
She smiled, "I can't believe I just kissed someone after a date like that."
"How about I take you on a better one to make up for it?" I prayed she didn't think I was cringe, or maybe she didn't even like me at all like that.
Sharky and Kenny whispered their 'smooth's and 'cold's and she smiled and stuck her tongue out from between her teeth slightly. She hugged me, her head immediately cuddled into my chest.
'God, I could bend her over right now." I randomly thought, immediately feeling creepy and grossed out in my head.
Her breasts were pushed into my chest, my heartbeat got faster and I slowly felt an erection forming until I pushed her away "calmly", I smiled innocently as if I couldn't and hadn't been imagining her in every position under me I could physically think of.
Kenny drove and Sharky took the front seat before I could, forcing me awkwardly in the back with Y/n.
The whole journey I rested my hand on her thigh, hoping she felt the same internal screaming as I did then.
Y/n's POV - past tense
I had zoned out for the rest of the car journey and 45 minutes went by faster than I could imagine. The endless kisses I wanted from him and Niko's hand on my thigh were the only things running through my head.
The car stopped suddenly and I awoke to Niko picking me up out of the seat and closing the door.
I rubbed my eyes slowly, really feeling Niko's hands around me.
I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up in Niko's bed, half-lay half-sat uncomfortably. My neck ached and I was thirsty.
The only sounds I could hear were Chunkz editing something - presumably the video we have just filmed, and Niko's electric toothbrush vibrating from his bathroom.
Niko walked in wearing an NDL hoodie and plain grey joggers.
"Oh, you're awake!" he exclaimed.
I hummed softly and sat up, stretching.
I swung my legs over and got out of his bed. I was about to walk out when I heard Niko say my name.
I turned around, eyebrow raised.
"Would you wanna watch a movie?" he smiled sweetly.
I nodded, yawning.
"I'm gonna get dressed first," I said, still wearing my dress (thankfully my heels had been taken off).
"You can just wear my clothes," he hesitated, then added, "If you want."
I nodded and he gave me his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. I go into his bathroom to change.
I started being nosy in his bathroom, looking at his shower and in his cupboards. I held his shirt to my nose, inhaling and closing my eyes. I slipped out of my dress and my bra, feeling grateful to have free breasts for a while after having a push-up on all day.
Putting his clothes on, I saw his cologne and sprayed some, basking in his scent.
When I walked into the room Niko was searching for a movie to play, looking half-asleep cuddled up in his bed. I got in beside him, resting my head on his shoulder, not getting too close cuddly just in case he didn't want that.
Clearly I was mistaken because I felt a much larger hand wrap around my waist, pulling me closer before moving it down my lower back and holding me tightly to him.
He played the movie but seemed to be much more interested in looking at me than watching it.
I looked up at him and he smiled sleepily. He almost looked drunk from there and for some reason that made me want to kiss him, so I did.
My heart pounded, butterflies erupted in my stomach and my breath flutters as he pulled me infinitely closer to him.
He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and pulling me onto his lap, so I was straddling him. I moaned softly into the kiss, immediately embarrassed. He smiled, wrapping his large hands around my waist and moving them, holding my hips.
He guided me so that I was grinding on him slowly and I felt him twitch underneath me.
He soon got hard, pushing his hips up into mine. He sat up, breaking the kiss only to slip his hoodie and t-shirt over his head.
"Can I take off yours too?" he asked, lust in his eyes.
I nodded and he pulls it up over my head, groaning and the sight. I giggle and go in for another kiss, pushing my bare chest against his and wrapping my hands in his hair.
I slipped my tongue into his mouth, making him groan into the kiss.
"Get up," he said, gently but still showing his dominance over me. I did and he stripped down to his underwear.
I couldn't help but stare at his erection through his boxers. Larger than I had expected, and I had expected it to be large.
He smirked. I lay down on the bed on my back and he leant over me, biting his lip before re-connecting our lips. He held my face in his hands, which seemed overly romantic. I appreciated the intimate gesture.
He kissed down my neck and moved his way up to my jaw, nipping and sucking, creating love-bites all over my skin.
My breathing sped up and he chuckled against my skin.
I slipped out of my underwear and he groaned from above me. He kissed down my chest and stomach. He completely skipped the area I most wanted him, kissing down my inner thighs. He smiled up at me from between my legs before licking up my thigh.
I moaned out his name softly, pleading for him to touch me.
Niko smirked up at me, gazing into my eyes as if they were the stars and he was merely an admirer of my beauty.
"Can I?" he whispered.
"Please," I nodded. He bit his lip and suddenly I felt his middle finger on my clit, rubbing gently and slowly.
I called out, moaning his name. He smiled hearing me whimper, entering a finger inside of me and moving it slowly.
He added another finger, moving faster inside of me but still incredibly gentle, taking care of me.
Just when I told him I was close he pulled him fingers from me, licks them off and leans back over me, kissing me once again in a swift motion.
He pulled away, staring into my eyes.
"You're so beautiful," he smiled, and I felt a warming in my heart.
I leant up and kissed him. I felt emotionally attached to him, a connection so much deeper than sexual chemistry.
I pulled away slowly and we smiled at each other almost politely, so we both started laughing at the irony of smiling at each other so friendly.
Niko cut both of us off, kissing me passionately, leaning down onto me.
The skin-to-skin contact of our bare chests together was intense.
He asked for permission and lined himself up with my entrance, eyes focused on mine at all costs. he slowly entered me, asking every two seconds if everything was okay and if he was doing anything wrong, if I was in pain.
I gave him my approval and he stared to move gently, groaning a little.
"Niko," I moaned out, hearing his own whines made everything ten times more pleasurable.
He moved faster, but still gently, not wanting to hurt me. All you could hear in the room was our moans in harmony like a sensual melody only to be heard by us.
The room smelt of sex and Niko's cologne. I like to imagine he could smell my perfume as intoxicatingly as his fragrance was for me.
He uttered words of praise, constantly reminding me that:
"You're doing so well.", and:
"You feel so good."
I moaned out his name, signaling I was close and he sped up, pressing his finger back to my clit and rubbing me softly.
"I'm coming," he called out.
He groaned and released inside of me before panicking a little.
"I'm so sorry... are you on the pill?"
I nodded and he looked relieved. We hadn't even thought of that beforehand.
I closed my eyes, not minding much but a little annoyed I didn't get to finish, before I felt Niko's breath on my thigh, making me jump a little.
He licked up my inner thigh, cleaning up his own mess and wrapping his hands around each thigh before connecting his tongue with my clit, pulling on it a little with his teeth softly.
He entered his tongue inside me, making me gasp, and he laughed, vibrations circling around my body. He entered two long fingers inside me once again, sucking on my clit slightly.
"I'm gonna come," I warned, and he sped up a little.
I felt myself go over the edge and shake slightly, feeling an orgasm wash over me completely and rest in my core. He helped me ride out my high and stopped once I had completely finished, licking up the remains.
He looked so unbelievably hot doing so that I didn't even mind the overstimulation he was creating.
Once he was happy he came up behind me, holding me in his arms and kissing my head.
I sighed, "I need a shower."
I got up, stumbling a little when I tried to walk.
I turned around hearing him laugh, "Shush."
"I didn't say anything!" He held his hands up in defence.
I rolled my eyes, "You coming?" He nodded and stood up, towering over me.
Niko's POV - past tense
I followed her into the bathroom and turned on the shower for her. I noticed that she turned the heat up substantially.
I got in after her, hugging her waist from behind, and placed chaste kisses on her neck, proud of the bruises I had previously left on the skin. I opened my body wash, squeezed some into my hand and rubbed it into her neck and back. I liked the idea that she would smell like me the next day.
I did her shampoo and she did mine, we giggled together as she stood on her tip-toes, leaning up into my hair in an attempt to wash it. I ended up helping her and she did her conditioner, and we finished up and dressed into clean clothes. I put on boxers and joggers, still far too hot for a t-shirt.
She wore an NDL T-shirt of mine and my boxers. We got back into bed, I lay on my back and she lay on her front with her face cuddled into my chest, her arms around my neck.
15 minutes later, I saw she had drifted off and felt I could finally rest.
I felt myself doze off not much later.
I woke up with a weight on my chest and arms wrapped lazily around my neck. I opened my eyes to see Y/n sleeping peacefully in my arms. I smiled, feeling unmatched love and appreciation for the girl in my arms.
I slid out from underneath her, placing her gently onto my pillow and throwing on a T-shirt and socks.
Heading downstairs, I saw everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast. The clock read 12:32 AM, which was unsurprising, as everyone in the house had just woken up.
I sat down, and everyone muttered their 'mornings' before Aj, the only person in the world with 100% energy all the time turned around to me and said:
"Your gyal was mad loud moaning last night, I swear to god I could not sleep."
Sharky let out a laugh, Chunkz and Kenny looking like they wanted to die. I was utterly speechless just staring at Aj, not really knowing how to reply. He looked at me puzzled.
"Shut her up next time?" he raised an eyebrow.
Chunkz started laughing then, muttering 'How's he gonna do that?' before I started laughing a little too.
A second later Y/n came into the room wearing my clothes. She smelled like she had used my deodorant too.
"Something funny?" She smiled, making her way to the toaster before putting two slices of bread into it. I gave Aj a glare and he ignored my warning look, saying in a high-pitched voice:
"Ohh Niko, please, I'm gonna cum." He laughed.
She leaned, holding her head in her hands as everyone was giggling around her.
Kenny decided to join in, "Yes Niko, right there," he said mockingly before making the most graphic moaning noise possible.
I groaned and walked over to her, holding her waist from behind and leaning down to kiss her head. Aj wooed behind us and I gave him a strange look.
Y/n put together cheese on toast and set it in front of me before grabbing one of her monster cans and walking out. I followed her, plate in hand, furrowing my brow.
I walked in, and she was sitting on the sofa drinking her can.
"Hello?" I said, confused.
"What?" she looked completely innocent, an image of beauty.
"Is this for me... or?"
She nodded as if to say 'obviously'.
"You didn't have to do that," I smiled, seeing how giving she could be, but she passed it off as everyday behaviour. King treatment.
"I know," she said, almost matter-of-factly. It was no big deal for her, but meant everything to me.
I smiled, thanked her and sat down next to her, eating. I wasn't hungry, but ate to show my appreciation for the gift.
Y/n's POV - past tense
30 minutes later me and Niko were watching some random movie he found and cuddling in his bed. All I could think about was what our relationship even was at this point. I really wanted to be with him, call him mine, be loved by him, but I had no clue what he wanted or how he was feeling. if he would just talk to me so I could get the slightest inclination to how he felt.
I was still overthinking when I felt his hand shift on my thigh, startling me - so I jumped.
He chuckled, "Sorry."
I giggled for a second before we sat in silence, aware of each other's presence and skin-to-skin contact driving us crazy. I felt his hand on my jaw, lifting my face to the side. He gazed into my eyes as if he was drawn to them. He kissed me softly and I kissed him back, feeling genuine love for him from the bottom of my heart.
He pulled away slowly and I felt his heart rate fast on my back.
"I love you," he blurts out suddenly, I just looked at him, shocked. My mouth was open slightly and I didn't know what to say or do.
He looked worried, biting his lip, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put pressure on you or anything. You don't have to say it back of course... I'm sorry-"
I cut him off by kissing him. He smiled into the kiss and I pulled away slowly, scared but overjoyed.
"I love you too," I muttered, but I knew he could hear.
I rested my head back on his chest and smiled to myself. I felt a surge of love for him all at once, washing over me like a wave of affection. I breathed in his scent, never feeling happier than I did then.
Okay it's finally done after like 3 weeks - I hope it's worth it.
Loved making this but it was hard work.
Let me know if you enjoyed it <3.
Don't know how many words.
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teewritessmth · 11 months ago
# Instagram Au (21)
(Niko Omilana x f! reader)
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Liked by nikoomilana, soppyg, ksi and 1,295,899 others
y/n.y/l/n A little BTS of @betasquad 's vid (plus my mayor snuggling and editing)
nikoomilana you said you were gonna get coffee with me :(
---gracieez too late m8 I took her away
---nikoomilana I'm gonna tell Harry Pinero that you're head over heels for him next time you say something this outrageous
---gracieez 😭
faithlouisak pretty girl 😘😘
---y/n.y/l/n u more mama
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Liked by behzingagram, harrypinero and 2,198,004 others
nikoomilana she broke the skateboard (I literally don't care) now I'm taking her to jail (my arms)
y/n.y/l/n on the floor on the furniture up until the neighbors hear me
---chunkz GO ON BAD GYAL
teewritesmth if a man said that to me I'd FOLD
ajshabeel how y'all go out tonight, we had back to back shoots?
---y/n.y/l/n I have my ways
harrypinero @gracieez I see u
---gracieez HARRY
---harrypinero this the only way we can hide, also call me soon I gotta ask u smth
---nikoomilana good luck grace
---gracieez gotta thank u for this one nik
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Liked by nikoomilana, charliewoodmedia and 765,123 others
y/n.y/ln Y'all know the drill already, @camzandpolaroids got me covered with their sick cameras and amazing editing subscription. Use the link in my bio to get yourself an exclusive 45% off
nikoomilana loved taking pics of you
nikoomilana you are so breathtakingly beautiful
ajshabeel somebody tell niko to calm down in the comment section
tyla I miss you lovie 🥲❤
---y/n.y/l/n calling you right now
---nellarose add me to the call guys
---y/n.y/l/n aight bet bet
nikoomilana may I have the honor of sharing your bed
nikoomilana if life gave me lemons, I'd try to make lemonade for you
nikoomilana please give me a chance
---y/n.y/l/n 😭😭
ohnosharky not niko going rogue in the comments
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betasquadx · 1 year ago
Yes it's me. I KNOW I KNOW.
Nia may I ask for your finest Niko smut. We definitely don't sit on his face and he definitely doesn't choke us and call us a good girl (Make it happen I beg)
Now could I have used anon? Maybe, but no. I'm feeling rather courageous (I almost had 5 mental breakdowns)
Love u boo,
Mental breakdowns either ruin us or give us the confidence we need [maybe]
Trust I’m only doing this because one of my favourite writers who is killing it who YOU should check out, Tee requested it (also because I have thought about a fic like this before, don’t ask I know yoi have too)
Little disclaimer, I don’t know how to feel about this, I’m not the best at writing smut but this is good practice to get better at it so!!! I HOPE its good, but if not hey I tried you know x feel free to give me tips in the comments 🫣
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Change of plans - Niko Omilana
Summary : Settling down after a party you thought you and Niko were just gonna watch a movie and order some food, but he had.. other ideas.
Warnings : SMUTT
Twisting the key in the door, you stepped into the hotel room closely followed by Niko as you locked it just as quick.
The exhaustion from being out all day suddenly hit you like a tidal wave, overwhelming your senses.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower first, what about you?,” You asked.
He removed his suit jacket, draping it over the bed, emptying his pockets. “I'm not sure,” he sighed, visibly tired. “I don't mind taking one after you.”
He smiled gently, approaching you, his hands resting on your waist.
You laughed softly, encircling your arms around his neck while he looked down at you. “That's settled then,” you murmured,
smiling up at him as he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek.
With a blush tinting your face, you giggled softly as you stepped back. “Okay I'm gonna get a shower now,”
“Alright,” he responded, scratching the back of his neck,
watching as you headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You undressed, ensuring the water was warm enough before stepping into the shower.
The chill of the night made you crave warmth, and the shower provided just that.
Showers always helped clear your mind, especially after a long day.
It would’ve been about a half an hour when you stepped out of the shower. Longer than usual but you weren’t in any rush.
Wrapping a towel around yourself, you dried off before changing into your pajamas right there in the bathroom.
Holding a towel to your hair, you gently dried it, humming to yourself quietly.
You entered the bedroom with it still wrapped around your hair, before leaving it on the table,
approaching the bed where he sat, engrossed in his phone until he glanced up at you.
“The shower's free,” you murmured wearily, offering a tired smile as you settled beside him. However, it was the way he eyed you up and down that left you confused, sending shivers down your spine,
and not because it was chilly. “Niko?” you asked, puzzled by his behavior. “Is something wrong?”
With a grin, he set his phone down beside you, his eyes locking onto yours. “No, nothing's wrong, just a bit chilly isn't it?”
he responded, nonchalantly brushing off the moment. You chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, it's freezing, almost had to use boiling hot water,” you joked.
“Hmm..” he added, pursing his lips thoughtfully. “C’mere”, he motioned, leaving you slightly puzzled. “I'm right beside you,” you furrowed your brows grinning, observing his smile growing. “I know, just..c’mere,” he stated,
his tone more so demanding now than asking.
“Okay..,” you whispered, chuckling softly and complying with his request.
You settled onto his lap, noticing his smile shifting into a smirk as he sat up, making space for you.
His eyes roamed you up and down as he gently reached out his hand, tracing your cheek, earning a little smile from you. “What is it?”
you inquired, noticing a subtle change in his demeanor as he chuckled,
“Nothing..you're just so pretty,” he replied softly, causing you to laugh as he continued to stroke your cheek tenderly. “Hmm? Is that all?” you added, curious about his intentions.
“No,” he replied, leaning in to kiss you, his hands now wrapping around your waist. Smiling into the kiss, you chuckled softly, reciprocating the kiss as your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.
Grinning at your response, his hand slowly shifted from your waist to your thigh, causing you to momentarily break the kiss and gasp softly in surprise.
He smirked playfully, his touch teasing as his hand ventured into your shorts,
skimming dangerously close to where you yearned for it.
A whimper escaped your lips at his boldness, causing you to shift slightly on his lap, unable to contain your reaction.
He savored the details of your expression, delighting in the pleasure evident on your face,
craving to witness it further. His hand lingered above your core, teasingly granting your unspoken desires. “Oh..” you groaned, hearing his chuckle as he sat up carefully,
his lips trailed towards your ear, softly nibbling on it. “Hmm.. someones eager,” his voice laced with mischief as he slowly added a finger,
hearing you mewl slightly, your eyes squeezing shut in response. “Niko..” you moaned, unable to contain the noises that left your mouth.
Adding a second finger as gradually as the first, he skillfully worked them inside of you, eliciting a deeper moan from you.
Soon, a third and fourth finger joined in, moving with expertise to increase your pleasure.
He proceeded with deliberate slowness and precision, as if looking for something, which he knew he had found when you released a long, drawn-out moan in response to a particular curl of his fingers.
“Please..” you pleaded, your voice dripping with desire, to which he surprisingly complied. His fingers worked overtime, increasing their pace, going faster and faster within you.
Each movement seemed to hit that specific spot, intensifying your need for him with every stroke.
However it was just when you were on the brink of release when he unexpectedly withdrew his fingers, leaving you a moaning mess, quickly letting out soft pleas, begging him to let you even finish.
You opened your eyes upon hearing his chuckle, locking eyes with him as tension surged between you.
“Sit on my face.” The whispered request sent a shiver down your spine, making you moan again just from the sheer dirtiness of his words, delivered in that seductive tone.
Responding immediately to his demand, you sat up, stripping your clothes off eagerly as he assisted in removing your shirt.
His mouth latched onto your breast without hesitation, swirling his tongue around your nipple, causing a loud gasp to escape your lips.
Your hand found its way to his hair, pulling on it slightly as he lifted you on his face,
wasting no time in diving between your folds, his tongue teased your clit with delicate precision. The sensations overwhelmed you, making you feel light-headed as you clung to the headboard for support.
“Oh my god...,” your legs trembling slightly as he glanced up at your face, a chuckle escaping his lips. The sensation diving straight to your core, intensifying the pleasure through your body.
You cried out his name repeatedly, the sound echoing in the room, and as you opened your eyes and gazed down at him,
it came to no surprise when you found him already looking back up at you, the intense eye contact only served to heighten your arousal, causing you to whine even more.
“Can I please, ah...” you began to plead, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge,
cutting off as your legs shook even more, biting your lip in frustration,
but once again, he denied your request, stopping immediately as he sensed you were about to release, leaving you on the brink of ecstasy yet again.
Frustration filled your cries as you called out his name once more. “No, please, Nik..” His hand reached out, cupping your cheeks, forcing you to look down at him.
“I'll let you this time, baby, I promise,” he whispered reassuringly, his grip firm yet gentle as he held onto your waist and with a swift motion, switching your positions, leaving you laying down on the bed against the headboard.
He stepped off the bed, unbuckling his belt and removing his trousers, then unbuttoning his blouse and loosening his tie,
but your gaze couldn’t help but shift down to his crotch, almost moaning at the sight of it.
He opened the drawer, swiftly grabbing a condom before crawling back onto the bed. Helping you sit up, he lined himself up with you, easing in slowly. Both of you groaning in unison as he entered you,
a cry of his name escaping your lips as he hushed you softly, kissing your neck.
“Hmm, your beautiful,” he whispered softly, his movements deliberate as he slid in and out of you, watching as your face contorted in pleasure, just as it had before, enjoying every second of it.
“Niko,” you whispered, wrapping your arms and legs around him, urging him closer as he lifted you slightly, allowing for deeper penetration.
“Faster, please,” you pleaded, feeling his smirk against your neck as he readjusted himself.
And without hesitation, he complied with your request, picking up the pace as he let out a satisfied sigh.
Ripping a profound moan from you, his hand now found its way to your neck, applying gentle pressure.
The combination of his thrusts and the sensation of his hand on your neck made it hard for you to form coherent words.
He maintained a fast and hard pace, driving you towards the brink of ecstasy as the pressure from his hand on your neck intensified.
Your mouth hung open in a silent scream of pleasure, cries of his name and moans escaping your lips uncontrollably as you felt yourself teetering on the edge, seeing stars with each thrust.
But the cherry on top of the intense pleasure was the constant stream of praises and teasing words he whispered in your ear, each one making you more and more aroused as he continued to pound into you relentlessly.
“That's it... you're doing so well.”
“You feel so good.”
“You're so perfect..”
He noticed your response to them, smirking knowingly as he adjusted his hips to hit that particular spot, eliciting a gasp from you as you clung onto him tighter.
“Niko..” you breathed, the sound of your voice uttering his name filling him with pride.
With a confident smile, he slowly increased the pressure on your neck, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body as your legs trembled under his touch.
“That's it, you're nearly there,” he whispered encouragingly, observing the increase in your breathing as your gasps transformed into soft, rapid breaths.
Sensing your impending release, you arched your back to meet his thrusts, struggling to speak through the overwhelming pleasure as spit occupied your mouth. “Nik, please..”,
you managed to let out, your voice barely a whisper. Chuckling softly, he teased,
“Please what? Use your words.” His playful remark only adding to the anticipation.
“Please, I need to..oh my..” you gasped out, your words trailing off as he smiled, hushing you softly with a gentle kiss to your lips.
His motions on your neck was causing you to feel lightheaded as he lightly adjusted it, the pressure growing slightly overwhelming, eliciting a soft gasp from you.
“Good girl,”
he murmured against your ear, the praise sending a shiver of pleasure straight to your core.
With one final, deliberate angle of his hips, you felt yourself giving in. “I'm gonna...” you gasped, moaning his name as you reached your peak,
releasing as he continued to pound into you. He groaned in response, feeling you tense around him, his thrusts gradually becoming less frequent.
Kissing you one last time, he came inside you, whimpering softly as you felt him fill you up.
For a moment, you both just lay there, and as he moved to pull out, you sighed softly, casting a gaze at him as he settled beside you.
His glance met yours, observing your half-lidded eyes gazing up at him and the gentle rise and fall of your chest, small sighs escaping your half-open mouth.
Snuggling closer to each other, you rested your head on his chest, feeling him stroke your hair soothingly as he peppered your forehead and cheeks with soft kisses, praising you for how well you did.
“I’m gonna run you another shower, kay?” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
“Kay kay,” you whispered back, smiling up at him, half asleep. He chuckled softly before getting out of bed and disappearing into the bathroom,
leaving you to drift off for another twenty ish minutes while he made sure to take care of you.
Perhaps you could have a movie night another time, as tonight had.. escalated quickly, but it was a night neither of you would soon forget.
This is by far the SMUTTIEST thing I have ever written ever.
Don’t know how much I like it to be honest, I feel like I need to repent after it 😭
(Be honest with me as well I need feedback)
Again my smut writing skills aren’t great so sorry if there is repetitive language I genuinely just didn’t know how to word stuff, I still hope you enjoyed it!!!!
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cathers-world · 11 months ago
I want Niko. That’s it I want to have sex with him
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kennysboxergf · 2 years ago
hello! in a video sharky said niko was allergic to girls
what do you think about writing a smut where niko and yn are super loud in the house just bc niko wants to prove them wrong?
Prove him wrong ~ Niko Omilana
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⚠️smut warning⚠️ —
You sat with the boys as they watched their new video. The “weakest friend” video with Filly, Darkest, George and Harry had just come out and no one had seen it all the way through so they all decided to get together in the cinema room to watch it.
Niko obviously had brought you along and you two had gotten comfy on a loveseat. You had seen Sharky and Chunkz approach Niko when your back was turned and it was probably some quip about him being too whipped for you.
That’s what you loved about him though. 
You were comfortable, half of your body on Niko. The atmosphere was great, the team was all laughing at the right places, a few of them mentioned how much time Filly took to answer and few of them feigned offence when someone got a question about them wrong.
You jarred when Niko raised his arm to point at Filly getting his middle names wrong. You rubbed his arm to calm him down as you chuckled at the drama in the room.
You were engrossed in the video when Sharky started giggling. Genuinely giggling. He was seated next to Niko, you looked over at him and then back at the video. That’s when you noticed what part of the video you were close to. You hadn’t seen the video but you were on the set when it was being filmed.
You watch as Sharky’s face fills the screen and Harry asks the question.
“What’s Niko allergic to?”
You watch as Sharky smiles with the (incorrect) answer, “girls?”
Sharky next to Niko bursts into laughter along with Kenny and AJ. The three of them laugh (a lot) more than warranted for the joke. Chunkz was smiling next to them but not going batshit crazy like the three boys.
Niko has no reaction, simply waiting for them to calm down. Once they did he grabbed your arm and made a show of leaving the room with a smile towards Sharky. You hear them laugh again as you leave but you know Niko’s got something planned.
A couple hours later everyone’s back in their rooms and you’re in Niko’s. He sits on the end of bed and you lean against the frame. You’re talking about just everything in general when he checks his phone and smiles.
You know that smile.
He edges closer to you with the same smile on his face. When he’s close enough he cups your face and kisses you. You smile and kiss back. 
He leans back and looks into your eyes. That’s when you hear the plan he’s been cooking up.
“You wanna prove Sharky wrong?” He asks.
You look up at him confused but you know he’s going to explain.
“We’re in the room right next to him, he said I was allergic to girls right? Let’s make him hear just how allergic I am.” He says his smile widening into a grin.
You chuckle at his schemes and tendency to over dramatise things but nod nonetheless.
He looks down from your face to your chest as he leans in closer, “it’ll be easier with less clothes” he says as his hands work at your top.
The two of you make quick work of undressing each other. He kisses you once you’re both naked. He continues kissing as he lays you down, grabbing a pillow to put under your head. You lay there, waiting in anticipation.
He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear as he asks you if you’re truly ok with this. You nod and get up to kiss him on the nose. 
He nods back as his hands make their way to your boobs. He plays with them, eliciting small gasps from you. As his mouth attaches to your neck you hear him whisper, “make as much noise as you can baby”.
His kisses and bites make their way from your neck down your body. Goosebumps rose in his path as you arched your back up to meet him.
He chuckled into your skin before straightening once more. You watch as he leans over your body and into the drawers by the bed for some condoms. (Have safe sex, kids)
He slides one on and grabs your hips to position you right, you let out a porn worthy loud moan as he slides into you. You see him smile at you at the sound. You continue with the exaggerated noises as he pounds into you.
You hear him join in, moaning and grunting making sure that the noises were going through the wall. The noises weren’t so exaggerated though as he found the right spot inside you and started going faster. Your heart sped up along with your breath as you moaned your way into tomorrow. 
You feel his hands spread your thighs apart as he speeds up and your walls close along his length. He leans down to kiss you, never stopping the pace. You can hear him panting as he keeps going. You keep making noises.
The loudest yet was as you came, you essentially screamed in pleasure as he thrusted into you through your orgasm. The second loudest noise of the night was as he followed you into his orgasm. With one last snap of his hips you feel the warmth inside you. He manages to make the most erotic, loud noise as he does so.
It was comical. So you start giggling. He joins in as he slides out of you and starts to clean up. You guys sure showed Sharky, the mind blowing sex was probably just an added bonus to your boyfriend.
Around half an hour later you heard three sharp knocks at your door, you had dressed up and were cuddling on the couch watching something when the noise rang out. Niko yelled out a “come in” from next to you.
Sharky walked in, he had headphones draped around his neck and he looked genuinely distraught. You see Niko smile at his state and you mirrored the expression.
“What’s wrong?” Your boyfriend asked with feigned innocence.
“I’m sorry, okay, I am, please just tell me whenever you two decide to do that again” he begged, his hands held together.
Niko laughed and nodded at the man as he left. He turned to you with a glint of victory in his eye. “We proved him wrong.” He said simply.
as always requests are open and please just come by and say hi <3
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kennysimp101 · 1 year ago
The party: Kenny x reader 🔥
A/N: I needed to write a Kenny smut for my sanity CAUSE THAT MAN IS SO FINE AND THE EDITS OMG. Anyways a lot of it is plot and then smut because I love the plot more than the actual nasties. But if you want more smut smut, let me know.
“This party is gonna be a mess” is what you think while getting ready. Your older brother Ethan decided it would be fun if you went with him to his friend's party at the Beta Squad house for hitting 7m. Little did he know, you had been flirting and meeting up with one certain member of Beta Squad. Kenny and you had been talking for a while, till he decided to ghost you. When Ethan first told you about this party, you immediately wanted to say no, but then you thought it would be a good chance to either talk to Kenny, or to fuck with him. The second option seemed to just be more fitting, so you wore a hot-ass dress, got all dolled up, and waited as Ethan and Faith came to pick you up. You had one plan which was, to get a bit tipsy, flirt with someone else in front of Kenny, and see what happens. 
You got in with Ethan and Faith and talked about your day till you reached. You rang the bell and AJ opened the door. “Y/N!!! I'm so happy you made it, it's been a while” he said as he went in for a hug. “It's been a while indeed,” you say knowing very well why you haven't been over at the beta squad house in a while. You go over to the makeshift bar where you run into Talia, your best friend. “Omggg heyy girl” Talia comes over already kinda tipsy. “Hiiiii” You say as she hugs you while almost tripping. You pour yourself a vodka cranberry as you talk to Talia. “I didn't think you would come, yk since Kenny and all,” she said. “Ehh I don't mind, I'm over it “ You very much were not over it. “Oh please, I've seen the way you look at him, it's like you just want to suck him off right that second” She rolls her eyes. “TALIA WTF” You smack her arm, shaking your head. “You know I'm right,” She says and downs her drink, stumbling over to Simon. You sigh and get up, looking around to see people… to see Kenny.
“Hey y/n, good to see you” you hear and turn to see Sharky. “Hey Sharky, oh” you look next to Sharky and there he is. Kenny. He looks so hot. His arms, his chest, his face so kissable, you just want to… your trail of thought is cut off as Sharky starts talking “Y/n you good??” “Ye ye, the vodka is just hitting yk '' you reply, realizing you've been staring at Kenny, making you turn red. But he hasn't said anything to you. Not even a hi. “I'll catch you later Sharks,” You say, embarrassed but too tipsy to give up just yet. You drink a bit more, talk to your friends, and then go over to the dance floor. You see Deji and join him. “Hey Y/N” He shouts as you join him. “Hey Deji” You shout back. “Having a good time?” “Ofccc it's a great party,” you say as you get an idea in your head. “How about I make it better,” Deji says as he smirks. You see Kenny, staring at you from the corner of the room. This was the moment. “Sure,” You say as you put your hands on Deji’s shoulders and dance with him, basically just grinding against him. Things were getting heated. Suddenly Kenny comes over and pulls you towards him and whispers in your ear “My room in 10” and walks away. You are red, that turned you on so bad. You step away from Deji saying sorry and walk and sit near your friends. The longest 10 minutes of your life. As soon as it's over, you get up and go to Kenny's room, knowing your friends were too drunk to care. 
As soon as you get in, you feel someone push you against the door, locking it. “Wtf were you doing with Deji down there,” Kenny says. “Huh?!? Who are you to tell me who I can or cannot dance with” You say, who is he to say anything to you after ghosting you. “Yk very well that was not dance, yall could have been fucking at that point” “And this bothers you why?? Last I checked, you were the one who ghosted me” You were upset but somehow you couldn't be with this man. You look up at him and he looks genuinely into your eyes “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ghost you, I just thought you weren't interested” he said. “I'll show you how interested I am,” You say as you pull him by his collar and kiss him. He kisses you back and his hand trails down your sides, grabbing your waist.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he grabs your thighs and wraps them around your waist. He carries you over to his bed, not disconnecting the kiss as he sits and places you on his lap. You tug his shirt and he removes it as his hands go under your dress. You move your hips while sitting on his lap, feeling his hard-on as you grind. “Fuckkk” He groans, grabbing your ass tighter. You move your lips to his neck, leaving hickeys while you unzip his pants, remove his boxers and take out his dick. You go back to kissing him as you stroke his dick, feeling him whimper into your mouth. You push him down onto the bed, as you slide your panties off and slide his dick in. “Omg fuckingg hell” you moan at this feeling. You place both his hands on your waist and yours on his chest, moving up and down at a painfully slow pace. “Y/n pleasee” He whimpers as he thrusts into you to try and get more friction. You speed up as he grabs your waist so hard it would have definitely left fingerprints. “Fuck Ken I’m about to cum” You say. He hmms back as both of you cum. You ride your high and then get off him, going into his arms. You put one hand on his chest as you lay on his arms and he plays with your hair.
“So, wanna go on another date?” He asks. “Omg yes, you oblivious dumbass, boxing has definitely knocked some off your brain cells,” you say shaking your head. Both of you cuddle until you fall asleep. 
A/N: I hope yall liked it. Its been a while since I wrote smut so idk how it went. I realise I dropped a bit of angst (I'm a whore for angst what can I say) but ye.
Next up is some talia x fem reader or tobes x reader so we shal see
Love yall <33
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mynamesaaliyah · 1 year ago
Hey my names Aaliyah and I write fanfics.
I write for:
• ArthurTV
• AngryGinge
• George Clarkey
• All F1 Drivers
• Theburntchip (Josh)
• Calfreezy
• Colby Brock
• Sharky
• Niko Omilana
• King Kenny
• Memeulous
I write:
• Smut
• Angst
• Fluff
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ajsswifey · 9 months ago
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Coming soon
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Niko head canon
summary: Niko comes home to find reader crying
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Summary: Aj wants a hug from you, but doesn’t know how to ask.
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coming soon
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coming soon
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buzzyb33 · 1 year ago
Page rules!!
Requests are currently on!
I Will not write incest, non-con, yandere (like kidnapped), period sex, pregnant sex, pedophilia or detailed gore.
I will write fluff, angst, smut, legal age gaps, parent x kid, sex pollens, head cannons, sfw, full fictions and shit posts
Wary about threesomes, suicide/ sh
I’m really sorry about my writing, still rather new to it! But I’ll try.
I am mainly writing for my YouTube section right now and please please please request me anything you have in mind, also if their isn’t a YouTuber you want on the list ask that in a request!!
My master list is here.
Fandoms I’ll write for:
Spider man characters.
Have fun with this one! I enjoy writing supernatural things!!
mainly writing for these right now.
(That’s why they’re here and not in a different post)
All 7 sidemen
Beta squad
James Marriott (lit my fav)
Angry ginge
Jack manifold
George Clarke
Niki Nihachu
Ted nivison
Karl Jacobs
Angry ginge
Danny Aarons
Most of the other brits 🙏🏽
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gayashawol · 10 months ago
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𝕚𝕕𝕜 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
ships: niko omilana x aj shabeel (featuring sharky)
genre: smut, a lil bit of fluff
word count: +1500 words
content warning(s): sex, gay sex (you know what it is in this blog), aggressive sex, jealousy, usage of the word “daddy” and “bitch” (only once i believe), idk what else lmao
author’s notes: this is my first beta squad story so excuse my french if they aren’t portrayed the way y’all want them to be. i have watched niko omilana since 2018 but never would’ve thought there would be people that shipped them together lmaoooo this was requested by a friend of mine. hope you guys enjoy!
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It was around six past ten, and the sun was still shining through the window. AJ was on the bed, scrolling mindlessly on Instagram for hours on end. He has forgotten the concept of time, including the current time that it was. Before he could think about getting out, he could hear a loud slam from what seems to be from downstairs, alerting him that his beloved boyfriend Niko has just arrived and he would not be as beloved due to the rage he could make out.
Once everything calmed down, a soft part of AJ came out. Maybe he was having a bad day at work? Maybe somebody upset him? He has never seen him as this aggressive. He was always the chilled back guy who had everything under control. Maybe he just needed some reassurance from the guy he saw as “his cutie” and they could make love to forget about it.
Well, he didn’t need to make that decision since Niko was already outside his door thinking about kicking the door down. Instead, he politely knocked and waited for him to come out. He was very hesitant, but he managed to gather the confidence to slowly open up, just for his arm to pull him away and swing the door open.
He just nodded, glazing at the scared boyfriend, before pushing him against a wall, touching lips with him. AJ being confused and concerned, he follows through and obeys the taller male. Niko knew he wanted to get onto him for taking his hoodies once again even though he has plenty more in his closet, but all he wanted to do was humiliate him in the best way possible – ripping him off from the very thing that was keeping him from getting exposed. But he just didn’t care at all.
He knew that AJ never wears anything under, so he took the time to caress his ass, before taking off his hoodie from the hem, leaving him completely bare while Niko was clothed. He wanted to burst up in laughter, but he just couldn’t feel anything – nothing at all. In fact, the feeling of removing his belt and seeing how his face changes from looking relieved to horrified within a second. He knew he must behave, and so stuck his ass onto his daddy’s direction.
He placed his arm in action, and a loud smack onto AJ’s skin could be heard. He could feel the harsh cold coming from the belt before it became warm enough that he could feel it burning. It went on for a while, and he wailed in pain every single time.
Soon, his ass started to turn a clear red, and Niko finally had some empathy to stop that madness from happening even more – oh so AJ thought, as he saw the equipment coming out from the closet and knew that it was going to be a long night for the two.
Every single weapon was played right in front of him as a cruel punishment by the taller male, seeing one of the ones he didn’t want to use get picked up and panicking if he does so. After being tired of his act, Niko placed a blindfold onto AJ and tightly wrapped it around his eyes so he couldn’t remove it.
Alas, he picks up a sort of feather that Niko was purposefully using to tickle him with, only to be met with harsh spanks every time he steps out of line. He hated how nasty his boyfriend was treating him, but a part of him feels like he knows why and would gladly take himself down for it.
As he started to feel remorse, which would be not moving around or crying in pain, Niko decides to put down the whips and the flannels and place it back onto the closet. Finally, AJ has a peace of mind, or does he? He was craving for touch, any sort of touch. Even if it was cruel, or out of love. He wanted it to come out of Niko, and only Niko.
It was when he felt something going inside of his ass. He knew it was his finger, and a part of him was still rather concerned but what wasn’t there to worry about Niko. Like always, carried on tolerating it and went with it – seeing where it would go.
He heard a sound of an iPhone recording before his fingers went deeper and right where the prostate was located. He felt a rush of pleasure, begging him not to stop. It went on for a while, but Niko eventually got another finger inside to use his hole with. But not only he went there, but he even went further down where his tip would land at.
It took him a while, but Niko stood up and undressed, spreading his clothes to the floor as he steps onto the bed. He lubricated and insert his cock inside of AJ, before moving deeper inside and pushing through him until his entire dick sunk.
Niko pulled onto AJ’s curls, hearing his muffled moans as allthe sensations flowing through his body. He wasn’t completely used to Niko’s cock, but he quickly adapted this once and sucked it up, giving him a tearful fuck while trying his hardest not to moan too loudly due to neighbours around.
Unbeknownst to them, someone has just walked into the house and was making their way upstairs. It was already too late for them to react, as Sharky has already came inside and saw their bare asses in display.
“Hey, I couldn’t mind your sandwich so I got you a BLT-” He paused upon his reaction of seeing the two men. “Did I come here at the wrong time?”
Three of the men were looking at each other, not sure who was going to say anything. Sharky raised his finger up, thinking of any possible excuses to leave, including looking around the room or looking at the hallway right in front of him.
“I-I’m going to Tesco… to get… milk-”
“Join.” Niko finally spoke after what seemed to be forever. AJ didn’t seem to be pleased, even though he has been willing to hear his voice after all this unexplained suffering he had to go through. Something didn’t make sense to him, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
AJ turned around, facing the two of them. He was shaking, yet he knew something was coming. He was seeing him as well as being with Niko, and that could be the reason for his unusual behaviour. He gulped, thinking about the worst stuff he was going to make him do, and hoped for something better.
“What the hell are you doing? Pull your trousers down, then!!” He sounded demanding, yet it was something AJ loved from him. Sharky’s cock sprung up aggressively, causing AJ to be mesmerised by sight. Being the good boy he was, he immediately leaned in and went in from the tip, going through the neck up until he went balls deep.
Seeing how far he could go, Niko felt some sort of anger – seeing that he was giving it his all to the guy that he would have to compete with. He soon, threw the shorter man away from his reach before shoving his own cock for him to show off right in front of Sharky. Him not feeling any sort of way, he attempts to leave again – only to get dragged back in for a round of anal.
Niko went back in, and was much more violent. He was back with the whips, alongside a gag so he could use to shush his mouth. Sharky was concerned for the shorter male’s safety, but at the same time aroused. He didn’t know what to feel, whether to feel remorse or guilty. He knew for a fact that he wanted the taste of the cutie boy that was Niko’s bitch. Seeing him weeping and squirming around his spot made him want him more, and seeing his anger explains exactly why there was so much tension in the room.
Sharky went on AJ’s level, removing his gag and began kissing his lips. Niko feeling defensive, he grabbed him from the neck keeping them from a couple inches away. He eventually decided to cover his lips, reassuring him that he wouldn’t make any sound or make love with the “other” guy he was seeing.
Allowing him to use his hole once it was already filled, Sharky used the opportunity to make AJ face him, lifting his legs to place on his shoulders. He was already giving up, but the love was finally there. Niko was still looking mad, even having his arms crossed, but he couldn’t look away and miss his pathetic boyfriend get railed by a guy he would fancy to fuck.
AJ screamed loudly, turning into a moan after a while. Waiting for the moment to become a cumdump for the two of them, he feels the pleasure running through his body one last time until a warm liquid was felt from inside of him, pulling Sharky away from him – which would conclude the session for today.
AJ and Sharky laid together on the bed, holding hand while Niko left the room to do something. They weren’t sure what it was, but it was their moment together where they made out for a bit before AJ peacefully laid on Sharky, waiting for the door to bust open where he would get scolded by the one and only, Niko.
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mdni dividers by @cafekitsune (i don’t remember who made the dividers)
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katxxgrace · 11 months ago
Niko Omilana Dating Headcannons
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Would constantly need physical contact (hugging, kissing, holding hands - even just holding a part of yours/his body like your leg being over him and him holding it or him just laying this head on you).
Would spoil you no matter how often you would protest against it.
Bullying eachother a little bit as flirting - like u would say he stinks as a joke and he would make fun of you for little things - but if you ever took offence to it he'd feel so bad for it and just apologise and cuddle you loads.
Being in Beta Squad videos and everyone commenting how cute you two are the whole time.
Posting eachother on social media all the time and everyone calling you cringe.
You watching edits of him and him being your lock screen.
Dancing together for sure and always being able to laugh and joke together. Him being your best friend.
Loves cuddling into your neck and shoulders and falling asleep on you watching movies or a show together.
Kissing your neck in a non-sexual way, same with his.
NSFW (if you're not comfortable with this don't read)
You being the horny one, but when he gets in the mood he's MAD clingy and lets you know.
His favourite thing to do is kiss your neck - especially during sex he would learn down to kiss your neck and loves leaving love bites all over your chest.
Regarding head, I feel like he'd enjoy receiving and giving and doesn't have a preference. However, he loves seeing you squirm underneath him when he's eating you out.
When it comes to aftercare, THIS MAN UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT. He takes such good care of you afterwards and always makes sure he did nothing wrong.
Listening to music during sex whether you were listening to it already or not is a necessity. Makes everything much more passionate for him.
Doesn't really like doing it in risky places but will do it on the couch in the living room or in a public bathroom. Sort of that he likes the idea of a threat of being caught but doesn't actually want to.
Feel like drunk/high sex would occur sometimes.
Always makes sure you came and if not he would go for round 2.
Feel like he wouldn't really be Dom/Sub usually but if he was jealous or during angry sex I feel like he'd be super dominant.
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teewritessmth · 1 year ago
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(Niko Omilana x f! reader)
Summary : How can helping a dear friend ever go wrong?.......Right?
Warnings : smut, friends to lovers
If you weren't oblivious, it would seem crystal clear that something about your best friend definitely turned you on.
Was it his gorgeous smile? Maybe.
Was it how his eyes never seem to leave yours when you two make small talk? Perhaps.
Was it how his body completely enveloped yours as he pounded you on the soft mattress of his new bed? ......yeah.
"I still don't know why out of all the people in your contact list, I was the one you called to place this huge mattress down". You groan a little, playfully punching Niko's arm.
"Why not? haven't met you in a bit anyways. Good time to catch up y/n, don't be so mean". He pouts a little before ruffling your hair.
"Alright, Alright. I'm helping see-"
You reach out to tuck the covers of the mattress, unknowingly hiking your shirt up and giving Niko a good 'show' of your bare waist.
"Yeah you're definitely helping.......".
Niko scratches the back of his neck and tries to brush away these thoughts, when suddenly your phone rings on the nightstand.
"Oh excuse me for a bit".
You take your phone and head towards the living room to receive the call. Niko busies himself in placing the other ends of the cover and sets all his pillows down.
He let's out a chuckle looking at all the silly pillows you got him throughout the years that he still keeps on his bed. That man's life might as well revolve around yours.
"Sorry Nik, boss called. Apparently one of my coworkers can't figure out how to open a fuckin- what the hell are you doing?"
You look up from your phone to see a smiling Niko laying down on his bed starfish style.
"Had to check the bed yk"
"This? This is your way of checking the bed?" You ask him, your arms crossed over your chest.
He grins like a schoolboy and looks up at the ceiling.
A wicked idea runs through your head.
"Y/n wha- ".
You land on top of him with a thud.
The longing for his warmth was too much for you to handle. A sleepy Niko, laying down on a perfectly made bed, lights dimmed to perfection...and his warm, open, embrace.
So you did what anyone would do.
You jumped on top of him.
You jumped on top of your best friend.
You jumped on top of Niko Omilana.
Before you could register the embarrassment, Niko starts laughing.
"Did I make it look that good?"
"Well the bed looked cozy..."
You bury your face in his chest to hide your flushed cheeks and Niko could swear he was dying by your cuteness by the passing second.
"You're something else really".
Niko exhales slowly, letting one of his hands rest on the small of your back, the other gently hoisting your face up to meet his eyes.
He could only hope that he wasn't reading the situation wrong.
Suddenly, with newfound confidence, you run your hand timidly through his soft, curly, locks. Lightly running your fingertips along the ridges of his ear, you cup his jaw.
Niko closes the gap between you two.
You close your eyes. You stop thinking. You really don't need to. It's happening, happening right now.
His loft lips meet yours with such urgency that you stifle back a gasp. Niko flips you to his position, never breaking the kiss.
He let's his hands slowly caress your body, his face turning a cute shade of pink upon seeing your disheveled state and your plumpy lips all too sore from that intense make out session.
The headboard of his bed thuds against the wall periodically.
Clothes had gone flying to the corner of the room. Now all that mattered to him was the woman who laid down before him, bare, beautiful, intoxicating.
Broken chants of his name leave your lips.
Niko's head nested in the side of your neck, alternating between sucking dark hickeys and small licks, soothing the skin. His cock buried in you. With every thrust he could feel you trembling underneath him, your hips moving to meet his.
He increases his pace, smirking when you tightly grab his biceps to keep yourself sturdy. Your lips find his exchanging 'I love yous' and sweet words between kisses.
You clench around him tightly as you feel your orgasm approaching as Niko leaves kisses on your shoulders.
Your legs wrap around his torso pushing him deeper inside you, your back arching at the sensation.
You reach your high wrapped around him as he spills inside you.
Niko kisses your forehead as you scoot closer to him to lie down on his chest. Passionate exchanges of love between you two. He wraps his arms around your body, holding you to him.
Niko let's his eyes fall shut, thankful for the turn of events.
Thank god Kenny didn't pick the call when Niko wanted help for fitting his mattress.
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betasquadx · 1 year ago
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I’ve always loved you - Niko Omilana
Summary : You and niko were childhood friends, and as you grew older and Niko became more and more known, he found it harder to keep his true feelings from you.
Warnings : light smut
VERY HEAVILY inspired by @betasquads “Forgotten” fic, please check them out its so good, actually love it so much!!
Niko’s Birthday
March 4th, 2019
Standing at the doorstep of the Beta house, anticipation bubbled within you as you held gifts for Niko's birthday. "I'm coming!’ his voice echoed from inside, a familiar rush of footsteps approaching. The door swung open, revealing Niko with that oh so familiar grin on his face.
‘Happy Birthday!’ Your laughter filling the air as you stepped into the house, carefully setting the wrapped gift on the floor. Niko's arms enveloped you in a warm embrace, both of you giggling excitedly and losing composure fast despite only seeing each other yesterday.
‘Thank you,’ he said, his smile widening as he looked you up and down, that familiar spark he felt the very first time he met you resurfacing within him. "Do you want to go upstairs and watch YouTube?" he suggested, an inviting tone in his voice.
Niko was a YouTube man. It didn’t matter what day it was, he’d enjoy nothing more than sitting down with you and bingeing YouTube videos. ‘Sure’ you responded with a giggle, following him upstairs making sure to bring his present with you.
It would’ve have to have been your 12th video when you and Niko burst out into laughter again, clinging onto each other, your stomachs aching in amusement. He carefully settled his laptop down onto the ground, ensuring it remained unharmed amidst the chaos.
As the laughter died down, you observed Niko launching into a passionate rant about the video, offering his opinions on its humor and his insights on how it could’ve been better. You loved listening to him rant, it was comforting yet hilarious the way he described things, never failing to make you laugh and nod in agreement with him.
However, it was here that you acknowledged his intelligence that shone through in these moments. It was evident Niko was made for this, and you knew with his personality and determination, he’d be going places.
‘You know your gonna be big like them one day’, you whispered, watching his face light up with excitement as he glanced at you. "Never," he playfully whispered back. "I know you will," you insisted. He chuckled, giving you a playful push, both of you laughing. "No genuinely, I know your gonna be big one day, just you wait.’
‘Sure, sure,’ he teased, his gaze lingering on you as you sat across from him on his bed, taking in your every feature. In his eyes, you were breathtaking, flawless. ‘Do you want to open your gift now?’ you suggested, snapping him out of his thoughts. ‘Oh yeah!!’
As he unwrapped the gift, his cheeks flushed under your gaze, but soon his eyes widened in shock. ‘No way you got me this,’ he gasped, lifting up a professional camera. ‘Well, you know, I thought you needed one to use instead of your phone,’ you explained as he looked over at you, his shocked expression unable to be contained.
‘I- How much was this? I swear I'll pay you back,’ he stammered, clearly overwhelmed. ‘Niko, it's your birthday,’ you hushed him, gently patting his shoulder. ‘Besides, you're going to need it if you're going to be famous someday.’ Instantly, he wrapped you in a tight hug, your giggles eliciting butterflies within him. ‘Thank you, so much,’ he whispered, the smile evident in his voice.
‘No problem Niko’ you replied, sharing a quick gaze before breaking the silence. ‘Anyways I should get going, I have a long shift tomorrow and I don’t wanna be home late’, he nodded, standing up with you as he scratched his neck, still too shocked after the gift to process anything. ‘Yeah yeah, no of course!!’ He replied hurriedly, both of you making your way downstairs as you put your shoes on, preparing to leave.
He observed you putting your jacket, a smile lingering on his face as you stood up and looked up at him. ‘I'll text you when I'm home,’ you assured. ‘Alright, thanks again,’ he replied. ‘No worries,’ you laughed, departing from the house, the sound of the door closing behind you, echoing in the quiet night.
For a moment, he stood there, absorbing the past hour and a half, lost in thought. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him and swiftly glanced around. It was Chunkz, grabbing his shoulder. ‘She's the one, bro.’
2 years later
April 2nd, 2021
As you sat on the couch, a chuckle escaping you, watching Niko's announcement about running for London mayor, he sat beside you, eagerly observing your reaction with a contagious excitement.
Smiling, you sat the phone down and met his gaze, but immediately lost composure as laughter escaped both of you. ‘You know, when you first told me you were running, I thought you were joking,’ you managed to say amid the laughter, sharing the moment of amusement.
He grinned, saying, ‘You know it's after blown up, everyone's talking about it!’ with evident joy. ‘I can see why!’ you replied casually, as if it were obvious. ‘No sane person does that,’ you teased, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulder as he burst into laughter once again.
His gaze met yours, both of you absorbing each others presence. ‘If I win, I'm retiring you,’ he declared. You shot him a look. ‘You say that like I'm not younger than you?!’ he smirked, watching as you grabbed a pillow initiating a pillow fight. He quickly took coverage in the couch as laughters echoed through the house, luckily empty that day.
A month later
May 8th, 2021
You waited in the Beta house with all of Niko's friends, having just seen the news that he secured 5th place. It didn't take long for the lanky man to walk through the door. All his friends gathering around, offering hugs and congratulations to celebrate the outcome.
Locking eyes with you, he walked over, embracing you in his arms and lifting you up, both of you bursting into laughter. ‘You did it,’ you whispered. ‘I did it.’
In less than an hour both of you were running upstairs to his bedroom – him in tracksuit bottoms and an un-ironed shirt, you in jeans and a crop top.
Closing the door behind him, you and Niko exchanged smiles, both unable to contain your excitement. Settling on his bed, you snuggled up in his blanket, reading the comments on his recent Twitter post.
‘I can't believe you came 5th, you know,’ you whispered, attempting to contain your excitement as it was late. ‘I KNOW!!’ Niko, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. ‘Woah, be quiet, it's literally past midnight.’ You advised. ‘You can't shush me after I basically just won mayor of London,’ he gasped dramatically.
‘And you know what will ruin that? A noise complaint,’ you shot back playfully. ‘Fair enough,’ he replied, raising his hands in defeat. He glanced at you, a faint blush tinting his cheek as your eyes met. ‘Will you help me edit my video, please?’ he whispered. ‘Of course... in the morning,’ you replied. He rolled his eyes, ‘Fine...’
Both of you snuggled up in his blanket, still giggling but trying to keep it hushed. You rested your head on his chest as his arm enveloped you, your eyes shutting. Niko then finally realized the situation – you were in his bed, sleeping with him. It had happened before, but this time, something felt different.
‘I- are we going to get changed into our pyjamas...?’ he whispered softly. ‘It's fine, who hasn't slept in a suit once in a while?’ you reassured. He chuckled, nodded, and slowly shut his eyes. ‘Night, night,’ he whispered, but upon hearing your faint snoring, he knew you were already asleep.
1 year later
May 15th 2022
Seated on the counter, swinging your legs as you watched Niko's views skyrocket on his recent video, "I Pranked America's Most Racist Man," he sat beside you, that same grin you always loved plastered on his face.
‘I can't believe it's hit 10 million views in just two days, man,’ you said in awe, looking over at him. He stared back at you, his eyes meeting yours as he looked down. ‘Neither can I,’ he whispered, the weight of the achievement sinking in.
You did the same, looking down, realising that your best friend made it. You were so incredibly proud of him, and so glad at the recognition he was finally getting, and you were going to show that in any way possible.
‘I'm so proud of you,’ you said, his gaze immediately meeting yours, causing butterflies to flutter in his stomach. ‘You deserve this so much,’ you whispered, both of you locking eyes, sharing a moment of admiration.
He pursed his lips, attempting to withhold the words threatening to escape, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough. ‘I love you,’ he confessed. Blushing, you intertwined your legs together to stop them from swinging anymore. ‘I love you too, Niko,’ you replied.
‘No, really, I love you,’ he muttered, your breath almost catching in your throat as you tried to maintain composure. ‘You've always been there for me and stuck by my side. I genuinely love you so much,’ he whispered, soft yet loud. Getting down from the counter, he held your hands in his. ‘Nikolas?’ you asked, almost giggling.
He locked eyes with you, then looked down, alternating between the two. ‘You’ve never left me, my ups and downs, highs and lows, you've been here. So I really...’ he paused, contemplating whether to say it now. ‘I really would like to spend the rest of my life with you,’ he finally let out, his gaze locking onto yours.
Your mouth opened slightly as you couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed with emotions. Niko quickly began scrambling to save himself, just in case you didn't feel the same. ‘I- I just meant, like, if you want, obv— you don't have to, you know, like—‘ he rambled on. You grinned, leaning in to shut him up, but this time, it was with your lips on his, doing what your words couldn't.
His eyes widened as you slowly pulled away, leaving him standing there in shock. Unable to process it, he went with the flow, his hands finding their way around your waist as he kissed you back. Feeling your smile, he giggled, caught up with the tension in the moment.
Your arms found their way around his neck as he pulled you closer, both of you alternating between pulling away, gasping for breath, and clinging onto each other.
Your hand caressed his hair, lightly pulling on it, making him groan into the kiss. He reciprocated by trailing his hands up and down your waist, the simple touch leaving you breathless as you pulled away again.
He took this as an opportunity to leave a trail of kisses all the way from your jaw down to your neck, a mix of sucking and gentle kisses covering the areas. It didn't take long for you to release a sound—a sound that Niko longed to hear, a sound that quickly became addictive to him.
Smirking at the sound, he sucked harder, his hands moving up and down your waist soothingly. ‘Niko..’ you let out, the call of his name making his chest fill with pride. His hands then found their way to your thigh, rubbing gentle circles on it.
You couldn't help but give him what he wanted, the small gasps, calls of his name, and the pretty sounds he loved so much. Smiling, he suddenly stopped, locking eyes with you. ‘Can we go to my bedroom?’ He asked as you nodded quickly, following him upstairs, the door slamming shut as he began to show you what yous both have wanted all these years,
so so much.
I love this but I also like feel like the ending could have been better from me, overall proud with it tho.
Its now the longest fic i’ve ever made lmaoo
But yeah, hoped you enjoyed!!!!
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cathers-world · 11 months ago
I promise I will write🙏🙏
(Will be NSFW)
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kennysboxergf · 2 years ago
How they would react to you sucking them off 😨
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⚠️smut warning⚠️
He would be in shambles. Like hands clutching at anything he can physically reach, if he can’t reach anything he’s probably just grabbing at your hair, his head would be leaned back and he would be making the most unholy sounds as you worked at his cock.
He would be talking through the whole thing, about absolutely everything, he would repeat your name, a lot of please and oh my gods, so much profanity. If you pull off of him he would whine and beg for you to just let him finish. When he does finish he would drop his head forward and wait for you to come up, then it’s all kisses and kisses for you 😘
Boy he would be biting his lips and shit to not make any noise as you went down. Clutching at your hair deffo and he would be like trying to lead you as you did it. As soon as he finished he would be trying to find ways to return the favour.
OH BOY he’s definitely a “good girl” kinda guy, guiding you and when you do good he moans and he praises you. Hshdhhehrh feels he would make you feel so nice after too 🤭🤭
Ungrateful but it’s alr cus he’s so 🤭🤭 he would like quick stuff so you guys sneak away and you suck him off. He would moan but then slap a hand over his mouth cus he remembers where he is. Wouldn’t grab you just whatever was near him. When he finishes he would pull you up and kiss you, thanking you. He wouldn’t do anything there cus he has to get back to whatever but he would probably thank you for it when y’all get home.
Ahh he’s a fucking menace. Grabbing your hair and making you choke on it, laughing if you gagged or something. He would just pull you as far down as you can go so he can come into the back of your throat. Don’t worry tho because he would be gentle enough after the blowie to make up for it. (Unless u just want him to fuck you numb he can do that too 🤭🤭)
Have this cus I’m working on requests rn, those will be out by Thursday at the latest <3
As always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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laurenomilana · 7 months ago
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BTW, all the fics are still in my drafts, or wip, so please wait! <3
A/n: REQUESTS ARE OPENN!! I'd be so happy if anyone has fic ideas 🤗
What I do write:
angst, fluff, headcannons, blurbs, (smut (maybe))
What I DON'T write:
Incest, rape, usage of drugs, abuse, sa
Beta squad
Joost klein
Sturniolo triplets
Billie eilish
Loving from afar. (Wip)
AJ shabeel:
Last to fall asleep. (Wip)
None yet..
None yet..
Billie eilish:
None yet..
Joost Klein:
None yet...
Matt sturniolo:
Falling for the wrong guy. (Wip)
Chris sturniolo:
None yet...
Nick sturniolo:
None yet...
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