#edit: i'm vegan now. if i can do it you can too!
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salmon so tasty it make me eat hasty / when salmon is finished the joy is diminished
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Blockade Runner (redux)
I decided to edit and combine my old story Blockade Runner into a single (longish) one shot. I'm still working on ideas for my next long story in addition to posting some cool stuff to /r/HFY if you want to check me out and offer kudos there too.
The small group of K'laxi stood before the Captain.
Their fur was puffed out and their eyes were wide. They were trying to hide their fear, but the Human Captain saw through it. They had escaped from the Xenni attack on their starbase with only their lives. They were the lucky ones.
"W-what did you say?" the leader of the group, Tingmell, was trying his best to stand up to the tall human who frankly towered over them, but it was a losing battle.
"We're going to run the blockade and get you home." The Captain explained things- to Ting at least -entirely too matter-of-factly. "I put it to a vote with the crew and Dawnbreaker they were all in agreement. It's not right that you got caught up in the war, and we know what happens to K'laxi who get captured by the Xenni."
K'laxi who get captured by the Xenni get killed and turned into coats the Xenni wear, but only after they're tortured and any useful information is extracted.
It's not pleasant. It's not meant to be.
"Please don't misunderstand Captain Bennigan, we're very grateful, but we can't ask you to do this, it's too dangerous"
"Good thing you didn't ask then!" Captain Bennigan laughed at his own joke. "Now, we're going to be operating at the ragged edge of what's survivable for Humans. Dawnbreaker says that so long as you stay in the acceleration couches you'll survive too. Turns out K'kaxi are more durable than you let on, eh" He closed one eyelid quickly in a gesture that Tingmell's translator explained was 'complicated but like a joke. he's trying to set your mind at ease.'
Captain Bennigan turned to Ting and spoke to him directly. "If you want, you can sit up here with us, but everyone else should get into the couches now."
"Y-yes, okay, I'll stay up here." He turned to the group. He was the only one wearing a translator, so nobody could follow the conversation. He switched to Cali'mak, a northern K'laxi language that most everyone in the group understood. "Captain Bennigan is going to take us home-" There were gasps and noises of surprise "-but it's going to be a dangerous ride. Everyone into the acceleration couches now please. I'll stay up here and tell you how it goes." Wide eyed, but understanding, the K'laxi left the command deck and went down to the cargo deck, which was set up with K'laxi sized acceleration couches.
Ting had never worn a support frame before. It was - at the same time - clunky and awkward, but also powerful and fluid feeling. According to Dawnbreaker, it would enable him to survive the punishing gee forces that they were expecting while out of an acceleration couch.
It was extremely overbuilt like most things of Human design. Dawnbreaker interrupted his marveling at the support frame. "The K'laxi are secured in their couches and are waiting comfortably." Ting knew most starships were run by AI, but only the Humans gave theirs so much agency and let them give opinions on how things should be run. It was odd to hear the AI speak so... casually to him and everyone.
"Excellent." The captain adjusted his position in his command chair. When he did so, the vegan leather in the chair squeaked and rumbled. "Dawnbreaker, have our gifts to the Xenni finished printing?"
"Two more minutes Captain, and the missiles will be complete; we can proceed now."
"Good." Bennigan pressed a button and there was a two tone whistle that was heard all over the ship. "Crew, it's time to set off. I apologize, but as we are taking off near the end of the evening shift, please take your stimulant pill now." While Ting watched and tried to make sense of what was happening, everyone took out a small box from their pocket and swallowed a small green capsule. He caught the Captains eye but didn't say anything. "Going to be a long day, Tingmell. You're about to see some things that the Humans don't prefer the other races - especially the Xenni - know about us, so uh, keep it quiet, okay?" Wide eyed, Ting nodded.
With that acknowledgment, his seat molded around him and his support frame, and straps came across his chest which locked him tightly in the seat. He looked around and everyone was strapped into their seats too. The straps tightened automatically just to the point when they were too tight, and backed off just a bit. Ting had a moment wondering how they knew how tightly to strap him in.
"Dawnbreaker? As Captain on board, I authorize you to unleash War Emergency Power, and in the case I am incapacitated you are free to make your own decisions to continue the mission, save the crew and save your own life in that order. Acknowledge."
"Acknowledged Captain Bennigan. War Emergency Power authorized. All fuses and limiters removed. Operating time at WEP is estimated to be sixty three minutes before permanent damage occurs."
At that, the low thrumming of the ship that Ting felt at all times aboard a human starship changed. It became a steady roar of power, straining to be released.
Captain Bennigan turned and faced the crew on the command deck. " Lieutenant Richards? Proceed ahead, War Power. Commander Penn? Launch countermeasures, missiles, and drones. Lieutenant Commander Harrison? Prepare for wormhole generation." Everyone immediately busied themselves to complete the Captain's orders.
As the ship streaked towards the Xenni blockade Ting was able to notice the flashes of the Xenni firing at them. Most seemed to miss, but the roar of the ship was punctuated with hollow thumps of shots hitting the thick Human armor. Dawnbreaker seemed to shrug it all off without worry. While they were on the run, Ting's superior sense of balance was getting all turned around as Dawnbreaker dove and spun and turned, dodging the Xenni and trying to foil their systems from picking up a missile lock.
After a few minutes, Lieutenant Commander Harrison looked up from his console in the rear of the deck and shouted "Navigation solution found. K'lax coordinates locked in."
A different human at a front console called out. "Power output at 280 percent. Wormhole generation in 183 seconds."
"What?" Ting was utterly lost as to what was going on. "Captain Bennigan, what about the warp gate?"
"Oh, we're not going through the warp gate" Captain Bennigan turned to face Ting and he had a wicked grin. "I told you, you're going to see some stuff."
Ting could barely follow what was going on. The noise, the smells, the changes in orientation in his seat were all playing havoc with his perception of the scene. It seemed they were diving towards the Xenni blockade but also avoiding the warp gate - the main method of (non-human) transit between systems. It seems like the humans were buying time for something.
"Power output at 420 percent, nice!" cried the human at the front console. Even during this high stress environment, a few humans around Ting who heard the number chuckled, thought he had no idea why. Some Human thing.
Dawnbreaker called out, "Captain Bennigan, power output is sufficient for wormhole generation, and the navigation solution has been found. At your command."
"Thank you, Dawnbreaker." Captain Bennigan was calm and collected even with all the noise and stress and action around him. He signaled the ship. "Attention, Attention, Attention. Wormhole generation shall commence once this message has completed. Those of you who-" he paused a fleeting moment. "-have trouble with the process, please make sure you are secured. See you on the other side."
"Link us to K'lax."
Ting felt, rather than heard the change. It was a whole body vibration that started in his lower extremities and worked it way up until his whole body was vibrating. It was as if he was a bell that had been struck. The vibration grew in intensity and made even his fur vibrate. It felt like he was going to vibrate apart and then...
Tingmell awoke.
He was lying on soft moss, and the dappled orange-yellow light of home was shining down on him. With a start, he sat up and found himself in a forest at home. The very type of forest his kind came from.
About 3 meters away, were a small group of K'laxi, all wearing very old and traditional clothes. Some in the back had fashions that predated Contact even! The one closest to him tipped his head back and made the barking cough of K'laxi laughter.
"You did it! You actually did it!" He stopped to laugh again. "I have a wager with Himelli over there." He pointed to a K'laxi in the back in an exceedingly ancient garb. "Did they tell you what was going to happen, or did they just buckle you in and say something like - he affected a surprisingly good human impression - "This is gonna be so cool! Just wait and see!"
"W-what? No, they didn't tell me." Ting saw Himelli make a sour face and give a small satchel of what he assumed were coins to the elder he was speaking with. "They said they were going to generate a wormhole. What actually happened?"
"Oh, that happened. They did it. They actually learned how to do it before Contact, so they used it as their sole method of transit for a while before we showed them the warp gates. Most of the other sapient races know about it too, they're just not crazy enough to do it. This happens to about 1 in 100 of all sapients who try. The humans just decide that it's fine."
"But, please, honored elder, what happened?"
"Oh, you're dead."
Ting must have misheard. He couldn't be dead. There was much too much to do!
"Oh yes, very." The eldest K'laxi flicked his tail, a nod. "Though," he continued. "Not for very long. Once the human ship leaves the wormhole and enters space again you'll go back to your body and 'be alive' again. Whole thing is a mess really." He scoffed. "And the humans think this is normal!." He laughed.
Ting came to in his support frame, belted to the seat on the command deck of Dawnbreaker. He glared at Captain Bennigan who was watching him carefully. The Captain locked eyes with Tingmell, nodded with a small grunt and said "We'll talk about it later." He turned forward. "Status!" he barked to the room.
"We've exited the wormhole in atmosphere of K'lax!" The human who shouted the update sounded like he was trying not to panic.
Dawnbreaker spoke right after. "Captain Bennigan, we have exited the wormhole much closer to the K'laxi homeworld than anticipated. We are deep in the atmosphere, tumbling towards the surface from a height of approximately seventy five kilometers."
When Ting heard Dawnbreaker's report, he was confused. When he saw Captain Bennigan's surprise he was terrified. It was then that Ting noticed the noise. In addition to the buzzing hum of the reatctors at WEP, he heard the howl.
The howl of air rushing around the hull.
Bennigan regained control over his features immediately and started barking orders. "Direct emergency power to the engines. We need to boost into a safe orbit. Fire the juke-charges to arrest our spin and orient us towards orbit"
Even Dawnbreaker sounded worried. "Aye Captain, firing juke charges. All-hands prepare for shock."
In space, there is no real way to change your direction quickly. Early human ships experimented with huge, heavy, fast spinning gyroscopes so that they could spin around quickly, but this only changed their orientation, not their direction of travel. Later, it was decided that since everyone was chained to the same laws of physics, space battles weren't going to be like air battles. Instead, the humans concentrated on thick armor to withstand attack.
In the case of a missile attack, human ships could launch small shaped charges which would detonate near the thick hull, and the shockwave of the explosion would cause the ship to slide or 'juke' out of the way of the incoming missile without changing their direction of flight. In atmosphere, tumbling towards the surface with no control surfaces, Dawnbreaker was using the juke charges to arrest the ships spin, and orient it back towards space.
Ting didn't know this. What he did know was suddenly there was a cacophony of double booms as the charges were launched and almost immediately detonated, the force of the explosion pushing against the ship, causing it to move.
The noise was incredible.
Ting could only describe it like being in a hailstorm inside a metal box. Mercifully, it only lasted a few seconds. After the spin was stopped and the ship was pointed back to space, Dawnbreaker's main drive fired. At war emergency power, everyone onboard was subjected to punishing gee forces to boost the ship back into orbit. Ting thought that his bones were going to snap from the weight, but Dawnbreaker knew the limits of his passengers and kept the thrust right at the edge of what he could take.
After a few minutes, the thrust eased and Dawnbreaker spoke. "Attention. We have entered a safe - though low - orbit around K'lax. I apologize for any discomfort you may have experienced. I report no Xenni presence. So as to maintain preservation of my systems, I request War Emergency Power be suspended."
Captain Bennigan nodded. "I concur. Suspend War Emergency Power, set systems to standard power."
The howl of this ship quieted to the low thrum Ting was more familiar with. Captain Bennigan sighed heavily and looked at Ting. "Well, we made it. How was your first trip through a wormhole?"
Now that the emergency was over, Ting could afford to be angry. "Captain Bennigan, it was fine except for the part where I died."
The captain looked at Ting with a soft, weary expression. "It happens to me too and I hate it every time. It may be a small consolation, but our philosophers keep arguing about whether it's actually death or just a hallucination as a side effect of cutting a hole through spacetime."
"That doesn't help."
"Yeah. Didn't help me first time I heard it too."
#humans are deathworlders#humans are space orcs#humans are space oddities#humans are space capybaras#humans and ai#humans are space australians#humans and aliens#sci fi writing#writing#the k’laxiverse
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hi acti, shits pretty bleak in the U.S. at the moment. I'm very proud of my folks for voting 93 and 80% majority for blue but it's not enough. We're taking this time to just rest and try to think of ways to brace for what's coming. Especially with FDA and health inspection rollbacks in place. My family's majority plant-based save for my mom. Idk if u remember or if u had gotten it, but I wrote an anonymous message a long time ago asking if there was a way to transition my mom from backyard egg vegetarianism with rescue hens to veganism, especially since I don't think we can trust animal products soon. I really want to start a micro farm, (like a freight hydroponics microfarm or something similar) if possible because soon I won't trust the soil from big box stores as I can't sterilize it enough nor grow year round and its gonna be a rough 4 years and up. I'm just looking for hobbies to help feed my community if anything.
(Im so sorry if this seems like the beginning manifesto of an online recipe) but Do you happen to have any sources on vegan alternatives to beekeeping? Or any sources on sustainable indoor hydroponic farming that could feed several people? Or if you think its best to keep rescue chickens for eggs and transition my mom to plant-based sources for her own safety now? Thank u in advance
I want to preface this by saying I don't really have any personal experience with this, so my answer here is based solely on research. It will depend on the level of space you have in your home, but even if you have a couple of spare rooms to use, I think you'll need to manage your expectations a little bit.
It is unlikely that you'll be able to become self-sufficient unless you have access to a plot of land. What you'll be growing will supplement what you're buying, but it won't replace it. Communal allotments could be an option, but that will depend heavily on where you are and how available they are, as well. Even then, the quantity you'll produce on a small allotment will not be enough to feed several people.
That said, you can grow quite a lot indoors or on a small plot of land, and you'll certainly be able to provide a real boost of fresh fruit and veg, either to community kitchens or to your family. I don't think that having animal inputs would really provide much of a benefit since you'd also have to rely on buying or growing feed, so my recommendation would be to just start with trying to supplement what you're buying now, with easy options to grow at home.
As for resources, here is highly rated book on vegetable gardening, if you do have access to an outdoor space. For indoor, this is supposed to be a good entry level book, here is a more extensive text focused on soiless growing, and here is one focused on equipment. There are also a couple of active subreddits on this, but I think that these four combined should provide a really good foundation to get you going - but it is apparently a lot of trial and error, and you will need to set some money aside for an initial investment into your equipment.
I think that it's a great idea so start to look towards growing your own food, but don't get too wrapped up in the self-sufficiency idea. Reach out to local growers and grower communities, make connections at farmers markets, see if you can do any work in community gardens to learn. Community is what is going to get people through this, and making those connections now would be wise.
Edit: Check this advice from a knowledgeable anon as well.
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Saw your post about struggling with life and I don't have any fic recommendations but maybe it'd be a nice distraction to share something you've been working on? Do you have any WIPs? Ideas? No pressure. I like to share my creativity with others when I'm down so I don't get stuck in my own head when life gets hard. Love your writing ❤️❤️ If that's too much right now you can just delete this and think about Jim and Spock kissing for a while ❤️
aw, anon, thank you. i like this idea a lot. it actually did help distract me :)
i wrote this almost a year ago after watching the tng episode 'future imperfect.' i have a little more written, but this is all i have ready to share without editing <3 ironically enough, super angsty. whoops. the plan was (is?) to have jim suffer a reoccurrence of vegan choriomeningitis (it's mentioned in the mark of gideon he almost died from it when he was young). it causes his memories to revert back to before he had it. each time he wakes up he's "moved forward" in time, aka his memories, but this also means the disease is progressing and killing him faster... ouch.
anyway! enjoy!
Conditions aboard the bridge were entirely normal.
It was a statement Spock would come to repeat several times in his logs. Conditions were, indeed, entirely normal. Alpha shift had recently begun, so with coffee dispersed and stations dutifully filled, the Enterprise was humming to life with familiar sights and sounds. Jim scratching tiredly at his jaw. Spock watching him without intending to. Jim grinning when their gazes caught each other’s.
Normal. Typical. Routine.
Spock swiveled his chair back around to face his station and began reviewing the updated positional reports. They were still halfway between one destination and the next, meaning a day heavy with scanning, navigation, and probe arrays which would follow the ship through space like silvery fish in the wake of a whale. Spock scanned over each plotted path until his chair tipped back imperceptibly.
“Anything interesting, Mr. Spock?”
Spock’s back remained straight, eyes forward. “As your use of that word is frequently subjective-”
He froze as the weight behind him shifted forward, breath ghosting over his ear and down the side of his face. It smelled of mint. A meager sip of coffee. A fresh day.
“Oh well,” Jim lamented. “I suppose we’ll j-”
The half formed word cut off as he straightened abruptly. It was peculiar enough for a crease to appear between Spock’s brows before he turned to find a similarly confused expression on Jim’s face.
Then, he fell.
Consciousness fled the Captain all at once, jaw slack, eyes rolling as he went boneless, crumpling inelegantly to the floor. Spock’s reaction stuttered along with his heart below his ribs, stillness creeping into the world like death.
“Alert Doctor McCoy.” Spock gave the order to whoever decided to carry it out, ejecting himself from his chair and falling to his knees just as Lieutenant Uhura stood and took a step toward the Captain’s fallen form. There was no expression in his suddenly pallid face, no hint of the man who had leaned into Spock moments ago.
Spock spread long fingers over the side of Jim’s face, and a sensation so cold crept into him that he felt bile threaten to lurch up from the bottom of his stomach.
It was... nothing.
Nothing. No pull from the meld points, even as he pressed the pads of his fingers to them, ignoring the circling of the crew. It did not matter if they could see his hand begin to shake as it parted from Jim’s brow, sliding instead to press against the side of his neck. Checking his pulse was not strictly necessary; Spock could hear the heart continue to beat below him even without contact, but he could not feel him. His essence. His spirit. Jim.
As members of the crew continued to surround them, Spock had to fight off a sudden swell of possessiveness which beckoned his limbs to curl around his t'hy'la. To force his mind inside the other’s and find where he had gone. To lead him away from those in this world who did not understand him as he-
“What happened?”
The question was urgent, carried tightly through the warp of a Russian accent. The molten edge to Spock’s vision receded, but the feeling deep within him did not.
“The Captain has had a sudden loss of consciousness,” he answered promptly in a voice that was not his own. He forced his hands, heavy, clumsy, useless, away from the points on Jim’s face again. They had gravitated upward without any accompanying decision by their owner, and Spock found he did not know where to put them. He left them to curl like dead tree bark against the blackness of his knees as Sulu squatted down on the other side of Jim’s body. His gaze bounced between Spock’s face and his Captain’s chest, which rose and fell irregularly. Nobody spoke. Then, the swish of doors.
“Where is he?”
Spock sat back, preemptively accepting the doctor’s protrusion into the space when suddenly, his breath caught in his own throat. Or had it been Jim’s? He blinked hard against an impending dizziness, their bond shattering back through the walls of his mind so intensely, for a moment he was not able to tell their consciousnesses apart. He stared wide eyed at the still form on the ground, unable to feel relief through the sour, neon emotions writhing into his head.
Grief. Fear. Pain.
“Spock? What the devil-”
Through the sudden onslaught of disorientation, he somehow managed to witness Jim resurrect himself. Hazel eyes snapped open, wide and unseeing even as Jim scrambled to his feet, and the first action he took was to lunge at McCoy, savagely taking the hypospray from his hand and throwing it across the room with such force it sent smoke and sparks flying from behind shards of a shattered screen. The sudden burst of their bond had simmered again to an unsteady flow of crackling static, half formed impressions finding their way to him like last season’s leaves through a shallow stream.
Fear. Aloneness. Panic.
He stood, approaching Jim without a second thought. The man would not look at him. He was a cornered animal, glinting with sweat, whites of his eyes visible around wild, dark irises.
When those eyes finally swiveled onto him, they were a stranger’s.
“Stay away from me,” he hissed, teeth bared, shoulders hunched.
Their connection stuttered again and disappeared altogether. Spock barely resisted the urge to clutch an arm around his abdomen at the feeling of loss.
“Jim,” he said again weakly, almost to himself.
“I said stay away!”
The Captain looked down as if he hadn’t noticed his own body, scrambling clumsily for his phaser and looking it over until he found the controls. A hand grabbed at Spock’s shoulder from behind.
“Spock. I don't think that’s Jim.”
Spock frowned at the realization that, for once, he did not have the one tool at their disposal which could tell them for sure. The connection of their bond continued to lie dormant. Dark.
There was a click, and everyone in the room froze. Jim noticed and looked around, leveling the phaser at them.
“I’ll shoot,” he threatened, and Spock grew colder still at the realization his voice was wavering. The breath released through his nose shook, and moisture gathered unmistakably along his row of lower lashes. Spock couldn’t help but take another step forward and those wild eyes turned onto him again. Jim’s hands around the phaser were shaking so violently, the movement dislodged a hair to curl over his forehead.
“I said I’ll shoot!”
“Spock,” McCoy hissed. In his peripheral vision he could see the doctor’s hands raising slowly in surrender. “I think he means it.”
Spock forced his feet flat to the floor. Blinking slowly, he kept his eyes raised to meet Jim’s. I’m here, he pushed out over the connection, but the sensation of the thought dropping off unheard into space was almost palpable. Jim did not react to him, instead switching his gaze to any number of faces in the room. All strangers to him, just as Spock was now.
“Where is he?”
The question was asked quietly, as if the answer was feared. Spock’s brow furrowed and he cocked his head.
“Where is who, Jim?”
Hazel eyes blinked owlishly at his name but then hardened again. A full body tremor dislodged a tear from each eye, traversing down the sides of Jim's face and dropping from his jaw to leave wet ovals dotting his chest.
“You know who!”
Spock raised a brow, outwardly calm. “I do not.”
The name was hissed, pain and fear crumpling Jim’s expression, wilting him. Spock shared a look with McCoy. As Jim watched them, his anger flared again.
“I said where is-”
The sentence weakened and he was blinking, fingers loosening around the phaser until it nearly slipped from his grasp before he tightened his fist around it again. His weight rolled backward and he took several stumbling steps away. This time, it was McCoy who stepped forward, hand twitching toward his spare hyposprays. Spock remained still, as if any movement may cause him to miss something crucial. Dark eyes stayed trained on Jim as he regained tension in his posture. He used his free hand to prop himself against the red shelf at the perimeter of the bridge, his free hand leveling the phaser with some difficulty.
“I asked where Kodos is,” he said emphatically, pleading at the same time as demanding. His chest heaved as he flicked eyes up to McCoy. “Get- Get away from me with that shit.”
Spock nearly swallowed his own tongue in surprise at the language used. He saw several members of the crew exchange glances.
McCoy raised both hands again. “Jim, we don’t-”
The hand around the phaser flexed and he jerked it around deliriously. He pulled at the collar of his uniform, sweat now pouring down his face.
“Don’t give me that bullshit! Tell me where he is!”
Jim’s hand slipped from where it was propping him up and he sank to his knees, chest slamming into the shelf as he did. He bounced back, pulling the phaser into his lap even as his eyes barely remained open, pushing with his heels until he collided with the wall. The doctor seemed content with the risk of approaching him, and although Jim’s body gave an almighty twitch of protest, slack hands appeared too weak to attempt to hold onto the weapon when McCoy slipped it away and sent it scattering along the floor.
“What’s happening to me?”
Spock could hear the question from where he stood, but only just. It was quiet. Distant. He sounded like… a boy.
“We’re gonna figure that out,” McCoy told him softly before pulling a hypo out of his back pocket. Once again Jim seemed determined to get away but his feet slid for purchase against the carpet unsuccessfully, lips parting as he listed to one side. McCoy grasped one golden shoulder and righted him.
“Please. I’ll be good, I…”
McCoy stuck him in the arm and Jim whimpered, looking absolutely despondent even as the spray began to take effect. McCoy grabbed him by the jaw and turned him so their eyes met.
“We’re here to help you, not hurt you. Now, go to sleep.”
And with that, Jim once again collapsed into nothing. The doctor let him continue his descent until he laid flat on the floor, guiding him onto his back. After a quick scan he looked around the room.
“Well? Who’s gonna help me get him down to sick bay?”
~*~*~*~ to be continued...?
#sorry to leave anyone who reads this on such a cliffhanger#totally forgot about my folder full of mini wips#thanks anon#this actually did help :')#spirk#star trek#star trek tos#tng#star trek fanfic#spirk fanfic#angst#tarsus iv#k/s#captain kirk#wip#fanfiction
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Thanks for the tags @darlingian and @energievie!
name: Kat
age: still two Noshos
star sign: Scorpio
your first language: English
second language: French-ish
favourite lip product: vaseline lip therapy cocoa butter
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: hmmm, I can do a pretty good lasagna without a recipe.
If you drink tea, what kind? I like all kinds of tea. a good black tea is nice, but I really love herbal teas and tisanes
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? depends on the location. Starbucks ALWAYS the blonde roast, but most other places a medium roast is good
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: I'm not a huge youtube watcher, so probably Gallavich edits
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: ummmmm.... that's a long time ago. I can barely remember yesterday.
favourite item of clothing right now: it's winter, my biggest, baggiest hoodies
favourite item of clothing in 2012: probably a pair of jeans?
three movies you recommend: in a fandom sense? Star Wars, Star Wars, and some more Star Wars
your favourite concert: Not a big concert person, but the coolest one I've ever been too was probably Santana
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Absolutely
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? no, but I'm pretty good about curating my own experience.
the best tv show you watched last year: Shameless :)
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? I think that Willem Dafoe should have been cast as voldemort
a ship you’ve abandoned: none that I can think of
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? pretty willing, but my work on the fic club puts some super weird stuff in there now. 9, I guess?
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) not yet! I'm planning to get permanent earring tattoos of blue stargazer lilies though. Unless you count my Shy Guy. I guess technically he counts.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? none that I can think of
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Roseanne. Or as a throwback to previous WTW questions... Benson
have you…
swam in an ocean? yep
ever been vegan/vegetarian? hell no
gone skinny dipping? sure
gone skiing? yeah, and hated it. never again
been to a convention? yep
tagging @juliakayyy, @jrooc, @krysmiss, @creepkinginc, @crossmydna, @thepupperino, @palepinkgoat, @deedala, @deathclassic, @heymrspatel, @skylerwinchester, @ian-galagher, @suchagallabitch, @suzy-queued, @francesrose3, @guinguin1984, @rayrayor, @ifallonblackdays, @transmickey
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˚ ༘✶。 ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕪 𝕋𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕂𝕚𝕕𝕤
That's right babes, I'm back again with this series, and you can blame tik tok for putting thousands of duncney edits on my FYP, so enjoy it while my new old obsession last.
I decided to redo all of it bc I didn't liked the way that I was writing and making the characters so here I'm again. I'm also thinking about deleting the old ones but for now they gonna stay.
𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍-𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 @666babu 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗎𝗉𝗍𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗍 𝖣𝗋𝖺𝗆𝖺 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖬𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝖺𝗌𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗂𝗍, 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗓𝗂𝗇𝗀
𝐈. 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐧𝐞𝐲 (𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜ɑ𝐧 + 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲)
୬ 𓈒 ⊹ ა𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 & 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝑨. 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
She/Her; pansexual; 18 years old
An academic rebel, just because she against the system that doesn't mean she needs to have bad grades, her mother wouldn't allow it
Is the older twin by 4 minutes and because of that is super protective over her brother
Gold jewelry girl for life
All of her tattoos, even the ones she hides with her clothes, were draw and made by her father
Besides her earrings, she also have tongue and nipple piercings
Is a theater kid and was embarrassed by it when was younger but now with all the hype she doesn't hide it any more
Watched all the Total Drama seasons and hated Chris McLean in all of them, was kinds disappointed that he didn't stayed at jail for a longer time
Even though se tries to hide it, she can't forget and forgive what her father did to her mother on the Total Drama World Tour
Gwen is actually her godmother and they're very close to the point that Pacifica rather ask her advices then her mother
𝐵. 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧
He/They; Trans man; Gay; 18 years old
Don't let the smell of weed deceive you, he's actually the smartest kids on his class and is always seen competing with Pacifica to see who has the best grades
Don't let Courtney know it, but his spanish is the worst
Has a tramp stamp that he did it when he was really drunk, that day also coincides with the first time that he ever drank
Dreams on being a famous violinist but unfortunately has stage freight
Always had support of his family when it comes to his transition, but still doesn't feel comfortable to tell everyone about being trans
Has a terrible taste in men to the point the everyone in the family makes fun of it
Just like his sister, he hates Chris but contrary to popular belief he dreams on participating the show
When was younger Duncan tried to teach him wood craft, but Jack gave up because he's to anxious for that
Hates how over protective Pacifica is with him that's why is so common seeing him doing reckless things
𝐈𝐈. 𝐃𝐣𝐰𝐞𝐧 (𝐃𝐉 + 𝐆𝐰𝐞𝐧)

I blame this one on all the Duncney fanfics on AO3, I didn't even know they were a couple but now I'm obsessed with their dynamic (sorry Trent)
୬ 𓈒 ⊹ ა𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 & 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐀. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒
He/They; demissexual; 16 years old
The purest boy you will ever met
Too shy for his own good
Has an amazing relationship with animals just like his father, and wants to be an veterinarian just like him
His love language is quality time, so if he starts to hang a lot with you and makes sure you're always close that means he likes you, like a lot
Is kinda ashamed of his tooth gap and that's why he avoids smiling so much
Is the baby of the family, and even though he tries to deny it, he lover all the pampering and protection especially from his brother since they are so close
Has a belly button piercing, which is a surprise to everyone since he's very afraid of needles
Knows how to play guitar since Gwen and Tyler became friends again after the end of the show, to the point both boys love their 'uncle' Tyler
Became vegan at early age since his father had the habit of taking him to work during school vacation and with that he developed a big bond with all the animals
𝐵. 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
He/him; straight; 18 years old
Despeite the ''ogre" personlity, Alexander s know to be very good with words and feelings, so it's very common to him to write letters and poems to those he really likes
Also has a tooth gap, but since he doesn't smile or laugh a lot most people don't know it
Knows how to speak german, italian and spanish and plans to learn even more languages
Was very close to his grandmother, all he knows about cooking was thanks to her and people can say that the last time he cried was at her funereal
The necklace he wears was a presente from his mother on his 15th birthday and it's the only jewelry that he will ever wear, at least that what's he says
Overprotective with his brother, to the point that doesn't matter where the youngest go he will be there, but that also doesn't mean he don't like to mess with Theo, it's actually his favorite hobby especially because the boy believes in everything he says
May not look like it, but os very competitive to the point he will sacrifice everything to win
Doesn't addmit it not even to his brother, bur his favorite singer is Taylor Swift
Became vegan because of his brother, not in the meaning his brother convinced him to become vegan but because he felt bad eating even meat in front of him
𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨 + 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫)
୬ 𓈒 ⊹ ა𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢́𝐚 𝐈𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐚
She/They; Bisexual; 17 years old
If there's something that everyone expects from Imelda is that she gonna cause some chaos, and those people are absolutely right, after all you can't expect other thing from the daughter of Alejandro and Heather
Loves ballet since she was a kid and has plans to become a professional ballet dancer
If she ever starts to speak in spanish with you, that means she is really mad and is going to destroy you in every way possible
Smokes when is really stressed, but tries to avoid it because doesn't want to end up all gross when she gets older
Even tho she loves ballet Imelda also knows it's ruining her mental health and body image, but she knows is a small price to pay so she hides it from everyone
Acts really tough but it's actually scared of the dark
Others ballerinas become chain smokers but Imelda became addicted to caffeine, to the point she can't go through the day without at least five cups of coffee
Had a lot of pets growing up, but the one she really loves is her pet snake Audrey, which she named after her favorite actress
Wanted to have brothers when she was younger but seeing the relationship her father had with his brothers mas her give up of the idea
#total drama#total drama next generation#total drama kids#duncney#duncan/courtney#duncan x courtney#duncan total drama#courtney total drama#djwen#dj/gwen#dj x gwen#dj total drama#gwen total drama#aleheather#alejandro/heather#alejandro x heather#alejandro total drama#heather total drama
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HELLO i just wanted to say that i love you so muuuch!! i recently finished reading playing for keeps and oh. my. god.
your kevin is the most adorable thing I've ever seen i want to eat him alive (sorry, I'm vegan actually but...)
tntg and pfk is the masterpieces i know what I'm talking about. perhaps you can give some advice for fic writers? i love you sm 😩🤚🏼
OH WOW nice to me thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wanting to eat kevin alive is the average kevin day experience he is just chewable!!!! i guarantee
and aiya advice for fic writers huh. i dont know if my advice is worth much if anything at all but from the top of my head here are some things ive picked up over the years that will hopefully serve someone somewhere
presentation actually matters!!!! a properly formatted fic is not only delicious to read but also helps with keeping you in the story, i know this because i am a bad formatter (so sorry) and whenever i go through my fics and see a mistake i'm immediately taken out of it! just make sure it's easy to read and you have formatted it to the best of your abilities
brevity is the soul of wit. unfortunately. this is by no means i'm advocating for only short sentences (we all love tangents!) but i think it is good to vary on sentence length and save your longer lines for things that are important to note down! this image has been going around for years now but i still think its one of the most helpful pieces of writing advice ive ever seen

side characters are your best friends!!!!! i think as fanfic writers sometimes we want to get to the point and focus only on our mains, but it does add a lot of flavor and texture when you have small storylines happening along with your main plot, especially if you're doing an in-depth character study. life exists even when we're not seeing it!!!! give your side characters interesting stories and relationships!!!!
writing is about FUN and your questions regarding your storyline should never be "what is the most logical thing that could happen now?" but "what is the most interesting thing that could happen now?". this is a sin aftg fans commit the most when talking about aftg but i am here to tell you that no plot is too ambitious. nothing is so out there that you can't write about it! no concept is too wacky! interesting should come first; you worry about the logic in later edits. most readers are more willing to forgive an interesting plot with technical problems than they are willing to forgive a boring story that is perfect writing-wise
i think this is all i have! if anyone would like to add something theyre more than welcome to
#i stand by that last one so bad okay im so tired of people justifying boring things with 'its logical' 'its realistic'#we're doing CREATIVE WRITINGGGGG logical & realistic are not concerns if you can sell what youre writing#i truly do mean this wholeheartedly but a writer is an entertainer. you are entertaining people#the worst sin you can commit is to fail at that#this is doubly as important for fanfic btw. we all know the realistic and logical endings these characters get! now have fun with it#now write something interesting and new and true#my advice for people trying to get over that is to do an exercise#where you imagine the craziest thing that could happen to a character. then you sit down and write it down seriously#you rationalize it. you find a way to make it real and part of your story. and You Write It#cringe is not only dead its buried in your basement and your new best friend is sincerity#asks#my writing
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Get to know you - tag game
*GASP* I'm honoured, @an-excellent-choice, thank you for the tag :з
✨ Last song you listened to:
(i've been mentioning it every chance i get ever since i first listened to it like 7 years ago, it's just too good :"D)
Edit: fun fact, I kinda had a cool BG3 idea with this song that I'm not sure if I can pull off. I know I do, I think I do, I hope I do~~~
✨ Favourite colour: as an artist, because I stare at colours all the time, there's really too many that I absolutely adore. It's impossible to tell which ones I like best, though what I can say is what's my favourite combination: it's the one on the album cover of this song ⬆
Cold greyish brown or brownish dark grey/slighly dull light blue + very bright light blue/turquoise.
✨ Currently watching: One Piece. Last summer, I suggested my family and I watch it together, and we're still going. Currently on the post-Marineford arc!
✨ Favorite flavour:
Oof, the flavour that a cup of almond hot chocolate has. Also popcorn? I once had a period of only drinking lattes with Monin popcorn syrup, and let me tell you it was GODLY
✨ Current obsession: BG3, no doubt
✨ Last thing I googled:
Vegan nutella :"D I bought this gluten-free dairy-free nutella-ish paste that was... let's say... edible. Bland kinda, and just sweet. So I went out to search for some other brands, and found lots of cool recipes instead. This one, judging by the ingredients, by far seems the most delicious. Too bad I don't have a food processor :")
✨ Favourite season:
Spring/autumn. Gods, anything but hot summer, really, but those 2 are the most ideal.
✨ Skill I’d like to learn:
Some foreign languages that I've already learned some of before, and would just like to reach at least a passable level in: like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Welsh. I'm really out of practice with those.
Also some ADHD learning/working techniques that would actually work :"), as not being able to keep some sort of routine is the sole reason I've not yet gotten good at those languages and haven't started on different big projects I have only in mind for now.
Maybe I need to buy a clicky fidget toy or something. Oh well, at least I have a clicky keyboard, so that's nice :3
✨ Best Advice:
And I guess this is for the miserable-from-childhood folks like me. REST IS VERY GOOD, PEOPLE. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself. The circuits of a computer that has been overworked and overheated because it's never been allowed to cool off will eventually burn out from all the heat damage they endured, and it will shut the whole machine down.
What rest means for you, you'll have find out for yourself.
I know, for some us (me included), it's nearly impossible not to feel guilty for enjoying the things in life that would otherwise bring us happiness, but if there's one thing I've learned from the past 8-9 years of constant unbearable stress from guilt and self-hatred (and many external factors, yes), as well as many medical diagnoses later, is that your physical body will not only not say thank you for that, but eventually it will actively start dying.
Same goes vice versa: untreated health issues will lead to many mental health problems (example: I've been gluten-intolerant for quite a while and didn't learn that until a year and a half ago, and this whole time, the inflammation in the body was giving my nervous system so much anxiety and depression that I couldn't cope with it anymore), so the moral is
Yes, take care of your body, or at least whenever you have the capacity to and allow yourself to rest when you feel like you're tired, but also enjoy the things that make you happy, be it a delicious dessert, or a good book, or a tv show, or spending time with friends if you have them, whatever. You have all the right to do so because you matter, okay? Your well-being and good health matters, your happiness matters, everything about you matters, and not a single shitbag can change that. If you feel like no one cares for you, know that at least I do!
Also tagging my mutuals, @arczism, @noblestalk, @okthisway, @wrathe, @teilzeiteinhorn ❤
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Stuff I've ordered from Victoria's Secret/PINK !

Okayy so basically, for whatever reason, I ended up getting a $100 PINK gift card from my mama cause I guess she didn't want it. Now obviously I'm not going to buy lingeries, since I'd really have no use for them, so I decided to look at the cosmetic stuff! So heres what I bought :3 I would add photos but its an odd number of them so it would look weird🙁
・┆✦Bond Repair Treatment Mask✦ ┆・ This was kind of a compulsive buy since it was on clearance but you know, nothing wrong with treating myself 🤷♂️ people were saying it made their hair shiny so I added it to my cart. Though I'm not sure if it'll work all that well for me since I was curly hair - like 2c - so we'll just have to see.
Okay so I had doubts about it when I first got it but it actually works really well!! The ends of my hair aren't as split looking and my natural curls have been holding a tad bit longer. My only warning would be that it's very liquid-y so you need to be really careful not for spill it if your in the shower. 9/10
・┆✦VS HIM Platinum Body Lotion✦ ┆・ I'm gonna be honest, I've never really used cologne before 🧚♂️...I've mostly ever used unisex stuff. But I've been wanting to try a cologne and this VS ones had good reviews on other websites. I was going to buy the duo set but it made me go over my giftcard limit so I just settled for the body lotion. Good enough
I haven't exactly been able to wear this as much yet, as I don't really have a perfume/spray that would fit with it, but I can say it smells really good! I'm sorry I can't give a full opinion on it ahhh... 8/10
・┆✦Natural Beauty Exfoliating Body Scrub (coco milk+rose)✦ ┆・
Don't really have much more context for this other than I've been needing a exfoliater since my skin has been so dry.
Tbh it good just be the way I'm using it, as I don't have a loofah or anything like that yet, I only used a wash cloth. But anyway what I mean is that I didn't really notice much exfoliation?? I don't know it could be because I've only used it a few time or because of the fact I haven't exactly shaved my legs but yeah 😭 I need to use it more though!! And the good thing is it's very think and smells + feels good. If I get better results later I'll update. 6/10
・┆✦Conditioning Coconut Body Serum✦ ┆・
This was from a newer line of the body products so I thought I'd try it out. It's vegan too, which I think is good.
I really like it! It's made my skin really soft, esp my hands which looked like they were through hell..so very good results! 10/10
・┆✦Love Spell Duo✦ ┆・
I'll have you know that I'm an absolutely D RIDER for Japanese cherry blossom sets. I have both the body sprays from Bath and Body Works and I reallyyy wish I could find a good cologne/perfume like it. I decided to get the duo cause if I don't really like VS's spray then I'll probably still use the lotion.
It does smell really nice, it smells like Japanese cherry blossom but a bit more peachy. I will say though that it hardly lasts at all..it fades after less than an hour unless you do the vaseline trick. I usually only wear it after showers or before bed because of that. As for the body lotion, it really just smells like peaches. Overall the smell is nice but the longevity is bad. (I probably will still be trying the others though) 5/10
The package comes in a few days so I'll make sure to review in about a week either by editing this post or making a new post!! See y'all later on that.
P.S, this post literally took so long to make for what omggg
Reviews made on 4/4/2024 <3
#victoria secret#vs angel#pink#haul#to be continued#beauty products#princesscore#boyblogging#love yourself
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2, 7, 11, 20 :]
2. thoughts on veganism?
I'm not a vegan, but I think it's a nice choice to make if you have the means and all that. Where I live now, it's pretty cheap and easy to get plant-based alternatives to animal products and so I typically eat a mostly plant-based diet due to my dislike of industrial farming. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat in itself, though, and veganism isn't accessible for everyone (either due to dietary constraints, availability, cost, whatever). Also, not a fan of how vegan is often marketed/conflated as inherently healthier!
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
The fish!!! :D I love all fishes!! But if I have to choose, the chondricthyans, probably. I see a shark and I go feral. I really want to go to one of those places where you can pet a ray!! I think I have been to an aquarium where they had a ray petting pond, but I wasn't able to partake for whatever reason? Anyway, yeah. Shark :)
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
Plushies, mostly - I have my first teddy bear and an Andrex puppy here and more at my mum's. One I need to find when I visit my mum's is a limited edition beanie baby Andrex puppy who once got thrown into a tree (by accident) by my friend at school when we were, like, 6, and turned up three years later, faded but unharmed, and who is an Important Artifact to me as a result. I also have a badger skull I found under an outside bench at a pub once, if that counts. I have a lot of books I've kept for years, too - most notably, my Warriors and Series of Unfortunate Events books; a beautiful architecture book given to me by my grandad when I was first born; and a book about the goddess Kali.
Oh, I don't know where they are, but honourable mention to the stories we found that I'd written when I was 5 or so and kept because they were funny. One was about a cat that befriended another cat and made plans to hang out later; the other was about a girl whose mum got crucified, rescued, beheaded, and later, resurrected. I wrote them on the same day.
20. favorite disney princess movie?
Oohhh, I haven't watched one for years!! I liked Moana when I saw it in the cinema. I think my favourite as a kid was The Little Mermaid. I remember watching it (and its sequel!) a LOT when I was young.
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In June 2023 I went to the first edition of the summer variant of Dutch Comic Con. They moved it from May to June and it was terrible as it was WAY too hot to function, it was the first time I didn't even go in cosplay. Either way, I always post, so here goes.
I went for a whole weekend with my bestie Eneath, which was fantastic, because we could go by car instead of train. It was a delight. However, the weather was not great.
I do not have a lot to report though; I did not take any photos with other cosplay, also due to being insecure about not being IN cosplay myself. On day 1 I did visit with hobbit vibes in mind, and on day 2 I went more casual than I had ever been at a Comic Con I think? I don't actually remember how I went.
I did take some pics though!

These are some dice I bought! Tiny dice because they are CUTE as hell, dark glittery dice because they are COOL as hell, and a box of d10s in ace colours (in my opinion) because I thought it was awesome except I did not realize they were just d10s, rofl! All good though, just a bummer as I thought it was a whole set.

I went absolutely insane with finances this time around though. I bought a fan with my favourite Genshin Impact character on it, literally using the element anemo to cool myself down... a bunch of Digimon stuff that I can build and some TCG, and on my bag you can see a geo vision from Genshin Impact. The vision is actually why I made a new friend at my local grocery store, he recognized it from the game and now we chat on occasion LOL. Also a bottle of mead, sadly apple cinnamon, because they had no cherry cinnamon.

A bunch of artist alley merch as well. As always, love me some Miraculous Ladybug. I also got two fake Pokémon cards, gorgeous Ninetales, my favourite Pokémon... a sticker of The Last of Us, my favouritest game ever, and some Genshin Impact stickers... now also including Kaveh, another character I really like.
Also... gosh I love this so much, look:

Ellie and Joel figurines! Also a Kazuha waterprint art below it rofl. I ended up not liking the fanart as much so I kinda forgot I owned it.
And uh, super random but I fucking loved that they introduced an onigiri stand and I am *starts foaming*

The one on the far right was vegan, the two on the left are tuna. I had to try both, haha.
Last but definitely not least, they had a little Lord of the Rings thingamajig that we visited, where you walked a little bit through the journey. I remember being at the verge of tears somehow because I felt overwhelmed, but I'm a pro at holding in emotions sometimes. Here is the pics I took. Let me test this new feature, if it sucks I will edit the post.

They should all be clickable for bigger. We'll see.
That is all I have to report on this Comic Con. The next post will be absolutely epicly, because it was a huge staple in my life and it still brings me emotions. Thank you for reading!
— DCC - 2023 - no real cosplay WDCC - 2022 - scuffed Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC - 2022 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / scuffed Ellie (The Last of Us) RCC 2020 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) WDCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2019 - no report, little happened
DCC 2019 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) / Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) ACC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2018 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) RCC 2018 - Mimi (Digimon) WDCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) DCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) RCC 2017 - Mimi (Digimon) ACC 2016 - Hook (Once Upon A Time) DCC 2016 - Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) DCC 2015 - Sunday - Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) DCC 2015 - Saturday - Ellie (The Last of Us)
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Are you all ready for a nice, healthy edition of Taco Dragon this week?
Well too bad, because this involved two different deep fried components!
I give you:
KFC* Chalupas!
(KFC = Korean fried chicken)
This is my first foray into a Korean-inspired dish for this, and I'm excited to share it!

For the chicken:
B/S chicken thighs (could theoretically use breasts, but thighs provide superior flavor and texture, plus it won't dry out)
¼ onion
Minced garlic
Ground ginger
Freshly ground black pepper
MSG (don't look at me like that, it makes things taste good! Just don't buy Accent, it's a ripoff)
Saké (soju would be more appropriate, but I live in a state where spirits aren't sold in supermarkets, and I didn't feel like going to a liquor store)
Gochugaru (Korean chili flakes)

Cut the chicken into bite size pieces, grate the onion with a cheese grater, and toss everything together in a bowl. Set in the fridge to marinate overnight.
For the vegetable portion, I made this Asian-inspired coleslaw:
I swapped out canola oil for the olive oil because come on. Also, you can use parsley instead of cilantro if you lost the genetic lottery.

I did use a coleslaw mix because I can't deal with whole ass heads of cabbage living by myself. Well, I do have a roommate of sorts, but...

She probably won't eat any of it.
(No I didn't awkwardly interject that as an excuse to post a photo of my cat shut up)
Anyway, for the shells I used this recipe:
Heat a skillet filled with 1-2" of oil on medium heat and fry!

I'm actually quite pleased with how these turned out! They really are quite similar in texture to the chalupa shells at Taco Bell, except they taste like real food.
Now to fry the chicken!

Coat the pieces simply in cornstarch and allow to sit while the oil heats to 340°F. Fry once in batches and drain on a rack. Crank up the oil temp to 375°F and fry again. You can fry them in bigger batches the second time around since the chicken is cooked through.

This chicken is absolutely delicious and shatteringly crispy. From this point you could assemble the chalupas and use your choice of sauce, be it a taco sauce, sriracha, or other form of chili sauce. In this case, though, we're gonna elevate it further by tossing it in some of my own homemade Korean-inspired sweet chili sauce!

Garnish with green onions and sesame seeds.
(Let me know if y'all want a recipe for that sauce so I can make a follow-up post for it)
This right here is a combination of sweet, spicy, savory, and tangy that is lethally addictive and goes great with some sticky rice. Tonight, however, we're assembling chalupas!

Into the shells in the following order: chicken, cheese, and slaw.
As fate would have it, these frybread shells make for an excellent vehicle for Korean fried chicken! The slaw fits this flavor profile nicely, and the cheese actually provides a nice contrast with its creamy saltiness.
Considering I wasn't even originally planning on a Taco Dragon post this week, things went swimmingly! Don't expect another one for a while, though. It was never my intent to make this a weekly feature, I just happened to keep getting hit with inspiration!
Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend, everybody! And do let me know if I should post that sauce recipe!
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Hi Zu! Happy Thursday.
Oh yeha! It's forest school, they really encouraged kids to play outside.
The game is like hide and seek, only the seeker is aloud to shout "1 2 3 where are you?" and if you hear them, you have to shout "1 2 3 here I am!"
oh wow, the only safety things they taught us were about online safety and creepy people.
We had to watch a bunch of videos about it. .
Oh how many do yu think you have? .
I never seemed to win anything XD. .
I'd say my favourite memory is when I was in year two. It was one of the 3 times it's ever snowed here.
My mother's car wouldn't start, so we had to walk to school, knowing that we were gonna be really late, I was really scared of getting in trouble because I was young.
When I got to my classroom, there was no one there. We panicked before my teacher runs in and says "oh your here!! Good! Come on we are building a snowman! You are just in time". He is literally the best teacher ever. Seriously, amazing.
Oh yeha! I remember the first time I used a sewing machine, I thought I could do anything.
Though mother liked to tell me stories about how my auntie sewd over her hand once......i was always careful.
Hmmm I used to swim! It's been a long time since I have.
I also used to edit Mlp bases. I was young at the time and it's the first 'art' I ever tried to do.
I also used to collect toys, I adored all kinds of toys, big and small, plastic and cuddly.
It was always good to go to car boot sales.
Have you been to these?
What hobbys did you have before?
Well some of them do, the hall of heads is a hall of fake animal heads. They are all fake, because mother wouldn't get real ones. But she's basically obsessed with them and always looking for new ones.
Oh well greggs isn't strictly a bakery, it's kind of like part bakery, part sandwich shop. It sells things for lunch, like crisps and pastrys and soup, but also cakes and things.
Oh my first job was in a school canteen and a canteen assistant. I had to sell the food and help package the cakes and muffins and things.
What jobs have you had Zu? If any. .
Ah looks like you have my rain now XP, still sounds like a good time!
You know I have a pop up book of the wizard of oz!
It's truly beautiful. .
The far away tree storys are a book from when my mother was a kid. It's basically about these 3 children who find a very very tall tree in the woods and stretches all the way into the clouds. A bunch of magical fairy creatures lived in and on the tree and in the clouds that the tree disappeared into, where portals to other worlds! Birthday Land, the land of take-what-you-want and the land of Dame slapalot.
The food was also amazing too!! .
Pop biscuits, toffee shocks all things I wish were real.
Do you have any fictional foods that you wish were real?
Well we got a Mr whippy like I said! Yummmmmmy.
Caramel is good! I always loved sprinkles and a good old flake! It's the classic!
My friend really likes laughing Jack....... To much scary for me!
Oh! Uh that might take a little for me to type, if you really are interested i can make it a separate ask?
I had a good day today! I was able to see some friends from college. We went to some shops.
First a coffee shop, were I got a salted caramel milkshake, which just tasted of milk and water......... But they made me a new one for free!
Do you like milkshakes Zu? Favourite flavour?
What kind of things do you like at a coffee shop?
We also went to the market where I became obsessed with Grumpy octopuse plushes! I need one soooo bad!!! I don't care if I'm not a child, dam it I want my cute cuddly toys!! XD.
I also got a pick and mix today, with some knock off minnie eggs and vegan sour gummys.
Whats your favourite kind of candy?
How was your day today Zu?
Happy Thursday! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) (and Friday too heh—)
The game sounds interesting but who wins in this case?? (・∀・) As for the safety things videos, I feel you, same here at universities :')
You mean certificates? Ooff about 50 for sure, just look how thicc these double-sided multiformes are :'D

Awww what a nice memory! (ówò) You were really lucky, and it's good it ended well, such a good lesson about not worrying since nothing is fatal <3
Sewing over the hand omg,,, guess it's really scary and for sure hurts a lot (">_<) The worst thing I remember was a sewing machine's needle sticking in the fabric, it hurts mentally :'D
Swimming and editing! *high five* I used to make amv videos, such good times ٩( ᐛ )و Car boot sales look interesting and really comphy heh! Have you take part in such? *^*
Oh this is a terrifying yet truly impressive collection of your mother (゚∀゚)
That sounds sweet literally! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Was your first job hard? I had lots of practice (internships) and freelancing (including drawing), it's unstable but has its big advantages so I'm still struggling myself (>3<)
Awww a pop up book! These are great, such a cool technique <3 The concept of yours sounds really interesting with all these functional worlds and food! ☆ For me it was rahat lokum by the snow queen (from The Chronicles of Narnia) since I didn't know this sweet is real when I was small xd
Mmm that's a really good choice! ☆ Laughing Jack tho,,, looks creepy indeed (;゙゚'ω゚')
Sure thing! Let's make it a separate post (*'▽'*)
Oh I'm so glad you had a nice day with your friends! <3 Hope the new salted caramel milkshake tasted much better (*⁰▿⁰*) Is it your favorite milkshake? Mine's banana one <3 also donuts!,,, these are the best ♡ And for you?
Awww grumpy octopus plushies! Like this one? (〃ω〃) As for candies, it's gummy bears, a classic <3 What about you?
The day was nice, thanks! (๑>◡<๑) In preparations for several events,,, ☆

Awww thank you so much! (〃ω〃) You don't have to, I'm really happy to know you liked it ♡ Same for your Hades and Persephone artwork, a truly magnificent one \(//∇//)\☆

Ah I got it! Pretty interesting to try :D OHHH that was really impressive for sure! ☆
Thank youuu! Nah, they're mostly useless cause not all certificates are valuable, but they're all priceless to me as a memory <3
Awww did this teacher do something else for you? *3*
Oh building snowmen is a must every winter! ;) Once we've made such a big one we couldn't even reach his head after placing it :'D What about you? Since it's snowing really rare where you are, guess these moments are the most memorable *^*
Awww a plushie unicorn! (〃ω〃) As they say, it's much dearer if it's handmade, same goes to the pop up card, wowie *^*
Those amv-s were made with different anime cuts and some good music or songs so nothing special yet so much work at such age! xd
Lucky you with selling and working tho (゚∀゚)☆
Oh it's okay! Thank you anyway (ówò) *hugs* ♡
Turkish delight, yes! So yummy *^*
I agree! Pink milk sounds much cooler ;D It's hard to choose the favorite kind of donut when there are sooo many different fillings and toppings ♡ And for you?
Awww what a nice idea indeed! This toy would be just right for them <3
These rainbow sour belts tho,,, my tongue hurts when I just think about it XD
Thanks a lot again! Yesss these ones!! Some good stuff right here (´;ω;`)♡
Good night to you too╰(*´︶`*)╯☆
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Hello, vegan! First of all, thank you very much for your defaults, they really are something very necessary in my game, especially with the ugly textures of Maxis so from 2004. I recently saw your list of the defaults you're doing for the game food, they look really delicious :') My question is, Can you make a default for the sausage sandwich using the BLT sandwich from sims 4, please? It always seemed to me that that food in the game looked very ... empty? Hahaha, I do not know how to explain it exactly but I always saw the sandwich very simple, well I do not know if to take it as a request, but I would like to know if it is possible and if you could do it no matter how long it takes you
Take care and stan SHINee ✨!!
Hello anon! :-D thank you for your kind words!! I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my shitty defaults ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)❤
I'm actually defaulting every EP/SP food in the game, and implementing a new texture system! Which is why this project is big and will take a good while to finish (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) as for the lunch meat sandwhich, I don't take requests right now unfortunately and I can't convert 4t2 :-( in addition to this, ts4 "aesthetics” don't fit my game anymore since I want to try and keep this "ts2" feeling in my defaults. In other words, I have a different idea for the lunch meat sandwhich. Sorry :-((
BUT! I have a list with custom food I'm going to edit to fit my new texture system and a list with ideas of custom food I want to create myself, and in there I have an idea for a more "full" sandwhich with lettuce, tomato etc since I totally get what you mean about “empty”! Take the hamburger for example, it’s such a sad sight lol. Hopefully my custom sandwhich can fill your needs :-D
Take care you too! 💖
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Nocturne Alchemy Halloween 2019 - Part Two
Originally published 10/10/2019
Hey y'all! Gonna dive right into these scents, today I'm reviewing the Resurgence scents that I have from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween LC release. If you'd like to read my reviews of the new releases I chose, you can click here. NAlloween has always, and likely always will, be my favorite Limited Collection they do! I have so many treasures in my Halloween box.
Scarlet Bat - Red Sugar, Crimson Musk, Black Tea Leaves, Neroli-sugar, and NA Black Patchouli Absolute. Okay, my friend Heather picked this one up before I did last year, and she fell head over heels for it. I was already eying it, because I had two previous Vampire Patchouli Bats that I loved, and it had Crimson in it. It had to be a gimme. Like this year's Vampire Bourbon Patchouli Bat, it was a stunner right out of the mail - and it's only gotten better as it ages. Seriously, it's utterly fabulous. Slinky and sexy, and I think even if you ordinarily don't like patchouli, you might find yourself surprised by this one. Put simply, this is sugared red musk and patchouli. Crimson is a softer red musk than Kashmir, but there's almost a spiciness to it. This just warms up on the skin and reaches out, pulls you in. I crave this one when I haven't worn it in a while. For me, my two favorites of the Vampire Patchouli Bats are the Bourbon, and Scarlet. Neither is to be missed. And I don't find it to be like anything I have in my collection, either.
V by Thoth - Incense, Sweetened spices of Cardamom, Cinnamon, Allspice and clove swirled with Vanilla pods, Ghost Musk and Copal Resin. V was a fan favorite last year - and for good reason. It's part of a set of 7 perfumes, each one designed by a House of NA perfumer. I remembered that I have another favorite Halloween perfume that Thoth did: Frank's Monster. I love that one, so I was pretty excited when I saw V was done by Thoth, too. Y'all, I have a lot of incense perfumes. They're something I just can't resist. Okay, confession time: I did love this one, I thought it was a beautiful perfume, but I didn't really get it until I pulled it back out after aging it over the year. I thought I perhaps had similar perfumes...well. I was wrong. I tried it again a few weeks ago, when the weather started to cool down here in Florida, and it absolutely floored me. It was like I was experiencing a whole new perfume - this is positively SPECTACULAR. Very, very different from my other incense perfumes, and it might just be my favorite yet. I don't know what Ghost Musk is, but if it's that beautiful musk I'm smelling here, I could go for a full 10ml bottle of it. It reminds me a bit of Egyptian Musk, but not quite as sweet - very clean, and very appealing - floaty. I think that's it, and if so....Y'ALL, PLEASE MAKE THIS I WANT IT! Hahaha. I think I might like Ghost Musk better than Cemetery Musk, and I love that one too. Anyway - I'm dwelling. This is balanced against a light incense, and the spices are very much in the background, just a nice warm hum of support. But the copallll. I'm sure everyone knows copal rules my world, when we discuss favorite notes. It adds a lovely smoky, slightly sweet depth to this. I'm fully mesmerized. Thoth has outdone himself. I think this is backup worthy. So, a lesson to be had here, and one I realize quite often - if you don't really love something, put it aside for a while, and see what happens when you return to it. And I want to reiterate, I really did like this - but I didn't see, last year, what I was supposed to see with it - aging it and trying it when the weather was a little cooler and dryer really changed my perspective of it, and now it's become an obsession and a Halloween favorite. If you were looking at this one and wondering if you need it - let me ask, do you like musk and incense? If so, you'd better run and get this before it goes away.
The Mummy Returns - Patchouli, Vetiver, Australian Sandalwood, Cardamom, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rock Rose, Labdanum, Siam Benzoin and Tonka Bean. I made a little mistake, and it's the first time I've ever done this. I usually have a solid idea of what I have in my boxes, particularly my Halloween box, but I ordered The Mummy Returns this year thinking I missed it last year, but after my order came in, I was digging into my Halloween box and pulled out....an aged bottle of The Mummy Returns. Yep. So I'll be putting up my new one for swap. At any rate, it just really proved to me about the differences aging makes in Nocturne Alchemy's perfumes, so I kind of enjoyed realizing the contrasts! The Mummy Returns is a resin lover's dream. It's a deep, dark, witchy scent. I love the balance between the sweeter notes, like the myrrh and cardamom, and the woods. I'm writing this based on my aged bottle, and it's just so....well, at the risk of sounding dramatic, it's deep and mystical, and I'll probably be using this for my rituals, I feel such a connection to it. I couldn't tell you how, but it's something I've smelled before - there's some memory I haven't tapped into yet. I find it to be comfortingly familiar, but at the same time, it feels solemn and sacred. If you are nervous of vetiver, as I am sometimes, it's not a note that stands out a lot here, I can barely discern it when I'm huffing at my wrists. So yes, The Mummy Returns is quite an intense experience for me, but I definitely would recommend this in a heartbeat if you, too, love resinous, woody scents with a little sweetness to them. It's a beautiful perfume. It lasts quite a long time on the skin, too - more than eight hours, and I would say it's on the stronger side, so try it sparingly at first, unless you love to slather like I do.
A Change of Heart – Copal Resin, Shiraz Wine accord, Kashmir Absolute, Indian Oudh, Leather accord and burning embers. This bottle actually was gifted to me by my friend Heather. When I first got it, the leather seemed a little loud on my skin - and that made me nervous, because I was thinking it would be more like Hokum, which is a snuggly, sueded leather. But I figured I'd put it away, and let it age - and it would probably balance itself out. Well, that's exactly what happened. This is one of those scents that you can identify the various notes, if you're familiar enough with them - but they compliment each other so well, they're seamless together. It's definitely a chilly day scent, I did try to wear it in the summer and I don't recommend that - it just doesn't do well in the humidity of Florida. But it's great throughout fall and winter - like the leather in Hokum, this is a snuggly, easy to wear leather, and the copal, wine, and red musk of Kashmir just meld together so well. The wine is sweet, and a nice foil - definitely not a sharp note. I do love the way NA does their wine notes. I'm actually kind of wanting to pick up She Could Raise The Dead, which also features a wine and leather combination - reviews are really intriguing for that, too. And I have totally fallen for both Hokum and A Change Of Heart, so I think I might need it! The copal is of course my favorite note ever - it's a little sweet, sticky, and resinous - and also a bit smoky. This really accentuates the smoky oudh when it starts to shine in long drydown. I'm not sure I am doing this one justice - it really is unusual, and striking. Leather was a death note for me previous to NA - I simply could not wear it. If I tried to put on a perfume that had leather as a note, it would take over on my skin - and I couldn't get away from it. But these soft leathers (vegan, by the way!) that Nocturne Alchemy uses are very wearable for me, and I really am enjoying being able to wear it!
Pirate Rum - Bay Rum and a Chypre of Lavender, Chamomile, Pirate Ship Cedarwood and Siberian Fir Needle with a touch of French Vanilla and Oak. I got this one for my fiance, as the notes reminded me a bit of his beloved Ghost Ship. I can only give you a brief impression of this as to how it smells on him, but I thought someone might be interested in hearing that, so I'm including it! So on him, the bay rum is a nice, round spicy scent. If you're thinking Old Spice, push that right out of your head - this is dark and sexy, and nothing like that old standby. Much more complex and well done. The woods in this are the perfect balance against the bay rum, and the chypre is clean, but not at all feminine, so don't let that lavender scare you. I love this on him. Long drydown is a deep, warm spice against weathered, well aged wood. Very appealing! I tried a drop on me, and it's very different with my skinistry. I get a lot more of the chypre and chamomile, the spice of the bay rum is sedated a bit. I think it might come out more with age, if you wanted to wear it as a unisex scent, though. It is there, it's just not as evident as it was on him. The wood notes are gorgeous - I loooove that fir and cedarwood against the slightly herbal chypre on me. I will say, I much prefer this on him right now.
And a bonus - Halloween 2020, which was given out as a sample with orders for this release. It's also available in the All Hallows' Eve section as part of the Permanent Collection, so if you love this, you can even get a big 10ml bottle! Notes: A special All Hallows’ Eve blend of 7 Sandalwoods (Hawaiian, Indian, Australian, New Caledonia, Indian Santalum Album, Karnataka Sandalwood, African Sandalwood (Baphia Nitida), Cardamom essential oil, Clove essential oil, Bourbon Vanille Absolute, Bastet Amber Absolute, smoked sandalwood infused with oak and pine smoke in the NA Studio. There was also a beautiful frosted black bottle, a special edition, along with Halloween 2018 and Halloween 2019, in frosted red and orange bottles, in the Halloween LCs this year. I had a feeling I was going to love this one right away - and I do. SEVEN. SANDALWOODS. 7, y'all! Now this will likely change and get even better with age, but my first impression of this? It is like a sister scent to Bastet Halloween 2016, which is one of my favorite PC scents. The spices in that definitely have a similar feel to the cardamom and clove in Halloween 2020, and of course the presence of Bastet Amber, one of my soul scents, is a star here, too. But those sandalwoods. So smooth. I'm making my way through that 2ml sample alarmingly quickly. Right now I'm not getting much of the smoke on my skin, but the clove starts out a little strongly when it's first applied. Once it warms up and sinks into my skin though, the other notes come out to play, and the clove sinks into the background to add a little spicy kick with the warmth of the cardamom. Beautiful for fall, truly. Brings to mind blue, blue skies, bright leaves, wispy white clouds. A fluffy scarf wrapped around your neck as you explore a farmer's market. That's the picture I have in my head when I huff at my wrist. I'll be reaching for this frequently. I can't really differentiate all the sandalwoods, but the blending of them reminds me just a bit of my beloved Pyramid Santalum. I think if you wanted more smoke, you could layer this with Titanosaurus - or if you wanted to really play up the sandalwoods, you could add even more Santalum or Pyramid Santalum, or Pteranodon. Hey, never enough sandalwood, am I right?
And that wraps up the second half of my NAlloween choices. Did you read the first half? What perfumes did you choose from this release? What are your favorites? I'm thinking about going back for one or two more, there are so many that caught my eye!
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SUNLIT SENSATIONS | the first ray of sunlight
how Grayson and Caily met

As bright and nice as it was in Los Angeles that day was definitely not Grayson's day. His own personal sky covered by dark clouds. He's been sitting in front of his computer for hours, trying to finish editing the last video he and his twin brother filmed. He was almost done when suddenly and for no reason the power went out, ruining all the process he had made during the past hours. As annoyed as he was he did his best trying to fix it and redoing all his work. At this point his back was sore and his stomach was roaring for some food, lunch time had passed a long time ago but it was still too early to have dinner. An avocado toast, you can't go wrong with that no matter what time it is, so he headed to the kitchen to get the breather he well-deserved. But, once again, it was not Grayson's day.
"Yo, E." "Weren't you going to the grocery store today?" The younger twin raised his voice, making sure his brother could hear him from the living room. "Weren't you doing the groceries today?"
"Holly shit I forgot."
"Ethan." He spetted, clearly annoyed at his twin brother who not only finished all the avocados but he also forgot about doing the grocery and after a short fight, more like a speech from Grayson, on housework and responsabilities, he was heading to the grocery store to get his much needed avocados.
Did I mention today wasn't Grayson's day? Because after driving for almost 20 minutes to the store he found out there were no avocados left. He left out a sight, frustrated, but he was hungry still so he walked through the isles, trying to find something appetizing but also vegan.
Meanwhile in the milk isle there she was, looking up to the top shelf, where the lactose-free milk was sitting. There was just one problem, she couldn't reach it. She thought about climbing the shelf to get it, but she knew how clumsy she was and she was almost certain the whole shelf would fall down. She also thought about jumping until she could reach it, yeah she would look ridiculous but she would get her milk. And she was about to do it, when someone walked to the milk isle.
"Excuse me!" She said, trying to get the attention of the boy that was walking in her direction, too busy with his phone in one hand and holding a cereal box in the other. When she glanced at him she felt like time stopped. The guy was handsome to say the least, a real life Disney prince, or the greek God Apollo in bone and flesh, those were the only two ways that came to her mind to describe the boy, probably her age or so, that was standing in front of her. He looked up from his screen, the frown that's been adorning his face for the past few hours disappearing at the sight of her.
He didn't answer, God he probably even forgot how to speak, he could only look at those dark brown eyes that reminded him of his favorite chocolate from when he was a child. Was she even talking to him? No, there was no way, that was not his day, a literal angel was in front of him, that couldn't be real, no. He only got out of his trance state when he heard her voice once again. "Excuse me, can you help me? I can't reach the lactose-free milk." His eyes were not lying to him, she was in fact real.
"Oh, yeah, of course." He said, already reaching for the milk, looking at the bottle when he had it in his hand. "Lactose-free milk? I've never heard of that, who even buys that? Have you tried almond? Oat?" He questioned in a funny tone, not trying to be rude or laught at her, no, that was his poor and failed attempt to flirt with the beautiful woman who asked him for help.
But when he turned to the girl, her sweet expression was long forgotten, her dark brows coming together in a frown. Was he really making fun of her and her taste? Grayson's face just dropped, realizing what he just did. He got stunned by her and he tried to be funny and flirty but clearly he fucked up. It just wasn't his day. "I buy THAT. Thank you." She responded with a cold tone before walking away from him, not giving him any chance to explain himself or apologize.
It's been almost a week since his little incident at the grocery store, yet he couldn't stop thinking about that girl. It's known that he's the twins that falls in love 7 times per day, but this time? No, this time was different. He only saw her for like two minutes but her face was already tattooed on his brain. He would be lying if he said he didn't drive himself to that same store every single day hoping to see her again. And that's where he was right now, in the parking lot of that same store, sitting in the passenger seat of Ethan's Tesla ready to leave.
But then he saw it, fuck, he would recognize that hair anywhere. "Dude, what the f-" Ethan questioned the second his younger twin brother stepped out of the car without saying a word, running towards the car of the girl who was about to leave.
"Hey! Wait, please!" She turned around to see the guy who made fun of her, the fucking greek god she met a few days ago and quite frankly she couldn’t get off of her mind was running to her, so she quickly jumped in her car and Grayson lost all hope for a second, but it quickly came back to him when she didn't close the door, she just sat there, looking at him with an impassive look on her face.
He got a little intimidated by that, her dark eyes piercing his sou. Was it possible for a stare to be that intense? Apparently yes, but he fucked up once and he was not willing to do it again. "I'm so sorry about the other day. I was just stressed and nothing was going my way and then I saw you looking all kinds of pretty and cute and I tried to be funny because you lit my day and made it so much better by just asking me for help but...fuck. I was a jerk, okay? I know it. It wasn't my intention, but I don't know how to act in front of pretty girls and I-"
His rambling was suddenly cut off by a laugh, a soft one coming from her lips while she tried to hide her face with her hair. Oh my God did he make her blush? "It's okay, I was a little bit of a bitch too. I'm sorry." Yep, he made her blush. And that was exactly what he needed to boost his confidence.
“So...would you like to-" And once again he was cut off, only this time not by the gorgeous girl in front of him, but by his annoying twin brother who was honking at him. Grayson turn to look at him, and she couldn't help but laugh softly again seeing how frustrated the poor guy was getting. She quickly grabbed her phone and handed it to him, catching his attention. "Here, text you from my phone."
He took the phone in complete shook, SHE was asking for his number and he froze for another few seconds until he heard another honk, and this time he was kinda thankful for it because it brought him back to reality. So he started typing pretty fast, adding himself to her contacts and then sending a text message to himself, giving back her phone to..."Wait, what's your name?" "Caily, but not like Kylie Jenner, with a C and an A"
"Okay, Caily with a C and an A. Okay." He repeated with the stupidest (and cutest if you ask Caily) grind on his face walking towards his brother's car, who was honking at him for the third time. "Oh and I am-"
"Grayson" She completed his sentence, reading his name out of her phone screen with a smile. He already loved how his name sounded when it came from her lips. He waved her goodbye and got in Ethan's car with the biggest smile on his face, one that not even his brother could erase with his pettiness.
Suddenly Grayson’s personal sky was not grey anymore, since a tiny ray of sunlight was making its way through the dark clouds, the first of so many.
tags: @justordinaryjen, @ethandolxns & @persistence-ofmemories for the inspo ❤️
it's shitty and cheesy af but that's who i am, sorry
#grayson dolan imagine#grayson dolan fanfic#grayson dolan fluff#grayson dolan blurb#grayson dolan#ethan dolan#dolan twins#grayson dolan x reader#grayson dolan x y/n#sunlit sensations#ss!grayson
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