#edit: added a translation
voetballers · 1 year
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“And I’m not afraid of this world after all” - source
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Quackity: These past days I've been in many calls, and I'm not done yet. I've spoken to a lot of people and creators. I've read your comments and I'm well aware of what needs to be done to carry out this project. I want to tell you all, beforehand, that for me the team's well-being is fundamental. I'm very involved in this topic to sort it out and I want to make that very clear. I want to tell you something... I want to tell you all that the administrative staff responsible for so much harm to the project has been fired. Specifically, those who made decisions without my permission, affecting the administrative and financial area of the project. Consequently, after this, I was in charge of doing a financial analysis that's carrying out for the QSMP.
Guys, to be really honest, it was not going to last. Therefore, I've had to make deep drastic structural changes that have lead me to reduce the performance of the server down to the most essential, and this is in order to ensure the well being of everyone involved in it. Having said this, I want to give a very important update: I want to let you all know that the QSMP will have to slow down temporarily. This is to ensure this new structure adapts to the project, because it's a restructuring that's taking place. I'm letting you know, and I reiterate, there are no voluntary positions inside the QSMP.
At the moment, there will not be any more individual update accounts of all 5 existing languages in the project. In any case, during this transition, there's going to be a temporal absence of all Eggs and NPCs. I know these are difficult changes, and I repeat, it's temporary until we adjust to these new conditions that will improve the performance of this new structure that's being made from scratch, both in the administrative and financial part. I'd like to reintegrate people fro the QSMP as time goes by if a financial viability can be found for the project Taking advantage of this update to tell you guys that within the changes of the server as it is, creators will have full control of their lore and stories. The team will not intervene in the way that it was being done. Moreover, efforts will be made to change the competitive dynamics inside the game so as to ease up the game style for the creators. Like I'm saying, all of these changes, and more, are being carrying out to have the project as best as possible, and they're being done little by little. This is a whole new structure that will ensure the best continuity and experience for the creators, the community and the team behind.
Guys, I want to make very clear that this is restructuring process, and again, it's not a fast one. The server being open does not mean everything's perfect, I understand that very well. Conversations will keep taking place, communication will continue and the constant improvement of the project as well. I ask, please, for everyone's patience and understanding regarding all changes. Please do wait for official announcements since a lot of incomplete and incorrect information is being spread. I want to tell you all something- if you don't trust in these changes or have many doubts about it, and don't want to consume any more of the project's content, I understand 100%. I have a personal commitment with the QSMP and I will work until it functions in the way it is supposed to do.
Lastly, I want to let you know that it was being worked on for months on finalizing the integration of Korean creators to the QSMP. For that reason, tomorrow we will be welcoming the new Korean creators of the QSMP, of course, taking into account all the changes I've just mentioned. I hope you can give the new Korean members warm welcome to the project. And as you know, their schedules are earlier. For everyone who would like to watch, they will be joining at 11am Mexico time and at 9am US time. Basically, I wanted to give that update regarding everything that's being done within the project. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding- these are necessary changes and I'm glad they're being done now. And many more things will keep being adjusted.
via @QuackitySubs
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u5an5 · 8 days
spanish dub this, french dub that
why is no one talking about the fact that in polish dub Wade on their first meeting straight up asks him out for a date?
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justplaggin · 5 months
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— you are you. —
phase 19 raws (source)
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pharawee · 1 year
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A few notes on Pat and Chot's conversation:
🔹Ke (เกย์) is a neutral expression that is the phonetic adaptation of the English word gay.
🔹Tut (ตุ๊ด) is a vulgar and pejorative expression used to refer to a very effeminate homosexual man and can have multiple translations, as sissy, queen, [or in this case: tootsie] etc. 
🔹Je (เจ๊) is a Thai honorific from 姐 for “elder sister”. Chot uses it to refer to himself. Pat later uses it to address Chot.
🔹krap/kha (ครับ / ค่ะ) are gender-oriented particles. Chot uses the traditionally female particle for himself.
🌈Sources: LGTBIQ+ Enciclopaedia, Thaipod101
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nuge · 1 year
drai answering in german and hyman is impressed 😂
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celestialowlryx · 4 months
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I love spring storms - the rain, the lightning - When in the early weeks of May Young thunder, playing and delighting, Resounds and shatters in blue sky.
— Fyodor Tyutchev, "A Spring Storm"
insp → {x} {x}
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icharchivist · 8 months
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サンダルフォン「無様でも不格好でも、俺はこの空を守り抜く。かつでルシフェル様がそうしたように、今度は俺が…!」 Sandalphon: "I may stumble, I may fall, but I will continue to protect these skies. Just as Lucifer once did before me, now it's my turn to…!" ルシファー「不用品ふぜいだ、天使長の真似事か。もはや滑稽だな。羽を増やしたところで、お前にルシフェルの代替は不可能だ。」 Lucilius: "Nothing more than disposable, you're a cheap imitation of a Supreme Primarch. I've already had enough of this farce. You may have gained yourself some more wings, but it remains impossible for the likes of you to succeed Lucifer." サンダルフォン「そんなことは分かっている。俺は、俺自身の願いの為に戦うんだ。この空で皆と共に生き続ける為に!」 Sandalphon: "I know that better than anyone. I'm here to fight for my own sake, for my own wish. To continue life with everyone under the same sky!"
サンダルフォン「俺の全てをかけて、終わらせはしない!皆と共に生きるこの空を…!」 Sandalphon: "I will give everything I have, I won't let these skies fall to ruin! To protect the skies and everyone here with me, I will…!"
ルシファー「空を守るなどという願いも、所詮は神のホメオスタシスの一環にすぎん。神も空も全て俺が終わらせてやる。 Lucilius: "You go on about your wishes and protecting the skies, yet in the end this is no more than a small part of God's plan for homeostasis. Everything will fall by my hand. Gods, the skies, all of it."
it's an amateur translation and transcription and it's not official *Translation made by @saltprince !
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louhinks · 1 year
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portrait of my nerevarine, Llerynir Serarden :)
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04tenno · 1 year
So, uh...
Mine lived(?)
How Are We Doing.
#yakuza#like a dragon#yakuza 3#yoshitaka mine#mine yoshitaka#masayoshi yokoyama#kson#I THINK THE STAFF MEMBER IS SANTO. LIKE 90% SURE IT'S SANTO but i don't have the video clip and cannot identify him im so sorry#i included the “preamble” to make it clear he was talking about mine and why but i'm just obsessed with the whole conversation honestly#kson having the opportunity to go up to yokoyama and say “do you think mine is out there somewhere.” living the dream#yokoyama's character arc not particularly liking mine back in the day and falling for him later on like me too bro#also he literally does just straight up say mine is alive. with zero ambiguity and even with an explanatory tone.#i ADDED what ambiguity there is because i don't want anyone to--as the tweet says--expect too much#anyway that's the end of the normal tags the rest of this is just going to be overwrought melodramatics#i hate the entire ending portion the transition and effects are godawful#not what my vision was at all#this is my first time actually editing and it shows. but it'll have to do.#i'm also nothing short of embarrassed of the timing and the missing words#but i really did do my best. i really did pay to have it professionally transcribed.#and part of me certainly wonders if this is all a mistake and irresponsible to put out there. if i'm giving people false hope.#if the extent of my understanding just isn't good enough to know better#yet if there IS something there... then what good will it have done to keep it to myself#original#my clips#my translations
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royalarchivist · 18 days
Mike: How am I not going to win this? How am I not going to win this!!! :D
Mike makes his debut and experiences the epic highs and lows of Dress to Impress. 👗
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 month
I used to think that there could not be a better way to insult Wilde by not reading The Picture of Dorian Gray than the brazilian publishing company that decided to put a picture of Wilde as their cover (till there fine) except to inovate they framed Wilde's pic as the fucked up portrait... I stand corrected by Netflix deciding that it was time to remind people that just cause CW is dead it doesn't mean people that worked for CW are dead and hiring arrowverse ppl to ruin a great book.
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anderscim · 1 year
✦ language, sentence structure and footnote #5 in the new DRDT MV
//spoilers for the new “Literature Girl Insane” music video posted by DRDT
//also spoilers for DRDT up to chapter 2 part 1
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i think i’m pretty clever for using this frame, am i right? (-∀-)
alright, here is my 2k+ word rant regarding some things i noticed with the word order and translations in the new video—as well as its connections with some of the footnotes.
(take all of this with a grain of salt)
i noticed recently that the DRDT dev pays very, very close attention to lyrics and lyrical structure in japanese—and that is seen in the way they order certain words.
let’s take this screen, for example:
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i’m not sure if you all noticed, but in this part, the lyrics show up in a very specific order.
instead of each word appearing in an order similar to how you would read it in english (“look, aside from that, give me the usual medicine”), they do this:
look -> aside -> from that ->the -> usual -> medicine -> give me
and surprisingly, this isn’t random. the words appear in an order that aligns with the sentence structure for the japanese lyrics.
in japanese, the lyrics are as follows:
「ほら、/ それより / いつもの / 薬 / を出して」
if you translate these separately, “medicine” (薬) comes before “give me” (出して, in this context), “the usual” (いつもの) comes before that—and so on and so forth. interestingly enough, the dev subtly threw that detail in the video, instead of just going by the alignment of the english translation.
and, if you didn’t know, in many cases (more often than not), japanese sentence structure wildly differs from english sentence structure—which is exactly what makes it so hard to translate. (;- -)
this also happens in other spots, by the way! here’s another example:
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“even if you have a heart full of ambition” appears in reverse order here—but that’s also because of japanese sentence structure.
“向上/の/心/だって/持ったって” -> “ambition/of/heart/even/if you have” this is a rough translation by the way sorry (_ _;)
i can come up with more examples if needed, so let me know (*´ω`*)
however, this isn’t the only way that the dev is being attentive to specific details in japanese. they also seemed to be aware of some literary references that were legitimately within the lyrics, and put their own spin onto it.
for example, this:
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at first, the (turbatus) may seem out of place, but trust me, it isn’t. the original japanese lyrics also reference “ego cogito ergo sum” (i think, therefore i am), but put their own spin onto it—the dev somehow managed to translate the lyrics in a way that kept the same modification.
the japanese equivalent to “ego cogito ergo sum” is as follows:
however, the japanese lyrics for bungaku shoujo insane put a small modification to the very end:
悩み (nayami) is to be worried/troubled/etc.²¹
but basically, the dev also managed to keep that same modification by adding “turbatus” (which translates to “disturbed, disoriented, upset”) to their rendition of the lyrics. though this is me speaking from personal experience, 悩み usually has a different (more lighthearted and flexible) connotation compared to something as heavy as turbatus—so i wonder if this specific word choice might be telling us a lot more.
…okay that was a huge tangent. moving on. what i basically wanted to say is, well… the DRDT team is very attentive and pays very close attention to minor details in japanese, and a lot of it is actually successfully conveyed in their video. however, this pretty much indicates that anything they “botch” in the translation is intentional.⁵ (i’ll get to that later.)
buuuut before we get to that, how ‘bout i switch topics to something else: there is one specific part that they weren’t able to manipulate the translation, even if they wanted to.
i think you know which few frames i’m referring to.
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(the other two have the same issue as well, but these first two are easier to explain.)
the thing is, the reason why there’s no translation here is that there’s no way to translate these lyrics without messing up the original japanese sentence structure.
let me break it down. “革命家” (kakumeika) is the japanese translation for a revolutionary. Xander, as the ultimate rebel, is the perfect image for this. “気取り” (kidori) is used in this context to mean that they’re “pretending to be / having the air of” a revolutionary, rather than actually being one.
“馬鹿” (baka) is “idiot,” “鉛” (namari) is lead (as in the metal), “切符” (kippu) is “ticket,” and “与える” (ataeru) in this context is “to give” (but more in a “feeding something to a pet” context than an actual “gifting something to a person” context). “与えよう” (ataeyou) is just a different tense, as in “let’s give,” and so on and so forth.
however, if you were to translate these two lines into english, this is what you would get (rough translation):
“let’s give the idiots pretending to be revolutionaries tickets of lead.”
my brain is fried so i can’t go too far into details right now, but essentially, the translation completely switches around the sentence structure and jumbles the order of the words. if the dev wanted to specifically distribute the lyrics to those two frames in a way that fit those specific images, they would have to warp existing grammar rules and write something that’s… well, obscure. my horrible attempt at a literal translation with the same structure: “assuming the air of revolutionaries / these idiots, tickets of lead should be given to them.” however, this would be too obscure and it gives this lyric a largely different tone (_ _;) especially since david probably doesn’t want to call xander an idiot (/hj) the lyrics would have been extremely difficult to rewrite while getting a similar message across, it was actually more fitting to instead keep the original japanese lyrics and fit them to the two frames in a way that best mirrors each character. …by the way, this is part of the reason why i was (jokingly) suspecting whether or not the dev was actually japanese. some of their attention to wording, sentence structure… even if they’re not japanese, they’re insanely dedicated. massive kudos to them. o(≧▽≦)o okay this has been plaguing my mind for a little bit, side note and small tangent: Xander (at least, i think it’s him. based on the glove) is holding his assigned weapon, a gun, in the first frame here. however, as we know—Xander’s gun is actually nonfunctional, and does not work. the fact that he’s holding it and having his finger on the trigger, despite it being unable to fire, could actually reference the “air of a revolutionary” in the original lyrics, as he may pretend to be someone that can use action to make change in the world but actually can’t. however, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. this video is from david’s perspective, so this may actually be more of a reflection of david’s philosophy regarding how the world can’t change, rather than xander himself. this would match the “unreliable narrator” angle i’m seeing in this video—which i’ll get to later. i also unfortunately do not have a clear answer regarding who the person with the envelope is, but my bets are on it being a teacher of some sorts, or one of the adults that formally invited the students (including xander, david, and the rest of the students) to hope’s peak in the united states. after all, they’re handing out a “ticket of lead,” as seen in the lyrics. lead can cause poisoning to the body, and is known to accumulate over time. by even joining this school in the first place, the drdt cast is unknowingly signing themselves up for something that will traumatize them / corrupt their minds for the coming years. and i don’t know if this is just me, but some aspects of the embossing stamp of the envelope (including the justice scales, the shield(?)-esque pattern, the wings), seem very suspiciously similar to a logo for a school like that. i’m done with the tangent for now ( ´ ▽ ` )
what’s incredibly interesting (and ironic) about this frame, however, is the footnote. out of all places to put it, the dev placed footnote #5 in the one place where there isn’t a translation.
for those of you that aren’t aware, by the way, this is footnote #5:
As the translation has been intentionally botched in many parts, it should not be considered accurate.
and, actually—this is true. not necessarily botched, though, just maybe slightly manipulated.
here’s a couple of examples:
switching out pronouns in some of the lyrics (changing “i” to “you,” for example). most clearly seen here:
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original lyrics: “今僕は何故泣くの? / 今僕は何故暴れ出すの?” most of the lyrics are the same, except for one thing: “僕” (boku) is used when one wants to refer to themselves. (in other terms, it should be: “right now, why do i cry? / right now, why do i go insane?”). however, the lyrics use “you” instead. side note: this “botch,” and the roman numerals combined—david spinning the narrative so he’s directing those questions towards others, and not towards himself as a form of deflection? the unreliable narrator theory becomes stronger and stronger (^ν^) /j
another example is here:
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original: “満足したなら / 消えて行け!” -> “if you are [now] satisfied / go and disappear!”
again, another pronoun switch, but this time it’s flipped—while the original lyrics are directing this at someone else, david (or whoever “???” is) is talking about himself. it almost seems like a response to the original lyrics. either way, this is one thing to think about. there are other examples, and i might bring them up later—but for now, these are the main ones i can think of.
2. verb tenses! specifically, these two frames:
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the original lyrics: “大事なものなら / 壊れて消えたよ” this is also pretty similar, except using the ending “た” (ta) at the end of a verb, instead of “る” (lu/ru), puts the verb into past tense. (this is from personal experience, however. take it with a grain of salt)
so in reality, the lyrics are: ”if something was important, / it already broke and disappeared”
which is… interesting. because it actually does imply some things regarding david’s philosophies. given that this was likely intentional, this may be an indication of david manipulating his own thought process—from regretting what he lost in the past, to spinning that into “it was going to be lost anyways, regardless of what happened” (after all, for him, “if something is important, it will break away and disappear”). basically, it loops him into an almost pessimistic way of coping. from his perspective, if something is important to him, it will be lost, no matter what—which is hopeless, yes, but it prevents him from forming any other relationships that are “important” and/or getting emotionally attached to them in the expectation that they’ll get burned away eventually.
3. i don’t even know what to call this… like, re-contextualization? specifically, here:
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the original lyrics:
“そうして忘れてゆくのでしょう / はい”
however, despite keeping the same literal meanings, this translation completely reconstructs the context of the lyrics. “はい” in this situation is actually used as an interjection, as in “yeah, / okay,” rather than a direct “yes” or an answer to a question.
additionally, “そうして忘れてゆくのでしょう” isn’t exactly a question—more so, it’s more of a “but then you’ll forget anyways” sort of… i guess “throwaway phrase.” my brain is dead, so sorry if this is a bit unclear. the true translation would be closer to “but then, i bet, you’ll forget about it.”
either way, just one thing is clear: the original lyrics were made with no intention at all to be read as a conversation, yet the translation was intentionally spun in a way to fit that. this “botch” also seems to be very important, especially with the fact that it’s labeled with the 19th footnote—as for why, however, i’m not too sure. it could be an indication that david has the idea that people will forget what has happened (and never try to change it the next time around) so ingrained into his head that it affects the way he hears conversations, events, and certain interactions—or it could be that he’s just an unreliable narrator and this is his way of proving his philosophy even in the most minor of word choices, or both, or neither. to be honest, i don’t know what the exact purpose is. ( ̄ー ̄ )
there’s probably other “botched translations,” but those are all i have for now. but yeah, the fact that outside of these “slips” the dev was very attentive about the translation and sentence structure is what gives clear confirmation that these mistakes are absolutely intentional. they’re likely there to provide some insight into not just david’s character and philosophies, but also about his coping mechanisms and how he spins his own narrative to prove his worldview right.
as for why the corresponding footnote is placed at the one place there isn’t a proper translation in the mv… well…
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(/hj) i’ll figure it out soon. (( _ _ ))
either way, feel free to reblog or send in an ask if there’s anything you want to say regarding my noticings (whether that’s refuting them or adding evidence)!
and as always, take this with a grain of salt
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dawdlecentric · 5 months
好きだから -- ぼ虹の日 edit
This is very self indulgent and I wasn't even expecting to finish it in time for boniji day. Maybe I just love the pairing so much I wanna make something for it also cuz I still haven't drawn anything about them lately cuz depression go brrrrr
This is initially from Nijika's POV towards Bocchi but some lyrics strayed from that especially the dog part and the last one. But this could also be from Bocchi's POV visualizing Nijika's feelings about her since the edit did start and end with Bocchi in it so...yeah that's how this edit is interpreted (also I kinda got stuck of not knowing what clips that could fit in some parts so ignore if most of the clips are from episode 8)
Btw at the 「またね」 and 「また明日」 part, I was originally going to put the same lines by both Nijika & Bocchi from the show but it sounds out of place so I scrapped it. Tho if I'm better at editing I could make it work and blend it along with the song without it sounding weird (but I'm not :P)
Another thing is that although the lyrics did say 授業 (class) / 放課後部 (after-school club) / LINE in some parts, I changed it to バイト (part time job or in this case I chose work) / 帰宅部 (go-home club) / LOINE to fit the terms in BTR
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juggalism · 5 months
translating excessan so you dont have to pt 2
past post
going to crop these so im not just like, reposting the whole update lol
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2841 - A stow-away?
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2842 - Hey wait- I know you!
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2843 - We saw you on the alert this morning- hang on-
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2844 - Here- This is you, right?
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2846 - Oh, Right. You don't speak Nimish, huh?
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2847 - Let's see...
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2848 - Surely it's in the same place. ...
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