#edi in Russia
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Edie Campbell by Louie Banks for Vogue Russia January 2021
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classyclips · 1 year
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cadybear420 · 1 month
not exactly a question but... aiden giving edie a lap dance/striptease... 👀🤞🏼
I see Aiden being really nervous about sensual dancing in general at first, but then he starts thinking of musical metaphors for it and he gets a more into it. Plus, of course, he loves the attention and praise Evie gives to his body. Especially hips/ass/legs/belly.
Evie especially loves when he has a more serious expression while doing it and/or his outfit of choice is something sharp and distinguished. When he can pull off both "serious focused musician" and "sexy absolute goddess" at the same time, it makes her utterly melt.
I'm still kind of figuring out when the first time Aiden tries it would be. I can definitely see Michael daring Aiden to give Evie a lap dance in a truth-or-dare game, and Aiden gets real nervous about it only to bust out the best moves ever seen. But I also feel like he'd be more comfortable if their first time was in a more private setting.
Howeverrrr I do have a potential headcanon of Aiden recreating the From Russia With Love intro/theme sequence as a promposal to Evie in her senior year (they get into James Bond movies that year).
[Ask NSFW questions about any of my pairs!]
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mariacallous · 7 months
Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, called on Balkan countries to “co-produce” when it comes to the defence industry and to attend a special Ukraine-Balkans Defence Industry Forum in Kyiv or one of the Balkan capitals. 
Zelensky met Balkan leaders at the “Ukraine-Southeast Europe” Summit in Tirana on Wednesday where he thanked them for their political and humanitarian support but stressed that, although “there are about 500 defence companies operating in Ukraine”, it is “not enough to win over [Vladimir] Putin”. 
“We see problems with the supply of ammunition, which are affecting the situation on the battlefield,” Zelensky wrote on X (Twitter).
“We are interested in co-production with you and all our partners. Our governmental team will present the details. We propose to hold a special Ukraine-Balkans Defence Industry Forum in Kyiv or in one of your capitals,” he added.
Zelensky is visiting Albania for the first time since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine started in February 2022. At a joint press conference between Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Zelensky, Rama said Ukraine deserves to be helped in the war against Russia. “They pretend that stopping giving weapons to Ukraine will bring peace. This is not only cynical, but absurd. You don’t stop the war by disarming the victim,” Rama said.
Since the start of the war, Balkan countries have been mainly supportive towards Ukraine. Most have imposed sanctions on Russia, called for investigations of war crimes, are helping in the defence sector and are hosting Ukrainian migrants.
Serbia, due to its traditional ties to Russia, is the only Balkan country that did not impose sanctions on Russia. Since the invasion started, however, Serbian weapons have reportedly ended up in Ukraine, likely sent first to NATO countries allied to Ukraine. On two occasions in 2023 it was reported that rockets produced in Serbia appeared in Ukrainian war zones.
In April 2023, Reuters reported that, according to a leaked classified Pentagon document, Serbia had agreed to supply arms to Kyiv or has sent them already. Serbia denied the report. However, President Aleksandar Vucic told the Financial Times in June 2023 that he was aware that some Serbian-manufactured arms “might end up in Ukraine”.
“Is it possible that it’s happening? I have no doubts that it might happen. What is the alternative for us? Not to produce it? Not to sell it?” Vucic asked. Vucic met Zelensky for the first time at the European Political Community meeting in Moldova in June 2023.
As BIRN previously reported, Croatia does not produce the armaments Ukraine needs most, which are artillery shells, ammunition, large-calibre weapons, armour, drones and planes. There is little information about what Croatia’s military aid to Ukraine has included.
Ukraine has bought demining machines from Croatia. In October last year, an International Donor Conference for the Humanitarian Demining of Ukraine was held in Zagreb, and Croatia immediately donated 5 million euros for demining.
In April 2022, Montenegro confirmed it would join EU sanctions on Russia. Moscow subsequently added Montenegro to its list of “enemy states”. In July 2022, the Montenegrin parliament passed a resolution condemning the invasion and promising that the country’s foreign policy would be aligned with its Western partners. Last May, the Montenegrin Defence Ministry sent 400,000 euros’ worth of medicine and military donations to Ukraine.
North Macedonia has sent ten batches of military aid to Kyiv, with more probably on the way. It is considered one of the top contributors of equipment among Ukraine’s allies, considering its size and population of just under 2 million.
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litcityblues · 7 months
For All Mankind Seasons 3 & 4: Some Men Would Rather Steal An Asteroid Than Go To Therapy
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It's been a minute since I saw this show, but to recap: at the end of Season 2, Cold War tensions between the Soviets and Americans boil over. There's a firefight on the moon. Tracy and Gordo manage to keep Jamestown's reactor from melting down but die in the process. Danielle docks with Soyuz and astronauts and cosmonauts finally greeting each other does a lot to defuse tensions. In the final shot of the season, we see a human walking on Mars.
When Season 3 starts, it's 1992. Ed (Joel Kinnaman) and Karen (Shantel VanSanten) are divorced and Karen is in the Space Hotel business after a disaster at Danny Stevens' (Casey W. Johnson) wedding nearly takes out the hotel and takes out her new husband Sam (Jeff Hephner), Karen decides to sell to Dev Ayesa (Edi Gathegi), found of Helios Aerospace who wants to use it for his own commercial mission to Mars.
Ed and Danielle (Krys Marshall) are in the running to be commander of NASA's Mars Mission with Molly Cobb (Sonya Wagner) (now blind, because of her solar storm adventure in Season 2) clashing with Margo (Wrenn Schmidt) over who to choose. Molly picks Ed, but Margo fires her and picks Danielle instead. Ed switches teams, leaving NASA to join Helios as the commander for their Mars mission, which sets up a three-way race to Mars.
(Margo is under increasing pressure-- as her 'gentle back channel' to the Soviets in the form of her friend Sergei is rapidly becoming the KGB insisting that she sell secrets to them.)
With everyone on the way to Mars, Danny's new wife and baby are hanging out with his brother Jimmy (David Chandler) who- like Danny- is struggling with the legacy of his parents, Tracy and Gordo. Unlike Danny, who seems to have doubled down to follow in their footsteps, Jimmy wants nothing to do with NASA and is increasingly friendly with anti-NASA radicals.
On the way to Mars, NASA deploys solar sails to race ahead of the Helios crew, but an accident on the Soviet ship, which sees Ed attempt to go to their rescue, as Helios is closer, gets overruled by Dev and ultimately, it's NASA who has to go rescue the cosmonauts. They do so and while Helios arrives at Mars first, Ed's landing attempt is aborted due to bad weather and ultimately, it's NASA and Russia who land first, with Danielle and the Soviet commander wrestling their way onto Mars... together.
The Soviets and Americans are sharing Happy Valley, while Helios has its own base. Danny is spiralling hard and after he gets injured, develops a Vicodin addiction. Kelly (Cynthy Wu) has a romantic liaison with one of the cosmonauts. One of the astronauts, Will Tyler (Robert Bailey Jr), reveals that he's gay- which gives former Astronaut and Current President Ellen Wilson (Jodi Balfour) an opening to take down 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.'
(Ellen's plotline is probably the more underrated of Season 3: still married to Larry (Nate Corddry), they're both still gay, they have one kid and she runs for President as a Republican, defeating Bill Clinton in 1992 to win election. The twist is that it's Larry who gets caught in a lie about an extramarital affair to Congress, which you think is going to be the start of Ellen's 'Lewinsky Scandal' that takes her down but instead, after going to see Pam, Ellen makes the one move that I think no one expects her to make: she comes out of the closet.
IRL, I honestly think that scenario would play out exactly the way Ellen intended. It would have changed the story in a massive, massive way- especially in the mid-90s media landscape, IMO)
Danny's spiral leads to a drilling accident that results in an accident that leads to more deaths and Ed and Danny being trapped in Hab 1, buried and running out of air.
The noose is tightening around Margo, as the Soviets continue to pressure her and Aleida realizes that it was she who gave NASA's engine design to the Soviets and Jimmy's radical friends help him steal the statue of his parents. Things in Season 3 come to a head with Kelly- who is pregnant and suffering from pre-eclampsia, having to be evacuated back to Earth. The North Korean rocket that damaged the space hotel way at the start of the season? Turns out it was a Mars mission and the Americans/Russians find the sole survivor and the *actual* first man on Mars: a North Korean. Back on Earth, Jimmy's friends blow up the Johnson Space Center killing Karen and Molly Cobb in the process and Margo is presumed to be amongst the dead, but is in fact, alive, well, and living in the Soviet Union.
Season 4 opens with the Mars base having grown considerably. Ed is commanding a mission to bring an asteroid into Mars orbit so they can mine it and unemployed oil rig worker Miles (Toby Kebbell) (because they've discovered something called helium-3 that's become the main fuel source, devastating the oil and gas industries) was headed to the moon, but chooses instead to go to Mars for more pay and a long stint. After the accident with Ed's mission, NASA sends out Danielle to replace him for the remainder of America's term commanding the base while Ed, as it turns out is experiencing hand tremors.
Margo is finding that the Soviet Union isn't all it cracked up to be. She's out of the space game, but after a coup removes Gorbachev and brings in new management she finds herself working for the Soviet space program again (after a fairly brutal interrogation.)
On Mars, Miles finds that Helios doesn't pay that well but gets into the black market game to supplement his income and does so quite successfully.
Aleida is suffering from panic attacks after the bombing, Kelly is getting screwed by NASA so they take her robotic explorer program (whose goal is to search for life) on the road, looking for private funding and eventually, they get some from Dev.
Political tensions are rising on Mars with the Soviet crew forming factions over their power struggle, the North Koreans are keeping to themselves, and the Americans are kind of caught in the middle if we just fast forward through to the end of this, eventually, Ed, Dev, and company hijack a shiny new asteroid and park it in Mars orbit where it will be mined. (Margo is also revealed to be alive, comes back to America for awkward moments at NASA, and has the brief, tiniest possibility of running away to Brazil with Sergei dangled in front of her before someone- presumably the KGB shoots him dead.)
All right, so let's unpack this a bit.
From what I'm reading on the interwebs, this show is still waiting for an official renewal for Season 5. I don't know what kind of metrics Apple uses to make those decisions for its streaming platform, but at this point, if the creators/writers, etc, want 7 seasons, I think Apple should just do it at this point- but, that being said, having gotten through all of Season 4, I could also see why they wouldn't do that as well. I think Season 4 feels like the show was either laying the groundwork for a heavy 'reboot' season in Season 5 (because how old can Ed get, really?) or was designed in such a way that it could serve as a series finale without too much trouble either.
And I go back and forth about that. I think the show is at a weird transition point in its story because we're moving out of the alternate history aspect of all of this and more into the science fiction aspect of all of this and I think that might be a trickier balancing act to pull off than we realize. There were aspects of Season 4 that I liked. The introduction of Miles was a brilliant choice because it created kind of this Upstairs/Downstairs aspect to the show where you get to see the people who are doing the grunt work to keep Happy Valley going as a pose to our HEROES who are upstairs doing astronaut things. The black market/secret bar aspect all worked for me- you'd expect to find that in a situation like that as well as the labor tension that eventually leads to a strike amongst the workers. No problem with any of that.
The problem I did have was Ed and Danielle. I think the show should have just gone there. They kind of do, but it's more implicit than explicit and they've danced around this before in prior seasons-- but I think Ed could have seen some interesting character growth had Danielle explicitly called him on his sexist/racist bullshit-- especially given Kelly is a woman of color. There was an opportunity here for self-analysis and reflection for a character who badly needs it and you could have more of an arc between Danielle and Ed trying to repair their relationship throughout the season. They kind of do that, but I think had they doubled down on it a bit, it would have given both characters a better arc throughout the 4th season.
(Also, Ed, man... go home and deal with your fucking feelings, already! "Men would rather stay on Mars and figure out how to hijack an asteroid than go to therapy." Though, to be fair to Ed, when Kelly finally pins him down on why he is the way he is, his explanation seems genuine enough. I just don't understand why it didn't come earlier in the season and why a guy who has had two children of his own is so gosh darned awkward around his Grandson- though admittedly, that too gets better by the end of Season 4.)
We also have to go to talk about Danny Stevens: why the fuck didn't they just send his ass home? I can understand exiling him at the end of Season 3 when they were still trying to get fuel made to get everyone back home, I get that. But now workers are being shipped into the base, surely there's a shuttle he can go home on? Instead, he just sort of sits in the North Korean capsule until he cracks and is found dead and that's just sort of the end of it. (Personally, I think a better ending for Danny would have been them finding the capsule straight up empty. With no tracks or nothing.)
Margo not getting a happy ending seems inevitable, though I would have liked it far better had she gone to Brazil, even without Sergei-- but I do appreciate the fact that she takes accountability for her plan, if not her actions by season's end which I think is a good first step for her character who has been avoiding accountability for her choices for quite some time.
Eli Hobson as the new NASA administrator had me checking IMDB constantly because I was so convinced it was Bruce Boxleitner I got very excited at first, but it was Daniel Stern who was equally as awesome.
Overall: I do love this show. Season 3 was top notch and Season 4 felt like it lost a step or two but was still good. (I'm hoping Season 4 is setting up stuff for Season 5 we have yet to discover!) For All Mankind is a great show that everyone should be watching. Apple is really impressing me with the quality of the shows they've got on there and this one is a 'must watch' that should be getting way more hype than it seems to be out in the world. My Grade: Season 3 **** out of ****, Season 4 *** out of ****
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paulinedorchester · 2 years
Jewish singers of Western classical music
Compiling this list — the last in this series for the foreseeable future, although I’m well aware that there are others that I could do — has been a frustrating experience.
What I’m looking for, ultimately, is self-identification, which isn’t always forthcoming. And you can’t always trust Encyclopedia Judaica, which follows Israeli policy in determining Jewish status, i.e., one Jewish grandparent makes you Jewish, no matter what. (This is settled law in Israel, and it’s caused no end of trouble.)
Also, I’m not willing to knowingly include here the likes of Alma Gluck, who was a practicing Christian Scientist for most of her adult life, nor Richard Tauber, a life-long, if largely nominal, Roman Catholic who was bewildered to learn, in 1933, that he did in fact have a Jewish grand-parent. Since I’ve tended to err on the side of caution, there may be artists who should be on this list but aren’t.
You also won’t find here a number of artists whom my instincts tell me must be Jewish, but who are being, or were in their time, insufferably coy about it. (Jake Arditti, Beniamino Gigli, Jonas Kaufman, Selma Kurtz, Margarete Matzenauer, Jakub Józef Orliński, Annie Rosen, Regina Sarfaty: I’m looking at all of you.)
I’ve had to be vague about birthplaces in some cases, because some of these singers were born in jurisdictions that either no longer exist or whose names have changed. (Poland didn’t exist as a nation when Rosa Raisa was born there, and I don’t know what part of Poland — Austrian, German, or Russian — she came from.)
What applies to the earlier lists also applies here: I’ve included many of the younger ones solely on the basis of reputation, without having heard them. Not all are or were A-listers, but they are all people who sing or sang Western classical music for a living, or taught others to do so, or a combination of the two.
And finally, I should point out that while stage names are now a rare phenomenon in classical music, they were fairly common in the past — especially for singers! (Richard Tucker was born Reuben Ticker, for example.)
Mario Ancona (1860-1931), baritone, Italy
Rafael Arie (1922-1988), bass, Bulgaria
Sharon Azrieli, soprano, Canada
Richard Bernstein, bass, USA
Rachel Blaustein, soprano, USA
John Braham (ca. 1775-1856), tenor, UK
Lucienne Bréval (1869-1935), soprano, Switzerland
Katharine Carlisle (Kitty Carlisle Hart; 1910-2007), soprano, USA
Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen, counter-tenor, USA
Netanya Davrath (1931-1987), soprano, USSR
Shannon Delijani, mezzo-soprano, USA
Jeanne Diamond, soprano, USA
Pauline Donalda (1882-1970), soprano, Canada
Edis de Philippe (1918-1978), soprano, USA
Daryl Freedman, mezzo-soprano, USA
Rachel Frenkel, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Blake Friedman, tenor, USA
Allan Glassman, tenor, USA
Hannah Goodman, soprano, USA
Oren Gradus, bass, USA
Sheri Greenawald, soprano, USA
Hermann Jadlowker (1878–1953), tenor, Latvia
Cheri Rose Katz, mezzo-soprano, USA
Solomon Khromchenko (1907-2002), tenor, Russia
Alexander Kipnis (1891–1978), bass-baritone, Russia
Nina Koshetz (1894–1965), soprano, Russia
Isa Kremer (1887-1956), soprano, Russia
Maya Lahyani, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Evelyn Lear (1926-2012), soprano, USA
Adèle Leigh (1928-2004), soprano, UK
Samuel Levine, tenor, USA
Brenda Lewis (1921-2017), soprano, USA
Assaf Levitin, baritone, Israel
Estelle Liebling (1880-1970), soprano, USA
Emanuel List (1888-1967), bass, Austria
George London (1920-1985), bass, Canada
Channa Malkin, soprano, Netherlands
Jeffrey Mandelbaum, counter-tenor, USA
Mikhail Medvedev (1852-1925), tenor, Russia
Robert Merrill (1917-2004), baritone, USA
Ottilie Metzger (1878-1943), contralto, Germany
Rinnat Moriah, soprano, Israel
Andrew Morstein, tenor, USA
Rosa Pauly (1894–1975), soprano, Austro-Hungarian Empire
Jan Peerce (1904-1984), tenor, USA
Roberta Peters (1930-2017), soprano, USA
Ian Pomerantz, bass-baritone, USA
Rosa Raisa (1893–1963), soprano, Poland
Miriam Rap-Janowska (also known as Miriam Janowsky; 1891-1992), soprano, Latvia
Judith Raskin (1928-1984), soprano, USA
Spencer Reichman, baritone, USA
Chen Reiss, soprano, Israel
Regina Resnik (1923-2013), mezzo-soprano, USA
Neil Rosenshine, tenor, USA
Aaron Marko Rothmuller (1908-1993), baritone, Yugoslavia
Charlotte de Rothschild, soprano, UK
Arieh Sacke, tenor, Canada
Gidon Saks, bass-baritone, Israel
Dalia Schaechter, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Doron Schleifer, counter-tenor, Israel
Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942), tenor, Romania
Friedrich Schorr (1888–1953), bass-baritone, Austro-Hungary
Rinat Shaham, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Neil Shicoff, tenor, USA
Beverly Sills (1929-2007), soprano, USA
Julia Sitkovetsky, soprano, UK
Wiliam Socolof, bass-baritone, USA
Daniel Sutin, baritone, USA
Jennie Tourel (1910-1973), mezzo-soprano, Canada
Richard Tucker (1913-1975), tenor, USA
Sandra Warfield (1921-2009), mezzo-soprano, USA
Nofar Yacobi, soprano, Israel
Jennifer Zetlan, soprano, USA
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wellnessweb · 3 months
Emergency Department Information System Market Size
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The Emergency Department Information System Market Size was valued at USD 877.4 billion in 2023, and is expected to reach USD 2509.89 billion by 2031 and grow at a CAGR of 14.04% over the forecast period 2024-2031.The Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) market is experiencing significant growth driven by the increasing demand for efficient patient management, enhanced clinical workflows, and the need for real-time data access in emergency care settings. These systems streamline operations by integrating patient records, clinical data, and administrative functions, thereby reducing wait times and improving patient outcomes.
Get Sample Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/2404
Market Scope & Overview
Emergency Department Information System Market  research delivers up-to-date information on the state of the local and global marketplaces. Extensive analysis, original research interviews, and secondary research data were used to create this research study. The global research report includes viewpoints from executives at all stages of the consumer value chain, as well as a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of business professionals' data. To produce an analytical picture of the market, a number of exploratory research methodologies, including primary and secondary research, were used.
The Emergency Department Information System Market  research report covers a wide range of topics, including the most recent technological advances, global industry trends, market size and share, and emerging technologies. Because it provides a wide range of business information, such as major geographic areas, global market participants, opportunities, triggers, constraints, and hurdles, the research study is a reliable resource for market participants.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Application
Clinical documentation
Order entry (CPOE)
Patient tracking
Resource tracking and management
By Software Type
Single-source enterprise solutions
By Delivery mode
Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
By End User
Small Hospitals
Mid-size Hospitals
Large Hospitals
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact Analysis
The Emergency Department Information System Market research report looks into the influence of the Russia-Conflict disagreement on a variety of industries and markets. In addition, the report includes case studies of many market participants who are involved in such a disagreement.
Regional Outlook
The Emergency Department Information System Market  report also includes a number of simple visual aids and authentic statistical data that indicate the proportions of various service providers in many regional markets, including Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Competitive Analysis
The report is a trustworthy source of information and assistance as it provides crucial Emergency Department Information System Market industry statistics. The most recent research study analyses micro and macro statistics, as well as current and expected changes in the global economy in the near future, to acquire a better understanding of the market. The research study includes detailed profiles of the key market participants, as well as information on any significant recent events or activities that have given them a competitive advantage.
Key Reasons to Purchase Emergency Department Information System Market  Report
Global industry studies contain in-depth research, market estimates, trends, opportunities and challenges, growth factors, and vendor information.
A global industry study contains major developments, brand descriptions, product specifications, contact information, and other information.
A long-term projection, current trends and drivers, and an up-to-date study of the industry's increasing global structure are all included in the Emergency Department Information System Market  research report.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 3.28
Barnum & Bailey Day
Bhakti Mata Karma Jayanti (Chhattisgarh, India)
Children's Picture Book Day
Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu (The Way of Tea; Japan)
Confucius Memorial Day
Daffodil Day (French Republic)
Day of the National Security Service Officers (Azerbaijan)
Defy Death Today Day
Eggsibit Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Greatest Show on Earth Day
Haitian Pose Day
Hot Tub Day
International Laser Tag Day
International Women in Music Day
Istanbul Not Constantinople Day
Microfilm Day
National Amber Day
National Car Wash Day
National Children’s Picture Book Day
National Choking Awareness Day
National Day of Historic Centers (Portugal)
National Ram Day
National Triglycerides Day
Pallas Asteroid Day
Progressive MS Day
Ram Nawami (Nepal)
Respect Your Cat Day
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Serfs Emancipation Day (Tibet)
Sun and Moon Creation Day
Teacher's Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Three Mile Island Day
Virtual Advocacy Day
Washboard Day
Wear a Hat Day (UK)
Weed Appreciation Day
World Piano Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Forest Cake Day
Eat an Edy’s Pie Day (f.k.a. Eat an Eskimo Pie Day)
Something on a Stick Day
4th & Last Thursday in March
International Myeloma Action Day [Last Thursday]
National Letting Go of Stuff Day [4th Thursday]
National Medical Biller’s Day [Last Thursday]
National Wear Pants Day [Last Thursday]
Opening Day (Major League Baseball) [Date Varies]
Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day (Arizona) [4th Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 28 (4th Week)
National Protocol Officer’s Week (Last Week) [thru 4.3]
Independence & Related Days
Act of Union with England passed (Irish Parliament; 1800)
Cakeland (Declared, 2007) [unrecognized]
Revival Day of the Balkar People (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)
New Year’s Days
Yestarë (Elven New Year) [1st Day of Tuilë] (Lord of the Rings)
Festivals Beginning March 28, 2024
Hong Kong International Film Festival (Hong Kong) [thru 4.9]
National Folk Festival (Canberra, Australia) [thru 4.1]
Rabbits Eat Lettuce (Elbow Valley, Queensland, Australia)
Splashy Fen (Underberg, South Africa) [thru 4.1]
Wairarapa Balloon Festival (Masterton, New Zealand) [thru 4.1]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 2 (Pagan)
Aka Dasa Rudra begins (11-Week Long Balinese Festival) [Held every 100 years to restore balance between the forces of good & evil]
Aneirin (1 of the Cynfeirdd Celtic Book of Days)
Erasistratus (Positivist; Saint)
Festival of the Sacrifice at the Tombs (Ancient Rome)
Fra Bartolommeo (Artology)
Fred (Muppetism)
Garden Weeds Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Grace Hartigan (Artology)
Guntram, King of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gontran, Guntramnus; Christian; Saint)
Initial Caiani (Sacrifice at the Tombs; Ancient Rome)
Invasion of Loaming Shores Beyond the Certian Sea Anniversary (Shamanism)
John of Capistrano (Christian; Saint)
Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zarathustra; Zoroastrianism)
Kwan Yin (Taiwanese Goddess; Everyday Wicca)
Maxim Gorky (Writerism)
Meatball Appreciation Week begins (Pastafarian)
Palmistry Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Priscus, Malchus and Alexander (Christian; Martyrs)
Ragnar Lodbrok’s Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Tuotilo (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Thursday before Easter (a.k.a. ... 
Holy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Sheer Thursday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bad Heart Day (Person born today tend to suffer from heart problems)
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 6 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [6 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 15 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [21 of 57]
Andrea Chenier, by Umberto Giordano (Opera; 1896)
April Fool’s Day (Film; 1986)
The Artificial Silk Girl, by Irmgard Keun (Novel; 1932)
The Bear and the Beavers, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham (WB Animated Film; 2023)
The Birds (Film; 1963)
Brown Eyed Girl, recorded by Van Morrison (Song; 1967)
Burning Love, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1972)
The Devil in Miss Jones (Adult Film; 1973)
Dr. Devil and Mr. Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1964)
Duke, by Genesis (Album; 1980)
The Dying Earth, by Jack Vance (Novel; 1950)
Elmer Elephant (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Father’s Day Off (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Futurama (Animated TV Series; 1999)
A Gentlemen’s Gentlemen (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
The Great Gatsby (Film; 1974)
Head of State (Film; 2003)
Houses of the Holy, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1973)
Lucas (Film; 1986)
The Magus, by John Fowles (Novel; 1965)
The Money Pit (Film; 1986)
The Opry House (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
A Peck o’ Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Run Fatboy Run (Film; 2008)
Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (Walter Lantz Cartoon; 1941)
Serial (Film; 1980)
Spirited Away (Animated Ghibli Film; 2003)
Summertime Blues, recorded by Eddie Cochran (Song; 1958)
Symphony No. 1 in D Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Symphony; 1897)
Taking Off (Film; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Guntram, Ingbert (Austria)
Albena, Boyan, Boyana, Boyka, Boyko (Bulgaria)
Nada, Polion, Priska, Renata, Sonja (Croatia)
Soňa (Czech Republic)
Eustachius (Denmark)
Arm, Armas, Armo, Kallis (Estonia)
Armas (Finland)
Gontran (France)
Guntram, Ingbert, Willy (Germany)
Gedeon, Johanna (Hungary)
Sisto (Italy)
Eiženija, Ginta, Gunda, Gunta, Ženija (Latvia)
Girmantė, Odeta, Rimkantas, Sikstas (Lithuania)
Åsta, Åste (Norway)
Aniela, Antoni, Jan, Krzesisław, Sykstus (Poland)
Ilarion (Romania)
Soňa (Slovakia)
Doroteo, Sixto (Spain)
Malkolm, Morgan (Sweden)
Gwen, Gwenda, Gwendolyn, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 88 of 2024; 278 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 19 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 18 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 28 Green; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 March 2024
Moon: 90%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Archimedes (4th Month) [Celsus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 10 of 92)
Week: Last Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 8 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 3.28
Barnum & Bailey Day
Bhakti Mata Karma Jayanti (Chhattisgarh, India)
Children's Picture Book Day
Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu (The Way of Tea; Japan)
Confucius Memorial Day
Daffodil Day (French Republic)
Day of the National Security Service Officers (Azerbaijan)
Defy Death Today Day
Eggsibit Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Greatest Show on Earth Day
Haitian Pose Day
Hot Tub Day
International Laser Tag Day
International Women in Music Day
Istanbul Not Constantinople Day
Microfilm Day
National Amber Day
National Car Wash Day
National Children’s Picture Book Day
National Choking Awareness Day
National Day of Historic Centers (Portugal)
National Ram Day
National Triglycerides Day
Pallas Asteroid Day
Progressive MS Day
Ram Nawami (Nepal)
Respect Your Cat Day
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Serfs Emancipation Day (Tibet)
Sun and Moon Creation Day
Teacher's Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Three Mile Island Day
Virtual Advocacy Day
Washboard Day
Wear a Hat Day (UK)
Weed Appreciation Day
World Piano Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Forest Cake Day
Eat an Edy’s Pie Day (f.k.a. Eat an Eskimo Pie Day)
Something on a Stick Day
4th & Last Thursday in March
International Myeloma Action Day [Last Thursday]
National Letting Go of Stuff Day [4th Thursday]
National Medical Biller’s Day [Last Thursday]
National Wear Pants Day [Last Thursday]
Opening Day (Major League Baseball) [Date Varies]
Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day (Arizona) [4th Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 28 (4th Week)
National Protocol Officer’s Week (Last Week) [thru 4.3]
Independence & Related Days
Act of Union with England passed (Irish Parliament; 1800)
Cakeland (Declared, 2007) [unrecognized]
Revival Day of the Balkar People (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)
New Year’s Days
Yestarë (Elven New Year) [1st Day of Tuilë] (Lord of the Rings)
Festivals Beginning March 28, 2024
Hong Kong International Film Festival (Hong Kong) [thru 4.9]
National Folk Festival (Canberra, Australia) [thru 4.1]
Rabbits Eat Lettuce (Elbow Valley, Queensland, Australia)
Splashy Fen (Underberg, South Africa) [thru 4.1]
Wairarapa Balloon Festival (Masterton, New Zealand) [thru 4.1]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 2 (Pagan)
Aka Dasa Rudra begins (11-Week Long Balinese Festival) [Held every 100 years to restore balance between the forces of good & evil]
Aneirin (1 of the Cynfeirdd Celtic Book of Days)
Erasistratus (Positivist; Saint)
Festival of the Sacrifice at the Tombs (Ancient Rome)
Fra Bartolommeo (Artology)
Fred (Muppetism)
Garden Weeds Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Grace Hartigan (Artology)
Guntram, King of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gontran, Guntramnus; Christian; Saint)
Initial Caiani (Sacrifice at the Tombs; Ancient Rome)
Invasion of Loaming Shores Beyond the Certian Sea Anniversary (Shamanism)
John of Capistrano (Christian; Saint)
Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zarathustra; Zoroastrianism)
Kwan Yin (Taiwanese Goddess; Everyday Wicca)
Maxim Gorky (Writerism)
Meatball Appreciation Week begins (Pastafarian)
Palmistry Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Priscus, Malchus and Alexander (Christian; Martyrs)
Ragnar Lodbrok’s Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Tuotilo (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Thursday before Easter (a.k.a. ... 
Holy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Sheer Thursday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bad Heart Day (Person born today tend to suffer from heart problems)
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 6 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [6 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 15 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [21 of 57]
Andrea Chenier, by Umberto Giordano (Opera; 1896)
April Fool’s Day (Film; 1986)
The Artificial Silk Girl, by Irmgard Keun (Novel; 1932)
The Bear and the Beavers, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham (WB Animated Film; 2023)
The Birds (Film; 1963)
Brown Eyed Girl, recorded by Van Morrison (Song; 1967)
Burning Love, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1972)
The Devil in Miss Jones (Adult Film; 1973)
Dr. Devil and Mr. Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1964)
Duke, by Genesis (Album; 1980)
The Dying Earth, by Jack Vance (Novel; 1950)
Elmer Elephant (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Father’s Day Off (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Futurama (Animated TV Series; 1999)
A Gentlemen’s Gentlemen (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
The Great Gatsby (Film; 1974)
Head of State (Film; 2003)
Houses of the Holy, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1973)
Lucas (Film; 1986)
The Magus, by John Fowles (Novel; 1965)
The Money Pit (Film; 1986)
The Opry House (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
A Peck o’ Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Run Fatboy Run (Film; 2008)
Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (Walter Lantz Cartoon; 1941)
Serial (Film; 1980)
Spirited Away (Animated Ghibli Film; 2003)
Summertime Blues, recorded by Eddie Cochran (Song; 1958)
Symphony No. 1 in D Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Symphony; 1897)
Taking Off (Film; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Guntram, Ingbert (Austria)
Albena, Boyan, Boyana, Boyka, Boyko (Bulgaria)
Nada, Polion, Priska, Renata, Sonja (Croatia)
Soňa (Czech Republic)
Eustachius (Denmark)
Arm, Armas, Armo, Kallis (Estonia)
Armas (Finland)
Gontran (France)
Guntram, Ingbert, Willy (Germany)
Gedeon, Johanna (Hungary)
Sisto (Italy)
Eiženija, Ginta, Gunda, Gunta, Ženija (Latvia)
Girmantė, Odeta, Rimkantas, Sikstas (Lithuania)
Åsta, Åste (Norway)
Aniela, Antoni, Jan, Krzesisław, Sykstus (Poland)
Ilarion (Romania)
Soňa (Slovakia)
Doroteo, Sixto (Spain)
Malkolm, Morgan (Sweden)
Gwen, Gwenda, Gwendolyn, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 88 of 2024; 278 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 19 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 18 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 28 Green; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 March 2024
Moon: 90%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Archimedes (4th Month) [Celsus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 10 of 92)
Week: Last Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 8 of 31)
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meandmybigmouth · 7 months
The GOP is not liking Albania's Betrayal of Trump America's long standing although behind closed doors allied agreement with Putin's Russia!
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama welcomed the reactivation of the air base, which was officially closed in 2005, as “another element of security from our region of the Western Balkans, which we know well may be endangered from the neo-imperialist threats and ambitions of the Russian Federation.”
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crossroad1960 · 1 year
Lezioni di dignità e libertà dall’Albania all’arroganza totalitaria del regime russo.
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yhwhrulz · 1 year
0 notes
Anna Stishova: aka Kayaking Hijabi - Completing the Devizes to Westminster International Canoe Race. Pushing Boundaries and Inspiring Others Along the Way.
Meet Anna Stishova, an adventurous paddler hailing from Russia, whose paddling journey began in the UK in 2011. With a strong initial focus on white water kayaking, Anna's path took an unexpected turn towards flat water marathon racing due to various challenges she encountered along the way. As a dedicated paddler, Anna not only pursued her own goals but also became a staunch advocate for inclusivity in the sport. Let's delve into Anna's inspiring story of determination and community impact.
Overcoming Obstacles and Chasing Dreams:
In 2015, Anna faced a significant setback when an elbow injury from a bike accident forced her to put her athletic pursuits on hold for six months. However, Anna's indomitable spirit remained unwavering. In 2016, she earned her Coaching Paddlesports qualification and generously volunteered at the Leaside Trust in London, sharing her knowledge and passion for the sport.
Anna's ultimate aspiration was to complete the formidable Devizes to Westminster International Canoe Race, a challenging 125-mile-long journey often referred to as the "Kayaker's Everest." Undeterred, she participated in this demanding race twice, first in 2017 and then in 2018, paddling in a K1 kayak. Although her first attempt resulted in disqualification on Day 3 due to a minor time delay, her second endeavour faced unexpected adversities as adverse weather and treacherous water conditions forced the entire race to halt on Day 2.
During her time at Leaside, Anna crossed paths with Sirin Arif Gisel, a young Turkish girl who had relocated to the UK from Romania. Recognising Sirin's potential, Anna invited her to be her Junior-Veteran kayak crew for the 2019 DW race. Their collaboration paid off handsomely as they successfully completed the race, becoming the first female Muslim K2 crew to conquer the DW challenge. With Anna's achievement, she became the first hijabi Muslim woman, to finish the race.
Life's Transformations and Continued Resilience:
In 2019, Anna tied the knot shortly before the DW race and subsequently moved to Bolton. The following year, she experienced the joys of motherhood, along with the challenges posed by the Covid-19 lockdowns. Anna herself contracted the virus in April 2020 and continues to deal with its lingering effects. 
Furthermore, the combination of a demanding pregnancy, labor, and the pandemic led to a decline in her fitness levels. However, Anna discovered solace and rejuvenation by joining the Bolton Canoe Club toward the end of that challenging year. Her passion for paddling even inspired her stepchildren to explore the sport.
Advocacy and Recognition:
Anna's dedication and remarkable achievements within the paddling community did not go unnoticed. In 2021, she was honoured to become a #ShePaddles Ambassador for British Canoeing, serving as a role model and advocate for female participation in the sport. She also joined the Inclusion Advisory Group for British Canoeing, actively contributing to the development of the organisation's Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy for the years 2022 to 2026.
Looking ahead, Anna continues to be a shining example of perseverance, determination, and the power of inclusivity in the world of paddlesports. Her journey serves as an inspiration to all those who dare to chase their dreams, overcome obstacles, and make a lasting impact on their communities.
Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast! Tune in every Tuesday at 7am UK time. Hit the subscribe button to stay updated and ensure you never miss a show.
If you believe in the mission to increase the amount of female role models in the media, especially in relation to adventure and physical challenges. You can show your support by visiting www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast. 
Thank you for joining me on this journey.
  Show notes
Who is Anna
Moving to the UK in 2003 at 20 years old
Her love for paddlesports
Her childhood and growing up in Russia 
Getting introduced to the outdoors
Festivals and kayaking in Siberia
Wanting to start over in the UK
Her first big rafting trip at 18
Not knowing where to paddle in the UK
Converting to Islam & getting married 
Losing herself and going through a hard time
Visiting her parents in 2011 and going on a 21 day kayaking trip with friends in Siberia 
Wolves & bears!
Getting back into paddling again once back in the UK
Finding a local canoe club
How things have changed over the past 10 years
Hiring a coach 
Struggling with barriers in white water rafting and needing to make a pivot
Getting into flat water marathon racing
Being better suited to endurance 
Kayaking marathons
Devizes to Westminster International Canoe Race 
Persevering with the race and going back 3x
Deciding to enter as a Junior (aged between 15-19 years old) & Veteran Team 
Finding her team mate, Sirin Arif Gisel
Dealing with the death of a competitor during the end of the race
The lessons and learning from completing the race
The support from the flatwater community 
The mental challenges while being out on the river
Being a role model
Feeling judged by the non paddling muslin community
Using water sports as a way to have time to herself 
Motherhood and continuing with paddlesports
Not being able to get out and paddle during the lockdowns
Getting back into paddlesport 
Dealing with a back injury and not being able to get back into a kayak
Taking up Stand Up Paddle boarding 
Being a She Paddles Ambassador (2021-2022) 
Being a member of the Inclusion Advisory Group for British Canoeing 
How to connect with Anna on Instagram & Facebook
Follow #ShePaddles hashtag on Instagram
Advice for women who want to try new things 
  Social Media
Instagram: @KayakingHijabi 
Facebook: @KayakingHijabi 
    Check out this episode!
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imperiumallaboveall · 2 years
Watch "Dogfight Over Russia: F/A-37 Talon & EDI vs Su-37 Terminators - Stealth (2005)" on YouTube
Plus plus speed
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Colloquio con Luca Talese: Edi Rama esprime il suo parere
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Colloquio con Luca Talese: Edi Rama esprime il suo parere. Nel colloquio con Luca Talese, Edi Rama -Premier albanese - parla soprattutto della guerra in Ucraina. «Non dobbiamo aspettare che crolli uno dei due componenti per iniziare a trattare», questa l’unica soluzione possibile per il Premier. - «Non ha paura dell’escalation nucleare se il conflitto dovesse durare?» «È su questa paura che Putin fa la sua scommessa, quello che bisogna capire, secondo me, è che non è l’Ucraina. E’ piuttosto un assalto su tutta l’architettura della sicurezza internazionale, ma è un punto su cui bisognava ragionare prima o un po' dopo, ma non nel bel mezzo della guerra. Perché lui attaccando l’Ucraina ha fatto la gran scommessa di mettere sotto le ginocchia l’Occidente tramite l’utilizzo dell’energia come un’ arma e poi l’inflazione della guerra». - «Dopo un anno quando finirà la guerra? Come si arriva alla pace?» «Il bello di essere un Primo Ministro di un Paese così piccolo come l’Albania è che non sta a me a prendere decisioni così tremende e grandi tanto da cambiare il destino del mondo. Io credo che bisogna trovare i varchi per trovare la pace. Bisogna lavorare per la pace senza smettere di sostenere l’Ucraina e senza aspettare che la Russia vada totalmente in ginocchio.» - «È ancora possibile la pace?» «Adesso le ambizioni sono state un po' ridimensionate, ma anche grazie alle armi. Papa Francesco ha una santa ragione per condannare la guerra ma l’Ucraina non può porgere l’altra guancia» - continua - «Non bisogna mollare il popolo ucraino e con il suo governo. Loro stanno dando un contributo enorme per proteggere l’Europa perché se l’Ucraina non avesse retto l’urto le cose ora potrebbero essere completamente diverse, non solo per l’Ucraina ma per tutto il mondo». Qui la video intervista completa.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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martblogs · 2 years
Vapour Recovery Units Market Future Trends, Opportunities, Strategies to Boost Growth, Applications Forecast to 2028
According to this survey, the Global Vapour Recovery Units market is estimated at $ 480 million in 2021, and projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% to $ 610 million by 2028.
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of current Global Vapour Recovery Units Market based on segmented types and downstream applications. Major product development trends are discussed  under major downstream segment scenario. This report also focuses on major driving factors and inhibitors that affect the market and competitive landscape. Global and regional leading players in the Vapour Recovery Units industry are profiled in a detailed way, with sales data and market share info. This report also includes global and regional market size and forecast, drill-down to top 20 economies.
 Get Request Sample Report @ https://martresearch.com/contact/request-sample/13/91632
 Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the supply and demand status for many industries along the supply chain. Global Vapour Recovery Units Market Opportunties and Forecast 2022-2028 report makes a brilliant attempt to unveil key opportunities available in the global Vapour Recovery Units market under the covid-19 impact to help readers in achieving a better market position. No matter the client is industry insider, potential entrant or investor, the report will provide useful data and information.
 The Global Vapour Recovery Units Market has been exhibited in detail in the following chapters
Chapter 1 displays the basic product introduction and market overview.
Chapter 2 provides the competition landscape of global Vapour Recovery Units industry.
Chapter 3 provides the market analysis by type and by region
Chapter 4 provides the market analysis by application and by region
Chapter 5-10 presents regional and country market size and forecast, under the context of market drivers and inhibitors analysis.
Chapter 11 analyses the supply chain, including process chart introduction, upstream key raw material and cost analysis, distributor and downstream buyer analysis.
Chapter 12 provides the market forecast by type and by application
Chapter 13 provides the market forecast by region
Chapter 14 profiles global leading players with their revenue, market share, profit margin, major product portfolio and SWOT analysis.
Chapter 15 conclusions
 Segmented by Type
l Open-type Recovery
l Closed-type Recovery
 Segmented by Application
l Oil & Gas
l Food Processing
l Others
 Get Enquiry Report @ https://martresearch.com/contact/enquiry/13/91632
 Segmented by Country
   North America
       United States
   Asia Pacific
       Southeast Asia
   Central & South America
   Middle East & Africa
       South Africa
       Saudi Arabia
 Get Discount Report @ https://martresearch.com/contact/discount/13/91632
 Key manufacturers included in this survey
l PSG Dover
l Petrogas Systems
l John Zink Company
l Hy-Bon/EDI
l Cimarron Energy
l Aereon
l Accel Compression
 Contact Us:-
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