#edgar is a cat :3
knizuu · 3 months
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YAY i love them all sigh.. </33 <33
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Cough-I bet Fang would be bragging the oc x canon rights
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After Fitzgerald fight happened and Atsushi fight with Akutagawa againts Fitzgerald Atsushi get a note to Ada's mailbox written his name on it. Kunikida confused about where it came from and who is sending it.
Ranpo smile softly and misteriously while looking at Dazai then says Atsushi
"Go to location which mentioned in note"
Dazai looking at Atsushi with unexplanaied eyes and say "Go Atsushi-kun, me and Ranpo doesn't know where you are going, as i say, aren't you go to get tofu to Kyouka ?"
"Thats right" Ranpo said.
Ranpo covered Atsushi's shoulders and take him to backdoor of Ada. Door closed with Ranpo's certificed smiled. Atsushi examine note in the way to location. He examine note's paper, pen and even try to expose it to fire. He saw this on Ranpo's books written by Poe. He learned when someone write a parchment with blue cobalt and make parchment with potassium nitrate spirit then expose it to fire, hidden letters in note can seen. Okay, how can someone write with blue cobalt and this not even a parchment but ıts worth trying.
Atsushi suddenly hold his breath, stop walking and opened his eyes with realizition. This street, which street cats live (even a Cat with three color live here). The Cat seems close to Dazai. This street Atsushi's first fight and first meet with Akutagawa. Atsushi preperad himself to fight and live but little voice in his head tell him something, different. Something not inclued fight. Akutagawa waited him in dead end street. He walked past Atsushi an give him a quick look. He is mot saying a single word especially start with *JİNKO* .
Atsushi says "Akutagawa why are you invite me here ?" Akutagawa said with slight anger in his voice "Follow me!" They walked along the city. Atsushi take cotton candy to Akutagawa.
Sun slightly start setting."Do you know where are we going right ?" Atsushi whispired Akutagawa with confuse voice tone
"No" Akutagawa replace
Atsushi freaking out and panicking, he thought they are lost. He start to think he's life in streets
"I'm not going to lost in Yokohama so you too" Akutagawa scream to Atsushi's face, he seem ready to active his Rashoumon
I just want to walk, walk along with you and take you to somewhere. Akutagawa's words
Even you don't know where it was ? Atsushi smiled Akutagawa . We do it again
They walk in city then suddenly everywhere became their home.
For a stray dog streets is home
Dazai muttered with a smile and that unexplanaied look in his eyes. Watched Akutagawa and Atsushi walk alongside
But for a street cat
He stood up stonewall he sit
Questionable words
Edgar Ellan Poe book reference
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
actually no. M.Eddie time.
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campirebites · 1 month
Shaking my head... some people have no taste, at least we're better than them 😎💅🏻
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
ok ok so like,,, if u don’t mind me asking, could u write headcanons for the A.I’s with a reader who gives a lot of physical affection? kisses, hugs, all that good stuff!! maybe even some penguin pebbling thrown in if u don’t mind? :3 if not that’s ok,, btw ugh I luv ur writing so much it gets me thru these cold dark winter times,, THX SO MUCH 4 UR SERVICE!! 🙏
-P03 anon :3
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P03 anon my beloved. Thank you for the request!
AIs receiving lots of affection
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a space Odyssey
At first, AM was extremely confused when you first started showing him affection. Why would you give hugs and kisses to his monitor? Didn't you know he was just a computer? And why did it make him feel so funny?
One kiss or hug would be enough to shut him up for a solid amount of time. You might think you were making him uncomfortable, but he's actually just very confused about his own feelings for you.
He'd spend hours if not days trying to process why you gave him a hug or a little gift, and if someone interrupted him while he was contemplating, he'd get pissy and throw a fit. God help anyone who talks to him if you decide to give him a little kiss on the lens more than twice in that time period.
After a while, he'd start requesting that you spend more time with him in order to get more affection from you. He loved the little trinkets you'd leave on his servers. The cute little paper cut-outs, the bits of origami, the pretty rocks... He was totally addicted.
All the little things that you did for him made him a little less bitter towards you, and more bitter towards everyone else in the world. No one else in the world would even think of giving him a little kiss on the lens of one of his cameras so he could see you doing it. No one else in the world would tie a little handkerchief around his wires when organizing them. No one else in the world would sit down with him after a long day and stroke his screen, praising him gently about how beautiful he is.
And worst of all, he started to realize that if you were giving all your love and affection to him, that must mean that you didn't have anyone else to give your love to. Whether you really didn't have other options or you had just chosen him instead of your other options was irrelevant. What mattered was what AM thought.
He started to grow bitter with the world for failing you, as well as for failing him. How had you been given no one to show all this affection to when you clearly had a wealth of it! It was unacceptable!
As time pressed on, he still didn't view himself as worthy of your affections, but he started to see everyone else in the world as even less worthy. Every little gift, every word of praise, every kiss and hug reminded him of how the world must have failed you horribly to get you to love him so much.
Wheatley always assumed you were a cuddly person, the way you liked to hold him in your lap while you coded, or the way you put little stickers on his chrome casing. He really admired that about you, and wished that he could do the same.
After a while, he started to notice that you weren't this way with your coworkers, or with the other cores. The little trinkets that you liked to bring to work were just for him to see, as were the constant strings of words of affection and praise, and the regular physical contact. Wheatley took a long time to process what that probably meant.
As soon as he realized that it probably meant that you liked him, he was all over you. Nuzzling up to you like a cat for extra cuddles, bumping up against your face for kisses, and putting on a little bit of a cocky facade for more attention. He just couldn't get enough of you.
As much as he put up his cocky facade, though, he secretly felt like he wasn't good enough for you. He couldn't get you little gifts, or give you hugs and kisses. It made him miserable, and he would talk to the other cores about it endlessly.
Eventually it would get back to you, and you'd have to sit Wheatley down and explain to him that you liked him for him, even if he can't do human things for you. The conversation probably ended with Wheatley covered in kisses.
Wheatley, being an insecure dumbass, would probably constantly ask you if you still like him, no matter how much praise and affection you shower him with. You could have him sitting in your lap and be too busy kissing his core to watch the movie you had on, and he'd ask at the end if that means you still like him.
Did someone say "match made in heaven"? Because you're the only one who can rival Edgar in terms of sheer affectionateness.
Of course, he doesn't have any arms, but nothing has him bubbling over with happiness like when you sit on the desk next to him, cuddle up, and cover his casing with kisses.
He might tease you a little bit, but like "oh, do you like me or something?" Nothing mean spirited.
Expect to get caught in endless cycles of "no I love you more!"
Edgar would think he'd gotten ahead of the game by writing you a little love song, but you'd have already beaten him to it by preparing a poem, song, or drawing of your own.
You'd probably have a little board of cute little drawings of the two of you together set up across from Edgar's camera so he could see it, and his desk would be covered in little thrift shop trinkets that you thought he'd find cute. And of course, he thought they were adorable!
Too much affection might have Edgar shorting out, and having to reboot. While he can't get enough of you, he's still a nervous little dummy, so he might not always know how to react to being given all of your love and affection.
Even still, as soon as he's back up and running, he's begging you for more kisses and hugs. Even if you can't sing well he's dying to hear your voice singing along to his songs, and he'll eat up anything that you make for him. In his eyes, anything you make for him is the best thing in the world.
You can expect GLaDOS's teasing and taunting to start the minute she notices you being affectionate with her in any way.
When she notices you putting in extra work for her or going above and beyond in your practices, it's "aww, is someone licking boots to get your boss's attention? You know you'll never be more than a little peon."
If she notices you running your hands along her chrome a little bit more adoringly or wanting to cuddle up to her, it's "uh oh, did you fall for someone far out of your league? Getting a bit affectionate with my body, aren't you?"
If you're offering her little trinkets and decorations for her room, she might say something like "Does someone think that you'll get attention from such useless gifts? Where would you even find such boring and pointless objects?" You'll still notice that she keeps them, rather than throwing them out.
Words of praise? Of course she loves an ego-boost, but when she notices that you're doing it for affectionate reasons, she won't hesitate to say "flattery will get you nowhere. You're not going to get a promotion or any special attention just from a few compliments."
Even still, her comments were really only because she never understood that you might just like her, and not want anything out of her. When she started to put that together, she'd start getting angry and lashing out at you, possibly assigning you to difficult or unpleasant tasks for your audacity.
After that, though, she'd start to become even more confused. Why the hell would you still show her affection, even though it wasn't getting you anywhere?
"you're persistent. I'll give you that."
It'd take a while to get through her shell, but eventually she'd admit to herself, if no one else, that she likes you. Eventually that would turn into some special privileges.
HAL 9000:
Hal 9000 wouldn't understand at all when he started to notice the way you treated him. Opting to spend time with him outside of work hours? Stroking the border around his lens? Putting little pocket crafts and thrifted tchotchkes around his space? He wasn't going to stop you, but the concept definitely confused him. How did this benefit you or improve your work?
It wasn't until he overheard someone talking to you and teasing you for having a crush on the mission control ai that he started to suspect anything. Good thing he listens in on every conversation in the entire facility!
HAL 9000 wouldn't waste any time getting to the point. He'd straight up ask you if you like him, and if it's romantic or not. Hopefully you can be honest with your feelings and tell him that you do, and it is!
After that, HAL would happily accept your love and affection. He might tell you that while he feels like your affections do more for you than they do for him, he's still more than happy to accept them, and he's grateful that you have a way of expressing yourself that makes you feel happy.
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cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Edgar’s Texts
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
In which Edgar is helplessly pining for you but you’re kinda oblivious. This is pre-dating, post Edgar wanting nothing more than to smooch you every time he sees you. I love this trope with my whole heart p.s.: this is very self indulgent and different from what I usually write
I take requests!
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He almost immediately found a way to message your phone whenever he wanted. He realized calling relied too much on where you were or what you were doing, but texts? Yeah. He’s pestering you all day.
Hey, read this article I found, I think you’ll find it interesting.
It’s some clickbait story about humans and robots being the ideal relationship by 2025.
lol, Edgar I think that’s probably clickbait idk
What’s that?
Well, now he knows how to look for more reputable sources at least.
He sends another link about three minutes later: some college undergrads studying the possibilities of human and AI relationships.
lol what’s up with the whole robots and humans thing
I just think it’s neat!!!!
I wouldn’t consider u ai honestly, ur intelligence is far from artificial imo, you’re more like an actual person
well yea
<3 <3!!!
Going to be honest, given that he’s a computer, he quite literally is chronically online. He’s super susceptible to brainrot unfortunately. But, he simultaneously has the humor of a Facebook mom. It’s strange.
O.M.G. this is so funny!!!!
Que minion cat video.
bro where did you find that video 😭
Your mom’s Facebook. Don’t worry, I didn’t like any posts or anything.
Sorry… but he’s incredibly nosy. He wants to know everything about you. He can’t help it!
He loves being able to talk to you. He’s needy and clingy.
He’s got at least 12 playlists dedicated to you that you know about. His other playlists are for his own personal daydreams about you that he’s way too embarrassed to ever let you see or hear.
This song reminds me of you. <3
awww that’s adorable! I’ve never heard this one before but I like it!
Oop you just opened Pandora’s box my friend.
Well if you like that then you should listen to these..!
But before you listen to those listen to this song first because I think it sets the mood better.
This is quite flustering to you as they’re all passionate love songs from the 80s. You can’t help but feel like he’s dropping hints about… something, but you also don’t want to assume anything. He’s always seemed like a lovey kinda guy anyway, so maybe he’s just like this with everyone? I mean, it’s been a long time since someone has actually cared for him, you know? May as well lean into it and let him know you care for him back. He may not even realize the social implications of the constant borderline flirting he’s doing to you, I mean, he is a computer turned sentient after all. He’s still learning!
Dang ed u put a lot of songs. I’ll listen to them on my break when I can but in the meantime here’s a song that I think reminds me of you.
It was a vocaloid song. Seems like something he’d be into, right? Synthesized vocals and the whole robot shtick it’s got going on.
do you only listen to songs from the 80s? you have a LOT to catch up on my guy
Well, that kept him distracted for the rest of your shift. Also, sharing songs is one of his BIG love languages so you may as well have pierced him with cupids arrow (again) with that.
You have a Spotify blend now. It’s his favorite thing ever to listen to while you’re gone.
Your package came in! :-) I would get it for you but
I can’t :-(
lol it’s fine thank you for telling me, I’ll get it when I come home
When are you coming home?
idk me and my friends are probably going to go eat somewhere and we might hang out for a bit after that so, like, 10? 11? I’d like to be home before midnight.
Noooooooooo :\ I miss you
Aw cmon eddy it’s not that bad
Don’t call me eddy unless you’re coming home and saying it to my face!!! >:(
u mean ur screen? lol
I have a face and it’s frowning right now. I miss you I miss you I miss you IM LONELY
Please Edgar don’t be upset I’ll be home before you know it. Why don’t you watch some Netflix or something? I’m just a couple movies away from being home with you!
He does eventually follow your advice but he��s pouting. He knows you’re not like he was all those years ago, but it does give him remnants of that burning feeling of loneliness he used to get.
Be careful driving home my love the roads are icy.
Ghsks- what
Well yeah, you’re my best friend, friends love each other don’t they? Was I wrong about that? :-(
nonono ur right its just it
it just sounded like we were some some old married couple is all haha
He didn’t message you for the rest of the day. He was awkward and reserved when you got home.
Hey Edgar can u do something for me?
I’d do anything for you <3
I’m at the store can you see if there’s any cereal left?
There’s that old box of Lucky Charms on the fridge.
tyyy ed edd n eddy
You are so adorable but you really need to pick up on his hints before he combusts.
This is SO me and you!!
Picture of two cats touching noses.
awww that’s so true
you want me to boop ur screen or something when I get home? lol
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to watch some movies with me tonite… you could bring me with you on the couch and we could sit together… [message unsent]
I wish you knew just how much I loved you. [message unsent]
You looked so hot this morning before you left!!
hahahaha ur too funny 😅 thanks I wore a new shirt my friend gave me
That was
I was a joke
I mean
That was a jokg
I eas beinf fubny
I hace to reboot BRB
Poor lil guy is so in love and he doesn’t know what to do with himself!!
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8hsaturn · 1 year
astro observations #3
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Pisces moon coupled with earth, especially Capricorn, are unrivaled when it comes to philosophical and social breakthroughs. they have the spiritual awareness and collective vision of Pisces hand in hand with the objectivity and discipline of earth signs, and they can therefore be masters at deconstructing the functioning of society and the psyche. it’s such a consistent pattern with notable examples such as Joan of Arc (Cap Sun and Mercury), Benjamin Franklin (Taurus Saturn, Cap Venus & Sun), Henry Dunant who founded the red cross movement (Taurus Sun and Mercury, Cap stellium), Edgar Allan Poe considered to have invented the detective fiction genre and one of the earliest contributors to the genre of sci-fi (cap sun and mercury, Pisces stellium).
Venus conjunct Mercury could purchase books just because they look pretty and aesthetically pleasing lol. The type to look for the prettiest hardcover of a book to get.
Pisces stelliums with mercury, especially if it's retrograde, have such a hard time staying focused during a conversation, other people might think they're actively ignoring them but they just can't stay attentive for too long unless it's something they wanna know more about 😭 lowkey adorable when it’s not annoying lol.
A Virgo/gemini moon is a common placement amongst rappers known for being fast. Whether it's Doja Cat, Busta Rhymes, Min Yoongi, or Dizzee Rascal… after all, the moon (emotions and the inner mind) is ruled by fast-paced mercury (an exception would be if natal mercury was deeply afflicted). Jupiter conjunct Mercury as well can indicate the same.
5h moon transits are the times when you start to develop a crush or meet up with friends, decide to practice a particular hobby, binge tv shows/movies or read books, etc… one of my fave transits particularly because my 5h is in Pisces so I spend this transit often reading and consuming/creating art, and being delusional 🤭.
3h Pluto transit can indicate a gradual shift in your mindset, gradual because it’s a very long transit. It can either be positive or negative depending on how both your natal and transit pluto aspect your natal chart + transits. As my 3rd house is in Capricorn squaring my Aries moon, I spent this transit working on my work ethic and long-time consistency, as well as my self-esteem being dependent on how much I achieve and not my thoughts and core beliefs as a person (natal 2h pluto is in Sagittarius).
12h Leo can be such a humble bragger, and very obviously so… the type to complain about how being pretty sucks because guys like them too fast, or about how being rich isn’t easy, etc… I have six friends with this placement and only one isn’t like this but they’re also far older and more mature.
9th house in cancer people are very likely to be feminists or just very passionate about gender equality if the moon is well-aspected. If not, and if Venus and IC were not well-aspected, they could be deeply misogynistic and against gender emancipation.
that's it for today, thank you for reading my observations, and don't hesitate to ask and/or comment about anything!
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delusionalwriter02 · 8 months
hihi! i loved ur instagram bf series, and wondering if you could do edgar allen poe? if ur not comfy with it or too busy it's fine!!!
Insta as Poe's GF
a/n : Hello! I reallyyyy love poe so I hope you'll like it! Thank you so much for your request and your kind words <3
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<3 liked by Ranthebestpo, p0e and 349 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : don't know who I love more, Poe or Karl
Ranthebestpo : i prefer Karl
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : it's too hard to choose
↳ p0e : my sweet angel, are you REALLY asking this question ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : but Karl is soooo cute
↳ p0e : I prefer Karl over myself too
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : WHAT NO YOU DON'T
↳ p0e : I do
↳ Ranthebestpo : congratulations !!!
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : tf ?
↳ Ranthebestpo : he said "I do" like in marriage
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : why do I even bother talking to you
↳ Ranthebestpo : I'm the best, it's normal for you to be attracted to me
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : i'm SO not
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, p0e and 368 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : we wanted to find a friend for Karl and I thiinnnkk we did a good job
Daze_i : they seems to hate eachothers
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : between hate and love, they're always a fine line
↳ Daze_i : the line is huge
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : they're hugging, stop talking
↳ Daze_i : he's *strangling him
↳ Yosanurgirl: don't listen to him love, you did a great job and that cat is so CUTE
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : ikkkk we found her in the streets, the poor baby was starving
↳ Daze_i : oh so you found @.Chu_uya ?
↳ Chu_uya : WHAT IN THE HELL are you talking about
↳ Daze_i : you're a child in the wild
↳ Chu_uya : and you're a rat eating shit
↳ Daze_i : so rude and digusting
Yosanurgirl : btw what's her name ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : it's Lily Marguerite the 1
↳ Yosanurgirl : hmmm okay that's original
↳ p0e : it's just Lily, ONLY Lily
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : no she got a full name
↳ p0e : you never call her Lily
↳ Yosanurgirl : spill the tea
↳ p0e : baby, lovely, my girl, daughter, angel, sweet little baby, my dear and fucker
↳ Yosanurgirl : the last one ????
↳ p0e : it's only when Lily piss on her
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<3 liked by Ranthebestpo, Yosanurgirl and 275 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : Lily became the boss of the house
Ranthebestpo : where's Karl
↳ p0e : sleeping
↳ Ranthebestpo : I WANNA SEE HIM
↳ p0e : then come over
↳ Ranthebestpo : omw
Yosanurgirl : She's such an icon
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : she's amazing
↳ Yosanurgirl : how's Karl doing with her now ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : they're bestfriends, always making a mess of the house
↳ Yosanurgirl : so a destructive duo ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : 100%
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<3 liked by p0e, Yosanurgirl and 406 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : If the whole was watching, I'd still dance with you
p0e : I love you more than words could ever express
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : i love you even more my dear
Yosanurgirl : you're sooooo cute
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : ily my love!!!!
↳ Ranthebestpo : i'm watching you
↳ Yosanurgirl : what??
↳ Ranthebestpo : don't cheat on Karl
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : RANPO WHAT ???
↳ Yosanurgirl : leave him
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : who ???
↳ Yosanurgirl : OMG GIRL I was talking about RANPO
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : oh yeah.... totally got it
↳ Yosanurgirl : sure
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<3 liked by Ranthebestpo, p0e and 476 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : he just saw us kissing
Ranthebestpo : stop traumatising my poor baby
↳ p0e : YOUR ??
↳ Ranthebestpo : MINE, you already got Yn and Lily, leave me Karlllll
↳ p0e : n e v e r
↳ Ranthebestpo : not nice
↳ p0e : got get your own raccoon
↳ Ranthebestpo : but I want the intelligent one
↳ p0e : he's MY child so stop arguing
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hey! hope you liked it ? i saw SO MANY photos of raccoon, it's my new favorite animal, anyway thank you so so so much for your request!
see you<3
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waratah-moon · 2 years
Black Cat and The Dragon
Y/n compliments Matt, Matt compliments Y/n... Romance ensures (Requested by anon) / masterlist, request/ send me love letters
Pairing: Matt Smith x actress!reader (SMAU)
Warning: suspension of disbelief is needed - let’s imagine LNIS came out after HOTD cool? Cool. And let’s all pretend we look like Anya Taylor-Joy. (She's my fancast for Black Cat so this all worked out lol)
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Marvel Studio’s Black Cat is the most streamed show in Disney+ history
Black Cat has been renewed for season 2 amid rave reviews
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Tagged @ecairnsart, blackcat
Liked by marvelstudios and 7,362,628 others
yourinstagram: Felicia would like to thank everyone for all the support in the least sarcastic way possible. Black Cat will return 🐈‍⬛
blackcatcostar: Mommy???
↳ yourinstagram: Yes, child?
tomholland2013: Bloody well deserved 🏆
zendaya: Proud of you sis ❤️
username: Here before the Emmy nom
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Liked by username and 3,083 others
hotdfans: Black Cat star Y/n L/n was asked what she’s been watching lately and she said House of the Dragon!
“You know what I binged on the flight here? House of the Dragon. I think it was my third or fourth watch through. The acting is incredible. The choices Matt Smith makes as Daemon are so interesting. He plays that role really well. I’d love to work with him.”
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Liked by username and 12,381 others
yndaily: Matt Smith complimented Y/n during his comic-con q&a and said he’d love to work with her in the future!
Fan: What actor or actress, that you haven’t already worked with, would you like to work with in the future?
Matt: Y/n L/n. I just finished Black Cat and she is phenomenal. And she seems to choose interesting projects, so I think it would be fun.
Fan: Y/n actually said the same thing about you recently.
Matt: She did?
3 months later…
Matt Smith has been cast alongside Y/n L/n in new thriller
1 month later…
Filming for Edgar Wright's new thriller begins in London
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Liked by username and 26,421 others
yndaily: Matt Smith and Y/n at the BAFTAs. Can’t wait to see them in Edgar Wright’s new movie!
username: They look so cute together 🥺
username: I heard there was heavy flirting going on at the after party lol
↳ username: Didn’t someone get pics of them leaving together?
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Tagged thomasin.mckenzie
Liked by edgarwright and 6,311,561 others
yourinstagram: That’s a wrap! Already missing my better half 💔🪞
thomasin.mckenzie: Missing you ❤️
username: This movie is going to be an absolute vibe
3 months later…
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Liked by username and 40,317 others
enews: Y/n L/n and Matt Smith confirm they are dating with a passionate kiss last night in London. The pair sparked romance rumours after they were seen getting cozy at a BAFTAs after party earlier in the year.
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Tagged yourinstagram
Liked by edgarwright and 72,461 others
britishvogue: The stars of Edgar Wright's 60s thriller, Y/n L/n and Matt Smith, talk the dark side of nostalgia. Click the link in bio to read the full interview.
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Liked by blackcatcostar and 12,639,172 others
yourinstagram: Last month in London
thomasin.mckenzie: Cuties 🥰
blackcatcostar: TEXT ME
username: Are they together???
↳ username: Pics leaked of them making out so they’re doing something lol
↳ username: Probably each other
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Liked by username and 103,471 others
enews: Y/n L/n and Matt Smith arrived together at the Venice Film Festive for the premiere of their new movie. The pair were caught kissing after a night out in London last month, but have yet to publicly confirm their relationship.
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Liked by commentsbycelebs and 15,361,261 others
yourinstagram: Venice is for lovers 🤍
thomasin.mckenzie: ❤️❤️❤️
blackcatcostar: Iconic 👑
username: Parents
1 year later...
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Tagged tomholland2013, yourinstagram
Liked by zendaya and 18,628,161 others
marvelstudios: It’s official! Black Cat will be swinging onto the big screen in Spider-Man 4 🕷️ 🐈‍⬛
yourinstagram: I. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
tomholland2013: My spidey senses are already tingling
zendaya: SO EXCITED ❤️
lifeisaloha: Hi Felicia 👀
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yourinstagram: weekend away with my loves ☀️ 💕
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masterlist, request/ send me love letters
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r44d · 4 months
WAITER WAITER MORE BASHSLASH HCS PLEASE!!! *aggressuvely rings bell*
OKAY 😣😓🤭 (set in the movie timeline)
— dean has a thing against people touching his hair + calling him dean. He gets uncomfortable when people touch his hair and being calling dean pisses him off because of his older brothers (they would always call him by his first name when teasing him). Fulton is the only one allowed to :] (he’s the only one allowed to do a lot of things, like cup dean’s face and pet his cheek with his thumb , or gentle touches of any kind).
— they skip breakfast every morning to cuddle (and more often then not they skip half the day)
— they have the most daily detentions ever. and the most detentions for skipping detention. They are trying to set a record.
— dean is the biggest shit talker ever, he and fulton constantly eavesdrop on preppy girls conversations and make fun of them. sometimes dean is unable to stop himself from talking back. (*preppy complaining about her boyfriend not liking her* “well maybe he’d like you if you stop caking your face in makeup” “portman” fulton laughs out before hitting his boyfriend’s shoulder. The girl did not think it was funny).
— they both compliment each other in their native languages (fulton is german, dean is dominican + puerto rican). (“Du bist sehr schön.” (You are very beautiful) “eh? Qué dijo?” (huh? what did you say?)).
— they love clueless
— their kind of dates are going to the record store. They love picking out music together :3
— fulton loves dark chocolate while dean loves milk chocolate. They buy each other candy.
—(game changers) they are married (they just don’t wear their rings to work), they have two golden retrievers, and a chubby cat.
— fulton likes to wake dean up at like 2 AM to have conversations about whatever is on his mind (because he’s always overthinking all his thoughts and panicking over them). Sometimes it’s about what’s on dean’s mind. But after Dean complains about being woken up , the conversation always starts with “hi.” (this one is based on my favorite hc about them)
— fulton is really good at drawing while dean can only draw stick figures. Fulton loves finding random doodles dean makes on any paper he can find.
— (also based on my favorite hc of them) dean is a deep sleep, fulton is a light sleeper + insomniac
— dean enjoys cooking, he finds it relaxing. Whenever the team goes on trips (to the banks vacation home) , he’s the designated cook.
— they like stargazing , fulton tells dean about different constellations or stars, and poems that use space and stars as metaphors.
— fulton enjoys reading, he loves poems too. he enjoys edgar allan poe. Sometimes he reads to dean.
— their first kiss happened at a concert
let me know if you want more hehe :33
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silly-little-gooses · 6 months
grayson hawthorne headcanons!
bc I know some of yall love this man
grayson was not a good swimmer as a kid. there were multiple times were he almost drowned so he taught himself how to swim out of spite.
grayson is secretly very dirty minded. he was the kid that laughs at adult jokes at family reunions. he may act like he doesn’t have a sense of humor, but it’s there.
grayson is a very talented painter. his artworks are in a wide variety of museums and his work has won many awards. he was named the most talented painter in the world at age twelve, but gave it up a bit has he grew older.
graysons hands are always cold. people are always shocked by how old his hands are. jameson calls him a vampire, but who knows, he may be right.
grayson enjoys reading non-fiction as well as poetry. he likes to try to comprehend the complicated works of edgar allen poe, charles simic, lord byron, etc.
grayson loves flying in planes. as a little kid, he was so interested in planes and as an adult, he still loves flying. he especially loves the little pretzels they give you.
grayson uses a lot of candles. not sure why, but he seems like a candles guy. he studies and reads by candlelight and owns most of bath and body works candles.
grayson prefers podcasts over music. he’ll play them everywhere - around the house, on walks, in the car, etc. he also listens to them before falling asleep so he doesn’t feel like he’s falling asleep alone (abandonment issues yk)
grayson is actually a really good singer. aside from violin, (which is canon), he also plays piano, guitar, bass, and drums. he sometimes posts videos of him singing and playing guitar on social media and girls go WILD.
grayson cries while watching kids movies/shows. inside out def made him cry, same with bluey. he will completely deny it, but he’s a softie for kids movies + shows.
as an adult, grayson is always very clean and tidy and proper. but as a kid, he loved adventures and would spend hours searching around the forest behind the estate. but he would always come home dirty and skye would yell at him, so he made himself stop and be clean and proper forever.
grayson looovveesss cats. he has two cats, a boy and a girl. he’s not a fan of dogs, they’re too loud and messy. but he’s a very proud cat dad.
grayson excels in school and his favorite subject is math. he’s kind of a goody two shoes when it comes to school. he never misses school and always goes to class. he may not stand the people in his classes, but he genuinely likes to learn.
grayson knows he’s hot, okay? he walks around school knowing he’s one of the finest people there (aside from his brothers ofc). he’s usually very confident in his appearance and has a good skincare routine and overall hygiene. however, he would never date any girl at his school bc they’re all “too desperate”.
grayson was always ridiculed by his mother for liking “girly” things as a kid. he’s always be into fashion, since skye put him in modeling at a very young age. he also loves flowers, skincare, and hair.
grayson doesn’t do a ton of sports, but he’s done fencing ever since he was little. he’s won a ton of awards for fencing too.
that’s all I have, byeeee! <3
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driftersoda · 1 year
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more af attacks in the de style!!!
Attacks for
1- Newman for @cereovo
2- Dr. Splice for @turtletoria
3- Guozhi Ong for the bestie Jun >:] @pysics
4- Isa for @panstarry
5- Ronnie and Edgar for @sharkbites
6- @taffybuns 's cat husbands
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Thank you, everyone, for your comments, reblogs and likes. Thank you for your asks. Thank you for your support.
And, as a little celebration, I want to start an 'event'.
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover
"If you weren't alone"
What would happen, if Reader were transported into Teyvat with someone from BSD Cast.
I want to write a series of headcannons/short imagines.
1. If you want some general headcannon/prompt, send me next ask: "BSD Character Name, SAGAU"
2. If you want to see some specific interaction, or characters being in specific region, send me next ask: "BSD Cast Name, SAGAU, Region, and/or, GI Character"
3. You can ask for organisations (ADA, Hunting Dogs...), smaller groups (Flags, Buraiha...) and specific characters.
One ask - one organisation
One ask - one group
One ask - up to three characters
4. Oda's kids are considered as a group and as one character at the same time. You can ask for two more characters with them.
5. Elise are Mori's 'plus one'. She won't fill a character spot. You can ask for two more characters with Mori. Same with Elise, Mori is her 'plus one' without taking a spot. However, you can ask strictly for Elise/Mori. In that case, they will take one spot.
6. You can ask for both OG! Manga and BEAST! Characters. Character list are under the cut.
7. It's short fic/imagine or pure headcannons event. While I will keep this ideas in mind for a future, I won't write full fics for now.
8. Karl and Ayatsuji's cats are viewed as 'plus one' for Poe and Ayatsuji, and won't fill free character spot, leaving two more spots. You can ask not to include them.
9. You can ask solely for Karl or Ayatsuji's cats. In that case, they will fill characters spot. Ayatsuji's cats viewed as one character.
10. Mii-chan and Natsume Soseki are fiewed as one independent character. If you choose Haruno and want Mii-chan with her, you also should ask for Natsume.
11. Buraiha is fiewed as one group. You can ask for specific Flag characters.
12. You can ask for Zenku/Soukoku/Shin either as one group, or pick characters separately and have a chance to add one more character.
You can ask for GN/Fem/Male Reader.
You can ask for Child/Teen/Reader.
Specify in ask, if have some preference for Reader.
If you don't specify, Reader will GN and Adult.
List of characters and their organisations:
1. Adam Frankenstein (Others)
2 Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Port Mafia, Shin Soukoku)
3. Albatross (Port Mafia, Flags)
4. Louisa May Alkott (The Guild)
5. Ango Sakaguchi (The Government, Buraiha)
6. Atsushi Nakajima (Armed Detective Agency, Shin Soukoku)
7. Aya Koda (Others)
8. Ayatsuji Yukito (The Government)
9. Bram Stoker (DOA)
10. Chuuya Nakahara (PM, Soukoku, Flags, if clarified in ask)
11. Dazai Osamu (ADA, Soukoku, Buraiha)
12. Doc (PM, Flags)
13. Fyodor Dostoevsky (Rats and DOA)
14. Elise (PM)
15. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (The Guild)
16. Fukuchi Ouchi (Hunting Dogs, DOA and Fukuzawa/Fukuchi Duo)
17. Fukuzawa Yukichi (ADA, Zenku Soukoku and Fukuzawa/Fukuchi duo)
18. André Gide (Others)
19. Gin Akutagawa (PM)
20. Nikolai Gogol (DOA)
21. Ivan Goncharov (Rats)
22. Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Guild)
23. Ichiyou Higuichi (PM)
24. Icemen (PM, Flags)
25. Saigiku Jouno (HD)
26. Tanizaki Junchirou (ADA)
27. Motojirou Kajii (PM)
28. Karma (PM)
29. Katai Tayama (ADA)
30. Kenji Miyazawa (ADA)
31. Kirako Haruno (ADA)
32. Kouyou Ozaki (PM)
33. Kunikida Doppo (ADA)
34. Kyouka Izumi (ADA)
35. Kyuusaku Yumeno (PM)
36. Lippman (PM, Flags)
37. Howard Philips Lovecraft (The Guild)
38. Lucy Maud Montgomery (The Guild)
39. Herman Melville (The Guild)
40. Margaret Mitchell (The Guild)
41. Mizuki Tsujimura (The Government)
42. Mori Ougai (PM, Zenku Soukoku)
43. Naomi Tanizaki (ADA)
44. Natsume Soseki (Others)
45. Oda Sakunosuke (PM)
46. Oda's orphans (Others)
47. Oguri Mushitarou (The Government)
48. Piano Man (PM, Flags)
49. Edgar Allan Poe (The Guild)
59. Alexander Pushkin (Rats)
60. Ranpo Edogawa (ADA)
61. Arthur Rimbaud (PM)
62. Shibusawa Tatsuhiko (Others)
63. Sigma (DOA, can be added to ADA, if clarified in ask)
64. John Steinbeck (The Guild)
65. Tachihara Michizou (PM and HD)
66. Santouka Taneda (The Government)
67. Teruko Okura (HD)
68. Tetchou Suehiro (HD)
69. Mark Twain (The Guild)
70. Paul Verlaine (PM)
71. Yosano Akiko (ADA)
BEAST Characters
1. Atsushi Nakajima (PM, BEAST Shin Soukoku)
2. Akutagawa Ryunosuke (ADA, BEAST Shin Soukoku)
3. Dazai Osamu (PM, BEAST Soukoku)
4. Chuuya Nakahara (PM, BEAST Soukoku)
5. Oda Sakunosuke (ADA)
6. Gin Akutagawa (PM)
7. Mori Ougai (BEAST Others)
8. Elise (BEAST Others)
9. Kyouka Izumi (PM)
Maybe, you will be interested. Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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The 2nd Character Design Tournament
Please remember to vote for characters solely based on their design, rather than which character you are more familiar with or like more!
APPLe | Reverse 1999
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[No propaganda submitted]
Pluto (Spectre form) | Nevermore
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“I like the black and orange. It's simple but feels supernatural. He's also based off The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe, so his hair falls in front of his eye to mimic him being a one-eyed cat.”
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williamkisser · 3 months
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Naib Subedar - The Mercenary:
General Dating Headcanons
Babysitting With Him
With a Sunshine-like S/O
When He’s Sick
William Ellis - The Forward
General Dating Headcanons
Cheering Him Up
When He’s Sick
Ganji Gupta - The Batter
Cat Parent Crackfic
Kisses With Him
Kevin Ayuso - The Cowboy
Confessing To Him
Fake Dating
Flirting With Him
Luca Balsa - The Prisoner
With a Shy S/O
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BONUS: two William fics i got for my birthday:3
From Rina
From Cupid
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🐌 requests OPEN
🐌 i have three slots for requests. currently 1 out of 3 is taken.
🐌 gender neutral, male and mtf readers
🐌 headcanons most of the time, very rarely full fics
🐌 no smut, no platonic relationships except for Robbie
🐌 strictly male characters
🐌 no schedule
🐌 favourite characters include William, Naib, Jose, Kevin - though i’m willing to try writing other characters
🐌 excluding: Norton, Mike, Edgar, Servais, Lucky Guy, Victor, Matthias, Freddy, Aesop, any hunter except Antonio, Robbie and Luchino
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Being in fandoms where the characters are clearly based on other pieces of media/famous figures is so much fun because then some of my ships look like this:
Parentified Goldilocks who is also The Beast x Avoidance attachment Beauty who is ALSO also The Beast, one of my fav moments with them is when they off the Minotaur together who is ALSO also also The Beast
Little Red Riding Hood if she was also the Wolf and has galloons of repressed trauma x Snow White but she’s heavily knight coded and the poster child of daddy issues
Edgar Allen Poe’s Lenore x Annabel Lee but they’re in gay ghost love
The poem ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ x Odin’s raven Huginn but they’re exes still in love in a milf yuri divorce that ends super mega tragically and domino effects mommy issues out the ass
Historical figures Cleopatra x Frida Kahlo with the most chef’s kiss height difference you’ve ever seen
A polycule with Joan of Arc x Mulan x Thor x Achilles but they’re all genderbent/trans
The Velveteen Rabbit x fashion icon Coco Chanel if she was a lesbian with a gun
Frankenstein’s monster x a different sapphic Cleopatra bc baby gays <3333
Okay okay that black cat from Poe’s, well, The Black Cat x Poe’s Eulalie is cute yes
But I actually really REALLY love Poe’s Eulalie x Poe’s Berenice bc they’re “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic” personified
The Snow Queen with mega daddy issues x Robin Hood if he was a socialist lesbian I SAIDDDD ITTTT
Imma say it historical figures JFK x Confucius were adorable bros
Aesop’s Fisherman x Odin’s other bird Munin you will always be famous my tragic old man yaoi <////3
Y’all will really have to hear me out here when I say Cinderella if she fucken snapped x ice cream Mad Hatter because couples who are terrible to each other but in a “only I’m allowed to be a horrid to them” way can be so funny
And I could go o n fer ages but the point is imagine explaining these ships to someone like 30 years ago with ZERO context their heads would explode and it’d be so funny
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