#eden conformity
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ask-rowans-sides · 5 months ago
How are you all today? :D
What are your favorite pastries/snacks?
We're all doing well!!! Rowan got to sleep in today so now I'm all full of energy! - Aspen
Speak for yourself... (Yawn) - Hazel
Oh hush, you, you're always tired. Now, in terms of snacks... I just adore cinnamon buns... They're simply delicious. - Wisteria
I know it'll sound basic as hell, but I could eat sausage rolls all day... Or those little cheese and onion pastry bites? Thosw are so good... - Aspen
I enjoy a pasty every now and again - honestly any kind, I'm yet to eat a pasty I have not enjoyed. - Willow
Does a bakewell tart count as a pastry? I love them.. they always remind me of home... - Sequoia
Muffins. I don't give a shit it's not a pastry, chocolate chip muffins. - Yew
Ooookay then, uh, well honestly I really like pain au chocolat - they're so good, especially warmed up - Hazel
I suppose I'll have to say croissants - especially almond ones, if I must... - Eden
Yes! You must! Oh I just gotta say jam tarts... They're just so cute and yummy! Thanks for the question! - Juniper
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rhouxl · 3 months ago
Still not over the time my local "kill all men"/"I hate that I'm attracted to men" girl called me sexist for having a preference for butches over femmes and demanded an explanation for why I'm not that interested in femmes
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sivunas · 10 months ago
playing v rising has been making me want to make / revive all my vampire verses sjkdcs
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faberown · 7 months ago
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Answer: NO. And this should be obvious to anyone with some brain.
But let's try to give more explanations. First of all, let's start outside from the show, and answer a more important question:
Well, no. Actually, Adam in the Bible is one of the characters that respect and love women the most, which is ironic considering the time when such things were written (let's remember that until less than 200 years ago women were considering PROPERTY of the men). But then, why is Adam considered a misogynist today? Well, because a problem that unfortunately has afflicted us for a long time: people forget that the mentality of people when the myths were written was very different from today, and what means one thing for us at the time meant another. But unfortunately people don't understand this concept, because it is much easier to read and interpret in a literal way, or rather, in a way that conforms to their own thoughts, so as to justify their beliefs.
Let's take for example another famous myth, that of Hades and Persephone. Many modern interpretations see it as a kidnapping, but the truth is that Hades never kidnapped Persephone: before picking her up, in fact, he had asked permission from Zeus, her father (and also his brother... who was the brother of Demeter, the mother of Persephone... so he married the daughter of his brother that was born from an incest between his brother and his sister... yes, the Greek gods were the embodiment of Sweet Home Alabama). Only after Zeus had given him permission to marry Persephone had Hades gone to get her, because again, daughters at the time were PROPERTY of the male parent; not CUSTODY, just PROPERTY. The mother and daughter had no right to say anything. So, in fact, a kidnapping never existed: Hades simply went to take what belonged to him. Not only that, but Hades behaved in an unusual manner for the time: instead of immediately taking advantage of Persephone as was his right, once in the Underworld he courted her and treated her with extreme respect. He has never cheated on her and has always sincerely loved her (they are literally the ONLY healthy couple in Greek myth), and he himself even proposed the deal to Demeter when he realized that she sincerely wanted to spend time on the surface being the goddess of spring.
See? If we don't base ourselves on a literal interpretation of the myth but rather integrate it with the culture and mentality of the time, suddenly what seemed like an act of violence becomes one of the most beautiful couples in all of Greek mythology, which in fact they were. Now, let's try to apply the same reasoning with Adam, Lilith and Eve.
First let's make one thing clear: Lilith DOESN'T exist in the Bible, so here, to avoid too much confusion, we will simply talk about sacred texts, but that doesn't change much since they were written in very close times. Now, was Adam a bad husband for Lilith? Obviously not. That is a modern feminist literal interpretation of the myth, because they wanted to find at all costs a way to criticize religion and patriarchy (and no, I'm not mad at feminists, I'm simply mad at all those who misinterpret something just to justify their beliefs). In this myth, as we well know, Adam and Lilith had to have sex and she didn't want to be under him, and he replied that she always had to be under him. The problem? Again, the mentality of the time was different. To begin with, the idea of ​​the time was that "sacred" sex, and therefore the only sex allowed in Eden given that it was an earthly Paradise, was only that aimed at procreation; and to procreate, according to the mentality of the time (a mentality that has persisted until very recent times), the only right position was that of a missionary, otherwise the child wouldn't be born (in fact the prostitutes stayed on top not to risk getting pregnant). Is this false? Of course, but for the mentality of the time it was absolute reality. So what Adam is saying to Lilith is not "You must be submissive to me, slave woman you must obey me patriarchy blah blah blah", but rather "sorry, but I can't magically change the position of our organs, if we want to have sex we have to do it this way, so just accept it". Basically, it is as if today a woman wanted to get pregnant by only having oral sex, and after her boyfriend points out that it is impossible she accuses him of being misogynistic: who would you side with? So no, Adam never tried to impose himself on Lilith, Lilith was simply a bitch who wanted to do everything as she wanted and thought she could go against even her own nature. And considering what she did AFTER she escaped from Eden, it's very clear how out of her mind she was; I won't go into detail, just know that she has a long history of cannibalism, rape and pedophilia.
Let's talk about Eve now; again, the idea that she was subservient to Adam arises from a modern feminist misinterpretation. Eve was created from Adam's rib to be "more docile", but then again, "docile" thousands of years ago didn't mean "submissive" at all. "Docile" was considered synonymous with "affectionate, loving, faithful, gentle", and did not take into account submission to the master or anything like that, which in fact had another name. Eve was therefore not created from Adam's rib to be his servant, but rather because in this way they would both complete each other and love each other in the purest and deepest way (the classic saying "I love her as if she were a part of me") . It is, in a certain sense, a variant of a Greek myth that saw all people once united, only to be divided by the gods, and therefore destined to seek their other half through love. In fact, Adam and Eve were a united couple and loved each other madly, to the point that Adam, in many variants of the Bible and even in more modern works such as Milton's Paradise Lost, eats the forbidden fruit because he doesn't want to separate from Eve (which places him, by symbolism, in a heroic way but also as a worse sinner than her, given that he chooses mortality and desire instead of divine grace). In some other versions, even, God doesn't free them together but places them in different places on Earth, so that, after the initial quarrel due to the forbidden fruit, they understand how much they need each other and seek each other, and then reunite in love and begin humanity.
Alright, and with that, we're done with the "accurate biblically story" part. Personally, I was very disappointed that Viv didn't use the real version but limited herself to choosing the extremely wrong modern feminist one, given that I think the original one is much more interesting. But now, let's go further and move on to the second big question:
Hazbin Hotel clearly presents many differences with the sacred texts, to the point of creating a mythology more in its own right than being a reflection of the real one; consequently, let's try to look at it without taking into account what actually happened in the Bible. But even in this case, if we exclude the story described in Charlie's book (which has so many holes that it is impossible not to consider it false, especially considering it was written by those who are described as revolutionary heroes, something never confirmed by any other character of the series), then Adam is not a misogynist at all. Let's analyze his character: all his best soldiers are women and he never shows any doubt that they would know how to do what, since time immemorial, has been considered a man's job; his right hand is a woman and he allows her to speak back on him and even boss him around sometimes; his boss is a woman and even when they disagree he still respects her authority; and the list is still long. The only times he seems to despise women is when he talks to Vaggie, but it is clear that in that moment he is despising her more than women, since she is a traitor and an enemy. Haven't you ever seen a movie where the villain takes advantage of the situation to make fun of the hero, behaving in a way he didn't behave with his henchmen or allies? Well, this is basically the same. Should we consider him misogynistic because when he talks to Charlie he makes silly jokes and pranks and proudly talks about his experiences? I expect such behavior from a slightly rude person, certainly not from a misogynist. Based on this logic, Alastor (who slaps Vaggie on the ass in the pilot) and Lucifer (who objectifies Eve and Lilith by talking about them as if they were trophies during the battle) are misogynists too. It's just a ridiculous thought.
In particular there is a scene in which I want to focus to demonstrate his total absence of misogyny, namely the moment in episode 6 when he and Lute notice Charlie and Vaggie in Heaven. In that scene, Lute grabs him by the collar and orders him not to speak loudly, with a very rude attitude to boot. Not only this is a total lack of respect given the different rank that they have (let's not forget that he is her superior, moreover in a military context, where discipline and respect are considered fundamental and absolute), but it also destroys any idea that Adam might be a misogynist for one simple reason: he lets her do it. People tend to forget this because Adam acts like an idiot and Lute acts like the bossy one, but the difference in strength between them is enormous. Lute is good at fighting with an angelic spear, but Adam can summon weapons, shatter magical shields with a punch, open portals, fire beams of power equal to the most powerful laser on Earth, and even defeat Charlie who in power level is equal or even superior to the Deadly Sins except for Lucifer. Adam can literally pick up Lute and break her bones like she's a breadstick, and no one could scold him for anything since he, being the general of the army, has the authority to give punishments if he feels there is a lack of discipline. If Adam had been a misogynist and a woman had dared to treat him that way, he would have immediately reestablished his authority by punching her in the face, or at least threatening her; instead, he lets her do it and listens to her advice, and he even seems genuinely sorry after she makes an offended face because of an unkind comment of his. Let's said it again: Adam, a being who can fight on equal terms with the princess of Hell and win, doesn't get angry after being treated badly and with disrespect by a woman inferior to him, but rather listens to her and follows her advice. Does this seem misogynistic to you?
So, to conclude, no, Adam is not a misogynist, he's just a slightly rude person who thinks his jokes are funny (and it must be said that no one ever contradicts him). He's like the classic pompous friend that any of us have had in life. Calling him misogynistic means to have no clue what misogyny, or patriarchy, is. Viv's problem (as unfortunately with many others) is that she uses words to describe her characters without really knowing what they mean, and she relies on her personal experiences (extremely subjective and without any objective value for the rest of the world) to write them. If Adam is indeed based on an ex-boyfriend, then that ex-boyfriend was just a ridiculous pompous prideful guy who didn't know what education was, certainly not a misogynist. I don't wish for Viv to meet a true misogynist in her life, but if that will happen she will immediately understand how stupid she was to describe Adam as one.
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artmindlens · 6 months ago
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The Son of Man by René Magritte (1964)
The Psychology of Transgression and Guilt Magritte’s The Son of Man immediately captivates with its two central symbols: the apple and the figure’s formal attire. The apple, suspended in front of the man’s face, evokes not only the biblical narrative of Eden but also the Oedipal Complex, where transgression against the father’s law leads to guilt. In the biblical tale, Adam consumes the forbidden fruit offered by Eve, symbolizing the birth of self-awareness, shame, and the burden of guilt. In this painting, the man’s face is concealed behind the apple, echoing the unresolved guilt from that original transgression.
From a psychoanalytic perspective, the apple mirrors the child’s desire for the mother and the violation of paternal boundaries, evoking the tension between desire and punishment. Before consuming the apple, Adam was unaware of his nakedness, just as the child, before transgressing paternal laws, is innocent of their own desires. Magritte’s man, in contrast, is fully dressed—his body covered by a formal suit, suggesting an overcompensation for that earlier transgression. His attire, like the suit of a corporate leader, represents conformity to societal rules and the defensive structures built to contain one’s hidden impulses.
However, it’s the apple that holds the deepest psychological weight. By hiding the man’s face—his core of identity and expression—it creates a psychological tension between the desire to be seen and the fear of being exposed. For a leader or executive, this speaks to the unconscious burden carried beneath the polished exterior, where the drive for success is continually shaped by the fear of transgression and the guilt of overstepping social or professional boundaries.
The Suit as a Symbol of Conformity and Defense The man’s formal attire serves as more than just a uniform of professionalism—it becomes a psychological defense. The suit, much like the hat perched atop his head, symbolizes social status and conformity, a way to signal adherence to the expectations of society, much like corporate leaders navigate the demands of shareholders, regulatory bodies, and industry norms. Yet, behind this polished exterior, the apple remains—a reminder that no matter how much we align ourselves with social structures, the hidden burden of guilt and the desire to transgress still linger beneath the surface.
Leaders who resonate with this painting might feel an unconscious connection to this duality of identity. On one hand, they must project a facade of control, success, and conformity. On the other, they may grapple with the weight of unresolved guilt from past decisions or actions—choices that, like the apple, remain hidden from public view but deeply influence their sense of self.
Transgression, Authority, and the Pursuit of Power The Oedipal Complex present in this work also extends into the realms of power and authority. The apple, symbolizing forbidden desire, creates a tension with the suit, a marker of societal success and control. For those drawn to this painting, it may evoke a subconscious acknowledgment of the transgressive impulses that often drive ambition—the desire to challenge authority and push past boundaries, while simultaneously seeking approval from the very structures they seek to defy.
For executives or professionals who might display this work, The Son of Man serves as a psychological mirror, reflecting the internal struggles faced in their journey toward leadership. The fear of exposure, the guilt of transgression, and the need for external validation all intertwine within the image. It reminds us that no matter how elevated one becomes in status or authority, the unconscious drive to rebel and the weight of guilt are never fully erased.
The Apple as the Unconscious Burden of Guilt At its core, the apple not only hides the man’s face but represents the guilt of wanting more—more power, more success, more control. In leadership, this often translates into a continuous striving for achievement while carrying the fear of overstepping boundaries. The man’s face, hidden yet central, reminds us that in the pursuit of success, there is always a part of the self that remains concealed—driven by past transgressions and the desire to surpass societal limitations.
For those drawn to this painting, it could signal an unconscious recognition of the cost of ambition—that the pursuit of power, while necessary, also comes with a burden of guilt and the need to reconcile one’s hidden desires with public expectations.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 2 years ago
𝕽𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕺𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖎𝖟𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
𝕷𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕳𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘
Lilith, often referred to as the Dark Moon, derives her name from ancient mythology. According to various legends, she was the first wife of Adam before Eve, but her fierce independence and refusal to submit led to her expulsion from Eden. This captivating backstory sets the tone for Lilith's energy in astrology – one of defiance, authenticity, and a touch of rebellion.
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As we explore Lilith's journey through the astrological houses, we embark on a cosmic adventure that sheds light on how her presence can stir feelings of rebellion and ostracization. Buckle up for a voyage that unearths the intricate interplay between Lilith's influence and the unique energies of each house, encouraging us to break away from the ordinary and embrace our true selves. 🌟
Lilith in the 1st House (Aries): You rebel against societal norms and may feel ostracized for your unique appearance or assertive presence. You're unapologetically yourself, but others might find you intimidating or unconventional. On the darker side, Lilith's presence can fuel a sense of inner conflict and rebellion that leads to a constant struggle between asserting your individuality and fitting in. This internal battle may result in impulsive decisions and intense mood swings that make it challenging to maintain stable relationships.
Lilith in the 2nd House (Taurus): You resist conforming to material expectations and might feel rejected for not valuing possessions as others do. Money and security aren't your top priorities, which can create tensions with those who prioritize them. In the shadows, Lilith's energy might manifest as a deep-seated fear of financial instability, pushing you to resist the acquisition of material possessions at all costs. This could lead to a cycle of financial mismanagement or even unhealthy attachments to money and material comforts.
Lilith in the 3rd House (Gemini): You challenge traditional communication methods and may feel like an outcast in local circles. Your ideas and style of expression can be seen as provocative, leading to misunderstandings or exclusion. On a darker note, Lilith's influence can foster an attitude of stubborn defiance against learning conventions, which might lead to intellectual isolation or difficulties in maintaining open and harmonious communication with those around you.
Lilith in the 4th House (Cancer): You rebel against family traditions and might feel alienated from your roots. You strive for emotional independence, which can clash with familial expectations and make you feel like an outsider within your own family. In its shadow form, Lilith can bring about intense family conflicts and a feeling of alienation from your roots. This might lead to a persistent struggle to find a sense of belonging, as well as challenges in forming deep emotional connections with family members.
Lilith in the 5th House (Leo): You resist societal norms of creativity and self-expression, potentially leading to feeling like an outsider in artistic or recreational circles. Your approach to fun and self-discovery is unique and might be misunderstood. In its darker expression, Lilith's energy can contribute to a heightened fear of rejection and creative self-doubt. This might lead to a hesitancy to express yourself artistically and difficulty finding joy in leisure activities due to a lingering sense of being judged or misunderstood.
Lilith in the 6th House (Virgo): You rebel against routine and may feel ostracized for your unconventional work habits. Health and service-related expectations might not align with your approach, making you feel like an outsider in these areas. On a more somber note, Lilith's influence might lead to a strong aversion to authority figures or a tendency to rebel against conventional work structures. This can result in struggles with finding stable employment or maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Lilith in the 7th House (Libra): You resist societal expectations in partnerships, leading to feelings of rejection or exclusion in romantic relationships. Your desire for equality and independence can challenge traditional relationship dynamics. In its darker aspects, Lilith can intensify relationship issues by fueling a sense of mistrust and fear of vulnerability. You might find yourself repeatedly attracting partners who challenge your sense of independence, leading to a cycle of power struggles and emotional turmoil.
Lilith in the 8th House (Scorpio): You rebel against taboos and might feel ostracized due to your interest in darker, hidden, or unconventional subjects. Your depth and intensity can make others uncomfortable or unwilling to engage with you. In its shadows, Lilith's energy can prompt an obsession with the darker aspects of life, leading to a fascination with taboos and secrets. This can contribute to difficulties in forming deep and meaningful connections with others, as your intensity may be too overwhelming for some.
Lilith in the 9th House (Sagittarius): You challenge conventional beliefs and may feel like an outsider in matters of spirituality and philosophy. Your quest for personal truth might lead to feelings of isolation within traditional religious or philosophical groups. In its darker influence, Lilith might fuel a sense of isolation and rebellion against traditional belief systems. This can lead to a constant search for personal truth, but the rejection of mainstream ideologies might result in feeling disconnected from a broader sense of spiritual community.
Lilith in the 10th House (Capricorn): You resist conforming to societal expectations of success and authority, potentially making you feel like an outcast in professional settings. Your pursuit of individual recognition can be at odds with conventional career paths. On a darker note, Lilith's energy can trigger a deep fear of failure or inadequacy, leading to a relentless pursuit of success and recognition. This might result in burning yourself out while attempting to live up to societal expectations and ignoring your authentic desires.
Lilith in the 11th House (Aquarius): You rebel against groupthink and might feel excluded from social circles due to your unconventional ideals. Your desire for true friendship and equality might lead to feelings of isolation within peer groups. In its shadow form, Lilith might drive you to reject social norms to the point of self-isolation. This might result in difficulties forming or maintaining friendships, as your fierce individualism and resistance to conformity could make it hard to find a like-minded community.
Lilith in the 12th House (Pisces): You challenge hidden fears and might feel like an outsider due to your psychic or intuitive tendencies. Your ability to tap into the subconscious might be unsettling for others, leading to your isolation in spiritual or mystical pursuits. In its darker aspects, Lilith's energy can intensify feelings of inner turmoil and isolation. Your intuitive and psychic abilities might lead to overwhelming experiences that you struggle to process, causing you to retreat further into a world of isolation and secrecy. video games
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Remember, Lilith's energy encourages you to embrace your authenticity even if it means facing rejection or ostracization. These challenges can ultimately lead you to find like-minded individuals who appreciate your unique perspective.
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astroeleanor · 6 months ago
The MOST Powerful Black Moon Lilith Signs
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In Lilith’s mythology, her refusal to obey Adam and her decision to leave Eden represent a fundamental rebellion against established authority. Aquarius embodies this same spirit of defiance. Lilith in Aquarius represents a fierce independence and the desire to break free from any constraints or traditional norms. Think of Lilith, alone in the wilderness, choosing exile over submission. This is the raw essence of Lilith in Aquarius: the rebel who dares to stand apart, to be different, to defy the rules that try to confine her.
Just as Lilith rejected a subordinate position in the Garden, Lilith in Aquarius challenges conformity and defies societal rules. Lilith in Aquarius craves authenticity in a world that often demands masks. She embodies the courage to stand alone and celebrate that aloneness as a badge of honor. Lilith in Aquarius is the outsider, the one who holds the torch for everyone who feels like they don’t quite belong—and she turns that alienation into a source of unstoppable strength.
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Lilith in Scorpio knows the power in vulnerability, the strength in letting the world see your shadows, your scars, and your truth. This placement is about transformation through the dark—through the pain, through the things you don’t say out loud. It’s the willingness to confront your own demons and emerge on the other side, changed and yet unbroken.
Lilith in Scorpio resonates with Lilith’s mythological connection to primal sexuality, power struggles, and the darker aspects of desire. In the myth, Lilith is also often portrayed as a demonized figure who embraces her dark side. Scorpio is similarly unafraid of the darkness within and seeks to understand, transform, and harness that power. Scorpio’s energy is about confronting the shadow self, diving deep into the subconscious, and transforming through encounters with the taboo–hence why Black Moon Lilith is powerful in this sign.
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Lilith in Aries is the force of nature who refuses to be anything but herself. In Aries, Lilith’s energy is direct and fearless. She is the one who says “no” without a second thought, who fights for her place in a world that often tries to shrink her down. Lilith embraces self-assertion, even at the expense of social harmony or compromise. She values her independence over societal expectations, even if it means facing exile.
Lilith in Aries doesn’t wait for permission, instead she takes what she knows is hers, fights for her right to exist on her own terms, and challenges anyone who tries to stand in her way. According to Christianity, Lilith was the first woman in the Garden of Eden to demand equality and independence., similarly to how Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac–this is a fitting parallel that shows Lilith’s pioneering spirit. 
Lilith is also often associated with uninhibited sexuality and a refusal to conform to traditional gender roles. The energy of Lilith in Aries is fearless in expressing her sexuality, her desires, embodying a kind of raw passion that is both liberating and provocative.
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Lilith in Cancer represents the power of mastering your emotions, the strength in vulnerability. Lilith in Cancer challenges traditional gender roles, the idea that to nurture is to be soft, compliant, or self-sacrificing–just as Lilith’s mythology challenges conventional gender roles. Instead, she embodies a darker, more complex aspect of the feminine. She’s the one who loves fiercely but not at the cost of her autonomy. She tells you it’s okay to feel everything—to be tender, to be raw, to be broken and whole all at once. 
Lilith in Cancer takes you to the depth of your emotions, where the power lies not in hiding your feelings but in letting them flow. This placement points to having powerful emotional resilience and strength. It represents a person who is unafraid of their emotional nature or subconscious desires.
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Lilith in Sagittarius represents the part of you that refuses to stay put, that hungers for more—more truth, more freedom, more life. In Sagittarius, Lilith laughs in the face of convention and seeks her truth with nothing but her instincts to guide her. 
Lilith’s mythology often involves challenging patriarchal structures and norms. In a similar way, Sagittarius questions established beliefs and seeks deeper truths. Lilith in Sagittarius represents the determination to live life according to your principles, often challenging societal or religious dogmas, much like Lilith did by refusing to conform to Adam’s demands.
Here, Lilith is the voice inside you that whispers, “Go, explore, there’s more to life than this.” Lilith in Sagittarius refuses to be caged by anyone’s expectations or beliefs, just like in Lilith’s mythology, with her decision to leave Eden rather than submit to subservience. She’s the embodiment of pure freedom, she tells you that your truth is yours to discover and that the journey is where your power lies.
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becoming-persephone · 11 months ago
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Lilith, a figure steeped in myth and legend, embodies the essence of feminine power in its most primal and unbridled form. Often depicted as a seductress, a demoness, or even a dark goddess, Lilith's story traverses the annals of ancient mythology, weaving together threads of rebellion, independence, and untamed sexuality.
In Jewish folklore, Lilith is believed to be Adam's first wife, created from the same earth as him, and thus demanding equality. Refusing to submit to Adam's authority, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden, embracing her freedom and autonomy. This act of defiance casts her as a symbol of feminine liberation, challenging traditional patriarchal norms and reclaiming her sovereignty.
Throughout history, Lilith has been both revered and feared, her power emanating from her refusal to conform to societal expectations. She represents the untamed aspects of femininity—the wild, the sensual, and the mysterious. As the embodiment of the dark feminine, Lilith embodies the raw primal energy that exists within all women, urging them to embrace their desires and unleash their true potential.
Lilith's power lies not only in her defiance of male authority but also in her role as a protector of women and children. In some traditions, she is invoked as a guardian spirit, offering solace to those who have been marginalized or oppressed. Her presence serves as a reminder that true power stems from within, and that by embracing our own darkness, we can tap into the limitless reservoir of strength that lies dormant within us.
In modern times, Lilith has emerged as a symbol of feminist empowerment, inspiring women to reclaim their voices and assert their autonomy in a world that seeks to silence them. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that true liberation comes from embracing all aspects of ourselves, even the parts that society deems taboo or undesirable.
Ultimately, Lilith's power lies in her refusal to be bound by convention, her willingness to embrace her own darkness, and her unwavering commitment to living life on her own terms. She serves as a beacon of hope for all those who dare to defy expectations and forge their own path in a world that seeks to constrain them.
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chronic-escapixt · 9 months ago
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Garden of Eden AU: Klaus is literally the devil and Bonnie is Lilith
She laid out beneath the shade of her favorite tree, like she always had around this time of day, only this instance, Adam was nowhere in sight. 
The slithering serpent decided to make his move, proposing his most generous offer to the desperate mortal, who so badly wanted a way out of the life that was chosen for her - made of the same soil as Adam, yet cursed to live as just an extension of him as his wife. Klaus didn’t desire a subordinate, he had enough of those already, he wanted a Queen to rule his dominion at his side - and who better than the first woman?
The lovely creature was too busy tending to a patch of lotus flowers at the bank of their little pond to notice when he ascended from the tree. She turned at the sound of his footsteps getting closer and confronted him in his truest form. She recognized him instantly, the sulfuric soot from Hell’s embers stained his perfect skin. But she didn’t startle, eyes widened just a little in pure curiosity of the only other living being she had encountered. 
He was awfully beautiful for a demon with his blushed lips that looked soft to the touch, sparkling skin that was speckled with freckles and beauty marks and tousells of blonde hair to frame his face. But after all, he was a fallen angel. 
Without a word, he reached up and grabbed the ripest pomegranate from his father’s tree. The very tree that was forbidden to consume from. The very tree she constantly preferred to sit beneath, as if toying with the idea of temptation. Now, temptation has confronted her in human form, holding the picked fruit in his hand. 
She rose to her feet. 
That Fruit is Forbidden.
He continued, fingers prodding the fruit, digging into the husk before slowly tearing it apart. 
You will live eternally and prosper within the confines of this garden in so far as you spend your countless days conforming to the plans everyone else has set forth for you - your husband, my father. Your destiny will be determined by others who will dictate who you will be for all of eternity.
She watched with bated breath as he took a bite, so casually breaking the only rule set forth for them. 
But there is more than just this garden. This is a whole universe, bountiful in opportunity, worlds beyond this one where we can create our own stories with our choices. You do not have to be a prop in my father’s garden, not when you can choose free will.
Her eyes flickered up to his blues, fiery with passion. 
And what will become of me if I take it? 
Though she always fantasized about that very thing, she was afraid. For all she knew she could turn back to the heap of dust she was created from.
He smiled, dipping into the flesh to collect the dark red juice on his fingers before raising them to her lips. 
You will embark on the greatest adventure of all, becoming my queen.
She shouldn’t have considered it. She should have pushed him away, called for her husband but she didn’t. The temptation to take what was right in front of her was too much to resist. She did not want to be a puppet to the creator and the wife of the first man. She wanted to choose.. 
Just a bit of the juice dripped from the corner of his mouth, staining his glistening skin crimson all the way down his jaw. 
She wanted to sin. 
She took hold of his hand, pulling him down to her level and licking the sweet juice from his lip. He grinned, watching the flavor invigorate her, fill her mind with power and desire. The most lovely flower in his father’s garden was his at last. 
Thunder cracked overhead, storm clouds swelling and swirling, a sign that his almighty father had learned the news. Klaus pulled her close and whisked her away to his subterranean kingdom where they'd rule together.
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grey-and-green · 2 years ago
Ineffable (pre-2000's) Timeline
Before the Beginning 
We don’t know how long before The Beginning this was, or how long they may have known each other in ‘heaven’ before Eden. We don’t know if one (or both) of them had their memory of the other erased (I think there's quite a lot of speculation about this, so I can't link just one example).  
Angel!Crowley is the most adorable thing in all creation, but he asks some very innocent and appropriate questions and Aziraphale is scared for him (and maybe scared of him?) 
Crowley shelters Aziraphale with their wing. Adorable. Love it. 
4004 BC: Eden 
Aziraphale gives away his flaming sword in his first official act of doing-good-against-God’s-wishes and Crowley immediately fucking eats it up.
"You're an angel, I don't think you can do the wrong thing" is well-intentioned but probably sets up a less-than-helpful anchoring point for Aziraphale's morality (see various points below about Aziraphale's moral evolution trajectory and rationalising Heaven's actions).
Aziraphale shelters Crowley from the rain (and the best part is that Crowley moves in, closer to Aziraphale, BEFORE Aziraphale puts his wing up. Fucking lovebirds. Ridiculous) 
3004 BC: The Flood 
Crowley seeks out Aziraphale at the flood. Essentially just shows up to flirt.
Aziraphale clearly doesn’t like the flood-and-death plan but he also isn’t ready to speak negatively about God. He defends the flood as “not that bad” and goes all “no comment” about killing kids (because he can’t actually defend that bit). Not a huge fan of heaven already by this point, but either too brainwashed or too scared (or both) to actively say anything non-conforming out loud.
Crowley is appalled by the idea of killing children, has always been a rebellious little cinnamon roll.
“You still have one [unicorn]” implies that Crowley either doesn’t know the point of the Ark (unlikely, he didn’t show up here by chance) or he doesn’t know about the birds and the bees. (Is it at all possible that Bildad The Professional Cobbler/Midwife still didn’t know what sex and childbirth were? No solid evidence that he had any plan other than pulling the ribs out. He’s so stupid)
(Theory: Others have considered that this meeting was more involved than what we’ve been shown so far because 1- by the Job incident Aziraphale is real damn convinced that Crowley won’t hurt the kids and 2- “sudden rainstorm forces them together under a canopy” doesn’t actually fit with either of the times our lovebirds sheltered the other under their respective wings, because neither time was sheltering “together”. So maybe this sudden rainstorm is what Crowley is actually referencing and there’s more here we haven’t seen). (Theory 2.0 is this wildly long meta that basically is a dissertation on why the kissed during the Flood and I’m here for it).
2500 BC: The Job Incident 
Ugh, I love this episode. Nothing but endless love for our baby Bildad.  
Appears to be a chance meeting between them.
They BOTH DEFY ORDERS to save the children.  
When the bird-goats make a noise, Crowley turns around before Aziraphale says anything. He was HOPING that Aziraphale would catch on, he was baiting his Angel to see that he was going to save the kids. Which, I mean, we all already know Crowley is a softie and he’s not really tried that hard to hide it from Aziraphale in the history we’ve seen so far, so…tone down the evil demon cosplay, babe. We’re past that.
Crowley saving the kids isn’t surprising. But we actually have a big jump for Aziraphale here. When we originally only had the Flood and the Crucifixion in S1, the evolution of Aziraphale’s “defence” of Heaven seems subtle and slow between those two short scenes. But throwing this epic story in the middle? Genuinely a MASSIVE shift from rationalising Heaven’s plans for the flood to assuming he knows what God is thinking + actively collaborating with a demon and trusting a demon more than his fellow angels + willing to be literally damned to save three random kids. (Could easily argue that this seeming anachronism in Aziraphale’s arc [along with Bildad’s stupid hair] makes it all the more plausible that there is a magic trick happening here).
Aziraphale says that Crowley is “technically” a demon. (I see what you’re getting at there. I see you, Aziraphale) 
Aziraphale tries human food for the first time. Odd sexual tension. I won’t elaborate.
When Aziraphale is sitting by the ocean, he’s waiting to be punished and thinks that’s why Crowley came over. But Crowley doesn’t know this. He was just coming over to spend more time with Aziraphale for totally platonic reasons.
Crowley has the chance to take Aziraphale to hell as a demon, and declines (hmmm, foreshadowing us all getting our hearts ripped out a few short episodes later???) 
Crowley’s appearance: people have speculated on why they look so different here compared to the Flood and the Crucifixion. My theory is that the other to flashbacks (seen in S1) are Crowley going about her life and just popping in to flirt with Aziraphale, whereas with Job, Crowley is showing up to work. The Bildad getup is a work outfit, demon cosplay. Long hair and no sunglasses is Crowley being himself, and silly hair silly glasses is creating a character to play while hiding his eyes because humans are around AND he’s vulnerable when hell is watching.
Bonus happy thought: when they get the kids in the cellar they start bickering like an old married couple/BLATANTLY flirting and the kids are just...so confused. Fucking delightful.  
33 AD: Crucifixion 
Crowley seeks out Aziraphale.  
Crowley has changed their name.  
By this time, when Crowley says “Heaven’s being a bit shitty” Aziraphale doesn’t actually defend Heaven? “I’m not consulted on policy decisions” is much closer to “I know they’re awful but I can’t change anything” as opposed to trying to rationalise that heaven must, by default, be good. (See note above about Aziraphale’s non-linear moral evolution).
Not much else here except Crowley looking their absolute most gorgeous in all of history.  
41 AD: Rome 
Crowley having a bad day. A lot of people have written about how after the Crucifixion and everything else that has happened so far, baby bean is fucking disillusioned as all hell.  
Crowley makes obvious ploy to get Aziraphale to ask him on a date, and it works. Delightful.  
Bonus happy thought: the little pins each of them is wearing on their togas? The fucking angel wings and the snake? Nothing but love for the Good Omens costume department.
537 AD: Wessex knights
No idea if they’ve met between Rome and now, but I’m pretty sure they have? Aziraphale recognizes Crowley’s voice immediately, I feel like they’ve talked sometime (oodles of times?) in the previous 500 years.  
Proposed Arrangement. Aziraphale very dramatically declines for corporate reasons. Not so much “working together is wrong” but that “working together is against the rules”.  
Could possibly argue that this feels like a step backwards for Aziraphale since the Job incident. But I think, no? With Job, the stakes were high and they were literally saving innocent lives. Here, The Arrangement is presented more like cheating on homework. Like, this is just a report for work, I’m not going to risk being reprimanded for something trivial like faking a sick day. Because Aziraphale still wants Heaven’s (God’s) approval quite badly: he’ll risk his life to save human lives, but not to save himself a trek to a castle.
1601: Globe Theatre 
By the now The Arrangement is well established. Aziraphale puts up a very lazy fight against it, but caves almost immediately.  
We can see already that Aziraphale is concerned that Crowley could get in trouble over their relationship, but I don’t think he has really realized how much danger Crowley is in? Like, if he genuinely thought destruction was on the line, he might have protested more. But it’s still important here that Aziraphale is concerned with Crowley’s safety above his own.  
I believe Aziraphale asked Crowley to meet up at the theatre from what Crowley says about “you said we would blend in with the crowds”.  
Bonus happy thought: I’ve seen people speculate about whether the coin toss was rigged. I choose to believe they BOTH rigged it so that Aziraphale would go to Scotland bc Crowley didn’t want to go, and Aziraphale knows that Crowley can’t ride a horse so was totally keen to save him from that ordeal.  
1650: not shown
Something happens and Aziraphale does the “I was wrong” dance 
I wrote elsewhere that this could be a promise of something we will be shown in Season 3 -OR- it could be a Clue that memories are missing (see The Magic Trick You Didn’t See)
Also, despite all the wonderful suggestions people have from actual history about what these two might have gotten mixed up in in 1650, my personal prediction is that if we see this in Season 3, the actual Thing that led to the dance will be extremely trivial, like Aziraphale knocks over Crowley's drink or something.
1793: The Bastille 
Aziraphale gets himself in a damsel-in-distress situation and Crowley “has to” save him. Obvious ploy to go on a date. Flawless.
Crowley is clearly following Aziraphale around, since he showed up at exactly the right time. Zero coincidence detected.
Aziraphale has absolutely no issue with the executioner being beheaded in his place. Bit ruthless to sacrifice a random stranger for the cause of taking your crush out to lunch.
At some point, Aziraphale does the “I was wrong” dance here. Hopefully over crepes.  
1827: Scotland 
Crowley essentially just takes Aziraphale on a date to a graveyard. Such a mood.  
Some obvious moral struggles for Aziraphale starting to realize that good and bad are not black and white and that extenuating circumstances exist.  
Whether or not you believe that this memory was tampered with, when Morag is dying, Aziraphale essentially asks for Crowley’s moral guidance. He could have just healed Morag, but he defers to Crowley for ?permission...I don’t know for sure, but it feels significant that he wants Crowley’s approval here before doing ‘good’. That has to mean something.  
“Last I saw of him for some time” is, at most, 35 years between here and St James Park, which means they are meeting up a lot more frequently now. We’re not regularly going decades/centuries between dates anymore. 
Edit: As others have noted, the wording in this diary entry is actually odd because when Aziraphale is writing this, he MUST have already seen Crowley again for that last bit to make sense. Which means we actually probably have quite a lot of “us time” between the Elsbeth flashback and St James park.
1862: St James Park 
Likely Definitely not the first time they have met up since the Scotland flashback (see edit above).
I THINK this is the first time we see Aziraphale’s personal tartan show up? He’s now officially created his own clan on Earth and is NOT wearing the official tartan of heaven. He later gives this tartan to Crowley which is Significant. 
Since our last meeting, Crowley has been dragged back to Hell and, presumably, punished, for what he did with Elsbeth/Morag. (The time spent in Hell was likely not necessarily a LONG time but still seems like it was a sobering event for Crowley where he seems to catch up with Aziraphale about how much danger they might be in).
Crowley asks for the holy water because he now realizes that he may need to protect himself (and Aziraphale?) from Hell if and when they figure out the scope of his ‘breach of the infernal code’ and retaliate.
1941: London Blitz 
Accepted by fans as likely the first time they have met up since the breakup in St James Park. As with the Bastille scene, it’s very clear that Crowley has been keeping track of Aziraphale (if not actively just following him around).
Obviously, canonically, the moment when Aziraphale realizes he is in love with Crowley.
Immediately after this realization, Aziraphale also realises how much Crowley is at risk from Hell by continuing to associate with him. This does not stop them from having a romantic glass of wine back at the bookshop.
Photograph of Crowley and Aziraphale exists, no clues as to what happens to it/who keeps it after the events of this night. I hope it’s in the photo album that I assume Aziraphale keeps with his diaries and little drawings of Crowley he’s made over the millennia.
At some point, presumably on this same night, Aziraphale does the “I was wrong” dance, but we don’t get to see that. Yet.
(Side note: I feel like by this point in their relationship, it’s really got to sting when Aziraphale assumes Crowley is the cause of whatever horrific thing humans are doing. I mean, what in the past 6,000 years would point to Crowley wanting to actually help nazis? It’s not funny anymore, Aziraphale, stop re-traumatising your boyfriend with baseless accusations.)
1967: Soho Heist 
Crowley plans the heist in the pub that is literally across the road from Aziraphale’s book shop 
Aziraphale finally gives Crowley holy water – whether this is because he’s actually worried about the danger of the heist, or if he has just come to his senses about the fact that Crowley is in mortal danger from Hell and may actually need a way to escape them if things go pear-shaped, or whether he’s just acts-of-love reaching out....could speculate for days on that.
He gives Crowley the holy water in a thermos with his personal tartan on it. 100% on their own side. Adorable.
Aziraphale isn’t wearing his bow tie in this scene. He still has his tartan, but he’s wearing it as a cravat instead, with his shirt unbuttoned at the top. I genuinely don’t know what this is supposed to mean, but the costume department is too good for it to be random. (It supposed to be flirty? Like, ooh, top button undone, basically naked? And that just necessitated losing the bow tie? Is there sartorial symbolism here about a cravat vs bow tie that I’m missing? Tell me what’s going on!?!)
“You go too fast for me” (ugh, gutted every time) 
Additional event: year unknown
In their earlier flashbacks, we see them travelling the world for their jobs.
At some point they both end up permanently stationed in London.
My assumption is - that originally it was just the two of them on earth, possibly for thousands of years. Then their territory was limited to the British Isles, and eventually, when there were too many “oodles” of humans, they both ended up just looking after London.
So, who was assigned to London first? Because it’s not a blind coincidence they’re both specifically in London - one got assigned to the London first and the other one deliberately FOLLOWED.
I am still updating this as I re-watch and read other folks’ posts.
These are mostly my observations with a few additional things thrown in that I’ve seen people discuss already here on Tumblr. I will try to link to them best I can, but my Good Omens saved posts are massive and I’m not sure I can find all the original posts who's theories I’ve mentioned here
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ask-rowans-sides · 4 months ago
your blog banner is adorable!!
i have a question for eden: do you get along well with the other sides and with rowan? they seem very friendly 💕
(glad you like it!!! It was actually an art fight attack on me hehe)
Eden: I.... Find it difficult to get along with the other sides. My function typically does not mesh well with the others, so I often find I upset them accidentally...
As for Rowan... They seem not to like me much either - I seem to be rather in the way of the life they seem to want.... Which of course makes things rather difficult. And then there's my... Past, too.
I'll just be here to clean up the mess when everything eventually goes wrong.
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nokkomo · 11 months ago
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So, it's been a while since many people talked about Adam and his role in the Forbidden Fruit incident. While it is true that, in the Bible, Adam and Eve were banished from Eden because BOTH of them ate the fruit, I want to point out a small detail that would conform that this guy NEVER ATE THE APPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE IN THIS UNIVERSE.
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Why you may ask?
To people who don't know this, the story behind it says that Adam, after taking a bite of The Forbidden Fruit, choked when he tried to shallow it. The apple got stocked in his throat forever as a reminder of his sin.
As you can see in these shots, Adam DOESN'T have it, basically implying that he did NOT ATE the apple.
This can also be the reason why he's in heaven and, as far as we have seen, Eve is not there with him, because, unlike her, he didn't eat the fruit, so he was "pure" enough to be in heaven after he died.
But then, why did he get banished from Eden alongside Eve? This is theory territory, but I hc that Adam, because of his abandonment issues from Lilith, didn't want to lose Eve as well, so he decided to go with her, even if that would mean to give up his perfect life in paradise.
So yeah, in my eyes, Adam didn't eat the fruit, gave up Eden because of his abandonment issues, and his behavior was a result of poor teaching from people that never told him he was wrong for THOUSANDS of years alongside unhealed mental scars and traumas.
My man is so fucked up 😭
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year ago
You swear you saw a glint of sadness in his expression. It might be presumptuous to ask but you feel the need to. Turning away from foraging for food, you look up at the god “Protector Saudramar, how has your day been going? You seem… lost in thought.”
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He had been staring off for a while now, beyond the sea gently swaying before him, beyond his powers, dominions and virtues soaring dutifully through the skies. Saudramar looked past the clouds and saw the edges of Eden as the annex gently orbited Earth.
There's no words to describe the utter impotence he feels.
To be the pinnacle of perfection as a Protector yet desire so much more, know that he's capable of so much more but completely powerless to take his place amongst the great Fathers and Mothers. Born to see others fit into place like puzzle pieces while he's doomed to push against the walls of his cage.
Nothing he does can fill the void that's been growing in the siadar's very core. Every single day, boiling rage and vicious envy turn him into an increasingly sour shell of his former self. The pain of his own existence grows heavier on his weary shoulders and he retreats into his own mind to avoid putting those who have been entrusted to him at risk.
Most of these sentiments are unleashed in the great battles against Perdition and the Betrayer's growing forces. He has looked the first fiends in the face as he slayed their kin effortlessly, never a hint of fear to be found in his brilliant ocean eyes, just monumental hatred projected onto the abominations created by a rebel.
It was different, this time.
As he held one of those slithering, disgusting, deformed parodies of celestials- It had stared at him. In a way none had before.
It saw him. It saw the real him.
And the way that foul creature laughed in Saudramar's face made him pause.
You and Them are not so different.
It had rasped, bloodied and broken.
You live in the shadows of those that are inferior to you, as did They once.
Look at us now.
Saudramar couldn't kill it. He couldn't even process what was said to him in that moment. He launched the demonic lifeform into the bowels of its own degenerate annex and moved on. But those words, hissed through chipped teeth and a slithering tongue, held only truth, engraved themselves in his soul.
And the realization alone leaves a taste in the Protector's mouth he hasn't been able to wash off.
The Betrayer is a reflection of him.
The very things he's mercilessly slaughtering with others of his cast are no more than unauthorized creations, in an unauthorized annex, designed by a siadar who was also unhappy with their role in the universe.
Except, that one was strong enough to achieve a modicum of their vision, if only just for a glimpse in time. A window of self-fulfilment worth more than an entire existence of conformity.
What is he doing?
The sound of your soft voice has Saudramar snapping his gaze towards you, hardened stare gradually receding.
" Lesser. "
He has a complicated view of humanity. As much as he is unbelievably fond of your design, he's also of the opinion that this project was much too ambitious. The fruits of aimless impulse from Creators who, to him, have neither a plan nor a solution for the trouble your kind will eventually brew.
Alas, you are his favorite so far. Saudramar has witnessed many lessers be born and succumb to age, and not one was as captivating as you. He can't place what it is about you yet that's so appealing, but the Protector knows he'd like to keep you closer, the same way some other casts get to perform binding ceremonies with their favored.
You are his chosen.
But Saudramar won't burden you with that.
The god shakes his head.
" Fret not. Do you require my assistance? "
You smile, relieved. " No, my Lord. " There's a pause, you can clearly tell he's upset, and the siadar chides himself for displaying weakness like that to one of his entrusted.
" Was today's battle exhausting? "
He observes you forage idly.
" Never. Every day Perdition suffers the righteousness it deserves, and I am only fueled by its destruction. "
Saudramar squats when you look into his eyes. A pallid, beautiful hand reaches out, brushing over yours. One set of eyes studies the contrast, another keeps your attention on him.
" Not once shall the filth of the impure taint your sight. The land you step upon is under my protection, and harm will fall upon those who conceive of desecrating it. "
You hold onto his hand with both of yours, and Saudramar feels his chest blossom with a sensation that chases away the thunder in his soul for the briefest of moments.
" Can we cook for you tonight, Protector? " You offer, and Saudramar is thankful no one else is around to see the way he bleeds adoration through his stare.
" Of course, my lesser. "
He will have to hide you away from the seraphim this upcoming Spring, the though of you paired to another lesser is displeasing at best. None of the males here are of enough quality to impregnate you. You are exemplary, a perfect specimen.
Saudramar will protect you.
That's one thing he'll always be able to do, no matter what the future may bring.
" Now, finish. Night will fall soon. "
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dol-dolly · 1 month ago
I’ve been maxxing out love for every love interest (as much as I can, I’m not doing well with Whitney Harper or Avery), but now I’m interested more in the pc’s story, and of course…sad orphan girl that desperately wants to be loved…is willing to conform to any love interest’s desires and desperately works to balance her attention so no one feels left out…possessive LIs like Kylar and Eden make her nervous because what if they realize she’s not worth their attention…😭😭😭 just wanna gush about herrrr and develop her story more
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cosmonadarovicarts · 11 months ago
One of my regrets in the comic script was not having made Adam more of an asshole and in love with Lilith. I'm currently rereading demology to adapt the next chapters, and one of the interpretations was that Adam suffered too much with Lilith's departure - I wish I had made him suffer more haha ​​-, and when she returns with Samael/Lucifer, they will distort the Eden couple - Samael with Eve and Adam with Lilith -. I wanted more of this drama hahaha
But as a woman, I interpret that Eve would trust another woman more, so at this point I try to conform to what I've done so far...
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starlightfallz · 2 years ago
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Debating on posting this for a while, since I don't really use tumblr all that often. Here's sort of a AU slash OCfied version of Eve.
Eden's Paradise. When co working on their design with a friend [@/thewalkingbaka ] [ The others arts are made by @/cometshaper @/cryyon on twitter!] We really wanted to nail in more of the abstract arty vibe with this AU Throughout Eve's design and boss battle the theme's of escapism through the medium of art really struck and inspired me for a lot of this design. Escape reality embrace the abstract and be free from the retraints that is your mind. Artist use art to create idealistic worlds, scenes and images and then the theme of EDEN came up. With EVE being the name of the first woman in the garden of EDEN it just made sense,. The usage of wet and fluid elements in her design contrasted by the sharp / pointed geometric shapes are the perfect balance of framed freedom. Her extra arms are made of paint and appear smudge and very abstract, something that inhuman and strange. The eyes are themes of the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' She see's beauty in everything, the bad and the good. The ugly and the so called beautiful, kinda why I have one of her eyes covered with the funky paint eye. To escape the chains of reality, that bound us to the conforms of society. The restrictions that suffocate of our freedom and individuality, to paint is to be free Freedom to express one's self, freedom to make the life you want your own. to be who you were always meant to be. To paint is to mold and shape into your desires. forever changing, forever free For that is paradise and the frames that behold these pictures of gates to paradise, her very own garden of EDEN. That's pretty much my thought process and lore kind of with this take? IG? I'll have more outfits with designs featuring more garden and nature elements as of right now this is her main look. I don't see them as someone who follows the binary at all, when it comes to looks and gender expression. A very all pronoun, Non binary artist that bends and breaks whatever society deems the norm- I'll go on about them in full detail in another post this is already longenough
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