#edancy ficlet
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Prompt: Rude Awakenings (Discord Drabble)
Nancy jolts awake and is immediately hit with far too much sunlight coming in through the – supposedly heavy – drapes in Steve's living room. She screws her eyes shut (despite barely opening them to begin with). But it does nothing. She palms around for another cushion, throw blanket, anything to shield her eyes.
But whatever it is isn't going to shut up however it is she can feel hovering at the other end of the couch.
"What?" she snaps over her shoulder, gulping back the sudden burning sensation in her throat.
"Are you awake?" the person asks, voice low and gravely.
She probably sounds the same, honesty.
And before she can answer, she feels Eddie's cold rings against her skin as he maneuvers her feet up enough to make space to sit. As he sinks into the couch and lowers them back down to his lap, Nancy gives him a quick jabbing kick.
"Ouch! Wheeler!" he shrieks.
Okay, she won't be doing that again if that's the sound he makes.
"Why did you wake me up," she dry-sobs.
"Robin kicked me out of bed," Eddie explains, fluttering the throw blanket that must have made its way far down the expanse of the couch at some point.
"Where's Steve?" she asks, bringing the blanket up to her neck.
"Probably went for a run," Eddie grumbles, "Madness this early in the morning if you ask me."
"So, you came down here to bother me?"
"Nonsense," he scoffs, somehow still managing to playfully hiss his s's with his voice sounding like a garbage disposal, "You're my best friend."
"Eddie, Jeff is your best friend."
The couch cushions jostle.
"Well, he isn't here now, is he?" Eddie retorts, a smile evident in his - much closer - voice.
She opens one eye to find Eddie dipping his head down, bed hair dangling every which way. He is grinning, all big and bright and honestly, it is making Nancy's head pain just as much as the sunlight peaking in from outside.
She buries her face in the decorative cushion her morning hungover self finds very uncomfortable and groans.
"I was thinking of making breakfast..."
He sounds like he is trying to pass himself off as merely thinking aloud, but there's a little needy lilt to his voice that's just –
"Eddie, you know my policy."
"You specifically said you wouldn't make food for the kids."
She turns on her back, making sure to dig her bare feet into his thighs as much as possible, quickly deciding it is now worth whatever sounds of discomfort Eddie squawks out.
"Goes for the big kids, too," she gripes, looking up to the vaulted rafters above.
There's more shifting about as Eddie squishes in to lie down, cramped between herself and the back of the couch. She scrambles to clutch the edge of the couch, worried he'll move enough to send her tumbling.
Eddie sighs, all forlorn and longing.
"But I'm scared of Steve's toaster," he laments, "It has too many buttons!"
#oh god this is once again too long probably#nancy wheeler#eddie munson#platonic edancy#edancy ficlet#lilys drabbles#stwgdailyprompt#eddie and nancy
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By some twist in fate, Eddie and Nancy become friends.
It starts when Eddie sees her at The Hideout standing out very much in the sea of dark clothes wearing a lavender sweater and jeans. Eddie tells his band mates he’ll be right back when he rushes off to Nancy, noticing how people are starting to stare at her a bit.
“Nance?” Eddie asks, hands in the pockets of his black jeans trying not to make it obvious that he’s fidgety. He knows that she can defend herself, but it looks like some of the guys in the bar are going to test it, and he hopes his presence will make them back off a bit.
Nancy turns and her eyebrows furrow before she gives him a tight smile. “Eddie? What are you doing here?”
“Just finished up a gig. What are you doing here?” Eddie asks.
Nancy looks around and loudly says, “I was just here to see you play. I can’t believe I missed it.” She throws her arms around Eddie and whispers in his ear, “I’m looking into something.”
As she pulls away, Eddie smiles and puts his arm around her. “How about we talk outside?”
Nancy nods and walks toward the exit. Eddie turns and waves Gareth off as he stares at him with his jaw dropped.
As soon as they’re outside, Nancy lets out a deep breath and Eddie rushes off to his van, not trusting the few people outside staring. He opens the passenger door for Nancy and goes quickly to the driver side. When the door closes, Nancy immediately says, “I know this probably sounds crazy, but I think there’s a dog fighting ring below The Hideout.”
Eddie sits back and takes in the information. He shrugs. “Okay. I can believe that.”
Nancy rambles on, “And I know there’s not great evidence and it’s a shot in the dark but-” She stops and looks at Eddie. “You believe me?”
“Yeah. You’re one of the smartest people I know, and the Creel stuff checked out, so why wouldn’t I believe you?”
“I gave you no evidence,” Nancy says as if she’s trying to talk herself out of her own theory.
Eddie shrugs again. “Then, give it to me.”
And she does. Telling him about a dog she saw chained in the backyard of someone’s house with marks consistent with an attack. How the only time the owner brings the dog inside is when he leaves his garage to drive to The Hideout, although he usually parks in the driveway which means he probably doesn't want people to see him putting the dog in his car. How he parks at the back of the bar in a fenced-off section that only a few other cars can go in. How she’s seen dogs in the other cars and even barking in the back that fades almost as if the noise starts traveling down. But this is the first time she’s gone inside.
“Well, that all sounds pretty damning, but you’re going to have to stop your investigation style.”
Nancy crosses her arms. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, you stick out like a reporter, and your notebook was sticking out of your pocket in there. No one is going to talk to you, and if they think something is up, then you risk them relocating. So, I suggest we give you a metal makeover and you let me drive you here in my van because your shiny little car is just as suspicious.”
Nancy looks a bit pissed as she states, “I don’t need your help or protection.”
Eddie smiles. “I know you don’t, but I would be a great undercover buddy and excuse for your presence at The Hideout.”
Nancy narrows her eyes at him. “Why are you helping me?”
“One, you saved my life. Two, this sounds like an adventure,” Eddie says throwing his arms out with glee.
Nancy tries to suppress a smile before she sighs, “Fine, but if you blow the case…”
“I’m dead, and I never go on anymore adventures with you. Got it.” Eddie holds out his hand with a wide smile, and Nancy takes it, shaking it one time.
It feels like the start of a wonderful friendship.
“Wow,” Eddie says staring in awe at his work.
“I feel ridiculous, Eddie,” Nancy says, dark eyeliner smudged around her eyes, chains dangling over her tight black pants, and one of Eddie’s band t-shirts tucked into them.
“Well, you look absolutely metal,” Eddie says with a bright smile.
Nancy rolls her eyes but smiles.
Eddie thinks for a second before announcing, “We should stop by Family Video to show off your new look.”
Nancy scoffs.
“I always stop by on Wednesday! Please,” Eddie practically begs. He can’t wait to see the look on Steve’s face when he sees her. He wonders if Robin will be there too.
Nancy gets a little investigative twinkle in her eye. “You stop by every Wednesday, huh?”
Eddie eyes her. There’s no way she knows about his crush or the fact that he stops by every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and sometimes Saturday and Sunday depending on if Steve's working the weekend shift. He tries to brush it off. “Yes, so I must stop by today. Right now actually, so you’re coming with, Wheeler. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
Nancy narrows her eyes at him.
“Alright, we’re doing this the easy way. Got it,” Eddie says, voice cracking a bit with fear that only Nancy can evoke. Luckily, she follows him to his van and gets in willingly.
A quick trip over and a surprisingly pleasant conversation later, and Eddie is dramatically entering Family Video. His heart skips a beat when he spots Steve at the counter looking at him, and he nearly forgets the reason for his dramatics. Then, Nancy clears her throat, still hiding behind him, and Eddie makes eye contact with Robin who is raising her eyebrows expectantly.
Luckily, the store is empty when he dramatically announces, “Lady and gentleman, I present to you-”
“Ruth,” Nancy whispers behind him.
Eddie moves to the side and dramatically presents, “Ruth!”
Robin looks like she’s about to die on the spot, and Steve well… he looks a bit shocked.
Eddie hooks his arm around Nancy and walks her up to the counter. “What do you think Steve?" His heart tugs a bit as he notices the way Steve doesn't look at Nancy but instead focuses in on Eddie's arm draped around her shoulders. His jaw flexes and his nostrils flare as he looks at Eddie and nods. "She looks great like a female version of you." He tries to smile at him, but it comes off forced and almost scary.
Eddie's arm guiltily slides off Nancy and a blush settles over his cheeks. He feels weirdly embarrassed as he passes Nancy off to Robin who stutters while complimenting her.
Eddie takes the break to look at Steve who stares at a stack of tapes, fiddling with them as if to make it perfectly stacked. "Didn't realize you two were so close."
"We're working undercover on a case," Eddie says with a big smile, feeling almost giddy with excitement.
Nancy laughs, overhearing him. "We're investigating something," she corrects, but adds on, "An adventure." Her eyes light up and her eyebrows raise, and Eddie feels an intense platonic love for the woman.
He glances back at Steve who continues staring at his tapes. "Sounds fun," he says flatly.
Eddie feels another shoot of pain in his heart, almost stricken by guilt. He and Steve have been talking and relatively close for the past few weeks, but suddenly he gets weird when he becomes friends with Nancy?
It strikes Eddie suddenly. He's jealous.
Of course Steve would be jealous of Eddie parading around with his ex-girlfriend! It makes so much sense. He probably thinks he's corrupting her or something.
When Robin asks Nancy more about her investigation, Eddie can't help but lean over the counter and mumble, "You know that there's nothing happening between me and Nancy, right? She doesn't like me like that at all. Trust me. Don't have to worry about her being taken or whatever especially by me," Eddie rambles out, laughing at the end to add to how ridiculous the thought even is.
Steve looks at him confused. "That's not- that isn't..." He shakes his head and goes back to his stack. "I don't have feelings for Nance."
Eddie almost scoffs at that because hello. All signs point to jealousy. "So, you're not jealous?"
"No of you," Steve mutters still fidgeting with the tapes.
Eddie nods. Maybe he's just having a bad day or something. "Great, glad we cleared that up. But uh- are you okay?"
Steve nods and gives him that same tight smile. "Yup."
Yeah, he's definitely not fine, but he's not gonna push it. He glances over at Nancy to ask if she's ready to go, but then he sees the way she's leaning over the counter toward Robin, chatting animatedly about her evidence while Robin listens with heart eyes, practically drooling as she asks Nancy more questions. And what's even more interesting is the way Nancy gets flustered as Robin asks questions she hadn't thought of before and a blush slowly appears on Nancy's cheeks.
Eddie watches in awe as the two form more theories with their ideas bouncing off of each other as they slowly lean closer and closer until Nancy's arms are pressing against Robin's. Eddie softly smiles. If Nancy can tease him about his crush, he's going to certainly tease her about hers.
"Watch it there. You might start drooling if you stare too hard," Steve mutters to Eddie, hurt evident in his tone.
"Why would I be drooling?"
Steve rolls his eyes and loudly announces, "I'm going on my break." The two girls jump apart as he storms off to the back and slams the door behind him. Christ. What has him in such a bad mood?
"Damn, what did you say to him?" Robin asks with her arms crossed.
Eddie raises his hands. "I have no idea."
Nancy raises her eyebrows. "Oh, I have an idea, but come on. I think that was our cue to leave." She turns back to Robin and very regretfully says goodbye before Eddie follows her outside.
"Really, I have no idea-"
"He's jealous, Eddie," Nancy states with a small smile.
Eddie fidgets and says, "Well, he told me he wasn't after I explained you don't have feelings for me."
Nancy laughs, and Eddie stares at her. "What am I missing?"
"He's not jealous of you! He's jealous of me. He likes you, Eddie, and don't tell me I'm wrong because I know what he's like when he likes someone."
Eddie stops to think about the way Steve had hardly paid attention to Nancy and gave all his attitude to Eddie. But that can't be true, and he knows he can't say that to Nancy, so instead he stirs the pot. "And you like Robin, and she likes you back!"
Nancy's jaw drops and she splutters, "She doesn't- I don't- She... That is not what we're discussing right now!"
"Here's what I think," Eddie says, ignoring Nancy's attempt at changing the topic, "I think that you should go to The Hideout with Robin because you two clearly work well together, and she's a better investigator than I am. Plus, you two have the experience after the whole library and asylum thing."
Nancy takes a second to consider it and asks, "But what about you? I know you wanted the adventure."
Eddie's stomach flips a bit at how caring Nancy Wheeler is. "I think I've had enough adventure in the Upside Down to last a lifetime. Plus, I have a weak stomach, and I might throw up if I saw a dog fighting ring."
Nancy smiles and huffs a laugh. She looks down at her feet a moment before looking at Eddie with a determined look that scares him. "If I go with Robin, you'll take her work vest and cover the rest of her shift. Plus, I get your van so we have a ride."
"Deal," Eddie says handing her his keys without thinking.
"Have fun with Steve," Nancy says with a big smile running back into Family Video.
Shit, he had forgotten about that part.
Eddie races inside, but it's too late, Nancy is already talking to Robin about the plan. She hands over her vest to Eddie and squeals, "Tell Steve I'm not sorry at all."
The bell on the door rings as they both race out. Eddie sighs and makes his way to the back, hoping that Steve won't entirely lose his shit at the news.
He knocks on the door and gets a, "Leave me alone, Robin," in response.
"It's Eddie. Robin left with Nancy," Eddie says loudly through the door.
It quickly opens with Steve looking a bit frantic and confused. "She what?"
"She left to investigate with Nancy. I'm covering the rest of the shift."
Steve stares at him for a few seconds and sighs running a hand over his face. "I didn't mean to make you lose your chances with Nance. That was a dick move, man. I can cover the rest of the shift on my own, and you can go with them."
Eddie crosses his arms. "I told you she doesn't have feelings for me."
"Yeah, but you have feelings for her clearly. You couldn't take your eyes off of her after that whole makeover of yours. Turned her into your perfect girl or whatever," Steve says angrily, and Eddie sees that same jealousy returning.
"Why are you getting so jealous?" Eddie asks outright, refusing to fully rely on Nancy's explanation.
Steve runs a hand through his hair and rests it on his hip. He looks at Eddie for a few seconds, eyes wandering all over his face before blurting out, "Because I like you! Okay! And I thought maybe you did too because of how often you come in and talk to me, but clearly, I was wrong." He brushes past Eddie and goes back to that damn stack of tapes, fidgeting with them again.
Eddie takes a deep breath and says, "Steve?"
Steve tenses up, and Eddie continues, "You realize that I don't have feelings for Nancy because I have this huge overwhelming crush on you that I never thought would go anywhere, right?"
Steve turns around quickly. "Huh?"
Eddie slowly walks up to him. "Nancy tried to tell me that you were jealous of her, and I thought it wasn't possible. That there was no way that you could like me like that. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming right now."
"Me too," Steve says with his eyes wide.
Eddie stops in front of him and cautiously smiles. "So, what now?"
Steve smiles back. "You know, I once heard that if you want to wake up from a dream, you just grab someone in the dream and kiss them."
"No," Steve says stepping closer. "But I think it's worth a try."
"Me too," Eddie replies as he leans in and does what he's been dreaming of doing for weeks now. Steve's lips are soft and warm and Eddie feels like he could get lost in the way they move against his.
Sadly, Steve breaks the kiss and says, "Huh, not dreaming, which also means that I need to temporarily put the closed sign on the door."
Eddie's eyebrows furrow, still confused as to why the kiss ended early. "Why?"
Steve jumps over the counter and flips the sign. "So we can properly kiss in the back without the fear of people coming in. I'm still on my break, you know, and I know exactly how I want to spend every minute of it," Steve says all matter-of-fact as he makes his way back to Eddie and tugs him into the breakroom.
God bless, Nancy Wheeler.
(Oh, and Nancy's investigation pans out exactly as she expected. She busts the ring pretty fast, and in her article, she thanks ((her, now, girlfriend)) Robin and even Eddie for their help. And trust me, the fruity four go on plenty of adventures together. Plus, Eddie and Nancy are very willing to give their partners their platonic soulmate time, so they can also hang out.)
#steddie#platonic edancy#eddie munson#steve harrington#nancy wheeler#robin buckley#steddie ficlet#stranger things#this went in a different direction than expected#because i realized it was getting too long#but i was going to have a whole eddie and nancy as investigation buddies together plot#but i firmly believe that they still do that#just on cases Eddie can stomach
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Remember this post?
They were in the belly of the beast.
The Creel House stood resolute, tinged the colour of a freshly heal wound, reopened. The same sickly red stain of The Upside Down sky, brown boards blue-hued from strange smokes and cinder. Part of Eddie felt like he’d seen the house before, in some half-remembered nightmare. Deep in the back of his brain, where all strange primal fears were housed, there was a spot saved for the decaying manner.
By all rights, Eddie shouldn’t have been in the house. If they’d followed the original plan, he’d have been on the roof of the trailer. It’d been Wheeler, of all people who’d changed things. She was a smart girl, too damn smart for her own good in Eddie’s opinion. She’d pointed out all the ways their plan could go wrong and as much as Eddie wanted to redeem the Munson name, he didn’t want to walk into a death trap if he could help it.
Nancy was right. That didn’t change the creeping sense of dread he felt whenever he looked her way. It was like one of Vecna’s vines had made a home in his stomach and was creeping up towards his mouth each time the girl did something impressive. Eddie had the sneaking suspicion something was swaying his feelings towards her. Something with light brown hair, who had entered the Creel house brandishing a baseball bat like a medieval sword.
Jesus H. Christ. Seeing Steve Harrington wield the tetanus trap of a baseball bat, full of splintering wood and rusted nails wasn’t a sight he’d ever pictured living to see.
Drifting in from the wasteland beyond the open door, Eddie could hear his amps playing ‘Master of Puppets’ on the boom box they’d borrowed from the Harringtons’. The poor little player had never gotten the taste for good music. Eddie had to admit it was a good idea.
He, Steve and Dustin set up the trap. Once the bats began to swarm the trailer the two older boys boosted Dustin up and out of the portal, much to the kid’s protest. They then snuck around the back of the trailer, while the girls waited in the woods ahead. Nancy had her sawn-off trained on the swarm. Robin had her Molotovs. Range weapons, waiting in the wings. He and Steve were the best at evasion. If this were a campaign, he’d say they made a pretty balanced party, all things considered.
The interior of the house was worse than Eddie expected. It was filled with rotted vines and ash, making the air smell of must and mildew. Eddie’s brain kept telling him to turn tail and run, but he wouldn’t. He couldn’t.
He shifted his shield from one hand to the next as they moved deeper into the house, channelling his nervous energy away from his feet. One misstep and their distraction would be for nothing. Their plan was a house of cards. One gust of wind and the whole damn thing would blow over. If Eddie screwed up Red, along with everyone else in the Creel house, would be dead before the world had time to end.
Steve took the lead up the stairs like Eddie knew he would. He had a hero complex Eddie couldn’t unpick. Once everything was over, he had questions about what the party had seen the last three times they’d decided to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. There was something about Steve Harrington he couldn’t put his finger on. Sure, trauma could change a person, Eddie was learning that lesson the hard way, but the man charging up the stairs towards their inevitable death in too-tight pants and an army jacket had some explaining to do.
He wasn’t sure who’d done it in the end. Whose foot made first contact with the blackened tendrils, the dominos fell too fast to pinpoint an epicentre. Nancy's body jerked one way, while Steve was sent skyward. His back hit the walls of the house with a sickly wet thud, a mass of undulating vines threatening to swallow him whole. Robin was on the floor at the foot of the steps, hacking away at the vines with an axe. Eddie was pushed against the bannister, all the air fleeing his lungs. This was how he would die.
The sound of distant wings grew ever louder as Eddie’s vision began to blacken around the edges.
In Eddie’s fading vision, he watched as a sliver of light glinted off something overhead. The axe fell like a guillotine, too close to Eddie’s head for comfort. He was free. He took greedy gulps of air, his eyes making contact with Buckley’s. She looked as shocked as he did, like a nocturnal animal caught in floodlights.
They didn’t have time. Robin was off, desperately hacking skywards at the vines still ensnaring Steve. He’d managed to wedge the bat between the vine and his throat. Rusted nails dug deeper into the black mass as it attempted to constrict, but it also buried the nails deeper into Steve’s flesh.
Eddie ran to help Nancy, her lips blue as her fingers blindly grasped for the shotgun that’d landed just out of reach. Nancy was smart, but like all people, the fear of death made her dumb. A bullet to the jugular wasn’t going to fix this.
Eddie tried to slide his fingers between the vine and her throat, to relieve some of the pressure. His fingers kept slipping, sticky with sap or blood. He didn’t know. He wished he had a knife as he tried to untangle the vines from ensnaring her body. There was nothing more he could do. He had to sit and wait as he felt the fight begin to fade from her convulsing body. He listened distantly to Robin’s slew of curses as she hacked at drywall. For each vine cut from Steve’s body, there was another waiting to ensnare him.
Life-or-death situations had a strange way of bringing one's true feelings to the surface. Eddie crouched beside Nancy, his hand clawing at the vine encircling her throat, watching as her panic-ridden eyes flickered across his face. He noticed her hand twitching up trying to pry the vine from its hold on her throat and Eddie’s arm. She was so weak he hadn’t noticed her attempt. He ran a thumb absentmindedly back and forth across her knuckles, trying to soothe her.
“Hey, no. Hey. You’re fine, Wheeler. You’re okay. Slow breaths, alright? You’ve got this,” he muttered hating how uncertain he sounded, how strained his voice was.
He didn’t hate Nancy. He’d hate himself if he let Steve’s chance of a storybook ending die in his arms but Christ that was a lot of pressure.
He crouched there until his fingers turned white and an axe descended upon the vines, cutting them both free. Wheeler gasped, taking deep shaky breaths as she squeezed Eddie’s hand, locking eyes with Buckley over his shoulder. She schooled her features when Steve came into view. His throat wept blood but he was upright, which was more than Eddie could’ve hoped for.
The vines began to retreat for a reason they couldn’t discern. The group rushed to the second-floor landing, as the swarm of bats descended upon the house, rushing in through the open door. Eddie watched as something shifted in Steve’s stance. He twisted the baseball bat in his hands, familiarising himself with the weapon before taking a few practice swings.
“Keep going. I’ll hold ‘em off,” Steve spoke.
Eddie knew it wasn’t a good plan. He knew what happened to the people who stayed behind. Steve had warned him about playing the hero. Eddie wasn’t going to let him have all the fun.
He held his shield aloft in front of himself, trying to see how much of his body he could brace behind it. If this were a campaign, Eddie knew fighting something that nasty on your own would be akin to a death sentence.
“I’m staying. Even the odds,” Eddie spoke, as though two boys fresh off the heels of adolescence taking on a swarm of hundreds of unearthly horrors was in any way shape or form, even. They just had to hold them off until Vecna was dead. The hellscape couldn’t survive without him. Cut off the head and the rest would follow.
If they had more time, maybe things would’ve gone differently. Maybe they would’ve come up with a better plan, but there was no time. Robin looked poised for an argument or a thought-out speech but Nancy cocked the shotgun and dragged her forward. She knew the silent promise that came with goodbyes.
The boys were faced with a black mass of writhing wings. They found a rhythm with ease. Steve swung his bat in a perfect arch, sending any unfortunate hell spawn in its wake flying into Eddie’s waiting shield, empaled on the jagged nails.
Eddie was surprised at how easy it was to find something akin to peace at that moment. He and Steve knew how to move around each other, and how to anticipate each other. They watched the other’s back and oftentimes found themselves back-to-back. Steve’s broad shoulders were grounding where they pressed into Eddie’s. It was the world's strangest game of baseball. With Steve at his side, the horror of the moment seemed to fall away.
They worked better together than Eddie could’ve imagined and lasted longer than he’d thought. Yet, they couldn’t hold out much longer. The room smelled of rotted iron and Eddie’s sides throbbed. He was too hopped up on adrenaline for the seriousness of the situation to take hold, but one look at Steve in his periphery let him know they were both in bad shape.
The boy was covered in blood. The wound in his side was torn open once more. Someone could trace their movement by the bloody footprints littering the floor.
They were dying.
Eddie tried not to let the enormity of the situation swallow him whole.
“Hey? How’s it going in there? You killin’ the son of a bitch or just admiring the view?” Eddie screamed above the beating of wings. When a response didn’t come, Steve and Eddie exchanged worried looks.
“Rob?” Steve yelled, casting a glance through the doorway.
The moment of distraction left him wide open for a bat to swoop, wrapping its twisted tail around Steve’s arm and tugging him upwards. Eddie acted fast, grabbing Steve’s ankle, and pulling him back to the relative safety of the rotting boards, bloated and warping from the mingling blood and black, bat ooze.
“I can’t find the lighter,” Robin’s voice called at last. It must have fallen from her pocket when the vines attacked. Shit.
Eddie plunged his hands into the depths of his jacket pocket and thanked the god he didn’t believe in for his habit of chain smoking in times of crisis. He’d brought another lighter.
“Watch my six Stevie, I’ve got one,” Eddie called, rushing into the room leaving no space to argue.
Nancy had slung the rifle over her shoulder and had taken Robin’s axe, making short work of the few bats that’d managed to sneak past his and Steve’s defences.
Eddie ran to Robin’s side, noticing how the girl’s eyes swelled at seeing him. He was definitely in bad shape then. Her hands trembled as she held out the bottle. Time and time again, Eddie tried to light the cloth. It wasn’t working.
Nothing was working. Panic finally took hold of Eddie. They were going to die. He wished he could say he made peace with that knowledge, but he couldn’t.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Eddie mumbled as the lighter continued to dull and spark.
“What’s going on? I’m coming in,” Steve yelled as he appeared in the doorway barring the opening as best he could, trying to hold the flimsy wood as it buckled beneath the bats' weights.
Steve’s eyes shifted over the scene, assessing the situation within seconds.
He charged forward, taking the bottle from Robin’s hands, and letting the rag fall to the floor.
“Nancy, get ready to shoot,” Steve called as he stalked closer to Vecna’s dangling body. A look passed between the two. The glance told Nancy everything she needed to know.
“Eds, lighter,” Steve called over his shoulder extending his hand. Eddie blinked, tossing it to Steve.
Eddie would remember what happened next for the rest of his life. Whether that life lasted for minutes or decades, it didn’t matter. There was no such thing as a perfect moment, but what followed was as close as they could come.
Steve took a deep swig of vodka, filling his cheeks with the bitter liquid and held Eddie’s lighter aloft, the small flame illuminating Steve’s features, a final spark of warmth amongst the blue-grey walls and ash of the house. His hands dripped blood, what was left of his skin was pale from the loss of it.
Steve spat the alcohol in a perfect arc, through the flame, breathing fire over Vecna’s body, catching the dark wizard alight. Steve was a fallen king turned dragon. A higher kind of nobility. Breathtaking, unearthly, and dangerous.
As Nancy littered Vecna’s body with bullets, Eddie kept his eyes trained on Steve, his heart in his throat. Eddie wasn’t one for sudden affections. His heart was an alley cat, wary and distrustful by nature. Yet, despite everything, Eddie fell in love with Steve at that moment. His heart soared straight past ‘crush’ and on through to adoration. Maybe it was the blood loss but with Vecna’s dead body on the floor at their feet, he knew at that moment, his life would be inextricably connected to Steve’s.
The boy shot him a smile over his shoulder, his lip bloody, vodka smattering his chin. The room smelled of kindling.
The girls rushed to Steve, taking turns embracing him. The sound of bats at the door had finally stopped. It was over. They’d won.
Eddie watched on helplessly as Steve rested his forehead against Robin’s, holding the girl close, his face contorting in pain. Robin muttered a string of incoherent words just loud enough for Steve to hear before pulling back.
Nancy was next. Their hug was less feverish, more familiar. Nancy’s chin rested on Steve’s shoulder and Steve’s hands gripped the back of her shirt as they had a hundred times before. They looked good together. It made Eddie ache. He looked away.
When he looked back, to his surprise Robin had scooped Nancy into a too-tight hug, blathering about how petrified she’d been and how amazing Nancy was. Much to his surprise, Steve was looking at him, his arms open in offering.
The others were close. They had gone through hell together. Eddie was the outsider. It felt strange being offered a place amongst them, but he didn’t know when he’d get another opportunity, so he strode forward letting Steve’s arms encircle his body.
It wasn’t the kind of hug he’d expected. It wasn’t feverish, like Robin’s or as solid and steadfast as Nancy’s. Steve clung to him, his hands gripped at Eddie’s forearms, as though trying to map out the uncharted territory before pulling him closer. His hands snaked around Eddie’s body, finally finding a home, clutching at the shirt fabric around his shoulder blades.
Eddie didn’t know what to do with his hands, finding them slipping beneath Steve’s jacket, just above his waist. His head found its way to Steve’s shoulder and Steve’s did the same. He could feel the boy’s heart pounding. He smelled of sweat, blood, and alcohol.
“You’re a total badass, Steve Harrington.” Eddie gasped. His breath was hot against Steve’s ear. The boy chuckled, causing a shiver to run up his spine.
“I don’t know, Munson. That’s high praise comin’ from a hero,” Steve spoke.
“I’m not-,” Eddie began, but Steve wasn’t having it.
“Take a compliment dude. You went to Mordor,” Steve spoke in the tone of a man who still didn’t know exactly what ‘Mordor’ was.
Hawkins’ golden boy, trying to ‘speak nerd’ to him wasn’t quelling any of Eddie’s feelings.
“Yeah well, next time we go somewhere let’s make it nice. Check out The Rockies, The Grand Canyon, maybe California.”
Later Eddie would blame the blood loss for being so bold.
Steve pulled back, just far enough to look at Eddie’s face. To his surprise, Steve shot him a goofy grin.
“I like the sound of that.”
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#pre slash#robin buckley#Nancy Wheeler#hint at#ronance#fruity four#the fruity four#eddie munson lives#steddie ficlet#ficlet#drabble#steddie drabble#platonic stobin#platonic edancy#I finally decided to write the thing for you guys#hope you enjoy#they probably pass out#two seconds later from blood loss#then wake up next to each other#in their hospital beds#Eddie is half-high and won't stop#rambling to Dustin about#how badass Steve is#Steve is wide awake and also half high#listening to Eddie gush to Dustin#The second Eddie so much as mentioned#not hating the idea of a road trip with the six nuggets
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Made a post about Eddie's mother and now this is happening apparently | now also on ao3 as a multi chapter fic
Two years after Eddie discovered the identity of his mother, Nancy Wheeler arrives at Hawkins High. She's still tiny – comparable to Eddie when he was fourteen and had yet to hit his growth spurt – and she's practically glued to this tall ginger girl with thick glasses at all times.
Eddie can't help but look at her whenever they cross paths, and it doesn't take long before he has to draw the disillusioned conclusion that the two of them couldn't possibly be more different from each other. She's nothing like Eddie, with his perpetually loud and boisterous presence, but rather the kind of girl who's always quietly giggling with her friend in a corner of the cafeteria or in the library doing homework. She's very pretty and Eddie strongly suspects she could easily be hanging out with the popular crowd, if she wanted to – he sees how certain guys look at her. But she doesn't seem too interested in any of that, rather sticking with her nerdy friend and dedicating her time to the kind of extracurriculars that ambitious girls are supposed to do.
'Eddie! Hey, Eddie! Munson!'
Jeff has to snap his fingers in front of Eddie's face before he finally gets his attention.
'What?' Eddie startles.
'I've been talking to you for like, the past ten minutes. What the hell can be more important to you than the plot of The death of Captain Marvel?'
Eddie has to muster all his self-restraint to not look over Jeff's shoulder across the cafeteria to where Nancy Wheeler and her friend are sitting two tables over. But alas, he is not exactly known for his vast amounts of self-restraint.
Jeff follows his gaze and gasps.
'Nancy Wheeler?' he hisses emphatically under his breath, leaning closer towards Eddie. 'Dude, are you kidding me?'
'Jeff,' Eddie says, flatly, to stop him.
But Jeff marches on. 'The jocks won't stop talking about her, man! Don't you dare become like that, you –'
'Ew,' is all Eddie has to say to that. 'Dude, you are so wrong, it's not even funny.'
Jeff risks another glance over his shoulder.
'Her friend is cute,' he says.
'Wasn't looking at her friend either,' Eddie answers, accompanying his words with an eye-roll.
A smile crosses over Jeff's face. 'Good,' he establishes.
Luckily, if there's anything Eddie is good at, it's to take an opportunity when he sees one: he latches onto this fascinating piece of information and spends the rest of their lunch break teasing Jeff relentlessly about his little crush on a certain freckled freshman.
He's pretty sure that Jeff is way too shy to ever ask any girl out – and even though Eddie might be pretty damn stupid, he's not exactly stupid enough to meddle in this one. That'd be a recipe for a disaster of boundless extent.
He can't help but wonder what it'd be like, though. He knows it's an utterly useless daydream in multiple aspects, the most important one being the way he sees Barbara Holland looking at Nancy. It easily betrays to him that the chances are very slim that Jeff would be her type in any way. But he still can't stop imagining what his life could be like if Jeff and Barbara were dating. He imagines the four of them hanging out together. He imagines getting to know Nancy, really getting to know her. He imagines the two of them seeking out each other's company whenever their two best friends would be doing stupid date stuff. They'd become fast friends, even though they'd seem like an unlikely pair; they'd simply have this instant familiarity around each other, connect like they were always meant to be bound to each other in some kind of way, despite all their differences. He'd come to her house all the time, get to know her - his - family, learn all about her secrets, her hopes and dreams... She'd joke about Eddie having become like an older brother to her and he'd get just as close to Mike and baby Holly... Maybe he'd even grow closer to Karen. She'd take him under her wing, make him homemade cookies like she's done for all her other kids, and give him a look, every now and then, that told him that she knew who he was, and that she was sorry...
He knows it's not good for him to lose himself in those kind of daydreams. He's always been a big daydreamer, but this one is becoming an obsession that borders on being unhealthy. More often than not, he'll zone out in class losing himself in scenarios where he's somehow a part of the family in the big house in Maple Street. Not only does it feel ungrateful towards Uncle Wayne and is it ruining his already questionable grades, it's also a special kind of torture for himself, to be dedicating so much of his time inserting himself into a family that will never actually be his.
'You're Eddie Munson, aren't you?'
He almost drops his lunchbox one day when he's at his locker and Nancy suddenly appears out of nowhere behind him.
'Jesus, you scared me, can you not sneak up on me like that?!' he blurts out to conceal how his heart is suddenly beating in his throat. Fuck, he never really wanted to talk to her, that was never part of the plan. He didn't even know she knew who he was in the first place!
Looking into her eyes is the most difficult thing of all. No matter how different the two of them are, those eyes are proof of what they have in common: almost too big for their faces and so expressive that every emotion they have is easily betrayed in their gazes. Looking at her, really looking at her, shows him the phantom life that could've never been his anyway more clearly than anything else.
He sees himself, two years old, holding a newborn in his arms. He sees the two of them giggling and playing with a baby through the bars of a playpen four years later. He sees them on a playground, swinging side by side and getting mud on their hands in a sandbox. He sees the two of them grow older: him making her laugh by making up silly stories about her barbies, her practicing with make-up on his face, him sharing his newfound love for good music with her; the two of them dramatically complaining about their parents together, him teaching her to play guitar, her on his bed talking about boys; all taking place in that big house that Eddie will never even set foot in, because he belongs there just as much as the raccoons that sometimes plague their trashcans.
'Are you stalking me?'
Eddie blinks. The way she looks at him knocks the breath right out of his lungs: her chin is tilted upwards and there's something almost defiant in the way her eyebrows are curved. Suddenly, she seems to have much more in common with Eddie than he thought, this freshman girl with neatly braided hair challenging the local trailer trash drug dealer without an ounce of timidity.
'Uhhhh,' he dumbly says.
'Do you want something from me?'
'N-no,' he stutters.
'Then stop staring at me all the time, creep,' she says sharply.
Before he can say anything else, she turns her back to him and walks away.
He knows pretty damn well he shouldn't stare, but he finds himself glued to the floor, unable to look anywhere else while Nancy's tiny frame disappears among the crowds of students filling the school halls.
This one hurts more than anything else; even more than that time just after he found out, when he was soaking wet and staring into the Wheelers' warmly lit kitchen from behind the bushes in their garden.
She has no clue who he is; no clue how closely their lives are intertwined. She didn't see in his eyes what he saw in hers. Of course she didn't. How could she? He's just Eddie Munson, the school freak, after all. Completely and utterly incomparable to little miss perfect Nancy Wheeler. He's the weirdo whose creepy gaze she had intercepted one too many times in the cafeteria, making her so uncomfortable that she felt the need to stand up for herself and say something about it.
God, he needs to let this go.
Update: pt3 is now here
#don't mind me rambling about stranger things#edancy siblings#eddie munson#nancy wheeler#jeff stranger things#barbara holland#fruity ficlet#stranger things#fanfic
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If you guys are scared of Stancy, just add a dash of Eddie, and it becomes less scary. Just imagine, if you will, Eddie hiding behind both Steve and Nancy.
"Oh, it's just a tiny little mouse, Eddie," Steve scoffed.
"It is NOT a tiny little mouse! I said it was a mouse sized spider!" Eddie shrieked.
Suddenly, Steve was also hiding behind Nancy.
"It's okay, guys, I got this," Nancy said, rolling her eyes in amusement.
"You always do, baby," Eddie said. "You always do."
#stranger things#stranger things s4#eddie munson#joseph quinn#eddie stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson lives#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#nancy wheeler#nancy wheeler x steve harrington#steve x nancy#stancy#nancy wheeler x eddie munson#edancy#nancy wheeler x steve harrington x eddie munson#stedancy#ficlet#stranger things fanfiction#rueleigh writes
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Steddie week. Day 5: Established relationship. 1.3k words. Ao3 link.
“Oh no! There’s no seats left! What will I ever do?” Eddie exclaims, like this was an actual problem. Going so far as to put his hand over his forehead, pretending to almost faint.
Steve is sitting on one end of the couch, Robin on the other side with Nancy in the middle. Argyle and Jonathan are sharing the loveseat next to them. They’re having a movie night at Steve’s. Surprisingly, over the course of the summer this group’s becoming closer than ever.
“Oh well, I guess there’s no other option.” Eddie shrugs.
Eddie approaches the couch, Steve opens his arms expecting Eddie to fall on his lap. That’s the only course of action that Steve sees possible. Then again, Steve doesn’t actually know what goes on Eddie’s mind all the time. He can imagine, guess or predict but at the end of the day Eddie keeps surprising him.
Instead of plopping himself on his boyfriend’s lap, Eddie goes and sits atop Nancy. What? Steve knows his face is full of confusion, he hears Robin snort. Well, excuse him for thinking his boyfriend would use this opportunity to cuddle him. That was the most logical explanation!
Eddie sits sideways and puts his arms around Nancy’s neck. Nancy doesn’t even look taken aback, she rests one hand on his leg while the other surrounds his waist. Steve sends them an incredulous look.
“Hey, Wheeler.” Eddie smiles at her. “How are you?”
“Hey yourself. I’m very good. How about you?” Nancy asks, nonchalantly.
“Better now, thanks for asking.” Is Eddie trying to bat his eyelashes?
Steve feels ignored, they’re doing this on purpose. When did they agree to this? “What the fuck?” Steve asks.
“What’s wrong, Steve?” Nancy shoots him an innocent look.
“What are you doing?”
“Well there were no other seats, so this seemed like the logical thing to do.” Eddie explains while knocking his and Nancy’s heads together.
Nancy nods. Her hand starts to move up, almost reaching Eddie’s thigh. Steve follows the movement with his eyes, frowning. “I don’t care how much progress we’ve made in our friendship, Nance. You move that hand any further and it all goes out the window.” Steve warns. They all know he’s joking, but Steve has to find a way for this to stop. He wants Eddie with him, and he doesn’t care how clingy that sounds.
Nancy makes a tsk sound, she turns to Eddie. “Are you sure you want him as your boyfriend? He seems kinda possessive.”
“Wha-! I’m right here!” Steve protests. He even crosses his arms in annoyance.
Eddie sighs. What the fuck is going on. “Is one of the things I have to live with.” He even shakes his head.
Nancy pouts. “Hmm. I wouldn’t be like that.” She nudges Eddie’s jaw with her nose. Steve doesn’t know how much longer he can put up with this. He swears he’s patient. This little game they’re playing should be over soon.
“Aw, if I could pick a lady, you know it’d be you.” Eddie uses his pointer finger to boop her nose. Nancy scrunches it and giggles. For fuck’s sake, Nancy Wheeler doesn’t giggle!
“That’s it, give him back!” Steve demands.
“Dingus, let them have their moment. You’re interrupting a precious thing.” Robin betrays him. Whatever, he’s used to that.
“He’s not your property, you know, Steve.” Nancy calmly says, as if she needs to explain it to him.
“Yeah. Dude’s his own person.” Argyle adds. Damn, Steve kinda forgot he was here.
Everyone is acting as if this was a normal occurrence. Steve wonders when they had the time to decide to mess with him.
“Why is this happening?” Steve asks, almost defeated. If this is how the night’s gonna go, he might as well know why he isn’t getting affection from his boyfriend.
“Well, Steve. Have you considered the possibility that we’re in love?” Nancy almost, almost breaks character right there. Her lips twitch but she manages to keep her face from smiling.
Steve gives them a blank stare. “You’re a lesbian.”
Eddie gasps and puts his hand on his chest.
“And you’re gay.” He directs to Eddie. It’s Nancy’s turn to gasp.
“I guess this isn’t gonna work.” Eddie simply shrugs. Nancy lets him go.
He stands up and settles on Steve’s lap, immediately kissing his cheek. Steve moves his hands to Eddie’s waist subconsciously.
“Hey, babe.” Eddie rests his head on the crook of Steve’s neck.
“You guys are ridiculous.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have introduced them to each other, Stevie.” Robin tells him and gives him a disapproving head shake.
“I didn’t!”
“I knew they would be a handful together.” Robin continues, ignoring him.
“Yeah, you should’ve thought about that.” Jonathan speaks for the first time in minutes, just to pile on to Steve’s distress.
“So today is gaslighting Steve day, huh.” His friends want him to suffer.
“Just play the movie.” Eddie suggests while playing with Steve’s hair. Damn it, Eddie knows it’s hard for him to stay mad when he does that.
So they watch the movie.
After everyone goes home, it’s just Eddie and Steve cleaning up. Steve is washing the dishes when Eddie hugs him from behind. He gives him a kiss on his cheek, then he tries to go for a kiss on the lips but Steve avoids it.
“What?” Eddie questions. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Steve disregards the question.
“Then why won’t you kiss me?” Eddie pouts, he searches for his gaze to give him his best puppy dog eyes.
“I’m washing the dishes.” Steve is aware that he’s acting like he’s angry or upset with Eddie right now. He’s not, he just figured he would get back at Eddie for earlier. He can be a little petty, sue him.
“Are you mad at me?” Eddie lets him go to rest against the counter, looking to catch Steve’s gaze.
“I don’t know. Did you do something to make me mad?” Steve’s used that phrase before, maybe it elicits a Pavlovian response in Eddie because he suddenly straightens.
Eddie seems to think it over, then he sags with what looks like relief. “Is this about the Nancy thing?”
“You tell me.”
“Baby.” Eddie drags the word, almost whining. “We were just messing around.”
Steve just nods, not giving anything away. “Sure.” He starts drying the dishes.
“You weren’t actually jealous, were you.” Eddie grabs his arm, starts shaking it. Complaining like a little kid.
“Careful, I still have to dry these.”
“Ugh. Do I have to make it up to you?” Eddie lets him go, stomps with his feet.
“Do you?” Steve finally looks at him. “I don’t know, maybe I’ll just get even.”
Eddie gulps. “Huh?”
“You heard me.”
“Please forgive me, I need attention to survive, just like Tinker Bell.” Eddie pleads.
“I don’t know…” Steve plays it up.
“What do I have to do?” They’re being dramatic, Steve knows Eddie doesn’t think this is serious. But Eddie’s known to like the theatrics.
“Maybe you need to come up with that yourself.” Steve offers. He finishes drying the dishes. He leaves them there, he’ll put them away later.
Eddie humms. He crowds Steve against the counter. “I have something in mind.” He smiles, mischievous.
Steve arches an eyebrow. “Do you?”
“Follow me.” Eddie takes his hand and leads them to the bedroom.
They’re cuddled up, on the bed. Satisfied and content. Sleep is almost taking over.
Before they fall asleep, Steve asks something that has him genuinely curious.
“Would you really pick Nancy, if you weren’t gay?”
Eddie groans and rolls his eyes. “Oh my god, don’t make this a thing.”
“I’m not! It’s just a question!” Steve isn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t any pushback.
“Go to sleep, Steve.” Eddie closes his eyes, ready to fall asleep.
“I’m just curious.” Steve tries again. Really! It’s just curiosity. Pff it’s not like he was actually jealous. That’s ridiculous.
“You’re gay too, you can answer your own question.”
“That’s different. We already tried dating once, and being repressed homosexuals wasn’t the only reason we wouldn’t work.” Steve explains.
Eddie places a kiss on his forehead. “Goodnight, baby.”
“Eddie!” He whisper-yells. Doesn’t get him an answer. He narrows his eyes at his boyfriend. “I’m watching you two.”
#once again:#i operate on PST so#i tried to be funny in this#also I might be a bi Steve thruther#but above everything I’m a gay Steve BELIEVER#steddieweek2023#steddieweekprompts#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#eddie x steve#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#stranger things#stranger things 4#platonic edancy#mer writes sometimes#ficlet#nancy wheeler#i think this is the first fic of the week where I actually included other characters#we need more of nancy and eddie being menaces
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Writers 20 questions tag game!!
Thank you to @devondespresso for the tag. The last time I did this I think I had barely written anything and had nothing up on AO3 so this is exciting to do again.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
11 and growing!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things. Steddie. Just Steddie. Because of the Steddie of it all. I wouldn't be opposed to branching out to some Edancy though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm A Bad Boy For Breaking Her Heart; California I'm Coming Home; I Can Love You Better Than Him; I Tell You Folks, It's Harder Than It Looks; Only The Horses Can Bring Us Back Home
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Now granted I have a couple outstanding to reply to from last week, but yes always because it genuinely amazes me that people take the time to do that. ❤️
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm... published I would say Brothers Keeper and/or Fight To Be Free, but they are wee ficlets and depends on your definition of angst I guess. Even thinking of my angstiest WIPs I'm not sure any of them have anything really sucky planned for the end. I'm all about the angst/pain/suffering and then a nice cup of cocoa and a cuddle for the final chapter.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
California I'm Coming Home. I think most of the published fics are pretty happy endings, but I think this one is the most fairytale almost. It's kind of an Oprah ending - Wayne gets a happy ending, and Eddie gets a happy ending, and Steve gets a happy ending! 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far no. Hopefully never.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*clutches rosary beads* Nope. I honestly can't imagine ever being able to write smut, I suspect its the deeply ingrained Catholic guilt. But never say never!
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I fucking hope not. Do you know how long it takes me to write this shit? I've been writing one fic since the beginning of 2023 and it's still not finished!!! 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not as far as I'm aware.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No... I like the theory of it, it sounds like it could be fun, but at the same time I don't understand the mechanics of it and I could see it ending in tears.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Gosh, this is har-- STEDDIE! IT'S STEDDIE!!!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
All of them? Positive thoughts, positive thoughts. I have snippets and pieces for three fics that I'm not sure will ever get finished; one was being referred to as Eddie and Dustin Do Hookers and Blow (it really wasn't like that, I promise!) - basically miserable Eddie suffering in a shitty apartment in the city and Dustin rocking up and being all 'I've had no life experiences, my friends are all living their best life, I don't want to go to college - take me out for a wild night!'. Hilarity ensues etc. Likely will never get finished and I'll probably strip it for parts.
The other one was Eddie and Steve reconnect in the 90s. Eddie toured the country in his van for years, depressed and traumatised (hi, if you're a new reader I like to write Eddie as depressed and traumatised. All. Of. The. Time. You're welcome). He eventually settles down, becomes a nurse (Nurse Eddie truther!) and runs into Steve. Hilarity ensues. Or, they fall in love anyway. But yeah, realistically never getting finished.
The last one was an aftermath/recovery fic. I have about 7k words for this. This was my first stab at fanfic in about 15 years and it shows! I bit off more than I could chew and was taking it in too many directions. As it stands it will never be finished but there is a nugget of a story in there that I still want to tell. It's mostly medical whump before the loving and romance. Might just stay as a little mind movie for myself to re-run over and over.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhh... I think I have good ideas, and I like to take ideas and flip them. For example - Steve has bad parents. Well, what if they're nice? Um. Can't really think of anything else.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
What's the max word count for a post on Tumblr? Lol, joking. Run on sentences, like ruuuuuuuuuuuun on. Too many commas. Too many elipses. I am way too slow because I read too much fic so nothing gets finished. I cannot write connecting action for shit. I can give you dialogue. I can give you internal monologues for days. I cannot connect the two. Annoys the shit out of me. Also I can be super light on description sometimes, and I think it's because I write for myself that I forget other people need to see what I can see! Also giving my fics stupidly long titles which is really annoying when you have to keep them typing them out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I would be comfortable doing it because I know I would get it wrong. Sometimes it really throws me in a fic and I have to run off to google translate or scoot up and down to the authors notes to decipher whats being said. Which is fine if its a one off but I've read whole conversations like that in fics and nope. Back button is calling my name. Tricky to pull off well I think.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The A Team. I was shit and nothing got published and we should all be very pleased about that.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oooh, tricky. California I'm Coming Home and Only The Horses. Oh and I Can Love You Better Than Him I think. I love the idea of Eddie being rescued by Steve. Not going to count the WIPs because they would trump everything! I love them!
Crikey that was fun! As always, no pressure tags -
@cchapsticck @occasionaloverboy @thisapplepielife @loudsnapdragon @hitlikehammers @postmodernau @soaringornithopter @lingeringmirth @devilyouwere
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I won’t wish to be yours (or for you to be mine)
Read it on ao3
Second Part
Eddie was never going to be able to stay.
Logically, Steve understood that. He understood it, and he agreed. No matter what the government tried to spin, no matter what Hopper told them, the people of Hawkins thought Eddie was a murderer. A boy like Eddie had been guilty since the first day he arrived, and this was the inevitable conclusion.
Still, there was knowing he was eventually going to leave, and then there was watching Eddie put the last boxes in his van and cling on tight to his uncle.
July 14th. Eddie had stayed ten days past 4th of July. Just long enough to make sure they were all going to be okay on the first anniversary. It was kind. It was thoughtful.
It made Steve wish he knew how to hate him.
“Okay, so as long as you stick to your timetable, you should get to Chicago by tonight. You have a reservation at this hotel already, so try to get there around check in time, okay? They even have parking in the back,” Nancy rattled off, handing Eddie a thick folder of papers.
When Eddie had told the five of them he was leaving, she had launched into research mode. It was the way she coped, and it was productive. In just one month she had managed to put together a full dossier of the exact route Eddie had to take to get to New York, even found him a few garages outside of the city in towns where no one would have ever heard his name.
“Thanks, Drew,” Eddie said with a grin, patting Wayne twice on the shoulder and dragging Nancy into a hug, “Actually, thanks to all of you. You guys have been super helpful.”
They had been. Nancy planned, Jonathan had started putting together an album of all the pictures he had taken, Argyle began cultivating the perfect stash for Eddie to bring with him, and Robin made about a dozen mixtapes of ‘real music’ for him to listen to.
Steve had grieved.
He hadn’t done a damn thing to help or make this process easier. Robin had done her best to try and make things better, she always did, but it didn't help that she was also leaving in less than a month. All of them were. Off to colleges all across the country, while Steve stayed here all by himself.
He was supposed to at least be able to keep Eddie. But Steve never really got to keep good things, so he should have expected this.
He turned away from the rest so they wouldn’t see the scowl on his face, kicking at some of the weeds stubbornly poking out from the gravel outside of Wayne’s trailer. The kids had already come by to say their goodbyes, leaving before they had to watch Eddie go. They had offered for Steve to come with them, and he should have taken it. It had felt wrong at the moment to be the only teen to not be there to wish Eddie farewell, but now Steve felt like his world was collapsing, and he just wanted to go home.
Never mind that his home was standing about 20 feet away from him, laughing with the rest of his friends. Never mind that his home was leaving for good, never to return, and Steve was probably never going to see him again.
“Hey, easy on the flowers,” Eddie said with a laugh, pulling away from the rest. He squatted low, picking the dandelion and examining it, “Still looks good,”
Steve hummed, unable to make words come.
“Make a wish,” Eddie whispered, holding the fuzzy flower up to Steve’s lips. He took a sharp breath in, hating the way his chest felt like it was about to cave in.
I wish the people in this town would fuck off so you didn’t have to go.
I wish everything would just stay exactly as it is.
I wish you would stay.
I wish I wasn’t so selfish.
I wish I knew how to tell you I love you.
Because he did. Steve loved Eddie in a way he thought he was never going to be able to love again. He loved Eddie so much it hurt, and he had started to think that Eddie might even love him right back, but then it had all broken down.
Now Eddie was going, and Steve had missed his chance.
Steve banished all of those stupid greedy thoughts, pulling away just enough to blow out a heavy short gust, watching the seeds dance away, merrily floating across the trailer park, unaware they carried no wishes with them.
“What’d you wish for?” Eddie asked.
Steve let himself look at Eddie. Really, honestly, look. He memorized the wave of Eddie’s curls, and the long slow slope of his nose. Steve mentally sketched out the sharp jawline, and the way his eyes sparkled. He committed it all to a place in his brain where Eddie could stay young and beautiful forever.
That was the Eddie Steve could love forever, that was the Eddie that would stay.
He could let this one go.
“That you’d be happy, wherever you’re going,” He whispered, pulling Eddie into a far too tight hug. He rested his chin on Eddie’s shoulder and closed his eyes, dragging in a long breath and savoring the smell of Eddie’s cheap, terrible, 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner.
Eddie held him back just as tight, his forehead nestled in Steve’s neck.
“I’m gonna call. Every day,” He promised, and Steve forced down the scoff that wanted to come up.
That’s what everyone always said. I’ll call, I’ll write, we won’t lose touch. It never happened. His own parents hadn’t even managed to keep calling, why would Eddie be any different?
No, Steve knew the truth. They would call every day for a while, maybe even multiple times a day. Then they would slowly go to every other day, then once a week, once a month, just on birthdays and special occasions. And, eventually, Eddie would forget his name, or Steve would only be fond memories that lived in high school yearbooks and yellowed old photo albums.
Eddie would forget that he had maybe started to love Steve.
It was going to happen with Eddie, then Robin, then Jonathan, then Argyle, and finally Nancy. It would happen with the kids when they finally went off on their own, and Joyce and Hopper when there were no more people tying them down to Hawkins. Everyone would leave, because that’s what people did.
They would leave, and Steve would stay, and he needed to learn how to be okay with that. He needed to figure out how to get over losing people.
And he needed to be alone to learn how to do that.
“Does that sound good, Stevie?”
Oh. Right. Eddie was expecting a response.
“Yeah. You better. I’ll be waiting by the phone,” Steve said, hating how much that was going to be true. Eddie laughed like it was a joke, but it was the god honest truth. Steve would wait by the phone every single day, and one day the phone wouldn’t ring again.
He swallowed down the bitterness that was rising, untangling himself from Eddie’s arms and interlocking their fingers. This was the last time he was going to hold this hand, the last time he was going to feel those rings. He needed to savor it.
They walked back to the others as one single unit. There was another round of hugs, a few well hidden tears, and then Eddie was getting into his van. For the first time there was an air of nervousness, and he glanced around the group, his eyes landing on Steve and staying there.
Eddie wanted reassurance. He needed a patented Steve Pep Talk, a few words to tell him that he was making the right decision.
Well, he was making the right decision for him, but Steve couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell Eddie it was okay to go. His heart was already breaking in two as it was, giving Eddie the last push he needed would shatter it completely.
Then Robin’s hand was sneaking into his, and she was giving him a look, and Steve couldn’t be selfish anymore.
“Don’t forget us when you get big and famous,” Steve said with a wave, all of them pretending his voice hadn’t cracked even a bit. Eddie gave him a beaming smile and a two fingered salute, starting up the van with the usual roar. He carefully backed out of the drive, leaving the trailer park with an obnoxiously long beep of his horn and a waving hand.
And he was gone.
He was actually gone.
Steve didn’t bother to stick around and chat with the rest. He had given the last bit of his care away to Eddie, and now he just wanted to curl up in his bed. Steve had to learn to live with this pain, and the sooner he started, the better.
Robin followed him without words, and he loved her for it. They had already discussed their plans. They were going to get rip roaring drunk, and Steve was going to have a good long cry, and then they would eat ice cream. It wasn’t enough, but it was better than being by himself before he had to be.
“I’m sorry,” Robin said softly as they got into his Beemer.
“Don’t be. He’ll be okay.” Steve replied automatically, starting the car and pulling out, going the same way as Eddie. A wild crazy part of him almost wanted to speed to catch up, cut Eddie off, tell him not to go.
Steve kept the car below 30, barely crawling on a street he normally flew down.
“He will be,” Robin said carefully. The unspoken ‘I’m worried you won’t be��� sat between them, heavy and oh so painful.
“I will be,” Steve said stubbornly, ignoring the look Robin gave him. He put the radio on so they didn’t have to talk anymore, hating himself for wishing that he had wished for Eddie to stay.
#Steve harrington#Eddie munson#steddie#Steddie drabble#steddie ficlet#robin buckley#stobin friendship#platonic stobin#platonic soulmates steve and robin#Nancy wheeler#Jonathan byers#argyle stranger things#platonic edancy#I PROMISE IM GONNA FIX IT#Mack knows how#but till then#Everyone go listen to 11:11 by Ben Barnes#Liam speaks up#Writing(withacapitalW)
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god I hate when people rb posts pro certain ships but then are in the tags like “this is cute but I see them more as best friends” or “I don’t go here but I like this a little bit” literally just let people enjoy stuff ?? I do not care if you disagree with my hc. everyone has different ones but. just don’t bring it onto MY posts 😒😐😑
HARD agree on the "love this but platonic only" that shit makes me so mad. did not fucking ask if you like them as besties only, i want them to make out. make your own post if you love them platonically so much. write them as besties draw them as besties gif them as besties but it's so fucking backhanded and rude to say that shit on ship posts. esp when the ship itself is not problematic, it just isn't the widely recognized ship for that character
however a good majority of the time when people are like "not my ship but !!!! wow i like this actually" they do actually mean well and REALLY just have never thought of it. especially rarepairs! and you can usually tell when it's not meant like that. and at that point, you're right again, just don't reblog it and make your own post lmao
#anonymous#assuming this is about the little edancy ficlet/drabble thing#when someone almost immediately reblogged like 'i see them more as besties' and i made a post like didn't fucking ask don't fucking care#however silver lining is it's earned my edancy pegging fic two more paragraphs once i can write coherently bc i'm not yknow In Pain ghdfjk#(yes i am literally writing it out of spite. once the christmas fic and roommates pt2 are done it will be higher priority but for now#it is on the backburner and p much only added to when i'm feeling petty gfhkdsk)
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@eddiemonth Day 25: Songwriting, Melancholy
Rating: T for canon-typical alcohol consumption and discussion of Barb's death
Just wanted to write what Eddie's thoughts on Barb's 'disappearance' and death might be. Also, time for Platonic Edancy my beloved.
“Did you come out here to read?”
Despite being the biggest bookworm he knows (other than himself, that is), Nancy still sounds every bit as judgemental as anyone else might be to find him sitting outside on his lonesome during a house party.
He’d gone upstairs to retrieve his songwriting notebook from his designated side of Steve’s bed, thoroughly bored by the party. Bored and more than a little jealous that the Corroded Coffin boys – his friends – were relishing being in attendance at a (thankfully former) King Steve Harrington soiree.
Plus, watching on as Steve showed off doing keg stands was really only mildly charming for a whole of five seconds the first time he did it.
There's another chorus of whooping and hollering inside again has Eddie adjusts on the outdoor lounge chair. His back twinges as he shoves the notebook under his thigh for safe-keeping. He definitely spent too long lingering in the kitchen on the hard eggshell tiles.
He looks up to find Nancy purses her lips, waiting for a response as she swirls her solo cup.
“I’m not reading,” he defends, “I’m writing. Well, trying to, anyway.”
Nancy glares, crossing her arms over herself as best she can while still accommodating her cup. She stumbles on the spot, nicking one of her flats on the lounger leg. Eddie lunges forward, sending the chair scraping along the concrete slab as he catches her wrist.
“Woopsie,” she says, blushing and failing to compose herself as she reciprocates his grip, her blunt, clear polished nails digging into his skin.
“Better sit down, Wheeler,” he says, “Don’t wanna have to dive into the pool after you. I’m not the lifeguard Steve is.”
She hums a laugh, plopping down on the lounger quicker than Eddie can carefully spot her. He manages to move his notebook to the side table quick smart and move his legs, mere seconds before Nancy pushes her sloshing cup into his hand.
“Take this,” she gulps, speaking on a delay as she begins fussing with her hair.
He holds the cup out for her to take back, but she doesn’t. Instead, she lowers onto her back beside him, her small frame slipping easily into the small space between him and the armrest.
“I used to write,” she sighs, hugging into his side tight enough he is forced to just go with it – Nancy isn’t typically the most affectionate person. She blinks up at him and at this close proximity yeah, she’s good and well drunk.
“Uh, I'd have thought you'd be writing all the time, Lois Lane,” he chuckles.
“Poetry!” she clarifies far too loudly and close enough to his ear it sends a shudder straight through him, “For fun… I meannn.”
She tsks and rolls her eyes in the direction of the expansive and darkened backyard.
Eddie watches as she looks around, her face tinged blue from the pool lights, eyes growing larger and more weary the closer she gets to the pool.
The Harrington's pool is almost electric blue-white under the indoor lights, the heat from it sitting just above it like an ominous mist. Even with a rowdy party going on inside and the mild Springtime air, it feels cold and lonely. Sometimes Eddie wonders how Steve can stand this house.
Meanwhile, Nancy just stares into the heated waters, long and silent before breathing out shakily though her mouth.
She sniffles and wipes her nose with the cuff of her maroon sweater sleeve.
“You wanna go sit somewhere else?” he suggests, giving her shoulder a little squeeze.
She doesn't respond so he leaves his arm around her and looks into the waters too.
He knows about Barb Holland. What really happened to her back in the Winter of 1984. He’d heard rumours at the time. Nasty ones that he thinks – hopes – Steve doesn't know about. Ones that he knows the girl sitting with him now does not need to hear about.
He knows now obviously, what really happened to Barb. She didn't disappear, or drown in the Harrington's pool, or get buried put in the woods by Tommy Hagen and the bunch of douchebag jocks.
Nope, Barb died like Chrissy, courtesy of a hell dimension none of them can even talk about. Hell, they try not to talk to each other about it all now. Now that it's all hopefully vanquished for good.
“Can you get me some water?” Nancy asks, her stained voice snapping him out of his watery trance.
Tears are falling in earnest, now. He hasn’t seen Nancy cry before. Not even when they had to deal with everything at the hospital a few months back.
“Wanna sneak up to the Harrington’s luxury suite?” he wiggles his brows, leaning in close, “I hear they have a kick-ass King sized bed and even worse curtains than Steve’s…”
Nancy chops her hand through the air, giggling wetly, “That bedroom is not that crash-hot, y’know?”
“No, I don’t know!” he laughs. They wobble the chair as they straighten up, “Steve won’t let me in there!"
He snakes an arm around her middle, chuckling away. But Nancy halts before they move barely one step forward and grips onto his jacket lapel.
“Can we write together?” she asks, her voice both sickly-sweet and melancholy, looking up at him with hopeful eyes, “You could come over when my dad isn’t home?”
“Teddy-boy still thinks I’m some sort of demon-man risen from the dead?”
She closes her eyes and nods grimly.
“Good,” he grins, leaning in close.
By the time Nancy opens her eyes again, shuffling inch by inch to the back sliding door where Eddie has no choice but to hold onto her arm for dear life, she is smiling – at least a little.

#platonic edancy#eddie month#eddie munson#nancy wheeler#eddie and nancy#barb holland#edancy ficlet#super late with this :/
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all the recent pictures of joseph quinn have me thinking about eddie cutting his hair and steve having FEELINGS about the cute little curls.
Steve is jiggling his keys in the sticky front door when it opens from the inside where Nancy is standing. The move unknowingly yanks him forward, sending him stumbling inside.
Why is Nancy in the apartment mid-afternoon on a Friday?
"Nance!" he chokes and promptly frowns, "What happened?"
"Umm," she hums and closes her mouth in a half smile, half grimace.
He shucks his bag off and dumps it at his feet, completely panicked, mind racing as he insists, "What happened!"
And that's when he catches the scissors in her left hand, light bouncing off them from the bright lighting in the building's hallway.
"What did you do!" he screeches.
"Eddie might have called me yesterday telling me he had officially decided he wanted me to cut his hair," the words tumble out of her mouth, almost entirely as a single word that she punctuates with a toothy grin and worried brows.
Steve charges inside, eyes darting around the apartment as his heart pounds.
Robin is sitting on the lounge reading a magazine and barely looking up as she gives a nonchalant, "Hey, Dingus."
He places his hands on his hips, "Hey! Hey? Rob, how could you have let this happen!"
Robin flaps a page of the magazine and stands, "Wow, sounds totally normal for you to be controlling your boyfriend's body, Steve."
She tosses the magazine (a fucking men's hair magazine) on the coffee table and walks to him, giving a condescending pat on the shoulder as she smirks.
"But his hair!" he argues, as if his hair hysteria makes total sense.
"He looks good," Nancy chimes and Robin nods in agreement.
"Hey, Steve."
He spins around to find Eddie standing in the kitchen, hair short and impossibly curled up. He taps his fingers on the counter where off-cuts sit in a fluffy pile that could easily be mistaken for their cat.
"H-Hey," Steve splutters, giving a wiggly-fingered wave.
He stares as Eddie runs his fingers through his new haircut.
"Your mousse made it curlier than we were expecting," Nancy explains, sounding almost apologetic. But she doesn't have to be, like, at all.
Eddie raises his hands above his head, balling them into fists in frustration, "He doesn't like it!"
He looks between the girls, eyes wide as saucers and beginning to glisten.
Oh shit - Steve is still staring. Gawking. All slack-jawed even.
"No, no, no! Eds, I-I do!" he promptly rushes to Eddie and cups his reddening cheeks, "It's just… different s'all."
Robin gives a hearty scoff and Steve ignores her, refusing to listen to whatever quip she mutters to a giggling Nancy. He doesn't care that the pair find him and Eddie to be sickly lovebirds who never left the honeymoon stage of their relationship. He looks Eddie over, trying to read his mind to get a sense of anything else that might have influenced his decision.
"You sure nothing else is worrying you?" he continues, chewing at his bottom lip, for once wishing he had El's powers, "Remember when you were going to tell Wayne we wanted to move out and instead of telling him you dyed your hair blue? Or at least, tried to," he chuckles, "And Henderson and Claudia had to come over with their toxic concoction of cleaning supplies to get the stains off every surface in the kitchen?"
Eddie buries his face in the crook of his neck, snickering, "Nothing else. Promise, Stevie. I just wanted a change."
Steve soothes his hands over his back, his fingers gathering up loose strands of hair. He reaches up to his neck, massaging there too and feeling the hair at the nape of Eddie's now-exposed neck, the fresh ends slipping easily through his fingers.
Eddie detaches himself, keeping him at arm's length as he adds, "I was starting to feel like a bit of a has-been, anyway."
"Well, I don't like that part of it at all," Steve frowns, petting the curls at the front that were once Eddie's brow-hitting bangs.
He grimaces as that nagging part of his brain he has never been able to shirk (some combination of his mother's vanity and a built-in bitchiness) zeroes in on Eddie's possibly receding hairline. Steve shakes his head, willing away such a shallow thought as he cups his hands over Eddie's exposed ears, shifting to worrying about the upcoming winter and how his ears will most certainly get cold.
But Nancy did a good job. Great, in fact. She even applied the mousse properly so it isn't making Eddie's hair all tacky and clumped together. It is cut evenly too. Although Steve might need to use the electric razor to clean up around Eddie's sideburns a little.
Eddie looks impossibly cute like this, perhaps more than he ever did when he tied his hair up (the very first time sending Steve into cardiac arrest). His cheeks look rounder, more cherubic. And when those dimples inevitably come out, it will be an unholy combination...
God help Steve.
"Should we get going?" Robin wonders aloud.
It makes Steve jump - he had forgotten they weren't alone. Eddie barks a laugh and manhandles him into turning around to face the girls. Nancy points to herself, her other hand defiantly propped on her hip.
"I need to get paid."
Eddie hushes up demands of payment as quickly as possible, grumbling away as he gives Nancy some cash he had apparently retrieved from the bank and hidden in their sock drawer two weeks ago. He had promised to buy her a dress at a swanky boutique she had been eyeing, even though Nancy complained that he wasn't going with her to buy it. Even years later, the pair were inseparable shopping partners, a duo that could easily give Steve and Robin a run for their (in this case literal) money.
Steve can't help it, as soon as Eddie shuts the front door, he pounces, knocking them both into the coat stand as he peppers kisses onto the back of his neck.
"So you do like it?" Eddie laughs, stumbling around to steady them while Steve wraps his arms around his middle.
Eddie manages to turn around despite the tight hold on him, smiling in that lethal way that showcases his dimples.
And yeah, Steve is most definitely a goner.
#no i'm not using steve to talk about joseph's impossibly cute hair#how dare you accuse me of projecting like that#it's not like i also did that with joe keery a while back... absolutely not#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie ficlet#lilys ficlets#steddie headcanon#platonic edancy#nancy wheeler
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The edancy siblings saga continues! | AO3 link
So, in case it hasn't been made absolutely clear yet: Eddie is not a stalker. He is not stalking Karen and Nancy Wheeler. That is not what's happening here. Seriously. They just... appear wherever he goes, lately. Like on the other side of a window when he's in town with Jeff, headed to the record store to spend their Saturday morning listening to the newly released Motörhead album.
It happens before he really knows what he's doing. He can't even help it, he's just like that sometimes: he'll panic and make dumb decisions as a consequence. It's not even a real decision, this time; blame it on his poor impulse control. He's nothing but an unwilling participant in this situation.
'Eddie, no,' Jeff quietly protests.
Eddie, yes, Eddie's brain loudly counters.
'We're having brunch here whether you want it or not,' he blurts out while pressing the menu in Jeff's hand.
He doesn't think he has ever had brunch in his life – unless having a coffee and a cigarette with Wayne at 12pm on a Saturday counts.
But here he is, about to have brunch in some fancy way-too-expensive looking cafe because he saw a mother and her daughter through a window and his own feet decided to disconnect from his brain and take matters into their own hands. Or rather into their own feet. Or, well, not their feet, his feet don't have feet, that'd be weird as fuck.
Anyway. Apparently he and Jeff are about to have brunch together, with Karen and Nancy Wheeler perfectly lined up in Eddie's vision.
It's a place where neither Eddie nor Jeff would want to be found dead under any normal circumstances. The interior consists of various shades of pink and beige, there are plastic flowers and pink napkins on every table, and the menu on the wall is written in letters so curly that they're barely even readable. The whole place is filled with people from places like Loch Nora and Maple Street, wearing expensive clothes and with even more expensive handbags on the floor next to their chairs. A group of giggling girls that Eddie recognizes as sophomore cheerleaders is sitting in one corner, an old lady with a bunch of blonde nieces or grandchildren in another one, and spread out across the room are countless couples that are all made up of women looking like they just walked out of a copy machine matched with equally bland and bored looking men in button-up shirts. And, among those people, right behind Jeff's shoulder, the woman and the girl who Eddie is very much not stalking.
'What the hell are we doing here, man?' Jeff hisses under his breath. Eddie doesn't quite know who, between the two of them, looks more out of place in here: the trailer park metalhead or the black nerd in the Star Wars shirt.
'Having brunch,' Eddie states, like it's not only obvious but also a perfectly normal thing for them to do. He's not really looking at Jeff, but rather staring right over his friend's shoulder. He tries to imagine himself somewhere at that table; it conjures a truly laughable image in his head.
Jeff is right: what the hell is he doing here? He keeps finding himself on the fringe of a life that will never be his anyway.
It sounds worried; Eddie rapidly blinks a few times to get himself back to earth, back to his own table. The one he's sharing with Jeff, who looks at him like he's afraid that Eddie will tell him he has some incurable illness and will die a tragic death within weeks.
'You wanna tell me what's going on?'
But before Eddie can even begin to answer that, they're interrupted by a woman in a pink apron who looks at them from behind her glasses like she's ready to call the cops on them.
'Would you boys like to order something?' she asks in a tone that doesn't conceal very well how desperately she wants the answer to be no.
'Just a coffee, please, ma'am,' Jeff says, at the exact same time Eddie tells her they'll both have 'The brunch special, please, with extra scrambled eggs and bacon.'
He can barely suppress a yelp when Jeff kicks him underneath the table.
The waitress shoots an annoyed, yet slightly helpless, look back and forth between the two boys.
Eddie gives Jeff a pigheaded glance and repeats his order with emphasis.
'What the hell is this all about?' Jeff hisses at him as soon as the waitress has her back turned to them. 'I know you don't have the money for that, I'm not gonna pay for this huge fucking breakfast, dude!'
Eddie widens his eyes while pushing his lower lip forward, causing Jeff to give him another painful kick against his shin – but also to sigh with his head in his hands, which Eddie immediately recognizes as the ultimate sign of defeat.
'Okay, then. But only if you tell me why the hell we're here.'
Almost subconsciously, Eddie brings his hand up to his mouth and starts gnawing at his already chewed-off fingernails. His curls have finally reached shoulder-length, and he likes the way he can hide behind his hair now.
The thing is, he has never talked about this with anyone ever before. He doesn't know if he can. It's not even like he believes he owes Karen Wheeler any of her secrets; of course he doesn't. He simply feels like it's too big to talk about. He cannot foresee the consequences of letting the truth out. Right now, it's just this thing constantly simmering right beneath the surface of his brain; if he actually talks about it with someone, it will undoubtedly become much, much more than that. It'll become something real – something ugly.
Apparently, Jeff catches him staring, because he turns around in his seat to look over his shoulder.
When he whips his head back, his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly agape.
'Dude,' he says, slowly. 'You can only deny it so many times; you do have a crush on Nancy Wheeler!'
Eddie groans and buries his head in his hands.
'Oh my God, please never say that ever again.'
'Holy fuck.' Something resembling malicious glee is coloring Jeff's voice. 'You totally–'
'I said,' Eddie emphatically hisses at him between clenched teeth, 'never say that again.'
'Dude, you should totally ask her out! I'd give you a two percent chance she says yes, but if the gods are willing to grant us that miracle, it'll give me a chance to get closer to Barbara! You should–'
Eddie can't take it any more, not one word of this. He has to put a stop to this right now.
'Remember how I told you I never knew who my mother is?' he blurts out, the words stringing together too fast and his voice slightly too high.
Jeff's face instantly changes into one big question mark.
'Look at her – at Nancy,' Eddie tells him in a hushed voice. 'And at Mrs. Wheeler.'
Jeff dares another glance over his shoulder. Nancy and her mother don't seem to notice a thing about the two metalheads three tables away from them. They're caught up in what looks like a nice and easygoing conversation, full of smiles while they're sipping from large glasses filled with ginger tea.
'Now look at me.'
Jeff looks at Eddie for a full five seconds, neither of them saying a word.
'Dude...' Jeff finally all but whispers. 'Are you saying what I think you're saying?'
Before Eddie can even do so much as nod, the waitress appears out of thin air next to them and ungracefully dumps two huge plates filled with a whole arrangement of breakfast foods on their table.
'Nooooo,' is all Jeff says after the waitress has disappeared, his voice dropped down to a conspiring whispering volume. He stretches out the single syllable into eternity. 'No way. Mrs. Wheeler?! How the fuck is that even possible? Are you, like, sure about it?'
Eddie nods. 'Wayne told me,' he confesses. 'Back when my dad got locked up and I came to live with him. He was the only one who knew. Thought he owed it to me to tell me the truth.'
'Jesus Christ,' Jeff says in-between two huge bites from a croissant that's crumbling all over his lap.
'I know, right,' Eddie murmurs.
'So are we like... Watching them?' he asks with a raised brow. 'You do this often?'
'No, man!' Eddie quickly ensures him. 'Not, like, actively, at least,' he adds, feeling a bit embarrassed. He shoves some more eggs into his mouth to buy himself some more time.
'I dunno why I seem to enjoy hurting myself so much,' he finally explains when his mouth is empty again. 'Whenever I see any of 'em, I just... Can't seem to look away. And I can't help but wonder what it would've been like if she'd made another decision eighteen years ago. I know it's ridiculous, because if she had, Ted Wheeler would never have married her, so those three kids wouldn't even have existed, and it would've been me and her against the world or some bullshit.' He sighs again. 'I know it doesn't make any fucking sense. I'm dwelling on things that aren't even real.'
When he looks up from his toast, he sees Jeff giving him this look that kinda makes him regret sharing anything. He doesn't want to be pitied, for fuck's sake.
'Nah, I get it more than you think, man,' Jeff says quietly. 'I always think about what it would be like if my dad was still here, y'know. It's not just the big moments, when people tell me he'd be proud of me or some shit like that. It's especially in the little moments. The everyday kinda shit. I wonder if he'd have shared music with me, if he'd read the same books as I do, if he'd ever help my mom go grocery shopping, what it would be like if he helped me with my homework... It's only natural that you do that, I think. Maybe we all do it, to a certain extent; rewrite history a little bit in our heads.' He gives Eddie a tight, sad smile.
'It's probably even worse for you,' he continues. 'I only see my dad in pictures and I still miss him like hell every single day. But at least I still have my mom to tell the coolest stories about him. I have a grave where I get to mourn him properly. We have all those made-up rituals to commemorate him together. But you – you got none of that. You only got questions that got answered with more questions. And you get to see your mother and your siblings walk around town all the time, knowing that they have no clue who you are.'
Eddie keeps his gaze focused on the crumbs on the table to prevent himself from showing any emotions he doesn't want to show. Damn, what would he be without Jeff and his boundless amounts of wisdom?
'Wait, does she know?' Jeff suddenly asks.
When Eddie looks up, he sees a frown on Jeff's face, like he's worried about something.
'I don't think so,' he answers. 'I ran into her at Melvald's once. Tried to talk to her, just to see what'd happen. Made a complete fool of myself, of course. It was embarrassing as shit, but at least I can be pretty sure she thought I was just some random lunatic.' He sighs. 'But I'll never be entirely sure.'
Three tables over, the Wheeler ladies have finished their tea and are getting up from their seats.
'You're right, it was stupid going here,' Eddie mumbles.
'It's okay, man,' Jeff says, still in that soft voice filled with understanding. 'The food's pretty amazing. We still got plenty of time to go to the record store when we're done with this. Speaking of which... I bet you fifteen dollars to buy Another perfect day that you can't finish your plate before me.'
Eddie stares at him blankly. 'I don't have fifteen dollars.'
Jeff's face breaks out in a wicked grin. 'Well, in that case you better buckle up and finish your eggs real soon, Munson.'
It doesn't entirely take Eddie's mind off the Wheelers, but he appreciates the gesture so he grins and starts viciously attacking a bunch of sausages. And when he spares a glance towards the bar to see the horrified look on the waitress' face, he finds himself unable to hold in his laughter.
#don't mind me rambling about stranger things#the edancy siblings saga continues#and more of jeff x eddie friendship bc they mean everything to me at this point <3#eddie munson#nancy wheeler#karen wheeler#jeff stranger things#stranger things#fanfic#fruity ficlet
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Third Wheeling
A Stedancy ficlet
Eddie cursed. Robin was supposed to be here, but Vickie called her away, so now he was stuck here in the movies with Steve and Nancy. It felt like he was third wheeling. . .ha, Nancy's a Wheeler, and he's third WHEELing. Eddie giggled as he chewed on his fingernails.
"What are you giggling about?" Steve whispered to him.
"Nothing, just a stupid thought," Eddie whispered.
"Stop that," Steve said, pulling his finger away from his mouth. "You're going to ruin your fingernails."
"Make me," Eddie hissed.
Steve sighed before taking his hand in his, intertwining their fingers. Eddie's eyes went wide, and he tried to pull his hand away, but Steve held on tightly. Eddie pouted and slumped in his seat. Oh, wait, he has another hand. He started biting his other fingernails. Steve started whispering to Nancy. She got up and moved to the empty seat beside him. She took his hand and interlaced their fingers. Oh God, what was he supposed to do now? Maybe he should start biting his lip. What if they started to - oh, he liked that idea.
"I can't believe you told on me," Eddie hissed at him.
They continued holding hands even when they got out of the movie theater.
"I could go for some ice cream, what about you?" Steve grinned.
"I do," Nancy said. "We can talk about the movie."
"I don't know. Do you think I deserve ice cream?" Eddie asked, rolling his eyes.
"Well, you have been a very good boy," Nancy said, her eyes twinkling.
"I'm not your child," Eddie said. "Nor do I need my hand to be held to prevent me from biting my nails. I can bite my nails if I want to."
"Yeah, we know, but you've also been talking about painting your nails black," Steve said.
"And you complained that you always bite your nails," Nancy said. "Plus, perfect excuse to hold your hands."
"You guys listened to my stupid rant?" Eddie asked.
"We listen to all of your stupid rants," Steve smiled.
"We like them," Nancy said. "We like you."
"Why?!" Eddie exclaimed, and they laughed.
Nancy moved his arm to wrap around his waist before wrapping her own around his and pressed her cheek against his shoulder.
"So many things that can fill a book," Nancy replied. "Maybe you can keep your hands busy tonight, Eddie."
"We're definitely a handful," Steve laughed with Nancy.
"Yeah, I have no clue what the fuck's happening," Eddie said. "But I decided that I'm just going to let it happen. But first ice cream, because you assholes just had to say something."
Nancy slipped a hand in Eddie's back pocket while Steve slipped a hand in the other, not caring about the others.
"Robin was never supposed to come, was she?" Eddie asked. "This was always a date, wasn't it?"
#stranger things#steve harrington#nancy wheeler x steve harrington#stancy#eddie munson#nancy wheeler#nancy wheeler x eddie munson#edancy#eddie munson x steve harrington#steddie#nancy wheeler x steve harrington x eddie munson#stedancy#nessie#gunfire royalty#bisexual steve harrington#bisexual eddie munson#pansexual nancy wheeler#pan4bi4bi#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things ficlet#rueleigh writes
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Just to be clear: this post is entirely platonic. It’s about finding understanding through shared feelings of loss and guilt and the depth of platonic connections, so please don’t reblog with any romantic tags.
'Eddie, what's this?' Nancy asked when she walked into the hospital room to find Eddie upright in his bed, with a pile of paper on his nightstand and surrounded by origami boats.
'Hi, Wheeler,' he said with a smile that wasn't quite as broad as the one he would regularly flash at her in the school hallways before their Week From Hell.
He looked better than the last time she'd visited, though: he had more color on his cheeks and his hair had clearly been washed and brushed. Apart from the scratches on his arms and the stitches in his cheek, he almost looked normal.
'You ever heard of ghost ships?' he asked Nancy as she went to sit down in the plastic chair at his bedside.
'Ghost ships?' she repeated. She tried to remember a term like that from Mike's D&D games, but came up empty.
'They're like, versions of yourself that you'll never get to be,' Eddie explained, picking up one of the paper boats around him and holding it loosely in his hands. 'Like the version of me who'd graduate high school.' He picked up another of his creations. 'Or the version of me who could walk without a cane.'
'You might,' Nancy reminded him.
'See, that's the whole point of ghost ships, Nance,' Eddie said with a smile like he was making some kind of grand revelation. The sparkle still didn't quite reach his eyes, though. 'You hold onto them, because you can't let go. Until you finally set them free, send 'em out onto the ocean. Watch them disappear on the horizon.' He shoved one of the boats off his bed in a somewhat cat-like movement; Nancy followed the falling boat with her eyes until it gracefully landed on the linoleum.
She thought about her own ghost ships. There were plenty of them, as if she had unknowingly opened a whole ghost port back in 1983. The version of her that lived in the peaceful bliss of not knowing how to shoot a gun. The version of her that would grow old with Steve, or with Jonathan. The version of her that loved to dance. The version of her that cared about which grade she'd get on her chemistry test.
The version of her that had a best friend called Barb.
'What if you don't want to let them go?'
Eddie looked up from the boats surrounding him, into her eyes.
'Then they'll always keep haunting you.'
Nancy thought about that for a minute.
'Which one's haunting you most, right now?' she finally asked.
Eddie's fingers started roaming over his sheets, until he picked up one of his boats, cradling it in his hands like it was made of glass.
'The version of me that didn't kill Chrissy.' He said it so softly that Nancy almost couldn't hear him. His eyes, wide as always and suddenly glazed with tears, kept staring at the boat in his hands like he was expecting it to start talking back at him.
'The version of me that saw she was hurting and didn't – didn't use that to his advantage. The version of me who didn't sell her fucking drugs but actually tried to help her.' He took a deep, shaky breath. 'The version of me that didn't run away and left her when she started floating.'
This was probably the point where Nancy should remind him that what happened to Chrissy was in no way his fault; but she knew exactly how he felt. She knew exactly how empty those words would be.
'Did I ever tell you about my friend Barb?' she asked him instead.
Her heart ached at the mere mention of Barb's name; she had never talked about her with anyone, ever. Not really. Steve had tried to be there for her, that first year after it happened, by visiting Barb's parents with her and holding her when she woke from a nightmare; but talking about it wasn't something he had been able to give her. And neither had Jonathan, or even Mike, or anyone else who knew about... everything.
But Nancy now realized that Eddie might understand, more than anyone else.
He looked up from his paper boat, a questioning look in his eyes when his gaze found hers.
'I mean, I know what happened to her...' he said, hesitant.
Almost subconsciously, Nancy reached out to one of the boats on Eddie's bed and took it in her own hands.
'She died because of me.'
It was the first time she said those words out loud – or the first time since that one awful party that she couldn't even remember.
'She died because I didn't care enough about how miserable she was feeling. She died because I wasn't there for her.' She tried to swallow the lump in her throat away. 'Vecna, he – he showed me what happened, you know. How she screamed my name, and how I didn't hear her. How I wasn't there.'
She blinked, her eyes focused on the boat in her hands.
'I don't think I can ever let go of that.'
'Do you blame Steve, too?' Eddie asked, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. 'He was there with you, wasn't he?'
Nancy hesitated. 'I used to,' she finally admitted. 'But I don't anymore.'
Eddie nodded.
'So you can also forgive yourself,' he pointed out. 'Sure, it might take a bit longer. You can keep that ship docked in your port for a while. But that doesn't mean it has to stay there forever.'
And somehow, that was a comforting thought. Maybe being the owner of a haunted ship wasn't all bad. Maybe the fact that it would be staying for a while meant nothing less than that she had loved someone deeply.
'So do you have any ghost ships you want to hold onto?' Nancy asked Eddie.
He stayed silent for a while, looking pensive.
'I think I’m not quite ready to give up on Eddie the high school graduate,' he finally said.
'Yeah.' He nodded, looking increasingly more certain of his words. '87, baby. 'S gonna be my year.' He paused, the fake smile dropping from his face just as sudden as it had appeared.
'And I wanna hold onto Chrissy. Can't change a thing about that one anymore; but I'm not ready to let go just yet.'
Nancy nodded. 'That makes sense,' she said. 'Maybe you can anchor it next to Barb's one. They might like the company.'
#tw death#took me fucking months to finish this one#i wanted it to end in a hopeful way and not be depressing af because the concept of ghost ships is actually v comforting to me#but ngl that was HARD#don't mind me rambling about stranger things#nancy wheeler#eddie munson#platonic edancy#barbara holland#chrissy cunningham#stranger things#fruity ficlet
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A Stedancy ficlet
Eddie was a little two invested to not start crushing on the both of them. He gets a little two invested that he starts dating both of them without realizing it. That is, until one day, they take him to Enzo's, and he's in mid bite when he realized.
"Are we - are we dating?" Eddie asked.
"Have been for a while now. Thanks for finally noticing," Nancy said and then she giggled.
"What do you think we've been doing the last few nights, Eddie?" Steve asked.
"I thought you and Nancy were spicing things up in the bedroom," Eddie shrugged. "Add one metalhead and voila!"
This time, Steve and Nancy both giggled.
"Do you want to be our boyfriend, Eddie?" Nancy asked.
"Do you want me to be your boyfriend?" Eddie asked, his eyes narrowed.
"Are you sure?" Eddie asked.
"Yes, Eddie," Nancy giggled.
"Hm, okay, but you're dating me at your own risk," Eddie said as he stabbed his soup with his spoon, sticking his tongue out as he tried to get the last carrot. "You know what, fuck it."
He set the spoon down and started slurping the soup. Once he drained it, he set the bowl down and showed the carrot successfully between his teeth before chomping down on it.
"You're so cute," Nancy laughed.
"I can't believe this does it for us," Steve said.
"I know. What's wrong with us?" She laughed.
"No take backs. I don't think my uncle has a return policy," Eddie said.
"I know, he told us," Nancy said.
"Wait, he knew we were dating before I did?" Eddie asked.
"Well. Before all of us," Steve said. "Apparently, Nancy and I were pretty obvious about our feelings."
"But seriously, you guys really like me?" Eddie asked, his eyes wide.
"Aww, yeah," they said and kissed his cheeks.
This time, it was Eddie's turn to giggle. Later that night, Eddie was lying between them, looking up at the ceiling.
"Are you absolutely sure?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, you know what, we've changed our minds," Steve said. "We've decided to let you go."
"Aw, really?"
Nancy grabbed a pillow and hit Eddie with it.
"Go to sleep."
"I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world," Eddie said as he drifted off to sleep between the two. "And the safest."
#stranger things#eddie munson#stranger things s4#joseph quinn#eddie stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson lives#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#nancy wheeler#nancy wheeler x steve harrington#stancy#nancy wheeler x eddie munson#edancy#nancy wheeler x steve harrington x eddie munson#stedancy#nessie#stranger things fanfiction#ficlet#rueleigh writes
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“What are you doing out in these treacherous hundred acre woods all on your lonesome, Princess Aurora!”
Nancy screams bloody murder, spinning around at lightning speed, sending the wildflowers she has collected flying from her flimsy wicker basket. She holds the basket out wide with a firm grip, ready to wallop whoever the hell is lingering behind her.
She freezes mid-swing at the sight of Eddie Munson, standing in some weird ninja-adjacent pose, wide-eyed with panic.
“What the hell, Eddie!” she yells, waving the basket about as she stomps her foot.
The move sends a flinch through Eddie’s body as he digs his Reeboks into the dirt track.
“I…” he starts through gritted teeth, slowly raising his index finger like he's trying to make a point. “I probably shouldn’t have snuck up on someone who owns several guns.”
Nancy lowers her wicker weapon and rolls her shoulders back.
“I don’t own several guns,” she clarifies, pursing her lips. “And I don’t just carry them around with me anywhere I go. Anyway, what are you doing out here?”
Eddie stands upright and holds his hands all too innocently behind his back. He swings back and forward on his heels, grinning.
“Looking for frogs.”
She rolls her eyes. Of course, that's what Eddie is doing out near Lover's Lake in the middle of the day on a Thursday.
He basically skips towards her until they are merely a step apart. He looks her over, eyes narrowing with suspicion.
Oh no.
Nancy swiftly crouches, avoiding Eddie's gaze as she moves to assess the damage to her scattered wildflowers. He starts circling her, taking large, gangly strides that send him stumbling every few steps on the uneven ground.
“Did you know…” he begins with a dramatic uptick. “Robin broke up with Miss Vickie…”
He tilts his head to the side with expectant glee, his hair flopping in front of his face as he drops lower and lower.
“Y-Yeah,” she splutters, shaking her head as she continues picking up the flowers. “Yeah... Totally sucks… I guess.”
“Oh!” Eddie shrieks, jumping upright. “I’m sure you are devastated!”
She bolts upright and places a hand on her hip, sending Eddie into a fit of giggles. She glares back, triggering an awkward, silent standoff in the serene warmth of the Spring day.
“I’m… I’m,” she eventually stutters, searching for a reasonable defence because, by the look of Eddie’s burning stare and his crossed arms, he isn’t going to let this slide. “I’m just trying to be a supportive friend.”
“Hence the flowers?” he shoots back, sticking out his bottom lip.
He crosses a lock of hair over his face as he leans in way too close, giggling yet again.
She sighs as she looks down at her muddied boots. “Hence…”
Wow, she really was that obvious. But it’s not like she was expecting an interrogation out in the woods!
“Care for an escort, M’Lady?” Eddie asks in an awful fake British accent as he bows and offers his hand. “I'll help you pick some new flowers. It's the least I can do. Besides, we can’t have you getting eaten up by The Big Bad Wolf.”
She takes his arm and hands over her basket, admitting, “I also have Easter eggs for Robbie, too...”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie nods, voice dripping with sarcasm as he pats her hand. “Gotta commiserate with your secret crush over flowers and chocolate.”
They start off along the worn path they were separately following, a popular track down from the main road into Hawkins to Lover's Lake, to find said not-so-squished (and completely supportive and platonic... yeah, that!) flowers.
And some frogs.
#just two almost-adults frolicking through the woods looking for flowers and frogs like they are adventurous children#eddie munson#nancy wheeler#platonic edancy#platonic with a capital p#eddie and nancy#st: easter edition#nancy wheeler ficlet#eddie munson ficlet
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