#echo pjo
demigodpolls · 1 month
feel free to explain your answer!
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cabin10diaries · 1 year
you know how caleo shouldve ended? not together
first of all, where is the romance. they have all the banter and none of the cutes (except in the like, what, one/two scenes calypso tells someone not to attack leo in toa? i barely even remember)
theyre more like. siblings honestly
leo x jason and echo x calypso shouldve obv been canon 😞 (/j thats not the poijt here but i do love both ships)
they have totally different things they want in life
calypso wants to finally live it. she's spent so long on that gods forsaken island isolated, and she now finally has a chance to actually do shit !!! be a contributing member of society !! figure out who she is, what she wants, what to do with the rest of her life !!!
leo is finally done running. he's found his home: the waystation, chb, piper, not-dead-jason. he deserves to rest after everything he's been put through, and so he will; live life comfortably, finally stay in one place, have a stable family with unconditional love he so needs !!!
literally midnight rain by tswift
calypso deserves to go out and live her life, leo deserves to sit back and enjoy his
which is why they should go their seperate ways and at most be friends !!! (or siblings depending on waystation hcs <3)
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witchhazelevesque · 8 months
An amnesia after resurrection au where instead of needing the curse of Delos to anchor a soul that shouldn't be anchored, what the seven need is water from the Lethe and from the Styx, because they are the gateway to rebirth and the gateway to the afterlife, and they create the needed balance.
Leo doesn't like this because it reminds him too much of Calypso's curse, where she relives the first day of her exile again and again, the realization that she will always be alone. It broke his heart each morning she would walk out of her cave to find him and be so relieved to see someone else there. It reminds him too much of Echo, who could not be remembered, even when she herself would never forget those she held dear.
They have Styx water on board, but the Lethe comes from Apollo, because it is tangentially medicinal with its calming effects. Asclepius explains that like the oracle of Trophonius and drinking from the fountains of memory and forgetfulness, the person who takes the cure will not receive the usual effects of either river's water.
But Nemesis exists everywhere, and the dead are owed a boy, and in a way, they get one.
When Leo returns to life, he returns with even less than what Juno left Jason when she took him from his life. He doesn't know his name or where he comes from or why he's sitting on a flying metal dragon, high above an ocean.
The dragon is the least of his worries, because he feels comfortable in his seat, like his body has done this so much he doesn't need to think at all.
And when he returns to an island he doesn't know he's been to before and meets a young woman he doesn't know was once his friend, he doesn't realize he's fulfilling a vow a different version of him swore.
She doesn't realize that she has learned his name many times. He learns hers and he sees that her punishment is unjust, and he has a ride and free seats and nowhere to be except anywhere but here.
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corvid-ghost · 9 months
Guys the chapters in Leo's perspective about echo and narcissisus were very bi of him, like no straight man would describe him like that, and his interactions echo were so cute
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sapphicmcmean · 1 year
echolypso ... drewbeth ... piplou ... shelchel !
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bunkernine · 2 years
But anyway before they meet narcissus/echo, nemesis tells hazel and leo that those two will teach them a lesson. But what hazel gathered from narcissus is that "demigods can't change/escape their nature" but idk shit about hazel so LEO :) he gathers his lesson from echo:
Leo had thought she’d meant Narcissus, but now he wondered if the real lesson for him was Echo—invisible to her brethren, cursed to love someone who didn’t care for her. A seventh wheel. He tried to shake that thought. He clung to the sheet of bronze like a shield. (moa, ch 8)
Echo is pretty sad because she still clings to her beliefs despite no one caring about her, and even Leo forgets her, like immediately but this comparison is sooooo entertaining. Before nemesis had left, she had said: “You will see yourself reflected, and you will have reason to despair.” ← Since it's Leo's pov we only see Leo doing that, but it's safe to say hazel doesn't see herself in narcissus or echo. Except Leo obvs sees himself in echo who is TRYING but never sees her happy ending onscreen :'(
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demigods-posts · 2 months
i'm one hundred percent certain that after percy and annabeth made out underwater. and he wanted to make their relationship official. the question was not "will you be my girlfriend?" but "can i be your boyfriend?" i don't care what the canon says. percy gave annabeth the space to take the lead in the relationship. because after a lifetime of being abandoned by everyone she dared to care for. and then watching her on the brink of a panic attack at the thought of losing him the last four years. he wanted to honor a new beginning between them by follow her lead and moving at her pace.
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bookalicent · 13 days
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yeah so this was insane
#i feel like too many people reduce this interaction to jason being like ‘lol same��#but idk :/#this chapter is from jason’s pov#and leading up to it he’s like ‘people keep walking on eggshells around me bc of the the michael varus stab wound’#and he hates it so when he goes on deck to help out with the storm#everyone’s like wtf except for percy#and jason states how much he appreciated percy not treating him like a sick kid#and i feel like it’s echoed in this sentiment where jason could say so many things like#‘you should never feel that way’ ‘im here if you need anything’#but he doesn’t make percy feel alone in his desire to just…. end it all#which ik for some people that doesn’t work but you’re not a character in hoo and percy is dealing with so much guilt#and he can’t tell annabeth bc she’s a main aspect of that guilt#and he doesn’t wanna guilt her more and he feels ashamed and when he describes this he feels weird for feeling it#so having jason this tough guy be like ‘yo i understand it bc i felt the same way#that’s gotta mean a lot to percy#also insane how jason who also struggles to display vulnerability#allows it in one of few times in this moment just so percy this guy he’s supposed to be jealous about#feels comforted and not alone in his guilt and shame#and also it’s just insane how jason’s wanting to kay em ess does not get talked about AT ALL#and just seeing his mom and the pressure of new rome getting to him#like this scene is insane and i’ll never shut up about it#also ignore me i’m just finishing my reread of hoo that took all summer#jason grace#percy jackson#pjo#ashla.txt
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Okay actually like why does nobody talk about Leo and Echo bc that chapter is gonna make me cry.
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“Leo closed his eyes, but the memory of her smile was already fading”
why don’t you just kill me now actually
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child-of-helios · 6 months
Calypso x Leo SUCKS, here is why
Look, I get why that sounds harsh, and it is, but hear me out.
First and most importantly, Calypso is a pedophile. We see her fall in love with 14 year old Percy, then 15/16 year old Leo. Already weird, right? And look, if we got some explanation as to why it would ever be okay for a titaness who is thousands of years old to fall in love with CHILDREN, maybe I could see past it.
BUT in the odyssey myth, Odysseus was MUCH older than a teenager. He was already noted to be an old wise king (who was old enough to feign madness from old age) at the START of the Trojan war. Now that war lasted 10 years and add to that the multiple years he spent traveling to Ithaca, and you got an old-ass man. So either Calypso was already a mature adult, or a child thirsting after some old dude. Sure, it happens, but weird. Let's not forget that Odysseus was married and very much still in love with his WIFE Penelope, but Calypso basically kept him hostage on her island and would not let him leave at all.
Now let's get to Percy, he got blamed for not making sure that the gods kept their promise??? Good sir that is a 16 year old who just got out of a WAR and had his memory stolen, of course he didn't check with the gods. ITS NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY! He shouldn't be held accountable. Also let me remind you that Calypso wanted him when he was 14. Not a good look.
And finally, we get to Leo. Poor poor Leo. A boy who was oh-so starved for love that he took anything he could get, and that's my explanation as to why Calypso x Leo ever happened. Honestly, I adored Leo. I had a crush on him (still kinda do shhh), I won't lie. However, I also adored Annabeth but since her and Percy are amazing together, I could get behind Percabeth. But Caleo? Hell no. Sure, they have a fun dynamic, but it's more of a sibling dynamic in my opinion. I would've rather had Leo x Khione or something. Maybe Leo x Echo cause that would've been adorable. But Caleo??? No. He should've never gone back for her. Leave her to rot.
Secondly, Calypso is simply a jerk. And I'm the type of person who adores asshole characters when done right. Octavian is great because he's an irredeemable asshole AND he gets karma. But Calypso? She's a bitch and gets such a kindhearted boyfriend in return. Like I said, she tried to pressure a (married) man into sleeping with her and is simply a dick to Leo (HER BOYFRIEND) and I could understand if they were siblings, cause siblings are dicks to eachother with love underneath, but she just sucks. She immediately hated him, which she has reason to do after what happened to her, but even after that she was just horrible to Leo. I seriously don't see why he loves, likes, or even tolerates her.
In conclusion, I hate what Rick did to Leo. I adore his stories like no other (which is why I'm so passionate about this), but he really fumbled the bag here. Calypso is just not a good fit for Leo.
Personally I really do prefer Leo x Jason, Leo x Nico or even Leo x Echo. And yes it does sound weird for me to say that considering that I call Calypso a pedo, but I could see Echo not being able to age normally because of being stuck with Narcissus. Echo x Leo is in my opinion much better than Calypso x Leo.
Um sorry- that was really mean but I needed to say that.
On a lighter note I saw this really long worm which was cool! :D
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echo-stimmingrose · 27 days
I'm just saying Calypso and Leo could have been AMAZING friends if Rick didn't have to ruin it with that god awful relationship that was caleo.
Like a girl who has been forced to fall in love with every guy she's met that she can't have, finally meeting someone that can just be her friend and help her escape. Someone who can show her the world without any of the romantic expectations behind it.
And Leo having a single friend who's he doesn't have to feel like he's third wheeling with. Who can share a similar interest in craftsmen ship. Leo learning that his purpose doesn't have to come from a relationship.
Calypso and Piper eventually teaming up to get Valgrace together once jiper break up.
Not having any of the awkward tension between Leo and Percy because of Leo blaming Percy for not rescuing her as a fourteen year old.
Calypso apologizing to both Annabeth and Percy for what she put them through in Tartarus.
And more. They had so much potential as friends instead of the downright illegal and emotionally abusive relationship they did have.
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jessmalia · 28 days
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Percy: *comes up with a great lie to cover their asses in a heartbeat after Annabeth stuttered, unable to think of anything* Annabeth: You're stupid
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cabin10diaries · 1 year
soo. hear me out. right. echo and calypso band au
echo, like calypso, eventually got rescued by leo (like, idk, maybe they were flying nearby so memories sort of happened and leo was like. hey i could Totally help her now !! or smth) and her curse is taken away as well
she now has her voice back. calypso and her have lives ahead of them, and they have only each other to understand what theyve gone through (eternal curses by gods)
echo wants to make use of her voice again, and calypso wants Something in her life. so. band !!! of course, a band is more fun with more people. so. they get 3 more people: hunter, leo, shel. piper helps with outfits, rachel helps out with advertising & venues & etc. lityerses is their manager, with jo & emmie & georgina as their biggest fans. britomartis and sssarah help backstage, olujime sometimes comes to concerts with his gf
echo: vocalist
calypso: lead (electric) guitar
hunter: bass guitar
leo: drums
shel: keyboard
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witchhazelevesque · 8 months
"Echo?" Leo calls, scanning the tall grass of the fields for slight disruptions. "Echo, are you here?"
"Here?" a voice returns, sounding confused and Leo's heart swells. 
"Echo!" he calls, gingerly walking Festus down so they don't accidentally step on her. 
"Echo!" comes the voice, sounding a little stunned, like she's saying Leo's own name in return, surprised that he came back. 
"Where are you?" Leo asks. 
"Are you?" she asks back. 
"Yeah, I- I'm here, are you okay? Did things-" Leo stops himself from asking if things with Narcissus worked out, spins the sentence into "Did things calm down once Gaea went back to sleep?"
"Sleep!" she says excitedly, and Leo doesn't know if that means she finally got some peace to sleep in.
"Okay!" Leo calls back, "Um, I guess I'll just keep talking so you can keep answering until I've found you-"
"Found you!" her voice says, very close. 
He looks down, sees a rippling next to Festus's front leg, and he beams.
read on ao3
part 3 of angelon, celosia, nemesia, hellebore
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sylvies-chen · 8 months
something about clarisse & ares and shiv & logan roy and leia & anakin and maya & wilson fisk and that quote “my father is the worst person in the world, and I am his favourite daughter” daughters know this tale as old as time and god it kills me
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sapphicmcmean · 1 year
drewbeth pipachel echolypso you will always be beloved by me
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