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gracchisuggestions · 6 months ago
So what would it be like to spawn full-grown from a dragon's tooth and spend the first minutes of your life in a frenzy of siblingslaying?
What would it be like to live with someone like that?
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penteoo · 1 month ago
i do usually prefer not to dwell in too depth of a characterization for characters of something as potentially symbolic as the greek myths but do you ever think about the fact that pentheus is the son of a man born from the earth & dragon's teeth, already full-grown, and whose first action in life has been slaughtering his own brothers. what kind of father is that. if he was already a warrior done and done at conception what is precisely his mental age. what kind of life experience had he had at pentheus' birth. was it closer to the one of his wife or to the one of his son. like this whole post is merely an exercise in imagination but god
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xastarothx · 2 years ago
a gift for @echionx,
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"It's a little on the nose for you," Roth needn't see beyond the ivory bones which separated Echion's true visage from the bony carapace which concealed it, raising a humorous brow. The last time they'd come together at Roth's record shop was also the first time they'd seen each other in eons; the two passing the time with music and revelry between them. Tonight, Roth could figure he and the spartoi would bond in the same content disarray. The fallen seraphim once thought their scowl was permanent but Echion could likely concur that one of the only other times he'd seen a smile on Roth was when they'd partied with Dionysus and his brood. The midsommar festivities seemed just as infectious.
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xhermesx · 1 year ago
@echionx Location: rome where the spartoi roam
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Chthonius had been put to rest, one of the Spartoi from antiquity that finally got their burial. His siblings were still out and about, an odd addition to Rome, but a worthy one, nonetheless He wondered where next they'd call home, and finding Echion was easy enough. The other looked depressed, it was obvious in the way he shrugged off almost everything, "I can take you wherever you want, you know. All you have to do is ask."
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komosx · 1 year ago
The force of the blast left nothing standing in front of the god once more. Energy was always radiating around him, and the old god could not stop. Or perhaps even if he could, he wouldn't. Centuries had passed since he'd been killed and forced away, the demigods hiding from each of them for far too long. This hollowborn had been stubborn, but there was no more sound from the demigod within. Buried so far away, there was nothing left of Komos, and even if there had been, he would've been too weak to watch.
The possessed spartoi he searched for glowed the brightest amongst them all. Landing beside the other god, he siezed his jaw in his hand, pulling him in for a biting kiss, "It has been too long."
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xastarothx · 1 year ago
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Time sprawled in some limiting lapse of infinity, their cherished curse that lapsed in infinite eternity from their immortality yet swept away in the blink of an eye whenever they found one another. A blade never once found themself grasping at the fleeting tendrils of time, but the Ira hadn't ever had the motive nor reason to bask within it. A jaded record store owner, blunted by the seasons of time, he'd only been reinvigorated when reminded of what once was; something once so fleeting, solidified through their actions. Where words seemed infinitely lost to Echion and Roth, they found harmony within each violent draw of a blade or the tender surrender of a kiss.
The Ira lay there, eyes peering up at the almost transparent hint of stars that would soon be upon them, wasting no time to light a cigarette as they both let the silence cradle them. With the rise and fall of their chests, the Ira crossed an arm under their head, pulling the cigarette lazily from his lip as smoke billowed out into the medley of orange and pink that smattered the sky.
"I don't think you've ever known me to have regrets," that louche expression drifted as his eyes looked directly upon Echion, rousing a small smile as though it spoke entirely of his content upon the matter.
Loss and time seemed to be the curses that hung over them, the blight of twin swords that carved neatly at the space the pair inhabited between them. They were always losing people, each other most of all, and they were always losing time, though fifteen years did not hold a candle to the four thousand that had defined their relationship previously. Trust laid bare beneath him as the fallen's gaze reflected the cold stars above, the chill over the rooftop was slight when compared to the warmth between them before Echion felt his lips curve into a smile. One he bent towards Astaroth's mouth before he began to move.
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An illumination of pinks and oranges danced over the sky above them now, a few spackled stars that shone too bright to die so early in the budding dawn. When his chest ceased the torrid rise and fall, Echion's head tilted towards the light and looked towards the fallen splayed next to him. There was a litany of things he wished to say but did not know how, words that the warrior would conjure if his tongue was more practiced with them, but instead he just took a moment to gather the other across his mind's eye. For a few hours, there had been no loss, death, or grief. Just the tangle of limbs of two people who'd waited an eternity before admitting that they wanted to be together.
It felt stupid now, foolish; the spartoi had been so committed to respect that he neglected to admit the truth at the core of how afraid he was that the other might not feel the same. Even when it rang true, there were lines that once crossed could not be ventured back from. This was one such line.
"There's no going back now, Astaroth."
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Look at them. My badass bitches.
(It honestly looks like they about to drop the sickest music album in all of Thedas...)
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alaknog · 23 days ago
Eh, another bit's from Perseus' Grandson. Mostly not serious
There small bits I find a little funny. Mostly some less central characters, but throw Dionysus and Perseus (not serious)
Cephalus just learn some information about his future wife
— The rulers of Athens are from the snake—legs. Everyone saw old Erichthonius tail, and he didn't hide it. We will also be recognized by our names…
— And my bride? Gods, have mercy!
Cephalus imagined utter horror. Cephalus with his young wife on the marriage bed, extinguishes the lamp, hugs Procris… He holds a lithe, slippery body in his arms. Instead of velvety skin, there are cold scales under my fingers. Snake coils entwine the young man, contracting; the forked tongue tickles his lips, slides inside, penetrating deeper…
—You don't like snakes? You fool! Snakes are the best wives!
— You're lying!
— Slender, cool-headed; never jealous…
___ The usual gloom reigned in the temple of the Peon. Few people came here. Even the priest, a deaf old man, cleaned the temple two days later on the third. The Argosians did not trust the healing god at home. It's another matter to go to Kos or Epidaurus! There are covered galleries for dreams sent down by the deity, and master interpreters, and sacred snakes in a pit of black and white marble; walks in a pine grove, a statue made of gold and ivory... And here? A wretched hut and a cypress idol. Look, the woodworms have gnawed idol's ears — shame!
No, you can't heal at home. You can't even die properly at home.
"Don't be offended by them," Melampus said to the statue. "They're like children. For them, all medicines across the sea are honey. When Zeus gave them health, they found it hard. They loaded him onto a donkey. Is it any wonder that a stupid donkey gave their health to a snake?
___A bit of Dionysus
Palms as heavy as cliffs pressed down on his back. Lower, lower; to the loins. The last of the air hissed out of the Cephalus chest. A sweet crunch ran along the ridge. Bliss was strangely mixed with horror. If the young man had moved out of place, the Shaggy One would have easily wrung his neck. But if he hasn't turned off yet, he's let the living escape from the shore.…
If he is a god, then a broken neck is not the worst thing.
—Why are you pusue me?
—Me?— the Shaggy One was amazed. — Artemis the Huntress is in pursuit. The Apollo Shooter is in pursuit. You pursue the game by going out to hunt. I'm just waiting around any corner. You find me by yourself. And then you complain: you've lost your mind. So I can ask: why didn't you go with Perseus? There's a fun hunt, and you're hanging out in the sauna. When you can run, dirty and smelly, after rabid girls… That's life!
___ And Perseus
—One day fang became a man. Now the man has become a fang again. I'm ready to bite. But I'm not ready to choose my words to please you.
Echion stepped closer:
—Why are you shaving your head, Perseus? Challenging the conventional faison, right?
— I lost my hair early. Those bushes behind the ears… That's better.
Note Echion is one of Spatoi
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echionx · 1 year ago
"Neither. Both. Too much of everyone probably." Echion had spent most of the time on the roof, throwing bits of his bones at people who were trying to hook up outside. He wasn't in much of a celebrating mood, he wasn't in much of a mood for anything if he was being particularly honest. Echion had dragged the fallen by the roots of her hair, tortured her, and then killed her; they were meant to be friends but none of that mattered when his body stopped being his own. The spartoi couldn't claim to be handling any of this well, but he hadn't left yet so that had to be worth something. "You?"
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who? @echionx where? idk man wherever Echion is
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"Did you enjoy the party? Or did it have too many vampires for your liking?" There is an edge of curiosity on her tone as she approaches the spartoi, entirely uncaring about the tension that should be held between the two of them. She is more than aware that she should feel something at his presence, now more than ever, but she can't bring herself to be afraid of Echion, despite it all. "I tried to find you there, but there were too many people for my usual snooping."
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hyperenor · 1 year ago
who?: @echionx where?: brudder avenue
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"Don't worry, I'll be sticking around but I'm returning to my original plan. Clearly, things go smoother for all of us when we stay out of each others' way." Hyperenor loved each of his brothers immensely and wanted nothing more than to stay united, but what did he get out of their last team up? No rivers of vamp blood and a grand possession. Without looking up from his taloned hand, carving rounds out of wood, he nods to the stack of ammunition he's already poured his own sweat into. "Let me work in peace, Echion. I don't want to hear about another stupid plan. I intend on living the rest of my days as myself only."
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healerswanford · 1 year ago
who? @echionx where? grazie a brunch notes: doing the randomize top songs thing and got why worry by set if off
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"Have you gotten around to trying brunch yet?" Isabella asks lightly as she opens the door and gestures him to walk inside. After the disarray of the war had begun to settled down, she had hurried to invite the spartoi to meet, her motives doubled by the gathering knowledge that the future that did not come to pass would have weighted heavily in all of the demigods. There is also the fact that she needs to ask him about what in the world are his brother's issues and why he has put the damn necklace on her. "I don't do it often, but I have to admit mimosas are rather delicious, even without any blood additives."
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bebevlnt · 1 year ago
Person: @echionx Location: Downtown
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"You." The homosexual, the one she knew by the way he was standing. She's on her way out of the boutique when she spots the bleach blonde hair that actually still looks like it's holding up pretty well and she beelines it for him before he can run. "Now that the world is done ending, can I dote on you?" Bebe doesn't wait for an answer, she just pulls her black credit card from her sparkly wallet and looks to him over the top of her sunglasses.
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xastarothx · 1 year ago
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deep in my enemy, i find the lover;
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brontios-helm · 1 year ago
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Destiny 2: Those Before
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pelcrus · 2 years ago
closed starter for @echionx​ location: pallatine hill note: *siren sounds*
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So it seemed that the one he had been feeling the presence of had been Echion. His brother was solitary in nature, rarely interacting with others unless absolutely necessary. That was where the two of them differed. Pelorus was extroverted and he loved to talk to people just to hear their funny little stories or the way they thought themselves to be great warriors when they simply weren’t. It was always interesting to him what those mortal beings thought strength looked like. They looked up to him though. The spartoi was someone to be looked upon as a damn near deity. Sooner or later, the gods would notice and find him a worthy vessel. He was not sure if his siblings thought the same though. Not all of them would want to be a vessel to some god and he could figure out that Echion was one that thought that way. Unless thoughts had changed since they had last seen each other. The blonde atop the other demigod’s head was just as he remembered. “Things have changed here, haven’t they?” His gaze fell from his brother to the area surrounding them.
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xastarothx · 1 year ago
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The Ira allowed such vehement ire to wipe away any compassion or comradery which once was. Whatever bonded them had been stripped away, Raguel sent back to the cosmos as another failed Fallen in the war between divine siblings and their counterparts. He'd not give Echion the satisfaction of sharpening their blade and jumping at the commanded promise of what once had been. That is what everyone had been coming forth to ask of Roth; saccharine recollections that could no longer be. Blessed siblings that crawled to Ulthar's decree while slinking around with their guilt towards their fallen siblings; spartoi that crawled from their den of slumber looking for a battle that still waged to this day. Roth could have allowed the Pearl to the satisfaction of knowing that he was more than itching for such fight, that he'd been adept at such sanguinary cullings; but that bitter contempt squashed his ability to team up alongside Echion for now. Though the spartoi had turned and made his exit, Roth offered a petulant wave of his hand to send the other off before retreating to the register to slump petulantly in the chair.
Fair derision carved between the two, Raguel was gone; dead a long time just as Astaroth said. The specter that hung between them, less like a corpse and more like a guillotine; an executioner's mistress. Strong hands pushed him backwards and the hesitation that followed was brief but indicative of something hurt and wounded. Unrequited feelings that muddled Echion's typical resolve, this would be the end, a definitive cut that brought the blade down at last. The Fallen was welcome to turn his back on his fate, Echion was not afraid to slip his neck beneath it. Hateful but responsive, the ember that burned opposite Astaroth's venom was cold against the fire that rolled off of Echion in waves. Hues akin to earthen dark cold flickered dangerously as the spartoi stepped in once more. Rigid and callous, he'd come here looking for someone that was long dead, this graverobber was a stranger to him. "Pathetic." A waste of time that Echion turned his back to as he left the same way that he'd come.
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