#Echion { 2 }
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healerswanford · 1 year ago
who? @echionx where? grazie a brunch notes: doing the randomize top songs thing and got why worry by set if off
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"Have you gotten around to trying brunch yet?" Isabella asks lightly as she opens the door and gestures him to walk inside. After the disarray of the war had begun to settled down, she had hurried to invite the spartoi to meet, her motives doubled by the gathering knowledge that the future that did not come to pass would have weighted heavily in all of the demigods. There is also the fact that she needs to ask him about what in the world are his brother's issues and why he has put the damn necklace on her. "I don't do it often, but I have to admit mimosas are rather delicious, even without any blood additives."
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brontios-helm · 1 year ago
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Destiny 2: Those Before
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bleedingwings · 1 year ago
His blade pierces flesh before she can react, Echion's abilities used against her as she is forced into the ground without the opportunity to react or fight back. It's about how she expects things to go, but it still smarts that she wasn't even able to stab him once on the way down. It wouldn't matter, not with Echion's regeneration but fuck if it isn't frustration to be subjected to the beginning of what is going to be a torturous end, without being able to retaliate. The pain is all too real, but Sariel has lived far too long to not have fallen prey of her own arrogance more than once, and she has learned from the torture she had faced then. Her every nerve might be alight, her puppet's skeleton creaking under a weight that it wasn't meant to carry, but as her head is lifted by her hair, she laughs, the blood on her mouth giving it a metallic taste. "Not only craven, but also stupid. Echion must be humiliated that it was you he is hosting."
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"Coward?" Echion laughed at that, he lobbed his blade at a blinding speed and embedded it in her shoulder, a non-lethal strike to start. "And who has been running, hiding like vermin? Shine the light and watch the roaches scramble." Bones erupted from Sariel's palms as the fallen was forced to drop the weapons in her hands. Denser and harder than humanly possibly, her own bones brought her to her knees before she face planted into the ground. A metric ton of weight holding her down. "All this and you don't even have the dignity to die on your feet." Echion lifted the hefty creature by her hair as he dragged her down the street, Harellan could make use of her meat if she survived until then.
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months ago
The Strange Things with the Thebans...
I promised you guys that I'll make an essay about it so let's get it started.
Chapter I: Cadmus & The Dragon
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One of the greatest heroes before Heracles alongside Perseus and Bellerophon, Cadmus is the mythological founder king of Thebes. One interesting fact about him is that, despite of being considered a greek hero, Cadmus wasn't even greek in the first place. In fact he was phoencian and came from a city called Tyre. By ancient standards he would've been considered a "barbarian". Another irony is that Cadmus' initial purpose wasn't even to become a king, but to rescue his sister Europa, at that time kidnapped by Zeus in the shape of a bull. A further irony: Europe was named after an asian princess. Aaand another further irony: when the modern state of Hellas/Greece joined the European single currency, and so abandoned the drachma of old, it celebrated its accession and new monetary union by striking a coin bearing the image of Zeus disguised as a bull in the act of abducting (a polite way of masking the actual fact of rape) Europa.
Anyway, back to Cadmus: Once arrived in Boetia he intended to sacrifice a cow to Athena and asked his men to fetch water from the river. There was one single, little, tiny, itsy-bitsy problem though: the said river was guarded by the Ismenian Dragon, who also happened to be Ares' son. So Cadmus, just like any other hero, slayed the dragon and, listening to Athena's advice, planted the serpent's teeth. Out of these teeth a bunch of dudes grew up and started to fight (and consequently kill) each other, with the exception of five who survived: Echion, Udaeus, Chthonius, Hyperenor, and Pelor, who are now considered the ancestors of thebans. (Okay, the question now would be with whom they reproduced, but that's an ask even I don't want to know the answer to...).
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 22 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "[Kadmos (Cadmus)] sent some of his men to fetch water from the spring of Ares, but a Serpent, said by many to be a child of Ares, guarded the spring and destroyed most of those who had been sent. In outrage Kadmos killed the Serpent, and then, following the instructions of Athena, planted its teeth. From this sowing there sprang from the earth armed men, called Spartoi (Sparti). These proceeded to kill each other, some in voluntary encounters, and others in ignorance. Pherelydes says that when Kadmos saw the armed men growing up from the earth, he threw stones at them, and they, believing that they were being hit by each other, started their fight... As for Kadmos, to atone for the deaths he served Ares as a laborer for an 'everlasting' year, for a year then was equal to eight years now."
Cadmus was punished for slaying the dragon by serving Ares for a certain period of time. Later, Athena assigned to him the government of Thebes and Zeus gave him Harmonia as his wife. Found another irony: Harmonia was the daughter of Ares, which makes him and Cadmus in-laws. Irony number five million: despite of being married with the personification of harmony herself, Cadmus' family tree is characterized by an entire disharmony. According to Statius, Harmonia received from Hephaestus a cursed necklace that brought unluck, which later got passed from one generation to another:
Statius, Thebaid 2. 265 ff (trans. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : "The dread necklace of Harmonia... The Lemnian [Hephaistos], so they of old believed, long time distressed at Mars' [Ares'] deceit and seeing that no punishment gave hindrance to the disclosed armour, and the avenging chains removed not the offence [of his affair with Hephaistos' then wife Aphrodite], wrought this [a cursed necklace] for Harmonia on her bridal day to be the glory of her dower [description of the necklace follows]... The work first proved its worth, when Harmonia's complaints turned to dreadful hissing, and she bore company to grovelling Cadmus, and with long trailing breast drew furrows in the Illyrian fields [the pair were turned into serpents in Illyria]. Next, scarce had shameless Semele [their daughter] put the hurtful gift about her neck, when lying Juno [Hera] crossed her threshold. Thou too, unhappy Jocasta, didst, as they say, possess the beauteous, baleful thing, and didst deck thy countenance with its praise - on what a couch, alas! to find favour; and many more beside. Last Argia shines in the splendour of the gift, and in pride of ornament and accursed gold surpassed her sister's mean attiring. The wife of the doomed prophet [Eriphyle wife of Amphiaraus] beheld it, and at every shrine and banquet in secret cherished fierce jealousy, if only it might be granted her to possess the terrible jewel, nought profited, alas!"
Cadmus and Harmonia left Thebes after a series of catastrophes which happened in their family and emmigrated to Illyria where they battled various local tribes to found a new kingdom. Eventually, they two got turned into snakes and carried off to the Elysium to live a peaceful life.
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 39 : "Kadmos (Cadmus) and Harmonia left Thebes and went to the Enkhelean (Enchelean) people. They were being harassed by the Illyrians, and learned from the god through an oracle that they would overpower the Illyrians if they had Kadmos and Harmonia as their leaders. Trusting this, they made these two their leaders in the campaign, and did indeed defeat the Illyrians. Kadmos ruled the Illyrians, and fathered a son named Illyrios, Later on, both he and Harmonia were turned into serpents, and were sent by Zeus out to the Elysian field."
Chapter 2: Semele Thyone
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Semele: the youngest daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia and mother of Dionysus, and the theban princess infamously known for her not-so-bright intellectual capabilities.
Zeus slept with Semele and left her pregnant. Later, Hera payed her a visit disguised as her nurse and told her to ask Zeus to come to her in the same way he's coming to his wife (gotta admit, I didn't expect Hera to be this horny...). Later, Semele got killed by Zeus for her mistake, and Zeus managed to rescue the fetus she was carrying in her womb and let it develop inside his thigh.
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 26-27 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "Zeus fell in love with Semele and slept with her, promising her anything she wanted, and keeping it all from Hera. But Semele was deceived by Hera into asking her to come to her as he came to Hera during their courtship. So Zeus, unable to refuse her, arrived in her bridal chamber in a chariot with lightning flashes and thunder, and sent a thunderbolt at her. Semele died of fright, and Zeus grabbed from the fire her sixth-month aborted baby, which he sewed into his thigh. After Semele's death the remaining daughters of Kadmos (Cadmus) circulated the story that she had slept with a mortal, thereafter accusing Zeus, and because of this had been killed by a thunderbolt."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 179 : "Jove [Zeus] desired to lie with Semele, and when Juno [Hera] found out, she changed her form to that of the nurse Beroe, came to Semele, and suggested that she ask Jove to come to her as he came to Juno, ‘that you may know,’ she said, ‘what pleasure it is to lie with a god.’ And so Semele asked Jove [Zeus] to come to her in this way. Her request was granted, and Jove, coming with lightning and thunder, burned Semele to death. From her womb Liber [Dionysos] was born. Mercury [Hermes] snatched him from the fire and gave him to Nysus to be reared. In Greek he is called Dionysus."
Years later Dionysus rescued her from the Underworld. She was made immortal and received the name Thyone:
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 38 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "He [Dionysos] retrieved his mother [Semele] from Haides' realm, gave her the name Thyone, and escorted her up to the sky."
Chapter 3: The Bacchae
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"He is life's liberating force. He is release of limbs and communion through dance. He is laughter, and music in flutes. He is repose from all cares -- he is sleep! When his blood bursts from the grape and flows across tables laid in his honor to fuse with our blood, he gently, gradually, wraps us in shadows of ivy-cool sleep."
Thebes was closely associated with a particular shape-shifting, cross-dressing, gender-bending deity: Dionysus. Despite the fact that Thebes worshipped Dionysus even ahead of Apollo, according to Euripides' Bacchae his first visit to Thebes didn't go very well. Tragedy. Madness. Homocide. Maternal felicide. Dismemberment. Decapitation. Suicide ensued. Word Abuse.
Dionysus returns to Thebes followed by the Maenads in order to clear his mother's name and punish the thebans for not worshipping him. He disguises himself as a mortal and induces madness in all the women of Thebes, who flee to Mount Kytheron to celebrate rituals in honor of the god. Dionysus' aunts, Semele's sisters Ino, Autonoe, and Agave, are also charmed into becoming members of the Dionysian cult. In the court of the Theban palace, Cadmus and his advisor, Tiresias, prepare to join the Maenads. They are stopped by the arrival of the king of the city, Pentheus, back from his travels in Thebes. Son of Agave and Echíon, Pentheus is enraged by the condition of the Thebans and orders the immediate capture of Dionysus.
The king's messengers return bringing the god. Pentheus comes out of the palace and questions the young leader of the debauchery. Dionysus presents himself as a believer of the son of Zeus, inviting the king to join the rite. In response, Pentheus orders his confinement in a stable. The chorus mourns the prisoner, but is a few moments later the palace is engulfed in flames, and collapsed by a strong earthquake.
Dionysus emerges unscathed from the wreckage and is reunited with his maenads. Pentheus receives news from a messenger, who informs him about the situation of the maenads in the forests. They nurse wolf cubs, cast spells, and are possessed of unimaginable strength, which they use in killing herds of cows and bulls, and in attacking villages. Dionysus, still in disguise, convinces the king to abandon his plan of punishing the women by brute force. He advises him to spy on them first by dressing up as a maenad and pretending to be part of the group. Pentheus is slowly hypnotized by the god's influence and approves of the plan.
A messenger arrives to report that once the party reached the mountain, Pentheus wanted to climb a tree to get a better view, and the stranger used divine power to bend the tree and place the king in its highest branches. Dionysus revealed himself, summoned his followers and sued the intruder. The maddened maenads, led by Agave, brought Pentheus down from the tree, tore off his limbs and head, and tore his body to pieces.
Agave arrives home, carrying her son's bloody head. In her state of divine bliss, she thinks she holds the head of a mountain lion. She proudly shows it to her father, Cadmus, and is confused by his horrified expression. Agave calls Pentheus to come and marvel as well. Then the madness begins to fade, and Cadmus forces her to admit that she killed her own son. At the end of the play Pentheus' corpse is reassembled, Agave and her sisters are sent into exile, and Dionysus decrees that his grandparents, Cadmus and Harmonia, will be turned into serpents.
Chapter 4: Actaeon & his Hounds
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Actaeon, son of Autonoe and Aristaeus as well as a theban prince and skillful hunter, is known for a) either intentionally or accidentally seeing Artemis bathing and b) getting turned into a deer and then flayed by his hounds. Was it worth it, Actaeon? Was it?!
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 30 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"To Autonoe and Aristaios was born a son Aktaion, who was reared by Kheiron and trained as a huntsman, but was later eaten up on Kithairon by his own dogs [because] . . . he saw Artemis bathing. They say that the goddess changed him on the spot into a deer, and drove his fifty hunting dogs into a frenzy so that they unintentionally ate him. When he was no more, they looked for their master with great howls and bays, coming in the course of their search to Kheiron's cave. He made a likeness of Aktaion, which assuaged their grief."
Chapter 5: Leucothea & Palaemon
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Ino married Athamas and gave birth to two sons, Learchus and Melicertes. After Hera found out they accepted to take care of infant Dionysus she inflicted both of them with madness. Athamas slew Learchus, whereas Ino grabbed Melicertes and leapt off a cliff into the sea. They were later welcomed by the sea gods and received the names Leucothea and Palaemon.
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 28 : "Zeus... gave birth to Dionysos, whom he entrusted to Hermes. Hermes took him to Ino and Athamas, and persuaded them to bring him up as a girl. Incensed, Hera inflicted madness on them, so that Athamas stalked and slew his elder son Learkhos (Learchus) on the conviction that he was a dear, while Ino threw Melikertes (Melicertes) into a basin of boiling water, and then, carrying both the basin and the corpse of the boy, she jumped to the bottom of the sea. Now she is called Leukothea (Leucothea), and her son is Palaimon (Palaemon): these names they receive from those who sail, for they help sailors beset by storms."
Chapter 6: The Sphinx
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The Sphinx was a woman-headed winged lion infamously known for asking people the same riddle (and eventually turning them into dinner for giving her the wrong answer): "What is it that has one voice, and is four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?"
The origins of the Sphinx and the reason why she was sent to plague Thebes differ from one from one source to another. According to Pseudo-Apollodorus Hera sent her to Boetia as a punishment towards the Thebans for not having Lains punished, who had carried off Chrysippus from Pisa:
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 52 - 55 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "While he [Kreon (Creon)] was king, quite a scourge held Thebes in suppression, for Hera sent upon them the Sphinx, whose parents were Ekhidna (Echidna) and Typhon. She had a woman's face, the breast, feet, and tail of a lion, and bird wings. She had learned a riddle form the Mousai (Muses), and now sat on Mount Phikion (Phicium) where she kept challenging the Thebans with it. 
According to a Scholia on Hesiod's Theogony though it was Dionysus who sent her, whereas according to Euripides' Phoenicians she was either sent by Ares as a punishment for Cadmus, by Hades, or she was in fact one of Cadmus' daughters who was thrown into madness and went through a metamorphosis. Luckily it looked more like one of Ovid's Metamorphoses rather than Kafka's Metamorphosis, though after she started to eat people she certainly became a parasite. *badum tss*
Anyway, what is certain though is that she went through an existential crisis and killed herself after Oedipus managed to respond correctly to her riddle.
Chapter 7: Oedipus Rex
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"And as for this marriage with your mother— have no fear. Many a man before you, in his dreams, has shared his mother’s bed. Take such things for shadows, nothing at all— Live, Oedipus, as if there’s no tomorrow."
Cadmus and Harmonia's only son, Polydorus, had a son named Labdacus who had a son named Laius who had a son named Oedipus; also known as the original motherfu-
The most famous myth version of Oedipus is the play Oedipus Rex or Oedipus Tyrannos, written by Sophocles.
The tragedy begins with the turmoil of the city of Thebes, which was facing a torment: the plants, animals and women were barren, and the plague made countless victims. The Thebans cane to ask Oedipus, the king of Thebes for help, who also got rid of the Sphinx by answering the Sphinx's riddle correctly. Creon, Oedipus' brother-in-law, is sent to the oracle to find out why this misfortune has befallen Thebes. The oracle reasons that the death of Laius, Oedipus' predecessor, has not been atoned for. In order to find out who killed Laius, Oedipus requests to be asked Tiresias, the old blind prophet. Tiresias tells Oedipus that he is the murderer of Laius. Believing that Tiresias and Creon have plotted against him, Oedipus argues with them. His wife, Jocasta, with whom he has four children, two boys - Eteocles and Polynices - and two girls, Antigone and Ismene, reassures him by telling him that Laios has been foretold that he will be killed by his own son, whom they gave for adoption in another country to avoid this tragedy. At that moment, Oedipus remembers the reason why he came to Thebes: to get away from his family so as not to kill his father, as he was told at birth. At a crossroad, Oedipus had a conflict with a group of robbers, thus killing his father, disguised as not to be recognized as the king. Oedipus then suffers a nervous breakdown, gouging out his own eyes since he believed that they are the ones that caused him not to see the truth.
Chapter 8: Seven Against Thebes
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Another tragic episode from Thebes was the myth of the seven heroes who made war on this city, after the king of Argos chose them as captains of an army whose purpose was to restore Oedipus' son Polynices to the Theban throne. The myth is recounted in the play with the same name written by Aeschylus.
Seven Against Thebes opens with Eteocles calling forth every man in the city, whether child or aged, to the fight and the threat, which is at hand. Everyone must be ready to defend the city in battle. At that moment, the Scout enters with news that the enemy is just outside the walls and is preparing for battle. There are seven commanders ready to attack the seven gates of Thebes. After delivering the news, the Scout departs, and Eteocles prays to Zeus for his favor in the battle to come. The Chorus, which has entered as the Scout has related his news, begins a lament as they hear the approach of the armies. They beg their gods to protect them and their city. Eteocles hears the Chorus’ fearful pleadings as he enters and chastises them for their fear, which he says will not help their beloved Thebes. Instead, Eteocles promises that the Chorus will be stoned to death for their mindless fear, as their fear will incite the city’s residents into an instinctive fear of their own, which will disable and defeat the city. But the Chorus is not appeased, and they continue with their warnings as Eteocles warns them of the risk they create with their wailing. Eteocles again warns the Chorus to remain inside and to hold back their panic. At their continued warnings and fearful exclamations, Eteocles responds with attacks on the nature of women, their weaknesses, and their fears. Finally the Chorus promises to restrain their fear and remain silent, and Eteocles again prays to the gods, with promises of sacrifices and trophies if Thebes is successfully defended. After Eteocles leaves the stage, the Chorus continues to voice their worry at the coming battle and the risk they face if they are taken and become slaves.
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When the Scout enters, he brings news of who will lead the attack at each of the city’s gates. At the news of each opponent’s assignment, Eteocles assigns one of his men to defend that particular gate. When Eteocles is told that his brother, Polyneices, will lead the attack on the seventh gate, Eteocles decides that he will defend that gate. At this news, the Chorus warns Eteocles that he should not shed his brother’s blood, but Eteocles is beyond listening to warnings. He acknowledges the curse of his father, Oedipus, but Eteocles says that fate will determine the outcome, and if the gods are determined that he shall be destroyed, then this will happen. The chorus is dismayed at Eteocles departure and cry out that if each bother slays the other, there will be no family to see to a proper burial. The Chorus then begins to remind the audience of the story of Oedipus and the curse that followed his father, himself, and now his sons. At that moment, the Scout again enters with the news that Thebes has crushed her enemy, and the city is victorious. Six of the seven gates have withstood the onslaught of the enemy’s armies, but the battle at the seventh gate has ended in tragedy. Both Eteocles and Polyneices are dead, each at the others hand. The Scout reminds the Chorus that the city must mourn the death but also celebrate the end of the curse. The Chorus asks is they should mourn these deaths or celebrate the triumph of Thebes’ victory. With the arrival of the brother’s bodies, the Chorus acknowledges the tragedy that has unfolded. The bodies are followed closely by Ismene and Antigone, who have come to bury their brothers. The Chorus addresses the sisters, with grief and with sadness at the resolution of the curse. The two sisters respond to the Chorus with their own grief, as they lament the curse that damned both brothers. As Antigone wonders where they will bury the brothers, a Herald enters with an announcement that the council has met. The council has determined that Eteocles is a hero and will be accorded an honorable burial. However, Polyneices would have laid waste to Thebes, and thus, his corpse is to lie unburied, to be picked apart by the birds of prey. Antigone promises that she will bury her brother, as she will not be bound by the Theban council’s ruling. A brief argument with the Herald ensues, but Antigone will not be threatened, and finally, the Herald leaves to report to the council. The play ends with the Chorus divided. Half will accompany Eteocles to his grave; half will accompany Polyneices to his burial.
Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes was part of a trilogy, along with other two tragic plays called Laius and Oedipus. Unfortunately both of them got lost, along with a comedic play titled The Sphinx. Due to the popularity of Sophocles' Antigone the ending was rewritten about half of a century after Aeschylus' death so that play could have a less mournful tone and turn Antigone into a continuation of it.
Chapter 9: Antigone
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Similarly with Oedipus Rex, the tragic play Antigone written by Sophocles is one of the most precious literary creations of antiquity. Antigone, the brave daughter of Oedipus, witnesses the disaster caused by the fight between her brothers, Eteocles and Polynices. Both fell in battle, and the throne of Thebes is occupied by Creon. The king orders the funeral of Eteocles, the defender of the fortress, to be organized with pomp. For the other son of Oedipus though, Polynices even a simple burial is prohibited. Antigone, the sister of the two fighters, stood up against the harsh royal order, facing the danger of the death penalty. In great secrecy, she surrenders the body of Polynices to the earth, thus fulfilling the obligation that, according to custom, the blood connection with the dead man demands.
Antigone's deed was quickly discovered by Creon who sentences her to death. However, she is fearless in the face of death, viewing it as a release from suffering. In the heated discussion between Creon and Antigone, a sharp clash of moral principles is revealed. Antigone, the frail and tender maiden, is endowed with a bold character, with a courage worthy of a fighter. Her strength to face the king is derived from the conscience that acts in the name of the ancient, unwritten laws, which summarize the traditional morality, deeply rooted in the Greek cities. Antigone will perish in prison, but Creon, who disregarded the will of the gods, will receive a severe punishment by losing his son, Haemon (Antigone's fiance), and his wife, who commits suicide by cursing her proud and reckless husband.
Final Note
It took me waaay longer than I intitially expected to make this thing. The fact that I forgot at one point about this post didn't help either. I've also considered including the myth of the Coronides as well, but I've already talked about it many times on this blog so I decided to end it with Antigone. I'm also aware of the fact that there are different versions of the exact same myth, as well as I might have accidentally included mistakes here and there. Also also, I realized that if I don't insert any humor I'll die out of boredom while making this, hence the dry jokes. Anyway, hope you'll like it! 👍
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bored. thoughts on literally all the dna stuff
jackie- "i can fix her"
hyunwoo-i kinda get weirded out by the power dynamic in the sheer idea but tbh. it's nice i think. i just want this boy to be a little happier, man
xiukai:i cant believe that, to sissela, hed be the grandma who makes you feel like you need a second stomach once you visit. funny. he's 34 with the vibe of a 70 year old
aya-what are her thoughts on fentanyl. i wonder. btw it's always funny when someone goes "NO drugs. but alcohol is great". like mate thats just drug lite
alex-now i'm curious what his disease is even supposed to be, i don't recall anything about that. if it's just some sort of chronic fatigue thing then i'd easily say fuck it and headcanon POTS just because but. i'd like to know
leon: "don't bring gifts for me >:( i'm not a kid >:(" the repression is strong on this man
chiara:i think itd be funny to have an alliance where it's zahir, chiara and aya. impossible to understand a damn word. also "i can fix her" part 2
shoichi:you know how it's canon that chidi anagonye is buff because whenever he felt stressed he just did pushups
sissela:she likes strawberry. noted. also ngl i do find the thomas sissela dynamic sick now that i think about it. for a solid second i felt so mentally ill remembering that he brought her to the experiment because he wanted her to get actually cured and not be in pain
rio-i feel VINDICATED. every time. i want to put that "rio to yuki" voiceline on my forehead. they don't get along on such a fundamental level. they have not had a single good interaction. that's why i feel feral when i see anyone ship them, she hates himmmm. also the delivery is bad but in a way that's good because it fits her, she sounds robotic but it feels like it's just how she be OHSFKSDF SHE DOESNT EVEN LIKE DOGS!!! SHE ACTUALLY FUCKING HATES HIM IM LAUGHING
echion-"i see the hesitation in your fists" about hyunwoo is making me mentally ill. also "don't be pretentious" to magnus IS SO FUNNY. he really went "stfu i'm gonna hit you". the things i dislike is also extremely funny. this sign can't stop him because he can't read, guys. though, he sounds like hunter toh to me in a way that makes me like him by association now. past me is crying but current me thinks this mans is funny as hell
tia-im crying. "what's wrong with my hair (┬┬﹏┬┬)". danny boy roasted her so hard. that "can i draw you ◕_◕ " to jenny though. i see you
daniel-even daniel cant believe it when she says she's a doctor. the doubt in this man's voice. also it's so funny how he reads people for their appearance (like "your hair is a mess) and then with yuki he just roasts him for his personality. does he think that bowl cut ass hairstyle is okay enough to focus on something else
eva-"nah i don't feel like getting a haircut quite yet" as he definitely fucking SEETHES
bianca-"oh my god a fellow weirdo!!!". four person alliance between aya chiara zahir and bianca actually. impossible to parse a single word. and it's funny that she goes gentle on sissela (i assume she's too skinny, so) and with echion she plain goes "you have literally no body fat"
johann-YO????? i am mentally ill about that one for sure. johann is so about trying to be the sort of christian who doesn't suck absolute ass and the interaction that has with the extremely complicated relationship isol and rozzi have with church and religion is so interesting to me rn
laura-how did they get away with this "things i dislike" line. also the bizarre thought process i had with aya and laura is so vindicated. police officers are her favorite
aiden-he did not just "we're not so different you and i" her. his luke is funny as hell though. "you get paid to clean? 🤨" do i need to explain society to you???? he sounds legit confused. hKFJNSDKFJ THEY JUST SHOVED ALL THE FUNNY MEME LINES ON HIM HUH. IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING BAKA
elena-she and rosalio allying would be nonstop complaining. they'd either hate each other or be like soulmates. "i hate the heat but i hate the cold" "me too" and then a look of understanding
felix-he did not hit elena with the "you'd be prettier if you smiled". i like him but. girl freeze him. also confirmation that magnus does not use steroids. weird-ass way to ask though. what if he met a trans person mid transition? would he hit them with that exact line as the poor fucker is like "yeah???"
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im-a-ramblr · 2 years ago
The urge to write the a fic where Echion meeting the SAM Team, ft. him having a tinnie tiny hero worship crush on Coring is great.
This is not super helpful seeing how I have a current WIP I need to work one, I really should started writing stuff for Flufftober and I have at least 2 other ideas bouncing around my head.
Oh, and it would seem by brain is still trying to adjust to returning to work and deals with it by having me do nothing all day after a shift.
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slavicafire · 4 years ago
Dearest Żmija, I'm adopting a kitten within 2 weeks or so. I'm in desperate need for name suggestions from you or your followers. The kitten is a little black boy, I was hoping for something enchanting and mysterious to name him or a Polish name as I plan on moving back home to Poland after I finish my studies. My friend is fostering the kitten and she calls him 'shy boy', he is rather small and gentle. Dziękuję najdroższa 🖤
oh, such great news! 
and a black cat, too - they truly have a special place in my heart. 
first, my mind of course jumps to our beloved slavic demonology: Bies, or Czart, or Licho - devils, all of them - but as charming and devilish as they are, they might be difficult to use day to day. (not that we ever really call our cats by their actual names, but still.)
at the same time other charming obvious options arise - Mephistopheles, of course, or even Faust. if great minds come to play, then Dante or Byron; or Hannibal or Napoleon, Cyrus and Darius and Xerxes (all: The Great, yet perhaps names too old to bring good luck). Chersiphron or Pheidias, should skilled hands be your inspiration, Raphael or Echion should you want them stained with paint.
Oberon and Puck, for obvious reasons - and to follow into the world of the bard, even Hamlet or Macbeth (not the best luck, perhaps) or Mercutio (steer clear of Romeos!)
Omen and Loki sound charming - yet could be ill-advised. all god-names can be tricky - trickier than the devils - yet who am I to advise against it? many a pet carries the name Hades or Veles, after all, and perhaps for the best. 
perhaps just Noc - for the night - or Mrok - for the dark - or Cień, for the shadows? what might appear cliché, can turn out to be the greatest of blessings. if old human names appeal to you more - as I have, personally, named my cats Florian and Franciszek - you can choose from a wild and ancient variety. 
and as always, I am more than sure that all my friends and followers here will have a plethora of ideas - and much better and fitting than mine. don’t be shy.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years ago
Imagine a Shared Cinematic Greek Mythology Universe
Franchises are a huge thing these days. Everyone wants one. Marvel did it best, DC is... trying to get the hang of it and Universal, honestly I don’t know what that mess is supposed to be at the end of the day.
Comics offer this kind of thing. And what else offers it would be mythology. I have never seen a good movie about Greek mythology. And there are so many different tales to tale and so many different heroes to introduce.
Now, let me propose to you a 13 movie shared cinematic universe for Greek mythology.
Herakles: Birth of a Hero
Of course, we’d kickstart our shared universe with the household name of Herakles. Because everyone knows that name, knows that hero. He can get butts in seats to pique the interest of the people.
But I want more than just the average tale. I want some focus on his backstory too. I mean, holy Hades the fact that he literally has a twin-brother and that Herakles is just a title and not his actual name - born Alcaeus, thank you very much - are so easily forgotten and just ignored. Do it right. Do it rich and detailed.
A simple origin story as the beginning, of Alcaeus, growing up with his big sister Laonome and his twin-brother Iphicles, listening to the heroic tales of his great-grandfather/half-brother Perseus. Dreaming to be like him. Setting out to become the great Herakles.
We cover some of his labors, after all he does have twelve of them and all twelve in one movie is just gonna overcrowd it with plot. So have a slow set-up and let’s go with maybe three or four labors. Because this is a franchise, so we can divide his tales into like a trilogy.
We know there are 12 labors to finish, but this movie ends semi-rounded up. He found one of his various lovers - let’s go with Megara, because she is the most famous and does for a great set-up for the second movie - he seems ready to settle down and be happy.
In the post-credit scene, we see a vicious Hera, watching from above - teasing that she’s not going to stand for his happiness.
Theseus: The daughters of Zeus
Theseus is up next. I also see that one as a trilogy - though, of course, as with the MCU we do not just dash all three of them out one after the other.
First movie in the franchise sees Theseus teaming up with his best friend Pirithous, son of Zeus. They got up to some shit together in the myths, among other, trying to abduct “daughters of Zeus”.
They went to the underworld to abduct Persephone and they also tried to steal Helen of Troy, being fought off by Helen’s brothers Castor and Pollux (cameo back-door introduction of Helen, Castor and Pollux and set-up for the Trojan war movie later down the line).
I think this would be a really fun way to do some world-building, by giving characters that will be important in the future already small cameos. And you get to explore a whole new world in the underworld.
Just a buddy hero movie of two friends getting up to shenanigans.
And, here’s where we get our first little crossover, because when Pirithous and Theseus ventured into the underworld, they got stuck there and then were saved by Herakles who was down there for his twelve labors. So we also have him give a very tiny cameo - really jut one scene, five to ten minutes, he’s not supposed to steal the movie but to establish that yes, these worlds are shared.
Herakles 2: The Labors of Herakles
This movie would be set up in a post-credit scene of Theseus, where after Theseus and Pirithous left the underworld, we see Herakles wrestling the three-headed guard-dog of the underworld. Zerberus, the reason he was in the underworld to begin with.
But that’s his last labor and more of a tease, really.
We start off with the whole driven mad by Hera and killing Megara thing first. And yes, I’m taking liberties with the myths a liiittle here because technically all of Herakles’ labors were given to him by Hera to appease her and to repent for “his” crimes. But as mentioned before, 12 labors in one movie is going to cram it and we do want some action in the first one already.
We cover the other left-over labors he didn’t accomplish in the first movie now. Lots of action, lots of monsters, lots of fighting - and another cameo, because labor number 9 features Herakles going to the Amazons and stealing Queen Hippolyta’s girdle. So we meet the Amazons.
Theseus 2: The Labors of Theseus
Okay, after the origin-esque first Theseus movie, we move on to the one about his more famous heroics - the whole bandit-killing, sow-slaying, wrestling and all that jazz.
The six labors of Theseus.
Throw in Theseus meeting the Amazons too, meaning Hippolyta and her little sister Melanippe get a reoccuring appearance and crossing over between the Herakles and the Theseus franchises. Because the most fun thing about a shared universe is the shared part.
Jason and the Argonauts
Whoop, time for the Avengers/Justice League! Time for the first team-up movie!
Jason assembles a team to go on a long-ass journey to find the Golden Fleece.
Including both Castor and Pollux, as well as Herakles. Among many, many others.
Like the twin sons of Hermes Eurytus and Echion, who I picture as the Weasleys of this universe. Because every good franchise needs two fun brothers.
Then there are Zetes and Calais, the sons of wind-god Boreas.
And Calais’ lover Orpheus, the son of Apollo, who will set up his own stand-alone movie in this.
Also featuring pilot Erginus, son of Poseidon, and Palaomonius, the bronze-smith and son of Hephaestus. Because there’s nothing more fun than a demigod team-up. And yes, I want them to actually use their powers.
And, of course, Jason’s lover the witch Medea (who is also the cousin of Ariadne, so there could be an Easter Egg name-dropping here).
And the most famous female Greek hero - Atalanta.
A wild fun ride follows as they search.
It also serves as a set-up for the Trojan War by re-introducing Castor and Pollux, a set-up for the stand-alone Orpheus movie and the second team-up movie led by Atalanta.
We’d also put a post-credit scene in here to tease Heracles 3, just showing Herakles happy in the arms of a woman.
Orpheus and Eurydice
Keeping it close time-wise, we tie in with the Orpheus stand-alone movie after Jason and the Argonauts.
Orpheus going to the underworld to bring back the love of his life Eurydice after she dies. Him charming Hades and Persephone, who get to make their third appearance after already encountering Herakles and Theseus, with his beautiful voice, but still failing.
Theseus 3: The Labyrinth of the Minotaur
Let’s break the flow a little and bring back Theseus for his third movie - and his most famous story.
Because just because something is the most well-known tale does not mean it has to be the first. That way, we always get stuck with the very same stories being told all the time, because most of the time it never gets past one movie. No. Let’s save Theseus’ most well-known tale to be the third in the franchise - because this is in my head and in my head, the franchise is allowed to expand this far and we do not need to worry about cancellation and such.
Theseus meeting Ariadne and Daedalus and slaying the Minotaur in the labyrinth. You know the story.
Atalanta: Huntress of Artemis
After we previously met Atalanta in Jason and the Argonauts, let’s give the greatest heroine her own stand-alone movie.
After all, she is a famous racer, a great hunter, an Argonaut, a huntress of Artemis and became a minor hunting goddess later on. She’s been busy and her story is worth telling.
In this, I’d like to focus on the huntress-aspect. Maybe include the tale of Artemis and Orion in here and tie that into how Atalanta joined the goddess’ hunt. Have her be trained by Artemis and befriend other huntresses.
Supporting cast would to me include the three daughrers of Boreas - Hekaerge, Loxo and Oupis, as well as Britomartis who’s the daughter of Zeus, and Phylonoe, who is actually not just a huntress but also a sister to Helen, Castor and Pollux.
Achilles: Hero of Sparta
Cue in Castor and Pollux again, after their small Theseus cameo and their supporting roles in Jason and the Argonauts, they are now back for the big story.
We start the story right though.
Eris, pulling a prank on the goddesses on Olympus with the golden apple for “the fairest of them all”. The goddesses pick Paris of Troy and make him chose. After he picks Aphrodite, she promises him the prettiest lady around - Helen of Sparta.
Castor and Pollux alone stand no chance. But they got friends.
Achilles, Patroclus, Odysseus, Francis Ajax and Phoenix.
The Trojan War ensues and in the end, sets up the Odyssey as our friends part ways and Odysseus claims to look forward to seeing his wife Penelope again.
Odysseus: Long Way Home
Taking place directly after Achilles: Hero of Sparta and featuring Odysseus’ ridiculous journey home. Seriously, that guy should have just asked for directions.
Visiting Circe and meeting Calypso and fighting off sirens. All the fun stuff that then pays off by the heartfelt reunion between two lovers long separated.
Atalanta 2: Hunt for the Calydonian Boar
After her supporting role in Jason and the Argonauts and her stand-alone movie, she’s now back to be the one to lead the second team-up movie.
The hunt for the Calydonian Boar was kind of a real big deal back in the day, you know. Everyone participated, everyone wanted to be the one to kill it.
And I mean everyone.
We see the return of not just Theseus but also his buddy Pirithous.
Atalanta’s fellow Argonauts Eurytus and Echion are going to bring all the fun as the comic-relief tricksters again.
Castor and Pollux are back for this one too!
And hey, even Phoenix from the Trojan war will be here.
Because the thing about those big franchises is that more characters need to cross over. If all those characters exist in the same world, how are they always so strictly separated? No. The characters who dabbled in multiple myths are also going to be recognizable crossover characters in this universe.
And in the end, of course, Atalanta was the one to kill it. That’s why this team-up movie is called Atalanta 2.
Herakles 3: God of Olympus
Because before the universe hits its finale, we need a pay-off for the man who started it all.
Last time we saw him, in a post-credit scene, he was holding his recent lover Deianira and being happy. Which, again, Hera does not like.
Deianira accidentally kinda kills him with the poisoned blood of Nessus.
He has to fight. Again. Has to prove himself. Again.
But at the end of this, there is an actual happy ending waiting for him as he is granted godhood and falls in love with the goddess Hebe to live happily ever after on Olympus.
Chiron: Trainer of Heroes
The third and maybe strongest of the team-up movies. The grand finale of the series, you could say. Also the only original idea I’m pitching here; all others are just the myths as they happened, put into a chronological order that would make for a cool movie-verse in my eyes.
The best place for this to start is Chiron.
Because the thing is, Chiron trained and raised most heroes.
Herakles, Theseus, Jason, Achilles, Patroclus, Phoenix, Ajax.
Let’s say the trainer of heroes got into a little trouble and his wife Chariclo - daughter of Apollo and mountain-nymph and also the one who did the whole raising of the heroes while Chiron only did the training because honestly everyone keeps forgetting that this centaur gets babies dumped in his lap and not teens and that it requires more than just hand-to-hand and sword training and that he had a wife who did all of that - assembles a team of the above named heroes to save their trainer, featuring cute flashbacks to them as kids during training.
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kunstoph · 5 years ago
1. Głós - Figurant 2. Rapossa - Looking Stars (feat. Onna) 3. Nohan - Flavor 4. Paul Hazendonk - Treffen (Peter Makto & Gregory S. Remix) 5. Hrag Mikkel & Pambouk - Araqil 6. Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 7. Kotu & Sam Goku - Ascension (Extended Mix) 8. Anatolian Sessions - Mada 9. Antic - And I Pray (Extended Mix) 10. Soul of Void - Viha (Original Mix) 11. Armen Miran - Another Green Mile [01.00.00] 12. Armen Miran - Reborn 13. Budakid - Sky Mirage (Hicky & Kalo Remix) 14. Armen Miran & Hraach - Matter 15. Ron Flatter - Sahara (Lonya & Maydan Remix) 16. Torsten Fassbender - Echion (Aio Remix) 17. Hrag Mikkel - Tab Leh (Hobta Remix) 18. Peter Makto & Gregory S - Love in the Rain 19. Nōpi - Temnica 20. Arina Mur - Miniaturi (Peter Makto & Gregory S. Remix) 21. Peter Makto & Gregory S. - Arrival 22. Nebula - Artemisia [02.00.00] 23. Nebula - Deep Nile 24. Peter Makto & Gregory S - Empty Bed 25. Nohan - Disoriental 26. Hraach & Armen Miran - Menq 27. Armen Miran & Hraach - Light 28. Soul of Void - Ksayita 29. Victor Norman - Hymn (Bernstein (CH) Remix)
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kevinscottgardens · 6 years ago
25 February through 8 March 2019
This week’s plant ident was pulled together by Charlotte, plants named after women was the theme and it tied in very nicely with International Women’s Day, 8 March 2019.
Acanthaceae Fittonia gigantea Nineteenth century Irish botanical writers, Elizabeth and Sarah Mary Fitton. Sarah Mary Fitton (1796 –1874) was an Irish writer who had an interest in botany. She is most famous for her 1817 book “Conversations on Botany”, co-authored with her sister Elizabeth. Belgian botanist Eugène Coemans named a genus of perennial flowering shrubs Fittonia in honour of the Fitton sisters in 1865.
Amaryllidaceae Nerine filifolia The genus name by William Herbert in 1820 derives from the Nereids (sea-nymphs) of Greek mythology that protected sailors and their ships.
Asteraceae Artemisia dracunculus Artemis in the ancient Greek religion and myth, is the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the Moon, and chastity. A more specific reference may be to Artemisia II of Caria, a botanist and medical researcher who died in 350 BC.
Cooksonia Cooksonia is an extinct grouping of primitive land plants. The first Cooksonia species were described by William Henry Lang in 1937 and named in honour of Isabel Cookson, with whom he had collaborated and who collected specimens of Cooksonia pertoni in Perton Quarry, Wales, in 1934.
Iridaceae Libertia pulchella Marie-Anne Libert (1782-1865) Belgian botanist and mycologist. She was one of the first women plant pathologists. She was one of the first to identify the organism responsible for the "late blight" disease of the potato, which she named Botrytis vastatrix Lib. and of which she gave a detailed description in a report written in August 1845.
Palowinaceae Paulownia kawakamii Anna Pavlovna of Russia (1795-1865) was a queen consort of The Netherlands. She is described as being intelligent, sensitive, loyal to her family, with a violent temperament. The genus Paulownia was coined by German botanist Philipp Franz von Siebold to honour Anna Pavlovna.
Plumbaginaceae Ceratostigma willmottianum Ellen Ann Willmott (1858-1934), a horticulturalist and plant introducer from Warley Place, Essex, UK. She was an influential member of the Royal Horticultural Society, and a recipient of the first Victoria Medal of Honour in 1897 (one of two women that year, the other being Gertrude Jekyll). More than 60 plants have been named after her or her home, Warley Place. In 1905 she became one of the first women to be elected a fellow of the Linnean Society of London.
Pteridaceae Gaga germanotta Named after American singer and songwriter Lady Gaga  (née Stefani Germanotta) because the ferns closely resemble Gaga's costume at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards. The fern also bears a distinct DNA sequence spelling GAGA. Seventeen of the nineteen species were reclassified, having previously been assigned to the genus Cheilanthes. Biologists at Duke University explained that they listed the ferns with the name Gaga, due to the singer's active support of equality and individual expression. The ferns have the ability to self-fertilize and "fluid definitions of gender".
Solanaceae Atropa belladonna The genus name Atropa is derived from that of of the three Moirai in Greek mythology who determined the course of a man's life by the weaving of threads that symbolized his birth, the events in his life, and finally his death, with Atropos cutting these threads to mark the last of these.
Strelitziaceae Strelitzia reginae Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818) was a patron of the arts and an amateur botanist who helped expand Kew Gardens. She was a British queen, wife of King George III. In an age of discovery, when such travellers and explorers as Captain James Cook and Sir Joseph Banks were constantly bringing home new species and varieties of plants, she ensured that the collections of Kew were greatly enriched and expanded.
Xanthorrhoeaceae Kniphofia northiae Marianne North (24 October 1830 – 30 August 1890) was a prolific English Victorian biologist and botanical artist. The scientific accuracy with which she documented plant life in all parts of the world, before photography became a practical option, gives her work a permanent value. A number of plant species are named in her honour, including Areca northiana, Crinum northianum, Kniphofia northiana, Nepenthes northiana, and the genus name Northia.
Over the past two weeks, we finished installing the new interpretation! Yeah! It looks great in situ and I’m happy it is done. I also installed a new irrigation point to one of my areas of the garden. I’m currently fixing a pipe that I punctured when erecting the winter protection. We are gearing up for spring. My wrist is slowing feeling stronger. 
The pests have woken up and are already a nuisance. Jess has biological control on the way. Robert is taking the reins of propagation. Charlotte will be in Edinburgh for her work exchange. It’s all go, go, go. I did some moving of plants and a big eradication of smyrnium and arums throughout the world wood. The luffa I am nurturing in the tropical corridor is almost ready to harvest and dry out!
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Book club was this week and most of us enjoyed “The Black Tulip”. The next book for book club is “Feral: Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding”.
I was in Madrid last weekend and it was great to spend time with Juan and David. We visited Don Quixote’s windmills, a few hours from Madrid, and the home of Cervantes, Alcalá de Henares, close to Madrid.
Plant of the week 1 March
Boraginaceae Echium simplex DC.
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common name(s) - white tower of jewels, pride of Tenerife; Español: arrebol tajinaste synonym(s) - none conservation rating - none native to - Canary Islands location - glasshouse 2, accession 2017-0209 leaves - silvery gray-green covered in smooth hairs above and prominently veined below and are held in tight rosettes atop a short stem flowers - after two to three years emerges a stout solitary unbranched, tapering inflorescence that rises vertically 1m to 3m in late winter to mid spring bearing small white flowers densely held the entire length habit - perennial, evergreen to 2m tall and 500mm wide habitat - mountainous Anaga region in the north-east of Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands pests - slugs, snails on young growth disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -5ºC (H3) soil - well-drained; drought resistant sun - full sun propagation - the main plant dies after flowering and it perpetuates itself in the garden by seedling about pruning - none nomenclature - Boraginaceae - borago - shaggy-coat, burra with feminine suffix (the leaves); Echium - viper, εχις, a name εχιον used by Dioscorides for a plant to cure snakebite, derived from echion with the root word echis meaning viper, but the reason for this has several interpretations, included among these are the shape of the seed resembling that of a viper's head and from the age-old belief that Echium vulgare, a plant called viper's bugloss, was a remedy for the adder's bite; simplex - undivided, entire, single NB - produce a very distinctively flavoured honey
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [10 Mar 19]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2784354 [10 Mar 19]
San Marcos Growers [online] https://www.smgrowers.com/products/plants/plantdisplay.asp?plant_id=3908 [10 Mar 19]
Plant of the week 8 March
Boraginaceae Symphytum grandiflorum DC.
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common name(s) - creeping comfrey, dwarf comfrey, common comfrey, knitbone, knitback, consound, blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root, boneset, yalluc (Saxon), gum plant, consolida, ass ear synonym(s) - none conservation rating - none native to - Caucasus location - dicotyledon order beds, accession _____ leaves - mid-green flowers - spring and early summer bears one-sided sprays of hanging, tubular, cream flowers, opening from red-flushed buds habit - rhizomatous herbaceous, rather sprawling, hairy, deciduous perennial to 1m wide and 300mm tall habitat - banks of rivers, ditches, woodland pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to below -20ºC (H7) soil - moist and well-draned to poorly-drained sun - full sun to part shade propagation - division of fleshy roots in spring, by root cuttings in early winter, by seed sown in pots in a cold frame in autumn or spring pruning - cut back after flowering to encourage neat, young foliage nomenclature - Boraginaceae - borago - shaggy-coat, burra with feminine suffix (the leaves); Symphytum - grow-together-plant, ουμ-φυτον, Dioscorides’ name, ουμφυτον, for healing plants, including comfrey, conferva of Pliny; grandiflorum - with large flowers NB - Permaculturists like Symphytum grandiflorum because it will fill out a polyculture’s herbaceous layer at a slower rate than other comfreys, which can be helpful if your food forest or woodland garden is very young and there are other plants that need time and space to establish. Dwarf comfrey is also a dynamic accumulator, beneficial insect habitat, nutritious and quickly decomposing top mulch and vital compost tea ingredient.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
Green Light Plants [online] http://greenlightplants.com/index.php/plant_catalog/symphytum-grandiflorum/ [10 Mar 19]
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [10 Mar 19]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2475615 [10 Mar 19]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/17885/Symphytum-grandiflorum/Details [10 Mar 19]
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brontios-helm · 1 year ago
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Destiny 2: In The Belly
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xastarothx · 1 year ago
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Where Roth manifested in brute strength and blinding ire, this illithid that had crawled it's way within the vessel, claimed Roth's visage as it's own was purely hinging upon it's psionic prowess. The illithid's psionic powers stretched forth, probing at the demigod with a sickening grin. The Ira had fallen, essence dismantled and sent away to the cosmos, whatever parasitic leech had crept forth and taken control held no former glory of what once was. The Ira would have stood beside Echion but he'd let his embittered rage take a foothold in his life until it was purely suffocating. Roth had died... alone, per say, the fallen seraphim had pushed away those dearest to them in a stark sense of obstinate denial. His siblings, Echion, even the miserably mortal creatures they hired at 4 the Record were kept at a harrowing arms length. The Ira had starkly refused to participate and their lack of allegiances had allowed them to suffer the consequences of their wrath and rage. Anger had proved time and time again to wipe the slate clean and this time it was a fatal affliction.
The demigod transformed before the illithid, bones splicing and manifesting, his spine wrenched from his back to construct the perfect blade. Pearl's formed within an oyster as a protective measure, when a parasite wormed it's way in a pearl was constructed to conceal it; within this moment Echion was no different. Whatever remnants of Roth lied buried within could feel the palpable rage of the spartoi, lingering flickers of an ireful creature that found familiarity in Echion's hellbent language of grief. It was why they'd been so fond of one another, why they'd detested the very idea; two creatures married in the same wrathful sin. It was still not enough to pull the rarity of recollection from the seraphim, concealed and replaced by the illithid that had taken complete control.
The demigod pounced, lithe and nimble despite the heavy fleet of bone that was considered armor; it was impossible to slow Echion down. The illithid scowled, if Roth was full of it this creature was miserably conceited, sending off a blast of psionic energy in an attempt to incapacitate the spartoi who seemed to have no inclination of slowing down on his rampage.
Even from the distance between them the grind of Echion's jaw was clearly audible. Harsh and visceral, the sharp slide of his teeth protested against the stillness of the Otherworld and the misama of mystery that lingered around them. A shadow hung over the spartoi's eyes as the Pearl stood with his chin pointed firmly towards the ground, his features were obscured as he replayed his last conversation with the fallen over and over in his head. Balled, quivering fists bled at his sides, clenched so tight that the spartoi's arms shook under the weight of the mounting tension in his muscles. The spartoi's body was preparing, building and growing. He wouldn't hold anything back. This monster spoke into his head and the obvious hung before Echion now as it became painfully clear that the man he'd quietly pined for had truly fallen once and for all. Now it had the audacity to slip it's putrid sarcasm into the Pearl's mind; it slithered like a serpent and Echion could feel his skin crawl as it coiled around his synapses.
"Pathetic." Had the Ira's blade really become so dull? No. Echion had tested the other himself, bad luck, that's what it had to be. Happened all the time on the battlefield, a stray arrow, an errant spell. Bad footing. Not everyone was the spartoi, not everyone could regrow their arm if it was wrenched from their torso. "I hope you're in there still, Astaroth!" Blood soaked arms took a stance, if he knew anything about the fallen it was that Roth would rather die than be used by this disgusting parasite. Echion had failed Raguel, he'd failed Cthonius, and now he'd failed what should have been the love of his life as well. He wouldn't fail again; Echion would butcher this monster like he had so many before, like he had so many of its kind within the court. The spartoi could do that much.
The bone armor he wore expanded to make room for the bulkier frame that suddenly grew beneath, the pearlescent scales visible through the rifts. Wings protruded from his back as horns curled out from the top of Echion's blonde head, and serpentine eyes replaced the former hues as the dracaenic-born creature glowered hatefully at the ilithid ahead of him, "Because I'm going to fucking kill you!"
Sharp and nimble, Echion leapt and soared towards the hovering ilithid. Through with mortal toys, and through with games, Echion reached for his spine and wrenched it from his back simultaneously making the sharpest and strongest sword he could manage. Even as he did more blades coated his forearms, his shins; his ribs protruded like spears, and the curve of his wings sharpened to a lethal edge. He would tear this creature apart as many times as it took for it to stay dead. As many times as it took to lay his Fallen to rest.
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aliciavance4228 · 24 days ago
Parthenius, Love Romances:
"The story is also found in some authorities that the thicket in question was sacred to Epirus, the daughter of Echion; she had left Boeotia and was journeying with Harmonia and Cadmus, bearing the remains of Pentheus; dying there, she was buried in this thicket. That is the reason that country was named Epirus, after her."
Alright, two questions:
1) How is it that Epirus is mentioned in exactly one source and this is how we know about her existence?
2) Why does she have to be such a tragic character? Sure, she didn't face any disturbing punishment nor murder, but she still had to suffer purely because of what happened to her family members, despite of not doing anything wrong or stupid all this time. And while Pentheus in particular was indeed a piece of shit that still doesn’t change the fact that she loved him enough to bury him.
Honestly it seems like she wanted to follow her grandparents because everything that ment Thebes reminded her of what happened to her family, and Cadmus and Harmonia agreed purely because she was one of their few descendants who remained both sane and alive, and who could bring them some sort of comfort. Then she passed away and it's implied in the text that they two buried her (which by extension caused caused them more pain and suffering).
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black survival characters as jelloapocalypse quotes
“what do you do to cope with stress” this
Adela: Ugh, it smells like a fish restaurant.
Adriana: You cannot tell me that the best way to move a body was to set fire to the embassy twice.
Aiden: Look it up, follow the money! Does True Lemon make Suprep?
Alex: Number one man on the FBI’s most wanted list? I’ll say....
Arda: Now hold on there, miss Paups, I know a little bit about being framed for shooting my own father.
Aya: The killer (hits table) is a human being! Unless It’s that cat! It’s a human or a cat!
Barbara: You don’t understand, I used Double Team six times! It should be impossible to hit me!
Bernice: “Not so fast! Mr. Prosecutor, what the fuck?” “Okay, fair enough.”
Bianca: I like how I say that like there’s other partners in this game, there’s just me! Hey Wes, hey Wes!
Camilo: “Don’t I deserve a chance to explain myself?” “No!”
Cathy: While all of this is going down, Wes not understanding Pokémon speak is just like “I love my cute doggos.”
Celine: “Why does he look so sickly pale all of a sudden?” “.....Gun!”
Chiara: “Agent Lang”- Laeng? Lahng? I’ll just change it every time. “Agent lasagna” “Linguini” “Agent Luigi definitely has an agenda”
Chloe: (boiling in anger but with a customer service smile) That was one CHALLENGING and SATISFYING BATTLE! Just- just look at this, my palms are drenched with sweat!
Daniel: “You’re gonna love this TV program I just found.” “This is just the evening news.”
Echion: “Speaking of.” “On cue.” “On cue.” “What the FUCK?!”
Elena: You know what they say. Sire a child, die in the wild.
Eleven: “I’m eating chocolate icing again, don’t do this.” “Stop eating chocolate icing, Siv!”
Eva: I would feel bad discussing Wes’ JRPGness because there’s another character we’ll meet before we leave this town that will put him to shame.
Emma: Hang out with other players in Co-op Mode! And only other players, because when you have a friend with you, all the NPCs in the world suddenly think that you smell!
Felix: I love this guy who’s just like, “you will not be able to get past me, I’m a very bad man! Come out, SPOINK!”
Fiora: You could be the one to give these women pants! Don’t Amber’s shorts look uncomfortable?
Hart: Spend hundreds of hours hunting in-game treasure and spending real-world currency to collect sexy anime characters with impractically asymmetrical outfits, oooh.
Hyejin: Green Pikachu is just standing in the middle of a hideout where everyone’s polishing knives and guns. “Oh, I’m in danger.”
Hyunwoo: “You gotta have a singing dog in here!” “All right, why.” “They’re called SINGING DOGS!”
Isol: “Sound/ground. How about a singing dog?” “Yeah, I think that’s a great idea! Fuck you.” (he starts laughing) “Why are you such a bitch?”
Jackie: I’ll be sure to credit you on Terrorism Dot Com.
Jan: “Can you shut up for like two seconds?!” “I Literally CAN’T!”
Jenny: Well, that flight sucked. One star.
Johann: Yeah, I’m Sosh. Short for Soshua.
JP: I’m talking shit and my name’s skrub?
Laura: “His tax returns show his name is Jumpluff-” “Don’t deadname people!” “wha- what????”
Lenox: “Oh my god, are you guys the terrorists? I follow you on twitter.” “We are NOT the terrorists-” “We ARE the terrorists.” “YAAAAAAAY!”
Leon: All right, of all things, I have to cuh- the Onceler is a TWIG, he has NO ASS!
Li Dailin: I just figured out what these taste like. When you get a colonoscopy-
Luke: “Can you try to calm down and lower your voice to a more reasonable level, sir?” “NO!!”
Magnus: Beating the shit out of children makes me feel better about myself.
Mai: By the way, did you know that Team Snagem backwards is Megan’s meat? Anyways.
Nadine: “Oh, she’s not the one with the Mightyena, is she?” “Yeah! My grandpa?” “yEah!” “Oh, we’re not blood related.” “Oh!” “You don’t say!”
Nathapon: Mayhaps this lore will be a bit more cheerful. ..... Oh. Oh no.
Nicky: Yeah, I got my team here, Ungabunga, Ahoyhoy, John, John 2-
Priya: “Your first mission.” (flower eating sounds ensue)
Rio: “Sorry, but I just stole your supporting role.” Oh. That’s a little bit too on the nose.
Rosalio: “Oh damn, y’all are still on this?” “Yeah! Yeah we are!”
Rozzi: A misunderstanding? Those NEVER HAPPEN in Ace Attorney.
Shoichi: Criminals have a way of incriminating themselves, wouldn’t you say? Ooh, my shoulder hurts.
Silvia: She just- pfffhgt- she looks BLITZED out of her MIND!
Sissela: Genshin Impact is the only adventure game that actively encourages you to beat up a child each week.
Sua: Oh, now you’ve unleashed the Quagon.
Tia: Remember how he said that in orange?
William: “Oh damn, y’all are still on this?” “Yeah! Yeah we are!”
Xiukai: Kay sure likes flesh!
Yuki: “That such a legendary prosecutor will be watching over and judging my performance... I’ll have to be perfect in every way!” (runs away whining)
Zahir:I do so hate to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaste tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.....
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geekprimex · 8 years ago
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radacefriend · 8 years ago
Tagged by @mindfulwrath
Directions: Put your music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people.
1. Latin_Lit_‘Satire_14’_(Parents_pass_on_bad_habits) 2. Spark - Amy MacDonald 3. Days - Kirsty MacColl 4. Latin_Lit_‘Satyricon 46’_(Echion) 5. Messalina_Section_9 6. Hey Jude - The Beatles 7. Footballer’s Wife - Amy MacDonald 8. The Show Must Go On - Queen 9. Close To It All - Melanie 10. Burn With You - Lea Michele
So this is when I curse myself for leaving my GCSE Latin recordings in my music library, I also wouldn’t recommend listening to the story of Messalina when trying to get to sleep unless you’re really interested in your revision.
Tagging: @meapgirl @will-hercndale @calligr4phy @swax @kitwarla I realise that this is not ten people and I apologise for this
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